Book Ii: Eusebius of Caesarea
Book Ii: Eusebius of Caesarea
Book Ii: Eusebius of Caesarea
'We have spoken more fully about it in the memoirs earnestly to seek the remedy for this madness of the
entitled Ethothiae, in which we prove that it is ancients. It must be manifest that these are not fables
immortal, and is self-consumed, as is stated before: and poets' fictions containing some theory concealed
for this animal does not die by a natural death, but in hidden meanings, but true testimonies, as they
only if struck by a violent blow. The Phoenicians call would themselves say, of wise and ancient
it "Good Daemon": in like manner the Egyptians also theologians, containing things of earlier date than all
surname it Cneph; and they add to it the head of a poets and historians, and deriving the credibility of
hawk because of the hawk's activity. their statements from the names and history of the
gods still prevailing in the cities and villages of
'Epeïs also (who is called among them a chief
Phoenicia, and from the mysteries celebrated among
hierophant and sacred scribe, and whose work was
each people: so that it is no longer necessary to search
translated [into Greek] by Areius of Heracleopolis),
out violent physical explanations of these things,
speaks in an allegory word for word as follows:
since the evidence which the facts bring with them of
'The first and most divine being is a serpent with the themselves is quite clear. Such then is the theology of
form of a hawk, extremely graceful, which whenever the Phoenicians: but it is now time to pass on and
he opened his eyes filled all with light in his original examine carefully the case of the Egyptians.
birthplace, but if he shut his eyes, darkness came on.'
'Epeïs here intimates that he is also of a fiery
1. Porphyry, Abstinence from animal food, iv. 21
substance, by saying "he shone through," for to shine
2. Matt. v. 34, 37
through is peculiar to light. From the Phoenicians
3. Matt. xii. 36
Pherecydes also took the first ideas of his theology
4. 1 Pet. iii. 15
concerning the god called by him Ophion and
5. Euripides, Melanippe the Wise, Fragm. 487
concerning the Ophionidae, of whom we shall speak
6. Homer, Od. iv. 392
7. Xenophon, Memorabilia of Socrates, 1.i.11
'Moreover the Egyptians, describing the world from 8. 22 b 1. This fragment of Plutarch's Stromateis or
the same idea, engrave the circumference of a circle, Miscellanies is known from Eusebius only.
of the colour of the sky and of fire, and a hawk- 9. Xenophon, Memorabilia of Socrates, 1.1.13
shaped serpent stretched across the middle of it, and 10. Plato, Phaedo 96 A
the whole shape is like our Theta (θ), representing the 11. Diodorus Siculus, I, 11.
circle as the world, and signifying by the serpent 12. Homer, Ill. iii. 277
which connects it in the middle the good daemon. 13.27 d 5 The only known Fragment of Eumolpus
'Zoroaster also the Magian, in the Sacred Collection 14. d 7 Orphica, Fragment, vii. 3 (Hermann), clxviii
of Persian Records, says in express words: "And god (Abel)
has the head of a hawk. He is the first, incorruptible, 15. Quoted from Philo Byblius
eternal, uncreated, without parts, most unlike (all 16. Porphyry, On Abstinence from Animal Food, ii. 5
else), the controller of all good, who cannot be 17. ibid. 33
bribed, the best of all the good, the wisest of all wise; 18. Plato, Cratylus, 397
and he is also a father of good laws and justice, self- 19. Deut., iv. 19; Wisdom of Solomon, xiv. 12
taught, natural, and perfect, and wise, and the sole 20. Porphyry, Against the Christians, a fragment
author of the sacred power of nature. preserved by Eusebius only
21. 31 d 8 - 42 b 2. Philo Byblius, Fragments quoted
'The same also is said of him by Ostanes in the book by Porphyry and preserved by Eusebius.
entitled Octateuch.' 22. Hesiod, Works and Days, 109
From Tauthus, as is said above, all received their
impulse towards physiological systems: and having
built temples they consecrated in the shrines the BOOK II
primary elements represented by serpents, and in their
honour celebrated festivals, and sacrifices, and mystic CONTENTS
rites, regarding them as the greatest gods, and rulers I. Epitome of Egyptian theology, and how it was
of the universe. So much concerning serpents. transmitted to the Greeks; and that we have had good
Such then is the character of the theology of the reason for abandoning it all
Phoenicians, from which the word of salvation in the That the theology current among the Greeks is of
gospel teaches us to flee with averted eyes, and later introduction
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
II. Epitome of the mythological tales among the of all among the Egyptians themselves, and then
Greeks concerning their gods and heroes among those also who are of like mind with them.
III. Of the secret initiations and cryptic mysteries of Now the whole Egyptian history has been translated
their polytheistic delusion at large into the language of the Greeks, and
IV. By what considerations we were led to withdraw especially the part concerning their theology, by
from the opinions of the Greeks concerning the gods Manetho the Egyptian, both in the Sacred Book
written by him, and in other of his works. Moreover,
V. Summary of the preceding arguments Diodorus, whom we mentioned before, collected his
VI. That what they call the temples of their gods are narratives from many sources, and described the
the tombs of dead men customs of the several nations with the utmost
possible accuracy: and being an eminent man, who
The opinion of the ancients concerning the gods
had won no small reputation for learning among all
Of the physical and forsooth more venerable theology lovers of literature, and had made a collection of all
of the Greeks ancient history, and connected the earliest with the
VII. What Plato thought of the theology of the subsequent events, he adopted the theology of the
ancients Egyptians as the commencement of his whole
VIII. Of the theology of the Romans
I think it better, therefore, to draw the representation
PREFACE of the subject before us from that treatise, as his
The theology of the Phoenicians is of the character writings are likely to be better known to the Greeks.
described above, and the word of salvation teaches us This, then, is what he narrates word for word: 1
in the gospel to escape from it without looking back, CHAPTER I
and earnestly to seek the remedy for this madness of
the ancients. [DIODORUS] 'The Egyptians say that in the original
creation of the universe mankind came into existence
Now it must be manifest that these are not fables and first in Egypt by reason of its temperate climate and
poetic fictions containing some theory concealed in the nature of the Nile. For as that river caused great
covert meanings, but true testimonies, as they would fertility and supplied food self grown, it gave an easy
say themselves, of ancient and wise theologians, sustenance to the living creatures that were born.
comprising records of earlier date than all poets and 2
historians, and deriving the credibility of their 'The gods, they say, had been originally mortal men,
statements from the names and history of the gods but gained their immortality on account of wisdom
prevailing to the present day in the cities and villages and public benefits to mankind, some of them having
of Phoenicia, and from the mysteries celebrated also become kings: and some have the same names,
among the inhabitants of each. This must be manifest, when interpreted, with the heavenly deities, while
I say, from the confession both of the other historians others have received a name of their own, as Helios,
and especially of their reputed theologians; for they and Kronos, and Rhea, and Zeus, who is by some
hereby testified that the ancients who first composed called Ammon; and besides these Hera and
the account of the gods did not refer at all to Hephaestus, and Hestia, and lastly Hermes.
figurative descriptions of physical phenomena, nor 'Helios, they say, was the first king of the Egyptians,
make allegories of the myths concerning the gods, but having the same name with the celestial luminary:
preserved the histories in their literal form. For this some, however, of the priests say that Hephaestus
was shown by the words already quoted of the was the first who became king, because he was the
authors whom I have mentioned; so that there is no discoverer of fire.
longer need to search up forced physical
explanations, since the proof which the facts bring 'Kronos reigned next, and having married his sister
with them of themselves is quite clear. Rhea begat, according to some authors, Osiris and
Isis. but according to most, Zeus and Hera, who for
Such, then, is the theology of the Phoenicians. But it their valour received the kingdom of the whole world.
is time to pass on and review that of the Egyptians Of these were born five gods, Osiris, and Isis, and
also. in order to observe carefully and understand Typhon, and Apollo, and Aphrodite. Osiris is
exactly whether our revolt from them is not well Dionysus, and Isis is Demeter; and Osiris, having
judged and reasonable, and whether it has not been married her and succeeded to the kingdom, did many
successful upon the sole evidence of the gospel first things for the general benefit, and founded in the
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
Thebaid a city of a hundred gates, which some called having slain Typhon and his accomplices near what is
Diospolis, and others Thebes. . . . 3 He also erected a now called the village of Antaeus, she became queen
temple to his parents Zeus and Hera, and golden of Egypt.
shrines of the other gods, to each of whom he
'And having found all except one part of the body of
assigned honours, and appointed the priests to attend
Osiris, they say that round each part she moulded out
to them. Osiris also was the discoverer of the vine,
of spices and wax the figure of a man corresponding
and was the first to make use of bare land, and to
in size to Osiris, and gave them to the priests
teach the rest of mankind agriculture. Above all he
throughout all Egypt to be worshipped: she also
honoured Hermes, who was endowed with an
consecrated one of the animals found among them, of
excellent genius for contriving what might benefit the
whatever kind they wished.
common life.
4 'The sacred bulls, both Apis so called, and Mnevis,
'For he was the inventor of letters, and arranged
were consecrated to Osiris, and all the Egyptians in
sacrifices for the gods, and invented a lyre, and taught
common were taught to worship them as gods,
the Greeks the explanation (ερµηνειαν) of these
because these animals had helped the labours of the
matters, from which circumstance he was called
discoverers of wheat, both in sowing and in the
Hermes. He also discovered the olive-tree.
common course of husbandry. 11 Isis swore to accept
'Osiris, after travelling over the whole world, set up the company of no man any more; and when she
Busiris in Phoenicia, and Antaeus in Aethiopia and herself had passed from among men, she received
Libya; and himself led an expedition with his brother immortal honours, and was buried at Memphis.
Apollo, who, they say, was the discoverer of the
'So the parts of Osiris which had been found again are
laurel. 6 In the expedition with Osiris there went his
said to have been honoured with burial in the manner
two sons, Anubis and Macedon; and he took with him
described; but they say that the member which had
also Pan, who is especially honoured by the
been cast into the river by Typhon was deemed
Egyptians, and from whom Panopolis is named.
worthy by Isis of divine honours no less than the rest.
'And when he was near Taphosiris the tribe of Satyrs
'For she set up an image of it in the temples, and
was, brought to him: and, being fond of music, he
instituted worship, and made the initiations and
carried about with him a band of musicians, amongst
sacrifices paid to this deity especially honourable.
whom were nine maidens skilful in singing and well
And as the Greeks received their orgiastic rites and
educated in other respects, who among the Greeks are
Dionysiac festivals from Egypt, they also worship
called Muses, and whose leader is Apollo. And since
this member in their mysteries, and in the initiatory
every nation welcomed Osiris as a god because of the
rites and sacrifices of this god, and call it Phallus.
benefits bestowed by him, he left memorials of
himself behind him everywhere. 'But those who say that the god was born in
7 Boeotian Thebes of Semele and Zeus talk, they say,
'In India he founded not a few cities; and also visited
at random. For when Orpheus had landed in Egypt
the other nations, those about Phrygia, and crossed
and received initiation, he took part also in the
the Hellespont into Europe. 8 His son Macedon he left
Dionysiac mysteries, and, being friendly to the
as king of Macedonia; and Triptolemus he put in
Cadmeans and honoured by them, he changed the
charge of agriculture in Attica.
place of the god's birth to please them; and the
'Afterwards he passed from among men to the gods, multitude, partly through ignorance and partly from
and from Isis and Hermes received temples and all their desire that the god should be called a Greek,
the honours which are, held among the gods to be gladly welcomed the initiations and mysteries.
most distinguished. These two also taught men his
'And for the transference of the birth and initiatory
initiatory rites, and introduced many customs,
rites of the god Orpheus found occasion as follows.
concerning him in the way of mysteries.
Cadmus, a native of the Egyptian Thebes, among
'He was killed by Typhon his brother, a wicked and other children begat Semele; and she having been
impious, person, who, having divided the body of the violated by somebody or other became pregnant, and
murdered man into, twenty-six parts, gave a portion after seven months gave birth to a child, just such as
to each of his accomplices in the, assault, wishing all the Egyptians consider Osiris to have been.
to share in the pollution.
'And when the child died, Cadmus covered it with
'But Isis, being the sister and wife of Osiris, avenged gold, and appointed the proper sacrifices for it, and
the murder, with the aid of her son Horus; and, also assigned the fatherhood to Zeus, thus magnifying
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
Osiris, and taking away the reproach of the mother's irrational animals, and so escaped: and afterwards, by
seduction. way of rendering thanks for their safety, they
consecrated the natures of the very animals whose
'Wherefore among the Greeks also a story was given
likeness they had taken.
out that Semele, the daughter of Cadmus, gave birth
to Osiris by Zeus. 'But others say that in their encounters with their
enemies their leaders prepared images of the animals
'Afterwards when the mythologists came forward, the
which they now honour, and wore these upon the
story filled the theatre, and became to succeeding
head, and had this as a mark of their authority: and
generations a strong and unalterable belief. And the
when they were victorious over their foes, they
most illustrious heroes and gods of the Egyptians are,
ascribed the cause to the animals whose images they
it is said, universally claimed by the Greeks as their
wore, and deified them.
13 'Others allege a third cause, saying that the animals
'Hercules, for example, was by birth an Egyptian,
have been so honoured because of their usefulness.
and moved by his valour travelled over much of the
For the cow bears calves, and ploughs, and sheep
known world: but the Greeks claimed him as their
bear lambs and supply clothing and food by their
own, though in truth he was different from the son of
milk and cheese, and the dog helps men in hunting,
Alcmena who arose at some later time among the
and keeps guard; and for these reasons the god whom
they call Anubis has, they say, a dog's head, meaning
'Perseus also, it is said, was born in Egypt, and the that he was a bodyguard of Osiris and Isis.
birth of Isis was transferred by the Greeks to Argos,
'But some say that when Isis was searching for Osiris
while in their mythology they said that she was lo,
the dogs led the way before her, and drove off the
who was transformed into a cow: but some think the
wild beasts, and the men who encountered them.
same deity to be Isis, some Demeter, some
Thesmophoros, but others Selene, and others Hera.14 'The cat too, they say, is useful against asps and the
other venomous reptiles: the ichneumon breaks the
'Osiris, too, some think to be Apis, and some
crocodiles' eggs, and even destroys the crocodiles, by
Dionysus, some Pluto, some Ammon, some Zeus, and
rolling itself in the mud, and leaping into their mouths
others Pan.
when open, and, by eating away their entrails, leaves
'Isis, they say, was the discoverer of many remedies, them quite dead.
and of medical science: she also discovered the
'Of the birds the ibis, they say, is useful against
medicine of immortality, by which, when her son
snakes and locusts and caterpillars and the hawk
Horus had been treacherously attacked by the Titans,
against scorpions and horned serpents, and the
and was found dead under the water, she not only
smaller venomous beasts, and because of its helping
raised him up again and gave him life, but also made
in divinations: the eagle also, because it is a kingly
him partake of immortality.
'Horus they say was the last of the gods who 18
'The he-goat, they say, has been deified, like
reigned over Egypt, and his name by interpretation is
Priapus among the Greeks, because of its generative
Apollo: he was taught medicine and soothsaying by
organ, for this animal has the strongest propensity to
his mother Isis, and benefited mankind by his oracles
lust; and that member of the body which is the cause
and cures.
of generation is rightly honoured, as being the source
'Most authors agree that in the time of Isis certain of animal nature. And speaking generally, not only
giants of great size, arrayed in monstrous fashion, the Egyptians, but also not a few other nations have
stirred up war against the gods Zeus and Osiris. Also consecrated that member in their initiatory rites, as
that the Egyptians made it lawful to marry sisters, the cause of the reproduction of living beings.
because Isis had been married to Osiris her brother.'
'The priests who succeed to the hereditary priesthoods
Such are their stories about these deities: but in Egypt are initiated in the mysteries of this deity:
concerning the animals held sacred in Egypt, there is the Pans also and the Satyrs, they say, are honoured
an account prevailing among them of the following among men for the same reason; and therefore most
kind: persons dedicate images of them in the temples very
'Some say that the original race of gods, being few similar to a he-goat; for this animal is traditionally
and overpowered by the multitude and impiety of the said to be extremely lustful.
earth-born men, made themselves like certain
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
'The sacred bulls Apis and Mnevis are held in like 'When Apis dies and has been magnificently buried,
honour as the gods, both on account of their help in they seek another like him ; and when he is found, the
agriculture, and because men ascribe the discovery of people are released from their mourning, and he is
the fruits of the earth to them. brought first to Nilopolis. And at that time only the
calf is seen by women, who stand before him and
'Wolves are worshipped because of the likeness of
expose themselves; but at all other times they are
their nature to dogs, and because in old times when
forbidden to come in sight of this deity. For after the
Isis, with her son Horus, was going to fight against
death of Osiris they say that his soul passed into
Typhon, Osiris, they say, came from Hades to the aid
of his wife and child in the likeness of a wolf.
Such is the unseemly theology, or rather atheism, of
'But others say that the Ethiopians, having invaded
the Egyptians, which it is degrading even to oppose,
Egypt, were driven away by a multitude of wolves;
and from which we naturally revolted with
and on this account the city is called Lycopolis. 19 The
abhorrence, when we found redemption and said to be worshipped because the
deliverance from so great evils in no other way than
robbers from Arabia and Libya are afraid to swim
solely by the saving doctrine of the gospel, which
across the Nile on account of the crocodiles,
announced the recovery of sight to the blind in
'They say too that one of their kings, being pursued understanding. Their graver theories and systems of
by his own hounds, took refuge in the marsh, and natural science, we shall examine a little later, after
then was taken up by a crocodile and, strange to say, we have discussed the mythology of the Greeks.
carried over to the other side.
The Egyptian and Phoenician mythologies having
'Other causes also are alleged by some for the become thus mixed and combined, the superstitious
worship of the irrational animals. For when in old belief of the ancient error has naturally gained the
time the multitude revolted from the kings, and mastery in most nations. But, as I said, we have yet to
agreed that they would no longer have kings to rule speak of the notions of the Greeks.
over them, some one formed the idea of supplying
Now the character assumed by the solemnities of
them with different animals as objects of worship, so
Egyptian theology is that which we have already set
that while they severally worshipped that which was
forth, and that the Greek doctrines are mere
honoured among themselves, and despised that which
fragments and misunderstandings of the same we
was held sacred among others, the Egyptians might
have frequently stated already upon the judgement of
never be able all to agree together. 20 When any of the
the writers quoted: this will, however, be made
animals mentioned dies, they wrap it in fine linen,
further manifest from the Greek theology itself, since,
and beat their breasts in lamentation, and bury it in
in their own records concerning the gods, they bring
the sacred sepulchres. And whosoever destroys any of
nothing forward from native sources, but fall into the
these animals wilfully, incurs death, except if he kill a
fables of foreign nations: for they are shown to make
cat or the ibis; for if any one kills these, whether
use of similar statues and the very same mysteries, as
wilfully or not, he incurs death in any case.
we may learn from the history of these matters, which
'Moreover, if a dog is found dead in a house, they the author before mentioned, who brought the
all shave their whole body and make a mourning; and Libraries together into one body, narrates in the third
if wine, or corn, or any other of the necessaries of life and fourth books of the treatise before quoted, having
happen to be stored in the house, they could not bear commenced his history from the times of Cadmus.
to use it any more. Now, that Cadmus came after Moses is proved by the
'Apis they maintain at Memphis, and Mnevis in exact successions of the chronological writings, as we
Heliopolis, and the he-goat at Mendes, and the shall show in due season. So that Moses is proved to
crocodile in the lake Moeris, and the other beasts in be earlier even than the gods of Greece, seeing that he
sacred enclosures, offering them wheat-flour, or is before Cadmus, while the gods are shown to have
groats boiled in milk, and various kinds of cakes come later than the age of Cadmus. Hear, however,
mixed with honey, and the ilesh of a goose, either the historian's own words: 23
boiled or roasted. CHAPTER II
'But to the carnivorous animals they throw many [DIODORUS] 'Cadmus, the son of Agenor, is said to
kinds of birds, and in company with each male animal have been sent from Phoenicia by the king to search
they keep the most beautiful females, whom they call for Europa. who had been carried off by Zeus: when
concubines. he failed to find her, he came into Boeotia and
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
founded the Thebes of that country; and having 'He is called Bacchius from the Bacchae, and
married Harmonia the daughter of Aphrodite, begat Lenaeus from the treading of the grapes in wine-
of her Semele and her sisters. presses, and Bromius from the roar of thunder which
took place at his birth.
'And Zeus, after union with Semele, was entreated to
make his intercourse with her like that with Hera. But 'They also say that he leads about Satyrs with him,
when he came to her in godlike fashion with who afford him pleasure and delight in their dances
thunderings and lightnings, Semele was unable to and their goat-songs; and that he established dramatic
bear it, and being pregnant, miscarried with the child, spectacles and a system of musical recitations. Such
and herself perished from the fire. But Zeus took the are the statements concerning Dionysus.
child and delivered him to Hermes, and sent him 27
'Priapus is said to be the son of Dionysus and
away to the cave in Nysa, lying between Phoenicia
Aphrodite, because men filled with wine are naturally
and the Nile: and being thus reared by the Nymphs,
excited to amorous pleasures. But some say that the
Dionysus became the discoverer of wine, and taught
ancients gave to the human organ of generation the
men the culture of the vine.
mythological name Priapus.
'He discovered also the drink prepared from barley,
'Others affirm that, because the genital member is the
which is called zyilius. He used to lead about with
cause of the generation of mankind, therefore it had
him an army not only of men, but also of women, and
for ever received immortal honour: as indeed the
punished the impious and unjust.
Egyptians also said that Isis, in her search for the
'He went on an expedition also into India for three members of Osiris, when she could not find the male
years: and from that circumstance the Greeks organ, appointed it to be worshipped as a god, and set
established triennial sacrifices to Dionysus, and think it up in the temple.
that the god makes his appearances among men at
'Nay, even among the Greeks, not only in the
that time: and all men worship him for his gift of
Dionysiac rites, but also in all others, this god
wine, just as they worship Demeter for the discovery
receives a certain honour, being brought in with
of corn as food.
laughter and jesting in their sacrifices: as is also
'But there is said to be also another Dionysus, much Hermaphroditus, who got his name as being begotten
earlier in time than this one, whom some call of Hermes and Aphrodite.
Sabazius, a son of Zeus and Persephone, whose birth,
'This god, they say, appears at certain times among
and sacrifices, and ceremonies they represent at night,
men, and is born with the bodily form of man and
and in secret, because of the shame attendant upon
woman combined: but some say that such things are
their intercourse. He was the first who attempted to
prodigies, and, being produced but rarely, are
yoke oxen, and from this they represent him with
significant sometimes of evil and sometimes of good.
horns. But Dionysus, the son of Semele, who is of
later date, was delicate in body, and eminently 'The Muses are daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne,
beautiful, and very prone to amorous pleasures; in his but some say of Uranus and Gé. Most mythologists
expeditions he led about a multitude of women armed also make them virgins, and say that they got their
with spears made into thyrsi. name from initiating men, that is teaching them the
liberal arts.
'They say also that he is accompanied in his travels
by the Muses, who are virgins and extremely well Now with respect to Heracles the Greeks tell such,
trained, and charm the soul of the god by singing and stories as follow:
dancing. Silenus too, as his tutor, contributes much to 29
'Of Zeus and Danae the daughter of Acrisius was
his progress in virtue. As a remedy against the born Perseus, and of Perseus and Andromeda
headaches resulting from too much wine, his head is Electryon, and of him Alcmena, by his union with
bound up with a band. whom Zeus begat Heracles, making the night which
'And they call him Dimetor, because the two Dionysi he passed with her thrice as long as usual: and this
were of one father, but two mothers. They also set a was the only intercourse sought by Zeus, not on
reed in his hand, because the men of old drank account of amorous desire, as in the case with the
unmixed wine and became maddened, and beat each other women, but chiefly for the sake of begetting a
other with their staves, so that some were even killed, son.
and from this cause they introduced the custom of 'But Hera being jealous delayed Alcmena's labour,
using reeds instead of clubs. and brought Eurystheus into the world before the
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
proper time, because Zeus had proclaimed that the 'After this again he married Deianeira the daughter
child which should be born that day was to reign over of Oeneus, Meleager being now dead. 37 And having
the Persidae. taken captive the daughter of Phyleus, by intercourse
with her he begat Tlepolemus. While he was supping
'And when Alcmena was delivered, she exposed the
with Oeneus, the servant made a mistake about
child, as it is said, through fear of Hera: but Athena
something, and Heracles struck him with his fist and
admired the child, and persuaded Hera to give it the
killed him.
breast: and when the boy dragged at her breast with a
violence beyond his age, Hera in great pain threw the 'When on his journey he came to the river Evenus, he
child down, and Athena took it up and persuaded the found the Centaur Nessus ferrying people across the
mother to nurse it. river for hire. He ferried Deianeira over first, and,
30 being enamoured of her for her beauty, tried to do
'After this Hera sent two serpents to destroy the
violence to her; but when she cried out to her
child, but the boy, undismayed, strangled the serpents
husband, Heracles shot the Centaur; and Nessus in
by squeezing their necks in either hand. When
the midst of his embrace, being at the point of death
Heracles was grown to be a man, Eurystheus, who
through the sharpness of the wound, told Deianeira
had the kingdom of Argolis, ordered him to perform
that he would give her a philtre, so that Heracles
twelve labours.
might never wish to wed any other woman.
'And when he had fallen into much trouble, Hera
'He bade her therefore take of the blood which was
sent a frenzy upon him, and through vexation of soul
dropping from the point of the arrow, and, after
he became mad. As the disease increased, being out
mixing it with oil, anoint therewith the tunic of
of his mind, he attempted to kill his companion and
Heracles: and this Deianeira did, and kept the philtre
nephew lolaus, and when he escaped, slew his own
by her.
sons begotten of Megara, daughter of King Creon, by
shooting them down with arrows as if they were 'Again, Heracles took captive the daughter of
enemies. Phylas, and by his union with her begat a son
32 Antiochus: and yet again he took captive Astyaneira,
'After this he quieted down, and served Eurystheus
the daughter of King Armenius, and by her begat a
in the twelve labours. He also slew the Centaurs, and
son Ctesippus.
among them Cheiron, who was renowned for his skill
in healing. 'And Thespius the Athenian, son of Erechtheus,
33 having begotten fifty daughters by different wives,
'It is said that there was a peculiar coincidence in
and being ambitious that they should get children by
the birth of this god Heracles. For the first mortal
Heracles, entertained him at a splendid feast, and sent
woman visited by Zeus was Niobe, daughter of
his daughters to him one by one: and he deflowered
Phoroneus, and the last was Alcmena, mother of
them all in one night, and became the father of the so-
Heracles, whom they trace as descended from Niobe
called Thespiadae.
in the sixteenth generation. And with her Zeus ended
his intercourse with mortal women. 'He took Iole also captive, and, having to perform a
34 sacrifice, he sent to his wife Deianeira and asked for
However, after finishing his labours, Heracles gave
the cloak and tunic which he was accustomed to wear
his own wife Megara to live with his nephew Iolaus,
for sacrifices: and she anointed the tunic with the
because of the calamity about his children; and for
philtre which the Centaur had given her, and sent it.
himself asked Iole, the daughter of Eurytus, in
marriage, and, on her father's refusal, he fell sick, and 'And Heracles had no sooner put on the tunic than he
received an oracle that he would be delivered from fell into the greatest misery. For the arrow had been
his sickness, if he first became sold into slavery. poisoned with the blood of the hydra, and so the tunic
began to prey upon the flesh of his body because of
'So he sails to Phrygia and is bought by one of his
its burning heat, so that in his extremity of pain he
friends, and becomes a slave of Omphale, queen of
slew the messenger who had brought it, and, in
those who were at that time called Maeonians, but
accordance with an oracle, cast himself into the fire,
now Lydians: and during the time of his slavery he
and so ended his life. Such is the story of Heracles.
has a son Cleolaus born to him of a slave. And,
having married Omphale, he gets sons by her also. 'Now with regard to Asclepius they say that he was
35 the son of Apollo and Coronis, and studied zealously
'But as he was on his way back to Arcadia, and
the science of healing, and rose to such a height of
stayed as guest with King Leos, he secretly seduced
fame, that many of the sick who were given over in
his daughter, and left her with child, and came back.
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
despair were, beyond all expectation, cured by him; 'She was accompanied by Marsyas, who entered into
so that Zeus was enraged, and smote him with a a musical contest with Apollo, and was defeated, and
thunderbolt and killed him; and Apollo, being flayed alive by Apollo.
enraged because of the death of his son, slew the
'And Apollo became enamoured of Cybele and
Cyclopes who had forged the thunderbolt for Zeus:
accompanied her in her wanderings as far as the
but Zeus was enraged at their death, and commanded
Hyperboreans, and ordered the body of Attis to be
Apollo to serve as a slave with Adrnetus, and took
buried, and Cybele to be honoured as a goddess.
this revenge upon him for his crimes.'
'Wherefore the Phrygians keep this custom even to
This, then, is what Diodorus has set forth in the fourth
the present day, lamenting the death of the youth, and
book of his Bibliothecae. And as to the rest of their
erecting altars, and honouring Attis and Cybele with
theology, the same author again asserts that the
Greeks borrowed it from the other nations, for in the
third book of the same history he writes as follows:--- 'And afterwards, at Pessinus in Phrygia, they built a
- costly temple, and instituted most magnificent
42 worship and sacrificial rites.
'Now the people of Atlas say that their first king
was Uranus, and of him were born by many wives 'After the death of Hyperion the sons of Uranus
five and forty sons, of whom eighteen were by a wife divided the kingdom among themselves, the most
Titaea; and she, having been a virtuous woman and illustrious of them being Atlas and Kronos. And of
the author of many good deeds, was deified after her these Atlas took the regions along the coasts of the
death, and had her name changed to Ge. ocean, and became an excellent astronomer: and d he
had seven daughters who were called the Atlantides,
'Uranus also had daughters, Basileia, and Rhea who
and these, by union with the comeliest gods, became
was also called Pandora. And because Basileia
the founders of the most numerous race, and gave
brought up her brothers with maternal affection, she
birth to such as for their worth became gods and
was called Meter.
heroes; thus the eldest of them, Maia, by union with
'And afterwards, when Uranus was dead, she lived Zeus became mother of Hermes.
with her brother Ilyperion, and bore two sons, whom 45
'But Kronos, surpassing all in arrogance and
she named Helios and Selene.
impiety, married his sister Rhea, and of her begat
'But the brethren of Rhea were afraid of them, and Zeus. There had been also another Zeus, the brother
slew Ilyperion, and drowned Helios in the river of Uranus and king of Crete, far inferior in fame to
Eridanus. Selene, on learning this, threw herself down him of later birth.
from a roof, and Meter became mad and wandered
'This latter then became, king of the whole world; but
about the country, with her hair loose, driven frantic
the other became king of Crete, and begat ten sons
by drums and cymbals, until she too disappeared
who were called Curetes: and his sepulchre, they say,
is still shown in Crete.
'And the multitude, astonished at the catastrophe,
'Now Kronos reigned in Sicily and Libya and Italy:
transferred Helios and Selene to the stars of heaven,
but his son Zeus desired a life the opposite to his
and regarded their mother as a goddess, and set up
father's. And some say that he succeeded to the
altars, and worshipped her with performances by
kingdom by his father's voluntary retirement, others
drums and cymbals.
that he was chosen by the multitude because of their
'The Phrygians say that Maeon was king of Phrygia hatred to his father.
and begat a daughter named Cybele, who first
'So when Kronos with the Titans made war against
invented a pipe, and was called the Mountain Mother.
him, Zeus was victorious in battle, and marched over
And Marsyas the Phrygian, who was friendly with
the whole inhabited world. He excelled in bodily
her, was the first to join flutes together, and he lived
strength and all virtues, and showed b the greatest
in chastity to the end of his life.
zeal in punishment of the impious and benefits to the
'But Cybele became pregnant by intercourse with good; in return for which, after his departure from
Attis, and when this was known, her father killed among men, he was called Zeus, because he was
Attis and the nurses: and Cybele became mad and thought to liave been the author of the noble life (ζην)
rushed out into the country, and there continued for mankind.
howling and beating a drum.
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
'These then are the principal heads of the theology 'After this he says that Uranus was the first king, a
held among the Atlanteans.' gentle and benevolent man, and learned in the motion
of the stars, who also was the first to honour the
These the Greeks also are said to borrow. So
celestial deities with sacrifices, on which account he
Diodorus writes in the third volume of his histories:
was called Uranus.
and in the sixth, the same author confirms the same
theology from the writings of Euemerus the 'By his wife Ilestia he had sons Pan and Kronos, and
Messenian, speaking word for word as follows: 46 daughters Rhea and Demeter: and after Uranus,
Kronos became king and, having married Rhea, begat
'With regard then to gods the men of old have handed
Zeus and Hera and Poseidon.' And Zeus, having
down to their posterity two sets of notions. For some,
succeeded to the kingdom of Kronos, married Hera
say they, are eternal and imperishable, as the Sun and
and Demeter and Themis, of whom he begat children,
Moon and the other heavenly bodies, and besides
of the first the Curetes, of the second Persephone, and
these the winds, and the rest who partake of the like
of the third Athena.
nature with them; for each of these has an eternal
origin and eternal continuance. Other deities they say 'And when he had come to Babylon he was
were of the earth; but, because of the benefits which entertained as a guest by Belus: and afterwards on
they conferred on mankind, they have received arriving at the island Panchaea, which lay by the
immortal honour and glory, as Heracles, Dionysus, ocean, he built an altar to his own grandfather
Aristaeus, and the others like them. Uranus: and thence he came through Syria to the
sovereign of that time Casius, of whom mount Casius
'Concerning the terrestrial gods many various tales
is named; and came into Cilicia and conquered in war
have been handed down in the historical and
Cilix the ruler of the country; and visited very many
mythological writers. Among the historians
other nations and was honoured among all, and was
Euemerus, the author of the Sacred Record, has
proclaimed a god.'
written a special history; and of the mythologists
Homer, Hesiod, Orpheus, and such others as these, After narrating these and similar tales concerning the
have invented very marvellous myths concerning the gods as if they were mortal men, he further says : 47
gods: and we shall endeavour to run over what both
'With regard to Euemerus who composed the Sacred
classes have recorded concisely and with a view to
Record, we will be satisfied with what has been said ;
due proportion.
but the legends of the Greeks concerning the gods we
'Euemerus, then, was a friend of King Cassander and, will try to run over briefly, following Hesiod and
having boon constrained for his sake to perform some Homer and Orpheus.'
important services for the king, and some long
Then he appends in order the mythologies of the
journeys, says that he was carried away southwards
poets. Let it suffice us, however, to have made these
into the ocean; for, having started on his voyage from
extracts from the theology of the Greeks, to which it
Arabia Felix, he sailed many days across the ocean,
is reasonable to append an account of the initiatory
and landed on some oceanic islands, one of which is
rites in the inner shrines of the same deities, and of
that called Panchaea, in which he saw the Panchaean
their secret mysteries, and to observe whether they
inhabitants, who were eminent in piety, and honoured
bear any becoming mark of a theology that is truly
the gods with most magnificent sacrifices and notable
divine, or arise from regions below out of long
offerings of silver and gold.
daemoniacal delusion, and are deserving of ridicule,
'The island also was sacred to the gods ; and there or rather of shame, and yet more of pity for those who
were many other things to be admired both for their are still blinded. These matters are unveiled in plain
antiquity, and for the ingenuity of their manufacture, terms by the admirable Clement, in his Exhortation to
the particulars concerning which we have recorded in the Greeks, a man who had gone through experience
the books preceding this. of all, but had quickly emerged from the delusion as
one who had been rescued from evil by the word of
'Also therein on a certain exceedingly high hill is a
salvation and through the teaching of the Gospel.
temple of Zeus Triphylius, erected by himself at the
Listen, then, to a brief statement of these matters
time when he reigned over the whole inhabited world,
being still among men. In this temple there is a
golden pillar, on which is inscribed in the Panchaean CHAPTER III
language a summary of the acts of Uranus, Kronos,
[CLEMENT] 'Explore not then too curiously the
and Zeus.
secret shrines of impiety, nor the mouths of caverns
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
full of prodigies, or the Thesprotian cauldron, or the regard to Dionysus. Or even if you derive it from a
Cirrhaean tripod, or the brazen urn of Dodona: leave certain Myus of Attica, who perished in hunting, as
also to antiquated fables the old stump held sacred Apollodorus says, I do not grudge that your mysteries
amid desert sands, and the oracle there, now decayed have been glorified by the honour of a name which is
with the oak itself. The fountain certainly of Castalia engraved upon a tomb.
is silently forgotten, and another fountain of
'In another way also you may think of your mysteries
Colophon; the other oracular streams also are in like
as mytheria (hunting-stories) by the correspondence
manner dead. And so, though emptied late of their
of letters. For fables such as these do most especially
vain glory, they have nevertheless been clearly
make prey of the most barbarous of the Thracians, the
proved to have run dry together with their own
most senseless of the Phrygians, the most
fabulous stories.
superstitious of the Greeks.
'Describe to us also the useless oracles of the other
'Ill betide him then who first taught men this
kinds of divination, or of frenzy rather, the Clarian,
imposture, whether he were Dardanus, who instituted
Pythian, Didymean Apollo, Amphiaraus, and
the mysteries of the Mother of the gods, or one
Amphiiochus. Join also with them, if you will,
Eetion, who established the orgies and initiations of
observers of prodigies, and augurs, and the unholy
the Samothracians, or that famous Phrygian Midas,
interpreters of dreams: and bring and set together
who learned the cunning imposture from Odrysus and
beside the Pythian god those that divine by wheat-
then spread it among his subjects.
flour, and by barley, and the ventriloquists still held
in honour among the multitude. Yea more, let the 'For never will I be cajoled by that Cyprian islander
shrines of the Egyptians and the necromancies of the Cinyras, who dared to transfer the lewd orgies of
Tyrrhenians be consigned to darkness. These are in Aphrodite from night to day, in his desire to deify a
very truth mad sophistry-schools of unbelieving men, harlot of his own country.
and gambling houses of pure fraud. Partners in this 'But others say that Melampus son of Amythaon
jugglery are the goats that have been trained for brought over from Egypt to Hellas the festivals of
divination, and crows taught by men to utter oracles Deo, her grief so famed in song. These for my part I
to men. should call evil authors of impious fables, and parents
'And what if I were to give you a catalogue of the of deadly superstition, as having in the mysteries
mysteries? I shall not dance them out, as they say implanted a seed of wickedness and corruption in
Alcibiades did, but according to the word of truth I man's life.
will thoroughly lay bare the jugglery that is concealed 'And now, for it is time, I will prove that your orgies
in them, and those so-called gods of yours, to whom themselves are full of imposture and quackery: and if
the mystic rites belong, I shall wheel in as it were you have been initiated, you will laugh all the more at
upon the stage of life before the spectators of truth. these your venerated fables. And I shall proclaim the
'The Bacchanals celebrate in their orgies the frenzy of hidden secrets openly, and not let modesty hinder me
Dionysus, keeping their monthly holiday with a feast from speaking of things which you are not ashamed
on raw flesh, and, in performing the distribution of to worship.
the flesh of the slaughtered victims, are crowned with 'First then, the daughter of the foam, the Cyprus-born,
their wreaths of serpents, and shout upon Eva, that the beloved of Cinyras, Aphrodite I mean,
Eva, through whom the deception crept in [and death
followed in its train]: a consecrated serpent, too, is "Enamour'd of the source from which she sprang," 49
the symbol of the Bacchic orgies. 'those mutilated members of Uranus, those lustful
'Therefore, according to the exact pronunciation of members, which after their excision did violence to
the Hebrews, the name Heva, with an aspirate, is at the waves, how wanton the members, of which your
once interpreted as the female serpent. Deo too and Aphrodite becomes the worthy fruit! In the mystic
Kore have already become a mystic drama, and celebration of this pleasure of the sea a lump of salt
Eleusis celebrates by torchlight the wandering, and and a phallus are delivered as a symbol of generation
the rape, and their mourning. to those who are being initiated in the adulterous art:
and they pay a piece of money to her, as lovers to a
'I think, too, that we ought to trace the etymology of harlot.
"orgies" and "mysteries," the one from the anger
(οργης) of Deo aroused against Zeus, and the other 'The mysteries of Deo, and the amorous embraces of
from the pollution (µυσους) which had occurred with Zeus with Demeter his mother, and the wrath of----I
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
know not what to call her now----his mother or wife, Curetes circling round him in a war-dance, and the
Demeter, on account of which wrath, they say, she Titans had treacherously crept in, they beguiled him
was called Brimo; the supplications of Zeus, and the with childish toys, did these Titans, and tore him in
drink of gall, the plucking out of the victim's heart, pieces while yet an infant, as the poet of this mystery,
and unspeakable deeds,----these things the Phrygians Orpheus the Thracian, says:
celebrate in honour of Attis, and Cybele, and the
"Cone, humming top, and dolls that bend their limbs,
Fair golden apples from the guardian Nymphs.
'They have also made up a story that Zeus, having Of sweetest song, daughters of Hesperus." 51
torn off parts of a ram, brought and threw them into
'Nor will it be useless to set forth for condemnation
the lap of Deo, paying a fraudulent penalty for his
the useless symbols of this mystery: dice, ball, hoop,
violence, as though they had been parts of himself.
apples, humming-top, mirror, and lock of wool.
'The watchwords of this initiation, if set before you
'So then Athena, having stolen away the heart of
merely for amusement, will, I know, stir your
Dionysus, was called Pallas from the pulsation of the
laughter, although you may not be willing to laugh
heart: and the Titans, who had torn him in pieces, put
because of the exposures. "I ate out of the drum, and
a cauldron on a trivet, and threw in the limbs of
drank out of the cymbal, I danced the κερνοπηορια, I
Dionysus, and, having first boiled them down,
slipped into the bridal-chamber." Are not these
watchwords an outrage? Are not the mysteries a "Then pierc'd with spits and held them o'er the fire."
'But what if I should add the rest of the story? 'But afterwards Zeus suddenly appears----I suppose,
Demeter has a child, and her daughter grows up, and if he was a god, he perceived the savour of the
again this Zeus who begat her seduces his own roasting flesh, for your gods acknowledge that savour
daughter Pherephatta, after her mother Deo, to be their perquisite,----and with a thunderbolt he
forgetting his former crime, and he approaches her in smites the Titans, and delivers the limbs of Dionysus
the form of a serpent, it being thus proved who he to his son Apollo to bury: and he did not disobey
was. Zeus, but bore the dead body, mangled as it was, to
Parnassus and there deposited it.
'Accordingly, in the Sabazian mysteries the sign for
those who are initiated is "The god gliding over the 'If you wish to be initiated in the orgies of the
breast"; and this is a serpent drawn over the breast of Corybantes also, two of them slew the third brother,
those who are initiated, a proof of the incontinence of and wrapped up the head of the corpse in a purple
Zeus. Pherephatta also gives birth to a son in the form cloth, and put a wreath upon it, and carried him on a
of a bull. brazen shield, and buried him under the side of
Mount Olympus.
'At all events, a certain sham, poet says:
'These are their mysteries, murders in short, and
"Bull begets serpent, serpent begets bull.
burials! And their priests, whom those concerned call
Upon the mount the herdsman's secret goad." 50
"Lords of the Mysteries," invent more wonders to add
calling, I suppose, the reed which the Bacchanals to the tragedy, forbidding to set a whole root of
brandish a herdsman's goad. parsley on the table, because they think forsooth that
parsley has sprung from the blood which streamed
'Would you have me narrate to you also Pherephatta's
forth from the Corybant; just as the women who
gathering of flowers, and her basket, and her seizure
celebrate the Thesmophoria guard against eating the
by Aidoneus, and the chasm opening in the earth, and
seeds of the pomegranate, for the drops which fell on
the swine of Eubuleus that were swallowed up with
the ground from the blood of Dionysus they suppose
the two goddesses, on account of which in the
to have grown into pomegranates.
Thesmophoria they throw down swine, when they
visit the caves. 'As they call the Corybantes Cabeiri, they also
proclaim the festival as the Cabeiria. For these very
'This fable the women in every city celebrate with
two fratricides, having carried off the chest in which
festivals in d various ways, the Thesmophoria,
the member of Dionysus was deposited, brought it by
Scirophoria, Arretophoria, dramatizing the rape of
sea to Tyrrhenia, as purveyors of a noble cargo! And
Pherephatta in many ways.
here they lived in exile, and imparted to the
'As to the mysteries of Dionysus, they are perfectly Tyrrhenians their highly venerable doctrine of
inhuman: for when he was yet a child, with the religion, the chest and its contents, for them to
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
worship; for which cause some not unreasonably will 'To whom then does Heracleitus the Ephesian address
have it that Dionysus is called Attis, as having been this foreboding? "To night-walkers, sorcerers,
mutilated. bacchanals male and female, to the initiated."55
These he threatens with what follows death; to these
'And what wonder if Tyrrhenians, who were
he predicts the fire. For they receive an unholy
barbarians, are initiated in such foul passions, when
initiation in what men regard as mysteries.56
there is found among the Athenians, and in the rest of
Hellas----I blush even to say it----the shameful legend 'Custom therefore, and vain opinion, and the
of Deo. mysteries of the serpent are a kind of fraud devoutly
observed by men who, with spurious piety, promote
'For Deo, wandering in search of her daughter Kore
their abominable initiations and profane orgiastic
in the neighbourhood of Eleusis----this place is in
Attica----grows weary, and sits down in sorrow upon
a well. This is forbidden to those who are admitted to 'What also are those mystic chests? For I must lay
the mysteries even to the present day, lest the initiated bare their holy things, and tell out their forbidden
should seem to be imitating the goddess in her secrets. Are they not sesame-cakes, and pyramids,
mourning. and balls, and flat cakes full of knobs, and lumps of
salt? A serpent also, mystic symbol of Dionysus
'Now at that time Eleusis was inhabited by the Earth-
born: their names were Baubo, and Dysaules, and
Triptolemus, also Eumolpus and Eubuleus. 'And besides these are there not pomegranates, and
Triptolemus was a herdsman, Eumolpus a shepherd, shoots of fig-trees, and reeds, and ivies, and round
and Eubuleus a swineherd. And from these last grew cakes also, and poppies?
the flourishing family of the Eumolpidae, and that of
'These are their holy things! And there are in addition
the Heralds, the Hierophants I suppose, at Athens.
the secret symbols of Themis, wild marjoram, a lamp,
'And then Baubo----for I shall not shrink from telling a sword, a woman's comb, which is an euphemistic
it----having received Deo hospitably, offers her a and mystical name.
draught. And when she refused to take it, and would
'O barefaced shamelessness! In times of old for
not drink----for she was full of sorrow----Baubo
modest men pleasure was veiled in night, and night in
became much annoyed as being forsooth disdained,
silence: but now the night that is sacred to
and exposed herself to the goddess: and Deo, pleased
wantonness is the talk of those who are to be
at the sight, at last reluctantly accepted the draught,
initiated, and the fire exposes their lewd passions by
because she was delighted at what she saw.
the light of torches.
'These are the secret mysteries of the Athenians!
'Quench thou the fire, O Hierophant! Blush for thy
These are the things which Orpheus records! But I
lights, O bearer of the torch! That flame exposes thine
will set before you the very words of Orpheus, that
lacchus. Suffer the night to conceal the mysteries: let
you may have the master of mysteries himself as
darkness pay respect to your dignified orgies. The fire
witness of their shamelessness:
is no hypocrite : its duty is to expose and to punish.
"She spake, and quick her flowing robes withdrawn
'These are the atheists' mysteries. And atheists I
Showed all the secret beauty of her form.
rightly call them, since they have not known Him
The child lacchus, laughing, stretched his hand
who is truly God, but worship a child torn in pieces
To touch her tender breasts, and Baubo smil'd;
by Titans, and a poor wailing woman; and things for
Then, too, the goddess smil'd with cheerful thought,
very shame unmentionable they shamelessly worship,
And took the shining bowl which held the draught." 53
and so are involved in a twofold atheism: the first, in
'There is also the watchword of the Eleusinian that they are ignorant of God, not acknowledging
mysteries: I fasted, I drank the draught, I took from Him who is God indeed; and the other and second
the chest, finished the work and put it back into the delusion this, that they regard those which are not as
basket, and from the basket into the chest.54 Noble though they were, and call them gods who have no
indeed the sights, and becoming to a goddess! true being, or rather no being at all, but have only
received the name.'
'Worthy rather are these mysteries of night, and of
torch-light, and of the great-hearted, or rather weak- So far this author.
minded, people of the Erechtheidae, and of the other
Greeks also, "men for whom there remain after death
things that they little look for,"
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
With good reason then do we avow that we have been these theories, it will nevertheless be necessary for us
freed from all this, and rescued from the long and to set forth for examination their solemn doctrines,
antiquated delusion as from some terrible and most that thus we may prove the reasonableness of that
grievous disease. First, we have been delivered by the retreat from them which was provided for us solely
grace and beneficence of Almighty God, and by the teaching of our Saviour in the Gospel. Come
secondly by the ineffable power of our Saviour's then, let us take up their argument from the beginning
teaching in the Gospel, and thirdly by sound and examine it.
reasoning, because we judged that it is an unholy and
impious thing to honour with the adorable name of
God mortals who have long been lying among the Now by the Greek theology I mean the popular and
dead, and have not even left a memory of themselves more mythical theology, which also prevailed much
as virtuous men, but have handed down examples of earlier among the Phoenicians and Egyptians and the
extreme incontinence and wantonness, of cruelty also other nations of whom mention was made in our
and insanity, for those who come after them to preceding books; and the character of this has been
follow. proved to be something of the kind which has been
already made manifest by the words quoted from the
For must it not be the extreme of folly for lovers of
Greek historians themselves. And this character we
temperance to yield the first place to the base and
have with good reason set before our readers in the
licentious, and for the wise and sensible to render
beginning of this our Preparation for the Gospel for
august worship to those who have lost their senses,
their judgement and decision, that both we and those
and those who practise justice and benevolence to
who as yet have no experience of this subject, may
those who, through excess of cruelty and inhumanity,
learn for ourselves what we were long ago, and from
are involved in the pollutions of infanticide and
what sort of forefathers we have sprung, by how great
evils we were previously fettered, and in how great a
And does it not surpass every excess of impiety to stupor of impiety and ignorance of God our souls
degrade the adorable and all-holy name of God to were buried, and then were favoured with an uprising
parts of the human body, male and female, which we and deliverance from all these evils at once by the
may not speak of, and to the irrational nature of brute sole teaching of the Gospel, provided for us in no
beasts; and to honour as divine such foul and other way than by the manifestation of our Saviour
inhuman deeds as, even in the case of human Jesus Christ, who is God.
malefactors would, if proved, fall under the
For not in a mere part of the earth, nor in a corner of
inexorable penalties of the laws? But why need we
the land of one nation, but throughout the whole
spend time in proclaiming to every man, barbarian
inhabited world, where the power of the most
and Greek alike, his deliverance from the evils
superstitious delusion especially prevailed, He, like a
described, and in bringing to light the reasonableness
sun of intelligent and rational souls, spread abroad the
of our revolt from gods falsely so called, when
beams of His own light: He translated us all, of every
already the greater number even of the most
race of mankind, barbarians and Greeks alike, as it
superstitious, having woke up as it were from a deep
were from a terrible darkness and most gloomy and
slumber, and cleared the eye of the soul of its ancient
obscure night of superstitious error into the bright and
film, became conscious of the deep folly of the error
shining day of the true worship of God the King of
of their fathers, and took their stand upon reasoning,
and withdrew from the old path, and chose the other
way? Certainly the statements that have been already
quoted have plainly taught us, that those who in cities
Some of these made a bold assault, and with broad
and villages have been excited about this delusion of
derision poured contempt upon the whole mythology
many gods were all universally serving and
of their own forefathers; while others, who shrank
worshipping images of the dead, and statues of men
from the dogma of atheism, neither stood upon their
who have long since passed away. For the men of old,
old ways, nor withdrew from them altogether, but,
because of the extreme savageness of their life at that
with the purpose of glossing over and explaining their
time made no account of God the Creator of all, nor
own dogma, gave to the true histories of the gods
paid any heed to the divine judgement which takes
who had been celebrated among them the title of
vengeance on wrong doing, but cast themselves
fables invented by poets, and said that physical
headlong into every kind of profanity.
theories were concealed in them. And however much
they fail to bring any proof whatever of the truth of
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
For at that time there were no laws yet established for under the Acropolis? And the daughters of Celeus,
the guidance of life, no civilized government set in are they not buried at Eleusis?
order among men, but they led a loose and wandering
'Why should I tell you of the women who came from
life like that of the beasts: and some of them, like
the Hyperboreans? There are two called Hyperoche
irrational animals, cared for nothing beyond the
and Laodice, who are buried in the precinct of
filling of their belly, and among these the first kind of
Artemis at Delos, which is in the temple of the Delian
atheism found a home; but others, being in some
small degree stirred by natural instincts, conceived
that God, and God's power, was some good and 'Leander says that Cleomachus is buried at Miletus in
salutary thing, and because they wished to find Him, the Didyrnaeum. Here, if we follow Zeno of Myndus,
they raised their souls aloft to heaven, and there it would not be right to pass over the monument of
stopping short in thought, and being astonished at the Leucophryne, who is buried in the temple of Artemis
various beauties of the luminaries which gave and in Magnesia, nor yet the altar of Apollo in Telmessus,
received light in heaven, declared that these were which also, the story says, is the monument of
gods. Telmesseus the soothsayer.
But a third and different class cast themselves down 'Ptolemy too, the son of Agesarchus, in his first book
upon earth, and seeing those who had been thought to concerning Philopator says that Cinyras and the
excel their contemporaries in wisdom, or had become descendants of Cinyras are buried in Paphos in the
masters of the multitude by strength of body and temple of Aphrodite.
power of government, such as giants or tyrants, or 'Were I, however, to go over all the tombs which are
even sorcerers and quacks, who after some falling off worshipped by you, "all time would not suffice for
from holier ways had devised their evil arts of me to tell"; [Homer, Od. xx. 351] while you, if no
sorcery, or others who had been the authors of some shame for these audacities steals over you, may
common benefit to human life,----to these, both while wander round with your faith in the dead, utterly dead
yet living and after death, they gave the title of gods. yourselves:
And from this cause the houses of their gods are
mentioned as being tombs of the dead, as Clement "Ah! wretched men, what evil doom is this?" 58
relates in his Exhortation to the Greeks, bringing A little further on he says: 59
forward Greeks themselves as witnesses of his
statement. Listen then again, if it please you, to what 'Another new god the Roman Emperor has deified
he writes in the following style:57 with great solemnity in Egypt, and almost in Greece;
his favourite Antinous, who was extremely beautiful,
CHAPTER VI was deified by him, as Ganymede was by Zeus.
[CLEMENT] 'Naturally therefore superstition, having 'For lust, when free from fear, is not easily restrained:
somewhere found a beginning, has become a fountain and men now celebrate the sacred nights of Antinous,
of senseless wickedness; and afterwards, as it was not the shame of which was known to the lover who
checked, but gained increase and rushed on in full shared his vigils.'
flood, it has created a multitude of daemons,
sacrificing hecatombs, celebrating public festivals, He also adds:
setting up statues, and building temples, which 'And now the favourite's tomb is the temple and city
indeed----for I will not keep silence even on this, but of Antinous: for just as temples are held in reverence,
will convict them----were called euphemistically so, I suppose, are tombs, pyramids, mausoleums, and
temples, but were in reality tombs, that is to say, labyrinths----other temples these of the dead, as those
tombs which had got the name of temples. But now, I before mentioned were tombs of the gods.'
pray you, forget at length your superstition, and be
ashamed to worship tombs. And again, a little further on: 60
'In the temple of Athena at Larissa in the Acropolis is 'Come then, let us also briefly make the round of your
the tomb of Acrisius, and at Athens in the Acropolis games, and put an end to these great sepulchral
the tomb of Cecrops, as Antiochus says in the ninth festivals, the Isthmian, Nemean, and Pythian, and
book of his Histories. And what of Erichthonius? Is besides these the Olympian. At Pytho the Pythian
he not buried in the temple of Athena Folias? And dragon is worshipped, and the festival of the serpent
Ismarus the son of Eumolpus and Daeira, is he not is proclaimed as the Pythia. At the Isthmus the sea
buried in the precincts of the Eleusinium, which lies cast up a miserable carcass, and the Isthmian games
are a lamentation for Melicertes: at Nemea another
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
child Archemorus is buried, and the boy's funeral and parricides, and murders of children and brethren,
games are called Nemea. Pisa is the tomb in your and moreover, wars and seditions actually carried on
midst, O Panhellenes, of a Phrygian charioteer, and by their own champions, whom they both accounted
the Zeus of Phidias claims as his own the Olympian and called gods, and bequeathed the remembrance of
games, which are the funeral libations of Pelops.' them as worshipful and brave to later generations.
So speaks our author. Such was the ancient theology which was
transformed by certain moderns of yesterday's
Now take thou up our argument again from the
growth, who boasted of having a more reasonable
beginning, and observe the downfall of superstitious
philosophy, and introduced what they called the more
error. By nature and by our self-taught ideas, or rather
physical view of the history of the gods, by devising
ideas taught by God, there is a something noble and
more respectable and ingenious explanations for the
salutary that indicates the name and being of God: for
legends: yet they neither escaped altogether the fault
all men had taken this for granted in their common
of their forefathers' impiety, nor, on the other hand,
reasonings, since the Creator of all things had
could endure the self-manifested wickedness of their
implanted this conviction by innate ideas in every
so-called gods.
rational and intelligent soul.
So, in their eagerness to palliate the fault of their
They had not, however, chosen the course which
fathers, they changed the legends into physical
accords with reason. For only some one or two
narratives and theories, and boasted, as the more
perchance, or at most a very few others, whose
mystical view, that the things which give nourishment
memory is recorded in the oracles of the Hebrews,
and increase to the nature of the body are those which
could not adapt their idea of God to any of the things
the legends set forth.
that are seen, but with unperverted reasonings led up
their thoughts from visible things to the Creator of the Going on from this point, these men also gave the
whole world and the great Maker of the universe; and title of gods to the elements of the world, not just
with purified eyes of the understanding perceived that merely to sun and moon and stars, but also to earth
He alone is God, the Saviour of all, and sole giver of and water, and air and fire, and their combinations
good gifts. But the rest wandered about in all kinds of and resultants, and moreover to the seasonable fruits
mental blindness, and were carried into an abyss of of the earth, and all other produce of food both dry
ungodliness, so that like wild beasts they limited the and liquid: and these very things, regarded as causes
beautiful, and useful, and good to the pleasure of the of the life of the body, they called Demeter, and
eyes and the flesh. Kore, and Dionysus, and other like names, and, by
making gods of them, introduced a forced and untrue
And in this way, as I have said before, the discoverers
embellishment of their legends.
of the things supposed to be good and useful to the
body, or certain governors, or tyrants, or even But it was in a later age that these men, as if ashamed
sorcerers and poisoners, though of mortal nature and of the theologies of their forefathers, added
subjected to the misfortunes of humanity, were called respectable explanations, which each invented of
saviours and gods as givers of good things, and men himself, to the legends concerning their gods; for no
transferred, the august conception which was one dared to disturb the customs of their ancestors,
implanted in them by nature to those whom they but paid great honour to antiquity, and to the familiar
supposed to be benefactors. training which had grown with them from their
And accordingly so great a mental paralysis
possessed them, that they took no account of the Their elders, however, besides their deifications of
iniquities of those whom they regarded as gods, nor men, gave equal rank to their consecrations of brute
blushed at the shameful tales reported of them, but in animals, because of the benefit derived from them
all these things admired the men because of the also for the causes previously assigned; and they
benefits provided by them, or because of the devoted equal religious worship to the brutes, and
governments and tyrannies which were then first with libations, sacrifices, mystic rites, and hymns,
established. and songs, exalted the honours paid to them, in the
same manner as to the men who had been deified.
For example, as I said before, since at that time no
And so they marched on to such a pitch of evil, that,
laws were yet administered, nor punishment
through excess of unbridled lust, they consecrated
suspended over evil deeds, they recorded as rightful
with divine honours those parts of the body that lead
and brave deeds, adulteries and sodomy, and
to impurity, and the unrestrained passions of
incestuous and unlawful marriages, and bloodshed
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
mankind, while their so-called theologians declared reporting family histories, we must, in obedience to
that in these things there is no need at all to use the law, believe them.
solemn phrases. We must, then, hold it to have been
'On their authority then let the origin of these gods be
proved on the highest testimony, that the oldest
admitted and stated by us as follows. The children of
generations knew nothing more at all than the history,
Earth and Heaven were Oceanus and Tethys; and
but adhered to the legends only. Since, however, we
their children Phorcys, and Kronos, and Rhea, and the
have once begun to glance at the august and recondite
rest of them: and from Kronos and Rhea sprang Zeus
doctrines of the noble philosophers, let us go on and
and Hera, and all whom we know as their reputed
examine these also more fully, that we may not seem
brethren, and still others who were their offspring.' 61
to be ignorant of their wonderful physical theories.
These things, says Plato, 'we must in obedience to the
But before we make our exposition of these doctrines,
law believe,' even though, he admits, they are stated
we must first indicate the mutual contradiction even
'without certain or probable proofs.' And we must
here of these admirable philosophers themselves. For
observe how he indicates that the names and
some of them make random statements, and set forth
genealogies of the so-called gods have no hidden
their opinions according to what comes into the mind
meaning to be explained by physical theories.
of each individually: for they do not agree one with
another even in their physical theories. While others But again, in another place the same author, laying
more candidly sweep away the whole system, and open his own deliberate opinion, has used these
banish from their own republic not only the indecent words:62
stories about the gods, but also the interpretations 'In the first place, said I, the author of that greatest lie
given of them; though sometimes they speak softly of about the greatest gods told a bad lie, how Uranus did
the legends through fear of the punishment threatened the deeds which Hesiod says he did, and how Kronos
by the laws. took revenge upon him.
Listen then to the Greeks themselves speaking by the 'Again, even if the doings of Kronos and his
mouth of the one noblest of them all, now banishing treatment by his son were true, I should not have
and now again adopting the legends. Thus their thought that they ought to be thus lightly told before
admirable Plato, when he lays bare his own young and thoughtless persons, but that they should
preference, with great boldness forbids altogether the be buried in silence, as the best thing; or if there were
thinking or saying such things concerning the gods, any necessity to tell them, then as few as possible
as had been said by them of old, whether they should hear them in secret, after sacrificing no mere
contained anything latent indicated in allegorical pig, but some great and scarce victim, so that very
meanings, or were spoken without any allegorical few might have a chance of hearing them.
meaning at all. But at other times he speaks softly of
the laws, and says that we ought to believe the 'Why yes, said he, these stories certainly are
legends about the gods, though there is nothing mischievous.
indicated by them in allegorical meanings. 'Aye, and they must not be told in our city,
But when at last he has dissociated his own theology Adeimantus; nor must a young hearer be told that he
from the ancient legends, and has stated his physical would be doing nothing remarkable in committing the
theories about the heaven, and sun, and moon, and worst injuries nor in inflicting every kind of
stars, and moreover about the whole cosmos, and the punishment upon his father for injuring him, but
parts of it severally, he again specially and separately would be doing just what the first and greatest of the
goes through the ancient genealogical accounts of the gods did.
gods just as follows word for word in the Timaeus. 'Nor do I myself think that such stories are fit to be
[PLATO] 'To tell of the other divinities and to learn 'Nor yet, said I, about gods going to war with gods
their origin is beyond our power; but we must give and plotting and fighting (untrue as such things are)
credence to those who have spoken in former times, ought anything at all to be said, if at least the future
who being, as they said, the offspring of gods had, I guardians of our city are to regard it as very
suppose, a clear knowledge of their own ancestors. It disgraceful to be lightly quarrelling one with another.
is impossible therefore to disbelieve children of the Much less must we invent fables about wars of the
gods, even though they speak without certain or giants, and work them in embroidery, with
probable proofs; but as they assert that they are numberless other quarrels of all kinds of gods and
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
heroes against their own kith and kin. But if there established in a manner similar to the best of the
were any chance of our persuading them, that no customs among the Greeks. But the traditional fables
citizen was ever at enmity with a fellow citizen, and concerning them, in which there are any slanders or
that such a thing was unholy, rather should tales of accusations against them, he considered to be wicked
this kind be told to children from the first by old men and unprofitable and unseemly, and unworthy not to
and old women and by those of mature age, and the say of gods but even of good men, and he excluded
poets should be compelled to make their tales like them all, and trained men both to speak and think all
these. that was excellent concerning the gods, imputing to
them no practice unworthy of their blessed nature.
'The chaining, too, of Hera by her son, and the
hurling of Hephaestus out of heaven by his father, 'For among the Romans there is neither any story of
when he was going to defend his mother from a Uranus being mutilated by his own children, nor of
beating, and all the battles of the gods that Homer has Kronos devouring his own offspring through fear of
invented, must not be admitted into the city, whether their attack, nor of Zeus overthrowing the dynasty of
they are composed with or without allegorical Kronos, and shutting up his own father in the prison
meanings.' of Tartarus; nor yet of wars, and wounds, and bonds,
and servitudes of gods among men.
By these words, then, the philosopher clearly teaches
that both the legends of the ancients concerning the 'Nor is any black-robed or mournful festival held
gods, and the physical explanations of these legends among them, with women's wailings and
supposed to be expressed in allegories are to be lamentations over gods that vanished from sight, such
rejected; so that it can no longer be denied that there as are celebrated among the Greeks in reference to
is good reason for our Saviour's teaching in the the rape of Persephone, and the sufferings of
Gospel, which bids us to abandon these legends, Dionysus, and all other things of a like kind.
seeing that they have been rejected even by their own
'Nor would any one see among them, even though
their customs are now corrupted, any wild
Hence it comes that I admire the ancient Romans for enthusiasms, nor Corybantic frenzies, nor
the manner in which, when they perceived that all the Bacchanalian revels and secret initiations, no all-
physiological theories of the Greeks concerning the night vigils of men and women together in the
gods were absurd and unprofitable, or rather were temples of the gods, nor any other of the
forced and inconsistent, they excluded them, legends monstrosities akin to these, but all things concerning
and all, from their own theology. This too you may the gods practised and spoken of with reverence, such
learn from the Roman Archaeology of Dionysius of as is seen neither among Greeks nor barbarians.
Halicarnassus: for he, in his second book, when
'And what I have admired most of all, though
relating the history of Romulus, the first founder of
countless races have come to settle in the city, who
the city of Rome, while recounting his other good
were strictly bound to worship their ancestral gods
deeds, writes on this point especially in the following
with the rites of their own country, the city has never
manner: 63
by public consent sought to imitate any of the foreign
CHAPTER VIII customs, a propensity which has occurred to many
states ere now: but even if any sacred rites have been
introduced in accordance with oracles, the city
that good laws and zeal in honourable pursuits render
adapted them to its own institutions, and cast out all
a state religious and temperate, and observant of
mythical quackery, as for example the rites of the
justice, and brave in war: and for these things he took
Idaean goddess.
much forethought, beginning with the laws
concerning acts of worship paid to gods and 'For in her honour the Consuls celebrate sacrifices
daemons. and games every year according to the laws of the
Romans: and her priests are a Phrygian man and
'Temples therefore, and precincts, and altars, and the
Phrygian woman, and these go about the city beggmg
erection of statues, and their forms and emblems and
for the goddess, as their custom is, with images
powers, and gifts whereby they had conferred benefit
fastened round their breasts, and rattling cymbals and
on our race, and festivals of all such kinds as ought to
accompanied by their followers playing on flutes the
be kept in honour of each god or daemon, and
music of the Mother.
sacrifices wherewith they delight to be honoured by
men, and sacred truces also and national festivals, and 'But of the home-born Romans none proceeds
seasons of rest from labour, and all such matters he through the city either so begging, or accompanied by
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
Eusebius of Caesarea Praeparatio Evangelica
55. d 14 Heracl. Rell, cxxiv the cosmos or the divine powers to be dragged down
56. d 16 ibid, cxxv by magical incantations and so to give oracular
57. 71 a 1 Clem. Alex. Exhortation, c. iii. p. 39 P. predictions to the inquirers
58. 72 a 5 Homer, Od. xx. 351
XVII. That all such effects are due to daemonic
59. a 7 Clem. Al. Exhortation, c. iv. p. 43 P.
60. b 13 ibid. c. ii. p. 29 P.
61. Plato, Timaeus, p. 40 PREFACE
62. 76 c 2 Plato, Republic, ii. 377 E
63. 78 a 1 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman SUCH were the opinions entertained by the best
Archaeology, ii. 18 philosophers and by the ancient and most eminent
men of the Roman Empire in regard to the theology
of the Greeks----opinions which give no admission to
physical theories in the legends concerning the gods,
BOOK III nor to their gorgeous and sophistical impostures.
Since, however, we have once entered upon their
CONTENTS refutation, let us go on and consider their
Preface interpretations and theories, to see what, after all,
they bring with them that is venerable and worthy of
I. The physical theology of the Greeks the gods; and let us say nothing of ourselves, but on
II. The same subject all points make use of their own words, so that we
may again learn their venerable secrets from
III. The allegorical theology of the Egyptians
IV. Further consideration of the physical system of
the Egyptians, and that they transferred the whole Now much labour has been spent upon these subjects
reference of their allegorical theory solely to the by numberless other professors of philosophy, who
visible celestial bodies, and to water and fire and the have made different subtle explanations of the same,
other elements of the cosmos and strongly insist that the opinion which occurred to
each was the exact truth. But for my part I am content
V. That this system also was wholly condemnable to bring forward my proofs from the most illustrious
VI. That we had good reason for withdrawing from authors who are well known to all philosophers, and
their more physical theory of the gods, and preferring have carried off no small reputation for philosophy
the only true theology among the Greeks.
VII. The systems of causation which the more recent Of whom take first and read the words of Plutarch of
philosophers interwove with the legends concerning Chaeroneia on the questions before us, wherein with
the gods solemn phrase he perverts the fables into what he
VIII. The erection of carved images in old times asserts to be mysterious theologies. And in unveiling
these he says that Dionysus is drunkenness, and no
IX. Further consideration of the allegorical theology longer the mortal man who has been exhibited by the
of the Greeks and Egyptians history in the preceding book; and that Hera means
X. Confutation and overthrow of their forced the joint wedded life of husband and wife. Then, as if
explanation he had forgotten his rendering, he forthwith tacks on
XI. Strong confutation of the Greek doctrines on this a different story, and no longer uses the name Hera as
point before, but calls the earth by her name, and gives the
name Leto to oblivion and night. And again he says
XII. Of the image at Elephantine that Hera is the same as Leto. Then in addition to this
XIII. Of the ox that is sacrificed to the sun in he introduces Zeus as representing allegorically the
Heliopolis power of the air.
XIV. That their gods, by ratifying the legendary But why need I thus anticipate, when we may hear
narratives concerning gods by their own oracles, are the man himself, in the essay which he wrote On the
convicted of contradicting the philosophers Daedala at Plataea, expounding as follows what was
XV. That they also by their oracles confirm the hidden from the multitude in the secret physiological
theories of the philosophers by allegories opposed to doctrines concerning the gods.1
the legends about themselves CHAPTER I
XVI. That it is a natural impossibility for the parts of