Internal Commands: Resident Commands. The Command Available Are All Combined Together and Are

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These commands are automatic loaded into the memory when operating system
is loaded into the memory. Thus these are also called memory-
resident commands. The command available are all combined together and are
stored in file, which is a executable command file. These internal
command are further grouped according to their properties. These are as follows.

File related Directory related

Genral purpose
commands commands
1. CLS
2. DIR 
8. TYPE 12. MD
3. VER
9. COPY 13. CD
4. VOL
10. REN 14. RD
11. DEL

General purpose commands

1. CLS:- (Clear the screen) This command is used to clear the screen or wipe out
every thing written on the screen.

Syntax:-    C:\> CLS   and press Enter

2. DIR:- (Directory) Dir command is used for listing files and directories present
in the current disk.

Syntax:-  C:\> DIR [/switches]

Example:-   C:\> DIR /P

/P  Page wise
/W  Widths wise
/S  List all files and directory of subdirectories
/AH  Display directory with hidden files
/AS  Display directory with system files
/AD  Display only directories present in current drive

3. VER:-(Version) Version numbers indicates that which edition of DOS we are

working on.

Syntax:-  C:\> VER   press enter


Windows 98 [Version 4.10.2222]

4. VOL:-(Volume) Displays the disk volume label and serial number, if it exist.

Syntax:- C:\> VOL  press enter

Volume in drive C is JAI
Volume Serial Number is 3E42-1907

5. DATE:- Display the current Date

Syntax:-  C:\> DATE

Current date is Fri 02-15-2002
Enter new date (mm-dd-yy):

Type DATE without parameters to display the current date setting and
a prompt for a new one. Press ENTER to keep the same date.
Note:- We enter new date in the format of MM-DD-YY.

6. TIME:- Display current time

Syntax:- C:\> TIME

Current time is 8:38:47.70a
Enter new time:

Type TIME with no parameters to display the current time setting and a prompt
for a new one. Press ENTER to keep the same time.

Note:- We enter the time in the format of 24 hour clock.

File related commands
7. COPY CON:- This command gives the facility to create a new text file.

Syntax:-  C:\> COPY CON <Filename>

C:\>COPY CON Rose.txt
A clock in a office can never get stolen
Too many employees watch it all the time
1 file(s) copied

After copy con we must specify a suitable file name. Press enter. Start typing the
informations of the file. After gathering the information we press ^Z (CTRL+Z)
button or F6 button to save the file. After pressing enter key computer will show
a message like 1 file(s) copied. This means that file is stored in the disk. Suppose
we don't want to save the file or we just want to abort from file creation job, then
we simply press ^C (CTRL+C) button to abort without saving the file, intend of
pressing ^Z button.

Notes:-  1. Never forget to give a suitable filename

              2. You can use extension as .TXT for denoting the file as Text file.

8. TYPE:- This command is used to display the contents or text of any file to the
display device.

Syntax:- C:\> TYPE <Filename>

A clock in a office can never get stolen
Too many employees watch it all the time

9. COPY :-  Copy command is used for copy any file to another location or to
copy the files to another directory. This command may also be used for copying
any file to another disk with different file name.

Syntax:-  C:\> COPY <Source filename> <Target file name>

         1 file(s) copied

TO copy a file from hard disk to floppy disk

C:\>COPY Rose.txt A:
      1 file(s) copied

To copy a file from Floppy Disk to Hard disk

1 file(s) copied
10. REN:- (Rename) This command is used to change the name of any file or

Syntax:- C:\> REN <Source filename> <Target filename>

If we get successfully C:\ that means filename or directory name is get changed.
Either it will show the error message.

To changing the filename present in floppy disk


Note that you cannot specify a new drive or path for your destination.

11. DEL:- This command is used for erasing any file from the disk.

Syntax:- C:\> DEL <Filename>

If it successfully erase the file from dosk then C:\> prompt will be appear, either
computer will show an error message.

Note:- /P option is used for permission before deleting the file.

Directory related commands

12. MD:- (Make Directory)- This command allows to create a new directory. 

Syntax:- C:\> MD <Dirname>


Now this directory can be used for keeping various sort of reports. Under this
directory we can create another directory which is known as subdirectory.

13. CD:- (Change Directory):- We can enter or exit from any directory using this

Syntax:- To access any directory

C:\> CD <Directory name>

Prompt will change with the directory name. If we keep two dots after CD
command than we will exit from the directory.

Syntax:-C:\> CD..
14. RD:-(Remove directory):- This command is used when we want to remove
any unusable directory form our disk.

Syntax:- C:\> RD <Directory name>


15. PATH:- This command is used for display or sets directories for executable


Synatx:- C:\> PATH 

This command display current path settings.

this command will sets the directories windows, the command subfolder of
windows and TC folder for executable files. Operating system will look for
executable files in these directories.

NOTE:- If we need any help for above DOS commands the we put a '/?' symbol
after writting the command at DOS prompt .

     Example:- C:\> DIR/?  or  C:\> COPY/?

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