I. Be More Honest and Fairer in Communication

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Everyone has their rights; the company needs to take care of the workers ' rights so

that employees ' welfare is more secure. In addition, the manager or leader cannot
suppress their subordinate workers as the reason they pay the employee's salary.
Managers and leaders should also be more concerned about their welfare without
discrimination and prejudice to them. We ought to work as a team with full respect
and more importantly trusting each other. The subordinate workers are also entitled to
their opinion.
We compare our code of ethics with MBM Resources and Petronas Sdn. Bhd.
I. Be more honest and fairer in communication
 We appreciate every free flow of thoughts, ideas, questions, and concerns that
are given by our employees, vendors, and customers. Besides, we also
encourage them to express any issues or concerns related to work. We
strongly do not tolerate any retaliation against employees for asking or
making good faith reports of possible violations of law, the code, or other
II. No discrimination or prejudice in every action
 We value the assortment or variety in our workplace, customers, suppliers,
and others. Because of that, we are against discrimination of our employees
based on their race, color, gender, and religion. We give the opportunities
equally to them. These principles are followed in all employment areas such
as hiring, training, recruitment benefits, transfer, compensation, and
III. Anti-harassment
 We committed to providing a workplace with zero harassment. We also
strongly disapprove and do not tolerate if any employees are harassed by their
manager or leader. Besides, we should treat our subordinates, colleagues, and
vendors with full of dignity and respect. We forbid any kind of threat or act of
violence to our co-workers, vendors, and customers. Besides, managers need
to notify Human Resources as soon as possible if any information has been
IV. Safety
 We respect and obey the laws of safety, standards, and guidelines that apply
to our business such as sound safety practice that is important to all the
employees in our workplaces. Besides, employees, the public, and our
communities will be protected. Activities without proper safety precaution
will not be conducted. No single product will be produced with no proper
safeguards. The safety requirement that applies to our jobs and workplaces
needs to be obeyed by every employee and supplier once they in the
company’s area. Furthermore, to prevent something bad happens to our
employees and suppliers, we strongly will not contribute to any work activity
that does not follow rules and safety requirements.
Example of questions and answers
1. I have a desirable position in a department, I and other several of women applied for
the job, but because of the department has been monopolized by male workers, none
of our job applications were accepted. I feel that they do not give equal opportunities
and have been discriminated against. What should I do?
RESPONSE: If you feel you have been discriminated against in violation of applicable law,
you should immediately report to your Head of Department or the head of your operating
unit. We will not tolerate any type of unlawful discrimination ever.
2. I work at a company in oversea. A colleague makes me feel so uncomfortable when
he sometimes touches me. Although this kind of touching is accepted in the local
culture, but to me, it very inappropriate. What should I do?
RESPONSE: Our policy regarding sexual harassment applies equally to all staff of our
offices. If you inappropriately touched by an officemate and if it could rise to the level of
sexual harassment. You should raise the issue with your officemate first or if you are
uncomfortable doing so, you can consult with your Head of Department or head of the
operating unit.
3. My supervisor has asked me to operate one of the types of machinery in our plant
without the use of an important safety procedure that is required by company policies
because of increasing production. What should I do?
RESPONSE: Your safety in the plant is our main important priority to the company. You
should immediately report the incident that occurred to your Head of Department or head of
the operating unit. The safety procedures in plants always need to be followed by all
employees or suppliers.
Furthermore, every company has its law, policies, and procedures which is an employee must
We compare our code of ethics with MBM Resources and Petronas Sdn. Bhd.
I. Anti-competitive activities
 Antitrust law is statutes developed by the U.S government to prevent
consumers from predatory business practices or also referred to as
competition laws. For example, these laws are applied to a wide range of
questionable business activities such as bid, rigging, monopolies, and price-
fixing. Competition law help to make sure that the market works properly and
that competition among companies id fair. Therefore, antitrust laws encourage
competition by prohibiting restraints on trade. For suppliers and customers,
we were committed to compare vigorously and fairly. Therefore, competition
laws generally:
Prohibit all agreements which have as their object or effect the
prevention, restriction or distortion of the competition to a material
extent within the territory in which any such provision is applicable.
Interdict companies holding a dominant position from exploiting their
strong market power in an abusive way that may affect trade.
Require prior notification and clearance for mergers, acquisitions, and
certain other transactions to the competent antitrust law authorities.
II. Bribe and anti-corruption
 Other than that, anti-corruption collective action is a form to combat bribery
and corruption risks in public procurement. Therefore, it was established to
collaborative anti-corruption activities that brings together representative of
the public sector, private sector, and civil society. Malaysia has bribery and
other anti-corruption that prevent companies and individuals from gaining
unfair advantages and from undermining the rule of laws. For instance,
interdiction applies to third parties acting on MBMR’s behalf such as
contractors and consultants also paying or offering bribes. This is because, if
an employee contributes to a political party, committee, or candidate of their
choice such contribution should not directly or indirectly involve company
funds or implicate MBMR in connection with the contribution. Therefore,
only with approval from the chief executive of the company, the company
resources like cash or otherwise that provided is legal and appropriate use for
a political contribution.

Example questions and answers

1. Two competitors are talking about their recent relationships with certain customers
such as demands raised in annual negotiations, the status of the negotiations,
customers’ needs, and willingness to pay. What are the possible consequences?
RESPONSE: Even if participants either do not effectively implement any potential
agreements or do not reach a common understanding, as such competitor should carry out its
strategy in the relationships with the customers having in mind the commercial intentions or
strategy of the other competitor which is an exchange of information may be illegal.
2. Two competitors are bidding on a major public contract in a foreign country. If they
engage for our local transportation services a company that is owned by the brother
of the head of the ministry in charge of reviewing our bid, they believe that their
bid will be accepted. May they engage that company?
RESPONSE: To solicitations for bids, sometimes countries impose conditions concerning
the use of local contractors which is sometimes acceptable and appropriate, but in a situation,
the arrangement has marks of a corrupt arrangement that would be contrary to company’s
policies where a close family member of a government official would appear to be directly
benefiting, and it will give an advantage and benefits to the family members if the bid was a
success. Therefore, the head of your operating unit is required in consultation with the legal
department should approval from your Head of Department. There generally would be no
issue when assuming there were no signs of bribery or corruption if the transportation
company were state-owned.
Lastly, an employee should protect the company’s assets and reputation. A business asset is
an item that value owned by a company which spans many categories.
We compare our code of ethics with MBM Resources and Petronas Sdn. Bhd.
I. Protecting physical assets
 It can be physical, tangible goods such as real estate, vehicle, computer, or
intangible items like intellectual property. Therefore, it is the employee's
responsibility to safeguard that asset including facilities and equipment that
was prepared by the company and taking all necessary steps to prevent
damage, loss misuse, or theft. For instance, employees used a computer and
communication system for the reasonable and personal purposes primarily for
business but with limited exception. To prevent the physical asset from
damage, all workers must follow the applicable security and use procedures to
protect the company’s assets. Furthermore, employees should report
immediately the theft of company physical assets to Human Resources as soon
as possible.
II. Intellectual property
 Employees have to safeguard the information assets of the company which has
a responsibility to protect those assets from infringement, mishandling, and
unauthorized disclosure. For example, employees who are uncertain about
how to handle sensitive or confidential information, the workers should ask
their supervisor for guidance. Therefore, the code sets out rules concerning the
ownership and use of intellectual property developed or employed at the
company. Concerning third party intellectual property which an employee
must comply with all laws, regulations, and contractual obligations regarding,
the valid intellectual property rights of other parties.
Example of questions and answers
1. My son needs a van to help move his things because he will be moving to a new
apartment this weekend. I have access to a company fleet van that will just be
sitting idle in the parking lot over the weekend. There is nothing wrong with
lending the van to him, would there? He will pay for the gas and he will repair if he
damages the vehicle.
RESPONSE: As a general, company property is not for personal use but the company’s
legitimate business uses only. With the use of company property for private purposes, there
can be insurance and liability complications, among other things. Any use of company
property for private purposes should be done in advance with the Human Resource
Department or respective unit responsible.
2. I suppose I can get some valuable information from a competitor by sending an e-
mail in which I pretend to be a customer. If I succeed, will there be a bonus for me?
RESPONSE: No. When acting on behalf of the company or for its benefit, it is dishonest and
inappropriate to conceal or misrepresent your identity. You will be violating the Code and
will be penalized.

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