GS 2017
GS 2017
GS 2017
The land described or shown in the drawing shall be cleared of all obstructions, debris,
rubbish, grass, bushes as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor is to
provide suitable ladder, ramp in the excavated pit to facilitate movement of men and
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
layer till the formation level is reached Measurement of this work shall be based on
consolidated thickness.
Cement concrete shall be made of 18mm down graded first class picked jhama brick
aggregate or stone chips or as specified well graded, clean sand of fineness module not
less than 2 and fresh cement in proportion as specified for R.C.C. works. All mixing shall
be done, in a mixer machine. If hand mixing under unavoidable circumstances is allowed,
15% extra cement will have to be used without any additional charge by the Contractor.
Concrete shall be laid on brick soling or sand fill in floors or in foundation as the case may
be in thickness. 12mm more than that shown in drawings and then brought down to the
required thickness by taking or migrating Measurement shall be made on the finished work.
The concrete formation shall be cured of at least two weeks.
Test for consistence (slump test) are made with the object of controlling the uniformity of
the concrete under any given set of conditions. If is defined as the case with which
concrete can be mixed, handled, transported and placed. Workability will therefore, vary
according to that type of mould that is being used for the concrete structure under
construction and the obstruction to the free flow of concrete caused by the spacing and
nature of the reinforcement. The consistency or slump of the concrete shall be determined
by the method laid down in B.S. specifications 1881 "Method of Testing Concrete, Part-2".
In determining workability slump test shall be carried out daily at site and grading adjusted
to give the required slump keeping the quantity of cement & water constant. For carrying
out the slump test, the newly mixed concrete shall be placed in a truncated conshaped
metal mould 300mm high and 100 mm diameter at the top 200mm at the bottom and
provided with handles. The concrete shall be lightly tamped with a rod as it is placed in the
mould which when filled, shall be immediately removed and the slump or the settlement of
the concrete measured.
i. For precast and vibrated concrete work in piles and moulded 25mm
ii. For road, slabs, foundation concrete. 50mm
iii. For normal reinforced concrete work in columns, walls etc. 75mm
iv. -do- with vibrations 25mm to
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
v. -do- with vibrations, but in intricate. 125
Cement mortar shall consist of mixture of one part by volume of cement with required parts
by volume of sand.
The cement and sand shall be thoroughly mixed dry and then gauged with only sufficient
water to make the mortar workable. The water shall be added with a fine rose and only
sufficient quantity gagged for the immediate needs of the work. Any mortar to which water
has been added and which has not been used within 45 minutes of the addition of water
shall be discharged. After the close of each day’s works, the mixing through and pen shall
be thoroughly washed and cleaned.
No Brick shall be used until after they have been socked in water for at least one hour
whenever practicable the whole masonry in any structure must be carried up at a uniform
level throughout. Where breaks are unavoidable the joints shall be made gradual steps.
Corners will be rounded where required or specified such work shall not be paid separately.
Unless otherwise specified, the bond used shall be that known as English Boned.
Masonry laid in cement mortar shall be protected during construction from the effects of the
sun and rain by suitable covering if necessary and shall be kept moist for a period of ten
The rate of masonry in foundation and plinth includes, in the case of the buildings, all works,
upto ground floor level, and in the case of other work such work as done without scaffolding
that is upto 1.5m level
Masonry works shall be cured or at least 7 (seven) days.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
Machine made pressed bricks should be of the size shown in the drawing and shall be
standard commercial products of approved manufacturer. It must have uniform colour
throughout and true to size and perfect smooth sides, ends and edges. Specification for
Machine made brick works will be the same as specified herein before.
a. Cement:
The cementing material shall have the adhesive and cohesive properties, necessary
strength and durability. The cement to be used shall be Portland cement (As per
direction of Engineer-in-Charge) conforming to B.S. 12 (1958) specification. The
“Portland” signifies only the kind and not be brand.
The cement shall conform in all respect to the requirements of the following general
standard specification for Poland cement.
1(One) ton of Portland Cement = 20 bags = 1000 kg.
For all practical purpose = 1 bag = 50 kg.
b. Storage of Cement:
In storing cement all possible precautions for keeping moisture away shall be taken.
The storage shed should have a pacca floor raised at least 6 inches above ground with
air-tight doors and windows. It is preferred to stack the cement bag on wooden platform
over the pucca floor.
c. Coarse Aggregate:
The crushed stone or crushed brick must be clean, hard, tough and graded in size, free
from vegetable or other organic matter. Crushed brick-chips must be made from picked
bricks which will have the qualities of 1 st class bricks, but slightly over burnt & dishaped
but not verified or porous. The materials should be sufficiently had so that the strength
of the concrete will not be deviated by the strength of the aggregate. Flat, elongated
particles are unsuitable.
For cast-in-site piles the coarse aggregate will be the shingles.
The following are the grading limits for coarse aggregate to be used:
Size of Aggregate (Maximum size). = 19 mm down.
Nominal size of Sieves
Sieves with square opening % passing
25mm 100%
19mm 50%-55%
10mm 20%-30%
No. 4 0-5%
The maximum size of coarse aggregate should not be large than one fifty of the
narrowest dimension of the forms nore three quarters of the minimum distance between
reinforcing bars.
d. Fine Aggregate or Sand:
Sand should consist of shirp, angular and hard grains, which should be approximately
cubic 1 in size. It should be strong and durable and should be as far as possible pur
silica size. It should not contain any organic matter.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
Sieve No. Percentage retained by wt.
4 0
8 2-8
16 32 – 38
30 52 – 78
50 82 – 100
100 97 – 100
Data on Sand:
Specific Gravity – 2.65
Fine and dry river sand (loose) 1440 F. M. 1.00
Medium and dry river sand (loose) 1520 F. M. 1.50
Coarse and river sand (loose) 1600 F. M. 2.50 Sylhet.
e. Water:
Water to be used for mixing concrete must be free from acid, alkali, any other impurity
and shall conform to B.S. 3148.
Concrete sha1l be conveyed in such a manner so as to prevent loss of grout or to avoid
aggregation of the mix.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
Sufficient equipment and operators shall be provided to handle entire mixer out put without
delay to avoid excessive stiffening before compaction.
The Compaction shall be done by mechanical vibrators. This measure ensures use of-stiffer
and hence stronger concrete and better bond Leaner mix could be used with this method
thus making for economy.
Vibration shall be continued only until the concrete is thoroughly compacted and voids filled
as indicated the appearance of mortar of pasts at the exposed surface or at faces of contact
with forms.
The vibration shall be secured within 5 to 15 seconds and points 450mm to 750 apart rather
than for longer periods at wider intervals, internal vibrators shall be inserted to the ful1 depth
of the layer slowly and with drawn slowly, while being operated continuously during with
7.1.16 TESTS:
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
The Engineer-in-Charger Consultant shall have' the right to order the test of any materials
entering into concrete or reinforced concrete or reinforced concrete to determine its
suitability or the purpose to order reasonable tests of the concrete from time to time to
determine whether the materials and methods in use are such as to produces concrete of
the necessary quality, and to order the test under load of any portion of a complete
structure, when conditions, have been such as to level doubt as to the adequacy to the
structure to serve the purpose for which it is intended.
a) Loading test:
Loading tests, if required, are to be carried out by the contractor in any position of the
work has instructed. The test load shall not exceed 125% of the original superimposed
load for which the structure was designed; and such tests shall not be applied before 28
days after the date of concreting. During the tests, struts shall be strong enough to take
the whole load and shall be placed in position leaving a gap under the member. If under
tests no structural defects are observed and deflection is not excessive the structure
shall be deemed to be satisfactory.
b) Cylinder Test:
Concrete Cylinders shall be prepared and tested frequent as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge. Six Cylinders cubs shall be made or each test set, with concrete taken from
mixing plate form or trays and actually being into the work, to be tested at 7 days and 28
days or at such time as may be decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. All costs for preparing
samples, transportation, test shall be borne by the Contractor.
Cylinders Height - 300 mm/200mm
Diameters - 150 mm/100mm
c) Unsatisfactory Concrete:
If any of the test specimen shows a compressive strength less than that specified the
Engineer-in-Charge shall, at his discretion.
i) Order all concreting work to stop or
ii) Order any change in the proportion of the concrete mixes or which the contractor
cannot claim extra rate pending receipt of the 28 days tests results.
If any of the test specimen tested at 28 days shown a compressive strength less
than that specified, the Engineer-in-Charge may at his discretion.
i) Order the breaking out, removal and replacement of all concrete mixed and placed
on the day when the sample was taken or.
ii) Order such remedial works as may be considered necessary to ensure that the
strength is not less than it would have been had the concrete complied with this
d) The following class of concrete will be manufactured or use in different members, unless otherwise specified:
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
7 days Ave, strength shall be round about 65% of 28 days Ave, strength.
The contractor may have to use a richer proportion than indicated in the nominal
proportion at no extra cost to the client to attain the desired strength but he will not be
allowed to use a weaker proportion even it given required strength.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
Timber shall not be so dry as to absorb water from the concrete and well and bulge as to
distort the forms and at the same time should not be so green to shrink after erection, or
repetition works the timber with hard surface should be selected.
The form work should be designed to withstand a live load of 366.225 kg/m2 or ordinary
floor and 488.30kg/m2 heavy construction besides the dead load of forms and concrete, or
wall and columns the horizontal pressure from wet concrete should be taken into
consideration as below:
Planks or slabs be 38mm thick. Before commencing the concreting the forms should be
carefully examined to see that they are truly vertical and horizontal and the joints are
closed so that no part of the mixture can escape.
The forms should be so arranged that the slab forms and sides of the beams, girders and
columns can be removed first, allowing the bottom boards of the beams and girders to
remain in place for a longer time.
Before reuse, old forms should be cleaned and the sides and ends should be freshly
jointed so that a perfectly smooth finish to the concrete may be obtained. If required by the
Engineer-in-Charge/Consultant the contractor shall at his own cost arrange the test loading
of the form work before concrete is placed. For this purpose in addition to the dead weight
of the concrete and form work a live load allowance of 3.5 kg/cm2 shall be made.
The contractor shall be responsible for any injury to the work and any consequential
damages caused by or arising from the removal and striking of rooms, centering and
supports, due to striking the supports of shuttering or centering or forms too soon, and any
advise, permission or approval and striking of forms, centering and supports shall not
relieve the contractor rom the responsibilities herein defined.
Treatment necessary:
All honey combing or other irregularities are to be properly made good immediately upon
the removal of the form work and the surface made good after inspection of the Engineer-
The bars shall be bent cold, to the Pertinent dimensions, equipment and method approved
by the Engineer-in-Charge/Consultant. The contractor shall submit bar schedule and
bending diagrams of all bars or approval.
When it is necessary to bend mild steel reinforcement already cast in the concrete, the
internal radius of bend shall be not less than twice the diameter of the bar.
Reinforcement shall be placed, supported and maintained in the position shown in the
contract and shall be checked and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before placement
of concrete begins, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge, all intersecting
bars shall be tied together will wire and the ends or wire shall be turned into the main body
of the concrete.
No splices shall be made in the reinforcement except where described in the contract.
Wherever it is necessary to splice reinforcement at points other than those shown on the
plans, drawings showing the location of each splice shall be submitted to and approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge before the reinforcing-steel is placed.
Splices shall be avoided at points of maximum stress. The shall without exceeding the
allowable unit bond stress. Unless otherwise shown on the plans plain bars shall be lapped
a minimum of forty(40) diameters and deformed bars shall be lapped a minimum of twenty
(20) diameters to make the splice. All bar splices shall be approved by the Engineer-in-
Pre-cast mortar blocks or metal supports of adequate strength of proper depth and in
sufficient number shall be used or supporting the bars in position. Mortar blocks shall be as
small as possible consistent with their purpose, off a shape acceptable to the Engineer-in-
Charge and designs so that they will not overturn when concrete is placed. They shall be
made of concrete with 9mm. Maximum aggregate size from same materials and of the
same mix. Proportions as that of the concrete in which they are to be used. They shall be
cast and properly cured or at least seven days before use and shall have wire or other
device cast in the reinforcement.
Reinforcement in structures shall not be welded except where permitted in the contract. All
welding procedures shall be subject to the prior approval of the Engineer-in-
Charge/Consultant writing. If welded connections are made intermediate grade
reinforcement steel, to hold bars in position low hydrogen electrodes shall be used.
All exposed reinforcing steel at construction joints shall be protected with a brush coat of
neat cement, mixed to a consistency of thick pain, within one week after the placing of the
initial concrete, unless it is definitely know that the steel will be embedded within 60 days.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
This costing shall be entirely removed, by lightly tapping with a hammer or other tool, not
more than one week previous to the placing of the final pour.
The contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorised representative when
the steel has been placed in position ready for concrete and no concrete shall be placed
until the Engineer-in-Charge/Consultant has inspected the steel and given his approval in
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
(iii) Props:
Props shall be G.I pipe of required size. Measured at 1/3 distance form top these shall be
sufficiently strong placed 600mm to 900mm apart properly braced all to the satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge.
The use of wire passing through the concrete for the purpose of securing the form work in
position will not be permitted. Bolts may be used put their number shall be kept to the
minimum required to secure the form work rigidly. The bolts shall be not less than 13mm
diameter. The holes let by bolts shall be cleaned and idled with cement mortar containing a
water proofing material of approved quality.
Before concreting all forms shall be cleaned and treated with approved mould oil to prevent
adhesion of the concrete, care being exercised to ensure that no oil falls on the set concrete
or reinforcement provision shall be made to allow the form work to be removed without
shock or damages to the concrete it contains or to adjacent work.
It shall be fabricated and erected in position perfect in alignment, levels and true to plumb
and securely braced so as to enable it to stand all weights, live and vibrating, to be endured
during placing of concrete and its subsequent hardening till the form work is struck. It shall
be sufficiently rigid as not to loose its form and shall be so made for bulging, and deflection
as to given the finished concrete correct to the required lines, plunk size and shape,
For all works where any concrete surface is to be exposed in the finished work, the form
work shall be smoothly faced by using plywood sheets or lining the shuttering with smooth
sheet or in any manner as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge/Consultant so as to make a
perfectly smooth surface of the finished concrete.
In case where any blemishes appear on the surface of the finished concrete, such concrete
if so defective may be ordered to be dismantled and remade, in part or whole, at the cost of
the contractor. Where in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge/Consultant the defects are
not of any serious mature, he may order chipping of the bulging surface to bring it in line
with the required in-shed surface, which shall then be rubbed and finally finished by means
at the cost of the contractor.
In case where the finished concrete has surfaces building in, no chipping and plastering
shall be permitted to make it good to the required dimensions. In such case the defective
work shall have to be invariably removed in part or whole as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge/Consultant and make good at the cost of the Contractor.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
All chaulking and covering of joints and holes shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the
All forms of beams, slabs and kindered members shall be designed and constructions so
that the sides may be removed without disturbing the bottom boards or support there to.
Where so required the form shall be set with a camber approximately to the dead load
deflection as determined by the Engineer-in-Charge/Consultant.
Were not otherwise specified or shown edges are to be provided with chambers.
In case any honey comp patches appear on the surface of the finished concrete work, which
is otherwise true in line and has a perfectly smooth finished surface, and where the honey
combing so occurring has not given rise to weak concrete work in the opinion of the
Engineer-in-Charge/Consultant such defects may be removed by grunting and grinding of in
any other approved manner, at the cost of the contractor, otherwise the whole or part of the
work may have to be remade good by the contractor at his own cost.
The Contractor shall supply all materials and labour necessary for good any speedy erection
of form work such as shuttering, planks struts, bolts, stays, gangways, boards, filleted etc.
and shall do all that is essential in executing the job in a workmanlike manner to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge/Consultant.
The form work shall be so designed and arranged as not to unduly interfere with concrete
during its placing and easy to be for moved without injuring the finished concrete, wedges,
clamps bolts and tie rods shall be used where practicable, in making the form work rigid and
in holding it to true position.
Opening sufficient in size and number to permit convenient access to clean properly and
inspect the inside of the form shall be provided. All dirt, chips, sawdust and other foreign
mater shall be removed from within the forms before any concrete is deposited therein.
Forms shall be kept wet for at least 30 minutes before concrete is place. Wherever the
concreting is required to the carried out within forms of considerable depths, temporary
openings in the side of the forms shall be provide to facilitate the purring and consolidation
of the concrete, small temporary openings shall be provided at the concrete, small
temporary openings shall be provided at the bottom of all forms to permit the removal of
rubbish etc.
Provision shall be kept in the form work such as openings recesses, holes, pockets, fillets,
etc. for housing services and other architectural details in the finished concrete or in its
surface and edges, as shown on drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Fix all
necessary inserts, dowels, pipes, holdfasts etc. as shown on drawings or as directed, in
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
Before any concreting is done, all shuttering or formwork shall be carefully examined and
the inside shall be perfectly cleaned out and a wash of soap or oil applied to the surface of
the shuttering, where plastered surfaces are to be applied to the concrete the Contractor
shall ensure that sufficient key is provided to the form work.
If required the Engineer-in-charge/Consultant the Contractor shall at his own cost arrange
the test loading of the formwork before concrete is placed. For this purpose, in addition to
the dead weight of the concrete and formwork alive load allowance of 244 kg/m 2 shall be
No struts or timbering, which serve the purpose of supporting the shuttering or centering
shall be struck and removed without direct permission form the Engineer-in-charge and the
work of striking and removal after the Personal supervision of the competent Foreman in the
employer of the Contractor.
In all cases Engineer-in-Charge/Consultant will direct and control the period of time shutting
or centering shall remain in place before being struck, but for the general guidance of the
contract, the following are to be considered as the minimum periods for the main classes of
The Engineer-in-Charge may required however, that any walling, structure or other timbers
or supports, the removal of which may case the transference of load to the finished work to
be kept in place of three weeks after the placing of the concrete.
The Contractor shall be responsible for any injury to the works and any consequential
damages caused by or arising from the removal and striking of forms, centering and
supports, due to striking too soon, and any advise, permission or approval given by the
Engineer-in-Charge, relative to the removal and striking of forms, centering and supports
shall not relieve the Contractor from the responsibilities herein defined.
All honey combing or other irregularities are to be properly made good immediately open the
removal of the formwork and the surface made good after inspection of the Engineer-in-
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
All joints in masonary works shall be racked out to a depth of 13mm and the loose mortar
and dust cleaned and the surface well washed and wetted before plastering. This recaking
out of joints shall be done while brick work is in progress and the joints are soft.
Unless otherwise specified the plaster shall not exceed 13mm in thickness nor shall be less
than 6mm at the thickness part. The mortar unless mentioned shall consist of one part of
Portland cement to 2 parts of sand for special works and 1(one) part of Portland cement and
4 parts of sand for ordinary work. For work in water tanks where a water proof surface is
desired, the mortar shall consist of 1 part of cement and 2 parts of sand and if necessary a
water proofing compound shall have to be added to the required proportion. Calcium
chloride equal to 1% (one percent) by volume of cement to be added with mortar or plaster
works in salinity zone.
The mortar shall be mixed on as cleaned water-tight platform, cement and sand shall be
mixed dry to a uniform colour. Water will then be added to get the desired consistency
during the process of mixing. The whole of mix should then be turned a number of items so
as to ensure proper mixing.
The plaster should be laid to a true and plumb surface and tested frequently during progress
with a straight edge sufficiently long.
Cement plaster must be kept damp or 10 days by applying water and a fine spray excessive
evaporation may be prevented by soaked matting, gunny bags on the outside of the plaster.
Care and adequate preventive measures must be taken against rain immediately after the
plastering time till it has fully set and hardened.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
Mild steel shall conform to the latest. British Standard specification B.S. 785 and B.S. 4
Part-I: = 1962. The grills and gates shall be fabricated to the details shown in the drawings
or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. All features shall be strictly accurate and the
grills or gates shall not be fixed in position until these are approved by the Engineer-in-
The Contractor shall thoroughly clean all work completion, Clean of all stam's marks, and
dia figurements from all rubbish and debris from building and site and leave premises clean
and tidy and it or occupation in all respects and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
The paint used should be as stated in the Schedule of items, or as approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge. Before the first coat is applied the surface of the iron work shall be
thoroughly cleaned of rust, scale or other adherent materials every paper and fair. The
primary coat of red oxide shall be applied by brush which has to be approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge. The final specified number of coats of synthetic enamel paint or other
variety and colour shall be applied as stated in schedule of items and as directed by the
If any item or items is omitted above the P.W.D latest code of Practice shall be followed.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
7.2.1 SCOPE:
This item covers all operation in connection with plumbing and piping as indicated on the
drawings. All work shall conform to National Plumbing code (ASA A40.8.55) published by
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, unless modified.
The drawings indicate the general arrangement of the plumbing and piping. Details of
proposed departures due to actual field conditions or other causes shall be submitted to
the CONSULTANT for approval. The Contractor shall carefully examine the drawings and
shall be responsible for the proper fitting of materials and equipment in each unit as
indicated, without substantial alternation.
7.2.3 Utilities:
Drain pipes shall be laid to the following gradients unless otherwise specified or shown in
the drawings.
The drain pipes shall be laid at least 2xExternal diameter of the pipe below the finished
ground level or as shown in drawing or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The waste
water lines shall be laid over the sewer lines at the point of crossing.
7.2.4 Specifications:
Materials required which are not covered by the detailed specification shall be as
recommended by the fixture/fittings/equipment manufacturer or consistent with good
practice and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
7.2.5 Drawings:
The Drawings show the general arrangement of all piping, however where local conditions
necessitate a rearrangement, the Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval,
drawings of the proposed rearrangement. Because of the small scale of the drawings it is
not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings and accessories which may be required. The
Contractor shall carefully investigate the structural and finish conditions affecting all of his
work and shall arrange such work accordingly, furnishing such fittings, traps, valves and
accessories as maybe required to meet such conditions. The contract shall prepare a shop
drawing indicating the exact location of pipes for approval by the CONSULTANT prior to
excavation of trenches or cutting of grooves.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
done and any damage to the building, piping, wiring or equipment as a result of cutting for
installation shall be repaired by skilled mechanics of the trade involved, at no additional
expense to the employer.
7.2.7 Protection of Fixtures, Materials and Equipment:
Pipe opening shall be closed with caps or plugs during installation. Fixtures as equipment
shall be tightly covered and protected against dirt, water and chemical or mechanical injury.
At the completion of the work, fixtures, materials and equipment shall be thoroughly
cleaned and delivered in a condition satisfactory to the CONSULTANT/EMPLOYER.
The Contractor shall submit to the CONSULTANT for approval a complete list (in triplicate)
of materials, fixture and fittings which are to be supplied by him to be incorporated in the
work, together with the name and addresses of the manufacturers and their catalog
numbers and trade names. The Contractor shall also furnish other detailed information
where so directed, under the various items. No consideration will be given to partial lists
submitted from time to time.
a. In addition to the requirements under sections 1B & 1C `Excavating' and Filling &
Grading" the following specification shall be applicable.
b. Banks of trench shall be vertical or as shown in drawing. Width of trench shall be 7" on
each side of the pipe Bell/Sockets. The bottom of the trench for sewer shall be rounded so
that an arch of the circumstance equal to 0.6 times the outside diameter of the pipe rests
on undisturbed soil or 6" layer of sand fill or concrete cradle as shown in the drawing. Bell
holes shall be exceed accurately to the six by hand. Soft materials shall be removed and
back filled with approved materials in layer of 6" and thoroughly compacted to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge with the formation of and arch as before.
c. Excavated materials shall be deposited at a minimum distance of 18" from the banks
with ground adjacent being graded to prevent water running in.
d. Limit of trench excavation: Not more that 100' of trench shall be excavated in advance
for pipe laying unless otherwise directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
e. Pipes in fill sections.
Pipes in fill sections may be laid by either of the following method (as indicated in the
schedule of work)
i.) By support foundations as shown in drawing.
ii) By removing unsuitable materials in trenches and refilling with selected materials
compacted in 6" layers: (upto the required density) with the formation of beams of at least
one pipe diameter on each side of the pipe with a minimum of 12" of sand fill over the pipe
& 6" below.
a. Soil, Waste and Vent Piping.
(i) Soil, Waste and vent pipes, 2" and above shall be heavy duty cast iron to conform to
ASTMA 72-42 (unless modified) with spigot and socket joints having projecting ears. All,
fittings shall be similar in every respect to the pipe. The pipes shall be coated with 2 coats
of sposy paint.
(ii) All soil and waste pipes running underground or under the floor shall be reinforced
centrifugally spun concrete pipe. All fittings shall be similar in every respect to the pipe. All
fittings shall be similar in every respect to the pipe. The pipes shall conform to ASTM C361
(Concrete strength shall be
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
(iii) Waste pipe below 2" dia shall be galvanized iron as specified for water supply.
b. Water Supply Piping.
(i) Water pipes shall be galvanized iron (Pressure 400 ft. of water) suitable for threaded
jointing & complying with B.S 21:38/ASTM A 120 57T, pipe threads part 1, Basic Sizes and
Tolerance. All fittings shall be similar in every respect to the pipe.
(ii) Connecting tubes shall be P.V.C pipes of approved size and shade.
c. Fixture and Fittings.
(i) Western type W.C low level cisterns, squat toilets, urinals, squat urinals and lavatory
basin, etc. if to be supplier by Contractor shall be made of white vitreous china of the
highest quality available in the market and shall comply with the specification as in
schedule, samples shall have to be got approved by the CONSULTANT.
d. Fixture setting compound and joining materials.
(i) Roofing pitch tarred gaskin, cement and mortar of approved quality shall be used for
jointing R.C.C pipes and W.C into sockets.
(ii) Hamp yarn or twisted jute packing socket in cement grout and cement sand mortar
(1:2) shall be used for jointing C.I. & R.C.C pipes.
(iii) Hampyarn soaked in china lacquer or an approved graphite compound shall be used in
cleaned and dry threaded joints only.
a. Piping and fittings.
(i) Approved G.I pipes and fitting shall be used for the hot & cold fresh water supply piping.
b. Installation:
(i) A gate valve and drain valve on the service line shall be installed inside the building.
The piping shall be extended to all fixtures, outlet and equipment from the gate valve. The
cold water system shall be installed with a fall toward the shutt-off valve. Supply line taken
from pressure or gravity tanks shall be valved (approved type) at or near its sources and an
interior stop and waste valve or cock shall be provided for each outlet or group of outlets,
Stops and wate cocks shall be accessible and of such size and so installed as to permit
complete drainage of the entire water supply system they serve.
(ii) A capped tee shall be installed below the shut-off valve on each water service riser in
each building.
(iii) Mains, Branches and Runouts, Piping shall be installed as indicated on the drawing.
Pipe shall be cut accurately to measurements established at the building by the Contractor
and shall be worked into place without springing or forching. Care shall be taken not to
weaken the structural portions of the building. Piping above ground shall run parallel with
the lines of the building unless otherwise shown or noted on the drawings. Branch pipe
from service lines may be taken off top of main, bottom of main, or side of main using such
crossover fittings as may be required by structural or installation conditions.
(iv) All water pipes shall be so graded or pitched that the entire system or parts thereof can
be drained and the formation of traps of sages shall be avoided where possible, but where
they occur, each sag, trap or invert shall have provision for complete drainage.
(v) Safety Device:
A suitable and approved temperature relief valve shall be placed on the hot water
distribution system directly above the tank served but in no case more than 3" away from
such tanks.
Service pipes, valves and fittings shall be kept a sufficient distance from other work and
other services to permit not less than 1/2 inch between finished covering and other and not
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
less than 1/2 inch between finished covering of the different services. No water piping shall
be buried in floors unless specifically indicated on drawings or approve. Changes on pipes
sizes shall be made with reducing fittings. The use of bushings will not permitted.
(vi) Pipe Drains indicated on the drawings shall consist of 1/2 inch. glove valves with
renewable disks and 3/4 inch hose nipples. The cold water piping shall be equipped with a
drain cock, a union, a plugged tee, or a nipple and cap at the lowest in the trapped section.
(vii) Expansion and Contraction of Piping Allowance shall be made throughout for
expansion and contraction of piping. Horizonatal runs of tubing over 50 feet in length shall
be enchored to the wall or to the supporting construction about midway on the run to force
expnasion, evenly divided toward the ends.
(viii) Air Chambers for water hammer control shall be provided on cold supplies at each
fancet and control valve and flush valve and where not definitely shown on the drawings
shall consist of 10 inch. length of pipe of the same diameter as the branch supply fitted
with a cap.
(ix) Inspection & Test- All new plumbing works and such portion of existing system as may
be effected by new work, or any change, shall be subject to inspection and test (water) at
any time to be arrange by the Engineer-in-charge.
(xi) Covering of worts No plumbing system or put thereof shall he covered until it has been
imported and approved in brick walls. the pipes shall be supported by concrete 1-3.1/2.51/2
at least 1.1/2 thick all around them 3/8" down graded jhana being the coarse aggregates
with medium and (F.M 1,5) All G.I pipes less than 1.1/2 dia when embedded in walls shall
be located in the mid thickness of the wall unless otherwise shown
(xii) Pipes is he supported . If pipes are embedded in wall with insufficient cover (less than
11/2") or if it is carried exposed, it shall be supported by clamps and nails/nuts and bats
according to approved designs/methods. The distance between supports shall not exceed
3 ft. and anchor bolts shall not be less than 3/8" `U'.
(i) Threaded pipe- After cutting and before threading, pipe shall be reamed and shall
have burrs removed. Screw joints shall be made with hempyarn soaked in China lacquer
of with an approved graphite compound applied to male threads only. Threads shall be
fully cut and not more than three threads on the pipe shall remain exposed. Cauling of
threaded joints to stop or prevent leaks will not be permitted. Unions shall be provided
where require for disconnection.
(ii) Tubing- Tubing shall be cut square and burrs shall be removed. Both inside of fittings
and outside of thumbing shall be well cleaned with steel wool before sweating. Care shall
be taken to prevent annealing of fittings and hard-drawn tubing when making connections.
Installation shall be made by competent workmen in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations, Mitered joints for elbows and pipe notching straight runs of pipe of tees
will not be permitted. Threaded swing joints shall be provided for expansion and
contraction at tubing.
(iii) Sterilization- The entire cold water piping system shall be thoroughly sterilized with a
solution containing not less than 50 parts per million of available chlorine, calcium
hypocholorite or chlorinated lime conforming to public Health Directorate Specification and
shall be introduced into the system in manner approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The
sterilizing solution shall be allowed to remain in the system for a period of 8 hours, during
which time all valves and fancets shall be opened and closed several times. After
sterilization, the solution shall be flushed from the system with clean water until the residual
chlorine content is not greater than 0.2 parts per million, unless otherwise directed.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
(i) Outside Building connection Sewer Pipes- Sewer Lines 5 feet beyond the building
line shall be 20 mil. coal tar eposy lined reinforced centrifugally sun concrete pipe. The
pipe ends will be plastered lightly with the roofing pitch and butted together snugly. In the
position the space between the colour and pipe will be gently but tightly jammed fully sand
and cement made up of two parts of sand and one of cement Excavating, trenching and
backfilling will be as specified herein before.
(ii) Roof, Drains- Roof drains shall generally be of non-pressure, cast iron/cement
asbestos pipes as specified of the size designated, piepe used outside the buildings shall
be reinforced concrete pipe without any special coal tar eposy lining. For details of the roof
drain itself and its method of flashing see the building plans.
(i) Handling- Pipe and accessories shall be handled in such as manner as to insure
delivery to the points of installation in sound, undamaged condition. Particular care shall
be taken not to injure the pipe coating. No other pipe or material of any kind shall be
placed inside a pipe or fitting after the coating has been applied.
(ii) Cutting of Pipe- Cutting of pipe shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner
without damage to the pipe. Unless otherwise authorised by the CONSULTANT cutting
shall be done by means of an approved type of mechanical cutter. When cutters shall be
used when practicable.
(iii) Placing and laying- Before installation, the pipe shall be inspected for defects and
tapped with a light manner to detect cracks. Defective, damaged or unsound pipe will be
rejected. Deflections from a straight line or grade, as required by vertical, horizontal curves
or offsets, shall not exceed 6/D inches per linear foot of pipe for pipe not more than 14
inches and larger in diameter, where D represents the nominal diameter of the pipe
expressed in inches between the center lines extended of any two connecting pipes. If the
alignment requires deflections in excess of these limitations, special bends or a sufficient
number of shorter lengths of pipe shall be furnished to provide angular deflections within
the limit set forth, as approved by the Engineer-in-charge. After a length of pipe is placed
in the trench, the packing materials for the joint shall be held around the bottom of the
spigot so that the packing will enter the bell as the pipe is pushed into position or rubber
gasket may be inserted in the bell before pushing pipe into place. The spigot shall be
centered in the bell and the pipe pushed into position and brought into the required
alignment. Except where necessary in making connections to other lines of as authnorized
by the consultant, pipe shall be liad with bells facing upgrades. Except at closures, not less
than two lengths of pipe shall be in position ahed of each joints, with packing installed and
earth fill tamped alongside the pipe, before the joint is poured. Adequate thrust blocking
shall be provided for all pressure mains, Exposed ends of pipes in trenches shall be fully
protected with a board or other approved stopper to prevent earth or other substances
entering the pipes.
c. oints- All joint shall conform to the following table if not shown otherwise in the
schedule of work.
Pipe- Hot poured Precast Cement sand Lead Mechanized
Bituminous Bituminous Mortar x x
Compound Compound " x x
Concrete " " " x x
Cast iron " " " x x
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
Cement Asbestos (As recommendation by the Manufacturer)
(i) Cement Sand Mortar Joints.
Before jointing bell and spigot pipe, all lumps, blisters and excess coating material shall be
removed from the bell and spigot ends of the pipes. All oil or grease shall be removed.
The outside of the spigot and the inside of the bell shall be wire brushed and wiped clean
and dry.
A gasket of closely twised hemp or oakum of one piece of suitable diameter (nor less than
3/4" saturated with neat cement with 5% publow shall be wrapped with lap at the joint. The
gasket shall be pushed tightly home into the annular space within the socket or bell of the
pipe with a suitable wooden caulking tool. A suitable runner shall be placed around the
pipe to close the socket opening. The joint shall be completely filled with cement mortar
(1:2) and rammed thoroughly, to be overfilled and finished to a smooth level outside. The
mortar joint shall be cured for 14 days.
(ii) Hot-poured bituminous compound.
Same gasket as in cement sand joint shall be used, Bituminous compound as specified
shall be heated to 350 of and poured into the joint to fill it completely.
(iii) Lead-Filled Joints- The depth of lead in the lead filled joints shall not be less than 2-
1/4 inches back of the face of the bell. Lead shall be heated in a melting pot kept near the
joint to be poured, brought to proper temperature. So that when stirred the surface will
show a rapid change in colour and when poured into thejoint space, will insure a perfect
joint. Before lead is poured, scum shall be removed. The joint runner shall fit snugly
against the face of the bell and the outise of the pipe and shall be dammed with clayout the
pouring gate, to assure filling the joint even with the top of the bell. Each joint shall be
made with one pour completely filling the joint space. The cauling shall be done by
competent mechanics, in such a manner as to secure tight joints without overstraining the
fills. The Caulking shall progress toward the joint gate. If packing has been insufficiently
caulked, permitting the lead to be driven during cauling to a depth of more than 1/4" inch
from the face of the bell at any point, the lead shall be removed and the joint remade.
d. Testing:
Immediately after the drains are laid, jointed and flushed clean but before covering, all
drain pipes shall be inspected, tested for alignment and infiltration to be passed by the
Engineer-in-Charge. The testing may be done section by section.
e. Bedding and Encasing Pipe Drains:
The trench bottom shall be rammed and competed and carefully shaped as specified in
clause 4.2 true to the line and grade to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. The
drain pipes shall be laid and supported on temporary supports. The jointing shall then be
done and after the said pipe section is tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge,
the pipes shall be laid in position either on the arch so formed in the trench bed or on the
concrete bed in 1:3:6 using 3/4" down graded jhama chips as shown in drawing and in
schedule of work. When concrete bed is used the side edges will join the bottom of the
concrete bed and pipe tangentially as per drawing. The depth of concrete bed and pipe
tangentially as per drawing,. The depth of concrete bed shall be increased at joint to
maintain uniform thickness from socket surface. The concrete bed shall be cured for ten
days. In case of pipes, being laid on earth foundation, the pipes shall be surrounded to a
height of at least 6" above its top by medium sand (FM: 1.5).
a. Underground soil, waste and drain piping shall be of coal tar eposy coated centrifugally
spun reinforced concrete pipe and fittings. Above ground soil and waste drains over 2" dia
shall be heavy duty cast iron pipe with spigot and socket joints and fittings. Waste drains
below 2" dia shall be of galvanized iron pipe and fittings. Waste and drain piping above
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
ground shall have recessed drainage fittings. Fittings as dry vents shall be cast-iron or
b. Drainage pipe and Vent Piping- Horizontal soil and waste pipes shall be give a
grade-as shown in para 2.1 Utilities unless otherwise noted on the drawings. All main
vertical soil and waste stacks shall be extended full size to end above the roof line as
vents, except where otherwise specifically indicated. Where practicable, two or more vent
pipes shall be connected together and extended as one pipe through the roof shall not be
less than 3 inch size and increaser installed not less than 12 inches below roof line. Vent
pipes in roof spaces shall be run as close as possible to the underside of the roof with
horizontal piping pitched down to stacks without forming traps in pipes, vertical canted
fixture. Where circuit vent or wet vent from any fixture of line of fixture is connected to a
vent pipe serving other fixture the connection shall be at least 3 feet above the floor on
which the fixtures are located, to prevent the use of any vent line as a waste. Horizontal
waste lines receiving the discharge from the or more fixtures shall be provided with end
vents, unless separate venting of fixture is noted.
c. Fitting- Change in pipe size on soil, waste and drain lines shall be made with reducing
fitting or recessed reducers, Chages in direction shall be made with the appropriate use of
45 degree wyes, half wyes, longweep 1/4 bends, 1/4, 1/8 or 1/16 bends except that
sanitary tees may be used on vertical stacks and short 1/4 bends or elbows may be used in
soil waste lines where the change in direction of flow is form the horizontal to the vertical
and on the discharge from water closets. Where it becomes necessary because of space
conditions to use shortradius fitting in any other location, the approval of the Consultant
shall be obtained before they are installed.
d. Union connection- Slip joints will be permitted only in trap seals or in the inlet side of
the traps. Tucker or hum drainage fittings shall be used for making union connection
wherever practicable in connection with dry vents. The use of long screws and bushings
is prohibited.
Cleanouts shall be the same size as the pipe, except the cleanout plugs larger than 4
inches will not be required. Test tees with cast-iron clanout plugs shall be installed at the
foot of all soil, waste and drain stacks and on each building drain outside the buildings.
Cleanouts outside of the building may be omitted if a cleanout is indicated on building drain
immediately inside the building.
7.2.15 TRAPS:
Each fixture and piece of equipment requiring connections to the drainage system shall be
equipped with a trap. Traps installed on hub and spigot shall be extra-heavy cast iron.
Traps installed on threaded pipe shall be recess drainage pattern. Plugs shall be
accessible inside of access panels if such panels are used.
Sleeves-All sleeves shall be furnished and set and the Contractor shall be responsible for
their proper and permanent location. Pipe sleeves shall be 26 gage prime and painted
matal, properly secured in place with a space of approximately 1/4 inch between the sleeve
and the pipe passing through concrete or masonry walls and floors above the finished
grade. Pipe Sleeves in concrete beams or bearing walls shall be wrought or steel-pipe.
Where piping of insulated, the insulation shall be continuous through the pipe sleeves with
a clearance of approximately 1/4 inch between the outside of the passing pipe covering
and the pipe sleeve.
Where a pipe passes through footings or foundations, cast iron or steel pipe sleeve shall
be provided, which shall be not less than 4 inches larger in diameter then the pipe for
which installed. The joints between and pipes passing through floors shall be made tight
with plastic material. Sleeves through floors shall extend not less than one half inch and
not more that one inch above finished floor. Where pipe passes through wet tank walls, a
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
center flange sleeve shall be installed. The sleeves shall be provided with integral flange.
The space between the sleeves and the pipe shall be made water light by inserting a
packed oakum gasket, and filling the remaining space with lead a thoroughly caulking
Boxing out will be permitted where indicated on the drawing.
Pipe hangers and fixture support shall be furnished and set and the contractor shall be
responsible for their proper & permanent location.
a. Pipe Hangers-Inserts and Supports-Horizontal overhead runs of pipe shall be hung with
approved heavy adjustable wrought iron or malleable iron pipe hangers, spaced not over
ten feet apart, except hum-and-spigot soil pipe five feet in length or less where hangers
shall be spaced five feet apart, close to the hum of pipe and eight feet apart, on tubing,
vertical runs of pipe shall have heavy wrought iron clamps or collars for support, spaced
not over ten feet apart. Hangers and collars shall be of size proportionate to the weight of
the pipe support, Chain, strap perforated bar, or wire hangers will not be permitted.
Trapexo hangers may be used where directed as required lieu of a separate hanger for
each pipe. All hangers shall have short grun-buckle or other approved means for
b. Hangers on different services running parallel with each other and near together, shall
be in line each other and parallel to the lines of the building. Hangers shall have malleable
-iron ring with split adjustable swivel nut, but the Contractor may use commercial individual
type hangers with banks or rods not lighter than those commercially available with
malleable iron hangers, provided they are submitted and approved. Hangers shall be of a
design which will permit removal and replacement of band and hanger without removing
pipe. Inserts shall be cast-iron, malleable-iron, or prefabricated steel, of a type of receive a
machine-bolt head or nut after installation, shall permit adjustment of the bolt in one
horizontal direction and shall be installed before the concrete is poured. Pipe supports
shall be installed in and approved manner.
c. Fixture Equipment Supports and Fastenings- Fixtures and equipment shall be
supported and fastened in a satisfactory manner. Where secured to concrete or brickwork
walls, they shall be fastened with brass bolts or screws in lead-sleeve type anchorage units
or with expansion bolts.
Expansion bolts shall be 1/4" brass bolts with 20 threads to the inch of sufficient length to
extend at least 3 inches into solid concrete or brickwork, fitted with loose tubing or sleeves
or proper length to bring expansion sleeves in the solid concrete or brick wall. Where
secured to masonry walls or partitions, they hall be fastened with 1/4" brass toggle or
through bolts, Where secured to partitions faced with selfglazed tile, wood inserts shall be
installed, where secured to wood partitions, fixtures and equipment shall be fastened with
brass wood screws. Where wood screws are used, screws shall go into solid wood,
inserts, floor joints, studs, or solid pieces set between studs. Through bolts shall be
provided with plates or washers at back set so that heads, nuts and washers shall be
concealed by plaster. Exposed heads of bolts and nuts shall be chromium plated and
heads of chrome plated screws shall be provided with chrome plated washers.
Units shall consist of polished brass rack, valve and accessories, equipped with unlined
linen hose as indicated in the Schedule.
7.2.19 HOSE BIBS:
Shall be installed where shown on the drawings and shall be single fauced shoulder type
with 3/4" inch hose connection.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
a. Gate Valves:
i) 3 inch and smaller shall be bronze of best quality as available in the market.
ii) Larger than 3 inch shall be iron body with flange or bell ends. Valves shall have a clear
water way equal to the full nominal diameter of valves, and shall open by turning
counter clockwise. Unless otherwise noted on the drawings, all valves shall be
equipped with hand wheels.
7.2.21. UNIONS:
One ferrous pipe 2 inches in diameter and smaller shall be malleable -iron since-coated
unions on water piping 2½ inches in diameter and larger shall be flange pattern and shall
be falvanied (Zone-coated) cost iron. Gaskets for flanged unions shall be of the best
quality fiber, plastic, or leather, Unions shall not be concealed in walls, ceilings or
Shall be made of high-grade, tough and even-grained metals. Castings shall be free from
blowholes, porosity, hard spots, excessive shrinkage, cracks, or other injurious defects.
They shall be smooth and well cleaned both inside and outside and all fins and roughness
shall be removed. Castings shall not be repaired, plugged, hazed or burned-in. The wall
thickness of iron castings shall be not less than ½ inch. The size of the drains shall be
determined but the branch size indicated on the drawings. When drains are installed with
metal waterproofing, the metal shall be clamped, caulked or soldered watertight to the
drains. It shall be equipped with removable strainer. The open area of strainer shall be
least two third of connection area of the drain line to which it connects.
a. General: Fixtures will consist of lavatory basis, urinals, squat urinals, squat toilets,
western type toilets. These shall be made of white vitreous china of the highest quality
available and shall be as specified in the schedule.
b. Western type toilets shall be wash down-siphonic suites with floor flange elongated,
int......... `P'/`S' trap as require white vitreous china closet with hinged black plastic seat,
low-d white vitreous chine cistern(3.5 gals) valueless siphon fittings with siphon ½"
ball ........ 3/4" overflow. White porcelain enameled flush bend, concealed supporting
bracket "Adaptus" rubber joint and chromium plated exposed brass work unless otherwise
mentioned in Schedule.
c. Squat type toilets: Shall be wash down suites comprising of white vitreous China closet
with high level C.I. cistern, raised foot treads, top inlet alongwith vent opening unless
otherwise mentioned in schedule.
d. Both squat type toilet and western type toilets will be provided with an approved wall
mounted clean water spigot on the left/right toward the back of the toilet as indicted on the
drawings and about a foot off the floor and directly over an approved floor drain unless
otherwise indicated on drawing.
e. Lavatory Basing-shall be white vitreous China Wall type with concealed painted iron
brackets, overflow slot, one central C.P. pillar tap chani stays otherwise mentioned in
f. Stop sink-shall be white vitreous China complete with hard wood front edge pad and
built in brackets.
g. Wall hung urinals-shall be white vitreous china with integrat p-trap, flush valve directly
from the line unless otherwise mentioned in Schedule.
h. Squat urinals-shall be same as wall hung urinals.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
i. Ritual Wash Basins-shall be as detailed in the drawings alongwith water supply and
j. Showers-shall be fitted with chromium plated shower heads of approved dia, stop cock
with wall flange, soap tray and towel rails, floor drain shall be fitted with an operable
strainer unless otherwise mentioned in Schedule.
k. Mirrors-shall be as specified under glass and of size 18" x 14" x ¼" unless otherwise
mentioned in Schedule.
l. Glass shelf-shall be 22"x5"x¼" plate glass with C.P. guard rail and brackets of
approved quality unless otherwise mentioned in Schedule.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
7.3.1 GENERAL:
1. All gas supply works shall be executed in accordance with the specifications
of the gas supply agency and their standard specifications shall be followed
for both two pressure and domestic gas supply works. The works shall be
executed by the enlisted/authorized firms/contractors of the respective gas
transmission and distribution authority.
a). API grade pipes shall invariably be used for all types of low pressures
gas lines.
b. All types of low pressure gas line fittings must confirm to the standard
and approved design & specification of respective gas transmission
and distribution authority.
c. Butt welded joints shall be cleaned and approved by the Engineer-in-
GI tubing and fittings shall be used in all types of commercial and domestic
gas line works as per approval of Engineer-in-charge. Rate of payment shall
be applicable for the works as per respective section of schedule of rates.
4. Method of Measurements:
a). Net over all length of pipes and fittings as fixed except where otherwise
b). Fittings shall be enumerated and described as extra over “pipes and
fittings” except where otherwise indicated.
c). Fittings of unequal bores shall be classified according to the larger
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
7.4.1 GENERAL:
The work generally shall be carried out in conformity with the Bangladesh Electricity act
rules as adopted in Bangladesh and the latest edition of the Writing rules of the Institute of
Electrical Engineers (London) hereinafter referred to as the "I. E. E Rules" then the Wiring
Rules" but where the specification differ from "I. E. E. Rules" then the specification given
for that particular item shall be followed. Any specula requirements of the local Electrical
Inspector, Government of Bangladesh shall be complied with and all work shall be to the
entire satisfaction the Engineer-in-Charge/Consultant or his representative.
The Electrical work shall be carried out only by licensed workman, authorized by the
Government of Bangladesh to undertake such work under the provision of the Bangladesh
Electrical Act and Rules as adopted in Bangladesh under the direct supervision of a full
time Electrical supervisor having a certificate of competency for the type of work under
execution. The name of the Electrical Supervisors and particulars of his license shall be
intimated in writing to the 'Engineer before the commencement of the work. The materials
used and the workmanship applied in the works shall be of highest quality and grade and
shall be conform with s.s.s. and instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge/Consultant of
Engineers representative.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
The Contractor shall provide or his own use all necessary leaders, planks, scaffolding and
all materials or temporary work and remove the same on completion.
7.4.7 SAMPLES:
Samples of distribution boards, light fittings, conduits, cables pipes, bands, sockets etc.
switches, socket outlets and any of the accessories must be arranged on demand to
determine the quality. Sample of all materials required to be supplied and installed by the
contractor shall be submitted by him to the consultant/owner or the letters approval before
commencement of the work. The above sample shall be kept by the consultant/owner will
the completion of the entire job, Materials and used shall conformed to sample.
b) Installation:
In general pipe shall have concealed installation land shall be placed over the re-bar as per
drawing in the centre off the slab. Pipe system of each circuit must be completely erected
before any of the cables are drawn-in. The pipe run should be continuous throughout its
length, and kept straight as far as possible. It should run either horizontally or vertically
and never at angle. The pipe are to be properly tied with the re-bar@3'-0" spacing using
20 SWG G. I. pipe and specors. If the pipe are installed exposed in wall / over also ceiling
there shall be placed over 1/8" spare-bar and clamped with paddle M. S, flat bar 1" x 1/8 @
3'-0" spacing using rope pung or rewal bolt as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. All
pipe runs should be kept. 150 clear of gas, water, air, star, telephone, and of their
services. To avoid other services pipe, the pipe should be either re-routed or set out so
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
that at least 3" separation is maintained between other pipes and electrical pipes. The
accessories shall be in PVC and shall be installed with sufficient number of inspection
bends for easy inspection in future for replacement and in the manner specified in the
regulation of the institution.
c) Conduit / G. I. pipe bends:
Whenever possible, instead of using bends, the conduit should be the required angle using
pipe bender. The minimum bending radius shall be such as to allow compliance with Art.
1.10 iii(b) of this specification for bends in cables, and in addition the inner raiding of bends
shall not be less than 2½ tires the entrain the diameter of the conduit. No inspection bends
shall be used and at places where inspection is required, steel box must be used. In case
of G. I. pipes, long radius performed bend of same material and of required angle (22½ 45
60 90) shall be used. G. I. pipe may be bent to required angle only after obtaining approval
from the Engineer-in-Charge.
d) Conduit/G.I. pipe termination and fittings:
At the end of the reun, the conduit/G. I. pipe must terminate in a metal box, galvanized or
black enameled. When a conduit is terminated in a metal box (Circular boxer excepted), a
month bore brass/PVC bush or ring bush must be used a long with 2 hours lecknuts.
e) Passing through floors and walls:
All cables taken through floors shall be enclosed in G.I. pipes of suitable diameter and shall
be installed having a slope. 01:1000 towards the floors mounted pull boxer cable duct so
that condensetor leakage water drains out easily to the pull box or cable duct. All socket
joints shall be made water tight No. U-band in floor shall be installed.
f) Pull boxes/junction boxer/circular boxer etc.
Pull boxes and junction shall be made of 18 MG (minimum) M.S. sheet painted with two
coats of synthetic enable paint ever a prime coat. The circular boxes shall be of brass.
Circular boxes made of aluminum are not acceptable. The circular boxes shall have at
least ½% long pull boxes shall be placed where necessary the dimension of the boxes
shall have threaded ears of four counters (at least) and at the places as per necessary.
Box ears shall be at least 14 SWG. The cover plate shall be ebonite about/or 16SWG M.S,
sheet as mentioned in the schedule or as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. The
cover (metallic or plastic) of the metallic boxes should be fixed by using counter rank brass
screw or galvanized should be fixed by using counter rank brass screw or galvanized
machine screw. Metal conduits whole fittings with these boxes must be provided with look
into and both sides of the box.
g) Plugging:
Special plugs, such as raw plugs or phill plugs must be used or the work in cases where
the so used of such plugs is not feasible to the consideration of all signatures wooden
plugs may be used, but in all cases these should be capable of sustaining the wiring and
its accessories.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
(ii) Multicare law voltage cables shall be PVC insulted PVC sheathed non-armcured direct
burial type, turpite proof rade and tested according to VDE 047206.65 and VDE 04/2/3.60
or this type of installation, rated voltage being 600/1000.
(i) Subscriber cables:
The subscriber cables shall be a suitable for earth for earth laying and shall be made
according to VDE 0816.0 0.6nnn on applicable copper conductors, with PE (polyethylene)
insulated & laminated sheathed, star ques formation, basic unit stranding and core
wrapping. The enable shall be tested (20 C) at voltage not less than 500v (rms) wire to wire
and 2000v (rms) wire to shield with operating voltages 0 150 volts (rms), she have
minimum insulation resistance (tested wisp in 100v d.c.) of 500M dun-Ian, & natural
capacitance off net more than 50 B/km (or 0.6nnn) 50/km (or O. nun.
(ii) Insulation cables:
The insulation cables shall be suitable or exposed or concealed installation, or 0.6DBD2
copper conductors with PVC insulation & PVC sheathed star-gues formation, basic unit
stranding, and core wrapping. The cables shall be tested (at 20°C) or voltage of 200 volts
(nms) shall have minimum insulation resistance (tested with M/D. 1000 V dc) of 100M cm
Km and mutual capacitors of net more than 130 nF/km (at 800 Hz).
(i) Cable in Conduits:
Generally, single core cable (no-sheathed) are to be installed in metal conduits. The
conduits sizes shall be specified in the drawings. It must be ensured that enables are not
sereteted/damaged during pulling. For long lengths pull boxes must be used even if not
indicated in the drawings- Cable shall not be drawn round more than two 90 bends (or their
equivalent) between drawings-in-boxes and any single bend must knot be less than 80.
(ii) Cable handing Radios:
The internal radius of ever bend in a caule shall be not less than the appropriate value
stated below:
(iii) Connection to switches:
The phase wire shall be connected to the switches and the neutral wire is to be kept sole
kin all switch connection.
(iv) Cable Colour:
All cables used must have colour as tested below:
(v) Two wire single phase a.c. system.
Red, white or blue for phase line or switch wire, Black or neutral.
Green for earth when flexible swords are used.
Three wire two phase a.c. system.
Red or one phase.
Black for common return.
White or other phase.
(v) Three or four wire three phase a.c. system.
Red for first phase.
White for second phase.
Blue for third phase.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
(vi) Two wire d.c. system.
Red for positive or switch wire.
Black for negative .For two wire final sub-circuits, whether a.c. or d.c. supplying or circuits,
the neutral or "middle" wire it is connected to shall always be red, For lighting, the red wire
shall always good the switch and a red wire shall always be used from the switch to the
light. Construction joint crossing, brass expansion joint fitting as per drawing is to be
installed and the cables are to be run through such fitting.
The size of the trench shall be of minimum 838mm depth and 457mm width for each cable
to be laid. Where more than one cable is to be increased by 150mm for each extra cable for
size below 70mm (3½" core or 4 core) and 304mmfor bigger sizes cables.
A cushion of sand of F.M. 1.5.150mm thick, is to be placed over the bed of the trench over
which the cables are to be laid
Insulating Finish Overall Factor to be applied
diameter to over all diameter of
above to diameter
minimum internal
radius of
Rubber or PVC i) Note exceeding 10mm 3
(Circular Non-armored
ii) Exceeding 10mm but not
copper or circular
exceeding 25mm
standed aluminum 6
conductors) iii) Exceeding 25mm
Armored Any 6
PVC (Solid aluminum) Armored Any 8
shaped copper conductors) non armored.
Insulation test of the whole installation shall be carried out using shall Meager, in presence
of authorized representative of the Consultant/Owner and result submitted to the
Consultant for approval.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
Earth continuity conductor shall be electronic annealed copper or 100% conductivity at
20°C (68° F) (International) annealed copper stranded with weight receptivity of 0.15328
gram ohm ~m2 at 201°C (680 F) and density of 0.32177 ib/in, for meeting the requirements
of B.S. 6360: 1969 or its metric adoptics.
The earth continuity conductor and earthling lead shall nm in accordance with the drawings
and direction and all metal fittings shall be earthen with continuity conductors. All the earth
continuity conductors from the various circuits, soaking etc. shall be connected to the
earthing block located near the DB/SDB. Sizes of earth continuity conductor shall be stated
in the drawings. All DB/SDB/SB shall be interring connected with earth continuity
conductors. The earth continuity conductor shall be drawn along with the cables and no
joint shall be allowed uom earthing block to the respective earth point, light and fan point,
except where indicated other wise shall not be earth.
b. Exhaust Fan:
The exhaust fan shall be as per schedule and shall be constructed in accordance with
applicable B.S. Appropriate samples shall be submitted prior to installation of fans.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
c. Installation:
The funs shall be installed in accordance with the applicable fan layout drawings. Circular
box with ceiling rose for fan outlet, shall be at the centre of the clamps as detailed in the
Fans shall have the following installation height except were indicated otherwise.
d. Ceiling Roses:
The ceiling rose of approved type shall comply with B.S. 67, 1938, and are to be securely
fixed to the cover of the conduit terminal box. The fan hooks shall be so provided that the
ceiling rose (if used at all) shall be fans hooks shall be no provided that the ceiling rose (if
use at all) shall be concentric wit if the canopy of fun shall cover the entire fan hook and
clamp right against the ceiling.
a. Materials:
The MDB, DB & SDB shall be as per schedule and shall be safety dead front fixed type
having circuit breakers/isolators. Panel shall be designed or operation and a 210/1157
50Hz 3 Phase, 4 wire, system. Breakers shall have inverse time tripping with thermal
magnetic trip elements. All circuits breakers shall be trip free and shall be of the 4
indicating type. The panel shall have the phase clearly marked, and where required, must
have solid neutral buses. The penal shall be constructed as per schedule and shall comply
with relevant requirements of applicable B.S. Including B.S. 4649, with applicable, and
would be painted with two (2) coats of gray duco to B.S. 381c shade, with standard
concentric knock cuts of required sizes all around. The penal shall have directory frames
and printed directory on/in/side of door. The door is to be provided with flush lock and
concealed. The ICB/FCCr's shall be quick make, quick-break type, and shall have inverse-
time limit character ties with instantances magnetic trip elements functioning on over lads
above the normal operating sixes of breakers shall be "trip-free". Rating and 1Tame be of
the solder less mechanical type. The miniature circuit breakers and must comply with B.S.
3871 part 1 (1965) category Ml (5A-60A). Rated voltage. 240/415v, AC. 50Hz interrupting
capacity 4000 Amps. Capacity of providing over load and short circuit protection, through
thermal and magnetic-trip action respectively, temperature rating 40 Amps. Capacity of
providing overload and shall circuit protection, through thermal and magnetic trip action
respectively, temperature rating 40 C, preferably tropicationed (moisture-ungs coresion
treated) with contracts of silver. alloy, terminal capability upto 10mm wire. The MCCB must
comply with B.S. 3871 part 2 (1966). Rated voltage 600V VA 50Hz with overload and sort
circuit protection with thermal and magnetic tripping nation, interrupting capacity as
indicated in the schedule, temperature rating 40 Amps. Capacity of providing overload and
short circuit protection, through thermal and magnetic trip action respectively, temperature.
rating 400 C. preferably tropicationed (moisture-ungs corrosion treated) with contracts of
silver alloy, terminal capability upto 10mm wire. The MCCB must comply with B.S. 3971
part 2 (1966). Rated voltage 600V A/C 50Hz with overload and sort circuit protection with
thermal and magnetic tripping nation, interrupting as indicated in the schedule, temperature
rating 40 C preferably tropicalised (nature fungus corrosion treated), terminal capability
upto 35mm2 wire.
b. Installation:
The board shall be installed in accordance with applicable layout drawings. Minimum
height to bottom of the boards from the floor level shall be 2'-0" and maximum height of any
circuit breaker/switch shall be 6'-0" from the same level. The location of DB/SDB shown on
diagrammatic wiring plans shall be considered as approximate and it shall be pertinent
drawings and obtain practice information from the architectural schedule, scale drawings,
large scale and full size details of finished rooms and approved shop drawings of other
travels, It shall be understood that any DB/SDDB may be relocated at a distance not
exceeding 15'-0" from the location shown in the drawings. In centering BD/SDB due
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
allowance shall be made for overhead pipes, ducts window and door trim, variations in
thickness of furnishing, plastering, etc. as created, regardless of conditions which may be
otherwise shown on small drawings, BD/SDB incorrectly located shall be properly relocated
at the contractor's expense
All socket outlets, accept the shower sockets, shall be round pin type, white in colour,
conforming to B.S. 546: 1950 (3 pins) and B.S. 372: part 1: 1930 (2 pins). The socket tubes
shall be self adjusting for pitch with a non expending size-limiting entry to protect the
internal contract from distortion. All socket switches. (Where applicable) shall have pure
silver/silver-endmium oxide alloy contracts in which contract pressure shall be permanently
maintained by subsidiary helical compression springs.
These shall be supplied counter rank endmium peted fixing screws and mounted in 18
SWG hammer printed shall steel box having brass earth paint as per drawings and
direction. The controlled socketes of MCB/MCCB, if applicable, shall be unswitched and
the box shall have earth point. For specifications, of MDB/MCCB, refer to (Ad No. 1.14).
The socket MCB/MCCB shall be installed on wall with lever and of the face plates at a
weight of applicable layout drawings. The controlled socket outlet of MCB/MCCB shall be 0
wall with the lower and of fare plate 6" above the supper adge of the lintel, if not specified
otherwise. The fixing of the units on the outlets boxes shall he by means of 1st head end
minimum plated screws.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
7.4.17 EARTHING:
a. Pipe electrode:
The pipe electrode shall be berried below ground level, as per schedule, by tubes well
sinking method. The earth land from the MDB to the main earth electrode shall be installed
in G.I. Pipe of specified diameter. The terminal connected to the earth electrode shall use a
brass clamp. After making the connection the clamp shall be covered with bitumen porced
hot and covered with gate cloth. The pipe electrode shall be 1½ "dia G.I. pipe within 1/6"
dia, sample across the pipe diameter at every 4'-6" length of the pipe.
b. Plate Electrode (Where applicable):
The plate earth electrode (if applicable) shall be berried below ground level, as per
schedule and installed in an upright position and completely surrounded by a bed of at
least one food of characal fixed with line and packed hard. Distance between any two earth
electrode shall be at lease 25"-0". The plate electrode shall be cold rolled double copper
plate 2'-0" x 2'-0" x 1/8" having provision for connecting the earthing lead.
c. Earthing lead:
The earthing lead from the earth electrode shall connected to the earthling black near
MCB/BD, a double run of specified copper conductor (prceably tined) shall be brought 0.1
pipe from the electrode and connected to the earth black. There shall be no joint in the
copper with lead. All earthing lead shall felow the shortest and must direct route to earth
electrode and sharp bends and joints shall be avoided. The earthling leads shall be
connected to the earth electrode as per drawing. The joints shall be made mechanically
strong and electrically continuous with minimum of assistance. The size of earthling lead
shall be so per schedule and all terminal lugs shall be of copper and nuts alternate brass.
d. Earthling Block:
The earthling block shall be of solid electrolytic copper, cast and machined of size as per
schedule having of least 10 (1/8" dia) drilled holes for accommodating the terminal of the
earth continuity conductor. Requisite number of brass nuts and bolts also be provided.
e. Earth Inspection pit:
Construction of manage inspection pits inside measurement (600 x 600mm) with 250mm
thick brick work in cement mortar (4:1) with 100mm thick R.C.C. slab (4:2:1) with 1%
reinforcement 450mm dia water sealed G.I. manhole cover necessary with work side filling
and lone brick flat soling 75mm thick (6:3:1) base concrete for making invert channel &
12mm thick (2:1) cement plaster with neat cement finishing etc. all complete upto depth of
f. Maximum earth loop resistance:
The maximum earth loop resistance from any point in the installation including earthling
lead to the earth electrode shall not created one chmps. The contractor and ensure that the
leads are efficiently handed to all metal works other than the current carrying parts as that
the above resistance level is not it will be the duty of the contractor to provide earth tester,
test the installation in presence of the authorise representative of the Authority and submit
earth test report of the Authority for approval.
Signature of Tenderer
With seal
a. PVC/G.I. Pipe:
The PVC/G.I. Pipe shall be as per as per schedule and relevant portion of art 1.09 shall
b. Telephone pull box, Junction Box etc.:
The pull/junction boxes shall be installed flush in wall/column. The junction boxes shall be
place in position during construction of the wall. The pull box shall be floor mounted,
flushed with the finished floor, made tight with required rubber gasket and tele coping
cover, and installed during casting of floor shill. Also relevant portion of art 1.09 (1) shall
c. Telephone Grommet:
The telephone grommet shall be constructed as per schedule and shall comply with the
relevant requirements of applicable B.S.
d. Telephone Plug:
The telephone plug shall be made of brass nickel plated, with tubular insulation and solder
terminals. It shall be tested at 1OOOV. AlC and shall fit all standard telephone jacket.
e. Auto-Exchange:
The telephone Auto-Exchange shall be constructed as per schedule and shall comply with
relevant requirements of applicable B.S. The Auto-exchange shall be installed in floor
making all foundation and as per duration telephone shilpa sangstha (TBS).
Signature of Tenderer
With seal