Make Sleep Part of A Self-Care Routine Caffeine

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Here are 12 ways to get started with your self-care.

1. Make sleep part of your self-care routine. 

Sleep can have a huge effect on how you feel both emotionally and physically.
Not getting enough can even cause major health issues. But stress and other
distractions can wreak havoc on our sleep. 

What do you do to make sleep part of a self-care routine? Start by thinking

about your nightly routine. Are you eating or drinking immediately before bed?
If so, it's especially important to stay away from caffeine and sugar, which tend
to keep you awake. 

Reducing stress is also key. If you have work-related stress, think about the

best ways to calm yourself after a hard day or relax more while on the job.
You might talk to your employer about lessening your workload or settle a
disagreement with a coworker.

Next, make sure your bedroom is the best possible place for you to get
good REM sleep. It should be free of distractions (such as a television, laptop,
cellphone, etc.). And make sure you have room-darkening curtains to keep
the sun from waking you up too early in the mornings.

2. Take care of yourself by taking care of your gut. 

Your gut health can have a significant impact on your health, well-being, and
feelings of vitality. The types of foods you eat crucially impact the bacteria that
live in your stomach, resulting in a cascade of either positive or negative
outcomes. Healing the gut can lead to an unhappy person, and vice-versa. 

3. Exercise daily as part of your self-care routine. 

We all know exercise is good for us, but do we really know how good it is?
Daily exercise can help you both physically and mentally, boosting your mood
and reducing stress and anxiety, not to mention helping you shed extra weight.

Of course, it might be hard to go to the gym every day, so try to incorporate

other exercises, such as walking, tennis, or yoga, which may be able to fit into
your schedule more easily. The most important thing is to create a routine that
works for you.
4. Eat right for self-care. 

The food we eat has the potential to either keep us healthy or contribute to

weight gain or diseases such as diabetes, but it can also keep our minds
working and alert. Eating the right foods can help prevent short-term
memory loss and inflammation, both of which can have long-term effects on
the brain and, in turn, the rest of the body. Some of the most amazing self-
care foods include fatty fish, blueberries, nuts, green leafy veggies, and
brassicas, like broccoli.

5. Say no to others, and say yes to your self-care. 

Learning to say no is really hard; many of us feel obligated to say yes when
someone asks for our time or energy. However, if you’re already stressed or
overworked, saying yes to loved ones or coworkers can lead to burnout,
anxiety, and irritability. It may take a little practice, but once you learn how to
politely say no, you'll start to feel more self-confident, and you'll have more
time for your self-care. 

6. Take a self-care trip. 

Taking a self-care trip can make a huge difference in your life. Even if you’re
not feeling particularly stressed, getting away for a weekend every now and
then can help you disconnect, relax, and be rejuvenated. These self-care trips
don’t have to be costly; simply drive to the next town over and see the sights,
or go camping nearby. The goal is to veer away from your normal schedule
and take the time to do something just for yourself.

7. Take a self-care break by getting outside. 

Spending time outside can help you reduce stress, lower your blood pressure,
and be more mindful. Studies have even shown that getting outside can help
reduce fatigue, making it a great way to overcome symptoms of depression or
burnout. Getting outside can also help you sleep better at night, especially if
you do some physical activity, like gardening, hiking, or walking while you are


8. Let a pet help you with your self-care.  
Pets can bring a boost to our lives. From giving unconditional love to providing
companionship, pets can be hugely beneficial for our self-care.
Dogs especially can help reduce stress and feelings of anxiety and can even
lower blood pressure. In fact, many people who suffer from disorders
like PTSD have benefited from working daily with animals, which is why
service dogs have become so helpful for these individuals.

9. Take care of yourself by getting organized. 

Getting organized is often the first step to becoming a healthier you, because
it allows you to figure out exactly what you need to do to take better care of
yourself. A small change, like keeping a planner or a calendar on the fridge,
can help you write down all your responsibilities and appointments, while at
the same time keeping your life a bit more organized. You can also create an
area to keep keys, purses, backpacks, briefcases, and coats, and make sure
they’re ready to go for the next day.

10. Cook at home to care for yourself.

Many people don’t take the time to make themselves meals, preferring instead
to stop for fast food or popping a pre-made meal in the microwave. But these
"fast" meals aren’t usually sufficient when it comes to feeding your body the
right kinds of calories and nutrients. Even if it’s only once a week, consider
making a healthy meal for yourself or your whole family. You could even look
into a meal delivery service or meal kit that can help you get started.


11. Read a book on self-care for self-care.

In today’s fast-paced world, we tend to turn to our phones for entertainment or

comfort, scrolling through news feeds that can contribute to our stress and
anxiety rather than helping it. Instead, consider bringing a self-help book with
you when you leave the house. Even better, bring books on self-care so that
you can learn more about how to take care of yourself while you are taking
care of yourself. You might be amazed at the difference it can make when you
slow down instead of always looking at your phone. Not only can it help
improve your mood, but it can also help you to stay more present and mindful.

12. Schedule your self-care time, and guard that time with everything you
It can be hard for us all to find extra time. But it’s extremely important to plan
regular self-care time. Moments alone can help you to ponder the best ways
to move forward in your life and keep you grounded. And moments with
friends can help you feel more connected and relaxed.

Source: stockfour/Shutterstock

Whether you decide you want to go for a long walk, take a hot bath, or enjoy a
good movie with friends, taking self-care time is imperative. Look for small
ways you can incorporate it into everyday life; for example, you might wake up
15 minutes earlier to sit with a cup of tea and practice deep breathing before
the chaos of the day begins, or you might take a walk around the block on
your lunch break. The more you can work self-care time into your schedule,
the better you’ll be able to grow, enjoy your life, and thrive.


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