We consider the problem of monitoring and controlling the position of herd animals, and view animals
as agents with natural mobility but not strictly controllable. By exploiting knowledge of individual and
herd behaviour we would like to apply a vast body of theory in robotics and motion planning to achieving
the constrained motion of a herd.
In this paper we describe the concept of a virtual fence which applies a stimulus to the animal as
a function of its pose with respect to the fenceline. Multiple fence lines can define a region, and the
fences can be static or dynamic. The fence algorithm is implemented by a small position-aware computer
device worn by the animal, which we refer to as a Smart Collar. We describe a herd-animal simulator,
the Smart Collar hardware and algorithms for tracking and controlling animals as well as the results of
on-farm experiments with up to 8 Smart Collars.
1 Introduction
Management of domestic animals is a very old human activity which has seen relatively little change over
the centuries. Cattle and other livestock forage over large paddocks whose perimeters are usually bounded
by conventional fences. The two essential activities are confinement by fences and mustering or herding. A
typical ranch will normally have several paddocks separated by conventional fences. Animals are rotated
among paddocks in an attempt to prevent overgrazing, and for husbandry practices such as during calving
or weaning. Fence technology has changed from stone and hedge to electrified wires, but is still labour
intensive to install and maintain and is not easily reconfigured. Mustering has changed from shepherds on
foot perhaps aided by dogs, through the use of horses to motorized vehicles and even helicopters. Nevertheless
herding remains a labor intensive activity when cattle and sheep graze over large paddocks and animals are
rotated frequently to achieve pasture management constraints. It is physically hard work, often carried out
in extreme weather conditions and remote locations. The costs of fencing and mustering remain a significant
fraction of the cost of raising an animal, and has not benefited from the technical revolution in automation,
computing and communication.
Within the robotics community there is much interest in human-robot interaction, but little on animal-
robot interaction and this is surprising given the large number of domestic animals that we rely on, and their
importance to our civilization.
Herds of animals such as cattle are complex systems. Herd societal behaviors are well known to stock
farmers but their study by animal ethologists [27] has just begun. There are interesting interactions be-
tween individuals, such as friendship, kinship, group formation, leading and following. There are complex
interactions with the environment, such as looking for a water source in a new paddock by perimeter tracing
along the fence and random walking within the perimeter. Cattle have demonstrated spatial memory that
influences habitat use [14] and also memory capable of recognizing peers and humans [30]. Our goal is to
develop computational approaches for studying groups of agents with natural mobility and social interac-
tions. Such systems differ in many ways from engineered mobile systems because their agents can move on
∗ Computer Science Department, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY 14623 USA, (e-mail: zjb@cs.rit.edu).
† CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia, (e-mail: peter.corke@csiro.au).
‡ Dartmouth Computer Science Department, Hanover, NH 03755 USA, (e-mail: rapjr@cs.dartmouth.edu).
§ Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge MA 02139, USA, (e-mail: rus@csail.mit.edu).
their own due to complex natural behaviors as well as under the control of the environment (for example
moving toward a food or water source). We wish to generate models of such systems using observed physical
data and to use these models to synthesize controllers for the movement of the mobile agents. Unlike more
familiar robot control problems, the animal state (stress, hunger, desire) is only partially observable and
only limited control over motion can be exerted.
There are two fundamentally different approaches to controlling animal position: a physical agent such
as a sheepdog or robot, and a stimulation device worn by the animal. The first approach works by applying a
moderate threat which the animal will flee from, however knowledge of the herd dynamics allows a very small
number of threat agents to control a very large number of animals. In this category there is the pioneering
work of Vaughan [29] who demonstrated a mobile robot that was able to herd a flock of ducks to a desired
location within a circular pen.
The second category relies on an active device worn by the animal that can provide an aversive stimulus
as required, typically this is an odorous spray, a sound, or an electric shock. Devices to control domestic
pets such as dogs are commercially available, either to prevent it from barking or to constrain it. The latter
device typically works by sensing proximity to a buried perimeter wire which allows for a simple collar on
the dog. Clearly such an approach, based on installed infrastructure, would be prohibitively expensive for
large scale agriculture and has all the disadvantages of a conventional fence (installation, maintenance and
not-configurable). However with the advent of GPS technology, and the rapid reduction in receiver cost, it
is possible to implement such a fence without installed infrastructure. That is, a boundary can be defined
in terms of geographic coordinates and a stimulus applied when the animal moves beyond the boundary.
This functionality replaces that of a fence and is referred to as a “virtual fence”. By making the boundary
dynamic we achieve the function of herding or mustering, almost for free.
In this paper we describe our work which brings together concepts from the animal behaviour and
management communities, adhoc networking and robotic motion planning. In [9] we described our first
experiments in controlling a herd of cows with a single static virtual fence using an approach that relies on
ad-hoc networking. In [8] we extended that work on the algorithmic side, by introducing motion planning for
computing dynamic virtual fences whose goal is to muster the herd to a new location. We have implemented
these algorithms in simulation and deployed 10 smart collars on cows at Cobb Hill Farm in Vermont.
Our work builds on important recent studies in studying and modeling animal behavior. The Leurre
project [1,10,11,13,15,17,19,21] has contributed seminal theoretical modeling methodologies for individuals
in animal societies, based on differential equations whose parameters are computed from exponential distri-
bution of times in animal states from real data. This approach seems to model well ants, cockroaches, and
fish. However, modeling the interaction between individuals and modeling large animals remains challenging.
Vaughan [29] demonstrated a mobile robot that was able to herd a flock of ducks, and Denebourg etal [11]
were able to influence the behaviour of cockroaches by the motion of a small robot. Within the networking
community there is growing interest in using GPS technology to track animals with fine resolution. The
Zebranet project [16] considers the tracking and data collection issues in tracking herds of zebras in their
natural habitat. Related work on modeling and coordination in animal and artificial robot societies also
includes [4–7, 20, 22, 24].
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the prior art regarding virtual fences, our al-
gorithmic implementation, a detailed simulation model, and the extension to dynamic path planning. In
Section 3 we describe the experimental approach in some detail including the hardware and software tools
we developed to facilitate the experiments. Section 4 describes experimental results that cover: collecting
data to create a grazing model for the cows; collecting connectivity data and information propagation data
for the multi-hop routing method within the herd; collecting stimulus-response data for individual animals;
and collecting response data for the virtual fence on a group of animals.
2 Virtual Fencing
The application of smart collars to control cattle is first discussed in detail by Tiedemann and Quigley [23,28]
who were concerned with controlling cattle grazing in fragile riparian environments. Their first work [23],
published in 1990, describes experiments in which cattle could be kept out of a region by remote manually
applied audible and electrical stimulation. They note that cattle soon learn the association and keep out
virtual fence
of the area, though sometimes cattle may go the wrong way. Cattle learn to associate the audible stimulus
with the electrical one and they speculate that the acoustic one may be sufficient after training. More
comprehensive field testing in 1992 is described in [28] and also identified issues about the need to train
animals to associate stimulus with spatial restrictions. This issue is also discussed by Anderson [2].
The idea of using GPS to automate the generation of stimuli was proposed by Marsh [18]. GPS technology
is widely used for monitoring position of wildlife. Anderson [2, 3, 12] builds on the work of Marsh to include
bilateral stimulation, different audible stimuli for each ear so that the animal can be better controlled. The
actual stimulus applied consists of audible tones followed by electric shocks.
The choice of stimulus is an important component of working with animals. The animal behavior lit-
erature discusses both sound and electric shock, as well as their combination. If a sound stimulus always
precedes an electric shock then the animal will become trained over time and react to the sound rather than
waiting for the shock. If sound is used this raises the question about the optimum sound to use. Should the
sounds be natural or unnatural, can they encode information about the direction to turn, and so on.
In our experiments we used sound stimulus only for several reasons. First was an admitted squeamishness
on our part in shocking cattle — the cows we worked with are a small herd of dairy cattle owned by a
cooperative and are very much like pets, with individual names such as Linden and Hazel. Second, the
experimental animal protocol approved by Dartmouth College allowed only the use of gentle stimuli such
as sounds (protocol assurance A3259-01). Finally, we wished to explore and characterize the scope of a
minimalist and friendly approach to controlling cattle that relied on sound only.
Algorithm 1 Virtual fence. Tmax is the maximum number of sequential stimuli that can be applied and
Ttimeout is the inhibitory period that applies after that limit is exceeded.
1: tstimulus ← 0
2: ttimeout ← 0
3: loop
4: dmin ← 0
5: for i = 0 to Nf ence do
6: d ← (xa − Fp ) • Fn
7: dmin ← min dmin , d
8: ttimeout ← ttimeout − 1
9: if d < 0 ∧ ttimeout < 0 then
10: Cow ← stimulus
11: tstimulus ← tstimulus + 1
12: if tstimulus > Tmax then
13: ttimeout ← Ttimeout
14: else
15: tstimulus ← 0
To present a stimulus, the simplest option is to produce a sound of a given volume when the cow goes
behind the fence. This can be done by testing the sign of the cow’s fence distance. However this is quite
an uninformative stimulus and the animal can only determine the desired position by moving about until
the stimulus stops. Instead we encode the distance from the fence to provide graduated stimulus which
gets stronger the farther the cow is behind the fence. This can be done by generating a sound with volume
proportional to −d. Finally, a more complex procedure is to monitor d over time, and stop the stimulus as
soon as the cow begins to move toward the desired region. This is done by keeping track of d min . If the
cow’s current distance is greater, a stimulus is not produced. A further sophistication would be to reduce
the stimulus when the animal turns in the right direction, providing a reward for the correct response. In
the approach of Anderson [3] a directional stimulus is applied by left and right sound sources as well as
electrodes on each side of the neck.
If the fence is to move, it is instantiated with a non-zero velocity Fv , in m/s. The point is then moved
as a function of time along the normal
where γ is a scale factor from northing/eastings to lat/long coordinates. The fence orientation could also be
a function of time, that is Fn (t).
Figure 2: Screenshot from the simulation of the virtual fence algorithm. Twenty cows are represented by
ellipses, and one fence is shown as a vertical line.
Figure 3: Screen shots from a simulation of moving virtual fences, 20 cows represented by ellipses in a
50m × 50m space, with four virtual fences forming a moving rectangle around them. (a): the beginning of
a simulation. (b): after 4000 time-steps which correspond to 45 mins. See also Extension 4.
indication of the animal’s stress level. The simulator instantiates a number of animals in a moderately close
grouping, giving each animal low stress and a random internal state. This also ensures that the simulator
starts in a stable condition. The simulation then enters a loop in which time is advanced by small amounts
and each cow’s position, velocity and stress is updated. Figure 2 shows a typical simulator display.
At each time step, the simulator determines each cow’s position relative to the rest of the herd and
computes a potential-field-based force from these relative positions. If the animal is distant from all others,
we add an additional large force toward the herd and increase the its stress level. Fast moving or stressed
animals in close proximity add to the current animal’s stress. The simulator then checks the cow’s position
relative to all fences, real and virtual. For the real fences, if the animal is in close range, an additional force
normal to the fence is added to the force acting on the animal. The virtual fences induce a stimulus when
the cow passes into the fence zone, and the impact of this stimulus is to provide a large force as described
above. We assume that this stimulus will be strong enough to override any other behavior. Thus, for the
time step when the stimulus is present, it alone is used to determine the cow’s motion. The simulations
presented here are based on a bilateral stimulus, such that the cow will turn sharply away from the fence
(but not based on its exact angle with respect to the fence).
After the total force acting on the cow is computed, we consider the cow’s internal state to determine its
motion. At this time the simulator also determines if it is time to switch to the other state. During a state
switch, the animal can make small heading changes and the simulator stochastically chooses the amount of
time to spend in that state (barring external influences). If the induced force is small, this is ignored and
instead a small forward force is used to generate a speed appropriate to walking or grazing.
To determine the influence of the induced force on the cow, we model the cows as non-holonomic and
give them a maximum angular velocity. If the virtual force given by the potential fields is not closely aligned
with the cow’s current direction, the cow will turn to align itself with the force. Otherwise, the force will
affect the cow’s velocity, and in either case, the position will be updated based on the velocity and the size
of the time step.
Figure 4: Simulation of selective mustering. (a): at the beginning of the simulation, the two classes of
animals, represented here by dark and light ellipses, are intermixed. (b): after a short time, the two groups
have been separated. See also Extension 5.
parameters and stimulus response used. We have seen good results with a variety of internal parameters
provided that the stimulus is moderately effective. Our best results were obtained for the simulation of a
bilateral stimulus, under which the angle between the cow and the fence is calculated and a stimulus provided
that moves the cow a constant amount away from the fence. We have also tried varying the likelihood that
an animal will respond to a given stimulus, and found that often 100% stimulus is not required, but that if
an animal gets far beyond the initial fence location it may not be able to return to the interior.
To test the algorithms against these models, we ran virtual fences on a simulated herd with widely varying
parameters. The overall goal was to move the virtual fence slowly into the herd and test how quickly the
herd moved away from the encroaching fence. This was tested with different values for the grazing speed
and walking speed of the cows, the level of herd-attraction and the probability that a stimulus would have
the desired effect. We found that the parameters affected the overall speed of the herd in front of the fence
and the number of stimuli that were applied, but in all cases the herd did move in the desired direction.
We also tested the effect of using cow orientation in controlling stimulus. Our expectation was that if
the cow tends to go forward when stimulated, it would be necessary to sense the cow’s orientation and only
apply stimulus when the cow is pointing in the direction we wish it to move. In the simulation, this turned
out not to be necessary, since after receiving the stimulus, the cow would have increased stress and return
back toward the herd even if it initially went the wrong way. However, this behavior is very dependent on
the nature of the stress model.
Figure 5: GUI for dynamic fence planning. Environment is based on the Dartmouth Green, with some
real-world paths defined to be obstacles. In (a), finding a path from the start (in top portion of free space)
to the goal (at lower left) requires a significant change in the size and shape of the virtual paddock. (b) A
more complex path — note that small overlap with obstacles is considered acceptable as long as sufficient
free space remains in the virtual paddock.
and motion direction) we first generate a pair of baseline plans. The first uses a point-sized virtual paddock
and the second a constant-sized square paddock. These plans can be computed using the motion operators
only. If the two plans are similar in length and complexity then the square paddock plan can be used as
is. If not, we then gradually reduce the size of the square paddock until a plan is successful. The successful
plan is then used as a base for a path with a variable-sized virtual paddock. The search for this final path is
done efficiently in three dimensions (width, height and distance along the base path.) The GUI developed
for this planner along with examples of resulting plans is shown in Fig. 5.
Plans are turned into schedules of fences that are executable by the collar. For each segment of the path,
four fences are required to define the paddock. A velocity is set for the fences, which in turn gives each
segment a time interval over which its fences are active. This list of fences, with a point, normal vector, speed
and relative time interval for each, is then given to the collars. An example of this type of fence schedule is
given in Sec. 4.5. The collars wait for an initialization message which tells them to make the time intervals
absolute from that moment and continue to evaluate the fences and make appropriate stimuli for the course
of the path.
It should be noted that the planner is only planning for the virtual fences, and assumes the desired
behavior of the animals within. In the future, we plan to validate quantitative models for the animals’
reaction to the stimulus. This will tell us how effective the moving fences will be, and in turn how the fences
should be moved to produce the desired motion of the herd. It may be possible to make the motion adaptive
to the position of the animals and only move when all animals are away from the advancing fenceline.
3 Experimental setup
3.1 The farm
Cobb Hill farm is a cooperative dairy farm in Vermont. An aerial view is shown in Figure 6. The three fields
in which experiments were conducted are shown outlined in black. Field 1 is a long narrow field on the side
of a steep hill, the top of which is on the left in the photo. There are two strips of bushes and trees dividing
the field into three parts. The cows can walk around the dividers to reach the higher pastures. The trees
in the dividers and the trees around the edge of the field provide shade. Field 2 is a larger field with much
more open area. It is also on the side of a hill, the top of which is the left edge of the field in the photo.
Trees around the West and South sides provide shade. The field is open with few obstructions (a stand of
trees near the north end and a few steep inclines.) Field 3 is a narrow pasture that gradually widens out.
Figure 6: Aerial view of Cobb Hill farm. The fields where experiments were conducted are outlined in black.
North is up. The photo displays an area approximately 1 km on a side.
Trees on the east edge provide shade. The land in field 3 is relatively flat with no obstructions to movement.
A water trough is located half way up field 1 on the South side, and at the entrances to fields 2 and 3.
Collars were fitted to the cows in the barn in the morning and they were then released for the day. Their
habit is to move fairly quickly to the far end of each field, and then wander around slowly till evening. The
experiments were conducted in summer and fall of 2003.
Top Zaurus
Serial Cable
Audio Cable
Nylon Collar
(a) (b)
Figure 7: (a) The components of the Smart Collar include a Zaurus PDA, WiFi compact flash card, eTrex
GPS, protective case for the Zaurus, an audio amplifier with speaker, and various connecting cables. (b) A
fully assembled Smart Collar, with PDA case open. (c) A cow with a collar in Field 3.
Figure 8: Peter Corke and Zack Butler log into the networked cows to download code during an experiment
at Cobb Hill Farms.
Figure 9: Volume of sound produced for Zaurus volume settings. The ”C Weighted” notation indicates the
sound level meter has applied a filter to adjust for the frequency response of the human ear. The A Weighted
curve does not have this compensation.
Acks &
Replies Receiver Sender Alive
Received Pipe Pipe Messages
WiFi Multihop
Figure 10: The message routing structure for the networked cattle herd. Messages are routed along multi-hop
paths from animal to animal in the herd, ie. a simple flooding protocol. There are two message channels,
once outgoing from a basestation and one incoming to the basestation.
from a basestation and one incoming to the basestation. The outgoing channel is used for defining fences,
manually triggering sounds, setting sound type and volume. The incoming channel carries “Alive” messages
indicating a collar is active, and acknowledgment messages for receipt and proper interpretation of messages.
4 Experimental results
Our experiments addressed four issues: (1) collecting data to create a grazing model for the cows, which
is used in the simulation and fence control algorithm; (2) collecting connectivity data and information
propagation data, which is used to assess the performance of multi-hop routing in this environment; (3)
(a) (b)
Figure 11: GUIs used on laptops to monitor field experiments. (a) Sound control GUI. Pressing a button
triggers the current sound on a specific cow. Current sound and volume can also be selected. (b) Map control
GUI. Shows the last reported position of each cow, whether it is currently playing a sound, and whether
an Alive message has been received recently. Buttons and text boxes in upper right show recent command
acknowledgments from collars.
collecting stimulus-response data for individual animals; and (4) collecting response data for the virtual
fence on a group of animals.
Our preliminary results are encouraging. Animals respond to artificial potentials of sounds generated
by the virtual fence by moving forward if they are on their own, or toward the group if they are in close
proximity to the group. The animals responded to sounds (see Figure 13(b)) but habituation to stimuli was
a problem. Others [3] have combined the sounds with shocks to avoid habituation.
Data Figure 12 shows a GPS location track for eight cows moving as part of a herd of 14 cows over time.
They start out in the barn, follow a path to the field, and then wander to the far side of the field and back.
In addition to the position tracks, the timestamps on the graph give a rough idea of how the herd moved
and how spread out they were over time. For an idea of scale, the trek from one end of the field to the other
covered a distance of about 300 meters.
In order to look at an appropriate sample of the cows behavior, we present only the data from after the
cows had reached the field. A histogram of the velocity for one cow is presented in Fig. 13. Each sample
represents the difference in consecutively recorded positions, usually two seconds apart. Due to the resolution
Figure 12: GPS position track of eight cows, moving as a herd, over time. A few timestamps give some sense
of how the cows wandered with respect to each other.
450 150
Number of occurrences
Number of occurrences
300 100
150 50
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Speed [m/s] Speed [m/s]
(a) (b)
Figure 13: Histogram of speed of one cow over a period of 40 minutes. (a) Based on raw GPS differences
(b) Based on a 10-second moving average speed. Note difference in vertical scales.
(a) (b)
Figure 14: (a) Time history of Alive messages received by collar 9 in a typical experiment. (b) Average
number of hops for an Alive message to reach the basestation.
of the GPS data, we also present a 10-second moving average of the speed data. These plots represent data
collected from one cow, but other cows in the herd display very similar overall velocity profiles.
Discussion These data show that the cows have a range of speeds throughout the day, and the distribution
is approximately bimodal: we see that the animals spend a large amount of their time moving quite slowly,
and the rest of the time at higher speeds. The higher speeds vary. During our field observations we noted
higher speeds when an animal moved from a grazing area to another. Even higher speeds were observed
occasionally when it tried to catch up when disconnected from the rest of the group and when the animal
seemed to respond to an external fearful factor such as a human or a barking dog. The speeds in the first
category seemed to depend on the distance gap between the animal and the rest of the herd. The average
speed for the grazing behavior is under 0.2 m/s. This can detected reliably by consecutive GPS readings with
differential GPS, and it also can be detected with lower-end GPS (like the one we used) from the smoothed
speed data. For Cow No. 10, using the smoothed speed gives a smooth distribution that peaks at around
0.16 m/s. Setting a cutoff for the grazing of 0.4 m/s gives a mean grazing speed of 0.167 m/s. The cows also
spent a significant time at higher speed, walking from one grazing spot to another. This behavior takes place
about 15% of the time (183 raw samples or 165 smoothed samples above 0.4 m/s from 1200 total samples).
However, the walking takes place at a uniform range of speeds up to 1.25 m/s, rather than a single walking
speed as originally supposed.
Data Figure 14 shows an example of the connectivity achieved between collars over time. In the first half
of this graph there is very good connectivity during the time the cows were all together in the barn. Around
30,000 seconds most connectivity is lost as the cows are walking end to end along a narrow path out to the
field. On the right side of the graph connectivity varies as the cows wander around the field, their bodies
and tall wet grass being the main causes of signal obstruction. Connectivity to collar 7 is lost before 32000
seconds because of an equipment malfunction. Collar 6 was not deployed. Each collar was connected to at
least one other collar 97.5% of the time. On average, each collar was connected to 66% of the rest of the
collars, via one or more hops. Thus there is room for improvement in the multihop routing algorithm which
is based on simple forward-once flooding.
Figure 14 shows the number of hops required for an Alive message to reach the laptop basestation
during an experiment. Most messages are relayed only once to reach their destination which indicates good
connectivity between collars.
Discussion Dynamic graphs of the message routing have shown us that connectivity among the herd is
usually quite good since the cows tend to stay near each other. Connectivity with the base station was
problematic in that there is a trade off in staying far enough away to not influence the herd (they are very
curious and friendly) and staying close enough to maintain radio contact. WiFi networks are essentially line
of sight and are blocked completely at times by the cows bodies. Switching to VHF transmitters to improve
basestation connectivity is an option we are considering.
Data A single sound sometimes had an effect on some of the cows and had no effect when tried on other
cows. Some cows never reacted to sounds, while others were more sensitive. Observed reactions to a stimulus
sound varied widely and included stop eating and look up, no reaction, stop eating, look up, then walk a
short distance, usually forward, etc. (see Table 1).
The velocity of an individual can be derived from the GPS tracking data to discover if a cow reacted
to a sound stimulus by changing speed. Figure 15 shows a time history of the speed for a cow in our
second experiment. The asterisks denote when a sound was played. In this case there seems to be a good
correlation between sound events and the cow being in motion. However, some of the animals responded
in a less correlated way. Two difficulties in interpreting this kind of data are, first, cows may already be
in motion when stimulated, and second, the GPS data is very coarse in time (a reading every two seconds)
which makes it difficult to judge if the cows motion was actually in reaction to the stimulus.
Table 1 shows some of the observed responses. We generally noted that repeated and louder sounds were
more effective in eliciting a response. Cows would often react to the first instance of a sound and then not
react to further instances. Waiting a half hour would sometimes result in them reacting again to an initial
Discussion Some cows definitely reacted strongly to a sound stimulus, though they often quickly became
inured to it, and stopped reacting. The orientation of the cow before the stimulus was applied played a role
in determining what direction a cow moved, if it moved. Further research into effective stimulus methods
and into invoking directional behavior are needed. Much louder sounds may be more effective. Sounds
accompanied by something visible such as a puff of smoke may be more effective and provide some steering
Data Of the six collars, two performed very well for the duration of the experiment, two performed well
but for a shorter time (perhaps due to battery failure) and two had poor to nonexistent GPS signal, probably
due to rotation of the collars on the cows’ necks. Figure 16 shows data from one cow’s collar over the entire
Reaction magnitude
Reaction direction
Cow Comments
10 6 air/50 6 1 step rapid 3 in a row, startled
10 6 air/50 - - 2 in a row, nothing
10 6 dog/40 - - lifted head, looked to one side
10 6 dogx4/50 12 6 steps walked forward while sound was on
3 - air/40 - - very startled, shuddered at each sound
3 - air/26 - - no reaction
3 - air/60 - - no reaction
3 - air/80 - - no reaction, habituated ? (we were close
to the cow)
3 - dog/50 - - no reaction
8 12 airx6/50 12 walked started walking for duration of walk (ini-
tial 2s delay), actually moved toward us
8 12 airx6/50 - - no reaction (her back to us)
8 12 cymb/50 12 walked for duration
8 12 dog/50 10 cow and neighbour moved
8 12 dog/50 - - no reaction
8 12 cymb/50 - - no reaction
8 12 hiss/50 - - no reaction
8 12 crash/50 - - no reaction, neighbours looked up
8 12 air/100 - - flicked her tail
8 12 dog/100 - - no reaction
Table 1: Observed reaction to stimulus. Time increases from top to bottom in the table. Orientation and
reaction direction are specified using “hours on the clock” notation where noon is North. Volume is percent
volume setting on the Zaurus.
Figure 15: Velocity of cow 10 versus time with sound stimulus events noted by asterisks. There appears to
be good correlation between sound events and cow motion.
experiment. Both fences are shown here relative to the cow’s travels in the field. This figure shows the
sounds being applied at the correct locations for both fences. We also show a closeup of another collar’s
data, showing that the fence worked correctly over multiple crossings, with the fence timeout resetting as
desired. In addition, to analyze the effects of the fence, we looked at the speeds of all the cows during the
times sounds were being played relative to the rest of the time.
Discussion Our visual observations were that in general, the cows noticed the sounds, but either ignored
them or did not make the desired association with their position. For two of the cows, we observed the
animal stop grazing when the sound was played, look up and walk slowly in a different direction. However,
this new direction was not sufficiently different to take the cow into the interior area, and further sounds
seemed to be ignored. We also observed one cow essentially ignore the sounds entirely. We were told that
the cows tended to be motivated to reach the top of this paddock, especially first thing in the morning, and
this motivation may have been too strong for the sounds to overcome. However, the second fence nearer the
top of the hill was also not effective at keeping the animals on the desired side.
We also analyzed the logged data for the two cows that recorded good data for both fences. For both
cows, the logs seem to indicate that the first fence slowed the cows’ progress toward the top of the hill.
This was determined by comparing for each cow (1) the cow’s speed between entering the field and reaching
the first fence and (2) the cow’s speed while the first fence was causing sounds to be played. For cow 10,
the average speeds for these two time periods were 0.380 m/s and 0.255 m/s respectively, and for cow 9,
0.590 m/s and 0.388 m/s respectively. For both, this difference is significant at the 0.01 level using a t-test,
and the form of the speed distributions for these time periods looks quite similar. Later speed data is less
convincing due to habituation to the stimulus. For cow 9, after the first fence stops making noise, up through
and including when the second fence makes noise, its speed did not change significantly, whereas for cow 10
there was a speed increase between the fences and decrease for the second fence. For both cows, once they
had reached the top of the field, their speed and range decreased significantly (again, using a t-test with a
0.01 significance level), both just under 0.2 m/s on average, similar to the grazing speeds seen in the earlier
North [m]
0 100 200 300 400 500
East [m]
Figure 16: Trace of the position of cow #10 during an experiment with two virtual fences. The cow started
in the barn, at the SE corner of the plot. Locations where sounds were played automatically are shown. The
long straight line to the north is the walk from the barn to the field, which is not considered in our analysis.
After the first fence (to the east) timed out, no sounds played until a second fence (to the west) was created.
North [m]
−20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
East [m]
Figure 17: Trace of the position of cow #9 during the virtual fence experiment. A small portion of the
experiment is shown, during which the cow walked past the fence on two separate occasions, showing correct
behavior of the virtual fence algorithm.
Motion along paddock corridor Motion relative to virtual paddock
130 15
120 10
North [m]
North [m]
80 −5
70 −10
−20 0 20 40 60 80 −20 −10 0 10 20
East [m] East [m]
(a) (b)
Motion along paddock corridor Motion relative to virtual paddock
120 20
North [m]
North [m]
60 −20
40 −30
−50 0 50 100 −50 0 50
East [m] East [m]
(c) (d)
Figure 18: Dynamic fence experiment results. (a) Absolute and (b) relative motion of one person. (c-d)
Absolute and relative motion data for four people.
Data Motion traces for one person and the group of four people are shown in Fig. 18. Fig. 18(a) shows
the absolute coordinates of the paddock path and the person within the paddock. However if we plot the
position of the person relative to the instantaneous position of the paddock the situation is more interesting,
as shown in Fig. 18(b). The schedule used to generate this experiment is showed below.
3 US Department of Agriculture
(a) (b)
Figure 19: (a) The Fleck2 tracking board, and (b) incorporated into a collar.
This schedule represents the fences used in the experiment portrayed in Fig. 18. The first four lines
represent the four fences that form the initial safe square at the top of Fig. 18(a) and (c). Note that the
normal vectors for these four fences are along each of the four cardinal directions, and that they all start
at time 0 and continue for the same amount of time. After 215 seconds, these fences reach the lines shown
by the square in the middle of the plots. The second set of four fences exactly overlap the first four at this
moment, but have different velocities, so the safe square seamlessly moves off in a different direction, and
the first set of fences is no longer in existence to impede travel.
Discussion The results were successful algorithmically, in that the fences appeared in the correct real-world
locations at the desired times, but were less successful from a herding standpoint. The absolute position
trace shows that the general motion of the people was along the desired corridor, as in Fig. 18(a). However
from the paddocks perspective, the people spend very little time within its bounds, as seen in Fig. 18(b).
This may be biased by the experimenters walking in the general direction of the virtual paddock motion.
One benefit of this experiment was that the subjects were able to verbalize their feelings about the
system. Primarily, they felt that the resolution of the stimulus gradient was insufficient to be of assistance.
Also, they tended to be inquisitive, actively exploring the acceptable boundaries of their space. Together
with relatively high walking speeds (averaging over 0.5 m/s) they were able to move a large distance between
sounds and were unable to relocate the virtual paddock. We believe that with a more appropriate stimulus
(such as Anderson’s stimulus for cows [3]) that this can be overcome.
5 Conclusion
In this paper we have introduced the concept of a virtual fence, a device which applies a stimulus to an animal
as a function of its pose with respect to one or more fencelines. The fence algorithm is implemented by a small
position-aware computer device worn by the animal, which we refer to as a Smart Collar. We have described
a simulator based on potential fields and stateful animal models whose parameters are informed by field
observations and track data obtained from the Smart Collar. We have observed the effect of sound stimuli
on the animals but have had difficulties due to habituation, and the option of electric shock stimulus has
not been available to us. Field implementations of static virtual fencelines have been tested and despite the
limitations of sound stimuli, a change in behaviour was observable. Dynamic virtual fences were implemented
and tested on human subjects which gave some interesting perspectives which we cannot get from animal
Our approach to modeling animal behavior is based on animal behavior literature, our limited empirical
observations of cow behaviors, and our discussions with cattle farmers and experts from the USDA and from
Heytesbury Beef, Australia This simple model has proved to be effective. However, in the future we would
like to use the animal tracking data to establish more accurate behavior models and parameter.
Our future work has a number of different directions and different locations. We will work with researchers
at the USDA in New Mexico to trial the dynamic virtual fence concept. In Australia we are trialling a new
collar [26] which is a variant of a Mote sensor network device, comprising an AVR microprocessor, 433MHz
radio link, GPS, 3-axis acceleration, 3-axis magnetic field and temperature, programmable in TinyOS and
with the ability to hold considerable amounts of data in an MMC flash memory card, see Figure 19. We
also wish to take animal position data and extract information about herd social structure and dynamics.
This will permit more significant grounding of this work on real data which will lead to new and improved
models. These models will lead to a better understanding of cattle behavior and control at the individual and
group level, which has the potential to impact not only the cattle industry, but more broadly, agriculture.
By controlling grazing patterns, there will likely be an ecological impact as the land will be more carefully
There are many people we would like to thank for assisting us in this work. Simon Holmes a Court inspired
us to think about this problem and and has given us great technical insights into cows and herding. Steve
Petty of Heytesbury Beef Australia and the staff at Pigeon Hole station showed great hospitality and pro-
vided valuable discussion and suggestions. We especially thank Steven, Kerry and Paul at Cobb Hill for
their assistance and enthusiasm and the use of their cows for these experiments. We thank Lorie Loeb for
facilitating our work at Cobb Hill Farms. We also received some valuable cow domain knowledge from Bud
and Eunice William’s Stockmanship School (stockmanship.com) who teach low-stress cow herding control
to farmers. Tom Temple assembled the cow collars. Jenni Groh provided invaluable advice on the exper-
imental procedure. The experimental part of this work has been done under protocol assurance A3259-01
given by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Dartmouth College. Dean Anderson
of USDA Agricultural Research Service at the Jornada Test Range in New Mexico has been very helpful in
discussions regarding virtual fencing. Dave Swain of CSIRO Livestock Industry has been a keen supporter
of the ongoing Australian cattle tracking experiments.
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