BLDG 2007 Renovation MCB Quantico: Mica Plates

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DATE: 3/5/2019
Subcontractor: Ronco Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Architect :
Phone: 301-868-6220
Fax: 301-868-1620
Bldg 2007 Renovation MCB
Project: Quantico Elec. / Mech. Engineer: Summer Consultants

File # Contact:
General Contractor: C.E. R., Inc. Phone: 703-556-8820

Owner: Department of the Navy
Contacts: Fred O'Neal Contact:
Phone: 410-247-9096 Fax:


Southern Insulation
Supplier: Manufacturer:
Phone: Phone:
Fax: referenced Specification 23 07 00
Contact: Contact:
Item description:
Referenced Specification
MICA PLATES Section(s):



I certify that this submittal has

been reviewed, checked, and
approved for compliance with
the Contract Documents and all
dimensions, conditions and
quantities are verified as shown
and/or corrected on these drawings.
Signed: Date:

Company Name:__Ronco Mechanical Contractors, Inc._______


Page 2 QUANTICO 2007

Specification SD
Section Specification Title description Item
Thermal Insulation
For Mechanical Shop MICA
23 07 00 Systems drawings plates

See attached MICA plates: Attached are MICA Plates from the latest edition, 8th edition (2016). MICA Plates listed in
these specifications for fittings are old Plate numbers. We have listed the old Plate number for reference.

1-100 Pre-formed Pipe Insulation. For fiberglass pipe insulation (used on domestic hot water, how water heating and
chilled water pipe, per 23 07 00, Table 2).

1-200 Flexible Foam Pipe Insulation. For elastomeric insulation (used on condensate drain pipe and domestic cold water
pipe, per 23 07 00, Table 2). This is submitted as the shop drawing for these systems.

1-610 Clevis Hanger – High Density Inserts. 2” pipe size and larger will be detail B. See notes on this MICA Plate for
concerns. Typical installation for trapeze hangers. Reference 23 07 00 This is submitted as the shop drawing
for these systems.

2-130 Field- or Factory- Fabricated Valve Insulation. This replaces old MICA Plate #14. Reference 23 07 00 This
is submitted as the shop drawing for these systems. This is similar to flange insulation references as old MICA Plate #17.

2-200 Flexible Foam Fittings. For elastomeric insulation (used on condensate drain pipe and domestic cold water pipe,
per 23 07 00, Table 2) This is submitted as the shop drawing for these systems. Pipe Tees are similar.

2-500 PVC/Insert Elbow Insulation System. This replaces old MICA Plate number 12. Reference 23 07 00 This is
submitted as the shop drawing for these systems.

3-100 Flexible Fibrous Blanket Duct wrap. For insulating specified ducts listed in 23 07 00 3.3.1 Table 4, and This
is submitted as the shop drawing for these systems. Note that MICA Plate states to use adhesive and mechanical
fasteners shown. Manufacturer state it is not necessary or desirable to adhere duct wrap to duct with adhesive (this
reduces the efficiency of the fiberglass). Specification calls for spacing of fasteners in 23 07 00 and c.

3-120 Rigid Board Duct Insulation. For insulating specified ducts listed in 23 07 00 3.3.1 Table 4, and This is
submitted as the shop drawing for these systems. Note that MICA Plate states to use adhesive and mechanical fasteners
shown. Adhesive is not called for in specification for board type insulation. MICA Plate material 7. Jacketing, is not called
for in specification.

4-120 Flexible Foam for Low Temperature Equipment. For insulating Chill Pumps, Expansion Tanks, Air Separators, and
Chemical Feeds; Hot Pumps and Air Separators; per 23 07 00 3.4.2. This is submitted as the shop drawing for these
items. Insulation shown in this MICA Plate shows sealing the insulation around the pump. We will comply with the Old
MICA Plate #49 and as described in 23 07 00

49 (old) Removable and Reusable Insulation- Elastomeric with Metal Frame. For insulating pumps per 23 07 00 3.4.2
Table 4, and
Page 3 QUANTICO 2007

Section Specification Title SD description Item Paragraph
Thermal Insulation
for Mechanical
23 07 00 Systems Shop drawings Pipe Insul. 2.4

Pipe insulation shop drawings are referenced on Page 4 (Shop Drawings). These are MICA Plates 1-100, 1-200, 1-610,

2-130, 2-200, 2-500.

Plate 1-100
Pre-formed Pipe Insulation
Single Layer Construction

©2016 MICA

Submittal Data

Pipe insulation will be Knauf or Manville fiberglass pipe insulation with factory applied ASJ
jacket. Thickness and service will be per 23 07 00 Table 2.

Section 8 — 8th edition 2016 — mica national insulation standards 48

Plate 1-200
Flexible Foam Pipe Insulation


©2016 MICA

Submittal Data

Insulation will be Armaflex or Insul-Tube elastomeric insulation, thickness and service per
23 07 00 Table 2.

Contact adhesive will be Armaflex 520 adhesive.

Section 8 — 8th edition 2016 — mica national insulation standards 52

Plate 1-610
Clevis Hanger – High Density Inserts

2 6
7 3 3

©2016 MICA
C 4

Submittal Data

Spec 23 07 00 states to use 180 degree insert. Therefore detail A above is N/A.
This is for piping larger than 2".

Several problems arise from this installation. 1) the specified cellular glass is manufactured
at a thickness that is not consistant with the specified and allowable elastomeric insulation.
2) the adhesion between materials will not hold and the vapor barrier cannot be achieved.
We propose to use the allowable wood dowels or blocks, stated in this paragraph, as the
solution to these problems.

Section 8 — 8th edition 2016 — mica national insulation standards 62

Fittings, Etc.
Plate 2-130
Field- or Factory-Fabricated Valve Insulation


2 5

4 7
A 10 B

©2016 MICA

Submittal Data

Installation shown. Materials will be the same as the adjacent pipe insulation stated in
MICA Plate 1-100.

Section 8 — 8th edition 2016 — mica national insulation standards 94

Plate 2-200

Fittings, Etc.
Flexible Foam Fittings: 90’s and 45’s

Flexible foam fitting insulation systems may be fabricated using a contact

adhesive to seal the miters or pieces together to form a 90-degree elbow
or 45-degree elbow. The elbows shown illustrate the applications of this
insulation system on weld or sweat fittings.

These systems are limited to the temperature limits of the materials used.

Detail A — Stove Pipe / Two-Piece Miter

Detail B — Mitered

Detail C — Contoured

Materials: Preformed or sheet flexible foam insulation, contact adhesive, and

protective coating.
1. 90- or 45-degree fitting.
2. Flexible foam insulation.
3. Mitered or contoured segments sealed together with contact adhesive.
4. Protective coating where required.

* Vapor stop required for below ambient conditions (see Plate 2-660).

97 mica national insulation standards — 8th edition 2016 — Section 8

Fittings, Etc.
Plate 2-200
Flexible Foam Fittings: 90’s and 45’s

4 4

1 1
4 3



©2016 MICA

Submittal Data

Installation shown. Materials will be the same as the adjacent pipe insulation stated in MICA
Plate 1-200.

Section 8 — 8th edition 2016 — mica national insulation standards 98

Fittings, Etc.
Plate 2-500
PVC/Insert Insulation System

3 4
2 2

©2016 MICA

Submittal Data

Fitting covers will be Proto PVC fitting covers with factory supplied fiberglass inserts for use
on fiberglass systems.

PVC fitting covers will be used over pre molded cellular glass fittings where applicable.

No PVC covers will be used on elastomeric insulation systems.

Section 8 — 8th edition 2016 — mica national insulation standards 116

Page 4 QUANTICO 2007

Specification SD
Section Specification Title description Item Paragraph
Thermal Insulation
For Mechanical Shop
23 07 00 Systems drawings Duct Insul. 2.5

Duct insulation shop drawings are referenced on Page 4 (Shop Drawings). These are MICA Plates 3-100, 3-120.
Plate 3-100

Ducts, Plenums, and Housings

Flexible Fibrous Blanket Duct Insulation

Hot and cold air ducts may be insulated using flexible fibrous blanket
insulation. Applications generally require no additional ­f inish beyond the
factory-applied vapor-retarder jacket.

Detail A — Rectangular.

Detail B — Round or oval.

Materials: Flexible blanket of glass or mineral fiber insulation, vapor-retarder

tape or mastic, adhesive and mechanical ­fasteners. Follow manufacturers’
recommended stretch-out schedule to avoid compression of the insulation
to achieve required installed “R-values”. (See table below.)
1. Duct.
2. Insulation.
3. Lap.
4. Mechanical fasteners.
5. Vapor-retarder tape or mastic.
6. Lap adhesive or outward clinch staples (optional).
7. Adhesive to adhere insulation to duct (optional).

Duct Wrap Stretch-outs:

Labeled Compressed
Thickness (in) Thickness (in) Round Square Rectangular
1 0.75 P+7.0” P+6.0” P+5.0”
11/2 1.125 P+9.5” P+8.0” P+7.0”
2 1.50 P+12.0” P+10.0” P+8.0”
21/3 1.75 P+13.0” P+11.0” P+8.5”
3 2.25 P+17.0” P+14.5” P+11.5”

139 mica national insulation standards — 8th edition 2016 — Section 8

Ducts, Plenums, and Housings
Plate 3-100
Flexible Fibrous Blanket Duct Insulation


A 2

©2016 MICA

B 2
Submittal Data

Thickness and service will be per 23 07 00 Table 4. Item #4 is for mechanical fasteners.
Specification 23 07 states the spacing of these fasteners.

Section 8 — 8th edition 2016 — mica national insulation standards 140

Plate 3-120

Ducts, Plenums, and Housings

Rigid Board, Wrap-around, and Pre-formed Duct
Insulation (Exposed)

Rigid board duct insulation may be specified for exposed rectangular ducts
plenums and housings. Rigid wrap-around and pre-formed pipe insulation
may be specified for exposed round and oval ducts. Outdoor installations
require a weather-barrier jacketing in addition to the factory-applied jacketing
used on indoor exposed applications. Types of jackets available include
metal, plastic, or flexible membranes. Choice of jacket is dependent upon
the mechanical abuse, weather exposure and appearance requirements of
the installation.

Bends or sweeps of round ductwork may be treated with mitered segments

of pipe covering as illustrated in Plate 2-110, or with flexible insulation as
illustrated in Plate 2-500.

Detail A — Rectangular.

Detail B — Round or oval.

Materials: Rigid duct insulation, vapor-retarder tape or mastic, adhesive,

mechanical fasteners, and jacketing.
1. Duct.
2. Insulation.
3. Adhesive (optional).
4. Mechanical fasteners.
5. Vapor-retarder tape or mastic.
6. Jacketing (factory applied).
7. Jacketing (field applied).

141 mica national insulation standards — 8th edition 2016 — Section 8

Ducts, Plenums, and Housings
Plate 3-120
Rigid Board, Wrap-around, and Pre-formed Duct
Insulation (Exposed)


3 2


©2016 MICA

Submittal Data

Materials will be Knauf or Manville fiberglass board insulation with factory applied ASJ
facing. Thickness and service will be per 23 07 00 Table 4.

Vapor-retarder tape will be Venture Tape matching the facing.

Material note #3 is for adhesive. Specification do not call for adhesive.

Material note #7 is for jacketing. Specification do not call for field applied jacketing.

Section 8 — 8th edition 2016 — mica national insulation standards 142

Page 5 QUANTICO 2007

Specification SD
Section Specification Title description Item Paragraph
Thermal Insulation
For Mechanical Shop Equipment
23 07 00 Systems drawings Insul. 2.6

Equipment insulation shop drawings are referenced on Page 4 (Shop Drawings). These are MICA Plates 4-120 and old
MICA Plate #49.
Plate 4-120

Vessels, Tanks, and Equipment

Small Diameter Vessels & Exhaust Pipe Insulation

Hot vessels, tanks, exchangers, round breechings and exhaust ducts

having outside diameters of less than 30” (750 mm) can be insulated with
large radius pipe insulation covering materials. High rib metal lath may
be applied on installations over 450°F (268°C) as shown on Plate 3-130.
Alternate methods are the application of rigid blocks or mitered segments
as illustrated on Plate 3-140.

Detail A — Vertical application on vessel

Detail B — Horizontal application on tube exchanger

Materials: Rigid pipe insulation segments, discs of rigid block, fill insulation,
jacketing, mechanical fasteners, and bands.
1. Vessel wall.
2. Insulation support ring.
3. Insulation.
4. Disk of rigid insulation cut to fit over head and inside pipe insulation.
5. Loose fill insulation (optional).
6. Jacketing.
7. Mechanical fasteners.
8. Bands.
9. Nozzle. (See Plate 4-600)
10. Insulation cut or beveled away from flanges for bolt removal. Finish as
required for temperature and exposure.

* Vapor stop required for below ambient conditions (see Plate 4-660).

169 mica national insulation standards — 8th edition 2016 — Section 8

Vessels, Tanks, and Equipment
Plate 4-120
Small Diameter Vessels & Exhaust Pipe Insulation
A 5

6 10 3 10


7 9 1 8 7 B

©2016 MICA
Submittal Data

Material will be Armaflex or Insul-Sheet elastomeric insulation, 1" thick, per 23 07 00 table

Material notes #6 through #10 do not apply.

Vapor stop note does not apply because all insulation will be sealed. Plate 4-660 not

Section 8 — 8th edition 2016 — mica national insulation standards 170

Per spec 23 07 00

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