Nigeria Cloud Computing Policy: National Information Technology Development Agency (Nitda) August, 2019

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Nigeria Cloud Computing Policy

National Information Technology Development Agency


August, 2019
Nigeria Cloud Computing Policy Release V1.2

POLICY HISTORY .................................................................................................................... 3
POLICY METADATA ............................................................................................................... 3
DEFINITION.............................................................................................................................. 5
1.0 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................. 8
1.2 CHALLENGES .................................................................................................................... 8
2.0 AUTHORITY ................................................................................................................. 9
3.0 SCOPE OF POLICY AND ADOPTION ......................................................................... 9
4.0 POLICY GOAL AND OBJECTIVE ............................................................................... 9
5.0 NATIONAL CLOUD COMPUTING POLICY: KEY FACTS .................................... 11
5.1 “Cloud First” Policy Thrust ............................................................................................ 12
5.2 Rationale for Adoption of the “Cloud First” Policy ........................................................ 13
5.3 Expected Outcomes of Migration to the Cloud ................................................................ 14
7.0 PROCUREMENT ......................................................................................................... 17
8.0 INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF CLOUD COMPUTING .................................. 18
9.0 DATA CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................... 19
10.0 INFORMATION SECURITY ....................................................................................... 22
11.0 INTEROPERABILITY REQUIREMENTS................................................................... 23
12.0 CONSUMER PROTECTION........................................................................................ 24
13.0 SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS (SLAS) ................................................................. 25
14.0 MIGRATION TO THE CLOUD ................................................................................... 25
15.0 AUDITS........................................................................................................................ 27
16.0 CLOUD CERTIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 27
17.0 WORKFORCE AND SKILLS ...................................................................................... 27
18.0 VENDOR LOCK-IN ..................................................................................................... 29
19.0 DATA WITHDRAWAL ............................................................................................... 29
20.0 NATIONAL CLOUD COMPUTING GOVERNANCE ................................................ 29
21.0 ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES ............................................................................... 31
POLICY ................................................................................................................................... 31
23.0 PROGRAMS FOR CLOUD COMPUTING IMPLEMENTATION ............................... 32
24.0 EFFECTIVE DATE ...................................................................................................... 32

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S/N Author Version Release Change Details

No Date
1. NITDA 1.0 April, 2019 First Draft Review by NITDA
2. NITDA 1.1 May, 2019 Second Review by Stakeholders
3. NITDA 1.2 July, 2019 Third Review by Stakeholders &


S/N Data Elements Values

1. Title National Cloud Computing Policy
Title Alternative NGEA
2. Document Identifier NIG-NITDA.13
3. Document Version, month, year of Version 1.2; August, 2019
4. Publisher National Information Technology
Development Agency (NITDA)
5. Type of Regulation Document Policy
(Standard/ Policy/ Technical Specification/
Best Practice
/Guideline / Framework /Policy
6. Enforcement Category Recommended
7. Owner of approved regulation NITDA
8. Target Audience A Public Institutions (including Local, State
and Federal Government); ICT
Product/Service Providers for public
institutions; SMEs for public institution;
Professional Bodies; Development Partners;
and General Public.

9. Copyrights NITDA
10. Format PDF
(PDF/A at the time of release of final
11. Subject (Major area of Standardization) Cloud Computing

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The country socio-economic activities and businesses are increasingly dependent on

Information Communication Technology (ICT). The need to make these computing
resources available and accessible is critical to the country’s continuous growth and
sustainable development. The country’s Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP)
recognizes information technologies as an enabler for promoting a digital-led growth.
Digital-led growth cannot happen except the country has policy direction peculiar to
her environment for supporting the government and SMEs to acquire and deploy
computing resources in the most efficient manner.

Cloud Computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network

access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers,
storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with
minimal management effort or service interaction.

Adoption of Cloud Computing policy by Nigerian Government will lead to capital costs
reduction, improved responsiveness to citizens’ or customers’ needs, increased
transparency and enhanced public service delivery. In addition, cloud computing
adoption will also support Small Medium Enterprise (SMEs) that provide IT-enabled
services to the government cross the barrier of initial IT capital investments and
ensure there is a provision suitable for cloud procurement in the country’s
procurement requirements. This will facilitate creation of new set of jobs and add
value to the economy.

Therefore, the Nigeria Cloud Computing Policy (NCCP) is promoting “Cloud First” as
a proposition to Federal Public Institutions (FPIs) and SMEs as an efficient way of
acquiring and deploying computing resources for better and improved quality of
digital services.

Dr Isa Ali Ibrahim (Pantami), PhD, FNCS, FBCS, FIIM

Director General/CEO,
National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA)
August, 2019.

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Small Medium and Enterprises (SMEs): refers to enterprises which have an

annual turnover not exceeding Five Hundred Thousand Naira (N500,000).

Public Institutions (PIs): means Ministries, Departments, Extra-Ministerial

Departments and Agencies of Government at Federal, State and Area Council levels.

Federal Public Institutions (FPIs): means Ministries, Departments, Extra-

Ministerial Departments and Agencies of Government at the Federal level.

Cloud Computing: refers to computing model for ubiquitous, convenient, on-

demand and real time network access pool of configurable and rapidly provisioned
computing resources (networks, servers, storage, applications and services among
others) required by and available to FPIs and SMEs to carry out their businesses and

Cloud First Policy: refers to the Federal Government of Nigeria’s strong

commitment and support for cloud computing service adoption, especially from a
local cloud service providers, as a first choice consideration while deploying and
accessing computing resources in the public sector and by the SMEs that provide
computing services to the public sector.

Government Data: Data produced or commissioned by government or government

controlled entities.

Federal Open Data Initiative: refers to an initiative of the Federal Government

through the Federal Ministry of Communications (FMC) aimed at ensuring substantial
amount of public and non-sensitive data is released and used through digital
platforms for the creation of innovative digital services that promote the country’s
social-economic development.

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Cloud Migration: refers to the process of moving data, applications, hardware,

software, network infrastructure and/or other business elements and services to a
cloud computing environment.

Cloud Adoption: refers to the process or strategy that provides incentives for the
public institutions and SMEs to use the cloud computing for their computing
requirements in way that is efficient and sustainable.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): connotes the creation of intelligent objects that work
and react like humans to carry out certain tasks meant for intelligent beings without
human intervention.

Machine Learning (ML): connotes algorithm and programming that provides AI the
ability to detect patterns in the data presented by smart systems, so as to learn from
these patterns and improve actions from experience without human intervention

Internet of Things (IoTs): refers to the combination of concepts and technologies

for embedding computer systems and the internet into all the artifacts/physical things
in the real world in order to automatically collect, communicate and exchange data
with one another through digital platforms. The digital platforms have ability to
analyse the data and assist humans in automatic decision-making and action-taking

Virtualization: refers to the concepts and technologies that allow creation of a

virtual version of a device or resource, such as server, storage device, network or
operating system through a framework that divides the resource into one or more
execution environments

Encryption: refers to a process of converting data or information into a code to

prevent unauthorised access by human and/or computer systems.

On-premise: refers to computer systems that are located within the physical
confines of Federal Public Institutions and SMEs in Nigeria.

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Cloud Service Providers (CSPs): refer to local and/or international cloud

computing service providers rendering service to FPIs and SMEs in Nigeria.

Cloud Consulting Service Providers (CCSP): refer to local cloud computing

company or individual professional proving cloud computing consulting services to
FPIs and SMEs in Nigeria.

Virtual Machine: refers to a software program or operating system that exhibits the
behaviour of a separate computer and capable of performing tasks such as running
applications and programs.

Vendor lock-in: refers to a situation in which FPI or SME using the cloud product or
service of a cloud service provider cannot easily transition to competitor’s cloud
product or service.

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The Nigerian Government is determined to foster the growth of the local ICT industry,
significantly improve business continuity and quality of service delivery in the public
sector. This policy contributes to this goal by enabling Nigerian Government (or public
sector) access to cloud computing and other technologies enabled by the cloud, such
as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning or the Internet of Things among others.
This is essential for the creation of an environment that spurs development and
innovation in an organic way.

Implementation of this policy will require proactive strategy to help government

departments integrate cloud capabilities quickly and efficiently. This policy represents
a significant step aiming to drive greater uptake of cloud services in the public sector
by adopting a “cloud-first” to promote a better approach to infrastructural
investments and efficient IT deployment in the public sector.


Cloud computing is a mature and stable technology and tool for commoditizing
computing resources. The “cloud first” drive is aimed at addressing the challenges of
acquiring and deploying IT systems in the public sector and by SMEs that provide IT-
enabled services to the government. Even though IT systems of some Federal Public
Institutions (FPIs) have significantly advanced individually, some are still struggling
to effectively digitize their operations due to lack of resources for acquiring and
deploying appropriate computing resources. On the other hand, there is no deliberate
plan or incentive by the government to ease business environment for local CSPs in
Nigeria. Therefore, the Nigeria Cloud Computing Policy is to address the duo
categories of challenges.

The specific challenges being experienced currently by majority of public institutions

and SMEs, among others are:

1. High cost of IT investments and poor sustainability of IT projects.

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2. shadow IT environment that is tough to manage, difficult to operate and nearly

impossible to secure;
3. Inefficient and un-scalable IT environment;
4. Poor interoperability of IT systems and inability to effectively share information
and IT resources;
5. Highly competitive environment and lack of enabling business environment for
local CSPs


The Nigeria Computing Cloud Policy is issued pursuant to Section 6 (a) (b) (c) and
(i) of the National Information Technology Development Act 2007. The Act mandates
NITDA to issue policies, frameworks, standards and guidelines for the development
of IT industry in Nigeria. In view of the above, NITDA hereby issues the Policy titled
“Nigeria Cloud Computing Policy” to promote adoption of Cloud Computing by the
Government and SMEs. NITDA will work with relevant stakeholders to create enabling
environment for its adoption and supervise the implementation of this policy across
Federal Public Intuitions.


The Policy is applicable to all Federal Public Institutions, Public Institutions at the
State and Local Government levels. The Policy shall also apply to all corporations fully
or partially owned by the Federal Government in Nigeria, as data generated by these
intuitions constitute data that is regarded as “Government Data”.

The Nigerian Cloud Policy is issued to support government in having access to

efficient IT resources that enables the public sector improve its quality of service
delivery. Having access to IT resources encourages an increase in Information
Technology investments.


The goal of this Policy is to ensure a 30% increase in adoption of cloud computing by
2024 among Federal Public Institutions (FPIs) and SMEs that provide digital-enabled

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services to the government. The policy also targets 35% growth in cloud computing
investments by 2024.
In specific, the cloud computing policy is to achieve the following objectives by 2024:
1. enabling environment for the private sector to increase cloud computing
infrastructure investments by 35%;
2. clear direction and programs that ensure attainment of 30% increase in cloud
adoption and migration by the public sector and SMEs that provide service for the
government; and
3. enabling and competitive business environment for Nigerian cloud service
providers (CPS) and/or cloud consulting service providers (CCSP) to operate
efficiently and profitably in the cloud market place.

This policy will also serve as useful guidance to the private sector as it continues to
undertake digital transformation, the policy however acknowledges that the private
sector has adopted cloud to varying degrees across sectors and therefore encouraged
to continue utilizing the cloud for IT deployment.

The objectives of this policy are to develop an ongoing and iterative programme of
work which will enable the use of a range of cloud services, as well as changes in the
way ICT is procured and operated, throughout the Nigerian public sector. The Policy
also aims to create an enabling environment for more investment in Cloud
infrastructure and platforms.

Upon the publication of this policy, Nigerian public-sector entities shall prioritise the
procurement of cloud-based information and communication technologies (ICTs),
whenever possible. This will apply to infrastructure, hardware, software, information
security, licensing, storage, and provision of data, as well as services like security,
development, virtualisation, databases or any kind of technology where a cloud-
based offer is essentially equivalent to other kinds of technological solutions. This will
allow the Nigerian government to reduce the cost of government ICT by eliminating
duplication and fragmentation and will lead by example in using cloud services to
reduce costs, lift productivity and develop better services.

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This policy applies regardless of whether the ICT solution under procurement is
destined for end users in government service, for citizen use, or for government data
centre needs.


The National Cloud Policy is hinged on the following facts:

i. Implementation of the country’s Economic Recovery and Growth Plan

(ERGP) cannot be achieved without efficient deployment of computing and
digital resources. Specifically, the ERGP recognises the need to promote
digital-led growth by ensuring there is increased contribution of ICT and
ICT-enabled activities to GDP through significant expansion of broadband,
increase in e-government and establishment of ICT clusters. Cloud
computing in Public institutions and SMEs that provide service to the
government can leverage cloud to enhance digital-led growth.

ii. Understanding the value that cloud computing can have in enabling
efficiency, transparency, and security of public sector information and
communication technology operations, in line with the spirit of the National
Digital Agenda 2020, the National ICT Policy and the National Cybersecurity

iii. The Federal Government is promoting Open Data Initiative aimed at

ensuring substantial amount of public data is released for transparency
purpose and creation of innovative digital services that will add value to the
country socio-economic development. The best and fundamental
technology to promoting Open Data is Cloud adoption.

iv. The need to lower business or market entrance barrier for SMEs by creating
an enabling environment for them to safely adopt cloud computing. This
ensures there is considerable reduction in capital cost due to the need to
pay upfront costs for IT infrastructure including hardware, software and
associated maintenance;

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v. Implementation of Nigerian Government Enterprise Architecture (NGEA) at

the infrastructure and security layers is largely dependent on Cloud
Computing friendly environment;

vi. Recognising the need to increase the quality of the services provided by the
public sector by incorporating information and communication technologies,
simplifying procedures, facilitating the reengineering of processes and
offering citizens the possibility of improving electronic access to
personalised and coherent information and public services; and

vii. The view of NITDA (and other agencies) is that cloud computing is well
suited to meet the needs of government ICT operations, from the
perspective of on-demand access to computing resources, efficiency and
considerably in reduction in the burden of technology management.

5.1 “Cloud First” Policy Thrust

To reap the full benefits of cloud computing, the Nigerian government is adopting
this “cloud-first” policy thrust for public-sector Institutions and Government owned
corporations. The cloud-first policy thrust is to also encourage adoption of cloud by
SMEs to ensure they are able to provide quality, reliable and secure services to the
public sector. The policy expressly articulates the government’s support for cloud
adoption by public-sector agencies, creating a presumption that entities shall
consider cloud solutions before any other options. By this policy the government
also encourages SMEs to adopt a cloud-first policy in providing service to the

The Policy is also designed to support the migration of government data to the cloud
to drive efficiency in the operations of government and enable optimal public service
delivery. It is however envisaged that pace for migration to cloud may be dictated by
the availability of budgets for acquiring technology, capacity development and change
management within the different agencies of Government.

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NOTE: The Nigeria Cloud Computing policy provides strong consideration for
Indigenous CSPs while implementing the “Cloud First” Policy Thrust except where
cloud requirements or capabilities by PIs or SMEs do not exist locally.

On the other hand, the Nigeria Cloud Computing policy will ensure the cloud service
provision in Nigeria is highly competitive.

5.2 Rationale for Adoption of the “Cloud First” Policy

The adoption of the cloud allows even the smallest department in the public sector
to count on the same quality of IT services as a larger one. Cloud adoption is also
key to saving cost and energy as hyper-scale computing is more efficient than
individual servers and data centres proliferation. Government adoption of cloud
services help advance clean energy goals and reduce energy consumption. This
brings with it the potential to open doors to better, faster, and lower-cost services
for citizens.

Among others, cloud computing could bring the following advantages to the Nigerian

i. Reduced Capital Cost: Cloud computing adoption reduces initial capital cost of
IT infrastructure and other computing resources as well as personnel training
for public sector agencies and SMEs.

ii. Efficiency: Efficient technology resources can be contracted on a “pay as you

use” basis and is a cost-efficient option for public sector agencies.

1. Quality of Service and Business Continuity: : On-demand self-provisioning

characteristics of the Cloud would enhance quality of digital services and ensure
there is less downtime for public service delivery.

iii. Transparency and accountability: It enables continuous open access to

government information and data anytime and anywhere for both citizens and
businesses, leading to increased engagement and participation, as well as
fostering trust.

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iv. Digital Service Innovation: Cloud computing allows for new features to be
continuously deployed, while the costs are amortised across a global service
customer base. New technologies such as social media, mobile platforms, and
analytics tools are all available through subscriptions and enhance e-citizen

v. Elasticity: Commoditised services can grow and shrink with the level of
demand; consumers pay only for what is needed to attain resources, and only
for allotted time.

vi. Information security: Cloud-service providers hold internationally-recognised

security certifications that are assessed by third-party security professionals.
Cloud computing resolves information security challenges that public
institutions face by providing world-class, round-the-clock monitoring and
response, as well as systems designed from the ground up to only deliver data
to authorised personnel and to stop attacks before they are successful.
Because many cloud computing providers have advanced security features,
citizen data in the cloud can be at least as, or even more secure than data in
traditional on-premises solutions.

5.3 Expected Outcomes of Migration to the Cloud

The expected outcomes of Public Institutions in Nigeria migrating to the cloud

i. Response to public sector’s need for efficient service delivery and digital
transformation: Government agencies will be able to leverage services on the
cloud to provide improved responsiveness to citizens’ needs and increased
transparency. This includes the ability to provide better healthcare, social
amenities justice, public safety, and education services.

Ø From a public-sector perspective, the implementation of cloud services

facilitates access to resources and the analysis of large data sets in order
to arrive at actionable results.

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ii. Local industry development, including SMEs: Cloud technologies will create a
competitive advantage in favour of small to medium enterprises (SMEs) that
drive the Nigerian economy and provide computing service to the Government.

Ø By adopting cloud technology, SMEs hold immense potential for

generating employment opportunities, development of indigenous
technology, diversification of the economic and forward-integration with
established sectors such as banking, telecommunication, oil and gas
among others.

iii. Saved resources: Migrating to the cloud can help streamline processes in many
public institutions in Nigeria. Systems are too dispersed among organisations,
creating inherent inefficiencies in the national public IT architecture. Instead
of consolidating these services under a central government platform, which
may be too rigid to meet the needs of individual organisations’ applications,
contracting cloud services can both drive efficiencies and enhance the
customisation of IT service solutions. Also, cost savings will be expressed

Ø Finance: Government budgets are constantly scrutinised and reduced;

more efficient technology resources that can be procured on a ‘as
needed basis;
Ø Time: by ensuring that the IT services have high levels of uptime and
availability, and importantly, public sector agencies will not be forced to
delay work due to IT outages.

iv. Opportunities to better manage human resources: Qualified IT professionals

are a scarce resource in Nigeria and around the world. Using those resources
to handle routine issues like server maintenance, patching, and other low-level
support activities is wasteful of their training, experience, and talent. By
moving these process-oriented tasks to cloud service providers, public
institutions can invest in their human resources to re-train them for value-
adding skills and activities, such as customised application development and
innovative services.

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The policy recognizes three basic kinds of cloud computing service offerings or cloud
based service models as :

i. Software as a Service (SaaS): where the consumer uses the provider’s

applications running on cloud infrastructure. These applications are accessible
from various client devices through a thin client interface such as a web
browser (e.g. web-based email) or a program interface. Fundamentally, the
consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure
including network, servers, operating systems, storage or individual
application capabilities, with the possible exception of limited user-specific
application configuration settings. Examples of use includes efficient tools such
as accounting, email, and document management tools.

ii. Platform as a Service (PaaS): PaaS capability is provided to consumer is a

pre-installed cloud infrastructure platform such as relational database
environment, Java development etc. PaaS solution provides the platform for
developers to create unique, customizable software. The cloud infrastructure
is consumer-created or acquired applications created using programming
languages, libraries, services and tools supported by the provider. The
consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure
including networking, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control
over the deployed applications and possibly application hosting environment
configurations. Examples include databases, programming environments, and
video teleconferencing tools.

iii. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): The consumer can provision processing,

storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources where the con-
sumer is able to deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include operating
systems and applications. The consumer does not manage or control the
underlying cloud infrastructure, but has control over operating systems,
storage, deployed applications, and possibly limited control of select

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networking components (such as host firewalls). Examples include networking

storage and virtualisation servers.

Also, the policy recognises three internationally well-known deployment models for
cloud services:

ii. Private cloud: Cloud infrastructure provisioned for exclusive use by a single
organisation. It is managed and operated by the organisation, a third party, or
some combination of them. It may be located on- or off-premises.

iii. Public cloud: Cloud infrastructure provisioned for open use by the general
public. It may be owned, managed, and operated by a business, academic, or
government organisation, or some combination of them. It exists on the
premises of the cloud provider

iv. Hybrid cloud: Cloud infrastructure which is a composition of two or more

distinct private and public cloud infrastructure, which remain unique entities
but are bound together by standardised or proprietary technology that enables
data and application portability (such as cloud bursting for load balancing
between clouds).


Government procurement is a very relevant aspect for the development of cloud

computing. Traditional purchasing practices and contract terms may hinder the
scalable, cost-effective, and innovative nature of cloud computing.

Agencies will consider the following factors when procuring cloud services:
i. Value for money-to fulfil the intended purpose of the service;
ii. Transitioning from capital budgets to operational expenditure;
iii. Short, medium and long terms impact on finances;
iv. The suitability of service level agreements in relation to the agency specific
v. Cloud Package and subscriptions;
vi. Avoid “vendor lock in;” and

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vii. Market competition.

Whereas typical procurement contracts proceed on a yearly basis, cloud service

contracts are structured on a “pay as you go” basis, which permits Government to
save money by paying for the services actually utilized. Furthermore, the “pay as you
go” approach permits rapid scaling of services and is useful as the computing needs
of an agency fluctuate. In order to ensure these are achieved, Nigerian Government
will have to consider a new procurement regulation specific to cloud purchasing and
services hosted in cloud environments.

NITDA will partner with the Bureau for Public Procurement (BPP) and other critical
stakeholders to establish a “Digital Marketplace” which shall encompass a series of
framework agreements with pre-approved cloud services suppliers and maintain a
database of services in an online portal that can be accessed by procuring entities.
This will guide public-sector organizations to compare and procure those services
without having to do their own full review process. It will also be a way to ensure
price control so as to prevent exploitation of consumers by service providers.
Inclusion in the Digital Marketplace requires a self-attestation of compliance, followed
by a verification performed by NITDA and the BPP.

To be approved, cloud service providers will have to comply with the certification
criteria put forward by NITDA and the BPP. Subsequent to the publication of the
policy, NITDA will provide cloud computing strategy that contains guidance and
framework for public institutions and SMEs on how to evaluate the benefits of cloud
services and how to procure and manage them.


Cloud computing brings to the forefront of the national debate several international
policy issues that need to be addressed over the next years as cloud computing
adoption progresses in the country. Issues to consider include:

1. Data sovereignty and Data access

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NITDA will work together with government entities to find ways to strike the proper
balance between local content requirements, privacy, security and intellectual
property of national data. The need to identify how data is used, secured and
accessed is important and therefore must be considered critically in line with relevant
laws and regulations. Agencies shall consider focusing on access to data when
required. To this end, NITDA will ensure that CSPs provide adequate security and
privacy measures and transparency around data compliance.

2. Cross-Border Data Flows

To the extent that cloud information may be processed or stored in jurisdictions with
privacy and information protection laws different from those in Nigeria, Agencies
must do so in line with requirements of Nigerian Data Protection Regulation and any
other Content Regulation. Federal Public Institutions shall be advised to contract
cloud service providers that will store data in a jurisdiction that provides a level of
personal data protection that is equivalent to that provided in Nigeria. NITDA will
provide guidance to Federal Public Institutions to determine which jurisdictions their
data may transit or be stored in.

3. Cloud computing Codes of Conduct

NITDA will work together with public-sector agencies, industry and non-governmental
organisations in the development of cloud computing codes of conduct, as well as in
monitoring international best practices.


At a higher level, the issues, challenges and risks that different Public Institutions
face in moving to the cloud are quite similar. Federal Public Institutions will likely
have vastly different types of information and that information will contain varying
levels of sensitivity. Data classification provides a tool to determine and assign
relative values to the data they possess.

A simple and clear data classification framework is essential for Public Institutions as
they move to the cloud. This ultimately enables individual decision makers to
understand better what types of data can be stored on each type of system. This

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framework also applies when considering any type of cloud either within or outside
Nigeria as the cost of overprotecting the massive corpus of less sensitive data can be
staggering. A robust data classification framework brings efficiencies, as it allows
government entities to better align costs for bespoke security technology with highly
sensitive information that requires such protection. This ensures that governments
can take advantage of lower cost, commodity products or services for other less
sensitive information. Thus, data classification is an essential tool that governments
leverage to ensure they will be able to gain critical benefits of cloud computing in a
cost-effective way.

During the construction of the framework for cloud migration, each public-sector
agency shall work together with NITDA to identify the types of data the organisation
has and the controls that may be required for migration to cloud services. The data
is then triaged by its sensitivity, with less sensitive data generally being the primary
focus of initial cloud efforts by the public-sector agency. The choice of what specific
cloud solution to procure for different workloads will be linked with its classification
in one of the categories described below, and thus depend on the business need and
the level of security required by the agency. Data will be classified according to the
following categories:

i. Official, public or non-confidential Data (data of limited sensitivity): This is

primarily data that is publicly available and non-sensitive. It is the largest type
of data held by public sector organisations and shall be immediately available
for movement to cloud services. This data shall be made publicly available per
the Nigeria Federal Open Data Initiative and Open Government Partnership

ii. Confidential, routine government business data (data of moderate sensitivity): This
category may include health and financial data about natural persons. This information
can be securely held in a public cloud environment if appropriate safeguards are in place.
It is recommended that internal agency policies are implemented to ensure security of
data. At a minimum this shall include information security awareness training for
employees and contractors, and encryption of this data at rest and in motion. This type

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of data must reside primarily in a cloud framework within the Nigerian territorial
boundary. However, such data can be accessed, used in processing of transactions on
local and international platforms for economic, developmental and policy purposes.

iii. Secret, sensitive government and citizen data: This type of data is related to
natural and juridical persons. This data is classified as “sensitive” because the
loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the data could have serious,
adverse, and material effects on the data subject or related entities. This data
shall be moved to cloud solutions that meet the policies and legal requirements
for sensitivity, including encryption of information at rest and in motion, strong
user authentication, and information security awareness training all those with
access to systems on which the data resides. This type of data must reside
primarily in a cloud framework within the Nigerian territorial boundary.
However, such data can be accessed, used in processing of transactions on
local and international platforms for economic, developmental and policy

iv. Classified or National security information: This type of data is considered

sensitive to national security and thus requires additional safeguards. Security
Services and NITDA will review data deemed national security sensitive to
determine the options for this data type. Exceptions to this policy can be made
for data that NITDA and the public institutions certify are related to legitimate
national security concerns. This type of data can and shall be moved to the
cloud, but requires solutions deemed appropriate for national security
information, including private cloud options. This type of data must reside only
on-premise of the public institutions or collocated or in a cloud within the
Nigerian territorial boundary.

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Figure 1: Data classification


Data classification is often designed hand-in-hand with information security

requirements that are appropriate for managing each level of information.
Information security refers to the protection of information systems against
unauthorised access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction,
primarily by third parties. It is a cloud service provider’s (CSP) obligation to protect
its cloud system and the confidentiality, integrity and availability of its data. A (cloud
services) customer, including all Public Institutions shall make use of cloud services
and select the information security level which best matches their specific needs and
security requirements, and to inform CSPs accordingly. Data classification
requirements may be set out in the internal rules for a government agency or will be
applicable by legislation, regulations, policy or administrative instructions.

Using the same Data Classification framework provided above, for security purposes,
data is classified into 3 levels depending on their level of sensitivity (from 1- least
sensitive, to 3- more sensitive). The higher the level of security, the stricter the
information security requirements for the CSP, such as strong encryption
mechanisms, backups etc.

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Figure 2: Information security levels

In light of the updated data classification framework, agencies will have to reconsider
the sensitivity of the data and if it still requires that government data be kept only
within the Nigerian territory. It is up to the government agencies concerned to ensure
that their use of any Cloud services remains compliant with any such applicable rules,
in addition to those set out in the Regulatory Framework. CSPs do not have the access
or capability to monitor their customers’ data and content, maintaining a strict
adherence to the level of confidentiality that government agencies require.

Government departments are encouraged to seek further guidance from NITDA.

NITDA will retain these frameworks and is empowered to begin consolidating the
experiences of various public-sector organisations into best practices on topics
including but not limited to: data migration, contract negotiation, service level
agreements, and budget management.


Public Institutions shall require interoperability of the components of a cloud

infrastructure to work together to achieve the intended result based on national
interoperability framework such Nigerian e-Government Interoperability Framework
(Ne-GIF) and international standards, such as ISO/IEC 17203:2011. The components
may come from different sources including public and private cloud implementations.
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The components shall be replaceable by new or different components from different

cloud service providers (CSPs) and continue to work, to facilitate the exchange of
data between systems.


NITDA will work on the development of a regulatory framework for the execution of
cloud computing contracts between Public Institutions and Cloud Service Providers
(CSP). This regulatory framework shall ensure that government entities using the
cloud as cloud customers enjoy at least the same rights as those enjoyed by individual
customers, enterprises and other cloud customers.

Among others, the regulatory framework will provide an inclusion in the contracts for
government entities of minimum requirements, such as:
i. CSP adherence to the due diligence process and conformity of public
procurement guidelines/processes;
ii. a description of services to be provided;
iii. the contract’s duration (unless it is of unlimited duration);
iv. payment terms and termination;
v. details on the available Service Level Agreements (SLA);
vi. rules on handling cloud customer data, including their processing, destruction
and restoration;
vii. CSP’s customer care services depending on a particular service offering;
viii. customers’ right to retrieve their data stored in the CSP’s system, if the cloud
contract is terminated; and
ix. limitation of CSPs’ right to exclude their liability unreasonably or to impose
unfair contract terms related, for instance, to any loss of, or damage to,
customer’s data, quality of service degradations such as service unavailability,
or data breaches.
x. Level of cloud security and privacy.

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Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are undertakings that are binding for the service
provider on the service level. Among other things, they stipulate penalties for the
service provider if the contractual undertakings are not fulfilled. They are particularly
important with regards to clauses on data protection (retention period, exercise of
rights of data subjects, availability of processing, etc.).

The provisioning of cloud computing by cloud service providers (CSPs) to government

entities shall be governed by SLAs to specify and clarify performance expectations
and establish accountability. The SLAs shall relate to the provisions in the contract
regarding incentives, penalties, escalation procedures, disaster recovery and
business continuity, and contract cancellation for the protection of the government
entity in the event the CSP failed to meet the required level of performance.

Government entities shall closely monitor the CSP’s compliance with key SLA
provision on the following aspects, among others:

i. availability and timeliness of services;

ii. confidentiality and integrity of data;

iii. change control;

iv. security standards compliance, including vulnerability and penetration


v. business continuity including disaster recovery and contingency plans; and

vi. Help Desk Support


The broad scope and size of the cloud transformation will require a meaningful shift
in how Nigerian public-sector entities think of IT. Those that previously thought of IT
as an investment in on premise applications, servers, and networks will now need to
think of IT in terms of services, commoditised computing resources, aimed at making
computing resources accessible on demand and at a reasonable cost with quality of

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service guaranteed based on the provisions in the cloud service SLA. This new way
of thinking will have a broad impact across the entire IT service lifecycle – from
planning to delivery and operations.

This policy is to be effective upon publication but a 12-month grace period, or at the
earliest, will be permitted for compliance. Thereafter, a recommended gradual
migration up to one year will take effect which requires each public-sector agency to
develop an implementation plan in line with national framework for cloud migration.
The migration plan will prioritize new IT systems to replace legacy systems. In due
time, NITDA will provide strategy for government agencies on the phases and
preparation for migration.

The following structured framework provides a strategic perspective for public-sector

entities to plan for cloud migration:

Figure 3: Cloud Migration Decision framework

Public Institutions shall carefully consider their broad IT portfolios and create
roadmaps for cloud deployment and migration. These roadmaps shall prioritise
services that have high expected value and high readiness to maximise the benefits
received and minimise the delivery risk. Agencies are expected to produce a road
map which will help to determine which skills to retrain among their IT-professionals
in order to mitigate cloud migration risks. The road map will further define exactly
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which cloud services an entity intends to provide or consume as an essential initiation

phase of the road map.


NITDA, directly or through each individual public-sector agency contracting with a

cloud service provider (CSP), may require a CSP to provide satisfactory audit reports
or respond to audit requests. This is meant to ensure that data centre facilities
provide adequate levels of protection for the treatment of public sector information
assets (as determined by their classification under the Data Classification
Framework). NITDA, and certified third-parties will be able to monitor and perform
audits to validate the contractually agreed controls. Unless otherwise indicated, the
audits will occur yearly.


Cloud service providers (CSPs) servicing Public Institutions must be compliant with
the cloud security certification programs that the Nigerian government will establish.

Security certification programs provide visibility and transparency in CSPs’ security

practices. This visibility is achieved through an audit or assessment that a
professional third-party assessment organisation conducts against a security-control
framework. Consumers of the service – such as Public Institutions– can then leverage
these certifications to ensure key security requirements are being met. Among
others, these include:

i. International Standards Organisation ISO 27001

ii. Code of practice for cloud privacy ISO/IEC 27018


The adoption rate of cloud services is directly correlated to the rate at which IT
professionals can acquire cloud skills. It is essential that Nigerian Government
articulates how the transition to the cloud could change the labour requirements for

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FPIs, and how labour resources might be reallocated to enable them provide more
value to its stakeholders and further add value to the Nigerian information technology
labour pool.

Successful cloud adoption in the Nigerian public sector will depend on developing
talent and acquiring professional IT credentials. NITDA will work on the formulation
and implementation of the necessary policies for training human resource individuals
in cloud computing. These policies shall focus on ensuring IT professionals can
develop enhanced skills and competencies in the following areas among others:

i. business acumen, to better understand the services and expectations of

business partners in their departments and across government as a whole;

ii. analytical capacity, to evaluate the various options for delivering IT services,
based on a broad range of criteria;

iii. vendor-management relations, for example, evaluate, negotiate, monitor and

enforce contracts, SLAs, to ensure that the government receives full value for
its funding and full benefits under the contracts or arrangements; and

iv. new technology adapted to emerging areas such as architecture and

deployment of solutions to the cloud.

For the adoption of cloud to be successful, the Nigerian Government must immerse
itself in a cloud ecosystem, surrounding itself with both skilled employees and
experienced professional services. Chief Information Officers (CIOs) within the
Nigerian Government must understand the changing environment, undertake the
necessary workforce planning, and invest in their workforce in order to provide their
IT professionals with the necessary learning and developmental opportunities.

Furthermore, cloud computing is a wide-reaching IT initiative. Impacts will be great

and widespread in the following areas: application development; IT operations; legal
services; finance; procurement; security; compliance; privacy; identity
management; data integration; mobility; and customer service. Director/Head of
ICT/IT in Federal Public Institutions are encouraged to appoint a cloud leader to direct
a cloud core team to address organisational transformation.

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Cloud customers may decide to change between CSPs for a variety of reasons. It is
important that their initial migration to the cloud avoids vendor lock-in and facilitates
future migration between platforms. Public sector organizations can insure against
vendor lock-in by ensuring cloud technologies acquisition follows open standards
definitions and as well follow the Nigeria e-Government Interoperability Framework
(Ne-GIF) specifications in their procurement processes. If public sector organizations
build their infrastructure based on the Open Virtualization Format (OVF) and Cloud
Data Management Interface (CDMI), this will facilitate migration of data to the cloud
and between CSPs. Organizations shall consider the necessity of migrating potentially
large quantities of data to launch a service, and the ability to increase data scale if
ever it becomes necessary.


Organizations shall consider how any data within the system can be retrieved and
returned when the contract for cloud services expires. They shall ensure that the
cloud provider specifies how data will be transferred back if required and agree on
timeline, which shall be included within the contract. Most importantly, all
government agencies shall instruct copies of the data to be deleted, overwritten or
otherwise rendered inaccessible upon expiration or termination of a contract.


This cloud-first policy is the first step in the process of migrating towards cloud
technologies within the Nigerian public sector. Cloud computing governance is a view
of IT governance focused on accountability, defining decision rights, and balancing
benefit or value, risk, and resources in a cloud computing friendly environment. The
purpose of implementing a solid governance framework is that it ensures
expenditures related to cloud are aligned with an agency’s objectives, promote data
integrity across the agency, encourage innovation, and mitigate the risk of data loss
or non-compliance with regulations. It also recognizes that cloud computing increases
the pervasive nature of IT and ensures decision-makers are able to effectively

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manage overall IT investment, resource requirements, opportunities for value, and

implications of risk – regardless of organization or delivery provider. Agencies will be
responsible for evaluating their sourcing strategies to fully consider cloud computing

The plan shall operate across four levels of cloud governance:

i. the infrastructure, or virtualization platform

ii. the operating system
iii. the platform or application
iv. the business/user activity on that platform

It shall consider four operations categories at each of those levels:

i. application deployment and lifecycle

ii. security and privacy
iii. management and monitoring
iv. operations and support

The following bodies shall have these roles and responsibilities:

i. Bureau of Public Procurement shall develop and operationalize government-

wide procurement regulation for Cloud services in consultation with NITDA
and other relevant agencies of government;
ii. NITDA will liaise with the BPP to accommodate cloud procurement models in
the procurement process;
iii. NITDA shall conduct a Cloud readiness assessment;
iv. The Office for National Security Adviser (ONSA) and NITDA shall monitor
operational security issues related to the cloud;
v. NITDA shall drive government-wide adoption of cloud, identify next-
generation cloud technologies, share best practices, templates and reusable
vi. NITDA shall coordinate activities across governance bodies, set overall cloud-
related priorities, and provide guidance to agencies; and
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vii. NITDA shall monitor, identify and prioritize cloud computing standards and
guidance from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
International Organisatiom for Standardization (ISO) and other relevant
international standards organisations.

To effectively manage these governance issues in the long-term, NITDA will seek to
lay a stable governance foundation that will outlast single individuals or
administrations. Individuals or committees will have explicitly defined roles, non-
overlapping responsibilities, and a clear decision-making hierarchy. These steps will
empower the government for action, minimise unnecessary bureaucracy, and ensure
accountability for results.


As a general rule of thumb, the CSP shall maintain the utmost integrity to protect the
data and meet the security requirements set forth my NITDA. Data shall not be
stored, shared, processed, or modified by in any way that compromises the integrity
of the data. The failure to satisfy any of the liabilities or obligations on the part of the
CSP shall constitute a breach of the contract. Violation of the contract or breach of
data shall be disclosed by the CSP to NITDA as soon as the breach is discovered.
NITDA or a directed organization identified by NITDA will conduct a root cause
analysis and determine appropriate sanctions. NITDA shall issue guidelines for
compliance and enforcement of this policy in the cloud computing implementation
framework and strategy.



The implementation of cloud computing will require among others, the development
and operation of a cloud computing strategy, compliance framework and regulations
that include the following:

i. Cloud Infrastructure Standards Regulation

ii. Digital Services Marketplace and Procurement Guidelines

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iii. Framework for Cloud Adoption and Migration

iv. Cloud Computing Code of Conduct

v. Compliance and Enforcement Framework


The following programs among others, will be carried out to implement the policy:

i. Cloud Computing readiness assessment;

ii. Cloud Computing adoption and promotion for public sector organizations;
iii. Cloud Computing adoption and promotion for SMEs;
iv. Promotion of enabling environment for increased cloud computing investment
in Nigeria;
v. Cloud Computing Service providers and consulting firms’ certification;
vi. Setting and operationalizing cloud computing governance structure; and
vii. Capacity and capability programs for cloud computing;
viii. Baseline study and partnerships with all sectors of the economy;
ix. Local content for Nigerian Cloud Service Providers


This policy shall take effect upon its publication. After that, it will be subject to a bi-
annual review or as the need arises. NITDA shall issue further guidance on the
evaluation process and timeframe to make changes and updates.

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AUGUST, 2019




Dr Isa Ali Ibrahim (Pantami) PhD, FNCS, FBCS, FIIM

Director General/ CEO
Chief Information Technology of Nigeria.

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