Sustainable Architecture: A Process For Achieving Shelter That Will Keep Going
Sustainable Architecture: A Process For Achieving Shelter That Will Keep Going
Sustainable Architecture: A Process For Achieving Shelter That Will Keep Going
keep going
John Norton
Development Workshop France
June 1999
Whilst one could be forgiven for considering that sustainable architecture means buildings that will
survive and function for a long time, the real concern is the search for and the encouragement of
methods and materials to achieve safe and durable shelter and settlements that people can go on using
with the skills and resources available to them. This is an elusive target.
The global and local context in which we live is evolving more rapidly than ever. Local approaches to
achieving shelter that have been sustainable over many centuries are now in too often ceasing to cope
with today’s needs or relate adequately to today’s available resources. In this environment, new
solutions and approaches that seem genuinely sustainable are hard to find. Where they exist, they need
to be encouraged if we are to keep pace with rapidly growing needs.
But factors including demographic growth, shifts from rural to urban areas, natural and man made
resource depletion, and significant changes in expectations and life styles, all combine in their various
ways to erode the viability of traditional or even recent approaches to shelter provision.
This means that with many traditional approaches to solving housing needs, whilst there are aspects
that still work well, some aspects may have become inefficient or unworkable, or in general, un-
sustainable: the local resources are no longer available; the concentration of people requires a different
sort of building or simply more buildings more quickly, the source of finance has changed or is
perhaps insufficient for the way in which one now needs to acquire materials or labour.
Taken together, all these changes means that a building method that worked well in the past in its
given context may have now become difficult to afford, to build and to maintain, and it may no longer
meet the desired requirements of the family. Gradually it becomes clear that an alternative has to be
found. Moving into cities, or living in rapidly expanding cities exacerbates this scenario, and creates
even bigger pressures to search for the ways that people can build today with the resources available.
But many approaches to shelter provision developed over the past 50 years require equipment or skills
or capital that under normal circumstances go beyond what can be accessed by the majority. Policy
and perceptions tend to reinforce the gap between building methods and materials deemed
“acceptable” in a formal construction context, and those which are deemed temporary or inferior,
unable to do more than provide a very short term and probably unpalatable answer to growing shelter
Ed. Paul Oliver, Encyclopaedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Between the declining viability of traditional solutions and the inaccessibility of many modern
alternatives, sustainable architecture defines an approach that seeks to bridge this gap.
Therefore sustainability implies shelter solutions that can go on being achieved with the mechanisms
and skills that are or have been put in place and with the resources that can go on being used.
In this view, sustainable architecture brings together at least five key characteristics:
• environmental sustainability – does the approach avoid depleting natural resources bases and
avoids contaminating the environment?
• technical sustainability - can the skills be introduced and passed on to others, and are the tools
needed accessible?
• financial sustainability – can money or service exchange be accessed to pay for the work that
needs to be done?
• organisational sustainability – is there a structure of sorts that allows one to bring together the
different needed participants, without, for example, needing to call on outside expertise on each
• social sustainability – do the overall process and the product fit within and satisfy needs in the
In practice there will almost always be an slight compromise between one or other of these
characteristics, in as much as one aspect may only be achieved to the slight detriment of one of the
others: financial sustainability may only in reality apply to a certain socio-economic group, such as is
often the case of housing loans; there might be a slight compromise on environmental sustainability if
this was compensated by financial sustainability and accessibility. But the goal is to achieve an
equitable balance between all the criteria, taking account of the local context.
Such has been the case with the "Woodless Construction" Programme in West Africa2, where the
construction of vault and dome roofed buildings using simple, hand made unstabilised mud bricks has
been gradually introduced by Development Workshop3 over the past 20 years to Niger, Mali, Burkina
See : John Norton, Woodless Construction – unstabilised earth brick vault and dome roofing without formwork,
Building Issues, 1997, vol. 9, n° 2, published by LCHS, the Lund Centre for Habitat Studies of the School of
Architecture of Lund University, in collaboration with Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation
In collaboration with several country-specific partner organisations including the World Conservation Union
(IUCN); the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF); the Danish, Malian and Burkina Red Cross Societies; SOS
Sahel; ILO; Lutheran World Relief; European Development Funds; and US Peace Corps.
Faso, and Mauritania as a response to the declining availability of organic resources used in
construction. Over the years, through training and demonstration, skills that have been developed to
the point where technical and organisational sustainability can be achieved and where local builders
use the "Woodless Construction" techniques and their acquired skills to build for their own local
clients using local resources.
The same applies to the example of the Grameen Bank housing loans programme in Bangladesh,
where the capacity to provide and to repay housing loans has had to be developed over years – the
bank began income generation loans to the rural poor in 1976 and housing loans begun in 1984. Today
one can reasonably accept that over time a banking and loan system has been developed that can
continue to function and go on providing loans that are efficiently paid back.
In both instances, reaching the point where one crosses the threshold of sustainability will actually
have taken many years developing the system or the local skills and capacity.
Thus one cannot in reality classify a particular building technology as being "a sustainable architecture
technology” nor, as if often mistakenly the case, can it be labelled as an ‘appropriate technology”. One
cannot moreover assume that a credit system that works well in one place will work well in the next,
since cultural, social and physical factors may make an system that works well elsewhere unworkable
in a a new context. Thus, we can only assess the potential of a particular process or material to make a
valid contribution towards a sustainable architecture in a given locality. Sustainability is context
When considering what techniques and approaches may potentially produce popularly accessible and
sustainable architecture that responds to the characteristics above, the following criteria can form a
basis for assessment:
... sustainable architecture….
• makes substantial use of locally available materials and local means of transport;
• uses resources that are available in sufficient quantity to satisfy a general demand and not damage
the environment;
• does not depend on equipment that is not easily available;
• uses skills that can be realistically developed in the community;
• can be afforded within the local socio-economic context;
• produces a durable result;
• responds to and resists the effects of the local climate;
• provides flexibility to adapt to local habits and needs;
• can be replicated by the local population.
Many successful examples of sustainable architecture already exist and match these criteria, achieved
through the efforts of local initiatives and sometimes external support. More needs to be done to bring
these examples to the attention of a wider audience who can learn from their example and the
principles that they promote.
John Norton,
Development Workshop France
B.P.13, 82110 Lauzerte, France
Tel: +33 (0) 563 95 82 34
Fax: +33 (0) 563 95 82 42