Trotsky The Traitor - Bittleman PDF
Trotsky The Traitor - Bittleman PDF
Trotsky The Traitor - Bittleman PDF
Confessions and Objective Evidence........................................ 18
to the line of Trotsky in order to make it clearer."
In the course of the examination, that line became very
clear. It called for acts of wreckage and terrorism. It called for
treason to 'the Soviet Union and to socialism.
Speaking of Trotsky's instructions to the "Parallel Center",
given in the middle of 1934, Piatakov admitted:
'·1 must state that the instructions with regard to wrecking met
with rather serious resistance among the followers of Trotsky,
arousing perplexity and dissatisfaction. We informed. Trotsky of
the existence of such sentiments. But Trotsky replied. that the
instructions regarding wrecking were an essential and integral
part of his policy and were his line."
In December, 1935, Piatakov met Trotsky near Oslo, Nor-
way. Trotsky was agitated and greatly dissatisfied with the
slow manner in which his agents were operating, especially in
the matter of wrecking. He reproached Piatakov in these words:
"You canot tear yourselves away from the Stalinist navel cord;
you 'take the Stalinist construction for socialist construction."
Bitterly and sarcastically Trotsky hammered at Piatakov:
"Socialism cannot he built in one country"; "the collapse of
the Stalinist ;tate is absolutely inevitable."
And Trotsky had his way. The "Parallel Center" proceeded
to organize acts of wrecking and assassination. Drobnis, Mura-
loy, Bogusiavsky and Livshitz went forth as the "field organ·
izers" to do the job: in the Kuzbas, the Kemerovo mines, in
the Ukraine, on the railroads, in the chemical industry. By
order of Piatakov, Drobnis was shifted from Central Asia to
Western Siberia to concentrate on wrecking, especially to in-
jure the defense capacities of the country. Not by accident did
the Trotskyite plotters pay so much attention to Western
Siberia. As is seen from their collaboration with the agents of
the Japanese intelligence service, the Trotskyites were plan-
fully aiding the war preparations of the Japanese military-
fascist clique.
Boguslavsky too was operating in Western Siberia, being a
member of the Novosibirsk Trotskyite center. Muralov in-
spired and directed Bogusiavsky, who was engaged in spoiling
locomotives and sabotaging important rail way construction.
From MuraIov, Bogusiavsky knew that several Trotskyite
groups were operating in the Kuzbas to organize the assassina·
tion of visiting representatives of the national government,
and triat such attempts were actually organized against V. M.
Molotov, chairman of the Council of People's Commissars,
and L. M. Kaganovich, People's Commissar of Railways.
Another carrier of the "Trotsky line" was Livshitz, an old
Trotskyite and formerly Vice·Commissar of Railroads. He had
been doing his best to wreck the rail way system. And in addi-
tion--espionage work for the Japanese intelligence service.
He turned over information of great military value to the
. Japanese agents through Kniazev, another of the accused on
trial. And Kniazov was the active link between the Trotskyites
and the Japanese intelligence service. Kniazev confirmed that
for a similar job the Japanese turned over to Turck, another
accused, 35,000 rubles.
The victims of the acts of wrecking and sabotage o( the
Trotskyite gangs were many dead and injured workers. It was
in their name also that the prosecutor pressed his charges.
Addressing the court in his ,closing speech, Vyshinsky said:
"Not I alone am accusing. Alongside me, comrades and judges,
I feel that here stand the victims of these crimes and of these
criminals-on crutches, crippled, half·alive and possibly utterly
disabled-like the woman switchman Comrade Nagovitsina at the
Shustovo station . . • who lost both legs at the age of twenty in
preventing the collision organized by these very people."
What was Trotsky and his gang trying to accomplish? We
will let Radek relate what Trotsky wrote to him. Radek said in
Court: "I had three letters from Trotsky: April, 1934; De-
cember~ 1935; and January, 1936. In the 1934 letter, Trotsky
raised· the question in this way."
And then Radek goes on:
"The advent of fascism to power in· Germany basically changes
the whole situation. It means the near prospect of war. War is
inevitable, all the more so because the situation in the Far East
is .becoming strained. Trotsky did Dot doubt that this war would
cause the defeat of the Soviet Union. He wrote that this defeat
would create real conditions for the bloc to come to power, and he
drew the conclusion from this that the bloc was interested in
sharpening the conftict."
Thus we have it from the mouth of Radek, and on the basis
of a letter by Trotsky, that this counter-revolutionary gang,
calling itself "a bloc", was not only speculating on the defeat
of the Soviet Union and the victory of fascism, but was con-
sciously working towards these ends.
"The bloc", wrote Trotsky, "was interested in sharpening the
conflict." Let the meaning of this be f uIl y understood: Trotsky
said he was interested in hastening the coming of war and he
was further interested in the defeat of the Soviet Union result-
ing from this war.
This gave Trotsky the basis for negotiation and collaboration
with the representatives of Hitler and Japan, since both of these
fascist aggressors are interested in hastening war and defeating
the Soviet Union. It is therefore not surprising to hear Radek
relate further:
"Trotsky mentioned in the letter that he had established contacts
with a certain Far Eastern country and a certain middle European
country and had openly told semi-official circles of these countries
that the bloc "took the line of bargaining with them and was pre-
pared to agree to considerable concessions, both economic and
A Path of Treachery
TROTSKY, Zinoviev, Piatakov and Co. are "Old Bolsheviks",
some people say. They are the "fathers" of the Russian
revolution, it is claimed. On this false basis, the
question is asked: How is it possible for these "founders" of
the Soviet system to try to betray it, and to join for this pur·
pose with the worst enemies of socialism?
Those who genuinely ask such questions apparently do not
know that this gang of counter.revolutionary bandits have had
a long history, that their transformation into allies of fascism
is no sudden or overnight affair. They were moving in that
direction for a long time.
State Prosecutor Vyshinsky, in his summing up speech,
stated the thing very clearI y :
"Like a moving picture film operated backwards, this trial has
called to our memory and has shown us again all the basic stages
of the historic path of the Trotskyites and of Trotskyism which
spent more than thirty years to prepare at last this final trans-
formation into the storm troops of faseism."
This historic path of Trotskyism was a path of struggle
against Lenin and Bolshevism, a path of double.dealing and
treachery. It is worse than ridiculous therefore to speak of
Trotsky, whom Lenin branded as a Judas, and of his agents,
as "Old Bolsheviks".
Just a few high lights of this "historic path of Trotskyism":
As far back as 1904, almost 33 years ago, Trotsky started
on his historic path. He published four pamphlets entitled:
Our Political Tasks. In these pamphlets Trotsky challenged
Bolshevism. He denounced and slandered the Bolshevik path
to victory over tsarism and capitalism outlined by Lenin and
accepted by the Bolsheviks. He had the brazenness to attack
Lenin as "a leader of the reactionary wing" of the Party.
Between 1904 and 1911, Lenin and Stalin were busy training
the future Bolshe~-iks who led the people to victory over the
tsar and capitalism; they were busy organizing the working
class and its aBies in daily struggle against their exploiters.
Thus they have built the Bolshevik Party.
What was Trotsky doing? Fighting Lenin, Stalin and the
Bolsheviks, organizing combinations of all sorts of oppor·
tunists and servants of capitaJism to block the road of pro-
letarian victory.
In 1911-12 Trotsky organizd the infamous "August Bloc",
the prototype of the latter day "Trotsky-Zinoviev Bloc". The
chief aim of the "August Bloc" was to fight Lenin and the
Bolshevik policies. And who were the people that went into
the making of this "August Bloc"? Mensheviks, agents of
capitalism in the labor movement, people thrown out of the
ranks of the Bolshevik Party.
Study Lenin's writings and you will see how much time
and energy he had to devote to unmasking and combatting
Trotsky, th~ Judas. Twenty years ago Lenin found it necessary
to warn the workers against Trotsky in these words:
"The young generation of workers should know well with whom
they are dealing."
Trotsky was willing to accept that. Not Stalin. Not the Bol-
sheviks. Stalin made that quite clear at the time. He said:
"If it is a question of such real capitalist control, then I must
declare that such control does not exist and ,never will exist here as
long as our proletariat is alive and as long as we have the dic-
tatorship of the proletariat here."