Ow Functional Differentiation Originated in Prebiotic Evolution
Ow Functional Differentiation Originated in Prebiotic Evolution
Ow Functional Differentiation Originated in Prebiotic Evolution
ABSTRACT. Even the simplest cell exhibits a high degree of functional differen-
tiation (FD) realized through several mechanisms and devices contributing
differently to its maintenance. Searching for the origin of FD, we briefly argue
that the emergence of the respective organizational complexity cannot be the
result of either natural selection (NS) or solely of the dynamics of simple
self-maintaining (SM) systems. Accordingly, a highly gradual and cumulative
process should have been necessary for the transition from either simple
self-assembled or self-maintaining systems of functionless structural compo-
nents to systems with FD. We follow results of recent in vitro experiments with
respect to competition among protocells, where a primitive type of selection
begins to operate among them accompanied by a parallel evolution of their
functional domain. We argue that minimal forms of FD should be established
within the evolution of SM processes in protocells as they undergo a simpler
selection process for stability and persistence in a prebiotic environment. We
then suggest the concept of closure of constraints (CoC) as a way to identify and
describe minimal FD in a far-from-equilibrium SM organization. We show in
detail how the concept of CoC together with the conditions for its fulfillment
can be applied in the case of a simple protocellular system that begins to couple
internal chemical reactions with the formation of its membrane components.
Finally, we discuss how such SM systems can evolve towards significantly
higher levels of FD, suggesting this is mainly the result of functional recombi-
nation (formation of mechanisms) in the context of a modular SM organization.
KEY WORDS. Functional differentiation, self-maintenance, natural selection,
constraints, closure, prebiotic evolution, organizational complexity, protocells.
Biological systems are highly complex organizations consisting in many
different sophisticated molecules (e.g., DNA, RNA and proteins) and other
supra-molecular structures (ranging from, e.g., lipid and phospholipid
membranes to tissues, organs, etc.). Those molecules and structural aggre-
gates either based on their properties or, perhaps more importantly, on
the organizational properties emerging out of the specific and intricate
relationships they establish and manage to maintain among them, are
IAS-Research Centre for Life, Mind and Society, Department of Logic and Philosophy of
Science, University of the Basque Country, Donostia - San Sebastian, Spain.
argyris.arnellos@ehu.es / alvaro.moreno@ehu.es
Abstract depiction of a simple SM system whose maintenance depends on the
work of a single constraint (C) acting on its own boundary conditions (Bd_C).
It can be the case of a candle flame that constrains its surroundings by turning
them into appropriate boundary conditions for its maintenance.
The formation of the covalent and non-covalent bonds that hold such molecu-
lar complexes together can also sometimes change the structure of the compo-
nents with which the process started. In so doing, they can also induce changes
in the rules of engagement, thereby creating the possibility for new interac-
tions, new binding sites, new hooks. The new binding sites are not simply the
consequence of the new proximities created by molecular binding, but more
interestingly, of the changes that have been triggered in the ways in which the
component parts can interact. They might be thought of as Brownian motors
in evolutionary space, feeding on chance events to build ever more complex
configurations (...) The phenomenon I am trying to describe rests on two basic
facts: first, that many complex macromolecular structures are capable of stabi-
lizing in a variety of distinctive shapes or forms, and second, that the binding
of new molecules can trigger a shift from one conformation to another, thereby
exposing new binding sites, and new possibilities for subsequent composition
(ibid, pp. 22-23).
As argued elsewhere (Moreno and Ruiz-Mirazo 2009), it now seems even
more possible that the source for FD lies ultimately in the organization of
(proto-) biological systems. For two reasons. First, because certain SM
systems formed on a closure of constrains (SMCoC) can reproduce them-
selves and, therefore, support some form of continuity allowing, at least
in principle, an accumulation of novelties. Second, because SMCoC systems
are potentially capable of producing and preserving new components of
increasing structural complexity. In other words, SMCoC systems provide a
framework to allow the production of a wide variety of new components,
some of which could be recruited by the systems themselves for modifying
their own organization. This is precisely the scenario we have suggested
for the origin of FD. Interestingly, the exploration of new forms of struc-
tural complexity (new components) through assembling processes implies
a certain degree of decoupling from the dynamics of the chemical SMCoC
organization. This allows a relatively free exploration of the domain of
structural complexity, which ultimately can be recruited for increasing in
an open way, in turn, the functional complexity of the overall SM organi-
zation. This scenario opens up an unlimitedly wide domain of harnessed
processes. Matter and energy flows can be manipulated to achieve highly
complex and specific tasks. Therefore, by recruiting these macromolecular
machines SM systems can create new and more complex ways of viability
and develop internal subsystems, for example, adaptive mechanisms.
The authors wish to thank Matteo Mossio and Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo for valuable
feedback on earlier versions of the manuscript. Argyris Arnellos holds a Marie
Curie Research Fellowship (IEF-273635). Alvaro Moreno acknowledges the aid
of the Research Project IT 505-10 of the Gobierno Vasco and FFI2008-06348-
C02-01/FISO-FFI2008-06348-C02-02/FISO and FFU2009-12895-CO2-02 of the
Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
20 / LUDUS VITALIS / vol. XX / num. 37 / 2012