Conducting An Effective Business Impact Analysis

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Conducting an effective business

impact analysis
Learn how to conduct a business impact analysis as part of a
disaster-recovery plan.


 Steven Weil, Point B

Security managers are increasingly being required to ensure that their

organization's information systems and data can survive a disaster. In order
to accomplish this, security managers are conducting disaster-recovery
projects which identify critical information systems, tasks and processes,
and define in what order and how quickly they must be recovered after a

A key requirement for a successful disaster-recovery project is conducting

an effective business impact analysis (BIA). This article presents an
overview of the BIA process and how to conduct an effective one.

A BIA is a systematic process by which an organization gathers and

analyzes information about its essential functions and processes
(applications, data, networks, information systems, facilities, etc.). This
information is then used to determine how the organization would be
impacted if these functions and processes were interrupted by a disaster.

A BIA can provide a security manager with reliable data concerning

the potential impacts and costs of disasters, as well as establish the basis
for setting recovery priorities and selecting appropriate recovery strategies.
More specifically, it can help a security manager answer a number of
significant questions:

 Which information systems and processes are essential to the

survival of the organization?

 How quickly must critical information systems and processes be

resumed before significant or unacceptable losses occur?

 What are the interdependencies among different information systems

and processes?

 In what order and how fast do specific information systems and

processes need to be recovered after a disaster?

BIA process

Typically, a BIA is composed of five phases: project initiation, information

acquisition, information analysis, findings documentation and report
presentation to senior management.

Project initiation

The initial step in a BIA is for the security manager to obtain senior

management sponsorship. Project goals, objectives and scope are
presented to the management. Once these items are agreed upon, a
project team is formed. Be sure and do this step first. Based on personal
experience, not having senior management support for a disaster-recovery
project will likely lead to the project not succeeding.
The project team should be composed of employees with appropriate skills
and knowledge, third-party staff or a combination of both. Next, a detailed
project schedule is developed and approved. Finally, the project is
announced to all likely participants. The announcement should include a
memo from senior management stressing both the importance of the
project and the need for full participation and cooperation.

Information acquisition

A BIA should collect a wide variety of information, including:

 Detailed descriptions of an organization's information systems and


 Identification of the users of information systems and processes.

 Definitions of interdependencies among information systems and


 Expected qualitative and quantitative costs if particular information

systems and processes are not available for specific periods of time.

Information should be obtained from various organizational units (e.g.,

Finance, Legal, Human Resources and Administration), as well as from
relevant business partners. Be sure to carefully identify all the information
you will need to gather; many persons will only respond to one request for

Information systems can be complex, with a wide range of components,

interfaces, and processes; the person(s) conducting the BIA should seek to
identify all interdependencies among these items.

Information analysis

The information obtained during information acquisition needs to be

carefully examined and analyzed to identify critical information systems and
processes, as well as potential disaster impacts.
BIA data can be analyzed by a variety of manual and computerized
methods, the discussion of which is beyond the scope of this article. The
analysis method to be used should be pre-defined. It is often useful to
create a diagram of an organization's information systems and processes in
order to illustrate interdependencies.

It is critical that security managers validate the information obtained in the

information acquisition phase with participants for accuracy and relevance;
a BIA based on inaccurate or incomplete information can cause significant
problems during later stages of a disaster recovery project.

A useful method for validating BIA findings is to:

1. Prepare a draft BIA report containing initial findings and issues.

2. Issue the draft report to participants and request feedback.

3. Review feedback and revise findings accordingly.

Document findings

The BIA findings are documented in a formal report; a typical BIA report

 Executive summary

 Objectives

 Scope

 Data gathering and analysis methodology

 Summary of findings

 Detailed findings (by department or functional area)

 Charts and graphs to illustrate potential losses (e.g., financial

information, lost customers)

 Recommendations
Report presentation to senior management

The formal BIA report should be presented to senior management. The

security manager should be prepared not only to provide detailed
explanations for any of the BIA findings, but also to advocate for their
recommendations. This presentation is a great opportunity for a security
manager to show senior management why disaster recovery is important
and why it should be supported.

A well written and presented BIA report can significantly increase senior
management's interest in and awareness about, disaster recovery; this, in
turn, increases the likelihood that management will approve the next stage
of the project.

About the author

Steven Weil CISSP, CISA is senior security consultant with Seitel Leeds &
Associates, a full service consulting firm based in Seattle, Washington. He
can be reached at

This was last published in February 2003

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