An Electromyographic Analysis of Trunk and Hip Extensor Muscles During Bridging Exercises - Effect of Voluntary Control of The Pelvic Tilt
An Electromyographic Analysis of Trunk and Hip Extensor Muscles During Bridging Exercises - Effect of Voluntary Control of The Pelvic Tilt
An Electromyographic Analysis of Trunk and Hip Extensor Muscles During Bridging Exercises - Effect of Voluntary Control of The Pelvic Tilt
23: 863-865, 2011
Hiroshi Ishida, PhD, RPT1), Kenichi Kobara, PhD, RPT1), Hiroshi Osaka, MS, RPT1),
Tomotaka Ito, MS, RPT1), Susumu Watanabe, PhD, RPT1)
1) Department
of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Science and Technology, Kawasaki University of
Medical Welfare: 288 Matsushima, Kurashiki, Okayama, 701-0193, Japan.
TEL: + 81 86-462-1111, FAX: + 81 86-464-1109, E-mail:
Abstract. [Purpose] A bridging exercise is most commonly used for people with weakness of the back and hip
extensor muscles. However, little is known about the effect of voluntary control of the pelvic tilt on
electromyographic (EMG) activities of the trunk and hip extensor muscles during bridging exercises. [Subjects]
Sixteen healthy male volunteers participated in this study. [Methods] Bipolar electrodes were attached to the lumbar
extensor muscle (L3), gluteus maximus, and medial hamstring. Subjects performed 3 bridging exercises with:
discretionary control of the pelvis (position D), backward tilt of the pelvis (position B), and forward tilt of the pelvis
(position F). While the subjects performed each bridging exercise, EMG signals were measured. [Results] The
gluteus maximus showed significantly higher muscle activity in position B than in the other positions. We observed
significantly increased activity of the lumbar extensor muscle (L3) in position F compared to the other positions.
[Conclusion] The findings of this study should be considered when prescribing variations of the bridging exercise,
as part of a lumbopelvic rehabilitation program.
Key words: Bridging exercise, Pelvic tilt, Electromyography
(This article was submitted May 23, 2011, and was accepted Jul. 5, 2011)
activities of the trunk and hip muscles during bridging
exercises1–3,6), and Akimoto et al.2) showed that at knee
Exercises designed to increase strength or stabilization angles of 130° flexion EMG activity of the gluteus maximus
should target specific muscle groups that are weak or are was more than that of the hamstring. We also think that there
important for the individual’s activities. To this end, a are various ways by which the specificity of the bridging
clinician establishes a specific exercise program that exercises for recruitment of the trunk extensor muscle could
includes optimal exercise positions to target specific, be inproved. Ekstrom et al.4) suggested that prone trunk
identified muscular performance deficits1). A bridging extension requires high levels of lumbar muscle activity, but
exercise is most commonly used for people with weakness bridging exercises activate these muscles at lower levels.
of the back and hip extensor muscles. Bridging exercises Tsuzuki et al.8) reported on the effects of 2 styles of bridging
support the body weight at 2 points, namely, at the shoulders exercises. They showed that a forward pelvic tilt increases
and legs. To support body weight against gravity, the back the EMG activity of the trunk extensor muscle during
and hip extensor muscles must act more strongly than the bridging exercises, and that a backward pelvic tilt increases
abdominal muscles1–5). Researchers recently reported that those of the gluteus maximus and hamstring. However, they
bridging exercises produce higher electromyographic (EMG) only graded their results according to the amplitude of the
activities of the trunk extensor muscle and the hamstring raw EMG of the muscles, and did not perform a quantitative
than that of the gluteus maximus2,6). In the classification of analysis. Normalization of EMG data is required to choose
muscles, the trunk extensor muscle and the hamstring are appropriate bridging exercises. Therefore, the purpose of
classified as postural type muscles, and have a tendency to this study was to analyze the effect of voluntary control of
act more strongly than the gluteus maximus, which is the pelvic tilt on the EMG activity levels of the trunk and
classified as a phasic muscle type7). We believe that there are hip extensor muscles during bridging exercises.
various ways in which bridging exercises could be made
more specific for recruiting the gluteus maximus. Most
previous studies have focused on investigating the influences
of different positions of the lower extremities on the EMG
864 J. Phys. Ther. Sci. Vol. 23, No. 6, 2011
Table 1. The mean ± standard deviation values of the %IEMG (the recruitment change) of each position (%)
position D position B position F
L3 47.9 ± 16.7 (100) 45.2 ± 22.4 ( 94.2 ± 28.5) 58.6 ± 20.7 ab (123.1 ± 17.1) *
GM 14.5 ± 13.4 (100) 25.5 ± 18.1 a (193.1 ± 138.8) 14.7 ± 15.3 b (99.4 ± 57.3) *
MH 24.1 ± 31.7 (100) 27.5 ± 31.8 a (127.1 ± 38.5) 26.8 ± 32.1 a (122.5 ± 39.4) *
position D: discretionary control of the pelvis. position B: backward tilt of the pelvis with maximal voluntary exertion.
position F: forward tilt of the pelvis with maximal voluntary exertion. L3: lumbar extensor muscle (L3). GM: gluteus
maximus. MH: medial hamstring. *: interactions with ANOVA (p<0.05). a: significant by Bonferroni’s test compared
to position D (p<0.05). b: significant by Bonferroni’s test compared to position B (p<0.05).
SUBJECTS AND METHODS performed once. The EMG signals were recorded for 5 s
while holding each position of the bridging exercise. They
Sixteen healthy male volunteers participated in this were amplified, band-pass filtered (10–500 Hz), digitized
study. Their mean ± standard deviation values of age, and stored using a data acquisition system (Myosystem
height, and weight were 24.1 ± 5.1 years, 170.9 ± 7.5 cm, 1200; Noraxon, USA) at a sample frequency of 1000 Hz.
and 65.0 ± 11.3 kg, respectively. All experiments were The integrated EMG (IEMG) of the 5-s sample for each
carried out in an air-conditioned laboratory maintained at exercise were normalized to isometric maximal exertion
approximately 24 °C. The protocol for this study was tasks, by using a standard manual muscle test (%IEMG)12).
approved by the Ethics Committee at the Kawasaki Each isometric maximal exertion task was held for 5 s. To
University of Medical Welfare (#228). Subjects provided investigate the recruitment changes in each position, the
their written informed consent prior to participation. %IEMG in positions B and F were normalized to the
Disposable silver/silver chloride surface electrodes with %IEMG in position D.
a recording diameter of 1 cm (Blue Sensor P-00S; Ambu, SPSS 16.0J for Windows was used for the statistical
Denmark) were used. EMG signals were recorded from the analysis. One-way repeated-measures analysis of variance
lumbar extensor muscle (L3), the gluteus maximus, and the (ANOVA) was used to assess differences. Post-hoc analysis
medial hamstring of the right side. Electrode placement was was performed using Bonferroni’s test. The level of
based on a previous work that noted the position of the significance was chosen as p<0.05.
following muscles: the lumbar extensor muscle (3 cm
lateral to the L3 spinal process), the gluteus maximus RESULTS
(midway between the sacrum and trochanter major), and the
medial hamstring (midway between the tuber ischiadicum Significant differences (ANOVA results) were observed
and epicondylus medialis of the tibiae) 9–11) . Bipolar in the %MVC of the 3 muscles (Table 1).
electrode pairs were placed longitudinally over the muscle The mean ± standard deviation values of the %IEMG
belly at an inter-electrode distance of 3 cm. A grounded (recruitment change) are shown in Table 1. The gluteus
electrode was placed over the spina iliaca anterior superior maximus showed significantly higher muscle activity in
of the right side. Before the electrodes were placed, the skin position B than in the other positions. We observed
was abraded with skin preparation gel (Skin Pure; Nihon significantly increased activity of the lumbar extensor
Koden, Japan) and then cleaned with alcohol to reduce skin muscle (L3) in position F compared to the other positions.
surface impedance. The activity of the medial hamstring was significantly
The subjects wore only underpants and had bare feet. To higher in positions B and F than in position D.
monitor the elevation of their pelvises, square markers (2
cm × 2 cm) were attached to the right side of the subjects at DISCUSSION
the acromion, the greater trochanter, and the epicondylus
lateralis of the femoris. They lay with their knees at 90° The purpose of our study was to examine the effect of
flexion, their feet approximately shoulder-distance apart, voluntary control of the pelvic tilt on the activity levels of
and their arms loosely resting beside their trunks. Then, the trunk and hip extensor muscles during bridging
they were asked to elevate their pelvises until the greater exercises which are commonly used in strengthening and
trochanter was in line with the acromion and the stabilization exercise programs. Based on the amplitude of
epicondylus lateralis of the femoris with the following 3 the EMG signal, a conclusion can be made about the types
different pelvis positions: discretionary control of the pelvis of exercises that may be beneficial for strengthening and
(position D), backward tilt of the pelvis with maximal those that may be beneficial for endurance or stabilization
voluntary exertion (position B), and forward tilt of the training13,14).
pelvis with maximal voluntary exertion (position F). The Previous studies have shown that bridging exercises
order of performance of the 3 positions was position D first, activate the lumbar extensor muscle at a low level of
followed by, the other 2 positions at random. Subjects were approximately 30–40%MVC (maximal voluntary
allowed to practice until they could consistently perform contraction) 1,3,4). Bridging exercises may be of low to
the movement. Data collection in each position was moderate intensity for the lumbar extensor muscle during
discretionary control of the pelvis. In our study, the lumbar difference in exercise intensity between subjects. Because
extensor muscle showed significantly higher EMG activity data collection in each position was performed only once,
during forward tilt of the pelvis with maximal voluntary the reliability of each measure could not be calculated in
exertion than in discretionary control of the pelvis during this study. In the future, several measurements should be
the bridging exercise. The intensity of the lumbar extensor taken in each position to increase the reliability of the data.
muscle activity may be more suitable for providing The findings of this study should be considered when
strengthening during forward tilt of the pelvis than in prescribing variations of the bridging exercise as part of a
discretionary control of the pelvis during bridging exercises. lumbopelvic rehabilitation program. During the clinical
Tsuzuki et al.8) found similar results for the lumbar extensor training of some individuals with lumbar disorders, trunk
muscle during bridging exercises with a forward pelvic tilt. performance is impaired, and voluntary control of the
The active anterior pelvic tilt is due to the contraction of the lumbopelvic alignment is difficult. Further investigation is
hip flexor and back extensor muscles 15) . In theory, required of individuals with lumbar disorders.
strengthening and increasing the postural control of these
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