Influence of Growth Process On The Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Cbd-Cds Films
Influence of Growth Process On The Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Cbd-Cds Films
Influence of Growth Process On The Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Cbd-Cds Films
The hexagonal cadmium sulphide (CdS) thin films with strong (002) orientation are successfully prepared by chemical bath deposition
(CBD) technique using the reaction between CdCl2 and CS(NH2)2. Especially, polyglycol is used to modify the CBD system without magnetic
agitation. The influence of bath temperature on the properties of the CdS films such as optical transmission, surface morphology and the
structure is researched. The results show that polyglycol can flatten the films and diminish the pinhole. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) tests verify that the deposited CdS films presented a hexagonal structure and no secondary or mixed
phases are found. A preferential columnar growth parallel to the substrate edge is also observed. It is found that the bath temperature plays a vital
role on the quality of the CdS films. The increase of bath temperature improves the surface morphology of the CdS films and also diminishes
pinholes on the films. The optimum bath temperature is 85 jC. The band gap calculated from transmission spectra is about 2.56 – 2.336 eV.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0167-577X/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 L. Wenyi et al. / Materials Letters 59 (2005) 1–5
with the temperatures of 65, 75, 85 and 95 jC, respectively, ogy and their relations with other properties, as is shown in
and no agitation was needed during film deposition. After Fig. 1. In this case, a preferential columnar growth parallel
growing for 1 h, the film was ultrasonically cleaned in to the substrate edge is observed on CdS films deposited at
deionized water to remove any loosely adhered particles. 65, 75, 85 and 95 jC. The microstructures of the CdS films
The overall reaction is given below [12]: changed depending on the bath temperature. It can be
founded that there are many pinholes on the CdS film
CdðNH3 Þ2þ
4 þ ðNH2 ÞCS þ 2OH ZCdS þ CH2 N2 þ 4NH3
deposited at 65 jC. In heterojunction application, any
þ 2H2 O pinhole of the films may affect the electronic characteristic
of apparatus by short circuit [13]. The increase of the bath
The surface morphology of the CdS films was examined temperature is an effective method to diminish the pinhole
by Nanoscope IIIa Atomic Force Microscopy. The structural on the CdS films. As the bath temperature increases, the
data were obtained by using RigkuD-MAXIII X-ray diffrac- surface morphology of the CdS becomes more homoge-
tion (XRD) and PH-800 transmission electron microscopy neous. It has been reported that the uniformity of the films
(TEM). The optical absorption studies were carried out with mainly depends on the rotate speed of stirrer during the
a UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer. entire period of deposition without polyglycol. Variation in
the rotate speed affects the uniformity of the CdS films and
Fig. 3. TEM image and SAD pattern of CdS thin film for 20 min.
4 L. Wenyi et al. / Materials Letters 59 (2005) 1–5
Fig. 4. XRD patterns of CdS films: (a) deposited at 65 jC and (b) 85 jC.
grain for the slow growth rate. This columnar structure lattice parameter are due to enlargement of the CdS grain
along the c-axis perpendicular to the substrate means that size. The lattice constants for CdS films deposited at 85 jC
there are few grain boundaries parallel to the junction that were calculated from the XRD data to be a = 4.086 nm and
would impede the flow of photogenerated excess carries to c = 6.676 nm.
the grid.
Fig. 4 shows the XRD patterns of CdS films annealed at 3.3. Optical analysis
400 jC for 15 min. Peaks corresponding to reflections from
(002), (103) and (112) of hexagonal CdS are present in Optical properties of CdS films were measured with UV-
annealed samples and the intensities of all these peaks VIS-NIR spectrophotometer. Fig. 5 presents the transmis-
slightly increase after heat treatment. In addition, a few sion curves of CdS films deposited at different temperatures.
extra slight peaks appear after heat treatment and which are It can be found that the CBD-CdS films present high
due to the reflection from (201) of hexagonal CdS and transmission (70 – 95%) in the visible range. The absorption
(111), (200) of CdO. After annealing, the intensity of the edge of the films becomes steeper with increase of bath
2h = 26.7 peak increases and a slight shift towards lower temperature and get to the maximum for CdS films depos-
scattering angles is observed, no subpeaks are found. The ited at 85 jC. This indicates that bath temperature affect the
appearance of CdO phase might be due to oxidation of band gap value of CdS films. Using the standard expression
hexagonal CdS. Increase in the peak intensity indicates for direct transition materials (ahm)2 = A(hm-Eg), the band
improved crystallinity due to annealing. The shift towards gap of CdS films deposited at different temperature are
a lower scattering angle and the consequent increase in the found to be 2.56 – 2.336 eV (as shown in Fig. 6). An Eg shift
toward the blue wavelength region as temperature decreases
is noticed [19]. It can be proposed that at low temperature
Fig. 5. Transmittance of CdS thin films as a function of bath temperature. Fig. 6. Variation of the square of the ahm with light wavelengh.
L. Wenyi et al. / Materials Letters 59 (2005) 1–5 5