Story Telling With Data: Chennai
Story Telling With Data: Chennai
Story Telling With Data: Chennai
Program Overview
‘Numbers have an important story to tell. They rely on you to give them a voice’ = Stephen Few
Stories are and have always been the way we understand the world, and yet storytelling is not an
inherent skill, especially when it comes to data visualiza�on, and the tools at our disposal don't make
it any easier. In this course you will discover the power of storytelling to bring your data to life and
convey your message compellingly. The workshop will equip you with the philosophy, principles and
tools of good design that will help you bring more impact to the data you have or the analysis you
have performed.
Teaching Pedagogy
The primary methodology will be hands-on sessions where par�cipants will be guided by the
instructor. There will be a few lectures that and individual/group presenta�ons. The tool used for
this program will be Tableau.
Programme Content
The overall coverage of the program will include:
• DCOVA framework – a holis�c approach towards any data science problem
• Visual cogni�on and percep�on – understanding how the brain recognizes pa�ern when
visuals are shown
• Grammar of visualiza�on
• Best prac�ces for choosing charts and graphs
• Dashboard design principles
• Designing op�mal layouts
• Deciding interac�vity applica�ons
• Storytelling – pu�ng it all together
Story Telling With Data
Expected Participants
This training program has been designed junior and mid-level managers whose work involves
preparing, consuming and sharing data by way of presenta�ons and dashboards. By anchoring on
the storytelling method, this program will provide them ways to deliver the data driven insights in
a compelling manner
Prof. Giridhar Ramachandran is an Assistant Professor in the Marke�ng Area at XLRI. He received
his MS in Decision and Informa�on Technology from the University of Maryland and PhD from the
Indian Ins�tute of Technology Madras. Prof. Giridhar has around 15 years of experience in
industry both running business opera�ons and analy�cs teams for brands like Ford, Toyota, P&G,
Dell and IBM. His last role before moving to XLRI, Prof. Giridhar was as General Manager – Global
Data Insights and Analy�cs at Ford Motor Company leading the India team for Manufacturing and
Supply Chain Analy�cs. Prof. Giridhar has also conducted corporate training programs for
organiza�ons in the financial services and media industries.
Area: Marketing
Duration : 3 Days (April 15 - 17)
Venue : Chennai
Story Telling With Data
Program Fee per par�cipant: Rs. 27,000/- +GST, Program Fee includes Training kit, Reading material,
Tea/snack & Lunch
Filled-in Nomina�on Form should reach the Corporate Programmes Office via email at or
courier it to XLRI, Corporate Programmes, CH Area (East), Jamshedpur -831001
Accommodation Charges
The residen�al op�on is available for all the programmes at XLRI, Jamshedpur Campus and par�cipants
can make a choice accordingly while filling up the nomina�on form. In case of Residen�al op�on,
accommoda�on will be provided from the evening before the programme commences un�l noon of the
day next to the programme ends. However, accommoda�on will be charged only for the dura�on of the
programme. Par�cipants can make their travel plan accordingly.
In case of Residen�al op�on, charges for the single occupancy will be Rs.4000+GST /per day / per
par�cipant and Twin sharing will be Rs. 2500/-+GST per day/ per par�cipant including all meals.
This cost will be charged in addi�on to the program fee.
The fee is payable either by online payment thru NEFT/RTGS or Mul�city Cheque/ Demand Dra� in
favour of "XLRI Jamshedpur". Bank details for online payment are provided on Pro-forma Invoice raised
against receiving of the filled-up nomina�on form.
The payment process of programme fee is to be completed before the commencement of the
Story Telling With Data
Cancella�on of Nomina�ons
Informa�on about the cancella�on of nomina�ons, if any, should reach the Corporate
Programmes Office at least one week before the commencement of the programme. Cancella�ons received
a�er the above-men�oned deadline will entail a cancella�on charge of 100% of the Program fee.
Programme Cancella�on
XLRI is not accountable for payment towards cancella�on of �ckets. If unforeseen circumstances warrant
postponement /cancella�on of the programme by XLRI, the informa�on will be sent to the sponsoring
companies 10 days in advance of the scheduled commencement date.
8:45 am on the first day for registra�on. The programme will begin at 9:00 am on the first day and will be
over by 3:30 pm on the last day. Please note the �mings in the Programme Schedule displayed at venue.
Please address your queries and nomina�ons to Corporate Programmes Office during working hours:
Monday to Friday (9:00 am -12:30 pm and 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm) and Saturday (8:30 am - 12:30 pm).
Phone: +91-657-665-3329/3330/3331,
Board or Recep�on +91-657-665-3333; +91-657-665-3444
Fax: +91-657-2227814 Website: h�p://