ISO Global 2008 3
ISO Global 2008 3
ISO Global 2008 3
©2008 First Data Merchant Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved. All information contained herein is
confidential and proprietary to First Data Merchant Services Corporation (“FDMS”). It shall not be disclosed,
duplicated, or used in part or in whole, for any purpose without prior written consent from FDMS. FDMS reserves
the right to make changes to specifications at any time and without notice. This information contained within is
believed to be accurate and reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed by FDMS for its use. All trademarks,
service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.
For future upgrades or general concerns, please contact your Relationship Manager. Please
check with your First Data Certification Representative before attempting to implement the
features described in this specification. The First Data Certification Representative will be
responsible for answering your questions, establishing connectivity, coordinating testing, and
validating message formats.
First Data Merchant Services Corporation (FDMS®) reserves the right to make changes to
specifications at any time and without notice. The information furnished in this publication is
believed to be accurate and reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed by FDMS for its
Revision History
Filename: First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification 2008-311112008
The following table lists the additions, updates/modifications, and deletions made to this specification
during the last one year. All the additions and updates/modifications have been notated in blue text.
Changes made to this document in the last eighteen months
Page Brief Description of Change Version Revised Date
Title Updated the document version number to 2008-3 2008-3 10/24/2008
4-14 Bit 25 - Added a note on POS Condition code for 2008-3 10/24/2008
ECommerce Recurring Transactions.
4-17 Bit 37 - Added a note for Reversals 2008-3 10/24/2008
4-57 Added Bit 63 – Table (14) Discover NRID data 2008-3 10/24/2008
4-84 Updated Bit 63 — (Table 60 - MOTO/Bill Payment / 2008-3 10/24/2008
Electronic Commerce Additional POS Info) with
definitions of Visa and MasterCard Electronic
4-91 Updated Bit 63 — (Table 68) Additional 2008-3 10/24/2008
Account/Amount Information (Version 2 Usage —
Additional Account/Amount Information Support)
4-95 Updated Bit 63 — (Table 69) AUAR/TPP ID 4-94 2008-3 10/24/2008
4-112 Updated Discover Compliance Table to add Byte 2008-3 10/24/2008
4-112 Field 63 (Table DS) Discover Qualification Field 2008-3 10/24/2008
Identifier Table to add NRID Field
4-117 Modified P2 table with Ecommerce - Invoice: Added 2008-3 10/24/2008
Conditional Requirement Matrix for Customer Code
and Tax Amount. Visa GSA purchase cards and Large
Ticket Programs require the Customer Code and Tax
6-25 Added new Discover Bin Range 64500000 - 64999999. 2008-3 11/03/2008
In order to add this new bin range, existing bin range
64400000 – 64499999 was expanded to be 64400000-
6-17 Updated Currency Codes table 2008-3 11/11/2008
6-51 Added additional clarification concerning Partial 2008-3 10/24/2008
Authorization Capable Response for automated fuel
Title Updated the document version number to 2008-2 2008-2 04/22/08
4-9 Updated Time, Local Transmission (Bitmap 12) with 2008-2 04/22/08
mandatory requirement for Debit and EBT, and optional
but recommended for Amex and Discover transactions.
4-13 Added Network Identity Code (NII) for Canadian Debit 2008-2 04/22/08
in Bit 24
4-25 Updated Additional POS Information (Bitmap 60) to 2008-2 04/22/08
correct the error in POS type and POS (Terminal)
Capability values and their related description.
5-23 Updated the requirement of Acquirer Reference Data 2008-2 04/22/08
(Bitmap 31) as conditional in the sample messages
(Section 4) for authorization only (credit), Debit and
EBT, and Reversals.
2-11 Updated the time span (25 minutes instead of 30 2008-2 04/22/08
minutes), which merchants must submit reversal
request for Credit, Debit, and EBT host capture.
Version 2008-3 Confidential and Proprietary i
November 11, 2008 to First Data
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Revision History
Standard Message Types
Bit Definitions
Sample Messages
Appendix O
2-5 Updated Legends of Attributes to include Binary Code 2008-1 04/09/08
Decimal (BCD)
4-6 Added processing codes (Bit 3) for Prepaid card 2008-1 04/09/08
activation and load, Bill Payment/Recurring, and Echo
4-14 Updated POS condition code 2008-1 04/09/08
Modified the following ISO Bit definitions: 2008-1 04/09/08
Bit 2
Bit 3
Bit 4
Bit 11
Bit 13
Bit 14
Bit 22
Bit 25
Bit 31
Bit 32
Bit 37
Bit 39
Bit 44
Bit 54
Bit 62
Updated Private Data Field Tables: 2008-1 04/09/08
Updated Summary of Tables
Added Merchant Advice code indicator for Visa
Recurring to indicate Direct Marketing and E-
Commerce in Updated Table Requirement for
Special Features
Added Merchant Advice code indicator for
Discover Recurring and VPAS in Updated Table
Requirement for Special Features
Modified the following tables in Bit 63:
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Revision History
Bit 7
Bit 11
Bit 12/13
Bit 22
Bit 25
Bit 31
Bit 32
Bit 60
Bit 124
Bit 63 modified the following: 2007-3 11/06/07
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Revision History
Canadian Debit Processing (for further information on this feature, see Appendix O — Canadian
Debit Processing–Terminal MAC/EKME on page 6-74)
Dual Event settlement 2007 (for further information on this feature, see Appendix N — Host
Capture on page 6-71)
Host Capture Settlement–Purchase Card 2 (P2) and Petroleum (PE) tables — Product Availability
is TBD with a target date of the End of June 2008 (for further information on this feature, see
Appendix P — Frequently Asked Questions on page 6-78)
Loyalty (Added Version 3 for Table — L1 and version 2 for Table — L2)
Discover Recurring
Visa prepaid card activation and load
Fleet card data (Bit 63, Table 24 and 25)
Discover Cash Back
MasterCard Merchant Advice Code Indicator/Visa Recurring Payment Cancellation
Discover Network Reference Identifier (NRID)
Please refer to the Revision History (pages ii-iv) for the details of all references to these features in the
Please check with your First Data Certification Representative before attempting to
implement the features described in the list of new features.
About ISO 8583 First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Merchants who process financial transactions using an ISO 8583 message format structure for the
following industries:
Car Rental
Direct Marketing/Mail Order
Retail or Supermarket
Programmers and analysts who design, implement, and support the systems using an ISO 8583
message structure
2.2. Scope
First Data supports the following types of transactions:
The message format used for such settlement files is described in the
Paperless Transaction Specification (PTS) document
(PTS_Spec_2007-4.pdf) available on the First Data specifications Web
site (
Authorization with Host Authorization with Host Capture Settlement is used to transmit an
Capture Settlement authorization request to First Data from a merchant. Here the approved
transactions are captured by the First Data host for settlement
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification About ISO 8583
FDCS/6000, the First Data transaction delivery system, provides a direct and efficient pathway between
clients and all major payment systems. Operating nationwide, FDCS/6000 consists of geographically
diverse data centers interconnected by state-of-the-art fiber optics. This redundant operating strategy
enables First Data to avoid any single point of failure, allowing customers to stay on-line, even if one of
the facilities experiences an unforeseen outage or problem.
The First Data network is supported by FDCS/6000 Front End Processors (FEPs), which handle the
electronic communications of client interface systems and host level interfaces in an authorization
environment. The FEPs manage the flow of messages, networks and merchants, and control all message
transmissions between the merchant host and First Data.
First Data suggests that as a matter of good business practices all merchants and third
parties that process, transmit, or store cardholder data should become aware of Visa’s
Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP) and MasterCard’s Site Data Protection
(SDP) program. The purpose of these programs is to help protect the integrity of
cardholder information via the use of outside-vendor auditing of systems security and
server site security.
For additional information, please contact your Client Certification and Implementation
representative. Information is also available at and
ISO 8583 uses a concept referred to as a “bitmap”, wherein each data element is assigned a position
indicator in a control field, or bitmap. The presence of a data element in a specific message is indicated
by a one (1) in the assigned position of the bitmap; the absence of a data element is indicated by a zero
(0) in the assigned position. The bits are numbered left to right from 1 to 64. The high-order bit of the first
byte is bit #1. Bit #64 is the right-most bit or the low-order bit of the eighth and last byte. The ISO 8583
specification also define a second bitmap indicating bits 65 through 128. To activate the secondary
bitmap, enter ‘1’ in bit number one of the primary bitmap.
If this bit is on, all data elements will be shifted by an additional 8 bytes; thus, field number two (Primary
Account Number) would be found as the 17th byte following the message type rather than the 9th byte
(as would be the case if only a primary bitmap were present). Usually, the First Data implementation
supports neither the use of the second bitmap nor the fields ISO has defined for those bits. First Data
does not use all of the defined fields. The fields used by First Data are described in this document.
References to “numeric characters” are meant to imply “printable” characters. For
example, the ASCII value for the number 12 is X ’31 32’.
When variable length data is numeric and an odd number of digits, set the last half byte to
X ‘0’. For example, a numeric field of three positions containing the value X ’12 30’
represents the value ‘one hundred twenty-three’.
If the length indicator is three digits (two bytes), always set the first half byte to X ‘0’.
Thus, a length indicator for a 125-position field would look like this: X ’01 25’. If the data
type for this field were numeric, the same rule of setting the last half byte to X ‘0’ would
apply, as shown above.
Transaction Amount
Right justified, zero filled, and two assumed decimal places for USD and most other countries. For more
information, refer to Appendix D on page 6-17. For example: a field size of 7, the string ‘0004588’ would
translate as $45.88.
Binary (B)
Any value, Hex 00 through Hex FF — the field allows the full range of binary values, without regard to
ASCII value, print ability, or command interpretation.
The 3rd/4th digits identify the message function and transmission mode.
Message Identifiers Description
00 Interactive Request
10 Interactive Request Response
Not all requests need be captured. The choice depends on merchant requirements
Financial Transaction Messages (Debit)
Message Identifiers Description
0200 Authorization/Financial Transaction Request
0210 Authorization/Financial Transaction Request Response
Reversal Messages
Message Identifiers Description
0400 Reversal Request
0410 Reversal Request Response
Authorization requests may or may not be captured by the merchant system or the First Data host. This is
dependent on the merchants’ application requirements and transaction type. There are three options:
Authorization only: A transaction used to transmit an authorization request to First Data where it
is not captured on the First Data host for settlement processing. Using authorization only, the
merchant is responsible to capture the approved transactions into a data capture file. Only those
transactions captured by the merchant and returned in the settlement file will be billed to the
cardholder and funded by First Data. The settlement process is supported through a separate
communications link. Settlement should be carried out by transferring a batch file directly to the
First Data host processor. The message format used for such settlement files is described in the
PTS settlement specification, which may be obtained from the Web site.
Authorization only requests are currently supported for all industries.
Authorization with host capture settlement: A transaction used to transmit an authorization
request to First Data from a merchant where the approved transactions are captured on the First
Data host for settlement processing. Merchants may require additional communication changes to
be made to access the First Data front-end systems to support host capture. Authorization with
capture is supported for electronic commerce, MOTO, and retail.
Capture Only: A transaction that was previously authorized and is submitted to First Data host to
be captured for settlement processing only. For example, a merchant may decide to initially submit
the transaction as an Authorization Only request. A subsequent transaction is then submitted to
First Data host to be captured for settlement processing. In this case, the merchant must retain
additional records from the authorization and must send that information when submitting the
transaction for settlement. Other examples of capture only transactions include Voice
Authorization and Return/Refund.
Typically transactions such as dual event, address verification only, balance inquiry only, check
authorization, or pre-authorization requests need not be captured for settlement processing. Most other
transactions are expected to be captured for settlement processing.
Prepaid Card Activation Request — Visa Only (ISO Message Type 0100)
Transaction used to notify an issuer that a card has been purchased and should be activated for
cardholder usage. This transaction type is not captured for settlement processing. For more information,
refer to Appendix K on page 6-54.
Prepaid Card Load Request — Visa Only (ISO Message Type 0100)
Transaction used to notify the issuer of an amount to be loaded to a card. For existing prepaid accounts,
the transaction amount will be added to the available balance. For new prepaid accounts, the card will be
activated for usage, and the transaction amount will be added as the initial load to the card. This
transaction type is not captured for settlement processing. For more information, refer to Appendix K on
page 6-54.
Transaction currently used to support Debit/EBT card transactions. The Debit or EBT authorization
request messages are submitted on behalf of a request for authorization for purchase of goods or
services for a specified amount. At the time of the approved authorization response, the funds are
depleted from the cardholders account by the issuing bank.
In order for the merchant to receive payment for Debit or EBT transaction types, a settlement process
must occur. There are two options:
Authorization only: Using authorization only, the merchant is responsible for capturing the
approved transactions into a settlement file. In order for the merchant to be funded, it is necessary
that the settlement file is then transmitted to First Data. Only those transactions captured by the
merchant and returned in the settlement file will be funded by First Data. The settlement process
is supported through a separate communications link. Settlement should be carried out by
transferring a batch file directly to the First Data host processor. The message format used for
such settlement files is described in the PTS settlement specification, which may be obtained from
the Web site.
Authorization with host capture settlement: Transaction used to transmit an authorization
request to First Data from a merchant where the approved transactions are captured on the First
Data host for settlement processing. It may require additional communication changes to be made
to access the First Data front-end systems to support host capture. Canadian domiciled merchants
must use Authorization with Host Capture settlement.
First Data specifications abide by Debit Network operating rules and technical specifications; therefore,
merchants processing Debit / EBT transactions must comply with the requirements for those transactions,
as described within this specification.
For authorization only: First Data supports full and partial reversals for authorization only
transactions. Discover requires that the reversal must occur prior to transmitting the sale for
settlement processing. Visa and MasterCard do not specify when the reversal must occur,
however, best practice is to perform the reversal request prior to or immediately after the
settlement processing.
For authorization with capture: First Data supports only full reversals for authorization with
capture transaction. Merchants must submit reversal request within 25 minutes of the
transaction. FDC does not match the reversal request with the specific transaction at the point
when the request is received. However, First Data sends an approval as a response on receipt
of the reversal request. This is just an acknowledgement to the receipt of the reversal request
and does not indicate that the reversal has been approved or sent to the relevant card
association. If the time period of 25 minutes is over and no reversal request has been initiated,
the transaction data is pulled into the batch file maintained by First Data. In this case, any
adjustment or reconciliation has to be made through return/refund during settlement. Thus a
reversal must occur within 25 minutes of the original authorization request. If it doesn’t, the
approved transaction amount captured at First Data will not be adjusted.
Capture Only: For merchants supporting capture only transactions, if they submit the same
transaction twice, they must go out for a refund of the duplicate transaction and not a reversal.
A Void is used to correct an error or to accommodate the customer’s change of mind at the point of sale
following approval of the original transaction.
All Debit/EBT voids must be submitted within 25 minutes of the original request. On receiving a void
request, First Data sends back a response to the merchant. The response is just an acknowledgement of
the receipt of the void request. It does not indicate that the void is being processed. For more information,
refer to Appendix L on page 6-61.
Transaction used to test the communications link or application readiness. Other variations of this
message can be used to log on to the First Data Network.
New key request used to receive a new working key
Figure 1 describes the workflow for merchants having a hosting facility (frame connection to First Data):
Figure 1
4.3. Bitmap
Field Name Description
Attributes Binary, Hexadecimal Representation
Size 64 bits; 8 bytes [or 128 bits, 16 bytes (for the extended bitmap)]
Req Mandatory-All message types
Comments Each bit in this field specifies the presence or absence of a field in a message type.
The bitmap indicates those fields that are being used in a message, since it is
neither necessary nor desirable to “activate” every available field in a particular
message type.
For fields that are activated or “on,” you must set the corresponding bitmap position
to a value of 1. These include mandatory fields, optional fields that you wish to
activate, and conditional fields (that meet those conditions making them mandatory).
If a field is optional and you elect not to activate it, its assigned bitmap position must
contain a value of 0.
In the following example, the extended bitmap (65-128) is not turned on.
Therefore, bit 1 (of 64) is set to binary 0 to disable the extended bitmap.
0 5 (Byte 3) 8 0 (Byte 4)
Bit Setting 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit # 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
0 0(Byte 5) C 8(Byte 6)
Bit Setting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
Bit # 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
0 0 (Byte 7) 0 0 (Byte 8)
Bit Setting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit # 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
On the 0200 Financial Transactions for EBT Card message, this field is mandatory
for Food Stamp transactions if the Track 2 Data cannot be read.
Comments This field identifies the card member’s account number. Unlike most numeric fields,
the Primary Account Number is left-justified. In this case, the rightmost byte is
padded with a ½ byte binary zero (e.g., a three-position field, X ’03 12 30’).
01 Withdrawal/cash advance
02 Adjustment of a return (Debit only)
04 Check verification
Version 2008-3 Confidential and Proprietary 4-6
November 11, 2008 to First Data
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
1. The number of implied decimals associated with the transaction amount depends
on the currency code. Refer to Appendix E (Currency Codes) for additional
2. For Address Verification Only and Account Balance Inquiry type messages, the
transaction amount value must be ‘0’.
3. In most instances, the Transaction Amount value from the request message is
“echoed” back to the merchant in the host response messages (0110s, 0210s,
and 0410).
4. In the case of partially approved transaction responses (message 0110, in which
Field 39 contains a value of ‘10’), this field will contain the total amount approved
by the card issuer, and this amount should be used for reconciliation purposes.
5. Field 63, Table 68 — Additional Account/Amount Information will contain the total
transaction amount from the initial request, and it is provided for informational
purposes only.
6. For cash-back on a credit card, this field must contain the total transaction
amount. Field 63, Table 68 — Additional Account/Amount Information Data, must
also be included and must contain the cash-back amount portion of the
7. On a 0400 (Debit/EBT) reversal message, this field must match the original 0200
(Debit/EBT) request.
8. On 0400 Partial Reversal message, this field represents Replacement Amount
and not the reduced amount.
9. On 0400 Full reversal message, this field represents the amount authorized.
10. On Incremental authorization, this field represents the incremental amount to be
The System Trace entered on the 0400 Reversal Request must be identical to
the System Trace of the 0100 Authorization Request and 0200 Debit Request
being reversed.
For any merchant sending Debit/EBT card transactions, this field must be sent
with the request. It is assigned by the terminal.
On 0400 (Debit/EBT) reversal message the time of the transaction must match
the Transmission Date/Time in the original 0200 (Debit/EBT) request.
This is the date stamp of the transaction and, as a REG-E requirement; it should be
printed on the Debit/EBT Receipt given to a customer. It does not change on
subsequent transactions (i.e., debit reversal).
For any merchant sending Debit/EBT card transactions, this field must be sent with
the request. It is assigned by the terminal or system originating the message.
On a 0400 (Debit/EBT) reversal message, this field must match the original 0200
(Debit/EBT) request.
Transactions associated with an expired card must be settled within four days,
or the batch will be rejected.
For Discover Recurring and Installment transactions the transaction must
include a valid expiration date for the card being used in the recurring
agreement with the merchant.
On a 0400 (Debit/EBT) reversal message, this field must match the original 0200
(Debit/EBT) request.
On a 0400 (Debit/EBT) reversal message, this field must match the original 0200
(Debit/EBT) request.
For Check Guarantee/Verification, this value applies when an electronic device of
Version 2008-3 Confidential and Proprietary 4-12
November 11, 2008 to First Data
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
Contactless chip magnetic stripe read is supported for Visa, MasterCard, Amex,
Discover and Debit cards only
PIN Capability
Value Description
0 Unknown
1 Can accept PIN
2 Cannot accept PIN (Valid Value for Transponders)
Supported for Visa and Discover only. The card is present, the magnetic stripe
could not be read and the card number was key-entered. Visa requires Address
Verification (AVS) must be included within the authorization request message.
However, for Discover, AVS is optional.
On a 0400 reversal message, this field must match the original 0100/0200
When performing E-Commerce Recurring transactions for MasterCard, the POS Condition
code must be 04 and the MOTO/ECI value in Field 63 Table 60 must be 05, 06, 07, or 08.
This should only be used for host capture merchants. If this field is present for other
merchants, the transaction could be rejected.
Comments Contains values to be used by the “Acquirer” (First Data) to determine how to
process the transaction. Currently only the first byte in the field is being used. The
remaining positions are reserved for future use and should not be sent.
0 — Authorization Only
1 — Authorization/Capture
2 — Capture Only
Capture Only – For Credit transactions the retrieval reference number must be the
same value that was submitted in the original authorization request.
On 0200 Financial Transaction (Debit/EBT Card), required for EBT Voucher Clear
transactions only.
Required on 0400 Debit voids, Credit Card reversals and on EBT Voucher Clear
transaction reversals if an approved 0210 authorization response was received.
For host capture merchants, this field is mandatory for Capture only (Bit 31 value of
2) and when the transaction is a Sale.
The Terminal ID does not conform to the standard definition of alphanumeric fields:
it is right justified and zero-filled on the left.
On a 0400 reversal message, this field must match the original 0100/0200 request.
On a 0100 VRU Authorization only (page 2-9), the Merchant ID can be the First
Data internal number or a merchant external number.
On a 0400 reversal message, this field must match the original 0100/0200 request.
AVS Result Code One character code indicating the result of the Address Verification process.
The different AVS result codes are listed in the following table.
Value Description
Y Yes: Address and ZIP Match
A Address: Address Matches ZIP Does Not Match
Z Zip: ZIP Matches, Address Does Not Match
N No: Address and ZIP Do Not Match
U Address Information not Verified for International Transaction or Service is not
G Address Information not verified for international transaction
R Retry: System Unavailable or Timeout
E Error: Transaction ineligible for address verification or edit error found in the
message that prevents AVS from being performed
B Street Match: Street addresses match for international trans, but postal code
C Street Address: Street address and postal code not verified for international
D Match: Street addresses and postal codes match for international transaction
F Match: Street addresses and postal codes match for international transaction (for
UK only)
I Not Verified: Address information not verified for international transaction
M Match: Street Addresses and postal codes match for international transaction
P Postal Match: Postal codes match for international trans., but street address
Value Description
X Exact: Address and 9-digit ZIP Match
Y Yes: Address and 5-digit ZIP Match
A Address: Address Matches ZIP Does Not Match
W Whole Zip: 9-digit ZIP Matches, Address Does Not Match
Z Zip: 5-digit ZIP Matches, Address Does Not Match
N No: Address and ZIP Do Not Match
U Address Info is Unavailable
R Retry: System Unavailable or Timeout
E Error: Transaction ineligible for address verification or edit error found in the
message that prevents AVS from being performed
S Service Not Supported: Issuer does not support address verification
American Express
Value Description
Y Address and ZIP Match
A Address Matches ZIP Does Not Match
Z 9 or 5 digit ZIP Matches, Address Does Not Match
N Address and ZIP Do Not Match
U Address Information Is Unavailable
R System Unavailable or Timeout
S Issuer Does Not Support Address Verification
Value Description
X All digits match (9-digit Zip Code)
Y All digits match (5-digit Zip Code)
A Address matches, Zip Code does not
W 9-digit Zip matches, address does not
Z 5-digit Zip matches, address does not
N Nothing matches
U No Data from Issuer/Auth System
R Retry, system unable to process
S AVS not supported at this time
All new applications supporting Debit and EBT are required to use Derived Unique
Key Per Transactions (DUKPT) key management between the point-of-sale and
the first link where the PIN block is decrypted and re-encrypted at a Host Security
Module. This means that in most situations Leased Line merchants will be required
to use DUKPT key management, since the PIN block will be passed from the point-
of-sale to the corporate host to the First Data host, where the First Data Host
Security Module decrypts it. For DUKPT, Field 63 (Table 33) is required in addition
to Field 52. Refer to page 4-65 for details concerning this table.
For any corporation that has its own Host Security Module, Debit/EBT transactions
are required to use DUKPT key management between the point-of-sale and the
corporate host to which the Host Security Module is attached. These transactions
can then be transmitted to the First Data host during Master/Session Key
The information present in Bit 62 messages table is for existing merchants (as of 2003) and should not be
implemented in transactions carried out by future business engagements (merchants processing
transactions through First Data). The above table is documented in First Data ISO 8583 Global
Specification for future reference only to be used by First Data. Bit 48 Message Reason Code for Debit and EBT Reversals/Void
0400 message
Field Name Attribute Req Value
Length Attribute N ...06 M 00 06 — Length of data to follow
Transaction Code AN 2 M 25
Message Reason AN 4 M Specific reason this particular reversal was
Code generated
Value Description
4000 Transaction voided by cashier or
4021 System generated reversal due to a
Transaction Codes
Fidelity TeleCheck ICS (NPC) Definitions
11 30 unsupported For merchants who authorize checks by keying in
the driver’s license.
10 31 41 or 12 For merchants who authorize checks by always
keying in the checking account number (Short
MICR). Code 12 is used by existing merchants.
New merchants use 41.
14 32 42 or 13 For merchants who authorize checks by using an
electronic check reader (Full MICR). Code 13 is
used by existing merchants. New merchants use
5 33 43 For merchants who normally use an electronic
check reader but have to key in the checking
account information because the check reader is
broken, the check is wrinkled, or won’t work in the
check reader (Full MICR).
Short MICR — Only part of the MICR checking account information needs to be keyed in, usually part of
the account number. Fidelity (Certegy) or First Data provides a small plastic device for the clerk to place
over the check to show which digits to key.
Full MICR — All the information on the MICR line (the bank transit/routing ABA number, the entire
checking account number, and the check sequence number) is required and must be provided by either
using an electronic check reader to read this information or keying it in manually.
* Existing merchants utilizing TeleCheck for authorizations that currently only submit the account number
in the MICR data are being requested to support full MICR data to improve the validation. For new
merchants or vendor applications that submit authorization to TeleCheck via First Data account number
only will no longer be supported for format validation.
This field is not present if the merchant is not a PS/2000 merchant of this document (including
The information present in Bit 62 PS/2000 Indicator (PS/2000, LEASED LINE ONLY) 0100,
0200 messages table is for existing merchants (as of 2003) and should not be implemented in
transactions carried out by future business engagements (merchants processing transactions
through First Data). The above table is documented in First Data ISO 8583 Global
Specification for future reference only to be used by First Data.
*Transaction ID= BankNET Date (4 bytes) +
BankNET Reference (9 bytes) +
Blanks (2 bytes)
**Validation Code= CVC Error (1 byte) +
POS Entry Mode Change (1 byte) +
Transaction Edit Error Code +
Blank (1 byte)
The information present in Bit 62 PS/2000 Response (PS/2000, LEASED LINE ONLY)) 0110,
0410 messages table is for existing merchants (as of 2003) and should not be implemented
for transactions carried out by future business engagements (merchants processing
transactions through First Data). The above table is documented in First Data ISO 8583
Global Specification for future reference only to be used by First Data.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
These tables use the Field Identifier Table structure.
Version 2008-3 Confidential and Proprietary 4-35
November 11, 2008 to First Data
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Visa Compliance Table is mandatory for merchants who are responsible for matching. If
the matching is performed by First Data, this is an optional table.
Table 69 Agent Identification Service (AUAR/TPP ID) is only used for
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Table 14 must be submitted with the original auth response values for all Capture only
transactions (Bit 31 value of 2).
Incremental authorization is only supported for Lodging and Car Rental only.
The Total Authorized Amount consists of the total value of all transactions with this Tran ID. This data
must be provided with Visa partial reversals as shown here:
Partial Reversal
Initial Authorization
+ Any Incrementals
= Total Amount
Amount values must always contain numeric characters (zero nine). Nulls and spaces are not
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
Y A CPS/Retail Key Entry transaction (POS Key Entered K
Entry Mode MUST be 01 and POS Transaction.
Condition Code must be 71). MCC must A problem was
NOT be an Automated Fuel Dispenser, encountered
Direct Marketing, or Emerging Market during reading
Visa Only
code. of magnetic
stripe data.
* Address Verification is Required
Y A request for preferred customer Card-not- R
participation was submitted with the present (AVS
authorization request. not required)
Y A request for preferred customer Transaction T
participation was submitted with the cannot
authorization request. participate in
CPS programs
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
The following section gives you an idea of the details that you must enter in Bit 4, as well as Bit 63 (Table
Bit 4 — Displays the initial transaction amount requested for authorization, which is $100.00.
Bit 63, Table 14 — Displays the initial authorized amount and the total authorized amount for
reversal messages, which are both $0.00.
Bit 4 — Displays incremental transaction amount requested for authorization, which is $50.00.
Bit 63, Table 14 — Displays the incremental authorized amount and the total authorized
amount for reversal messages, which are both $0.00.
3. 0400 Reversal message is sent out by the merchant to First Data for reversing $25.00. To initiate
the reversal request, the merchant must specify the total authorized amount ($150.00) and final
replacement amount ($125.00) in the 0400 message. The following bits in the 0400 message
display information that are relevant to the transaction:
Bit 4 — Displays the final authorization transaction amount, which is $125.00. This amount is
the final replacement amount.
Bit 63, Table 14 — Displays the first authorization amount and the total authorized amount for
reversal messages. In this scenario, the first authorized amount is $100.00 and the total
authorized amount is $150.00.
The table below displays the details of the transaction messages with the transaction amounts used in the
scenario described above.
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Transaction Type Message Type Amount of Private Data Private Data Field
Transaction Field (Bit 63, Table 14)
(Bit 63, Table Total Auth Amount
(Bit 4) 14)
Initial 0100 100.00 0.00 0.00
Authorization (Authorization (This is the first
Request — ISO authorized amount)
Incremental 0100 50.00 0.00 0.00
Authorization (Authorization (This is the
Request — ISO incremental
Message) authorized amount)
Partial Reversal 0400 125.00 100.00 150.00
(Authorization (This reflects the (This is the first (This is the total
Reversal final replacement authorized authorized amount)
Request-ISO amount) amount)
The reversal must be performed before replacement. The following details are captured for replacement:
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
Bit 4 — Displays the transaction amount requested for authorization, which is $100.00.
Bit 63, Table 14 — Displays the initial authorized amount and the total authorized amount for
reversal messages, which are both $0.00.
2. 0400 Reversal message is sent out by the merchant to First Data for reversing $75.00. To initiate
the reversal request, the merchant must specify the total authorized amount ($100.00) and final
replacement amount ($25.00) in the 0400 message. The following bits in the 0400 message
display information that are relevant to the transaction:
Bit 4 — Displays the final authorization transaction amount, which is $25.00. This amount is the
final replacement amount.
Bit 63, Table 14 — Displays the initial authorization amount and total authorized amount for
reversal messages, which are both $100.00.
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
The table below displays the details of the transaction messages with the transaction amounts used in the
scenario described above.
Transaction Type Message Type Amount of Private Data Field Private Data Field
Transaction (Bit 63 Table 14) (Bit 63, Table 14)
(Bit 4) First Authorized Total Auth
Amount Amount
Authorization 0100 100.00 0.00 0.00
(Authorization (This is the first
Request — ISO and the only
Message) authorized
Partial Reversal 0400 25.00 100.00 100.00
(Authorization (This reflects the (This is the first (This is the total
Reversal final replacement and the only authorized
Request — ISO amount) authorized amount)
Message) amount)
The reversal must be performed before replacement. The following details are captured for replacement:
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
Please note that the amounts entered in the Transaction Amount, First Authorized Amount, and the Total
Authorized Amount fields should be the same. For additional details, refer to the Appendix M Additional
Processing Options — Reversal Processing.
— Example Based on U.S. Currency (i.e., 2 assumed decimal places) — on next page
The following section gives you an idea of the details that you must enter in Bit 4, as well as Bit 63 (Table
Details of Transaction Messages:
1. 0100 message is sent out from the merchant’s terminal to authorize $100.00. The following bits in
the 0100 message display information that are relevant to the $100.00 initial authorization
Bit 4 — Displays the transaction amount requested for authorization, which is $100.00.
Bit 63, Table 14 — Displays the initial authorized amount and the total authorized amount for
reversal messages, which are both $0.00.
2. 0400 Reversal message is sent out by the merchant to First Data for reversing the total
authorized amount, which is $100.00. To initiate the reversal request, the merchant must specify
the total authorized amount ($100.00) and full reversal amount ($100.00) in the 0400 message.
The following bits in the 0400 message display information that are relevant to the transaction:
The table below displays the details of the transaction messages with the transaction amounts used in the
scenario described above.
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Transaction Message Amount of Private Data Field Private Data Field
Type Type Transaction (Bit 63, Table 14) (Bit 63, Table 14)
(Bit 4) First Authorized Total Auth Amount
Authorization 0100 100.00 0.00 0.00
(Authorizati (This is the first
on Request and the only
— ISO authorized
Message) amount)
Full Reversal 0400 100.00 100.00 100.00
(Authorizati (This reflects the (This is the first and (This is the total
on Reversal total authorized the only authorized authorized amount)
Request — amount which is amount)
ISO to be reversed.
Bit 4 — Displays the initial transaction amount requested for authorization, which is $100.00.
Bit 63, Table 14 — Displays the initial authorized amount and the total authorized amount for
reversal messages, which are both $0.00.
2. 0100 message is sent out from the merchant’s terminal to authorize $50.00 (incremental). The
following bits in the 0100 message display information that are relevant to the $50.00 incremental
authorization request:
Bit 4 — Displays incremental transaction amount requested for authorization, which is $50.00.
Bit 63, Table 14 — Displays the incremental authorized amount and the total authorized
amount for reversal messages, which are both $0.00.
3. 0400 Reversal message is sent out by the merchant to First Data for reversing $150.00. To
initiate the reversal request, the merchant must specify the total reversal amount ($150.00) and
total authorized amount ($150.00) in the 0400 message. The following bits in the 0400 message
display information that are relevant to the transaction:
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
Bit 63, Table 14 — Displays the incremental authorization amount and the total authorized
amount for reversal messages. In this scenario, the first authorized amount is $100.00 and the
total authorized amount is $150.00.
The table below displays the details of the transaction messages with the transaction amounts used in the
scenario described above.
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Filler AN 2 M Space-fill
CVC Error AN 1 M Space-fill in authorization request message.
Code CVC Incorrect Indicator. An indicator, provided by the Issuer
in the authorization response, to identify the presence of an
invalid card verification code (CVC). If there is an error, the
Issuer will respond with the 1-byte CVC Error Code (Y).
The value received in the 0110 response must be submitted
in the 0400 reversal message and capture only transaction
request message.
POS Entry AN 1 M Space-fill in authorization request message. If the entry
Mode mode has changed, the Issuer will respond with the 1-byte
Change POS Entry Mode Change (Y).
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Table 14 must be submitted with the original auth response values for all Capture only
transactions (Bit 31 value of 2).
The Total Authorized Amount consists of the total value of all transactions with this
Tran ID. This data must be provided with MasterCard partial reversals as well.
Amount values must always contain numeric characters (zero-nine). Nulls and spaces
are not acceptable.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
MasterCard-Partial Reversal
A transaction of $100.00 is sent for authorization. However, the final replacement amount for this
transaction is $25.00. The difference between the authorized amount and the replacement amount
necessitates the merchant to perform a partial reversal of $75.00. To initiate a reversal, the merchant
must indicate the total authorization amount ($ 100.00) and the final replacement amount ($ 50.00) in Bit
4 and Bit 63 (Table 14) of 0400 reversal message respectively.
The following section gives you an idea of the details that you must enter in Bit 4, as well as Bit 63 (Table
Details of Transaction Messages:
1. 0100 message is sent out from the merchant’s terminal to authorize $100.00. The following bits in
the 0100 message display information that are relevant to the $100.00 initial authorization
Bit 4 — Displays the transaction amount requested for authorization, which is $100.00.
Bit 63, Table 14 — Displays the total authorized amount for reversal messages. In this
scenario, the total authorized amount is $0.00.
2. 0400 Reversal message is sent out by the merchant to First Data for reversing $75.00. To initiate
the reversal request, the merchant must specify the total authorized amount ($100.00) and final
replacement amount ($25.00) in the 0400 message. The following bits in the 0400 message
display information that are relevant to the transaction:
Bit 4 — Displays the final authorization transaction amount, which is $25.00. This amount is the
final replacement amount.
Bit 63, Table 14 – Displays the total authorized amount for reversal messages. In this scenario,
the total authorized amount is $100.00.
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
The table below displays the details of the transaction messages with the transaction amounts used in the
scenario described above.
The reversal must be performed before replacement. The following details are captured for replacement:
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
MasterCard-Full Reversal
A transaction of $100.00 is sent for authorization. However, the sale is cancelled and the replacement is
never performed. This necessitates the merchant to perform a full reversal of $100.00. To initiate a
reversal, the merchant must indicate the full reversal amount ($ 100.00) and the total authorization
amount ($ 100.00) in Bit 4 and Bit 63 (Table 14) of 0400 reversal message respectively. Besides that, the
0400 reversal request message must contain the approval code that was provided in response to the
original authorization request.
The following section gives you an idea of the details that you must enter in Bit 4 as well as Bit 63 (Table
Details of Transaction Messages:
1. 0100 message is sent out from the merchant’s terminal to authorize $100.00. The following bits in
the 0100 message display information that are relevant to the $100.00 initial authorization
Bit 4 — Displays the transaction amount requested for authorization, which is $100.00.
Bit 63, Table 14 — Displays the total authorized amount for reversal messages. In this
scenario, the total authorized amount is $0.00.
2. 0400 Reversal message is sent out by the merchant to First Data for reversing the total
authorized amount, which is $100.00. To initiate the reversal request, the merchant must specify
the total authorized amount ($100.00) and full reversal amount ($100.00) in the 0400 message.
The following bits in the 0400 message display information that are relevant to the transaction:
The table below displays the details of the transaction messages with the transaction amounts used in the
scenario described above.
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
The table-25 has been developed to comply with MasterCard, and Visa Association mandates concerning
Fleet Card Authorization. Please check with First Data first for availability.
Visa Fleet is a part of the Visa Commercial Card Product and Services. Mid-to-large sized companies and
government entities use Visa Fleet as a payment tool for fuel and maintenance expenses for company
vehicles, or fleets. Fleet functionality includes a set of enhanced authorization and clearing capabilities for
participating Fleet merchants in the United States. These new capabilities are known as the Visa Fleet.
To support the Visa Fleet product, oil merchants have initially provided enhanced data, but maintenance
and repair sectors will be the logical next participants.
Participants from Visa and MasterCard come from the maintenance and repair sections of the fleet
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Currently network codes are defined only for the Canadian Debit (EverLink) network — see
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
5 Device ID
5 Transaction Counter
For corporations that have their
own Host Security Module,
Debit/EBT transactions are
required to use DUKPT key
management between the point-
of-sale and the corporate host to
which the Host Security Module
is attached. Debit/EBT
transactions would then be
transmitted to the First Data
host using Master/Session key
management, and this field
would NOT be sent.
Do not send Table 33 with EBT
Voucher Clear transactions.
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
If the terminal receives new keys on a transaction response, the new keys must be used for
that response and for all subsequent processing until new keys are received.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
Table 49: Card Code Response Information for Capture only Transactions
(Using Bit 31 value 2)
0100 message–“Capture only” Transaction
Field Name Attribute Req Value
Length Attribute N ...999 M 0n nn — Length of data to follow — (This appears
at the beginning of field 63, not at the beginning of
each table.)
Table Length N ...999 M 00 03 — Length of data in this table
Table ID AN 2 M X'34 39' — Table 49 — Card Code Response
Response Value AN 1 M Value that corresponds to the Card Code
Response Value received in the 110 message
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
0100 message
The transaction is/was submitted for the payment of an existing debt obligation. If indictor value is not ‘9’,
do not use/transmit table.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
If the merchants send out a request, selecting the default value of 0 in the flag, they will
receive 00 as an advice code in the response message.
Field Name Attribute Req Value
Length Attribute N 999 M 0n nn — Length of data to follow — (This only
appears at the beginning of field 63 not at the
beginning of each table.)
Table Length N 999 M 00 05 — Length of data in this table
Table ID AN 2 M X '35 35' — (Table 55 — Merchant Advice Code
Flag AN 1 M 0100 Request Message:
Value Description
0 Not provided
1 Indicates that the merchant is able
to accept the Merchant Advice
Code at the Point of Service
The following tables based on card types (Visa and MasterCard) provide detail information on advice
codes, reasons for decline, and suggested action to be taken by merchant.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
The following table will remain in effect for all existing merchants/VARs. New merchants/VARs are
required to use Table 65 (see page 4-87). Existing merchants/VARs are advised to switch to that table
also, since use of Version 1.0.0 will eventually result in a downgrade of their transactions. Please first
check with First Data for availability, however.
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
In Table 60 (Electronic Commerce Indicator [Page 4-84]), the Electronic Commerce Indicator
field value must be set to ’07, 06 or 05’ for the corresponding UCAF Collection Indicator
values 0, 1 and 2 (above).
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
In Table 60 [Electronic Commerce Indicator (Page 4-84)], the Electronic Commerce Indicator
field value must be set to ‘05’ for VPAS for full authentication or ‘06’ for merchant-attempted
cardholder authentication using 3-D secure.
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
This is new functionality; please check with your Client Certification & Implementation representative for
availability, and certification procedures.
For Partial Authorizations a “10” response code will be returned in the 0110 message
(Bitmap Position 39).
If the transaction is only partially approved, the amount approved will be returned in Field 4
of the 0110 message.
(Applicable to Authorization only, and Authorization and Capture)
Field Name Attribute Req Value
Length N …999 M 0n nn — Length of data to follow (Appears at the
Attribute beginning of field 63, not at the beginning of each table).
Table Length N …999 M 00 nn — Length of data in this table. Valid lengths are:
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
For Discover, cash over amount cannot be greater than $100.00 and the cash over amount
must be less than the card transaction amount.
For more information, refer to Appendix K on page 6-41.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
Balance information (for Visa, and MasterCard Pre-paid cards)If the POS device is identified as
capable of receiving balance information and account balance information is available from the
issuer, Table 68 will be included in the response message to the POS device.
Partial authorization approvals (for Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and Discover Pre-paid cards)If the
POS device is identified as capable of accepting partially approved authorizations and the issuer
approves only a portion of the requested amount, Table 68 will be included in the response
Cash disbursement totals on Discover credit card (for Discover credit only) If the POS device
sent an amount of cash disbursement in the request, Table 68 will return the cash disbursement
amount that was approved.
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
First Data requires the Third Party Processor (TPP) identifier, which is a unique 6 byte identifier, assigned
by FDMS to all certified Third Party Processors and software vendors. To identify merchant processing
using a Third Party Processor or software vendor application the TPP ID is required for all credit card and
travel and entertainment card type (Visa, MasterCard, Diners, American Express, Discover and JCB).
FDMS can support a maximum of 3 occurrences of First Data TPP ID if multiple Third Party Processors or
software vendor applications are used during the transaction process. If multiple Third Party Processor or
software vendor applications are used the first entry should always be the TPP ID/software Vendor that
sends the transaction to First Data. Each subsequent TPP ID/software vendor should be identified where
they are in the chain.
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
1 2
Loyalty Host
FDMS6000 5
1- POS Request
2- Loyalty Request
3- Loyalty Response
4- Association Request
5- Association Response
6- POS Response
Figure 2
Loyalty requests will include credit/debit authorizations, financial transactions, and card file transactions.
Credit/debit authorization requests will be processed through Loyalty and then sent, with a possible
transactions amount adjustment, to the appropriate association for authorization. The financial
transactions are Loyalty cash transactions that require Loyalty processing only. Both the credit/debit and
financial transactions will support reversal processing. The card file transactions are Loyalty card member
management messages and will only be sent to the Loyalty host.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Code Description
000 Success
010 Failed
100 Account not found
110 Account add failed
120 Duplicate card
130 Account already exists
140 Loyalty card is expired
150 Invalid Loyalty Request
160 Invalid Merchant
200 Loyalty processing failed
210 Insufficient points in account
300 Transaction not found
310 Transaction already reversed
320 Transaction found, but data doesn’t match
330 Reversal failed
900 System failure
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
Table Length [Table ID] [FID] [Data] [FS] [FID] [Data] [FS]
Fixed Portion Variable Portion
It is important to note this table is subject to change. Additional Field Identifiers may be added due to
regulation changes. If a Field Identifier is not recognized, it should be ignored. By coding in this manner it
will allow processing changes to be introduced and allow the merchant to comply at a later date without
major re-work.
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
The VI table below will be returned in the 0110 authorization response. For Capture only transactions the
VI table received in the 0110 authorization response must be submitted in the 0100 capture only request.
0110 (Authorization Response), 0100 (Capture Only Request)
Table VI – Visa Compliance – Fixed Portion
Field Name Attribute Req Value
Length N …999 M 0n nn — Length of data to follow — (This only
Attribute appears at the beginning of field 63 not at the
beginning of each table.)
Table Length N …999 M 0n nn — Length of data in this table, included table
Table ID AN 2 M X ’56 49’ — (Table VI — Visa Compliance Table)
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
Variable Portion
Table P2 — Basic Purchase Card Level 2 — Variable Fields
Fid Field Name Attribute Req Value
01 Order Date N 6 O For Visa the date on which the order is received by the
merchant. Format is YYMMDD
02 Tax N 9 C For Visa the amount of state or provincial tax included in
Amount to the transaction amount. The tax amount must be within 0.1
12 % and 22% of the transaction amount. Two (2) decimal
places are implied and size can be 12 bytes.
For MasterCard the total amount of sales tax or VAT on
the total purchase must be between 0.1% and 30 % of the
total transaction amount; zeroes indicate that the card
acceptor is capable of transmitting the tax amount and the
tax amount is zero. Right justified and zero filled. Size can
be 9 bytes maximum.
For American Express the amount of tax calculated or
entered for the transaction. Two (2) decimal places are
implied and size can be 12 bytes.
**Refer to Conditional Requirement Matrix for further
03 Tax N 1 C Mandatory for Visa and MasterCard.
Indicator Value Description
0 No tax information provided.
1 Local tax amount is provided.
2 Item is tax exempt or non taxable (The Local
Tax Amount [above] must be zero).
For MasterCard — an indicator used to reflect sales tax
capture and reporting:
Value Description
Version 2008-3 Confidential and Proprietary 4-115
November 11, 2008 to First Data
ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification ISO 8583 Bitmap Definitions
The table listed below associates the FID to a specific card type in order to qualify for Purchase Card
Level 2, if applicable.
FID Visa MasterCard American Express
01 O N/A N/A
02 O M M
03 M M N/A
04 M M M
05 O O O
06 O N/A N/A
07 O O N/A
08 O O N/A
09 O O M
10 O O N/A
11 O O N/A
12 N/A M N/A
GSA Purchase Cards and Large Ticket Programs; Registration is required in order to participating in any
of the GSA Purchase Card or Large Ticket Programs. For further qualification or registration
requirements please contact your Relationship Manager.
Date Element Purchasing Card Level II
Tax Amount Required
Customer Code Required
The below matrix should be used in determining when the tax amount and customer code is required to
be present or optional. If the tax amount is required it must be within 0.01% and 30% of the transaction
amount. If the cardholder is charged tax the tax amount is required.
All industries excluding Fuel Industry:
Date Element Corporate Data Rate Level II Purchasing Card Level II
Tax Amount Required Required
Customer Code Required Required
Chapter 5. Sample Message Format
This chapter consists of:
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
One of these must be communicated if the card is swiped.
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Bit 62 or Bit 63 but not both.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Version Number: 2
Balance Info Capable: 1
Partial Auth Capable: 0
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Track 1 data is not allowed for any type of Debit Card transaction.
Bit Field Name Attribute Req Comments
Message Type N 4 0200 See field details on page 2-7
Bitmap binary 64 M See field details on page 4-3
2 Primary Account N ..19 C Identifies the card member’s account
Number number (see field details on page 4-
3 Processing Code N 6 M Code used in conjunction with the
message type to define the
Canadian Debit transaction being sent from the
Processing Codes: terminal to the host. (see field details
on page 4-6)
Sale ‘001000’ (savings)
‘002000’ (checking)
Refund ‘200010’ (savings)
‘200020’ (checking)
Adjustment of
Refund ‘021000’ (savings)
‘022000’ (checking)
Adjustment of Sale
‘220010’ (savings)
‘220020’ (checking)
Balance Inquiry
‘301000’ (savings)
‘302000’ (checking)
4 Amount of N 12 M See field details on page 4-8
7 Transmission N 10 M See field details on page 4-8
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
PIN Capability
24 Network Int'l ID N 3 C Identifies the acquiring host, “047” for
Canadian merchants
25 POS Condition Code N 2 M Describes the conditions at the POS
location for a particular transaction
31 Acquirer Reference AN 1 C Values used by “Acquirer” to
Data determine how to process the
transaction. See field details on page
32 Acquiring ID N ..12 O This code identifies the party (First
Data) processing the request
35 Track-2 Data Z ..37 C Information such as the Expiration
Date, Primary Account Number etc.,
encoded on a magnetic stripe.
37 Retrieval Reference AN 12 M See field details on page 4-17
41 Terminal ID AN 8 M First Data-assigned code that
identifies the merchant’s terminal
42 Merchant ID AN 15 M First Data-assigned code that
identifies the merchant’s location
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Refund ‘200010’ (savings)
‘200020’ (checking)
Adjust/Void of
Refund ‘021000’ (savings)
‘022000’ (checking)
Adjust/Void Sale
‘220010’ (savings)
Balance Inquiry ‘220020’ (checking)
‘301000’ (savings)
‘302000’ (checking)
4 Amount of N 12 M See field details on page 4-8
7 Transmission N 10 M Bit 7 is mandatory for Debit host
Date/Time capture (see field details on page 4-8)
11 System Trace N 6 M A system-generated number provided
by the merchant, the System Trace
Number uniquely identifies a
transaction and is also considered the
debit “receipt” number by First Data
12 Time, Local N 6 M See field details on page 4-9
13 Date, Local N 4 M See field details on page 4-11
24 Network Int'l ID N 3 C Identifies the acquiring host, “047” for
Canadian merchants
25 POS Condition N 2 M Describes the conditions at the POS
Code location for a particular transaction
32 Acquiring ID N ..12 O This code identifies the party (First
Data) processing the request
37 Retrieval Reference AN 12 M See field details on page 4-17
38 Authorization Code AN 6 C This field is provided only if the
authorization was approved by the
issuer (see field details on page 4-18)
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
5.33. 0800 New Key Request for Non Canadian Merchants using
'0810' Message will be returned from the Host
Bit Field Name Attribute Req Comments
Message Type N 4 0800 See field details on page 2-7
Primary Bitmap b 64 M See field details on page 4-5
Secondary Bitmap b 64 M
7 Transmission N 10 O See field details on page 4-8
11 System Trace N 6 M A system-generated number
provided by the merchant, the
System Trace Number uniquely
identifies a transaction (see field
details on page 4-9).
12 Time, Local N 6 M See field details on page 4-9
13 Date, Local N 4 M See field details on page 4-11
41 First Data AN 8 M First Data-assigned code that
Terminal ID identifies the merchant’s terminal
(see field details on page 4-19)
42 First Data AN 15 M First Data-assigned code that
Merchant ID identifies the merchant (see field
details on page 4-19)
70 Network N 4 M 811 (new key) — see field details
Management Info on page 4-13
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Sample Message Format
Sample Message Format First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Since the Account Number used throughout these examples isn’t real, it may not pass MOD-10 checking.
Request Message (EBCDIC) — Example Based on U.S. Currency (i.e., 2 assumed decimal places)
01 00 72 24 45 81 08 C1 00 22 15 40 05 55 00 00 a.A........
00 01 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 25 10 23 15 59 r.........
30 23 35 19 98 05 59 60 00 12 00 01 53 12 99 82 q..-......rb
00 10 09 93 F3 F2 F3 F6 F9 F2 F3 F0 40 40 40 40 l32369230
E5 C3 C3 F1 F3 F5 F1 F9 F0 F0 F0 F1 F7 F4 F1 F6 VCC1351900017416
F4 F5 F1 F7 F9 F9 F0 00 31 F9 F9 F2 F6 F2 F6 F9 4517990..9926269
F0 F0 F0 F0 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 0000
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 09 F2 F0 F0 F7 F6 F0 F0 2007600
F0 F0 00 50 00 48 F1 F4 E8 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 00.and..14Y
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 F7 F0 F0 700
F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 0000000000000000
F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 000000.
Message Bitmap Bit 2 Bit 3
Type ID 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 22, 24, 25, 32, 37, 41, Length Acct. #Account Number Processing Code
42, 48, 59, 63
01 00 72 24 45 81 08 C1 00 22 15 40 05 55 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 00
N, 4 BCD B, 64 Binary N, 2 BCD N, 15 (up to 19 ) BCD N, 6 BCD
Dollar Amount Transmission Date / System Trace Card Expir. Date MCC POS Entry Mode
00 00 00 00 10 00 10 23 15 59 30 23 35 19 99 11 59 60 00 12
N, 12 BCD N, 10 BCD N, 6 BCD N, 4 BCD N, 4 BCD N, 3 BCD (padded
½ byte of 0)
Acquiring ID
0001 08 12 998200100993
N, 3 BCD (padded ½ byte of 0) N, 2 BCD N, 2 BCD N, 12 BCD
Bit 37 Bit 41
Bit 42
Merchant ID
0 0 0 1 7 4 1 6 4 5 1 7 9 9 0
F0 F0 F0 F1 F F4 F1 F6 F4 F F1 F7 F9 F9 F0
7 5
Bit 48
Length of Cardholder B.A. Cardholder Billing Address
31 0 9 2 6 2 6 9 0 0 0 0 b (twenty b
00 31 F F9 F2 F6 F2 F F9 F0 F0 F0 F0 40 <---> 40
0 6
N, 3 BCD (padded ½ byte of 0) AN, 31 EBCDIC
Response Message (EBCDIC) — Example Based on U.S. Currency (i.e., 2 assumed decimal places)
01 10 32 20 01 81 0E 90 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..a..........
00 22 25 10 23 15 57 40 23 35 19 00 01 53 12 99 ..r
82 00 10 09 93 F3 F2 F3 F6 F9 F2 F3 F0 40 40 40 b...l32369230
40 F1 F8 F9 F2 F9 F6 F0 F0 E5 C3 C3 F1 F3 F5 F1 18929600VCC1351
F9 00 01 E9 00 70 00 48 F1 F4 E5 F0 F2 F6 F2 F9 9..Z....14V02629
F7 F7 F1 F9 F7 F4 F8 F9 F7 F2 C4 D5 F5 F2 40 40 7719748972DN52
F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 0000000000000000
F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 00 18 F2 F2 C1 D7 D7 D9 00000000...22APPR
D6 E5 C1 D3 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 OVAL
Message Type ID Bitmap Bit 3 Bit 4
3, 4, 7, 11, 24, 25, 32, 37, 38, 39, 41, 44, 63 Processing Code Amount
01 10 32 20 01 81 0E 90 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 25
N, 4 BCD B, 64 Binary N, 6 BCD N, 12 BCD
Bit 32 Bit 37
1 4 V 0 2 6 2 9 7 7 1 9 7 4 8 9 7 2
F1 F4 E5 F0 F2 F6 F2 F9 F7 F7 F1 F9 F7 F4 F8 F9 F7 F2
Request Message (ASCII) — Example Based on U.S. Currency (i.e., 2 assumed decimal places)
01 00 72 24 45 81 08 C1 00 22 15 40 05 55 00 00 .a.A........
00 01 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 25 10 23 15 59 ..r.............
30 23 35 19 98 05 59 60 00 12 00 01 53 12 99 82 .q..-......rb
00 10 09 93 33 32 33 36 39 32 33 30 20 20 20 20 .l32369230
56 43 43 31 33 35 31 39 30 30 30 31 37 34 31 36 VCC1351900017416
34 35 31 37 39 39 30 00 31 39 39 32 36 32 36 39 4517990..9926269
30 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0000
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 09 32 30 30 37 36 30 30 .2007600
30 30 00 50 00 48 31 34 59 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00.and..14Y
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 37 30 30 700
30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0000000000000000
30 30 30 30 30 30 000000.
Bit 32 Bit 37
Length of Acquiring ID Retrieval Reference Number
1 2 9 9 8 2 0 0 1 0 0 9 9 3 3 2 3 6 9 2 3 0 b b b b
12 9 9 8 2 0 0 1 0 0 9 9 3 3 2 3 6 9 2 3 0 b b b b
N, 2 BCD N, 12 BCD AN, 12 EBCDIC
Bit 41
Terminal ID
V C C 1 3 5 1 9
56 43 43 31 33 35 31 39
Bit 42
Merchant ID
0 0 0 1 7 4 1 6 4 5 1 7 9 9 0
30 30 30 31 37 34 31 36 34 35 31 37 39 39 30
Bit 48
Length of Cardholder Billing Address
31 9 9 2 6 2 6 9 0 0 0 0 b (twenty spaces) b
00 31 39 39 32 36 32 36 39 30 30 30 30 20 <---> 20
N, 3 BCD (padded ½ byte of 0) AN, 31 ASCII
Bit 59
Length of Merchant ZIP/Postal Code
09 2 0 0 7 6 0 0 0 0
09 32 30 30 37 36 30 30 30 30
Response Message (ASCII) — Example Based on U.S. Currency (i.e., 2 assumed decimal places)
01 10 32 20 01 81 0E 90 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 .....a..........
00 22 25 10 23 15 57 20 23 35 19 00 01 53 12 99 ...............r
82 00 10 09 93 33 32 33 36 39 32 33 30 20 20 20 b.l32369230
20 31 38 39 32 39 36 30 30 56 43 43 31 33 35 31 18929600VCC1351
39 00 01 5A 00 70 00 48 31 34 56 30 32 36 32 39 9..Z....14V02629
37 37 31 39 37 34 38 39 37 32 44 4E 35 32 20 20 7719748972DN52
30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0000000000000000
30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00 18 32 32 41 50 50 52 00000000..22APPR
4F 56 41 4C 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 OVAL
Validation Code Bit 63, Table 14 (Cont.) First Authorized Amount Total Authorized Amount
D N 5 2 b b 0 (12 zeros) 0 0 (12 zeros) 0
44 4E 35 32 20 20 30 ----- 30 30 ----- 30
Appendix A First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix A
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix A
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix A
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix A
Master/Session: N/A
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix C
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix C
Appendix C First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Appendix C First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix D
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix D
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix D
6.5. Appendix E — Check Digit Logic/Card Type ID + 6.51 Card Type identification
The client should perform the Double-Add-Double MOD 10 Check Digit Routine for all credit card, off-line debit, and T and E cardholder account
numbers presented to First Data. This will reduce rejections for invalid cardholder account numbers caused by keying errors. This routine should
not be performed for on-line debit cards or EBT cards.
Cardholder account numbers are issued in various lengths but the same check-digit logic applies to all lengths and all issuers (Bankcard and T
and E). When the cardholder account number is less than 16 digits, right-justify and zero-fill and apply the same check-digit logic.
70 divided by 10 = 7, remainder zero
The account number is valid because remainder is zero.
Account 4 1 2 3 6 5 1 4 7 9 1 1 6 5 4 8
Weight 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
8+ 1+ 4+ 3+ 1+2+ 5+ 2+ 4+ 1+4+ 9+ 2+ 1+ 1+2+ 5+ 8+ 8= 71
71 divided by 10 = 7.1, remainder is not zero.
The account number is not valid because remainder is not zero.
Track 1
SS F Pan FS Name FS Additional Data ES LRC
Primary Account Name Expiration Date 4
Discretionary Data
SS FC Pan FS Additional Data ES LRC
Primary Account Expiration Date 4
Discretionary Data
3. This field may contain embedded spaces that are not counted as part of the 19 account number
4. TRACK-2 may never contain spaces.
Notes Track 1 Track 2
Size limitations (including Start Sentinel, End 79 Characters 40 Characters
Sentinel and LRC)
Control Characters: EBCDIC EBCDIC HEX
SS (Start Sentinel) % ; B
FS (Field Separator) ^ = D
ES ( End Sentinel) ? ? F
FC (Format Code)
LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check)
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix G
Appendix G-Glossary
Term Definition
Cardholder Five or nine digit zip code of the cardholder's billing address that was used in
Zip/Postal Code the Address Verification request. When the cardholder is from out of the U.S.,
this field contains any alphanumeric postal code.
Card Code Value A code used to indicate the presence of a Card Verification Value (Visa), a
Presence Indicator Card Validation Code (MasterCard), a Card Identifier (Discover), and another
identically named Card Identifier (American Express) printed on the front or
back of a credit card; used to reduce fraud losses.
Card Code A Card Verification Value (Visa), Card Validation Code (MasterCard), Card
Response Value Identifier (Discover), and another identically named Card Identifier (American
Express) returned on the Authorization Response Message in response to the
Card Code Value information entered on the request. For example, the Card
Code Response Value “M” indicates that there is a Card Code Value Match,
whereas the Card Code Response Value “U” indicates that the Card Code
Value is unknown or that the Issuer does not participate.
Card Code Value A 3- or 4-digit Card Value printed on the back of a credit card.
Cash Advance A transaction in which a cardholder obtains cash in person at a branch of a
member financial institution and which is posted against the cardholder's bank
card account.
Charge-Back A transaction that is challenged by a cardholder or merchant bank and sent
back through interchange to the bank of account (cardholder or merchant) for
Check Digit The last digit of an account number that is calculated according to a
predetermined formula and used to validate an account number.
"Code 10" A merchant's or member's request for a "code 10" authorization is the
Authorization merchant's or member's means of alerting its Authorizing Member that a
suspicious transaction is occurring.
Common Carrier Government regulated organization that provides telecommunications services
for public use such as ATandT, GTandE, ITT, MCI, SBS and Western Union.
Conditioning The "tuning" or addition of equipment to improve the transmission
characteristics or quality of a leased voice-grade line so that it meets
specifications for data transmission.
County Code Three digit number identifying the U.S. county (as defined in FIPS Pub. 6.3,
1979) where the transaction occurred. (FIPS stands for the Federal
Information Processing Standards Publication-Counties and County
Equivalents of the States of the United States.) This optional field may be zero
Credit Card A plastic card used to purchase goods and services and to obtain cash
advances on credit for which the cardholder is subsequently billed by the
issuing member for repayment of credit extended.
Credit Line The monetary amount of credit extended to a cardholder.
DBA (Doing Refers to the specific name and location of the merchant's store where a bank
business as) card purchase is made.
Decline A response to a request for authorization in which approval is refused. A
merchant receiving a decline should not complete the transaction.
Debit Function Indicates the specific purpose of the message within its message class.
Debit Network The code that specifies the actual result provided by the debit network in
Response Code response to the request message.
Debit Network A 6-digit value identifying the specific debit network providing the response to
Version 2008-3 Confidential and Proprietary 6-28
November 11, 2008 to First data
Appendix G First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Appendix G-Glossary
Term Definition
Routing ID the request message.
Debt Indicator Identifies the transaction as payment of an existing debt obligation, such as a
car loan payment.
Deferred Billing Identifies transactions where the merchandise billing occurred after the
Indicator merchandise was delivered to the cardholder. Available for Visa only.
Derived Unique Key Allows the encryption of a PIN via the use of a unique key for each
Per Transaction transaction.
Discretionary Data Any valid information that the issuer uses for “on-us” transactions and wishes
to have transmitted through the authorization process for inquiries on
interchange transactions.
Driver's License Driver's license number of consumer, for Check Verification / Guarantee
Number requests. When requesting verification with Driver's License Number, you
must use the State Code field to indicate the state in which the driver's license
was issued.
Duration Duration field is the anticipated length of the hotel stay or auto rental and is
required in hotel and auto rental custom payment service transactions.
DUKPT see “Derived Unique Key Per Transaction.”
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code-Standard digital code
used extensively in mainframes; EBCDIC is a code allowing 256 possible
character combinations.
EBT Electronic Benefits Transfer – A payment card used at the point of sale to
access a government account for Food Stamps or Cash Benefits.
Echo The return of transmitted data.
Expiration Date The date embossed on the card beyond which the card must not be honored.
Month and Year that the cardholder's account expires. If unknown, zero fill.
End Sentinel The character that follows the final character of data recorded on the track of
the card's magnetic stripe.
Financial Institution Any commercial bank, federal or state savings and loan association; federal or
state savings bank; or any federal or state chartered credit union.
FNS NUMBER A seven-digit merchant number issued by the US Department of Agriculture
Food and Nutrition Service that is used in EBT Food Stamps.
Foreign Currency The three-digit code, assigned by Visa, to designate the type of currency (non-
Code U.S. dollars) of the transaction.
Foreign Currency The local currency (non-U.S. dollars) transaction amount. The decimal
Transaction Amount position is assumed, based upon the type of currencies.
Front End Communications computer-The front end processor is a computer that
Processor (FEP) connects to the communications channels on one end and the main computer
on the other. Software in the FEP directs the transmitting and receiving of
messages according to the rules of the communications protocol used in the
network. The communications software, executing in the FEP, detects and
corrects transmission errors, assembles and disassembles messages, etc., so
that only "pure" data is transferred to and from the main computer (stripped of
all codes that are attached for transmission through the network). A FEP is
also called a communications control unit.
Full-Duplex A communications channel that transmits in both directions at the same time.
Half-Duplex A communications channel that transmits in both directions, but in only one
direction at a time.
Host Main computer-The host is generally the central or controlling computer in a
Version 2008-3 Confidential and Proprietary 6-29
November 11, 2008 to First Data
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix G
Appendix G-Glossary
Term Definition
distributed system.
Hot Card A card being used on an account on which excessive purchasing, indicative of
unauthorized purchasing, is taking place. Usually a lost or stolen card.
Interchange Fees Compensation paid by the acquiring member to an issuing member for
particular expenses incurred in the process of interchange transactions.
Issuer A member that issues bank cards.
Leased Line Dedicated communications channel leased from a common carrier; leased
lines usually can handle greater transmission speeds than the dial-up
telephone system. Leased lines from the telephone company can be
"conditioned" (electronically fine tuned), which can reduce transmission error
Load Notification to an issuer of an amount to be loaded to a prepaid account’s
available balance.
Local Area Network Communications network within an organization; local area networks connect
various hardware devices together within a building or plant via a continuous
cable or through the use of an in-house voice/data telephone system. Local
networks do not rely on external public or private communications services,
although they may connect to them in order to transfer information across long
Longitudinal A verification value that ensures that no data have been lost in the stripe
Redundancy Check reading process. The LRC is equivalent to a check digit of the entire track,
(LRC) including the control characters.
Lost Card A bank card that has been reported to the credit issuer as lost or misplaced by
the cardholder of record.
Magnetic Stripe A stripe of magnetic information affixed to the back of a plastic credit (or
debit/EBT) card. The magnetic stripe contains essential customer and account
Mail/Telephone The purchase of goods or services where the cardholder is not present at the
Order Transaction point of sale.
Market Specific This entry is used to indicate that market-specific authorization data was
Authorization present in the authorization request to Visa’s VIP system.
Market-Specific Information supplied in the authorization request to assist the issuer in making
Authorization Data better authorization decisions.
Merchant Category Four-digit Merchant Category Code which identifies the type of business
Code(MCC) conducted by the merchant. Also known as Merchant Category Code (MCC).
It is used in the warning bulletin, authorization and settlement systems to
identify the type of merchant (formerly SIC)
Merchant Advice A code associated with the reason a recurring payment transaction has been
Code declined.
Merchant Country Three-digit code identifying the country (outlet location) where the transaction
Merchant Number This field must contain the Account Number assigned by First Data for the
specific outlet.
Merchant ZIP/Postal Five- or nine-digit U.S. Postal Service Zip Code of the merchant outlet where
Code the transaction occurred. When merchant is outside the U.S., this field
contains any alphanumeric postal code.
Merchandise Return A “credit” to the cardholder’s account for merchandise previously purchased.
Returns are typically processed a day (or days) after the cardholder performed
the original purchase.
Version 2008-3 Confidential and Proprietary 6-30
November 11, 2008 to First data
Appendix G First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Appendix G-Glossary
Term Definition
Merchant Bank The bank that has entered into an agreement with a merchant to accept
deposits generated by bank card transactions.
Merchant Floor A maximum monetary amount above which a particular transaction requires
Limit authorization.
Message A communications transmission; regardless of the nature of the
data/information, it is considered a message as it travels from the terminal to
the computer or from computer to computer over a communications channel.
Modem A modulation/demodulation device that provides compatibility between
input/output equipment and communications facilities by conditioning data
signals for transmission.
Multiple In the hotel and auto rental industries, multiple or incremental authorizations
Authorizations and a single partial reversal are often obtained after the initial authorization.
Multi-Dropped A communication line system having more than one terminal connected to the
same line.
National MasterCard International or Visa International, which are licensing and
Association regulatory agencies for bank card activities.
Negative File A file containing all accounts for which charge privileges have been revoked
by the card issuer.
Network Retrieval A reference number supplied by the debit network providing the response. It is
Reference Number used to help locate the transaction.
Network Response Ancillary data, obtained in the authorization process, which is used internally
by First Data.
On-Us Transaction A transaction in which both the cardholder and the merchant are signed by the
same member.
Open-To-Buy Available credit.
Original Auth Code Reflects the Authorization Code of the transaction to be reversed.
Packet Switching A technique for handling information traffic over a communications network;
packet switching breaks apart all information to be transmitted into fixed length
units called "packets." This method optimizes the transmission of variable
information traffic in the network. Messages of different lengths and priorities
can be handled efficiently on a packet switching network.
Partial Authorization An authorization response with an approval for a portion of the total amount
Port Communications channel hardware interface; the number of ports in the
computer or communications control unit determines the number of
communications channels that can be connected.
POS Terminal A device placed at the point-of-sale, connected to a system via
telecommunication lines, designed to authorize, record, and/or forward sales
transactions electronically.
Positive File A file containing, at minimum, the current balance for each active cardholder
account. A positive file may also include PIN and other cardholder information.
Private Label Cards Private label, or retail cards, are those issued by a single store or chain of
stores. These cards are used only in those establishments.
Preferred Customer In the hotel and auto rental industries, customers can apply for and be
accepted into a preferred customer service. These customers receive
preferential treatment, such as being taken directly to their hotel rooms or to
their rental cars without having to present their card and sign a rental
Protocol The scheme of operating procedures and control signals by which a
telecommunications system is controlled.
Quasi-Cash "Quasi-Cash" refers to transactions that can be interpreted as purchase or
Version 2008-3 Confidential and Proprietary 6-31
November 11, 2008 to First Data
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix G
Appendix G-Glossary
Term Definition
Transactions cash, such as wire transfer money orders or alimony payments. When
authorized through Visa's Base I system they are treated as cash transactions,
but are handled as purchases when they are cleared through Visa's Base II
clearing and settlement system.
Referral A referral is neither a decline nor an approval; instead it indicates that
authorization can be obtained only through direct telephone or telex contact
with the issuer center.
Response Echo Additional data provided by the merchant that is echoed back by First Data for
Data the merchant’s internal matching purposes.
Return see Merchandise Return.
Reversal A request to cancel part or all of a previously approved card transaction.
SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control-IBM communications protocol; SDLC is the
primary protocol supported under SNA.
S.E. Number The Service Establishment number for non-bankcard transactions which
identifies the merchant entity requesting the authorization.
SNA Systems Network Architecture-IBM network architecture.
Standard Industrial See Merchant Category Code.
Classification (SIC)
Stand-In- A service offered by the Associations that provides transaction processing
Processing (STIP) services on behalf of an unavailable or timed-out issuer.
Start Sentinel The character that indicates the initial data position on the track of the card's
magnetic stripe.
State Code Two-digit code identifying the U.S. state where the transaction occurred. For
Check Verification / Guarantee requests with Driver's License Number, the
State Code field must be used to indicate the state where the driver's license
was issued. This field is used only when the Country Code is "840" (U. S.).
see Appendix C, beginning on page 11.
Synchronous High-speed transmission; synchronous communications is the transmission
Communications and recognition of long groups of characters at a time. Both the sending and
receiving devices are set to the same synchronization of pulses (BITS).
Voice Authorization The authorization procedure in which a merchant uses a standard telephone
to request authorization from an acquirer center.
Void A type of transaction meant to correct an error or to accommodate a
customer’s change of mind after the approval of the original transaction.
Step 2:
1. If, after thirty minutes, you are not satisfied with the progress, ask the Operator for escalation to
the Shift Supervisor.
Step 3:
1. If, after one hour, you are not satisfied with the progress, ask the Shift Supervisor for escalation to
the Network Operations Manager. During off-hours, the merchant will receive a response from the
Network Operations Manager within one half hour.
Step 4:
1. If after two hours you are not satisfied with the progress, ask the Operator to escalate the problem
to the Director of the Control Center, who will respond promptly.
When mail or phone-order customers charge their purchases to a credit card, merchants have no
opportunity to compare signatures or confirm possession of the card. Thieves who use victim's credit card
numbers to place fraudulent orders typically think that the account number is the only item checked
during the authorization procedure. In most instances, they don't have access to the cardholder's
accurate billing address when they place the order.
While an authorization indicates to the merchant that an account is valid and in good standing, AVS
provides a means to quickly check that the person placing the order is probably the same person
responsible for payment on the account. If AVS indicates that the billing address provided with the order
doesn't match the address on file with the card issuer, the merchant may have reason to suspect a
fraudulent transaction and therefore choose to delay fulfillment until the customer's identity is confirmed.
Merchants should use AVS in conjunction with their other efforts to verify a customer's identity. A "match"
response from AVS alone cannot provide an unconditional guarantee.
Merchants may utilize AVS in combination with an authorization request or they have the option to
submit AVS requests separately. When performing a stand-alone address verification, the
merchant provides the address information and zero-fills the Transaction Amount field within the
request message.
The cardholder billing address (the zip code plus 20 characters of the street address for up to 29
characters total) must be included in the request message. Any street name that is numeric in
nature should be converted to numeric form. For example, One Main Street would be presented
as 1 Main Street.
Verification will be provided by the issuer's processor or by Visa, MasterCard or American Express
in a stand-in-mode as designated by the issuer.
The merchant receives an address verification "result" code that reflects the validity of the
cardholder's address when compared to data maintained by the issuer. The AVS Result Code
does not affect the authorization, approval, or decline. The merchant may use the AVS code to
decide how to process the order from that point forward, depending upon individual business
policies. The valid responses are listed in the Data Dictionary
The response message also indicates whether the result was provided directly from the issuer or
by the Association in a stand-in mode. A Stand-in Processing (STIP) Code of “5” is generated if
the response was provided by the issuer's processor.
Merchants must establish an affiliation with a given Check processor and obtain appropriate
identification/entitlement numbers from that institution prior to commencing live processing. The
data elements required for processing these transactions varies depending on the provider
selected by the merchant.
Merchants using any of the Check processors listed above can perform check verification and/or
guarantee using either full MICR (ABA number, checking account number, and check sequence
number) or the short MICR * (checking account number only) information number. In addition,
merchants who key in Driver’s License numbers (DL) can perform check verification and/or
guarantee using Fidelity (Certegy), or TeleCheck.
Driver’s License support is not currently available through NPC (JBS). The DL or MICR is sent to
First Data in field 48 of the Check Guarantee/Verification Authorization Request Message (see
page 5-10). Responses are returned in the Check Guarantee/Verification Response Message (see
page 5-12).
For verification performed using DL, the state code is required in the fifth and sixth bytes of Field
48. The date of birth is required in bytes 5-10 of Field 48 for Fidelity (Certegy) and TeleCheck.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix J
For verification performed using short MICR, the full checking account number (up to 18 digits) is
required. A plastic check guide is provided by First Data for the sales clerk to use when keying the
account number field.
A unique situation can occur when merchants verify with short MICR (i.e., checking account
number only): Two separate banks might issue the same checking account number to two people.
When a merchant transmits an account number to First Data that also resides on the Check
processor’s negative file*, it is necessary to determine whether the account number on file actually
belongs to the person who is submitting the check to the merchant. Once First Data relays this
information back to the Check processor, a referral is typically generated and sent back to the
merchant. The sales clerk will need to call the Check processor and compare the ABA number on
the check in question with the ABA of the checking account on the Check processor’s negative
file. If they match, the merchant should decline the check. If they do not match, the clerk accepts
the check.
* Existing merchants utilizing Tele Check for authorizations that currently only submit the account number
in the MICR data are being requested to support full MICR data to improve the validation. For new
merchants or vendor applications that submit authorization to Tele Check via First Data, account number
only will no longer be supported for format validation.
First Data can accept input from check MICR readers. In this case, the contents of Field 48 of the
authorization request, starting at the 11th byte, would consist of the following:
ABA (Bank Routing) Number "T" Checking Account Number “A” Check Sequence Number
* The negative file contains a list of account numbers associated with individuals who have passed bad
The name, velocity, and decline messages apply only to check verification. Merchants may
select different options, and those options determine which verification responses JBS will
send. Programmers should provide for all messages in case a merchant changes the
selected options with JBS.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix J
The possible responses from TeleCheck are listed below (by First Data response code). The Displayed
Message column shows the format of the text returned in Field 63 of the Response Message.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix J
Michigan 40 Maryland 79
Nova Scotia 41 Prince Edward Island 81
Georgia 42 Virginia 82
Idaho 43 Vermont 83
Hawaii 44 Tennessee 86
Illinois 45 Massachusetts 87
Indiana 46 Utah 88
New Hampshire 47 Texas 89
Iowa 49 Yukon Territory 91
Ontario 51 Washington 92
Louisiana 52 Washington DC 93
New Jersey 53 Wisconsin 94
British Columbia 54 New Brunswick 95
Alaska 55 Military Card 97
Maine 56 West Virginia 98
Kansas 57 Wyoming 99
If the Visa, MasterCard or Discover Card is read via the chip using a RFID reader the appropriate entry
mode (see BIT 22, value = 91) in the authorization and settlement records must be present. The
appropriate entry mode is used to identify the type of RFID terminal used. American Express does not
require a special indicator identifying the card as contactless read.
For Visa transactions, if the merchant has a RF reader at the point of sale, the Terminal Capability value
(see BIT 60, POS Terminal Capability value = 7) must indicate a contactless reader is available.
Visa Contactless Payment Program requirement - In order for merchants to participate in the Visa
Contactless Payment Program; the merchants must be registered with Visa. The merchants must contact
their Relationship Manager to pursue the registration process.
Visa requires that the initial authorization and settlement transaction must indicate how the merchant
obtained the card holder number (I.e. card present; mail/telephone order; internet etc). The initial
authorization and settlement request should not contain the recurring transaction indicator, only the
subsequent transactions will contain the recurring transaction indicator. Address verification must be
obtained with the initial authorization request and is not required in the subsequent recurring transactions
that contain the recurring indicator. Address verification is however required to be obtained yearly.
MasterCard and American Express require that both the initial and subsequent authorization and
settlement transactions contain the recurring transaction indicator as well as how the card information
was obtained from the card holder (i.e. face to face, internet, mail order etc.). When performing E-
Commerce Recurring transactions for MasterCard, the POS Condition code must be 04 and the
MOTO/ECI value in Field 63 Table 60 must be 05, 06, 07, or 08.
The recurring indicator is not required on refunds. The indicator is required on voice authorized
transactions. Visa Bill Payment (Recurring, Installment & Single Bill Payment) is only supported for US
Acquirers and US Domiciled Merchants. For Non US Acquirers and non US Domiciled merchants, if any
of the Visa Bill Payment Indicators are present First Data will ignore the indicator and not pass it to Visa.
MasterCard implemented the recurring payment transaction Indicator and Advice Code on 4/6/01. First
Data implemented the Visa Recurring Cancellation Service on 8/03/07.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix K
The initial authorization and settlement request will not contain the installment transaction indicator. The
initial transaction must indicate how the merchant obtained the cardholder's information (i.e. card present,
mail/telephone order, internet, etc.). The sequential transactions will contain the installment transaction
indicator (see BIT 63, Table 60 value = 03) at the time of authorization and settlement.
Installment transactions are card not present transactions but Address Verification is only required to be
obtained yearly. The installment indicator is not required on credit returns. The indicator is required for off-
line (voice authorized) transactions. Visa Bill Payment (Recurring, Installment & Single Bill Payment) is
only supported for US Acquirers and US Domiciled Merchants. For Non US Acquirers and non US
Domiciled merchants, if any of the Visa Bill Payment Indicators are present First Data will ignore the
indicator and not pass it to Visa.
Retailers choosing to participate in the sale of these digital-to-analog converter boxes may want to accept
and redeem these coupons, which will be issued in the form of a non-branded plastic magnetic-stripe
card. These cards cannot be used once the amount loaded onto the card is depleted.
CLC Services (CLC) will directly solicit merchants who sell consumer electronics to participate and accept
the coupon. Retailers wishing to participate need to undergo a retailer certification process administered
by CLC. During the certification process, retailers will be required to complete a Central Contractor
Registration (CCR). CCR validates the registrant information and electronically shares the secure and
encrypted data with the U.S. Treasury, which will facilitate paperless payments through electronic funds
transfer (EFT).
UPC Validation — verifying that the product being purchased with the coupon is an eligible digital-to-
analog converter box. The UPC is provided in bit 63 Table PD (Promotional Data) Tag 01.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix K
UPC and Coupon Authorization validation. In this process, authorization of the coupon and UPC is
performed at the POS using the 0100 Authorization Request message. The BIT 31 value of ‘0’
indicating Authorization Only and the UPC is provided in BIT 63 Table PD (Promotional Data) Tag
01. (First Data will route the transaction out to Visa.
Reversals (time-out and clerk initiated) are supported. In this process, the coupon and UPC are
provided using the 0400 Reversal request message. CLC requires that the reversal be submitted
within 15 minutes of the approved UPC and coupon authorization response (clerk initiated
reversal) or if no response is received (time-out reversal). The merchants must initiate a reversal
within 14 minutes of the approved UPC and Coupon Authorization response. The approved
reversal response is just an acknowledgement to the receipt of the reversal request and does not
indicate that the reversal has been processed and submitted to Visa. First Data will perform a
match of the approved UPC and Coupon Authorization response with the reversal request. If a
match is found the reversal request will be sent to Visa.
Once the transaction is authorized, the coupon is deactivated. Depending upon the final retail price of the
converter box, the retailer may need to collect an additional form of payment for any residual amount due
for the total purchase price.
Having been engaged in the consumer electronics retail business for at least one year.
Having completed a Central Contractor Registration (
Having in place systems that can be easily audited.
Agreeing to have coupon-eligible converter box sales audited.
Providing redemption information and payment receipts to NTIA for coupon-eligible converter
Agreeing to accept only coupons for, and receive payment resulting from, authorized purchases
made for coupon-eligible converter boxes.
A list of coupon-eligible converter boxes will be made available to retailers and consumers.
Retailer certification may be revoked by NTIA if a certified retailer fails to comply with the Final Rule.
Certification will not be revoked for unintentional noncompliance or error.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix K
Several transaction options are available in support of these card types. The table below identifies the
transaction options that are available for each card type:
Discover supports Partial Authorization on Prepaid Gift cards and credit cards.
Balance information that is returned as part Bit 63 (Table 68 – version 2) of the balance inquiry
with authorization purchase response. (Visa Pre-paid cards only). Merchant have to indicate the
POS device’s capability to handle balance information in response messages by setting the
Balance information Capability value as 1 in the request message.
Stand-alone balance inquiry initiated by the cardholder. This option is designed to allow
cardholders to request account balance or available credit prior to the initiation of a purchase
transaction. Transactions identified as stand-alone balance inquiries must also contain a
processing code (Bit 3) of 300000 and a transaction amount (Bit 4) of $0.00. These transactions
should not be captured for settlement processing. (Visa and MasterCard Pre-paid cards). Balance
information is returned as part Bit 63 (Table 68 – version 1) of the balance inquiry only response.
To receive balance information, the requestor must first indicate that they are capable of receiving
such information. First Data uses the information provided in the Additional Account / Amount
Information request table (BIT 63, Table 68) to determine the requestor’s ability to support the
inclusion of account balance information in response messages. If an issuer includes account
balance information in their authorization response and the requestor indicates their ability to
receive such information, the account balance data will be returned to the POS device in the
Additional Account / Amount Information table of the response message.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix K
Partial Authorizations is supported for Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Prepaid card
products such as gift, Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Healthcare Reimbursement Account (HRA)
cards. In addition Discover supports partial authorization on their consumer credit card. Effective 4/5/08
Partial Authorization is required for Automated Fuel Dispenser (AFD). For Automated Fuel Dispenser
(AFD), the partially approved amount may be greater than the requested amount. The Automated Fuel
Dispensers (AFD) must not allow the card holder to pump in fuel of an amount that is greater than the
partially approved amount.
It is often difficult for the consumer to spend the exact amount available on the prepaid account, as the
purchase can be for amounts greater than the value available. This can result in unnecessary declines.
Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover recognize that the prepaid products represent unique
opportunities for both merchants and consumers.
With Partial Authorizations issuers may approve a portion of the amount requested. This will enable the
residual transaction amount to be paid by other means.
The introduction of the partial authorization capability will reduce decline frequency and enhance the
consumer and merchant experience at the point of sale. Merchants will now have the ability to accept
partial authorizations rather than having the sale declined.
Since all Prepaid Cards can not be identified by the BIN range the Partial Authorization Capable
transaction request is supported for all Visa, MasterCard, and American Express and Discover
authorization requests.
For merchants that support partial authorizations, real time reversal processing is required.
Refer to General Information/Reversal of an Authorization for further information.
For merchants that support partial authorizations, real time reversal processing is required. Refer to
General Information/Reversal of an Authorization for further information.
Along with participating in the Partial Authorization Capable program merchants may also request to
receive the remaining balance of the Visa Prepaid Card if the transaction is not partially approved, this
feature is not available for Visa Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Healthcare Reimbursement Account
(HRA) cards. The remaining balance may be returned if the issuer returns the balance and the
transaction amount is less than or equal to the remaining balance of the card. American Express supports
either Balance Receptive with a sale or Partial Authorization Capable, but does not support requesting
the balance with Partial Authorization Capable. MasterCard does not support providing balances during
an authorization request. Discover does not support or provide balances.
When balance information is returned by the Issuer on a Visa Prepaid Gift Card as part of the approved
authorization response, merchants are required to print balance information on the Cardholder receipt.
The balance that is returned may not reflect the actual funds available due to pending authorization(s)
that have not been processed. Not all issuers return balances for all the Visa Prepaid products.
To perform a Partial Authorization Capable Request, the requestor must set the flag as 1 in Bit 63 (Table
68-version2) to indicate that they are partial authorization capable.
The transaction amount in Bit 4 will reflect the approved transaction amount.
Additional Account/ Amount Information Data Information Response (Bit 63 Table 68):
The Account Type will contain a value of 57 indicating the total transaction amount of the original
The Amount will reflect the amount submitted in Bit 4 (Transaction Amount) within the 0100
authorization request.
The merchant will need to subtract the Additional Amount from the Transaction Amount to determine the
remaining amount due for the purchases of goods or services and request the cardholder pay the
remaining balance.
Effective 4/5/08 Partial Authorization is required for Automated Fuel Dispenser (AFD). For Automated
Fuel Dispenser (AFD), the partially approved amount may be greater than the requested amount. .
Example: Consumer is using a prepaid card with a balance of $25. For Visa the AFD submits an
authorization request for $1.00. The issuer partially approves the transaction for $25.00. The AFD must
stop the dispensing of fuel when the amount reaches the partially approved amount, in this case $25.00.
The settlement amount for transaction processing can not be greater than the partially approved
transaction amount. If the partially approved amount does not equal the settlement amount the merchant
is required to submit a reversal for the difference. The AFD is not required to submit a reversal when the
approved amount does not equal the settlement amount when fuel is dispensed. For AFD if the
transaction is partially approved a reversal of the approved amount is required if the cardholder abandons
the sale and fuel is not dispensed.
For partially authorized transactions the remaining balance of the card will not be returned.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix K
Effective December 31, 2006, the IRS has revised rules for Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
and Healthcare Reimbursement Account (HRA) card acceptance. The new rules limit the use of the cards
to merchants and service providers that have merchant category codes related to healthcare, such as
physicians, pharmacies, dentists, vision care offices, hospitals and other medical care providers.
The requirements for Healthcare Auto-Substantiation transaction are for implementation by non-medical
merchants, such as supermarkets, grocery and discount stores, wholesale clubs, mail order, web-based
prescription drug providers, and other merchants that sell over-the-counter qualified medical items. These
are the merchants that the IRS requires to have a compliant Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS)
in place as of January 1, 2008 in order for issuer processors of FSA/HRA cards to approve cardholder
purchases. Pharmacy and drug stores are required by the IRS to have a compliant IIAS by January 1,
2009 for acceptance of FSA/HRA cards. Medical merchants such as doctors, dentists, optometrists,
optical goods, hospitals, etc., do not need to support Healthcare Auto-Substantiation transactions.
It is the sole obligation of the merchant to qualify the eligibility of any and all FSA/HRA-related items,
using an approved Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS) at the point of sale and in real time. First
Data does not indemnify, warrant, or validate, in any form or by any means, the merchant’s liability
regarding this obligation.
The healthcare segment is rapidly moving toward the use of payment cards for Flexible Spending
Accounts (FSA) and Healthcare Reimbursement Accounts (HRA) so that such funds can be conveniently
accessed in these types of healthcare reimbursement accounts. Benefit administrators and companies
that provide healthcare services want more cost-effective means of substantiating purchases of qualified
medical items using FSA or HRA Debit cards. Electronic substantiation at the point of sale will reduce the
need for consumers to pay for medical purchases and subsequently submit sales receipts to obtain
reimbursement from their employer. The healthcare auto-substantiation enhancement will permit
employers and their third-party service providers to approve qualified medical expenses at the time of
purchase at the point of sale for participating retailers.
In addition, participating retailers who sell transit fare media, such as commuter passes, parking passes,
and mass transit vouchers and tickets, may also use the auto-substantiation Process to support
purchases with transit cards.
Like other prepaid or pre-funded cards, it is difficult for the consumer to spend the exact amount available
in the FSA or HRA account. Therefore, merchants are encouraged, but not required, to develop support
for partial authorization for healthcare auto substantiation (partial authorization support is required for
Transit auto substantiation). Support for partial authorization is expected to reduce declines due to non-
sufficient funds. Refer to General Information/Partial Authorization Capable for further information on this
optional feature. If partial authorization option is selected, it is required by the card associations to support
Reversal of Authorization, refer to General Information/Reversal of Authorization for further information.
To perform auto-substantiation processing, the requestor must include the following information in the
request message:
Table 14 for Visa and MasterCard must identify that the transaction has been substantiated by
sending a value of “M” in the Market Specific Data Indicator.
The Transaction amount must be equal to or less than the approved authorized amount.
In order to process Health Benefit transactions with Visa the merchant must have a valid Merchant
Verification Value. The Merchant Verification Value is assigned by Visa and is used to identify merchants
that are participating in this program. First Data will store the Merchant Verification Value on behalf of the
merchant and enrich the authorization message. The merchant should contact their Relationship
Manager on this subject. If the authorization response message contains “N” in the Market Specific
Indicator, this could indicate a problem with the Merchant Verification Value. In this case, the merchant
should contact their Relationship Manager.
The merchants must use the Bin File Management to identify FSA/HRA cards. Refer to
Bit 63 (Table 68 Version 2) for the specific fields that must be present in the transaction
request message, if the card type is FSA/HRA only.
Values associated with Activation and Load transactions must be immediately posted
to the prepaid card accounts and be available for potential cardholder access.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix K
Load of a Visa prepaid card notifies the issuer of the dollar amount to be loaded to the card account. For
an existing card account, the load amount should be added to the available balance on file. Note: Load
transactions do not require Activation. Load transactions can be independent of Activation transactions.
For a new card account, the card should be activated for usage and the amount added as the initial load
to the card account. This is an unlinked load transaction in which the source of funds for the load value is
provided from either one or the other of the following:
Another negotiable instrument (such as check, money order or travelers check) or debit or credit
card that may or may not be issued by the prepaid card Issuer.
Values associated with Activation and Load transactions must be immediately posted to the prepaid card
accounts and be available for potential cardholder access.
Settlement of Activation and Load transactions is carried out directly between the merchant and the card
Issuer. These transaction types should not be included in the settlement file submitted to First Data.
Adjustment or charge backs are not allowed for Activation and Load transactions.
Reversal requests are currently supported for Visa, MasterCard and Discover.
Any reversals against a Pre-Paid card where a “partial” authorization approval was received will
need to send in field 39 with a value of “10” (Partial Authorization approval).
Visa and MasterCard require field 63 table 14. Tran-ID and Validation Code from Visa and
BankNet Settlement Date and Reference number from MC original response are required.
Reversal requests are limited to Visa, MasterCard and Discover** transactions only.
Only approved card-based transactions can be reversed. A reversal should not be used to cancel
a decline, a referral, or a verification request.
The reversal request should reflect the same data element values that were provided in the
original authorization request, with the exception of track data which Card Associations do not
allow to be stored. In addition, the reversal request message must contain the approval code that
was provided in response to the original authorization request.
When an issuer center receives a reversal request, it attempts to adjust the cardholder's available
balance and returns a reversal response to the acquiring center. This response acknowledges
receipt of the reversal.
The reversal request is then either "accepted" or "not accepted." An accepted response indicates
that the request has been successfully forwarded to the issuer. A not accepted response indicates
either that a reversal has been requested for a card type not supported by this service or that
there was some problem at the issuer's center.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix K
As with a full reversal, the partial reversal should reflect the same data element values that were provided
in the original authorization request. An additional field called the Replacement Amount field is used to
reflect the corrected total amount of the authorization, and the Transaction Identifier (only for Visa)
generated in the first authorization is used to link the partial reversal to the first authorization.
An incremental authorization (Visa only) is used to increase the amount authorized and is identified by
sending an "I" as the Authorizations Characteristics Indicator value. In incremental authorizations, the
Transaction Amount field reflects the additional amount, and the Transaction Identifier from the original
authorization is used to link the incremental authorization to the first amount.
PIN pad Master Session key management is not acceptable for debit processing. All PIN pad devices
must utilize DUKPT key management.
The Derived Unique Key per Transaction (DUKPT) System of “derived” keys is used in a point-of-sale
(POS) environment where the Host can accept transactions from a large number of unique PIN entry
devices. This technique involves the use of a non-secret “key serial number” and a secret “base
derivation key”. On each transaction, the PIN pad uses a unique key based on a previous key and the key
serial number, which contains a transaction counter. It encrypts the PIN with this key, and then sends
both the encrypted PIN and the key serial number to the Host. The Host, either First Data or a merchant
system incorporating an HSM, has the responsibility for maintaining the base derivation keys.
First Data currently supports TDES DUKPT.
The recommended remedy to [the weakness of DEA] has been in use since 1976: triple-DEA with double-
length keys (“two-key-triple-DEA”). In this approach, presented in ANSI X9.52 as “TECB”, the “encrypt”
operation requires three DEA operations. First, the clear text is encrypted using a first key. Second, the
resulting cipher text is decrypted using a second key. Third, the result of this second DEA operation is
encrypted using (again) the first key. Decryption is the inverse operation, namely decrypt/encrypt/decrypt.
Several networks have required Triple DES (TDES) encryption, and Visa is the only one at this time with
a stated deadline: by July 1, 2010, all PIN entry devices must be using Triple DES encryption.
Projects are underway to support TDES on First Data hosts and at the point of sale, with the intention of
deploying TDES PIN pads to new merchants as soon as possible, and of providing the longest possible
lead-time for existing merchants to make the conversion to TDES.
Merchants incorporating a Host Security Module (HSM) into their system use the 0800 transaction. The
merchant HSM will accept DUKPT output from PIN pads at the point-of-sale (POS) and translate the
encrypted PIN to the current working key shared with First Data. A master key (KEK: key exchange key or
ZMK: zone master key) must be established in coordination with the First Data Key Management office
prior to the start of processing. Upon receipt of a 0800 message, the First Data host returns the initial or
new working key in Bit 63 of the 0810 response. The working key check value is ALSO returned in Bit 96.
This value can be compared with the check value provided by the merchant HSM when new key is
translated for storage on the merchant host.
For merchants that have multiple hosting facilities they must be able to propagate the working key
between their systems prior to submitting the next transaction. To assist with transactions in flight First
Data will hold the previous key for a maximum of 30 seconds and will accept the previous and new key.
After 30 seconds the previous key will not be accepted.
At the time of the approved authorization response the funds are depleted from the cardholder account by
the issuing bank. The merchant’s terminal application software must wait a minimum of 40 seconds for
the 0210 debit response message.
Appendix L First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Returns are supported only for merchants that have a host based system with a frame relay or lease line
interface to First Data, availability of returns for dial up interfaces may be approved on a case by case
For a merchant to support returns they must have a contractual agreement and understand liability with
their bank alliance prior to testing and implementation. Software vendors should not promote or
implement returns as a universal or global offering.
A return is submitted to First Data in a 0200 message type with a processing code 200040 merchandise
return to default account. Return transaction types do not support cash back amounts.
Not all networks support return transactions. When a return is received, First Data will evaluate which
networks support returns and submit the transaction to the network. If First Data is unable to route the
return to the network, a response code of G39 will be returned in BIT 39. First Data will only generate an
approval if an approved response is returned from the network. First Data will not perform a match
against the original authorization request and does not verify for duplications prior to transmitting the
request to the Network.
The funds may not be credited back to the card holders’ account immediately. This is dependant upon the
Network and card issuer.
The merchant will need to follow their corporate policy if they are unable to support return transactions.
First Data suggestions are to issue a store credit, cash refund or follow merchants’ corporate policies.
Any settlement discrepancies will be identified in the reconciliation processes done at First Data.
Voids are supported only for merchants that have a host based system with a frame relay or lease line
interface to First Data.
For a merchant to support voids they must have a contractual agreement and understand liability with
their bank alliance prior to testing and implementation. Software vendors should not promote or
implement voids as a universal or global offering.
A Void must never be submitted in lieu of a reversal. A void of a 0400/0410 (reversal) or (void of a void)
are not supported for 0400 void transactions.
A void is only supported if the original message type was a 0200 authorization request and the
transaction was approved. Voids are supported on sales and returns. The merchant will need to follow
their corporate policy if they are unable to perform the transaction. First Data suggestions are to issue a
store credit, cash refund or 0200 return (refer to Debit Returns for procedures and policies).
A void is submitted to First Data in a 0400 message type with the same merchant Id, terminal Id and
processing code that was submitted in the original 0200 authorization request. A value of 18 must be
present in field ID 25 (Transaction Code) to indicate a clerk-initiated void. Partial voids are not supported.
The amount, including cash back (if applicable) must be the same amount(s) as the original 0200
authorization request.
Once a void is received from a merchant, First Data will attempt to match the void to the original
authorization request. A response code of A02 will be returned in BIT 39 (Transaction Not Allowed) if a
match is not found.
Appendix L First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Any settlement discrepancies will be identified in the reconciliation processes done at First Data.
The debit networks require that a void must immediately follow the original 0200 authorization request
and its 0210 response which was approved.
A 0200 authorization request is submitted and approved.
A merchant can attempt a return if the last 0200 authorization request is not the transaction to be voided
(Refer to Returns within this document for procedures, requirements and processes).
The void must occur prior to the batch settlement cycle. For merchants that are set-up for host capture,
First Data creates settlement batches at different intervals through out the day. If established as host
capture the void must occur within 25 minutes of the authorization request. If they are not submitted
within 25 minutes the transaction will not be adjusted.
The merchant’s terminal application software must wait a minimum of 50 seconds for the 0410 debit
response message.
If a 0410 Void Response is not received, First Data suggests that the 0400 Void Request be sent again,
up to 3 attempts. If the 0410 Void Response is still not received then the transaction will need to be
reconciled during the off-line back office process if there is a discrepancy.
If First Data receives multiple void requests for the same transaction (merchant ID, terminal ID, card
number, dollar amount(s) and receipt number) and a match is found First Data will return an ‘00’ response
in BIT 39. First Data will identify a duplicate void and not transmit the duplicate void request to the
network as long as the close batch processing has not been performed and First Data has not received
more than 5,000 reversals or voids in the past 24 hours. The transaction totals and time frames are a
combined total for all merchants that perform reversal and void transaction types to First Data.
Scenario–Original 0200 have been approved and the customer changes his or her mind or a
transaction error needs to be corrected. (Void)
Merchant sends a 0200 Debit authorization request message to First Data and waits for the
approval response. Note: Only approved transactions can be voided.
The customer changes his or her mind about performing the transaction, or an error in the
transaction is discovered that needs to be corrected (i.e., incorrect transaction amount, cash
back inadvertently requested, etc).
The merchant sends a Void transaction to First Data using original 0200 message. Merchant
must change message type from 0200 to 0400. In addition, the merchant must include Field 48
– Message Reason Code for Debit Reversals. The value supplied in the Message Reason
Code sub-field of Field 48 should be 4000, signifying that the reversal is being generated as
the result of a clerk-initiated Void. All other field values must remain exactly the same as they
were in the original transaction (e.g., Bit 3 [Processing Code], Bit 11 [Receipt Number], Bit 12
and 13 [Local Date/Time], Bit 35 [Track 2 Data], etc.).
First Data will acknowledge receipt of reversal by sending a 0410 response. First Data will
always send an Approval Code of 888888 or 868686 on a 0410, and Bit 39 equals "76." First
Data will not check whether original transaction occurred or not. First Data will not approve the
reversal if the 0400 could not be parsed as described in these specifications.
Merchant should check Bit 39 and verify that the Result-Code equals "76." If so, the terminal
should continue with next transaction; otherwise, the merchant should continue to send the
0400 to First Data until the merchant receives a 0410 from First Data with a Result-Code of
“76.” This guarantees a reversal of transaction at First Data.
If the response for Debit Void is not received, you may try the request again (up to 3 attempts)
after waiting the appropriate time-out considerations.
Appendix L First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
0400 Debit reversal messages may be sent to cancel out the effect of a previous 0110 and 0210
authorization response message. A card processor removes the hold on funds when it receives an
authorization reversal message. The funds may not be reversed back to the card holders’ account
immediately. This is dependant upon First Data and the Network Gateway’s ability to match the
transaction request along with the individual card issuing banks policies and procedures of processing the
The reversal message is only supported for 0100/0110 pre-authorization and 0200/0210 (sales and
returns) Debit Authorization. A 0400 reversal is not supported for 0400 void request messages. A reversal
request should not be generated in lieu of a refund or void.
The reversal request (0400) can not be generated prior to the minimum 40 second timeout of the
0200/0100 authorization request. The reversal request must be sent to First Data immediately after
waiting a minimum of 40 seconds for the authorization (0200/0100) request due to various and changing
timeframes allowed by the Networks.
Each debit network has various and changing time frames allowed for reversal processing (I.e. 25
minutes to 24 hours). To better insure that the reversal request is processed as well as First Data’s ability
to catch duplicate reversals the reversal request must be sent within 25 minutes of the authorization
request (0200/0100). First Data will identify a duplicate reversal and not transmit the duplicate reversal
request to the network as long as the close batch processing has not been performed and First Data has
not received more than 5,000 reversals or voids in the past 24 hours. The transaction totals and time
frames are a combined total for all merchants that perform reversal and void transaction types to First
The reversal must occur prior to the batch settlement cycle. For merchants that are set-up for host
capture, First Data creates settlement batches at different intervals through out the day. If established as
host capture the reversal must occur within 25 minutes of the authorization request. If they are not
submitted within 25 minutes the transaction will not be adjusted.
If the 0410 reversal response is not received you must retry the 0400 reversal request again after waiting
40 seconds for the 0410 response. A "PLEASE RETRY" response within 40 seconds is a legitimate
response, and the merchant should not generate any reversal transaction. First Data will automatically
generate a reversal transaction whenever a transaction exceeds our own time-out limit. If the 0410
reversal response is not received you must retry the 0400 reversal request up to 3 attempts.
First Data suggests that the 1st reversal (0400) attempt be submitted 60 seconds after the timeout of the
0200/0100 authorization request. If no response is received (50 second timeout) from the 1st 0400
reversal request wait 2 minutes or until network/application issues have been resolved (if applicable) then
retry the reversal request. If the 2nd reversal request is not responded to within 50 seconds wait 5
minutes or until network/application issues have been resolved (if applicable), then retry the 3rd reversal
You can not generate a queue of reversal attempts at one time without waiting for the response. The
requests must be single threaded at the location level (First Data merchant number).
Once the 0410 response is received the transaction is complete and the reversal retry attempts must
Please note that a response code (BIT 39) of approved (00 for authorization with capture or 76 for
authorization without capture) does not denote the processing of the reversal, but the receipt of the
request. Any settlement discrepancies will be identified in the reconciliation processes done at First Data.
Scenario – Merchant does not receive response to the 0200 from First Data
The sequence of events in which a merchant should send a reversal transaction to First Data is described
Debit Reversal functionality must be programmed very carefully. After the merchant completes the
reversal, a new receipt number must be generated for the next transaction.
Appendix L First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Transaction Set
The following food stamp transactions are supported by First Data EBT processing and are required to be
in each application.
Appendix L First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
Voucher Clear:
This is an online force-post entry of a previously voice-authorized food stamp transaction. Entry of the
authorization number and the voucher number is required, and the Account Number is manually entered
without PIN data.
If any aspect of the EBT system is down, the merchant may call the issuing state’s processor for a voice
authorization for Food Stamp transactions only. The merchant must complete a Manual Voucher form
(provided by First Data or state EBT contractor) to obtain the authorization number, the voucher number
and the client’s signature. This puts a hold on the funds in the client’s account for the amount of the voice
authorization. To receive payment for the transaction, the merchant must process a Voucher Clear
transaction within ten days of the voice authorization for electronic auth response. Only electronic auth
response thus received should be used for settlement.
Balance Inquiry from Food Stamp Account varies by state. PIN entry is required.
Cash Benefit Transactions
Various state and county agencies issue cash benefits for various needs; the most familiar is Temporary
Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). If the benefit is issued electronically, it can be spent like cash
wherever EBT payments are accepted.
The following are valid cash benefit transactions:
The remaining available balance is not required, but should be printed on the receipt if the
processor returns it. Track 2 should be sent if available; and PIN entry is required.
Purchase with cash back from cash account. Track 2 and PIN entry are required.
Track 2 and PIN entry are required for Cash only from cash account. The amount is not to be
limited and client is permitted to access the remaining available balance in the account. Track 2
should be sent if available; and PIN entry is required.
Receipt Requirements
Upon completion of an authorized transaction, other than a Balance Inquiry, each POS Terminal must
make a receipt available to the Cardholder.
In addition to the usual receipt elements, an EBT receipt must include the printed account balance(s), as
returned from the issuer. The account accessed, i.e., Food Stamp or Cash Benefit, should be indicated.
Only the last four digits of the cardholder’s number are to be printed on the receipt.
Once a Food Stamp purchase has been successfully authorized or a Food Stamp transaction has been
declined for insufficient funds, the POS terminal operator must print the Available Balance communicated
by the Cardholder Authorization System on the receipt. The reason a declined transaction has been
denied, as returned by First Data, must be printed on the receipt.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix M
Interactive processing
The line protocols, which First Data has found to serve the industry well, consist of the following:
TCP/IP–This protocol is widely used within the industry and throughout the world. TCP/IP is
accepted across most hardware and operating system platforms. It provides ease of
configuration, optimal throughput and maximum flexibility. It is currently the protocol of choice.
X25–X 25 is an international packet switching standard used in many networks, worldwide. It is
packet oriented with a variable block size and supports either Switched Virtual Circuits (SVC) or
Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC). Supported for legacy clients only.
SNA–SNA networks have been in existence for many years and provide packet-oriented data
transmission. LU Type 0 and 2 are supported on the First Data/6000 platform. First Data can
emulate a primary or secondary LU type 0 station and a secondary LU Type 2 station.
Supported for legacy clients only.
In order to support host capture, the merchant may require additional communication arrangements to
access First Data front-end systems that support host capture. First Data will also require configuring the
appropriate back office system to support host capture for the merchant. Once the merchant is
established to support host capture transactions, they must indicate how First Data should process the
transaction, in Bit 31 (Acquirer Reference Data) in the transaction messages. A zero, one, and two in Bit
31 indicates an authorization only, authorization and capture, and capture only transaction respectively.
For Canadian domiciled merchants, availability of host capture for credit and debit is dependant on
merchant’s sponsorship with the acquirer. Please refer to your Certification Analyst or Project Managers
for the availability.
The table below describes each type of transactions supported in a host capture system:
The reversal must occur within 25 minutes of the original auth request. If received within this timeframe,
the transaction will be removed from the data capture file and will not be included in the settlement
process. If it doesn’t, the approved transaction amount captured at First Data will not be adjusted.
Another stipulation is that the merchant must supply a unique number for each transaction in the Retrieval
Reference Number field (Bit 37). This is necessary for reversal and reconcilement processing.
Dual Event Settlement will stream line the process of the transaction flow when the merchant fails to
determine, before authorization, whether all the items can be shipped; and all the services can be
rendered. During the initial authorization request the merchant must flag the transaction as Authorization
only, so that First Data will not capture the transaction for settlement processing. The approved
authorization transaction will be captured by the merchant. The merchant will only need to send the
settled amount for the shipped items and identify the total amount previously authorized in the Capture
Only request. The FDC host will capture the transaction for settlement processing and initiate the Partial
Reversal on the merchant’s behalf. Upon subsequent shipments of that order, the merchant must obtain
another authorization and then settle that authorization.
Described below is an example of the sequence of events and the critical fields to invoke this processing:
Initial Authorization Request
Bit 4-Transaction Amount is the Authorization Amount for two items ordered by the consumer.
Bit 31-The Acquirer Reference Data must be set to “0” (authorization only)
Bit 38-Authorization Code must be retained for settlement and interchange qualification.
Bit 63 – Table 14 – Compliance Data varies depending on the association. Compliance. Data must
be retained for settlement and interchange qualification.
Bit 4-Transaction Amount is the settled amount for the item being shipped.
Bit 31-The Acquirer Reference Data must be set to “2” (capture only)
Bit 38-Authorization Code from the Initial Authorization.
Bit 63 -- Table 14 – Compliance Data from the Initial Authorization.
Bit 63 – Table 70 – Dual Event Settlement Table contains the Total Authorization Amount.
Bit 4-Transaction Amount is the settled amount for the item being shipped.
Bit 31-The Acquirer Reference Data must be set to “1” (authorization and capture
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix O
The MAC is a value derived using an algorithm on certain data elements in a message, and the terminal
includes the resulting value in the message when sending. The receiver calculates the MAC using the
same data elements. If the receiver-calculated value matches that in the message, it is relatively certain
that the message has not been tampered with or damaged during the transmission.
A 16 byte MAC block, with the first 8 bytes containing valid data, and the remaining 8 bytes being zero
filled will be generated for each message originating from the terminal except for Canadian Debit key
updates (Message 0800/0810, Processing Code 000000).
Responses received by the terminal may or may not have a MAC block, depending upon the response
code received. For example, if the transaction didn’t make it to the host, or encountered a host system
error host (such as the key server or encryption box being unavailable), then the MAC block returned to
the terminal will be blanks. But if there is a valid MAC block present in the MAC field in the response, the
terminal does the verification on the MAC.
The encrypted data block that has the balance amount for the card is called the EKME block, and is also
16 bytes in length. Unlike the MAC block, the terminal will always be receiving and never sending an
EKME, so the only operation it will perform on it is decryption, never encryption. All balance Inquiry
transactions will have a MAC block in the response even if the transaction was declined. If the request
was approved, the terminal formats the response information and sends it to the PIN pad. The PIN pad
decrypts the EKME block and displays the balance amount on the PIN pad display. Only the customer
who does the Balance Inquiry using his/her card is supposed to view the balance amount displayed on
the PIN pad.
The encryption/decryption process depends upon three secret keys stored within the terminal known as
the working keys, and one permanent key stored in the PIN pad. The working keys are:
TMAC–Terminal Message Authentication Code (MAC) working key. A MAC Key is used to
authenticate selected data elements in messages.
TKPE–Terminal PIN Encryption working key. A PIN Encryption Key is a used to protect PINs as
they are transmitted.
TKME–Terminal Message Encryption working key. A Message Encryption Key is used to encrypt
and decrypt selected message elements, excluding PINs.
These working keys can be changed at any time based on rules and regulations for the Key changes
specific to that merchant or client.
The PIN pad is injected with a permanent Terminal Key Encryption Key (TKEK), which is used to encrypt
and decrypt the working keys that are exchanged between the Host and the terminal. This key must also
be stored on the host encrypted under the host Master Key.
The response for the key update request, if successful, will contain the new terminal working keys, the
MAC check digit and a MAC block. When the terminal receives the response, it sends a message to the
PIN pad to verify the MAC block. The PIN pad expects a MAC verification request to have a specific
format, as shown below, including data elements not present in the host response message. Therefore,
the terminal application will create a message that includes the host response information in the
appropriate fields, as well as all of the additional data fields expected by the PIN pad, filled with zeros.
The terminal sends this new message to the PIN pad, requesting MAC verification. The pin pad sends a
message back to the terminal indicating success or failure of the MAC verification. If the PIN pad
successfully verifies the MAC block, the new keys and the MAC check digit are stored in the terminal. If
the MAC block fails verification at the PIN pad, then the terminal displays the message “MAC Verification
Below is the format in which the terminal sends the data to the PIN pad for the MAC verification on a
successful parameter download response. The fields are separated by a space character.
1. Account number (PAN)–19 bytes. All zeroes.
2. Processing code–6 bytes. All zeroes.
3. Transaction amount – 12 bytes. All zeroes
4. Trace number–6 bytes.
5. Terminal RRN–12 bytes. All zeroes
6. Response code–2 bytes.
7. Terminal MAC working key–16 bytes.
8. Terminal KME working key–16 bytes.
9. Terminal KPE working key–16 bytes.
The 8 bytes of the MAC block that contain valid data are also sent to the PIN pad.
Appendix O First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification
The above space-separated fields will be sent, along with the TMAC working key, to the PIN pad in a
request to generate an encrypted MAC block. The PIN pad uses this TMAC working key to generate an
encrypted MAC block based on the data elements provided. The terminal receives the MAC block,
includes the MAC block in the request message and sends it to the host.
The following are the mandated data elements that are used for the MAC verification by the PIN pad:
1. Account number (PAN). This is a variable length field and the maximum length is 19 bytes
2. Processing code
3. Transaction amount
4. System trace number
5. Terminal RRN
6. Response code. (Values: Approval – 00, Decline – 57)
Apart from the above mentioned data elements; there are 3 other optional data elements. If any of these
are present in the response message it will be included in the MAC verification.
If the MAC verification fails at the PIN pad, the terminal will display or print “MAC Verification Failed".
Subsequently, a reversal will be generated and stored in the terminal with a reason code of 30. If the
MAC verification failed due to TMAC sync error, then a reversal will be generated with a reason code of
31. This reversal will be transmitted to the host, the next time a transaction is attempted. For any
transaction to be processed, the stored reversal has to be processed first. If the host declines the
reversal, or if the reversal response fails MAC verification, the reversal will be retransmitted up to 2
additional times. After the third unsuccessful attempt, the reversal will be deleted. New keys may be
received on any reversal attempt and should be used to process the response in which they were
For 0400 Canadian Debit reversals, the MAC check digit is used during Canadian Debit Processing to
distinguish a MAC synch error from a MAC (TMAC) verification error when MAC verification fails. If the
MAC authentication fails for a transaction and the MAC Check Digit received in the transaction response
does not match the MAC Check Digit stored when the MAC working key was last received from the host,
then the 0400 Canadian Debit Reversal Code is set to ‘31’ for synch error; otherwise, the Reversal Code
is set to ‘30’ for verification failure.
EKME/Data Block (Encrypted available balance).
Version 2008-3 Confidential and Proprietary 6-76
November 11, 2008 to First data
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix O
The EKME block is an encrypted data block containing the balance amount of the customer’s account.
This encrypted block will be decrypted at the PIN pad and the balance amount will be displayed at the pin
pad display for a few seconds.
EKME block is 16 bytes long. The host sends the encrypted EKME block on a Balance Inquiry approval
response. The terminal sends this block along with the TKME working key (Message encryption key) to
the PIN pad. The PIN pad decrypts the EKME/Data block and displays the balance amount on the pin
If pin pad fails to decrypt the data block, the terminal will display/print ‘Decryption Failure’. Message
decryption failure can only occur on balance inquiry messages returned to the terminal where balance
data is present.
In both of these circumstances a reversal will be generated with the appropriate reversal reason code of
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix P
A financial transaction reversal is also needed whenever a merchant receives an approval but is unable
to complete the transaction on the merchant system.
How does First Data Handle Reversals?
First Data always accepts a reversal from the merchant, even if the original transaction was never
received by First Data. Once First Data receives the reversal request, it sends an acknowledgment
message to the merchant indicating the reversal was received and that the merchant can continue with
other transactions.
The onus is on the merchant to make sure that First Data responds affirmatively that it has received the
reversal. It is also the merchant’s responsibility to continue to send the reversal transaction to First Data
until it receives appropriate acknowledgment from First Data that the reversal was received.
The only situations in which the merchant should not receive an acknowledgment from First Data are as
follows: the First Data system is down; a communications line cut has been cut; or, there is an in-store
problem, and the store is unable to communicate with First Data.
What is a Visa and MasterCard Check/Debit Card?
As an alternative to writing checks and using a credit card, most major banks have teamed up with major
credit-card companies to issue check cards.
Displayed on the face of the check card will be the card issuing banks logo, card number, cardholders’
name, both a Visa or MasterCard logo and the words “Check Card”. On the back of the check card you
there will be a signature line, magnetic stripe and the participating Debit Networks. The card numbers will
be 16 digits in length and fall within the Visa and MasterCard bin ranges. Visa card numbers start with a 4
and MasterCard starts with a 5.
Check cards are different from straight ATM cards. Check cards are also known as debit cards because
of how they work -- instead of getting credit for your purchase and receiving a monthly bill, like you do
with a credit card, a Visa and MasterCard check/debit card deducts money from your checking or savings
You can use your check card as either a credit card or a debit card -- either way; it comes out of your
A credit card transaction also known as an “off-line transaction” can either be swipe read through a card
reader or the card number and expiration date can be manually entered. The card holders’ signature is
required for card present transactions.
A debit card transaction also known as an “on-line transaction” must be swipe read and the PIN number
must be entered using a PIN pad. The cardholder signature is not requested.
A check card has your name, "credit" account number, the Credit Company’s logo (Visa or MasterCard),
the bank's logo and "Check Card" printed across the front of the card.
Check card companies, such as Visa and MasterCard, have agreements with banks to issue what looks
like a Visa or MasterCard credit card. A Visa or MasterCard check card can be used at any retailer that
accepts Visa or MasterCard credit cards and at ATMs worldwide.
What are ATM CARDS?
Banks issue ATM cards. The face of the ATM card includes the card holders name, account number and
bank's logo on the front of it. On the back of the ATM card there will be a signature line, magnetic stripe
and the participating Debit Networks. The card numbers can range from 12 – 19 digits in length can begin
with any number, expiration dates may not be valid and the card numbers may not be mod 10 calculated.
For this reason you can not perform edit checks of the card.
ATM cards are also known as debit cards because of how they work. A debit card transaction is also
known as an “on-line transaction”. When a cardholder uses their card for a purchase, cash back or cash
withdraw the money is ducted from the cardholders checking or savings account.
ATM cards are different from check cards. An ATM card must be swipe read and the PIN number must be
entered using a PIN pad. The cardholder signature is not requested. An ATM can be used at any retailer
that accepts PIN based debit transactions and at ATMs worldwide.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix P
Can both savings and checking accounts be accessed using a check card or ATM card?
Whether the customer has access to their savings account is totally up to the issuing bank. Both check
cards and ATM cards can possibly have access to savings accounts – the type of card doesn’t matter. It’s
based on whether the issuer allows a customer to attach their savings account to the check card or the
ATM card when the card is used at the point of sale. The reason savings accounts are not typically
allowed point of sale access is that the rules governing how many electronic transactions can be made
are much more restrictive than for checking accounts. The very structure of a checking account is to allow
a cardholder unlimited accesses to their funds. Savings accounts are meant to be more restrictive, so the
Federal Government places limits on the types of activity that is allowed. Hence issuers many times don’t
allow a savings account to be attached to a check card or ATM card when used at the point of sale.
By far the majority of consumers only access their checking account when they’re paying at the point of
sale. Savings account access is usually only for ATM use, when the consumer would want to make a
savings deposit or withdrawal or transfer between accounts.
If a cardholder purchases goods or services using a Debit Card and returns the goods how do I
reimburse the cardholder?
A debit transaction “on-line transaction” is considered same as cash. At the time of authorization the
funds are removed from the card holders’ account. The merchant may issue a cash refund, check or store
credit. For a merchant to support returns using this message format they must have a contractual
agreement and understand liability with the bank alliance prior to support debit returns. Due to Card
Association and other regulatory restrictions, the merchant can not issue a refund on a credit card if the
initial transaction was processed as a debit. Even if the cardholders card was a check card.
Healthcare (FSA/HRA)
How do you identify whether it is a FSA/HRA card?
First Data provides the merchants with the relevant Bin Ranges which they can use to identify the
FSA/HRA cards. These Bin Ranges are included in the relevant Bin File.
How often are the Bin Files updated?
The Bin Files are updated on a daily basis.
Where do you obtain the list of eligible healthcare items?
For processing IIAS transactions you need to be a member of SIGIS. In order to be listed as a member of
SIGIS you need to visit The benefit of being listed with SIGIS is that you can obtain the
list of eligible healthcare items directly to code your products. You will be listed as a SIGIS member in
their website as well. Eventually, SIGIS will be providing you with a logo decal to post it at the entrance
just like Visa/MasterCard logos.
How often is the list of healthcare eligible items (IIAS Compliant) updated?
The list of healthcare eligible items is updated on a monthly basis.
Yes FSA/HRA cards can be used in both the scenarios – card present and card not present.
Card Association requires that the merchants who are partial authorization capable must support
reversal of authorization.
Reversal of Authorization is required if the card holder does not have alternate means to pay for
the remaining balance on a partially approved transaction. The partially approved transaction
amount can not be altered for capture and settlement processing that is void/remove an item
intended to be purchased due to the full amount not being approved.
Partial Authorization Reversals are not permitted on Health Benefit Card transactions. However,
only full reversals of the approved transaction amount are supported on Health care benefit card.
First Data ISO 8583 Global Specification Appendix P
Could there be any impact in sending default values of the card holder’s zip code such as zero
First Data will pass the zip code out to the card association. The card association will pass to the issuer
for validation. If the issuer identifies that a merchant is sending in default values they could impose fines
to the merchant.
When performing Address Verification (AVS) does the address have to match in order to qualify
for the best interchange rate?
The only instance where the Zip Code must match is if the merchant is attempting to qualify at Visa
CPS/Retail Key-Entry rate.