Terms of Reference: Baseline Survey For Mission Paani Pilot Initiative in Amravati District, Maharashtra
Terms of Reference: Baseline Survey For Mission Paani Pilot Initiative in Amravati District, Maharashtra
Terms of Reference: Baseline Survey For Mission Paani Pilot Initiative in Amravati District, Maharashtra
In line with its vision and mission Water For People India has partnered with Reckitt Benckiser (RB)
program on their flagship initiative “Mission Paani”. Water For People India will demonstrate a proof of
concept through its pilot project for its proposed model for Mission Paani, viz. the “Conserve-Sustain-
Transform” model.
Project Background
India is undergoing the worst water crisis in its history with nearly half of the population suffering from
high to severe water stress. With India’s water demand set to be twice the available supply, the
Government of India has launched its two key initiatives, Jal Jeevan Mission and the Jal Shakti Abhiyan in
2019. Jal Jeevan Mission aims to provide Functional Household Tap Connection i.e., Har Ghar Nal Se Jal
(HGNSJ) to every rural household by 2024. The programme focuses on the delivery of 55 litres per
capita per day (lpcd) of quality water at the household level. Jal Shakti Abhiyan is a time bound
campaign with a mission mode approach. It undertakes activities for rainwater harvesting, water
conservation and replenishing water bodies for meeting the acute water shortage and for improving
the ground water level.
Reckitt Benckiser (RB) is supporting the Government of India (GoI) in its endeavours to address the water
crisis. RB’s flagship initiative, Mission Paani, aims to generate a nation wise consciousness, action and
behaviour change for protecting and conserving water resources while instilling a sense of respect and
habit for water saving among the communities. The global launch of ‘Mission Paani’ took place at the
World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden on August 29, 2019.
ToR for Mission Paani in Amravati, Maharashtra
While many water access programs focus solely on water supply, Mission Paani is a flagship campaign
that integrates behaviour change communication (Measure-Reduce-Reuse) along with water
conservation and governance measures (Conserve and Transform) – all aimed at an increase in
availability of water, water resource management, while also reducing per capita demand.
Water For People India proposes to adopt the ‘Conserve-Sustain-Transform’ model for Mission Paani
that focuses on three key components to demonstrate water use efficiency and self-sufficiency.
(Refer to Annex I for details of the Program Strategy for the Mission Paani Pilot). In the initial three-
year phase of the project Water For People India will build a proof of concept of its proposed model
through its pilot project in two blocks of Amravati district in Maharashtra.
Key interventions of the pilot project focus on water conservation and good governance measures, with
an integral behaviour change communication effort to promote water consciousness among households
and farmers, increased water availability, and increase in the proportion of greywater reused and
recycled (the relatively clean wastewater from baths, sinks, dishwashing, clothes washing, and other
household water use except toilets) at the household and community level, as appropriate. The Pilot
Project will provide technical support to the district government and other stakeholders (private
players) to implement water conservation, community management of pipe water supply and
behaviour change activities as per the ‘Measure-Reduce-Reuse’ framework. As a part of this technical
support, the project will support the development of two block-level water resource management plans
in coordination with the block and district government. Further technical support for water
conservation and reduced consumption of water will also be provided to the gram panchayats covered
under the pilot project. These interventions will lead to reduced water consumption at home and
at schools and for agricultural purposes, will reduce water losses across drinking water sources, will
improve water availability during water scarce periods and will result in recharging of underground
water/ aquifers. The pilot project will work with the local households, communities, and Panchayati Raj
Institutions to identify innovative and effective ways to build a culture of water consciousness.
With appropriate contextualization and improvements to this ‘proof of concept’, its scaling-up could
have significant positive implications for the sustainability of India’s water resources for the future.
Water For People India is looking for a technical agency to support its efforts to establish a baseline,
contribute to program design phase and concurrent monitoring and finally engage in the final evaluation
of the initiative with clear recommendations on the scaling up of the pilot within the district, other
districts of the state and showcase proof of concept at the national level for its wider replicability. In this
regard, proposals are invited from agencies with expertise in conducting such surveys behaviour change
communication strategies in water domain and a strong understanding of water conservation and water
governance aspects. The concurrent monitoring by the agency will be in addition to the internal
monitoring activities of Water For People. Concurrent Monitoring will provide regular feedback on
processes and quality of implementation and will enable the project implementation team to make mid-
course corrections.
ToR for Mission Paani in Amravati, Maharashtra
The empanelled agency is expected to conduct the diagnostic and baseline study of the pilot project to
develop and inform the result matrix and the program design documents. The agency may be potentially
involved in the concurrent monitoring of the program, including technical and financial review (six
monthly) and engage in the end line evaluation. The agreement for each of these three components will
be separate, on review of outputs received, and on a financial year basis. The response to this ToR
should therefore include a detailed proposal for a diagnostic and baseline, and an indicative proposal
for the concurrent monitoring (technical and financial) and end line evaluation. The specific proposals
for second and third component will be requested again, and at this stage should give a fairly accurate
estimate of time and budgets.
Diagnostic study and Baseline
The aim of the proposed initiative is three-fold: to promote conservation and management of water
resources, promoting behaviour change that encourages communities to Measure-Reduce-Reuse water
intake coupled with strong water governance mechanisms institutionalized to sustain the gains. The
framework of the study will have the following components:
- Social Behaviour Change Communication Strategy:
The approach model is elaborated in the subsequent sections. Mission Paani aims to demonstrate a new
way of respecting and living with water - a water-conscious household, where community awareness
and household action result in reduced in-home consumption of water, while still maintaining the
quality of life. The baseline shall identify the key WASH behaviours which needs to be prioritized
further in formalising the social behaviour change strategy. The baseline shall support in adopting a
systematic approach to shortlisting key behaviours, mapping out barriers and drivers, and selecting
target audience followed by profiling of target audience. Identifying the key messages will flow from
the baseline while sources of communication will be based on analysis of local art forms and
community access to various media forms as a part of the communication strategy to support the
outcome of water conscious households.
- To adjust the Program Framework:
The agency is expected to Conduct a baseline study to establish the key project indicators on
components of ‘Conserve-Sustain-Transform’ model and benchmark the project outcome indicators and
social return on investment framework and indicators. The agency shall work on the existing project
result framework in adjusting/benchmarking the indicators on the various key result areas. The
conservation component of the program strategy will entail understanding of competing water
demands and management of water use for various purposes ensuring adequate water for drinking
purposes (water safety and security plans); (ii) water level monitoring and conservation measures at
the catchment area, community and household level (water level monitoring, recharge and harvesting
water; (iii) reduction in consumption of water in-home, in public institutions (schools), and agriculture
practices through use of water-efficient devices and practices; (iv) greywater management. The
sustainability component will be informed from the social art for behaviour change strategy based on
the concept of Inspire-Activate-Sustain. The third component of the program strategy is transformation
which includes setting outcome indicators on the role of Water For People in engaging with the local
governance and evolving as a technical support partner for the Govt. The baseline will inform the
status of the Govt in supporting both supply and demand side.
ToR for Mission Paani in Amravati, Maharashtra
o Calculation of water saved owing to water conservation (gram panchayat) and ‘reduce-reuse’
efforts (household level)
o Value of water harvested and value of in-home reduction in water use owing to ‘measure-reduce-
reuse’ measures (household level)
o Total funds raised for ‘conserve-sustain-transform’ initiatives from community co-finance,
convergence with government programs
o Number of water bodies and water structures brought under community governance
Project Outcomes
The key areas of enquiry (diagnostic, baseline; concurrent monitoring and endline evaluation) will be
informed by the result areas and proposed outcomes for the pilot project across 3 key result areas are
summarized below.
Result Area 1: Demonstrate Source Sustainability, Protection, and Increased Access to Water in up to 20
villages situated in two micro catchments of Amravati district. Key outcomes in this result area are
outlined below:
Result Area 2: Water conscious communities and households lead the way to conserve and respect
water in two blocks of Amravati district. Key outcomes in this result area are outlined below:
1. Increased awareness, knowledge and practices of water conservation and water saving practices
amongst the households, farmers schools and public health institutions
2. Increased awareness, knowledge and promotion of water conservation and water saving
practices by various groups viz. Farmers Groups, Self Help Groups, School Based Groups and
Management Committees.
3. The community shall realise the importance of conservation of water and other natural resources
and have improved practices in domestic water management and maximise reuse of grey water.
Result Area 3: Effective management and monitoring of water resources through joint efforts of the
local communities, government and local businesses demonstrated in Amravati district
1. 10 Farmer’s Club will be formed in the intervention GPs to form FC in the blocks and facilitate
their linkages with the government schemes on water-efficient equipment and inputs. The FCs
will in turn train and facilitate formation of FCs in other GPs.
2. child cabinets/school WATSAN committees and School Management Committees will have raised
awareness on water conservation models and will have improved practices.
3. Block Level Water Resource Management Plans developed
4. One Point of Purchase for water efficient devices and materials for pipe water supply schemes
functional at block level
5. Trained masons available at block level for undertaking operation and maintenance of Piped
Water Schemes and Water Conservation Structures
Sampling Framework
The agency should determine significant/representative sample size for the study considering geographic
context, demographic characteristic etc, of the population in the study areas. Respondents shall be
defined by the agency by using appropriate methodology to ensure different target groups have equally
represented in the survey. The agency shall suggest two cost effective design samples with clear outline
of the advantages and limitations of both the designs. The sample design must take into account the
various subset within the population and then draw randomly from each stratum so as to not exclude or
misrepresent any one stratum. The recommendation may also can also combine multiple techniques to
ensure the closest representation of the population.
ToR for Mission Paani in Amravati, Maharashtra
The agency is expected to outline an innovative, cost effective and robust methodology and sampling
framework that combines program design, monitoring and action research. Combining both quantitative
and qualitative approaches, the data collection processes should identify and engage the stakeholders,
while also participating in routine review processes for any mid-course corrections. Various data
collection tools and methods need to be employed, aligned with the program interventions framework
to gather information on different variables and themes. The methodology should have a strong focus
on the application of participatory approaches and proven techniques that fits well in the context of
local communities and stakeholders. The methodology must consider the various stake holders who
would be the end recipient of the demonstration of the pilot and are also mentioned in the key result
matrices of the project. The agency shall also conduct desk review of documents available with Water
For People India regarding the program and project log framework.
The final framework will be discussed with Water For People India prior to proceeding with the tools
development. The questionnaires need to be translated and should be finalized through field testing.
The agency should employ, orient and train the qualified field supervisors, data collectors and other
necessary staffs and resources for the study. Training and support to the identified stakeholders for
data collection will be the responsibility of the agency.
The agency needs to provide guideline for data collection and minimum 5% data should be cross
checked for authenticity. The agency needs to ensure validity and reliability of data and to minimize
data bias. Pre- coded questionnaire and proper measure for avoiding data entry errors are preferred.
The agency should develop an excellent quality draft report and should receive feedback from at
least 3 subject matter experts.
Geographic Coverage
The pilot project will be implemented in 2 blocks viz. Achalpur and Chandurbazar in the district of
Amravati in Maharashtra. The sample will be drawn from the universe of 90,401 population spread
across two blocks.
Please note that the above table might vary in actuals about the number of villages and Gram
Panchayats, however the population (universe) size shall remain constant.
The purpose of this evaluation is to provide information for decision-making on any improvements
needed for project management and implementation; and to assess the results of the project to date.
ToR for Mission Paani in Amravati, Maharashtra
The aim is to inform the monitoring framework and adapt the program design. The baseline will also
ensure the formation of the social behaviour change communication strategy to be implemented in the
The various stake holders with whom the finding and the report shall be jointly disseminated by the
agency and Water For People is jotted below:
The agency will need to submit the following deliverables
Baseline study
Inception report for the baseline to be submitted outlining the finalised approach, methodology
and sample size. This needs to be submitted after review of project documents, preliminary
discussions with the project team in Delhi)
Tools of Enquiry (prior and post pre testing)
The agency will have weekly catch up with Water For People team to report on the progress and
sharing of data for quality assurance purpose.
Preliminary Findings Within 1 week of completion of Field Work followed by sharing of data table
within 10 days time.
Chapterisation Plan
Studies to include relevant photographs
Draft Report
Final Report
ToR for Mission Paani in Amravati, Maharashtra
The deliverables for concurrent monitoring and endline (including the Social returns on investment) can
be indicative and this stage.
Technical Proposal
The technical proposal should include the following:
Financial Proposal
It should be a Lump sum fixed cost (quote) of the assignment as per the format provided in.
Any amount of the nature of taxes, duty, levy, etc. should be mentioned separately and
will be paid as per applicable rates as and when due.
Confirmation of the payment schedule included as mentioned in following section
Financial Proposal (in INR) to provide cost breakdowns for all 2 studies and concurrent monitoring
Consolidated budget for each deliverable
However, the agency is obligated to provide detail itemized budget in case the committee requires
to take contractual decisions.
ToR for Mission Paani in Amravati, Maharashtra
ToR for Mission Paani in Amravati, Maharashtra
Annexure- I
The Water Management Framework
Water For People India proposes to adopt the ‘Conserve-Sustain-Transform’ model that focuses on
three key components to demonstrate water use efficiency and self-sufficiency (refer Figure 1).
1. Conserve: The GoI guidelines for Jal Shakti Abhiyan and Jal Jeevan Mission underline the need for
source sustainability. Community awareness and action plan regarding water resource availability
in alternative scenarios (climate change-induced weather variations). These estimations can be
made at the hydrogeological unit level, or at the non-basin level (block, district). To ensure that
the gram panchayat/village plans remain consistent with the overall water availability within the
basin or non-basin, water resource management plans can also be developed at the gram
panchayat/village level.
‘Conserve’ component focuses on creating successful pilots with a focus on (i) community
understanding of competing water demands and management of water use for various purposes
ensuring adequate water for drinking purposes (water safety and security plans); (ii) water level
monitoring and conservation measures at the catchment area, community and household level
(water level monitoring, recharge and harvesting water; (ii) reduction in consumption of water in-
home, in public institutions (schools), and agriculture practices through use of water-efficient
devices and practices; (iv) greywater management.
managing water use for various purposes, especially bathing, toilet use, cleaning and washing
can lead to water savings of 12-15% in water surplus areas.
3. Transform: Strong water governance entails building participatory management approaches and
collaboration among key stakeholders. Community based organisations, Panchayati Raj
Institutions and its sub-committees (service providers), and government (service authority) and
private players can play a transformational role in managing water budgeting, conservation and
regulation of water needs. Specifically, stakeholders including (i) farmers, with agriculture
demand being 88.1% of the total needs; (ii) Panchayati Raj Institutions and its sub-committees,
being the key service providers for safe drinking water facilities at the household level and (iii)
government line departments (Zilla Parishad, Panchayati Raj department, line departments
established for Jal Jeevan Mission/state missions and agriculture departments), being the key
service authorities and
(iv) private players, supporting the supply side, are critical in promoting strong community
managed water conservation, reduced consumption of water and greywater management
Technical Support unit at the district level can support the institutional structure for the rollout
of the piped water supply schemes and enable them to integrate the ‘proof of concept’ and
create a mass movement for judicious use of water. This model of reducing water
consumption will eventually result in water-smart households and gram panchayats, public
institutions (schools, health centres), that have not only sustained their water resource but
also collectively manage and meet the increasing demand and as active citizens, manage,
operate and maintain the increased water supply network under the JJM.