Online Learning
Online Learning
Online Learning
Online Learning
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2 authors, including:
Sakshi Arora
Maharshi Dayanand University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Sakshi Arora on 03 May 2019.
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Prof. Indira Dhull | MS. Sakshi
Former Head & Dean Dept. of Education, M.D. University, Rohtak, Haryana.
Research Scholar, M.D.U. Rohtak.
The present work is an attempt to assess the Physico-chemical parameters of the Dharamsagar Thanda Pond, Kunchavaram, Chincholi Taluk, Kalaburagi District,
Karnataka State, India. To determine suitability of the water for human consumption and other domestic uses. Monthly water samples are collected from different
places of the Dharamsagar Thanda Pond were observed, which is 586 meters above the sea level and Latitude-17°31'48.55"N Longitude- 77°32'19.24"E. The present
investigation was focused to carry out Atmosphere and Water Temperature, Total dissolved solids, pH, Dissolved oxygen, CO2, Alkalinity, |Hardness, Calcium,
Chloride, Phosphate and BOD were observed. The obtained results revealed that the condition of this Pond in different months during the study period shows
fluctuations in the physic-chemical parameters and showed pollution status of this Pond. It was found that the water samples collected from various sites in and
around Dharamsagar Thanda village was contaminated. All sampling sites showed physicochemical parameters above the water quality standards and the quality of
water is not good and it is not fit for drinking purpose.
INTRODUCTION: the course developers. Collaborative learning activities in the form of group
Online Learning encompasses a range of technologies such as the worldwide work, discussion among peers and online assessment are the requirements of the
web, email, chat, new groups and texts, audio and video conferencing delivered course.
over computer networks to impart education. It helps the learner to learn at their
own pace, according to their own convenience. Online Education requires a great The Integrated Model:
deal of resources and careful planning. In this, teachers act as facilitators rather This model is closest to a full online- learning course. Such courses are often
than transmitters of content knowledge, and ICT is regarded as resource that offered via comprehensive learning management system. They comprise avail-
enhances the learning experience of students. Learners learn through e-learning ability of much of the subject matter in electronic format like opportunities for
tools which are available to all. E-Learning has brought back the joy in learning computer conferencing, small group-based collaborative online learning activi-
through its innovative and interactive content delivery and has proved to be more ties and online assessment of learning outcomes. For the moment though, some
appealing among students. of the subject matter content may be best assessed offline in already published
textbooks and other sources. The learning and teaching in these courses takes
TYPES OF ONLINE LEARNING COURSES: place in computer conferences, in which the prescribed readings and the assigned
Robin Mason (1998) of the United Kingdom Open University has suggested that tasks are discussed. Much of this learning and teaching activity is fairly fluid and
most online- Learning courses sit on a continuum of a “partially online” or a dynamic as it is largely determined by individual and group activities in the
“fully online Learning course”. course. To some extent, this integrated model dissolves the distinctions between
“teaching and learning” in favor of facilitation of learning (Bielaczyc &
Partially Online Course: A “partially online” course is one that integrates exist- Collins,1999)
ing resource materials that are available either in print or non-print form such as
textbooks etc. with some elements of online learning. This might include the use ADVANTAGES OF ONLINE LEARNING:
of a learning management system or simply a mailing list for some asynchronous Instructional Technology is highly beneficial for students, especially students
discussion (Naidu & Oliver,1999) pursuing a professional course (Mehra & Mital, 2007). Online learning is consid-
ered a boon due to the reasons given below:
Fully online Course: A “fully online” course, on the other hand, is one that will
have most of its learning and teaching activities carried out online. Accessibility:
Online learning provides accessibility due to which a student can learn from any-
MODELS OF ONLINE LEARNING COURSES: where in the world. This is an especially important consideration for students
who wish to study in a different country. It doesn't matter where a student lives
and what he wants to study- he can always find a suitable course or even a Degree
Program that can be followed from home. Students learning options are not con-
strained by their geographic location.
Personalised Learning:
Online Learning system enables a student to determine and process his/her learn-
ing style, content, aim, current knowledge and individual skills. Therefore, per-
son -specific education could be provided through creating individual learning
styles. E-Learning enables the individual to plan and direct his/her own learning.
It has the potential to motivate, develop confidence and self-esteem, overcome
many barriers that learners encounter, personalize the learning experience,
widen access and improve the learning experience, while also helping people to
develop their ICT skills.
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