Name: Year Level: Date: Score: /20 Exam Number 2 Answer Key

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Name: Year Level:

Date: Score: /20

Exam number 2 Answer Key

1. Which nerve supplies parasympathetic nerve fibers Iodine-131following total thyroidectomy for papillary
to the submandibular gland? thyroid carcinoma, presents with intermittent painful
A. Hypoglossal nerve swelling of the parotid glands bilaterally. Patient is
B. Facial nerve afebrile without white blood count elevation. There is
C. Lingual nerve decreased salivary production from Stenson duct with
D. Mylohyoid nerve gland massage. Noncontrast CT scan shows diffuse
E. Vidian nerve. parotid swelling. In addition to conservative
measures (warm compresses, sialogogues, gland
2. What is the most common malignant tumor of the massage), the patient should also receive a/an
parotid gland?
A. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma A. 2-week curse of oral clindamycin
B. Acinic cell carcinoma B. 4-6 wee course of intravenous vancomycin
C. Adenoid cystic carcinoma C. sialendoscopy
D. Lymphoma D. minor salivary gland lip biopsy
E. Salivary ductal carcinoma E. MRI with gadolinium

3. What is the most common salivary gland neoplasm 6. A 38-year-old asymptomatic woman is undergoing
in children? right thyroid lobectomy. During the procedure the
A. Hemangioma right recurrent laryngeal nerve cannot be identified.
B. Pleomorphic adenoma Review of the CT scan is likely to demonstrate:
C. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma A. aberrant take-off of right subclavian artery,
D. Lymphoma which passes behind the esophagus
E. Adenoid cystic carcinoma B. anterior displacement of the nerve by an
unexpectedly enlarged parathyroid gland
4. Which salivary gland tumor is strongly associated C. congenital laryngeal rotation with hypertrophy of
with tobacco exposure? Galen anastomosis
A. Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma D. right-sided porencephaly with congenital absence
B. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of right vagus nerve
C. Pleomorphic adenoma
D. Carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma 7. An 88-year-old woman complains o burning
E. Warthin tumor mouth. Examination reveals “shiny” tongue. he most
likely diagnosis is

A. xerostomia due to medications

B. senile atrophy
C. malabsorption syndrome with essential nutrient
D. congenital absence of filiform papillae

8. During esophagoscopy in a 75-kg adult a mass was

5. A 46-year-old woman, who received 150 mCi of encountered at 40 cm rom the incisors. It appeared to
be a malignancy and was biopsied. The most likely B. MRSA
diagnosis is C. Moraxella catarrhalis
D. Haemophilus in fluenzae
A. squamous cell carcinoma E. Peptostreptocossus
B. adenocarcinoma
C. malignant paraganglioma 14. A patient presents with fever, dysphagia, and
D. metastatic renal cell carcinoma odynophagia. Transoral examination is within normal
limits. Pulse oximetry is 100%. The most appropriate
9. A 46-year-old woman is ound to have anesthesia o next step in management is
her le t hard palate. Sensation in her cheek and upper
lip are normal. A CT scan demonstrates a mass in her A. modified barium swallow
ipsilateral posterior nasal cavity. Of the following, B. PO antibiotic therapy
which is the most likely site of nerve involvement? C. anti-fungal therapy or likely esophageal thrush
D. fiberopticlaryngoscopy
A. Incisural foramen E. reflux management
B. Foramen rotundum
C. Descending palatine canal 15. An emergency room physician calls you
D. Glossopharyngeal nerve concerning a 48-year-old man with poor dentition,
unilateral neck swelling, sore throat, odynophagia,
10. A 45-year-old man is re erred or “hard tumors” o and asymmetric tonsils. shows a large level II lymph
his mandible. Examination reveals bilateral multiple node with rim enhancement just deep to the skin.
prominent bony-hard protuberances on his anterior- appropriate step includes
medial mandible just below the gum line. The most
likely diagnosis is A. surgical I&D of the neck abscess
B. transoral I&D of presumed peritonsillar abscess
A. ostegenic carcinoma C. repeat oral antibiotics with follow-up in 2 to 3
B. ameleoblastoma weeks
C. Ewing sarcoma D. dental referral or likely odontogenic infection
D. mandibular exostoses E. full head and neck examination with FRNA of
neck mass or cytopathology

11. The prestyloid parapharyngeal space contains all 16. The superior laryngeal nerve supplies which o the
of the following except ollowing muscles?
A. fat A. Vocalis
B. lymph nodes B. Cricothyroid
C. glossopharyngeal nerve C. Cricopharyngeus
D. deep lobe of parotid D. Lateral cricoarytenoid
E. medial and lateral pterygoid muscles E. Superior pharyngeal constrictor

12. Masticator space in sections can spread directly to

all the following spaces except
A. parotid space
B. parapharyngeal space
C. pterygomaxillary space
D. retropharyngeal space
E. buccal space
17. The medial wall of the paraglottic space is the
A. thyroid ala
13. An 18-month-old child presents with fever, B. conus elasticus
dysphagia, drooling, and neck tenderness. The most C. aryepiglottic old
likely organism is D. Broyle ligament
A. Pneumococcus E. thyrohyoid membrane
18. A patient with adductor spasmodic dysphonia will
have the most difficulty with which o the following

A. Mama
B. Puppy
C. Elephant
D. Rainbow
E. Candle

19. The arytenoid adduction procedure mimics the

action o which muscle?
A. Cricothyroid
B. Interarytenoid
C. thyroarytenoid
D. Lateral cricoarytenoid
E. Posterior cricoarytenoid

40. Laryngeal stroboscopy is most useful in the

diagnosis of
A. spasmodic dysphonia
B. laryngeal paralysis
C. epiglottitis
D. vocal old sulcus
E. laryngopharyngeal reflux

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