O-t-CO-T-CO: What Is O-0.3s-CO-3min-CO For A Circuit Breaker?
O-t-CO-T-CO: What Is O-0.3s-CO-3min-CO For A Circuit Breaker?
O-t-CO-T-CO: What Is O-0.3s-CO-3min-CO For A Circuit Breaker?
This is the Rated Operating Sequence (Duty Cycle) of the circuit breaker. Which denotes the
sequence of opening and closing operations which the circuit breaker can perform under
specified conditions. The operating mechanism experiences sever stress during the auto-
reclosure duty; however, the circuit breaker should be able to perform the operating sequence as
O = opening operation
t = time required for circuit breaker to be ready to receive closing order from auto-reclosure relay
(0.3 s to be used for rapid reclosure), (3 min not to be used for rapid reclosure).
T = time required by the circuit breaker, insulating media for regeneration and operating
mechanism (3 min)
The time between Open and close (0.3 sec) is the min. time after which CB can be closed after
the Open operation. This time is required for Arc Quenching medium such as oil, SF6 etc. to
regain its properties after tripping of the CB.
Once the CB is close, it is designed to be tripped immediately without any time delay
After an O-C-O operation, min 3 Mints time is required for CB operating mechanism
(Hydraulic/Pneumatic/spring etc. to get charged after which another CO operation of the CB can
be accomplished.