United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,282,863 B1: Christian Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 4, 2001

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,282,863 B1

Christian et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 4, 2001

(54) SCAFFOLDLESS TANK ERECTION 3,620,331 11/1971 Shaw .................................... 182/150

METHOD 3,637,047 * 1/1972 Cox ............. ... 182/36
3,880,315 4/1975 Nelson et al. ........................... 220/1
(75) Inventors: Harold B. (“Scott') Christian, Palm 4,142,284 3/1979 Steuber.
Harbor, FL (US); William R. Easter, 4,164,268 8/1979 Jones et al. .......................... 182/150
4,225,012 * 9/1980 Hindle ...... ... 182/37
Cherokee, AL (US) 4,788,803 * 12/1988 Seitz ..... ... 52/741
4.828,073 * 5/1989 Friday . ... 182/36
(73) Assignee: Chicago Bridge and Iron, Plainfield, 5,009,052 * 4/1991 Welch .. ... 52/742
IL (US) 5,148,605 * 9/1992 Julia ..... ... 33/370
5,271,482 * 12/1993 Walz ... ... 182/63
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,590,497 1/1997 Moore ................................. 52/223.3
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
2096 227 10/1982 (GB).
(21) Appl. No.: 09/109,628 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(22) Filed: Jul. 2, 1998 International search report dated Oct. 20, 2000.
(51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... E04G 21/00 * cited by examiner
(52) U.S. Cl. .................. 52/747.1; 52/747.12; 52/745.01;
52/745.1; 52/1272; 182/36; 182/37; 182/128 Primary Examiner Beth A. Stephan
(58) Field of Search .................................... 52/745.1, 247, Assistant Examiner Dennis L. Dorsey
52/245, 127.2, 169.7, 745.01, 745.17, 747.12, (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Marshall, O'Toole,
295, 747.1; 182/36, 37, 128 Gerstein, Murray & Borun
(56) References Cited (57) ABSTRACT
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS A method of erecting the shell of an aboveground Storage
tank involves erection of the first shell ring, erecting the
884,813 4/1908 Gordinier ................................ 182/36 Second and higher shell rings by using a mobile man lift to
1,265,966 * 5/1918 Schlafly ................................. 52/742 provide access for the construction personnel to the shell
2,433,335 * 12/1947 Boardman ..... ... 52/745.1 plates being erected; and anchoring the Structure to reduce
2,852,110 9/1958 Dueringer .............................. 52/742 the risk of blow-ins from ambient wind.
2,975,927 * 3/1961 Arne .............. ... 52/745.1
3,391,757 7/1968 Duke et al. ............................ 182/63
3,471,053 * 10/1969 Endicott et al. .................... 52/745.1 24 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets
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US 6,282,863 B1
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SCAFFOLDLESS TANK ERECTION Scaffold. A mobile manlift and carriages Suspended from the
METHOD top edge of the plates are used to provide the necessary
acceSS for hanging, fitting, and welding the shell plates of the
The present invention relates generally to aboveground Additional resistance to tank Shell buckling, if necessary,
Storage tanks, and more specifically to a method of con can be provided by anchoring the tank Shell to the
Structing a tank. Unlike conventional methods, the present foundation, Such as through the use of individual shell
method does not require the use of Scaffolds to provide anchorS Spaced around the lower portion of the first shell
either: (1) access to the shell plates for construction person ring. If a concrete ringwall is used as part of the tank
nel; or (2) resistance to buckling damage from ambient wind foundation, the shellanchors may be attached to the concrete
during shell construction. Tingwall. Alternatively, shell anchors may be attached to the
Aboveground Storage tanks typically consist of a circular, Soil, for example with auger Soil anchors. Stiffening may
essentially flat bottom and a vertical cylindrical shell having also be provided by guys lines or by adding Stiffeners at
a lower edge that is joined to the tank bottom. The shell of critical heights on the Sides of the tank while it is being
15 erected.
a conventional Storage tank consists of a Stack of rings that
are joined together at girth Seams. Each shell ring is con BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
Structed of Shell plates that are joined together at Vertical
Seams. Tanks typically have a fixed roof that may be FIG. 1 is an elevational view of a typical aboveground
cone-shaped or dome-shaped and is joined to the top of the fixed-roof Storage tank, with a partial Section view of the
shell, or a floating roof that floats on the product Stored in the tank shell.
tank. FIG. 2 is a plan view of the bottom of the tank illustrated
During construction of the shell, it is conventional to use in FIG. 1, showing an arrangement of bottom plates and a
Scaffold brackets to attach a scaffold to the outside or inside layout for the first ring.
surface of the shell. The scaffold provides construction 25 FIG. 3 is an elevational section indicated by section 1-1
perSonnel with access to the Shell plates during their place in FIG. 2, illustrating a method of positioning the first ring
ment in the shell rings and for fit-up and welding of Vertical plates.
Seams and girth Seams between plates. Conventionally, a FIG. 4 is an elevational view of the outside Surface of a
scaffold is initially mounted on the first shell ring and is first ring shell plate prior to its placement the first shell ring.
consecutively "jumped upwards as work progresses to
higher shell rings. FIG. 5 is an isometric view of a key plate that may be used
The use of Scaffolds for constructing a tank Shell has a to join and fit a vertical Seam between adjacent shell plates.
number of disadvantages. The Scaffold consists of many FIG. 6 is an isometric view of a type of shell anchor strap
components that must be fabricated, maintained in working that may be attached to a concrete ringwall.
order, Stored in a construction equipment warehouse, 35 FIG. 7 is an isometric view of a type of shell anchor that
Shipped to the tank construction Site, installed on the shell may be attached to the Soil.
rings, moved to higher shell rings during construction of the FIG. 8 is an elevational view of the outside Surface of a
higher shell rings, removed from the tank after tank Second ring shell plate prior to its placement in the Shell ring.
construction, and Sent back to a construction equipment FIG. 9 is an elevational view of the tank shell during the
warehouse for repair, maintenance, and Storage until the next 40 placement of a Second ring Shell plate.
tank construction project. Time and effort is also required to FIG. 10 is an isometric view of section 2-2 in FIG. 9,
remove the Scaffold bracket Straps after use, and to grind illustrating the placement of a typical girth Seam Shim.
Smooth any remaining weld burrs on the shell plates. The FIG. 11 is an elevational view of the tank shell while
time required to Successively jump a Scaffold to higher shell
rings alone adds Significantly to the time needed to construct 45
construction carriages are used in Se fit-up automatic vertical
a tank shell. It is thus desirable to find an alternative tank Seam welding, and automatic girth Seam welding.
construction method that does not require the use of a FIG. 12 is an isometric view of an aboveground Storage
Scaffold. tank showing placement of a top ring.
One consideration has weighed in favor of continuing the FIG. 13 shows a top angle being used as a temporary
use of Scaffolding. AS wind flows over a cylindrical tank 50 stiffener.
shell, it produces an air pressure on the upwind Surface of the DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
tank Shell that is higher than the local barometric pressure at INVENTION
the tank Site. It also produces an air pressure on the down
wind Surface of that same tank shell that is lower that the The new construction method can be used in connection
local barometric preSSure. This differential of air pressures 55 with a variety of types of Storage tanks, including both fixed
tends to cause the shell to deflect inwardly on the upwind roof tanks and floating roof tanks. As illustrated in FIG. 1,
side of the tank. While a tank is being constructed, the shell a typical aboveground fixed-roof storage tank 10 consists
may lack adequate rigidity to prevent Such wind-produced of a foundation 11), a circular bottom 12 that rests on the
air pressures from causing the shell to buckle. A Scaffold that foundation 11, a vertical cylindrical shell 13 that is joined
completely encircles the shell during construction can, if 60 at its lower edge to the outer perimeter of the bottom 12,
properly designed and installed, provide the shell with a top angle 14 with a vertical leg that is joined to the top
resistance to Such buckling. This is described, for example, edge of the shell 13, and a roof 15 that is joined at its
in Vaughn, et al., U.S. Pat. No. 3,908,793. outer perimeter to a horizontal leg of the top angle 14.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The shell 13 that has been illustrated here consists of
65 four rings 20, 21, 22, 23 of shell plates. The first, lower
According to the present invention, an aboveground Stor most ring 20 rests on the bottom 12 and is joined to the
age tank can be constructed without the expense of a bottom 12 by a corner seam 27). The second ring 21
US 6,282,863 B1
3 4
rests on the first ring 20 and is joined to it by a first girth prior to placement of the plate on the tank bottom 12.
seam 24). The third ring 22 rests on the second ring 21 Three of these vertical seam key nuts 70 are located near
and is joined to it by a second girth Seam 25. The top, one lateral edge 65 of the plate and three others are located
fourth ring 23 rests on the third ring 22 and is joined to near the opposite edge 66. The number of vertical Seam
it by a third girth seam 26). The top angle 14 rests on the key nuts 70 may vary, depending, for example, on the
fourth ring 23 and is joined to it by a top angle girth Seam height of the plates being used. The illustrated arrangement
28). is useful for 8 foot by 30 foot plates. For a 10 foot by 40 foot
The foundation 11 illustrated here includes a concrete plate, it may be desirable to use four vertical Seam key nuts
ringwall 29, although the method can also be used with 70 on each edge. A key plate 72 is attached to each of the
tanks that are not built on a ringwall. vertical seam key nuts 70 on one edge 66). As illustrated,
Tank Bottom the key plates 72 are attached to the key nuts 70 with
FIG. 2 illustrates one of a variety of possible configura vertical seam key pins 73.
tions for a bottom of a tank in connection with which the Three girth seam key nuts 71 are also tack-welded to the
present method may be used. AS illustrated, the tank bottom Surface of each first ring shell plate 60 near its upper edge.
12 consists of rectangular plates 30, Sketch plates 31, 15 The number of girth seam key nuts 71 may also vary,
and annular plates 32. The rectangular plates 30 are depending, for example, on the length of the plates being
located in the center area of the tank bottom 12 and do not used. For a 10 foot by 40 foot plate, it may be desirable to
extend to the annular plates 32). The rectangular plates 30 use four girth Seam key nuts 71 on each plate. A key
are arranged So that they overlap adjacent rectangular plates channel 74 is temporarily hung on each of the girth Seam
30 and are joined together with lap-welded rectangular key nuts 71). As illustrated, the key channels 74 are
plate seams 33). The sketch plates 31 are located in the attached with girth seam key pins 75). Key channels 74
area between the rectangular plates 30 and the annular such as those described by Hines, U.S. Pat. No. 2,101,856
plates 32. The sketch plates 31 are arranged so that they may be used for this purpose. Other types of temporary
underlap adjacent sketch plates 31 and adjacent rectangu StiffenerS may also be used.
lar plates 30 and are joined together and to the rectangular 25 Along the top edge of each first ring shell plate 60,
plates 30 with lap-welded sketch plate seams 34). The placement points 79 may be marked to indicate the place
annular plates 32 are located near the perimeter of the tank ment of the Vertical Seams for the overlying ring. AS
bottom 12 and underlap the adjacent sketch plates 31. illustrated in FIG. 4, the marks have been made at distances
The annular plates 32 are joined together by butt-welded approximately one-third of the shell plate length from one of
annular plate seams 35 and are joined to the adjacent the lateral edges 66 of the shell plate.
sketch plates 31 by lap-welded annular plate seams 36. Placing the First Ring Shell Plates
The layout of the bottom plates is not important to the With proper lifting equipment, Such as a crane, the first
invention, and many other layouts could be used. ring shell plates 60 are lifted into their marked locations on
First Ring the tank bottom 12 using plate clamps 76 that are
FIG. 2 also shows the layout for the first ring 20. Before 35 attached to the top of the first ring shell plate 60). The
beginning construction of the tank shell, it is useful to mark non-marking clamp, described by Olsen, U.S. Pat. No.
the tank center 40 on the tank bottom 12). It is also useful 3,120,046 may be used for this purpose. As shown, a
to mark the tank centerlines 41 on the tank bottom 12). spreader bar 77 is attached to the two plate clamps76 and
Using the tank center 40 as a reference, a first ring inside a cable 78 from the crane is attached to the spreader bar
circumference 42 may be marked on the tank bottom 12 40 77).
at the first ring plate inside radius 50. First ring vertical As seen in FIG. 2, an initial shell plate 61 is set into
Seam locations 43 may also be marked on the first ring position between the outside key nuts 44 and the inside key
inside circumference 42). AS described below, it may also nuts 45 at a radius allowing for a normal gap between the
be useful to mark a circular track 39 approximately 15 to Vertical edges of adjacent plates. The positioning of the
20 feet from the inside circumference 42). 45 outside key nuts 44 outwardly from the first ring outside
As seen in FIG. 3, outside key nuts 44 and an inside circumference 51 permits key bull-pins 52 to be inserted
positioner in the form of inside key nuts 45 are tack between the key nuts 44 and the shell plate 61). The shell
welded to the annular plates 32 So that the centerline axes plate 61 may then be plumbed, and, if desired, key channel
of the key nut holes 46 (FIG. 3) are oriented tangentially knee braces 63 can be tack-welded 64 to the shell plate
to the tank shell 13). Preferably, the inside key nuts 45 are 50 61 and to the tank bottom 12 to provide temporary
positioned with an outside edge 48 located at the first ring Support.
inside circumference 50), and the inside edge 47 of the As illustrated, an adjacent shell plate 62 is set into
outside key nuts 44 are positioned about 34 inches out position adjacent the initial shell plate 61, with a trailing
wardly of an outside circumference 51 of the first ring. The edge 66 of the adjacent shell plate 62 adjacent to the
Sets of key nuts are spaced no more than about 4 to 5 feet 55 leading edge of the initial shell plate 61). The bottom edge
apart, with a set of nuts about 18 inches from each vertical of the adjacent shell plate 62 is set into position between
seam location 43). As illustrated in FIG. 2, there are six outside key nuts 44 and inside key nuts 45 on the annular
outside key nuts 44 and six inside key nuts 45 for each plates 32), and is secured with bull-pins 52 as described
first ring shell plate 60, with equal spacing between the above.
nuts for each shell plate. 60 After the adjacent shell plate is Set in position, the key
The inside positioner could take other forms. For plates 72 that are attached to the vertical Seam key nuts
example, instead of key nuts, a bar, angle, channel member, 70 on the trailing edge 66 of the adjacent shell plate 62
or other member could be used to set the inside circumfer are attached to the vertical seam key nuts 70 on the leading
CCC. edge 65 of the initial shell plate 61). As seen in FIG. 5, key
Preparing the First Ring Shell Plates 65 pins 73 are used to join the vertical seam key nuts 70 to
As seen in FIG. 4, six vertical seam key nuts 70 are the key plate 72). After the adjacent shell plate 62 is
tack-welded to the surface of each first ring shell plate 60 secured to the initial shell plate 61 with the key plates 72),
US 6,282,863 B1
S 6
the plate clamps 76 used for lifting the shell plate may be basket on the forks of a fork lift. Access to higher rings is
loosened and removed. provided by a lift, such as a mobile manlift 140 that has a
Key plates can be provided in a variety of other ways. For personnel basket 141 that can preferably accommodate at
example, instead of fastening the key plates used to join the least 2 construction personnel. The perSonnel basket 141 is
initial shell plate 61 and the adjacent shell plate 62 on the equipped with movement controls 143 that permit con
leading edge 65 of the initial shell plate 61, they could be Struction personnel in the personnel basket 141 to move
first fastened to the trailing edge 66 of the adjacent plate the location of the lift personnel basket 141 to permit close
62. Another alternative would be to hang Some shell plates access to the different portions of shell plates during the tank
with no key channels, and other plates with key channels on shell erection. Marking a circular track on the ground where
both the leading and trailing edges. 1O
the manlift will operate may provide a reference to perSon
Fitting and Welding the First Ring Vertical Seams nel in the basket that is useful in guiding movement of the
The first ring vertical Seams can begin to be fitted as Soon manlift. AS illustrated, the manlift is positioned outside the
as two first ring shell plates 60 have been hung. Fitting tank shell. It may be preferable, however, to place the
involves adjusting the plates So the Vertical Seam will have manlift inside the shell so it can freely operate without
a proper weld gap 83 before being welded, and So the 15
interfering with the crane, which typically operates outside
inside and outside shell plate Surfaces at the ends of two the tank shell. Operating the manlift from inside the shell
adjacent shell plates will be flush. As seen in FIG. 5, the requires that a doorsheet be included in the first ring 20 to
insertion of two flushing key pins 80 allows adjustments to permit removal of the manlift after the shell 13 is erected.
be made to the fit of the ends of two adjacent shell plates to For Safety, bumper guards may be hung outside the basket
achieve a flush fit. Once the vertical seam weld gap 83 has 141 to minimize the risk of injury caused by the basket
been Set and the adjacent shell plates are made flush, a finger accidentally striking the shell 13).
bar 81 can be attached to the adjacent shell plates with When a trailing edge 66 of the upper ring shell plate
finger bar welds 82, as shown in FIG. 5, completing the fit. 130) is in position, a worker in the basket 141 secures the
After a vertical seam has been fit, it may be welded. It is lowermost key plate on the trailing edge 66 of the plate to
easiest to first Weld a vertical Seam on the Side of the plates the leading edge of the previously hung adjacent plate in the
opposite the side on which the key plates 72 are mounted. 25 upper ring. A worker then places girth Seam Shims 131 in
Thus, when fitting is done from outside the tank, the inside the girth Seam 24 between the overlying ring shell plate
of the tank shell 13 is generally welded first. When a seam 130 and the underlying first ring shell plates 60 as the
has been fit from inside the tank, the outside of the Seam is crane operator lowers the leading edge 65 into position,
generally welded first. Automatic vertical welding generally working from the trailing edge 66 toward the
equipment, Such as that described by Christensen, et al., U.S. leading edge 65).
Pat. No. 2,794,901, Arnold, et al., U.S. Pat. No. 3,210,520, FIG. 10 illustrates the placement of a typical girth seam
Yadron, et al., U.S. Pat. No. 3,255,944, or Rainey, U.S. Pat. shim 131). The thickness of the girth seam shim 131 is
No. 3,444,349 can be used to improve the quality and Selected to result in the proper girth Seam weld gap 134 for
productivity of Vertical Seam welds. later welding the seam. The girth seam shim 131 is held in
When the Surface of the vertical seam on one side of the 35 position by a girth Seam Shim retainer pin 133 that is
tank shell 13 has been welded, key plates 72 and finger placed on one side of the girth Seam 24 and by a girth Seam
bars 81 can be removed from the opposite side to facilitate shim pin 132 that is placed on the other side of the girth
welding of that Side. seam 24). As illustrated in FIG. 9, the girth seam shims
When this method is used, weld shrinkage causes the shell 131 are typically installed at 4 foot intervals along a girth
plates to wrap tightly around the inside key nuts 45 at the 40 Sca.
desired inside circumference. Completing all vertical Seam The key channels 74 are preferably secured after the
welding in the first ring helps prevent ovaling or flattening girth Seam Shims 131 are in place, working backwards
of the shell. However, with the present invention, it is not from the leading edge 65 back to the trailing edge 66). The
necessary to complete all vertical Seam welding in the first key channel 74 that is near the trailing edge 66 of the
ring before beginning to hang plates in the Second ring 21. 45 initial Shell plate in a ring is generally tack-welded to the
Preparing the Second and Upper Ring Shell Plates shell plates. For Subsequent shell plates in a ring, key plates
FIG. 8 shows the outside surface of a second ring shell 72 between adjacent overlying shell plates 130 are pref
plate 130 just prior to its placement at its proper location erably Secured after workers return to the trailing edge after
on top of the first shell ring 20. The second ring shell plates securing the key channels 74). Vertical seam key pins 73
130 are prepared in a manner Similar to that used to prepare 50 are used to Secure the key plates 72 to the vertical Seam key
the first ring shell plates 60), except that three additional nuts 70 on the shell plates 130).
girth seam key nuts 71 are attached near the bottom of the After an overlying shell plate 130 is secured to the
second ring shell plates 130 at the locations that will underlying shell plates 60 with key channels 74 and to
correspond with the girth Seam key nuts on the first ring shell the adjacent overlying shell plate 130 with key plates 72),
plates, as seen in FIG.8. These nuts can be attached before 55 the plate clamps 76 used to move the plate into position
or after the plate is hung. may be loosened and removed, So work may begin on
Placing the Second and Upper Ring Shell Plates hanging another shell plate.
FIG. 9 shows the placement of an upper ring shell plate Shell plates in upper rings may be hung before all plates
130). As illustrated, a crane is used to position a trailing in a lower ring are hung. This permits a reduction in the
edge 66 of the upper ring shell plate 130 in its appropriate 60 amount of crane movement needed.
position 79 on the top edge of the appropriate underlying For large tanks, it has been found that a spiraling
ring shell plate 60). Preferably, the plate is lifted and moved technique, in which work proceeds on two rings Simulta
into position by the crane in a vertically plumb position, with neously (something that is difficult when using a scaffold),
the trailing edge 66 slightly lower than the leading edge is Surprisingly efficient, leading to extraordinarily quick
(about 6 to 8 inches). 65 construction times. A shortened construction Schedule
Access of construction perSonnel to the Second ring shell reduces the time that the manlift needs to be on Site, helping
plates 130 can usually be provided by placing a perSonnel to minimize costs.
US 6,282,863 B1
7 8
Fitting and Welding the Second and Upper Ring Vertical and welding perSonnel. It can be accompanied by a girth
Seams Seam mobile power Source carriage 154 like the vertical
Fitting of the Second and upper ring vertical Seams can Seam mobile power Source carriage 153, and riding on
begin as Soon as at least three shell plates 130 in the ring wheels 161, with a carriage hitch 163 and a welding
have been hung. The same vertical Seam fitting procedure power cable 156 connecting welding power Supply equip
that was used for the first ring vertical Seams may be used. ment 165 to the automatic girth seam welder 171.
Workers can obtain access to the Vertical Seams in the Preferably, a double-sided automatic girth welder is used to
Second ring 21 by a basket on a forklift, and to vertical Weld both sides of the girth Seam Simultaneously.
Seams in higher rings by a basket on a manlift or, preferably, The mobile power sources may be like those described in
by construction carriages that roll on the top edge of a shell Sugimoto, et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,952,774.
ring. A Seam fit-up carriage 150 can be used to provide Because of the length of time needed to prepare an
access to the vertical Seams and girth Seams for Seam fit-up automatic girth welder 171 for operation, it is generally
by construction personnel. The seam fit-up carriage 150 desirable to hang the automatic girth welder and begin
may be lifted and placed onto the top edge of a Shell ring by preparation for girth welding as Soon as possible. Preferably,
a crane 142, and rolls on the top edge of the shell plates by 15 the automatic girth welder 171) is hung as Soon as three
the use of carriage wheels 157). In order to better distribute plates in a ring have been hung and fit.
weight, it may be advantageous to use double-sided car Fitting and Welding the Corner Seam
riages to provide access to both sides of the shell Simulta In this method, the corner seam need not be welded before
neously. the third ring 22 is hung. At any time after one side of the
After a vertical seam has been fit, it may be welded. corner seam 27 has been welded and leak tested, the other
Welding the Second ring vertical Seams may be performed in side of the corner seam 27 may be welded and, if
a manner Similar to that used on the first ring vertical Seams. necessary, leak-tested.
Preferably, access to Seams in upper rings is provided by Installing the Shell Anchors
construction carriages, Such as those shown in FIG. 11 To avoid wind-induced buckling of the tank shell 13
A vertical Seam welding carriage 151 Such as the one 25 during Scaffold less tank construction, it may be important to
illustrated in FIG. 11 can be used to Support an automatic provide temporary stiffening to the shell 13). It has been
vertical seam welder 170 and welding personnel. The found that the need for temporary Stiffening is generally a
illustrated vertical Seam welding carriage 151 may be function of ambient wind Speed and the diameter and height
placed on the top edge of a shell ring by a crane 142, and of the tank. Typically, Such Stiffening would not be necessary
can roll on carriage wheels 158 riding on the top edge of until the tank is approximately 20 to 30 feet high.
the shell plates. A vertical Seam mobile power Source One way to provide Stiffening is to anchor the tank Shell
carriage 153 riding on wheels 160 may be used to support 13 to the foundation 11). For example, a series of tank
welding power Source equipment 164). A carriage hitch shell anchors 90 may be attached to the bottom of the first
162 may be used to join the vertical Seam welding carriage shell ring 20 and to the foundation 11). These shell
151 to the vertical Seam mobile power Source carriage 35 anchors 90 may be equally spaced around the entire first
153). A welding power cable 155 may be used to connect shell ring 20. Later, after construction has been completed,
the welding power Source equipment 164 to the automatic these shell anchors 90 may be removed.
vertical Seam welder 170. Again, it may be advantageous FIG. 6 shows a type of shell anchor 101 that consists of
to use double-sided carriages. an anchor strap 91 that is attached to the foundation
Fitting and Welding Girth Seams 40 concrete ringwall 29 by an anchor bolt 92). The anchor
A girth Seam may be fitted and tack-welded as Soon as at strap 91 is attached to the tank shell 13 by a shell anchor
least three overlying shell plates 130 have been hung. The nut 98 that is welded to the tank shell 13 near the bottom
fitting and welding may begin at the initial Overlying shell of the first shell ring 20. The shell anchor nut 98 extends
plate 130 and proceed in either direction around the girth through an opening 97 in the anchor strap 91), and is
Seam 24. It is preferred that welding proceed in the same 45 secured to the anchor strap 91 by an anchor key pin 95.
direction that plates are being hung. The anchor bolt 92 penetrates a circular hole in the anchor
Fitting girth Seams requires that consideration be given to strap 91 and extends into the concrete ringwall 29 to an
both alignment of the two adjoining shell plates (i.e., the anchor bolt retainer 94). A washer 93 is placed under the
underlying shell plate 60 and the overlying shell plate head of the anchor bolt 92). Optionally, a cover 100 may
130) and variation of the girth seam weld gap 134). The 50 be placed over the anchor Strap opening 97 and joined to
relative flushness of the outside Surface of the two adjoining the anchor strap 91 by welds 99). To increase the tension
shell plates may be adjusted by varying the vertical position in the anchor strap 91), a tensioning key pin 96 can be
of the girth Seam shim pin 132 in the girth Seam Shim forced between an edge of the cover 100 and the shell
131). anchor nut 98).
Girth seams 24 should not be fit past any overlying ring 55 FIG. 7 shows a type of shell anchor 110 that consists of
Vertical Seam that has not yet been completely welded, and an anchor key channel 111 with an anchor tensioning arm
fitting preferably stops about 3 feet from an unwelded 115 that is attached to the soil 122 adjacent to the tank
Vertical Seam. foundation 11 by an auger soil anchor 121). The anchor
After being fitted, the girth Seam is preferably first tack key channel 111 is attached to the tank shell 13 by a shell
welded. The girth seam tack welds 135 may be between 1 60 anchor nut 113 that is welded to the tank shell 13 near the
and 2 inches in length, and should be spaced apart by no bottom of the first shell ring 20. The shell anchor nut 113
more than about 2 feet. As the tack welds 135 are made, the extends through an opening 112 in the anchor key channel
adjacent girth Seam Shims 131 may be removed. 111), and is secured to the anchor key channel 111 by an
Final welding is preferably done by an automatic girth anchor key pin 114. An anchor tensioning arm 115 is
welder. A girth Seam welding carriage 152 like the vertical 65 attached to and extends outwardly from the anchor key
seam welding carriage 151), and riding on wheels 159, channel 111). Side braces 116 are joined to the anchor key
can be used to Support an automatic girth Seam welder171 channel 111 and to the anchor tensioning arm 115 by
US 6,282,863 B1
9 10
welds 117,123 or by a turnbuckle. A threaded anchor bolt positioning the shell plates at a radius allowing for a
118 is joined to the auger soil anchor 121), and extends normal gap between the shell plates, and
Vertically upward through a circular hole in the anchor welding the plates together So that weld shrinkage causes
tensioning arm 115). The threaded anchor bolt 118 is the plates to wrap tightly around the inside positioner.
joined to the anchor tensioning arm 115 by an anchor nut 3. A method for building a storage tank without the need
119 that rests on a washer 120). Tension applied by this for erecting a Stationary Scaffold, the method comprising the
type of shell anchor 110 may be increased by tightening the Steps of
anchor nut 118). placing shell plates in a first ring;
A Shell anchor could also take other forms. For example,
it could take the form of an embed plate in a vertical face of 1O
placing shell plates in an upper ring above the first ring,
a ringwall, or of a hairpin anchor through the top face of using a lift to provide construction perSonnel with access
concrete that can be connected to a lug on the tank with a to the shell plates in the upper ring for Setting the Shell
turnbuckle and cut off and grouted when construction is plates and fitting Seams in the upper ring, and
complete. assessing wind conditions by evaluating ambient wind
Stiffening can also be provided by adding guy lines or a 15 Speed in association with the diameter and height of the
temporary stiffener to the side of the structure. If the tank is tank to determine if temporary Stiffening is required.
designed to include a top angle 14, or comparable stiffener 4. A method for building a Storage tank without the need
member to stiffen the upper rim of the tank, it may be useful for erecting a Stationary Scaffold, the method comprising the
to temporarily mount the Stiffener member at an intermedi Steps of
ate location on the tank to provide temporary Stiffening. FIG. placing shell plates in a first ring;
13 illustrates a top angle 125 mounted at an intermediate placing shell plates in an upper ring above the first ring,
location. using a lift to provide construction perSonnel with access
Preparing, Placing, Fitting, and Welding the Top Ring to the shell plates in the upper ring for Setting the Shell
FIG. 12 shows the erection of the top ring 23. plates and fitting Seams in the upper ring, and
The top ring shell plates are prepared and hung in a 25 providing temporary Stiffening by installing shell anchors
manner similar to the upper ring shell plates 130, except to the shell plates in the first ring.
that no upper girth seam key nuts 71 or key channels 74 5. A method for building a storage tank without the need
need be attached to the upper edge of the top ring Shell plate. for erecting a Stationary Scaffold, the method comprising the
The vertical Seams in the top ring and the girth Seams at Steps of
the lower edge of the top ring are fit and welded in a manner placing shell plates in a first ring;
Similar to that used for the upper rings 21. placing shell plates in an upper ring above the first ring,
After the top ring vertical Seams and girth Seam have been using a lift to provide construction perSonnel with access
welded, a top angle 14 may be placed and fit for fixed roof to the shell plates in the upper ring for setting the shell
tanks. For floating roof tanks, a wind girder may be added. plates and fitting Seams in the upper ring, and
35 providing temporary Stiffening by temporarily installing a
The installation of these Structures will generally provide
sufficient stiffening to allow the temporary stiffeners to be Stiffener member at an intermediate position on the
removed. shell.
As seen in FIG. 1, a fixed roof 15 may be erected upon 6. A method as recited in claim 1, in which the lift is
the top angle 14). AS illustrated, the outer perimeter of the 40
positioned inside the tank.
fixed roof 15 is welded to the horizontal leg of the top 7. A method as recited in claim 1, in which the shell plates
angle 14). The manlift 140 may be used to assist in for the upper ring are placed on an underlying ring, and at
construction of the roof without a scaffold. least Some of the shell plates for the upper ring are placed
Once its use is finished, the manlift 140), if positioned before all vertical Seams in the underlying ring are welded.
inside the Shell, may be removed through the doorsheet, 45
8. A method as recited in claim 1, in which:
which may then be sealed in a conventional way. the shell plates for the upper ring are placed on an
This description has been given for clarity of understand underlying ring;
ing only, and no unnecessary limitations should be under an initial Set of shell plates for the upper ring are placed
stood therefrom, as modifications would be obvious to those before vertical Seams in the Supporting ring are welded;
skilled in the art. and
What is claimed is: an automatic girth welder is Suspended from the Shell
1. A method for building a Storage tank without the need plates in the upper ring and prepared for operation
for erecting a Stationary Scaffold, the method comprising the while vertical Seams in the Supporting ring are being
Steps of: welded.
placing shell plates in a first ring; 55 9. A method as recited in claim 1, in which:
providing temporary Stiffening to the shell plates, the lift is positioned inside the tank,
placing shell plates in an upper ring above the first ring, after use of the lift is completed, the lift is removed from
and the tank, and
using a lift to provide construction perSonnel with acceSS a doorsheet is replaced after the lift is removed.
to the shell plates in the upper ring for Setting the Shell 60 10. A method as recited in claim 1, in which at least a
plates and fitting Seams in the upper ring. portion of a roof is hung using the lift.
2. A method as recited in claim 1, in which the Shell plates 11. A method as recited in claim 1, in which:
in the first ring are placed by a method comprised of: a double-sided carriage is used as a platform for providing
Setting an inside positioner on a tank bottom at a desired access to Seams in the upper ring.
final inside shell radius, and an outside positioner at an 65 12. A method as recited in claim 1, in which temporary
outside radius that is approximately % inches out Stiffeners are temporarily attached to key nuts on the shell
wardly from a desired final outside shell radius; plates in the upper ring before the shell plates are hung.
US 6,282,863 B1
11 12
13. A method as recited in claim 1, in which the lift 18. A method as recited in claim 16, in which temporary
comprises a basket, and bumper guards are hung outside the Stiffening is provided by installing shell anchors that have
basket to minimize the risk of injury caused by the basket one end that is attached to a shell plate, and another end that
accidentally Striking the shell. is fixed in the soil.
14. A method as recited in claim 1, in which a shell plate 19. A method as recited in claim 16, in which the tank
is hung on a lower ring of Shell plates by a method comprises a Stiffener member for the top of the Shell, and
comprised of: temporary Stiffening is provided by temporarily installing
positioning the Shell plate with a trailing edge adjacent a the Stiffener member at an intermediate position on the tank.
leading edge on a previously-installed shell plate in the 20. A method for building a storage tank without a
Same ring, approximately 6 to 8 inches lower than an 1O Scaffold, the method comprising the Steps of:
opposite, leading edge on the plate being hung; placing shell plates in a first ring;
inserting Shims approximately every few feet between the assessing wind conditions to determine if additional Stiff
shell plate and the lower ring of shell plates as the ening is desirable to reduce the risk of the placed shell
leading edge is lowered into position; 15 plates buckling as a result of wind-produced air pres
installing key channels after the plate is set on the Shims; Sure differentials and, when it is determined that addi
and tional Stiffening is desirable, providing temporary Stiff
Securing a key plate joining the shell plate and the ening to the Shell plates,
previously-installed shell plate, near the trailing comer. placing shell plates in an upper ring above the first ring,
15. A method as recited in claim 1, in which a circular using a lift to provide construction perSonnel with access
track is marked at a Set distance from a circumference of the to the shell plates in the upper ring for Setting the Shell
shell plates and used for guiding movement of the lift. plates and fitting Seams in the upper ring, and
16. A method for building a Storage tank without a Suspending a carriage from an upper plate edge, and using
Scaffold, the method comprising the Steps of: the carriage as a platform for welding Seams in the
positioning a lift inside the periphery of the tank; 25 upper ring.
placing shell plates in a first ring; 21. A method as recited in claim 20, in which the carriage
providing temporary Stiffening to Some of the Shell plates, comprises a mobile power Source.
placing shell plates in an upper ring above the first ring, 22. A method as recited in claim 20, in which the carriage
using the lift to provide construction perSonnel with is connected to a separate mobile power Source carriage that
is Suspended from the upper plate edge and is equipped with
access to the shell plates in the upper ring for Setting the a mobile power Source.
shell plates and fitting Seams in the upper ring; 23. A method as recited in claim 20, in which the carriage
removing the lift through an opening in the tank after is double-sided, has an inside frame that rides about 8" away
Substantially all of the shell plates have been placed; from the shell plates, has a top side platform to allow
and 35 croSS-Over between the Sides of the carriage and provide
Sealing the opening after the lift is removed. access to shell plates during placement, and has horizontal
17. A method as recited in claim 16, in which the tank is members configured to Serve as a ladder.
built on a foundation and temporary Stiffening is provided by 24. A method as recited in claim 20, in which the
installing shell anchors that have one end that is attached to temporary Stiffening is provided.
a shell plate, and another end that is attached to the foun
dation. k k k k k

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