Anda Luo: Application Server Runtime Platform

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Anda Luo

Phone: 916-267-9707

A position as a software developer

Professional Summary:
• Over 10 years of strong experience in Information Technology, & 5 years of strong Experience in
Back-End and Front-End full-stack software development with several successfully completed
projects on J2EE technologies and spring frameworks.
• Create Restful Web Services using spring frameworks, spring boot, Node.js, JavaScript,
Angular.js, Angular 2 and jQuery and MySQL, MongoDB, NoSQL, IBM Bluemix Cloudant
database and SSO.
• Create JAX-WS Web Services in J2EE, SOAP, XML, SoapUI, Spring frameworks and
Hibernate/JPA and Oracle, AEM.
• Developed and maintained object database in classes and multi-dimensional global array using
Cache, MUMPS

Technical Skills
• Methodologies: System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
• Protocol: HTTP and HTTPS and SOAP protocols.
• Application framework: Spring framework, Spring Boot, Hibernate/JPA, EJB
• Operating Systems: UNIX, Linux, Windows (XP, NT, 2000), Macintosh OS
• Programming Languages: Java/J2EE, Visual C++, C, C#, SQL, Fortran, Cache, MUMPS, Cache
Object Script, Java Swing, JavaScript.
• Markup / Scripting Languages: Node.js, Angular, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML5, XML, PHP, AJAX,
JSP, JSON, jQuery, AngularJS, CSS, CSP.
• Databases: MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, MySQL, MongoDB, Cloudant Database, MS Access,
Chronicles, JDBC, ODBC. Intersystem, ProComm, Vista, KBS, HL7, EMR, PL/SQL
• Version Control: GitHub, Git, SharePoint, SVN.
• Web Application Testing tool: Postman, Git Bash, SoapUI.
• Web Server: Apache Tomcat, IIS web server, AWS, EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, S3, Docker.
• Web Security: Spring SSL, Single sign-on, Spring Security.
• Application Server Runtime Platform: Jboss EAP, Oracle WebLogic Server.
• Design Tools: FrontPage, Dreamweaver, NetBeans IDE, Eclipse, Visual Studio Code
• CASE Tools: IBM Rational Rose, Together 6.0, UML
• Other Tools: EpicCare, JUnit, Servlets, MS Office (Word, Excel, Access), MS Project, CPRS.

M.S Software Engineering, University of St Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota (May 2004)
B.S. Computer Science, College of Science and Engineering of Minnesota (May 2000)

Professional Experience:
Citibank , Irvine , TX October 2019- Feb 2020
Java lead
Update current web applications in spring framework, Migrate the system framework from spring to
spring boot microservices and deploy web application into cloud. The major technologies using
Java/J2EE, and java 8 & 9, AWS, Hibernate, JPA, Mongodb, mysql, Oracle, Spring framework, spring
boot, microservice, spring cloud, Kafka, AWS, JavaScript with Agile methodologies/SCRUM.

Department of Justice, Sacramento CA November 2018 - May 2019

Software Engineer
Designed and Analysis a web based data information supply system and created project scope and goal.
Created data flow diagram and Workflow diagram to Captured and Identified As-Is System functional
requirements and created system analysis document. Designed a new data process and supply system to
support business requirements. Created Architecture model and functional model with use-case diagram
and defined use-case descriptions. Created domain model and behavioral model for To-Be System.
Implemented Analyzed Multi-threaded applications for system data transaction and integration, and
Implemented the To-Be system using Spring Boot, microservices, eureka server, zuul proxy server, spring
webFlux with Java/J2EE, Java 8, Lambda, Stream, Servlet, SOAP, WSDL web service, Spring, Spring,
Boot, Kafka, RESTful web service, NIEM XML, NIEM JSON, AJAX, Oracle and PL/SQL, Maven, Jboss,
Tomcat Apache, JavaScript and jQuery, Angular 6 and F5 load balancer.

Health Net INC. Rancho Cordova CA Feb 2017 - August 2018

Software Engineer
Developed Web Application using Java/J2EE, Spring Frameworks, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Maven, Oracle, Jboss
EAP, Tomcat Apache, IIS, Jenkins, SoapUI, JavaScript, Angular, and Nexus. And work in UNIX and Linux and
Windows system and Careradius system environments. Deploy web application services using Jenkin and Jboss,
tomcat apache and Nexus, and AWS docker. Updated web application configuration files and programs with
SVN and eclipse. Provide troubleshooting for users of medical management system and Careradius system and
solve the issues related to any inpatients and outpatients and medical management and provider services. Used
Python generating reports for monitoring system web application processing. Created spring boot
microservices, Analyst Multi-threaded applications programs and coding in Java 8, Lambda, Stream, JavaScript.
Maintained database in Oracle and MySql by using SoapUI and SqlDeveoper. Analyzed program with HL7
message and EDI data and SQL. Responsible for coordinating, administering and supporting activities related
data access.

HP, Sacramento CA Sep 2016 – December 2016

Web Application Developer
Using Angular 2, node.js, JavaScript, MongoDB, IBM Bluemix Single Sign-on and Cloudant and Git to
design Restful web services and NoSQL DB for electronic time sheet web application. Created and
designed the front end application using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSON, and Angular2 and Bootstrap.
Used the Node.js, Angular, backbone.js and spring boot and spring MVC Frameworks in the
development of the web applications for different system’s platforms such iOS and Android.

Department of Veterans Affairs, Sacramento CA Oct 2013 -April 2016

Software Engineer
Applied agile methodology to monitored IVP project and analyst client’s requirements in RSD. Designed
and created system modules and architecture in SDD. Based on the SDD implemented business logic
modules and created middleware using Java/J2EE, Spring framework and Spring MVC, Spring Boot
Micro Service, Eclipse, STS, WebLogic Server, SharePoint, Tomcat apache and Jboss servers and Node.js.
Created Multi-threaded Web application middleware to handle clients requires. Used JavaScript and
Angular.js frameworks and MVC design pattern to created object modules and implemented UI and web
application that allow users to updated and search data information online. Used major techniques
JavaScript and Angula.js, jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3, Ajax, Bootstrap, JSON, XML to build Restful web
service IVP project to integrated VA hospital Vista system. Used MongoDB, MySQL to created databases
on local clinics to stored patient’s insurance information and images. Participated in Vista evolution Dev
test APIs project for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Analyst programs and routines in MUMPS,
cache with FileMan, MailMan, Kernal and RPC Broker. Created testing cases and testing data and created
testing documentation for each APIs. Analyst EHR user interface application and their components.
Developed front end architecture & UI templates for application using Angular, HTML5, CSS3,
JavaScript. Using CPRS of VistA, MUMPS and TCP/IP protocol and Anywhere remote server to set up
testing environments such as local Hub and remote spokes in SOTTP project of VA. Analyst the RSD and
SDD of Seamless Ordering of Tests for Transplant Patients. Followed the test cast and test scripts to
provide system testing in CPRA of VistA with MUMPS and HL7 and TCP/IP Protocol, SharePoint.

Lutheran Medical Center, NY Mar 2011 – Sep 2012

System Analyst
Developed and implemented real-time software application for pharmacy department to monitor the
inpatient medication orders process from different wards and clinic location using Putty and FM. SQL.
Program and create reports to allow pharmacy to tracking "STAT" orders turnaround time in order to
ensure the efficiency of medication processing using MUMPS. Create and customized various reports for
laboratory, Radiology, Pharmacy, clinic, hospital, Finance departments. Design and implement software
applications to provide data from Vista system for other front software application in Java using FM,
JDBC, Hibernate, HL7, and Agile. Designed and implemented database application that read data from
files and use FM, Cache, SQL to create and populate global system database that allow other users and
application using such KBS, EMR. Create and implement databases application that allows doctors and
nurses from emergency department and other clinics to search a patient's medication using records from
CPRS. Detect and debug errors for all applications in Vista system. Implement application to reporting
and track patients' home medication using history for the safety management of medication using KBS,
SQL, and MUMPS. Schedule a program to running and produce file and send it to users automatically
by using FM Task management. Provided 24 hours supporting on production site for all users for any
programming issues and system issues.

Opus-ISM LLC, NJ Aug 2010 – Dec 2010

Cache/MUMPS Developer
Developed and maintained object database in classes and multi-dimensional global array using Cache,
MUMPS with Intersystem and ProComm. Created web application using cache, MUMPS, CSP,
JavaScript, SQL, Java, Swing, XML, and HTML. Upgraded database to ensure the database more reliable
and efficiency. Customized database application to satisfy customers’ needs from pharmacy and clinics.
Analyzed Lab, Pharmacy data to created reports in UNIX and Linux system. Implemented a
Java/Networking application to read and load file remotely from different locations using TCP/IP and
socket, HTTP. Provided technical support for customers to solving any issues related to software

ACE Auto Wrecking, Sacramento, CA Jan 2008 - Jul 2010

Web Application Developer
Developed and maintain object persistent database in classes and multi-dimensional global array using
Intersystem, Cache, MUMPS, and SQL. Created web application using Cache, MUMPS, CSP, SQL,
JavaScript, HTML5, CSS and XML and Java/J2EE, Spring/MVC. Hibernate, Swing, provided
troubleshooting related to database issues. Upgraded database and ensured security of accessing
InterSystem databases. Created relationship database with logical and physical data models and maintain
the database to make it more efficiency and reliable using NetBeans, java/j2ee, PHP, SQL, Agile and
MySQL. Communicate with customers in person, by phone and e-mail. Place orders, answer questions
and solve problems.

Health Partners, St. Paul, Minnesota Mar 2006 – Oct 2006

Managed and maintained the access to medical records in Epic Chronicles-based database. Developed
and Implemented database and search engine using MUMPS, Chronicles, Cache and UNIX and Linux.
Installed new releases of software to clinics and provided assistance for version updates. Customized and
analyzed programs based on different requirements of different clinics. Assisted Web application design
with PHP, JavaScript. Performed trouble shooting and technical support for doctors and nurses in clinics
and ensure database is available to system at all times.

Best Buy, Bloomington, Minnesota Aug 2001 – Dec 2007

Customer Service
Monitored warehouse areas and created daily reports using MS-Word and MS Access and Excel.
Answered and solved customer questions. Performed database searches using MySQL and helped
managers and staff to set up schedules.

Datacard Group, Minnetonka, Minnesota May 2000 – Jul 2001

Software Engineer
Performed programming and debugging with C/C++ and Java in the Zenith software development
project. Analyzed VC++ and Java programs to create testing datasets in database and implemented a
prototype of test generator and created testing scripting with python. Specified system requirements and
Performed simulation and experiments based on the test cases in the Zenith software development
project with UML, Rational Rose, Sybase, Oracle. Determined best configurations and combinations
between machines and datasets to achieve high level of reliability and serviceability. Generated
comprehensive reports in Access. Created and maintained internal technical web site using HTML and
FrontPage Java, Servlets, JSP, JavaScript, and MS Access. Provided assistance to engineers by organizing
the various project documents with version control.

Project Demo:

This is Spring Boot Micro Service Demo:

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