The operational community has assumed that using a head-up display (HUD) instead
of conventional head-down displays will increase accuracy and safety during ap-
proach and landing. The putative mechanism for this increase in safety is that previ-
ously demonstrated improvements in lateral and vertical control of the aircraft in
flight should carry over to the landing situation. Alternatively, it is possible that, dur-
ing approach and landing, the HUD might affect the pilot’s ability to assimilate out-
side cues at the decision height, thereby reducing the success ratio for landings using
an HUD. This article reports a pair of experiments that test these competing hypothe-
ses. Taking advantage of the opportunity when an air transport operator introduced
HUD in an existing aircraft fleet, we were able to use a Boeing 737–700 full-motion
simulator flown by commercial airline pilots. We explored the effects of (a) HUD use,
(b) ambient visibility, and (c) length of approach lighting on the size and location of
the touchdown footprint. We also explored the effects of HUD use on approach suc-
cess ratio. HUD use reduced the width of the touchdown footprint in all tested visibil-
ity and lighting conditions, including visibility below the minimum allowed. HUD
Correspondence should be sent to Örjan Goteman, Flight Operations Standards, STOOS, Scandina-
vian Airlines, S–195 87 Stockholm, Sweden. Email:
use had no effect on the length of the touchdown footprint. We could not detect any
decrease in approach success rate for HUD approaches. Based on these empirical
data, the minimum visibility for approaches using HUDs could be set lower than for
approaches without an HUD.
This article reports two experiments designed to assess the impact of commer-
cial airline pilots’ use of a head-up display (HUD) on approach and landing per-
formance under reduced runway visual range (RVR) conditions. Our goal is to
report experimental work designed to inform the development or revision of reg-
ulations on HUD use in low-RVR conditions. We begin by reviewing previous
research on HUD use and by describing how ambient RVR affects approach and
landing operations. The review motivates a pair of hypotheses regarding the im-
pact of HUD use on the size of the landing footprint and the probability of ap-
proach success. We discuss the experiments and their findings in turn with par-
ticular emphasis on the mechanisms behind the effects and the practical
implications for approach and landing in restricted visibility.
and landing: visual approaches to runways without radio navigation aids or with
unreliable navigation aids, and the transition from instrument to external visual
cues for landing in low visibility (e.g., Newman, 1995).
In this article we focus on pilot performance during landing in low-RVR condi-
tions where transitioning from instrument to external cues for manoeuvring is an
issue. The presumed sources for the advantage in flight-tracking performance for
the HUD are that it eliminates the need for the pilot to move his or her gaze from
head-down instruments to the outside world to look for maneuvering cues (Stuart,
McAnally, & Meehan, 2003) and it minimizes scanning requirements (Mar-
tin-Emerson & Wickens, 1997). The transition from head down to the outside
world requires a change in visual accommodation (e.g., the visual depth of field
changes from less than 1 m to infinity). Because conformal HUD symbology is fo-
cused at infinity, HUD use eliminates the need for and time demand of visual ac-
commodation, simplifying the pilot’s task.
One possible negative effect of HUD in the landing situation is that inserting a
glass plate with symbols in front of a pilot may affect his or her ability to visually
acquire the approach lights, which is necessary to continue the approach below the
decision height. This could be either through attentional capture, also called cogni-
tive tunneling (Fischer & Haines, 1980; Weintraub, Haines, & Randle, 1985;
Wickens & Long, 1995), or merely by the fact that light transmission through the
HUD is not 100%. A commercial HUD will let about 85% to 90% of the incoming
light pass through the glass plate. A detrimental effect of HUD use during the land-
ing would then show up as a lower success ratio for HUD than for a conventional
flight deck without HUD.
FIGURE 1 The visual segment as seen from the aircraft from the decision height at a given
runway visual range.
FIGURE 2 The visual segment as seen through the left cockpit window in a B–737 at decision
height when flying in over a Full Approach Lights System (at least 720 m length) in standard 550
m runway visual range.
FIGURE 3 The visual segment as seen through the left cockpit window in a B–737 at decision
height when flying in over a Full Approach Lights System (at least 720 m length) in lower than
standard 450 m runway visual range.
FIGURE 4 The visual segment seen through the left cockpit window in a B–737 at decision
height when flying in over an Intermediate Approach Lights facility (450 m length) in standard
700 m runway visual range.
FIGURE 5 The visual segment seen through the left cockpit window in a B–737 at decision
height when flying in over an Intermediate Approach Lights facility (450 m length) in lower than
standard 550 m runway visual range.
lengths–RVR combinations the pilot does not see the runway threshold at decision
height. Only later as the aircraft comes closer to the runway threshold can the pilot
see and aim the aircraft at the designated touchdown point, normally 305 m down
the runway. Apart from the obvious effect that the approach lights will come in
view later with lower RVR, other effects of shorter approach lights lengths could
also come into play. If runway length has been shown to influence the perceived
descent path (Lintern & Walker, 1991) it is also possible that a reduced length of
approach lights can have similar effects, adding a source of uncertainty to the ver-
tical control of the aircraft.
RVR Standards for Facilities With Full and Intermediate Systems of Approach Lights
the footprint both longitudinally and laterally and that an HUD in itself would not
reduce the approach success rate at the RVRs used in the experiments.
FIGURE 6 The HUD symbology of the instrument meterological conditions (IMC) mode
used during the approaches in Experiments 1 and 2. Courtesy of Rockwell-Collins Flight Dy-
namics. Reprinted with permission.
Design. The design used was a two-factor experiment with repeated mea-
sures on HUD use (HUD, no-HUD). The between-subject factor was RVR at two
levels, the standard minimum RVR (550 m) for full facilities system and lower than
standard RVR (450 m). Each participant flew one approach with HUD and one ap-
proach without HUD to a runway with a full system (900 m) of approach lights. The
order of HUD use was counterbalanced across participants to control for potential
order and carryover effects. This design enables us to assess whether and HUD per-
formance advantages in standard RVR carry over into lower than standard RVR
Procedure. Each pilot manually flew two approaches using standard operat-
ing procedures of the airline. The scenarios started as a 6 nm final to the runway in
lower than standard or standard RVR in a simulated 10 kt left crosswind. In the
with-HUD condition, the pilots kept the aircraft on lateral and vertical by following
the flight-path guidance ring with the flight-path symbol on the HUD. At 50 ft
above the runway threshold, the guidance cue was automatically removed and the
pilots performed the landing flare using external visual cues in conjunction with the
HUD flight-path symbol. The HGS–4000® IMC mode incorporating automatic re-
moval of the guidance cue was deliberately chosen to ensure that the pilots could
not attend solely to the HUD symbology in the with-HUD conditions.
In the no-HUD condition the pilots kept the aircraft on lateral and vertical track
by following the flight director bar guidance. At decision height they continued the
approach and landing using the external cues only.
All approaches were recorded to determine approach success. Approach and
landing plots for approaches ending with a landing were printed using the air-
craft’s center of gravity as the reference to determine the size of the touchdown
of HUD use, F(1, 28) = 3.31, p < .08. As shown in Figure 8, both the group that
used the HUD on their first approach (HUD first) and the group that used the HUD
on their second approach (no HUD first) landed nearer the centerline when they
used the HUD. Thus there is a strong hint of asymmetric transfer in HUD use on
the lateral size of the footprint. Pilots appear to benefit from previous exposure to
the HUD.
Tests for the equality of variance across conditions of HUD use require the
samples to be independent, a condition violated by the repeated-measures design.
Were the samples independent, the difference in the observed variances in the lat-
eral touchdown footprint would be significant at α = .10 with lower variability
when landing with the HUD.
Longitudinal touchdown performance was measured as the distance from the
runway threshold at touchdown. Contrary to expectations and in contrast with the
results for lateral performance, the analysis of variance revealed that the effect of
HUD use was not significant. Neither the between-subject main effect of RVR nor
its interaction with HUD use was significant. Thus there is no indication of asym-
metric transfer in HUD use on the size of the longitudinal footprint.
The method, procedure, and design used in the second experiment were identical
to those used in the first experiment with the few exceptions discussed here. The
different criteria for standard RVR across facility types preclude collapsing and
analyzing the data as a single experiment.
Participants. Forty-five pilots from the same major European airline volun-
teered to participate. None of the volunteers had participated in Experiment 1. All
were qualified to fly the B–737–700 aircraft and had completed their HUD training
for the operator. Experience on the B–737–700 varied from more than 50 hr to more
than 1,000 hr.
Design. Once again, the design was a two-factor experiment with repeated
measures on one factor, HUD use. Each participant flew one approach with HUD
and one approach without HUD to a runway with a system of approach lights of 420
m length. The between-subject variable was RVR at two levels, a standard mini-
mum RVR (700 m) for intermediate facilities and a lower than standard minimum
RVR (550 m to 600 m).
the observed test statistic, calculated from the values given previously (3 and 6) is
0.44 and is less than the criterion, χ2(.05, 1) = 3.84, we infer that HUD use had no
impact on approach success rate.
There are three findings. First, HUD use per se did not influence the pilots’ deci-
sion to land or go-around at the decision height. The lack of an effect of HUD
suggests that the additional information in the HUD did not distract the pilots’
attention or interfere with their decision making during the most critical portion
of the approach and landing sequence. Second, HUD use significantly reduced
the size of the lateral component of the touchdown footprint for all RVR condi-
tions. We cannot ascertain exactly where this effect resided. As the control con-
dition was the standard instrumentation of the B–737–NG, we can only say that
inserting an HUD with the properties that the tested HUD had, will give this ef-
fect. Arguably it can be said that the difference between the HUD and the
no-HUD conditions lay in the presence of a conformal flight-path vector in the
pilots’ primary field of view during the landing. Third, in contrast to its effect on
the lateral component of the touchdown footprint, it appears that the HUD did
not influence the size of the longitudinal footprint. The first two findings con-
form to our hypotheses. Here we reexamine our hypotheses about the impact of
HUD use on the touchdown footprint and offer an explanation for its differential
impact on the lateral and longitudinal components.
Experience engenders automaticity. For commercial pilots, hours of practice
and numerous repetitions make touchdowns at standard facilities in good weather
relatively routine. Nevertheless, the ubiquitous and ever-varying direction and ve-
locity of wind is likely to preclude the development of true automaticity at touch-
down. Crosswinds introduce an element of uncertainty regarding drift (the shift in
lateral location of the aircraft relative to the runway’s centerline). For the pilot to
detect drift the visual ground segment needs to be long enough to determine the
aircraft’s movement over the ground. That means that to detect drift at all, a notice-
able lateral displacement must take place and not all of this displacement can be
corrected before touchdown. Such exogenous uncertainty is likely to have condi-
tioned pilots (and regulators) to tolerate a certain amount of variance in the lateral
touchdown footprint.
The HUD largely eliminates uncertainty about drift. The addition of a
conformal flight-path vector projected over the runway provides instantaneous
feedback about aircraft drift and actual flight path. The additional information en-
ables precise control of the flight path during approach and landing and reduces the
variance in lateral displacement practically to nil.
Control of the longitudinal component of the touchdown footprint is largely
an effect of how pilots handle the aircraft’s energy (operationally manifested as
sink rate) in the final seconds before landing. The pilot uses information pro-
vided by the optic flow from the looming runway to control the aircraft’s energy
(Lee, 1974). It is important to note that pilots of large commercial air transport
aircraft are also aided by radio altimeter callouts that count down from 50 ft to 0
ft (runway contact) in 10-ft decrements. The initiation of the landing flare has
been shown to be a function of time to contact (Mulder, Pleijsant, van der Vaart,
& van Wieringen, 2000). A small change in the timing of a landing flare at the
nominal glide slope of 3° results in large longitudinal differences. The HUD
mode used in the experiments provided no flare guidance and no additional in-
formation that could be used to guide the pilots when to initiate the landing
flare. So, if the pilots are relying more on timing of a flare maneuver than on ve-
locity cues from the HUD to initiate the flare, it is easy to understand why we
failed to detect any effect of the tested HUD with a flight-path symbol on longi-
tudinal touchdown performance. It remains to be seen whether similar results are
found for HUD modes with flare guidance, and which visual representations are
actually most effective in prompting pilots to reduce sink rate at the optimal
height above the runway.
The effect of the tested HUD use on landing performance was to reduce the lat-
eral size of the touchdown footprint. This effect was seen in both standard and
lower than standard RVR conditions. Left crosswind is known by operators to
produce landings on the leeward side. This leeward displacement may not be
critical when visibility is restricted by fog but can be crucial when visibility is
restricted by rain or snow in strong crosswind conditions. Carriers that operate
in higher latitudes (with more snow and inclement weather) are aware of the
danger of misaligning the aircraft’s velocity with the runway, especially during
night when a combination of sideways-drifting precipitation and landing lights
may produce an illusion of sideways movement. Some operators specifically
recommend their pilots to switch the landing light off in such situations (SAS,
2005). The message that an aircraft equipped with a HUD showing a flight-path
vector is likely to reduce the tendency of drifting with the wind during landing
compared to the standard instrumentation condition is important for carriers that
routinely operate in these weather conditions.
The absence of a detectable influence on the approach success rate in the HUD
condition is also operationally important. European and U.S. authorities are cur-
rently working on a set of harmonized aerodrome operating minima. These min-
ima are expected to allow a lower than standard minimum RVR to commence
approach for HUD-equipped aircraft (JAA, 2004c). The effects of HUD use on
landing performance were seen in standard and lower than standard RVR condi-
tions in both Experiments 1 and 2. This study carries a clear and important opera-
tional implication: Based on empirical performance data, the minimum RVR for
approaches using HUD with flight-path symbology could be set lower than for ap-
proaches without an HUD while still maintaining a similar or even smaller touch-
down footprint.
Data from the experiments reported here show that HUD with a conformal ve-
locity symbol (flight path) improved lateral touchdown performance, likely be-
cause the conformal flight-path vector in conjunction with the visual ground
segment makes it easier for pilots to determine and correct for aircraft drift. We
did not find an effect of HUD use on longitudinal touchdown performance,
probably because the pilots flared the aircraft using a time-to-contact strategy,
rather than using the flight-path vector available in the HUD modes studied
here. The beneficial effects of HUD use on landing performance were seen in
both in standard and lower than standard RVR conditions in both experiments,
which implies that the minimum RVR for approaches using an HUD could be
set lower than for approaches without an HUD. Finally, we did not find any det-
rimental effect of HUD use on approach success rate.
These results could be critical in supporting regulatory decision making about
the visibility required to commence an approach using an HUD-equipped aircraft.
In fact, it is precisely this type of systematic empirical data that is often lacking as a
basis for developing well-informed regulations, in Europe as well as the United
States. We believe that empirical results like these should be a critical ingredient in
safety regulators’ rule writing for (the application of) new technology in commer-
cial aircraft operations. When it comes to HUDs, the need for informed regulation
of HUD use is already pressing, and will only increase as HUD use proliferates.
The relevance of the findings here could even support the expansion of such tar-
geted empirical studies, for example, to Category II conditions, or to refine them to
find, for example, the lowest acceptable RVR using HUDs.
We thank Staffan Carlsson and Zacharias Soudah for assistance in data collec-
tion, Jan-Olof Ehk for statistical advice, and the pilots who volunteered their
time and skill. Rockwell-Collins Flight Dynamics Company provided simulator
time to conduct the experiment.
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