1000 MCQS - PHARMACOLOGY Plus September 2014 MCQs
1000 MCQS - PHARMACOLOGY Plus September 2014 MCQs
1000 MCQS - PHARMACOLOGY Plus September 2014 MCQs
A. Bradykinins
B. Peptides
C. Prostaglandins
D. Serotonins
E. Enkephalins
A. Hypotension
B. Hepatotoxicity
C. Uterine neoplasia
D. Thromboembolism disorder
E. Decreased resistance to infection
49.A patient who has been taking quantities of aspirin might show
increased post operative bleeding because aspirin inhibits:**
A. Synthesis of thromboxane A2 and prevents platelet aggregation
B. Synthesis of prostacyclin and prevents platelet aggregation
C. Synthesis of prostaglandin and prevents production of blood platelets
D. Thrombin and prevents formation of the fibrin network
E. Increase the absorption of vitamin K and prevents synthesis of blood
clotting factors
I. Sedation
II. Excitement
III. Analgesia
IV. Hypnosis
V. General anaesthesia
A. Serotonin
B. Histamine
C. Enkephalins
233. When taking Mono Amino Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI); which are is
contra indicated:
II. Local anaesthetic with adrenaline
III. Pethidine
IV. Acetyl salicylic acid
A. Methicillin
B. Cloxacillin
C. Phenoxy methyl
D. Penicillin G
A. Is anionic
B. Used in 0.02% concentration
C. Used in 0.12 concentration
D. Penetrates the gingival crevice/pocket
A. Barbiturate
B. Asprin
A. Hepatotoxic reaction
B. Nephrotoxic reaction
A. Hypertension
B. Angina pectoris
C. Myocardial infection
849. Benzodiazepine and diazepam in 5-10mg oral dose used for oral
sedation in dentistry DOES NOT give: