Engl Research Paper Final Draft
Engl Research Paper Final Draft
Engl Research Paper Final Draft
Ricardo Marroquin
ENGL 1302
14 August 2020
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Over the past generations, our world has adapted to a new society where the internet has
become more useful than ever. The internet has expanded to new limits, and we have all grown
to use it for the tools that it offers on a daily basis. These tools expand to individual of all ages,
ranging from elementary school students to college students. This brought a beginning to social
media and has become very accessible to all individuals. It seems like our society revolves
around these social media platforms as they offer so much for people of all ages. With such a
variety of social media platforms, they each have a purpose to influence individuals to believe,
buy, partake in something. This can range from politics, to fashion, to stocks to mostly anything
that is relevant today. However, it is statistically proven that these social media platforms play a
huge role in the lives of college students of all ages. As college students access social media, we
see how social media plays a huge influence in their political takes, what genres they partake in,
It is undeniable that once entering a social media platform like Twitter or Facebook, you
will get swarmed with posts related to political content. It is a given, that politics is always
trending whether you like it or not. These platforms serve as a way to give intake to individuals
who might not be as interested in politics, or simply just to those who have no idea whether they
are in the right or wrong. These platforms serve as a way to attract votes, ideas, debates and help
push an individual to elect the side they will stand with. This reality and norm became
It was the year Barack Obama successfully used social media to attract more people who
represent his side. In an article written by Isabella Bacino, she mentions how “social media, in
particular, has become the largest medium for political discussion and debate” (Bacino 2). This
goes to show the impact this has on students of all ages but especially college students who tend
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to have developed a tendency to form opinions on their own and be the required age to vote.
College students are in the ideal year to start making decisions on their own interests and have
social media as a way to find what suits them. Further into her article, Bacino states that “when
asked about social media use, a considerable amount of students (88%) reported using social
media more than five times a day” (Bacino 4). This exemplifies the absurd number of hours and
times a regular college student glances at their phone scrolling through social media. This
supports evidence that these students use social media platforms to their advantage to understand
politics and what their personal affiliation with it might be. Bacino even goes on to prove that
when asked students they agreed that “social media has an effect on them in terms of influencing
their political opinions and affiliation and a vast majority (82%) reported that it does” (Bacino 5).
This can correlate to how powerful Donald Trump’s 2016 Presidential Election campaign was so
dominate. The fact the he himself is on social media making statements, makes for students to
When speaking about a discourse community like college students, most have the same
taste, which is to download every trending social media app there is. Their intentions and uses
are different which is what attracts students the most. This goes to show the different type of
defining characteristics which is genre and how it is used in this specific discourse community.
Some of the most popular social media platforms that concentrate highly on politics includes:
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and a trending super platform that is on the rise being
TikTok. All of these in their own way include messages, statements, posts, tweets all concerning
politics in our country and how our generation of students can do something about it.
Personally speaking, I can testify to say that every single one of the applications has
constant political content most of the time. This is because nobody is ever right when it comes to
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politics because we all share different views and beliefs. This is what makes these apps enjoyable
is seeing the range of content and which satisfies you. Mentioning TikTok is very important as it
has built an empire and has gained billions of users over the past years. TikTok has a way of
sharing its content through videos which we can all agree is what attracts people the most. “Live
social video is especially powerful for smaller, local politicians who need to address issues.
(Sprout Social). Live videos which most of these platforms offers help attract people to hear
what you have to say. We all have a voice, and we can use that voice to advocate for someone
who is truly doing something amazing. These different genres help identify the type of ongoing
building community college students have. This can include direct messages which are
accessible in every application as a way of sending information to each other, like a text
message. This brings more attention, as well as more information to the person you may be
So why college students? My intent was to choose a discourse community that has
similar goals and mindsets, as a discourse community should obtain. College students study to
earn a degree to then work and earn a proper wage. The same cannot be said for high school
students whereas for them, what they plan on doing after high school could be up in the air.
Some decide to continue studying, some decide to work, and some just decide to become a stay
at home parent. As John Swales says in his journal article, The Concept of Discourse
Community, “A discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common goals” (Swales 220).
College students main priority is to pass all classes to then graduate and earn a degree. They
share that same mindset to study for over 4-6 years in order to acquire what could be best for
them. Swales also mentions in his reading how “goals are public, because spies may join speech
and discourse community for hidden purposes” (Swales 220). Many students use social media as
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a way to publicize their achievements and recognitions in regard to them going through college
studies. A majority of all students love to post about the political interest as a way to share what
their personal beliefs are. They plan this as some sort of goal amongst them to attract or convince
What is it about social media that lures students to want to interact with the social and
political world? In an book published by Daniel Miller; he informs us of the many way students
involve themselves with social media. One being, “how they do consolidate a trend towards
scalable sociality” (Miller 10). Meaning that social media has become a huge trend whereas it
pulls students who are not even social to a much large public society. Whether you consider
yourself to be social or not, there is always going to be a platform for what form you identify
yourself. Miller also mentions how, “a world able to facilitate the coming together of groups
with specialist interests” (Miller 11). This is where those students who involve themselves with
politics come into play. This is their opportunity to be a part of their own political take, as well
as trying to inform others of what they believe is best for our country. There are countless groups
like these found online, where one side may support the Republicans while the others support the
As our world moves forward, so will our technological advances. This means that
as long as there is humans, new innovations of technology will be there too. Social media has
changed the way we view or world, and in specific our country. It has depicted, influenced, and
motivated all types of people to share what political beliefs will shape our country into a positive
light. A discourse community like college students will always be very exposed to social media
and will change the way thousands of students view our country. Along with all the different
types of genres, social media will always play a role in college students’ political awareness.
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Works Cited
“Academic Studies of Social Media.” How the World Changed Social Media, by Daniel Miller et
al., 1st ed., vol. 1, UCL Press, London, 2016, pp. 9–24. JSTOR,
www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt1g69z35.9. Accessed 15 Aug. 2020.
Bacino, Isabella. “The Effect of Social Media Content on Influencing Political Opinions and
Affiliation Among College Students INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON
Barnhart, Brent. “Social Media and Politics: 10 Best Practices for Campaigns to Know.” Sprout
Social, 10 June 2020, sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-for-political-campaigns/.
Swales, John. “The Concept of Discourse Community.” Genre Analysis: English in Academic
and Research Settings. Boston: Cambridge UP, 1990. 21–32. Print.