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J. Appl. Res. Ind. Eng. Vol. 6, No.

1 (2019) 16–25

Journal of Applied Research on Industrial


Implementation of the Quality Control Circle for Improvement

of Painting Production in PT QWE
Hernadewita Hernadewita1, Diky Herdiawan1,, Afriyuddin Afriyuddin1, Hermiyetti Hermiyetti2
1Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia.
2Faculty of Economic Social Science, Bakrie University, Indonesia.


Chronicle: As one manufacturing industry which has engaged in the textile industry and
Received: 10 November 2018 produced zippers, the painting process at zipped production has a number of
Revised: 17 February 2019
problems, as on zipper sticks to each other, uneven paint, etc. In this discussion, the
Accepted: 27 March 2019
improvements that will be made are related to the painting process. Quality Control
Circle (QCC) method is applied to reflect the support of the continuous
Keywords: improvement program in the company. The painting process is the finishing process
Quality Control. of a zipper that serves as a coating to be resistant to corrosion and enhance the
Quality Control Circle. zipper appearance. The results of the study, it is found the main problem in the
Painting Process.
zipper painting process, which are Abbeku or sticking. This is due to the factors,
such as machinery, methods, and materials. Of the three factors, there is one of the
biggest problem factors, namely the position of non-standard spray gun. The focus
of the improvement that will be made is the modification of the spraygun holder so
that the fix position does not change. The results after an improvement in the
modification of the spray gun holder are Abbeku (sticking) loss on the painting
production which is originally 23 lots. As a conclusion, it eliminates the biggest
loss factor in the painting process, replaced the position of the spraygun that is not

1. Introduction

Textile is one of manufacturing industry which have complex raw materials and manufacturing
processes that mean the textile industry is particularly dependent on good process control to produce
high and consistent product quality. Monitoring and controlling process variables during the textile
manufacturing process also minimize waste, costs, and environmental impact. Process control in textile
manufacturing provides an important overview of the fundamentals and applications of process control
methods. Part one introduces key issues associated with process control and principles of control
systems in textile manufacturing. Testing and statistical quality control are also discussed before
consider to control in production and manufacture. As one textile industry, PT. QWE is one of company
engaged and focused on zippers production. The production is carried out in two plans in Indonesia,
namely Cibitung and Cimanggis. Both plans are developed by producing zippers. The business has

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DOI: 10.22105/jarie.2019.169238.1074
17 Implementation of the quality control circle for improvement of painting production in PT QWE

begun in the production of chain and slider. The plans have varies in production quantity and market

As the business developed, there were number of issues come out from both plans. Recently, in the
Cibitung plan, they are focusing to solve the problem occurred in Enameling line. Along with the
passage of time and the condition of the engine was getting older, in most of 19 years since the first
installment. Lately, the product (output) from Enameling machines is coming out with varies of quality
issues. In decreasing of quality issues which occurred on enameling production line, the company thru
quality department was established the Quality Control Circle (QCC) [4 and 5]. Along with the
existence of QCC activities or quality control groups, it’s supporting the company's core value in
explore and decreased the continuous neglected in manufacturing line, especially in enameling line.
The QCC method was implemented to improve the production capacity and increase the quality in
Enameling line, such as in processes stripes, bubbles, sticks, thin colors, etc. By implementing QCC,
it’s expected that the quality of the Enameling line will increase.

Thus, the authors will focus on the implementation of the Quality Control Circle method in improving
the quality of Enameling production at PT. QWE. The method will be applied to solve the quality
problems that occur in field of:

 High repainting and loss on the enameling line.

 High complaints related to the quality of production.

2. Definition

2.1 Quality

Quality has been defined by two experts in quality [1 and 2]. Both of them have explored the quality as
a developed mind set in management studies, especially quality management. According to Juran [1],
the quality is suitability for use (conformance to use). Juran’s stated that a product or service should
meet to the need, and what is needed or expected by the user or customer [1]. Furthermore, Juran’s
pointed out five dimensions of quality:

 Design: As product specifications.

 Conformance (conformity): Suitability between the design intent and the actual product delivery.
 Availability: Including aspects of trustworthiness, resilience, and the use of product availability for
 Safety (security): Safe and does not endanger costumers.
 Field use (practical benefit): Can be used and its use by costumers.

Meanwhile, Deming [2] argues that although quality includes conformity of product attributes to
consumer demands, quality must be more than that. Deming stated 14 important points that could guide
managers to achieve improvements in quality [2]:

 Creating certainty on the objectives of product and service improvement.

 Adopting a new philosophy where disability is unacceptable.
 Stop depending on mass inspection.
 Stop doing business on the basis of price.
Hernadewita et al. / J. Appl. Res. Ind. Eng. 6(1) (2019) 16-25 18

 Remain and continue to improve the production and service systems.

 Institutionalize modern job training methods.
 Institutionalize leadership.
 Eliminate barriers between departments.
 Eliminate fear.
 Eliminate/reduce the number of objectives for workers.
 Eliminate management based on goal.
 Eliminate barriers that demean period workers.
 Institutionalize careful education and training programs.
 Create structures in top management that can carry out transformations as in the points above.

3. Research Methods

3.1 Quality Control Circle

According to [3] QCC is a small group of workers or employees who have the same or similar job,
holding meetings to discuss and resolve problems in improving quality and production costs on a regular
and continuous basis. The approach that is widely used by companies in improving quality is the Plan-
Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. This approach was introduced by [2], which consists of four main
components in sequences:

 Plan: Determine or design what core problems will be faced and arranged based on the principles of 5W
and 2H (What, Why, Who, When, Where, How, and How much) and set targets and targets that must
be achieved with the SMART principle (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, and Time),
namely focus, measurable, achievement of results, reasons, and scheduled times.
 Do: Carry out improvement activities and implement them in stages, evenly according to the capacity
of each personnel.
 Check: Examine or examine whether the implementation is according to plan and monitor the progress
of planned improvements. Then the tools used in checking are Pareto diagrams, histograms, and
controlling diagrams.
 Action: Adjustments made based on analysis on the check component. Adjustments can be in the form
of new standardization to avoid the emergence of the same problem again, or it can be a new goal setting
for the next improvement. The quality of the business itself includes product quality, safety, and its
impact on the environment. The basic concept of QCC is to explore the abilities of each worker.

3.2 Steps in Implementing Quality Control

To implement planning, controlling, and developing, the quality steps are needed as follows:

 Defining quality characteristics.

 Determine how to measure each characteristic.
 Establish quality standards.
 Establish an inspection program.
 Search for and correct causes of low quality.
 Continually make improvements.
19 Implementation of the quality control circle for improvement of painting production in PT QWE

3.3 Later in its Development

It was better known as the eight steps of quality improvement.

 Determining theme problems.

 Presenting data and facts.
 Determining the cause.
 Planning improvements.
 Repair.
 Checking repair results.
 Standardization.
 Planning the next step.

3.4 Systematics Research

Systematics research is carried out in this study by implementing the PDCA (determine and specify
defect problem, calculation, Fishbone analyze (Ishikawa), and control charts (getting new production

4. Results and Discussion

4.1 Improving the Quality of Painting in the Enameling Line

4.1.1 Analysis of the causes and effect diagram

Fishbone diagram in Fig. 1 shows the factors causing high loss Abbeku painting loss:

Fig 1. Fishbone diagram.

 Machine: Painting machine that is 19 years old is not a short age. Many minor and major damage. For
example spray gun, exhaust, chiller, heater, etc.
 Method: Use and setting of paint, volume of spray gun cc / min, and barrel rotation still have variations
of operators with one another.
 Material: Use of non-standard paint viscosity, especially operators the production of shift 2 and shift 3.
Hernadewita et al. / J. Appl. Res. Ind. Eng. 6(1) (2019) 16-25 20

4.1.2 Losses factors of Abbeku in painting

Based on the fishbone diagram above, it can be determined the dominant causes of high repainting and
loss painting by looking at work elements and time in Table 1 analysis of fishbone diagrams.

Table 1. Analysis of fishbone diagram.

No Factor Problem Times
1 Machine Spraygun position 11
2 Material Paint viscosity 5
3 Method Coating times 4

Pareto diagram that describes the comparison of each type of data to the whole. By using the Pareto
diagram, which problem can be seen to be dominant so that it can know the priority of problem solving
Pareto diagram function is to identify or select the main problem for quality improvement from the
largest to the smallest [11]? Thus, a Pareto diagram come up, as based on the analysis of fishbone
diagrams. This is to determine the work elements that are put on priority focus in response to the
problem and in in other hands, that problem should be resolved immediately.

Fig 2. Pareto diagram.

In finding of the causes of high loss problem in the painting process; a dominant factor, by analyzing
of total number problem which occurred in each factor. Thus, this is to facilitate the overcoming the
priority problems to be addressed. From the Pareto data diagram above the engine factor, that is,
machine painting is the priority with a number of problems which is more than 10 times while the other
work element process varies. The problem of the painting machine which is breakdown based on the
problem can be seen in Table 2.
21 Implementation of the quality control circle for improvement of painting production in PT QWE

Table 2. Causes of Abbeku (Sticky) problems.

No Factor Problem Loss(lot)

1 Machine Spraygun position 11
2 Material High paint viscosity 5
3 Method High coating times 4
4 Machine Cooling breakdown 2
5 Machine Dirty spraygun 1

Based on Tables 1 and 3, the problems were taken which had the highest problem as can be seen in Fig.
3. This is to facilitate the determination of the dominant problem and become a priority to overcome.
From the table above, the highest amount of loss is the Spray Gun Position, which is 11 lots. Judging
from the process allows for repairs. Then the prevention plan that will be carried out is to eliminate the
problem in the position of the spray gun by modifying the spray gun holder into a non-sliding slide.
With the hope that the position of the spray gun on the barrel is always the same it doesn't change so
there are no more Abbeku sliders [6 and 7].

4.2 How to Reduce Loss of Enameling Line

4.2.1 Make an improvement plan

In this case, we make a plan for improvement and carry out these improvements and an improvement
plan based on 5W + 1H (What, Why, Where, Who, When, How). The explanation of 5W + 1H can be
seen in.

Table 3. 5W + 1H.
What Why Where Who When How
Problem Hope Location PIC Time Activity
Spraygun Fixed spraygun Painting Diky Apr- Modification spraygun
position position machine herdiawan 18 holder

Based on Table 3 above, the problem faced is the position of the spraygun always changes in the hope
that after repairs are carried out there will no longer be a sticky slider due to the position of the spraygun
not suitable. The plan for repairs that will be done is to modify the spray gun handle so that the spraygun
position is always the same without changing.

4.2.2 Implementing improvements

After planning improvements, the next step is to carry out repairs. Repair activities that will be carried
out are modifications to the spraygun handle so that the position of the spray gun does not change. As
for this step, we will discuss the conditions before and after repairs as shown in Figs. 3 to 7. The
following spraygun position is correct.
Hernadewita et al. / J. Appl. Res. Ind. Eng. 6(1) (2019) 16-25 22

Fig 3. Position of the correct spraygun.

Fig 4. The part to be modified.

To modify the gun holder so that the gun position is always in place change. This is to eliminate the
loss stuck on the slider. The modification of gun holders before and after is in Figs. 5 and 6 as follows.

Fig 5. Before modification.

23 Implementation of the quality control circle for improvement of painting production in PT QWE

Fig 6. After modification.

4.2.3 Results evaluation

After overcoming, the next step is to evaluate the results, the number of Abbeku loss (stuck) in the
following month has decreased very significantly, especially for the problem of spraygun position. More
details can be seen in the picture chart nine below

Fig 7. Chart before and after repairs.

Hernadewita et al. / J. Appl. Res. Ind. Eng. 6(1) (2019) 16-25 24

Table 4. Loss of May month after improvement.

No Factor Problem Loss(Lot)
1 Method High coating times 4
2 Material High paint viscosity 3
3 Machine Cooling breakdown 2
4 Machine Dirty spraygun 1
5 Machine Spraygun position 0

After making improvements by making the gun position cannot change or fix the gun position. This can
make the loss previously reached 11 lots to zero or 0 loss due to the problem of the position of the spray
gun. By making a spray gun into a fix position. However, there are still many problems that must be
done in the next upgrade.

4.2.4 Standardization

The new standardization of the work process is intended so that what has been improved on the spray
gun holder in the painting process can be included in the work instruction so that new work standards
with new processing time can be applied in the standard operating procedures of the painting production
process. In this case, it eliminates the position of the spray gun because the position of the spraygun has
been fixed cannot change. In the absence of loss sticking to eat productivity will increase.

As for making SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) and also WI (Work instruction) made by foreman
known production and signed by section head and head department the relevant. So that this writing
does not include the operational standards of procedures or work instructions. The factors that become
standardized are as follows:

 Eliminating spraygun direction settings for goods product.

 Add check sheet for the spray gun holder.
 The work order of the operator must be in accordance with the work instruction.

5. Conclusions

From the analysis using the QCC, to increase productivity by eliminating loss of sticking with the
position of the spray gun; this was summarized as follows:

 How to eliminate Abbeku (Sticky) loss? The problem of positioning the spray gun painting machine is
to use eight QCC steps and some of the seven tools including tools, fishbone diagrams, and pareto
diagrams, to find the dominant problem to be overcome, production agar painting can be reduced.
 By using tools, fishbone diagrams, and pareto diagrams. It was finally found that the cause of the high
loss of painting production the most dominant was from machine factors, namely, position of spraygun.
 Ways to reduce loss in the painting process by improving the position of the spray gun that can be
regulated by the operator to be a spraygun position that fixes and passes with the workpiece that will be
in the painting process.
 In order to find out the dominant cause of spray gun position and overcome the need for careful analysis
of existing conditions using tools QCC and involving the operator of the process painting.
 So that production loss is not the highest, in the next activity, there needs to be continuous improvement
by looking at the work elements that have the potential to done improvement.
25 Implementation of the quality control circle for improvement of painting production in PT QWE


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