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Collaborative Filtering: 1 Introduction - Recommandation Systems

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1 Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative Filtering

We describe here the important principles of the collaborative filte-
ring problem. This a common modern problem for www firms (ama-
zon, netflix, movilens, . . . ). It involves unfortunately (or fortunately)
non trivial mathematical derivations that will be briefly presented. F IGURE 1 – An example of movie recommandation problem.
This kind of problem also leads to complicated numerical tasks.
large number of observations of the filtering problem and has to produce
1 Introduction - Recommandation systems a recommendation for each new customer described by some partial ob-
servations (involved in the problem). Hence, the problem involves a tra-
1.1 Customer relationship management ditionnal learning set and predictions should be considered as optimizers
of the accuracy on a test set.
The expansion rate of online e-commerce shops leads to very important hu- • The second one is more challenging and concerns on-line strategies :
man needs in marketing, especially for the CRM customer relationship ma- the data scientist must develop and algorithm that sequentially adapts its
nagement. It is maybe one of the most important massive data origin and the recommendation to a recursion of arrivals of new customers. It leads to
data-scientist must in that case produce a quantitative scoring. In general, the the so-called Bandit’s algorithms world.
firms require a model that builds an appetance scoring for a product (see the
example of the studies Premium credit card Visa Premier and life insurance In a sense, the major difference of these two problems can be illustrated as
products). follows. Imagine (X1 , . . . , Xn ) is a set of n i.i.d. observations of the same
law µ. We aim to recover EX∼µ [X]. The first approach relies on the batched
1.2 New challenges of on-line e-commerce estimate :
The on-line e-commerce introduces new challenges that will be referred to m̂ n = Xj ,
n j=1
in what follows as collaborative filtering (or filtering for short).
The filtering problem studies one way to select and recommend automati- which consistently estimates EX∼µ [X] under mild assumptions.
cally some goods or products to customers according to their former visits on The second approach considers some sequential arrivals of the observations
the website of the firm, and to the informations store in the cookies of their (Xj )j≥1 and chooses to update from time to time its belief on EX∼µ [X] with
browser. It is sometimes described as a recommandation system. 1 a recursive formula :
In the next sessions, we will talk about two large families of problem dedi-
cated to filtering. m̂n = m̂n−1 + γn h(m̂n−1 , Xn ).
• The first one concerns batched strategies : the data scientist possesses a For example, in the case of the estimation of EX∼µ [X], it is easy to see that
1. The website site "PodcastScience" provides an introduction that is reasonnably complete on 1
the problem. m̂n = m̂n−1 + [Xn − m̂n−1 ].
2 Collaborative Filtering

This formula looks like an explicit Euler step associated to a discretisation of

an ordinary differential equation, which is sometimes a gradient descent. Here,
it is the case while considering H(m) = EX∼µ [X − m]2 (see the Lecture 4).

1.3 Collaborative filtering

This problem has beeen largely popularized by the Netflix challenge : it
consists in finding a good proposal for a customer while observing its taste on
movies seen before. The tastes of the customers are evaluated by a mark bet-
ween 1 and 5 on each movie. Hence, the objective is to predict the mark of each
customer on unseen movies, unread books, . . . . Most of the e-commerce im-
portant shops are running some algorithms of collaborative filtering (Amazon,
Fnac, Netflix, Youtube...).
Warning : Collaborative filtering algorithms are only based on the interac-
tions between customers and products (and not on additional informations).
The statistical methods generally belong to two large families :
F IGURE 2 – Schematic representation of the user/user filtering approach.
• Neighborhoods methods : very elementary and based on similarity sco-
ring on customers (linear correlation, Spearman ranking...) or on pro-
ducts (see [2] and Sections 2 and 3).
• Latent factor models : a prior on a sparse representation of the problem
is assumed.

2 User-User filters
Main assumption : customers with a similar profile will have similar tastes.
where s(u, u0 ) is a proximity score between u and u0 and ru0 ,i is the rate given
For a customer u, the aim is to find a subset Su of customers with a close
by customer u0 on product i. Using canonical notations, r̄u refers to the average
profile and predicting the missing mark of a product i on customer u relies on
rate (on all the available products) given by customer u.
a convex linear aggregation of marks of customers in Su .
Remark. — Subtracting the users mean rating r̄u compensates for differences
2.1 A generic way to compute the prediction in users’ use of the rating scale (some users will tend to give higher ratings
than others).
If one aims to predict the mark on product i by customer u, the prediction is
defined as To run (1), it is first necessary to define a similarity score s, and second to
choose a threshold in this score to keep the highest values and then determine
the subset Su . The size of Su can be arbritrary, or data driven according to a
s(u, u0 )(ru0 ,i − r̄u0 ) cross validation strategy. The important question remains the computation of
u0 ∈Su
r̂u,i = r̄u + P 0
, (1) the scores.
u0 ∈Su |s(u, u )|
3 Collaborative Filtering

2.2 Scores
D ÉFINITION 1. — [Pearson correlation coefficient] The Pearson score is defi-
ned as
i∈Iu ∩Iv (ru,i − r̄u )(rv,i − r̄v )
sP earson (u, v) = qP qP ,
2 2
i∈Iu ∩Iv (ru,i − r̄u ) i∈Iu ∩Iv (rv,i − r̄v )

where ru,i refers to the rate obtained by product i for customer u. Of course,
r̄u is the average rate given by customer u.

D ÉFINITION 2. — [Spearman rank correlation coefficient] The Spearman rank

correlation is computed as

− r̃¯u )(r̃v,i − r̃¯v )

i∈Iu ∩Iv (r̃u,i
F IGURE 3 – Schematic representation of the Item/Item filtering approach.
sSpearman (u, v) = qP qP ,
¯ 2 ¯ 2
i∈Iu ∩Iv (r̃u,i − r̃u ) i∈Iu ∩Iv (r̃v,i − r̃v )

where r̃u,i refers to the rank of product i in the preferences of customer i (the
higher the score, the smaller the rank).
2.3 Drawbacks
D ÉFINITION 3. — [Cosine similarity] This coefficient is based on a vectorial User-user collaborative filtering, while effective, suffers from scalability
space structure, it is computed as problems as the user base grows. Searching for the neighbors of a user is an
O(|U|) operation (or worse, depending on how similarities are computing ? di-
hu, vi rectly computing most similarity functions against all other users is linear in
scosine (u, v) := cos(u, v) = , the total number of ratings).
To extend collaborative filtering to large user bases and facilitate deployment
where the unknown values of u and v are filled by 0 to compute this score. on e-commerce shops, it was important to develop more scalable approaches.
Rather than using similarities between users rating behavior to predict pre-
On the very simple example of Figure 1, we aim to predict the score of ferences, item- item filtering uses similarities between the rating patterns of
customer C on movie e. The average known rate of C is 3.667 and we use a items. If two items tend to have the same users like and dislike them, then they
Pearson correlation coefficient with a neighborhood size of 2. We can check are similar and users are expected to have similar preferences for similar items.
that s(C, A) = 0.832 and S(C, D) = −0.515, leading to a predicted score of In its overall structure, therefore, this method is similar to earlier content-based
approaches to recommendation and personalization, but item similarity is de-
duced from user preference patterns rather than extracted from item data.
r̂C,e = 4.667.
4 Collaborative Filtering

3 Item Item filters On our simple example in Figure 1, we compute the rate of customer C on
movie with a Cosine similarity and a neighborhood of size 2. We obtain
Main assumption : the customers will prefer products that share a high simi-
larity with those already well appreciated. Prediction of product j : aggregate
with a linear convex combination of products Sj that are closed to product j. s(b, e)rC,b + s(d, e)rC,d
r̂C,e =
|s(b, e)| + |s(d, e)|
3.1 A generic way to compute the prediction 5 ∗ 0.607 + 2 ∗ 0.382
After collecting a set S of items similar to i, we can predict ru,i as follows : 0.607 + 0.382
= 3.84.
j∈S s(i, j)ru,j
r̂u,i := P , (2)
j∈S |s(i, j)| 4 Non negative Matrix Factorisation
where s(i, j) is a similarity score between product i and j whereas S is a set
The so-called NMF method for collaborative filtering relies on a matricial
of products deduced from thresholding s(i, .).
formulation of the problem. We call X the matrix of size n × p where n is the
This last prediction suffers from certain problems of normalization. For fur- number of customer and p the number of items. Before saying something about
ther details, you are invited to read carefully the solutions proposed in [2]. its use for collaborative filtering, let us now provide briefly some insights on
this factorization.
3.1.1 Item similarity
The item-item prediction process requires an item ?item similarity matrix S. 4.1 SVD
There exists a very common factorization of X which is called the SVD.
D ÉFINITION 4. — [Cosine similarity] Cosine similarity between items is the This method involves a particular diagonal structure on one of the two ma-
most popular metric, as it is a simple fast and accurate estimator : trices, and a orthogonality constraint on the rows of the second. The mathema-
hri , rj tical result states that if X ∈ Mn,p (R) then
s(i, j) := ,
kri kkrj k
X = U DV ∗ ,
where again ri is the vector of rates obtained by product i filled by 0 in missing
values. where U is a unitary matrix of size n × n, D is a n × p matrix with a non
negative diagonal, and V ∗ is the adjoint matrix of unitary matrix of size p × p.
We can also propose to compute a Pearson correlation coefficient as it was
4.2 NMF
done above for the user/user filtering. Another approach relies on the Bayesian
paradigm. The NMF is an alternative matrix factorization. X has to be approximated
by W ×H where we are looking for a sparse structure on the data. This sparsity
D ÉFINITION 5. — [Conditional probability] is imposed by choosing W ∈ Mn,r (R) and H ∈ Mr,p (R), where r << n ∧ p.
Moreover, we impose the constraint of positivity on W and H.
s(i, j) := P [j ∈\
B|i ∈ B]
We can interpret the result of the NMF as follows : r is a list of latent factors
where B refers to the user’s purchase history. that are not observed and should be recover. It can be thought as a number of
5 Collaborative Filtering

possible profiles of customers/clients couple.The real number wi,j is an appe- 4.4 A brief toy example
tance score for customer i to the latent factor j. Finally, hj,k represents the
proportion of item k involved in the latent factor j. Follow the roadmap of Section 2

To recover both W and H, we introduce the minimization problem

5 Convex relaxation of the rank function
min L(X, W H) + λ1 P (W ) + λ2 P (H), (3)
W,H≥0,rk(W )=r,rk(H)=r
5.1 Relaxation
where (λ1 , λ2 ) are penalization parameters and P (.) is a penalty function indu-
We end the lecture with some considerations on the model involved in (3).
cing sparsity. The function L measures the accuracy of the prediction of X by
If we think about the Lasso relaxation of the `0 norm, it may be possible to
W H. It can involve the Frobenius norm or the Kullback-Leibler divergence :
obtain a similar relaxation for the rank function, since it is the may source of
LF robenius (A, B) = T r((A − B)t (A − B)) “non convexity”. Recall first the “dual" criterion described above
and X P min rk(Z). (6)
LKL (A, B) = [Ai,j log(Ai,j /Bi,j ) − Xi,j + Bi,j ] Z: Xi,j 6=? [Xu,v −Zu,v ] ≤δ

Even intractable, [1] shows that it is possible to recover efficiently the missing
Note that the minimization of (3) does not always lead to a well posed problem
values of X with such a low rank factorization of X as soon as the dimensio-
since every matrix D of size r × r with non negative coefficients verifies
nality is balanced as follows : the number of observed values should not be too
X ' W D−1 DH. small :
|(i, j) : Xi,j 6=?| >> kn1.2 log(n).
However, some efficient algorithms may be found (essentially projected gra-
dient descent and alternate least square (ALS) minimization). The last ap- But the problem is still NP hard. A recent work [4] proposes to use the
proach is based on the remark that when H is fixed, the problem is convex on convex enveloppe function of the rk function. This function is given by the
W and can be solved by semidefinite programming. Fortunately, the NMF pa- so-called nuclear norm, denoted kZk∗ :
ckage of R propose 11 methods, among them 9 are based on the initial contri- X √
butions of Lee and Seung [3]. kZk∗ := λ = T r( Z ∗ Z),
4.3 Application to recommandation

Assume now that X possesses some missing values, denoted “ ?” in what where Z ∗ Z is the positive semidefinite matrix B such that B 2 = Z ∗ Z.
follows. A natural extension to the variationnal minimization problem (3) is The important point is that this nuclear norm is convex, and permits to use
X the machinery of convex optimization toolbox for obtaining reasonnably good
min [Xu,v − Lu Rv ]2 (4) statistical algorithms in efficient computation time.
W ≥0,H≥0,rk(W )∧rk(H)≤r
Xu,v 6=? We refer to the Soft Impute method introduced in [4] for an implementation
of the following convex program :
An alternative formulation can be though as follows :
P min rk(Z). (5) min [Xu,v − Zu,v ]2 + λkZk∗ . (7)
Z: X [Xu,v −Zu,v ]2 ≤δ Z
i,j 6=?
Xu,v 6=?
6 Collaborative Filtering

Note that this looks very similar to the variationnal formulation of the Lasso. Further details may be found in the Hastie’s webpage https:
The penalty term is governed by λ, a positive coefficient that induces the spar- //web.stanford.edu/~hastie/swData/softImpute/
sity of the model. The highest λ, the smaller the rank of Z. vignette.html !

5.2 Soft-imput package

A very brief example, and you have to practice alone...
[1] E.J. Candes et T. Tao, The Power of Convex Relaxation : Near-Optimal
Loading the package.
Matrix Completion, Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 56 (2010),
require(softImpute) no 5, 2053–2080.
[2] M. Ekstrand, J. Riedl et J. KonstanLee, Collaborative Filtering Recom-
Simulating a pure uniformly random database with missing values. mender Systems, Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction
set.seed(1011) 4 (2010), no 2.
x=matrix(rnorm(30),6,5) [3] D. Lee et S. Seung, Learning the parts of objects by non-negative matrix
x[sample(1:30,10,replace=FALSE)]=NA factorization, Nature (1999).
[4] R. Mazumder, T. Hastie et R. Tibshirani, Spectral Regularization Algo-
Using Soft-Impute package. rithms for Learning Large Incomplete Matrices, Journal of Machine Lear-
ning Research 11 (2010), 2287–2322, http://www.stanford.edu/
fits=softImpute(x,trace=TRUE,type="svd") ~hastie/Papers/mazumder10a.pdf.

Since this is a small matrix, it has solved it using repeated SVDs. There is
no penalization here (λ = 0), and by default the rank was taken to be 2. Since
there is no penalization, if the rank was given to be min(m, n), then there is no
restriction, and any values for the missing data would give the same minimum
loss of 0. In other words, either penalization, or a rank restriction (or both) are
needed for sensible imputation.
We can also use the ALS approach (non convex problem).


We can impute the missing values using complete(), which returns the full
matrix :

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