FAR.2920 - Generating Cash From Receivables.
FAR.2920 - Generating Cash From Receivables.
FAR.2920 - Generating Cash From Receivables.
FAR.2920-Generating Cash from Receivables OCTOBER 2020
1. Why would a company sell receivables to another 2. An entity shall derecognize a financial asset when, and
company? only when:
I. In order to accelerate the receipt of cash from a. The contractual rights to the cash flows from the
receivables. financial asset expire.
II. Because money is tight and access to normal b. The entity transfers the financial asset and the
credit is unavailable or too expensive. transfer qualifies for derecognition.
III. To avoid violating existing lending agreements. c. Either a or b.
IV. Because billing and collection of receivables are d. Neither a nor b.
often time-consuming and costly.
3. An entity transfers a financial asset if, and only if, it
a. I, II, III and IV
a. Transfers the contractual rights to receive the cash
b. I only
flows of the financial asset.
c. I and II only
b. Retains the contractual rights to receive the cash
d. I, II and III only
flows of the financial asset, but assumes a
contractual obligation to pay the cash flows to one
LECTURE NOTES: or more recipients in an arrangement that meets
the “pass-through” conditions.
Financial asset derecognition flow chart c. Either a or b.
d. Neither a nor b.
7. Which of the following transfers qualify for b. Continue to recognize the financial asset.
derecognition? c. Determine whether it has retained control of the
a. An entity sells a financial asset with a carrying financial asset.
amount of P100,000 for P143,000. On the date of d. Continue to recognize the transferred asset to the
sale, the entity enters into an agreement with the extent of its continuing involvement.
buyer to repurchase the asset in three months for
P145,000. 10. An entity has not retained control of a transferred
b. An entity sells a financial asset with a carrying asset if
amount of P500,000 for P600,000 and a. The transferee has the practical ability to sell the
simultaneously enters into a total return swap with transferred asset.
the buyer under which the buyer will return any b. The transferee does not have the practical ability
increases in value to the entity and the entity will to sell the transferred asset.
pay the buyer interest plus compensation for any c. The entity retains an option to repurchase the
decreases in the value of the investment. The transferred asset and the transferee cannot readily
entity expects the fair value of the financial asset obtain the transferred asset in the market if the
to decrease by P40,000. entity exercises its option.
c. An entity sells a portfolio of short-term accounts d. A put option or guarantee constrains the transferee
receivables carried on its books at P2,100,000 for from selling the transferred asset.
P2,000,000 and promises to pay up to P60,000 to
compensate the buyer if and when any defaults 11. Which statement is incorrect if an entity neither
occur. Expected credit losses are significantly less transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and
than P60,000, and there are no other significant rewards of ownership of a transferred asset, and
risks. retains control of the transferred asset?
d. None of the above. a. The entity continues to recognize the transferred
asset to the extent to which it is exposed to
8. Which statement is incorrect regarding transfers that changes in the value of the transferred asset.
do not qualify for derecognition because the entity has b. When an entity continues to recognize an asset to
retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the extent of its continuing involvement, the entity
ownership of the transferred asset? also recognizes an associated liability.
a. The entity shall continue to recognize the c. The transferred asset and the associated liability
transferred asset in its entirety. are measured on a basis that reflects the rights
b. The entity shall recognize a financial liability for the and obligations that the entity has retained.
consideration received. d. The entity shall offset any income arising from the
c. In subsequent periods, the entity shall recognize transferred asset with any expense incurred on the
any income on the transferred asset and any associated liability.
expense incurred on the financial liability
d. The asset and the associated liability shall be 12. Bago Company sells a portfolio of short-term accounts
offset. receivable with a carrying amount of P900,000 for
P1,000,000 and promises to pay up to P30,000 to
LECTURE NOTES: compensate the buyer if and when any defaults occur.
Bago Company neither transfers nor retains
Accounting for transfers of receivables
substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of
the transferred asset, and retains control of the
transferred asset. How much should be recognized as
continuing involvement in the receivables?
a. P1,000,000 c. P30,000
b. P 900,000 d. P 0
Pledge vs Assignment