Analysis of Heath Care Policy Final
Analysis of Heath Care Policy Final
Analysis of Heath Care Policy Final
Caitlyn Summers
Health care policies create a foundation of laws, rules, and regulations to manage the
health care system and establish health care goals for the future. They directly affect the costs of
a patient’s care, their ability to access health care, and the quality of the care they receive
(Healthcare, n.d.). In the following paper, Senate Bill 1040 Advisory Committee on Maternal
Fatalities and Mobility will be discussed thoroughly with a summary of the bill, a description of
the major stakeholders, a list of the pros and cons, an understanding of the Impact on Nursing
Practice and Effective and Equitable Care, and with recommendations for further improvement
of the policy.
Patient safety and overall health should always be the number one priority.
Unfortunately, the rate of maternal deaths a year due to pregnancy-related complications, like
infection, sepsis, and hemorrhage, has reached approximately 700 a year (Maternal, 2019).
There are also significant racial disparities showing African American and American Indian's are
two to three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications (Recommendations,
2019). The SB1040 aims to establish an Advisory Committee on Maternal Fatalities and
Morbidity that will hold public hearings to get feedback and recommendations in response to the
information related to the causes of maternal death and use it to compose a report (Humble,
2019). There are six goals created for this committee to address, including increasing pregnant
and postpartum women’s awareness of postpartum warning signs, improving access to care,
supporting workforce and workforce capacity, improving surveillance, and supportive systems of
Major Stakeholders
There are three main stakeholders of the SB1040, those are the maternity patients, the
Maternal Mortality Review Committee, and the providers that specialize in obstetrics and
gynecology. The patients are one of the most affected by this bill, especially non-Hispanic
African Americans who shown to have about double or triple the maternal deaths a year. This
bill addresses the lack of urgency in the past years of the rise in maternal mortality, as well as the
racial disparities occurring. This bill places the priority on the health of mothers during labor and
ensuring that they are in optimal health once recovered. The committee itself is a stakeholder,
they will be reviewing cases, figuring out ways of preventability, and making suggestions on the
next steps to take (Report, 2019). By pinpointing the main causes of death in mothers, they can
implement interventions targeted at those specific causes of death. Lastly, the providers are a key
role in this policy, they will be the ones directly implementing the change that the committee
advises, this may include better patient education on what warning signs to be aware in case of a
complication or through educating themselves further on how they can prevent these pregnancy
This bill has various positive aspects that should be highlighted. One of the benefits is
that it promotes quality improvement within the health care system by recognizing a flawed area
of health care that could be improved upon, while also taking actions to better it. This aims
towards a much larger goal of improving the health of the population, enhancing patient
experiences and outcomes, and reducing health care costs. In addition, this bill is taking a huge
step to reduce racial disparities in health care by addressing studies showing that they are not a
result of socioeconomic status, educational attainment, or income level, but rather a lack of
access to care, inconsistent use of standardized hospital protocols, and implicit bias (Maternal,
2019). The only negative aspects of this bill are the amount of funds it will require and the fact
recommended steps.
The legislative, regulatory, financial factors are imperative when discussing health
policies. The Advisory Committee on Maternal Fatalities and Morbidities was established in
April of 2019 (Recommendations, 2019). As for the regulatory factors, there was a five-year plan
each year containing an area of focus and the goals to be completed. Some of the regulatory
factors included obtaining more medical equipment to attend to maternal emergencies in more
rural areas, ensuring all nurses and health care providers follow the CDC guidelines for best
practice and creating educational programs that discuss with woman the postpartum warning
signs and when to seek care (Maternal, 2019). The financially, it will require obtaining state and
federal funds to keep the Maternal Mortality Review Program effective. The impact this will
have on nurses' practice is significant. Nurses directly care for patients daily, therefore, they
must be regularly reminded of the CDC guidelines and hospital policies that they are required to
follow to ensure patients receive the safest, highest-quality care possible. Nurses also have the
power to advocate for their patients when they believe they are receiving anything less than what
they deserve, hopefully, with the development of this committee, it will help to prioritize this.
Overall, the committee was thoroughly planned out and there are only a few
implemented for each of the five goals through data collection. This will help to determine if
there is a need for any modifications. There also needs to be a plan for how racial disparities
from implicit bias could be reduced in this area of health care to provide equal care across all
maternity patients. This may consist of a regular session that requires all health care workers to
attend to discuss the current racial disparities and to set goals as a team on how they can be
reduced. Both would be great additions to consider in addition to the already formatted five-year
Health policies create unity amongst health care workers to meet common goals that have
the patient's best interest, whether it is financially, physically, or mentally. The purpose of
Senate Bill was to bring attention to the increase in maternal mortality in the U.S. by creating a
committee dedicated to researching the causes of death in mothers and ways to reduce these
numbers. This bill also brings awareness to the racial disparities within obstetrics and
gynecology and strives to find solutions to eliminate it within health care. Senate Bill 1040
addressed some major concerns surrounding maternal mortality and is dedicated to changing the
Healthcare policy in the United States. (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2020, from
Humble, W. (2019, July 29). Maternal Morbidity & Mortality in AZ to be Examined. Retrieved
Maternal Mortality Action Plan. (2019, June). Retrieved July 12, 2020, from
Fatalities and Severe Maternal Morbidity (2019, December 27). Retrieved July 12, 2020,
Report From Nine Maternal Mortality Review Committees. (2019). Retrieved July 12, 2020,