Success Factor Technology and Product Development: Enercon Magazine
Success Factor Technology and Product Development: Enercon Magazine
Success Factor Technology and Product Development: Enercon Magazine
ENERCON focuses on new First E-147 EP5/4,3 MW ENERCON installs one of
plant types/interview with Head is being installed in the largest wind farms
of Technology Jörg Scholle Paltusmäki/Finland worldwide in Chile by 2024
windblatt 2019
ENERCON has an invaluable advantage in this situation thanks to its independence. ENERCON is owned by the Aloys Wobben Stiftung
trust, which specifies a company direction focussed on the long term. The trust gives us the backing we need and fully supports our
new focus. ENERCON is also independent from a financial point of view. We built up reserves and a high equity ratio in good years that
now provide us with stability and security during this crisis. This means we have enough leeway to be able to reorient the company
using our own resources. The turnaround will ensure that this is a success. The banks we want to help us tackle our new orientation
now ought to display the confidence in our commitment they know from experience.
We talk openly about these issues. We want our employees, our customers, our banks and our business partners to know and under-
stand why the turnaround is necessary and what we are doing to ensure it is implemented successfully. Taking responsibility for our
16 actions is a core element of our corporate philosophy, which we put into action every day. However, the general public hasn’t always
perceived us in this way, especially not last year when the market conditions forced us to make the first considerable reductions to
order volumes with our production partners in the first phase of the new orientation. This was mainly down to unfortunate communication.
The criticism in the media was brief but flared up dramatically. It taught us that we need to explain our decisions more clearly to the
public. We want to take heed of this with a new and more transparent information culture.
ID-Nr. 1985649
ID-No. 1981915 Figuratively speaking, the new wb layout also represents our new orientation: this edition of the magazine has a more focussed and
contemporary look, which we think fits in well with the transformation of our company. We hope you like it. The turnaround will present
Impressum Publisher: ENERCON GmbH, Dreekamp 5, D-26605 Aurich, Phone +49 49 41 927 0, Fax +49 49 41 927 109, our company with a lot of challenges – but it will also give us the chance to do things differently and better in future. We are making a
Editorial office: Felix Rehwald, Antje Cznottka Design: smz GmbH, Hamburg Printed by: Druckerei Meyer GmbH, Aurich
combined effort at all levels to reach this goal. We firmly believe that the new orientation will leave ENERCON in a better position and
Copyright: All photos, illustrations, texts, images, graphic representations, insofar as this is not expressly stated to the contrary, are the property
of ENERCON GmbH and may not be reproduced, changed, transmitted or used otherwise without the prior written consent of ENERCON GmbH. help the company to regain its old strength!
Frequency: The windblatt is published four times a year. Subscribe: Phone +49 49 41 927 667 or
Cover page image: Illustration E-160 EP5
Privacy Protection: Within the framework of your subscription, we will collect and process your personal data to the extent necessary. ENERCON Management
For more information please visit Hans-Dieter Kettwig, Jost Backhaus, Jörg Scholle, Dr Thomas Cobet and Momme Janssen
2 windblatt 04_2019 windblatt 04_2019 3
ENERCON is increasingly focusing on international sales markets. This poses special challenges
for the ENERCON Logistics. The equipment must adapt to the transport requirements of the new
design of the EP3 and EP5 platforms. Special trailers that can transport and handle the new up to
66.8 metres long EP3 rotor blades in one piece, even through rough terrain, are only one aspect of
ENERCON's optimised logistics processes.
But it is not only the new design that demands flexibility and creativity. Local requirements and
general conditions in the countries of destination also require constant adaptation of the logistics
chains. With increasing frequency, logistics plays a key role in the specific implementation of local
content regulations, which vary from market to market. ENERCON therefore appoints local coordi-
nators who are familiar with the market, local service providers and specifications. They are present
on site as customer contacts and coordinate the smooth running of all logistics processes in the wind
farm. ENERCON has thereby ideally adapted to the requirements and demands of the international
markets and can offer customers worldwide an end-to-end, individual logistics concept.
4 windblatt 04_2019 windblatt 04_2019 5
Expansion of
safety, maintenance and servicing. “The new Customer Training
Center is another important element of our global training concept”,
says Volker Kendziorra, Managing Director of ENERCON Service
Deutschland GmbH. “In Lichtenau, as well as offering standardised
training courses from our catalogue, we also give every customer
the chance to put together their own training courses so that they
can carry out work on ENERCON wind energy converters in the best
and safest way possible.”
Open day at new ENERCON Customer Training Center.
New ENERCON hall where practical training units are completed is the heart of the
Training Center. Outside, there is a fire protection container for fire
Customer Training
drills and an original ENERCON E-126 EP3 machine house.
ENERCON plans to run training courses on 20 weeks per year, on
Aurich_ ENERCON has expanded its Jörg Scholle will be responsible for the pro- which 20 customers will be trained over 4 days.
company management. Four members
of Management now support Managing
Director Hans-Dieter Kettwig at the level
duct und technology development area. He
has many years of experience in the wind
energy industry and possesses outstanding
Center opened At the open day, interested parties were able to view the Training
Center and all of its facilities, watch rescue exercises and visit
of holding company UEE Holding. They technological expertise. Most recently, he Lichtenau_ At the beginning of September, the new ENERCON information desks to learn more about ENERCON and onshore
are all qualified experts with many years worked as a consultant for ENERCON’s Customer Training Center building was opened in Lichtenau (North wind energy. Younger visitors had the chance make their own paper
of management experience in the energy research and development company WRD Rhine-Westphalia). An open day was held to mark the occasion. The wind energy converter at an arts and crafts station.
industry, both at ENERCON and at other and as leader for the new EP5 platform.
leading technological industrial companies. Dr Thomas Cobet also brings many years
Hans-Dieter Kettwig will take on the role of management experience in the wind
of Head of Management. energy industry to the table. He will be res-
ponsible for financial matters at ENERCON.
The reorganisation of Management will Until now, Momme Janssen worked as
ensure ENERCON is in an even better position HR Manager at ENERCON. In the new
26 – 28 February 2020
6 windblatt 04_2019 7
Successful tests
E-Charger eSprinter charges at ENERCON’s E-Charger 600.
Greenpeace Energy marketing situation. QUADRA Energy can guarantee the necessary
planning security as a result and solves all other energy logistics issues.
total of 600 exhibitors from Germany and abroad.
At its stand, ENERCON presented the new EP5 platform WEC types,
Operators and owners of existing WECs can join the QUADRA 20+ pool. and introduced visitors to its new “EEK20+” service concept aimed
For this purpose, QUADRA Energy and ENERCON have developed specifically at operators and owners of existing WECs after funding
ENERCON’s appearance at HUSUM Wind 2019.
“Green PPA”
a service and marketing concept for operators and owners that is has ended. An original E-138 EP3 machine house proved to be a real
specially adapted to the situation after the EEG – the Green Power eye-catcher at the main entrance to the fair.
Purchase and Service Agreement (or “Green PPSA”). This means
QUADRA Energy can tackle the new challenges operators and owners The trade fair stand attracted a consistently high number of visitors to the annoyance of exhibitors and industry representatives, the
Aurich_ The eco energy supplier Greenpeace Energy and the direct face with continued operation and offer them the necessary revenue over the week, and scores of German and international customers Federal Government displayed an evident lack of interest: while the
marketing company QUADRA Energy belonging to ENERCON have security. The existing Dorna wind farm in Saxony-Anhalt was the first came to learn more about ENERCON’s new WEC products. Many entire cabinet of the state government of Schleswig-Holstein was
concluded a “Green PPA” framework agreement. It covers the purchase to be added to the pool by QUADRA Energy. Thanks to the cooperation, queries were also made regarding system solutions and integrated represented at the trade fair and expressed a clear commitment to
of high-quality wind energy from wind energy converters that will no the thirteen wind energy converters, that will no longer receive EEG energy technology. A customer event on the “EEK20+” concept orga- wind energy, the Federal Government was conspicuous by its absence.
longer receive funding under the EEG from 2021 onwards. Within the remuneration from January 2021 onwards, can carry on operating at a nised by QUADRA Energy, After Sales and Service was fully booked.
scope of this cooperation, QUADRA Energy will pool existing ENERCON profit until their scheduled repowering. Another popular item on the agenda was the “get-together” for “It’s a real shame that no government officials travelled to Husum
wind energy converters with a generation capacity of 50 megawatts (MW) customers and business partners at the ENERCON stand on from Berlin. After all, Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier
to begin with, and will supply around 60 gigawatt-hours of high-quality Thursday evening. One of the best things to come out of the trade was patron of the trade fair, and he had sent out invitations to
wind energy to Greenpeace Energy every year. This amounts to Wind farm with E-66 WEC technology (symbolic image). fair week: the Sales department was able to conclude several a climate summit the week before because of the bleak state of
approximately 13 percent of the total energy purchased by Greenpeace contracts for new projects in Germany and abroad. the German onshore market“, Philipp Vohrer, Head of Politics,
Energy. The conclusion of the “Green PPA” is just the first step of the Marketing and Communication, deplores the decision. “In Husum
cooperation between the two companies. “QUADRA Energy is to become “We are pleased with the response we received from the customers”, Mr Altmaier would have had the chance to see for himself the con-
an important strategic partner for Greenpeace Energy in the future”, says ENERCON Sales Director Stefan Lütkemeyer. “The interest tribution onshore wind energy can make to the energy transition and
says Sönke Tangermann, board member at Greenpeace Energy. is definitely there, and this fact reassures us. Unfortunately, the meeting climate protection goals.” Nevertheless, this is no reason
framework conditions are still presenting us with huge challenges, for ENERCON to relax its commitment to the energy transition in
“The cooperation between our two companies enables operators and particularly in our domestic market of Germany. However, the this country. Hans-Dieter Kettwig, Head of ENERCON Management,
owners of existing WECs to continue running them profitably”, says politicians are the only ones with the power to change that.” Much makes this plain: “We will not back down!”
8 windblatt 04_2019 windblatt 04_2019 9
Objective without
compromise: achieve Highly effective,
the lowest levelised
cost of energy
10 windblatt 04_2019 windblatt 04_2019 11
_wb: Mr Scholle, how have your first liarised myself with the current issues. The _wb: You have seen a lot of things in and technology development play a key role:
few months at ENERCON been? Have you colleagues made the process of settling in the industry – where do you think the we want to keep our technology leadership
managed to settle in yet? at ENERCON very easy. It was much the ENERCON technology fits in currently? in our core business of wind energy conver-
Jörg Scholle: I most certainly have. I have same in the new role as Member of the Jörg Scholle: From a technological perspec- ters and, at the same time, need to adapt
been here since the beginning of 2019, when Management Team I assumed at the begin- tive, ENERCON remains one of the leading our range of products to an international
I started at the company to support various ning of September, where I am responsible companies in the onshore sector and has customer base that demands different
topics in research and development. In the for product and technology development. a very good reputation. However, a direct things from our products. We have a very
time I have been here I have got to know a The team here is fantastic and committed, comparison with competitor products clear objective to force technology develop-
great number of colleagues, and have fami- and I thoroughly enjoy working with them! shows that we have fallen behind somewhat ment and take a hard-line stance to align
recently. There are a number of different our products with the lowest levelised cost
factors at play here, which, when all added of energy. We believe this to be the decisive
up, explain this situation. In some markets, factor in all of the markets where we want to
this unsatisfactory situation has unfortuna- be active and successful.
tely meant we have been unable to offer our
customers suitable products, meaning they _wb: What needs to change for ENERCON running and maintaining the wind energy basis from which to proceed with the
opted for wind turbines from competitors. to achieve this, particularly in research converters during the operating phase. next development-side steps of our new
We don’t want this to happen again in future. and development? Reducing the levelised cost of energy (COE) orientation. We are on the right lines. The
The important thing for me now is that we put Jörg Scholle: Speed is very important. We is an aspect that will affect all areas of positive feedback we have received from
our energy into combatting this problem. need to pick up the pace of our new wind the company during the turnaround, many customers in various markets shows
energy converter developments by impro- and will be driven by the Development that we are catching up to the competition
_wb: In what way? How is ENERCON ving our efficiency and pulling out all the department. again. Our prototypes are important mile-
responding to the situation? design stops. Making mistakes is not an stones and the industrial ramp-up to
Jörg Scholle: ENERCON has launched an option. The aim is to increase the yield of _wb: What have been your concrete achie- supplying customer projects. Installation
extensive turnaround programme in order our WECs and reduce costs further. The vements and what will the next steps be? of the first E-147 EP5 prototype with a
to give the company a new orientation and material costs during production are the Jörg Scholle: By developing the EP3 and nominal power of 4.3 MW has begun.
put it back on the road to success. Product main subject here, along with the costs of EP5 platforms, we have created the right Measurements will start once construction
12 windblatt 04_2019 13
Holding arms
Jörg Scholle, born in Melle in 1967, has been he LCC140 was tailor-made for the construction of the for the LCC140. While one of the carriages climbs to the next
responsible for product and technology development new ENERCON wind turbine types. Conjointly with Lagerwey, attachement point and reconnects, the second carriage secures
within the new ENERCON Management Team since ENERCON has developed a new holding concept in which the the crane to the tower. Once the LCC140 has reached the desired
the beginning of September. The graduate engineer climbing crane encloses the Modular Steel Tower (MST) and can height, the arms also reconnect to the fixing points on the side of
has more than 20 years of international management climb up to a hub height of 180 meters. This new holding concept not the MST.
experience and extensive technological expertise. He has only reduces costs but also allows the crane to lift weights of up to
worked in the wind energy sector for many years, inclu- 140 tons. The LCC140 reaches the hub heights required for the new In addition to the greater reach and lifting capacity, the LCC140
ding as CTO at Nordex. His work to date has focussed on wind turbines, where conventional cranes reach their limits, and has all the advantages of its predecessor model compared to
areas including launching new products on international can also lift all components of the EP3 and EP5 plants including the conventional cranes. The construction can be continued even at
markets under consideration of costs and time to market, generator without any problems. Thanks to a special lifting device higher wind speeds. Eleven instead of one hundred to 120 trucks
establishing Pre-Development and Innovation Manage- for single blade assembly, the climbing crane can handle the larger are required for transport. Moreover, the LCC140 requires a much
ment with an overarching technology roadmap, and setting rotor diameters of the new wind turbine types. smaller crane hardstand. This not only generates further cost
up and leading multi-national teams in Europe, Asia and savings, but also minimizes interference with nature or provides
the USA. Jörg Scholle joined ENERCON at the start of 2019, In order to be able to lift up to 140 tons safely, the crane anchors more usable space for industry, forestry or agriculture.
where he initially worked as a consultant for ENERCON’s itself no longer on one side of the tower. The LCC140 attaches
research and development company WRD. Most recently, itself to the MST at six special holding points. “Four arms enclose Depending on the level of the MST and local price differences,
he led the Steering Board for the new EP5 platform at the tower and attach to fixing points on both sides of the MST. using the LCC140 to set up the wind energy converter can result
WRD and, among other things, dealt with the integration of The LCC140 also connects to the tower frontally with two in cost savings of ten to 30 percent altogether. The first prototype
Lagerwey into WRD. carriages,” explains Rob de Groot, product manager for the of the LCC140 is currently being built in Barneveld, Netherlands.
LCC140 at Lagerwey. The carriages also act as the lifting device The first tests are scheduled for the first quarter of 2020.
14 windblatt 04_2019 windblatt 04_2019 15
he next phase of ENERCON’s EP5 programme is currently The prototype in Paltusmäki is part of a wind farm with five WECs “We will use this first E-147
underway at the Paltusmäki site: ENERCON is installing the being built for the customer Energiequelle. The five E-147 EP5/4.3 MW project to refine and optimise
first E-147 EP5/4.3 MW prototype at the wind farm in the wind energy converters will be built on modular steel towers at a hub the logistics, installation
west Finnish region of Ostrobothnia. This machine is the height of 132 metres. “We will use this first E-147 project to refine and commissioning processes
second prototype in the overall EP5 programme. The first EP5 and optimise the logistics, installation and commissioning processes for all other EP5 series
(an E-136 EP5) was installed months ago in Eemshaven in the for all other EP5 series production projects”, explains Sascha Exner, production projects”.
Netherlands, still under the direction of Lagerwey. More prototypes Project Manager for the E-147 EP5 at ENERCON’s research and
for the E-147 EP5 and the E-160 EP5 will follow in the coming months development company WRD. The engineers from WRD are working Project Manager Sascha Exner
and will be used for various measurement and validation purposes hand in hand with their colleagues from Lagerwey, who developed
(also see interview on p. 10 et seq.). ENERCON is giving a special the product on which the E-147 EP5 is based, and the ENERCON PLM
focus to the new EP5 platform WEC types, as a large proportion of the GmbH installation team on site. “This is the first joint undertaking
existing and future project plans are based on EP5 machines. The EP5 between ENERCON and Lagerwey since the two companies came
also plays a crucial role in ENERCON’s turnaround programme. together”, says Exner. “The whole team is working together very well.”
16 windblatt 04_2019 windblatt 04_2019 17
no sign of taking brakes off – the mid-2020’s, when, little by little, many existing wind energy
converters will reach the end of their technical service life. The
German Wind Energy Association (BWE) managed to convince the
prevent as many as possible existing wind energy sites from being
lost. One possibility would be a simplified approval procedure such
as that used in France: repowering projects there do require new
onshore wind expansion? to introduce new general distance rules for onshore wind energy,
stipulating that wind turbines must be built at least 1,000 metres
away from residential buildings. This rule is set to take the form of a
put a stop to many repowering projects. If protected species have
settled in a wind farm following its installation, they prevent repower-
ing from taking place. Major environmental associations such as
law in the coming months. It is still unclear what is meant by “rural Greenpeace and the German League for Nature and Environment
structures with significant residential areas” to which the distance (DNR) have at least recognised the need for changes to be made to
rule applies. One thing is certain, however: the Federal Government this point in a joint paper with the wind industry.
A work programme for onshore wind did follow the wind crisis summit will give municipalities the chance to get around the distance ruling,
at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs at the start of September. if this is what they want. Experience in Bavaria to date shows that The Federal Government has a little trick up its sleeve to hide the fact
municipalities do not make use of this option: it would be permissible that the target of 65 % renewable energies by 2030 is threatening to
However, all the cabinet decided on was an increase in the distance rules for municipalities to designate land there despite the controversial be missed spectacularly. Owing to the fact electricity consumption is
for wind energy projects, creating additional hurdles. “10 H regulation”, but there are significant obstacles to reaching set to fall despite the integrated energy concept, as well as a higher
agreements with neighbouring municipalities. Nevertheless, this expansion target for photovoltaics, the target for installed wind
regulation does offer the opportunity to realise wind projects in the power for 2030 is now between 67,000 and 71,000 MW instead of the
future that are well-accepted in the regions. It ultimately allows 80,000 MW previously stated.
municipalities to negotiate with interested wind planners on equal
terms if the municipalities only provide land in view of a good project. There is also still a great deal to be done to kick-start the integrated
This is a small victory for local added value, seeing as the acceptance energy concept. Will is demonstrated in abundance, but we are still
levy for local communities did not even feature in the climate package, waiting for the necessary restructuring of the levies that have bur-
although it has long been a subject of discussion. dened renewable energies to date. A more resolute start to carbon
pricing could have brought a great deal of life to sectors such as
The Federal Government also aims to improve the repowering situa- electromobility and heat pumps – ten euros is likely to be much
tion. At present, only around a third of existing WECs are capable too low and barely noticeable. All that is left is to wish the Federal
of being repowered at all. Another third could end up in designated Government the courage to take real climate protection measures
with domestic renewable energies in the second part of the parlia-
mentary term – before the German renewables industry shrinks
even further.
18 windblatt 04_2019 windblatt 04_2019 19
has the task of translating the increased emissions targets into are to cushion the social and economic impacts of the coal phase-
energy policy measures. In the Mission Letter she sent to the out in the affected regions.
new Energy Commissioner, Ursula von der Leyen pointed out the
necessity of checking and potentially modifying the existing In order to pass effective measures to go with the climate mandate
energy legislation in view of the increased CO2 reduction targets. from the European elections, the EU level now has to make the
It was only in December 2018 that the European Parliament and member states discharge their duties. It is the former energy tran-
member states agreed on a 32 per cent share of renewable energy sition pioneer, Germany, of all countries that has now advanced to
in electricity consumptionby 2030. Other portfolios such as become the EU’s main concern. Apart from the results from the
agriculture, trade and finances will also be taken up on their climate cabinet, which have been rated as inadequate, Brussels is
promise. For example, there are plans to transform the European particularly alarmed by the collapse of onshore wind energy expansion.
Investment Bank (EIB) into a “climate bank” that would give priority For now, the Federal Government has until the end of the year to sub-
to providing start-up funding for sustainable projects. By contrast, mit its energy and climate plan for the time until 2030 to the European
investments that are harmful to the climate would no longer be Commission. The plan will be a first indicator of the discrepancies
considered. In addition, resources from an energy transition fund between European demands and the national reality.
Brussels sends
Dreekamp 5 · 26605 Aurich, Germany
Phone +49 4941 927 0 · Fax +49 4941 927 669 E-mail: Parque Tecnológico · 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Germany E-mail:
(New Zealand, Australia, Pacific States) Dreekamp 5 · 26605 Aurich South Africa
Phone +49 49 41 927 0 · Fax +49 49 41 927 669 Wind Energy ENERCON South Africa
positive signals
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ENERCON GmbH Austrian branch
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ENERCON GmbH Office Athens Phone: +27 21 831 97 00
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Belgium / Luxemburg Phone +30 210 68 38 490 · Fax +30 210 68 38 489 ENERCON GmbH – Sweden
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Wobben Windpower Ltda. Bangalore - 560 055 15F., No.2, Ln. 150, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist.
Av. Fernando Stecca nº 100 · Distrito Industrial CEP 11059 Taipei City
The new Head of the European Union is using the climate mandate 18087450 Sorocaba · São Paulo Phone +886 2 87 26 37 26
Phone +55 15 21 011 700 · Fax +55 15 21 011 701 ENERCON Windfarm Services Ireland Ltd. E-mail:
E-mail: Unit 14, Northwood House, Northwood
as an opportunity to set the course for a “climate-neutral Europe”. Canada
Business Campus · Santry, County Dublin
Phone +353 1 89 34 020 · Fax +353 1 86 24 151
The Netherlands
ENERCON GmbH – Dutch Branch
Voltastraat 19 · 8013 PM Zwolle
Developments in the individual member states, however, are more ENERCON Canada Inc.
700, rue de La Gauchetière ouest · Bureau 1200
Phone +31 38 46 96 010
H3B 5M2 Montréal, Québec Fax +31 38 42 28 010
a cause for concern than anything else. Phone +1 514 363 72 66 · +1 87 77 082 101 (toll free)
Via Carlo Veneziani, 58 · 00148 Rome
E-mail: Phone + 39 06 91 97 71 23 · Fax + 39 06 91 97 71 99 Turkey
E-mail: ENERCON Rüzgar Enerji Santrali
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Enercon Chile SpA Japan Küçükbakkalköy Mah. Vedat Günyol
Andres Bello 2299 · oficina 703 ENERCON Services Japan Co., Ltd.
Cad. No: 20 Kat: 8 · TR-34750 Atasehir · Istanbul
Providencia Santiago · Chile 8F Nihonbashi North Place Phone: +90 216 569 7417 ·Fax: +90 216 569 7427
he EU institutions are entering the new legislation period climate-neutral continent in the world”. To back up this announce- E-mail: 1-7, Nihonbashi-Oodenmacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo E-mail:
103-0011 Japan
with an unprecedented climate policy tailwind: in this year’s ment, von der Leyen assigned her elected Vice President Frans
Costa Rica Phone + 81 3 5826 8951 United Kingdom
May European elections, more EU citizens based their vote Timmermans the task of drafting the first EU climate law. This ENERCON Service Costa Rica E-mail: ENERCON GmbH
Edificio Latitud Norte · 400mts norte Construplaza 24 St. John’s Road · EH12 6 NZ Edinburgh
on this subject than ever before. The newly formed European draft is expected to be completed by March 2020. New raised 10203 Guachipelín, Escazú · San José
Latin America
ENERCON GmbH Phone +44 131 31 40 150 · Fax +44 131 31 40 152
Parliament has now commenced work; the Commission is set emission reduction targets are to form the basis for concrete Phone +506 40 33 14 10 E-mail:
Dreekamp 5 · 26605 Aurich
to start officially at the beginning of December. The first statements political measures. There are talks of increasing the target from Phone +49 49 41 927 684 · Fax +49 49 41 927 669
E-mail: Vietnam
give us grounds for hope that climate protection could actually be 40 to at least 50 per cent by 2030, and achieving complete decar- Eastern Europe / Baltic States ENERCON Vietnam Company LTD
ENERCON GmbH Poland Centec Tower Bldg. / Floor 04,
the focus of EU politics in the coming years. In her application bonisation by 2050. August-Bebel-Damm 24-30 · 39126 Magdeburg ENERCON Poland Ngyuen Thi Minh Khai Street 72-74
Phone +49 391 24 460 236 ul. Polska 30 · PL 60-595 Poznan Ho Chi Minh District 3
speech before the European Parliament, the elected Commission Fax +49 391 24 460 231 Phone +48 618 45 37 30 · Fax +48 618 45 37 39 Phone: +84 9 4567 34 98
President Ursula von der Leyen emphasised the urgent need to Estonian Kadri Simson will lead the energy portfolio in the E-mail: E-mail: E-mail:
take action. She immediately set a goal of making Europe “the first European Commission. The former Minister of Economic Affairs
20 windblatt 04_2019 windblatt 04_2019 21
1. 3.
_wb: The Federal Government often
uses the opposition to new wind energy
converters as an argument. What is your
take on the situation, and what can be _wb: The Greens currently form part of the
_wb: Dr Verlinden, how can you explain done to create more local support for government in nine (soon to be ten) federal
the Federal Government tightening the wind energy? states. Can the sector expect to see a drive
conditions for onshore wind energy once for more onshore wind as a result?
again? Julia Verlinden: The fact of the matter is that
in all of the recent representative surveys Julia Verlinden: The idea that the individual
Julia Verlinden: This Federal Government conducted by bodies such as the specialist states would be in a position to reverse poor
is saying goodbye to its international climate agency “Wind an Land” or the research Federal Government policies is an illusion.
protection pledges once and for all. It is institute “IASS Potsdam”, around 80 per cent It goes without saying that the Green Energy
presenting a heap of laws to the Bundestag of those asked said they supported the ex- and Environment Ministers in particular will
at high speed which do not come anywhere pansion of wind energy. This statistic also do everything in their power to speed up the
close to delivering what they promise. applies to people who live in the direct energy transition in their states. However,
Instead of helping the sector to bounce vicinity of wind energy converters. However, you only have to look at the distance rule
back again by taking measures such as im- a very vocal minority of people that oppose example to see how little room for mano-
The wind energy sector in Germany is in the throes of proving the availability of areas for wind the expansion of wind energy in their area euvre they have. For instance, why would
a crisis so severe it poses an existential threat. How can the energy, the Federal Government is putting up attracts a lot of publicity. The government the Union in a joint state government reject
Federal Government’s decision to risk intensifying the situation new obstacles. The general distance ruling ought to take action to boost the high level and override laws that its party has only
it plans to impose on all states and munici- of support for wind energy among the gene- recently passed on a national level? If
by planning minimum distances from residential buildings in palities will reduce the sites available for ral public further, in particular increasing Germany is serious about cliimate protection
its climate package be accounted for? wind energy converters by up to another the involvement of energy cooperatives and and keeping future-oriented cleantech jobs,
40 per cent. These are the results of a study community-owned wind projects in wind modern and resolute climate and energy
ordered by the Federal Ministry for Economic energy expansion. On top of this, the Federal policies at national level are the only option.
Affairs, which render even the modest ex- Government needs to at long last put forward They include consistently expanding rene-
he “coal phase-out law” is turning out to be another major disadvantage for wind pansion targets of the government yet more an effective concept for municipalities and wable energies, but also taking effective
energy in Germany. Expansion of wind energy in Germany has virtually ground unattainable. Still Minister Altmaier is con- residents to share in the financial success of measures to save energy and be more
to a halt already. The distance rule planned in the climate package stipulating tinuing to apply this dangerous wind brake. wind energy more than they have to date. That energy efficient. The Federal Government’s
wind energy converters must be built 1,000 metres away from residential areas is It is the opposite of the energy transition and would also go a long way towards increa- current policies are miles away from
worded so restrictively that installing new ones will effectively become impossible. completely incomprehensible. sing local support. achieving this.
If the draft law is passed, the Federal Government will not only say goodbye to its
climate targets, but will also create another situation that will severely destabilise
the wind energy sector in Germany.
Photo: Sandra König
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Photo: Colbun
he wind farm will be located about 100 kilometers from the small town Taltal and 170 kilometers from the city Antofagasta.
NERCON has signed an exclusivity agreement with the The site analysis has additionally shown that there are only little am-
Chilean utility Colbun, which provides for an option to bient turbulences in the region. “This means that the site has ideal
supply 132 wind turbines of the EP5 platform for the wind conditions for the E-160, which with its large rotor diameter
Colbun plan
Horizonte wind farm. Once the contract is signed, this will be the can achieve high outputs in low wind areas,” describes Carla Tapia.
largest wind turbine purchase ever made in Chile. 132 E-160 wind
turbines with a total installed capacity of 607 MW will be installed In Chile, seismic activity can also be expected due to its location on
at the wind farm Horizonte. A layout with a total of 140 positions the boundary between two tectonic plates. ENERCON is therefore
Horizonte in the Chilean desert. The wind farm with an output of characteristics. “The weather conditions in the desert are very
special. For example, wind speed remains unchanged or even
as the area in the Atacama Desert – with particularly good wind con-
ditions for ENERCON’s low wind turbines,” says Stefan Lütkemeyer,
607 MW is to be commissioned in 2024. decreases with increasing hub height,” explains Carla Tapia, Head of Sales International of the ENERCON GmbH. The realization
ENERCON Sales Manager in Chile and project coordinator. Because of the wind park Horizonte with the energy supplier Colbun further
of this low wind shear, the optimum hub height is between 90 and strengthens ENERCON’s market presence as an innovative techno-
110 meters, depending as well on the design of the wind turbines. logy leader in the wind energy sector in Chile and Latin America.
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Start of construction in summer 2020: ENERCON is installing 13 E-136 EP5 WECs in the Oostpolder wind farm.
ENERCON supplies E
NERCON has signed the contract for its first major EP5
project in the Netherlands. The agreement covering the
supply of 13 E-136 EP5/4.65 MW wind energy converters
was concluded at the start of September with two operating
The site is located in the polder area of the same name south
of Eemshaven. Once completed, the wind farm is expected to
generate 200 million kWh of green energy every year. According
to the project initiators, that would be enough energy to supply
more than 50,000 households for a year. Construction is set to
The farmer- and community-owned wind farm begin in the summer of 2020. Full commissioning is scheduled
is the first major EP5 project in the Netherlands. to take place in early 2021.
It was instigated by farmers and landowners in The EP5 wind energy converters will be installed on Modular Steel
the Eemshaven region. Construction is set to start Towers (MST) at a hub height of 155 metres. The climbing crane,
developed further in a joint effort by Lagerwey and ENERCON, will
in the summer of 2020. also be used in the construction process to install towers and machine
components. The special crane climbs up the exterior tower wall
segment by segment during the tower construction stage. Since it
uses the tower as a support, it does not require a lot of space resulting
in smaller crane hardstands (see technical lexicon, p. 15).
26 windblatt 04_2019 27
ENERCON is currently installing five he start of construction on the St. Gotthard project in ENERCON is installing these wind energy converters on hybrid could not be constructed until then. However, the teams managed
Switzerland was special for Tanja Pintschovius for many towers at a hub height of 98 metres. “The wind farm is being built to make up the lost time.
E-92 EP2 WECs for its Swiss customer reasons: “All salespeople are happy for their customers when at an altitude of 2,100 metres on the Gotthard Pass. This is an
Azienda Elettrica Ticinese (AET). The a project finally enters the realisation phase after years of planning extreme location in the Alps with very complex conditions which we Once the foundations were finished, the construction site was
and approval. There is another aspect to this project, though: nothing had to consider when planning the construction measures”, says winter-proofed. “The next step will be the delivery of the tower
wind farm is the first project in the MW has been installed in the MW wind energy segment in Switzerland Tanja Pintschovius. As the Gotthard Pass is closed during the winter segments and the tower construction in June when the winter break
class to be realised in the confederation since 2016”, explains the Country Sales Manager for Switzerland months, we only have a very short window for construction. “Thanks is over”, says Christian Mbeumo. “WEC installation and completi-
from ENERCON Sales International. The fact that wind energy to effective preparation and coordination with the customer, we on of the wind farm are scheduled to take place before the end of
since 2016.
expansion is making progress again after years of being at a were able to keep to our schedule and complete the foundations October 2020.” In the second construction stage, we will be faced
standstill and that five E-92 EP2 WECs are joining the Swiss fleet, in the first construction stage from August to October”, reports with the challenge of getting the WEC components to the site.
is therefore a positive signal. Christian Mbeumo, Project Manager at ENERCON PLM GmbH. “Some of these will be transported via the Gotthard tunnel, which is
only open for heavy loads for a few hours once a week”, says Tanja
Another positive signal comes from the canton of Vaud, which This result was achieved despite a delay of the start of building work. Pintschovius. ENERCON has therefore worked together with the
recently decided in favour of two wind energy projects within five According to the customer AET, the weather conditions this year customer to draw up a concept for transportation, which at least
weeks. The potential of wind energy now seems to have arrived in were “extremely bad”. There was an unusually high level of snowfall eliminates the need for the numerous tower segments to be trans-
the courts. These decisions give reason to hope that further positive this spring, meaning the pass was not opened until the beginning of ported through the tunnel. “This will save time and help us completing
decisions from other cantons will follow. June. The access roads and the excavation pits for the foundations the wind farm within the construction window.”
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