Components List With Cost Analysis

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N Particulars QTY Unit Price Total

. (Rs)
1. Arduino Uno 6 900 5400
2. Ultrasonic Sensor(HC-SR04) 10 250 2500
3. IR 10 150 1500
4. PIR 10 250 2500
5. Motor (Plastic gear 6v) 24 300 7200
6. 555 timer 15 10 150
7. Transistor( NPN and PNP) 40 3 120
8. Resistor 3(packet) 200 600
9. Motor Driver 10 350 3500
10. Capacitor 20 10 200
11. Bread Board(140 points) 7 120 840
12. Soldering Iron 2 350 700
13. Hot glue gun 2 350 700
14. Glue stick 10 20 200
15. Potentiometer(big 5k) 10 20 200
16. Potentiometer(small 5k) 10 10 100
17. Buzzer 10 30 300
18. LDR 20 15 300
19. Relay(5v,9v,12v) 8 50 400
20. Soldering wire+flux 200
21. Plier (Long Nose) 1 200 200
22. Wire Cutter 1 150 150
23. Led 3(packet) 30 90
24. Switch 20 10 200
25. Copper Wire 200
26. Bluetooth 6 725 4350
27. Battery

TOTAL 32,800

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