Cocubes Paper2
Cocubes Paper2
Cocubes Paper2
Q.No.1: In objective test a correct answer score 4 marks and on a wrong answer 2 marks are
deducted. A student scores 480 marks from 150 question. How many answer were correct?
1. 120
2. 130
3. 110
4. 150
Q.No.2: An article sold at amount of 50% the net sale price is Rs 425.What is the list price of the
1. 500
2. 488
3. 480
4. 510
Q.No.3: A man leaves office daily at 7pm A driver with car comes from his home to pick him from
office and bring back home One day he gets free at 5:30 and instead of waiting for driver he starts
walking towards home. In the way he meets the car and returns home on car He reaches home 20
minutes earlier than usual. In how much time does the man reach home usually??
1. 1 hr 10 min
2. 1 hr 20 min
3. 1 hr
4. 1 hr 30 min
Q.No.4: A works thrice as much as B. If A takes 60 days less than B to do a work then find the
number of days it would take to complete the work if both work together? 1/4
5/19/13 CoCubes Placement Paper 2
1. 22 days
2. 23 days
3. 22½days
4. 23 ½ days
Q.No.5: How many 1′s are there in the binary form of 8*1024 + 3*64 + 3?
1. 3
2. 4
3. 5
4. 1
Q.No.6: A boy has Rs 2. He wins or loses Re 1 at a time. If he wins he gets Re 1 and if he loses
the game he loses Re 1. He can lose only 5 times. He is out of the game if he earns Rs 5. Find the
number of ways in which this is possible.
1. 16
2. 15
3. 14
4. 17
Q.No.7: If there are 1024*1280 pixels on a screen and each pixel can have around 16 million
colours. Find the memory required for this?
1. 4 MB 2/4
5/19/13 CoCubes Placement Paper 2
2. 6 MB
3. 3 MB
4. 7 MB
Q.No.8: On a particular day A and B decide that they would either speak the truth or will lie. C asks
A whether he is speaking truth or lying. He answers and B listens to what he said. C then asks B
what A has said B says “A says that he is a liar”. What is B speaking?
1. Truth
2. Lie
3. Truth when A lies
4. Cannot be determined
Q.No.9: What is the angle between the two hands of a clock when time is 8:30
1. 76
2. 74
3. 75
4. 73
Q.No.10: A man walks east and turns right and then from there to his left and then 45degrees to
his right. In which direction did he go?
1. Northeast
2. Northwest
3. Southwest
4. Southeast
Answers: 3/4
5/19/13 CoCubes Placement Paper 2
1) B
2) A
3) B
4) C
5) B
6) A
7) A
8) B
9) C
10) B 4/4