2011 006 PDF
2011 006 PDF
2011 006 PDF
S. Haanappel,
Ernst & Young: dr. R. Drost, prof. dr. F. Harmsen
Utrecht University: prof. dr. S. Brinkkemper & dr. ir. J.M Versendaal
February 2011
ISSN: UU-CS-2011-00
Dept. of Information and Computing Sciences
Utrecht University
P.O. Box 80.089
3508 TB Utrecht
The Netherlands
A framework for IT performance management
Enabling organizational growth with IT performance management
S. Haanappel,
Ernst & Young: dr. R. Drost, prof. dr. F. Harmsen
Utrecht University: prof. dr. S. Brinkkemper & dr. ir. J.M Versendaal
This research provides insight into how organizations can achieve and optimize the benefits of
IT performance management. The relevance of this research is the importance for
organizations to achieve value from their investments and that there is little scientific
literature available guiding them how to do this. To achieve value from investments a focus on
IT performance management is required that takes care of the removal of non value-adding
activities and processes.
In addition to a literature research that provided insight into what has been written about IT
performance management a case study research was conducted. In this case study research
organizations participated to provide insight into their IT performance management approach.
Additionally their approaches were compared to determine their IT performance management
The results showed that the organizations had very different IT performance management
approaches and maturity levels. The majority of organizations did not seem to use their
performance results when developing IT performance management plans for the next year.
However several of the organizations tried to create commitment by making their employees
responsible for key performance indicators. In general it could be said that organizations were
not aware that their IT performance results could be used to improve IT performance
management and/or they did not know how to do this, as it has not been done and there are
no guidelines available. Based on the dataset gather during this research it can be said that
the organizations are not mature enough to optimize their IT performance management
benefits, as they have not yet been able to develop a loop back into the IT performance
management cycle to use the results to their benefit.
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
Table of Contents
Abstract 3
1 Introduction 8
3 IT governance 12
3.1 Cobit 13
4 Balanced scorecard 14
1 Introduction 22
3 Research approach 24
3.1 Research questions 24
3.2 Research plan 25
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
5 Research questions 59
5.1 What are the business benefits that IT performance management delivers? 59
5.2 Which Key Performance Indicators are used, why and what are the results? 60
5.3 How are these KPIs used to govern the organization? 60
5.4 How are the IT costs allocated to the business? 60
5.5 How do companies achieve and optimize the benefits of IT performance management?
6 Discussion 61
7 Future research 62
Literature 63
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
“IT Performance Management can be defined as the area of setting goals, responsibility
accounting and monitoring/ analyzing/ governing and improving the performance of IT.”
According to Seddon, Graeser and Willcocks (2002) the amounts spend on IT indicate that
organizations are capable of identifying which forms of IT expenditure and management are
most effective. De Boer (2002) adds to this notion that the management and control of IT is
also critical as organizational incomes are under pressure. Evaluating IT investments enables a
natural learning process for the organization (Remenyi et al., 2000). Measuring IT results for
organizations is complicated as some of the benefits are intangible (Finding, 2004). However,
the return on investment is more relevant than before (Dekkers, 2004). The difficulty with
measuring IT performance has lead to an increase in the evaluation and assessment of IT
investments (Remenyi, Money and Sherwood-Smith, 2000).
The need for organizations to achieve value on their investments and to become proactive
requires research in the area of IT performance management. Providing insight into how
organizations can benefit from IT performance management responds to the changes
organizations face. During this research the scope will be limited to the utility sector, as it has
been subject to change and it may lead to interesting findings on the application of IT
performance management.
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
1.Which Key Performance Indicators are used, why, and what are the results?
2.How is the IT Performance governed?
3.How are the IT costs allocated to the business?
4.What are the results (tangible/intangible) that IT Performance Management delivers to a
The social and scientific relevance of this research is based on the fact that the area of IT
performance management is relatively unexplored. A small amount of literature is available,
which makes it difficult to develop an understanding of IT performance management and how
an organization can apply it to its benefit. Guidelines on how to achieve advantages of IT
performance management seem to be unavailable, even though they could be of great value.
The results of this research could be used by organizations who want to use their IT
performance results in order to become proactive and improve their IT performance
Andra (2006) defines four areas for which IT performance management is needed. The first
area is about connecting IT to the bottom line of the organization. The level of performance is
then demonstrated by the ability to present and communicate the value that IT services bring
to the company‟s bottom line. Second, IT performance management is needed for business IT
alignment. IT needs to be involved in activities that match and support the goals from the
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
business plan. Third and fourth, IT performance management is needed for IT efficiency and
effectiveness. Some advantages of IT performance management are (De Boer, 2002):
Applying a focus on the realization of strategic, financial and non-financial goals
Making KPIs explicit and measurable
The management of prognosis and action oriented reports
The availability of consistent management information on strategic, tactical and
operational level (drill down)
Using the results as a guideline for intra organizational communication
Fostering a result-oriented culture/climate
The possibility to benchmark the organization
Strategy implementation
Organizations rely on IT for success, both for operational and strategic aspects (Andra, 2006).
Effective IT management is required to meet business objectives, both on the operational and
business side of IT. IT performance results require actions, because without appropriate
response, measurement is useless (Andra, 2006). However, only a small percentage of IT
projects are evaluated (Hallikainen et al., 2006). Examples of performance metrics used to
determine the performance of IT and business functions are presented in figure 1 (Andra,
The performance metrics that organizations apply are based on the organization‟s current IT
strategy and can anticipate on future goals (Andra, 2006). The type of value center, i.e. how
the IT department is seen by the organization, influences the development of metrics. The
term value center is introduced by Venkatraman (1997) and differentiates organizations
based on their IT goals. It recognizes the role of IT as part of the business operations, the so-
called value orientation for IT (Venkatraman, 1998). The concept of a value center is
composed of four interdependent centers, see figure 2(Venkatraman, 1998). For a more
elaborate explanation on the types of value center refer to the paper of Venkatraman “Not
fixing technical bugs but creating business value” (Venkatraman, 1998).
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
Type of
value center
According to Sward (2006), IT often loses its significance as a major contributing success
factor to the organization‟s strategic objectives. This happens because it is predominantly
considered as a non-integral aspect on the process of achieving business objectives.
Consequently budgets are squeezed yearly, shifting IT organizations toward the cost center
view and making it hard to enable a long-term competitive advantage. But IT management
should not be seen in isolation, as it disallows IT to show the profitability of the company it
supports. Some reasons for IT performance measurement are (Finding, 2004):
- Establish the progress toward achieving our goals
- Document organizational IT achievements
- Secure financial and other resources
- Identify internal improvement opportunities
- Improve communication with users
IT performance measurement
The selection process of a performance measure is crucial. It requires explicit communication
about performance priorities and the relationships between the priorities to reveal hidden
differences in the state of mind of stakeholders (Neely et al., 2000). There are several
requirements to performance methods (Finding, 2004) like reliability, consistency, direct
connection to important goals, understandability and that they need to be easily
communicated. Measures also need to be agile and developed while being clear who is
responsible for the measure and what actions are taken on the results of the measure.
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
traditionally used to determine the value of IT investments (De Boer, 2002). However it is
impossible to capture all types of added value in financial indicators (Martinsons, 2000;
Coleman, 1995; Avram, 2001). Instead of just using financial data, non-financial measures
consent to a wider perspective on results achieved and increase the value accuracy (Read,
2009; Eccles, 1991) Additional non-financial measures are also better when identifying
upcoming trends and possible future results (Andra, 2006). Some reasons why financial
measures are not the best solution anymore are:
- Financial measures encourage short-terminism, for example delay of capital investment
(Banks, Wheelright, 1979; Hayes and Abernathy, 1980)
- Financial measures lack strategic focus and fail to provide data on quality,
responsiveness and flexibility (Skinner, 1974)
- Financial measures encourage managers to minimize the variances from standard rather
than seek to improve continually (Schmenner, 1988; Turney, Anderson, 1989)
- They fail to provide information on what customers want and how competitors are
performing (Neely, 1999).
3 IT governance
IT governance decision-making is mostly strategic oriented, therefore tactical decisions
receive less attention. Emphasis is put on understanding the situation at hand prior to decision
making and solving practical issues regarding how each decision is carried out, such as
assigning decision-making authority, coordinating resources and aligning IT decision-making
with external factors (Simonson, Johnson, 2006). Control and governance of IT have become
important subjects in organizations. However in a study performed by Son, Weitzel and
Laurent (2005), more than 91% of the interviewed CEOs and CIOs were not comfortable with
answering questions about governance and IT control. Which is not a good thing as IT
governance is a critical element of the organization (Cili, 2003). IT governance is defined as:
The leadership and organizational structures, processes and relational mechanisms that ensure
that an organization’s IT sustains and extends its strategy and objectives (De Haes and Van
Grembergen, 2004; Van Grembergen, De Haes and Moons, 2005).
IT governance is about maximizing value within given constraints and contributes to the
achievement of a competitive advantage for the organization (Grembergen, 2000; Krakar,
Žgela and Tomić Rotim, 2008; Cili, 2003). The focus of IT governance is on realizing a link
between business and IT while concentrating on performing and transforming IT to meet both
the current and future business demands (De Haes, Van Grembergen, 2004; Cili, 2003). When
an organization has an effective IT governance structure it is simpler to acquire value from IT
(Weill, Woodham, 2003). Designing an effective IT governance structure requires
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
understanding the competing forces in a large organization and creating harmony among
business objectives, the governance archetype and business performance goals (Weill,
Woodham, 2002). Nevertheless, effective IT governance is one of the best ways to achieve
superior returns (Weill, Woodham, 2003). Examples of characteristics required for effective
governance are: transparency, actively design governance, when to redesign governance,
educate about governance, good governance requires choices and handling exceptions (Weill,
Woodham, 2002).
3.1 Cobit
Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology or Cobit is an IT governance
framework that is widely used by managers to control if information available in the
organization is being used to achieve business objectives (Heschl, 2004, Simonsson, Johnson,
2006). Successful enterprises use the benefits of IT to achieve value from IT investments
when they measure and align the IT strategy to the corporate strategy. Cobit identifies which
resources need to be leveraged and defines the management control objectives that have to
be considered. Cobit consists of a framework and supporting tool set that support managers
to bridge the gap between control requirements, technical issues and business risks and
communicate that level of control to stakeholders (IT Governance Institute, 2007; Dekkers,
2004; Krakar, Žgela and Tomić Rotim, 2008; Simonsson, Johnson, 2006; Heschl, 2004). The
framework covers: strategic alignment, value delivery, resource management, risk
management and performance measurement (Rouyet-Ruiz, 2008). Benefits of implementing
Cobit include(IT Governance Institute, 2007):
- Better alignment, based on a business focus
- Clear ownership and responsibilities, based on process orientation
- General acceptability, with third parties and regulators
- Shared understanding amongst all stakeholders, based on a common language
Cobit has four main characteristics which are: being business-focused, process-oriented,
controls-based and measurement-driven on which is elaborated below. These characteristics,
on which will be elaborated below, present the focus of Cobit which is required to realize high
quality IT Governance.
Business focused
Cobit wants to provide a comprehensive view for management. To satisfy business objectives
information is needed that confirms to requirements such as effectiveness, efficiency,
confidentiality, integrity, availability, compliance and reliability. In addition, a generic method
for defining business requirements is needed to compare these requirements to business
objectives. To support the enterprise strategy, clear ownership and direction for the
requirements is needed. The process of how enterprises should translate their strategy into
objectives related to IT-enabled initiatives is shown in figure 3.
Enterprise strategy IT goals architecture IT Scorecard
goals for IT
for IT
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
The IT organization delivers against these objectives with a set of processes to run automated
business applications while leveraging business information.
Cobit uses a reference process model for the public analysis and management of IT activities.
To manage activities and risks there are several interrelated domains: plan and organize,
acquire and implement, deliver and support and monitor and evaluate. Together these
domains cover the strategy and tactics needed to enable the IT contribution when achieving
business objectives.
From the domains described above, 34 processes are retrieved to provide assurance that the
business objectives will be achieved. IT control objectives provide requirements to be
considered by management for effective control of each IT process. Management uses these
control objectives to select objectives which relate to what has to be measured. Operational
management uses processes to organize and manage ongoing IT activities.
Insight into the status of IT systems is necessary to determine what level of management and
control the organization needs. Therefore Cobit has maturity models, performance goals and
metrics for IT processes, and activity goals in order to provide this insight into the IT system‟s
status. Maturity models can be used to scale organizations and related aspects can be
identified when performance improvement is needed. Other benefits from using maturity
scales are:
- Set of requirements and enabling aspects per maturity level
- Scale for easy difference measurement
- Possibility for pragmatic comparison
- Basis for setting as-is and to-be positions
- Support for gap analysis to determine what needs to be done to achieve a chosen level
- Taken together, a view of how IT is managed in the enterprise.
4 Balanced scorecard
The balanced scorecard is a method to determine IT performance management (Kaplan,
Norton, 1996; Mulders, 2007) which contains both financial and operational measures as
solely using financial measures is not enough anymore (Kaplan, Norton, 1992). The scorecard
can be described as an effective tool for performance measurement, organizational
assessment and operational alignment (Weinstein, 2009; Mulders, 2007). The balanced
scorecard can provide organizations with a measurement and management system that
supports the IT governance process through a combination of the business balanced scorecard
and the IT balanced scorecard (Van Grembergen, 2000). The balanced scorecard contains
financial views and is complemented by operational measures of customer satisfaction,
internal processes and the organization‟s innovation. These operational measures are the
drivers of future financial performance (Kaplan, Norton, 1992). The use of multiple
perspectives is necessary because organizations require managers to control performance in
different areas simultaneously (Kaplan, Norton, 1992). For each perspective key factors need
to be determined which support the realization of the mission and vision of the organization
(Mulders, 2007; De Boer, 2002). These factors are called the critical success factors (CSFs)
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
and are made measurable through key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs express
quantitatively to what extent the CSFs are achieved (Mulders, 2007;De Boer, 2002).
Information overload is prevented by using a limited amount of measures (Mulders, 2007).
The four different views of the balanced scorecard will be shortly explained below.
Customer perspective
When the organization depends on customer evaluations to define performance measures, it
needs to view its performance through the customer‟s eyes (Kaplan and Norton, 1992). The
balanced scorecard requires managers to translate their general mission statement on
customer service into specific measures. Customer service factors can be divided into four
categories: time, quality, performance and cost. The customer perspective, just as the
financial perspective, has an outside-in approach (De Boer, 2002). This approach enables the
timeline to grow from short term (financial perspective) to the long term (growth and learning
Financial perspective
Financial performance measures provide insight into the company‟s strategy, implementation
and execution contribution to bottom-line improvement. Typical financial goals involve
profitability, growth and shareholder value. The measures that the company uses are derived
from the company‟s view of the world and its perspective on key success factors. This view is
not always correct, which means that a set of scorecard measures does not guarantee a
winning strategy.
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
Some benefits and problems of the balanced scorecard are presented in figure 4, (Seddon,
Graeser, Willcocks, 2002).
As IT has become crucial in achieving organizational and strategic goals, managers worry
about IT investments and their benefits (Van Grembergen, Van Bruggen, 1998). In addition to
the balanced scorecard, the IT balanced scorecard was developed that takes into account the
effectiveness and efficiency of IT. The IT balanced scorecard consists of four domains which
will be described below (Van Grembergen, Van Bruggen, 1998):
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
five years preparations need to be made right away enabling IT to assess future trends and
anticipate on them.
Van Grembergen (2000) defined three aspects that need to be considered when developing an
IT balanced scorecard that is more than a set of isolated and eventually conflicting strategies
and measures. First of all cause-and-effect relationships between the two types of measures:
outsource measures and performance drivers need to be established. These relationships have
to be defined throughout the scorecard to address all elements and to link with the business
through the business contribution perspective. The IT balanced scorecard can also support the
governance process, because it bundles the business with IT as can be seen in figure 4 (Van
Grembergen, 2000; Son et al., 2005).
IT Development
IT Operational BSC
Figure 5 Fusion of IT balanced scorecard and the business based on Van Grembergen (2000)
The alignment of IT and business processes and the IT governance process is positioned in the
IT strategic balanced scorecard and the IT development scorecard. These scorecards drive the
business and IT strategies on measurement and follow up. The scorecard process necessary
control measures on IT expenses, user satisfaction, efficiency of development and operation,
expertise of IT staff and may use these results with benchmarking data (Van Grembergen,
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
KPIs need to have a positive impact on behavior and should be adaptable by managers. This
can be achieved by defining them SMART (De Boer, 2002). Ten steps to achieve good
performance measures are (Neely et al., 1997):
1. Measure: The title of the measure should be clear
2. Purpose: It has to determine if a measure has a purpose before it is introduced
3. Relates to: Measures should be related to business objectives before they are
4. Target: The objectives of any business are a function of the requirements of its owners
and customers
5. Formula: The way performance is measured
6. Frequency: Frequency of performance recording and reporting is based on the
importance and volume of data available
7. Who measures: The person who is to collect and report the data should be identified
8. Source of data: The source of the raw data should be specified
9. Who acts on data: The person who is to act on the data should be identified
10. What do they do: Define management processes for performance results
5.2 Budgeting
Budgeting is the process of developing action plans based upon available strategic and tactical
goals of the organization (Petri, 2008). The goals of the development of a budgeting system
are the development and maintenance of a process for the planning and management of
activities. These activities are deducted from the strategic and tactical plans and the
corresponding benefits and costs are translated into a financially formulated plan. To create a
fit between the budgeting system and the organization, there are several requirements that
need to be met. These requirements are (Petri, 2008):
- Existence of a clearly formulated strategic plan
- Clear organizational structure with explicit responsibilities
- The organizational board is involved in the budgeting process and in the usage of the
- Responsibilities for the budget system are clear
- Participation when developing the budget and acceptance of the final budget by the
budget responsible
- Controlling of different budget aspects by the budget responsible
- Availability of standards for the analysis of functioning of the budget
- Manageability of the elements taken into the construction of the budget
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
In addition to the requirements presented above, budgeting systems can also be developed
based upon the costs of activities. There are four types of budgets: cost budgets, revenue
budgets, output budgets and profit budgets (Petri, 2008). Cost budgets are budgets in which
costs that are allowed to be made are presented. Revenue and output budgets are budgets in
which the required revenue or output is presented. Profit budgets are budgets in which the
goal on the level of profit contribution is included.
Cost allocation
The subject of allocating costs was already considered years ago (Barocci, Wever, Tessier,
1983). It was expected that market competition would require charge-out systems based on
market prices. Charge-out systems are systems that determine how IT costs will be allocated
to the business. Paralleling the expansion of IS applications enables a shift from a supply-
driven to a demand-driven IS environment for a closer fit with the business. Barocci, Wever
and Tessier (1983) wrote their paper with the changes for the IS department in mind, i.e.
changing user needs and the increasing pressures for competitive IS services. Primary
purpose of the charge-out systems was to control IT budgets as users would have overcome
their initial resistance to computer technology and management should try to formalize and
control their information systems (Barocci, Wever, Tessier, 1983). Four types of charge-out
systems were proposed(Barocci, Wever, Tessier, 1983):
1. Overhead method, in which users are charged with a fixed percentage of their
departmental budgets
2. Full cost recovery method, in which users are charged with certain rates per unit of
3. Market pricing method, where prices for the use of IT are similar to those in the market
4. Flexible pricing, where prices can be based on the market or set to cover costs, with the
intention to stabilize by charging higher prices during peak periods
These different methods help accomplish different organizational goals. Reallocating costs to
the organization allows IS managers to sustain high-quality service levels, while the use of IS
charge-out systems does not negatively influence the internal IS department (Barocci, Wever
and Tessier, 1983). In the context of budgetary controls there is also Management-by-
exception (MBE) which is based on the notion that only variances, both unfavorable and
favorable should get managerial attention, particularly if they were assessed as being
significant (Brownell, 1983). Research by Brownell (1982) found results that heavy reliance
on accounting information, and on budgets in particular, would not negatively affect
performance as long as this evaluative style was accompanied by a high level of participation
in budget setting.
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
occur when this relationship is missing (Verner, Toraskar, Brown, 1996). Additionally
employees do not feel responsible for the costs of activities of Shared Service Centers (SSC)
when they perceive them as uninfluencable (Swager, 2008). Making users responsible for the
costs of the IT services they use, motivates them select them with care and to develop
commitment to the service (Verner, Toraskar, Brown, 1996).
A SSC is a result-oriented unit in the internal organization which delivers services of a specific
specialization to other business units based on an agreement and price. The costs made by the
SSCs are allocated to the units that use the services, while the elements that together make
the costs are placed in a charge model. The activities of the SSCs are categorized into service
lines and it is decided if they will be charged one-on-one or based on an activity driver of
customer size. The prices determined during the budgeting process are adjusted at the end of
the track, when it is clear if units paid too much or too little. By clustering specialists in SSCs it
is possible to increase the quality level of services and achieve standardization and economies
of scale (Swager, 2008).
Examples of IT charge out goals are: cost recovery, resource allocation, effective utilization of
IS resources (Verner, Toraskar, Brown, 1996). Cost recovery means that a department can
charge other departments who use their services to recover the investment. This approach is
often applied as IT is mostly a service provider within the organization. The aim of resource
allocation is to enable a fairer way of allocating services. When departments pay for their own
needs, it will be the budget and not the manager that determines how much they can buy.
Effective utilization of IS resources prevents the usage of unnecessary IT services and forces
users to make effective use of IS they already have. The most important advantages of using
charge out systems are improved organization wide IS function efficiency, improved
communication and planning benefits, improved user accountability, autonomy and
motivational benefits. However there are also some problems with charge out systems, for
example short-term focus and costs in implementing the charge out system.
Swager (2008) listed some elements of SSCs that are important for the functioning of these
units. These elements will be presented below and will be accompanied with a short
description when necessary:
- Structure and organization: for good communication between different business units.
Important aspects are for example hierarchy and responsibilities. Taking care of good
coordination between these different parties can prevent potential conflict situations.
- Change process: the involved parties should participate in the business case to create
commitment to the changes that will come
- Communication: Remmers et al. (2005) state that the communication structure is a
condition expected to guarantee a clear governance structure. Communication channels
and committees should be created (Swager, 2008).
- Planning and control: the SSC should be based upon the business planning
- Charge model: Swager (2008) refers to Strikwerda (2003) and Carlsson and Schurman
(2004), who both state that charge models are required. Choices for internal allocation
are needed to enhance the acceptance and success of the SSC, as this is influenced by
the experiences and acceptance of units who use the services (Strikwerda, 2003).
Carlsson and Schurmann (2004) agree to this by saying that it is essential for an SSC to
have insight into the cost structure to manage the relationship with its customers.
Chapter 1 – IT performance management
- Humans: because humans are in many cases responsible for errors made in SSCs. They
need sufficient support from the business (Korthals Altes, 2005).
- The element “additional conditions” contains other factors that have to be taken into
account during the development and Construction of SSCs. Examples are the
development of the IT environment architecture and the identification of the activities of
the SSC.
Chapter 2 –Research method and protocol
A reason for the recognition of case study as a research method is the result of researchers
“becoming concerned about the limitations of quantitative methods in providing holistic and
in-depth explanations of the social and behavioral problems in question” (Zainal, 2007). Case
study research (CSR) is a popular research strategy in IS (Cavaye, 1996; De Vries, 2005) that
can be used for design-science research (Hevner, March, Park, 2004). It allows for the
exploration of complex social phenomena in their natural environment (Yin, 1994; De Vries,
2005). And is widely used qualitative research method in information systems research (ISR)
(Darke, Shanks, Broadbent, 1998; De Vries, 2005). Eisenhardt (1989) defines a case study as
a research strategy which focuses on understanding the dynamics present within single
settings. It allows for the development of, for example, descriptions, test theory or generate
theory. Maimbo and Pervan (2005) describe a case study protocol as “a set of comprehensive
guidelines that is an integral part of the case research design and contains the procedures for
conducting the research, the research instrument itself, and the guidelines for data analysis.
Before conducting a CSR, a Case Study Protocol (CSP) has to be developed. A CSP is a set of
guidelines that constitute an integral part of the research design and contain the procedures
for conducting the research, the research instrument and the guidelines for data analysis
Chapter 2 –Research method and protocol
(Maimbo, Pervan, 2005; Brereton, Kitchen, Budgen and Li, 2008). It increases the reliability
of case study research and guides the researcher in carrying out the data collection from a
single case (Yin, 2009; Eisenhardt, 1989; Maimbo & Pervan, 2005). There are several reasons
for using a CSP (Jansen, Brinkkemper, 2008): First of all, it defines the aims of the case study
in order to avoid conflict and confusion in the future. Secondly, it is used to convince
participants for the usefulness of the research. Finally, it is a useful document to instruct
different researchers at different sites and the reuse of research results.
When applying figure 7 to the research topic of IT performance management, CSR is chosen,
as it is a descriptive method that allows for the development of theories based on the research
results. Furthermore it can combine data collection techniques which are both qualitative and
quantitative and seem to be suitable for this research (Darke et al., 1998; Yin, 1994; Yin
2009; Kaplan and Duchon, 1998; Eisenhardt, 1989). Because there is little research available
in the field of IT performance management, it is important to first identify what IT
performance management is about, before anything can be said about this concept.
Afterwards, the development of theories and testing them enables the construction of valid
statements, that can be used for future research. The availability of qualitative and
quantitative data enables the gathering of more types of data.
Chapter 2 –Research method and protocol
Two well known definitions of CSR come from research by Yin (2009) and Cavaye (1996). The
definition used by Yin (2009) to describe a case study as a research method is twofold and has
a technical point of view. According to the definition, “a case study is an empirical inquiry that
investigates a contemporary phenomenon in depth and within its real-life context, especially
when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. As to Cavaye
(1996) CSR investigates predefined phenomena but does not involve explicit control or
manipulation of variables: the focus is on in-depth understanding of a phenomenon and its
context. Yin (2009) states that the execution of CSR is a linear but iterative process that
should encompass the following steps: plan, design, prepare, collect, analyze and share. For
more information on these steps we refer to Case Study Research – Design and Methods, by
Yin (2009). Darke et al. (1998) also have determined steps for the execution of CSR, which
resemble the approach of Yin (2009).
3 Research approach
Based on the research method by Yin (2009) the research approach for this research was
developed. Here, the research questions and research plan will be introduced.
Chapter 2 –Research method and protocol
To answer the main question, several sub-questions have to be answered. In order to optimize
the benefits that organizations achieve by having IT performance management, we should
first make clear what type of business benefits (tangible/intangible) are delivered by IT
performance management. This results in the first sub-question.
KPIs are used to determine the performance of the organization and to see if the goals that
the organization has set are being achieved. When they are made explicit organizations can
validate if they use the right KPIs to measure what they want to know. Therefore, the second
sub-question zooms in on the KPIs that the organization uses.
2) Which Key Performance Indicators are used, why and what are the results?
Once the KPIs are identified it is important to know how they are used to govern the
organization. Insight into this process might explain if the organization achieves value from
managing their IT performance. Also, insight into how the organization manages its IT
performance can be derived from the allocation of the IT costs to the business, or by
inspecting in general what their approach to IT costs is, which resulted in the third and fourth
Research planning
During the first phase, a schedule for the graduation project was made and research
questions, scope, milestones and deliverables were determined. Also, the first contacts with
the organizations who would participate in the CSR were made. The research planning served
as a guideline throughout the process and the deliverables and milestones enable to determine
if the process is on track.
Literature research
After the research plan was made, literature research and case studies were initiated in
parallel. During literature research, the available literature on IT performance management
was be collected and compared and a description of the different elements of IT performance
management was made.
Chapter 2 –Research method and protocol
Case studies
Activities in the case studies phase were based on the CSP. During this phase interviews with
clients of Ernst and Young were arranged, for which a one-pager Appendix 2 – One pager was
created containing details about the research. When an actual visit could not take place a
questionnaire was send by mail and discussed on the phone. An overview of the visits and
answering of questionnaires can be found in figure 8. The (M) in this figure stands for
questionnaire by email and the (I) for face to face interview.
The first interview session took 1 hour and showed that the duration of the interviews needed
to be extended to 1,5 hour to be able to ask all questions. If not all questions could be
answered, they were sent to the interviewee to answer them by mail. The interviewees all
received an interview summary, which they could change and which later formed the basis of
the actual data analysis. For the eventual chapter the results were anonymous. For the
recording of the interviews a Philips Digital Voice Recorder LFH 0602 was used.
The final phases contained the writing of the thesis and a structured presentation of all data
gathered. This data will be used to answer the research questions composed in the first part of
the research. Also, a scientific and a non-scientific paper will be made for Utrecht University
and Ernst & Young. To speed up the writing process and all documents were written in English
with a similar layout.
Chapter 2 –Research method and protocol
(2009), Eisenhardt (1989) and Maimbo & Pervan (2005). Reasons for this selection are that
these CSPs are developed by well-known authors and have been applied by many other
researchers. Additionally, the approach by Brereton et al. (2008) provides clear steps which
can be used to develop and determine the approach for this research. And the approach by
Maimbo & Pervan (2005) takes the research by Eisenhardt (1989) as a starting point for the
development of their own CSP. Brereton et al. (2008) identify 11 steps in their case study
protocol template, which are presented below:
In addition, Yin (2009) describes several elements that a CSP should contain.
- Overview of case study project (project objectives, relevant readings and case study
- Field procedures, presentation of credentials, access to the case study “sites”
- Case study questions that the researcher should keep in mind and the potential sources
of information for answering each question
- A guide for the case study report (i.e., outline and format of data)
These elements contain similarities to the approach by Brereton et al. (2008), but also some
differences. For example, Yin (2009) requires specific questions that the investigator should
keep in mind and emphasizes on the protection of human subjects in the research. The third
CSP development approach is extracted from the research of Eisenhardt (1989), which
Chapter 2 –Research method and protocol
combines the related research performed by Miles and Huberman (1984), Yin (1981) and
Glaser and Strauss (1967). Figure 9 presents these different stages. The figure also contains a
three phased division added by Maimbo and Pervan (2005) to simplify execution of the
The fourth CSP development approach is by Maimbo and Pervan (2005) and presents
guidelines subtracted from the context of the research by Eisenhardt (1989). The main
difference between the two figures is that the roadmap by Maimbo and Pervan (2005) has a
very practical orientation while the method by Eisenhardt (1989) contains more scientific
Chapter 2 –Research method and protocol
Chapter 2 –Research method and protocol
Chapter 2 –Research method and protocol
Identify data elements to answer RQs and how to combine them into an answer
The data gathered through the questionnaire was used to answer the research questions.
During the case study an adjusted questionnaire for the CIO was used, which left out some of
the controller-specific questions. Both questionnaires are added as annexes and the main
questions will be used to map the data elements to the RQs. The questionnaire for the IT
controller can be found in Annex 3 – Questionnaire IT controller and the questionnaire for the
CIO can be found in Annex 4 – Questionnaire CIO. Due to the open character of the interview,
the interviewees provided a large amount of information on the approach of their organization
which helped to fill out blanks about the research questions. The questionnaire contained the
following six main questions:
1. What is the context of IT within the organization?
2. Which goal does the organization want to achieve with IT performance management?
3. Which Key Performance Indicators are used, why and what are the results?
4. How is IT performance management located in the business?
5. How is IT performance management used to govern the organization?
6. How do you make sure that IT is both effective and efficient?
These questions can be mapped onto the research questions and the sub questions and in
total they could answer the main research question. Question one functioned as an
introduction for the subject IT performance management in the organization and is therefore
not mapped onto one of the research questions.
Chapter 2 –Research method and protocol
4.7 Rounding up
A literature overview can be found in the literature list. Limitations of the research can be
found in the discussion in chapter four.
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
Each of the categories of performance management has characteristics that can be divided
into a plan, do, check or act phase and will these phases will be explained below (HCI, 2010).
All ITPM characteristics have been allocated to one of these phases so they could be more
easily compared. The phases are developed by Shewart (1931) and allow for optimizing and
improving a single process model (Basili, 1995).
- Plan to improve operations by identifying what is going wrong and developing solutions
for these problems
- Do implements changes to solve problems. First this is done on a small scale first to
minimize disruption of routine while testing if they really work
- Check if the small changes are achieving desired results. Also check key activities to
ensure that the output allows for the identification of new problems when they arise
- Act to implement the changes when they show to be successful. This is done by making
them part of your routine. Also involve other parties who are affected by the changes
and whose cooperation is necessary to implement the changes on a larger scale and
share experiences or lessons learned
1 In the original situation there was a fourth element, budgeting, included in the framework. This aspect has been excluded from
the framework as it was not covered sufficiently in the interviews to determine if characteristics had been applied or not and
therefore would not be able to contribute to the research.
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
The structuring of these characteristics presents organizations with a structured approach per
phase for each of the elements. In subchapter 1.1.1 to 1.1.3 the characteristics for IT
performance management are presented. It shows that not all phases contain the same
number of characteristics. It was decided by the author and supervisors not to develop
additional characteristics to have the same number of characteristics for all IT performance
management elements. This because we found that new characteristics should be retrieved
from organizational approaches during future research.
Phase Characteristic
Plan - Performance management requires good insight into the organizational processes (Seddon,
Graeser, Willcocks, 2002)
- Performance management should contain both the operation and business side of IT (Andra,
- Before making changes to the performance management approach the current situation should
be clear and understood (Simonson and Johnson, 2006)
Do - The vision and strategy should be translated into concrete goals which should be organized
based on four points of view: financial, customer, internal organization and learning and growth
abilities of the organization (De Boer, 2002)
- The IT performance of the organization should be discussed during regular meetings (Finding,
Check - Business objectives should be met (Andra, 2006)
Act - Reward employees based on the KPIs they are responsible for (Neely et al., 1997)
- Use results for the development of new IT priorities (Finding, 2004)
- Use performance management results to increase performance (Wettstein, Kuen, 2002).
- Control or measure the performance based on a benchmark (Son, Weitzel, Gladyszewski, 2006)
Phase Characteristic
Plan - Replace intuition by facts (Wettstein, Kuen, 2002)
- Performance measurement frameworks need to be balanced, multidimensional (BSC), comprehensive and
integrated (Jack, 2002; Martinsons, 2000; Coleman, 1995; Avram, 2001; Mulders, 2007; Kaplan, Norton, 1992)
- Use a strategic and balanced set of KPIs to plan, implement, operate and monitor the strategies, functions
and processes of the organization ( ITPMG, 2006)
- Measurement frameworks should be complemented by performance measurement techniques and
improvement initiatives based on the requirements and goals of the organization (Jack, 2002)
- Performance measurement should be based on the current strategy and can include metrics that
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
Do - Performance measurement requires a mixed approach to measure both financial and non-financial aspects
(Martinsons, 2000; Coleman, 1995; Avram, 2001; Mulders, 2007; Kaplan, Norton, 1992)
- Management teams need to be explicit about their performance priorities and corresponding relationships
(Neely et al., 2000)
- Measure performance by using performance measures that support critical business processes (Keynote,
- Performance criteria should be well-defined (Globerson, 1985)
- Task and responsibilities with regard to the flow of information should be explicit (Neely et al., 2000)
- Performance measures should reflect the requirements and goals of the organization (Jack, 2002)
Check - The measurement system needs to be aligned with the company’s goals to reward people in proportion to
their performance on the measures that are important (Eccles, 1991)
Phase Characteristic
Plan - The SSC should be based upon the business planning (Swager, 2008)
- A clear hierarchy and explicit responsibilities should be in place (Swager, 2008)
- There should be a buyer and seller in the form of an IS and a user department (Verner, Toraskar, Brown,
Do - Internal allocation is needed to gain acceptance and success of the SSC (Strikwerda, 2003)
- The costs created by the SSC are allocated to departments who use the services (Swager, 2008)
- The elements that make the costs are placed in a charge model (Swager, 2008)
- The IT environment architecture should be developed and activities identified (Strikwerda, 2003)
- Employees should get support from the business (Strikwerda, 2003)
- All parties involved should participate in the business case to create commitment to the changes that will
come (Strikwerda, 2003)
- Communication channels and committees should be created to guarantee a good governance structure
(Strikwerda, 2003)
Check - Insight into the cost structure is needed to manage the relationship with customers (Carlsson, Schurmann,
- There should be management by exception where both favorable and unfavorable variances get attention
(Bhimani, Horngren, Datar and Foster, 2008)
- Favorable and unfavorable variances should be analyzed (Bhimani, Horngren, Datar and Foster, 2008)
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
Act - Corrective actions based upon the variances found in the Check-phase should be launched (Bhimani,
Horngren, Datar and Foster, 2008)
We mapped and scored all organizations to the framework including a validation of how the
characteristic was applied in practice. In the next section the scoring against this framework
for two organizations will be presented. The other frameworks can be found in Annex 5 -
Frameworks organization A, B, D and F.
1.2.1 Company C
Performance management
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan Elements that should be considered during performance All elements are taken into
management are planning, controlling, costing, directing and consideration
Performance management requires good insight into the KPIs are based upon critical
organizational processes. processes, which results in insight
into organizational processes.
Performance management should contain both the operation Performance management only
and business side of IT. contains operations, finance and
Before making changes to the performance management This is done by the organization
approach the current situation should be clear and understood. because corporate, business and IT
management are involved in the
development of KPIs
Do The vision and strategy should be translated into concrete The organization does not use a
goals which should be organized based on four points of view: BSC approach
financial, customer, internal organization and learning and
growth abilities of the organization.
The IT performance of the organization should be discussed There are monthly meetings to
during regular meetings. discuss KPIs in the MT IT
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
Check Business objectives should be met. When business objectives are not
met, actions are taken
Act Reward employees based on the KPIs they are responsible for Not applied
Performance measurement
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan Replace intuition by facts Is done by using KPIs
Use a strategic and balanced set of KPIs to plan, implement, Not done by the organization
operate and monitor the strategies, functions and processes of
the organization.
Management teams need to be explicit about their performance Not developed yet
priorities and corresponding relationships
Performance measures should reflect the requirements and KPIs are based upon critical
goals of the organization processes
Check The measurement system needs to be aligned with the Employees are made responsible for
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
company‟s goals to reward people in proportion to their KPIs, but because these KPIs are
performance on the measures that are important financially oriented there is no full
cover of the organizational
Act Performance measurement results require actions Yes
Methods for taking new performance measures should evolve Not applicable yet
as the company‟s experience increases
Cost allocation
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan The SSC should be based upon the business planning Yes (cost centre approach)
A clear hierarchy and explicit responsibilities should be in place Yes as employees are made
responsible for KPIs and are
determining solutions for (potential)
There should be a buyer and seller in the form of an IS and user There are a buyer and seller present
department in the organization
Do Internal allocation is needed to gain acceptance and success of Available
the SSC
The costs made by the SSC are allocated to departments who Yes, this is done
use the services
The elements that make the costs are placed in a charge model Unknown
The IT environment architecture should be developed and The IT architecture is based upon
activities identified projects within the different
All parties involved should participate in the business case to Because of the communication
create commitment to the changes that will come between domain managers and the
MT all parties are involved
There should be management by exception where both Unfavorable variances get attention
favorable and unfavorable variances get attention.
Favorable and unfavorable variances should be analyzed. Only unfavorable variances get
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
Act Corrective actions based upon the variances found in the For the unfavorable variances there
Check-phase should be launched are corrective actions launched
Company C has varied results with regards to its performance management. While some
characteristics are at a high level, others are only barely initiated. However the general
performance management approach is available. Only the phase Act for performance
management is not developed
1.2.2 Company E
Performance management
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan Elements that should be considered during performance No real planning and usage of
management are planning, controlling, costing, directing and measured results.
Performance management should be executed through No real planning for IT, KPIs are
planning and control, metrics, measurements, KPIs, financial abstracted from business plans
indicators and service levels.
Performance management requires good insight into the Not applicable as KPIs don‟t always
organizational processes. measure what they need to measure
Before making changes to the performance management There is analysis of the current
approach the current situation should be clear and understood. situation
Do The vision and strategy should be translated into concrete Is done
goals which should be organized based on four points of view:
financial, customer, internal organization and learning and
growth abilities of the organization.
Control or measure the performance based on a benchmark The organization does not
participate in benchmarks
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
Performance measurement
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan Replace intuition by facts Is done
Performance measurement frameworks need to be balanced, Yes, the organization uses the BSC
multidimensional (BSC), comprehensive and integrated approach
Performance measurement should be based on the current Not yet (KPIs are abstracted from
strategy and can include metrics that anticipate future goals business KPIs)
for the organization.
Do Performance measurement requires a mixed approach to Both financial and non-financial
measure both financial and non-financial aspects aspects are covered
Measure performance by using performance measures that Business scorecards are used, it is
support critical business processes unknown if they support business
Performance measures should reflect the requirements and KPIs are developed based on
goals of the organization business plans and ambitions
Check The measurement system needs to be aligned with the The first part of the characteristic is
company‟s goals to reward people in proportion to their partly developed, the second part is
performance on the measures that are important not developed.
Act Performance measurement results require actions No actions, just discussion
Methods for taking new performance measures should evolve Not yet applicable
as the company‟s experience increases
Cost allocation
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan The SSC should be based upon the business planning Not done
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
There should be a buyer and seller in the form of an IS and user Yes, a buyer and seller are present
Do Internal allocation is needed to gain acceptance and success of Yes, there is internal allocation
the SSC
The costs created by the SSC are allocated to departments who Yes, costs are allocated to the
use the services department using IT services
The elements that create the costs are placed in a charge There is no charge model
Yes, this is done
The IT environment architecture should be developed and
activities identified
Yes, performance contract
Employees should get support from the business
No, not all of the parties are
All parties involved should participate in the business case to involved during the development of
create commitment to the changes that will come the business case
Communication channels and committees should be created to
guarantee a good governance structure
Check Insight into the cost structure is needed to manage the There is insight into the cost
relationship with customers structure
There should be management by exception where both There is discussion about the
favorable and unfavorable variances get attention. variances
Favorable and unfavorable variances should be analyzed. Only negative are analyzed
Act Corrective actions based upon the variances found in the There are no corrective actions
Check-phase should be launched
The maturity of the characteristics for company E is more equally spread. As company C had
some phases that had high maturity and another that was not even initiated at all. Company E
has more average maturity levels and some phases that are not initiated yet.
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
process. Like CMM performance management is also about continuous improvement of the
process. The framework defines five maturity levels that form the foundation for continuous
process improvement (Paulk, Curtis, Chrissis and Weber, 1993). In this research the
description of maturity levels by Paulk et al (1993) will be adapted to fit the scope of the
research. Maturity levels can be defined as evolutionary plateaus toward achieving a mature
performance management process. Each of the levels comprises a set of process goals that,
when satisfied, stabilize an important component of the performance management process
(Paulk et al., 1993). Below an introduction of the five maturity levels for IT performance
maturity is provided.
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
Performance management
Performance Characteristic Company Company Company Company Company Company
management A B C D E F
Performance measurement
Performance Company Company Company Company Company Company
measurement A B C D E F
Plan Replace intuition by facts 2 1 1 1 1 1
Performance measurement frameworks need to be balanced, 3 2 3 2 1 1
multidimensional (BSC), comprehensive and integrated
Use a strategic and balanced set of KPIs to plan, implement, operate and 3 2 3 2 1 1
monitor the strategie, functions and processes of the organization
Measurement frameworks should be complemented by performance 3 3 1 2 3 2
measurement techniques and improvement initiatives based on the
requirements and goals of the organization
Performance measurement should be based on the current strategy and can 3 2 2 2 3 1
include metrics that anticipate on future goals for the organization
Do Performance measurement requires a mixed approach to measure both 3 3 2 2 1 3
financial and non-financial aspects
Management teams need to be explicit about their performance priorities 3 3 3 1 2 1
and corresponding relationships
Measure performance by using performance measures that support critical 3 3 3 3 2 3
business processes
Performance criteria should be well-defined 3 3 3 1 1 1
Tasks and responsibilities with regard to the flow of information should be 3 3 3 1 3 1
Performance measures should reflect the requirements and goals of the 3 3 1 1 1 1
Check The measurement system needs to be aligned with the company's goals to 3 3 2 1 2 1
reward people in proportion to their performance on the measures that are
Act Performance measurement results require actions 3 2 1 3 3 1
Methods for taking new performance measures should evolve as the 3 3 3 1 3 1
company's experience increases
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
Cost allocation
Do 2 0 3 4 3 3
Check 0 0 5 5 0 5
Act 0 0 0 3 2 4
It shows that while some organizations score high maturity levels others have not even applied
any of the characteristics of performance management. Below the averages per phase and per
organization are presented.
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
The phases of performance management are quite similar in maturity level, with exception of
the act phase. It would be preferable to also have this phase at the level repeatable, because
in this phase the basic IT performance management processes are established and provide
enough structure to repeat successes achieved earlier. Independent of personal effort allows
the organization to document the actual process and identify points of improvement. This
enables the organization to start a continuous improvement cycle and more easily get to a
higher maturity level, improving its performance management.
When comparing the average results per phase to the average performance management
results per organization a different picture emerges. The organizational maturity levels with
regards to performance management are quite diverse as only half of the companies have a
maturity level of higher than two. Company D has by far the highest maturity level while
companies A, B and C are still ad-hoc in their performance management approach. To achieve
at least some benefits of IT performance management a level two maturity is necessary as
explained above.
With regards to performance measurement the following distribution of maturity levels was
abstracted from section 2.1.1.
Check 0 0 3 5 3 5
Act 0 2 3 3 0 5
This overview shows, just as the overview of performance management, that organizations
have diverse results when it comes to the maturity levels of performance measurement. Below
the averages per phase and per organization are presented.
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
The organizational average performance measurement maturity levels are quite diverse.
Where Company F has an achieved the highest maturity level of them all, which is 4,3,
company A has applied none of the performance measurement characteristics. When
comparing the performance management maturity per company with the performance
measurement maturity per company, it shows that company A and B have the lowest maturity
levels. Organizations C to F have the higher maturity scores, however for this IT performance
management element instead of company D, company F has the highest score of all
companies. Organizations that perform well in performance management generally also have
a good performance measurement level. This is due to the fact that performance management
and performance measurement are somewhat intertwined. KPI construction should be related
to organizational goals, therefore to increase the quality of KPIs organizations should enable
the connection between performance management, measurement and cost allocation.
The cost allocation overview overview abstracted from the cost allocation overview in section
2.1.1 shows the following averages per organization and phase. As explained before it was not
possible to allocate values to the cost allocation characteristics as this subject was not
covered in enough detail during the interview. This should be taken into consideration when
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
analyzing the averages per phase, as these consist of one less value in comparison with the
phases of the other IT performance management elements.
Do N/A 2 3 2 3 3
Check N/A 3 3 1 4 3
Act N/A 5 3 0 0 3
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
Compared to the somewhat equally distributed averages for the IT performance management
phases, the averages per organization are diverse. Three out of six organizations are quite
mature, having achieved maturity averages of higher than three. At this maturity level IT
performance management process is documented, standardized and integrated into a
standard IT performance management process. These processes are used every time an
activity related to measurement, management and/or cost allocation is executed.
Even though the IT performance management maturity level of company A, B and E are lower
than the other organizations at least organization B and E have maturity level higher than one,
showing their IT performance management are established and repeatable, enabling them to
start improving their IT performance management maturity in a structured way. Organization
A has by far the lowest maturity score, not even reaching level one which means their
approach is ad hoc. However it has to be considered that for this organization the cost
allocation characteristics could not be rated. Meaning that this average for IT performance
management could easily be different when the maturity values for cost allocation were
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
2.2.1 Company A
Organization A has only just started to manage its IT performance. This is evidenced by the
limited number of characteristics applied. Additionally there is a large amount of
characteristics which are not applied yet. The few characteristics the organization is working
with are part of the performance management element. This can indicate two things. First the
organization has only recently started with performance management and was not able to
apply characteristics in the other IT performance management elements. Second, the
organization could be focusing only on IT performance management, and might implement the
other IT performance management elements later.
Implementing performance management does not require all characteristics in the framework
to be applied right away. However some characteristics require other characteristics to be
applied first. For example performance management can only be done when the organization
is measuring the right things. When an organization wants to perform IT performance
management it should develop a plan taking into account the different characteristics. Taking
these characteristics into account allows for a broader view when constructing the IT
performance management approach. It also enables the identification of potential problem
areas. Thinking about how to measure performance and how the organization will allocate IT
costs makes way for other activities the organization has to undertake, for a good
organization-wide implementation of IT performance management. If an organization has only
implemented a few of the characteristics Board of directors manages
their value might be limited, because related ICT department by year plan
2.2.2 Company B
With regard to performance management and cost allocation Company B is applying some
characteristics. The current situation has been analyzed and there is a limited number of KPIs.
However the organization has applied almost none of the characteristics for IT performance
measurement to guarantee a balanced, well-defined and organizational goal based set of KPIs.
In addition the KPIs do not cover the financial, customer, internal organization and learning
and growth abilities of the organization. This mismatch and the limited scope of performance
management prevents an overall view of the organizational IT performance management and
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
the ability to recognize trends. When an organization does not communicate about IT
performance and does not use the performance results to increase performance the
organization stays reactive instead of becoming pro-active. Pro-activity allows the
organization to respond to changes in the organization sooner and still deliver necessary
performance results. With regards to cost allocation, Company B has applied some of the
characteristics in the organization. Restructuring and acquiring insight into IT costs would
allow the organization to allocate IT costs to the departments which use IT services and
govern the IT costs.
2.2.3 Company C
Company C has applied almost all characteristics of performance management at a basic level.
The organization uses KPIs which are based upon the critical processes of the organization.
This set of KPIs is not multidimensional or well documented. The organization also does not
use the performance results to its benefits by, for example, developing IT priorities or increase
performance. A balanced and multidimensional set of KPIs which is well defined and where the
KPIs are allocated to employees is an essential part of performance management. Managing IT
performance requires that the right things are measured.
With regard to cost allocation the organization has a cost center approach and is allocating IT
costs to departments which use these services. Also the monthly evaluation of the KPIs allows
the organization to closely monitor if KPIs are measuring what they need to measure. A quick
win for the organization would be to use performance results to start recognizing trends.
activities of company C it is
apparent that the business and
IT management develop the Domain manager proposes Monthly KPI evaluation
goals for the IT department for budget and business interrupts
2.2.4 Company D
Performance measurement and management are well arranged at company D, as almost all
characteristics are applied. The organization has a balanced scorecard approach. However this
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
approach does not contain all views and the number of KPIs is limited. KPIs are developed by
the CEO and CFO which enables a match with the overall organizational goals. The
departments of the organization also develop KPIs which are documented and related
processes are mapped to provide insight into how they will be influenced. As the high level
KPIs are developed by the CEO and CFO they can easily improve their performance by
implementing the missing views and increase the number of KPIs. In Company D KPIs are
documented and employees are made responsible for them. Additionally Company D takes
into account that employees have to be able to influence the KPIs they are responsible for.
This creates commitment as the actions taken by employees affect the KPI. The organization
could improve by using their performance results to improve performance and develop new IT
priorities. For Company D this would mean improving their cost center approach.
Comparing performance measurement and management to cost allocation shows that cost
allocation is less mature. The organization has started to apply some of the characteristics,
however it will take some time to get cost allocation at the same level as performance
management and measurement. CEO+CFO steer departments through
The performance activities of
Company D are that the CEO
and CFO together develop and
steer the IT department by KPIs. Per bar development year plan translated
The departments within the into steering by quality/quantity
Steeringsconversations are based
organization develop a year upon the match between the BSC
and the standard department
plan based on these KPIs and Adaption to year plan report in comparison with the
make changes when necessary. standard KPIs
Additionally the company has
Approval by board
steering conversations, but the
actual activities that contribute
to this activity are unclear and
could not be modeled.
Adaption to KPI
2.2.5 Company E
With regards to performance measurement the Company E has applied almost all
characteristics. The organization uses a balanced scorecard, which allows for a
multidimensional performance measurement framework. The KPIs used are based upon the
business plan, however not all KPIs measure what they need to measure. The current
performance management results do not result in actions, which allows for improvement. This
because when these results are analyzed and it becomes clear that adjustments need to be
made to organizational processes, they can be adapted. Analyzing the cost allocation shows
that the organization has already implemented the majority of characteristics. Costs are
allocated to departments that use the services and there is insight into the cost structure.
Suggestions for improvement are to place the costs in a charge model and to create
communication channels to enable a good governance structure.
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
KPI development
during year plan
Wrong measurement
Adjustment of
Re use of KPIs
The performance management activities of company E are presented in the figure on the
right. The KPIs for the IT department are developed during the year plan. The results of the
KPIs are monitored through high and low level monitoring. KPIs are adjusted when they do not
measure what they need to measure. Additionally they are reused for the development of the
next annual plan.
2.2.6 Company F
The performance measurement and management of Company F are well arranged and the
organization has applied almost all characteristics. Within the organization the KPIs are
developed during the year plan cycle, together with the organizational plan and themes. KPIs
are developed in collaboration with the business units, who subsequently develop KPIs with
service owners and information managers. During the corresponding discussions all people
involved have the possibility to speak KPI development during year plan
up and performance priorities and cycle, based upon organizational
corresponding relationships are
discussed. The KPIs are documented,
KPI development with
employees are made responsible and serviceowners and information
the performance results influence managers (bsc)
their bonus. The performance results
are also used to adapt KPIs. One area
of improvement for Company F
Make employees responsible for
would be to have regular meetings to KPIs
discuss IT performance. This could
Monthly evaluation of
stimulate organization-wide support. Employees signal improvements KPIs
for KPI
The organization has also
implemented almost all cost Execute changes
KPI adjustment
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
upon the number of workplaces and applications used by business units. There is insight into
the cost structure and employees are aware of the costs involved with using IT services.
3.1 Metamodel
The metamodel presented in figure 12 shows the concepts and relationships between different
elements of IT performance management identified during the interviews. A metamodel was
chosen as this makes it possible to structure and compare methods and approaches, and in
this research performance management approaches are compared. Additionally the
metamodel is presented in the form of a process-data diagram to allow for the development of
a performance management super method. The super method will contain the performance
management activities of all organizations and merge them into one. The goal of developing
this super method is to make a performance management method that can be applied by other
organizations. The construction of the metamodel is based upon data retrieved from the
interviews. After the main elements were abstracted the relationships between the elements
were defined and described. The process-data diagram is based upon the performance
management activities retrieved from the interviews. These activities are presented in chapter
3, section 1.3. In the process-data diagram these activities were merged into one method.
This method will be used to compare the performance management approach from literature
with the performance management approach of organizations.
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
1 1 Organizational
Is based on
1…* 0…*
1 1 Scorecard
1 0...1
Consists of
1…* 1..*
1…* 0…*
Employee KPI
Is responsible for
After the construction of the process-data diagram a comparison will be made between the
metamodel and the process-data diagram to see if all concepts described are also present in
the organizational approaches.
During the proactive monitoring activity employees are allowed to define actions for
improvement possibilities they identify. It is also possible to make changes to the
organizational KPIs. All changes proposed need to be approved by the board of the
organization. Only with this approval can changes be made to KPIs.
In the reactive monitoring activity sub-activities are assigned to employees. Employees do not
propose changes to KPIs and employees are evaluated based upon the KPI results. In some
organizations the KPI evaluation reports lead to KPI adjustment. Other organizations keep on
using these KPIs and change them during the next annual KPI cycle.
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
The activities of the process-data diagram and corresponding deliverables/ concepts are put
into an Activity table and a Concept table, which are presented below. The Activity table
contains the Activities and sub-activities including a description. The Concept table contains
the different concepts and a description.
Activity table
Activity Sub-activity Description
Annual KPI Development of KPIs during year Based upon organizational goals develop KPIs
cycle plan
Departmental KPI development Based upon organizational KPIs develop DEPARTMENTAL
Proactive Employee signals improvement Based upon KPI results employee signals IMPROVEMENTs.
monitoring Employee defines actions Based upon IMPROVEMENTs the employee defines a
REQUEST FOR KPI CHANGE which results in an ACTION.
Make changes to year plan Employees can decide to make changes to the year plan,
which are defined in a REQUEST FOR KPI CHANGE and
result in ACTION.
Verification actions by board The organization verifies actions, which result in a verified
Approval by board Once an ACTION is verified the board can approve the
ACTION after which it can be adjusted
KPI adjustment After an ACTION is approved the KPI will become a
adjusted KPI
Reactive Assign responsibility for KPI to KPIs are assigned to employees, which makes them KPI
monitoring employee OWNER
Monitor KPI During this sub-activity the KPI is monitored and
Evaluation report of KPI With the MONITORING RESULTs the KPI EVALUATION
REPORT is developed
KPI adjustment When necessary KPIs will be adjusted during this sub-
activity result in an adjusted KPI
Evaluate employee based upon KPI Based upon the MONITORING RESULTs an EMPLOYEE
performance EVALUTION REPORT will be constructed
Concept table
Concept Description
KPI An organizational, departmental or adjusted Key Performance Indicator.
KPI OWNER An employee made responsible for a KPI
MONITORING RESULT The results of the KPIs monitored
KPI EVALUATION An evaluation report which contains the monitored KPI results
EMPLOYEE EVALUATOR Someone in the organization who evaluated the performance of employees
EMPLOYEE EVALUATION A report used by the EMPLOYEE EVALUATOR which contains the performance
REPORT results of the employee
REQUEST FOR KPI A request for a KPI change which is suggested by employees. After approval by the
CHANGE board the REQUEST FOR CHANGE can become an approved REQUEST FOR CHANGE.
IMPROVEMENT An improvement is defined by employees based upon a REQUEST FOR CHANGE
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
Comparing the metamodel to the activities and concepts of the process-data diagram shows
that the concepts organization and department are not present in the process-data diagram.
This is because the organization and department are the executing parties for the activity
“Development of KPIs during year plan” and “Departmental KPI development”. Owners of sub-
activities are not modeled in a process-data diagram. The organization and department are
also the subject of some concepts, but based on data retrieved from the interviews no
activities were identified in which the organization and department played an active role.
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
Proactive monitoring
1…* Is based on
Employee signals Make changes to year REQUEST FOR KPI
improvement plan CHANGE 1…*
Results in
Employee defines actions
Verification actions by
Approval by board approved
KPI adjustment
Reactive monitoring
Assign responsibility for
KPI to employee
Is evaluated based on
Evaluation report of KPI
No adjustments EMPLOYEE
necessary EVALUATOR
Sets up
KPI adjustment
Evaluate employee based EMPLOYEE
upon KPI performance EVALUATION REPORT
Chapter 3 – The IT performance maturity model
Second, even though the process-data diagram contains several characteristics from
literature most of the characteristics are not applied. This could be due to the fact that
literature analysis characteristics come from a scientific point of view and organizations have
a more practical approach. There could be additional factors influencing the organizational IT
performance management approach that were not considered in scientific research.
Additionally in literature is it possible to have two totally separate phases, while in practice
there often is a grey area in which phases overlap.
Another possibility is that the processes and organizations do not have a high maturity level
and therefore have not implemented all characteristics, as some might not be applicable for
lower maturity levels.
Chapter 4 - Research questions and discussion &future research
5 Research questions
5.1 What are the business benefits that IT performance management
IT performance management allows for the governing of the organization. Applying IT
performance management allows for the translation of the mission, vision and strategy of an
organization into explicit goals that are organized into four points of view: financial, customer,
internal organization and learning and growth abilities of the organization (De Boer, 2002).
These four points of view, along with a limited amount of KPIs which address these points of
view, result in the benefit of a balanced and multidimensional framework. As the goals are
based on the vision and strategy of the organization the framework will also be integrated in
the organization (Jack, 2002). Additionally the evaluation of IT performance results provides
the business with the benefit of insight into the functioning of processes. This can be used to
improve the measurement process and increase performance. Other benefits for the
organization are (De Boer, 2002):
- Applying a focus on the realization of strategic, financial and non-financial goals
- Making KPIs explicit and measurable
- The management of prognosis and action oriented reports
- The availability of consistent management information on strategic, tactical and
operational level (drill down)
- Using the results as a guideline for intra organizational communication
- Fostering a result-oriented culture/climate
- The possibility to benchmark the organization
Chapter 4 - Research questions and discussion &future research
5.2 Which Key Performance Indicators are used, why and what are the
With regards to KPIs three organizations use a balanced scorecard approach, albeit partially
developed. One organization uses no balanced scorecard approach but developed its own set
of KPIs. The other two organizations had no KPIs developed yet. As the KPIs are confidential
and make identification of the involved organizations very simple they are not added to this
research. However the exact formulation of KPIs is not relevant for this research. It is the
elements they cover that are relevant. The organizations that use the balanced scorecard
approach explain that they use this approach because they want an overall view of the IT
performance results. The results of using a balanced scorecard are an overall view of the IT
performance management elements. It is this complete view which allows for good steering.
Chapter 4 - Research questions and discussion &future research
use these services more consciously. The other organizations apply cost allocation by using an
approach where costs are allocated based on cost price or on the usage of applications and
number of workplaces a department has. This allows for the easy recognition of costs,
including potentially hidden costs or the location of expensive processes and optimization of
them to reduce costs.
6 Discussion
When looking critically at the research there are some points that require attention. First of all
as the literature study and interviews were conducted in parallel some characteristics from
literature were not mentioned sufficiently during the interviews to be able to provide a
description of how they were implemented. This was the case with the budgeting
characteristics, which were insufficiently covered during the interviews and therefore had to
be excluded from the framework. This risk was known at the beginning of the research and a
measure was taken to have an elaborate interview to cover as much detail as possible.
However it turned out that even this elaborate interview did not cover all elements in detail.
As the response time of several of the companies was long it was decided not to send out
additional questionnaires.
The second point of attention is the processing of the interviews. The time span of 1,5 hours
proved to be too short to answer all questions. A measure was taken to prevent that research
Chapter 4 - Research questions and discussion &future research
questions had to be answered with an incomplete set of answers by sending the questionnaire
back with the request to answer the remaining questions, however this was not successful. A
solution to this situation would be a combination of the answer to the previous point. In this
situation the interviewer first develops the questionnaire and engages in more interviews at
the participating organizations. This would prevent dependence on the participating
organizations to return the questionnaire and would speed up the process.
7 Future research
The deliverables of this research are the starting point for follow-up research in the area of IT
performance management. We recommend that future research addresses the development
and identification of new IT performance management characteristics for more accurate
determination of how organizations achieve and optimize the benefits of IT performance
management. Additionally the IT performance management framework should be updated, so
it can serve as a checklist for organizations to determine their IT performance management
maturity level. This could be done by conducting more interviews with companies. However
the amount of research and commitment with regards to the interviews needs to be made
more explicit to the participating companies. When this is clear to all parties involved the
participating organizations would understand better what the timely response of required data
would mean to the research. As the framework and super method are based on the results
retrieved from these interviews. With more interviews the framework can be supplemented
with characteristics applied by organizations that have proven to be of value for the IT
performance management process. This data can also be used to determine whether the
characteristics from literature are applicable in real life situations, or only in situations
presented in literature where there are no environmental factors that have an influence. If
necessary characteristics from the framework may need to be removed. The data retrieved
from more interviews can also be used to supplement the super method that was developed
during this research. New activities can be identified and merged into the process-data
diagram. Subsequently the process-data diagram can be improved by deleting activities that
prevent a good IT performance management approach.
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Vraag 2: Welk doel wordt er door uw organisatie nagestreefd met het gebruik van IT performance management?
1. Hoe lang bent u al bezig met ITPM?
a) 1-5 jaar
b) 6- 10 jaar
c) 11 – 15 jaar
d) langer, namelijk……
2. Wat verwacht u van ITPM en de bijbehorende resultaten?
(voorbeelden kunnen zijn: kostenbesparing, verbeteren van IT prestaties, sturen van de organisatie
beoordelen van medewerkers op prestaties, verbeteren medewerkertevredenheid, vergemakkelijken
communicatie van de strategie)
3. Wat zijn volgens u de verbeteringen die binnen uw bedrijf zouden kunnen worden doorgevoerd aan het
ITPM proces?
4. Het volwassenheidsniveau van ITPM binnen mijn organisatie is hoog?
a. Sterk mee oneens
b. Oneens
c. Eens
d. Sterk mee eens
Vraag 3: Welke Key Performance Indicatoren worden gebruikt, waarom en wat zijn de resultaten?
1. Waarop is het ontwikkelingsproces van de KPIs gebaseerd?
2. Hoe zorgt u ervoor dat KPIs bruikbaar zijn om zaken te meten die van belang zijn voor de organisatie om
gemeten te worden?
3. Wat zijn de rollen en verantwoordelijkheden van de eigenaars en de KPIs?
4. Hoe vaak worden KPIs geëvalueerd en is dat volgens u de ideale frequentie?
Vraag 5: Hoe wordt IT performance management binnen uw organisatie gebruikt om de organisatie aan te
1. Wat gebeurt er met resultaten die voortkomen uit de IT Performance Management, vindt er bijvoorbeeld
monitoring plaats?
2. Wie analyseert de resultaten en wat voor type analyse wordt gebruikt?
3. Wat is de reactie vanuit de business als er een afwijkende waarde wordt gemeten?
4. Wordt ITPM meegenomen in de beoordeling van de werknemers met betrekking tot behaalde resultaten?
(hoeveel tijd zit hierin, invloed op beloning/prestatiebeloning)
5. Wat levert ITPM uw bedrijf op, zowel op financieel als niet-financieel gebied?
Vraag 3: Welk doel wordt er door uw organisatie nagestreefd met het gebruik van IT performance management?
1. Wat verwacht u van ITPM en de bijbehorende resultaten?
(Voorbeelden van eventuele resultaten kunnen zijn: Kostenbesparing/ verbeteren van IT prestaties /
sturen van de organisatie/ beoordelen van medewerkers op prestaties/ verbeteren
medewerkertevredenheid/ vergemakkelijken communicatie van de strategie)
2. Wat zijn volgens u de verbeteringen die binnen uw bedrijf zouden kunnen worden doorgevoerd aan het
ITPM proces?
3. Het volwassenheidsniveau van ITPM binnen mijn organisatie is hoog?
a. Sterk mee oneens
b. Oneens
c. Eens
d. Sterk mee eens
Vraag 4: Welke Key Performance Indicatoren worden gebruikt, waarom en wat zijn de resultaten?
1. Waarop is het ontwikkelingsproces van de KPIs gebaseerd?
2. Hoe zorgt u ervoor dat KPIs bruikbaar zijn om zaken te meten die van belang zijn voor de organisatie om
gemeten te worden?
3. Wat zijn de rollen en verantwoordelijkheden van de eigenaars en de KPIs?
4. Hoe vaak worden KPIs geëvalueerd en is dat volgens u de ideale frequentie?
Vraag 5: Hoe wordt IT performance management binnen uw organisatie gebruikt om de organisatie aan te
1. Wat gebeurt er met resultaten die voortkomen uit de IT performance management? Vindt er bijvoorbeeld
monitoring plaats?
2. Wie analyseert de resultaten en wat voor type analyse wordt gebruikt?
3. Wat is de reactie vanuit de business als er een afwijkende waarde wordt gemeten?
4. Wordt ITPM meegenomen in de beoordeling van de werknemers met betrekking tot behaalde resultaten?
(hoeveel tijd zit hierin, zowel invloed op financieel als niet-financieel gebied?
Performance management requires good insight into the Begin has been made
organizational processes.
Performance measurement
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan Replace intuition by facts In development, no formal approach
Use a strategic and balanced set of KPIs to plan, implement, Not present yet
operate and monitor the strategies, functions and processes of
the organization.
Measure performance by using performance measures that Not done for ITPM
support critical business processes
Task and responsibilities with regard to the flow of information Not applicable
should be explicit.
Performance measures should reflect the requirements and Not done yet, so not applicable
goals of the organization
Check The measurement system needs to be aligned with the No official measuring
company‟s goals to reward people in proportion to their
performance on the measures that are important
Act Performance measurement results require actions Not applicable
Methods for taking new performance measures should evolve Not applicable
as the company‟s experience increases
Cost allocation
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan The SSC should be based upon the business planning All not applicable because there is
no cost allocation
A clear hierarchy and explicit responsibilities should be in place
The elements that make the costs are placed in a charge model
Company B
Performance management
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan Elements that should be considered during performance In development
management are planning, controlling, costing, directing and
Use results for the development of new IT priorities Not done yet
Performance measurement
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan Replace intuition by facts Done by measuring
Use a strategic and balanced set of KPIs to plan, implement, No strategic/balanced set of KPIs
operate and monitor the strategies, functions and processes of
the organization.
Performance measurement should be based on the current KPIs are not based on the strategy
strategy and can include metrics that anticipate on future goals
for the organization.
Do Performance measurement requires a mixed approach to Not applicable
measure both financial and non-financial aspects
Task and responsibilities with regard to the flow of information Not defined yet
should be explicit.
Performance measures should reflect the requirements and No defined performance measures
goals of the organization
Check The measurement system needs to be aligned with the Not applicable
Methods for taking new performance measures should evolve Not applicable
as the company‟s experience increases
Cost allocation
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan The SSC should be based upon the business planning No
There should be a buyer and seller in the form of an IS and user Not applicable
Do Internal allocation is needed to gain acceptance and success of Very limited internal allocataion
the SSC
The costs made by the SSC are allocated to departments who Only costs for projectleaders are
use the services allocated. Additionally departments
pay the costs for the first year when
a project is executed.
The elements that make the costs are placed in a charge model No charge model
There should be management by exception where both When abnormal values are detected
favorable and unfavorable variances get attention. an analyses is always conducted
Favorable and unfavorable variances should be analysed. Both variances are analysed
Act Corrective actions based upon the variances found in the Yes.
Check-phase should be launched
Company D
Performance management
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan Elements that should be considered during performance Within the organization measures
management are planning, controlling, costing, directing and are taken to guarantee the
decision-making. functioning of performance
management. There are guidelines
which should be executed when is a
change with regards to the original
plan. When an department wants to
take a different path the ultimate
responsible is the board. In addition
employees are made responsible for
Performance management should be executed through The planning comes from high in the
planning and control, metrics, measurements, KPIs, Financial organization and is applied on the
indicators and service levels. different bars. For each bar quality
and quantity deals are made which
should be accomplished. This while
taking into account that KPIs need
to be impressionable by employees.
Performance management requires good insight into the KPIs within the IT department are
organizational processes. documented and related processes
are mapped, allowing insight in how
these processes will be influenced.
Performance management should contain both the operation Both aspects are covered, but not
and business side of IT. very broad.
Before making changes to the performance management Yearly a new plan is developed, but
approach the current situation should be clear and understood. it is unknown if the previous plan is
taken into account. Responsibilities
are granted to lower departments.
Do The vision and strategy should be translated into concrete The organization uses a BSC which
goals which should be organized based four points of view; contains the views: financial,
Financial, customer, internal organization and learning and internally, customer and employee
growth abilities of the organization.
The IT performance of the organization should be discussed The organization uses reports to
during regular meetings. communicate IT performance
Check Business objectives should be met. The organization uses KPIs which
can be influenced by controllers,
who can take actions to achieve the
objectives. Because there are also
standards these steps allow for an
optimal fit between business
Use results for the development of new IT priorities These results are not used for the
development of new IT priorities
Use performance management results to increase performance Results are not used to adjust the
Control or measure the performance based on a benchmark KPIs are used to measure
Performance measurement
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan Replace intuition by facts Is done
Performance measurement frameworks need to be balanced, The BSC does not contain all views.
multidimensional (BSC), comprehensive and integrated The views contain a minimum of
Use a strategic and balanced set of KPIs to plan, implement,
operate and monitor the strategies, functions and processes of The board steers the bars on fixed
the organization. KPIs. The board steers executing
departments primary on the
achievement of efficiency goals,
while the assigner steers on the
achievement of made
quality/quantiy deals.
Management teams need to be explicit about their performance The board steers executing
priorities and corresponding relationships departments on the achievement of
efficiencygoals. The lower
departments develop agreements
Task and responsibilities with regard to the flow of information Employees are made responsible for
should be explicit. KPIs and this is documented.
Performance measures should reflect the requirements and Is done as KPIs are developed by the
goals of the organization CEO/CFO
Check The measurement system needs to be aligned with the Is done, also because employees are
company‟s goals to reward people in proportion to their only responsible for KPIs they can
performance on the measures that are important influence.
Act Performance measurement results require actions Not developed
Methods for taking new performance measures should evolve Is already done as KPIs are used
as the company‟s experience increases which employees can influence
Cost allocation
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan The SSC should be based upon the business planning In development.
There should be a buyer and seller in the form of an IS and user Available
Do Internal allocation is needed to gain acceptance and success of In development
the SSC
The costs made by the SSC are allocated to departments who In development
use the services
The elements that make the costs are placed in a charge model No
All parties involved should participate in the business case to Is not done, because decisions are
create commitment to the changes that will come made top down
Check Insight into the cost structure is needed to manage the In development
relationship with customers
Company F
Performance management
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan Elements that should be considered during performance KPIs are developed during the
management are planning, controlling, costing, directing and yearplancycle together with the
decision-making. organizational plan and themes.KPIs
are developed together with the
units, who develop KPIs together
with serviceowners and information
managers of the organization.
Performance management requires good insight into the The talk about the KPIs enables
organizational processes. discussion which allows
contradictory opinions to arise.
Before making changes to the performance management There is a continuous search for
approach the current situation should be clear and understood. aspects where performance
improvement can be made.
Do The vision and strategy should be translated into concrete The organization uses the BSC.
goals which should be organized based four points of view;
Financial, customer, internal organization and learning and
growth abilities of the organization.
these objectives.
Act Reward employees based on the KPIs they are responsible for Is done
Use performance management results to increase performance The measurement results are used
to adapt KPIs, it is unknown if
processes are adapted.
Performance measurement
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan Replace intuition by facts Is done
Use a strategic and balanced set of KPIs to plan, implement, Is done by elaborate internal
operate and monitor the strategies, functions and processes of discussion
the organization.
Performance measurement should be based on the current Applicable. The goal of the IT
strategy and can include metrics that anticipate on future goals department is to support the
for the organization. business when achieving strategic
Do Performance measurement requires a mixed approach to No BSC approach on ITPM level
measure both Financial and non-financial aspects
Management teams need to be explicit about their performance Is done by the extensive
priorities and corresponding relationships communication process during the
development of KPIs
Task and responsibilities with regard to the flow of information Yes, agreed upon
should be explicit.
Performance measures should reflect the requirements and Realized with the KPI development
goals of the organization process
Check The measurement system needs to be aligned with the Within the IT department employees
company‟s goals to reward people in proportion to their are rewarded based on their KPI
performance on the measures that are important results
Act Performance measurement results require actions Yes, when not KPIs are adapted
Methods for taking new performance measures should evolve Concurrent analysis is adaption of
as the company‟s experience increases KPIs is necessary
Cost allocation
Phase Characteristic Applied in organization
Plan The SSC should be based upon the business planning During the year plan development
the plan for the IT department is
developed, taking into consideration
this plan.
The costs made by the SSC are allocated to departments who Yes
use the services
The elements that make the costs are placed in a charge model Unknown