Arthrospira (Spirulina)

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Arthrospira (Spirulina)

Claudio Sili, Giuseppe Torzillo and Avigad Vonshak

Contents Summary
Summary........................................................................................ 677
25.1 Introduction .................................................................. 677
The successful commercial exploitation of Arthrospira
because of its high nutritional value, chemical composition
25.2 Morphology................................................................... 678
and safety of the biomass has made it one of the most impor-
25.3 Taxonomy ...................................................................... 686 tant industrially cultivated microalgae. Knowledge of its
25.4 Occurrence and Distribution ...................................... 689 biology and physiology, which is essential for understand-
ing the growth requirements of this alkaliphilic organism,
25.5 Physiology ..................................................................... 691
25.5.1 Response to Environmental Factors ............................... 692 has been used in developing suitable technologies for mass Effect of Light on Growth .............................................. 692 cultivation. The relationships between environmental and Light Stress – Photoinhibition ....................................... 692 cultural factors, which govern productivity in outdoor cul- Effect of Temperature on Photosynthesis tures, are discussed in connection with growth yield and
and Respiration .............................................................. 692 Effect of Temperature on Growth efficiency. The response of Arthrospira and its modification
and Cell Composition .................................................... 693 under stress is described, together with the strategy of Interaction of Low Temperature osmotic adjustment and the mechanism of internal pH regu-
with Light and High Oxygen Concentration .................. 694 lation to alkalinity. The metabolic plasticity of the response
25.5.2 Effect of Salinity on Growth, Photosynthesis
and Respiration .............................................................. 695 to disparate environmental stimuli is demonstrated in the
25.5.3 Osmoregulation .............................................................. 695 natural environment, but is also well-expressed in the main-
25.5.4 Arthrospira as an Alkaliphile ......................................... 696 tenance of high productive monoculture in intensive outdoor
25.5.5 How Does Arthrospira Compete in Culture? ................. 696 cultivation systems.
25.6 Mass Cultivation of Arthrospira .................................. 697 While the confused taxonomy of Arthrospira and its
25.7 Market and Application .............................................. 699 relationship with Spirulina has been resolved by study of the
ultrastructural feature of trichomes and 16S rRNA sequence
References ...................................................................................... 701
analysis, the problem of species definition is still ongoing.
However, molecular methods such as total DNA restriction
profile analyses of a wide range of strains are helping to
resolve this.

25.1 Introduction

C. Sili (*) • G. Torzillo This account needs to start with a taxonomic comment.
Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi, CNR, Ever since Arthrospira was first reported in 1852 by
Via Madonna del Piano, 10, 50019, Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze, Italy Stizenberger, many species of this genus of helically coiled
cyanobacteria have been described and isolated. However, its
A. Vonshak classification has long been a source of confusion. Geitler
Microalgal Biotechnology, The Jacob Blaustein Institute
(1925) invalidated the genus Arthrospira in his revision of
for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
Sede Boker Campus, Beersheba, 84990, Israel the Cyanophyceae and included all regularly helically coiled
e-mail: Oscillatoriales without firm sheaths in the previously described

B.A. Whitton (ed.), Ecology of Cyanobacteria II: Their Diversity in Space and Time, 677
DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-3855-3_25, © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012
678 C. Sili et al.

genus Spirulina Turpin 1829. Most authors followed Geitler

for a long while, but increasingly researchers realized that 25.2 Morphology
genera are distinct and returned to using two names. The evi-
dence supporting this was summarized by Castenholz (2001) The main morphological feature of Arthrospira is the typical
and Komárek and Anagnostidis (2005). Many species cur- arrangement of its multicellular cylindrical trichomes in an
rently listed as Spirulina should therefore be re-included in open helix usually of relatively large diameter, sometimes
Arthrospira and these include all those grown commercially attenuated at the ends, and with evident cross-walls
and sold as Spirulina. This material is now known so widely (Fig. 25.1). In contrast, Spirulina presents a screw-like
under this name that it seems inevitable that the name will trichome, generally with almost closed, uniform and narrow
persist; however, it should be written as Spirulina or spirulina diameter screws (0.5–3 mm), cells with cross-walls usually
i.e. no italics. invisible at light microscope, without gas vacuoles and with
Arthrospira has been reported to exist in environments prominent granules (Fig. 25.2). The trichomes of Arthrospira
varying in their osmoticum, temperature and salt concentra- are composed of cylindrical cells that undergo binary fission
tions, most being of high alkalinity (Iltis 1969a, b; Busson in a single plane perpendicular to the main axis. Trichome
1971). Filaments of (true) Spirulina also occur in many of elongation occurs through multiple intercalary cell division
these environments, but apparently never forming the blooms along the entire filament. Multiplication occurs only by frag-
that often occur with Arthrospira. mentation of a trichome, usually in correspondence of a
There is great interest in past and present use of Arthrospira necridial cell (Fig. 25.3). The mechanism, has been described
as a food, though nowadays mostly as a “health” food. in detail for both A. maxima and A. fusiformis by Tomaselli
Dangeard (1940), Brandily (1959) and Léonard and Compère et al. (1981). It consists in the destruction of an intercalary
(1967) all described how African tribes living along Lake sacrificial cell (necridium) that first becomes colourless and
Chad collect this alga. The biomass is harvested from water- finally biconcave due to the collapse of the lateral septa.
bodies near the lake and sun-dried on the shores to produce a However, the presence of necridia become less evident when
hardened dark cake called “dihé”, which is broken into small cultures are subject to fast mixing as it occurs in mass cul-
pieces and used in different forms by the local populations as tures. In contrast, the fragmentation of Spirulina trichomes
part of their daily diet. At about the same time, Arthrospira occurs always without the production of necridic cells
was also recorded in the water of Lake Texcoco, Mexico. (Komárek and Anagnostidis 2005) (Table 25.2).
Here, it had been used as food by the natives living in The trichome width of Arthrospira populations sampled
the area (Clément 1968). Travellers to Mexico during the from nature ranges from about 2.5 to 16 mm, while the helix
sixteenth century described how the Aztecs used a soft a pitch typically ranges from 0 to 80 mm and its diameter from
blue-green material, harvested with fine nets from the lake, 15 to 60 mm. The dimensions and other morphological fea-
for making a kind of bread called “tecuitlatl” (Ciferri 1983). tures of A. fusiformis (i.e. the well-known commercial
It is striking that these two human populations, living far Spirulina platensis) not only vary markedly between popula-
apart, discovered the nutritional value of Arthrospira tions, but also within one population (Fig. 25.4). Both under
independently. laboratory and mass cultivation conditions, the helix architec-
Later, attention was refocused on “Spirulina” by the pio- ture (pitch and diameter) is highly dependent on growth and
neering work of the Institute Française du Pétrole on environmental conditions. Observations on Arthrospira
cyanobacterial blooms in the evaporation ponds of the indus- fusiformis by the authors have shown that morphological
trial soda production facility at Lake Texcoco near Mexico variability and trichome motility are especially evident during
City. This led to the first detailed study of the growth require- the first weeks following trichome isolation, and that this is
ments and physiology of Arthrospira. The Ph.D. research of usually maintained for some years in laboratory liquid culture
Zarrouk (1966) was the basis for establishing the first large- (Fig. 25.5). In contrast, morphological variation in A. maxima
scale production plant. The work was followed up by several following its isolation is much less marked (Fig. 25.6). Both
groups in Italy, France and Israel and summarized in a review A. fusiformis (Fig. 25.7) and A. maxima typically have abun-
by Ciferri (1983). The subsequent extensive research on cell dant gas vacuoles, which help to position the organism in the
biology, biochemistry and biotechnology has been reviewed water column. They have an important role in the harvesting
in books edited by Vonshak (1997a), and Richmond (2004a). of the bloom by African people who utilize A. fusiformis for
This chapter provides a perspective on the biology and bio- the preparation of dihè (Abdulqader et al. 2000).
technology of the two most important species of Arthrospira The sheath of Arthrospira is usually absent in planktonic
utilized for commercial mass cultivation, A. maxima and A. populations. Where a sheath is present, it is colourless, tube-
fusiformis (usually reported as Spirulina maxima and like, adjacent to the trichome, open at the ends and contains
Spirulina platensis, respectively). only one trichome (Komárek and Hauer 2011). In contrast, a
25 Arthrospira (Spirulina) 679

Fig. 25.1 Morphological aspects of the evident cross-walls in formaldehyde (2%); (c) fresh clonal trichome grown in mass culture;
Arthrospira fusiformis isolated from soda Lake Kailala (Chad). (a) (d) autoflorescence of trichome shown in (c). Bar marker = 10 mm
Fresh clonal trichome grown in laboratory; (b) wild trichome fixed in (Photos C. Sili)

Fig. 25.2 Clonal trichomes of +/− regularly screw-like coiled in (a) Spirulina subsalsa and (b) S. major. Note the absence of gas vacuoles and
visible cross-walls. Bar marker = 10 mm (Photos C. Sili)

considerable production of mucilage can be formed by a capsular investment, start to increase (Fig. 25.8a). In some
strain of A. fusiformis, which was isolated from Lake Kailala, cases, it is possible to observe a single wide mucilaginous
on agar plates, particularly if the material starts to dry out envelope surrounding each trichome (Fig. 25.8b). The rupture
(authors, unpublished data). Under such conditions, cocoon-like of the capsule causes the release of 2–4 trichomes (Fig. 25.8c).
shapes, which are generally immersed in a polysaccharidic The polysaccharide slime produced by A. fusiformis on agar
matrix, with two or more entangled trichomes inside their plates can be dense (Fig. 25.8d). It seems likely that these
680 C. Sili et al.

Fig. 25.3 Necridic cell formation in clonal: (a) Arthrospira fusiformis coiled trichome; (b) A. maxima straight trichome. Bar marker = 10 mm
(Photos C. Sili)

structures are an adaptation to cope with adverse environ- Further studies revealed that under growth conditions, the
mental conditions, such as those in the semi-dry zones at the linear trichomes could spontaneously revert to the helical
edge of the small alkaline lakes with A. fusiformis blooms, trichomes with the same morphology as the original ones.
which are often subject to rapid and extensive draining with These authors also observed, there were significant differ-
the onset of the dry season. ences in morphology, ultrastructure, physiology, biochemis-
The effect of temperature on filament structure was stud- try, and genetic characteristics between the linear trichomes
ied by Van Eykelenburg (1979), who subsequently described and the original or reverted ones, but no differences were
the rapid reversible change from the helix to the spiral shape found between the original (helical) and the reverted
on solid media (Van Eykelenburg and Fuchs 1980). Although, trichome, indicating that both linearization and reversion the
the simultaneous presence of straight and helicoidal forms of helical shape of Arthrospira trichomes were due to genetical
A. fusiformis and A. maxima (Fig. 25.9) has been observed variation. Occasional helical trichomes in cultures of
frequently in the laboratory and in mass cultures, the trigger Arthrospira fusiformis strain D885/S which is a straight
factor and the mechanism for this morphological change still form, have been also observed by Mühling et al. (2006).
remain obscure. A detailed study of the effect of physical However, in all cases the helical trichomes were outcom-
and chemical conditions on the helix geometry of Arthrospira peted by straight ones and disappeared after subsequent sub-
was done by Jeeji Bai and Seshadri (1980) and Jeeji Bai culturing. In contrast, Noor et al. (2008) found that a stock
(1985). They reported the occurrence of the straight or nearly culture of Arthrospira (Spirulina) maintained it helical struc-
straight spontaneous culture variants also observed by Lewin ture after 17 years of subculture, while filaments in pilot
(1980). However, there are considerable differences in the ponds lost their helical structure. They concluded that the
degree of coiling between different strains of the same spe- prolonged period of acclimation to adverse climatic condi-
cies and within the same strain, the helical shape of the tions outdoors, may cause reversion of coiled filaments to
trichome is regarded as a peculiar property of the genus. straight ones, and that this fact supports the idea that straight
Once a strain has converted to the straight form, either natu- filaments may have a higher survival capacity. However, bio-
rally or due to physical or chemical treatments, it does not chemical composition and nutritional properties were not
usually revert back to the helical form. Jeeji Bai (1985) sug- affected by the shape of the filaments (Noor et al. 2008;
gested that this may be due to a mutation affecting some G. Torzillo, unpublished).
trichomes under certain growth conditions. The common Interestingly, Mussagy et al. (2006), starting from a culture
occurrence of straight trichomes in mass cultures of of hormogonia of the straight trichomes, obtained one with a
Arthrospira also suggests that the helical character may be mix of loosely-coiled and straight ones. Finally, Hongsthong
carried on plasmids, but no one has yet demonstrated the et al. (2007), using a proteomic approach, concluded that the
existence of plasmids in Arthrospira. It has been reported linear morphology observed both in the laboratory and in
that helical shape is related to protection of the organism industrial production ponds was possibly induced firstly by
against photolysis (Fox 1996). Wang and Zhao (2005) environmental stresses, such as oxygen level, carbon dioxide
observed that the helical filaments originated from the linear level, nutrient availability and light, and secondly by the
filaments 9 years old obtained with ionizing radiation. change in a cell shape determination mechanism. This study

Table 25.1 Morphology of Arthrospira species based on Komárek and Anagnostidis (2005) and Komárek and Hauer (2011)

Trichome Coils (mm) Gas Morphology

Arthrospira (Spirulina)

Species width (mm) Cell length (mm) Width Height Helix shape vacuoles of trichome end
Types without gas-vacuoles (forming mats)
A. balkrishnanii Kamat 1963 3.5–4 (5) 0.8–1.2 6–7 12–15 − Rounded. no calyptra
A. desikacharyensis Vasishta 1962 0.85–1.7 51–6.8 10.2–11.5 Regularly loosely spiral coils − Rounded
A gigantea (Schmidle) Anagnostidis 1998 (2.5) 3–4 (8) 11–16 7–12 (15) Regularly coiled − +/− conical
A gomontiana Setchell 1895 2.5–3 +/− isodiametric 6–6.5 15–19 −
A. jenneri Stizenberger ex Gomont 1892 (3.7) 4–6 (8) (7.4) 8–15 (17) (9.2) 12–25 (31) Regularly screw-like coils − Rounded, no calyptra
A. massartii Kufferath 1914 5–6 Loosely screw-like − Rounded conical
A. pellucidis Wang 1933
A. platensis (Nordstedt) Gomont 1892 (4) 6–7 (9?) Nearly (20?) 26–36 (24?) 30–57 +/− regularly loosely spiral − Rounded or flat calyptra
isodiametric coils
A. santannae Komárek et 2.8–3.8 +/− isodiametric 12.5–18.5 (loose) 20–40 (dense) +/− densely or loosely coil − Rounded, no calyptra
Komárková-Legnerová 2006 8.8–10.8 (dense) 5.5–5.8 (loose)
A. skujae Magrin, Senna et Komárek 1998 (2.7) 3.1–4.3 3.1–9.3 7.4–11.8 7–13 Regularly screw-like coil − Rounded
A. tenuis Brühl et Biswas 1922 About 2 2–3 20–35 −
Types with gas vacuoles (planktonic, solitary trichomes)
A. argentina (Frenguelli) 9–10.5 33–49 63–75 +
Guarrera et Kühnemann 1949
A. fusiformis (Voronichin) (3.4)5–9 (11?) 2–3 × shorter 15–50 0–80 Regularly screw-like coiled + Rounded
Komárek et Lund 1990 than wide intensely narrowed or
widened towards ends
A. indica Desikachary et Jeeji Bai 1992 8–9 1/3–1/2 as long 16–39 16–66 Spirally coiled and distinctly + Conical calyptra
as wide narrowed towards ends
A. ghannae Drouet et Stirickland 3–5.2 20–22 20–35 Regularly loosely screw-like + Slightly attenuated end
in Drouet 1942 coils and capitate
A. joshii Vasishta 1963 4.2–5.1 2.7–3.4 6.8–7.6 17–19.2 Regularly screw-like coils, + Rounded, no calyptra
not attenuated towards ends
A. maxima Setchell et Gardner (6.5) 7–9 (10) 5–7 40–60 70–80 Regularly loosely screw-like + Rounded with thickend
in Gardner 1917 coiled, gradually slightly outer cell wall
attenuated at ends
682 C. Sili et al.

Fig. 25.4 Morphological variability in Arthrospira fusiformis in two formaldehyde (2%) from Lake Kossorom. (f) Shows that occasional ±
soda lakes at the irregular north-east fringe of Lake Chad. (a, b, c) Wild straight trichomes may also be present in a wild sample. Bar
fresh trichomes from Lake Kailala; (d, e, f) wild trichomes fixed in marker = 40 mm (Photos C. Sili)

was the first to show evidence at the protein level that could artificial laboratory conditions favour the development of
explain this morphological transformation in Arthrospira. straight forms. After 8 years of repeated transplants in liquid
The effect of solar UV radiation on morphology on culture, two A. fusiformis strains (Kailala and Kossorom)
Arthrospira was studied by Wu et al. (2005) using an indoor had about 30% had straight trichomes (Fig. 25.10a), 50%
grown strain, which had not been exposed to sunlight for with loosely-coiled trichomes (Fig. 25.10b), while only 20%
decades, and an outdoor-grown strain grown under sunlight maintained their original or an elevated degree of helicity
for decades. The experiments confirmed what had already (Fig. 25.10c) (C. Sili, unpublished data).
observed by Jeeji Bai and Seshadri (1980) that the self-shad- A survey of the morphological characters of 36 clonal
ing effect produced by compression of the spirals over adap- axenic strains of cultivated Arthrospira carried out by
tive time scales seem to play an important role in protecting Mühling et al. (2003) showed that of the 34 with helical
this species against deleterious UV radiation. Gao et al. trichomes, five were right-handed and 29 left-handed. After
(2008) described interactions between temperature and UVR 1 year of repeated subculture, the orientation of one helical
on the morphology of A. fusiformis and found that UVR strain had changed from right to left-handed, suggesting a
caused a breakage of the spiral structure at 15°C and 22°C, probable genetic shift. In addition, a temperature shift from
but not at 30°C. A. fusiformis was able to modify its spiral 30°C to 34°C for 7 days led to a change in orientation in three
structure by increasing helix tightness at the highest temper- strains, which was reversible if the temperature shift was
ature (30°C). PAR has been found to cause a decrease in the reversed. The fact that the orientation of trichome helix can be
helix pitch, while UVR increased the extent to which helices reversed by genetic drift and by environmental factors such
are compressed (Ma and Gao 2009). In general it seems that as temperature upshift and mechanical stress demonstrates
Fig. 25.5 Morphological variability in fresh clonal trichomes of Arthrospira fusiformis isolated from soda Lake Kailala (Chad) and grown in the
laboratory. Bar marker = 20 mm (Photos C. Sili)

Fig. 25.6 (a) Morphological aspects of regular clonal trichomes of cells diameter at the ends. Bar markers correspond to 40 mm in a and
Arthrospira maxima isolated from the solar Lake Texoco evaporator. 20 mm in b (Photos C. Sili)
(b) Typical trichome regularly screw-like coiled with gradually attenuated
Fig. 25.7 (a) Clonal trichomes of Arthrospira fusiformis isolated from the soda Lake Kailala (Chad) with a typical spiral markedly narrowed
towards the ends. (b) Dark-field photo showing the abundant gas vacuoles. Bar marker = 20 mm (Photos C. Sili)

Fig. 25.8 Morphology of Arthrospira fusiformis grown on agar typical cocoon-like shaped after their release as single filaments;
Petri dishes. (a) Cocoon-like shape immersed in a polysaccharide (d) cocoon-like shaped and free trichomes immersed in a dense slime
matrix, with two or more internal entangled motile trichomes; (b) of polysaccharides negatively stained with Indian ink. Bar markers
two single trichomes surrounded by mucilaginous envelopes that, in correspond to 40 m m in ( a ) and ( c ), 20 m m in ( b ) and 100 m m in
turn, are surrounded by thick capsules; (c) clusters of trichomes of a ( d ) (Photos C. Sili)

Fig. 25.9 Straight and loosely-coiled clonal trichomes of Arthrospira maxima isolated from Lake Texoco (Mexico). Bar markers: A = 40 mm,
B = 20 mm (Photos C. Sili)
25 Arthrospira (Spirulina) 685

Fig. 25.10 Arthrospira fusiformis isolated from Lake Kailala (Chad) after 8 years of repeat transplants in liquid culture: (a) clonal straight
trichomes; (b) loosely coiled trichomes; (c) coiled trichomes. Bar marker = 20 mm (Photos C. Sili)

Fig. 25.11 Examples of different helix orientations observed in stress; arrow indicates the position on the trichome where the helix
Arthrospira fusiformis cultures. (A) left-handed helices, (a); right-handed orientation reversed from left-hand (a) to right-hand (b). Bar marker = 20 mm
helices (b). (B) Example of reversal helix orientation due to mechanical (Photos C. Sili)

that care is needed in using this character for taxonomic pur- slight progressive increase in mean sinking speed with
poses (Mühling et al. 2003). Occasionally, reversed forms increasing length helical filaments though up to 10–20 cells.
from left-to- right handed orientation have been observed in The authors concluded the advantage of straight filaments
our Arthrospira fusiformis laboratory and mass cultures could not be in conferring a higher growth rate, but it might
(Fig. 25.11). be in resisting predation or affecting the rate of sinking and
Sinking velocity is markedly influenced by the shape of floating. Similar conclusions were drawn by Mühling et al.
trichomes. If a planktonic species evolves towards a decreas- (2003). These authors reported that in one example of graz-
ing sinking velocity, it has three options: (i) it may decrease ing by large ciliate, the ciliate had to make a rotatory motion
its body size (but this could increase the risk of being grazed almost following the coil of the Arthrospira, with up to 10
by zooplankton); (ii) it may decrease its specific gravity (e.g. coils showing inside the ciliate. It was also suggested that,
increasing gas vacuole density) or reducing the amount of perhaps the reversal of helix orientation at intervals within a
ballast substances (e.g. carbohydrate); (iii) or may increase particular ecosystem in response to shifts between grazers or
its form resistance. Padisák et al. (2003) investigated the changes within populations of one particular grazer.
sinking velocities of different PVC models of phytoplankton The ultrastructural cell organization of Arthrospira is typ-
organisms. The sinking velocity was related to dimension- ical of prokaryotes, with a lack of membrane-bound organ-
less form resistance factor (F). It was observed that F elles (Van Eykelenburg 1979; Vonshak and Tomaselli 2000).
decreased in coiled shaped organisms, and increased with The thin cell wall has four layers, with an easily detectable
the straight ones. As a result coiled forms tend to sink at a electron-dense layer corresponding to the peptidoglycan
faster speed than straight ones. These findings agree with layer (Van Eykelenburg 1977). The regularly spaced cross-
those made by Booker and Walsby (1979) on Anabaena flos- walls divide the trichome into cells connected by plasmodes-
aquae. They observed that helical filaments of all length mata. Cross-walls are formed by centripetal growth and
classes sank significantly faster than straight ones of corre- extensions of both the peptidoglycan and the more internal
sponding length. In the case of straight filaments there was a layer of the cell wall toward the centre of the cell. The cell
686 C. Sili et al.

has a number of inclusions mostly corresponding to the was considered to be unicellular. Some years later,
typical ones for cyanobacteria described in previous books Stizenberger (1852), who had observed septa in some heli-
(Fogg et al. 1973; Carr and Whitton 1973, 1982). Thylakoid cally coiled oscillatoriacean forms, proposed that the forms,
membranes with phycobilisomes are arranged in parallel with a multicellular structure, be included in a new genus,
bundles. The other main subcellular inclusions are (in addi- Arthrospira. This distinction was confirmed later by Gomont
tion to carboxysomes, ribosomes and DNA fibrils) gas vacu- (1892) in his taxonomic study on the Oscillatoriaceae. He
oles, polyglucan granules, polyphosphate granules and large left the apparently aseptate forms (trichomata unicellularia)
cyanophycin granules. The extent of development of the last in Spirulina and placed the septate forms (trichomata pluri-
three depends on the nutrient status of the trichome; for cellularia) in Arthrospira Stizenberger 1852.
instance N-rich conditions favour cyanophycin formation. However, Geitler’s revision (1925, 1932) of the Cyanop-
Structures like the cylindrical bodies reported for some hyceae re-unified the members of these two genera in
other members of the Oscillatoriaceae are often present. Spirulina Turpin 1829. He based classification on the close
These inclusions, whose explanation is still unknown, are similarity in morphology and ignored the presence of septa
lacking in Spirulina (Tomaselli et al. 1996; Tomaselli 1997). and thus made no distinction between the forms previously
Studies carried out by Palinska and Krumbein (2000) on the recognized as separate genera. The genus was thus divided
peptidoglycan cell wall of cyanobacteria confirmed the by Geitler into two subgeneric taxa (Section I. Arthrospira
observations made by Guglielmi and Cohen-Bazire (1982) and Section II. Euspirulina) on the basis of the criterion orig-
concerning different perforation patterns of Spirulina and inally used by Stizenberger (1852) to separate the genera
Arthrospira, which were used as a criterion in order to sepa- Spirulina and Arthrospira i.e. visible or non-visible cross-
rate them clearly into two different genera. Spiller et al. walls. The forms with septa that were easily observable under
(2000), using an x-ray microscope, showed that the cell end a light microscope were classified in Section Arthrospira and
walls were clearly visible in A. fusiformis, and that they those with unlikely or only artificially observable septa
crossed the filament at intervals of about 2–3 mm. The images (after trypsin treatment or staining with neutral red) in
also revealed two interesting structures characterised by a Section Euspirulina.
spherical shape, as well as a looping strand that resembled In accordance with those authors who sustain that many
beads on a string. aseptate forms are only apparently so, including species that
reveal septa only after proper chemical treatment and stain-
ing, Desikachary (1959) returned to a separation of the two
25.3 Taxonomy genera: SpirulinaTurpin with invisible or unicellular cells of
trichome, and Arthrospira Stizenberger with cells of the
As discussed in the introduction section, the question of the trichome clearly visible. Subsequently, Bourrelly (1970), by
taxonomy and nomenclature of Arthrospira and Spirulina following a radical taxonomy attribution, merged Spirulina
was debated for almost the entire twentieth century. Several and Arthrospira in Oscillatoria, and remarked that new
questions have been solved only in recent decades with the understanding of cell colouration made it possible to show
help of electron microscopy, biochemical analysis, and also the otherwise invisible septa of Spirulina. Hindák (1985)
recently, thanks to the support of molecular analysis, within assigned all planktonic forms of Arthrospira (including those
the context of what is commonly referred to as a “polyphasic previously described as “S. platensis”) in alkaline saline
approach”. The genus Arthrospira has now become univer- lakes to “S. fusiformis” Voronichin 1934 (synonyms A. max-
sally accepted, at least by taxonomists, as the name for the ima Setchell et Gardner 1917, in Gardner 1917, and A. gei-
organisms used in mass culture. With the aim of further clari- tleri De Toni 1935), since, in agreement with Fott and Karim
fying the systematic position of the Arthrospira spp. com- (1973), he considered “S. platensis” to be a benthic species.
monly used for mass culture operations (basically speaking, In order to distinguish Spirulina and Arthrospira in
A. maxima and A. fusiformis), Komárek and Anagnostidis Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Castenholz
(2005) and Komárek and Hauer (2011) have recently urged a (1989) suggested the use of three features of helically coiled
definitive abandoning of the commercial name Spirulina trichomes: (1) degree of inclination of the pitch of trichome
(Arthrospira) platensis, recommending that it be replaced helix (from transverse axis); (2) aspect and visibility (LM) of
with the taxonomically-correct name of A. fusiformis. cross-walls between the cells in the filament; (3) distribution
The long story concerning the name Spirulina started (EM) of junctional pores in the cell wall. Thus Arthrospira
about 130 years ago, when Wittrock and Nordstedt (1884) can be differentiated from Spirulina on the basis of the degree
reported the occurrence in a stagnant pond near Montevideo of inclination of the pitch of the trichome helix, which forms
of a blue-green alga with helical shaped filaments, which an angle >45° from the transverse axis, the presence of easy
they described as “Spirulina jenneri f. platensis”, even visible septa and the distribution of junctional pores in one
though it possessed septa. At that time the genus Spirulina circular row around the cross-walls. In 2001, with the Second
25 Arthrospira (Spirulina) 687

Fig. 25.12 Clonal trichomes of Arthrospira indica isolated from Lake Lonar. Arrows indicate the presence of a calyptra. Bar marker = 20 mm
(Photos C. Sili)

Edition of Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, provides a summary of the synonyms of different Arthrospira
Castenholz updated the key to separate Spirulina from species recognised by Komárek and Anagnostidis (2005).
Arthrospira. The two genera were distinguished according to However, this classification which is based only on phenotypic
the trichome helix, cross-walls whether invisible or visible, aspects needs to be supported, particularly for the cultivated
and cell diameter 2–4 mm in Spirulina versus typically strains, by molecular analysis.
6–12 mm in Arthrospira. In the past 20 years, the great development of molecular
An important revision of the taxonomy and nomenclature biology allowed to accompany this modern techniques to the
for “Spirulina platensis”, “S. maxima” and “S. fusiformis”, taxonomy based only on morphological features in accor-
was suggested by Komárek and Lund (1990) who placed the dance with a combined methodology that Colwell (1970) for
two taxa (“maxima” and “fusiformis”) within the planktonic the first time indicated as the “polyphasic approach”.
forms (i.e. with gas vacuoles). Furthermore, they suggested Viti et al. (1997), using total DNA restriction profile anal-
that these two taxa, which may represent two species (A. fusi- ysis, carried out on 10 strains belonging to Arthrospira max-
formis Komárek et Lund and A. maxima Setchell et Gardner), ima and Arthrospira platensis (fusiformis), found a great
have different geographical distributions. Hence, they consid- consensus between these the genotypic clusters and those
ered A. maxima to be pantropical, while A. fusiformis was grouped using morphological criteria. Subsequently,
limited to Africa and tropical and central Asia. Moreover, for Scheldeman et al. (1999), by means of phylogenetic study
the first time they considered A. platensis (without gas vacu- using ARDRA (Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction
oles, similar to A. jenneri) to be a periphytic and benthic Analysis) of the ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) as a
species that is essentially restricted to South America. molecular taxonomic marker, tested 51 Arthrospira cultures
Subsequently, Desikachary and Jeeji Bai (1992) and Jeeji that theoretically represented 37 unique genotypes obtained
Bai (1999) proposed that all the calyptrate forms of A. fusi- from different culture collections coming from four conti-
formis should be included in the new species A. indica nents. The studies confirmed a clear separation of Spirulina
Desikachary. This implied that the thickening of the apical from Arthrospira and the presence of two main genotype
cell wall (calyptra) should be considered a significant taxo- clusters within Arthrospira which were unrelated as far as
nomic feature (Fig. 25.12). Komárek and Anagnostidis the geographic origin of the strains, their denomination or
(2005) concluded that Arthrospira has solitary and free- their phenotypic features.
floating trichomes in the planktonic forms of subtropical and In 2002 Manen and Falquet investigated the genetic diver-
tropical saline lakes (A. maxima and A. fusiformis), while sity of 23 natural, cultivated and commercial strains of
freshwater benthic forms were united in a fine, mostly slimy, Arthrospira by comparing the genus with 20 other non-
thallus in A. platensis and A. jenneri. These authors placed Arthrospira cyanobacterial strains, utilizing the phycocyanin
Arthrospira to the family Phormidiaceae (subfamily locus (cpcB-cpcA). These studies confirmed once again, that
Phormioideae) and recognized 17 species worldwide accord- Arthrospira is not related to Spirulina and for the first time
ing based on phenotypic markers. The main morphological showed that the former genus constitutes a strongly sustained
features of species without (i.e. benthic) gas vacuoles (ben- monophyletic group. Furthermore, the three genetically clus-
thic) or with (i.e. planktonic) gas vacuoles, as distinguished tered lineages according to which Arthrospira was divided
by Komárek and Anagnostidis (2005) and more recently by confirmed the general mismatch between their geographic
Komárek and Hauer (2011), ( In the origin and morphology. Similar conclusions were reached by
light of this new taxonomic grouping, the Table 25.2 Baurain et al. (2002), who found no clear relationships
688 C. Sili et al.

Table 25.2 Synonyms of main Arthrospira species, based on Komárek and Anagnostidis (2005)
Name Synonyms
Species of saline alkaline waterbodies, planktonic, with gas vacuoles (forming blooms)
A. fusiformis (Voronichin) Komárek et Lund (1990) Spirulina fusiformis Voronichin 1934;
Arthrospira platensis (Nordstedt) Gomont sensu Rich 1931, 1932, Thomasson 1960,
Léonard and Compère 1967, and later authors;
Arthrospira platensis (Nordstedt) Gomont f. minor Rich 1931;
Spirulina geitleri f. minor (Rich) Fott et Karim 1973;
Spirulina platensis (Gomont) Geitler sensu Thomasson 1960, Jeeji Bai and Seshadri 1980
Oscillatoria platensis (Nordstedt) Bourrelly 1970;
Oscillatoria platensis (Nordstedt) Bourrelly 1970 var. minor Rich in Iltis 1970;
Oscillatoria sp. sensu Iltis 1970;
Spirulina maxima (Setchell et Gardner) Geitler sensu Fott and Karim 1973
A. indica Desikachary et Jeeji Bai 1992 Spirulina fusiformis sensu Jeeji Bai and Seshadri 1980, non Voronichin 1934;
Arthrospira platensis f. granulata Desikachary 1959
A. maxima Setchell et Gardner in Gardner 1917 Spirulina maxima (Setchell et Gardner) Geitler 1932;
Spirulina geitleri De Toni 1935 and sensu Fott and Karim 1973;
Spirulina platensis (Gomont) Geitler sensu Welsh 1965, and later authors;
Oscillatoria pseudoplatensis Bourrelly 1970;
non Spirulina maxima Bernard 1909
Species of freshwaters, periphytic and benthic without gas vacuoles (forming mats)
A. jenneri Stizenberger ex Gomont 1892 Spirulina jenneri (Stizenberger) Geitler 1935;
Oscillatoria jenneri (Gomont) Compère 1974
A. platensis (Nordstedt) Gomont 1892 Spirulina jenneri var. platensis Nordstedt in Wittrock and Nordstedt 1884;
Spirulina platensis (Nordstedt) Geitler 1925 and later authors;
Oscillatoria platensis (Nordstedt) Bourrelly 1970;
Arthrospira platensis var. tenuis (Rao) Desikachary 1959

between ITS clusters and the denomination, morphology and phycocyanin operon. It proved possible to divide the 53
origin of the strains. A phenotypic analysis on 35 (33 helical strains into two main clusters: cluster I comprising sequences
and 2 straight) axenic and clonal Arthrospira strains was of American strains, and cluster II containing the sequences
performed by Mühling et al. (2006). The strains included of the strains originating from Asia and Africa. Both genetic
28 features, 14 of which were morphological, 1 ultrastructural, regions of the strains in this study showed a significant
7 physiological, and 6 biochemical. This study reported two sequence divergence among Arthrospira strains from East
phenotypic clusters that had a high correlation to the charac- Africa, India and Mexico, indicating possible distinct evolu-
ters describing the helical trichome shape: cluster I had a tionary lineages. It was concluded that there are deep geno-
highly variable, always irregular, trichome helix that was typic divergences between Mexican and African/Indian
dumbbell-shaped, or a fusiform trichome helix with a fast- strains of Arthrospira, which represent two distinct geno-
diminishing helix attenuation toward the apices (A. maxima, types, which were also distinguishable on the basis of
A. fusiformis, A. indica), and cluster II with a regular trichome trichome morphology, and referable to the two tropical main
helix and fast-diminishing helix attenuation toward the planktonic species A. fusiformis and A. maxima.
apices (A. platensis). These two clusters compared to the In conclusion, it appears clear that Arthrospira is distinct
molecular ones of the same strains reported by Scheldeman from Spirulina based on both morphological and molecular
et al. (1999) and Baurain et al. (2002) showed a high rate criteria. However, because of the high morphological plastic-
correlation. ity observed particularly with wild and clonal forms (i.e.
Thirty-three new strains of Arthrospira isolated from laboratory and mass culture strains) of A. fusiformis, it is
plankton sampled in Mexico, East Africa and India were sometimes difficult to distinguish the two edible species of
investigated and compared with 53 strains or samples of ear- Arthrospira (A. fusiformis and A. maxima) by using only a
lier studies (Dadheech et al. 2010). The study included mor- morphological approach. The continuous advancements
phological features and molecular phylogenetic analyses on achieved by molecular analysis, provided that the origin of
the basis of nucleotide sequences of ITS between 16S rRNA strain is well known, can represent an important tool that
and 23S rRNA genes and partial sequences of beta and alpha should contribute to better identification of the Arthrospira
subunits including in their genes spaces (cpc BA-IGS) of species.
25 Arthrospira (Spirulina) 689

1971) for tropical African lakes, and that by Busson (1971),

25.4 Occurrence and Distribution who described the ecology of A. maxima as a food source in
Mexico, together with its past and present use as a food
Species of Arthrospira have been isolated mainly from alka- source. Other studies include those of Hindák (1985),
line, brackish and saline waters in tropical and semitropical Komárek and Lund (1990) and Jeeji Bai (1999).
regions (Castenholz 2001; Komárek and Anagnostidis 2005). Most of the waterbodies in which A. fusiformis thrives are
One of the striking facts about soda lakes is that, despite permanent or temporary saline alkaline lakes (natron lakes).
apparently what might appear unfavourable conditions, these These are scattered in the hollows of the fossil dune system of
environments are extremely productive because of high the Sahara and the Sudan-Sahel areas fed by aquifers and the
ambient temperatures, high light irradiance and unlimited scanty rain (about 300 mm per year). The salinity of these
supply of CO2. Primary production rates up to 10 g m−2 day−1 lakes is highly variable: when evaporation exceeds inflow the
have been recorded, which is about one order of magnitude salinity rises and leads to an accumulation of salt deposits on
more than most productive streams and lakes in the world, the shores (Iltis 1971). The mean water temperature is about
making these the most productive aquatic environments any- 25°C, with oscillations of about ±10°C, although the temper-
where. A characteristic feature of the majority of soda lakes ature in shallow lakes may reach 40°C during the warm sea-
is the permanent or seasonal coloured blooms of phototrophic son. The mean daylight length is about 12 h and solar radiation
microorganisms, as reported in a survey by Grant (2006). reaches over 2,000 mmol photon m−2 s−1. The disposition and
Though most records of Arthrospira species have been for slope of the impermeable clay and water-bearing sandy layers
mass growths in alkaline water, some species have been favour subterranean seepage of water away from Lake Chad
occur occasionally in freshwaters. Species with apparently (Maglione 1969). The relationships between the superficial
more restricted distributions have been reported from pud- and the subterranean waters affect both the salinity and the
dles (A. balkrishnaii), flowing and stagnant fresh water ionic composition. The latter is characterized by prevalence
(A. gigantea, A. jenneri), springs (A. massartii), stagnant of monovalent ions, with Na+ much higher than K+, and by
water (A. desikacharyensis, A. gomontiana), stagnant and high concentrations of carbonate and bicarbonate, which lead
sulphur-containing water (A. platensis), ponds (A. khannae), to pH values from 9.5 to 11.0. Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations
filter beds (A. tenuis), reservoirs (A. santannae) and tanks are low. SO42− concentration is usually high, while that of Cl−
(A. joshi). Less is known about these species, since they have is very low. The water of the lakes is often blue-green in
not been used for mass cultivation. colour due to the mass development of phytoplankton.
Among the various species, the most widely distributed, A. fusiformis is present as nearly monospecific popula-
A. fusiformis (A. platensis sensu Rich 1931), is mainly in Africa tions in the highly saline lakes (Iltis 1969a), only a few other
(Chad, Kenya, Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, Libya, Algeria, Congo, phototrophs being found. In contrast, in the mesohaline
Zaire, Zambia, Mozambique), Asia (Russia, Pakistan, India, lakes, Arthrospira co-exists with a number of other phototro-
Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand) and South America (Uruguay, phs, including other cyanobacteria, diatoms and
Peru). A. maxima is in Central America (Mexico, California- dinoflagellates. Among the cyanobacteria, Anabaenopsis
USA). Until a few years ago, this species was the main compo- arnoldii and many Oscillatoria spp. are often important.
nent of the phytoplankton of the solar evaporation channels in Several Spirulina species may be present, especially S. laxis-
Lake Texcoco (Mexico), while A. fusiformis dominated the sima, S. major and S. subsalsa. Studies by Margheri et al.
alkaline saline lakes of the semi-desert Sudan-Sahel area (1975) of two African natron lakes, Lake Mombolo and Lake
(Chad) and of the Rift Valleys (mainly Kenya). The frequent Rombou, in the region of Kanem north-east of Lake Chad,
occurrence of A. fusiformis and A. maxima in saline, alkaline, found these Spirulina species as well as several Arthrospira
tropical and subtropical waters has led to a widespread, but spp. Within the phototroph populations of both permanent
possibly misleading, impression that these environments are and temporary lakes, the rotifer density can be very high,
characteristic for the entire genus. The geographical distribu- although varying seasonally, reaching several hundred indi-
tion of the main populations of Arthrospira is given in viduals per litre (Iltis and Riou-Duwat 1971). In some lakes
Table 25.3. Apparently none have been reported from marine Arthrospira constitutes an excellent feed for the cichlid fish
environments. However, when an adequate supply of bicarbon- Tilapia (Coe 1966; Bergman et al. 2003). Another consumer
ate, N and P, together with a suitable pH and salinity, are pro- of Arthrospira and other large filamentous cyanobacteria
vided, Arthrospira species can be grown in seawater (Tredici such as Anabaenopsis is the flamingo Phoenicopterus minor.
et al. 1986), although the biomass productivity attained was The pink colour of these birds comes from the carotenoid
about 36% less than in Zarrouk’s medium. The biomass grown pigments originating in cyanobacteria (Fox 1976).
in seawater had a reduced protein content (13%). The detailed studies by Iltis established a direct correlation
The most detailed studies on the ecology of Arthrospira between the biomass density of Arthrospira and the salinity
are those for A. fusiformis by Iltis (1968, 1969a, b, 1970, of the water. The mass blooms occur at salinity values from
690 C. Sili et al.

Table 25.3 Geographical distribution of the main populations of Arthrospira

Country Location Taxon References
Chad Natron lakes (Bodou, Mombolo, A. platensis, A. platensis f. minor Léonard and Compère (1967),
Rombou, Yoan) and pools (Latir, Iltis (1972), and Rich (1931)
Iseirom, Latir, Liva), Kanem region
Lake Kailala, Lake Kossorom A. fusiformis Sili et al. (1999)
Kenya Natron lakes A. platensis Rich (1931) and Vareschi (1982)
(Bogoria, Crater, Elmenteita, Nakuru)
Rift Valley A. fusiformis Ballot et al. (2004)
Lake Bogoria A. platensis, A. platensis f. minor Tuite (1981)
A. fusiformis Hindák (1985)
Lake Simbi A. platensis Melack (1979)
A. platensis = A. fusiformis Kebede and Ahlgren (1996)
A. fusiformis Ballot et al. (2005)
Lake Sonachi A. fusiformis Ballot et al. (2005)
Lake Oloidien A. fusiformis Ballot et al. (2009)
Ethiopia Lake Aranguadi A. platensis Melack (1979)
Lake Chiltu, Green lake A. platensis = A. fusiformis Kebede and Ahlgren (1996)
Egypt Lake Maryut A. platensis El-Bestawy et al. (1996)
Sudan Lake Dariba, Jebel Marra A. geitleri Fott and Karim (1973)
Algeria Pond Tamanrasset A. platensis Fox (1996)
Congo Laka Mougounga Arthrospira sp. Fox (1996)
Lake Kivu Arthrospira sp. Fox (1996)
Zambia Lake Bangweolou Arthrospira sp. Fox (1996)
Tunisia Lake Korba Arthrospira sp. Fathi et al. (2001)
Mozanbique Wastewater ponds A. fusiformis Mussagy et al. (2006)
South Africa Lake Tswaing A. fusiformis Oberholster et al. (2009)
India Ponds A. maxima Desikachary and Jeeji Bai (1996)
Lonar Lake; ponds; tank A. indica Desikachary and Jeeji Bai (1992)
(Madurai, MCRC isolate)
Myanmar Crater lake (Chapter 26) Arthrospira sp. Min Thein (1993)
Pakistan Fish pond, Lahore Arthrospira sp. Fox (1996)
Sri Lanka Lake Beria Arthrospira sp. Fox (1996)
China Fish ponds, Nanking A. platensis Tsen and Chang (1990)
Lake Bayannur A. platensis Zheng et al. (1992)
Thailand Tapioca factory effluent lakes, Bangkok Arthrospira sp. Fox (1996)
Russia Tunatan lake, Siberian steppe A. fusiformis Voronichin (1934)
Azerbaijan Water basin, Khumbasha Arthrospira sp. Fox (1996)
Pakistan Pond, Lahore Arthrospira sp. Fox (1996)
Mexico Lake Texcoco solar evaporator A. maxima Busson (1971)
Brazil Mangueira Lagoon Arthrospira sp. Greque de Morais et al. (2008)
California Pond, Oakland A. maxima Gardner (1917)
Coastal lagoon, Del Mar A. platensisa Lewin (1980)
Peru Lake Huachachina A. platensis Busson (1971)
A. maxima Desikachary and Jeeji Bai (1992, 1996)
Uruguay Montevideo A. platensisb Gomont (1892)
Spain Lake Santa Olalla Arthrospira sp. Rippka and Herdman (1992)
France Tiny lake, Camargue Arthrospira sp. Fox (1996)
Hungary Adasztevel-Oroshaz Arthrospira sp. Busson (1971)
Romania Alkaline pond near Cluj-Napoca A. fusiformis Aldea et al. (2002)
Serbia Salty puddles near river Tamiš A. fusiformis Fuzinato et al. (2010)
Reference strain PCC 7345
25 Arthrospira (Spirulina) 691

22 to 60 g L−1, high carbonate-bicarbonate concentrations production facilities in the outside rim of the solar evapora-
(pH 8.5–11.0) and temperatures from 25°C to 40°C. tor, where it was present in almost monospecific populations,
Generally, the waters populated by Arthrospira have a mean being associated with only a few other cyanobacteria such as
salinity of 37 g L−1. However, Arthrospira has been found at Synechocystis aquatilis. In 1994 Sosa Texoco ceased cultiva-
salinity levels ranging from 8.5 to 200 g L−1 and in at least tion operations of Arthrospira maxima in the external ponds
one case up to 270 g L−1 (Iltis 1968). Biomass density (as dry of the “El Caracol” solar evaporator (Alcocer and Williams
weight) can exceed 1 g L−1. Sili et al. (1999) studied two soda 1996). At present Lake Texococo is reduced to several sepa-
lakes (L. Kailala, L. Kossorom) on the north-east fringe of rate waterbodies (Caracol, Lago recreativo and Nabor
Lake Chad, where a number of small bays and inlets between Carillo) from where a number of A. maxima strains have
the old sand dunes are located. Surveys showed that A. fusi- been isolated (Dadheech et al. 2010).
formis was clearly the dominant (Fig. 25.4), with some More recently, Arthrospira has been found occasionally
filaments of Anabaenopsis spp., Spirulina laxissima and in domestic wastewater treatment plants. in Maputu,
Synecochoccus sp., A. fusiformis is also found in some Monzambique (Mussagy et al. 2006) and Turkey (G. Torzillo,
lakes of the northern Algerian Sahara having saline waters unpublished data), both characterised by pH ranging between
(1–8%) and pH levels from 7 to 9. These waters, which have 7.1 and 7.7 and a conductivity between 1,000 and 2,000 mS
lower alkalinity (about 20 meq L−1 of HCO3−1 and CO3−2), but cm−1. In contrast to what has sometimes been believed, this
Na+ levels similar to those of the highly alkaline saline suggests that Arthrospira can acclimate to new environments
waters of the East African Rift Valley, may be considered to not markedly or exclusively alkaline.
be sulphate-chloride rich waters (with Cl− the major anion).
Over the past three decades the impact of excess water
abstraction and lack of care with pollution has had a marked 25.5 Physiology
effect on some of the Rift Valley lakes, where Arthrospira
commonly is found, with a marked deterioration in their eco- The aim of this section is to point out relevant areas in which
logical status and a progressive increase in nutrient concen- Arthrospira has been used as a model organism, together
tration. The two lakes Naivasha an Oloiden (Kenia) are with other studies with data of significant importance in
typical examples of this recent degradation and salinization understanding its growth, physiology and biochemistry,
which has promoted the appearance of Arthrospira (Ballot especially when grown outdoors. One of the basic principles
et al. 2009). The Lake Oloidien hypereutrophic alkaline of microalgal technology is to re-create the environmental
modification of the originally freshwater has caused a shift in and cultivation conditions permitting high productivity in a
species dominance from coccoid Chlorophyceae to A. fusi- monoalgal culture. Without doubt light and temperature are
formis and Anabaenopsis elenkinii. The main sources of the most important. In nature, the organism uses its gas vacu-
nutrient input are cattle and goat herds, watering at the lake oles to regulate its position within the underwater light gradi-
and local women washing clothes using detergents (Ballot ent and follow daily and seasonal changes in light flux. In
et al. 2009). shallow culture ponds, however, light availability has to be
In Lake Nakuru, the dominance of A. fusiformis has been optimized by modifying operational parameters such as opti-
documented since the 1960s (Talling and Talling 1965). mal cell density and the degree of mixing and culture depth
Okoth et al. (2009) demonstrated that A. fusiformis was the in order to obtain the highest productivity (Vonshak et al.
most dominant species in terms of population density in 1982; Richmond 2004b; Belay 2008).
Lake Nakuru. However, the pollution effects due to the Adequate mixing coupled with maintenance of high cell
urbanization process near the lake is expected to influence densities can to a certain extent reduce the effect of light satu-
the lake’s phytoplankton community strongly in the future. ration of photosynthesis and damage to the photosynthetic
As previously mentioned, a massive population of apparatus due to prolonged exposure to excess of light (pho-
A. maxima was found in some of the external sectors of the toinhibition) (Torzillo and Vonshak 2003). Sufficient mixing
gigantic spiral-shaped solar evaporator used to extract salts also ensures an even distribution of nutrients and oxygen
from the saline carbonate-bicarbonate rich waters of Lake degassing of the culture, and at the same time prevents
Texcoco, Mexico. The evaporator lies 2,200 m above sea filament aggregation and sinking (Torzillo et al. 2003a).The
level and is about 1 m deep. The alkaline (pH 10) saline fact that Arthrospira requires high alkalinity for growth
water is moved slowly from the outer part of the evaporator ensures selective conditions in the growth medium and
towards the centre (Gallegos 1993). The water is high in Arthrospira grown in outdoor open ponds remains a quasi-
HCO3− and CO32−, Cl− and Na+ and the total salt concentra- monoculture (Vonshak et al. 1983). Moreover, when other
tion ranges from 11 to 39 g L−1 (Busson 1971). In the past essential growth nutrients are present in sufficient concen-
the company that operated the plant, Sosa Texcoco (and trations, the elevated concentration of bicarbonate-carbonate
later Spirulina Mexicana), had its “Spirulina” (A. maxima) favours the high productivity observed in nature.
692 C. Sili et al.

25.5.1 Response to Environmental Factors Effect of Light on Growth

Zarrouk (1966) was the first to study the response of
Arthrospira maxima to light and concluded that growth rate
reached a maximum when cultures were grown under a light
irradiance between 25 and 30 klux (340–400 µmol photon
m–2 s–1). However, the lack of information about the strain
used, on how light was measured and its path in the culture
vessel, makes the results difficult to compare with later stud-
ies. Data gathered in our laboratory (Institute of Ecosystem
Study, Firenze, Italy) with A. fusiformis strain M2, which
was originally isolated from Mombolo Lake (Chad) (Balloni
et al. 1980), showed that growth becomes light-saturated in
the range of 150–200 mmol photon m−2 s−1 (Bocci et al. 1980); Fig. 25.13 Photosynthetic light response curves of A. fusiformis strain
this value for irradiance is about one order of magnitude less M2 (○ photoinhibition; ● control) for 45 min at a PFD of 2,500 mmol
than recorded outdoors in summer days (1,850–2,000 mmol photon m−2 s−1
photon m−2 s−1). By using a turbidostatic culture, a maximum
growth rate of 0.063 h−1 was estimated for A. maxima strain Table 25.4 Photosynthesis-irradiance (P/I) parameters estimated from
4 Mx, isolated from Texoco Lake, Mexico, and 0.059 h−1 for Arthrospira fusiformis strain M2 cultures before and after 45 min pho-
A. fusiformis strain K4, isolated Rombou Lake, Chad (Balloni toinhibition at a PFD of 2,500 mmol photon m−2 s−1 at 35°C
et al. 1980), which correspond to doubling times of 11 and Parameter Unit Control Photoinhibited
11.7 h, and a light transformation efficiency of 7.2% and Pmax mmol O2 mg chl−1 h−1 800 600
7.8% of the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400– IK mmol photon m−2 s−1 430 610
700 nm) for A. maxima and A. fusiformis, respectively (Bocci a mmol O2 (mg chl mmol 1.915 1.094
et al. 1980). Based on a requirement of 20 quanta mol−1 CO2, photon m−2 s−1)−1 h−1
Ogawa and Aiba (1978) estimated the slightly higher value R mmol O2 mg chl−1 h−1 −20.5 −26.5
for photosynthetic efficiency of 11.4% PAR. Pmax light saturated rate, Ik saturation irradiance, a initial slope of the
P/I curve, R dark respiration rate Light Stress – Photoinhibition

Different strains of Arthrospira may differ in their sensitivity a stronger effect on the initial slope of the P/I curve i.e. on
to light stress (Vonshak et al. 1988b; Vonshak and Novoplansky light-limited photosynthetic activity. In contrast to higher
2008). Photoinhibition, which is the loss of photosynthetic plants and microalgae, in the case of cyanobacteria it has
capacity due to damage to photosystem II (PSII) caused by always assumed do not use an antenna-related quenching
photon flux densities (PFD) in excess of those required to mechanism to decrease the amount of energy funneled to
saturate photosynthesis, can be manifested in various ways. photosystem II (PSII) reaction centre (Campbell et al. 1998).
These include a decrease in the maximum quantum yield of Recently, however, evidence has been presented for the exis-
CO2 uptake or O2 evolution, a decrease in the convexity of the tence of at least three distinct mechanisms for dissipating
photosynthesis light response curve (P/I), and, in the case of excess energy in cyanobacteria. One of these photoprotective
prolonged exposure to excessive light, a decrease in the light- mechanism is related to the phycobilisomes, the extramem-
saturated photosynthesis (Leverenz et al. 1990; Long et al. branal antenna of cyanobacteria PSII. In this photoprotective
1994). In at least one A. fusiformis, strain P4P, photoinhibi- mechanism the orange carotenoid protein (OCP) in
tion was probably due to a change in the turnover rate of a Synechocystis sp PCC 6803 plays an important role
specific protein, D1, which is part of PSII. Observed differ- (Kirilowsky 2007; Wilson et al. 2006). The Arthrospira max-
ences may be genotypic or environmental responses. Cultures ima OCP contains 3’-hydroxyechinenone (Kerfeld 2004).
acclimated to high light intensities exhibit a higher resistance However, mechanism of this novel photoprotective process in
to photoinhibition (Vonshak et al. 1996a). In a study of the cyanobacteria awaits elucidation.
photosynthetic light response curve of A. fusiformis strain M2
cells exposed to strong light (Torzillo and Vonshak 1994), Effect of Temperature on Photosynthesis
photoinhibition caused a 48% reduction in the initial slope of and Respiration
the P/I curve compared to the control (Fig. 25.13). However, A detailed study of the response of an A. fusiformis strain
there was less effect on Pmax (maximum saturation rate), which M2, to temperature was performed by Torzillo and Vonshak
was reduced by about 25% (Table 25.4). These results empha- (1994). They determined the optimal temperature for photo-
size that photoinhibition not only affects Pmax, but actually has synthesis, and also measured the effect of temperature on the
25 Arthrospira (Spirulina) 693

Fig. 25.15 Temperature responses of three Arthrospira fusiformis iso-

lates measured as the increase in chlorophyll concentration after incu-
bating the cells for 4 days on a temperature block under constant light
(100 mmol photon m−2 s−1)

during the daylight period may be lost through respiration at

night (Guterman et al. 1989). Torzillo et al. (1991) concluded
Fig. 25.14 Effect of temperature on photosynthesis (a), and dark that night biomass loss due to dark respiration depended on
respiration (b) rates of A. fusiformis strain M2. Cells were allowed to the temperature and light irradiance to which the cultures
equilibrate for 15 min at each temperature before measurement
were exposed during the day, and that this occurred because
of the strong effect of temperature and light on cell composi-
tion. Analysis of the biomass harvested at sunset and sunrise
dark respiration rate by following the O2 uptake rate in the revealed that the protein content was ca. 57% and 71%, of
dark. The optimal temperature for photosynthesis was 35°C dry weight respectively, whereas the carbohydrate content
(Fig. 25.14a), while dark respiration was highest at 45°C during the same periods was ca. 34% and 19%, of dry weight
(Fig. 25.14b). At temperature of 50°C the respiration rate respectively. An increase in carbohydrate in cells was observed
dropped to almost zero. At temperature extremes outside when these were grown at the suboptimal temperature of
those optimal for growth, both respiratory and photosynthetic 25°C. Excess carbohydrate synthesized during the day was
activity declined. However, the sensitivity of respiration to then partially used for protein synthesis at night, while most
such extremes was significantly greater than the sensitivity of them were lost by respiration (Torzillo et al. 1991).
of photosynthesis under the same conditions. Under conditions
where respiration was completely inhibited, photosynthetic Effect of Temperature on Growth
oxygen evolution was maintained at about 30% of the optimum and Cell Composition
value. A temperature-dependent exponential relationship In nature Arthrospira is found in permanent or temporary
between 15°C and 45°C was obtained, with the respiration water bodies at relatively high temperatures. The optimal
rate increasing as temperature increased. The temperature- temperature for laboratory cultivation of this organism is
dependent dark respiration rate is given by: about 35°C. However, many Arthrospira strains differ in
their optimal growth temperature as well as in their sensitiv-
R = 0.771.e (0.0636.T) ity to extreme values. For instance, in the comparison of
strains shown in Fig. 25.15, strain SA2 has a relatively low
where R is the respiration rate (mmol O2 mg−1 chl h−1) and T optimal growth temperature (24–28°C), while the strain EY
is the temperature (°C). An Arrhenius plot for respiration grew well up to 38–40°C. The isolate marked K was charac-
showed an activation energy of 48.8 kJ mol−1 for Arthrospira. terized by a relatively wide range of optimal growth tem-
The temperature coefficient (Q10) calculated for the 15–45°C peratures: 28–36°C. This is just one example of the variations
range was 1.85. The respiration-to-photosynthesis ratio in that exist among the different strains of Arthrospira, as
Arthrospira was 1% at 20°C and 4.6% at 45°C (Torzillo and regards optimal growth temperatures. Significant differences
Vonshak 1994). These low values confirmed the general in the maximum temperature for growth have been also
assumption that cyanobacteria have low respiration rates found within the two species of A. maxima and A. fusiformis.
(van Liere and Mur 1979). However, the respiration-to- A. maxima strains were apparently unable to grow above
photosynthesis ratios measured in these experiments were 36°C, while some A. fusiformis strains were found to be
found to be much lower than those reported for outdoor cul- capable of growing at a temperatures higher than 40°C
tures of Arthrospira, where up to 34% of the biomass produced (Tomaselli et al. 1987). Arthrospira fusiformis strain M2 was
694 C. Sili et al.

able to grow up to 42°C and to withstand 46°C for several

hours. This strain has also been grown successfully in closed
photobioreactors (Torzillo et al. 1986). However, when
A. fusiformis strain M2 was grown under light-limited tur-
bidostatic conditions at its maximum tolerable growth tem-
perature (42°C), there was a marked decrease in photosynthetic
pigment and protein levels. Under these conditions, an increase
in carbohydrate cell content associated with changes in the
degree of fatty acid saturation (i.e. reduction in g-linolenic
acid synthesis in favour of linoleic acid accumulation) was
also observed (Tomaselli et al. 1988). It has been shown that
Arthrospira is able to accumulate glycogen, under high light
and nitrogen limitation, therefore it has been proposed as a
potential feedstock for fermentative production of biofuels
(Aikawa et al. 2012). Fig. 25.16 Effect of oxygen concentration and temperature on maximum
quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) of Arthrospira fusiformis strain M2
cultures grown outdoors in photobioreactors. (■) Low oxygen- optimal Interaction of Low Temperature with Light temperature; (▲) high oxygen – optimal temperature; (●) high oxygen-low
and High Oxygen Concentration temperature; (Δ) PFD
It is suggested that Arthrospira cultures grown at suboptimal
temperatures are more sensitive to photoinhibition than those
grown at the optimal value. The latter will be able to better sity is relatively low, as demonstrated by several experiments
handle excessive light energy, since they have a higher rate carried out both in the laboratory and outdoors (Torzillo et al.
of electron transport, an active repair mechanism and more 1984; Marquez et al. 1995; Vonshak et al. 1996a). The com-
efficient means of energy dissipation (Vonshak 1997b). The bination of high oxygen concentration and high light inten-
saturation pulse method was applied in order to study the sity can be a very common event in outdoor cultures,
synergistic effect of high oxygen concentration and low tem- particularly in closed systems. For example, in well growing
perature in outdoor cultures of A. fusiformis strain M2 A. fusiformis strain M2 cultures in tubular photobioreactors
(Torzillo et al. 1998). It was observed that the combination of (i.d. 5 cm), the oxygen concentration can increase at a rate of
low temperature (25°C) and high oxygen concentration (70– 2–3 mg L−1 min−1. This results in an oxygen concentration of
80 mg L−1) had considerable impact of PSII photoinhibition up to 70–80 mg L−1 (Torzillo et al. 1998).
evaluated as changes in the Fv/Fm ratio (variable to maximum Sensitivity to stress is strongly influenced by the light
fluorescence). The Fv/Fm ratio decreased down to 64% of the acclimation conditions of the cells. Cells acclimated at low
morning value in the middle of day in the high oxygen culture light usually saturate photosynthesis at lower light intensities
(Fig. 25.16). When high oxygen concentration was combined (Ramus 1981). Measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence
with low temperature, the Fv/Fm ratio decreased to up to 45% quenching in outdoor cultures of Arthrospira showed that
of the morning value. Complete recovery of the Fv/Fm ratio sensitivity to photoinhibition strongly increased in A. fusi-
occurred in the afternoon only in the low oxygen cultures, while formis strain M2 cultures acclimated to low light. Yet, despite
it reached about 80% of the morning value in the high oxy- a 40% reduction in the Fv/Fm ratio observed in cells exposed
gen culture, and only 63% in the culture exposed to combina- to high stress conditions i.e. a combination of suboptimal
tion of high oxygen and low temperature (Fig. 25.15). temperature (25°C) and high dissolved oxygen concentra-
Photoinhibition studies in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis tions (up to 60 mg L−1), no significant loss in the D1 content
sp. PCC 6803 have indicated that photodamage is initiated was found. By contrast, under the same stress conditions, the
by the direct effect of light on the oxygen evolving complex D1 content was reduced by 50% in low-light acclimated cul-
(OEC) and that reactive oxygen species (ROS) inhibit the tures (Torzillo et al. 2003a). Productivity of low-light accli-
repair of photodamaged photosystem II primarily suppress- mated cultures was lower than that obtained in high-light
ing the synthesis of proteins de novo (Murata et al. 2007). acclimated cultures. Light acclimation also strongly
The photosynthetic electron transport system represents influenced the effect of stress on the pigment composition of
the major source of ROS, that is, singlet oxygen, hydrogen the A. fusiformis strain M2 cells. Pigment analysis showed
peroxide and the superoxide radical (Asada 1994; Krause that ß-carotene decreased during the day in high stress cul-
1994). When scavenging of potentially damaging oxygen spe- tures, while the mixoxanthophyll and zeaxanthin content
cies is insufficient, photoinhibition can occur. High oxygen increased. The considerable presence of mixoxanthophyll
concentration itself can influence the growth and the photo- and zeaxanthin may provide a source of defense for cells
synthetic activity of the cultures even when the light inten- against photooxidation (Torzillo et al. 2003a).
25 Arthrospira (Spirulina) 695

25.5.2 Effect of Salinity on Growth, High rates of dark respiration in cyanobacteria due to
Photosynthesis and Respiration salinity stress had been reported previously (Vonshak and
Richmond 1981; Fry et al. 1986; Molitor et al. 1986). This
The occurrence of Arthrospira spp. in marine habitats has high activity may be associated with the increased level of
not been documented, at least not as dominant blooms like maintenance energy required for pumping out the excess of
those found in the natron lakes. This is most likely due more sodium ions. Variable chlorophyll fluorescence was applied
to the very low content of bicarbonate rather than to the high by Lu et al. (1999) in order to study the kinetics of the response
content of NaCl. Arthrospira, unlike marine organisms, does of A. fusiformis strain M2 cells to salinity stress. The study
not require high NaCl concentration for growth; rather, it revealed that the response of PSII photochemistry during the
only tolerates the salt. The exposure of Arthrospira cultures first 12 h of their exposure to high salinity consisted of two
to high NaCl concentrations at first results in an immediate phases. The first phase, which took place during the first 4 h,
cessation of growth; after a lag period, a new steady state was characterized by an immediate drop in Fv/Fm during the
of growth is established (Vonshak et al. 1988a). The length first 15 min (about 26%) after exposure. This was followed by
of the time lag is exponentially correlated to the degree of a recovery to around 92% of the original level after 2 h incu-
salinity stress imposed on the cells. In many cases, this lag bation. After 4 h from the beginning of the salt treatment,
is associated with a decline in chlorophyll and biomass another decline in Fv/Fm was observed, which reached about
concentrations in the culture (Vonshak et al. 1988a). 70% of the initial value after 12 h (Lu et al. 1999). According
When the biomass composition of two strains grown to Lu and Vonshak (2002), salt stress in A. fusiformis strain
under different salt stress conditions was compared, M2 inhibited the electron transport at both the donor and
significant changes, mainly an increase in carbohydrate and acceptor sides of PSII, and resulted in damage to the phyco-
a decrease in the protein levels, were observed. These bilisomes and a partial disconnection of these from PSII
changes correlated with the degree of stress imposed (i.e. which shifted the distribution of excitation energy in favour
higher level of carbohydrate at a higher salt concentration). of the PSI (state 2). An alteration in the structure of the phy-
The difference in the level of carbohydrate accumulated by cobilisomes of A. fusiformis in response to an enhanced Na+
the two strains may also reflect a difference in their ability to level was also reported by Verma and Mohanty (2000). The
acclimate to salt stress. Changes in lipid synthesis have also effect of salt stress on A. fusiformis was further investigated
been demonstrated: in salt-stressed cells, with an increase in by Gong et al. (2008). The results confirmed previous obser-
lipid content and in the degree of fatty acid saturation is vations that salt stress leads to damage on the reducing side of
observed with specific modifications in the long-chain fatty PSII and, in particular, to a modification of the QB niche.
acids (C18). In A. fusiformis strain M2 the oleic acid content Moreover, the authors confirmed that also the donor side of
doubled when the organism was grown in presence of 0.5 M PSII was affected by salt stress, and that this damage was
NaCl (Tomaselli et al. 1993). associated with a dissociation of the PsbO protein from the
It has been suggested that exposure to high salinity is thylakoid membranes (Gong et al. 2008).
accompanied by a higher demand for maintenance energy by Another modification in salt-stressed cells is an increase in
the stressed cells (Blumwald and Tel-Or 1982). Changes in the respiration rate (Vonshak et al. 1988a). In A. fusiformis
the photosynthetic and respiratory activities of an Arthrospira strain M2, this increase was two- and three-fold when the con-
strain were measured over a period of 48 h beginning 30 min centration of salt in the medium was increased from 0.5 to
after exposure to 0.5 and 1.0 M NaCl. A marked decrease in 0.75 mM, respectively (Zeng and Vonshak 1998). Sensitivity to
the photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate was observed photoinhibition was found to be enhanced when A. fusiformis
30 min after exposure to the salt. This decline was followed strain M2 cells were exposed to sizable combinations of high
by a recovery period, characterized by a lower steady state light and salt stress (Zeng and Vonshak 1998). It seems that
rate of photosynthesis (Vonshak et al. 1988a). The immedi- many cyanobacteria are capable of compensating the reduction
ate inhibition of the photosynthetic and respiratory systems in the energy supply coming from the photosynthetic pathway
after exposure to salt stress has been explained by Ehrenfeld by significantly increasing their respiratory activity, which in
and Cousin (1984) and Reed et al. (1985), in, respectively, addition can provide carbon skeletons for the synthesis of
Dunaliella and in Synechocystis. A short-term increase in organic osmolytes and for the extrusion of Na+ in cells in order
cellular sodium concentration was due to a transient increase to maintain the osmotic balance (Peschek et al. 1994).
in the permeability of the plasma membrane during the first
seconds of exposure to high salt concentration. It has been
suggested that the inhibition of photosynthesis due to the 25.5.3 Osmoregulation
rapid entry of sodium, might be the result of the detachment
of phycobilisomes from the thylakoid membranes (Blumwald During the course of acclimation to salinity, an osmotic
et al. 1984). adjustment is required (Borowitzka 1986). In Arthrospira
696 C. Sili et al.

this involves the accumulation of low molecular weight car- values of 10.0 and 11.5, the intracellular pH values were only
bohydrates. These have been identified as a nine carbon het- 8.0 and 8.5, respectively.
eroside called glucosyl-glycerol, plus a trehalose (Martel Many alkaliphiles require sodium in order to survive in
et al. 1992). Changes in the amount of cellular trehalose and extreme alkaline environments (Horikoshi and Akiba 1982).
in the activity of the enzyme malthooligosyl trehalose hydro- Padan et al. (1981) demonstrated that an active sodium – pro-
lase (Mth), the enzyme that catalyses the formation of treha- ton antiporter is required in order to maintain a low internal
lose from maltooligosyl trehalose, were recently investigated pH. Most cyanobacteria require sodium in an mM or sub-
in A. fusiformis by Ohmori et al. (2009). These authors millimolar concentration range in order to maintain viability,
observed that the amount of trehalose in the cells increased especially at an alkaline pH (Miller et al. 1984; Espie et al.
rapidly when a high concentration of NaCl was added to the 1988). Some reports have indicated, in cyanobacteria incubated
culture medium. The inhibition of sodium ion transport by in a sodium-deficient media, the loss of the photosynthetic
means of amiloride, a sodium channel blocker, and mon- oxygen evolution (Zhao and Briand 1988) and a degradation
ensin, a cation ionophore, significantly decreased the amount of the thylakoid membranes (Averdano et al. 1989). The effect
of cellular trehalose, suggesting that the influx of Na+ into of sodium deprivation is very dramatic in A. fusiformis.
the cells was connected with an accumulation of trehalose. In this obligate alkaliphilic cyanobacterium, a strict Na
The synthesis of trehalose was comparable when KCl was dependence has been found for both the growth and photo-
used to replace NaCl, while the effect on cellular trehalose synthetic activity of the cells (Schlesinger et al. 1996). It has
synthesis was only half as much by the same amount of LiCl. been demonstrated that concentrations of Na+ no less than
It was suggested that the cells accumulated trehalose mainly 50 mM in the medium are required in order to maintain
via ionic stress, rather than by osmotic stress. It was also sug- growth at a high pH. Depletion of Na+ causes a light-depen-
gested that the influx of Na+, and not the mere presence of dent inhibition of PSII and a loss in the phycocyanin content
Na+ in the medium, is connected with the physiological effect of A. fusiformis cells (Schlesinger et al. 1996). It has been
of NaCl. It was concluded that the addition of NaCl activated suggested that pigment bleaching and a loss of PSII activity
Mth and, at the same time, triggered a transcription of the are due to the inability on the part of the cells to maintain an
mth gene. Disruption of the mth gene, if such is possible, appropriate intracellular pH. Pogoryelov et al. (2003) theo-
may provide further evidence on the role of Mth in the stress- rized that the specific site of inactivation of the photosyn-
response accumulation of trehalose in Arthrospira. thetic electron transport at alkaline pH lies in the
water-splitting enzyme (oxygen evolving complex) and, in
contrast with earlier reports, that the inactivation occurs in
25.5.4 Arthrospira as an Alkaliphile the dark and for short periods, without any detectable dam-
age to the photosynthetic chain. A very intriguing question is
Most Arthrospira species currently grown in mass culture how Arthrospira is capable of coping simultaneously with
were isolated from alkaline and saline or brackish waters two extreme environmental situations: a high pH and a high
characterized by high levels of carbonate-bicarbonate and concentration of Na+. In fact, not only does the adaptation of
high pH levels (Sect. 25.4). The physiological characteristics cells in this organism permit growth at high pH and high Na+
which enable a microorganism to thrive in such an extreme concentrations, as in the case of many other alkali-tolerant
environment are still not fully understood. Arthrospira not cyanobacteria, but also the cell functions are optimized to
only survives at high pH values, but actually thrives in such these extreme conditions (pH 9.5–11.5 and 150–250 mM
conditions. Belkin and Boussiba (1991), who compared NaCl). Further studies on the energy requirement and
the growth pH optima for the two cyanobacteria Anabaena involvement of light in the regulatory process are needed.
and Arthrospira, demonstrated that while the optimal pH
for Anabaena was in the range of 6.8–7.2, the maximal
growth rate for Arthrospira was obtained in the 9.5–9.8 25.5.5 How Does Arthrospira Compete
range. When incubated at pH 7.0, the growth rate of in Culture?
Arthrospira was severely inhibited and was only 20% of that
under the optimal conditions. This high pH (>8) requirement Studies performed on different Arthrospira isolates from
clearly defines Arthrospira as an obligatory alkaliphile various sources demonstrate highly variable responses to dif-
(Grant et al. 1990). ferent ecological factors (Tomaselli et al. 1987; Vonshak
One of the major problems faced by cells in a highly alka- et al. 1996a, b). It is on the basis of this variability that strains
line environment is that of regulating their internal pH. suitable for the biotechnological applications are selected:
Belkin and Boussiba (1991) were the first to measure the i.e. photo-, thermo- or osmotolerant strains (Tomaselli et al.
ability of Arthrospira to maintain a pH gradient across its 1993; Vonshak and Guy 1992; Vonshak et al. 1988b).
cytoplasmic membrane. It was shown that, at external pH Detailed studies aimed at measuring the ecological specificity
25 Arthrospira (Spirulina) 697

of the different species, particularly of those utilized for total potential of the different sites in China now exceeds
commercial purposes, are scarce (Kebede and Ahlgren 1996). 2,000 t (dw), but the situation is changing rapidly due to the
Nevertheless, full knowledge of the ecological demands of development of production on the Ordos Plateau of Inner
the chosen species and the use of more productive selected Mongolia (Lu et al. 2011). Although the average annual tem-
strains is important if high productivity is to be achieved in perature in the region is only 6.4°C (Qiao et al. 2001), which
intensive outdoor cultivation systems. The use by commer- poses a challenge (Li et al. 2003), commercial production
cial producers of multistrain inocula which respond posi- under greenhouses permits lower costs than elsewhere in
tively to changes in abiotic factors (due to their heterogeneity) China and it is aimed to reach an annual output of 3,000 t
represents another way of compensating for the present lack within a few years. Lu et al. (2011) state that a 1,000,000-t
of well-characterized strains. plan for production has been sketched out.
Like other components of the phytoplankton, Arthrospira Arthrospira production is mostly carried out in raceway
plays a role in cycling nutritional elements and in their ponds of 2,000–5,000 m2 and may contain between 400 and
passage into different food chains; moreover, it provides an 1,000 m3 of culture according to the depth adopted, which
important direct food source for zooplankton, fishes, birds can vary between 15 and 40 cm depending on season, desired
and humans. The same factors that in the original habitat algal density and, to a certain extent, the desired biochemical
regulate the occurrence of Arthrospira in monospecific pop- composition of the final product (Shimamatsu 2004; Belay
ulations are those required for both successfully maintaining 2008). Further information on commercial production of
a monoculture in intensive production ponds outdoors and Arthrospira (Spirulina) the reader can be found in more spe-
for achieving high productivity. Factors such as high alkalin- cialized books (Vonshak 1997b; Richmond 2004a; Gershwin
ity and salinity are the key features that selectively limit the and Belay 2008).
growth of other organisms and predators. Moreover, once the The major share of the market for this organism is for
optimal conditions for the growth of Arthrospira are main- health food involving crude biomass production. This has the
tained in ponds, this organism successfully outcompetes advantages of simple processing (harvest and rudimentary
other occasionally occurring phototrophs for nutrient and handling) keeping production costs reasonably low, and to
light. This may be attributable to its fast growth rate and pho- elude the competition with chemical industry which cannot
toacclimation capability, and its high tolerance to environ- match the wealth in nutritional bioactive components and
mental stress (irradiance, salinity, temperature). attractiveness of natural products (Boussiba and Affalo 2005).
The experience gathered over many years of industrial
production of Arthrospira has allowed to individuate the
25.6 Mass Cultivation of Arthrospira main problems related with commercial scale production
(Shimamatsu 2004). They are: (1) how to maintain an unial-
At present Arthrospira (commercially indicated as Spirulina) gal production, that is, without sizeable presence of contami-
represents the second most important commercial microalga nants all over the year, and (2) how to maintain a consistent
in term of US$ (after Chlorella), while in terms of total bio- quality of the product. These two aspects are strongly depen-
mass produced, the Arthrospira market is twice or more of dent on an appropriate strain selection and adequate formula-
that occupied by Chlorella (Torzillo and Vonshak 2003). tion of the culture medium. Major criteria for the selection of
Commercial production takes two broad approaches: that of strains are growth rate, biochemical composition and resis-
industrialised countries who interested in producing the bio- tance to environmental stress, usually high light and low and
mass for health food market, as well as for the extraction of high temperatures at each production site. The chemical
fine chemicals, and that of developing countries looking for composition of culture medium is similar to than used for
a rich source of protein which can be produced locally, using laboratory culture (Zarrouk’s medium) with a high content
marginal land and saline water unsuitable agriculture, and of NaHCO3 (16.8 g L−1), K2HPO4 (0.5 g L−1) and KNO3
the opportunity for treating animal and human waste (2.5 g L−1), pH is maintained at 9.5–10.3 by artificial CO2
(Laliberté et al. 1997; Habib et al. 2008). A major producer supply. The high alkalinity and high pH represent an efficient
of Arthrospira is the DIC group of companies, Earthrise in barrier against contamination by other microalgae, permit-
California, USA, Hainan DIC Marketing in Hainan Island, ting the maintenance of a unialgal culture in open ponds. The
China. These facilities produce about 1,000 t Arthrospira cost of nutrients usually dictates the choice of nutrient to be
annually (Belay 2008). Another important Arthrospira pro- used. For example, the use of ammonia, which is cheaper
ducer is Cyanotech Corporation of Hawaii with an annual than nitrate, is restricted by the fact that it can be toxic to the
production of 300 t (dw). Other producers are located mainly cultures. The predominance of NH3 over NH4+ at pH values
in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly China and India (Lee greater than 9.25 (the pKa of the ammonia system at 25°C),
1997) and the highest production capacity of Arthrospira together to the high permeability of the NH3, causes uncou-
biomass takes place in China. Recent estimates are that the pling of photosynthesis in Arthrospira cells (Boussiba 1989;
698 C. Sili et al.

Boussiba and Gibson 1991). At pH values of 9.5 which is measurements such as chlorophyll fluorescence technique
considered optimal for the growth of Arthrospira, concentra- (Sect. 25.5.1), and to reduce as much as possible the stress
tion of free ammonia above 2.5 mM is reported to be toxic to damage mechanically created by excessive stirring or by use
many algae (Abeliovich and Azov 1976; G. Torzillo, unpub- of centrifuge pumps for culture transfer (e.g. during the har-
lished data). For this reason, the fed-batch addition of vesting). In most cases, the steps which proved effective in
ammonia-based nitrogen sources is mandatory to effectively preventing contamination by Chlorella were: maintaining a
prevent any inhibiting effect (Rodrigues et al. 2011). high bicarbonate concentration (e.g. 0.2 M); and taking pre-
Moreover, the fed-back addition of ammonia-nitrogen can cautions to maintain the dissolved organic load in the culture
also reduce the risk of nitrogen deficiency which may occur medium as low as possible. Amoeba grazing on Chlorella,
when ammonium salts are used as the only source of nitro- and Arthrospira have been also observed in some improperly
gen and ammonium is lost by out-gassing. For this reason the operated commercial ponds. Addition of ammonia (2 mM)
simultaneous use of nitrates and ammonium salts are often arrested the development of these grazers (Vonshak et al.
used Arthrospira farms to avoid the risk of nitrogen 1983). Similar observations have been reported by Lincoln
depletion. et al. (1983), who showed that the population of grazers was
Another important nutrient component of the culture significantly reduced when ammonia was used as the main N
medium is the carbon source. The carbon content of the source. However, ecological control by predators, although
Arthrospira biomass is about 50% (Torzillo et al. 1991), this has occasionally been observed in natural lakes domi-
meaning that a minimum of 1.8 g of CO2 to synthesize 1 g nated by Arthrospira (e.g. Lake Ankorongo, Madagascar),
(dry weight) of biomass is required. Therefore, the utiliza- has been never applied in industrial cultures (Shimamatsu
tion of CO2 in the flue gas may help to reduce the cost of the 2004).
biomass production (Ferreira et al. 2012). Strategies for sup- Safety and quality control of biomass represent another
plying CO2 in large-scale cultivation ponds to increase the important issue for the industrial production of Arthrospira
CO2 absorptivity have been proposed (Bao et al. 2012). (Belay 2008). Toxic species of other cyanobacteria may be
Cultures are operated according to a semi-continuous present (Chap. 24) and some Arthrospira biomass companies
regime where a constant cell concentration is maintained in have developed methods for their determination and actually
the ponds, usually in the range of 400–600 mg L−1 dry weight, certify their products to be free of toxins, such as microcys-
by daily harvesting of biomass to the extent that it has grown tins. Arthrospira biomass does not contain microcystin (An
over the last 24 h. This concentration range is mainly dictated and Carmichael 1996), but contamination by other cyanobac-
by harvesting efficiency. However, a concentration below teria cannot be ruled out. A potential problem of open ponds
100 mg L−1 dry weight can make cells susceptible to photo- of Arthrospira production is that the water may be contami-
inhibition (Vonshak and Guy 1992; Torzillo et al. 1998). nated with pathogenic organisms. Handling of the product
This phenomenon can occur at the start of the pond inocu- during processing can also result in microbial contamination
lation, when the culture is too dilute and not sufficiently (Belay 2008). Production cost is an area where little infor-
acclimated to high light conditions, or when cultures are mation is available as companies are usually not available to
subject to a combination of high light and low temperature provide this information. However, cost of production is esti-
(Sect. 25.5.1). mated to range from US$ 6–12 kg−1 dry matter. The lower
Maintaining a culture in large open ponds without any figure is based on a “feed” grade product, not for direct
contamination by other organisms is one of the major chal- human consumption. The product is sun-dried and contains a
lenge. Vonshak and Richmond (1988) estimated the overall high ash and low chlorophyll content. The demand for such
annual loss of productivity due to contamination and subse- a product is continually growing, as its relatively low price is
quent discarding of culture to be in the order of 15–20%. making it more attractive to the feed industry as an additive
Dilution of the cultures caused by rainfall and low light con- to fish and chicken feed. This demand is reflected in the
ditions often facilitates the onset of microalgae (Chlorella in reports of an increase in the production of feed grade prod-
particular), protozoa and insects. Continuous recycling of ucts up to 60 t year−1 by Earthrise Farms, compared to only a
medium can easily result both in the concentration of con- few tonnes of feed grade produced some years ago. A starch-
taminants like Chlorella or Arthrospira strains characterized producing factory in Thailand has started to use its water
by having short filaments, that are not arrested by the filters, refuse from an anaerobic digester to grow Arthrospira bio-
and in the accumulation of organic matter because of decom- mass and then sun-dry the product. Cost estimates indicate
position of death algae. This situation usually stimulates the that the product can be sold for less than US$ 6 kg−1. This is
growth of graze particularly protozoa. In order to prevent this a very important step towards the production of Arthrospira
situation it is mandatory to maintain the cultures at the opti- biomass, not only as a health food product, but for a much
mum growth conditions, by continuous monitoring of the larger market such as for feed additives. Further reduction of
physiological state of the cultures using fast and reliable production cost depends upon several factors: (1) increase in
25 Arthrospira (Spirulina) 699

Fig. 25.17 (a) An overview of the soda Lake Kossorom (Chad); (b) a formis blooms from the surface of Lake Kossorom; (e) young women
bloom of Arthrospira fusiformis (Lake Kossorom); (c) accumulation of collecting pieces of sun-dried Arthrospira biomass (dihé) after drying
A. fusiformis biomass at the edge of the lake; (d) harvesting A. fusi- them on sand (Photos M.R. Tredici)

productivity of the organism; (2) control of contamination mass into a variety of food products such as granola bars and
and hence the reduction on the culture renewable time; (3) various kinds of pasta. In Mexico and China, subsidized by
increasing of harvesting efficiency; (4) reduction of the over- the government, Arthrospira powder is added to child food
all operational efficiency of the farm (Shimamatsu 2004). such as biscuits and chocolate (Fox 1985). Another available
product is a protein extracted from Arthrospira biomass con-
taining mainly the blue pigment phycocyanin and marketed
25.7 Market and Application under the “Lima Blue” brand name (Dainippon Ink 1980,
1981). The product is mainly used as a colourant for the food
The biomass produced is mainly sold to the health food addi- market to provide an edible dye for ice cream and as a natural
tives market in the form of powder or pills. It has also been dye in the cosmetics industry. The main problem is that the
selected by the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space pigment is light sensitive and special care has to be taken in
Administration) and by the European Space Agency as one handling the dye to protect it from bleaching. Full accounts
of the primary foods for long-term space missions. In many of the potential application of Arthrospira as a nutritional
cases the term “Spirulina” has become a practical synonym and therapeutic supplement in health management are given
for cultivated microalgae. Attempts have been made by by Belay (2002) and Gershwin and Belay (2008).
Proteous (a marketing company mainly associated with Beside its commercial production, Arthrospira still has an
Earthrise Farms in the USA) to incorporate Arthrospira bio- important role as food in the economy of some African
700 C. Sili et al.

Fig. 25.18 (a) Harvesting Arthrospira fusiformis from the surface of Twin Taung Lake, Myanmar. (b) Noodle-like filaments of Arthrospira paste
dried in the sun on transparent plastic sheets. (c, d) Sun-dried trichomes of Arthrospira fusiformis (Photos a, b: A. Vonshak; c, d: C. Sili)

countries. In 2000 a delegation funded by the African dihé annually harvested from Lake Kossorom (about 40 t)
Development Bank visited a number of African countries in amounted to more than US $ 100,000 which represents an
an attempt to study to what extent the local tribes use important income for the economy of the area (Fig. 25.17).
Arthrospira biomass as a part of their local food in order to Natural production of Arthrospira has been also documented
supplement their protein requirements (Sodelac 2000). The in Myanmar. Four volcanic lakes with natural Arthrospira
internal report issued indicated that the harvesting of natu- bloom were studied beginning in 1984. Production began at
rally-occurring blooms of Arthrospira from lakes around the Twin Taung Lake in 1988, and in 1999 increased to
Rift Valley is a very common tradition. A well-defined social 100 t year−1. About 60% is harvested from boats on the sur-
and practical structure has been reported. Only Kanembu face of the lake, while the other 40% is cultivated in outdoor
women carry out the harvesting, while men are banned from ponds alongside the lake. During the bloom season in sum-
entering the water, since it is a deep-rooted belief that they mer, when Arthrospira forms thick mats on the lake, people
would make the lake barren. Arthrospira biomass is har- in boats collect a dense concentration of Arthrospira in buck-
vested from Lake Kossorom throughout the year, with mini- ets (Fig. 25.18a). This biomass is harvested on inclined
mum yield in December and January, and a maximum from filters, washed with fresh water, dewatered and pressed again.
June to September during the rainy season. The sun-dried The paste is then extruded into noodle-like filaments which
product is used by the people who harvest it, as well as being are dried in the sun on transparent plastic sheets (Fig. 25.18b).
sold on many local markets. It has been estimated that up to Dried chips are taken to a pharmaceutical factory in Yangoon,
4,000 t dried Arthrospira biomass are harvested every year pasteurized, and pressed into tablets (Habib et al. 2008). A
by local tribes in different countries from 14 wadis flooded more detailed study on the consumption patterns in these
by Lake Chad during the rainy season. According to Sodelac various countries, as well as on the strains used, could A
(2000) in 2000, over 90% of the production was sold by more detailed study on the consumption patterns, as well as
female producers. The price of traditional dihé at production on the strains used, could provide valuable information for
sites in 2009 ranged between US$ 0.678 and 1.1 kg−1. the further development of the Arthrospira production, pro-
A survey carried out among the Kanembu who harvest cessing and consumption industry.
Arthrospira from Lake Kossorom in the Prefecture of Lac The accumulated knowledge of the ecology, physiology
(Chad) has added considerable understanding of local eco- and biochemistry of Arthrospira has made its commercial
nomics (Abdulqader et al. 2000). The trading value of the production feasible. At present the photosynthetic efficiency
25 Arthrospira (Spirulina) 701

of Arthrospira is still well below (2–3%) of the theoretical Baurain D, Renquin L, Grubisic S, Scheldeman P, Belay A, Wilmotte A
(2002) Remarkable conservation of internally transcribed spacer
maximum, which can be set at about 10% total solar light.
sequences of Arthrospira (“Spirulina”) (Cyanophyceae,
Light saturation it has indicated to be one of the most important Cyanobacteria). Strains from four continents and of recent and
factors which limit the full exploitation of the photosynthetic 30-years old samples from Africa. J Phycol 38:384–393
capacity. More work is required to provide strain selection Belay A (2002) The potential application of Spirulina (Arthrospira) as
a nutritional and therapeutic supplement in health management. J
and better understanding of the factors governing growth,
Am Nutra Assoc (JANA) 5(2):27–48
especially light utilization in dense cultures, to support this Belay A (2008) Spirulina (Arthrospira): production and quality assur-
growing agro-industry. ance. In: Gershwin ME, Belay A (eds) Spirulina in human nutrition
and health. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp 1–25,
312 pp
Acknowledgements The authors (TG and SC) thank the Italian Space
Belkin S, Boussiba S (1991) Resistance of Spirulina platensis to ammo-
Agency for financial support through the MoMa project (contract number
nia at high pH values. Plant Cell Physiol 32:953–958
I/014/06/0). Partial funding support was provided for joint projects in
Bergman AN, Laurent P, Otiang’a-Oqwiti G, Bergman HL, Walsh PJ,
the framework of Bilateral Scientific Agreement (2010–2012) between the
Wilson P, Wood CM (2003) Physiological adaptation of the gut in
National Research Council of Italy and the Czech Academy of Science.
the Lake Magadi tilapia, Alcolapia grahami, an alkaline-ad saline
We thank Prof. Brian Whitton for his critical and helpful comments.
adapted teleost fish. Comp Biochem Physiol A 136:701–715
Bernard Ch (1909) Sur quelques algues unicellulaires d’eau douce
récoltés dans le Domaine Malais. Dep Agric Indes Néerlandaises,
Buitzorg, 94 pp
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