Construction of BLT Rheda - 2000 in Tunne PDF
Construction of BLT Rheda - 2000 in Tunne PDF
Construction of BLT Rheda - 2000 in Tunne PDF
(Vikas Goel, Executive Engineer, Northern Railways)
IPWE Chennai, Jan 2013
Pir Panjal Tunnel also known as Tunnel T-80 is being constructed by Northern
Railway in Udhampur-Baramullah-Srinagar-Rail Link Project. This tunnel is 11.215
Km (including Cut & Cover portion of 255 meters) long and is India’s longest
transportation tunnel. This tunnel has been provided with 3.0 meter wide road along
with track to be used for maintenance and rescue operations. In order to have
maintenance free track inside this long tunnel, it was decided to provide ballastless
track inside this tunnel since conventional ballasted track requires frequent track
maintenance to maintain the track geometry. A number of ballastless track
technologies exist now a day. Rheda-2000 ballastless track system has been adopted
in Pir Panjal tunnel. The prerequisite of providing this ballastless track system is high
degree of precision and quality during construction stage as it is very difficult to alter
the track parameters or repair it later on. This paper deals with the various steps and
methods which have been followed for construction of Rheda-2000 Ballastless track
system in Pir Panjal Tunnel.
Rheda – 2000 ballastless system using RHEDA® - 2000 Semi Pre-cast Bi-Block
sleepers of M-55 Grade and Vossloh 300-1 U Fastenings has been used to provide
ballastless track in tunnel T-80. This Ballastless track system is relatively
maintenance free as compared to conventional ballasted track. In this system the
Rheda-2000 Semi Pre-cast Bi-Block sleepers are embedded in the RCC concrete bed
and the rails are held on sleepers with Vossloh 300-1 U fastenings. The sleepers are
produced in sleeper factory. The advantages of using Rheda-2000 Ballastless track
system include long life cycles, high speeds, ride comfort and great load-carrying
capability. Practically maintenance free, ballastless track systems ensure 100%
availability over many years. In many cases, a maintenance-free track system is
indeed the more cost-effective solution over the long run.
The structure of the ballastless track system adopted in Tunnel T-80 consists of: -
(a) Rails
(b) Fittings
(c) Sleepers
(d) Insitu Concrete
The rails being used in Pir Panjal Tunnel are 60 KG HH rails. These rails have been
imported from Austria.
Vossloh slab track system 300-1 U with tension clamp Skl 15 (Photos 1 & 2) is being
employed as the fittings for ballast less track in tunnel T-80. The fastenings are
composed of the following parts per sleeper:
The elastic pads are provided on rail seat of the sleepers and substitutes for the
elasticity of ballast bed. These pads are manufactured from PU, Rubber or EDPM.
Hot rolled wide steel plates are provided between rail pad and elastic pad to ensure
proper distribution of load on elastic pads.
Rail pads are provided to support rails and are placed below rails in between the angle
guide plates. These pads are manufactured from Ethylen-Vinylacetat –Copolymerisat
(EVA) and are stabilized against UV damage.
Angle guide plates are manufactured from Polyamide with 30 % glass fiber
reinforcement provided to laterally hold the rubber pad below rails at the same
position. Two numbers of angle guide plates are provided per block of sleeper.
The sleeper screw is manufactured in accordance with DIN EN ISO 898-1. The
physical properties are as follows:
The plastic dowels are embedded in sleepers during casting of sleepers. These dowels
are manufactured from polyamide and are resistant to UV damage.
Tension clamps provided over the guide plate and tightened by bolts provides nominal
toe load of 9 KN per clamp i.e. minimum toe load of 18 KN per fastening point. The
rails are permanently tightened by spring actuation as a result of long elastic spring.
Any tilting and lifting of rails are also prevented by the tension clamp as the middle
bend of clam absorbs the same.
Hardness 400-460 HV
Fatigue resistance 5 million cycles of amplitude 2.6 mm
Photo 7: Sleeper screw Photo 8: Tension Clamp
The sleepers for this Ballastless System are Semi Pre-cast Bi-Block sleepers which
consist of two blocks (Photo 9) which are linked with each other with two lattice
girders. These lattice girders prevent relative movement of independent blocks and
simultaneously act as reinforcement for the twin blocks. Two plastic ferrules and
bursting coils per block are casted in the blocks which hold Vossloh 300-1 U fittings.
These sleepers were produced at Manwal Sleeper factory which was set up by M/s
Patil Rail Infrastructure Limited. The brief procedure for production of sleepers is as
under: -
The approved moulds (Photo 10) are cleaned with the help of wire brush and oiled
followed by placement of reinforcement lattice girders, plastic ferrules and bursting
coils. The concrete is produced in the batching plant and manually filled in the
moulds. Materials for production of concrete are tested in the prescribed frequency in
accordance with the relevant IS codes. After filling the moulds with concrete,
compaction of concrete is done by vibrating the moulds by high frequency vibrators
(9000 RPM) attached to the vibrating table. The moulds are then shifted to the steam
curing chambers.
After steam curing, Sleepers are demoulded and transferred to water curing tanks.
Submerged curing of sleepers is done for 15 days so as to achieve characteristic
compressive strength of 55 MPa.
Photo 9: Rheda 2000 Semi Precast Bi block Sleeper
The production of sleepers has been done as per the approved Quality Assurance Plan
which enumerates controlling of processes through Receiving Goods Inspection and
in Process inspection.
Receiving Good Inspection
All the raw materials i.e. Cement, Aggregates, Mixing water, Plastic Screw dowels
,Track Fastening materials and Reinforcement etc. are inspected in regular intervals as
specified in relevant IS and DIN codes.
In-process Inspection
In process inspection of all the processes involved in casting of sleepers has been
defined as per relevant codes and frequency. Such inspections ensure standardization
of production process and minimize deviation from the approved quality.
In the in process inspection after curing of sleepers and before dispatch, all the
sleepers are inspected for the following: -
Surface Condition
Sleepers are visually inspected for any defects in the surface condition of the sleepers
as per the stipulations of European Standard DIN EN 13230-1 and only those sleepers
which are found free from any surface defects like blow holes, honeycombing and
cracks are then further inspected for cracks in rail foot bead.
Cracks in rail seat which are not visible are detected with the help of acetone. Those
sleepers having cracks on rail seat are rejected and rests are checked for the
Sleepers found free from all the surface defects are inspected for dimensional
tolerances. Standardized precision gauges templates have been made for inspection of
sleeper dimensions. Following tolerances has been specified: -
Insitu concrete in Ballastless track in Tunnel T-80 is being done in three stages as
under: -
PCC is placed over the drainage layer (tunnel without invert) or permanent invert
concrete (tunnel with invert) at 764 mm below rail level up to 473 mm below rail
level. This 291 mm thick M-20 layer acts as a base concrete layer. The PCC is casted
in segments of 50 m length.
The ballast-less track in Tunnel T-80 consists of semi pre-cast bi-block RCC Rheda-
2000 sleepers manufactured using M-55 Grade Concrete with the lower part of lattice
girders projecting outside the concrete body of the sleeper. For rail fixing, dowels
which are part of Vossloh fittings are embedded while casting the sleepers. These
sleepers are embedded in RCC layer of 243 mm thickness. This layer is called Track
Concrete Layer (TCL) and is of M-35 grade concrete. The TCL consist of two layers
of reinforcement with both bottom and top layer composing of rebars of 16 mm ø in
longitudinal direction and transverse direction. The track concrete layer is placed
over 291 mm thick M 20 grade PCC base layer concrete. The procedure for casting of
TCL is explained in the following paragraphs.
Placing of Sleepers
The precise track centre at every 5.4 m on straight track is marked by the survey team
using Total Station on the already laid PCC as explained in para 3.0 below. The
Rheda-2000 sleepers are shifted inside the tunnel using pick and carry crane and
Tractor – Trolley. The sleepers are then placed at 600mm spacing c/c along the centre
line of the straight track over the PCC.
Fixing of Rails
The elastic pad, steel base plate, rail pad, inner angle guide plate and inner sleeper
screw are first fixed on to the sleepers and then the rails are shifted over the sleepers
by lifting the rails with help of track jack and rail tongues, manually. After that the
outer angle guide plates and sleeper screws are fixed. The sleeper screws are tightened
with the help of torque wrench and initial torque of 120-150 Nm is applied on them
after insertion of tension clamps on the rail foot and maintaining the gauge with due
consideration to the track centre line. The use of torque wrench ensures the even
bracing of rails. The outer screws are tightened first followed by the inner one.
The track is then lifted with the help of spindles (Photo 11) fixed at very third sleeper
(1.8m) to the designed level which is pre-marked on tunnel wall as a continue line by
survey team using Digital Leveling Instrument. The spindle brackets are provided in
the middle of sleeper spacing with the spindle on the inner side of the rail. At the
location of rail joint, one sleeper at the most remains unsupported i.e., the normal
distance of providing spindles at every third sleepers is interrupted. The track is
leveled and adjusted to match the marked track centre line and designed levels. The
alignment is maintained by using turn buckles (Photo 12) bearing against the tunnel
wall on one side and road concrete on other side. The sleeper distance and squareness
is checked and corrections made as required so that track parameters are within the
Before commencement of concreting all the track parameters are measured and
recorded and it is ensured that these are within permissible track tolerances. In order
to protect fittings and rails from splashing of concrete during casting of TCL, these
are covered with sheet covers. Concrete of M-35 Grade manufactured in automatic
batching plants and transported in transit mixers is used in TCL. The entire thickness
of TCL is filled in one layer with bottom of TCL at 473 mm and top at 230 mm from
rail top. The compaction of concrete is ensured by needle vibrators. The central
portion of TCL is made rough to receive concrete for Derailment Block. After the
completion of concrete for TCL, the fittings and rail foot are cleaned from any
residual concrete.
When the concrete becomes sufficient hard, the rails are made free by loosening the
tension clamps by unscrewing the sleeper screws so that the shrinkage stresses of the
concrete are not locked up by the fixed rails. Generally, the clamps are being released
when the concrete becomes sufficient hard by about 6 hrs. The spindles are removed
after 12 hrs of concreting and the holes created by spindles are filled by non
shrinkable cement grout.
The derailment block is laid with same grade of the concrete as in TCL i.e. M-35.
Special fabricated shuttering plates (Photo 14) are used for casting of derailment
block. The derailment block performs the functions of guard rail on normal track. The
width of derailing block in the central portion is 1173 mm with height of 230mm. The
clearance of 250mm of derailment block from gauge face of the rail is maintained.
Also clearance of 180mm is provided on non gauge side of the rail. The clearances are
kept such that the sleeper fittings could be removed easily on one hand and road
vehicle could move over the track on other hand in case of emergency.
Photo 16: Finished Ballastless Track System inside Pir Panjal Tunnel
(a) Fixing the centre line of track i.e. Northing & Easting coordinates.
(b) Fixing the rail level i.e. elevation.
This is done with the help of total station (Photo 17). Temporary Bench Marks are
provided at every 50 m by fixing the Bireflex targets (Photo 19) or mini prism (Photo
20) arrangements. Small MS plates of size 25mm x 12mm x2mm (Photo 21) are
welded with 8mm dia bolts. Holes of 8mm dia are drilled in the PCC at approximate
centre of the track and the plates are fixed in these holes (Photo 22). These MS plates
are fixed at distance of 5.4 meter i.e. every 9th sleeper. Two sleepers are placed over
the two adjacent reference plates matching the centre of sleeper over the punch mark
(Photo 18) on reference plates. A nylon cord is stretched at the right hand outer edge
of these two sleepers and all the sleepers in between these two sleepers are placed in
alignment by touching the right outer edge of the sleeper with the nylon cord. When
the track is lifted and rails are placed over the spindles after fixing the rail level the
centre line of the track may disturb. For adjusting the centre line after placing the rails
on spindles, half gauge (Photo 23) is used. One rail is adjusted with respect to centre
line by using the turn buckles and other rail gets adjusted automatically due to fixed
gauge of sleepers. Turn buckles are provided at every third sleeper and rests on the
web of the rail. A wooden block is placed between turnbuckle and rail web to avoid
damage to the rail.
Photo 21: Reference plate Photo 22: Reference plate with punch
Photo 23: Half Gauge for adjusting alignment
Rail levels are fixed with the help of digital leveling instrument (Photo 26) and bar
coded staff (Photo 27). Building monitoring points (Photo 24 & 25) are fixed inside
the tunnel lining at every 50 meter interval to be used as Temporary Bench Marks.
The designed levels of the track are transferred on right hand rail by Spindle jacks by
lifting/lowering these. The levels of left rail are corrected by using the cross level and
Photo 24: Building Monitoring Point Photo 25: BMP fixed inside lining
Photo 26: Digital Leveling instrument Photo 27: Bar Coded Staff
After completing the reinforcement work, the track parameters are again checked &
corrected. Gauge & cross levels are checked with the help of Gauge Cum Level and
alignment of track is checked by taking versines at every 10 m on 20 m chord. The
track parameters in the BLT are maintained to the following tolerances.
+/- 1mm
2mm(Sleeper to
Sleeper (Over On Each Sleeper
variation) prescribed
1 Gauge gauge)
1 mm (Sleeper
to Sleeper On Each Sleeper
20mm (w.r.t.
2 Sleeper Spacing theoretical (Each Spacing) +/- 5mm Each Spacing
Square-ness of
3 +/- 2mm Each Sleeper
4 Cross Level +/- 3mm Every 4th Sleeper +/- 1mm Every 2M
+/- 2mm
With 20M Chord
On 10M Chord +/- 2mm
half overlapping
(On St. Track)
5mm variation
over theoretical
versines Every 10M using
With 20M Chord
20M Chord
+/- 2mm
5 Alignment (On Curves of
R>600M) (Versine
variation over
10mm variation
over theoretical
versines Every 10M using
With 20M Chord
20M Chord
(On Curves of
+/- 10mm
Square-ness of
7 Every Joint +/- 5mm Every Joint
F/P Joints
2mm/Mtr on St
& Curved Track
(Para 607 of 2mm on 3.60M
8 Twist and 1mm/Mtr
IRPWM) base.
on transitioned