Adigrat University: Pedal Operated Water Pump (Concrete Pedal Pump)

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Pedal Operated Water Pump (Concrete Pedal Pump)

Senior Project on Machine Design

For The Partial Fulfillment of B. Sc. Degree in Engineering Drawing & Design


(1) Tsefay Weldu

(2) Tsegay Atsbeha
(3) Meselu Zewdu
Advisor: Mr. Mekonnen

Submission date:
Adigrat – Tigray – Ethiopia


We would like to acknowledge the support and advice of our supervisor. We would also like to
thank Instructor mekonnen and Jim from Butterfly Space for the correspondence and information
which is vital for a project in this vein of intern.

All of those acknowledged here have been very busy during our project and we appreciate the
time taken to help us complete this project.

We would also like to thank MilanDelor from EWB-Sheffield for making the project happen in
the first place.
In this paper, design and construct pedal operated water pump which used in small irrigation and
garden irrigation. The pedal operated pump can be construct using local material and skill. A
water system includes a concrete pedal pump operated by pedal power. It works on the principle
of compression and sudden release of a tube by creating negative pressure in the tube and this
vacuum created draws water from the sump .This bicycle pedal operated pumps water at 2-3
gallons per minute from wells and boreholes up to 23 in feet depth provides irrigation and
drinking water where electricity is not available. They can be built using locally available
materials and can be easily adapted to suit the needs of local people. They free the user from
rising energy costs, can be used anywhere, produce no pollution and provide healthy exercise.
Energy is the primary and most universal measure of all kind of work by human being and
nature. Everything what happen in the world in the expression of flow of energy is one of its
form. Most people use the world energy for input to their bodies or to the machines and thus
about fuels and power. Energy is an important input in all sectors of counters economy.
Key words: pedal pump, discharge rate, power requirement, efficiency, piston valve and check

Table of content



List of figures---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

List of tables---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


List of symbols------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter one


1.1 history of pedal pump----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.2 statement of problem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.3 objectives--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.3.1 Genera objective---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.3.2 Specific objective----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.4 scope and limitation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.5 methodology-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter two
Literature review-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter three

3.1 material and method-------------------------------------------------------------------

3.1.1 Material required---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.2 treadle pump---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.2.1 Treadle concrete pedal pump------------------------------------------------------------------- Treadle concrete pedal pump for irrigation-----------------------------------------------

3.3how treadle pump works-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.4 basic components of treadle pump------------------------------------------------------------------

3.4.1 Pump cylinder----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.4.2 piston---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.4.3 Pump manifold----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.4.4 Non return valve-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.4.5 treadle------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.4.6 frame--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.5 pump design feature-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.5.1 Stroke length------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.5.2 Piston stroke volume---------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.5.3 cadence-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.5.4 Foot force----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.6 mechanical advantage------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter one


Irrigation plays a vital role as a leading input because the productivity of other inputs such as
improved seed and fertilizers largely depend on the availability of ensured water supply in the
fields. With the supply of irrigation water, most of the agricultural lands can be brought under
cultivation of high yielding crops. The productivity of the land now producing food under natural
condition can be increased considerably by the application of supplemental irrigation.

The socioeconomic condition of Bangladesh farmer does not permit large scale irrigation
investment. Hence, introduction of small scale irrigation like pedal pumps can play a vital role
for increasing food grain production. Capital intensive technology like deep tube wells, shallow
tube wells are beyond the purchasing capacity of the poor farmers, while they can afford labor
intensive technologies such as pedal pump, hand pumps, rower pumps, treadle pumps etc. due to
their lower cost. In the context of Bangladesh, where labors are abundant and most of the farmers
are poor, the pedal pump seems to be an appropriate irrigation technology. Such kind of
irrigation technologies are operated and maintained by farmers themselves from their own capital
for producing crop in the small fragmented lands. The average small farm sizes spreading over a
number of scattered plots are unsuitable to irrigate with a large size of stream. But, the manually
operated technology with a small stream size is suitable for small and fragmented farm holding
and involves less mechanical and maintenance problems. In fact the poor farmers represent 80%
of population in Ethiopia and they own only 30% of total land. Due to their extreme
poverty, they are gradually joining the landless group. In this context, manually operated pedal
pump is helpful for poor farmers to reduce poverty. The current success of manually operated
pump can be explained in terms of factors like appropriate design, low cost, effective marketing,
and high cash returns. Some researchers had focused their endeavor on the
development of low lift labor-intensive devices and had succeeded to develop some devices of
such characters like, rower pump, wheel pump, diaphragm pump, blower pump, etc.
But these pumps still are not popular in the country due to their low efficiency and discharges,
short service lives, high friction losses and many other mechanical troubles. Operation of the
devices is very laborious and operators often complain about their suffering from various health

According to survey report many users of these devices complained about their
health troubles and desired to get a better technology requiring less manual power and
mechanical troubles. High initial maintenance cost, non-availability of spare parts, requirements
of large irrigable land and similar other restrictions make the poor illiterate farmers reluctant to
use of deep tube wells and shallow tube wells. But the components of pedal pumps can be locally
produced with low-cost and all spare parts are available in the country. Hence, a study is needed
to design and develop the pedal pump [treadle pump].

1.1 Background of the treadle pump

The treadle pump was developed in 1979 by a team working with the RangpurDinajpur Rural
Service (RDRS), an NGO working in North West Bangladesh. RDRS developed the new pump
to meet what they perceived as a large, unsatisfied demand for manual irrigation pumps. The
treadle pump offered a unique alternative to existing hand-operated pumps by enabling the
extraction of larger volumes of water through the easier foot operated method.

The RDRS Agricultural Workshop in Rangpur began manufacturing the pumps in 1980, with an
initial capacity of 600 pump heads per month. To boost production, RDRS helped to finance four
private workshops in northern Bangladesh, increasing the total monthly output to 3,500 pump
heads. Despite early indications that the treadle pump was an attractive and affordable product,
RDRS provided a 50% subsidy to farmers on the purchase price and maintained massive
overheads, including some 200 extension workers promoting the pump in their working areas.
By 1984, sales had reached 7,000 pumps per year, mainly in northern Bangladesh. However,
further increases were limited by production capacity, the lack of a nationwide sales network,
and the fact that a short supply chain from the manufacturer to the customer did not use the
promotion potential of retailers.

Fig, 1
1.2 Statement of problem

In our country Ethiopia most of the population lives in the rural area where electricity
is not available and they are going to take water from a distant place (lake or river depth of high)
for drinking and irrigation purpose in the season when the rain is not sufficient. So, this can lead
to the death of human beings as they trying to fetch water from the lakes. Hence in order to
minimize and avoid this difficulty we are going to design the pedal operated water pump
(concrete pedal pump) which uses to pump water from different source of water for these areas.
1.3 Objective

1.3.1 General objective

The main objective of this project is to design and model cost effective pedal operated water

1.3.2 Specific objective

 To design hydraulic component
 To design support frame, foot pedals
 To prepare 3D model the device.
1.4 Scope of the study (revise this one)
On this topic you should have to discuss to what extent are you going to do, means are you going
to design the system and model it only, or will you manufacture prototype, will you prepare cost
The aim of this project is to follow an engineering design methodology in order to design a
mechanism for Lifting water from Lake and other sources of water in Ethiopia to the higher
ground where smallholder farmers will use it for irrigation purposes during the dry season,
allowing a more secure food resource and enabling development of the benefit ting communities.
At present, the people living in these communities depend upon rain fed agriculture growing
maize once a year, but, with the changing climate, rainfall is likely to become less predictable
and more erratic. Giving smallholder farms access to water for irrigation throughout the year will
result in less dependency upon the vulnerable market price of food.
It has been recognized that agriculture is the most important sector of Ethiopia’s economy.
Within the agricultural sector in Ethiopia there are two distinct sectors: the low input and low
productivity smallholder, and the estate sector. The communities that will be using the water
pump being discussed in this report will be the smallholder farmers. Smallholder farmers are
those that are affected most by the changing extreme conditions in Ethiopia).

“Given the relatively low rainfall in parts of the country and its mono modal pattern, the
potential for increased production through higher cropping intensities is severely limited without
some form of irrigation. Increased irrigation, particularly in the smallholder sub-sector, is
therefore essential for increased crop production.” (Aquastat, 2005)
Ethiopia has one of the highest intensities and rates of energy poverty in sub-Saharan Africa with
a Multidisciplinary Energy Poverty Index (MEPI). The MEPI is partially split into two
categories; the energy poverty intensity and the ratio of energy poor. Therefore, appropriate
technology provides decentralized energy sources which help alleviate energy poverty intensity
and increase the quality of life for the beneficiaries. And also we are aimed to provide drinking
water for these communities.
Chapter two

Literature review

2000 BC Egyptians invent the shadoof to raise water. It uses a long suspended rod with a bucket
at one end and a weight at the other.
200 BC Greek inventor and mathematician Ctesibius invents the water organ, an air pump with
valves on the bottom, a tank of water in between them and a row of pipes on top. This is the
principal design that is now known as the reciprocating pump.
200 BC Archimedean screw pump is designed by Archimedes is considered one of the greatest
inventions of all time and is still in use today for pumping liquids and granulated solids in both
the industrialized world and in the third world—where it is a preferred way to irrigate
agricultural fields without electrical pumps.
1475 According to Reti, the Brazilian soldier and historian of science, the first machine that
could be characterized as a centrifugal pump was a mud lifting machine that appeared in a
treatise by the Italian Renaissance engineer Francesco di Giorgio Martini.
1588 Sliding vane water pump technology is described by Italian engineer AgostinoRamelli in
his book “The Diverse and Artifactitious Machines of Captain AgostinoRamelli,” which also
included other pump and engine designs.
1593 Frenchman Nicolas Grollier de Servière creates an early design for a gear pump.
1636Pappenheim, a German engineer, invents the double deep-toothed rotary gear pump, which
is still used to lubricate engines. This gear pump made it possible to dispense with the
reciprocating slide valves used by Ramelli. Pappenheim drove his machine by an overshot water
wheel set in motion by a stream and was used to feed water fountains.  The emperor Ferdinand II
granted him a “privilege” - the equivalent of a patent - in respect of this invention.
1650 Otto van Guericke invents the piston vacuum pump, which used leather washers to prevent
leakage between the cylinder and the piston.
1675 Sir Samuel Moreland—an English academic, diplomat, spy, inventor and mathematician—
patents the packed plunger pump, capable of raising great quantities of water with far less
proportion of strength than a chain or other pump. The piston had a leather seal. Moreland's
pump may have been the first use of a piston rod and stuffing box (packed in a cylinder) to
displace water.
1687 French-born inventor Denis Papin develops the first true centrifugal pump, one with
straight vanes used for local drainage.
1738 In fluid dynamics, Bernoulli's principle states that for an inviscid flow, an increase
in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the
fluid's potential energy. It is named after the Dutch-Swiss mathematician Daniel Bernoulli, who
published it in a book “Hydrodynamica.” The principle is applied to various types of fluid flow
and is loosely known as Bernoulli's equation.1782 James Watt—who invented the steam engine's
connecting rod crank mechanism, which made it possible to convert the piston's reciprocating
motion into rotary motion—designs an oscillating piston machine in which a wing-shaped rotary
blade made a near complete revolution uncovering inlet ports in a chamber separated by a curved
radial wall.
1790 Briton Thomas Simpson harnesses steam power to pumping engines for municipal water
applications and founds the London Company Simpson and Thompson Co. (predecessor to
Worthington Simpson).1830 Modern screw pump is invented by Revillion.1845 Henry R.
Worthington invents the first direct-acting steam pumping engine. Worthington Pump designed
its first products to power canal boats and U.S. naval vessels. Worthington later pioneered pump
designs for boiler feed, oil pipeline and hydro-electric applications.1848 In Seneca Falls, N.Y.,
Seabury S. Gould purchases the interests of Edward Mynderse and H.C. Silsby in Downs,
Mynderse& Co., forming Downs & Co., later known as Goulds Manufacturing
Company.1849Goulds casts and assembles the world's first all-metal pump. 1851 British
inventor John Appold introduces the curved vane centrifugal pump.
Chapter three

Materials and methods

3.1 Materials required

PVC pipe (5 inch diameter for cylinder and 2 inch diameter for suction pipe), plastic and cast
iron discs for both piston and check valves, rubber bucket, rubber flaps, wooden block
(89×30×10 cm) for pump base, MS rod (for handle and foot board), angle bar, flat bar, nuts and
bolts and elbow were collected and the intended pump was constructed in a workshop according
to the design.

3.2 Treadle Pump

The treadle pump is a design that has been in use since its development and implementation in
the 1970’s in Bangladesh as a tool to help with irrigation. The design utilizes the strong leg
muscles as a source of input, making it useful to an area where the people are possibly
malnourished and in a weakened state. A sketch of a basic treadle pump is shown in Figure
Fig 2; sketch of basic treadle pump.

The foot pedals are each attached to a piston that moves up and down within a cylinder to form
suction. Each of the pedals is also attached to an end of a rope passing over a pulley that is
mounted on the support handle so that as one piston moves up, the other moves down. A close up
view of the interior of the piston assembly is shown below.

Fig 3; interior of piston assembly

As the pistons are moved up and down, the pressure differential causes water to be lifted into the
cylinders through a non-return valve at the bottom of each. The valve is made such that water
cannot go back through once it has been pumped into the cylinder. Each of the pistons also has a
non-return valve so that the water will continue to move above the piston as it is forced
downward. The water is then pumped up and out through a spout during the upward stroke of the
piston. Using the leg muscles, this design targets one of the strongest muscle groups of the body
and greatly eases the process of lifting water.
This design has many advantages in terms of easing the mechanical loading. The ease of motion
of the pedals along with having two cylinders pumping simultaneously allows for the required
thirty liters of water per day to be pumped easily. It also does not require as much energy input
and is therefore easier to operate for the women and children that will be collecting water. This
design provides great suction and, depending on the length of attached tubing or piping, the
pump can reach the ten foot static water head and even deeper if it becomes necessary.
When designing the treadle pump, problems may arise when faced with the issue of sealing the
interior piston assembly. A seal is required that will stand up to continuous pumping while
enduring dust and other particulate matter that may enter the assembly. This increases the
amount of maintenance required on the pump and the seals must be checked often to ensure the
pump can still perform its required function. Operating the pump are often without proper
background on the assembly and do not know how to properly clean and maintain the sealed
pistons. If these fail, then the pump is rendered useless. Another disadvantage of the treadle
pump design is the size and weight associated with the design. By nature of the pump type, it
must be built to endure the weight of a human being constantly shifting weight and adding
pressure to the pedals. This introduces stresses that must be accounted for and requires a more
robust design, naturally adding weight and cost to the pump. A product of this increased weight
is decreased mobility. The desire is for the pump to be transportable for use with multiple
boreholes, but a large, heavy treadle pump is not as easily transportable as an alternative design.

3.2.1 Treadle pump (concrete pedal pump)

The Concrete Pedal Pump (PeP) is a foot driven irrigation pump, which draws water up to a
depth of 8 meters, and is based on the best principles of appropriate technology. Manufactured in
villages, the Concrete Pedal Pump (PeP) is of fordable, easily installed and maintained. The rust
free body is made of concrete, with inlaid PVC.
Fig 4,

Pedal pump is used by cattle keepers to draw water from the water source to the trough. Hence it
protects the water source from soil erosion, water contamination and sedimentation/ silting The
Concrete Pedal Pump (PEP) can easily deliver a constant flow enough water for dozens of
• A pump built at grass root level inworkshops at village level;
• A pump manufactured with regionally available parts, including local supplyof spare parts;
• A pump properly maintained by the farmers themselves.
Description of the pump

Pump Base Wooden block used as the base to support the pump during operation.

Fulcrum stand Fulcrum stand was made from angle bar having the height of 85 cm which
inserted to the wooden base for holding pump handle.
Pump cylinder Pump cylinder (12.7 cm diameter) was made from PVC pipe and was fixed with
the wooden base.

Rubber flap mounted plastic discs (collected from PVC industry) and perforated cast iron discs
(made at motor workshop) valves used both as check and piston valve. Pump discharges were
allowed to flow through the outlet.

This design includes for the design of the actuating cylinder. Hence we are going to design for
these based on the maximum force applied.
Any cylinder filled with a fluid is mainly exposed to two types of stress. These are
Based on these theories let’s calculate the value of the cylinder minimum thickness for the
maximum force applied.


Structural steel ASTM A-36

Ultimate strength under tensile=400MPa

Yielding strength=250Mpa
Shear strength=145Mpa
Modulus of elasticity=200Gpa
Modulus of rigidity=77.2Gpa
 The internal pressure developed 10 bars.
 Internal radius of the cylinder is 75mm.
The thickness of the cylinder is calculated using the LAME’S EQUATION, which is given as
b b
σr= 2 −a and σc= 2 +a ………………………………………………….………………… (1)
Where σr= Radial stress
σc=circumferential stress
b and a =constants
R= Arbitrary radius of the cylinder

The values of the constant variables is determined using the boundary conditions of the cylinder,
such as

Inside the cylinder

σr= Internal pressure=1 Mpa
σc= Yielding strength of the material=250Mpa
Outside of the cylinder
Having these conditions and using equation (1), solve for the value of the constants a and b.
i. Inside the cylinder
Where R=¿RI=0.075m
σr=1 Mpa
σc =250Mpa ; substituting the values the following equation
σr= 2 −a
1*106= −a ……………………………………………………………………. *

ii. σc= +a
250*106= + a ………………..………………………………………………. **
iii. Outside cylinder
Where R=¿Ro
σr =0Mpa substituting the values to the following equation
σr = 2 −a
0= 2 −a ………………………………………………...………………….……..***

From equation (***), solve for a

a= ……………………………………………………………………………………… (2)
Ro 2

But the value of b can be calculated simultaneously from equation (*) and (**).

{ 1∗106=
250∗10 6=


251*106=355.56b, solve for b

b= 0.706*106
Then the value of “a” can calculated using either equation (*) or (**), using equation * we have

6 0.706∗10 6
1*10 = −a


a =124.5*106

Substituting the value of “a” and “b” to equation (1) and solve for Ro,

60.706∗10 6
124.5*10 =


Having the value of the internal and external radiuses the thickness is given as the difference of
both radiuses .i.e.

t=Ro-RI=0.0753-0.075=0.0003m or 0.3mm

As we can see from the lames equation the thickness calculated is much smaller. But here we
know that the calculated thickness can with stand the specified internal pressure, hence
increasing the thickness will make the cylinder to be stronger. Other advantage of increasing the
thickness is to have smooth and reliable operation, even though the cost is increased to some

Say, t=1mm…………………………………………………………………. Ans

Hence the radius of the cylinder is given as


Let’s check whether the calculated thickness can with stand the internal pressure or not using the
following equation. Here we should have to use the thick cylinder equation because the thickness
is greater than the D/20. The equation is used to determine the minimum and maximum stress
applied on the cylinder material because of the internal pressure, therefore for safe design the
calculated stress should be smaller than the yielding stress of the material.

The stress at any arbitrary radius “X” is given as

P∗R I 2 R o2
σt¿ ∗[1+ ]
R o2−R I 2 X2

We know that the tangential stress is maximum at the inner surface of the cylinder (i.e. when x =
R i) and it is minimum at the outer surface of the cylinder (i.e. when x = Ro). Substituting the
value of x = RI and x= Ro in equation above, we find that the maximum tangential stress at the
inner surface of the cylinder and minimum tangential stress at the outer surface of the cylinder.

P∗R I 2 R o2
σt(max)¿ ∗[1+ ] . Where substituting RI instead of X,
R o2−R I 2 X2

P∗R I 2 R o2
σt(max)¿ ∗[1+ ] rearranging the equation
R o2−R I 2 R I2

P∗R I 2 [ 2
∗ R I + R o 2 ) P∗( R I 2+ R o2 )
σt (max) R o 2−R I 2 = where P=1 Mpa
¿ 2
¿ R o 2−R I 2

Then the maximum tangential stress is given as
1∗106∗( 0.0762 +0.0752 )
σt(max) =
0.0762−0.075 2


P∗R I 2 R o2
σt(min)¿ ∗[1+ ]where substituting instead of X,
R o2−R I 2 X2

P∗R I 2 R o2
σt(min)¿ ∗[1+ ] make some rearrangements
R o2−R I 2 R o2

P∗R I 2
σt(min)¿ substituting the known values
R o2−R I 2

1∗10 6∗0.0752
0.0762−0.075 2


The calculated values of the minimum and maximum tangential stress are much smaller than the
yielding strength of the material. Hence our design is safe.
The piston (Plunger) and check valves were made at PVC pipe industry and motor workshop
with plastic discs and perforated cast iron discs. Rubber bucket placed in between plastic
discs/perforated piston plate and follower piston plate to minimize the frictional losses between
the valves and cylinder wall. The plunger valve was then attached with pump handle by means of
a connecting rod. Different types of piston and check valves, as presented below and shown in
Figure 1 to 10, were used to find the optimum types of valve for maximum discharge and reduce
friction losses. Pedal pump to make it simple to ensure automatic participation of farmers.


Material selection –ductile cast iron
Grade –SG400/18
Properties –density (ρ) =7100kg/mᶟ
- pisson’s ratio =0.275
-tensile strength (σt)=400MPa
-compression strength (σc) =216MPa
-shear strength () =360MPa
-modulus of elasticity (E) =65.9GPa
 We know that the piston rod is applied to compressive load. Therefore, we need to calculate the
amount of maximum load, which can be beard by the piston.

Assume dp=piston rod diameter

D=piston head diameter

 So, we know that the force acting in the piston head is the pressure developed multiplied by the
cross sectional area. Mathematically this is given by
π D2
 F= ( )4

where P=pressure acting in the piston rod

 And the force acting in the piston rod is

F¿ ( Π∗d4 p )∗( σ tp ) ……………………………………………..

…………….(2) where σtp=allowable tensile stress of the piston rod material

 Combine both equation that is equation (1)and(2) we get

d p=D(√ P/ σ tp ) ………………………………..
Also from the cylinder design, we have already that the pressure applied on the piston head is
10Mpa. To avoid the problem of leakage the internal diameter of cylinder and diameter of the
piston head must be almost equal. Hence
Then the diameter of the piston rod will be
√ 400∗10 6
=0.012 m

Therefore, from the above analysis we have that the diameter of the piston rod should be 0.012m
or 12mm. For safety let the diameter is 15mm.
Now let us design the piston for buckling, to check whether it is capable of the compressive load
applied or not. Since the piston rod is securely fastened to the piston and cross head, therefore, it
may be considered as fixed ends and assume the effective length is 300mm. The Rankine formula
σ c∗A
W cr = 2
1+a ( )
Where K=radius of gyration∧is given by
I d2
√ √A
=0.00375 m

Substituting all known values and solve for the critical load

W cr =
1 0.3 2
1+ ∗
7500 0.00375 ( )
¿ 20.63 KN
As calculated above based on the rankine formula the critical load in which the piston load can support is
20.63KN, where the corresponding pressure is
W cr 20630 N
P= = =116.55 MPa
A 1.77∗10−4
However, it is known that the applied pressure is 10MPa, so from this we can conclude that the piston rod
is designed well and can support the applied load safely.

The following aspects give an impression of the advantages of the Pedal Pump:

The pep is technical elaborated

Simple and solid construction reliable minimal maintenance simple manufacturing methods for
village production good performance / water delivery locally available materials.
The PeP is economical…low cost high profitability good cost/profit relation creates local
employments cash flow remains in village.

The PeP is an optimal tool to fight against poverty…ideal for families and small-scale
enterprises increases agricultural incomes (double cropping), especially during dry season
yieldingThe PeP is ecological…does not pollute ground water or the surrounding area due to
appropriate irrigation water resources will not be unnecessary over-used

Product Specifications PEP Pedal Pumppe

Max. Discharge flow80-100 l/min*

Max. Lift8.5m
Volumetric Efficiency≈80%
Energetic Efficiency≈65%WER SUPPLY
Power feet driven(1person)ANSPORT MEDIUM
Medium fresh water from shallow wells, rivers, lakes, water tanks, etc.UCTION PIPE
Diameter 1½inch
Pipe Location buried under ground for protection (theft, UV radiation, damage by animals
or gardening tools)
Body Concrete
Cylinder PVC
Piston steel (corrosion-resistant)
Pedals steel reinforced wood pedals
Length X Width X Height 43cmx32cmx33cm(concrete body)
Weight 80kg inPlatform wooden construction or concrete basement
18 Water Storage 200 l / 400 l / 1000 l (as required)
19 Foot Valve Non-return valve with basket (recommended)
The use of the pedal pump for double cropping is ideal in areas where the water table on average
lies between 2 to 3.5 meters deep and is above 5 meters during more than 10 months of the year.
Otherwise with groundwater level at 7-8 meters not more than one PeP-irrigated crop can be
assured. Under above conditions double cropping with good to high yields is achieved using one

Rice on 0.5 To 0.7 acres

Wheat on 0.9 To 1.3 acres
Tomato on 0.7 To 1.1 acres Treadle pumps [concrete pumps] for irrigation

Suction pumps
Are low-head high-volume-per-stroke pumps. As a general rule they are appropriate when the
water source is shallow (1–2 m deep) and large volumes are needed. The Bangladesh model is
the most appropriate. When water sources are deeper, the ApproTEC suction pump design, with
additional mechanical advantage, starts to come into its own.
Pressure pumps are high- head low-volume-per-strokepumps. As a general rule they are
appropriate when watersources are deep (more than 4 m) and/or a pressurizedsupply is required.
The ApproTEC pressure pump, whichexploits a high mechanical advantage, is moreappropriate
in this situation. The Bangladesh model will still do a good job but it is less appropriate from a
performance point of view.
One last point about pressure pumps. There is often discussion about whether suction lift and
delivery pressure are separate issues or are related to each other. They are very much related and
any change in one will directly affect the other (see Total pumping head on p. 12). In other
words, when pushing down on one piston to create pressure, the operator is also pulling up on
the other piston to create suction. The deeper the suction, the greater will be the effort to lift the
piston, which will have a direct effect on the operator’s ability to push down the other
piston and create delivery pressure.
Pressure pumps are designed to create pressure, so the volume of water lifted is less important.
They are used when there is a need to deliver water under pressure to sprinklers, drippers or a
header tank. This requirement may be relevant to irrigating undulating
or steeply sloping land. High pumping pressures – remember, this is a combination of suction lift
and delivery head – are created by using small piston diameters or increasing the force on the
pistons. The latter can be done by using a heavier operator. Another way is to use a higher
mechanical advantage, which in practical terms means shorter piston stroke length for the same
leg stroke. Hence, pressure pumps tend to have smaller diameter cylinders with shorter stroke
lengths, which means that a low volume of water is lifted per stroke. They can be described as
high-head, low volume-per-stroke pumps. Most pressure pumps are based on the Bangladesh
design, which was originally a suction pump. The modification comprises the addition of a
delivery manifold, so that the water can be fed into a pipe and pressurized, rather than spilling
over a lip into a canal.
While the pump manifold has changed to accommodate this, the basic dimensions of small
cylinder diameter and long piston stroke have remained the same, i.e. of the low-head, high-
volume type. With piston diameters of 90-100 mm and an operator of 65 kgf, the maximum
pressure that can be produced is only 8 m (see Discharge on p. 16).
Allowing for only 70 percent of the operator’s weight on the treadle, pressure would reduce to 6
m, which does not go far when some of it is taken up by suction lift. The only way to increase
the pressure is to use a much heavier operator – or two operators – or increase the mechanical
advantage. Using a typical advantage of 1.2 would only increase the pressure to 8 m.
The ApproTEC pumps exploit mechanical advantage to produce pressure with only one operator.
A mechanical advantage of 4 with a 120 mm diameter piston and an operator of 65 kgf could
produce a maximum pressure of 24 m. Allowing for only 50 %of the operator’s weight on the
treadle reduces the pressure to a more practical 12 m.
As a general rule, when water sources are deep – more than 4 m – and/or a pressurized supply is
required, the ApproTEC pressure pump, with its high mechanical advantage, is more appropriate.
This is not to say that the Bangladesh model will not do a useful job; it is just a less appropriate
design from a performance point of view and unless a very small piston is used it will not
achieve high pressures.
Pumping speed – effects on head and flow
If a human being could produce a steady power output like a machine, a pump operator would
simply adjust the speed of working to take account of different pump sizes, heads and
discharges. People do not behave in this way, of course. They have a fairly limited range of
operating rates and are often most comfortable at fairly slow and steady speeds, though some
operators do prefer short, rapid stroke movements. This makes it difficult to compare pump
performance, as so much depends on the operators in terms of their weight and the speed at
which they like to work.
It is sometimes argued that when the pressure requirement is low, i.e. low suction lift, it should
be possible to treadle a pressure pump at a faster rate and achieve high volume, just like the
suction pump. In practice this does not happen, as most people have a limited range of pumping
speed and are most comfortable at slow steady speeds. What happens is that an operator working
on a pressure pump – a high-head, low-volume-per-stroke pump – would work at fairly low
speed even at low suction lifts and get low flows, whereas the same operator would treadle a
suction pump – a low-head, high-volume per-stroke pump – at the same speed and suction
conditions and get a substantially larger flow.
3.3 How treadle pumps work

Pressure pumps have other inherent losses when used in low suction lift conditions. As an
operator treadles faster to get a greater discharge, there is a greater percentage of time when both
inlet and outlet valves are open at the top and bottom of the strokes.
Valves that open and close slowly thus become a much bigger constraint than for a suction
Which can be operated at much slower speeds for the same output. Additionally, pressure pumps
have more valves, with consequent higher energy losses.
As a general rule, operators like to pump at a slow steady speed, irrespective of the pump they
are using or the head and discharge conditions on site. This emphasizes the importance of the
operator when assessing pump performance. STALLATION (OPTIONAL)


There are several components of a concrete treadle pump:

3.4.1-Pump cylinders

The use of two pump cylinders provides a nearly continuous flow of water. Although this is not
so important for gravity irrigation, it can be an advantage for pressurized irrigation, where the
buildup of pressure is important to create a spraying action. Materials used include steel plate
bent into a cylinder, PVC pipe, concrete and bamboo. The choice of material is strongly
influenced by local availability and cost. Steel is a good choice if there are sufficient skills and
machinery available to bend it into the right shape. Bamboo has been used where it is plentiful. It

has the advantage that it can be maintained at farm level, but it does have a short working life. It
is not suitable for pressure pumps.

(design the pump cylinders either according thin or thick cylinders based on the relation on
diameter and thickness, refer to strength of materials-II…from the equations determine the
thickness of the cylinder, check will it with stand the pressure developed by comparing the hoop
stress and strength of the material (steel)….)


Pistons move up and down in the cylinders when the operator presses down on the treadles. Steel
rods connect the pistons to the treadles. The pistons can be made of steel, wood or plastic, with
leather or rubber cups or rings to form the seal with the cylinders. The seals must also stand up to
the rigours of continually moving up and down against the cylinder wall.

(based on the length of the piston use Euler or Johnsen to design the piston for buckling)

3.4.3-Pump manifold

The manifold is a steel box in a pressure pump that connects the inlet and outlet pipes to the
pump cylinders. It comprises two parts: the inlet side, which allows water into the cylinders, and
the outlet side, which allows water to exit from the cylinders into a delivery pipe. The suction
pump only has an inlet manifold, as water spills over the top of the cylinders via a spout and
discharges into a channel. Manifold, as water spills over the top of the cylinders via a spout and
discharges into a channel.

3.4.4-Non-return valves

Non-return valves allow water to flow one way and stop it from flowing back to the source.
Treadle pumps can have several non-return valves. One can be located at the entrance of the
suction pipe to stop it from draining every time pumping stops.

Interestingly, very few pumps use this valve, which means that the pump must be re-primed
every time pumping begins. A second valve is located at the top of the suction pipe in the inlet
manifold to stop reverse flow during pumping. Pressure pumps have a third non-return valve in
the outlet manifold, to stop reverse flow once the water has been pressurized.

(based on the specifications select the appropriate valve for your project)


The operator stands on the treadles and pushes them up and down to work the pump. They are
connected to the piston rods so that the movement of the treadles is transferred to the pistons.
Treadles can be made from steel, wood or bamboo. Treadles need to be strong enough to take the
forces applied by the weight of the operator.

(determine what should be the thickness of the treadles, based on different design theories and
applying average human weight on the treadles…also you can design the treadles for bending
assuming as a beam, hence you can know where and how much the maximum bending stress is
developed on it.)


The components of the treadle pump are mounted on a frame, which keeps all the parts together
and provides support for the operator. Some pump frames are made from wood and are very
portable. This can be important when security is a problem and pumps cannot be left in the field
overnight. However, some designs use sturdy metal frames which can stand up to the rigours of
continual use; one design is encased in concrete (see Swiss “concrete” pump) which makes it
difficult to move and hence difficult to steal.
3.5. Pump design Features

Treadle pumps provide one of the best ways of using human power to lift water. Sizing of the
components and careful design are essential to ensure that this is done in the most efficient
manner. Pump output requirements of discharge and pressure must be matched with the
mechanical components, such as the diameter of the pistons, their stroke length, the weight of the
operator and the cadence – the frequency with which the treadles are pushed up and down. This
process of design is complicated by the wide variations of possible pumping needs of different
sites and the wide range and ability of operators, who must be comfortable when using the pump
and not bent over in some awkward position. The design must be as simple as possible in terms
of its manufacture and maintenance.

(based on the applied load design the frame also for buckling)

3.5.1 Stroke length

There are two stroke lengths to consider: the foot stroke length and the piston stroke length. The
foot stroke length is the vertical distance between the feet when one foot is raised and the other is
at its lowest point. If the stroke is too short, the leg muscles tire quickly; if it is too long, the leg
muscles are straining.

The stroke is governed by what is a comfortable speed to operate the pump. A stroke length of
100-350 mm is a typical range but it depends on how the pump will be used. Given a choice, an
operator would normally choose a short stroke length for high heads and a longer stroke for low
heads. The piston stroke length is the vertical distance through which the piston moves during
pumping. On some pumps this is the same as the foot stroke length but this is not always the

3.5.2 Piston stroke volume

This is the volume of water lifted during each stroke of the pump. It can be calculated by
multiplying the area of the piston by the piston stroke length.

3.5.3 Cadence
This is the frequency with which the treadles move up and down. A cadence up to 60 cycles per
minute is a comfortable speed for most operators. This determines the pump discharge, which
can be calculated by multiplying the piston stroke volume by the cadence. It is important to make
sure the units are all the same to get an accurate result in litres/ second. Pump cadence is
variable, as it depends on the individual operator. Pump discharge will vary as a result of this.

3.5.4 Foot force

The total pumping head is created by the force on the piston from the operator pushing down on
the treadle. For comfortable pumping, this downward force should not exceed 50 percent of the
operator’s weight and not more than 70 percent for short periods.

For the pump to be suitable for men, women and children and for a range of pumping heads, it
should be designed for a foot force of 15-50 kgf (150-500N). The piston force must also
overcome the friction in the cylinders and in the pipes.

3.6 Mechanical advantage

On many pumps, it is possible for operators to move their position along the treadles, so that they
can change the force needed on the pistons while maintaining a steady and comfortable foot
force. This movement also means that the pump can accom- modate operators of different
weights, each able to find a suitable and comfortable pumping position.

This is an important aspect of pumping: it can be much less tiring when operators can change
their position, rather than trying to produce a particular force at a fixed position on the treadles.

In mechanical terms, this positioning of an operator relative to the piston is based on the lever
principle. When an operator is standing on the treadles immediately above the pistons, the
pushing force is directly transferred to the pistons. An operator’s downward force of 30 kgf (300
N) thus transfers directly a force of 30 kgf to the piston.
Chapter four
4.1 PVC pipe manufacturing

Polyvinyl-Chloride (PVC) is a plastic product which has matchless versatility. It effectively

replaces wood, paper and metal in several applications. As such plastic pipes have been
progressively replacing conventional pipes like G.I., Cast Iron, Asbestos Cement or Stone-ware
for a number of important and uses. Among the various types of plastic pipes which are
commonly used for such applications PVC pipes are the most widely used all over the world on
account of their most favorable balance of properties. PVC pipes are light in weight, rates for use
under pressure, easy to install, low frictional loss, low on maintenance cost, and have low
frictional loss. Rigid PVC pipes have wide variety of uses in fields like city/town/rural water
supply scheme, spray irrigation, deep tube well schemes and land drainage schemes.
Raw Material:
The main raw material required is compounded PVC resin. Presently both PVC & Polyethylene
plastics raw materials are indigenously manufactured. Other compounding materials like
plasticizers, stabilizers, lubricants and fillers are also manufactured in India. No problem is
envisaged for procurement of PVC resin and the other required compounding materials.
The raw materials required are as follows:
 PVC resin
 Stabilizer
 Processing acids
 Colourant
 Filler
The various process steps involved in the manufacture of rigid PVC pipes are as follows:

Extrusion: PVC uncompounded resin, unlike some other thermoplastics is not suitable for direct
processing. To confer the required processing and end instability, it is necessary to mix additives
to the PVC resin. Following are some of the additives which are generally used for the
manufacture of rigid PVC pipes.
Plasticizers: The common plasticizer in use are DOP, DIOP, DBP, DOA, DEP, Reoplast,
Paraplex etc.
Stabilizers: The common stabilizers are lead, barium, cadmium, tib, stearate etc.
Lubricants: Widely used lubricants are Buty-Stearate, Glycerol Moni-Stearate, Epoxidised
Monoester of oleic acid, stearic acid etc.
Fillers: Fillers are also used for producing special quality product (e.g. calcined clay is used to
improve the electrical properties of cable compounds).
Before the extrusion operation PVC resin is to be compounded with plasticizers, stabilizers,
lubricants and fillers to improve processibility and improve the endure stability. PVC resin is
compounded with other ingredients in a high speed mixer. The compound resin is fed to the
double screw extruder where the inserts and die body for the required pipe diameter are fitted.
The PVC compounds are then passed through a heated chamber and they get melted under the
compression of the screw and temperature of the barrel. The marking on the pipe is done at the
time of extrusion.
The pipes coming out from the extruder is cooled in the sizing operation. There are basically two
types of sizing used for manufacturing of pipes. They are (i) Pressure sizing & (ii)Vacuum
The next operation needed after sizing is traction. The tube traction unit is required for
continuous haulage of the pipes being extruded by the extruder.
The last operation needed is cutting. There are basically two cutting techniques for rigid PVC
pipes viz. manual and automatic. The pipes are then tented for ISI marks and are ready for

Pedal Pump Manufacturing


In order to build Pedal Pumps of a good quality, we have to understand the principle of function
of the pump. Only if we understand this, we can manage to solve any problems which may come
up during the fabrication.
A high sense of quality from our side will help us to satisfy the paying customer and our self.
Also we have to take care that the Pedal Pump will be installed properly. We make sure that our
customer does understand the importance of a serious maintenance of the pump and their
Cleanness and Order
Only if we keep our shop floor reasonably clean and put the things in order, we will be able to do
a good job and we will also reduce the risk of an accident.
Considering the following points:
a) Good arrangement of materials and spare parts. Don’t keep mouldunderheavy
materials because mold sheets can lose their original shape.
b) Materials should be kept in appropriate place.
c) Switch off all tools which uses electricity as soon as don’t need themAnymore.
Concrete Block Manufacturing
In order to produce 1 pump block and 1 support block prepare following spare parts:

Check moulds
Fig 4,
Mould should be checked in order to see if they are clean and angles are straight before starting
Greasing / Oiling
It’s very important to grease the metal sheets and the wooden parts in order to dismantle the
mold easily. Some items are not allowed to grease, because they need to be united properly with
the concrete. Spare parts which are not allowed to be greased are:

Fig 5,

Seat valves
Pedal support bars
Equalizer support bars
During assembling special attention should be taken so as to be aware of disturbance and damage
which can happen during mold assembling.
FIG. 7

Preparation of Concrete
Materials needed during preparation of concrete for PeP

a) Sand
b) Gravel
c) Cement
d) Clean water

Each material mentioned above should be in good quality as follows:

a. Sand
Sand which is appropriate for PeP manufacturing should be clean without having leaves other
pieces of wood or soil. The contamination of the sand would reduce the compactness of cement
gravel and sand.
Sand is grouped into three as follows:
Fine sand
Gravel sand
Mixed sand
b. Gravel
Gravels needed for PeP manufacturing as those with the following qualities:
5mm – 10mm ( 0.25-0.5 inch )
20mm ( 0.8 inch )
25mm ( 1 inch )
c. Cement
Strong cement is a one which is needed. An opened bag of cement stayed more than 1 month is
not recommended. Store the cement in adry place.

All these can produce good PeP. Also very important is the appropriate ratio of all
The ratio needed for PeP manufacturing is:
1 part sand
1 part cement
2 parts gravel + water (clean / should be nearly of drinking water quality)


The following steps should be followed during mixing the above materials.
a) Measure sand at a ratio of 1
b) Spread the sand by spade to create a space for cement.
c) Measure the cement and put in the sand, the ratio should be 1.
d) Mix ( dry mix )
e) When the mixture is uniform spread the mixture ready to put gravel.
f) The ratio of gravel should be 2.
g) Prepare a small hole in the mixture and put water. The water added should not make the
mixture so hard because this reduces the compactness of the concrete. platform. Make sure that
to maintain the quality and standard from start to the end (from the preparation of materials to
the final product.) cement in a dry place.

Dismantling of Mould
This is done after 1 – 2 days after manufacturing.we should take care during this process to avoid
cracks. Use appropriate span and make sure that the nut moves freely before using fingers. After
opening put special plastic with screw in the special holes which will be used to connect rubber
valve. This avoids entering dirt into the holes.
During mould dismantling make sure that it’s in a place which can not cause damage of PeP
angles. Do it where you have a lot of soft soil or sand. Make sure we open all nuts then followed
by sheets.
When dismantling wood pieces, open the central bolt first and then remove wood pieces
followed by button sheet with six holes. If it is not easy to remove the sheet, put in the water for
about 2 – 3 days to make it soft and then open.
After dismantling the mould clean all sheets and grease or oil them again in order to avoid rust.
Keep them in the store.
After dismantling leave the concrete blocks for 2-5 days in the water for curing.

Pump Assembly
In order to complete the pump, prepare the following spare parts.
Pump Installation
a) Survey the area / Geographical studies. we could identify this area as a garden or farm.
b) Amount of water
c) Depth from the water source to the ground level
d) Security of PeP suction pipe
e) Size of suction pipe
f) If it is garden or farm choose the area which is above the ground level
g) Selecting site for installation. It’s important because you minimize the length of the suction
pipe and so the cost can be reduced.
Ways of Installation
The following pictures show us the possible ways of installation.
b) Prepare tools

Prepare all tools and equipment required for installation. (E.g. hoe, machete (Panga), saw, spade
and tape measure)
Installation Steps
1.) Clean the area. Make setting out of the stand where you will install PeP.
2.) Set two parts, first part for barrel stand and second for PeP stand.
3.) Barrel stand is 80 cm x 80 cm.
4.) PeP stand is 80 cm x 120 cm.
5.) The height of barrel stand depends on the height from water source to the ground level, if the
height is 2.50 m, 3 m, 3.50 m up to 4 m the height from ground level to the barrel will be 0.50
m / 0.60 m / 0.75 m.
6.) Dig 6 holes for wooden columns and erect them in straight line. Compact the soil in order to
make them stand stable.
7.) Build the barrel stand first, by using piece of timber and put barrel on it.
8.) Measure 15 cm from top of barrel upwards and 23 cm from top downwards, then mark. Using
a mark pen mark 5 cm and 10 cm for timber then nail them with hard woods use sprit level for
leveling the piece of timber.
9.) Erect the PeP blocks on the timber and adjust it and fix the belt together with the timber. Heat
the suction pipe and fix it at the nipple when it is hot.
Test it by priming suck water, check the flexibility, soft or hard of pumping, water delivering, air
leakage, water is running away. Final make a ladder and all safety supports.
10.) If the farmer could buy the black PVC Ø1” we can joint with the outlet and lay underground
from the barrel place to the middle of garden for water distribution by slop.

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