Ingles 2
Ingles 2
Ingles 2
El imperativo, en general, se usa para dar órdenes, instrucciones o advertencias. Las frases imperativas se construyen
de manera diferente a las afirmativas: no se utiliza un sujeto porque se supone que el sujeto es siempre “you” y el verbo
principal va en la forma infinitiva.
Forma afirmativa: Verbo + nombre, adjetivo… Ejemplo: Do your homework! (¡Haz los deberes!)
Forma negativa: Verbo auxiliar Don’t + verbo + nombre, adjetivo… Ejemplo: Don’t lie to me!(¡No me mientas!)
1. Read the first part of the article below. What Is the Fashion Trap?
2. Now read the rest of the article. Match a heading to each paragraph.
1) . Read the first part of the article below. What Is the Fashion Trap?
R// What the fashion industries do is create a trend from time to time as a market
strategy so that you feel the need to buy their new products.
2) . Now read the rest of the article. Match a heading to each paragraph.
Don't boy clothes from New brands. These clothes don't stay in fashion for long, so you will son need to
buy some more new clothes from newer brands. If brands are important to you, buy clothes that not
only match your personality, but are Aldo eco-friendly.
When choosing your clothes, avoid items which have big printed words which advertise the company. If
the company goes out of fashion, hoy will feel under pressure to stop wearing them, even if they are in good
Don't buy clothes just because everybody is wearing them. Instead, buy clothes that you really like.
This can help you save a lot of money. Buy what you really need and concentrate on clothes that fit you
and make you feel comfortable.
4. B. Be yourself
Don't get clothes because you think they will make you look more interesting and attractive. Clothes
don't define who you are. What really matters IS what kind of person you are, so be authentic!
We should take into account having only the most necessary, there is no need for so
many clothes, because we can save more, we take care of the environment and all that this