KACE SMA 9.1 AdminGuide en-US PDF

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KACE® Systems Management Appliance 9.

Administrator Guide
Table of Contents
About the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA)...................................................................27
About KACE SMA components.....................................................................................................27
About the Administrator Console...................................................................................................28
Components available in Admin mode without the Organization component........................32
Components available in Admin mode with the Organization component enabled............... 35
Components available in System mode with the Organization component enabled............. 37
Using the Home component.................................................................................................. 39
About Dashboards..........................................................................................................39
View the Dashboard in Admin mode............................................................................. 39
View the Dashboard in System mode........................................................................... 40
Customize Dashboard pages.........................................................................................41
About Dashboard widgets.............................................................................................. 42
View Dashboard details................................................................................................. 49
View task schedules.......................................................................................................50
View the KACE SMA version, model, and license information...................................... 51
View KACE SMA license information............................................................................ 52
About appliance software updates.................................................................................53
About labels....................................................................................................................53
Searching for information and filtering lists........................................................................... 54
Search at the Admin level..............................................................................................54
Search at the page level................................................................................................55
Searching at the page level with advanced options...................................................... 55
Create Custom Views using Advanced Search criteria................................................. 58
Access product documentation...................................................................................... 58
Log in to the Administrator Console: First login following initial network configuration.......... 61
Getting started....................................................................................................................................... 63
Configuring the appliance..............................................................................................................63
Requirements and specifications........................................................................................... 63
Power-on the appliance and log in to the Administrator Console..........................................63
Access the Command Line Console..................................................................................... 66
Tracking configuration changes............................................................................................. 66
Configuring System-level and Admin-level General Settings................................................ 67
Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled........ 67
Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings.................................. 72
Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component.................77
Configure appliance date and time settings.......................................................................... 82

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 2

Enable Two-Factor Authentication for all users.....................................................................83
Verifying port settings, NTP service, and website access.....................................................84
Verify port settings......................................................................................................... 84
Verifying the status of the NTP service......................................................................... 85
Make necessary websites accessible to the KACE SMA.............................................. 85
Configuring network and security settings.............................................................................86
Change appliance network settings............................................................................... 86
Configure local routing tables........................................................................................ 89
Configure local web server settings and whitelist hosts................................................ 90
Configure security settings for the appliance.................................................................91
Configure Active Directory as the single sign on method.............................................. 96
Generate an SSL certificate...........................................................................................98
Configuring Agent settings.....................................................................................................99
About Konea...................................................................................................................99
Configure Agent settings................................................................................................99
Configuring session timeout and auto-refresh settings....................................................... 101
Set session timeout......................................................................................................101
Set auto-refresh properties.......................................................................................... 102
Configuring locale settings...................................................................................................102
How locale settings are applied................................................................................... 102
Configure locale settings for the Administrator Console and the Command Line
Console................................................................................................................................................ 103
Configure locale settings for the User Console........................................................... 103
Configure locale settings for organizations.................................................................. 104
Configure locale settings for users.............................................................................. 105
Configuring the default theme............................................................................................. 105
Configure the default theme for the appliance.............................................................105
Configure the default theme for a user........................................................................106
Configure data sharing preferences.................................................................................... 106
About DIACAP compliance requirements............................................................................107
Enable or disable the Acceptable Use Policy.............................................................. 108
Configuring Mobile Device Access...................................................................................... 108
Enable Mobile Device Access for the appliance..........................................................109
Enable Mobile Device Access for users...................................................................... 109
Download and use KACE GO..................................................................................... 110
Disable Mobile Device Access on the appliance......................................................... 111
Disable Mobile Device Access for users..................................................................... 111
Enable fast switching for organizations and linked appliances........................................... 111
Linking Quest KACE appliances..........................................................................................112

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 3

Enable appliance linking.............................................................................................. 113
Add Names and Keys to appliances............................................................................113
Enable access to Federation API settings................................................................... 114
Disable appliance linking..............................................................................................115
Configuring history settings..................................................................................................115
About history settings...................................................................................................115
Managing settings history............................................................................................ 116
Managing asset history................................................................................................ 117
Managing object history............................................................................................... 118
Using change history information.................................................................................119
Setting up and using labels to manage groups of items.............................................................120
About labels......................................................................................................................... 120
About Smart Labels......................................................................................................121
About LDAP Labels......................................................................................................121
About label groups....................................................................................................... 122
About organization filters..............................................................................................122
Tracking changes to label settings...................................................................................... 122
Managing manual labels...................................................................................................... 122
Add or edit manual labels............................................................................................ 122
View manual label details............................................................................................ 124
Delete manual labels....................................................................................................124
Managing Smart Labels....................................................................................................... 125
Add Smart Labels.........................................................................................................125
Example: Combine Smart Labels to identify devices...................................................126
Edit Smart Labels.........................................................................................................127
Setting up labels for user accounts............................................................................. 128
Using Smart Labels for patching..................................................................................129
Using Smart Labels with Discovery Results................................................................ 131
Adding Smart Labels for devices................................................................................. 132
Assign the Smart Label run order................................................................................136
Delete Smart Labels.....................................................................................................136
Managing label groups........................................................................................................ 137
Add, view, or edit label groups.................................................................................... 137
Assign labels to or remove labels from label groups...................................................138
Delete label groups...................................................................................................... 138
Managing LDAP Labels....................................................................................................... 139
Add or edit LDAP Labels............................................................................................. 139
Enable LDAP Labels.................................................................................................... 141

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 4

Delete LDAP Labels.....................................................................................................141
Use the LDAP Browser................................................................................................ 141
Configuring user accounts, LDAP authentication, and SSO....................................................... 143
About user accounts and user authentication..................................................................... 143
About locale settings............................................................................................................143
Managing System-level user accounts................................................................................ 143
Add or edit System-level user accounts...................................................................... 144
Manage appliance administrator email notifications.................................................... 145
Delete System-level user accounts..............................................................................146
Managing organization user accounts................................................................................. 147
Add or edit User Roles................................................................................................ 147
Delete User Roles........................................................................................................ 148
Add or edit organization user accounts....................................................................... 148
Customize user details.................................................................................................150
Archive user accounts..................................................................................................151
View or edit user profiles..................................................................................................... 151
Using an LDAP server for user authentication.................................................................... 153
About the login account on your LDAP server............................................................ 153
Configure and test LDAP user authentication..............................................................154
Importing users from an LDAP server................................................................................. 156
Import user information manually.................................................................................156
Import user information according to a schedule.........................................................158
About single sign on (SSO)................................................................................................. 162
Using external LDAP or Active Directory servers for single sign on............................ 163
Enabling and disabling single sign on................................................................................. 163
Enable single sign on...................................................................................................163
Disable single sign on..................................................................................................163
Using Active Directory for single sign on.............................................................................164
Configure Active Directory as the single sign on method............................................ 164
Configuring browser settings for single sign on...........................................................165
Unjoin the domain and disable Active Directory single sign on................................... 166
Using Replication Shares............................................................................................................ 167
Create Replication Shares................................................................................................... 168
View Replication Share details............................................................................................ 170
Managing credentials...................................................................................................................171
Tracking changes to Credentials Management settings......................................................171
Add and edit Secret Key credentials................................................................................... 171
Add and edit User/Password credentials.............................................................................172

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Add and edit Google OAuth credentials.............................................................................. 173
Add and edit SNMP credentials.......................................................................................... 174
View credential usage..........................................................................................................176
Create reports from the Credentials Management list.........................................................176
Export credentials information............................................................................................. 177
Delete credentials................................................................................................................ 177
Configuring assets....................................................................................................................... 178
About the Asset Management component.......................................................................... 178
Using the Asset Management Dashboard...........................................................................178
About the Asset Management Dashboard widgets......................................................179
Customize the Asset Management Dashboard........................................................... 180
About managing assets....................................................................................................... 181
How asset information differs from inventory information............................................ 181
Identifying the assets to track...................................................................................... 182
View assets and search for asset information............................................................. 182
Add barcodes to assets............................................................................................... 183
Change device owners.................................................................................................183
View and configure asset lifecycle settings................................................................. 184
Adding and customizing Asset Types and maintaining asset information........................... 185
About Asset Types....................................................................................................... 185
Customizing Asset Types.............................................................................................186
About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences..........................191
Managing Software assets...................................................................................................198
Customize the Software Asset Type............................................................................198
Adding Software assets............................................................................................... 199
Managing physical and logical assets................................................................................. 201
Add physical Asset Types............................................................................................201
Archive device Assets.................................................................................................. 203
Maintaining and using manual asset information................................................................ 204
Managing locations.............................................................................................................. 205
Manage locations......................................................................................................... 205
Add or edit locations.................................................................................................... 206
Customize location fields............................................................................................. 206
Managing contracts..............................................................................................................208
Manage contracts.........................................................................................................208
Add or edit contracts....................................................................................................209
Managing licenses............................................................................................................... 211
Manage licenses.......................................................................................................... 212

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Add or edit licenses..................................................................................................... 212
Managing purchase records................................................................................................ 216
Manage purchase records........................................................................................... 216
Add or edit purchase records...................................................................................... 217
Setting up License Compliance...................................................................................................219
About License Compliance for Software Catalog applications............................................ 219
About license upgrades................................................................................................220
About license downgrades........................................................................................... 220
Customize the License Asset Type..................................................................................... 220
Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory............................................................222
Add License assets for Software page inventory................................................................ 226
Importing license data in CSV files..................................................................................... 230
How asset information is handled during import..........................................................230
Importing asset data using CSV files...........................................................................231
Managing License Compliance................................................................................................... 233
View License Compliance information for Software Catalog applications........................... 233
Reclaim unused software licenses...................................................................................... 235
Update software License Compliance information manually............................................... 236
Customize license usage warning thresholds..................................................................... 236
View License Compliance and Configuration information................................................... 237
Setting up Service Desk.............................................................................................................. 238
Setting up roles for user accounts.......................................................................................238
About default roles....................................................................................................... 238
Create a Service Desk staff role..................................................................................239
Assign user roles..........................................................................................................241
Apply labels and roles to Service Desk staff............................................................... 242
Create the DefaultTicketOwners account.................................................................... 242
Configuring email settings....................................................................................................243
About email notifications.............................................................................................. 243
About Ticket Rules....................................................................................................... 244
About POP3 email accounts........................................................................................ 244
Create and configure POP3 email accounts................................................................244
Configure email preferences........................................................................................ 245
Configuring email triggers and email templates...........................................................246
Configure CC lists for ticket categories....................................................................... 254
Automatically add email addresses to ticket CC List fields......................................... 255
Exclude addresses from ticket CC List fields.............................................................. 255
Prevent email loops......................................................................................................256

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 7

Configure the Cache Lifetime for Service Desk widgets.............................................................257
Creating and managing organizations.........................................................................................257
About organizations............................................................................................................. 257
About the Default organization.....................................................................................258
Tracking changes to organization settings.......................................................................... 258
Managing Organization Roles and User Roles................................................................... 258
Available default roles.................................................................................................. 258
Add or edit Organization Roles....................................................................................259
Duplicate Organization Roles.......................................................................................260
Delete roles.................................................................................................................. 261
Adding, editing, and deleting organizations.........................................................................261
Add or edit organizations............................................................................................. 261
Configure Two-Factor Authentication for organizations............................................... 265
Delete organizations.....................................................................................................266
Customizing the logos used for the User Console and organization reports............... 266
Managing user accounts for organizations..........................................................................267
Managing organization filters............................................................................................... 267
How organization filters work....................................................................................... 267
Add or edit organization Data Filters........................................................................... 268
Add or edit organization LDAP Filters......................................................................... 268
Test organization filters................................................................................................ 270
Delete organization filters.............................................................................................270
Managing devices within organizations............................................................................... 271
Using Advanced Search...............................................................................................271
Filter devices................................................................................................................ 271
Redirect devices...........................................................................................................271
Understanding device details...............................................................................................272
Running single organization and consolidated reports........................................................272
Importing and exporting appliance resources............................................................................. 272
About importing and exporting resources............................................................................272
Transferring resources among appliances using Samba share directories.........................273
Export resources from an appliance............................................................................ 273
Import resources to an appliance................................................................................ 273
Transferring resources among organizations...................................................................... 274
Export resources from organizations........................................................................... 274
Import resources to organizations................................................................................275
Managing exported resources at the System level............................................................. 275
View or delete shared resources................................................................................. 275

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Move shared resources from the local KACE SMA to network locations.................... 275
View or delete the status of resource exports............................................................. 276
Managing inventory............................................................................................................................. 277
Using the Inventory Dashboard...................................................................................................277
About the Inventory Dashboard widgets..............................................................................277
Customize the Inventory Dashboard................................................................................... 279
Using Device Discovery...............................................................................................................279
About Device Discovery and device management.............................................................. 279
Tracking changes to Discovery settings.............................................................................. 280
Discovering devices on your network.................................................................................. 280
Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where" scan of your
Add a Discovery Schedule for a thorough scan of managed Windows, Mac, Linux, and
UNIX computers.................................................................................................................................. 288
Obtain a Client ID and Client Secret for use in discovering Chrome devices.............. 292
Add a Discovery Schedule for a KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager device........... 293
Add a Discovery Schedule for a G Suite device......................................................... 295
Add a Discovery Schedule for an AirWatch device..................................................... 298
Add a Discovery Schedule for a VMware ESXi host or a vCenter Server................... 300
Add a Discovery Schedule for SNMP-enabled non-computer devices........................ 302
About Discovery Results.............................................................................................. 305
View and search Discovery Results............................................................................ 306
Provision the Agent using the discovered IP address or hostname............................ 306
Stop a running discovery scan.................................................................................... 307
Delete Discovery Schedules........................................................................................ 307
Managing device inventory.......................................................................................................... 308
About managing devices......................................................................................................308
Features available for each device management method...................................................308
About inventory information................................................................................................. 315
Tracking changes to inventory settings............................................................................... 315
Managing inventory information...........................................................................................316
Add custom data fields................................................................................................ 316
Schedule inventory data collection for managed devices............................................317
View device inventory and details................................................................................319
Groups and sections of items in device details........................................................... 319
About Dell Data Protection | Encryption (DDP|E) and encryption information in device
Add a Dump Inventory registry key to permit inventory collection on Windows DDP|E
client devices....................................................................................................................................... 347
About Intel AMT information in device details............................................................. 350

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 9

Finding and managing devices............................................................................................ 351
Finding devices in inventory.........................................................................................351
Labeling devices to group them...................................................................................352
Run actions on devices................................................................................................353
View devices that have been added manually............................................................ 354
Delete devices from inventory......................................................................................354
Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent..................................................................................... 354
Enabling file sharing.....................................................................................................355
Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent using the GPO Provisioning Tool for Windows
devices................................................................................................................................................. 357
Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent using onboard provisioning................................. 359
Managing provisioning schedules................................................................................ 363
Managing Agent communications................................................................................ 365
Updating the KACE SMA Agent on managed devices................................................ 370
Manually deploying the KACE SMA Agent..........................................................................373
Obtaining Agent installation files..................................................................................373
Manually deploying the KACE SMA Agent on Windows devices................................ 373
Manually deploying and upgrading the KACE SMA Agent on Linux devices...............376
Performing Agent operations on Linux devices........................................................... 376
Manually deploying and upgrading the KACE SMA Agent on Mac devices................ 377
Performing other Agent operations on Mac devices....................................................379
Viewing information collected by the Agent................................................................. 380
Using Agentless management............................................................................................. 380
About Agentless device management......................................................................... 380
Managing Agentless devices....................................................................................... 382
Using SNMP Inventory Configurations to identify specific SNMP objects and non-
computer devices to add to inventory.................................................................................................388
Adding devices manually in the Administrator Console or by using the API....................... 391
About managing devices..............................................................................................391
Tracking changes to inventory settings....................................................................... 392
Add devices manually with the Administrator Console................................................ 392
Adding devices manually using the API...................................................................... 396
Forcing inventory updates....................................................................................................404
Force inventory updates from the appliance................................................................405
Force inventory updates from Windows devices......................................................... 405
Force inventory updates from Mac OS X devices....................................................... 405
Force inventory updates from Linux devices............................................................... 406
Managing MIA devices.........................................................................................................406
Configure MIA settings.................................................................................................406

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Apply labels to MIA devices.........................................................................................407
Delete MIA devices manually.......................................................................................407
Troubleshoot devices that fail to appear in inventory.................................................. 407
Obtaining Dell warranty information.....................................................................................409
Obtain Dell warranty information on a single Dell device instantly.............................. 409
Renew a Dell warranty.................................................................................................410
Run Dell warranty reports............................................................................................ 410
Managing applications on the Software page............................................................................. 411
About the Software page..................................................................................................... 411
View items in Software page inventory........................................................................411
Tracking changes to inventory settings............................................................................... 411
Adding and deleting applications in Software page inventory............................................. 411
Add applications to Software page inventory manually............................................... 411
Delete applications....................................................................................................... 413
Creating Software assets.....................................................................................................413
Add Software assets in the Inventory section..............................................................414
Add Software assets in the Assets section..................................................................414
Attach digital assets to applications and select supported operating systems.............414
Copy files to the KACE SMA Client Drop location.......................................................415
Using software threat levels and categories........................................................................416
Assign threat levels to applications..............................................................................417
Assign categories to applications.................................................................................417
Finding and labeling applications........................................................................................ 417
About finding applications using Advanced Search.....................................................417
Add manual software labels.........................................................................................418
Apply manual labels to or remove labels from software.............................................. 418
Add software Smart Labels..........................................................................................418
Managing the ITNinja feed.................................................................................................. 419
Enable the ITNinja feed............................................................................................... 420
Viewing ITNinja information......................................................................................... 420
Disable the ITNinja feed.............................................................................................. 421
Managing Software Catalog inventory........................................................................................ 421
About the Software Catalog.................................................................................................421
Application classifications.............................................................................................422
About cataloged applications....................................................................................... 422
About Locally Cataloged applications.......................................................................... 422
About Not Allowed applications................................................................................... 423
Application categories.................................................................................................. 423

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 11

How Software Catalog information is collected........................................................... 423
How the Software Catalog is used with the Organization component......................... 423
How Software Catalog information is localized............................................................423
How you can help improve the Software Catalog....................................................... 423
Differences between the Software page and the Software Catalog page................... 424
Viewing Software Catalog information.................................................................................425
View lists of Discovered and Not Discovered applications.......................................... 426
View the list of Uncataloged applications.................................................................... 427
View the list of Locally Cataloged applications............................................................428
View details of Software Catalog applications............................................................. 429
Adding applications to the Software Catalog.......................................................................432
Submitting cataloging requests automatically adds applications to the local Software
How Locally Cataloged applications change to Cataloged applications...................... 432
How custom names are resolved when Locally Cataloged applications are added to the
Software Catalog................................................................................................................................. 433
Submit cataloging requests..........................................................................................433
Cancel cataloging requests and remove local cataloging............................................434
Managing License assets for Software Catalog applications.............................................. 435
Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory.................................................... 435
Migrate License assets to applications in the Software Catalog..................................439
Associate Managed Installations with Cataloged Software................................................. 440
Using software metering...................................................................................................... 440
About software metering.............................................................................................. 440
About metering information.......................................................................................... 441
Enabling and configuring metering for devices and applications................................. 441
Viewing Software Catalog metering information.......................................................... 446
Disabling metering for Software Catalog applications and managed devices............. 448
Managing metering and scheduling inventory collection............................................. 449
Using Application Control.....................................................................................................450
Requirements for blacklisting applications................................................................... 450
How applications are blacklisted..................................................................................451
About blacklisting application editions that share executable files...............................451
Applications that cannot be blacklisted........................................................................451
Apply the Application Control label to devices.............................................................451
Mark applications and suites as Not Allowed.............................................................. 452
View applications and suites that are marked as Not Allowed.................................... 452
Create reports showing applications marked as Not Allowed......................................452
Remove the Not Allowed designation from applications..............................................454

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 12

Update or reinstall the Software Catalog.............................................................................454
Managing process, startup program, and service inventory....................................................... 455
Managing process inventory................................................................................................ 455
View and edit process details...................................................................................... 455
Add labels for processes............................................................................................. 456
Apply labels to or remove labels from processes........................................................ 456
Categorize processes...................................................................................................456
Assign threat levels to processes................................................................................ 457
Delete processes..........................................................................................................457
Managing startup program inventory................................................................................... 457
View and edit startup program details......................................................................... 457
Add labels for startup programs...................................................................................458
Apply labels to or remove labels from startup programs............................................. 458
Categorize startup programs........................................................................................459
Assign threat levels to startup programs..................................................................... 459
Delete startup programs...............................................................................................459
Managing service inventory................................................................................................. 460
View and edit service details....................................................................................... 460
Add labels for services.................................................................................................461
Apply labels to and remove labels from services........................................................ 461
Categorize services......................................................................................................461
Assign threat levels to services................................................................................... 461
Delete services.............................................................................................................462
Writing custom inventory rules.................................................................................................... 462
About Custom Inventory rules............................................................................................. 462
Types of Custom Inventory rules.........................................................................................463
Create Custom Inventory rules............................................................................................ 463
How Custom Inventory rules are implemented............................................................464
Syntax for Custom Inventory rules...............................................................................464
Checking for conditions (conditional rules)..........................................................................466
Getting values from a device (Custom Inventory Field)...................................................... 472
Matching filenames to regular expressions......................................................................... 475
Understanding regular expressions............................................................................. 475
Regular Expression Rule Reference............................................................................477
Defining rule arguments.......................................................................................................478
Test Custom Inventory rules................................................................................................481
Deploying packages to managed devices.......................................................................................... 482
Distributing software and using Wake-on-LAN............................................................................482

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 13

About software distribution...................................................................................................482
About testing software distribution............................................................................... 483
Tracking changes to distribution settings............................................................................ 483
Types of distribution packages............................................................................................ 484
Attaching digital assets to applications and selecting supported operating systems... 484
Distributing packages from the appliance............................................................................484
Distributing packages from alternate download locations and Replication Shares..............485
About alternate download locations............................................................................. 485
About Replication Shares.............................................................................................485
Distributing applications to Mac OS X devices....................................................................485
Using Managed Installations................................................................................................486
Adding applications to inventory.................................................................................. 486
About creating Managed Installations..........................................................................486
About installation parameters.......................................................................................487
Identify parameters that are supported by installer files.............................................. 487
Create Managed Installations for Windows devices.................................................... 487
Examples of common deployments on Windows........................................................ 491
Create Managed Installations for ZIP files...................................................................492
Create Managed Installations for RPM files................................................................ 492
Create Managed Installations for TAR.GZ files........................................................... 497
Create Managed Installations for Mac OS X devices.................................................. 498
Create and use File Synchronizations.................................................................................501
Using Wake-on-LAN............................................................................................................ 504
Issue Wake-on-LAN requests...................................................................................... 504
Schedule Wake-on-LAN requests................................................................................505
Troubleshooting Wake-on-LAN.................................................................................... 506
Exporting Managed Installations..........................................................................................507
Broadcasting alerts to managed devices.................................................................................... 507
Create alerts to be broadcast.............................................................................................. 507
Running scripts on managed devices......................................................................................... 509
About scripts........................................................................................................................ 509
Obtaining script dependencies.....................................................................................510
Tracking changes to scripting settings................................................................................ 510
About default scripts............................................................................................................ 511
Adding and editing scripts................................................................................................... 513
Token replacement variables....................................................................................... 513
Add offline KScripts or online KScripts........................................................................ 515
Edit scripts....................................................................................................................520

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 14

Delete scripts from the Scripts page............................................................................521
Delete scripts from the Script Detail page................................................................... 521
Structure of importable scripts..................................................................................... 521
Import scripts................................................................................................................522
Duplicate scripts........................................................................................................... 522
Using the Run and Run Now commands............................................................................ 523
Run scripts from the Run Now page........................................................................... 523
Run scripts from the Script Detail page.......................................................................524
Run scripts from the Scripts page............................................................................... 524
Monitor Run Now status and view script details.......................................................... 524
About configuration policy templates................................................................................... 525
Using Windows configuration policies................................................................................. 526
About starting Windows Automatic Updates on Windows devices.............................. 526
Add Automatic Update scripts......................................................................................526
About Dell Command | Monitor....................................................................................528
Add Dell Command | Monitor scripts........................................................................... 532
Add Desktop Wallpaper scripts....................................................................................532
Add Desktop Shortcuts scripts.....................................................................................533
Add Event Log Reporter scripts...................................................................................534
Add MSI Installer scripts.............................................................................................. 534
About power management and power consumption................................................... 536
Add power management scripts for Windows devices................................................ 536
Add Registry scripts..................................................................................................... 536
Add Remote Desktop Control Troubleshooter scripts..................................................537
Add UltraVNC scripts................................................................................................... 538
Add Uninstaller scripts................................................................................................. 539
Using Mac OS X configuration policies............................................................................... 539
Add Active Directory scripts......................................................................................... 540
Add Power Management scripts.................................................................................. 540
Add VNC scripts...........................................................................................................541
Edit policies and scripts....................................................................................................... 542
Search the scripting logs..................................................................................................... 542
Exporting scripts...................................................................................................................543
Managing Mac profiles................................................................................................................ 543
Tracking changes to Mac profile settings............................................................................ 544
Adding, editing, and uploading Mac profiles........................................................................544
Add or edit Mac user profiles.......................................................................................544
Add or edit Mac system profiles.................................................................................. 551

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 15

Add Mac profiles using existing profiles as templates................................................. 556
Upload Mac profiles to the KACE SMA....................................................................... 556
Installing and managing Mac profiles.................................................................................. 557
Distribute Mac profiles on a schedule..........................................................................557
Install Mac profiles on devices using the Run option.................................................. 558
Identify devices that have Mac profiles installed......................................................... 559
View Mac profiles......................................................................................................... 559
Export the Mac profiles list.......................................................................................... 560
Removing and deleting Mac profiles................................................................................... 561
Remove Mac profiles from managed devices..............................................................561
Example: Remove a profile that has been deployed to specified devices................... 563
Delete Mac profiles from the KACE SMA.................................................................... 564
Using Task Chains...................................................................................................................... 565
Add and edit Task Chains................................................................................................... 565
Patching devices and maintaining security......................................................................................... 569
About patch management........................................................................................................... 569
Patching workflow................................................................................................................ 569
About patch signature files.................................................................................................. 570
About patch packages......................................................................................................... 571
About patch testing and security......................................................................................... 571
About the patch testing environment........................................................................... 571
About the patch quality assurance process.........................................................................571
Best practices for patching.................................................................................................. 573
Subscribing to and downloading patches....................................................................................574
About patch subscription and downloads............................................................................ 575
Websites that must be accessible to the KACE SMA......................................................... 575
Overview of first-time patch-subscription workflow..............................................................576
View details about operating systems and applications...................................................... 577
Subscribing to patches and configuring download settings.................................................577
Subscribe to patches....................................................................................................578
Select patch download settings................................................................................... 580
Viewing available patches and download status................................................................. 582
View available patches.................................................................................................582
View patch download status........................................................................................ 582
Best practices for resolving patch subscription issues........................................................ 583
Creating and managing patch schedules....................................................................................584
About scheduling critical OS patches for desktops and servers......................................... 585
Workflow for critical OS patches for desktops and servers......................................... 585

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 16

About scheduling critical patches for laptops...................................................................... 585
Workflow for critical patches for laptops...................................................................... 585
About scheduling non-critical patches................................................................................. 586
Configuring patch schedules................................................................................................586
Fields on the Patch Schedule Details page.................................................................587
Configure Detect-only patch schedules....................................................................... 593
Configure Detect and Deploy patch schedules............................................................593
Configure Deploy-only patch schedules...................................................................... 594
Configure Detect and Rollback patch schedules......................................................... 595
Configure Rollback-only patch schedules....................................................................596
Error codes caused by patching and scripting.............................................................596
Viewing patch schedules, status, and reports..................................................................... 599
View patch schedules.................................................................................................. 599
View patch status......................................................................................................... 601
View patch status by device........................................................................................ 602
View files within patches.............................................................................................. 602
View patch reports....................................................................................................... 602
Managing patch rollbacks.................................................................................................... 602
Determine whether a patch can be rolled back........................................................... 603
Undo the last patching job........................................................................................... 603
Managing patch inventory........................................................................................................... 604
Prerequisites for managing patch inventory........................................................................ 604
Viewing patch information....................................................................................................604
View downloaded patches........................................................................................... 604
View patch details........................................................................................................ 606
Resetting the number of patch deploy attempts.......................................................... 607
View patch information for devices in inventory.......................................................... 608
View devices missing patches..................................................................................... 608
Viewing patch statistics and logs.........................................................................................608
View patch statistics.....................................................................................................608
View the patch log....................................................................................................... 609
Mark patches as inactive..................................................................................................... 609
Patch Mac OS X devices.....................................................................................................609
Managing Dell devices and updates........................................................................................... 610
Managing Dell devices with Dell Updates........................................................................... 610
Differences between patching and Dell Updates................................................................ 610
Configuring Dell Updates..................................................................................................... 611
Configure Dell Update catalog updates....................................................................... 611

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 17

Create Dell Update schedules..................................................................................... 612
Maintaining device and appliance security..................................................................................613
Testing device security........................................................................................................ 613
About OVAL security checks....................................................................................... 613
Understanding OVAL tests and definitions.................................................................. 614
About SCAP................................................................................................................. 618
About benchmarks....................................................................................................... 620
How a SCAP scan works.............................................................................................621
Editing SCAP scan schedules..................................................................................... 623
About security policy templates................................................................................... 626
Using Windows security policy templates.................................................................... 627
Using Mac security policy templates............................................................................633
Resolve Windows security issues that prevent Agent provisioning............................. 635
Maintaining appliance security.............................................................................................635
Security run output....................................................................................................... 635
Using reports and scheduling notifications......................................................................................... 637
About reports and notifications....................................................................................................637
About reports........................................................................................................................637
About notifications................................................................................................................637
Tracking changes to report settings.................................................................................... 637
Creating and modifying reports................................................................................................... 638
Creating reports................................................................................................................... 638
Create reports using the report wizard........................................................................ 638
Create reports using SQL queries............................................................................... 640
Create reports from list pages..................................................................................... 641
Duplicate reports.......................................................................................................... 642
Edit SQL statements on reports created with the report wizard.................................. 643
Create reports from history lists...................................................................................643
Modifying reports..................................................................................................................643
Edit reports................................................................................................................... 644
Delete reports...............................................................................................................644
Customizing logos used for reports..................................................................................... 644
Create or modify linked reports........................................................................................... 644
Scheduling reports and notifications........................................................................................... 646
Running single-organization and consolidated reports........................................................646
Run single-organization reports................................................................................... 646
Run consolidated organization reports........................................................................ 647
Scheduling reports............................................................................................................... 647

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 18

Add report schedules................................................................................................... 647
Delete report schedules............................................................................................... 649
Scheduling notifications....................................................................................................... 650
Add notification schedules from the Reporting section................................................650
Add notification schedules from list pages.................................................................. 651
Edit notification schedules............................................................................................652
Delete notification schedules....................................................................................... 652
Monitoring servers............................................................................................................................... 654
Getting started with server monitoring........................................................................................ 655
Enable monitoring for a device............................................................................................656
Enable monitoring for one or more servers from the Devices inventory list.................656
Enable monitoring for a server from its Device Detail page........................................ 657
Obtain a new license key to increase server monitoring capacity.......................................658
Apply a new license key to increase server monitoring capacity........................................ 658
Working with monitoring profiles................................................................................................. 658
Edit a profile.........................................................................................................................660
Configure SNMP trap messages and alerting criteria......................................................... 661
Create a new profile using a default profile as a template.................................................. 663
Profile log paths for MySQL and Apache............................................................................ 665
Upload a profile that was created by another user............................................................. 666
Download a profile so that it can be used by others........................................................... 666
Bind an additional profile to a device.................................................................................. 666
Define nonstandard log date format.................................................................................... 667
Configuring application and threshold monitoring with Log Enablement Packages............ 667
Install one or more LEPs on monitored devices..........................................................668
Set up a Windows Server 2003 device with an ITNinja monitoring Log Enablement
Package (LEP).....................................................................................................................................669
Edit the monitoring Log Enablement Package (LEP) for a Windows Server 2008 or
higher device....................................................................................................................................... 670
Edit the monitoring Log Enablement Package (LEP) for a Windows Server 2003
Managing monitoring for devices................................................................................................ 672
Pause monitoring for a device.............................................................................................672
Pause or resume monitoring for multiple devices............................................................... 673
Set the polling interval and any automatic dismissal or deletion of alerts........................... 673
Disable ping probe............................................................................................................... 674
Receive alerts when device configurations change.............................................................674
Schedule a Maintenance Window during which time alerts are not collected from a
Create and assign monitoring-specific roles........................................................................676

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 19

Disable monitoring for one or more devices........................................................................678
Enable monitoring for one or more devices........................................................................ 678
Working with alerts...................................................................................................................... 679
Add notification schedules from the Monitoring Alerts list page.......................................... 679
Create a Service Desk ticket from an alert......................................................................... 681
Search for alerts using Advanced Search criteria............................................................... 684
Filtering alerts using the Include Text and Exclude Text capability.....................................685
Filter alerts using the Include Text and Exclude Text capability from the Profile Details
page..................................................................................................................................................... 685
Filter alerts using the Exclude Text capability from the Monitoring Alerts list page......686
Examples of Include Text and Exclude Text for monitoring profiles............................ 686
Dismiss an alert................................................................................................................... 689
Retrieve and review alerts that have been dismissed from the alerts list............................689
Delete alerts......................................................................................................................... 689
Using the Service Desk.......................................................................................................................690
Configuring Service Desk............................................................................................................ 690
System requirements........................................................................................................... 690
About Service Desk............................................................................................................. 690
Overview of setup tasks...................................................................................................... 691
Configuring Service Desk business hours and holidays..................................................... 692
Configure Service Desk business hours......................................................................692
Configure Service Desk holidays................................................................................. 692
Configuring Service Level Agreements............................................................................... 693
Enable Service Level Agreements...............................................................................693
Configuring Service Desk ticket queues..............................................................................694
Configure ticket queues............................................................................................... 694
Configure queue-specific email settings...................................................................... 698
Rename Service Desk titles and labels....................................................................... 701
Enable or disable the conflict warning......................................................................... 701
View and edit response templates...............................................................................702
Configuring ticket settings....................................................................................................703
Customize the Ticket Detail page................................................................................ 703
Customizing the User Console home page.........................................................................706
Change the User Console logo and text at the System level...................................... 706
Change the User Console logo and login text at the Admin-level............................... 707
Show or hide action buttons and widgets on the User Console home page................709
Show or hide links to Knowledge Base articles on the User Console home page....... 710
Add, edit, hide, or delete User Console announcements............................................ 711
Prioritize User Console announcements or mark an announcement as urgent........... 713

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 20

Add, edit, or delete custom links on the User Console home page............................. 713
Add ticket links to the User Console home page.........................................................714
Add a quick-action link for reporting problems on the User Console home page........ 715
About the session timeout period................................................................................ 715
Using the Satisfaction Survey..............................................................................................715
Changing the Satisfaction Survey default behavior..................................................... 716
Enable or disable security for Service Desk attachments................................................... 717
Using the Service Desk Dashboard............................................................................................ 717
About the Service Desk Dashboard widgets....................................................................... 718
Customize the Service Desk Dashboard.............................................................................719
Managing Service Desk tickets, processes, and reports............................................................ 720
Overview of Service Desk ticket lifecycle............................................................................ 720
Creating tickets from the Administrator Console and User Console................................... 721
Create tickets from the User Console..........................................................................721
Create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page.........................................722
Create tickets from the Device Detail page................................................................. 728
Create tickets from the Asset Detail page................................................................... 729
Create a Service Desk ticket from an alert..................................................................730
Creating and managing tickets by email............................................................................. 733
About attachments to tickets created through email....................................................733
Enable email ticket creation......................................................................................... 733
Modifying ticket attributes using email......................................................................... 734
Clearing a ticket field using email................................................................................ 734
Changing ticket fields using email............................................................................... 734
Changing ticket approval fields using email................................................................ 735
Viewing tickets and managing comments, work, and attachments..................................... 735
Navigate among tickets, related devices, and assets..................................................736
Add work information for tickets...................................................................................736
Use default views for tickets........................................................................................ 737
Create custom views for tickets................................................................................... 739
Set a view as the default view for tickets.................................................................... 739
Add comments to tickets..............................................................................................740
Add owner-only comments to tickets........................................................................... 741
View ticket comments.................................................................................................. 742
Add or delete screenshots and attachments to Service Desk tickets.......................... 742
View ticket activity history............................................................................................ 743
Send ticket information through email......................................................................... 744
Run Device Actions from tickets.................................................................................. 744

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 21

Merging tickets..................................................................................................................... 744
Merge tickets from the Tickets list page...................................................................... 745
Merge tickets from the Ticket Detail page................................................................... 745
Using the ticket escalation process..................................................................................... 746
Understanding ticket states..........................................................................................746
Understanding the escalation time limit....................................................................... 746
Understanding escalation.............................................................................................747
Changing ticket escalation settings..............................................................................747
Change the list of escalation email recipients............................................................. 747
Change the escalation time limits................................................................................ 747
Change the default escalation email message............................................................ 748
Using Service Desk processes............................................................................................ 748
Add, edit, and enable process templates.................................................................... 748
Define process types....................................................................................................754
Create process tickets to manage related tasks..........................................................754
View process information............................................................................................. 755
Cancel or complete process tickets............................................................................. 755
Delete process templates.............................................................................................756
Convert process tickets to regular tickets.................................................................... 756
Convert regular tickets to process tickets.................................................................... 757
Using Ticket Rules............................................................................................................... 757
Using and configuring system Ticket Rules.................................................................758
Understanding and customizing system Ticket Rules................................................. 758
Create custom Ticket Rules.........................................................................................759
Duplicate a custom Ticket Rule................................................................................... 761
Delete a custom Ticket Rule........................................................................................761
Move a Ticket Rule from one queue to another.......................................................... 761
Run Service Desk reports....................................................................................................762
Archiving, restoring, and deleting tickets............................................................................. 762
Enable ticket archival................................................................................................... 763
Configure queue archive settings................................................................................ 764
Archive selected tickets................................................................................................765
Restore archived tickets...............................................................................................765
Delete archived tickets................................................................................................. 766
Managing ticket deletion...................................................................................................... 766
Configure ticket deletion settings................................................................................. 766
Delete tickets................................................................................................................767
Managing Service Desk ticket queues........................................................................................ 767

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 22

About Service Desk ticket queues.......................................................................................767
Adding and deleting queues................................................................................................ 767
Add a queue.................................................................................................................767
Add a queue by duplicating an existing queue............................................................768
Delete a queue or queues........................................................................................... 768
Viewing tickets in queues.................................................................................................... 769
View tickets across all queues.....................................................................................769
Setting the default queue.....................................................................................................769
Set the default queue at the system level................................................................... 770
Set the default queue at the user level........................................................................770
Set the default fields for the All Queues ticket list...............................................................771
Move tickets between queues............................................................................................. 772
About User Downloads and Knowledge Base articles................................................................ 772
Managing User Downloads..................................................................................................773
Add User Downloads................................................................................................... 773
Apply labels to User Downloads.................................................................................. 775
Remove labels from User Downloads......................................................................... 775
Delete User Downloads............................................................................................... 776
Managing Knowledge Base articles.....................................................................................776
Add, edit, or duplicate Knowledge Base articles......................................................... 776
Delete Knowledge Base articles.................................................................................. 777
View user ratings and the number of views for Knowledge Base articles....................778
Customizing Service Desk ticket settings................................................................................... 778
About customizing Service Desk ticket settings.................................................................. 778
Create ticket categories and subcategories........................................................................ 779
Customizing ticket values.................................................................................................... 781
Customize ticket status values.....................................................................................781
Customize ticket priority values................................................................................... 782
Customize ticket impact values....................................................................................783
Customizing ticket layout..................................................................................................... 784
Customize Layout and Related Ticket Fields.............................................................. 784
Configure Comment Field Options...............................................................................786
Define custom ticket fields........................................................................................... 787
Preview ticket layout.................................................................................................... 789
Customize the ticket list layout.................................................................................... 789
Using parent-child ticket relationships................................................................................. 790
Enable parent-child ticket relationships for a queue.................................................... 790
Enable parent tickets to close child tickets.................................................................. 791

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 23

Create child tickets for any ticket.................................................................................791
Designate tickets as parents and add existing tickets as their children....................... 792
Use a parent ticket as a to-do list................................................................................793
Use parent tickets to organize duplicate tickets.......................................................... 793
Using ticket approvers......................................................................................................... 794
Configure ticket approvers........................................................................................... 794
Approving tickets by email........................................................................................... 795
Configuring SMTP email servers.................................................................................................795
Connect your email server to the KACE SMA.................................................................... 795
Using internal and external SMTP servers..........................................................................796
Use the internal SMTP server......................................................................................796
Use an external SMTP server or Secure SMTP server...............................................796
Maintenance and troubleshooting....................................................................................................... 799
Maintaining the appliance............................................................................................................ 799
Tracking changes to settings...............................................................................................799
About appliance backups.....................................................................................................799
Set the daily backup schedule and the number of backups to retain.......................... 800
Back up the appliance manually.................................................................................. 800
Download backup files from the Administrator Console.............................................. 801
Access backup files through FTP................................................................................ 801
About deleting appliance backup data.........................................................................802
Configure offboard backup transfer............................................................................. 803
Restoring the appliance....................................................................................................... 804
Restore the appliance using the most recent backup..................................................804
Upload backup files to the appliance...........................................................................804
Restore the appliance from backups........................................................................... 805
Restore the appliance to factory settings.................................................................... 806
Updating appliance software................................................................................................806
Check for and apply advertised appliance updates..................................................... 806
Upload an update file to the appliance manually.........................................................807
Verify updates.............................................................................................................. 808
Update the appliance license key................................................................................ 808
Reboot or shut down the appliance.....................................................................................808
Update OVAL definitions from KACE.................................................................................. 809
Understanding the daily run output..................................................................................... 809
Disk status....................................................................................................................809
Appliance network interface status.............................................................................. 810
Appliance up-time and load averages......................................................................... 810

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 24

Email system health..................................................................................................... 810
Appliance backup status.............................................................................................. 811
Status of RAID drives.................................................................................................. 811
Troubleshooting the KACE SMA................................................................................................. 811
Using Troubleshooting Tools............................................................................................... 812
Verify the status of devices on the network.................................................................812
Identify device issues................................................................................................... 812
Enable a tether to Quest Support................................................................................ 813
Troubleshooting appliance issues........................................................................................814
View appliance logs..................................................................................................... 814
Download appliance activity logs................................................................................. 816
Viewing the daily run output........................................................................................ 817
Troubleshooting and debugging the KACE SMA Agent...................................................... 817
Resolve Windows security issues that prevent Agent provisioning............................. 817
Testing and troubleshooting email communication............................................................. 817
Test outgoing email......................................................................................................818
Test incoming email..................................................................................................... 818
Use Telnet to test incoming email............................................................................... 818
Access appliance logs to view Microsoft Exchange Server errors.............................. 819
Troubleshooting email errors....................................................................................... 820
About Diagnostic Console Two-Factor Authentication........................................................ 820
Appendixes.......................................................................................................................................... 821
Database table names.................................................................................................................821
Adding steps to task sections of scripts......................................................................................841
LDAP variables............................................................................................................................ 850
Glossary............................................................................................................................................... 853
A................................................................................................................................................... 853
B................................................................................................................................................... 856
E................................................................................................................................................... 859
F................................................................................................................................................... 860
I.................................................................................................................................................... 861
K................................................................................................................................................... 862
L................................................................................................................................................... 863
M.................................................................................................................................................. 864

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 25

P................................................................................................................................................... 869
S................................................................................................................................................... 871
T................................................................................................................................................... 873
V................................................................................................................................................... 875
W.................................................................................................................................................. 876
About us...............................................................................................................................................877
Technical support resources....................................................................................................... 877
Legal notices........................................................................................................................................878
Index.................................................................................................................................................... 879

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 26

About the KACE Systems
Management Appliance (SMA)
® ®
Quest KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) is a virtual appliance designed to automate device
management, application deployment, patching, asset management, reporting, and Service Desk ticket
For more information about KACE SMA series appliances, go to the Quest website, https://www.quest.com/

About KACE SMA components

KACE SMA components include software, hardware, web-based interfaces, and a mobile app interface.
Table 1. KACE SMA components

Component Description

Virtual appliance The KACE SMA is available as a virtual appliance that uses a VMware®
or Microsoft® Hyper-V® infrastructure. For the latest information about
requirements for managed devices, and browser requirements for
accessing the Administrator Console, see the technical specifications:
• For virtual appliances: Go to https://support.quest.com/technical-
• For KACE as a Service: Go to https://support.quest.com/technical-

Command Line Console The Command Line Console is a terminal window interface to the KACE
SMA. The interface is designed primarily to configure the appliance
and enforce policies. See Power-on the appliance and log in to the
Administrator Console.

Administrator Console The Administrator Console is the web-based interface used to

control the KACE SMA. To access the Administrator Console, go to
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin where KACE_SMA_hostname is
the hostname of your appliance. If the Organization component is enabled,
you can access the System-level settings of the Administrator Console
at http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system. To view the full path of
URLs in the Administrator Console, which can be useful when searching
the database or sharing links, add ui to the URL you use to log in. For
example: http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.

User Console The User Console is the web-based interface that makes applications
available to users on a self-service basis. It also enables users to file
Service Desk support tickets to request help or report issues. To access

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About KACE SMA components
Component Description
the User Console, go to http://KACE_SMA_hostname/user where
KACE_SMA_hostname is the hostname of your appliance.
The User Console provides:
• A repository of applications that users can download as needed.
• A way for users to submit and track tickets requesting help.
• Assistance for routine tasks, such as software installation,
and access to the Quest Support Knowledge Base, https://
To customize the User Console, see:
• Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization
component enabled.
• Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization

KACE SMA Agent The KACE SMA Agent is an application that can be installed on devices
to enable device management through the KACE SMA. Agents that are
installed on managed devices communicate with the KACE SMA through
AMP (Agent Messaging Protocol). Agents perform scheduled tasks, such
as collecting inventory information from, and distributing software to,
managed devices. Agentless management is available for devices that
cannot have Agent software installed, such as printers and devices with
operating systems that are not supported by the Agent.
See Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent.

KACE GO KACE GO is an app that enables administrators to access Service Desk

tickets, inventory information, and application deployment features from
their smart phones or tablets. The app also allows non-admin users to
submit Service Desk tickets, view the status of submitted tickets, and read
Knowledge Base articles from their mobile devices. You can download
KACE GO from the Apple® App Store
for iOS devices, or from the
Google Play™ store for Android™ devices.
See Configuring Mobile Device Access.

About the Administrator Console

The components available in the Administrator Console might differ, depending on the license key, organization
settings, appliance settings, and user role.
In addition, if the Organization component is enabled, the Administrator Console has two levels: The Admin level,
which shows organization-related features, and the System level, which shows appliance-related features.
If the Organization component is not enabled, Admin- and System-level features are available at the Admin level.

NOTE: Your license key determines whether the Organization component is enabled or disabled. See
  View KACE SMA license information and About organizations.

There are three login modes:

• Admin mode without the Organization component enabled: If the Organization component is not
enabled on your appliance, go to http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, where KACE_SMA_hostname

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About the Administrator Console
is the hostname of your appliance, to log in to this mode. For components available in this mode, see
Components available in Admin mode without the Organization component.
• Admin mode with the Organization component enabled: If the Organization component is enabled
on your appliance, go to http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin to log in to the Default organization.
KACE_SMA_hostname is the hostname of your appliance. Admin mode enables you to manage
the components available to the selected organization. For components available in this mode, see
Components available in Admin mode with the Organization component enabled.
If the Login Organization option is enabled in the appliance settings, the Organization box appears. You can
type the name of an organization in the Organization box to log in to that organization directly.
If you have multiple organizations and the fast switching option is enabled, you can switch between
organizations and the System level using the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information. See Enable fast switching for organizations and linked appliances.
• System mode with the Organization component enabled: If the Organization component is
enabled on your appliance, go to http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, to log in to System mode.
KACE_SMA_hostname is the hostname of your appliance. In this mode you can manage the components
available at the System level. For components available in this mode, see Components available in System
mode with the Organization component enabled.
In addition, if the fast switching option is enabled, and the passwords for the default admin accounts of the
organizations are the same, you can switch between organizations using the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page. See Enable fast switching for organizations and linked appliances.
Each mode has the following types of pages:
• Dashboards. These pages show status information for the appliance. If the Organization component is
enabled, Dashboards are available at the organization and appliance level.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About the Administrator Console
• List pages. These pages enable you to view items available on the appliance or, if the Organization
component is enabled, in the selected organization.

• Detail pages. These pages enable you to view and edit details of the selected item.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About the Administrator Console
• Configuration pages. These pages enable you to configure settings.

• Panels. These pages provide access to related components and settings.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About the Administrator Console
Components available in Admin mode without the
Organization component
When the Organization component is not enabled, Admin mode shows all of the Admin-level components and the
System-level (appliance-level) settings.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Components available in Admin mode without the Organization component
Table 2. Components available in Admin mode without the Organization component

Component UI page Used to...

Home • Dashboard Review appliance statistics,

manage labels, view historical
• Label Management information, and search for data.
• Search See Using the Home component.

Inventory • Devices Manage the devices, software,

processes, services, scans, and
• Software other items on your network. See:
• Software Catalog • Managing device inventory
• Processes • Managing applications on
• Startup Programs the Software page

• Services • Managing Software Catalog

• Discovery Schedules
• Managing process, startup
• Discovery Results program, and service
• SNMP Inventory Configurations
• Using Device Discovery
• Using SNMP Inventory
Configurations to identify
specific SNMP objects and

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Components available in Admin mode without the Organization component
Component UI page Used to...
non-computer devices to
add to inventory

Monitoring • Devices Manage basic event monitoring

for 5 servers with your standard
• Alerts license, gathering event data
• Profiles from core Windows® event logs,
syslogs, and application logs.
• Maintenance Windows
With the Monitoring Module
• Log Enablement Packages license, manage event monitoring
for up to 200 servers.
See Monitoring servers

Assets • Assets Track physical assets, such as

devices, software, printers, and so
• Asset Types on, and view the history of assets
• Contracts and their configuration. See:

• Licences • Managing inventory

• License Compliance • Managing License

• Locations
• Import Assets

Distribution • Managed Installations Distribute and manage software,

including updates from Quest,
• File Synchronizations remotely.
• Wake-on-LAN See Deploying packages to
managed devices.
• Replication
• Alerts

Scripting • Scripts Automate tasks performed on

managed devices.
• Run Now
See Running scripts on managed
• Run Now Status devices.
• Search Scripting Logs
• Configuration Policies
• Security Policies
• Mac Profiles

Security • Patch Management Reduce the risks from malware,

spyware, and viruses. OVAL
• OVAL Scan (Open Vulnerability Assessment
• SCAP Scan Language) is a battery of tests
that can be run to identify security
• Dell Updates vulnerabilities on managed

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Components available in Admin mode without the Organization component
Component UI page Used to...

See Patching devices and

maintaining security.

Service Desk (also • Tickets Provide a repository of software

known as Help Desk and documentation for users to
on appliances that • User Downloads access and download. Includes
have been upgraded • Knowledge Base a full-featured service desk for
from early versions) creating and tracking tickets.
• Announcements
See Using the Service Desk.
• Archive (available only if ticket
archival is enabled)
• Configuration

Reporting • Reports Run pre-packaged reports and

report-creating tools to monitor
• Report Schedules your appliance implementation.
• Notifications See Using reports and scheduling

Settings • Control Panel Administer your appliance and

Agent provisioning. See:
• Users
• Configuring the appliance
• Credentials
• Configuring user accounts,
• Roles LDAP authentication, and
• Logs SSO

• Appliance Updates • Managing credentials

• Provisioning • Maintaining the appliance

• Resources • Provisioning the KACE

SMA Agent
• History
• Importing and exporting
• Support appliance resources
• Managing settings history
• Using Troubleshooting

Components available in Admin mode with the

Organization component enabled
When the Organization component is enabled, the Admin mode shows components and settings for the current
organization only. Appliance-level components are available in System mode.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, and you log in to http://KACE SMA_hostname/
admin, the Settings component shows features available to the selected organization only.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Components available in Admin mode with the Organization component enabled
All other components are the same, regardless of whether the Organization component is enabled. See
Components available in Admin mode without the Organization component for components, and see the following

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Components available in Admin mode with the Organization component enabled
Table 3. Components available in Admin mode with the Organization component enabled

Component UI page Used to...

Settings • Control Panel Manage general settings for

the organization, such as
• Users user authentication and Agent
• Credentials provisioning. See:

• Roles • Configuring the appliance

• Provisioning • Configuring user accounts,

LDAP authentication, and
• Resources SSO
• History • Managing credentials
• Support • Provisioning the KACE
SMA Agent
• Importing and exporting
appliance resources
• Managing settings history
• Using Troubleshooting

Components available in System mode with the

Organization component enabled
When the Organization component is enabled, System mode shows components related to appliance settings.
Organization-level components are available in Admin mode.
When you log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE SMA_hostname/system, or
select System in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the Administrator Console, the following components
are available.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Components available in System mode with the Organization component enabled
Table 4. Components available in System mode with the Organization component enabled

Component Sub-tabs Used to...

Home • Dashboard Review summary statistics for the

See Using the Home component.

Settings • Control Panel Manage the appliance and

access resources such as Quest
• Administrators Support. See:
• Logs • Configuring the appliance
• Appliance Updates • Maintaining the appliance
• Resources • Importing and exporting
• History appliance resources

• Support • Managing settings history

• Using Troubleshooting

Reporting • Reports Run pre-packaged reports and

report-creating tools to monitor
• Report Schedules your appliance implementation.
See Using reports and scheduling

Organizations • Organizations Add and manage organizations

(requires the Organization
• Roles component).
• Filters See Creating and managing
• Devices

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Components available in System mode with the Organization component enabled
Using the Home component
The Home component includes the Dashboard, Label Management, and Search features.

About Dashboards
Dashboards provide overviews of organization or appliance activity. They also provide alerts and links to news
and Knowledge Base articles.
If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, and you are logged in to the Administrator Console
(http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin), the Dashboard shows information for the selected organization.
When you are logged in to the System Administration Console (http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system), the
Dashboard shows information for the appliance, including all organizations.

TIP: The appliance updates the summary widgets periodically. To update all of the widgets any time, click
the Refresh button in the upper right of the page: . To update individual widgets, hover over the widget,
then click the Refresh button above the widget.

View the Dashboard in Admin mode

View the Admin mode Dashboard to find summary information for the appliance or, if the Organization component
is enabled, for the selected organization.
• Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console , http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if Show
organization menu in admin header is enabled, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page next to the login information.
The Dashboard page appears.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View the Dashboard in Admin mode
View the Dashboard in System mode
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, view the System Dashboard to find summary
information for the appliance.
• Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or
select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
The System Dashboard page appears.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View the Dashboard in System mode
Customize Dashboard pages
You can customize Dashboard pages to show or hide widgets as needed.
1. Do one of the following:
• Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if
Show organization menu in admin header is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
• Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system,
or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
The Dashboard or System Dashboard page appears.
2. Mouse over the widget, then use any of the following buttons:

: Refresh the information in the widget.

: Display information about the widget.

: Hide the widget.

: Resize the widget.

: Drag the widget to a different position on the page.
3. Click the Customize button in the top-right corner of the page to view available widgets.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize Dashboard pages
4. To view all installed widgets, click View By > All Items
5. To view only the Service Desk widgets, click View By > Service Desk
6. To view only the Device widgets, click View By > Devices
7. To view only the Asset Management widgets, click View By > Asset Management
8. To show a widget that is currently hidden, click Install.

About Dashboard widgets

Dashboard widgets provide overviews of organization or appliance activity.
This section describes the widgets available on the Dashboard. If the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, widgets show the information for the selected organization at the Admin level and for the appliance at
the System level.

Widget Description

General widgets This section provides a high-level overview of your appliance activity. The information
appearing in these widgets allows you to focus on specific indicators that can help
you understand any potential issues.

Latest News These widgets provide links to news and information from Quest. News articles are
Articles and Top displayed according to date or importance. Knowledge Base articles are displayed
Knowledge Base according to their priority in the Technical Support system.

Connections This widget shows the number of connections to the KACE SMA web server. A high
number indicates a high load on the server, which might reduce appliance response
time. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows
the information for the selected organization.

File This widget shows the number of File Synchronizations that are in progress on Agent-
Synchronizations managed devices. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the
widget shows the information for the selected organization.

Managed This widget shows the number of Managed Installations that are in progress
Installations on Agent-managed devices. If the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, the widget shows the information for the selected organization.

Current Scripts This widget shows the number of scripts that are enabled to run on Agent-managed
devices. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget
shows the information for the selected organization.

Patch Installation This widget shows the progress of patching tasks that are running on managed
Progress devices. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget
shows the information for the selected organization.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dashboard widgets
Widget Description

Patching Tasks This widget shows the progress of patching tasks, such as detect, deploy, and
Completed rollback tasks, on managed devices. If the Organization component is enabled on
your appliance, the widget shows the information for the selected organization.

Critical Patch This widget shows the deployment progress of patches that are marked as critical.
Compliance If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the
information for the selected organization.

License If you have created License assets for software, this widget shows the number of
Compliance Agent-managed devices that have a particular licensed software installed, and the
number of licenses available. If the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, the widget shows the information for the selected organization.
License assets can be created for applications listed on the Software page and the
Software Catalog page, and the license mode for applications must be Unit License
or Enterprise for license information to appear on this widget. Applications with other
license modes, such as Shareware, Freeware, or Not Specified, are not displayed on
this widget.
This widget is for information only, and the KACE SMA does not enforce license
compliance. For example, the appliance does not prevent software from being
installed on Agent-managed devices if a license is expired or otherwise out of
The following colors indicate threshold levels:
• Red: Usage is at or above the critical threshold setting.
• Orange: Usage is at or above the warning threshold setting but below the
critical threshold setting.
• Green: Usage is below the warning threshold setting.
To change the threshold levels, see Configure appliance General Settings without the
Organization component.
For information about managing License assets, see Managing inventory.

Provisioning This widget shows the status of KACE SMA Agent provisioning or installation tasks.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the
information for the selected organization.

Provision Platforms This widget shows the percentage of operating systems installed on KACE SMA
Agent-managed devices. If the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, the widget shows the information for the selected organization.

Tasks in Progress This widget displays the number of tasks in progress on the KACE SMA. This
number includes tasks related to scripting, inventory, metering, replication, patching,
bootstrapping, and cache queries. You can view the load average on the appliance,
and change the task throughput, as needed. See Configure Agent communication
and log settings.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget is available
on the System Dashboard page.

SCAP Summary This widget provides information about SCAP scans that have been performed on
devices. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget
shows the information for the selected organization.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dashboard widgets
Widget Description

Device Check-In This widget displays the number of devices that have connected to the KACE SMA in
Rate the past 60 minutes. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, this
widget is available at the System level.

Software License If you set up License assets for software, and specify the license type, such as site,
Configuration subscription, or unit, that information is displayed in this widget. If the Organization
component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the information for the
selected organization.

Disk Capacity This widget displays the amount of disk space that is free or in use on the appliance.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, this widget is available
at the System level.

Software This widget displays the publishers defined in the Software Catalog, with the
Publishers highest number of software titles installed on managed devices. If the Organization
component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the information for the
selected organization.

Software Titles This widget displays the software titles defined in the Software Catalog, with the
highest number of installations on managed devices. If the Organization component
is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the information for the selected

Expiring Dell This widget displays information on any Dell Warranties, and links to the Reports list
Warranties page for Dell Warranty reports.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the
information for the selected organization.

Dell Updates This widget displays the number of Dell applications, BIOSs, and firmware updates
that can be applied to managed devices. The updates are categorized as urgent,
recommended, or optional depending on the urgency of the update. After a Dell
Update schedule is created, data appears in the widget. See Create Dell Update
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the
information for the selected organization.

Monitoring Alert This widget displays the number of unacknowledged alerts, grouped by alert level.
Summary The following icons indicate alert level:
• : Critical
• : Error

: Warning

: Information

: Recovered
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the
information for the selected organization.
Low-resource alerts.When the appliance resources are low, Critical alerts appear
on the Dashboard, providing the recommended course of action such as contacting
Support. These alerts are generated when the appliance is detected to use a high

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dashboard widgets
Widget Description
amount of disk, CPU, and memory resources, or when a high number of emails is
Critical low-resource alerts are displayed when the related condition is detected within
the last ten minutes, and it persisted for one hour before being displayed.
The settings for these alerts are tracked in the history settings. You can disable
that by clearing any of the Low Resource Alerts options on the Settings History
Configuration page. For more information, see Configure System-level settings
history subscriptions with the Organization component enabled.

Monitored Devices This widget displays the status of the devices for which monitoring has been enabled.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the
information for the selected organization.

Monitoring Alerts This widget displays the alert messages for the devices being monitored. If the
Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the
information for the selected organization.

Service Desk This section provides a high-level overview of your Service Desk ticket performance.
widgets Use it to quickly review the state of your tickets and look for any indicators that can
improve your customer experience. For example, you can review the numbers of
overdue tickets and focus on specific issues, as needed.
NOTE: Service Desk widgets display data for the default queue associated
  with the logged-in user. If there is no default set for the user, or if All Queues is
set as the default, the widgets display data from all the queues owned by the
NOTE: If the user does not own any queues, or if their default queue is no
longer valid, the widgets do not display any data.

Shortcuts This widget contains links to common Service Desk actions. Use them to quickly
initiate specific tasks, such as creating a new KB (Knowledge Base) article,
scheduling a report, and so on.

Views This widget contains links to common Service Desk pages and wizards, including
any custom views that you created. Use them to quickly navigate to specific pages,
such as My Recent Tickets, All Unassigned Tickets, and Tickets Due Today. It
also displays link to custom views, as applicable. The list of custom views is sorted
alphabetically. If you want the custom views to appear in a specific order, you can
prefix their names with numbers, as needed.

Reports This widget contains links to common Service Desk reports. Use them to quickly
generate a specific report, such as Open Tickets last 7 days by Owner, Stalled/Open
Tickets by Owner, and others.

Tickets Opened This widget contains the number of Service Desk tickets that were opened today.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dashboard widgets
Widget Description

Active Tickets By These widgets display the numbers of active, closed, overdue, overdue today,
Owner due, due today, or reopened Service Desk tickets grouped by any of the following
Active Tickets By • Category
• Priority
Active Tickets By • Owner
• Queue

Active Tickets • Range

The resulting data can appear in a Bar Chart or a Donut Chart.
Closed Tickets To change the widget title, choose how you want to group the tickets, or select the
chart type, click in the widget. In the dialog box that appears, make your edits and
Overdue Tickets
click Save.

Overdue Tickets By

Overdue Tickets

Tickets Due Today

Reopened Tickets

Average Ticket This widget displays the average ticket resolution times by any of the following
Resolution Time categories:
• Category
• Priority
• Owner
• Queue
• Month
The resulting data can appear in a Bar Chart or a Donut Chart.
To change the widget title, choose how you want to group the tickets, or select the
chart type, click in the widget. In the dialog box that appears, make your edits and
click Save.

Tickets Overdue This widget displays the number of Service Desk tickets that are currently overdue.

Device widgets This section provides a high-level overview of your managed devices. Use it to
quickly review the state of your devices and look for any indicators that can improve
their performance. For example, you can review the percentages of available disk
space, and focus on specific issues, as needed.

Devices By This widget shows a bar chart, where each bar represents a number of devices that
Memory have an indicated amount of RAM installed on them.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dashboard widgets
Widget Description

Devices By This widget shows a bar chart, where each bar represents a number of devices that
Processor have a specific processor configuration.

Devices by Disk This widget shows a donut chart, where each section of the chart indicates the
Capacity percentage of free disk space on the managed devices. Clicking the widget title
displays a report with links to the associated devices. Hovering over each section
of the chart displays the percentage of managed devices that have the selected
percentage of free disk space. For example, if you hover over the red part of the
chart, the widget displays the percentage of devices whose free disk space is lower
than 25%.

Managed Operating This widget shows the percentage of managed devices that are running each
Systems operating system. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, this
widget shows the percentage of devices in the selected organization.

Devices By This widget shows the top device manufacturers represented in device inventory.
Manufacturer If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, this widget shows the
percentage of devices in the selected organization.

Devices By Model This widget shows the top device models represented in KACE SMA device
inventory. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, this widget
shows the percentage of devices in the selected organization.

Devices By This widget shows a donut chart, where each section of the chart indicates the
Subtype percentage of the managed devices by device subtype.

Asset This section provides a high-level overview of your asset usage. Use it to quickly
Management review the state of your assets and look for any indicators that can improve your
widgets asset configuration. For example, you can focus on how your software licenses are
used and identify which software titles need to have their license renewed.

Assets By Type This widget shows a donut chart, where each section of the chart indicates the
percentage of your assets by their asset type, such as device, software, location,
license, and others. Hovering over each section of the chart displays the percentage
of the assets of the selected type.

Assets By Status This widget shows a donut chart, where each section of the chart indicates the
percentage of your assets by their status, such as Active, Disposed, Missing, or
other. Hovering over each section of the chart displays the percentage of the assets
in the selected status.

Cost ($) of Unused This widget shows a bar chart, where each bar represents the cost of unused
Licenses By licenses for each product. You can use this information to reassign or cancel unused
Product licenses, and to redirect your resource where they are most needed.

License If you have created License assets for software, this widget shows the number of
Compliance Agent-managed devices that have a particular licensed software installed, and the
number of licenses available. If the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, the widget shows the information for the selected organization.
License assets can be created for applications listed on the Software page and the
Software Catalog page, and the license mode for applications must be Unit License
or Enterprise for license information to appear on this widget. Applications with other

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dashboard widgets
Widget Description
license modes, such as Shareware, Freeware, or Not Specified, are not displayed on
this widget.
This widget is for information only, and the KACE SMA does not enforce license
compliance. For example, the appliance does not prevent software from being
installed on Agent-managed devices if a license is expired or otherwise out of
The following colors indicate threshold levels:
• Red: Usage is at or above the critical threshold setting.
• Orange: Usage is at or above the warning threshold setting but below the
critical threshold setting.
• Green: Usage is below the warning threshold setting.
To change the threshold levels, see Configure appliance General Settings without the
Organization component.
For information about managing License assets, see Managing inventory.

Software Titles This widget displays the software titles defined in the Software Catalog, with the
highest number of installations on managed devices. If the Organization component
is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the information for the selected

Software This widget displays the publishers defined in the Software Catalog, with the
Publishers highest number of software titles installed on managed devices. If the Organization
component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the information for the
selected organization.

Assets by Location This widget shows a donut chart, where each section of the chart indicates the
percentage of your assets by their location. Hovering over each section of the chart
displays the percentage of the assets in the selected location.

Software Installed This widget shows a bar chart, where each bar represents a software title and the
But Not Used in 60 corresponding number of instances of that product that have not been in use in the
Days last 60 days. You can use this information to further investigate whether these titles
are needed, to reassign or uninstall unused software, and to redirect your resource
where they are most needed.

Expiring This widget shows a vertical bar chart, where each bar represents the number of
Software License software licenses that are about expire in the given time period.

Expired Software This widget shows a donut chart representing the ration of expired and current
License licenses. Hovering over each section of the chart displays the percentage of the
Maintenance software licenses that are either expired or current, as selected.

Expiring Contracts This widget shows a vertical bar chart, where each bar represents the number of
contracts that are about expire in the given time period.

Expired Contracts This widget shows a donut chart representing the ration of expired and current
contracts. Hovering over each section of the chart displays the percentage of the
contracts that are either expired or current, as selected.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dashboard widgets
Widget Description

Software License If you set up License assets for software, and specify the license type, such as site,
Configuration subscription, or unit, that information is displayed in this widget. If the Organization
component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the information for the
selected organization.

View Dashboard details

Dashboard details show statistics for the appliance or the selected organization.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, and you are logged in to the Administrator Console
(http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin), the statistics are shown for the selected organization. When you are
logged in to the System Administration Console (http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system), the statistics are
shown for the appliance, including all organizations.
On new appliances that have no managed devices, the Dashboard Detail page shows zero or no records.
1. Do one of the following:
• Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if
Show organization menu in admin header is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
• Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system,
or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
2. Click Home.
The Dashboard or System Dashboard page appears.
3. In the top-right corner of the page, click View Details.
The Dashboard Detail page appears. It shows the following information:
Summary Section Description

Alerts Information about license capacity and usage for managed devices in inventory.

Devices Information about managed devices, including a breakdown of the operating systems
in use.
In addition, if the number of managed devices exceeds the number allowed by your
license key, you are notified of it here.

Software A summary of the applications that are available in inventory on the appliance. This
includes applications listed on the Software page and the Software Catalog page.

Distributions The applications that have been distributed to managed devices, separated by
distribution method. This section also indicates the number of packages that are
enabled and disabled.

Monitoring Alerts The number of unacknowledged alerts for monitored devices, grouped by alert level.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View Dashboard details
Summary Section Description

The following icons indicate alert level:

• : Critical
• : Error

: Warning

: Information

: Recovered

Alert Summary The alerts that have been distributed to managed devices, separated by the alert
type. This summary also indicates the number of alerts that are active and expired.
The IT Advisory refers to the number of Knowledge Base articles in User Console.

Patches The patches received from software vendors such as Microsoft® and Apple. The
summary includes the date and time of the last patch (successful and attempted),
total patches, and total packages downloaded.

OVAL Information about the Open Vulnerability Assessment Language (OVAL), a battery
of tests that can be run to identify security vulnerabilities on managed devices. OVAL
information includes:
• The definitions received
• The date and time of the last OVAL download (attempted and successful)
• The number of OVAL tests in the appliance
• The number of devices scanned
• The number of vulnerabilities detected on managed devices

Discovery The results of Discovery scans that have run on the network, including the number of
(Network Scan) IP addresses scanned, the number of services discovered, and the number of scans
that have been performed.

NOTE: When this page is refreshed, the record count is updated. New KACE SMA installations
  contain zero records.

For more information about OVAL, see Maintaining device and appliance security.

View task schedules

The Task Schedule page displays a list of tasks scheduled for the current hour, day, or the week, as selected,
using their start times and an estimated duration based on machine counts and task types. Any tasks that have
detail pages associated with them, such as scripts, can be accessed by clicking the task name in the table.
The Administrator Console displays the tasks associated with the selected organization and any System tasks,
like the Backup Window. When you view this page in the System Administration Console, it displays all tasks from
all organizations (separated by the organization), along with any available System tasks.
Any task chains that appear in the page are represented with connecting lines. For more information about task
chains, see Using Task Chains.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View task schedules
Tasks associated with multiple agents and devices appear in gradient color line, where the length of the line does
not reflect the task duration or any historical data. Solid color lines appears indicates tasks with a fixed duration. A
blue vertical bar in the graph represents the current date and time.
1. Do one of the following:
• Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if
Show organization menu in admin header is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
• Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system,
or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
The Dashboard or System Dashboard page appears.
2. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Task Schedule.
The Task Schedule page appears.
3. To switch between different levels of detail, click Hour, Day, or Week, as required.

View the KACE SMA version, model, and license information

The About KACE SMA link in the Help panel displays the KACE SMA version, model, and license information.
1. Log in to the User Console, Administrator Console, or System Console.
2. In the upper right of the Administrator Console, click Need Help.
A help pane appears on the right containing high-level information about the related Administrator Console
page. The bottom of the help pane includes the following buttons:
◦ Appliance Administrator Guide( ): Provides access to the KACE System Management Appliance
help contents.
◦ Knowledge Base ( ): Allows you to browse the Knowledge Base articles associated with the related
Administrator Console page.

NOTE: This option is only available in the Administrator Console and the System Console. It does
  not appear in the User Console.

◦ Live Chat ( ): Starts a chat with a KACE System Management Appliance product specialist.

NOTE: This option is only available in the Administrator Console and the System Console. It does
  not appear in the User Console.

◦ Open Ticket ( ): Links to the Support page (https://support.quest.com/create-service-request) that

allows you to create a service request.

NOTE: This option is only available in the Administrator Console and the System Console. It does
  not appear in the User Console.

◦ Support ( ): Links to the Settings > Support page. This page provides resources for troubleshooting
system management issues and contacting Quest Support.

NOTE: This option is only available in the Administrator Console and the System Console. It does
  not appear in the User Console.

◦ KACE GO Mobile App ( ): Displays a dialog containing links for downloading the KACE GO Mobile
App. The app is available for iOS and Android platforms.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View the KACE SMA version, model, and license information
NOTE: This option is available if the appliance is configured to interact with the K1 GO Mobile
  App. It only appears in the Administrator Console and the System Console. It does not appear
in the User Console For more information on enabling mobile access, see Configuring Mobile
Device Access.

◦ About KACE SMA ( ): Displays information about your KACE System Management Appliance

NOTE: This option is only available in the Administrator Console and the System Console. It does
  not appear in the User Console.
3. Click the About KACE SMA link located at the bottom-right corner of the panel.
The KACE SMA license information is displayed.
◦ The appliance version, model, and serial numbers.
◦ The license expiration date, in month/day/year format.
◦ The number of Managed Computers, Monitored Servers, and Assets that your license entitles you to
Managed Computers are devices in KACE SMA inventory that 1) have Windows, Mac, Linux, or
UNIX operating systems, 2) are categorized as PCs or servers, and 3) were not added to inventory
manually, through the WSAPI, or through mobile device management.
Monitored Servers are servers that 1) meet the requirements for Managed Computers and 2) have
Monitoring enabled.
Assets that count toward your license limit include devices that 1) have been added to the KACE SMA
inventory but do not meet the definition of Managed Computers or Monitored Servers and 2) were
not added to inventory manually, through the WSAPI, or through mobile management. Examples of
Assets include printers, projectors, network gear, and storage devices. The assets you create and
manage using the Asset Management component do not count toward the license limit.
NOTE: Your KACE SMA license agreement entitles you to manage a specified number of
  devices. Be aware that devices count toward these limits even if devices are MIA (missing in
action) or no longer in use. However, devices that are added to inventory manually, or through
the API, do not count toward license limits. For more information, see https://quest.com/docs/
NOTE: To increase your license capacity, go to the Quest website: https://quest.com/buy.

◦ License terms and conditions.

◦ Third-party code attributions.
Optional: View KACE SMA license information with enabled components. See View KACE SMA license

View KACE SMA license information

KACE SMA license information appears in the Appliance Updates section of the Administrator Console.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Appliance Updates.
3. In the License Information section, click the Help button: .

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View KACE SMA license information
The following information appears:
◦ Managed Computers: The number of Managed Computers your license entitles you to manage.
Managed Computers are devices in KACE SMA inventory that 1) have Windows, Mac, Linux, or
UNIX operating systems, 2) are categorized as PCs or servers, and 3) were not added to inventory
manually, through the WSAPI, or through mobile device management
◦ Monitored Servers: The number of Monitored Servers your license entitles you to manage.
Monitored Servers are servers that 1) meet the requirements for Managed Computers and 2) have
Monitoring enabled.
◦ Assets: Assets that count toward your license limit include devices that 1) have been added to the
KACE SMA inventory but do not meet the definition of Managed Computers or Monitored Servers
and 2) were not added to inventory manually, through the WSAPI, or through mobile management.
Examples of Assets include printers, projectors, network gear, and storage devices. The assets you
create and manage using the Asset Management component do not count toward the license limit.

NOTE: Your KACE SMA license agreement entitles you to manage a specified number of
  devices. Be aware that devices count toward these limits even if devices are MIA (missing in
action) or no longer in use. However, devices that are added to inventory manually, or through
the API, do not count toward license limits. For more information, see http://quest.com/docs/
NOTE: To increase your license capacity, go to the Quest website: https://quest.com/buy.

◦ Expires: The license expiration date, in month/day/year format.

◦ Components: The components enabled under your license.
Optional: View the KACE SMA serial number, model number, license terms and conditions, and third-party code
attributions. See View the KACE SMA version, model, and license information.

About appliance software updates

The KACE SMA checks with the servers at Quest daily for software updates. These updates are referred to as
advertised updates.
If updates are available, an alert appears on the Home page of the Administrator Console the next time you log in
with Administrator account privileges.

Related topics
Upload an update file to the appliance manually.

About labels
Labels are containers that enable you to organize and categorize items, such as devices, so that you can manage
them as a group.
For example, you can use labels to identify devices that have the same operating system or that are in the same
geographic location. You can then initiate actions, such as distributing software or deploying patches, on all of
the devices with that label. Labels can either be manually assigned to specific items or automatically assigned to
items when they are associated with criteria, such as SQL or LDAP queries.
You can add labels from the Labels section as well as from other sections of the Administrator Console where
labels are used, such as the Devices page.
The following labels are available:
• Labels: Labels that are applied manually and used to organize users, devices, software, Managed
Installations, and more. See Managing manual labels.
• Smart Labels: Labels that are applied and removed automatically based on criteria you specify. For
example, to track laptops in a specific office, you could use a label called “San Francisco Office,” and add
KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide
About labels
a Smart Label based on the IP address range or subnet for devices located in the San Francisco office.
Whenever a device that falls within the IP address range is inventoried, the Smart Label “San Francisco” is
automatically applied. When the device leaves the IP address range, and is inventoried again, the label is
automatically removed. See Managing Smart Labels.
• LDAP Labels: Labels that are applied to and removed from users and devices automatically based on
LDAP or Active Directory® queries. See Managing LDAP Labels.

Related topics
Managing Smart Labels
Managing LDAP Labels

Searching for information and filtering lists

You can search the KACE SMA databases, and filter list pages, to find information on the appliance.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can search the database of each organization
separately. You cannot search the databases of all organizations at once, and you cannot search at the System

Search at the Admin level

You can search the Admin-level databases to find information on the appliance.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can search the database of each organization
separately. You cannot search the databases of all organizations at once, and you cannot search at the System
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the Search button in the top-right corner of the page to display the Search field. Then type at
least four characters in the Global Search field and press Enter or Return. The following illustration
shows this Search field:

• Click Home > Search. Then type at least four characters in the Search field that appears above the
list on the right, and press Enter or Return. The following illustration shows this Search field:

TIP: Use the percent sign (%) as a wildcard. For example, you can use the percent sign in a search string
  to find all items that match the criteria before and after the percent sign.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Search at the Admin level
Search at the page level
Page-level Search enables you to search for information on the current page.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Go to a list page. For example, on the left navigation bar, click Inventory. The Devices page appears.
3. On the list page, Devices in this example, enter the search text into the Search field in the top-right corner
of the page. Press Enter or Return to begin the page level search.
The following illustration shows the Page-level Search field:

TIP: Use the percent sign (%) as a wildcard. For example, you can use the percent sign in a search string
  to find all items that match the criteria before and after the percent sign.

Searching at the page level with advanced options

Advanced page-level Search enables you to search for information on the current page using various
combinations of criteria. Advanced page-level Search is available on most list pages, such as the Devices page
and the Software page.

Example: Search for managed devices using Advanced Search criteria

This example shows how to use Advanced page-level Search to find Windows devices that are running low on
disk space.
When a scoped user performs an advanced search on devices, and their user role is associated with a Smart
Label, the results only include the devices that are associated with the Smart Label. To see additional devices,
you can change the scope of Smart Label, as needed. For more information on how to configure a device scope
for a user role, see Add or edit User Roles. For details about Smart Labels, see Managing Smart Labels.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Click the Advanced Search tab above the Devices list on the right.
The Advanced Search panel appears.

3. Specify the criteria required to find Windows devices:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Searching at the page level with advanced options
Operating System: Name | contains | Windows
4. With AND selected in the operator drop-down list, click Add Line to add a new line, then specify the criteria
required to find devices that are low on disk space:
Drive Information: Disk % Capacity | > | 95
5. Click Search.
The list is refreshed to show devices that match the specified criteria.

Add Smart Labels and Notifications using Advanced Search criteria

You can add Smart Labels and notifications using criteria in the Advanced Search panel.
When a scoped user performs an advanced search on devices, and their user role is associated with a Smart
Label, the results only include the devices that are associated with the Smart Label. To see additional devices,
you can change the scope of Smart Label, as needed. For more information on how to configure a device scope
for a user role, see Add or edit User Roles. For details about Smart Labels, see Managing Smart Labels.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Go to a list page. For example, on the left navigation bar, click Inventory to display the Devices page.
3. Click the Advanced Search tab above the list on the right and enter the search criteria.
See Example: Search for managed devices using Advanced Search criteria.
4. Click the Smart Label tab above the list on the right.
The Smart Label panel appears, and the selected search criteria remain available.

5. In the Choose label drop-down list, do one of the following:

• Select an existing label to associate with the Smart Label. Type in the Choose label field to search for
existing labels.

NOTE: If you select a label group instead of a label, you will not be able to apply the Smart Label
  to a patching schedule. Patching schedules can only use Smart Labels based on a single item.

• Enter a new name for the Smart Label in the Choose label field, then press Enter or Return.

NOTE: Press Enter or Return after you enter a new Smart Label name to move the text from the
  search field to the label field.
6. Click Create.
Smart Labels are applied as follows:
◦ Smart Labels are automatically applied to or removed from devices when devices check in to the
appliance, based on whether the devices meet the specified criteria.
◦ If a specific application Smart Label is edited using Home > Labels > Smart Labels, it is applied to or
removed from all applications immediately.
◦ Smart Labels are automatically applied to or removed from applications when the items are updated
on the Inventory > Software page, based on whether the items meet the specified criteria.
7. Click the Notification tab above the list on the right.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Searching at the page level with advanced options
The Notification panel appears, and the selected search criteria remain available.

8. Provide the following information:

Field Description

Title The information that you want to appear in the Subject line of the email.

Recipient The email address or addresses of intended recipients. Email addresses must be fully
qualified email addresses. To send email to multiple addresses, use commas to separate
each address, or use email distribution lists.

Frequency The interval at which the appliance runs the query to compare the selected criteria with
items in inventory. If criteria are met, the notification is sent.

9. Optional: To verify the criteria, click Test Notification.

The list is refreshed to show items that match the specified criteria. No email notifications are sent during
the test.
10. Click Create Notification.
The notification is added and it appears on the Email Alerts page.
For information about scheduling the frequency of the notification, see Edit notification schedules.
Related topics
Example: Search for managed devices using Advanced Search criteria

Load Smart Labels from the Advanced Search tab

You can load Smart Labels from list pages on which the Advanced Search tab is available.
When a scoped user performs an advanced search on devices, and their user role is associated with a Smart
Label, the results only include the devices that are associated with the Smart Label. To see additional devices,
you can change the scope of Smart Label, as needed. For more information on how to configure a device scope
for a user role, see Add or edit User Roles. For details about Smart Labels, see Managing Smart Labels.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Go to a list page. For example, click Inventory to display the Devices list.
3. Click the Advanced Search tab above the list on the right to display the Advanced Search panel.
4. At the top of the Advanced Search panel, in the Smart Label drop-down list, select the Smart Label you
want to load.
The drop-down list shows Smart Labels that match the list page you are viewing. For example, on the
Devices page, the drop-down list shows Device Smart Labels. In addition, labels are displayed only if the
underlying SQL has not been edited outside of the Smart Label wizard. This is because the wizard cannot
be used to display custom SQL.
5. Click Load.
The criteria of the selected Smart Label appears in the Advanced Search panel.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Searching at the page level with advanced options
Create Custom Views using Advanced Search criteria
You can create Custom Views using Advanced Search criteria. Custom Views display list items using predefined
Advanced Search criteria. Custom Views are available on list pages such as the Software Catalog page, the
Assets page, and the Service Desk Tickets page.
Custom Views are user-specific. Users cannot access the Custom Views that are created by other users.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Go to a page that has the Custom View option, such as the Software Catalog page or the Assets page.
3. Click the Advanced Search tab on the top-right corner of the page and enter the search criteria.
4. Click the Custom View tab on the top-right corner of the page to display the Custom View panel.
5. Select Custom View criteria. For example, to create a view on the Software Catalog page that displays
all Windows devices that have metered applications in the category of Infrastructure Applications, do the
a. Specify the criteria required to find applications categorized as Infrastructure Applications:
Category | = | Infrastructure Applications
b. With AND selected in the operator drop-down list, click Add Line to add a new line.
c. Specify the criteria required to find applications that are metered:
Metered | is | True
d. With AND selected in the operator drop-down list, click Add Line to add a new line.
e. Specify the criteria required to find Windows devices:
Platform | = | Windows

6. Optional: Click Test to refresh the list to show items that match the specified criteria.
7. In the View Name field, type a name for the Custom View, then click Create.
The Custom View appears in the View By drop-down list.
Related topics
Example: Search for managed devices using Advanced Search criteria

Access product documentation

The Administrator Console provides access to help contents and documentation search. It also allows you to
browse related Knowledge Base articles, and to chat with product specialists, when needed.
1. Log in to the User Console, Administrator Console, or System Console.
2. In the upper right of the Administrator Console, click Need Help.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Access product documentation
A help pane appears on the right containing high-level information about the related Administrator Console
page. The bottom of the help pane includes the following buttons:
◦ Appliance Administrator Guide( ): Provides access to the KACE System Management Appliance
help contents.
◦ Knowledge Base ( ): Allows you to browse the Knowledge Base articles associated with the related
Administrator Console page.

NOTE: This option is only available in the Administrator Console and the System Console. It does
  not appear in the User Console.

◦ Live Chat ( ): Starts a chat with a KACE System Management Appliance product specialist.

NOTE: This option is only available in the Administrator Console and the System Console. It does
  not appear in the User Console.

◦ Open Ticket ( ): Links to the Support page (https://support.quest.com/create-service-request) that

allows you to create a service request.

NOTE: This option is only available in the Administrator Console and the System Console. It does
  not appear in the User Console.

◦ Support ( ): Links to the Settings > Support page. This page provides resources for troubleshooting
system management issues and contacting Quest Support.

NOTE: This option is only available in the Administrator Console and the System Console. It does
  not appear in the User Console.

◦ KACE GO Mobile App ( ): Displays a dialog containing links for downloading the KACE GO Mobile
App. The app is available for iOS and Android platforms.

NOTE: This option is available if the appliance is configured to interact with the K1 GO Mobile
  App. It only appears in the Administrator Console and the System Console. It does not appear
in the User Console For more information on enabling mobile access, see Configuring Mobile
Device Access.

◦ About KACE SMA ( ): Displays information about your KACE System Management Appliance

NOTE: This option is only available in the Administrator Console and the System Console. It does
  not appear in the User Console.
3. Click a link in the page-level Help topic.
The main Help system appears, displaying the selected topic.
4. Click the Search tab in the left pane of the Help system.
All search terms use an implicit Boolean AND statement. For example, if you search for Windows
provisioning, Search displays results that contain both words.

TIP: For a PDF version of the Help system, click the Acrobat button on the right side of the main
Help system navigation bar ( ).
5. Administrator or System Console only. Search for Knowledge Base articles associated with the related
Administrator Console or the System Console page.
a. At the bottom of the help pane, click .
The help pane displays a list of related Knowledge Base articles.

NOTE: Knowledge Base articles are currently only available in English.


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Access product documentation
b. Use the navigation buttons to look for a specific article.
c. Search the listed articles for a specific keyword, as needed.
d. When you find a desired article, click the link in the help pane.
The selected Knowledge Base article appears on a new tab in your browser.

IMPORTANT: To see the article contents, you must log in to the Quest Support site using your
  Quest user name and password.
6. Administrator or System Console only. Chat with a product specialist.
a. Click .
The Chat with Support dialog box appears.
b. Type your Full Name, Email Address, and Purpose of your Chat, as applicable, and click Start
The Chat with Support dialog box refreshes, showing a list of existing Knowledge Base (KB)
articles that may contain information about the specified topic. The list of topics may appear on
multiple pages, depending on the type of the requested information.
c. Review the list of KB articles. Use the page navigation controls at the bottom of the list, if
applicable. To read a KB article, click the title in the list.
d. If none of the listed KB articles provide the information you need, click None of the solutions
above solved my issue, continue with chat.
NOTE: You can only use this feature when product specialists are available to respond to your
  questions. If Live Chat is not available, this is indicated in the dialog box.

The LIVE CHAT dialog box appears. The Full Name, Email Address, Product and Purpose of
your Chat boxes are populated using the information specified in the Chat with Support dialog
e. Click Start Chat.
The LIVE CHAT dialog box refreshes.
f. In the LIVE CHAT dialog box, type your question, and click SEND to start chatting with a product
7. Administrator or System Console only. Open a Support ticket.
a. Click .
Your browser displays the Submit a Service Request page (https://support.quest.com/create-
service-request) in a new tab or window.
b. Use this page to open a service ticket, as required.
8. Administrator or System Console only. Click .
The Settings > Support page appears. This page provides resources for troubleshooting system
management issues and contacting Quest Support.
9. Administrator or System Console only, when mobile access is enabled on the appliance.
NOTE: For more information on enabling mobile access, see Configuring Mobile Device Access.
a. Click .
A dialog box appears, allowing you to download KACE GO. The app is available for iOS and
Android platforms from their respective app stores.
b. Click the link for your mobile device OS, as needed, to download the app.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Access product documentation
For more information about downloading and configuring KACE GO, seeDownload and use KACE
10. Administrator or System Console only. Review information about your KACE System Management
Appliance installation.
a. Click .
A dialog box displaying product information appears.
b. To close it, click Close.
11. To close the help pane, click Need Help.

Log in to the Administrator Console: First login

following initial network configuration
After the network settings are configured and the appliance restarts, you can log in to the appliance Administrator
Console from any computer on the LAN (local area network).
During the first login following initial network configuration, you must provide your appliance license key and set
the password for the admin account.

NOTE: Your browser setting determines the language displayed in the Administrator Console the first time
  you log in. To change this setting after you log in, see Configuring locale settings.
1. Open a web browser and enter the Administrator Console URL:
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. For example, http://kace_sma/admin.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

License Key Enter the license key you received in the Welcome email from Quest. Include the dashes. If
you do not have a license key, contact Quest Support at https://support.quest.com/contact-

Password Enter a password for the default admin account, which is the account you use to log in to
the appliance Administrator Console. The default admin account is the only account on the
appliance at this time. If you forget the password for this account, the system might have to
be reset to factory defaults which can result in loss of data.
NOTE: If you have multiple KACE SMA or SDA appliances, Quest recommends
  that you use the same password for the admin account on all appliances. Using a
common password enables you to link the appliances later.

Company Enter the name of your company or group.


Timezone Select the timezone where the appliance is located.

3. Click Apply Settings and Reboot.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Log in to the Administrator Console: First login following initial network configuration
The appliance restarts.
4. When the appliance has restarted, refresh the browser page.
5. Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA), then log in using the login ID admin and the password
you chose on the initial setup page.
6. Select or clear the check boxes next to the notification fields to enable or disable email notifications
for the administrator account. You can change these settings later as needed. See Manage appliance
administrator email notifications.
Option Description

Enable Quest Enable Quest to send security notifications to the email address of this administrator.
Security This feature is available only to System-level administrator accounts. It is not available to
Notifications Admin-level administrator accounts, or non-administrator user accounts.

Enable Quest Enable Quest to send sales and marketing notifications to the email address of this
Sales and administrator. This feature is available only to System-level administrator accounts; it is not
Marketing available to Admin-level administrator accounts, or non-administrator user accounts.

The Administrator Console appears and the appliance is ready for use.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Log in to the Administrator Console: First login following initial network configuration
Getting started
To use the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA), you need to configure appliance settings to match
your network configuration.
In addition, you can set up Labels, User Authentication, Replication Shares, Credentials Management, Assets,
License Compliance, and Service Desk features to meet the needs of your environment. If the Organization
component is enabled on your appliance, you can add or edit organizations and organization settings as needed.

Configuring the appliance

Appliance configuration consists of setting up network, security, locale, and other settings on the appliance.

Requirements and specifications

KACE SMA technical specifications describe appliance capacity and requirements for managing devices.
For the latest information about KACE SMA hardware, requirements for managed devices, and browser
requirements for accessing the Administrator Console, see the technical specifications:
• For physical appliances: Go to https://support.quest.com/technical-documents/kace-systems-management-
• For virtual appliances: Go to https://support.quest.com/technical-documents/kace-systems-management-
• For KACE as a Service: Go to https://support.quest.com/technical-documents/kace-systems-management-

NOTE: To run Device Actions, you must have the Administrator Console open in Internet Explorer®,
  because ActiveX® is required to launch these programs on the local device. Other browsers do not support

Power-on the appliance and log in to the

Administrator Console
When the appliance is powered on for the first time, you can log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console from
any computer on your LAN, provided that a DHCP server is available to assign an IP address to the appliance.
This enables you to use the setup wizard to configure initial network settings.
• If you have the virtual version of the virtual KACE SMA, download the appliance software and set up the
virtualization infrastructure. For more information, see the setup guide for the virtual appliance. Go to
• If you are installing the physical version of the appliance, review and follow the safety instructions in the Dell
PowerEdge R430 Getting Started With Your System document and any other safety instructions shipped
with the appliance. The Quest appliance is a specially configured platform and does not require you to

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Power-on the appliance and log in to the Administrator Console
install or remove internal components, update firmware, or modify BIOS settings. To set up the appliance,
follow the instructions in this document only.
• In the A record of your internal DNS (domain name system) server, enter the appliance’s hostname. The A
record defines the hostname for the MX record, and this enables users to send email tickets to the Service
Desk. By default, the appliance’s host name is k1000, but you can change it during initial setup.
• Decide whether to use a split DNS. Using a split DNS is useful if the appliance connects to the internet
using a reverse proxy, or if you place the appliance in a DMZ (demilitarized zone) or screened subnet. A
DMZ adds an additional layer of security to a LAN (local area network).
• (Optional) Obtain a static IP address for the appliance.
If a DHCP server is not available, you can configure network settings using the Command Line Console. See
Access the Command Line Console.

NOTE: For information about logging in to KACE as a Service, see the KACE as a Service Setup Guide.
  Go to https://support.quest.com/kace-systems-management-appliance/release-notes-guides.
1. If you are configuring the physical version of the appliance:
a. Install the appliance in its rack and connect a monitor directly to the appliance.
b. Connect a network cable to the port indicated:

c. Power on the appliance.

The Command Line Console login screen appears on the monitor connected to the appliance.
The login screen shows the appliance's DHCP network settings.
2. If you are configuring the virtual version of the appliance, power on the virtual machine to boot the
This first-time startup takes 5 to 10 minutes.
The Command Line Console login screen appears showing the appliance's DHCP network settings.
3. On any computer connected to your LAN, open a browser and go to the URL shown on the Command Line
Console login screen. For example, http://kace_sma.local/admin.
The Software Transaction Agreement page appears.
4. Accept the agreement.
The Initial Setup wizard appears.
5. Verify that you have the information required to configure the appliance, then click Next.
6. Review the information on the Diagnostic Support Console page that appears, and record the secret key
and offline tokens in a secure place, as instructed.
7. On the Licensing and Administrator Settings page, provide the following information:
Option Description

License Key The license key you received in the Welcome email
from Quest. Include the dashes. If you do not have
a license key, contact Quest Support at https://

Company Name The name of your company or group.

Administrator Email The email address where you want to receive

communications from Quest.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Power-on the appliance and log in to the Administrator Console
Option Description

Password The password for the default admin account, which

is the account you use to log in to the appliance
Administrator Console. The default admin account
is the only account on the appliance at this time. If
you forget the password for this account, the system
might have to be reset to factory defaults, which can
result in loss of data.
NOTE: If you have multiple KACE SMA or
  SDA appliances, Quest recommends that
you use the same password for the admin
account on all appliances. Using the same
admin account password enables you to
link the appliances later. See Linking Quest
KACE appliances.

Two-Factor Authentication If you want to provide stronger security for users

logging into the appliance, set this to Enabled. This
feature adds an extra step to the login process. It
relies on the Google Authenticator app to generate
verification codes. The app generates a new six-digit
code at regular intervals. When enabled, end users
will be prompted for the current verification code
each time they log in.
NOTE: If you enable this feature, ensure
  that KACE SMA server's clock is accurate,
as well as the device running Google
Authenticator. Google Authenticator relies on
current time to create the token. If server's
clock is not synchronized with those of
the devices running Google Authenticator,
token validation may fail, which may result in
account lockouts.

8. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the initial setup.

When the initial setup is complete, the appliance restarts and the Administrator Console login page
NOTE: If you changed the appliance IP address, go to the new address to display the login page.
9. Log in to the Administrator Console using the login ID admin and the password you chose during initial
If Two-Factor Authentication was enabled on the Licensing and Administrator Settings page, the Configure
Two-Factor Authentication page appears.
10. Two-Factor Authentication only. Follow the instructions on the Configure Two-Factor Authentication page
to generate a Google Authenticator verification code using your smart phone. In the Verification Code field,
type the Google Authenticator code, and click Finish Configuration. A new verification code is required on
each subsequent login.
To skip this step, click Skip Configuration. You can only bypass this step during a configured transition
window. For more information, see Configure security settings for the appliance.
The Administrator Console appears and the appliance is ready for use. Your browser setting determines locale
formats used for date and time information displayed in the Administrator Console the first time you log in. For
information about changing the language settings, see Configuring locale settings.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Power-on the appliance and log in to the Administrator Console
Access the Command Line Console
The Command Line Console is a terminal window interface to the KACE SMA. You can use this interface to
configure appliance settings, just as you would in the appliance Administrator Console. This is useful if a DHCP
server is not available and you cannot log in to the Administrator Console.
The Command Line Console is not used with K1 as a Service.
1. If you have a physical version of the appliance:
a. Connect a monitor and keyboard directly to the appliance.
b. Connect a network cable to the port indicated:

c. Power on the appliance.

The Command Line Console login screen appears on the monitor connected to the appliance.
2. If you have a virtual version of the appliance, power on the virtual machine to boot the appliance.
The Command Line Console login screen appears.
3. At the prompts, enter:
Login: konfig
Password: konfig
4. Choose the language to use for the Command Line Console. Use the up- and down-arrow keys to move
between fields.
5. Configure network settings. See Change appliance network settings.
TIP: Use the right- and left-arrow keys to select options in a field; use the up- and down-arrow
  keys to move between fields.
6. Use the down-arrow key to move the cursor to Save, then press Enter or Return.
The appliance restarts.

Tracking configuration changes

If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects.
This information includes the date the change was made and the user who made the change, which can be useful
during troubleshooting.

Related topics
About history settings

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Tracking configuration changes
Configuring System-level and Admin-level General
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, General Settings are available at the System level
and at the Admin level. If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, all General Settings are
available at the Admin level.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, see:
• Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled.
• Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings.
If the Organization component is not enabled, see:
• Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component.

Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization

component enabled
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, configure appliance General Settings at the System
If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, see Configure appliance General Settings
without the Organization component.
1. Go to the System-level General Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings.
c. On the Control Panel, click General Settings.
2. In the top section, provide the following information:
Option Description

Company Name Enter the name of your company.

Default Locale Select the language to use in the Command Line Console, which uses the konfig
user account.

Company Email Enter the domain from which your users send email. For example: quest.com.

Appliance Enter the email address of the appliance administrator. System-related messages,
Administrator including critical alerts, are sent to this address.

Session Timeout Set the number of inactive hours to allow before closing user sessions and requiring
users to log in again. The default is 1. The User Console and Administrator Console
have Timeout Session counters to alert users of this time limit. Only periods of
inactivity are counted. The counter restarts when the user performs any action
that causes the console to interact with the appliance server, such as refreshing a
window, saving changes, and changing windows. When the counter reaches the limit,

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled
Option Description
the user is logged out, unsaved changes are lost, and the login screen appears. The
Timeout Session counter appears in the upper right of each console.

Enable mobile Enable or disable Mobile Device Access to the appliance. Mobile device access
device access enables you to interact with the KACE SMA using the KACE GO app on iOS and
Android smart phones and tablets. Administrators can use the app to access Service
Desk, inventory, and application deployment features. See Configuring Mobile Device

Require Display the Organization drop-down list on the Administrator Console login
organization page, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, where KACE_SMA_hostname
selection at login is the hostname of your appliance. This enables you to choose an organization
when you log in. If this option is disabled, the Organization drop-down list is not
displayed on the login page, and you can only log in to the Default organization from
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. If organization fast switching is enabled,
however, you can switch between organizations after you log in to the Default

Show Display the fast-switching drop-down list in the top-right corner of the Administrator
organization Console next to the login information. This drop-down list makes it possible to bypass
menu in admin the login page when you switch from one organization to another. To appear in
header the drop-down list, organizations must have the same admin account password;
only those organizations whose admin account passwords match appear in the list.
Changes to the drop-down list are displayed only after you log out and then log in

Enable linked Select to allow the generation of reports from Federated (linked) KACE SMAs.

3. In the Agent section, view or configure KACE SMA Agent task throughput:
Option Description

Last Task This value indicates the date and time when the appliance task throughput was last
Throughput updated.

Current Load The value in this field depicts the load on an appliance at any given point of time. For
Average the appliance to run normally, the value in this field must be between 0.0 and 10.0.

Task Throughput The value that controls how scheduled tasks, such as inventory collection, scripting,
and patching updates, are balanced by the appliance.
NOTE: This value can be increased only if the value in the Current Load
  Average is not more than 10.0, and the Last Task Throughput Update time is
more than 15 minutes.

4. In the User Console section, modify the text as needed:

Option Description

Title The heading that appears on the User Console login page.

Welcome Message A welcome note or description of the User Console. This text appears below the title
on the User Console login page.

5. In the Acceptable Use Policy section, select policy settings:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled
Option Description

Enabled Enable the appliance to display your policy, and require users to accept the terms
of your policy, when they access the Administrator Console, User Console, or
Command Line Console, or log in using SSH or FTP.

Title The heading of the policy to be displayed on the login page of the User Console.

Message Details of the policy, which are displayed below the Title on the login page. Users
must agree to the terms of the policy before they can log in to the User Console.

6. In the Reporting section, specify the password for the reporting system:
Option Description

Username (Read-only) The username used to generate reports. The report username provides
access to the database (for additional reporting tools), but does not give write access
to anyone.

User Password The report user password. This password is used only by the reporting system and

7. In the Log Retention section, select the number of days to retain log information. Log entries that are older
than the selected number of days are automatically deleted from the log. See View appliance logs.
8. In the Share with Us section, select data sharing options:
To validate the KACE SMA product license, Quest collects minimal license-related information, such as the
MAC Address of the KACE SMA, the version of the KACE SMA software, the license key, and the number
of managed devices, regardless of the data sharing options selected in this section.

Option Description

Share summary (Recommended) Share summary information with Quest. This information includes
usage data... appliance status, uptime, and load averages, as well as the number of devices,
Managed Installations, and applications being managed by the appliance. This option
is recommended because it provides additional information to Quest Support if you
need assistance. In addition, data shared with Quest is used when planning product

Share detailed (Recommended) Share detailed information with Quest and share anonymous
usage data... information with ITNinja.com. This information includes Agent and appliance crash
reports, user interface usage statistics, and inventory information, such as application
titles. Quest uses this information to help improve the Software Catalog, and ITNinja
uses anonymous data to identify relevant content on http://www.itninja.com for
dynamic feeds to the KACE SMA Administrator Console.
ITNinja.com is a community website where IT professionals can share information
and research on a wide variety of systems management and deployment topics. The
ITNinja feed is a feature that dynamically displays software deployment tips and other
contextual information on relevant pages in the KACE SMA Administrator Console.
To enable the ITNinja feed, you need to select Share detailed Usage data.... This
setting shares information anonymously with ITNinja. The ITNinja feed is available
only if Share Summary Usage Data... is selected, and it is available only on pages
related to software or deployment, such as the software, Managed Installation, and
File Synchronization detail pages. The feed is not available on the Software Catalog
detail page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled
Option Description

Clear this option to prevent the appliance from sharing inventory data with the ITNinja
community. However, clearing this option does not remove any information that has
already been shared. For more information, contact Quest Support.

Share extended (Recommended) Share detailed patch diagnostics with Quest.

patch diagnostics

9. To use a custom logo in the User Console, select images in the Logo Overrides section. Click Browse or
Choose File to select the logo file.
NOTE: You can change the logo in the User Console only; you cannot change the logo in the
  Administrator Console.

Option Description

User Console The logo or other graphic displayed at the top of the User Console. The User
Console is the web-based interface that makes applications available to users
on a self-service basis. It also enables users to file Service Desk support tickets
to request help or report issues. To access the User Console, go to http://
<KACE_SMA_hostname>/user where <KACE_SMA_hostname> is the hostname of
your appliance. Follow these guidelines for User Console graphics:
• 224 pixels wide by 50 pixels high is the default size.
• 104 pixels wide by 50 pixels high stays inside the blue highlight around the Log
Out link.
• 300 pixels wide by 75 pixels high is the maximum size that does not impact the

Report This setting controls the logo used when generating System-level reports.
Upload a logo or other graphic to be displayed at the top of reports. The graphic must
be 201 pixels wide by 63 pixels high as specified in the auto-generated XML layout.
To use a different size, adjust the output of the XML report.
To see the default report logo and a customized version, refer to the following

Figure 1. Default User Console logo

Figure 2. Custom User Console logo

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled
Figure 3. Default report logo

Figure 4. Custom report logo

Figure 5. Default Alert logo

Figure 6. Custom Alert logo

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled
10. If you manage Hewlett-Packard (HP) or Lenovo devices, you can retrieve their warranty information. To do
that, in the Manufacturer Warranty API Keys section, provide the HP and/or Lenovo API keys to obtain the
warranty data. Lenovo requires only a key whereas HP requires both a key and a secret. These values are
stored encrypted in the database.
IMPORTANT: To obtain warranty information, you must configure the manufacturer's warranty API
  keys. For complete instructions, visit https://go.kace.com/to/k1000-help-warranty.

When configured, the device warranty information appears on the Device Details page in the Inventory
Information group when you select an HP or Lenovo device. For more information, see Groups and
sections of items in device details.

Option Description

Hewlett-Packard Select this option if you want to obtain warranty information for your managed HP
devices. If this option is selected and you clear it, the HP API key and secret are
removed from the database.

Key The API key for obtaining warranty information for managed HP devices.

Secret The secret for obtaining warranty information for managed HP devices.

Lenovo Select this option if you want to obtain warranty information for your managed Lenovo
devices. If this option is selected and you clear it, the Lenovo key is removed from the

Key The API key for obtaining warranty information for managed Lenovo devices.

11. Click Save and Restart Services.

Related topics
Configuring locale settings
Configuring Mobile Device Access
Creating and managing organizations

Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, configure organization-specific General Settings at
the Admin level. You configure the General Settings for each organization separately.
See Adding, editing, and deleting organizations.
If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, see Configure appliance General Settings
without the Organization component.
1. Go to the Admin-level General Settings page:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click General Settings.
2. In the General Options section, view or enter the following information.
Option Description

Last Updated (Read-only) The date the information was changed and the name of the organization.
and Organization Organization Name can be edited at the System level. See Add or edit organizations.

Company Name Enter the name of your company.

Administrator Enter the email address of the appliance administrator. System-related messages,
Email including critical alerts, are sent to this address.

Company Email Enter the domain from which your users send email. For example: example.com.

3. Optional: In the Locale Settings section, specify locale settings. See Configuring locale settings.

Option Description

Organization Select the locale to use for the selected organization’s Administrator Console and
Locale User Console. If you have multiple organizations, you can select different locales for
each one. See:
• Adding, editing, and deleting organizations
• Configuring locale settings

4. Optional: In the Samba Share Settings section, select file sharing options then click Save Samba Settings.
If File Shares are disabled, you need to enable them at the System level before you can enable them for
the organization. See Configure security settings for the appliance.
Option Description

Enable File Use the appliance's client share to store files, such as files used to install applications
Sharing on managed devices.
The appliance’s client share is a built-in Windows file server that can be used by
the provisioning service to assist in distributing the Samba client on your network.
Quest recommends that this file server only be enabled when you perform application
installations on managed devices.

File Share User Enter the password to use for admin account access to the file share directory.
‘admin’ Password

5. In the Ignore Client IP Address Settings section, enter the IP address or addresses to ignore. Separate
each address with a comma. Ignoring IP addresses is useful when multiple devices could report
themselves with the same IP address, such as a proxy address.
6. In the License Usage Warning Configurations section, select the percentage to use for the warning
threshold and critical threshold for software license usage. If you have configured software License assets,
threshold information is displayed on the license-related widgets on the Dashboard
7. In the Data Retention section, select the options for retaining data in the KACE SMA database.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings
Option Description

Retain Device The number of months that device uptime information is retained in the KACE SMA
Uptime Data database.
Device uptime refers to the number of hours of each day that managed devices are
running. You can retain this data for a specified number of months, Forever, or never
save it (Disabled).

Retain Metering The number of months that metering data is retained in the KACE SMA database.
Data Metering data is information about how applications are installed and used on the
Windows and Mac devices that you manage. Metering data that is older than the
selected number of months is deleted on the first day of every month. See About
metering information.

Retain Whether to retain information about Uncataloged applications in the KACE SMA
Uncataloged data database.
in the Software Uncataloged applications are executables that are in the KACE SMA inventory but
Catalog that do not appear in the Software Catalog, and the KACE SMA retains information
about those applications by default. For organizations with a large number of
managed devices, however, retaining this data might greatly increase the size of the
database. This size increase could increase the time it takes to load pages in the
Administrator Console and the time it takes to perform database backups.
Select this check box to retain data for Uncataloged software in the KACE SMA
database. Clear the check box to disable data retention.
If data retention for Uncataloged software is disabled:
• Agents on managed devices continue to upload full inventory information, and
raw data related to applications is fingerprinted. If data sharing is enabled, data
is also uploaded to the Quest KACE Software Catalog. See Configure data
sharing preferences.
• The appliance continues to store information related to Cataloged applications
and Locally Cataloged applications in the organization database.
• Information related to Uncataloged applications is not stored in the organization
database, and the Uncataloged applications list in the Administrator Console is
• Reports for Cataloged applications continue to work as expected. However,
reports related to Uncataloged applications show only those applications that
are part of Cataloged software titles.

8. In the Asset Archive section, type the number of days that you want to keep the assets marked for
archiving, before actually archiving them. The default value is 3 days.
9. In the User Archive section, indicate if you want to enable user archival, as needed.
a. To have the ability to archive user accounts, select the Enable User Archival check box.
NOTE: When user archival is enabled, user accounts can only be deleted only if they are marked
  as archived.
b. In the Archive Tag field, type a label that you want to associate with the state of archived users.
For example, Archived or Inactive.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings
c. Indicate if you want to maintain Service Desk ticket and asset associations with archived users.
Set each of the Ticket Associations and Asset Associations fields to one of the following options:
▪ Maintain Users: Select this option if you want to continue to associate tickets or assets with
archived users. If you select this option, the configured Archive Tag appears next to the archived
user name, to indicate that the user is no longer active.
▪ Remove Users: Select this option if you want to remove all ticket or asset associations with
archived users.
For more information on how to archive user accounts, see Archive user accounts.
10. In the Device Assignment section, indicate how you want to match users with devices: One-time sync,
Continuous sync, or Disabled.
11. In the Device Actions section, click Add New Action, the select the scripted actions to enable.
Device Actions are scripted actions that can be performed on managed devices. There are several pre-
programmed actions available. To add your own action, select Custom Action in the Action menu, then
enter the command in the Command Line text box.
The following variables are available for device actions:
When device actions run, the appliance replaces variables with their appropriate values.
For KACE_CUSTOM_INVENTORY_ * replace the asterisk (*) with the name of a software application
associated with a custom inventory rule. When the device action runs, the name is replaced with the
custom inventory rule value for the device. Enter the software application name in uppercase characters.
The allowed characters are: [A-Z0-9.-]."
If you are using Internet Explorer, you can define any valid statement to perform a task on a remote device,
then assign a name to it to use the next time you want to perform that task. For example, you can enter
the statement, ping.exe –t KACEHOSTIP and name it Ping. A valid statement is a maximum of 150
characters, and the name that you assign to it must be any printable character of up to 20 characters. For
information about running Device Actions, see Run actions on devices.

NOTE: Most actions in the Action drop-down list require you to install additional applications for them
  to function. For example, using DameWare requires you to install TightVNC on your device as well as
on the device you want to access.

This feature is only supported on Windows devices. If you enable ActiveX in Microsoft Internet Explorer,
the device action runs using ActiveX. If ActiveX is disabled, or you want to use a different browser, the
Windows device you are running the device action from must have the KACE Agent version 9.0 or later
agent installed and connected.
When you initiate device through the agent, the action executable must be placed in your %PATH%. The
agent is 32-bit, so on 64-bit Windows devices, use %windir%/System32 as an alias to the %windir
%/Wow64 directory. If you need to run a program that's located in the %windir%/System32 directory
on a 64-bit Windows system, you must use the %windir%/SysNative virtual directory. You can either
add %windir%/SysNative to your %PATH% environment variable or provide a fully-qualified path by
prepending %windir%/SysNative to your executable when defining your machine action.
12. In the Patch Schedule section, if you want disable administrators to apply patches to all devices, select the
Hide All Devices check box.
NOTE: You can only apply this setting if you do not have any patch schedules set up to run against all
  devices. Otherwise, a warning appears.
13. In the Allowed Bulk Actions section, indicate if you want to enable bulk actions against KACE Cloud
Mobile Device Manager (MDM) and VMware virtual machine devices. When bulk actions are enabled, the
associated KACE Cloud MDM and VMware virtual machine commands become available from the Choose
Action menu on the Devices list page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings
Option Description

Enable Bulk Select this check box to enable commands against multiple KACE Cloud MDM
KACE Cloud MDM devices on the Devices list page.

Enable Bulk Select this check box to enable commands against multiple VMware virtual machine
Virtual Machine devices on the Devices list page.

14. To use a custom logo in the User Console, select images in the Logo Overrides section.
NOTE: You can change the logo in the User Console only; you cannot change the logo in the
  Administrator Console.

Option Description

User Console The logo or other graphic displayed at the top of the User Console. Follow these
guidelines for graphics:
• 224 pixels wide by 50 pixels high is the default size.
• 104 pixels wide by 50 pixels high stays inside the blue highlight around the Log
Out link.
• 300 pixels wide by 75 pixels high is the maximum size that does not impact the
To see the default login page and a customized version, see Configure appliance
General Settings with the Organization component enabled.

Report This setting controls the logo used when generating reports for the selected
Upload a logo or other graphic to be displayed at the top of reports. The graphic must
be 201 pixels wide by 63 pixels high as specified in the auto-generated XML layout.
To use a different size, adjust the output of the XML report.
To see the default report logo and a customized version, see Configure appliance
General Settings with the Organization component enabled.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can specify different
logos for the reports produced for each organization and for the System.
For information about using custom logos at the System level, see Configure
appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled.

Agent Alert Upload a logo or graphic to be used in pop-up messages on Agent-managed

devices. These pop-ups include snooze dialogs, installation progress messages, alert
messages, and message windows created by scripts. After you upload a graphic, it
becomes available to managed devices the next time they check in to the appliance.
Graphics for pop-up messages must be in BMP format with a maximum color depth
of 256 and a size of 100 pixels wide by 38 pixels high.
To see the default alert logo and a customized version, see Configure appliance
General Settings with the Organization component enabled.
You can customize Alert message text and options as well. See Adding and editing

15. Click Save and Restart Services.

16. If you have multiple organizations, repeat the preceding steps for each organization.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings
Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization
If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, all appliance General Settings are available at
the Admin level.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, see Configure Admin-level or organization-specific
General Settings.
1. Go to the Admin-level General Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click General Settings.
2. In the General Options section, provide the following information:
Option Description

Last updated Read-only: The date the information was changed and the name of the organization.

Company Name Enter the name of your company.

Administrator Enter the email address of the appliance administrator. System-related messages,
Email including critical alerts, are sent to this address.

Company Email Enter the domain from which your users send email. For example: example.com.

Enable mobile Enable or disable Mobile Device Access to the appliance. Mobile device access
device access enables you to interact with the KACE SMA appliance using the KACE GO app on
iOS and Android smart phones and tablets. Administrators can use the app to access
Service Desk, inventory, and application deployment features.
See Configuring Mobile Device Access.

Session Timeout Set the number of inactive hours to allow before closing user sessions and requiring
users to log in again. The default is 1. The User Console and Administrator Console
have Timeout Session counters to alert users of this time limit. Only periods of
inactivity are counted. The counter restarts when the user performs any action
that causes the console to interact with the appliance server, such as refreshing a
window, saving changes, and changing windows. When the counter reaches the limit,
the user is logged out, unsaved changes are lost, and the login screen appears. The
Timeout Session counter appears in the upper right of each console.

3. In the Client Drop File Size Filter section, specify a file size.
Options Description

Client Drop File A file-size filter for the organization's Client Drop location.
Size Filter The Client Drop location is a storage area (Samba share) for the organization on
the KACE SMA appliance. This storage area is used to upload large files, such as
application installers and appliance backup files, to the appliance. Uploading files to
the Client Drop location is an alternative to uploading files through the Administrator
Console using the default HTTP mechanism, which can result in browser timeouts for
large files.
The Client Drop Size filter determines whether files uploaded to the organization's
Client Drop location are displayed on the Upload and Associate Client Drop File list
on the Software Detail page. For example, if the Client Drop Size filter is set to 1 GB,

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component
Options Description
the Upload and Associate Client Drop File list shows files that are 1 GB in size or
larger. Files that are less than 1 GB in size are not displayed on the list.
Application files are moved from the organization's Client Drop location to the
appropriate area when the file is selected on the Software Detail page and saved.
Appliance backup files that are placed in the Client Drop location are automatically
identified as appliance backup files, and they become available for selection on the
Backup Settings page within five minutes. See Copy files to the KACE SMA Client
Drop location.

4. In the User Console section, specify customizations for the User Console text:
Option Description

Title The heading that appears on the User Console login page. The User Console
is the web-based interface that makes applications available to users on a
self-service basis. It also enables users to file Service Desk support tickets to
request help or report issues. To access the User Console, go to http://
<KACE_SMA_hostname>/user where <KACE_SMA_hostname> is the hostname of
your appliance.

Welcome Message A welcome note or description of the User Console. This text appears below the title
on the User Console login page.

5. In the Acceptable Use Policy section, select policy settings:

Option Description

Enabled Enable the appliance to display your policy, and require users to accept the terms
of your policy, when they access the Administrator Console, User Console, or
Command Line Console, or log in using SSH or FTP.

Title The heading of the policy to be displayed on the login page of the User Console.

Message Details of the policy, which are displayed below the Title on the login page. Users
must agree to the terms of the policy before they can log in to the User Console.

6. In the Log Retention section, select the number of days to retain log information. Log entries that are older
than the selected number of days are automatically deleted from the log. See Access appliance logs to
view Microsoft Exchange Server errors.
7. In the Share With Us section, specify data sharing options.
NOTE: To validate the KACE SMA product license, Quest collects minimal license-related information,
  such as the MAC Address of the KACE SMA appliance, the version of the KACE SMA software, the
license key, and the number of managed devices, regardless of the data sharing options selected in
this section.

Option Description

Share summary (Recommended) Share summary information with Quest. This information includes
usage data... appliance status, uptime, and load averages, as well as the number of devices,
Managed Installations, and applications being managed by the appliance. This option
is recommended because it provides additional information to Quest Support if you
need assistance. In addition, data shared with Quest is used when planning product

Share detailed (Recommended) Share detailed information with Quest and share anonymous
usage data... information with ITNinja.com. This information includes Agent and appliance crash

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component
Option Description
reports, user interface usage statistics, and inventory information, such as application
titles. Quest uses this information to help improve the Software Catalog, and ITNinja
uses anonymous data to identify relevant content on http://www.itninja.com for
dynamic feeds to the KACE SMA Administrator Console.
ITNinja.com is a community website where IT professionals can share information
and research on a wide variety of systems management and deployment topics. The
ITNinja feed is a feature that dynamically displays software deployment tips and other
contextual information on relevant pages in the KACE SMA Administrator Console.
To enable the ITNinja feed, you need to select Share detailed Usage data.... This
setting shares information anonymously with ITNinja. The ITNinja feed is available
only if Share Summary Usage Data... is selected, and it is available only on pages
related to software deployment, such as the software, Managed Installation, and File
Synchronization detail pages. The feed is not available on the Software Catalog detail
Clear this option to prevent the appliance from sharing inventory data with the ITNinja
community. However, clearing this option does not remove any information that has
already been shared. For more information, contact Quest Support.

Share extended (Recommended) Share detailed patch diagnostics with Quest.

patch diagnostics

8. In the Locale Settings section, specify locale preferences. These preferences determine the formats used
for date and time information displayed in the Administrator Console.
Option Description

Organization The locale to use for the organization’s Administrator Console and User Console.

Command Line The locale to use in the Command Line Console, which uses the konfig user
Console Locale account.

9. In the Ignore Client IP Address Settings section, enter the IP address or addresses to ignore. Separate
each address with a comma. Ignoring IP addresses is useful when multiple devices could report
themselves with the same IP address, such as a proxy address.
10. In the License Usage Warning Configurations section, select the percentage to use for the warning
threshold and critical threshold for software license usage. If you have configured software License assets,
threshold information is displayed on the license-related widgets on the Dashboard.
11. In the Update Reporting User Password section, provide the password of the account required to run
reports on the organization. You cannot change the Database Name or the Report Username.
12. In the Data Retention section, select the options for retaining data on the appliance. You can retain this
data for a specified number of months, Forever, or never save it (Disabled).
Option Description

Retain Device The amount of uptime data to save for devices. Device uptime data refers to the
Uptime Data number of hours of each day that your managed devices are running. You can retain
this data for a specified number of months, Forever, or never save it (Disabled).

Retain Metering The number of months that metering data is retained in the KACE SMA appliance
Data database.
Metering data is information about how applications are installed and used on the
Windows and Mac devices that you manage. Metering data that is older than the
selected number of months is deleted on the first day of every month. See About
metering information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component
Option Description

Retain Whether or not to retain information about Uncataloged applications in the KACE
Uncataloged data SMA appliance database.
in the Software Uncataloged applications are executables that are in the KACE SMA inventory but
Catalog that do not appear in the Software Catalog, and the KACE SMA retains information
about those applications by default. For organizations with a large number of
managed devices, however, retaining this data might greatly increase the size of the
database. This could increase the time it takes to load pages in the Administrator
Console and the time it takes to perform database backups.
Select this check box to retain data for Uncataloged software in the KACE SMA
database. Clear the check box to disable data retention.
If data retention for Uncataloged software is disabled:
• Agents on managed devices continue to upload full inventory information, and
raw data related to applications is fingerprinted. If data sharing is enabled, data
is also uploaded to the Quest KACE Software Catalog. See Configure data
sharing preferences.
• The appliance continues to store information related to Cataloged applications
and Locally Cataloged applications in the organization database.
• Information related to Uncataloged applications is not stored in the organization
database, and the Uncataloged applications list in the Administrator Console is
• Reports for Cataloged applications continue to work as expected. However,
reports related to Uncataloged applications show only those applications that
are part of Cataloged software titles.

13. In the Device Actions section, click Add New Action, the select the scripted actions to enable.
Device Actions are scripted actions that can be performed on managed devices. There are several pre-
programmed actions available. To add your own action, select Custom Action in the Action menu, then
enter the command in the Command Line text box.
The following variables are available for device actions:
When device actions run, the appliance replaces variables with their appropriate values.
For KACE_CUSTOM_INVENTORY_ * replace the asterisk (*) with the name of a software application
associated with a custom inventory rule. When the device action runs, the name is replaced with the
custom inventory rule value for the device. Enter the software application name in uppercase characters.
The allowed characters are: [A-Z0-9.-]."
If you are using Internet Explorer, you can define any valid statement to perform a task on a remote device,
then assign a name to it to use the next time you want to perform that task. For example, you can enter
the statement, ping.exe –t KACEHOSTIP and name it Ping. A valid statement is a maximum of 150
characters, and the name that you assign to it must be any printable character of up to 20 characters. For
information about running Device Actions, see Run actions on devices.

NOTE: Most actions in the Action drop-down list require you to install additional applications for them
  to function. For example, using DameWare requires you to install TightVNC on your device as well as
on the device you want to access.

This feature is only supported on Windows devices. If you enable ActiveX in Microsoft Internet Explorer,
the device action runs using ActiveX. If ActiveX is disabled, or you want to use a different browser, the

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component
Windows device you are running the device action from must have the KACE Agent version 9.0 or later
agent installed and connected.
When you initiate device through the agent, the action executable must be placed in your %PATH%. The
agent is 32-bit, so on 64-bit Windows devices, use %windir%/System32 as an alias to the %windir
%/Wow64 directory. If you need to run a program that's located in the %windir%/System32 directory
on a 64-bit Windows system, you must use the %windir%/SysNative virtual directory. You can either
add %windir%/SysNative to your %PATH% environment variable or provide a fully-qualified path by
prepending %windir%/SysNative to your executable when defining your machine action.
14. To use a custom logo in the User Console, select images in the Logo Overrides section.
NOTE: You can change the logo in the User Console only; you cannot change the logo in the
  Administrator Console.

Option Description

User Console The logo or other graphic displayed at the top of the User Console. Follow these
guidelines for graphics:
• 224 pixels wide by 50 pixels high is the default size.
• 104 pixels wide by 50 pixels high stays inside the blue highlight around the Log
Out link.
• 300 pixels wide by 75 pixels high is the maximum size that does not impact the
To see the default login page and a customized version, see Configure appliance
General Settings with the Organization component enabled.

Report This setting controls the logo used when generating reports for the selected
Upload a logo or other graphic to be displayed at the top of reports. The graphic must
be 201 pixels wide by 63 pixels high as specified in the auto-generated XML layout.
To use a different size, adjust the output of the XML report.
To see the default report logo and a customized version, see Configure appliance
General Settings with the Organization component enabled.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can specify different
logos for the reports produced for each organization and for the System.
For information about using custom logos at the System level, see Configure
appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled.

Agent Alert Upload a logo or graphic to be used in pop-up messages on Agent-managed

devices. These pop-ups include snooze dialogs, installation progress messages, alert
messages, and message windows created by scripts. After you upload a graphic, it
becomes available to managed devices the next time they check in to the appliance.
Graphics for pop-up messages must be in BMP format with a maximum color depth
of 256 and a size of 100 pixels wide by 38 pixels high.
To see the default alert logo and a customized version, see Configure appliance
General Settings with the Organization component enabled.
You can customize Alert message text and options as well. See Adding and editing

15. If you manage Hewlett-Packard (HP) or Lenovo devices, you can retrieve their warranty information. To do
that, in the Manufacturer Warranty API Keys section, provide the HP and/or Lenovo API keys to obtain the
warranty data. Lenovo requires only a key whereas HP requires both a key and a secret. These values are
stored encrypted in the database.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component
IMPORTANT: To obtain warranty information, you must configure the manufacturer's warranty API
  keys. For complete instructions, visit https://go.kace.com/to/k1000-help-warranty.

When configured, the device warranty information appears on the Device Details page in the Inventory
Information group when you select an HP or Lenovo device. For more information, see Groups and
sections of items in device details.

Option Description

Hewlett-Packard Select this option if you want to obtain warranty information for your managed HP
devices. If this option is selected and you clear it, the HP API key and secret are
removed from the database.

Key The API key for obtaining warranty information for managed HP devices.

Secret The secret for obtaining warranty information for managed HP devices.

Lenovo Select this option if you want to obtain warranty information for your managed Lenovo
devices. If this option is selected and you clear it, the Lenovo key is removed from the

Key The API key for obtaining warranty information for managed Lenovo devices.

16. Click Save and Restart Services.

The appliance restarts.

Configure appliance date and time settings

Configure appliance date and time settings in the Settings section of the Administrator Console. If the
Organization component is enabled on your appliance, date and time settings are available at the System level.
It is important to keep the appliance date and time settings accurate, because many calculations are based on
these settings.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Date and Time Settings.
The Date and Time Settings page appears.
3. Specify the following settings:
Option Description

Timezone Select a timezone in the drop-down list.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure appliance date and time settings
Option Description

Time Setting Select an option:

• Configure Network Time Protocol. Use an Internet time server. If you select
this option, provide the server web address in the Server field.
• Manually configure date and time. Set the appliance clock manually. Specify
the time and date in the drop-down lists. The Hour drop-down list uses a 24-
hour clock format.

Server Use an Internet time server to set the appliance time. Enter the web address of the
time server in the text box. For example: time.example.com.

4. Click Save and Reboot.

The web server restarts and the settings are applied.
NOTE: During the restart, active connections might be dropped. When changes are saved, the page
  automatically refreshes after 15 seconds. After the appliance web server restarts, the updated date
and time appear in the bottom right of the Administrator Console.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication for all users

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) provides stronger security for users logging into the appliance by adding an
extra step to the login process. It relies on the Google Authenticator app to generate verification codes. The app
generates a new six-digit code at regular intervals. When enabled, end users will be prompted for the current
verification code each time they log in.
To download the Google Authenticator app, visit one of the following sites, as applicable:
• Android devices: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2
• iOS devices: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/google-authenticator/id388497605?mt=8
You can enable 2FA access to the Administrator Console and User Console for all users in the selected
organization using the Two-Factor Authentication page in the Administrator Console, as described below.
Alternatively, you can enable or disable 2FA access to the Administrator Console and User Console using the
System Administration Console. For more information, see Configure Two-Factor Authentication for organizations.
1. Go to the Admin-level Two-Factor Authentication page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Two-Factor Authentication.
2. To enable 2FA for all users in the Administrator Console, under Two-Factor Authentication for Admin Portal,
select Required for all Users.
This option overwrites 2FA settings in the User Details page. When 2FA is enabled for all users on this
page, it cannot be disabled for individual users on the User Details page for any users that are associated
with the selected organization (if applicable).
3. To enable 2FA for all users in the User Console, under Two-Factor Authentication for User Portal, select
Required for all Users.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enable Two-Factor Authentication for all users
Verifying port settings, NTP service, and website
Port settings, NTP service, and website access must be configured correctly to enable features such as Agent
communications, Software Catalog updates, and patch downloads.

Verify port settings

Appliance ports must be configured correctly to enable device management and database or file access.
• Ensure that the appropriate appliance ports are not blocked by firewall settings:

Port Use Direction

20 and 21 (Optional and not recommended) Used Inbound to the appliance

to access backup files on the appliance
through FTP from outside the firewall.

22 (Recommended) Used to create an SSH Outbound from the appliance

tunnel to quest.com.

25 (Optional) Used by the appliance SMTP Outbound from the appliance

server for email (non-SSL). This is
required only if you configure SMTP
email. See Configuring SMTP email

80 (Required unless SSL is enabled) Used Inbound to the appliance

for standard HTTP (web) access to the
Administrator Console and User Console.

110 (Optional) Used for POP3 email (non- Inbound to the appliance

161 (Optional) Used for SNMP monitoring. Outbound from the appliance
See Discovering devices on your

443 (Required) Used for SSL access. Devices Inbound to the appliance
use this port when they check in to the
appliance using HTTPS.

587 (Optional) Used by the appliance SMTP Outbound from the appliance
server for secure email (SSL enabled).
This is required only if you configure
secure SMTP email. See Configuring
SMTP email servers.

995 (Optional) Used for POP3 email (SSL Inbound to the appliance

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Verify port settings
Port Use Direction

3306 (Optional) Used to access the appliance Inbound to the appliance

database with external tools. For
example, this port is used to run reports
on the KACE SMA database using
Microsoft Access® or Excel®.

52230 (Required) Used for AMP (Agent Inbound to the appliance

Messaging Protocol) communications.
The appliance listens on this port for
communications from devices on which
the KACE SMA Agent is installed.
TIP: On a number keypad, this
  port number spells out KACE+0.

• Ensure that the appropriate device ports are accessible to the appliance:

Port Use

7 (Optional) Used by the appliance for UDP traffic on the network, which is used for Wake-
on-LAN. See Using Wake-on-LAN.

139 (Optional) Used during KACE SMA Agent provisioning on Windows devices.

161 (Optional) Used for SNMP monitoring. This port should be open and bound to SNMP. See
Discovering devices on your network.

445 (Optional) Used during KACE SMA Agent provisioning. See Provisioning the KACE SMA

• To use an LDAP server for authentication, ensure that the appropriate ports are accessible from the

Port Use

389 (Optional) Used for LDAP access.

636 (Optional) Used for secure LDAP access.

Verifying the status of the NTP service

When downloading patches using HTTPS, the NTP (Network Time Protocol) service must be running on the
KACE SMA. The NTP service is required because the secure protocol uses the current date stamps from the
appliance to ensure certificate validity.
If the NTP service is not running, patch download failures, suggesting invalid certificates, might result.

Make necessary websites accessible to the KACE SMA

To complete patch downloads, access product information, and interact with Quest Support, firewall, DNS server,
and proxy server settings must allow the KACE SMA to access domains on both port 80 and port 443.
• Ensure that the KACE SMA Administrator Console has links to the following websites:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Make necessary websites accessible to the KACE SMA
Website Description

https://twitter.com/quest Twitter®

https://www.facebook.com/questsoftware Facebook®

http://linkedin.com/ LinkedIn®

http://my.kace.com/inKpadsubscriptioncenter Quest KACE Inkpad

https://www.quest.com/community/b/en/p/endpoint-management Quest KACE blog

https://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82699-k1000 Quest KACE Uservoice

Configuring network and security settings

Appliance network settings include the hostname, web server name, IP address, and other information required to
access the appliance over the network.

Change appliance network settings

You can change the appliance network settings to meet the needs of your environment any time after the initial
For virtual and physical versions of the appliance, network settings are initially configured during the first login to
the Administrator Console or the Command Line Console. See Change appliance network settings.
For K1 as a Service, the appliance is preconfigured with a static IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
For configuration information, see the KACE as a Service Setup Guide. Go to https://support.quest.com/k1000-as-
Changing the majority of appliance network settings requires that you reboot the appliance. Total reboot downtime
is one to two minutes, provided that the changes result in a valid configuration.

TIP: Testing an external SMTP server does not require the appliance reboot. You can test the SMTP
  configuration before saving your changes.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Network Settings to display the Network Settings page.
3. On the Network Settings page, in the Appliance Network Configuration section, provide the following
Option Description

DNS Hostname Enter the hostname of the appliance. The default is k1000.

Web Server Name Enter the fully-qualified domain name of the appliance. This is the Hostname
concatenated with Domain. For example: k1000.example.com. Devices connect
to the appliance using this name. Quest recommends that you add a static IP

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Change appliance network settings
Option Description
address entry for the appliance to your DNS server. If you use an SSL certificate, the
hostname must be fully qualified and it must match the name on the certificate.

Automatically Select this check box to enable the system to generate the KACE SMA web server
generate server name using this format: Hostname.Domain. For example: k1000.example.com.
name Clear this check box to enter a custom web server name.

4. In the IPv4 Configuration section, provide the following information:

Option Description

Configure Select this option if you want to use DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) to
Network Using automatically obtain the IPv4 address and other network configuration information for
DHCP the appliance.

Configure Select this option if you want to manually specify the IPv4 address, domain, subnet
Network Manually mask, default gateway, and DNS settings for the appliance:
• IP Address: Enter the static IP address of the appliance.

CAUTION: If the IP address is incorrect, you cannot access the appliance

  through the web interfaces (Administrator Console and User Console). If
this happens, open the appliance Command Line Console, and use the
konfig login to enter the correct IP address.

• Domain: Enter the domain that the appliance is on. For example,
• Subnet Mask: Enter the subnet (network segment) that the appliance is on.
The default is
• Default Gateway: Enter the network gateway for the appliance.
• Primary DNS: Enter the IP address of the primary DNS server the appliance
uses to resolve host names.
• Secondary DNS: (Optional) Enter the IP address of the secondary DNS server
the appliance uses to resolve host names.

5. In the IPv6 Configuration section, provide the following information:

Option Description

Configure Select this option if you want to use the SLAAC (stateless address auto-
Network Using configuration), offered by IPv6, to configure the appliance's network settings.
SLAAC SLAAC allows devices to select their own IPv6 addresses based on the prefix that is
advertised from their connected interface.

Configure Select this option if you want to manually specify the IPv6 address, prefix length, and
Network Manually default gateway for the appliance:
• IPv6 Address: Enter the static IPv6 address of the appliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Change appliance network settings
Option Description

CAUTION: If the IP address is incorrect, you cannot access the appliance

  through the web interfaces (Administrator Console and User Console). If
this happens, open the appliance Command Line Console, and use the
konfig login to enter the correct IP address.

• Prefix Length: Enter the number of bits in the IPv6 address prefix. An IPv6
prefix typically consists of 64 bits.
• Default Gateway: Enter the network gateway for the appliance.

Disable IPv6 Select this option if you want to disable an IPv6 address for the appliance. This is the
default setting.

6. Optional: To set a proxy server, select the Enable Proxy Server in the Proxy Configuration section, then
specify proxy server settings:
Option Description

Type Enter the proxy type, either HTTP or SOCKS5.

Server Enter the name of the proxy server.

Port Enter the port for the proxy server. The default port is 8080.

Enable Select the check box to use the local credentials for accessing the proxy server.
Basic Proxy

Login Enter the username for accessing the proxy server.

Password and Enter the password for accessing the proxy server.
Confirm Password

NOTE: The appliance supports proxy servers that use basic, realm-based authentication, requiring
  usernames and passwords. If your proxy server uses a different kind of authentication, add the
appliance’s IP address to the proxy server’s exception list.
7. To use an external SMTP server, select Enable SMTP Server in the Email Configuration section, then
specify SMTP server options:
Option Description

Server Specify the hostname or IP address of an external SMTP server, such as

smtp.gmail.com. External SMTP servers must allow anonymous (non-authenticated)
outbound email transport. Ensure that your network policies allow the appliance to
contact the SMTP server directly. In addition, the mail server must be configured to
allow the relaying of email from the appliance without authentication. If you specify an
IP address, enclose the address in brackets. For example [].

Port Enter the port number to use for the external SMTP server. For standard SMTP, use
port 25. For secure SMTP, use port 587.

Login Enter the username of an account that has access to the external SMTP server, such
as your_account_name@gmail.com.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Change appliance network settings
Option Description

Password and Enter the password of the specified server account.

Confirm Password

8. Test the SMTP configuration.

a. Click Test Connection.
b. In the Connection Test SMTP dialog box that appears, type the email address to which you want
to send a test email using the newly configured SMTP server, and click Send Test Email.
The Connection Test SMTP dialog box refreshes, showing the test results. status of the email
operation. If the test fails, verify your configuration, and try again.
9. Click Save.
The appliance reboots. Total reboot downtime is one to two minutes, provided that the changes result in a
valid configuration.
10. If you changed the appliance IP address, go to the new address to display the Administrator Console login

Configure local routing tables

Configure local routing tables to enable the KACE SMA to route traffic through multiple gateways on a network.
Local routing tables are useful when the physical appliance is located in one office, and managed devices are
located in a different location. For example, if the appliance is located in Texas, and managed devices are located
in California, the KACE SMA would serve devices on the Texas subnet. Using the a local routing table, the
appliance could be pointed to the network in California, so that it could host the California devices as well as the
Texas devices.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Local Routing Table to display the Local Routing Table Settings page.
Click the Add button to add an entry: .
4. Specify the following settings:
Option Description

Name Enter a name for the route.

Destination Enter the IP address or network for the destination with which you want your KACE
SMA to communicate.

Subnet Mask or Enter the subnet mask of the specified network. For example: 24,
CIDR This is applied to the host.

Gateway Enter the IP address of the router that routes traffic between the KACE SMA and the
destination network.

5. Click Save at the end of the row to save the entry.

6. Click Save and Reboot at the bottom of the page to save all changes.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure local routing tables
A warning appears indicating that the Apache™ service needs to be restarted.
7. Click OK to continue.

Configure local web server settings and whitelist hosts

You can configure local web server settings to specify a whitelist of hosts that are allowed to access the
Administrator Console, System Administration Console, and the User Console. After you create the whitelist,
access is restricted to the hosts on the whitelist.
NOTE: After an IP address or domain name is whitelisted (added to the Allow List), only that IP address or
  domain has access. All others are blocked.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Access Control List to display the Access Control List Details page.
3. Specify the following options:
Option Description

No access Select this option to allow access from any web address.

Restrict access as Select this option to restrict access to web addresses on the Allow List. To whitelist IP
specified below addresses on the appliance’s subnet in addition to the specified destinations, select
Allow all IP addresses in the same subnet as the appliance.

In the Allow List section, click the Add button to add an entry: .
5. Specify the following options.
Option Description

Destination Specify the destination:

• adminui: This is the Administrator Console, Admin level. A whitelist of users
who can log in to http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
• userui: This is the User Console. A whitelist of users who can log in to
• systemui: This is the System Administration Console (available only if the
Organization component is enabled on the appliance). A whitelist of users who
can log in to http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system.

IP Address/ Provide the address to be allowed. This can be either:

Domain Name
• A domain name (full or partial)
• An IP address (full or partial)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure local web server settings and whitelist hosts
Option Description

Subnet Mask/ (Optional) Provide a subnet mask/CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) to be

CIDR allowed. This enables a finer-grained subnet control.

6. Click Save at the end of the row to save the entry.

7. Click Save at the bottom of the page to save all changes.
A warning appears indicating that the Apache service needs to be restarted.
8. Click OK to continue.
NOTE: After an IP address or domain name is added to the Allow List, only that IP address or domain
  can access that page. All others are blocked.

Configure security settings for the appliance

You must configure appliance security settings to enable certain capabilities such as Samba share, SSL, SNMP,
SSH, database access, and FTP access.
To enable SSL, you need to have the correct SSL private key file and a signed SSL certificate. If your private
key has a password, the appliance cannot restart automatically. If you have this issue, contact Quest Support at

NOTE: Saving changes to security settings reboots the appliance.

NOTE: In some cases, the Firefox® browser does not display the Administrator Console login page
correctly after you enable access to port 443 and restart the appliance. If that happens, clear the Firefox
browser cache and cookies, then try again.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Security Settings to display the Security Settings page.
3. In the top section, specify the following settings:
Option Description

Enable SSH Permit SSH logins to the appliance. When SSH is enabled, SSH encrypted
communications are permitted over port 22.

Enable webserver Enable the appliance to compress web pages. This compression reduces the time it
compression takes to load Administrator Console and User Console pages in the browser.

Enable inventory Use API (application programming interface) commands to update inventory
API access information. If you want to upload device information using the API, you must enable
this setting. See Adding devices manually using the API.

API Password The password for API (application programming interface) access to inventory
information. This password is used only for API access and it does not need to match
any other passwords.

Enable SNMP Enable unidirectional (read-only) SNMP access to managed devices on the network.
READ access

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure security settings for the appliance
Option Description

SNMP Community The SNMP community string that enables read-only SNMP access. The default value
String is public.

Enable SNMP Trap Enable SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), a protocol for monitoring
monitoring managed devices on a network. SNMP is supported by Dell Open Manage and many
third-party products. If you do not want to receive SNMP traps from network devices,
clear this option.
When you enable this feature on the appliance, and the related devices are also
enabled for monitoring, the appliance can receive SNMP traps from the monitored
network devices such as printers, projectors, and routers. This feature only applies to
network devices managed through the SNMP-managed devices, such as agentless
devices using SNMP connections.
For information on how to enable device monitoring, see Enable monitoring for one or
more devices.
SNMP traps are messages initiated by network devices and sent to the trap receiver
on the appliance. For example, a router can send a message when its power supply
fails. Or, a printer initiates a message when it runs out of paper. The appliance
receives these traps and generates alerts when certain pre-defined thresholds are
• SNMP version 1 or 2: This version only requires a valid community string.
A community string is required to allow the appliance to receive SNMP trap
messages from monitored network devices. The appliance supports multiple
security strings. To add a community string, open the v1/v2 tab, click , type
the community string, and click Save.
• SNMP version 3: This version implements enhanced security and remote
configuration features and requires a valid user name and encryption
information. To add a security name, open the v3 tab, click , and provide the
following information:
◦ Security Name: The name of the User-based Security Model (USM)
account that sends the SNMP trap.
◦ Engine ID: The ID of the SNMP application engine that sends the SNMP
◦ Authentication Password: The password associated with the Security
◦ Authentication Protocol: The protocol used for authenticating the user:
MD5 or SHA.
◦ Privacy Password: The encryption key for the data packet.
◦ Privacy Protocol: The encryption protocol: AES or DES.
◦ Security Level: Indicates the level of security:
▪ authPriv: The identity of the sender is verified and the information is
▪ authNoPriv: The identity of the sender is verified, but the information
is not.
▪ noAuthNoPriv: The identity of the sender is not verified and the
information is not encrypted.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure security settings for the appliance
Option Description

MIB Files Upload vendor-specific MIB (management information base) files. A MIB file allows
the trap receiver on the appliance to translate SNMP traps into human-readable
messages. These files are optional.
• To upload a MIB file, on the Security Settings page, under MIB Files, in the
Upload MIB area, click Browse, and select a MIB file.
• A MIB file must meet certain standards. The appliance validates every MIB file
that you upload. If you upload an invalid MIB file, an error message appears
along the top of the Security Settings page. If you do not want to validate the
contents of the MIB file, select the Skip MIB validation check box.

Enable Secure Require username and password authentication for access to KACE SMA backup
backup files files, which are available by entering a URL in a browser.
Clear this option to enable access to backup files through a URL without username or
password authentication. This is useful for external process that require access. See
About appliance backups.

Enable backup via Enable access to the database backup files through a read-only FTP server. This
FTP enables you to create a process on another server to access the backup files.
If you do not need this access, clear this option.

Make FTP writable Enable the upload of backup files using FTP. FTP is useful for backup files that are
too large for the default HTTP mechanism and cause browser timeouts.

New FTP user Require a password for FTP access to the backup files.

Enable mDNS Enable the appliance to respond to multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) and
DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD) requests. This option makes it easier for users and
administrators to locate the Administrator Console and User Console. If you do not
need the appliance to respond to these requests, clear this option.

Enable webserver Enable the KACE SMA to display usage information for the appliance web server,
diagnostic graphs such as Apache access and volume statistics. This information appears in graphs
in the System Performance log. If this option is cleared, the graphs are not updated.
See View appliance logs.

Enable database Enable users to run reports on the KACE SMA database using an external tool,
access such as Microsoft Access or Excel, over port 3306. If you do not need to expose the
database in this way, clear this option.
NOTE: The appliance database can be accessed from any ODBC-compliant
  third-party tool if you have installed the (32bit) MySQL ODBC driver. You must
select this check box if you want to use this feature. In addition, you will need
to configure a data source for your MySQL ODBC driver, and provide the
appliance connection information. For more information, refer to your MySQL
ODBC driver documentation.

Enable secure Enable SSL access to the database and access additional SSL options.
database access

4. In the Two-Factor Authentication section, configure the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) feature. 2FA
provides stronger security for users logging into the appliance by adding an extra step to the login process.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure security settings for the appliance
It relies on the Google Authenticator app to generate verification codes. The app generates a new six-digit
code at regular intervals. When enabled, end users will be prompted for the current verification code each
time they log in.
NOTE: If you enable this feature, ensure that KACE SMA server's clock is accurate, as well as the
  device running Google Authenticator. Google Authenticator relies on current time to create the token.
If server's clock is not synchronized with those of the devices running Google Authenticator, token
validation may fail, which may result in account lockouts.
a. Specify the following options. They appear listed in the order of precedence, as you enable
them from top to bottom. For example you can only enable 2FA for the User Console if you have
previously configured 2FA for the Administrator Console.
▪ Enable Two-Factor Authentication for the System Portal: Select this check box if you want to
use 2FA for the System Administration Console. To enable 2FA for all users, select Required for
all Users.

NOTE: This option is only available on appliances with multiple organizations.

▪ Enable Two-Factor Authentication for the Admin Portal: This option only appears if
you enabled 2FA for the System Administration Console, or if your appliance has only one
organization. Select this check box if you want to use 2FA for the Administrator Console. Next,
specify the users that will require 2FA during login by selecting one of the following options:
▪ Required for all Users: Appliances with one organization only. To enable 2FA for all users,
select this option.
▪ Defined by Organization: Appliances with multiple organizations only. Apply the same
2FA configuration to all users in each Organization in the Administrator Console, as applicable.
▪ Required for all Users: Appliances with multiple organizations only. Enable 2FA for all
users in the Administrator Console.
▪ Not required: Appliances with multiple organizations only. Disable 2FA for all users in the
Administrator Console.
▪ Enable Two-Factor Authentication for the User Portal: This option only appears if you
enabled 2FA for the Administrator Console. Select this check box if you want to use 2FA for the
User Console. Next, specify the users that will require 2FA during login by selecting one of the
following options:
▪ Defined by Organization: Apply the same 2FA configuration to all users in each Organization
in the User Console, as applicable.
▪ Required for all Users: Enable 2FA for all users in the User Console.
▪ Not required: Disable 2FA for all users in the User Console.
b. Under Transition Window, specify the amount of time during which users who require 2FA will
be able to bypass the 2FA configuration step.
For example, if a user forgets their phone at home and is therefore unable to generate a new code,
they can still access the portal during the period of time specified here.
5. Optional: In the Appliance Encryption Key section, click Generate Key to generate a new encryption key.
This key is used to enable Quest Support to access your appliance for troubleshooting using a tether. It is
not necessary to generate a new key unless you believe that the current key has been compromised. See
Enable a tether to Quest Support.
The time stamp shows the time the key was generated.
6. In the Single Sign On section, specify authentication settings:
Option Description

Disabled Prevent the KACE SMA from using single sign on. Single sign on enables users who
are logged on to the domain to access the KACE SMA Administrator Console and

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure security settings for the appliance
Option Description
User Console without having to re-enter their credentials on the KACE SMA login

Active Directory Use Active Directory for authentication. Active Directory uses the domain to
authenticate users on the network. See Using Active Directory for single sign on.

7. In the Samba Share Settings section, specify the following settings:

Option Description

For appliances with Use the appliance's client share to store files, such as files used to install applications
the Organization on managed devices.
component The appliance’s client share is a built-in Windows file server that can be used by
enabled: the provisioning service to assist in distributing the Samba client on your network.
Enable Quest recommends that this file server only be enabled when you perform application
Organization File installations on managed devices.
NOTE: If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can
For appliances   select additional file sharing options for each organization. See Enable file
without the sharing at the System level.
Enable File

Require NTLMv2 Enable NTLMv2 authentication for the KACE SMA files shares. When this is enabled,
to appliance file managed devices connecting to the KACE SMA File Shares require support for
shares NTLMv2 and they authenticate to the KACE SMA using NTLMv2. Although NTLMv2
is more secure than NTLM and LANMAN, non-NTLMv2 configurations are more
common and this option is usually turned off. Enabling this option disables lanman
auth and ntlm auth on the Samba server. NTLMv2 Levels 1-4 are supported. If you
need NTLM v2 Level 5, consider manually provisioning the KACE SMA Agent. See
Manually deploying the KACE SMA Agent.

Require NTLMv2 Force certain KACE SMA functions that are supported through the Samba client,
to off-board file such as Agent Provisioning, to authenticate to off-board network file shares using
shares NTLMv2. Even though NTLMv2 is more secure than NTLM and LANMAN, non-
NTLMv2 configurations are more common and this option is usually disabled.
Enabling this option enables the client ntlmv2 auth option for Samba client

8. Optional: In the SSL section, specify SSL settings:

IMPORTANT: Enabling SSL is a one-way automatic shift for managed devices. Devices must be
  reconfigured manually if you disable SSL.

Option Description

Enable Port 80 Enable access to the appliance over port 80.

access If you disable port 80 access, contact Quest Support to adjust the Agent deployment
scripts to handle SSL.

Enable SSL Enable managed devices to connect to the appliance using SSL (HTTPS).
Enable this setting only after you have properly deployed the appliance on your LAN
in non-SSL mode.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure security settings for the appliance
Option Description

To enable SSL, you need to load an SSL certificate as described in step 9.

9. To load an SSL certificate, do one of the following:

• Click SSL Certificate Form to generate certificate requests or load self-signed certificates. See
Generate an SSL certificate.
• If you have an SSL certificate and private key, click Browse or Choose File in the SSL Private Key
File or SSL Certificate File fields to select them. These files must be in Privacy Enhance Mail (PEM)
format, similar to those used by Apache-based web servers.
• Select Enable Intermediate SSL Certificate to enable and upload intermediate SSL certificates,
which are signed certificates provided by certificate issuers as proxies for root certificates.
Intermediate SSL certificates must be in PEM format.
• If your certificate is in PKCS-12 format, click Browse or Choose File in the PKCS-12 File field to
select it, then enter the password for the file in the Password for PKCS-12 file field.
10. In the Secure Attachments in Service Desk section, choose whether to add security for files that are
attached to Service Desk tickets:
◦ Select the check box to enable security for files attached to tickets. If you choose this option, users
can access files attached to tickets only from within the KACE SMA Administrator Console or User
◦ Clear the check box to enable users to access files by clicking ticket links from outside the
Administrator Console or User Console.
11. Click Save and Restart Services to save changes and restart the appliance.
NOTE: In some cases, the Firefox browser does not display the Administrator Console login page
  correctly after you enable access to port 443 and restart the appliance. If that happens, clear the
Firefox browser cache and cookies, then try again.

Configure Active Directory as the single sign on method

Active Directory single sign on enables users who are logged on to the domain to access the KACE SMA
Administrator Console and User Console without having to re-enter their logon credentials each time.
Before you connect the KACE SMA to an Active Directory server, verify that:
• Network and DNS settings are configured to enable the KACE SMA to access the Active Directory server.
See Change appliance network settings.
• The time settings on the Active Directory server match the time settings on the KACE SMA. For information
on setting the time on the KACE SMA, see Configure appliance date and time settings.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. In the Single Sign On section of the Security Settings page, select Active Directory, then provide the
following information:
Option Description

Domain The host name of the domain of your Active Directory® server, such as example.com.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Active Directory as the single sign on method
Option Description

Username The user name of the administrator account on the Active Directory server. For
example, username@example.com.

Password The password of the administrator account on the Active Directory server.

Computer Object The name of the computer object container of the administrator account on the Active
Container Directory server.

Computer Object The name of the computer object container of the administrator account on the Active
Name Directory server.

Service Account The name of the service account container of the administrator account on the Active
Container Directory server.

3. Click Join.
The appliance performs the following tests, which require read-only permission, to determine whether the
domain is configured correctly to allow the KACE SMA to join the domain:
◦ Check for supported operating system and correct operating system patches
◦ Check for sufficient disk space to install QAS
◦ Check that the hostname of the system is not 'localhost'
◦ Check if the name service is configured to use DNS
◦ Check resolv.conf for proper formatting of name service entries and that
the host can be resolved
◦ Check for a name server that has the appropriate DNS SRV records for Active
◦ Detect a writable domain controller with UDP port 389 open
◦ Detect Active Directory site if available
◦ Check if TCP port 464 is open for Kerberos kpasswd
◦ Check if UDP port 88 and TCP port 88 are open for Kerberos traffic
◦ Check if TCP port 389 is open for LDAP
◦ Check for a global catalog server and if TCP port 3268 is open for
communication with global catalog servers
◦ Check for a valid time skew against Active Directory
◦ Check for the QAS application configuration in Active Directory
◦ Check if TCP port 445 is open for Microsoft CIFS traffic
These tests do not need write access and they do not check for permission to write to any directory. In
addition, these tests do not verify username and password credentials. If the credentials are incorrect, the
KACE SMA might not be able to join the domain even if the tests are successful.
A message appears stating the results of the test. To view errors, if any, click Logs, then in the Log drop-
down list, select Server Errors.
4. Optional: Select Force Join to join the server to ignore errors and join the domain.
5. Click Save and Restart Services.
When users are logged in to devices that are joined to the Active Directory domain, they can access the KACE
SMA User Console without having to re-enter their credentials. If users are on devices that are not joined to the

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Active Directory as the single sign on method
Active Directory domain, the login window appears and they can log in using a local KACE SMA user account.
See Add or edit System-level user accounts.

NOTE: To use single sign on with Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers, users must configure their
  browser settings to use the appropriate authentication. See Configuring browser settings for single sign on.

Generate an SSL certificate

You can generate a self-signed SSL certificate, or generate a certificate signing request for third-party certificates,
using the Administrator Console.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Security Settings to display the Security Settings page.
3. In the SSL section, click Enable SSL.
Additional SSL options are displayed.
4. Click SSL Certificate Form to display the SSL Certificate Form page.
NOTE: If a certificate signing request has previously been generated, it appears on the page. To
  generate a new request, you need to update the information in the Configure section, then click Save
before you click Generate Self-Signed Certificate.
5. In the Configure section, provide the following information:
Option Description

Company Name The name of your company.

Organization Name The name of your organizational unit or business group.

Common Name The common name of the appliance you are creating the SSL certificate for.

Email Your email address.

City Name The name of your locality.

State or Province Name The name of your state or province.

Country Name The name of your country.

6. Click Save.
If this is the first time the SSL Certificate Form has been saved, the Certificate Signing Request section
appears. If the form has previously been saved, the Certificate Signing Request section is updated.
7. Do one of the following:
• To generate a certificate using a third-party certificate issuer:
1. Copy all of the text in the Certificate Signing Request section, including the lines "-----BEGIN
everything in between, then send it to the certificate issuer or the person who provides your
company with web server certificates.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Generate an SSL certificate
2. When you receive a certificate from the third party, return to the Security Settings page and upload
the certificate. See Configure security settings for the appliance.
• To generate a self-signed certificate:
1. Click Generate Self-Signed Certificate to generate and display the certificate below the Certificate
Signing Request section.
2. Click Deploy Self-Signed Certificate, then click Yes.
3. On the Security Settings page, click Save and Restart Services.
Self-signed certificates are converted to PEM files, named kbox.pem, and the files are placed in KACE
SMA Agent data folders.
NOTE: Your private key appears in the Private Key field. It is deployed to the appliance when you
  deploy a valid certificate. Do not send the private key to anyone. It is displayed here in case you want
to deploy this certificate to another web server.
NOTE: The certificate and private key for SSL are not included in the appliance’s daily backups for
security reasons. Retain these two files for your own records.

Configuring Agent settings

Agent settings determine the port and security settings used by the KACE SMA Agent. These settings are specific
to the Agent infrastructure and do not affect other appliance configuration settings or runtime operations.
NOTE: Changing Agent settings temporarily interrupts communications between the appliance and the
  Agents installed on managed devices, so use caution. For more information, contact Quest Support at

About Konea
Konea is a component that enables the communication between the KACE SMA Agent, which is installed on
Agent-managed devices, and the KACE SMA.
Konea provides optimized real-time communications for systems-management operations.

Configure Agent settings

You can configure KACE SMA Agent settings on the appliance. These settings are System-level settings. If the
Organization component is enabled on the appliance, Agent settings apply to all organizations.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Agent Settings to display the Agent Settings page.
3. Specify the following settings:
Option Description

Enable Pre-7.0 Select this option if you want to enable the appliance to communicate with KACE
Agent Support SMA Agents version 6.4.x and earlier.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Agent settings
Option Description

Enable SSL (Read only) Agent SSL settings are controlled by the appliance security settings. See
Configure security settings for the appliance.

Require SSL Configure the KACE SMA Agent to use secure connections. SSL (Secure Sockets
Layer) connections allow the Agent to establish encrypted link to ensure that all data
passed from and to the Agent remains private and integral.
IMPORTANT: After changing this setting, you must restart the Agent manually
  using the AMPTools restart command, to ensure these changes are reflected
on the Client machine.

Verify SSL Verify SSL certificates prior to establishing a connection. An SSL certificate contains
Certificates a public key used to encrypt and information about its owner identity.
IMPORTANT: After changing this setting, you must restart the Agent manually
  using the AMPTools restart command, to ensure these changes are reflected
on the Client machine.

Enable server Enable different levels of server debugging or logging to the server's log file. See
debug Troubleshooting appliance issues.

Compress Server Indicate if you want to compress the files uploaded by the appliance. This can help
Uploads the overall Agent performance.

Disable Duplicate Disable the process that detects duplicate devices in the inventory. In some unique
Device Detection cases, this process is too aggressive and needs to be disabled.
CAUTION: Do not select this check box unless instructed by Quest Support.

Process Timeouts Specify the amount of time after which the Agent suspends a running process.

File Transfer Specify the amount of time after which the Agent suspends a file transfer process.

Read/Write The length of time that the messaging protocol processor waits before determining
Connection that KACE SMA Agents have disconnected.
IMPORTANT: Do not adjust this parameter unless you have discussed the
  ramifications with Quest Support.
The messaging protocol processor monitors KACE SMA Agent connections, and
it assumes that Agents are connected while it waits for responses. If Agents do
not respond within the timeout period, the processor concludes that they have
For appliances that have fewer than 1,500 managed devices, a 40-second timeout
would be appropriate. In environments with network limitations, or for appliances with
more than 1,500 managed devices, a timeout of 90-120 seconds might be better. The
minimum timeout is 30 seconds, and the maximum is 180 seconds.

Disable duplicate Prevent the Agent from detecting duplicate devices. In some unique cases, this
device detection duplicate detection is too aggressive and needs to be disabled.
IMPORTANT: Do not select this setting unless you have discussed the
  ramifications with Quest Support.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Agent settings
Option Description

Connected Agents The number of KACE SMA Agents currently connected to the appliance.

4. Click Save and Restart Services to save the settings and restart the messaging protocol processor.
5. To restart the messaging protocol processor without saving settings, click Restart services.
NOTE: Restarting the processor does not restart the KACE SMA.
Related topics
Configure security settings for the appliance
Troubleshooting appliance issues
Optional: Configure Agent communication settings, which determine the frequency at which Agents communicate
with the appliance. See Managing Agent communications.

Configuring session timeout and auto-refresh

Session timeout is a System-level setting that specifies the amount of inactive time that can pass before users
are automatically logged out of the Administrator Console or User Console. Auto-refresh settings are user-level
settings that determine the frequency with which console pages are refreshed.

Set session timeout

You can configure session timeout to meet your security requirements.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click General Settings to display the General Settings page.
3. In the top section, configure the session timeout:
Options Description

Session Timeout Set the number of inactive hours to allow before closing user sessions and requiring
users to log in again. The default is 1. The User Console and Administrator Console
have Timeout Session counters to alert users of this time limit. Only periods of
inactivity are counted. The counter restarts when the user performs any action
that causes the console to interact with the appliance server, such as refreshing a
window, saving changes, and changing windows. When the counter reaches the limit,
the user is logged out, unsaved changes are lost, and the login screen appears. The
Timeout Session counter appears in the upper right of each console.

4. Click Save and Restart Services.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Set session timeout
Set auto-refresh properties
You can set auto-refresh to show the latest results on list pages, or you can turn auto-refresh off so that pages are
refreshed only when they are reloaded in the browser.
Setting the refresh frequency to 30 seconds or less is useful for pages that display status, such as the
Provisioning Results page and the Devices page. On other pages, such as the Software Catalog page, a longer
refresh rate, or turning auto refresh off, might be more appropriate, because these pages can take longer to
Auto-refresh settings are page-specific and user-specific. The settings for each page and each user account are
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Go to a page that has information to be refreshed, such as Inventory > Devices.
The Devices page appears.
3. In the Auto Refresh drop-down list, above the list to the right, select a frequency.
The list is updated according to the selected frequency.
4. Click the Refresh button in the top-right corner of the page to refresh the page immediately.
5. Optional: In the Auto Refresh drop-down list, above the list to the right, select OFF to turn off auto-refresh.
Auto-refresh is disabled. Information on the page is no longer updated automatically.

Configuring locale settings

Locale settings determine the language used for text in the Command Line Console, Administrator Console,
and User Console.Locale settings determine the formats used for date and time information displayed in the
Administrator Console and User Console. All text in the interfaces is displayed in English regardless of locale
The locale options available through your license agreement. See View the KACE SMA version, model, and
license information.

How locale settings are applied

Locale settings are applied in a particular order.
When choosing the locale for text in the Command Line Console, Administrator Console, and User Console, the
appliance uses the following priority:
1. User: If the user locale is set, use it.
2. Organization: If the user locale is not set, use the organization setting (available only if the Organization
component is enabled on the appliance).
3. Browser: If neither the user nor organization locales are set, use the browser setting.
4. System (Command Line Console): If the user, organization, and browser locales are not set, use the
System setting.
5. Default: If none of the preceding options are set, use the default locale (English).

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

How locale settings are applied
Configure locale settings for the Administrator Console and the
Command Line Console
You can configure the locale setting for the Administrator Console at the System-level. This also controls the
locale of the Command Line Console, which is accessed through the konfig user account.
Locale settings determine the formats used for date and time information displayed in the Administrator Console.
All text in the interface is displayed in English regardless of locale settings. Locale settings also determine the
date and time formats used in email sent from the Service Desk.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click General Settings to display the General Settings page.
3. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, do the following:
a. Select a locale in the Default Locale drop-down list in the top section.
b. Click Save and Restart Services at the bottom of the page.
4. If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, do the following:
a. In the Locale Settings section, select a locale from the Organization Locale drop-down list.
b. In the Locale Settings section, select a locale from the Command Line Console drop-down list.
c. Click Save and Restart Services.
The locale you selected is used for the Administrator Console and the Command Line Console.

Configure locale settings for the User Console

The KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) supports several locales. The Administrator Console, System
Console, and online help can be displayed in English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), and
In addition to these languages, you can translate the User Console into other non-supported locales, such as
Afrikaans (South Africa), as needed. When you translate the User Console to a non-supported language, its help
contents appear in English, while other elements of the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA), such as
the Administrator Console, System Administration Console, and the associated online help, are displayed in the
selected language.
By default, the browser locale determines the language in which the User Console is displayed. When the User
Console is translated to another languages and properly configured (as described below), any users whose
browsers use that locale display the User Console in the translated language.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Localization to display the User Console Localization Settings page.
3. Export the text strings associated with the locale from which you want to tranlate to a Gettext portable
object (PO) file, along with a portable object template (POT) for translation. For more information about
Gettext PO files, see https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/PO-Files.html.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure locale settings for the User Console
a. On the User Console Localization Settings page, under Export Gettext PO (portable object) File,
click Export Locale, and select the locale from which you want to translate. The list that appears
includes all of the supported languages, as well as any languages to which you previously
translated the User Console.
b. Click Export.
After a few moments, a ZIP file with the following contents is available for download:
◦ A PO (portable object) file contains all of the User Console text strings that exist in your selected
◦ A POT (portable object template) file contains a template file, used to generate the empty PO file
using the GetText utilities (optional).
4. Translate the User Console text strings, as required, and create a PO file.
5. Import the translated User Console strings.
You can use a PO file editor to translate the strings in the PO file. For more information, see:
◦ GNU gettext utilities documentation: https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/
◦ GNU Web Translators Manual: https://www.gnu.org/software/trans-coord/manual/web-trans/
html_node/index.html#SEC_Contents https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/PO-
◦ PO File Format: https://www.gnu.org/software/trans-coord/manual/web-trans/html_node/PO-
◦ Additional information about editing PO (portable object) files with editor suggestions: https://
a. Under Import Gettext PO (portable object) File, click Import Locale, and select the locale you
want to associate with the PO file you are importing. This is the locale to which the User Console
is translated using the translations from the imported PO file when the browser locale matches.
b. Under Translated PO (portable object) File, click Choose File, and navigate to the translated PO
c. Click Import.
6. If you want to delete any locales that you previously imported, under Delete an Uploaded Locale, click
Delete Locale, and select the locale that you want to delete. Click Delete.

Configure locale settings for organizations

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you configure locale settings for each organization
Locale settings determine the formats used for date and time information displayed in the Administrator Console
and User Console. All text in the interfaces is displayed in English regardless of locale settings. Locale settings
also determine the date and time formats used in email sent from the Service Desk.
1. Go to the General Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click General Settings.
2. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, do the following:
a. In the Locale Settings section, select a locale in the Organization Locale drop-down list.
b. Click Save and Restart Services at the bottom of the page.
c. If you have multiple organizations, repeat the preceding steps for each organization.
3. If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, do the following:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure locale settings for organizations
a. In the Locale Settings section, select a locale from the Organization Locale drop-down list.
b. In the Locale Settings section, select a locale from the Command Line Console drop-down list.
c. Click Save and Restart Services.
The selected locale is applied. Organization users who log in to the Administrator Console and User Console see
the formats for this locale, provided that the browser settings are also set to display the locale. However, user
locale settings take precedence over organization locale settings.

Configure locale settings for users

You can configure locale settings for each user. User locale settings take precedence over organization and
System-level locale settings.
Locale settings determine the formats used for date and time information displayed in the Administrator Console
and User Console. All text in the interfaces is displayed in English regardless of locale settings.
1. Go to the User Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
c. Click the name of a user.
2. In the Locale drop-down list, select a locale.
3. Click Save.
The locale you selected is used when the user logs in to the Administrator Console or User Console, provided
that the browser settings are also set to display the locale. User locale settings take precedence over the locale
settings of the user’s organization.

Configuring the default theme

In a default installation, the Administration Console appears in a default Light theme for every new user.
Two additional themes are available: the Dark and Hybrid themes. You can change the default theme for the
appliance. If the appliance theme is not suitable for your use, simply choose a different theme for your profile.
For example, if the Light theme is set by default for the appliance on the System level, and you associate the Dark
theme with your user profile, the Dark theme is applied each time you log in.

Configure the default theme for the appliance

In a default installation, the appliance is configured to use the Light theme. You can choose a different theme as
the default appliance theme, as needed.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click General Settings to display the General Settings page.
3. On the General Settings page that appears, under Themes, click Default appliance theme, and choose
one of the following options: Light, Hybrid, or Dark.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure the default theme for the appliance
When you choose the Light or Hybrid theme as the default appliance theme, the login page appears
with a white background. A dark background is applied when the Dark theme is applied as the default
appliance theme. The color of the login screen always reflects the configured appliance theme, not the
theme associated with your user account. For example, if you choose the Dark theme in the Administrator
Console, this theme becomes associated with your user account and is applied each time you log in.
However if the appliance uses the Light theme by default, your login screen always appears with a white
background. After a successful login, the Dark theme is applied.

NOTE: Reports always appear with a white background, regardless of which theme is selected.
NOTE: For newly created users, the Administrator Console uses the default theme. This can be
  changed on the next login. For more information, see Configure the default theme for a user.

Configure the default theme for a user

In a default installation, the Light theme is applied to each user profile. You can choose a different theme for your
user profile, as needed. For example, if the Light theme is set by default for the appliance on the System level,
and you associate the Dark theme with your user profile, the Dark theme is applied each time you log in.
1. Do one of the following:
• Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, where
KACE_SMA_hostname is the hostname of your appliance. Or, if Show organization menu in admin
header is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the
top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
• Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system,
where KACE_SMA_hostname is the hostname of your appliance, or select System from the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page.
• Log in to the KACE SMA User Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/user, where
KACE_SMA_hostname is the hostname of your appliance, or select User Console from the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page.
2. From the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page, select My Profile.
The User Profile dialog box appears.
3. In the User Profile dialog box, on the Profile tab, click Theme, and select a theme that you want to
associate with your user account: Light, Dark, or Hybrid.
The theme you select this way becomes associated with your user account and is applied each time you
log in. You can also configure the default theme for the appliance. For more information, see Configure the
default theme for the appliance.

Configure data sharing preferences

Configure data sharing preferences at the System level. Data sharing preferences determine how much of your
KACE SMA information is shared with Quest. In addition, data sharing preferences determine whether information
from ITNinja is displayed in the Administrator Console.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure data sharing preferences
To validate the KACE SMA product license, Quest collects minimal license-related information, such as the MAC
Address of the KACE SMA, the version of the KACE SMA software, the license key, and the number of managed
devices, regardless of the data sharing options selected in this section.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click General Settings to display the General Settings page.
3. In the Share With Quest section, select from the following options:
Option Description

Share summary (Recommended) Share summary information with Quest. This information includes
usage data... appliance status, uptime, and load averages, as well as the number of devices,
Managed Installations, and applications being managed by the appliance. This option
is recommended because it provides additional information to Quest Support if you
need assistance. In addition, data shared with Quest is used when planning product

Share detailed (Recommended) Share detailed information with Quest and share anonymous
usage data... information with ITNinja.com. This information includes Agent and appliance crash
reports, user interface usage statistics, and inventory information, such as application
titles. Quest uses this information to help improve the Software Catalog, and ITNinja
uses anonymous data to identify relevant content on http://www.itninja.com for
dynamic feeds to the KACE SMA Administrator Console.
ITNinja.com is a community website where IT professionals can share information
and research on a wide variety of systems management and deployment topics. The
ITNinja feed is a feature that dynamically displays software deployment tips and other
contextual information on relevant pages in the KACE SMA Administrator Console.
To enable the ITNinja feed, you need to select Share detailed Usage data.... This
setting shares information anonymously with ITNinja. The ITNinja feed is available
only if Share Summary Usage Data... is selected, and it is available only on pages
related to software or deployment, such as the software, Managed Installation, and
File Synchronization detail pages. The feed is not available on Software Catalog
detail page.
Clear this option to prevent the appliance from sharing inventory data with the ITNinja
community. However, clearing this option does not remove any information that has
already been shared. For more information, contact Quest Support.

4. Click Save and Restart Services.

About DIACAP compliance requirements

You can configure the KACE SMA to support regulations, such as DIACAP (Department of Defense Information
Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process).
To comply with DIACAP, administrators perform the following tasks:
• Enable the Acceptable Use Policy. See Enable or disable the Acceptable Use Policy.
• Disable SSH and database access. See Configure security settings for the appliance.
• Disable Samba file sharing. See Configure security settings for the appliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About DIACAP compliance requirements
Enable or disable the Acceptable Use Policy
To comply with policies and regulations, such as DIACAP (Department of Defense Information Assurance
Certification and Accreditation Process), you can display an Acceptable Use Policy to users when they access the
Administrator Console, User Console, or Command Line Console, or log in using SSH or FTP.
The Acceptable Use Policy is a System-level setting. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance,
you enable or disable the Acceptable Use Policy at the System level for all organizations. You cannot enable or
disable the policy for individual organizations.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click General Settings to display the General Settings page.
3. In the Acceptable Use Policy section, select policy settings:
Option Description

Enabled Enable the appliance to display your policy, and require users to accept the terms
of your policy, when they access the Administrator Console, User Console, or
Command Line Console, or log in using SSH or FTP.

Title The heading of the policy to be displayed on the login page of the User Console.

Message Details of the policy, which are displayed below the Title on the login page. Users
must agree to the terms of the policy before they can log in to the User Console.

4. Click Save and Restart Services.

When users go to the Administrator Console, User Console, or Command Line Console, or log in using
SSH or FTP, they must first agree to the Acceptable Use Policy before they can log in.
NOTE: If single sign on is enabled, the login page is not displayed, so users do not see the
  Acceptable Use Policy before being logged in automatically. See About single sign on (SSO).

Configuring Mobile Device Access

Mobile Device Access enables you to interact with the KACE SMA using the KACE GO app.
KACE GO is an app that enables administrators to access Service Desk tickets, inventory information, and
application deployment features from their smart phones or tablets. The app also allows non-admin users to
submit Service Desk tickets, view the status of submitted tickets, and read Knowledge Base articles from their
mobile devices. You can download KACE GO from the Apple App Store for iOS devices, or from the Google Play
store for Android devices.

NOTE: KACE GO is only available in English.

To use Mobile Device Access, you must enable mobile device access for the appliance and for the users, and
download and install KACE GO on a mobile device.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configuring Mobile Device Access
Enable Mobile Device Access for the appliance
By default, Mobile Device Access is disabled. To enable users to access the KACE SMA using the KACE GO
app, you must first enable Mobile Device Access for the appliance.
Mobile Device Access is enabled at the System level. If the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, and you enable Mobile Device Access, the feature is enabled for all organizations.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click General Settings to display the General Settings page.
3. In the top section, select the Enable mobile device access check box.
4. Download the KACE GO app.
a. Click Get Mobile App.
A dialog box appears, allowing you to download KACE GO. The app is available for iOS and
Android platforms from their respective app stores.

TIP: You can also access this dialog box from the help pane. For more information, see
  Access product documentation.
b. Click the link for your mobile device OS, as needed, to download the app.
For more information about downloading and configuring KACE GO, seeDownload and use KACE
5. Click Save and Restart Services.
Mobile Device Access is enabled on the appliance. Before users can access the KACE SMA using the
KACE GO app, however, you must enable Mobile Device Access for their accounts. See Enable Mobile
Device Access for users.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, enable Mobile Device Access for user
accounts at the Organization or Admin level. Mobile Device Access cannot be enabled or disabled for user
accounts at the System level.

Enable Mobile Device Access for users

After you enable Mobile Device Access for the appliance, you must enable access for users. If the Organization
component is enabled on your appliance, you enable access for users in each organization separately.
1. Go to the User Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
c. Click the name of a user.
2. Select the Mobile Device Access check box.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enable Mobile Device Access for users
TIP: If the Mobile Device Access check box is not displayed, verify that Mobile Device Access is
  enabled for the appliance.
3. Click Save.
4. To enable Mobile Device Access for multiple users:
a. Select the check boxes for the users on the Users page.
b. Select Choose Action > Mobile Device Access > Enable.
Mobile Device Access is enabled.
Related topics
Enable Mobile Device Access for the appliance
The selected users can download the KACE GO app from the Apple App Store or from Google Play.

Download and use KACE GO

You can download KACE GO to your smart phone or tablet from the Apple App Store for iOS devices, or from the
Google Play store for Android devices.
1. On your mobile device, go to the Apple App Store or Google Play, and search for KACEGO.
2. Download and start the app.
3. If prompted, choose whether to enable Push Notifications.
When Push Notifications are enabled, the app sends notifications for Service Desk tickets to the mobile
device. These notifications are based on the Service Desk Email on Events configuration.
4. Provide the following information and choose initial settings:
Option Description

KACE SMA URL The IP address or fully qualified domain name of the appliance.

User name and Password The username and password of an account that has Mobile Device
Access enabled.

Save Password Enable the app to remember your password on the device. If you choose
this option, Quest requires that you create a PIN (personal identification
number) for security. KACE GO does not cache or save user data unless
you select Save Password.

Use SSL Enable SSL communications between the device and the KACE SMA. To
use this setting, SSL must be enabled on the KACE SMA. If SSL is not
enabled on the appliance, and you select Use SSL, the login fails.

For more information, see the Help Center in the KACE GO app or go to https://quest.com/products/kace-
Related topics
Configure email triggers
Configure security settings for the appliance

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Download and use KACE GO
Disable Mobile Device Access on the appliance
To prevent all users from accessing the appliance using KACE GO, you can disable Mobile Device Access at the
appliance or System level.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click General Settings to display the General Settings page.
3. In the top section, clear the Enable mobile device access check box.
4. Click Save and Restart Services.
KACE GO access is disabled for all users. Users who are currently logged in to the appliance using KACE
GO are disconnected.
However, individual user settings are retained and reinstated if the feature is subsequently re-enabled on the
appliance. For example, if Mobile Device Access was enabled for an account, and you re-enable Mobile Device
Access on the appliance, Mobile Device Access is also re-enabled on the account.

Disable Mobile Device Access for users

To prevent selected users from accessing the appliance using KACE GO, you can disable Mobile Device Access
at the user level.
1. Go to the Users list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
2. Select the check boxes next to one or more users.
3. Select Choose Action > Mobile Device Access > Disable.
Mobile Device Access is disabled for the selected users. If the selected users are currently logged in to the
appliance using KACE GO, they are disconnected.

Enable fast switching for organizations and linked

Fast switching makes it possible to switch between interfaces without logging in to each item separately. On
appliances with the Organization component enabled, these interfaces include the Admin and System levels of
the Administrator Console the User Console, and linked K-Series appliances,
Fast switching is enabled by default on appliances without the Organization component enabled. In addition, the
link to the User Console appears by default, provided that the logged-in user has permission to access both the
Administrator Console and the User Console.
To appear in the drop-down list for fast switching, organizations must have the same admin account password;
only those organizations whose admin account passwords match appear in the list. Linked appliances have
similar requirements.
1. Go to the General Settings page:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enable fast switching for organizations and linked appliances
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click General Settings.
2. Select the Show organization menu in admin header check box.
NOTE: This setting is available only if the Organization component is enabled on your appliance.
3. Optional: Select the Require organization selection at login check box to require users to select an
organization when they log in.
NOTE: This setting is available only if the Organization component is enabled on your appliance.
4. Click Save and Restart Services.
Changes are displayed on the login page and in the top section of the Administrator Console after you log
out and then log in again. The drop-down list shows the available options.
Related topics
Linking Quest KACE appliances

Linking Quest KACE appliances

Appliance linking enables you to log in to one Quest KACE appliance and access all linked appliances from the
Administrator Console.
Appliance linking enables you to log in to one appliance and access all linked appliances from the drop-down list
in the top-right corner of the Administrator Console, without having to log in to each appliance separately. You can
link all of the Quest KACE K-Series appliances you manage.
To link appliances you need to:
• Enable fast switching on each KACE SMA that has the Organization component enabled. See Enable fast
switching for organizations and linked appliances.
• Enable linking on each K-Series appliance. See Enable appliance linking.
When you enable linking, Names and Keys are created for each appliance. You then copy and paste the Names
and Keys into the Linked Appliance Detail page for each appliance.
You can access multiple Quest KACE appliances from the same Administrator Console, but you cannot transfer
resources or information among them through linking. See Importing and exporting appliance resources.

NOTE: If you have multiple Quest KACE SMA or SDA appliances, and you plan to link them, the admin
  user account for each appliance must have the same password.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Linking Quest KACE appliances
Enable appliance linking
You can enable appliance linking in the appliance or System-level General Settings. For KACE SDA instructions,
see the Help for that appliance.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Link Settings to display the Linked Appliance Enablement page.
3. Select the Enable Appliance Linking check box.
4. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A unique, logical name for this appliance. This name appears in the drop-down list
in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information when appliances are

Login Expiration The number of minutes to keep the link open. When this time period expires, you
need to provide login credentials when switching to a linked appliance. The default is
120 minutes.

Timeout The number of minutes the appliance waits for a remote appliance to respond to a
linking request. The default is ten seconds.

5. Select the Enable Federation API access settings check box.

NOTE: Enabling this option allows you to configure Federation API settings for linked appliances. For
  more information, see Enable access to Federation API settings.
6. Click Save to display appliance linking information.
7. Copy the text in the Name field and the text in the Key field and paste it in a central location, such as a
Notepad file.
8. Repeat the preceding steps on each appliance you want to link.
When linking is enabled on all appliances, configure the links. See Add Names and Keys to appliances.

Add Names and Keys to appliances

To link Quest KACE appliances, add the appliance names and keys in the Administrator Console.
These instructions describe how to link KACE SMAs. For KACE SDA instructions, see the Help for that appliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add Names and Keys to appliances
Before you can link appliances, you need to enable linking on each appliance and copy the Name and Key of
each appliance to a central location. See Enable appliance linking.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Linked Appliances to display the Linked Appliances page.
NOTE: If appliance linking is not enabled, you are redirected to the Linked Appliance Enablement
3. Select Choose Action > New to display the Linked Appliance Details page.
4. In the Hostname field, paste the name of the appliance that you want to link.
This is the name that you copied following the instructions in Enable appliance linking.
5. Select Disable port 80 access to use port 443 for secure communications. Communication over both port
80 and 443 are encrypted.
6. In the Key field, paste the key of the appliance that you want to link.
This is the key that you copied following the instructions in Enable appliance linking.
7. Click Save to display the Test Connection button.
8. Click Test Connection to verify the connection between the two linked appliances.
If the settings are configured correctly, the Connection Successful message appears.
9. Log in to the second appliance and repeat the preceding steps to add the first appliance’s Name and Key to
the second appliance.
10. Click Save to display the Test Connection button.
11. Click Test Connection to verify the connection between the two linked appliances.
If the settings are configured correctly, the Connection Successful message appears.
When you re-log in to the appliance, the other linked appliances appear on the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page next to the login information. To switch to an appliance, select its name in the drop-down list.

Enable access to Federation API settings

If your Environment uses Federated KACE SMAs, the Federation API Settings page allows you to enable API
access for linked appliances.
The following options must be selected on the Linked Appliance Enablement page:
• Enable Appliance Linking
• Enable Federation API access settings
For more information, see Enable appliance linking.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console , http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click
2. On the appliance Control Panel, click Federation API Settings to display the Federation API Settings
3. On the Federation API Settings page, select the Enable access check box.
4. In the Remote Systems area that appears, specify the level of access for each linked appliance, as
a. In the row containing the appliance whose role you want to configure, click the Role column, and select
one of the following options: Administrator, Read Only Administrator, or User Console.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enable access to Federation API settings
b. Click Save.
IMPORTANT: To enable linked reporting, you must assign the Administrator role to each linked
5. Click Save to display appliance linking information.

Disable appliance linking

If Quest KACE appliances have been linked, you can disable linking as needed. After appliance linking is
disabled, you can continue to switch to, and control, other appliances until you log off.
NOTE: This section explains how to disable linking on the KACE SMA. For KACE SDA instructions, see
  the Help for that appliance.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Link Settings to display the Linked Appliance Enablement page.
3. Clear the Enable Appliance Linking check box.
4. Click Save.

Configuring history settings

You can configure (subscribe to) and view the history of changes made to settings, assets, and objects on the

About history settings

The KACE SMA enables you to configure (subscribe to) and view the history of changes to settings, assets, and
• Settings: Tracked items include general settings as well as settings for MIA devices, patch subscriptions,
and user authentication, among others. See Managing settings history.
• Assets: Tracked items include devices, cost centers, departments, licenses, locations, applications,
vendors, and user-created Asset Types. See Managing asset history.
• Objects: Tracked items include alerts, labels, patch schedules, Replication Shares, reports, scripts, and
applications among others. See Managing object history.
This history includes the date the change was made, the user who was logged in when the change was made,
and the nature of the change. This information can help in troubleshooting system management issues, and you
can export this information in CSV (comma-separated value) or custom report format.
History lists are informational only. You cannot use history lists to revert to previous states or undo changes.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About history settings
Managing settings history
You can configure (subscribe to) and view the history of changes made to settings. Configuration options differ,
depending on whether the Organization component is enabled on your appliance.
• If the Organization component is not enabled: View all history lists and configuration settings under
Settings > History. For instructions, see Configure settings history subscriptions for organizations.
• If the Organization component is enabled: View history lists and configuration settings for each
organization, and for the System level, separately. For instructions, see Configure System-level settings
history subscriptions with the Organization component enabled.

Configure settings history subscriptions for organizations

You can configure settings history subscriptions for the appliance or, if the Organization component is enabled, for
the selected organization.
1. Go to the Settings History Configuration page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click History.
c. In the Subscriptions section, click Settings.
The options on this page differ, depending on whether the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance. For appliances with the Organization component enabled, additional options are available
at the System level.
2. In the drop-down list for history retention, select the length of time for changes to be retained by the
appliance and to appear in the history list. Select Forever to keep all changes. Select Disabled to erase
the existing history list and prevent the appliance from adding changes to the list.
IMPORTANT: Setting history retention to very long periods, such as several months or Forever, might
  result in slower page loading for items in the Inventory section.
3. In the Category and Field Selection section, select the check boxes next to the settings you want to track;
clear the check boxes next to the settings you do not want to track.
4. To select fields within a setting:
With the check box for a setting selected, click the Edit button next to the setting: .
The field selection dialog appears.
b. Choose the fields whose history you want to track, then click OK.
5. Click Save.
6. Optional: If you have multiple organizations, repeat the preceding steps for each organization.
Related topics
Configure System-level settings history subscriptions with the Organization component enabled

Configure System-level settings history subscriptions with the Organization

component enabled
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can configure settings history subscriptions at
the System level.
For information about organization-level history settings, see Managing settings history.
1. Go to the Settings History Configuration page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click History.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing settings history
c. On the History Panel in the Subscriptions section, click Settings.
2. In the Category and Field Selection section, select the check boxes next to the settings you want to track;
clear the check boxes next to the settings you do not want to track.
3. To select fields within a setting:
With the check box for a setting selected, click the Edit button next to the setting: .
The field selection dialog appears.
b. Choose the fields whose history you want to track, then click OK.
4. Click Save.

View settings history

If history subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the history of changes made to settings.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click History.
3. In the Reporting section, click Settings to display the Settings History page.
4. To filter the list, select Type or User in the View By drop-down list, which appears above the table on the
The list is redisplayed and shows only those items that match the Type or User you selected.

Managing asset history

You can configure (subscribe to) and view the history of changes made to asset information such as devices, cost
centers, departments, licenses, locations, applications, vendors and user-created Asset Types.

Configure asset history subscriptions

You can configure asset history subscriptions for the appliance or, if the Organization component is enabled, for
the selected organization.
1. Go to the Asset History Configuration page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click History.
c. On the History Panel in the Subscriptions section, click Assets.
2. In the drop-down list for history retention, select the length of time for changes to be retained by the
appliance and to appear in the history list. Select Forever to keep all changes. Select Disabled to erase
the existing history list and prevent the appliance from adding changes to the list.
IMPORTANT: Setting history retention to very long periods, such as several months or Forever, might
  result in slower page loading for items in the Inventory section.
3. In the Asset Type and Field Selection section, select the check boxes next to the Asset Types you want to
track; clear the check boxes next to the Asset Types you do not want to track.
4. To select fields within an Asset Type:
With the check box for an Asset Type selected, click the Edit button next to an Asset Type: .

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing asset history
The field selection dialog appears.
b. Choose the fields whose history you want to track, then click OK.
5. Click Save.
6. Optional: If you have multiple organizations, repeat the preceding steps for each organization.

View asset history

If history subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the history of changes made to assets.
1. Go to the Asset History list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click History.
c. On the History Panel in the Reporting section, click Assets.
2. To filter the list, select Type or User in the View By drop-down list, which appears above the table on the
The list is redisplayed and shows only those items that match the Type or User you selected.

Managing object history

You can configure (subscribe to) and view the history of changes made to objects such as labels, patch
schedules, Replication Shares, users, and other objects.

Configure object history

You can configure object history subscriptions for the appliance or, if the Organization component is enabled, for
the selected organization.
1. Go to the Object History Configuration page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click History.
c. On the History Panel in the Subscriptions section, click Objects.
2. In the drop-down list for history retention, select the length of time for changes to be retained by the
appliance and to appear in the history list. Select Forever to keep all changes. Select Disabled to erase
the existing history list and prevent the appliance from adding changes to the list.
IMPORTANT: Setting history retention to very long periods, such as several months or Forever, might
  result in slower page loading for items in the Inventory section.
3. In the Object Type and Field Selection section, select the check boxes next to the object types you want to
track; clear the check boxes next to the object types you do not want to track.
4. To select fields within an object type:
With the check box for an object type selected, click the Edit button next to the object type: .
The field selection dialog appears.
b. Choose the fields whose history you want to track, then click OK.
5. Click Save.
6. Optional: If you have multiple organizations, repeat the preceding steps for each organization.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing object history
View object history
If history subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the history of changes made to objects.
1. Go to the Objects page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click History.
c. On the History Panel in the Reporting section, click Objects.
2. To filter the list, select Type or User in the View By drop-down list, which appears above the table on the
The list is redisplayed and shows only those items that match the Type or User you selected.

Using change history information

You can view an item’s change history, search for items in change history lists, delete history records, export
history records, and create reports from history records.

View the change history of items

You can view an item’s change history when you are viewing details about the item.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Go to the Detail page for an item. For example, click Scripting, then click the name of a script.
3. Click the Show All History link at the top of the page.
Changes are listed. The page is empty if no changes have been made, or if change history is not enabled.

Search for items in change history lists

You can search for items in change history lists.
1. Go to the history listing for settings, assets, or objects:
◦ View settings history
◦ View asset history
◦ View object history
2. Click the Advanced Search tab above the list on the right to display the Advanced Search panel.
3. Select search properties, then click Search.
The search results are displayed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using change history information
Delete history records
You can delete history records from history lists.
1. Go to the history list for settings, assets, or objects:
◦ View settings history
◦ View asset history
◦ View object history
2. Select the check box next to one or more entries.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Export history records

You can export history records to CSV, Excel, and TSV format.
1. Go to the history list for settings, assets, or objects:
◦ View settings history
◦ View asset history
◦ View object history
2. Optional: To export items of a specific type, such as Addition, select the item type in the View-By drop-
down list.
If you do not filter the list, all list items are exported. Selecting an item’s check box does not select the item
for export.
3. Select Choose Action > Export > format.

Setting up and using labels to manage

groups of items
You can set up manual labels, Smart Labels, LDAP Labels, and label groups to manage groups of items, such as

About labels
Labels are containers that enable you to organize and categorize items, such as devices, so that you can manage
them as a group.
For example, you can use labels to identify devices that have the same operating system or that are in the same
geographic location. You can then initiate actions, such as distributing software or deploying patches, on all of the
devices that in that label. Labels can either be manually assigned to specific items or automatically assigned to

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About labels
items when they are associated with criteria, such as SQL or LDAP queries. You can apply labels to these types
of items:
• Inventory items, such as devices, applications, processes, startup items, and services
• Asset items, such as location, license, and vendor
• Discovery results
• Patches
• Dell Update Packages
• Users
Manual labels are applied and removed manually, whereas Smart Labels and LDAP Labels are applied and
removed automatically. See:
• About Smart Labels
• About LDAP Labels

About Smart Labels

Smart Labels are labels that are applied and removed automatically based on specified criteria.
For example, to track or manage laptops in a specific location, such as the San Francisco office, you could create
Smart Label named San Francisco Office based on the IP address range or subnet of devices in that location.
When devices are inventoried, the Smart Label, San Francisco Office is automatically applied to devices in the
IP address range. When devices leave the IP address range and are inventoried again, the label is automatically
Smart Labels are applied to and removed from managed devices when the appliance processes device inventory.
So if you create a Smart Label that enables metering on devices, it might take time for the Smart Label to be
applied to devices and for devices to report metering information. Metering is enabled for devices that match the
Smart Label criteria only after the appliance processes device inventory and the Smart Label is applied.
Related topics
Managing Smart Labels

About LDAP Labels

LDAP Labels are labels that interact with LDAP servers. These labels are automatically assigned to device and
user records using LDAP queries or search filters.
There are two types of LDAP Labels:
• Device: Labels applied to device records. This is useful if you want to automatically group devices by
name, description, and other LDAP criteria. Each time a device is inventoried, this query runs against the
LDAP server. the admin value in the Search Filter field is replaced with the name of the user that is logged
in to the device. If a result is returned, the device is assigned the label specified in the Associated Label
Name field.
• User: Labels applied to user records. This is useful if you want to automatically group users by domain,
location, budget code, or other LDAP criteria. LDAP Labels are applied to or removed from user records
when users are imported to the appliance manually or according to a schedule.
Related topics
Managing LDAP Labels

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About LDAP Labels
About label groups
You can organize labels by assigning them to label groups. Label groups share their types with the labels they
Not only can a label group include multiple labels, but a label can be associated with more than one label group.
Labels inherit any restrictions of the groups to which they belong.
Related topics
Add, view, or edit label groups

About organization filters

Organization filters are similar to labels, but they serve a specific purpose: Organization filters automatically
assign devices to organizations when devices are inventoried.
There are two types of organization filters:
• Data Filters: Assigns devices to organizations automatically based on search criteria. When devices are
inventoried, they are assigned to the organization if they meet the criteria. This filter is similar to Smart
Labels in that it assigns devices to organizations automatically if they match specified criteria.
• LDAP Filters: Assigns devices to organizations automatically based on LDAP or Active Directory
interaction. When devices are inventoried, the query runs against the LDAP server. If devices meet the
criteria, they are automatically assigned to the organization.
Related topics
Managing organization filters

Tracking changes to label settings

If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects.
This information includes the date the change was made and the user who made the change, which can be useful
during troubleshooting.
Related topics
About history settings

Managing manual labels

You can manage labels from the Label section of the Administrator Console. Labels can also be added and
applied from list pages in other sections, such as Inventory and Security by selecting Choose Action > Add

Add or edit manual labels

You can add or edit manual labels as needed.
1. Go to the Label Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit manual labels
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click Labels.
d. Display the Label Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a label.
▪ Select Choose Action > New > Manual Label.

TIP: Avoid using backslashes (\) in label names. If you need to use a backslash in a label
  name, add a second backslash (\\) to escape it.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name The name of the label. This name appears on the Labels list.

Description Any additional information you want to provide.

Alternate Location (Optional) The alternate download location for Managed Installations, File
Synchronizations, and other deployments that are performed on items assigned to
this label. The location you specify replaces the string KACE_ALT_LOCATION.
CAUTION: You should not have a device in two labels that both specify a
  value in this field.

Path If you specify an alternate download location, specify the path to the location.

Login If you specify an alternate download location, specify the username and password for
Password the location.

Restrict Label (Optional) The categories of items to which the label or label group can be applied.
Usage To If you do not restrict label usage, the label or label group can be applied to any item.
However, if you restrict the label or label group to categories such as Applications
and Patches, that label or label group can be applied only to Applications and
Patches; it cannot be applied to other items, such as Devices.

Meter Software Enable metering on devices that have the label assigned. This enables metering on
Usage the devices only. To meter software, you need to also enable metering for individual

Allow Application Enable Application Control on devices. Software marked as Not Allowed is prevented
Control from running on devices to which the label is applied.

Label Group (Optional) The label group to which the label is assigned. To assign the label to a
label group, click Edit next to the Label Group field, then select a label group. This is
useful if you have a large number of labels and you want to organize them into sub-
labels. For example, you could include the labels of your licensed applications in a
group label named Licenses. In addition, labels inherit any restrictions of the groups
to which they belong.

Scoped to User The user role associated with this label. When a label is associated with a user role,
Role the user actions are limited to only those devices, scripts, and schedules that are

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit manual labels
Option Description
associated with that label. For more information about user roles, see Add or edit
User Roles.

3. Click Save.
Related topics
Apply the Application Control label to devices

View manual label details

You can view manual label details, such as the members of a label, label usage restrictions, and alternate location
1. Go to the Label Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click Labels.
2. To show or hide label groups, select Show Label Groups or Hide Label Groups in the Choose Action
3. To view the members of a label, click a number in a column, such as Devices, Users, Software, and so on.
4. To view label details, click the linked name of a label.
The Label Detail page appears.
5. In the Labeled Items section, click the Add button next to the section headers to expand or collapse the
view: .

Delete manual labels

Before you can delete a manual label, you must remove the label from any items to which it is applied. You
cannot delete manual labels that are applied to any items.
In addition, if a manual label contains a Smart Label or an LDAP Label, you must delete the Smart Label or LDAP
Label before you can delete the manual label. Manual labels cannot be deleted if they contain Smart Labels or
LDAP Labels.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Remove the label from any items to which it has been applied. For example, to remove the label from
a. Click Inventory.
The Devices page appears.
b. In the View By drop-down list, select Label > Label Name.
The Devices page shows the items to which the label is applied.
c. Select all of the items in the list.
d. Select Choose Action > Remove Label > Label Name.
3. After the label has been removed from all items, click Home > Labels > Label Management.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete manual labels
The Labels page appears.
4. Select the check boxes next to one or more labels.
5. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Managing Smart Labels

You can add Smart Labels for devices, applications on the Software page, patches, Discovery Results, and Dell
Update packages.
In version 6.4 of the KACE SMA, however, Smart Labels cannot be created for applications on the Software
Catalog page.

Add Smart Labels

You can add Smart Labels from the Labels section and from list pages where Smart Labels are used, such as the
Devices list.
1. Go to the Label Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click Smart Labels.
d. Select Choose Action > New > Smart Label type.
The appliance displays the Smart Label criteria for the type of label that you selected. For
example, if you select New > Software Smart Label, the software criteria are displayed. If you
select New > Device Smart Label, the Devices criteria are displayed.
2. Specify the search criteria using the available fields.
◦ To add a row, click Add line.
◦ To add a subset of rules, select AND or OR from the operator drop-down list at the right of the Smart
Label criteria, then click Add Group.

3. Click Test to display items that match the specified criteria.

4. Adjust the criteria as needed until the results are what you expect.
5. In the Choose label drop-down list, do one of the following:
• Select an existing label to associate with the Smart Label. Type in the Choose label field to search for
existing labels.

NOTE: If you select a label group instead of a label, you will not be able to apply the Smart Label
  to a patching schedule. Patching schedules can only use Smart Labels based on a single item.

• Enter a new name for the Smart Label in the Choose label field, then press Enter or Return.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add Smart Labels
NOTE: Press Enter or Return after you enter a new Smart Label name to move the text from the
  search field to the label field.
6. Click Save.
Related topics
Labeling devices to group them
Using Smart Labels with Discovery Results

Example: Combine Smart Labels to identify devices

This example demonstrates how to combine three Smart Labels to identify devices running Windows 7 or
Windows 8 that do not have the McAfee® VirusScan® application installed.
The following are the three Smart Labels created in this example:
• The first Smart Label, Win78, is applied to devices that have Windows 7 or Windows 8 operating systems.
This label has a run order of 1.
• The second Smart Label, MissingVirusScan, is applied to devices that do not have the VirusScan
application installed. This label also has a run order of 1.
• The third Smart Label, Win78MissingVirusScan, is applied to devices that have both the Win78 and
MissingVirusScan Smart Labels applied. This label has a run order of 2, so that it runs after the first two
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Create a device Smart Label to identify the operating system:
a. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
b. Click the Smart Label tab above the list on the right.
The Smart Label panel appears.

c. Specify the criteria required for the Windows 7 operating system:

Operating System: Name | contains | Windows 7
d. With AND selected in the operator drop-down list, click Add Line, then specify the criteria
required for the Windows 8 operating system:
Operating System: Name | contains | Windows 8
e. In the Choose label drop-down list, type a name for the label, such as Win78, then click Smart
3. Create a device Smart Label to find devices that are missing the VirusScan application:
a. In the Smart Label panel on the Devices page, specify the criteria required to find devices that do
not have the VirusScan application installed:
Software: Software Titles | does not contain | VirusScan

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Example: Combine Smart Labels to identify devices
b. In the Choose label drop-down list, type a name for the label, such as MissingVirusScan, then
click Smart Label.
4. Create a device Smart Label that uses the Smart Labels created in the preceding steps.
5. Create a Smart Label for the application:
a. In the Smart Label panel on the Devices page, specify the criteria to identify devices with the
Win78 Smart Label applied:
Device Identity Information: Label Names | = | Win78
b. With AND selected in the operator drop-down list, click Add Line, then specify the criteria to
identify devices with the MissingVirusScan Smart Label applied:
Device Identity Information: Label Names | = | MissingVirusScan
c. In the Choose label drop-down list, type a name for the label, such as Win78MissingVirusScan,
then click Smart Label.
6. Set the order in which to run the Smart Labels:
a. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
b. On the Label Management panel, click Smart Labels.
c. Select Choose Action > Order Labels > Device Smart Labels.
The Order Device Smart Labels page appears.
Click the Edit button at the far right in the Win78 label row: .
e. In the Order column, type 1, then click Save.
Click the Edit button at the far right in the MissingVirusScan label: .
g. In the Order column, type 1, then click Save.
Click the Edit button at the far right in the Win78MissingVirusScan label row: .
i. In the Order column, type 2, then click Save.
j. Click Save at the bottom of the list.
The Win78 label and the MissingVirusScan label are set to run before the
Win78MissingVirusScan label. This ensures that Windows 7 and 8 devices that are missing the
VirusScan application are labeled before the Win78MissingVirusScan label runs.

Edit Smart Labels

You can change the SQL queries used in Smart Labels as needed.
When you change the SQL query used for a software Smart Label, the Smart Label is applied to or removed
from items immediately, based on whether the items meet the new criteria. Device Smart Labels are applied to or
removed from devices when the device’s inventory information is updated.
If you manually edit the SQL of a Smart Label, you can no longer edit the label using the Smart Label template.
This is because the template cannot be used to edit custom SQL.
1. Go to the Label Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click Smart Labels.
d. Click the name of a Smart Label, or click the Edit button to the left of the Smart Label name.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Edit Smart Labels
NOTE: If the SQL of the Smart Label has been edited manually, the Edit button is not displayed.
2. Do any of the following:
• Select or clear the Enable Metering check box to enable or disable metering for device Smart Labels.
• In the Assigned Label field, select the label you want to associate with the Smart Label.
• Click Details to go to the detail page for the assigned label.
• If the Smart Label was created using the Smart Label template, and the SQL has not been edited
manually, click the link next to using the original editor.
• To edit the Smart Label SQL manually, click the link next to using this editor.

CAUTION: If you manually edit the SQL of a Smart Label, you can no longer edit the label
  using the Smart Label template. This is because the wizard cannot be used to edit custom
3. Optional: Click Duplicate to create a new Smart Label that uses the same SQL query.
4. Click Save.
NOTE: When you click Duplicate to create a label, you can assign it to a new label only.

Setting up labels for user accounts

You can use labels to group user accounts the same way you use labels to group devices and software in the
Inventory section. In addition, you can use Smart Labels to grant levels of access to users. For example, you
could use labels to designate who can submit, accept, reject, work on, and resolve Service Desk tickets.
Additionally, any labels you create in the Inventory section can work as user labels in Service Desk, provided that
you created those labels without restrictions. If the labels were created with restrictions, you can modify them, or
create labels in the Inventory sections without restrictions.

Add an All Ticket Owners label

To give users permission to own Service Desk tickets, you can create an All Ticket Owners label that you can
apply to user accounts.
1. Go to the Label Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click Labels.
d. Select Choose Action > New Manual Label.
TIP: Avoid using backslashes (\) in label names. If you need to use a backslash in a label
  name, add a second backslash (\\) to escape it.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name The name of the label. This name appears on the Labels list.
Type a name such as All Ticket Owners.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Setting up labels for user accounts
Option Description

Description Any additional information you want to provide.

3. Click Save.
The new label is available in the Choose Action > Apply Label menu on the Users page. To assign the label to
Service Desk staff when you import user data, see Importing users from an LDAP server.

Using Smart Labels for patching

You can use Smart Labels to automatically group patches and devices. You can also label patches and devices
manually, but Smart Labels are usually more efficient because they are applied and removed automatically.
For example, you can create a Smart Label that matches all Windows 7 patches. Each time one of these
patches becomes available to the appliance, the label is applied to the patch. If you set up a patching schedule
to automatically detect and deploy devices with this label, the patch is automatically deployed to Windows 7
machines in inventory.
You can create a labeling scheme that organizes patches by operating system and importance, such as P (Patch)
Operating System Importance. For example:
• P Win7
• P Win7 Critical
• P Win7 Important
• P MS Office
• P Leopard
• P Mac10.8 Critical Test
Similarly, you create device Smart Labels to specify the devices (D), on which you want to install patches:
• D All Desktops
• D All Servers
• D All Laptops
The appliance evaluates the information provided by the Agents when they check in, and it applies device Smart
Labels if the data matches the label criteria.
Patch Smart Labels are immediately applied to existing patches that meet the criteria. The label is added to new
patches that meet the criteria when they are downloaded.

Add a Smart Label for critical OS patches

You can create a Smart Label to identify critical OS (operating system) patches.
1. Go to the Patch Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
2. Click the Smart Label tab above the list on the right.
The Smart Label panel appears.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Smart Labels for patching
3. Specify Smart Label criteria:
a. Specify criteria that identify active patches:
Patch Listing Information: Status | is | Active
b. Click Add Line, then specify criteria that identify critical patches:
AND | Patch Listing Information: Impact | is | Critical
c. Click Add Line, then specify criteria that identify Windows patches:
AND | Patch Listing Information: Operating System | is | Windows
d. Click Add Line, then specify criteria that identify operating system patches:
AND | Patch Listing Information: Category | is | OS
4. Click Test to display items that match the search criteria.
5. Adjust the criteria as needed until the results are what you expect.
6. In the Choose label drop-down list, do one of the following:
• Select an existing label to associate with the Smart Label. Type in the Choose label field to search for
existing labels.

NOTE: If you select a label group instead of a label, you will not be able to apply the Smart Label
  to a patching schedule. Patching schedules can only use Smart Labels based on a single item.

• Enter a new name for the Smart Label in the Choose label field, then press Enter or Return.

NOTE: Press Enter or Return after you enter a new Smart Label name to move the text from the
  search field to the label field.
7. Click Save.
The Smart Label is applied to existing patches that meet the criteria. The label is added to new patches that meet
the criteria when they are downloaded.
Subscribe to patches. See Subscribing to and downloading patches.

Add a Smart Label for new patches

You can create a Smart Label to quickly identify new patches that must be deployed.
1. Go to the Patch Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
2. Click the Smart Label tab above the list on the right.
The Smart Label panel appears.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Smart Labels for patching
3. Specify Smart Label criteria:
a. Specify criteria that identify patches added after a specific date:
Patch Listing Information: Release Date | > <date yyyy-mm-dd>
b. Click Add Line, then specify criteria that identify non-critical patches:
AND | Patch Listing Information: Impact | is not | Critical
c. Click Add Line, then specify criteria that identify active patches:
AND | Patch Listing Information: Status | is | Active
4. Click Test.
All non-critical patches added after the specified date are displayed.
5. In the Choose label drop-down list, do one of the following:
• Select an existing label to associate with the Smart Label. Type in the Choose label field to search for
existing labels.

NOTE: If you select a label group instead of a label, you will not be able to apply the Smart Label
  to a patching schedule. Patching schedules can only use Smart Labels based on a single item.

• Enter a new name for the Smart Label in the Choose label field, then press Enter or Return.

NOTE: Press Enter or Return after you enter a new Smart Label name to move the text from the
  search field to the label field.
6. Click Save.
The Smart Label is applied to existing patches that meet the criteria. The label is added to new patches that
meet the criteria when they are downloaded.
Subscribe to patches. See Subscribing to and downloading patches.

Using Smart Labels with Discovery Results

Smart Labels can be used to automatically assign labels to Discovery Results that meet specified criteria. This
includes DNS, Socket, and SNMP results across a single subnet or multiple subnets.

Add Discovery Results Smart Labels

You can add Smart Labels for Discovery Results to group and manage results.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Select Inventory > Discovery Results to display the Discovery Results page.
3. Click the Smart Label tab above the list on the right to display the Smart Label panel.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Smart Labels with Discovery Results
4. Select Smart Label criteria:
• Select an attribute in the left-most drop-down list. For example: Device Info: Ping Test.
• Select a condition in the middle drop-down list. For example: has.
• Select the status attribute in the next drop-down list. For example: Failed.
5. Click Test to display items that match the search criteria.
6. Adjust the criteria as needed until the results are what you expect.
7. In the Choose label drop-down list, do one of the following:
• Select an existing label to associate with the Smart Label. Type in the Choose label field to search for
existing labels.

NOTE: If you select a label group instead of a label, you will not be able to apply the Smart Label
  to a patching schedule. Patching schedules can only use Smart Labels based on a single item.

• Enter a new name for the Smart Label in the Choose label field, then press Enter or Return.

NOTE: Press Enter or Return after you enter a new Smart Label name to move the text from the
  search field to the label field.
8. Click Save.
The Smart Label is automatically applied to or removed from Discovery Results that meet the specified criteria.
The next time the Discovery Schedule runs, the Smart Label is applied to discovered devices.

Changing the run order of Discovery Results Smart Labels

You can specify the order in which Smart Labels run by changing their order values.
Smart Labels have a default order value of 100, and Smart Labels with lower values run before those with higher
values. See Assign the Smart Label run order.

Adding Smart Labels for devices

You can create Smart Labels to organize devices by type, such as desktop, server, and laptop. After you create
Smart Labels for devices, you can schedule patches to be deployed to devices based on their labels.

Add a Smart Label for desktops

You can create a Smart Label to identify devices that require desktop patches.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Click the Smart Label tab above the list on the right.
The Smart Label panel appears.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding Smart Labels for devices
3. Specify Smart Label criteria:
a. Specify the criteria required to eliminate servers:
Operating System: Name | does not contain | Server
b. Click Add Line, then specify the criteria required to eliminate laptops:
AND | Manufacturer and BIOS info: Chassis Type | does not contain | Laptop
Other useful criteria for identifying desktops include:
▪ System Names, if you give all of your desktops a similar name.
▪ System Models, such as all systems with XPS in the model name.
▪ IP addresses, or partial IP addresses using the contains criteria.
▪ BIOS Serial Numbers, or use the Includes partial serial number criteria. This is useful if you
have purchased desktops with sequential numbers. For more information, contact your vendor.
▪ Software Title, if desktops have a title in common.
4. Click Test to display items that match the search criteria.
5. In the Choose label drop-down list, do one of the following:
• Select an existing label to associate with the Smart Label. Type in the Choose label field to search for
existing labels.

NOTE: If you select a label group instead of a label, you will not be able to apply the Smart Label
  to a patching schedule. Patching schedules can only use Smart Labels based on a single item.

• Enter a new name for the Smart Label in the Choose label field, then press Enter or Return.

NOTE: Press Enter or Return after you enter a new Smart Label name to move the text from the
  search field to the label field.
6. Click Save to create the Smart Label.
7. Optional: To confirm that the new label appears on the Labels list, select Home > Labels > Smart Labels
or Label Management.
The new label appears empty at first. When devices are inventoried, the label is applied to them if they
match the Smart Label criteria.
8. Test the Smart Label:
a. Click Inventory to display the Devices page.
b. Click the name of a device that matches the criteria, but to which the label has not yet been
c. On the Device Detail page, click Force Inventory.
If the Smart Label is working correctly, the device checks in, and the label is applied to it.
Force Inventory is available only if the AMP connection to an Agent-managed device is active, or for
Agentless devices, if the device is reachable.

Add a Smart Label for servers

You can create a Smart Label to identify devices that require server patches.
1. Go to the Devices list:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding Smart Labels for devices
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Click the Smart Label tab above the list on the right.
The Smart Label panel appears.

3. Specify search criteria:

a. Specify the criteria required to identify servers:
Operating System: Name | contains | Server
b. Click Add Line, then specify the criteria required to eliminate laptops:
AND | Manufacturer and BIOS info: Chassis Type | does not contain | Laptop
Other useful criteria for identifying servers include:
▪ System Names, if you give all of your servers a similar name.
▪ IP addresses, or partial IP addresses using the contains criteria.
▪ BIOS Serial Numbers, or use the Includes partial serial number criteria. This is useful if you
have purchased servers with sequential numbers. For more information, contact your vendor.
▪ Software Title, if servers have a title in common.
4. Click Test to display items that match the search criteria.
5. In the Choose label drop-down list, do one of the following:
• Select an existing label to associate with the Smart Label. Type in the Choose label field to search for
existing labels.

NOTE: If you select a label group instead of a label, you will not be able to apply the Smart Label
  to a patching schedule. Patching schedules can only use Smart Labels based on a single item.

• Enter a new name for the Smart Label in the Choose label field, then press Enter or Return.

NOTE: Press Enter or Return after you enter a new Smart Label name to move the text from the
  search field to the label field.
6. Click Save.
7. Optional: To confirm that the new label appears on the Labels list, select Home > Labels > Smart Labels
or Label Management.
The new label appears empty at first. When devices are inventoried, the label is applied to them if they
match the Smart Label criteria.
8. Test the Smart Label:
a. Click Inventory to display the Devices page.
b. Click the name of a device that matches the criteria, but to which the label has not yet been
c. On the Device Detail page, click Force Inventory.
If the Smart Label is working correctly, the device checks in, and the label is applied to it.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding Smart Labels for devices
Force Inventory is available only if the AMP connection to an Agent-managed device is active, or for
Agentless devices, if the device is reachable.

Add a Smart Label for laptops

You can create a Smart Label to identify devices that require laptop patches.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Click the Smart Label tab above the list on the right.
The Smart Label panel appears.

3. Specify search criteria:

a. Specify the criteria required to eliminate servers:
Operating System: Name | does not contain | Server
b. Click Add Line, then specify the criteria required to identify laptops:
AND | Manufacturer and BIOS Info: Chassis Type | contains | Laptop
Other useful criteria for identifying laptops include:
▪ System Names, if you give all of your laptops a similar name.
▪ IP addresses, or partial IP addresses using the contains criteria.
▪ BIOS Serial Numbers, or use the Includes partial serial number criteria. This is useful if you
have purchased laptops with sequential numbers. For more information, contact your vendor.
▪ Software Title, if laptops have a title in common.
4. Click Test to display items that match the search criteria.
5. In the Choose label drop-down list, do one of the following:
• Select an existing label to associate with the Smart Label. Type in the Choose label field to search for
existing labels.

NOTE: If you select a label group instead of a label, you will not be able to apply the Smart Label
  to a patching schedule. Patching schedules can only use Smart Labels based on a single item.

• Enter a new name for the Smart Label in the Choose label field, then press Enter or Return.

NOTE: Press Enter or Return after you enter a new Smart Label name to move the text from the
  search field to the label field.
6. Click Save to create the Smart Label.
7. Optional: To confirm that the new label appears on the Labels list, select Home > Labels > Smart Labels
or Label Management.
The new label appears empty at first. When devices are inventoried, the label is applied to them if they
match the Smart Label criteria.
8. Test the Smart Label:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding Smart Labels for devices
a. Click Inventory to display the Devices page.
b. Click the name of a device that matches the criteria, but to which the label has not yet been
c. On the Device Detail page, click Force Inventory.
If the Smart Label is working correctly, the device checks in, and the label is applied to it.
Force Inventory is available only if the AMP connection to an Agent-managed device is active, or for
Agentless devices, if the device is reachable.

Assign the Smart Label run order

You can run Smart Labels sequentially by assigning the run order in the Smart Label properties.
Assigning the Smart Label run order can be useful when you want to run a specific Smart Label before other
Smart Labels. For example, you might have a Smart Label that identifies a set of devices. If you want to use a
second Smart Label to further refine the set of devices based on the first label being applied, you could set the run
order so that the first Smart Label runs before the second one. Smart Labels have a default order value of 100,
and Smart Labels with lower values run before those with higher values.
1. Go to the Smart Label list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click Smart Labels.
2. In the Choose Action menu, in the Order section, select the type of label whose run order you want to
The Order page appears, showing all Smart Labels of the selected type.
3. To change a Smart Label’s order value:
Click the Edit button to the right of the Order column: .
b. Enter an order value, then click Save.
4. Click Save.

Delete Smart Labels

Deleting Smart Label is useful if you need to make extensive changes to Smart Label criteria while preserving
labels used in tasks such as Managed Installations.
For example, you could delete all the criteria from a Smart Label, then re-apply new criteria to the container
label. In effect, this would create a new Smart Label using the existing container label required for Managed
Deleting a Smart Label removes the criteria associated with the Smart Label, but it does not delete any other
labels associated with the Smart Label.
1. Go to the Smart Label list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click Smart Labels.
2. Select the check box next to one or more Smart Labels.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete Smart Labels
Managing label groups
You manage label groups in the Labels section.

Add, view, or edit label groups

You can add, view, and edit label groups as needed.
1. Go to the Label Group Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click Labels.
d. Display the Label Group Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a label group
▪ Select Choose Action > New Label Group
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name The name of the label group.

Description Any additional information you want to provide.

Restrict Label (Optional) The categories of items to which the label or label group can be applied.
Group Usage To If you do not restrict label usage, the label or label group can be applied to any item.
However, if you restrict the label or label group to categories such as Applications
and Patches, that label or label group can be applied only to Applications and
Patches; it cannot be applied to other items, such as Devices.

Meter Software Select or clear this check box to enable or disable metering for Device labels.

Allow Application Enable Application Control on devices. Software marked as Not Allowed is prevented
Control from running on devices to which the label is applied.

Label Group (Optional) The label group to which the label is assigned. To assign the label to a
label group, click Edit next to the Label Group field, then select a label group. This is
useful if you have a large number of labels and you want to organize them into sub-
labels. For example, you could include the labels of your licensed applications in a
group label named Licenses. In addition, labels inherit any restrictions of the groups
to which they belong.

3. Click Save.
Related topics
Apply the Application Control label to devices

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add, view, or edit label groups
Assign labels to or remove labels from label groups
Labels can be assigned to groups, and they can be associated with more than one label group. Labels inherit the
restrictions of the groups to which they belong.
1. Go to the Labels list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click Labels.
2. Select the check boxes next to the labels you want to assign to a group.
3. Select Choose Action > Apply Label Groups, then select the label group to which you want to assign the
Apply Label Groups appears only if you have label groups on your appliance.
The name of the label group appears next to the name of the label or labels you selected.
4. Select the check box next to the labels you want to remove from a group.
5. Select Choose Action > Remove Label Groups, then select the label group from which you want to
remove the labels.
Remove Label Groups appears only if you have label groups on your appliance.
The name of the label group no longer appears next to the name of the label or labels you selected.

Delete label groups

You can delete label groups only if they do not contain any labels or subgroups.
If a label group contains labels or subgroups, you must remove them from the label group before you can delete
the group.
1. Go to the Labels list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click Labels.
2. If the label group does not contain any labels or subgroups:
a. Select the check box next to the group’s name
b. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.
The label group is removed.
3. If the group contains labels or subgroups:
a. Click the name of the label group to display the Label Group Detail page.
b. In the Labeled Items section toward the bottom of the page, click the Add button to expand the
Labels section: .
c. Click the name of a label or label group to display the detail page for that label or label group.
d. In the Label Group field, click Edit.
e. In the Assign to Label Group window, click the Delete button next to the label you want to
remove: .

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete label groups
f. Click OK, then click Save.
g. When you have removed all labels and subgroups from the label group, select the check box next
to the label group’s name on the Labels page.
h. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Managing LDAP Labels

You manage LDAP Labels in the Labels section.

Add or edit LDAP Labels

You can add and edit LDAP Labels as needed. Be sure to test LDAP Labels before you enable them.
1. Go to the LDAP Label Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click LDAP Labels.
d. Display the LDAP Label Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of an LDAP label.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Enabled Enable the appliance to run the LDAP Label.

NOTE: Select the Enabled check box only after you have tested the LDAP
  Label to verify that the LDAP criteria is correct and labels are applied as

Type The LDAP Label type. There are two types of LDAP Labels:
• Device: Labels applied to device records. This is useful if you want to
automatically group devices by name, description, and other LDAP criteria.
When devices are inventoried, this query runs against the LDAP server to
determine whether any devices contain LDAP attributes with values that
correspond to the LDAP search filter criteria. If a result is returned, the device
is assigned the label specified in the Associated Label Name field.
You must include at least one KACE SMA variable, such as
KBOX_COMPUTER_NAME, in device labels for the LDAP label to be applied to
a device. During LDAP label processing, the variable is used to compare an
attribute's value in the LDAP directory to determine whether relationships exists
between the LDAP object and a KACE SMA object. See LDAP variables.
• User: Labels applied to user records. This is useful if you want to automatically
group users by domain, location, budget code, or other LDAP criteria. LDAP
Labels are applied to or removed from user records when users are imported
to the appliance manually or according to a schedule. You can use user
variables, such as KBOX_USER_NAME, in user labels. During LDAP label
processing, the variable is used to compare an attribute's value in the LDAP

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit LDAP Labels
Option Description
directory to determine whether relationships exists between the LDAP object
and a KACE SMA object. See LDAP variables.

TIP: To test a label, replace the KBOX_ variables with the appropriate
  values for your environment, then select Test.

Associated Label The manual label, or container label, to associate with this LDAP Label. Each LDAP
Label must have an associated label.

Associated Label Notes from the label selected in the Associated Label Name field.

Server The IP address or the hostname of the LDAP server. If the IP address is not valid, the
appliance waits to timeout, resulting in login delays during LDAP authentication.
NOTE: To connect through SSL, use an IP address or hostname. For
  example: ldaps://hostname.

Port The LDAP port number, which is usually 389 (LDAP) or 636 (secure LDAP).

Base DN The criteria used to search for accounts.

This criteria specifies a location or container in the LDAP or Active Directory
structure, and the criteria should include all the users that you want to authenticate.
Enter the most specific combination of OUs, DCs, or CNs that match your criteria,
ranging from left (most specific) to right (most general). For example, this path leads
to the container with users that you need to authenticate:

Advanced Search The search filter. For example:


Login The credentials of the account the KACE SMA uses to log in to the LDAP server to
read accounts. For example:
LDAP Login:CN=service_account,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=com.
If user name and password are not provided, the tree lookup is not performed. Each
LDAP Label can connect to a different LDAP or Active Directory server.

Password The password of the account the KACE SMA uses to log in to the LDAP server.

Label Attribute For User-type labels: Enter a label attribute, such as: memberOf.
This setting returns a list of groups this user is a member of. The union of all the label
attributes forms the list of labels you can import. If the search filter contains both the
label names and user names, the label attribute is not required.

Label Prefix For User-type labels only: Enter the label prefix. For example: ldap_
The label prefix is a string that is added to the beginning of all the labels.

If you are unsure of the Base DN and Advanced Search information, use the LDAP Browser. See Use the
LDAP Browser.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit LDAP Labels
NOTE: Negative search filters are formatted as follows: (!(sAMAccountName=David)). Any other
  format using negatives will result in an error.
3. Click the Test button to test the new label. Change the label parameters and test again as needed.
4. If the LDAP Label is ready to use, select the Enabled check box. Otherwise, save the label without enabling
5. Click Save.
Related topics
Use the LDAP Browser

Enable LDAP Labels

After you have added and tested an LDAP Label, you can enable it. Device LDAP Labels that are enabled run
against the LDAP server when devices check in to the appliance. User LDAP Labels that are enabled run against
the LDAP server when users are imported manually or imported according to a schedule.
Add and test an LDAP Label. See Add or edit LDAP Labels.
1. Go to the LDAP Label Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click LDAP Labels.
d. Click the name of an LDAP label.
2. Select the Enabled check box.
3. Click Save.

Delete LDAP Labels

Deleting an LDAP Label removes the criteria associated with the LDAP Label, but it does not delete any other
labels associated with the LDAP Label.
1. Go to the LDAP Label Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click LDAP Labels.
2. Select the check box next to one or more LDAP Labels.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Use the LDAP Browser

The LDAP Browser enables you to browse and search data located on an LDAP server, such as an Active
Directory server.
To use the LDAP Browser, you must have the Bind DN and the LDAP password to log on to the LDAP server.
The LDAP Browser can be useful when you need to enter information in the Search Base DN and the Search
Filter fields for LDAP queries.
1. Go to the LDAP Browser:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Use the LDAP Browser
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click LDAP Browser.
2. Specify LDAP Server settings:
Option Description

IP Address or The IP address or the hostname of the LDAP server. If the IP address is not valid, the
Hostname appliance waits to timeout, resulting in login delays during LDAP authentication.
NOTE: To connect through SSL, use an IP address or hostname. For
  example: ldaps://hostname.

Port The LDAP port number, which is usually 389 (LDAP) or 636 (secure LDAP).

Login The credentials of the account the KACE SMA uses to log in to the LDAP server to
read accounts. For example:
LDAP Login:CN=service_account,CN=Users,
If user name and password are not provided, the tree lookup is not performed. Each
LDAP Label can connect to a different LDAP or Active Directory server.

Password The password of the account the KACE SMA uses to log in to the LDAP server.

3. Click Test.
Upon successful connection to the LDAP server, the Next button becomes active.
If the operation fails, verify the following:
◦ The IP address or hostname is correct.
◦ The LDAP server is running.
◦ The login credentials are correct.
4. Click Next.
The Narrow the Search window appears.
5. Enter a search filter to limit the number of results displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Option Description

LDAP EasySearch Type a string that you want to search for.

Search on Indicate if you want to search for indexed or non-indexed fields by

selecting the appropriate option, as required.

Other attributes Type a comma-separated list of Active Directory fields that you want to
search for.
NOTE: The search does not check if the specified fields actually
  exist in the Active Directory.

6. Click Go.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Use the LDAP Browser
The search results appear at the bottom of the screen, on the left panel.
7. Click a child node to view its attributes.
The attributes appear in the right panel.

Configuring user accounts, LDAP

authentication, and SSO
You can configure and manage user accounts, authenticate users with LDAP information, and enable single sign
on (SSO) for users.

About user accounts and user authentication

User accounts can be created and managed on the appliance. Users who access the Administrator Console and
User Console using these accounts are referred to as locally authenticated.
As an alternative to local authentication, you can set up external authentication through an external LDAP server.
See Using an LDAP server for user authentication.
Types of locally authenticated user accounts include:
• System-level user accounts. Accounts that enable users to log in to the System Administration Console
to manage appliance settings, such as the appliance host name and network settings. System-level user
accounts include the default admin account for the appliance. These accounts also enable access to
organization-level components (admiui) and the User Console. See Managing System-level user accounts.
• Organization user accounts. Accounts that enable users to log in to the Administrator Console
Organization level (Administrator Console ) to manage organization-specific components. These
components may include Inventory, Assets, Distribution, Scripting, Security, Service Desk, and User
Console depending on the user's role. See Managing organization user accounts.

About locale settings

Locale settings determine the language used for text in the interfaces. You can select locale settings for the
Command Line Console, Administrator Console, and User Console.
See Configuring locale settings.

Managing System-level user accounts

System-level user accounts enable users to log in to the System Administration Console to manage appliance
settings, such as the appliance host name and network settings. System-level user accounts authenticate users
locally on the appliance.
To use an LDAP server for user authentication, see Using an LDAP server for user authentication.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing System-level user accounts
NOTE: You cannot change the username of the default admin account, and you cannot delete the
  account. However, you can change the password of the admin account. See Add or edit System-level user
NOTE: In addition, if the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, or if you want to link
multiple K-Series appliances, use caution when changing the password of the admin account. The admin
account passwords on all linked appliances and organizations must be the same if you want to switch
among them using the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the Administrator Console. The drop-down
list shows only those appliances and organizations whose admin account passwords are the same.
NOTE: See Enable fast switching for organizations and linked appliances.

Add or edit System-level user accounts

You can add or edit System-level user accounts as needed. These accounts enable users to log in to the System
Administration Console to manage appliance settings.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can also add or edit organization-specific user
accounts. See Managing organization user accounts.

NOTE: You cannot change the username of the default admin account, and you cannot delete the
  account. However, you can change the password of the admin account. See Add or edit System-level user
NOTE: In addition, if the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, or if you want to link
multiple K-Series appliances, use caution when changing the password of the admin account. The admin
account passwords on all linked appliances and organizations must be the same if you want to switch
among them using the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the Administrator Console. The drop-down
list shows only those appliances and organizations whose admin account passwords are the same.
NOTE: See Enable fast switching for organizations and linked appliances.
1. Go to the Administrator Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Administrators.
c. Display the Administrator Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of an administrator
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. Enter or change the user information.
Option Description

Login (Required) The name the user types in the Login ID field on the login page.
You cannot change the login of the default admin account.

Full Name The user’s full name.

Email The user’s email address.

Domain The Active Directory domain associated with the user.

Budget Code The code of the financial department associated with the user.

Location The name of the work site or building where the user is located.

Work Phone, The user’s telephone numbers.

Home Phone,
KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide
Add or edit System-level user accounts
Option Description
Mobile Phone, and
Pager Number

Custom 1-4 Any additional information about the user or the user’s account.

Password and (Required) The password the user types when logging in.
Confirm Password If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, or if you want to link
multiple K-Series appliances, use caution when changing the password of the admin
account. Admin account passwords for the System-level, for organizations, and for
linked appliances must be the same if you want to switch among them using the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the Administrator Console. The drop-down list
shows only those organizations and appliances whose admin account passwords are
the same.

Role (Required) Roles are assigned to user accounts to control access to the Administrator
Console and User Console. Default administrator roles include:
• Administrator: This user can log in to and access all features in the
Administrator Console.
• Read Only Administrator: This user can log in but cannot modify any settings
in the Administrator Console.
You cannot change the role of the default admin account.

Make default Select this option if you want the selected role to become the default role for new

Locale The locale to use for the Administrator Console and User Console for the user. You
cannot change the locale of the default admin account.

Enable KACE Enable Quest to send security notifications to the email address of this administrator.
Security This feature is available only to System-level administrator accounts. It is not
Notifications available to Admin-level administrator accounts, or non-administrator user accounts.

Enable KACE Enable Quest to send sales and marketing notifications to the email address of this
Sales and administrator. This feature is available only to System-level administrator accounts;
Marketing it is not available to Admin-level administrator accounts, or non-administrator user
Notifications accounts.

3. Click Save.

Manage appliance administrator email notifications

Quest notifies appliance administrators of security issues and sales and marketing opportunities using email. You
can enable or disable the email notifications for System-level (appliance) administrator accounts.
Email notifications are available only to appliance administrator accounts. Notifications are not available to non-
administrator users. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, notifications are not available to
Admin-level administrator accounts in organizations.
1. Go to the User Detail page or the Administrator Detail page:
To go the User Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Manage appliance administrator email notifications
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
c. Display the User Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a user.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
To go the Administrator Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Administrators.
c. Display the Administrator Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of an administrator
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. Verify the user information, email address, and role.
NOTE: To enable notifications, the user must have an appliance administrator role.
3. At the bottom of the form, select or clear the check boxes next to the notification fields to enable or disable
email notifications for the administrator.
Option Description

Enable KACE Enable Quest to send security notifications to the

Security email address of this administrator. This feature
Notifications is available only to System-level administrator
accounts. It is not available to Admin-level
administrator accounts, or non-administrator user

Enable KACE Enable Quest to send sales and marketing

Sales and notifications to the email address of this
Marketing administrator. This feature is available only to
Notifications System-level administrator accounts; it is not
available to Admin-level administrator accounts, or
non-administrator user accounts.

4. Click Save.

Delete System-level user accounts

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can delete user accounts at the System level.
This option is available only if the Organization component is enabled on the appliance.
If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, follow the instructions in Managing organization
user accounts.

NOTE: You cannot delete the default admin account.

1. Go to the Administrators list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete System-level user accounts
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Administrators.
2. Select the check box next to one or more accounts.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Managing organization user accounts

Organization user accounts provide the credentials that enable users to log in to the Administrator Console or
User Console and access components based on the user role assigned to their account. You can add or edit user
roles and user accounts as needed.
Organization user accounts authenticate users locally on the appliance. To use an LDAP server for user
authentication, see Using an LDAP server for user authentication.

Add or edit User Roles

User Roles are assigned to user accounts to control access to the Administrator Console and User Console. You
can add or edit User Roles as needed.
However, you cannot edit the predefined roles: Administrator, No Access, Read Only Administrator, and User.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the permissions available to User Roles depends on
the Organization Role assigned to the organization. See Managing Organization Roles and User Roles.
1. Go to the Role Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Roles.
c. Display the Role Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a role.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Name field, provide a name, such as Service Desk Staff.
You cannot change the name of the predefined roles.
3. If you want this role to be a default role for new roles, select the Default role for new users check box.
4. In the Description field, provide a brief description of the role, such as Used for Service Desk
This description appears on the Roles list. You cannot change the description of predefined roles.
5. Set the Administrator Console permissions.
a. Under Administrator Console Permissions, click the Expand All.
b. Set the permissions for each component, as applicable.
6. Set the User Console permissions.
a. Under End User Console Permissions, click User Console to expand the list of permissions.
b. Set the permissions for each component, as applicable.
7. Under Device Scope, specify the devices to which you want to grant full access with this role.
Role-based user access allows administrators to restrict actions to users based on the devices associated
with their user role. You can grant access to all devices with a user with a specific role (a scoped user), or
only to selected devices that are associated with a label.

TIP: Labels are containers that enable you to organize and categorize items, such as devices, so
  that you can manage them as a group. For more information about labels, see About labels.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit User Roles
TIP: When a Smart Label is associated with a role, this is indicated on the Smart Labels list, in
  the Name column.

◦ To grant access to all devices in the appliance or organization (as applicable), select All Devices.
◦ To grant access only to devices associated with a specific label, click Manage Associated Labels,
and select a label, as required.
8. Click Save.
The Roles page appears. When a user who is assigned to the role logs in, the appliance component bar shows
the available features.

Delete User Roles

You can delete User Roles provided that they are not assigned to any users and that they are not predefined User
Roles. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you delete User Roles for each organization
NOTE: You cannot delete User Roles that are associated with one or more labels.
1. Go to the Roles list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Roles.
2. Select the check box next to one or more roles.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Add or edit organization user accounts

You can add or edit user accounts at the organization level. If the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, you add and edit users accounts for each organization separately.
1. Go to the User Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
c. Display the User Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a user.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.

NOTE: There can be a maximum of 50 organization in your system. Any attempts to create more
  organizations result in an error message.
2. Add or edit the following information:
Option Description

Login (Required) The name the user types in the Login ID field on the login page.
You cannot change the login of the default admin account.

Name The user’s full name.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit organization user accounts
Option Description

Primary Email The user’s primary email address.

Additional Emails One or more additional emails the user has access to. Separate multiple entries with

Domain The Active Directory domain associated with the user.

Budget Code The code of the financial department associated with the user.

Location The name of the work site or building where the user is located. Click and select a
location from the drop-down list that appears.

Work Phone, The user’s telephone numbers.

Home Phone,
Mobile Phone, and
Pager Number

Custom 1-4 Any additional information about the user or the user’s account.

Password and (Required) The password the user types when logging in.
Confirm Password

Role (Required) The role associated with the user. Roles are assigned to user accounts to
control access to the Administrator Console and User Console. Default system roles
• Administrator: This user can log in to and access all features in the
Administrator Console.
• Read Only Administrator: This user can log in but cannot modify any settings
in the Administrator Console.
• Administrator Console only: This user can log in to the Administrator
Console only.
• No Access: The user cannot log in to the Administrator Console or the User
You cannot change the role of the default admin account.

Locale The locale that is displayed when the user logs in to the Administrator Console or the
User Console.

Assign To Label The label associated with the user.

Default Queue The queue used as the default for Service Desk tickets submitted by the user.

Mobile Device Enable or disable Mobile Device Access for the user. Mobile device access enables
Access you to interact with the KACE SMA using the KACE GO app on iOS and Android
smart phones and tablets. Administrators can use the app to access Service Desk,
inventory, and application deployment features.
NOTE: This field is available when mobile device access is enabled on the
  appliance. See Configuring Mobile Device Access.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit organization user accounts
Option Description

Service Desk (Read only) Links to tickets created by the user.


Associated (Read only) Assets assigned to the user. For each user, the list shows the asset
Assets name, its type (for example, Software or Device), and the asset subtype (if
applicable). You can sort the list by any column heading, as needed.

Assigned Devices Devices assigned to the user. For each user, the list shows the device name, its
subtype (if applicable), and an indication of whether a device is a primary user's
device. You can sort the list by any column heading, as needed.

To assign a device to a user, click , and select an asset. If you choose a device
that is already assigned to another user, the ownership of that device shifts to this
The first device assigned to the user becomes the primary device by default. When
multiple devices are assigned to a user, any device can be set as a primary device.

3. Click Save.
Related topics
Add or edit User Roles
Configuring locale settings
About labels
Configuring Mobile Device Access

Customize user details

You can modify the custom fields available in user accounts as needed.
Every user account comes with a set of custom fields. You can edit these fields so that they can contain
meaningful user-specific information, such as their badge number.
1. Go to the User Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
c. Select Choose Action > New to display the User Detail page.
2. On the User Detail page, click Customize Additional Fields.
The User Custom Fields page appears.
3. For each custom field, you can specify the following information:
Option Description

Field Name The name of the custom field.

Required An indicator of whether the field is required.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize user details
Option Description

Default Value The default value.

4. Manage the collection of custom fields, as needed, using the available controls.
5. Click Save.

Archive user accounts

When users are removed from your system, you have an option to archive their accounts prior to deleting them.
In order to archive user accounts, user archival must be enabled on the General Settings page. For more
information, see Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings.
Archived user accounts are maintained on the appliance in read-only mode. You can delete them, as needed.
If you archive a user account, and add it to appliance again, a new user account is created, while the archived
account is maintained until being removed. For example, if an employee leaves the organization and its user
account becomes archived, if they join the organization again, a new user account is created without any
association with the archived account. Similarly, if you archive a user account on the appliance without updating
your organization's Active Directory, an LDAP import results in a new user account, that is not associated with the
previously archived user.

NOTE: When user archival is enabled, user accounts can only be deleted only if they are marked as
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Control Panel > Users.
3. Complete one of the following steps:
• On the Users list, select one or more user accounts that you want to archive and select Choose
Action > Archive.
• On the Users list, click the name of the user that you want to archive. On the User Detail page that
appears, click Archive.
4. In the dialog box that appears, click Confirm.

The dialog box closes, and the Users list refreshes, indicating that the user is in the Archived state ( ).
5. If you want to review the details for an archived user, on the Users list, in the Name column, click the user
The User Details page appears, showing the user details in read-only mode.
Next, you can delete archived user accounts, if needed.

View or edit user profiles

You can view general information about your user profile, and edit some settings, when needed.
The User Profile dialog box allows every user to quickly change their password, review the devices and assets
assigned to them, and any Service Desk Tickets that they created. Users with administrative-level permissions
can also edit some additional parameters, such as their name, email, manager, and locale. They can also quickly
go to the User Detail page to review additional information about their account, and to make any changes, as

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View or edit user profiles
For more information about editing user accounts using the User Detail page, see the following topics:
• Add or edit organization user accounts
• Add or edit System-level user accounts
1. Do one of the following:
• Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, where
KACE_SMA_hostname is the hostname of your appliance. Or, if Show organization menu in admin
header is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the
top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
• Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system,
where KACE_SMA_hostname is the hostname of your appliance, or select System from the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page.
• Log in to the KACE SMA User Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/user, where
KACE_SMA_hostname is the hostname of your appliance, or select User Console from the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page.
2. From the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page, select My Profile.
The User Profile dialog box appears.
3. Review and edit the information on the User Profile dialog box, as needed.
NOTE: Users without administrative privileges can only update their passwords and view a limited set
  of information in this dialog box without making any additional changes or accessing the User Detail

Tab Option Description

Profile Login The name the user types in the Login ID field on
the login page.
NOTE: You cannot change the login of the
  default admin account.

Name The user’s full name.

Primary Email The user’s email address.

Manager The user’s manager.

Locale The locale to use for the Administrator Console

and User Console for the user.

Update Password The password the user types when logging in.
If the Organization component is enabled on
your appliance, or if you want to link multiple K-
Series appliances, use caution when changing
the password of the admin account. Admin
account passwords for the System-level, for
organizations, and for linked appliances must be
the same if you want to switch among them using
the drop-down list in the top-right corner. The
drop-down list shows only those organizations
and appliances whose admin account passwords
are the same.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View or edit user profiles
Tab Option Description

Devices Name The device name.

Subtype The Asset Subtype for this device, if one is


Primary Device Indicates if the device is the primary device for

the selected user.

Assets Name The asset name.

Type The asset type.

Subtype The Asset Subtype for this device, if one is


Service Desk Number The number of the Service Desk ticket the user
Tickets logged.

Title The title of the Service Desk ticket the user


Status The status of the Service Desk ticket the user


4. Optional. To access the User Detail page, in the top-left corner, click View Full Profile, and continue
reviewing and editing the user profile on that page.
NOTE: This link only appears if your account has administrative privileges.
5. To save your changes, click Update.

Using an LDAP server for user authentication

User authentication can be done locally, using accounts created on the KACE SMA, or externally, using an LDAP
If you use external LDAP server authentication, the appliance accesses a directory service to authenticate users.
This allows users to log in to the appliance Administrator Console or User Console using their domain username
and password.
For information about adding user accounts to the KACE SMA for local user authentication, see:
• About user accounts and user authentication
• Managing user accounts for organizations

About the login account on your LDAP server

To set up LDAP user authentication, you need to create a login account for the KACE SMA on your LDAP server.
The KACE SMA uses this account to read and import user information from the LDAP server.
The account needs read-only access to the Search Base DN field on the LDAP server. The account does not
need write access, because the appliance does not write to the LDAP server.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About the login account on your LDAP server
In addition, the account must have a password that never expires. Because the password never expires,
make sure it is very secure. The user can change the password (that complies with the appropriate security
requirements), however, the password must be updated in the KACE SMA. You can give the account a
username, such as KACE_Login, or you can attempt to connect to the LDAP server using an anonymous bind.

Configure and test LDAP user authentication

You can configure and test connections from the KACE SMA to an external LDAP server.
1. Go to the Admin-level Authentication Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings.
c. On the Control Panel, click User Authentication.
2. Select the LDAP Authentication option:
Option Description

Local Enable local authentication (the default). If local authentication is enabled, the
Authentication password is authenticated against the existing entries in the local database at
Settings > Users.

LDAP Enable external user authentication using an LDAP server or Active Directory server.
Authentication If LDAP Authentication is enabled, the password is authenticated against the external
LDAP server.
For assistance with authentication, contact Quest Support at https://

3. Click the buttons next to the server names to perform the following actions:
Button Action

Schedule a user import for the server.

Modify the server definition. For information about the fields in this section, see Table

Remove the server.

Change the order of the server in the list of servers.

4. Optional: Click New to add an LDAP server. You can have more than one LDAP server configured.
NOTE: All servers must have a valid IP address or hostname. Otherwise, the operation times out,
  which results in login delays when using LDAP authentication.
5. To add a server, provide the following information:
Table 5. Server information

Option Description

Name The name you want to use to identify the server.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure and test LDAP user authentication
Option Description

Host Name or IP The IP address or the hostname of the LDAP server. If the IP address is not valid, the
Address appliance waits to timeout, resulting in login delays during LDAP authentication.
NOTE: To connect through SSL, use an IP address or hostname. For
  example: ldaps://hostname.

Port The LDAP port number, which is usually 389 (LDAP) or 636 (secure LDAP).

Base DN The criteria used to search for accounts.

This criteria specifies a location or container in the LDAP or Active Directory
structure, and the criteria should include all the users that you want to authenticate.
Enter the most specific combination of OUs, DCs, or CNs that match your criteria,
ranging from left (most specific) to right (most general). For example, this path leads
to the container with users that you need to authenticate:
NOTE: Domain Users is a special group that is not added to the
  memberof attribute values. For Domain Users members, use this format:

Advanced Search The search filter. For example:


Login The credentials of the account the KACE SMA uses to log in to the LDAP server to
read accounts. For example:
LDAP Login:CN=service_account,CN=Users,
If user name and password are not provided, the tree lookup is not performed.
Each LDAP Label can connect to a different LDAP or Active Directory server.

Password The password of the account the KACE SMA uses to log in to the LDAP server.

Role (Required) The user’s role:

• Administrator: The user can log in to and access all features of the
Administrator Console and User Console.
• Read Only Administrator: The user can log in, but cannot modify any settings
in the Administrator Console or User Console.
• User Console Only: The user can log in only to the User Console.
• No Access: The user cannot log in to the Administrator Console or User
Console. No Access is the default role.

NOTE: These roles are predefined and you cannot edit them. However, you
  can create and edit custom roles as needed.

NOTE: Record the search and filtering criteria you use for filling out this form. You use this same
  information to import user data, and later to schedule user import on a regular basis.
6. Click Save.
7. Test authentication on an external LDAP server as follows:
a. Select the LDAP Authentication.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure and test LDAP user authentication
Click the Edit button next to the server on which the user account you are testing is located .
c. In the Advanced Search: box, replace KBOX_USER with the username to test. The syntax is
d. Enter the user’s password in the Password for test field.
e. Click Test.
If the test is successful, the authentication setup is complete for this user, and other users in the same
LDAP container.

Importing users from an LDAP server

You can import user information from LDAP servers to create user accounts on the KACE SMA. This provides
administrators, such as Service Desk staff, with a richer set of data to use when working with users.
There are two ways to import user information:
• Manually: See Import user information manually
• According to a schedule: See Import user information according to a schedule

NOTE: User information is overwritten each time users are imported to the appliance. Password
  information, however, is not imported. Users must enter their passwords each time they log in to the
Administrator Console or User Console.

Import user information manually

You can import user information manually by specifying criteria to identify the users you want to import.
1. Go to the Users page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
c. Select Choose Action > Import Users.
2. Provide the following information:
NOTE: Use the LDAP Browser to specify the Search Base DN and Search Filter. See Use the LDAP

Option Description

Server The IP address or the hostname of the LDAP server. If the IP address is not valid, the
appliance waits to timeout, resulting in login delays during LDAP authentication.
NOTE: To connect through SSL, use an IP address or hostname. For
  example: ldaps://hostname.

Port The LDAP port number, which is usually 389 (LDAP) or 636 (secure LDAP).

Base DN The criteria used to search for accounts.

This criteria specifies a location or container in the LDAP or Active Directory
structure, and the criteria should include all the users that you want to authenticate.
Enter the most specific combination of OUs, DCs, or CNs that match your criteria,
ranging from left (most specific) to right (most general). For example, this path leads
to the container with users that you need to authenticate:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Import user information manually
Option Description

NOTE: Use the LDAP Browser to specify the Search Base DN and Search
  Filter. Use the LDAP Browser.

Advanced Search The search filter. For example:


Login The credentials of the account the KACE SMA uses to log in to the LDAP server to
read accounts. For example:
LDAP Login:CN=service_account,CN=Users,
If user name and password are not provided, the tree lookup is not performed. Each
LDAP Label can connect to a different LDAP or Active Directory server.

Password The password of the account the KACE SMA uses to log in to the LDAP server.

3. Specify the LDAP attributes to import.

Option Description

Attributes to Specify the LDAP attributes to retrieve. For example:

retrieve sAMAccountName, objectguid, mail, memberof, displayname, sn,
cn, userPrincipalName, name, description, manager
The LDAP attributes specified in this field can be mapped to KACE SMA User
attributes on the next page. If this field is blank, the appliance retrieves all LDAP
attributes. Leaving this field blank increases the time required to import attributes and
is not recommended.
IMPORTANT: To retrieve the manager object associated with the user, you
  must add the manager attribute to the list, and to specify this mapping in a
later step.

Label Attribute Enter a label attribute. For example: memberof.

This setting returns a list of groups this user is a member of. The union of all the label
attributes forms the list of labels you can import. If the search filter contains both the
label names and user names, the label attribute is not required.

Label Prefix Enter the label prefix. For example: ldap_

The label prefix is a string that is added to the beginning of all the labels.

Binary Attributes Enter the binary attributes. For example: objectsid.

Binary attributes indicates which attributes should be treated as binary for purposes
of storage.

Maximum Number Enter the maximum number of rows to retrieve. This limits the result set that is
of Rows returned in the next step.

Debug Output Select the check box to view the debug output.

4. Click Next.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Import user information manually
The Define mapping between User attributes and LDAP attributes page appears.
5. In the drop-down list next each attribute, select the value to use for KACE SMA User attributes during
import. Values in the drop-down list are the values specified in the Attributes to retrieve field on the previous
The following attribute mappings are required:

Option Description

Ldap Uid The identifier for the user. Recommended value: objectguid.

User Name The name of the user. Recommended value: name.

Email The email address for the user. Recommended value: mail.

Manager The manager of the user. This mapping is mandatory only if you want to retrieve the
manager information. Recommended value: manager.
IMPORTANT: To retrieve the manager object associated with the user, you
  must also add the manager attribute to the Attributes to retrieve box.

The following attribute mappings are not required, but they are recommended:

Option Description

Api Enabled Whether users are enabled to access the KACE SMA using the KACE GO app.
Access is enabled if the field contains a numerical value. Access is disabled if the
field contains no value. Therefore, to enable access, select an attribute that returns a
numerical value. To disable access, select No Value.

Ams Id Not used in the KACE SMA 6.4 release. Recommended value: No Value.

6. Optional: In the Role drop-down list, select the role for the imported users. See Add or edit User Roles.
7. Optional: In the Labels drop-down list, select the label to apply to imported users. See About labels.
8. In the Search Results section below the attribute mapping drop-down lists, verify that the list of users to
import is correct, and the information listed for each user is what you expect. To refine your search, click the
Back button and revise the search parameters and attributes.
For example, to change the number of Search Results, change the Maximum Number of Rows on the
Choose attributes to import page.
9. Click Next to display the Import Data into the KACE SMA page.
10. Review the tables of users to ensure that the data is valid and includes the data that you expect.
Only users with values for the required attributes, Ldap Uid, User Name, Email, and Manager are imported.
Records that do not have these values are listed in the Users with invalid data section.
11. Click Import Now to start the import.
The Users page appears, and the imported users appear on the list. The imported users can access the features
of the Administrator Console, User Console based on the role to which they are assigned.

Import user information according to a schedule

To keep user data current, schedule regular user data imports from your LDAP server.
1. Go to the Admin-level Authentication Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Import user information according to a schedule
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings.
c. On the Control Panel, click User Authentication.
2. Select LDAP Authentication, then click the Schedule button next to the server name in the list of
servers to schedule a user import:
The User Import: Schedule – Choose attributes to import page appears.
The following Read Only Administrator Server Details are displayed:

Option Description

Server The IP address or the hostname of the LDAP server. If the IP address is not valid, the
appliance waits to timeout, resulting in login delays during LDAP authentication.
NOTE: To connect through SSL, use an IP address or hostname. For
  example: ldaps://hostname.

Port The LDAP port number, which is usually 389 (LDAP) or 636 (secure LDAP).

Base DN The criteria used to search for accounts.

This criteria specifies a location or container in the LDAP or Active Directory
structure, and the criteria should include all the users that you want to authenticate.
Enter the most specific combination of OUs, DCs, or CNs that match your criteria,
ranging from left (most specific) to right (most general). For example, this path leads
to the container with users that you need to authenticate:
NOTE: Use the LDAP Browser to specify the Search Base DN and Search
  Filter. Use the LDAP Browser.

Advanced Search The search filter. For example:


Login The credentials of the account the KACE SMA uses to log in to the LDAP server to
read accounts. For example:
LDAP Login:CN=service_account,CN=Users,
If user name and password are not provided, the tree lookup is not performed. Each
LDAP Label can connect to a different LDAP or Active Directory server.

Password The password of the account the KACE SMA uses to log in to the LDAP server.

3. Specify the LDAP attributes to import.

Option Description

Attributes to Specify the LDAP attributes to retrieve. For example:

retrieve sAMAccountName, objectguid, mail, memberof, displayname, sn,
cn, userPrincipalName, name, description, manager
The LDAP attributes specified in this field can be mapped to KACE SMA User
attributes on the next page. If this field is blank, the appliance retrieves all LDAP
attributes. Leaving this field blank increases the time required to import attributes and
is not recommended.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Import user information according to a schedule
Option Description

IMPORTANT: To retrieve the manager object associated with the user, you
  must add the manager attribute to the list, and to specify this mapping in a
later step.

Label Attribute Enter a label attribute. For example: memberof.

This setting returns a list of groups this user is a member of. The union of all the label
attributes forms the list of labels you can import. If the search filter contains both the
label names and user names, the label attribute is not required.

Label Prefix Enter the label prefix. For example: ldap_

The label prefix is a string that is added to the beginning of all the labels.

Binary Attributes Enter the binary attributes. For example: objectsid.

Binary attributes indicates which attributes should be treated as binary for purposes
of storage.

Maximum Number Enter the maximum number of rows to retrieve. This limits the result set that is
of Rows returned in the next step.

Debug Output Select the check box to view the debug output.

In the Email Recipients section, click the Edit button to enter the recipient’s email address .
5. Select users in the Recipients drop-down list.
6. In the Schedule section, specify schedule options:
Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.
This option is useful if you want to patch servers manually, or perform patch actions
that you do not want to run on a schedule.

Every _ hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the nth day every month, (for example, the first or the second) day of every
of every month/ month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Import user information according to a schedule
Option Description
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

7. Click Next to display the User Import: Schedule - Define mapping between User attributes and LDAP
Attributes page.
8. In the drop-down list next each attribute, select the value to use for KACE SMA User attributes during
import. Values in the drop-down list are the values specified in the Attributes to retrieve field on the previous
The following attribute mappings are required:

Option Description

Ldap Uid The identifier for the user. Recommended value: objectguid.

User Name The name of the user. Recommended value: name.

Email The email address for the user. Recommended value: mail.

Manager The manager of the user. This mapping is mandatory only if you want to retrieve the
manager information. Recommended value: manager.
IMPORTANT: To retrieve the manager object associated with the user, you
  must also add the manager attribute to the Attributes to retrieve box.

The following attribute mappings are not required, but they are recommended:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Import user information according to a schedule
Option Description

Api Enabled Whether users are enabled to access the KACE SMA using the KACE GO app.
Access is enabled if the field contains a numerical value. Access is disabled if the
field contains no value. Therefore, to enable access, select an attribute that returns a
numerical value. To disable access, select No Value.

Ams Id Not used in the KACE SMA 6.4 release. Recommended value: No Value.

9. Optional: In the Role drop-down list, select the role for the imported users. See Add or edit User Roles.
10. If you want the selected role to be a default role for new roles, select the Make default check box.
11. Optional: In the Labels drop-down list, select the label to apply to imported users. See About labels.
12. In the Search Results section below the attribute mapping drop-down lists, verify that the list of users to
import is correct, and the information listed for each user is what you expect. To refine your search, click the
Back button and revise the search parameters and attributes.
For example, to change the number of Search Results, change the Maximum Number of Rows on the
Choose attributes to import page.
13. Click Next to display the Import Data into the KACE SMA page.
14. Review the tables of users to ensure that the data is valid and includes the data that you expect.
Only users with values for the required attributes, Ldap Uid, User Name, Email, and Manager, are imported.
Records that do not have these values are listed in the Users with invalid data section.
15. Do one of the following:
• Click Back to change settings.
• Click Import to save the schedule and import user information immediately. The import begins, and
the schedule is set to run according to the options selected in Scheduling section.
• Click Finish to save the schedule without importing user information. The schedule is set to run
according to the options selected in the Scheduling section.
User information is imported according to the specified schedule.

About single sign on (SSO)

Single sign on enables users who are logged on to the domain, or authenticated through a third-party, to access
the KACE SMA Administrator Console and User Console without having to re-enter their credentials on the KACE
SMA login page.
You can use Active Directory for single sign on.
Single sign on is available for:
• One domain only: If you have multiple domains, only one can be enabled for single sign on. This is true
even if the Organization component is enabled on the KACE SMA, and you have multiple organizations
that are on different domains. Single sign on is a System-level configuration, and organizations cannot be
configured independently for single sign on.
• Microsoft Active Directory servers: You can enable single sign on using Microsoft Active Directory
servers with 2003 R2 or higher schema versions. Earlier schema versions cannot be used. If the
Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the Active Directory single sign on method can be
used with multiple organizations.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About single sign on (SSO)
Using external LDAP or Active Directory servers for single sign
When using Active Directory for authentication for single sign on, the external LDAP or Active Directory server
must have the same entries as the Active Directory server specified for single sign on. The KACE SMA matches
user credentials on the joined domain, and then it uses the external LDAP configuration to determine user roles
and privileges.
To authenticate users by using local accounts on the KACE SMA, you need to either import accounts from an
LDAP or Active Directory server to the appliance, or manually create accounts on the appliance. See:
• Importing users from an LDAP server
• Managing System-level user accounts
• Managing organization user accounts

Enabling and disabling single sign on

You can enable or disable single sign on in the KACE SMA security settings.

Enable single sign on

To enable single sign on, you need to configure the appliance Security Settings to establish a connection between
an Active Directory server and the appliance.
• To configure single sign on for Active Directory, see Configure Active Directory as the single sign on
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Security Settings to display the Security Settings page.
3. In the Single Sign On section, select a single sign on method.
• Configure Active Directory as the single sign on method

Disable single sign on

You can disable single sign on without removing the KACE SMA from the domain.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Security Settings to display the Security Settings page.
3. In the Single Sign On section, select Disable.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Disable single sign on
Single sign on is disabled. Users who are currently logged in to the Administrator Console or User Console
remain logged in until their sessions end. The next time they attempt to access the Administrator Console
or User Console, however, they are required to enter their credentials.

Using Active Directory for single sign on

When single sign on is configured to use Active Directory, authenticated users can access the Administrator
Console or the User Console without having to enter login credentials.
To do so, users must type the hostname of the KACE SMA in the browser address field. If users enter an IP
address, they are directed to the appliance login page, instead of being signed on automatically, and they must
enter their credentials to log in.
If you use Active Directory for single sign on, you must configure Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers to use the
appropriate security settings.

Configure Active Directory as the single sign on method

Active Directory single sign on enables users who are logged on to the domain to access the KACE SMA
Administrator Console and User Console without having to re-enter their logon credentials each time.
Before you connect the KACE SMA to an Active Directory server, verify that:
• Network and DNS settings are configured to enable the KACE SMA to access the Active Directory server.
See Change appliance network settings.
• The time settings on the Active Directory server match the time settings on the KACE SMA. For information
on setting the time on the KACE SMA, see Configure appliance date and time settings.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. In the Single Sign On section of the Security Settings page, select Active Directory, then provide the
following information:
Option Description

Domain The host name of the domain of your Active Directory® server, such as example.com.

Username The user name of the administrator account on the Active Directory server. For
example, username@example.com.

Password The password of the administrator account on the Active Directory server.

Computer Object The name of the computer object container of the administrator account on the Active
Container Directory server.

Computer Object The name of the computer object container of the administrator account on the Active
Name Directory server.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Active Directory as the single sign on method
Option Description

Service Account The name of the service account container of the administrator account on the Active
Container Directory server.

3. Click Join.
The appliance performs the following tests, which require read-only permission, to determine whether the
domain is configured correctly to allow the KACE SMA to join the domain:
◦ Check for supported operating system and correct operating system patches
◦ Check for sufficient disk space to install QAS
◦ Check that the hostname of the system is not 'localhost'
◦ Check if the name service is configured to use DNS
◦ Check resolv.conf for proper formatting of name service entries and that
the host can be resolved
◦ Check for a name server that has the appropriate DNS SRV records for Active
◦ Detect a writable domain controller with UDP port 389 open
◦ Detect Active Directory site if available
◦ Check if TCP port 464 is open for Kerberos kpasswd
◦ Check if UDP port 88 and TCP port 88 are open for Kerberos traffic
◦ Check if TCP port 389 is open for LDAP
◦ Check for a global catalog server and if TCP port 3268 is open for
communication with global catalog servers
◦ Check for a valid time skew against Active Directory
◦ Check for the QAS application configuration in Active Directory
◦ Check if TCP port 445 is open for Microsoft CIFS traffic
These tests do not need write access and they do not check for permission to write to any directory. In
addition, these tests do not verify username and password credentials. If the credentials are incorrect, the
KACE SMA might not be able to join the domain even if the tests are successful.
A message appears stating the results of the test. To view errors, if any, click Logs, then in the Log drop-
down list, select Server Errors.
4. Optional: Select Force Join to join the server to ignore errors and join the domain.
5. Click Save and Restart Services.
When users are logged in to devices that are joined to the Active Directory domain, they can access the KACE
SMA User Console without having to re-enter their credentials. If users are on devices that are not joined to the
Active Directory domain, the login window appears and they can log in using a local KACE SMA user account.
See Add or edit System-level user accounts.

NOTE: To use single sign on with Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers, users must configure their
  browser settings to use the appropriate authentication. See Configuring browser settings for single sign on.

Configuring browser settings for single sign on

To use Active Directory single sign on with Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers, users must configure their
browser settings to use the appropriate authentication. The Chrome™ browser does not require any special

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configuring browser settings for single sign on
Configure Internet Explorer browser settings
To use Active Directory single sign on with the Internet Explorer, you must configure the browser's security
1. In the Internet Explorer browser, click Tools > Internet Options > Security.
2. Select the appropriate security policy:
• If the KACE SMA is available on the Internet select Trusted Sites.
• If the KACE SMA is not available on the Internet, select local intranet.
3. Click custom level, then scroll to the bottom of the list.
4. Select automatic logon with current username and password. If this option is not selected, Internet
Explorer cannot automatically log in to the Administrator Console or User Console even if single sign on is
enabled on the KACE SMA.

Configure Firefox browser settings

To use Active Directory single sign on with Firefox, you must configure the browser's authentication settings.
1. In the Firefox browser, type about:config in the address bar.
2. In the Search field type the following network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris.
3. In the search results, double-click the name of the preference.
4. In the string value box, enter the URL of the KACE SMA. For example, http://kace_sma.example.com, then
click OK.

Use Active Directory single sign on to access the Administrator Console or

User Console
When Active Directory single sign on is enabled on the appliance, users who are logged in to the domain can
access the Administrator Console or User Console without entering their credentials on the KACE SMA login
Single sign on must be enabled through Active Directory. See Enable single sign on.
1. Log in to the domain.
2. In a web browser, type the hostname of the KACE SMA in the browser address field. To identify the host
name, see Change appliance network settings.
TIP: If you enter the appliance IP address, you are directed to the appliance login page instead of
  being signed on automatically.

The Administrator Console or User Console appears, depending on user account privileges.

Unjoin the domain and disable Active Directory single sign on

You can remove the KACE SMA from the Active Directory domain. Removing the appliance from the domain
automatically disables single sign on as well.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Security Settings to display the Security Settings page.
3. In the Single Sign On section, click Unjoin Domain.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Unjoin the domain and disable Active Directory single sign on
NOTE: Users who are currently logged in to the User Console or Administrator Console remain
  logged in until their session ends. The next time they attempt to access the User Console or
Administrator Console, however, they are required to enter their credentials.

Using Replication Shares

Replication Shares are devices that keep copies of files for distribution, and they are especially useful if your
managed devices are deployed across multiple geographic locations.
For example, using a Replication Share, a device in New York could download files from another device at the
same office, rather than downloading those files from a KACE SMA in Los Angeles. A Replication Share is a full
replication of all digital assets and is managed automatically by the appliance. Whenever a Replication Share is
specified for a label, devices in that label go to the Replication Share to get files.
In addition, you can use Replication Shares to deploy of Managed Installations, patches, or Dell Updates where
network bandwidth and speed are issues. Replication Shares are good alternatives to downloading directly from
an appliance.
Replication Shares enable an appliance to replicate application installers, patches, upgrades, and script
dependencies to a shared folder on a device. If any replication item is deleted from the appliance, it is marked for
deletion in the Replication Share and deleted in the replication task cycle. The figure shows a Replication Share
configuration and task flow.
Figure 7. Replication Share configuration

To create a Replication Share, identify one device at each remote location to act as a Replication Device.
The appliance copies all the replication items to the Replication Device at the specified destination path. The
replication process automatically restarts if it is stopped due to a network failure or replication schedule. If
stopped, the replication process restarts at the point it was stopped.
Sneaker net share: You can create a folder and copy the contents of an existing replication folder to it. You can
then specify this folder as the new replication folder in the appliance. The appliance determines whether the new
folder has all the replication items present and replicates only the new ones, which conserves bandwidth. You can

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Replication Shares
manually copy the contents of replication folder to a new folder. The replication folder created in a device follows
following hierarchy:
\\machinename\foldername\repl2\replicationitems folder
The device name and folder name is user defined while repl2 is automatically created by appliance. The
replication items folder includes the folder for patches, kbots, upgrade files, and applications.
All the replication items are first listed in the replication queue and then copied one at a time to the destination
path. Any new replication item is first listed in the replication queue and then copied after an interval of 10
Replication items are copied in this order:
1. Script dependencies
2. Applications
3. Agent upgrades
4. Patches

Create Replication Shares

You can create Replication Shares on managed devices.
To create a Replication Share you must:
• Have write permission on the destination path to write the software files.
• Install the KACE SMA Agent on the Replication Share.
• Create a label for your devices before starting the process.
Replication Shares can be created only on devices that appear on the Devices list in Inventory. If the device you
want to use is not on the Devices list, you need to create an inventory record for the device before you can use it
as a Replication Share.
See Managing inventory information.
1. Go to the Replication Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Distribution, then click Replication.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Configure section, select the Enabled check box.
3. Optional: Select Failover To Appliance to use the KACE SMA when the Replication Share is not
NOTE: Enable Failover To Appliance only after testing the Replication Share.
4. In the Device drop-down list, select the device to use as a Replication Share.
The Replication Share can be created by two methods:
• Locally
• On a shared network drive
5. Select the Operating System and Locales of the patches to replicate. The lists are populated based on
the operating systems and locales selected in the patch subscription.
6. Select the Include Application Patches and Include Dell Updates check boxes to copy the patch and
update files to the Replication Share.
7. Specify the Destination Share settings:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Replication Shares
Option Description

Path The path the Replication device uses for the Replication Share. Applications are
copied from the KACE SMA to this location. For a local drive, use local drive syntax,
for example: C:\kace_sma_share
For a network drive, use UNC format, for example: \\kaceRep\kace_sma_share\
NOTE: $ notation, for example \\KaceRep\e$, is not supported.

Local Share or Select whether to use a Local Share or UNC.


Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device and run
commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select Add new
credential to add credentials not already listed.
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

Label The label of the devices using the Replication Share. Verify that the selected label
does not have KACE_ALT_LOCATION specified. KACE_ALT_LOCATION takes
precedence over the Replication Share for downloading files to devices.

8. Specify the Download Share settings:

Option Description

Path The path used by devices in the replication label to copy items from the replication
For example, a UNC path:
Other devices need read permission to copy replication items from this shared folder.

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device and run
commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select Add new
credential to add credentials not already listed.
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

9. Specify the following settings in the Schedule section:

Option Description

High Bandwidth The maximum bandwidth to use for replication. If this field is blank, the maximum
bandwidth available for replication is used. This field is specified in bytes per second.

Low Bandwidth The restricted bandwidth to use for replication. If this field is blank, the maximum
bandwidth available for replication is used. This field is specified in bytes per second.

Schedule table The bandwidth used for each hour of the day (24-hour clock format) and each day of
the week.
• To change the bandwidth selection, click in a square.
• To select hours (columns), click the hour number.
• To select days (rows), click the day of the week.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Replication Shares
Option Description

Bandwidth is color-coded:
• White: Replication is off
• Light blue: Replication is on with low bandwidth
• Blue: Replication is on with high bandwidth

Copy Schedule Select an existing Replication Schedule in the drop-down list to replicate items
From according to that schedule.

Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

10. Click Save.

The Replication page appears.
11. Optional: After you have tested the Replication Share, return to 3 and enable Failover To Appliance.
Related topics
Add or edit manual labels
About patch management

View Replication Share details

You can view details of devices used as Replication Shares.
1. Go to the Replication list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Distribution, then click Replication.
This page displays a list of the Replication Shares that are available on the appliance. For each Replication
Share, a default view shows its Status, replication Task, associated Device, Destination Path, KACE SMA
Agent Version, Label, an indication if the Replication Share is Enabled, and the number of files remaining
to be copied along with the total size of files remaining to be copied (in the ToDo column). The information
appearing in the ToDo column allows you to review the state of replication process for each Replications
Share in this list, instead of reviewing individual shares to find out if their replication process is complete.
2. In the Device column, click the name of a Replication Share to display the Replication Schedule Detail
On this page you can:
◦ View the Replication queue: To view items that are queued for replication, click Show Replication
Queue below the configuration information. This view is displayed by default when you access the
◦ View the Replication inventory: To view items that have been replicated to the share, click Show
Share Inventory below the configuration information.
◦ Delete the Replication queue: To view replication items that are marked for deletion, click Show
Delete Queue below the configuration information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View Replication Share details
Managing credentials
The KACE SMA enables you to manage the usernames and passwords required for logging in to other systems,
such as managed computers and servers, and the information required for Google or SNMP authentication, from
a central location.
Credentials that have been added to the appliance's Credentials Management page are available for selection
on drop-down lists in the Inventory (Discovery, Provisioning, and Agentless device management), Distribution
(Managed Installations, File Synchronizations, and Replication), and Scripting (Configuration Policies and Security
Policies) sections.
In addition, credentials that are updated on the Credentials Management page are automatically updated
wherever they are used in the various KACE SMA components. You do not need to independently update each
item that uses the credentials.
However, the credentials you add to the appliance must match the credentials on the target systems. If you
change the credentials on target systems, you must change them on the appliance's Credentials Management
page as well.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you manage credentials for each organization

NOTE: The Credentials Management drop-down list is not available on LDAP configuration pages, and
  the feature is not used to manage user credentials for accessing the KACE SMA Administrator Console
or User Console, which use single sign on and LDAP authentication. See About user accounts and user

Tracking changes to Credentials Management

If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects. This information includes the date the item was created, changed, or deleted, and
the user who performed the action, which can be useful during troubleshooting.
See About history settings.

Add and edit Secret Key credentials

To streamline the management of Secret Key credentials used in Inventory, Distribution, and Scripting, add those
credentials to the Credentials Management page. Secret Key credentials can be created for devices managed
using the KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager.
• You have the secret key from the KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager.
• You have administrator privileges in the Administrator Console.
After you add credentials, you can select them on configuration pages instead of entering the credentials
manually each time. In addition, you can add credentials from any of the configuration pages that use them.
Credentials added on configuration pages are automatically added to the Credentials Management page.
1. Go to the Credentials Management page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add and edit Secret Key credentials
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Credentials.
2. Select Choose Action > New.
3. On the Add Credential form, specify credential properties:
NOTE: You can also access this form from pages that use credentials, such as the Discovery
  Schedule Detail page. Credentials added on these pages are automatically added to the Credentials
Management list.

Option Description

Name A unique name for the credential. This name appears on the Credentials
Management list and in the credential selection drop-down lists in component
sections, such as Scripting. This name is used for identification in Administrator
Console, and it is not part of the actual credential on the target device.

Type The classification of the credential. Select Secret Key to specify credentials that
contain secret keys from the KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager.

Secret The secret key of the KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager environment.

Show typing Show the characters in the Password field on the Add Credential form. This option is
available only when you are adding credentials. If you are editing existing credentials,
the password characters cannot be displayed.

Notes Any additional information you want to provide about the credential.

4. Click Save.
The credential appears on the Credentials Management list and it is available for selection in components
that use credentials.

Add and edit User/Password credentials

To streamline the management of username and password credentials used in Inventory, Distribution, and
Scripting, add those credentials to the Credentials Management page. User/Password credentials can be created
for Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems as well as VMware ESXi hosts and vCenter Servers.
• You have the usernames and passwords of the credentials you want to manage.
• You have administrator privileges in the Administrator Console.
After you add credentials, you can select them on configuration pages instead of entering the credentials
manually each time. In addition, you can add credentials from any of the configuration pages that use them.
Credentials added on configuration pages are automatically added to the Credentials Management page.
1. Go to the Credentials Management page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Credentials.
2. Select Choose Action > New.
3. On the Add Credential form, specify credential properties:
NOTE: You can also access this form from pages that use credentials, such as the Discovery
  Schedule Detail page. Credentials added on these pages are automatically added to the Credentials
Management list.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add and edit User/Password credentials
Option Description

Name A unique name for the credential. This name appears on the Credentials
Management list and in the credential selection drop-down lists in component
sections, such as Scripting. This name is used for identification in Administrator
Console, and it is not part of the actual credential on the target device.

Type The classification of the credential. Select User/Password to specify credentials that
have usernames and passwords.

User or Domain The username required for the credential.

TIP: The Domain\User format might be required for some Windows

Password The password required for the credential.

Show typing Show the characters in the Password field on the Add Credential form. This option is
available only when you are adding credentials. If you are editing existing credentials,
the password characters cannot be displayed.

Targets The device types on which the credential can be used.

TIP: You can select multiple device types, or operating systems, if the
  specified credentials can be used for authentication on multiple operating

Notes Any additional information you want to provide about the credential.

4. Click Save.
The credential appears on the Credentials Management list and it is available for selection in components
that use credentials.

Add and edit Google OAuth credentials

To streamline the management of Google OAuth credentials used in Inventory, Distribution, and Scripting, add
those credentials to the Credentials Management page.
• You have a Google Apps for Business domain or Google Apps for Education domain, with Chrome Device
Management support.
• You have a Google User admin account that is a member of the business or education domain. The
account must be assigned the super user role.
• You have a Google account to be used as your developer account, and have created a project with a Client
ID and Client Secret. See Obtain a Client ID and Client Secret for use in discovering Chrome devices.
• You have administrator privileges in the Administrator Console.
After you add credentials, you can select them on configuration pages instead of entering them manually each
time. In addition, you can add credentials from any of the configuration pages that use them. Credentials added
on configuration pages are automatically added to the Credentials Management page.
1. Go to the Credentials Management page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add and edit Google OAuth credentials
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Credentials.
2. Select Choose Action > New.
3. On the Add Credential form, specify credential properties:
Option Description

Name A unique name for the credential. This name appears on the Credentials
Management list and in the credential selection drop-down lists in component
sections, such as Scripting. This name is used for identification in Administrator
Console, and it is not part of the actual credential.

Type The classification of the credential. Select Google OAuth to specify credentials for
Chrome devices.

Client ID Your Google developer API Client ID.

Client Secret Your Google developer API Client Secret.

Show typing Show the characters in the Client Secret field on the Add Credential form. This
option is available only when you are adding credentials. If you are editing existing
credentials, the characters in the Client Secret field cannot be displayed.

Approval Code The approval code for access. To obtain this code, provide your Client ID and Client
Secret, then click Generate a new code.

Generate a new A link to the code-generator. To generate a new code:

code a. Click Generate a new code.
b. Sign in with your Google Admin Account credentials on the Google sign-in
If a Google sign-in page does not appear, your Google account credentials are
already cached. If the cached account is not the preferred Admin Account, log
out and log back in with the preferred Admin Account.
c. Click Accept to generate a code that allows the KACE SMA access to view
user and Chrome OS devices on the Google Domain.
d. Copy the generated code and close the Google window.
e. Paste the code into Approval Code.

Notes Any additional information you want to provide about the credential.

4. Click Save.
The credential is available for selection in components that use credentials.

Add and edit SNMP credentials

To streamline the management of SNMP credentials used in Inventory, Distribution, and Scripting, add those
credentials to the Credentials Management page.
• You have the information required for SNMP authentication.
• You have administrator privileges in the Administrator Console

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add and edit SNMP credentials
After you add credentials, you can select them on configuration pages instead of entering them manually each
time. In addition, you can add credentials from any of the configuration pages that use them. Credentials added
on configuration pages are automatically added to the Credentials Management page.
1. Go to the Credentials Management page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Credentials.
2. Select Choose Action > New.
3. On the Add Credential form, provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A unique name for the credential. This name appears on the Credentials
Management list and in the credential selection drop-down lists in component
sections, such as Scripting. This name is used for identification in Administrator
Console, and it is not part of the actual credential.

Type The classification of the credential. Select SNMP to specify SNMP credentials.

4. For SNMP v1 or v2c, provide the following information:

Option Description

SNMP v1 or v2c SNMP credentials that do not use authentication or encryption.

Community String For SNMP v1 or v2c, the community string to query. The default is Public. The Public
String is required for SNMP v1 or v2c.

Notes Any additional information you want to provide about the credential.

5. For SNMP v3, provide the following information:

Option Description

SNMP v3 SNMP credentials that require authentication and encryption algorithms to increase

Security Name For SNMP v3, the name of the USM (user-based security model) user account. This
account, and any passwords required for authentication and encryption, must be set
up on target devices.

Security Level For SNMP v3, the level of security. Security levels include:
• authPriv: The highest level of SNMP v3 security, which uses both
authentication and encryption. To use this level, you must specify all the SNMP
V3 Authentication and Privacy settings.
• authNoPriv: The mid-range of SNMP v3 security, which uses authentication
only. Communications are not encrypted. To use this level, you must specify
the Authentication settings.
• noAuthNoPriv: The lowest level of SNMP v3 security. Communications are
not encrypted.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add and edit SNMP credentials
Option Description

Authentication For SNMP v3, the password used to authenticate communications when authPriv or
Password authNoPriv security levels are selected. This password is associated with the USM
user and must be set up on target devices.

Protocol For SNMP v3, the protocol used for communications. Protocols include:
• SHA: Secure hash algorithm, SHA-1.
• MD5: Message Digest 5. Faster than SHA, but considered to be less secure.

Privacy Password For SNMP v3, the password used to authenticate communications when the authPriv
security level is selected. This password is associated with the USM user and must
be set up on target devices.

Protocol For SNMP v3, the protocol used for the privacy password. Protocols include:
• DES: Data Encryption Standard. This algorithm has a 56-bit key size and is
considered to be less secure than AES.
• AES: Advanced Encryption Standard. The appliance supports the 128-bit key

Notes Any additional information you want to provide about the credential.

6. Click Save.
The credential is available for selection in components that use credentials.

View credential usage

You can view credential usage on the Credentials Management page.
• Credentials have been added to the Credentials Management page. See Managing credentials.
• You have administrator privileges in the Administrator Console.
1. Go to the Credentials Management page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Credentials.
The In Use column shows the components using the credentials.
2. To sort the list, select a Type from the View By drop-down list above the table.

Create reports from the Credentials Management

If history subscriptions are configured to retain credential information, you can generate reports that show when
credentials were created, edited, and deleted.
• Credentials have been added to the KACE SMA, and they appear on the Credentials Management page.
• History subscriptions are configured to retain credential information. See Configure object history.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create reports from the Credentials Management list
When you create reports from the Credentials Management page, you can include information about the
credentials, such as the name, type, creation date, and usage information. Authentication details, however, such
as the password or client secret, are not included in reports.

NOTE: If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you create credential reports for each
  organization separately.
1. Go to the Credentials Management page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Credentials.
2. Select Choose Action > Create Report.
3. On the Report Detail page, provide a name for the report.
4. Select additional report settings, then click Save. See Create reports from list pages.
The report appears on the Reports list.
5. To generate the report, select a format in the Generate Report column.

Export credentials information

You can export the list of credentials, or selected credentials, that appear on the Credentials Management page.
Credentials have been added to the KACE SMA, and they appear on the Credentials Management page.
You can export information about the credentials, such as the name, type, the date the credential was last
modified, and usage information. Authentication details, such as the password or Client Secret, cannot be

NOTE: If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you export credential information for
  each organization separately.
1. Go to the Credentials Management page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Credentials.
2. Select Choose Action > Export, then select whether to export all credentials or only the selected
credentials, and select the format for the exported information.
3. Open or save the exported file.

Delete credentials
You can delete credentials provided that they are not being used in any components, such as Inventory,
Distribution, or Scripting.
• Credentials have been removed from any components that are using them. See View credential usage.
• You have administrator privileges in the Administrator Console
1. Go to the Credentials Management page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete credentials
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Credentials.
2. Select the check box next to the credentials you want to delete.
NOTE: If any of the selected credentials are in use, an error message appears. You cannot delete
  groups of credentials if any of the selected credentials are in use.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Configuring assets
You can configure assets and Asset Types as needed.

About the Asset Management component

The Asset Management component includes assets and Asset Types (templates). It enables you to manage
assets added automatically through inventory and assets you add manually.
Default Asset Types include: Device, Cost Center, Department, License, Location, Software, and Vendor. You
can create custom Asset Types as needed. See Customizing Asset Types.
Using the Asset Management component you can:
• Manage items throughout their lifecycle. Track software and other items from procurement to
deployment, usage, and end of life. Or, track peripherals such as printers, network devices, and phones.
See Identifying the assets to track.
• Manage software License Compliance. Track the licenses you own, as well as the number of copies of
applications installed on devices. Options for managing License Compliance differ for items in the Software
Catalog inventory and the Software page inventory. See Setting up License Compliance.
• Track data. Track purchase orders (POs) by entering each PO as an asset and linking it to the items
purchased, received, and distributed. See Add License assets for Software page inventory.
• Track physical assets. Track physical assets, such as device hardware and software, as well as other
physical assets, such as office furniture. You can track the use of these items as well as the status of their
warranties. See Managing physical and logical assets.
• Track logical assets. Track logical assets, such as geographic locations, cost centers, departments,
vendors, and so on. Logical assets are normally used as the basis for reporting. For example, logical assets
answer questions such as “how many devices does this department have?” and “when do the licenses we
bought from a software vendor expire?” See Managing physical and logical assets.
• Create and track relationships between assets. Create peer-to-peer and parent-child relationships
between assets. These relationships enable you to track assets by PO (purchase order), location,
department, project, and other criteria. See Establishing relationships between asset fields.

Using the Asset Management Dashboard

The Asset Management Dashboard provides an overview of managed assets for the selected organization (if
applicable), or the appliance.
If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, and you are logged in to the Administrator Console
(http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin), the Asset Management Dashboard shows information for the selected
organization. When you are logged in to the System Administration Console (http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system), the Asset Management Dashboard shows information for the appliance, including all organizations.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using the Asset Management Dashboard
TIP: The appliance updates the summary widgets periodically. To update most of the widgets any time,
click the Refresh button in the upper right of the page: . To update most individual widgets, hover over
the widget, then click the Refresh button above the widget. Some widgets may require additional steps.

About the Asset Management Dashboard widgets

Asset Management Dashboard widgets provide overviews of managed assets for the organization or appliance,
as selected.
This section describes the widgets available on the Asset Management Dashboard. If the Organization
component is enabled on your appliance, widgets show the information for the selected organization at the Admin
level and for the appliance at the System level.
This dashboard provides a high-level overview of your asset usage. Use it to quickly review the state of your
assets and look for any indicators that can improve your asset configuration. For example, you can focus on how
your software licenses are used and identify which software titles need to have their license renewed.

Widget Description

Assets By Type This widget shows a donut chart, where each section of the chart indicates the
percentage of your assets by their asset type, such as device, software, location,
license, and others. Hovering over each section of the chart displays the percentage
of the assets of the selected type.

Assets By Status This widget shows a donut chart, where each section of the chart indicates the
percentage of your assets by their status, such as Active, Disposed, Missing, or
other. Hovering over each section of the chart displays the percentage of the assets
in the selected status.

Cost ($) of Unused This widget shows a bar chart, where each bar represents the cost of unused
Licenses By licenses for each product. You can use this information to reassign or cancel unused
Product licenses, and to redirect your resource where they are most needed.

License If you have created License assets for software, this widget shows the number of
Compliance Agent-managed devices that have a particular licensed software installed, and the
number of licenses available. If the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, the widget shows the information for the selected organization.
License assets can be created for applications listed on the Software page and the
Software Catalog page, and the license mode for applications must be Unit License
or Enterprise for license information to appear on this widget. Applications with other
license modes, such as Shareware, Freeware, or Not Specified, are not displayed on
this widget.
This widget is for information only, and the KACE SMA does not enforce license
compliance. For example, the appliance does not prevent software from being
installed on Agent-managed devices if a license is expired or otherwise out of
The following colors indicate threshold levels:
• Red: Usage is at or above the critical threshold setting.
• Orange: Usage is at or above the warning threshold setting but below the
critical threshold setting.
• Green: Usage is below the warning threshold setting.
To change the threshold levels, see Configure appliance General Settings without the
Organization component.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About the Asset Management Dashboard widgets
Widget Description

For information about managing License assets, see Managing inventory.

Software Titles This widget displays the software titles defined in the Software Catalog, with the
highest number of installations on managed devices. If the Organization component
is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the information for the selected

Software This widget displays the publishers defined in the Software Catalog, with the
Publishers highest number of software titles installed on managed devices. If the Organization
component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the information for the
selected organization.

Assets by Location This widget shows a donut chart, where each section of the chart indicates the
percentage of your assets by their location. Hovering over each section of the chart
displays the percentage of the assets in the selected location.

Software Installed This widget shows a bar chart, where each bar represents a software title and the
But Not Used in 60 corresponding number of instances of that product that have not been in use in the
Days last 60 days. You can use this information to further investigate whether these titles
are needed, to reassign or uninstall unused software, and to redirect your resource
where they are most needed.

Expiring This widget shows a vertical bar chart, where each bar represents the number of
Software License software licenses that are about expire in the given time period.

Expired Software This widget shows a donut chart representing the ration of expired and current
License licenses. Hovering over each section of the chart displays the percentage of the
Maintenance software licenses that are either expired or current, as selected.

Expiring Contracts This widget shows a vertical bar chart, where each bar represents the number of
contracts that are about expire in the given time period.

Expired Contracts This widget shows a donut chart representing the ration of expired and current
contracts. Hovering over each section of the chart displays the percentage of the
contracts that are either expired or current, as selected.

Software License If you set up License assets for software, and specify the license type, such as site,
Configuration subscription, or unit, that information is displayed in this widget. If the Organization
component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the information for the
selected organization.

Customize the Asset Management Dashboard

You can customize the Asset Management Dashboard to show or hide widgets as needed.
1. Go to the Asset Management Dashboard.
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize the Asset Management Dashboard
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management.
2. Mouse over the widget, then use any of the following buttons:

: Refresh the information in the widget.

: Display information about the widget.

: Hide the widget.

: Resize the widget.

: Drag the widget to a different position on the page.
3. Click the Customize button in the top-right corner of the page to view available widgets.

4. To show a widget that is currently hidden, click Install.

About managing assets

Assets are the entities that contain information about the devices, software, licenses, and other items you want to
manage. Assets are based on Asset Types, which are templates used to create assets.

How asset information differs from inventory information

Asset and inventory information differ in the ways that the information is collected and managed.
The following table compares asset information and inventory information:

Item Asset Component Inventory Component

Where information In the Assets section. In the Inventory section.


The type of Asset information includes details Inventory information includes details
information about devices, software, licenses, about devices and the software,
managed physical assets, logical assets, and the processes, startup programs, and
relationships between them. services on managed devices. The
Software Catalog provides additional
information about applications that
are categorized as Discovered or Not

How the Asset information is static and changes Inventory information is automatically
information is only when you import data or change it generated and overwritten each time
managed manually. Device assets are exceptions managed devices report data to the
to this rule, because Device assets are appliance.
updated whenever managed devices
report inventory. For License assets,
however, the number of installations or
seats is updated when managed devices

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

How asset information differs from inventory information
Item Asset Component Inventory Component
report data to the appliance. Asset history
is stored on the appliance and displayed
in the Administrator Console; it remains
with the asset until the asset is deleted.

How licenses are The Asset Management component On the Software page, inventory
tracked enables you to manage software License information includes the number of
Compliance as well as physical and Software assets, but it does not show the
logical assets. number of licenses.
On the Software Catalog page, license
information is displayed if License assets
are associated with applications.

Identifying the assets to track

One of the first tasks in setting up Asset Management is identifying the assets to track.
Spreadsheets often contain asset details, such as purchasing data, vendor contact information, product keys,
license details, and device information. These details are candidates for asset tracking.
You can import asset information into the Asset Management component to create assets that can be managed
and tracked by the KACE SMA. In addition, you can set up relationships among the imported assets to make the
information more useful. For example, you can create License and Vendor assets, associate them with devices,
and quickly identify devices related to a license or vendor. For information on importing asset information, see
Importing license data in CSV files.

View assets and search for asset information

You can view assets and search for asset information as needed.
1. Go to the Assets list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Assets.
2. To search across all Asset Types using the advanced search:
a. In the View By drop-down list, select All Items.
b. Click the Advanced Search tab above the list on the right to display the Advanced Search panel.
c. Specify the search criteria.
For example, to search for all assets whose Vendor is Smith, specify the following criteria:
Vendor | contains | Smith
d. Click Search.
Assets of any type, including Device, License, Software, or Vendor, that match the criteria
3. To search for an asset across all Asset Types using the simple search, in the Search List field, type full or
partial contents of the field contained in the asset that you want to search for. For example, if you want to
find an asset whose barcode contains zz, type it in the field, and press Enter.
Assets that match the criteria appear.
4. To search a single Asset Type:
a. In the View By drop-down list, select Asset Type > Asset Type.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View assets and search for asset information
b. Click the Advanced Search tab above the list on the right to display the Advanced Search panel.
c. Specify the search criteria.
For example, to search for License assets that are scheduled to expire within the next two months,
select the License Asset Type in the View By drop-down list, then specify the following criteria:
Expiration Date | is within next | 2 months
d. Click Search.
License assets whose expiration date is within the next two months appear.
5. To create a custom view that uses the specified search criteria, click the Custom View tab above the list on
the right, then save the view.
The custom view appears in the View By drop-down list. Custom views are user-specific. Users can access
their own custom views, but they cannot access custom views created by other users.

Add barcodes to assets

You can view assets and search for asset information as needed.
Specify one or more barcode tags for the type of the asset for which you want to specify barcodes. For more
information, see Add or customize Asset Types.
1. Go to the Asset Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Assets.
c. Click the name of an asset.
Under Barcodes, click , and provide the following information:
Option Description

Barcode Data The barcode number. Barcode numbers are always unique, they cannot
be shared between multiple assets. However, it is possible for an active
asset to share a barcode with an archived asset.

Barcode Name The barcode tag associated with this asset type. There can be only one
barcode of the same type per asset.

Barcode Format The barcode format. For example, UPC-A, Code 11, or UPC-E.

You can add as many barcodes as needed.

3. Optional. To see additional information about each barcode tag, such as its first or last scanned date, in the
Barcodes area, click Show all columns. To return to the previous view with fewer columns per barcode,
click Show less columns.
4. Click Save.

Change device owners

You can change asset and device owners as needed.
This topic describes the process of changing device owners using the Assets list. You can also change device
owners using the Asset Detail or Device Detail page.
1. Go to the Assets list:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Change device owners
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Assets.
2. In the View By drop-down list, select Asset Type > Device.
3. In the Assets list, select one or more devices that you want to assign to a specific owner.
4. Select Choose Action > Assign to.
5. In the Assign To dialog box that appears, click Unassigned, and select a user account that you want to
assign as an owner of the selected assets.
The list that appears displays the full name, account name, and email address for each user.
6. Click Save.
The Assign To dialog box closes and the Assets list refreshes, showing the asset owner name in the
Assignee Name column.
7. Add more owner-related columns to the Assets list.
a. In the Assets list, click .
b. Select any of the following options, as required, to view these columns in the Assets list:
Assignee Login, Assignee Email, Assignee Domain, Assignee Budget Code, Assignee
Location, Assignee Role, or Assignee Locale.
The selected columns appear in the Assets list.
8. If you changed the owner for a device, you can observe this change on the Devices list.
a. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Devices.
b. In the Devices list, observe the Assignee Name column of the row containing the device whose
owner you changed.
The Assignee Name column displays the name of the device owner

TIP: Alternatively, you can change the asset or device owner on the Asset Detail or Device Detail

View and configure asset lifecycle settings

With the exception of locations, each asset type can have a status indicating its use or purpose, such as Active,
Disposed, Expired, or others.
In order to configure applicable asset lifecycle settings, your user role must be granted a write-level Asset
Lifecycle permission. To view asset lifecycle settings, a read-level permission is sufficient. For more information
about user roles, see Managing Organization Roles and User Roles.
Use the Asset Lifecycle Settings page to view the list of existing asset status entries, and to add new ones, as
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Complete one of the following steps:
• On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Assets.
• On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Contracts.
• On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Licenses.
3. On the list page that appears, click Choose Action > Configure Lifecycle Settings.
TIP: You can quickly change an asset status by selecting the asset on the list page, clicking
  Choose Action > Change Asset Status, and selecting the appropriate status in the Change

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View and configure asset lifecycle settings
Asset Status dialog box. Access to this command requires a write-level Assets, Contracts,
or Licenses permission, as applicable. For more information about user roles, see Managing
Organization Roles and User Roles.

The Asset Lifecycle Settings page appears.

4. On the Asset Lifecycle Settings page, under Asset Status, review the list of default asset statuses.
The following default asset statuses are available:
◦ Active: Any asset that is deployed, active, or in use.
◦ Disposed: An asset that is no longer available for use.
◦ Expired: A software license or contract asset that has expired.
◦ In Stock: A recently received asset.
◦ Missing: Any asset that cannot be located.
◦ Repair: An asset that is being repaired.
◦ Reserved: An asset that is set aside for a specific person or use.
◦ Retired: Any asset that reached its end-of-life state, or is no longer in use.
◦ Stolen: An asset that has been reported as stolen.
5. Add, delete, or edit a custom asset status.
TIP: Default asset statuses cannot be modified or deleted.

To add a new asset status, click , specify the Name and Description for the asset status, and click

To delete a custom asset status, in the row containing the asset status, click .

To edit a custom asset status, in the row containing the asset status, click , and edit the Name and/
or Description of the asset status, as applicable.
6. If you made any changes to the Asset Lifecycle Settings page, click Save. Otherwise, click Cancel to return
to the previous page.

Adding and customizing Asset Types and

maintaining asset information
You can add or customize Asset Types as needed. You can also maintain real-time information on assets by
scanning your network at regularly scheduled intervals.
In addition, you can add subtypes to your Asset Types. Asset Subtypes enable you to track asset properties, such
as toner or ink levels of printers.

About Asset Types

Asset Types are templates for creating assets. Asset Types contain the fields and other information that define
Default Asset Types include: Device, Cost Center, Department, License, Contract, Location, Purchase, Software,
and Vendor, and you can add custom Asset Types as needed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Asset Types
In addition, you can add Asset Subtypes and custom fields for any Asset Type. This is especially useful for
collecting additional information about non-computer Device assets, such as printers. See About Asset Subtypes,
custom fields, and device detail preferences.

Customizing Asset Types

You can rename fields, create fields, and delete fields in Asset Types as needed. Customizations to Asset Types
are preserved during appliance updates.

About renaming fields and changing field types in Asset Types

When you rename a field in an Asset Type, the field is renamed in all assets that are based on the Asset Type.
Values for the renamed field are retained.
However, if you change the Type to a type that does not support the data already entered in a field, that data is
lost. For example, you might have a field named Model Number that is of the Type, Text, and that contains the
value A123. If you change the Type from Text to Number, the system cannot convert A123 to a valid number. The
value for the Model Number field is set to 0.

About adding and deleting asset fields

When you add a field to an Asset Type, the field is available to all assets of that type. Similarly, if you delete a
custom asset field, that field, and any values entered in that field, are removed from all assets of that type.
For example, if you created a custom field named BIOS Serial Number in the Device Asset Type, that field would
be available to all Device Asset Types. However, if you delete the BIOS Serial Number custom asset, that field,
and any values entered in the field, are removed from all Device Asset Types.
If you delete an asset field, the asset association is removed from any assets that point to the deleted field.

Add or customize Asset Types

You can have as many custom Asset Types as you need. In addition, you can create custom fields in any Asset
Type. When you create a custom field in an Asset Type, that field becomes available to all assets that are based
on that Asset Type.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you add and customize Asset Types for each
organization separately.
1. Go to the Asset Type Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Asset Types.
c. Display the Asset Type Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of an Asset Type.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. All asset types except Locations. In the Defaut Asset Status field, enter a default asset status, or a
custom one (if they exist).

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customizing Asset Types
A default installation of the KACE SMA includes the following asset statuses:
◦ Active: Any asset that is deployed, active, or in use.
◦ Disposed: An asset that is no longer available for use.
◦ Expired: A software license or contract asset that has expired.
◦ In Stock: A recently received asset.
◦ Missing: Any asset that cannot be located.
◦ Repair: An asset that is being repaired.
◦ Reserved: An asset that is set aside for a specific person or use.
◦ Retired: Any asset that reached its end-of-life state, or is no longer in use.
◦ Stolen: An asset that has been reported as stolen.
3. Device assets only. In the Defaut Archive Asset Status field, enter an asset status that you want to
automatically assign to a device when it becomes archived.
4. In the Name field, add or change the name as needed.
TIP: Additional options are available for Device and License Asset Types. See About customizing
  the Device Asset Type and Customize the License Asset Type.
5. If you want the instances of this asset type to use barcodes, specify one or more tags in the Barcode Tags
Any assets of this type that you create will have the barcode tags available for configuration. For example, if
you specify a Corporate Tag and a Dell Asset Tag, barcodes identified with these two tags will be available
for selection in on the Asset Detail page, when you create or edit an asset of this asset type.

To add a barcode, click , type the barcode name, and click Save.
In the Asset Fields area, click .
A new line appears.
7. Provide the following information:
Item Description

Name The name of the custom asset field, such as Asset Code, Purchase Date, or Building
Address Line 1. This name appears on the form used to create assets of the selected
Asset Type.

Available Values The values that appear in fields that contain lists of values. This field is enabled when
you select Single Select or Multiple Select from the Type drop-down list. If you
select Single Select or Multiple Select, you must enter at least one value in this
field. To use multiple values, separate each value with a comma.

Default Values The value that appears in the field by default. If you select Single Select or Multiple
Select from the Type drop-down list, you must type one of the values given in the
Available Values field.

Required Whether the field is mandatory or optional. If this check box is selected, users must
enter a value in the field when creating assets of the selected type.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customizing Asset Types
Item Description

Type The type of field. Field types include:

• Attachment: Enables users to add attachments to the asset.
• Currency: Used for monetary values.
• Software Catalog: Enables users to associate the asset with an application in
the Software Catalog.
• Date: Used for calendar information.
• Label: Enables users to associate a label with the asset.
• Link: Used for Internet links. Links must be valid URLs, such as http://
• Multiple Select: Displays a list where multiple values can be selected. The
maximum length for each value is 255 characters.
• Notes: Used for additional information.
• Number: Used for numerical values expressed as whole numbers.
• Parent: Enables the asset to point to the same type of asset in a parent-child
relationship. For example, you might allow Location types to have a Parent
connection, allowing New York to point to a North America location. This can
then be used in the reporting system to show all assets in North America.
• Single Select: Displays a value list where only a single value can be selected.
The maximum length for each value is 255 characters.
• Text: Used for additional text. The maximum length is 255 characters.
• Timestamp: Used to add a day and time to the record.
• User: Used to associate user records with an asset.
• Assets Asset Type: Used to specify relationships among Asset Types.

Multiselect Whether the asset field points to other assets. A check box is enabled when you
select Assets Asset Type from the Type drop-down list. Select the check box to allow
this custom field to point to multiple records.
For example, you might want a field to point to multiple devices that are approved for
a particular license. In that case, you would select the check box. To create a single
relationship field, such as a printer that is used by only one department, clear the
check box.
NOTE: When you create an asset, this field is populated with the available
  assets of the specified Asset Type. The field is empty if there are no assets of
the specified type.

Section License assets only. The tab on which this field appears on the License Detail page:
General, Purchase, Maintenance, Related, Custom, or Notes. For more information
about the tabs appearing on the License Detail page, see Add or edit licenses.

Device Section Device assets only. The location, on the Device Detail page, where the field is
reported. For example, if you are creating a printer Asset Subtype, with a field
named Toner Level, you might select Hardware because that field is related to printer
hardware. However, you can choose any section in the drop-down list for any field.

8. Click Save at the end of the row, then click Save at the bottom of the page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customizing Asset Types
Optional: Add Asset Subtypes for Asset Types. See Add Asset Subtypes and select Device Detail page

About customizing the Device Asset Type

Almost all Device asset data, whether displayed in the Assets or Inventory sections, originates from the Assets
The only device inventory or asset information that comes from the Inventory section is data for the Mapped
Inventory Field and the Matching Asset Field. The values for those fields are collected each time devices are
inventoried. During the inventory process, the appliance determines whether devices already have mapped
assets. If no asset is found, the appliance creates one.
The default data type for Mapped Inventory Field is System Name, and the default data type for Matching Asset
Field is Name. However, if you re-image your systems, the information under the old system name is lost to the
Asset Management component. To prevent this loss, consider using BIOS serial numbers, IP addresses, MAC
addresses, or something similar for tracking.
You can import Device asset data or change it manually in the Assets section any time.

CAUTION: If you change the default Asset Type, you lose the asset history prior to the change because
  the appliance automatically creates assets with the new information. Therefore, it is important to decide
whether you want to change the default values as early as possible in the setup process.

Example: Add custom fields to the Device Asset Type

This example shows how to add fields to the Device Asset Type and select them in the Mapped Inventory Field
and the Matching Asset Field.
1. Go to the Asset Type Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Asset Types.
c. Click the Device Asset Type.
Click the Add button on the right side of the page: .
A new line appears.
3. Provide the following information:
a. In the Name field, enter BIOS Serial Number.
b. In the Type drop-down list, select Text.
4. Click Save at the end of the row, then add a row:
Click the Add button: .
A new line appears.
b. Provide the following information for the new line:
In the Name field, enter Serial Number.
In the Type drop-down list, select Text. Reserve the Number Type for fields on which you perform
calculations. Using the Number Type might strip leading zeros in a serial number.
5. Click Save at the end of the row, then add a row:
Click the Add button: .
A new line appears.
b. Provide the following information for the new line:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customizing Asset Types
In the Name field, enter Purchase Date.
In the Type drop-down list, select Text.
6. Click Save at the end of the row, then add a row:
Click the Add button: .
A new line appears.
b. Provide the following information for the new line:
In the Name field, enter Location.
In the Type drop-down list, select Asset Location.
7. Click Save at the end of the row.
8. In the Mapped Inventory Field drop-down list, change the value to BIOS Serial Number.
9. In the Matching Asset Field, select Serial Number.
10. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Establishing relationships between asset fields

You can edit Asset Types to establish relationships among assets and track them together.
These relationships can be:
• Peer-to-peer, such as printer and device.
• Parent-child, such as a cost center and the devices associated with it.
Example: Add fields to the Location Asset Type shows how to make a parent-child relationship with locations by
adding a field to the Location Asset Type.

Example: Add fields to the Location Asset Type

You can add fields to the Location Asset Type as needed.
1. Go to the Asset Type Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Asset Types.
c. Click the Location Asset Type.
Click the Add button on the right side of the page: .
A new line appears.
3. In the Name field, enter Parent Location.
4. In the Type drop-down list, select Parent.
5. Click Save at the end of the row, then click Save at the bottom of the page.
When you open a Location asset, the Parent Relationship field is shown on the Asset Detail page.

Add parent relationships to Location assets

Parent-child relationships can be useful when managing assets, such as Location assets.
Add Parent Location custom fields as described in Example: Add fields to the Location Asset Type.
When adding parent relationships, start with the highest level (parent level) in the relationship.
1. Go to the Assets list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customizing Asset Types
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Assets.
2. Optional: In the View By drop-down list, which appears above the table on the right, select Asset Type >
The view is restricted to Location assets.
3. If the highest level (parent level) Location asset does not exist, create it:
a. Select Choose Action > New > Location to display the Location Asset Detail page.
b. Enter the name for the new field. For example, Western Division.
c. Leave the Parent Location Unassigned, then click Save to display the Assets page.
NOTE: The Parent Location field is a user-created custom field.
4. If the second-level asset exists, select it. If the second-level asset does not exist, create it:
a. Select Choose Action > New > Location to display the Location Asset Detail page.
b. Enter the name for the new asset. For example, San Jose.
c. For this example, select Western Division for the Parent Location. If you have many Location
assets, enter the first characters in the Filter field to limit the choices available in the Parent
Location field.
5. Click Save.
6. Create additional Location assets as needed.
For example, you could create Location assets for each building on a campus or each rack in a data center.

Delete Asset Types

You can delete Asset Types, provided that no assets are assigned to those types.
You have Asset Types that do not have any assets assigned to them.
1. Go to the Asset Types list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Asset Types.
2. Click the check box next to an Asset Type.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail

Asset Subtypes are subcategories of assets that you can add to any Asset Type, including custom Asset Types.
This enables you to identify and manage subtypes of assets, such as Device assets that are computers, printers,
or routers, and Software assets that run on Windows, Mac, or Linux systems in the KACE SMA inventory.
Asset Subtypes inherit the fields from the Asset Type, and you can add custom fields to enable the KACE SMA
inventory process to collect relevant information about the Asset Subtype. For example, you could add the Asset
Subtype Printer to the Device Asset Type. You could then add a custom field for the Printer subtype, such as
Toner. The Toner field would then be available to Device Assets with the subtype Printer.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences
NOTE: To enable the KACE SMA to populate Asset Subtype fields from Agentless devices, you must
  assign the appropriate Asset Subtype when the device is configured, you must obtain the appropriate
object identifier (OID), and you must map that identifier to the subtype field on the SNMP Inventory
Configuration Detail page. You cannot add or change SNMP device subtypes after they have been
configured. See Obtain a list of object identifiers (OIDs) using the Administrator Console.

In addition, you can choose whether to show or hide the details that appear for each Device Asset Subtype on
the Device Detail page. For example, you can hide information that is irrelevant to printers, such as Installed
Programs, Discovered Software, and Metered Software, from the Device Detail page of assets with the subtype

Workflow for using Asset Subtypes with SNMP devices

To use Asset Subtypes, you need to add them, and any custom fields you want to use, to your Asset Types.
To populate the fields with data from SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) devices, you can also add
object identifiers (OIDs) to the custom fields.
The workflow for using Asset Subtypes with SNMP devices includes these tasks:
1. Add a Device Asset Subtype to the Asset Type, and add custom fields to the subtype. See Add Asset
Subtypes and select Device Detail page preferences.
2. Add assets that use the Asset Type and Asset Subtype. See Assign or change Device Asset Subtypes from
the Devices page.
IMPORTANT: You must assign the appropriate Asset Subtype when the device is configured. You
  cannot add or change SNMP device subtypes after they have been configured.
3. Optional: Populate the fields:
◦ To enable the system to populate fields with data from SNMP devices, obtain the object identifiers
(OIDs) to use for the custom fields, then add the field for Agentless devices on the SNMP Inventory
Configuration Detail page, select the Asset Subtype, then add the OID information for the fields. See
Obtain a list of object identifiers (OIDs) using the Administrator Console.
◦ Manually update the fields as needed. See Update custom asset fields manually.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences
Add Asset Subtypes and select Device Detail page preferences
You can add Asset Subtypes to any Asset Type, including custom Asset Types, and you can add custom fields for
each Asset Subtype.
In addition, you can choose which fields to display on the Device Detail page, and the sections where you want
those fields to appear. This enables you to customize the Device Detail page and emphasize the most important

NOTE: If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you manage Asset Subtypes for each
  organization separately.
1. Go to the Asset Type Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Asset Types.
c. Display the Asset Type Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of an Asset Type.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Subtypes section, click Add Subtype.
NOTE: In a default installation, Device Assets include two Asset Subtypes for printer devices: Laser
  Printer: Color and Laser Printer: Monochrome. Each of these subtypes provides a common set of
fields that apply to most printers. The appliance also comes with a set of printer templates for typical
SNMP-enabled printer models, based on these Asset Subtypes. You can edit these templates or
add new ones, as needed. When you apply a printer template to a device, the data defined in the
template, such as toner levels or descriptions, is collected for the printer in the next inventory cycle.
For more information, see About printer templates.

The Asset Subtype Detail page appears. The Inherited Fields section shows fields that are available to the
Asset Subtype because they have been added to the Asset Type.
3. In the top section, provide the following information and choose whether to make the Asset Subtype the
Option Description

Name The name of the Asset Subtype. This name appears

in the list on the Asset Type Detail page.

Default Whether to use the Asset Subtype as the default

for new assets of the selected type. If you select
this check box, new assets of the selected type are
automatically assigned to this Asset Subtype. You
can change this setting any time.

In the Subtype Fields section, click the Add button in the heading row on the right side of the table: .
5. Provide the following information:
Item Description

Name The name of the Asset Subtype. This name identifies the Asset Subtype on the Asset
Detail page.

Available Values The values that appear in fields that contain lists of values. This field is enabled when
you select Single Select or Multiple Select from the Type drop-down list. If you

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences
Item Description
select Single Select or Multiple Select, you must enter at least one value in this
field. To use multiple values, separate each value with a comma.

Default Values The value that appears in the field by default. If you select Single Select or Multiple
Select from the Type drop-down list, you must type one of the values given in the
Available Values field.

Required Whether the field is mandatory or optional. If this check box is selected, users must
enter a value in the field when creating assets of the selected type.

Type The type of field. Field types include:

• Attachment: Enables users to add attachments to the asset.
• Currency: Used for monetary values.
• Software Catalog: Enables users to associate the asset with an application in
the Software Catalog.
• Date: Used for calendar information.
• Label: Enables users to associate a label with the asset.
• Link: Used for Internet links. Links must be valid URLs, such as http://
• Multiple Select: Displays a list where multiple values can be selected. The
maximum length for each value is 255 characters.
• Notes: Used for additional information.
• Number: Used for numerical values expressed as whole numbers.
• Parent: Enables the asset to point to the same type of asset in a parent-child
relationship. For example, you might allow Location types to have a Parent
connection, allowing New York to point to a North America location. This can
then be used in the reporting system to show all assets in North America.
• Single Select: Displays a value list where only a single value can be selected.
The maximum length for each value is 255 characters.
• Text: Used for additional text. The maximum length is 255 characters.
• Timestamp: Used to add a day and time to the record.
• User: Used to associate user records with an asset.
• Assets Asset Type: Used to specify relationships among Asset Types.

Multiselect Whether the asset field points to other assets. A check box is enabled when you
select Assets Asset Type from the Type drop-down list. Select the check box to allow
this custom field to point to multiple records.
For example, you might want a field to point to multiple devices that are approved for
a particular license. In that case, you would select the check box. To create a single
relationship field, such as a printer that is used by only one department, clear the
check box.
NOTE: When you create an asset, this field is populated with the available
  assets of the specified Asset Type. The field is empty if there are no assets of
the specified type.

Device Section The location, on the Device Detail page, where the field is reported. For example, if
you are creating a printer Asset Subtype, with a field named Toner Level, you might

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences
Item Description
select Hardware because that field is related to printer hardware. However, you can
choose any section in the drop-down list for any field.

6. Click Save at the end of the row.

7. For Device Asset Subtypes, choose the information you want to show or hide on the Device Detail page:
a. Scroll down to Subtype, Device Details: Show/Hide sections.
b. Select the check boxes next to the items you want to show.
For a printer subtype, you might want to show Inventory Information such as Hardware, Printers,
Network Interfaces, and SNMP Data.
c. Clear the check boxes next to the items you want to hide.
For a printer subtype, you might want to hide the Software and Dell Command | Monitor sections
because they are not relevant to printers.
8. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
To enable the system to automatically populate custom fields with data on the Device Detail page, you must
obtain the appropriate object identifiers and map the fields OIDs. See:
• Map Object Identifiers to fields in the KACE SMA inventory table
• Obtain a list of object identifiers (OIDs) using the Administrator Console
To manually update custom fields, go to the Asset Detail page. See Update custom asset fields manually.

Edit Asset Subtypes

You can edit Asset Subtypes as needed. If the Organization component is enabled for your appliance, you edit
Asset Subtypes for each organization separately.
1. Go to the Asset Type Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Asset Types.
c. Click the name of an Asset Type to display the Asset Type Detail page.
In the Subtypes section click the Edit button next to the subtype you want to edit: .
The Asset Subtype Detail page appears. For information on the options available to Asset Subtypes, see
Add Asset Subtypes and select Device Detail page preferences.
3. Click Save at the end of the row, then click Save at the bottom of the page.

Set an Asset Subtype as the default

To automatically assign new assets to a subtype, you can mark an Asset Subtype as the default.
1. Go to the Asset Type Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Asset Types.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences
c. Display the Asset Type Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of an Asset Type.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
In the Subtypes section click the Edit button next to the subtype you want to edit: .
The Asset Subtype Detail page appears.
3. In the top section, select the check box next to Default.
4. Click Save at the end of the row, then click Save at the bottom of the page.
The Asset Subtype is marked as the default subtype for the Asset Type. New assets of the selected type
are automatically assigned to this Asset Subtype.

View subtypes available to Asset Types

You can view the Asset Subtypes that are available to the Asset Types you manage. If the Organization
component is enabled for your appliance, you view and manage Asset Subtypes for each organization separately.
• Go to the Asset Type Detail page:
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Asset Types.
3. Display the Asset Type Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of an Asset Type.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
The subtypes available to the Asset Type are listed in the Subtypes table.

View Asset Subtypes on the Assets page

You can use the View By menu to sort the Assets page by subtypes.
1. Go to the Assets page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Assets.
The Subtypes column shows the subtype assignments for assets. None indicates that the asset is not
assigned to a subtype.
2. To view the subtypes assigned to a specific Asset Type, go to the View By menu in the upper right and
select an Asset Type.
3. To view a single subtype for an Asset Type, go to the View By menu, select an Asset Type, then select a
Fields related to the subtype, such as Ink Level for a Printer subtype, appear as columns on the Assets

Assign or change Device Asset Subtypes from the Devices page

If you have existing Device assets that are not assigned to subtypes, you can assign them to subtypes or change
their subtype assignments, from the Devices page, provided that those devices are not SNMP (Simple Network
Management Protocol) devices. Subtypes for SNMP devices must be assigned when the devices are initially

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences
You have existing device assets in KACE SMA inventory and you have created subtypes for the Device Asset
Type. See Add Asset Subtypes and select Device Detail page preferences.

IMPORTANT: For SNMP devices, you must assign the appropriate Asset Subtype when the device is
  configured. You cannot add or change SNMP Asset Subtypes after they have been configured.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Click Inventory to display the Devices page.
3. To filter the list to show only those devices that are assigned to a subtype:
a. Click the Advanced Search tab above the list on the right to display the Advanced Search panel.
b. Specify the criteria required to find devices.
c. Click Search.
TIP: You can also use the View By drop-down list to identify devices that belong to a specific
  Asset Subtype.
4. Select the check boxes next to the devices you want to assign to a subtype. To select all devices, click the
check box next to Name at the top of the table.
5. Select Choose Action > Change Subtype to.
The subtype is selected, and the change is reflected on the Device Detail page the next time inventory is
reported for the device.

Assign assets to subtypes or change subtype assignments from the Assets

If you have existing assets that are not assigned to Asset Subtypes, you can assign them to subtypes or change
their subtypes, from the Assets page, provided that those devices are not SNMP (Simple Network Management
Protocol) devices. Subtypes for SNMP devices must be assigned when devices are initially configured.
You have existing assets in KACE SMA inventory and you have created subtypes for Asset Types. See Add
Asset Subtypes and select Device Detail page preferences.

IMPORTANT: For SNMP devices, you must assign the appropriate Asset Subtype when the device is
  configured. You cannot add or change SNMP Asset Subtypes after they have been configured.
1. Go to the Assets list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Assets.
2. To filter the list to show only those assets that are assigned to a subtype:
a. Click the Advanced Search tab above the list on the right to display the Advanced Search panel.
b. Specify the criteria required to find the assets whose subtypes you want to assign or change.
c. Click Search.
TIP: You can also use the View By drop-down list to identify assets that belong to a specific
  Asset Subtype.
3. Select the check boxes next to the assets you want to assign to a subtype. To select all assets, click the
check box next to Name at the top of the table.
4. Select View By > Asset Type > Device, and select one of the available entries in the list. For example, to
display all device assets, select All Device Subtypes.
5. Select Choose Action > Change Subtype to.
The selected assets are assigned to the selected subtype.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences
Update custom asset fields manually
You can update custom asset fields manually as needed. This is useful when you have asset information that
cannot be collected automatically, or supplemental information you want to track with an asset.
You have added custom Asset Subtypes or custom asset fields.

TIP: As an alternative to manually updating custom assets fields, you can import information from
  spreadsheets. See Importing license data in CSV files.
1. Go to the Asset Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Assets.
c. Click the name of the asset you want to update.
2. Modify the custom asset fields as needed.
3. Click Save.

Delete Asset Subtypes

You can delete Asset Subtypes provided that no assets are assigned to those subtypes.
You have Asset Subtypes that do not have any assets assigned to them.
1. Go to the Asset Type Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Asset Types.
c. Click the name of an Asset Type to display the Asset Type Detail page:
In the Subtypes section click the Delete button next to the subtype you want to edit: .
3. In the dialog window, click Yes.
The Asset Subtype is deleted from the Asset Type, and any related fields are removed immediately.

Managing Software assets

You can customize the Software Asset Type, and add Software assets for applications in the Software page
inventory as needed.
Software assets can be added for Software page inventory only. Software assets are not required for applications
in the Software Catalog inventory.

Customize the Software Asset Type

You can add, change, or delete the fields available to the Software Asset Type as needed. The Software Asset
Type is the template that determines the fields available when you add Software assets.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you customize the Software Asset Type for each
organization separately.
1. Go to the Asset Type Detail page:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize the Software Asset Type
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Asset Types.
c. In the Name column, click Software.
2. Optional: Modify fields or values on the Asset Fields table.
Click the Edit button at the end of a row: .
b. Change the field information as needed, then click Save at the end of the row.
To add a field, click the Add button in the table heading: . Add field information, then click
Save at the end of the row.
To change the order of fields, click the Reorder button at the end of the row: .
To remove a field, click the Delete button: .
3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Adding Software assets

Software assets enable you to track information about applications in the Software page inventory. For example,
after you add Software assets for applications, you can associate those assets with License assets to track
license information.
You can create Software assets for applications that have been added to the appliance automatically or manually.

NOTE: Software assets are not required to set up License Compliance for applications in the Software
  Catalog inventory. See About License Compliance for Software Catalog applications.

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you create Software assets for each organization

Add Software assets on the Software list

You can add Software assets for one or more applications at once by selecting applications on the Software list.
Software assets can be added for Software list inventory only. Software assets are not required for applications in
the Software Catalog inventory.
1. Go to the Software list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software.
2. Select the check box next to one or more applications.
3. Select Choose Action > Create Asset.
The assets are created, and they appear on the Assets list.

Add Software assets in the Assets section

You can create Software assets one-at-a-time in the Assets section.
Software assets can be added for Software list inventory only. Software assets are not required for applications in
the Software Catalog inventory.
1. Go to the Software Asset Detail page:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding Software assets
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Assets.
c. Select Choose Action > New > Software.
2. Complete the asset fields as follows:
Option Description

Subtype The asset subtype, if applicable.

Asset Status The asset status, if applicable. You can select a

default asset status, or a custom one (if they exist).
A default installation of the KACE SMA includes the
following asset statuses:
• Active: Any asset that is deployed, active, or
in use.
• Disposed: An asset that is no longer available
for use.
• Expired: A software license or contract asset
that has expired.
• In Stock: A recently received asset.
• Missing: Any asset that cannot be located.
• Repair: An asset that is being repaired.
• Reserved: An asset that is set aside for a
specific person or use.
• Retired: Any asset that reached its end-of-life
state, or is no longer in use.
• Stolen: An asset that has been reported as
For more information, see View and configure asset
lifecycle settings.

Location Select the location for this asset from the drop-
down list. The values in this list contain all locations
defined on the appliance. See Managing locations
TIP: Locations can be defined for all default
  asset types, including Cost Centers,
Departments, Devices, Licenses, Software,
and Vendors.

Name The asset name. For example, Office Pro SW Asset.

Software The name of the application to associate with the

asset. To search for items, begin typing in the field.

Software Label Select a label from the drop-down list. The list is
empty unless you have created a Smart Label. You
can type in the box to look for specific labels.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding Software assets
Option Description

Barcode Data Review or add barcodes that you want to associate

with this asset. See Add barcodes to assets.
Barcode Name

Barcode Format

a. In the Name field, enter a name for the asset. For example, Office Pro SW Asset.
b. Optional: In the Software field, select the name of the application to associate with the asset. To
search for items, begin typing in the field.
c. Optional: In the Software Label field, select a label in the Select label drop-down list. The list is
empty unless you have created a Smart Label. To filter the labels list, enter a few characters of
the label name in the Filter field.
3. Click Save.
The new asset appears on the Assets list.

Managing physical and logical assets

Physical assets include device hardware and software, as well as other physical assets, such as office furniture.
Logical assets include locations, cost centers, and vendors.
The KACE SMA Inventory component automatically provides the Asset Management component with information
about physical assets, such as devices, that report software and hardware inventory to the KACE SMA. For
physical and logical assets that do not report inventory to the KACE SMA, however, information is added and
updated manually. See Update custom asset fields manually.
Managing logical assets enables you to:
• Identify and protect logical assets.
• Establish relationships between logical assets and use them in reports. For example, geographical
relationships or the relationships of business entities.
You can also add custom logical assets, such as support contracts, to track additional metadata about those

Add physical Asset Types

You can add physical Asset Types as needed.
1. Go to the Asset Type Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Asset Types.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for the asset, such as Laptop.
3. In the Defaut Asset Status field, enter a default asset status, or a custom one (if they exist).

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add physical Asset Types
A default installation of the KACE SMA includes the following asset statuses:
◦ Active: Any asset that is deployed, active, or in use.
◦ Disposed: An asset that is no longer available for use.
◦ Expired: A software license or contract asset that has expired.
◦ In Stock: A recently received asset.
◦ Missing: Any asset that cannot be located.
◦ Repair: An asset that is being repaired.
◦ Reserved: An asset that is set aside for a specific person or use.
◦ Retired: Any asset that reached its end-of-life state, or is no longer in use.
◦ Stolen: An asset that has been reported as stolen.
Under Barcodes, click , and provide the following information:
Option Description

Barcode Data The barcode number. Barcode numbers are always unique, they cannot
be shared between multiple assets. However, it is possible for an active
asset to share a barcode with an archived asset.

Barcode Name The barcode tag associated with this asset type. There can be only one
barcode of the same type per asset.

Barcode Format The barcode format. For example, UPC-A, Code 11, or UPC-E.

You can add as many barcodes as needed.

Click the Add button on the right side of the page: .
A new line appears.
6. Provide the following information in the new line. For example:
a. In the Name field, enter Brand.
b. In the Required column, select the check box to make the field required.
c. In the Type drop-down list, select Single Select.
The Available Values field is enabled.
d. Go back to the Available Values field and enter the brands you use. These will appear in the
select list. Separate each brand with a comma.
For example: Apple, Dell, IBM. This ensures that brand names, such as IBM, are referred to
consistently instead of using variations, such as IBM and International Business Machines.
7. Click Save at the end of the row, then add a row:
Click the Add button: .
b. Provide additional information in the new line.
For example:
▪ In the Name field, enter Serial Number.
▪ In the Type drop-down list, select Text.
8. Click Save at the end of the row, then add a row:
Click the Add button: .
b. Provide additional information in the new line.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add physical Asset Types
For example:
▪ In the Name field, enter Location.
▪ In the Type drop-down list, select Asset Location.
9. Click Save at the end of the row, then add a row:
Click the Add button: .
b. Provide additional information in the new line.
For example:
▪ In the Name field, enter Department, and in the Type drop-down list select Asset Department.
▪ In the Name field, enter Cost Center, and in the Type drop-down list select Asset Cost Center.
10. Click Save at the end of the row, then add a row:
Click the Add button: .
b. Provide additional information in the new line.
For example:
▪ In the Name field, enter Warranty Expiration.
▪ In the Type drop-down list, select Date. The format is yyyy-mm-dd. The supported range is
1000-01-01 to 9999-12-31.
11. Click Save at the end of the row, then click Save at the bottom of the page.

Archive device Assets

You can archive device Assets as needed.
KACE SMA administrators can archive device Assets that are no longer in use. When you archive a device Asset,
that device is no longer included in the node license count for the KACE SMA. Devices marked for archiving are
archived after a pre-defined number of days, as specified in the General Settings. The default period is three
days. This allows administrators to revert the device from being marked from archiving, if needed.
For more information about changing the length of time during which device Assets are marked for archiving, see
Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings
Once a device is archived, its record is deleted, and it can no longer be reverted to the previous active state. You
can review the device details for an archived device Asset, if required.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Assets.
3. Complete one of the following steps:
• On the Assets list, select a device Asset. Select Choose Action > Archive.
• On the Assets list, click the name of a device Asset. On the Asset Detail page that appears, click
4. In the Archive Asset dialog box that appears, in the Archive Reason field, type the reason for this action,
and click Save.
The Archive Asset dialog box closes, and the Assets list refreshes, indicating that the device Asset is in the

Pending Archive state ( ). When the Pending Archive period expires, the appliance archives the device
Asset, and it enters the Archived state ( ).
5. If you want to remove a device Asset from the Pending Archive state:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Archive device Assets
a. On the Assets list, click the name of a device Asset that is in the Pending Archive state.
b. On the Asset Detail page that appears, click Undo Pending Archive.
The Asset Detail page closes, and the Assets list refreshes, indicating that the device Asset is no longer in
the Pending Archive state.
6. If you want to review the device details for an archived device Asset, on the Assets list, in the Name
column, click the device name enclosed in brackets.
The Device Details page appears. This page contains a subset of the information typically shown for a
non-archived device Asset. For more information about the fields appearing on this page, see Groups and
sections of items in device details.

Maintaining and using manual asset information

For assets that do not report inventory to the KACE SMA automatically, you can manually add asset information.
This is useful for logical assets such as locations, cost centers, and vendors, and physical assets, such as office
furniture and equipment. Asset information that is imported or added manually must be updated manually when
that information changes.
There are two ways to keep manual asset information up to date:
• Manage the information in spreadsheets and re-import them to the KACE SMA periodically.
• Maintain the information manually in the Asset Management component.
Whichever method you choose, use it consistently to ensure that data remains current.

Creating an asset administrator role

You can create an asset administrator role to permit other users to update assets in the appliance.
For information on creating roles, see Setting up roles for user accounts.

Scheduling regular imports

To maintain asset information efficiently, you can continue updating source spreadsheets. Each time you
import, the Asset Management component determines whether to import or update records based on what was
designated as the primary key (PK) when the asset was created:
• If the primary key matches an existing record, the Asset Management component compares the data and
updates the existing record.
• If there is no matching primary key in the row, a new record is generated.
See Importing license data in CSV files.

TIP: Before importing new data, consider running a report to export the current data. That way you can
  return to the original data if there is anything wrong with the structure of the new data.

Using asset data in reports

You can export data from the Asset Management component in standard reports.
Some standard reports are:
• Unapproved Software Installation: Software found on devices where no license has been approved.
• Software Compliance Simple: License counts, such as those found on the Assets list.
• Software License Compliance Complete: A list of software and devices that are impacted by each
In addition, you can create your own reports. See About reports.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Maintaining and using manual asset information
Managing locations
A location entity represents a physical site that contains one or more of your assets.
You can add, move, or delete location entities, as needed.

Manage locations
Locations represents physical sites containing one or more of your assets. They are based on location types.
You can add, move, or delete location entities, or export location details into a file, as needed.
1. Go to the Locations list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Locations.
2. To add a location, select Choose Action > New.
See Add or edit locations for more information.
3. To delete a location:
a. Select the row containing the location that you want to delete.
b. Select Choose Action > Delete.
c. Optional. In the Delete location dialog box that appears, specify the replacement location to
which you want to move all the assets associated with the location you are about to delete.
d. Click Confirm.
NOTE: Deleting a parent location does not remove its child locations from the system.
4. To move a location:
a. Select the row containing the location that you want to move.
b. Select Choose Action > Move.
c. In the Move location dialog box that appears, specify the parent location to which you want to
move the location.
d. Click Confirm.
The Locations list refreshes, no longer showing the newly moved locations. To view child locations
associated with the specific parent, in the row containing the parent location, click on the right of the
location name.
5. In the Name field, add or change the name as needed.
TIP: Additional options are available for Device and License Asset Types. See About customizing
  the Device Asset Type and Customize the License Asset Type.
6. To export one or more locations to a file:
a. Select the rows containing the locations that you want to export.
b. Select Choose Action > Export, and then choose the appropriate option.
For example, to export all locations to a CSV file, select them in the list, and then select Choose
ActionExportExport All To CSV Format.
You can import location information from a file using the Import Assets wizard. For more information, see
Importing asset data using CSV files.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Manage locations
Add or edit locations
The Location Detail page shows the details of the selected location.
Location information is static and changes only when you import data or change it manually.
1. Go to the Location Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Locations.
c. Display the Location Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a location.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. Provide the following information about the location: Subtype, Name (required), Description, Web site,
Address, Locale, and Phone Number.
3. When you are editing an en existing location, to associate it with a device, in the Assigned Devices section,
click , select a device, and click Add.
The selected device appears in the list below.
4. When you are editing an en existing location, to associate it with an asset, in the Assigned Assets section,
click , select an asset, and click Add.
The selected asset appears in the list below.
5. Click Save.

Customize location fields

You can rename, create, and delete fields on the Location Detail page, as needed.
1. Go to the Location Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Locations.
c. Display the Location Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a location.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. Specify location subtypes, if needed.
a. In the Subtypes section, click Add Subtype.
The Location Asset Subtype Detail page appears. The Inherited Fields section shows fields that
are available to the Asset Subtype because they have been added to the Asset Type.
b. On the Location Asset Subtype Detail page that appears, review, and edit the following options,
as needed:
Options Description

Name The name of the Location Subtype. This name appears in the list on the Location
Detail page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize location fields
Options Description

Default Indicates whether to use the Location Subtype as the default for new locations. If you
select this check box, new locations are automatically assigned to this Asset Subtype.
You can change this setting any time.

Inherited Fields This section displays the default location fields. You cannot make any changes to this

Subtype Fields
Add any fields that are specific to this Subtype, as needed. To add a field, click ,
and specify the required information.

c. Click Save.
3. If you want the locations to use barcodes, specify one or more tags in the Barcode Tags area.
Any locations that you create going forward will have the barcode tags available for configuration. For
example, if you specify a Corporate Tag and a Dell Location Tag, barcodes identified with these two tags
will be available for selection in on the Location Detail page, when you create or edit a location.

To add a barcode, click , type the barcode name, and click Save.
4. Specify additional location fields, as needed.
To add a field, in the Asset Fields area, click .
b. Provide the following information for each new field:
Option Description

Name The field name.

Available Values The values that appear in fields that contain lists of values. This field is enabled when
you select Single Select or Multiple Select from the Type drop-down list. If you
select Single Select or Multiple Select, you must enter at least one value in this
field. To use multiple values, separate each value with a comma.

Required Indicates whether the field is mandatory or optional. If this check box is selected,
users must enter a value in the field when creating assets of the selected type.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize location fields
Option Description

Type The type of field. Field types include:

• Attachment: Enables users to add attachments to the asset.
• Currency: Used for monetary values.
• Software Catalog: Enables users to associate the asset with an application in
the Software Catalog.
• Date: Used for calendar information.
• Label: Enables users to associate a label with the asset.
• Link: Used for Internet links. Links must be valid URLs, such as http://
• Multiple Select: Displays a list where multiple values can be selected. The
maximum length for each value is 255 characters.
• Notes: Used for additional information.
• Number: Used for numerical values expressed as whole numbers.
• Parent: Enables the asset to point to the same type of asset in a parent-child
relationship. For example, you might allow Location types to have a Parent
connection, allowing New York to point to a North America location. This can
then be used in the reporting system to show all assets in North America.
• Publisher: Allows you to select from the current list of publishers available in
the Software Catalog.
• Single Select: Displays a value list where only a single value can be selected.
The maximum length for each value is 255 characters.
• Text: Used for additional text. The maximum length is 255 characters.
• Timestamp: Used to add a day and time to the record.
• User: Used to associate user records with an asset.
• Assets Asset Type: Used to specify relationships among Asset Types.

c. Click Save.
5. Click Save.

Managing contracts
A contract is a form of purchase agreement between the vendor and the end user, that describes the usage
terms. Contracts can be associated with software and hardware items your business uses, and also for physical
items such as office furniture or coffee machines.
You can add, edit, or delete contracts, as needed.

Manage contracts
Contracts represent purchase or service agreements for hardware and software items your business uses, and
also for any physical products or services, such as office chairs or coffee suppliers.
You can add, edit, or delete contracts, or export contract details into a file, as needed.
1. Go to the Contracts list:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Manage contracts
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Contracts.
2. To add a contract, select Choose Action > New.
See Add or edit contracts for more information.
3. To delete a contract:
a. Select the row containing the contract that you want to delete.
b. Select Choose Action > Delete.
4. To export one or more contract entries to a file:
a. Select the rows containing the contracts that you want to export.
b. Select Choose Action > Export, and then choose the appropriate option.
For example, to export all contracts to a CSV file, select them in the list, and then select Choose
Action > Export > Export All To CSV Format.
You can import contract information from a file using the Import Assets wizard. For more information, see
Importing asset data using CSV files.

Add or edit contracts

The Contract Detail page shows the details of the selected contract.
Use this page to add or edit contracts, as needed.
1. Go to the Contract Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Contracts.
c. Display the Contract Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a contract.
▪ Select Choose Action > New > Contract-Hardware.
▪ Select Choose Action > New > Contract-Software.
▪ Select Choose Action > New > Contract-Other.
2. Provide general information about the contract.
Contracts are a form of asset types, and apart from the Name field which is always required, the collection
of the fields available with each contract type can be changed to suit your needs. For more information
about Asset Types, see About Asset Types
The following fields typically appear on a contract record:

Option Description

Subtype The subtype assignment for this contract asset, if applicable. None
indicates that the asset is not assigned to a subtype.
You can specify the contract subtypes in the applicable contract Asset
Subtype (Contract-Software, Contract-Hardware, or Contract-Other).
For more information about asset subtypes, see About Asset Subtypes,
custom fields, and device detail preferences.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit contracts
Option Description

Asset Status The contract status, if applicable. You can select a default asset status,
or a custom one (if they exist). A default installation of the KACE SMA
includes the following asset statuses:
• Active: Any asset that is deployed, active, or in use.
• Disposed: An asset that is no longer available for use.
• Expired: A software license or contract asset that has expired.
• In Stock: A recently received asset.
• Missing: Any asset that cannot be located.
• Repair: An asset that is being repaired.
• Reserved: An asset that is set aside for a specific person or use.
• Retired: Any asset that reached its end-of-life state, or is no longer
in use.
• Stolen: An asset that has been reported as stolen.
For more information, see View and configure asset lifecycle settings.

Location The location of this asset.

Name The name of the contract.

Contract Number The contract number.

Contract Description Additional information about the contract.

Contract Start Date The date when the contract is activated.

Contract End Date The date when the contract ends.

Anniversary Software and hardware contracts only. An indicator of when the

contract is up for renewal.

Publisher Software and hardware contracts only. The contract publisher.

Publisher Program Software contracts only. The entries available for selection are
populated from the Software Catalog, depending on what you set in the
Publisher field. When you select a Publisher, the entries available for
selection in this field are populated with the program entries associated
with the selected Publisher, that exist in your Software Catalog.

Vendor The name of the vendor associated with the contract. You can select from
the available vendor entries.

Vendor Agreement Number The number of the vendor agreement associated with the contract.

Manufacturer Hardware contracts only. The manufacturer of the device associated

with this contract.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit contracts
Option Description

Hardware Type Hardware contracts only. The type of the hardware device associated
with this contract, such as laptop or server.

Hardware Series Hardware contracts only. The series of the hardware device associated
with this contract.

Hardware Model Hardware contracts only. The model number of the hardware device
associated with this contract.

Purchase Order Number The number of the purchase order associated with the contract.

Purchase Order Date The date of the purchase order associated with the contract.

Linked Contract Another contract that is associated with this contract entry.

Contact Name The contact name associated with the contract.

Contact Email The contact email address associated with the contract.

Contact Phone The contact phone number associated with the contract.

Notes Additional information about this contract.

Attachment 1, Attachment 2 Any file attachments associated with the contract.

3. Optional. Add one or more barcodes to the contract, as needed.

Under Barcodes, click , and provide the following information:
Option Description

Barcode Data The barcode number. Barcode numbers are always unique, they cannot
be shared between multiple assets. However, it is possible for an active
asset to share a barcode with an archived asset.

Barcode Name The barcode tag associated with this asset type. There can be only one
barcode of the same type per asset.

Barcode Format The barcode format. For example, UPC-A, Code 11, or UPC-E.

4. Review the information in the Service Desk section. If you are editing an existing contract associated with
one or more Service Desk tickets, they are listed in this section.
5. Review the information in the Related Assets section. If you are editing an existing contract associated with
one or more licenses, they are listed in this section.
6. Click Save.

Managing licenses
A license agreement allows you to use a logical or physical asset, such as software or hardware.
You can add, edit, or delete licenses, as needed, and associate them with your physical or logical assets.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing licenses
Manage licenses
Licenses allow you to use your logical or physical assets, such as software or hardware that your business uses.
You can add, edit, or delete licenses, or export license details into a file, as needed.
1. Go to the Licenses list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Licenses.
2. To add a license, select Choose Action > New.
See Add or edit licenses for more information.
3. To delete a license:
a. Select the row containing the license that you want to delete.
b. Select Choose Action > Delete.
4. To export one or more license entries to a file:
a. Select the rows containing the licenses that you want to export.
b. Select Choose Action > Export, and then choose the appropriate option.
For example, to export all licenses to a CSV file, select them in the list, and then select Choose
Action > Export > Export All To CSV Format.
You can import license information from a file using the Import Assets wizard. For more information, see
Importing asset data using CSV files.

Add or edit licenses

The License Detail page shows the details of the selected license.
Use this page to add or edit licenses, as needed. Licenses are a form of asset types, and apart from the license
name which is always required, the collection of the fields available with a license record can be changed to suit
your needs. For more information about Asset Types, seeAbout Asset Types.
1. Go to the License Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Licenses.
c. Display the License Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a license.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. On the License Asset Detail page, on the General tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Subtype The Asset Subtype to associate with the license. See About Asset Subtypes, custom
fields, and device detail preferences.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit licenses
Option Description

Asset Status The license status, if applicable. You can select a default asset status, or a custom
one (if they exist). A default installation of the KACE SMA includes the following asset
• Active: Any asset that is deployed, active, or in use.
• Disposed: An asset that is no longer available for use.
• Expired: A software license or contract asset that has expired.
• In Stock: A recently received asset.
• Missing: Any asset that cannot be located.
• Repair: An asset that is being repaired.
• Reserved: An asset that is set aside for a specific person or use.
• Retired: Any asset that reached its end-of-life state, or is no longer in use.
• Stolen: An asset that has been reported as stolen.
For more information, see View and configure asset lifecycle settings.

Location The name of the location where the asset is located. See Managing locations.

Name The name of the license, such as Office Professional PO #1234. This is the name
that you use to find the asset. If you plan to have multiple licenses associated with an
application, provide the purchase order number or purchase date in the fields below to
differentiate the licenses.

License Count The number of installations or seats the license allows. For example, 50.

Applies to Applications in the Software Catalog inventory to which the license applies. You
Cataloged can associate License assets with multiple applications in the Software Catalog if
Software necessary. However, it is not necessary to associate a License asset with multiple
versions of the same application because the appliance does this automatically to
support upgrades and downgrades. You can simply associate the current version with
the License asset when you add the license information.
In addition, if you assign applications from different publishers, such as Microsoft Office
and Adobe Acrobat, to the same License asset, the total number of seats specified in
the License asset is assigned to each application. For example, if the License asset
has 100 seats, both Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat are assigned 100 seats.

Applies to Leave this field blank. A software license cannot be associated with applications from
Software the Software Catalog inventory and the Software page inventory at the same time.
For more information on how to create license assets for cataloged software, see Add
License assets for Software page inventory.

License Mode The mode of the License asset. For applications that require licenses, and to display
license usage information on the License Compliance page, select either Enterprise or
Unit License.
NOTE: Most modes, including Not Specified, Client License, Subscription,
  Shareware, Freeware, OpenSource, No Licensing, and Site License, are not
used for License Compliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit licenses
Option Description

The license mode is used in these sections of the Administrator Console:

• The License Compliance list. See View License Compliance information for
Software Catalog applications.
• The License Compliance chart that is displayed on the Dashboard. Values that
are marked as ignored on the Asset Detail page are shown with a usage level of
100 percent. See About Dashboard widgets.

3. Click Next.
4. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Purchase tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Contract The contract asset associated with the license.

Applies to Applications in the Software Catalog inventory to which the license applies. You
Cataloged can associate License assets with multiple applications in the Software Catalog if
Software necessary. However, it is not necessary to associate a License asset with multiple
versions of the same application because the appliance does this automatically to
support upgrades and downgrades. You can simply associate the current version with
the License asset when you add the license information.
In addition, if you assign applications from different publishers, such as Microsoft Office
and Adobe Acrobat, to the same License asset, the total number of seats specified in
the License asset is assigned to each application. For example, if the License asset
has 100 seats, both Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat are assigned 100 seats.

Product Key The product key associated with the license. You can modify and edit the default
information, which can be captured for a License Asset Type.

Unit Cost The unit cost associated with the license. You can modify and edit the default
information, which can be captured for a License Asset Type.

Vendor The name of the Vendor asset you want to associate with the application. the Vendor
drop-down list is empty unless you have added a Vendor asset. To search for a vendor,
begin typing in the list.
NOTE: Assigning multiple vendors to a single software License asset is
  not recommended because it can result in inaccurate License Compliance

Purchase Order The purchase order number associated with the license.

Purchase Date The date the purchase was made. Click in the field, then select a date on the calendar.

Purchase Select one or more purchase records associated with this license. See Managing
purchase records.

5. Click Next.
6. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Maintenance tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Includes Indicates if the license includes upgrade rights. Upgrade rights refer to the ability to
Upgrade Rights upgrade to a newer version of the licensed software, when such versions become

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit licenses
Option Description
available. For more information, see About license upgrades. Select one of the
following options:
• Yes: Upgrade rights are calculated by comparing the number of existing licenses
for the selected software with the counts of available licenses for newer versions
of the same software.
• Yes - Select from list: Choose one or more software versions for which
you want to grant upgrade rights. Under Upgrade Software list, click Select
cataloged software to add. The list that appears is populated with higher
versions of the selected software to which the license can be upgraded. When
you click an entry in the list, your selection appears in the Upgrade Software list
box. You can add one or more versions, as needed. To delete an item from the
list, select it in the Upgrade Software list box, and click Remove.
• No: If you do not want to grant upgrade rights to the selected software, select this

Includes Whether the license entitles users to upgrade the installed version of the application.
Maintenance See About License Compliance for Software Catalog applications.

Expiration Date If the license includes maintenance, the expiration date of the maintenance period.
The KACE SMA License Compliance feature leverages Software Catalog information,
such as application release dates. If new application versions are released during the
maintenance period, they are automatically covered by this License asset.

Includes Indicates if the license includes downgrade rights. Downgrade rights refer to the ability
Downgrade to apply licenses for newer software versions to older versions of the same software.
Rights For more information, see About license downgrades. Select one of the following
• Yes: Downgrade rights are calculated by comparing the number of existing
licenses for the selected software with the counts of available licenses for older
versions of the same software.
• Yes - Select from list: Choose one or more software versions for which you
want to grant downgrade rights. Under Downgrade Software list, click Select
cataloged software to add. The list that appears is populated with lower
versions of the selected software to which the license can be downgraded. When
you click an entry in the list, your selection appears in the Downgrade Software
list box. You can add one or more versions, as needed. To delete an item from
the list, select it in the Downgrade Software list box, and click Remove.
• No: If you do not want to grant downgrade rights to the selected software, select
this option.

7. Click Next.
8. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Related tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Department The business group or department that owns the application.

Cost Center The cost center associated with the department that owns the application.

Approved for The devices that are approved to use the license. This information is used in License
Device Compliance reporting. For example, if devices have the application installed, but
are not on the list of approved devices, the devices are listed in the report titled,

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit licenses
Option Description
Unapproved Software Installation. However, the KACE SMA does not enforce license
compliance. For example, the appliance does not prevent applications from being
installed on managed devices if a license is expired or otherwise out of compliance.

Barcodes Add or edit barcodes associated with this license, as required. For more information,
see Add barcodes to assets.

9. Click Next.
10. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Custom tab, provide additional custom data. You can modify the
License Asset Type to include as many additional fields as necessary to meet your business objectives. For
more information, see Add or customize Asset Types.
11. Click Next.
12. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Notes tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

License Text Any supplemental information about the license, such as a license number.

13. Click Save.

Managing purchase records

Purchase records document the acquisition of any physical and software products for your organization. Your
administrators can keep track of individual purchase records and associate them with related license agreements.
A license agreement for a specific asset can be associated with one or more purchase record. For example, your
organization may have one license agreement for Adobe Acrobat, and multiple purchase record for that software
license, one for each group in the organization.
You can add, edit, or delete purchase records, as needed, and associate them with applicable license

Manage purchase records

Your administrators can keep track of individual purchase records used to acquire physical and software products
for your organization.
You can add, edit, or delete purchase records, or export purchase record details into a file, as needed.
1. Go to the Purchases list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Purchases.
2. To add a purchase record, select Choose Action > New.
See Add or edit purchase records for more information.
3. To delete a purchase record:
a. Select the row containing the purchase record that you want to delete.
b. Select Choose Action > Delete.
4. To export one or more purchase records to a file:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Manage purchase records
a. Select the rows containing the purchase records that you want to export.
b. Select Choose Action > Export, and then choose the appropriate option.
For example, to export all purchase record to a CSV file, select them in the list, and then select
Choose Action > Export > Export All To CSV Format.

Add or edit purchase records

The Purchase Detail page shows the details of the selected purchase record.
Use this page to add or edit purchase records, as needed. Licenses are a form of asset types, and apart from
the purchase record name and unit quantity which are always required, the collection of the fields available with
a license record can be changed to suit your needs. For more information about Asset Types, seeAbout Asset
1. Go to the License Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Purchases.
c. Display the Purchase Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a purchase record.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. On the Purchase Detail page, provide the following information:
Option Description

Subtype The Asset Subtype to associate with the purchase record. You can create purchase
records for Hardware or Software items. See About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and
device detail preferences.

Asset Status The purchase record status, if applicable. You can select a default asset status, or a
custom one (if they exist). A default installation of the KACE SMA includes the following
asset statuses:
• Active: Any asset that is deployed, active, or in use.
• Disposed: An asset that is no longer available for use.
• Expired: A software license or contract asset that has expired.
• In Stock: A recently received asset.
• Missing: Any asset that cannot be located.
• Repair: An asset that is being repaired.
• Reserved: An asset that is set aside for a specific person or use.
• Retired: Any asset that reached its end-of-life state, or is no longer in use.
• Stolen: An asset that has been reported as stolen.
For more information, see View and configure asset lifecycle settings.

Location The name of the location where the asset obtained with this purchase is located. See
Managing locations.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit purchase records
Option Description

Name The name of the purchase record, such as Office Professional PO #1234. This is
the name that you use to associate this purchase order with a license agreement, as

Description The description of the purchase order.

Purchase Order The number of the purchase order issued by your organization.

Purchase Order The date on which your organization issued the purchase order.

Quantity The number of units purchased.

Unit Cost The cost of an individual unit purchased.

Vendor The name of the vendor that the unit is purchased from.

Vendor Order The number of the purchase order issued by the vendor.

Vendor Order The date on which the vendor issued the purchase order.

Proof of An image containing the photo of the purchase record.


Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

Software Title Software only. The name of the purchased software.

Publisher Software only. The publisher of the purchased software.

Contract Software only. The contract associated with the software purchase.

Product Key Software only. The product key of the purchased software.

Maintenance Software only. The date on which the maintenance for the purchased software ends.
Expiration Date

Proof of Software only. An image containing the photo of the maintenance agreement.

Manufacturer Hardware only. The manufacturer of the purchased hardware item.

Model Hardware only. The model name of the purchased hardware item.

Specifications Hardware only. Any specifications for the purchased hardware item, as applicable.

Serial Number Hardware only. The serial number of the purchased hardware item.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit purchase records
Option Description

Contract Hardware only. The contract associated with the purchased hardware item.

Warranty Start Hardware only. The date on which manufacturer's warranty for purchased hardware
Date item starts.

Warranty End Hardware only. The date on which manufacturer's warranty for purchased hardware
Date item ends.

Support End Hardware only. The date on which the support for the purchased hardware item ends.

Barcodes Add or edit barcodes associated the items acquired with this purchase order, as
required. For more information, see Add barcodes to assets.

Setting up License Compliance

To track License Compliance information for applications, you need to create License assets. License assets can
be associated either with applications in the Software Catalog inventory or the Software page inventory. License
assets cannot be associated with both inventory types at the same time.
The options for tracking licenses, and the requirements for setting up License Compliance, differ for Software
Catalog inventory and for Software page inventory.

About License Compliance for Software Catalog

The KACE SMA enables you to view License Compliance information for applications in the Software Catalog
inventory. This information appears on the License Compliance page and in the License Compliance Dashboard
After you configure License assets for applications in the Software Catalog inventory, you can view the number
of seats installed on Agent-managed devices, the number of seats available, the type of licenses applied, and,
if metering is enabled for the application, usage information. In addition, the KACE SMA leverages information
in the Software Catalog to automatically apply the correct licenses to application versions that are classified as
upgraded or downgraded.
To set up License Compliance for applications in the Software Catalog inventory:
• (Optional) Customize the License Asset Type to meet your information management requirements. See
Customize the License Asset Type.
• (Optional) Enable metering for Software Catalog applications. When metering is enabled, the License
Compliance page shows whether applications have or have not been used in the past 30, 60, and 90 days.
See About software metering.
• Create License assets and associate them with applications in the Software Catalog inventory. See Add
License assets for Software Catalog inventory.
• (Optional) Set the threshold levels for License Compliance used on the Dashboard widget. The default
Warning Threshold is 90. The default Critical Threshold is 100. See Customize license usage warning

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About License Compliance for Software Catalog applications
About license upgrades
Application maintenance plans often enable users to upgrade to newer versions of applications when those
versions become available, and the License Compliance page shows the number of installations that are
considered to be upgrades.
To track upgrades, the KACE SMA uses the information in the Software Catalog and the license details to
determine whether to associate new versions of applications with existing licenses. For example, if a License
asset was created for the 1.0 version of an application, and the maintenance plan entitles users to upgrade, the
2.0 version of the application is automatically covered by the License asset when it is released. In this example,
the License asset must be configured as follows:
• The Includes Maintenance field must be set to Yes.
• The Maintenance Expiration Date must be later than the version 2.0 GA (General Availability) date in the
Software Catalog.
• The License Mode must be Enterprise or Unit License.
• The Include Upgrade Rights must be set to Yes or Yes - Select from list.
For more information about these settings, see Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory.

About license downgrades

Vendors often allow users to apply licenses for newer versions of applications to older versions, and these types
of installations are referred to as downgrades. The License Compliance page shows the number of installations
that are considered to be downgrades.
License seats are first allocated to installations of the latest version of the application. If additional seats are
available, and if the vendor allows downgrades, the seats are automatically allocated to installations that are
considered downgrades.
Licenses for upgrades are always allocated before licenses for downgrades.

Customize the License Asset Type

You can add, change, or delete the fields available to the License Asset Type as needed. The License Asset Type
is the template that determines the fields available when you add License assets.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you customize the License Asset Type for each
organization separately.
1. Go to the Asset Types list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Asset Types.
2. In the Name column, click License to display the Asset Type Detail page.
3. In the Defaut Asset Status field, enter a default asset status, or a custom one (if they exist).

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize the License Asset Type
A default installation of the KACE SMA includes the following asset statuses:
◦ Active: Any asset that is deployed, active, or in use.
◦ Disposed: An asset that is no longer available for use.
◦ Expired: A software license or contract asset that has expired.
◦ In Stock: A recently received asset.
◦ Missing: Any asset that cannot be located.
◦ Repair: An asset that is being repaired.
◦ Reserved: An asset that is set aside for a specific person or use.
◦ Retired: Any asset that reached its end-of-life state, or is no longer in use.
◦ Stolen: An asset that has been reported as stolen.
4. In the Name field, type the name of the Asset Type.
The default for this type of asset is License.
5. Optional: In the For License Compliance Reporting section, select the fields to use for License
Information from the selected License Mode field appears on the Dashboard License Compliance widget.
6. Do one of the following:
• In the License Mode Field drop-down list, keep the default as Select Field. This makes all of the
values in the License Mode Field available for License Compliance. If you have more than one single-
select or multiple-select field on the Asset Fields list, the first field that appears on the list, and all of its
values, is used in the License Compliance widget.
• In the License Mode Field drop-down list, select a field, such as License Mode, to be used for
License Compliance. By default, this drop-down list contains a single field, but you can add fields as
needed. If you select a field, such as License Mode as shown in the following illustration, only the
selected field is used for License Compliance.

In addition, when you select a field, you can choose the values, if any, you want to ignore in the
License Compliance chart. Values that are ignored are listed at 100 percent usage and displayed in
By default License Mode is the only single- or multiple-select field available, so it is the only field
listed. If you add single- or multiple-select fields on the Asset Fields table, they appear in this list as
well, and they appear on the Asset Detail page when you add a License asset. However, only the
selected field, or the first field on the Asset Fields list, is used in the License Compliance widget.
7. Optional: Modify the License Mode field or values on the Asset Fields table.
Click the Edit button at the end of a row: .
b. Change the field information as needed, then click Save at the end of the row.
To add a field, click the Add button in the table heading: . Add field information, then click
Save at the end of the row.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize the License Asset Type
To change the order of fields, drag the Reorder button: .
To remove a field, click Delete button: .
8. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
Related topics
View License Compliance and Configuration information.

Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory

You can add License assets for applications in the Software Catalog inventory. Adding License assets enables
you to view license compliance information on the License Compliance list and on the License Compliance
Dashboard widget.
Software Catalog applications must be classified as Discovered, Not Discovered, or Locally Cataloged. You
cannot add License assets for applications classified as Uncataloged.
When you associate License assets with applications, you can also view license information on the Software
Catalog Detail page. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you manage license information
for each organization separately.

TIP: To add License assets for multiple applications at once, you can import the information from
  spreadsheets or CSV files. See Example: Import license data from prepared spreadsheets.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Click the name of an application to display the Software Catalog Detail page.
3. Near the bottom of the page, click Add New License to display the License Asset Detail page.
4. On the License Asset Detail page, on the General tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Subtype The Asset Subtype to associate with the license. See About Asset Subtypes, custom
fields, and device detail preferences.

Asset Status The license status, if applicable. You can select a default asset status, or a custom
one (if they exist). A default installation of the KACE SMA includes the following asset
• Active: Any asset that is deployed, active, or in use.
• Disposed: An asset that is no longer available for use.
• Expired: A software license or contract asset that has expired.
• In Stock: A recently received asset.
• Missing: Any asset that cannot be located.
• Repair: An asset that is being repaired.
• Reserved: An asset that is set aside for a specific person or use.
• Retired: Any asset that reached its end-of-life state, or is no longer in use.
• Stolen: An asset that has been reported as stolen.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory
Option Description

For more information, see View and configure asset lifecycle settings.

Location The name of the location where the asset is located. See Managing locations.

Name The name of the license, such as Office Professional PO #1234. This is the name
that you use to find the asset. If you plan to have multiple licenses associated with an
application, provide the purchase order number or purchase date in the fields below to
differentiate the licenses.

License Count The number of installations or seats the license allows. For example, 50.

Applies to Applications in the Software Catalog inventory to which the license applies. You
Cataloged can associate License assets with multiple applications in the Software Catalog if
Software necessary. However, it is not necessary to associate a License asset with multiple
versions of the same application because the appliance does this automatically to
support upgrades and downgrades. You can simply associate the current version with
the License asset when you add the license information.
In addition, if you assign applications from different publishers, such as Microsoft Office
and Adobe Acrobat, to the same License asset, the total number of seats specified in
the License asset is assigned to each application. For example, if the License asset
has 100 seats, both Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat are assigned 100 seats.

Applies to Leave this field blank. A software license cannot be associated with applications from
Software the Software Catalog inventory and the Software page inventory at the same time.
For more information on how to create license assets for cataloged software, see Add
License assets for Software page inventory.

License Mode The mode of the License asset. For applications that require licenses, and to display
license usage information on the License Compliance page, select either Enterprise or
Unit License.
NOTE: Most modes, including Not Specified, Client License, Subscription,
  Shareware, Freeware, OpenSource, No Licensing, and Site License, are not
used for License Compliance.
The license mode is used in these sections of the Administrator Console:
• The License Compliance list. See View License Compliance information for
Software Catalog applications.
• The License Compliance chart that is displayed on the Dashboard. Values that
are marked as ignored on the Asset Detail page are shown with a usage level of
100 percent. See About Dashboard widgets.

5. Click Next.
6. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Purchase tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Contract The contract asset associated with the license.

Applies to Applications in the Software Catalog inventory to which the license applies. You
Cataloged can associate License assets with multiple applications in the Software Catalog if
Software necessary. However, it is not necessary to associate a License asset with multiple
versions of the same application because the appliance does this automatically to

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory
Option Description
support upgrades and downgrades. You can simply associate the current version with
the License asset when you add the license information.
In addition, if you assign applications from different publishers, such as Microsoft Office
and Adobe Acrobat, to the same License asset, the total number of seats specified in
the License asset is assigned to each application. For example, if the License asset
has 100 seats, both Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat are assigned 100 seats.

Product Key The product key associated with the license. You can modify and edit the default
information, which can be captured for a License Asset Type.

Unit Cost The unit cost associated with the license. You can modify and edit the default
information, which can be captured for a License Asset Type.

Vendor The name of the Vendor asset you want to associate with the application. the Vendor
drop-down list is empty unless you have added a Vendor asset. To search for a vendor,
begin typing in the list.
NOTE: Assigning multiple vendors to a single software License asset is
  not recommended because it can result in inaccurate License Compliance

Purchase Order The purchase order number associated with the license.

Purchase Date The date the purchase was made. Click in the field, then select a date on the calendar.

Purchase Select one or more purchase records associated with this license. See Managing
purchase records.

7. Click Next.
8. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Maintenance tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Includes Indicates if the license includes upgrade rights. Upgrade rights refer to the ability to
Upgrade Rights upgrade to a newer version of the licensed software, when such versions become
available. For more information, see About license upgrades. Select one of the
following options:
• Yes: Upgrade rights are calculated by comparing the number of existing licenses
for the selected software with the counts of available licenses for newer versions
of the same software.
• Yes - Select from list: Choose one or more software versions for which
you want to grant upgrade rights. Under Upgrade Software list, click Select
cataloged software to add. The list that appears is populated with higher
versions of the selected software to which the license can be upgraded. When
you click an entry in the list, your selection appears in the Upgrade Software list
box. You can add one or more versions, as needed. To delete an item from the
list, select it in the Upgrade Software list box, and click Remove.
• No: If you do not want to grant upgrade rights to the selected software, select this

Includes Whether the license entitles users to upgrade the installed version of the application.
Maintenance See About License Compliance for Software Catalog applications.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory
Option Description

Expiration Date If the license includes maintenance, the expiration date of the maintenance period.
The KACE SMA License Compliance feature leverages Software Catalog information,
such as application release dates. If new application versions are released during the
maintenance period, they are automatically covered by this License asset.

Includes Indicates if the license includes downgrade rights. Downgrade rights refer to the ability
Downgrade to apply licenses for newer software versions to older versions of the same software.
Rights For more information, see About license downgrades. Select one of the following
• Yes: Downgrade rights are calculated by comparing the number of existing
licenses for the selected software with the counts of available licenses for older
versions of the same software.
• Yes - Select from list: Choose one or more software versions for which you
want to grant downgrade rights. Under Downgrade Software list, click Select
cataloged software to add. The list that appears is populated with lower
versions of the selected software to which the license can be downgraded. When
you click an entry in the list, your selection appears in the Downgrade Software
list box. You can add one or more versions, as needed. To delete an item from
the list, select it in the Downgrade Software list box, and click Remove.
• No: If you do not want to grant downgrade rights to the selected software, select
this option.

9. Click Next.
10. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Related tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Department The business group or department that owns the application.

Cost Center The cost center associated with the department that owns the application.

Approved for The devices that are approved to use the license. This information is used in License
Device Compliance reporting. For example, if devices have the application installed, but
are not on the list of approved devices, the devices are listed in the report titled,
Unapproved Software Installation. However, the KACE SMA does not enforce license
compliance. For example, the appliance does not prevent applications from being
installed on managed devices if a license is expired or otherwise out of compliance.

Barcodes Add or edit barcodes associated with this license, as required. For more information,
see Add barcodes to assets.

11. Click Next.

12. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Custom tab, provide additional custom data. You can modify the
License Asset Type to include as many additional fields as necessary to meet your business objectives. For
more information, see Add or customize Asset Types.
13. Click Next.
14. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Notes tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory
Option Description

License Text Any supplemental information about the license, such as a license number.

15. Click Save.

The new License asset appears on the Licenses page. The License Count number does not change until
you update the asset. However, the number in the Installed column changes when managed devices that
have the software installed check in to the appliance. This enables you to track the number of licenses that
have been purchased and installed.
Perform the following optional tasks:
• Enable metering for Software Catalog inventory. When metering is enabled, the License Compliance page
shows whether applications have or have not been used in the past 90 days. See About software metering.
• Set license usage warning thresholds. These thresholds are used by the License Compliance Dashboard
widget to identify license compliance issues.

Add License assets for Software page inventory

You can create License assets to track information for applications that require licenses.
Before you create License assets, you should have information such as the number of installations, or seats,
allowed by the license, the product key, the purchase order number, and any other information you want to
manage in the License asset.

NOTE: To create License assets for applications in the Software page inventory, you first must create
  Software assets for those applications. You do not need to create Software assets for applications in the
Software Catalog page inventory.

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can create License assets for each organization

TIP: You can customize License Asset Types to meet your needs. See Customize the License Asset Type.
1. Go to the License Asset Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. Do one of the following:
▪ On the left navigation bar, click Licenses. Select Choose Action > New.
▪ On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog. Click the name of an
application. On the Software Catalog Detail page, click Add New License.
2. On the License Asset Detail page, on the General tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Subtype The Asset Subtype to associate with the license. See About Asset Subtypes, custom
fields, and device detail preferences.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add License assets for Software page inventory
Option Description

Asset Status The license status, if applicable. You can select a default asset status, or a custom
one (if they exist). A default installation of the KACE SMA includes the following asset
• Active: Any asset that is deployed, active, or in use.
• Disposed: An asset that is no longer available for use.
• Expired: A software license or contract asset that has expired.
• In Stock: A recently received asset.
• Missing: Any asset that cannot be located.
• Repair: An asset that is being repaired.
• Reserved: An asset that is set aside for a specific person or use.
• Retired: Any asset that reached its end-of-life state, or is no longer in use.
• Stolen: An asset that has been reported as stolen.
For more information, see View and configure asset lifecycle settings.

Location The name of the location where the asset is located. See Managing locations.

Name The name of the license, such as Office Professional PO #1234. This is the name
that you use to find the asset. If you plan to have multiple licenses associated with an
application, provide the purchase order number or purchase date in the fields below to
differentiate the licenses.

License Count The number of installations or seats the license allows. For example, 50.

Applies to Applications in the Software Catalog inventory to which the license applies. You
Cataloged can associate License assets with multiple applications in the Software Catalog if
Software necessary. However, it is not necessary to associate a License asset with multiple
versions of the same application because the appliance does this automatically to
support upgrades and downgrades. You can simply associate the current version with
the License asset when you add the license information.
In addition, if you assign applications from different publishers, such as Microsoft Office
and Adobe Acrobat, to the same License asset, the total number of seats specified in
the License asset is assigned to each application. For example, if the License asset
has 100 seats, both Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat are assigned 100 seats.

Applies to Leave this field blank. A software license cannot be associated with applications from
Software the Software Catalog inventory and the Software page inventory at the same time.
For more information on how to create license assets for cataloged software, see Add
License assets for Software page inventory.

License Mode The mode of the License asset. For applications that require licenses, and to display
license usage information on the License Compliance page, select either Enterprise or
Unit License.
NOTE: Most modes, including Not Specified, Client License, Subscription,
  Shareware, Freeware, OpenSource, No Licensing, and Site License, are not
used for License Compliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add License assets for Software page inventory
Option Description

The license mode is used in these sections of the Administrator Console:

• The License Compliance list. See View License Compliance information for
Software Catalog applications.
• The License Compliance chart that is displayed on the Dashboard. Values that
are marked as ignored on the Asset Detail page are shown with a usage level of
100 percent. See About Dashboard widgets.

3. Click Next.
4. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Purchase tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Contract The contract asset associated with the license.

Applies to Applications in the Software Catalog inventory to which the license applies. You
Cataloged can associate License assets with multiple applications in the Software Catalog if
Software necessary. However, it is not necessary to associate a License asset with multiple
versions of the same application because the appliance does this automatically to
support upgrades and downgrades. You can simply associate the current version with
the License asset when you add the license information.
In addition, if you assign applications from different publishers, such as Microsoft Office
and Adobe Acrobat, to the same License asset, the total number of seats specified in
the License asset is assigned to each application. For example, if the License asset
has 100 seats, both Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat are assigned 100 seats.

Product Key The product key associated with the license. You can modify and edit the default
information, which can be captured for a License Asset Type.

Unit Cost The unit cost associated with the license. You can modify and edit the default
information, which can be captured for a License Asset Type.

Vendor The name of the Vendor asset you want to associate with the application. the Vendor
drop-down list is empty unless you have added a Vendor asset. To search for a vendor,
begin typing in the list.
NOTE: Assigning multiple vendors to a single software License asset is
  not recommended because it can result in inaccurate License Compliance

Purchase Order The purchase order number associated with the license.

Purchase Date The date the purchase was made. Click in the field, then select a date on the calendar.

Purchase Select one or more purchase records associated with this license. See Managing
purchase records.

5. Click Next.
6. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Maintenance tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Includes Indicates if the license includes upgrade rights. Upgrade rights refer to the ability to
Upgrade Rights upgrade to a newer version of the licensed software, when such versions become

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add License assets for Software page inventory
Option Description
available. For more information, see About license upgrades. Select one of the
following options:
• Yes: Upgrade rights are calculated by comparing the number of existing licenses
for the selected software with the counts of available licenses for newer versions
of the same software.
• Yes - Select from list: Choose one or more software versions for which
you want to grant upgrade rights. Under Upgrade Software list, click Select
cataloged software to add. The list that appears is populated with higher
versions of the selected software to which the license can be upgraded. When
you click an entry in the list, your selection appears in the Upgrade Software list
box. You can add one or more versions, as needed. To delete an item from the
list, select it in the Upgrade Software list box, and click Remove.
• No: If you do not want to grant upgrade rights to the selected software, select this

Includes Whether the license entitles users to upgrade the installed version of the application.
Maintenance See About License Compliance for Software Catalog applications.

Expiration Date If the license includes maintenance, the expiration date of the maintenance period.
The KACE SMA License Compliance feature leverages Software Catalog information,
such as application release dates. If new application versions are released during the
maintenance period, they are automatically covered by this License asset.

Includes Indicates if the license includes downgrade rights. Downgrade rights refer to the ability
Downgrade to apply licenses for newer software versions to older versions of the same software.
Rights For more information, see About license downgrades. Select one of the following
• Yes: Downgrade rights are calculated by comparing the number of existing
licenses for the selected software with the counts of available licenses for older
versions of the same software.
• Yes - Select from list: Choose one or more software versions for which you
want to grant downgrade rights. Under Downgrade Software list, click Select
cataloged software to add. The list that appears is populated with lower
versions of the selected software to which the license can be downgraded. When
you click an entry in the list, your selection appears in the Downgrade Software
list box. You can add one or more versions, as needed. To delete an item from
the list, select it in the Downgrade Software list box, and click Remove.
• No: If you do not want to grant downgrade rights to the selected software, select
this option.

7. Click Next.
8. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Related tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Department The business group or department that owns the application.

Cost Center The cost center associated with the department that owns the application.

Approved for The devices that are approved to use the license. This information is used in License
Device Compliance reporting. For example, if devices have the application installed, but
are not on the list of approved devices, the devices are listed in the report titled,

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add License assets for Software page inventory
Option Description
Unapproved Software Installation. However, the KACE SMA does not enforce license
compliance. For example, the appliance does not prevent applications from being
installed on managed devices if a license is expired or otherwise out of compliance.

Barcodes Add or edit barcodes associated with this license, as required. For more information,
see Add barcodes to assets.

9. Click Next.
10. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Custom tab, provide additional custom data. You can modify the
License Asset Type to include as many additional fields as necessary to meet your business objectives. For
more information, see Add or customize Asset Types.
11. Click Next.
12. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Notes tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

License Text Any supplemental information about the license, such as a license number.

13. Click Save.

The new license asset appears on the Licenses page. The License Count number does not change until you
update the asset. However, the number in the Installed column changes when managed devices that have the
software installed check in to the appliance. This enables you to track the number of licenses that have been
purchased and installed.
Related topics
Customize the License Asset Type
View License Compliance and Configuration information
About reports

Importing license data in CSV files

If your license data is in a spreadsheet, you can export it to CSV (comma-separated value) format, then import it
into the KACE SMA. Or, you can use a text editor to create a CSV file that contains the data, then import that file.
If the CSV file contains new assets for Asset Types that you have defined, the new assets are added.

How asset information is handled during import

When asset information is imported, the appliance compares the new information to existing information to
determine how the new information should be handled.
Depending on whether the information is new, existing, or duplicated, the appliance performs the following
• Creates the asset: If the Primary Key value does not match an existing value, the asset is created.
• Updates the asset: If the Primary Key value matches an existing value, the asset information is updated.
• Flags the asset as a duplicate: If multiple records for the Asset Type match the value of the CSV field
chosen as the Primary Key, OR if multiple records match the associated asset, the asset is flagged as a
duplicate. Duplicate records are not imported.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

How asset information is handled during import
Importing asset data using CSV files
You can import asset data, such as software license data, using CSV (comma separated value) files.

Prepare asset data before importing

Verify that asset data is appropriate and formatted properly before importing it.
1. Define the basic fields for your assets. If you use product names, make sure they are useful and help to
identify the asset. See Adding Software assets.
2. Add header rows to your data. In the Asset Management component, columns without headers are referred
to by their column number, so using column header rows can make it easier to identify data.
3. Verify that all columns map to equivalent Asset Fields in the Asset Type.
Asset Types include default fields, such as Asset Name, Purchase Order Number, and Vendor, but you can
add custom asset fields if necessary. See About adding and deleting asset fields.

TIP: To view default fields go to the Asset Detail page. See Customizing Asset Types.
4. Decide what field or fields to use for the primary key (PK) for the imported assets.
Primary Keys are the fields, or combinations of fields, used as unique identifiers for assets being imported.
When assets are imported, the appliance uses Primary Keys to determine whether to update an existing
record or create a record. You can select one field, or a combination of fields, as the PK.
5. Save the spreadsheet as a CSV file, in a location you can access from the Administrator Console.

Example: Import license data from prepared spreadsheets

You can import license data from prepared CSV files.
This example describes how to import License assets for Software Catalog inventory. The example shows only
the fields that are required for License asset import. You can add additional files, such as unit cost, publisher,
product keys, and so on to meet your information management needs.
If you want to assign the imported assets to an Asset Subtype, add the subtype before you import the assets. See
Add Asset Subtypes and select Device Detail page preferences.
1. Create a file in a spreadsheet program such as Excel.
2. Add the following columns and rows. The first row is a header column:

Asset Name License Count License Mode Includes Applies to

Maintenance Software Catalog

Software Title 1 100 Enterprise Yes Software Title 1

Software Title 2 150 Enterprise Yes Software Title 2

Software Title 3 200 Enterprise Yes Software Title 3

Software Title 4 500 Enterprise Yes Software Title 4

3. Save the file in CSV format.

The values in each column are separated by commas. For example: Software Title
1,100,Enterprise,Yes,Software Title 1
4. Go to the Upload File page in the Import Assets section:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Importing asset data using CSV files
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Import Assets.
5. Click Browse or Choose File, then select the CSV file.
6. If the CSV file contains a header row, as it does in this example, select the File Header Row check box,
then click Next.
The Asset Type Selection page appears.
7. Select the Asset Type and Asset Subtype:
a. In the Asset Type drop-down list, select License.
b. In the Asset Subtype drop-down list, select Productivity.
NOTE: In this example, the Asset Subtype, Productivity, has been added to the License Asset
  Type. The Subtype drop-down list is empty if you have not added subtypes for the License Asset
Type. During import, all assets are assigned to the selected subtype.
c. Click Next.
The Mapping page appears.
8. In the CSV Fields drop-down list, select the fields that correspond to the appliance Required Standard
Fields and Required Asset Fields. The mapping of these fields depends on the contents of your CSV file
and the Asset Type. For the example in this section, use the following values:
◦ Asset Name=Asset Name
◦ License Count=License Count
◦ Applies to Cataloged Software=Software Catalog
◦ License Mode=Mode
9. Select the PK check box next to the Asset Name field.
NOTE: Primary Keys are the fields, or combinations of fields, used as unique identifiers for assets
  being imported. When assets are imported, the appliance uses Primary Keys to determine whether to
update an existing record or create a record. You can select one field, or a combination of fields, as
the PK.
10. If the assets you are importing use barcodes, in the Barcode Fields area, indicate how you want to import
the barcodes.
Option Description

Update asset barcodes with selected Check if the barcodes supplied in this area already
exist, and if they do, update them. If they do not
exist, they are created for the specified assets.

Replace all asset barcodes with selected Replace the existing barcodes with the specified

Barcode Data The field in the CSV file that contains the barcode.
There can be only one barcode of the same type per

Barcode Name The field in the CSV file that contains the barcode
tag. Barcode numbers are always unique, they
cannot be shared between multiple assets.
However, it is possible for an active asset to share a
barcode with an archived asset.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Importing asset data using CSV files
Option Description

Barcode Format The field in the CSV file that contains the barcode
format. For example, UPC-A, Code 11, or UPC-E.

11. Click Preview to verify the data on the Confirmation page.

12. Click Import to complete the import process.
The Result for Asset Import page appears.
13. Click Done to return to the Assets page.
When the import is complete, the assets appear in the Assets list. If the titles of the software matched titles
in the Software Catalog inventory, the assets are associated with the inventory items and you can view
them on the Software Catalog Detail page for the items.

Managing License Compliance

You can track the number of software licenses that have been purchased, the number in use on managed
devices, and the number that are available. This type of tracking helps you to ensure that your company complies
with software license requirements.
For example, if you have 100 licenses for the Adobe® Creative Suite, you might want to know how many of those
licenses are actually being used on managed devices. In addition, you might want to know when 80 or 90 percent
of those licenses are in use so that you can increase license capacity if necessary. You can customize license
usage warning thresholds to track license compliance.

View License Compliance information for Software

Catalog applications
To ensure that your organization has the correct licenses for installed software, you can view License Compliance
information on the License Compliance list and on the License Compliance Dashboard widget. The License
Compliance list shows all the software license information you have added through License assets, as well as
information from the Software Catalog about applications that require licenses.
• The Agent-managed devices in your KACE SMA inventory have software applications that are available in
the Software Catalog.
• You have specified the number of seats available to installed Software Catalog applications as License
assets, and you have specified the license mode. See Add License assets for Software page inventory.
• You have established warning thresholds for license usage in the appliance or organization general
settings. See Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings.
1. To view complete license compliance information, go to the License Compliance page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click License Compliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View License Compliance information for Software Catalog applications
NOTE: Information on the License Compliance list is updated every day after the appliance daily
  backup is complete. If the list is empty, either there are no applications in the Software Catalog
inventory, or the information on the page has not been updated. In addition, if all the variances show
negative numbers, which indicates that there are more installations than license seats, verify that
you have added License assets for the applications. See Add License assets for Software Catalog
2. To force the appliance to update License Compliance information, click Update Now above the list on the
left. Depending on the number of applications in inventory, this process might take a few minutes.
TIP: When you click Update Now, the appliance updates the data for each of the items on the
  list. However, when you click the Refresh button above the list on the right, the appliance simply
redisplays the information already collected. It does not obtain new license usage information.

Information on the License Compliance page includes:

Column name Description

Name The name of the application.

Publisher The name of the application publisher.

Installed The number of application installations on Agent-managed devices.

Licensed The number of seats remaining under the license.

Variance The difference, if any, between the number of license seats available and the number
of application installations. A negative number indicates that the application has
been installed on more devices than the license allows, and therefore it is out of

Used Last 90 Days The number of application installations that have been launched in the previous 90,
Used Last 60 Days 60, or 30 days. A dash in this column indicates that metering is not enabled for the
Used Last 30 Days
NOTE: To obtain accurate usage information, metering must be enabled for
  the application and for the devices on which the application is installed. See
Enabling and configuring metering for devices and applications.

Not Used Last 90 The number of application installations that have not been launched in the previous
Days 90, 60, or 30 days. A dash in this column indicates that metering is not enabled for
Not Used Last 60 the application.
Days NOTE: To obtain accurate usage information, metering must be enabled for
Not Used Last 30
  the application and for the devices on which the application is installed. See
Days Enabling and configuring metering for devices and applications.

Coverage The license type. License types include:

• Upgrade: The installed application has been upgraded from an earlier version
(requires a maintenance agreement).
• Downgrade: The installed application is using a license for a later version
(requires downgrade rights).
• Original: The installed application is using a license that matches its version
• None: The application is installed without a license.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View License Compliance information for Software Catalog applications
Column name Description

Platform The operating system on which the application runs.

Edition The name of the edition related to the application, such as Professional Edition or
Standard Edition.

3. To sort the list, click View By, then select a view.

You can view applications by Product, such as Microsoft Office, or by Product and Edition, such as
Microsoft Office Professional and Office Standard. For example, if you wanted to see all editions of
Microsoft Office applications under one heading, you could select Product in the View By drop-down list.
The Licensed column shows the number of seats available to all applications in the Microsoft Office group.
To show Microsoft Office applications by edition, select Product and Edition in the View By drop-down list.
The Licensed column shows the number of seats available to each edition of Microsoft Office.

TIP: When a group, such as Office, is collapsed to show only the top-level item, a warning icon
  is displayed to the left of the Name column if any item in the group has a negative variance or is
using more seats than the license allows: .
4. To view the License Compliance widget, click Home on the left navigation bar to go to the Admin-level
Dashboard page.
TIP: If the License Compliance widget is not visible, click Customize in the upper right to install
  it. See Customize Dashboard pages.
5. To view or change information about the number of seats available under a license, go to the detail page
for the License asset. See View assets and search for asset information.

Reclaim unused software licenses

Appliance administrators can set a policy that allows cataloged software to be uninstalled based on how
frequently specific software applications are used on user devices in order to acquire underutilized software and
re-use it where needed.
You have an option to reclaim licenses for a specific software application that is not used in the last 30, 60, or 90
days, or all associated licenses.
1. Navigate to the License Compliance page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click License Compliance.
2. In the Name column, expand the name of the application, and select a version of the software license that
you want to reclaim, as required.
NOTE: You can only reclaim licenses for a single software version at a time. Selecting multiple
  versions results in an error.
3. To reclaim licenses for the software version, choose Choose Action > Reclaim Sofware, and select one
of the following options, as required:
• Not Used Last 30 Days
• Not Used Last 60 Days
• Not Used Last 90 Days
• All

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Reclaim unused software licenses
The Managed Installation Detail page appears, allowing you to create a process that removes the
installation of the selected software item from the associated end user devices .
4. Create a new Managed Installation, as required. For more information, see the following sections, as
◦ Create Managed Installations for Windows devices
◦ Create Managed Installations for Mac OS X devices
◦ Create Managed Installations for RPM files

Update software License Compliance information

You can manually update software License Compliance information any time. If you have a large number of
applications, however, the process of updating the information might take several minutes.
The Agent-managed devices in your KACE SMA inventory have software applications that are available in the
Software Catalog.
Software License Compliance information is updated automatically every day after the appliance daily backup
process runs. Manually updating License Compliance information enables you to get the latest information

NOTE: If you have not added License assets for applications in inventory, the License Compliance page
  shows the number of seats available to applications as 0, and the variance is the number of software
1. Go to the License Compliance page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click License Compliance.
2. Click Update Now above the list.
The appliance checks for the latest license usage information and the list is updated.
TIP: Clicking the Refresh button above the list on the right simply redisplays the information
  already collected. It does not obtain new license usage information.

Customize license usage warning thresholds

You can customize license usage warning thresholds to specify the license usage percentage that is considered
to be at warning or critical levels.
License compliance information appears on the appliance Dashboard. If the Organization component is enabled
on your appliance, you customize license usage warning thresholds for each organization separately.
1. Go to Admin-level General Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize license usage warning thresholds
c. On the Control Panel, click General Settings.
2. Scroll down to the License Usage Warning Configurations section.
3. In the Warning Threshold and Critical Threshold fields, enter new values.
The default Warning Threshold is 90. The default Critical Threshold is 100.
4. To save, click Save and Restart Services.
Threshold limits are set. If you have created License assets, License Compliance information appears on
the Dashboard page of the Administrator Console.

Related topics
Add License assets for Software page inventory
View License Compliance and Configuration information

View License Compliance and Configuration

If you have set up License assets for applications, you can view License Compliance and Configuration
information for those applications.
Information is available for License assets associated with applications listed under the Software tab and
applications listed under the Software Catalog tab. See Setting up License Compliance.
If you have multiple organizations, you view license information for each organization separately.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Click Home.
Software compliance information appears in the License Compliance widget.

NOTE: The appliance updates the data in the License Compliance widget every eight hours. Clicking
  the Refresh button, however, does not update the data; it simply redisplays the data that has already
been collected.

The following colors indicate the usage level:

Color Description

Red Usage is at or above the critical threshold setting.

Orange Usage is at or above the warning threshold setting but below the critical threshold setting.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View License Compliance and Configuration information
Color Description

Green Usage is below the warning threshold setting.

The Software License Configuration widget displays the percentage of software licenses that are
categorized as unit licenses, site licenses, and other license modes.

Optional: View additional information on the License Compliance page. See View License Compliance information
for Software Catalog applications.

Setting up Service Desk

Setting up Service Desk entails setting up roles for Service Desk staff, and configuring ticket and email settings.

Setting up roles for user accounts

Service Desk uses permission-based roles to control access to Service Desk features and information. These
roles can be assigned to users automatically when they log in. You can use the default roles, or create roles as

About default roles

Default roles are available for standard user account types such as administrator, end-user, and limited-access.
The following roles are available by default. For more information about managing Organizational roles, see
Managing Organization Roles and User Roles.

Role Description

Organization Organization Roles are supersets of permissions that are assigned to organizations,
Roles and they define the permissions that are available to organization users. For
example, if an organization is assigned an Organization Role that has the Distribution
tab hidden, users in that organization, including the Admin user, cannot access the
Distribution tab.
NOTE: Organization Roles are available only on appliances with the
  Organization component enabled.

Default Role The Default Role in the Organization Roles section has Write and Read permission
for all tabs. You can create additional Organization Roles, but you cannot edit or
delete the Default Role.

User Roles Roles assigned to users to control their access to the Administrator Console and
User Console. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About default roles
Role Description
permissions available to these roles depends on the Organization Role assigned to
the organization.

Administrator The most powerful user role on the KACE SMA. By default, users with the
Administrator role have permission to see or change information and settings.
This includes promoting or demoting other users by changing their roles. The
Administrator role cannot be altered or deleted. Assign this role only to trusted
Staff members assigned the Administrator role have permission to manage and
modify Service Desk tickets from the Tickets tab in the Administrator Console, though
they might not be able to own tickets themselves.
Users with the Administrator role can also use the security, scripting, and distribution
features to resolve Service Desk tickets, then document the issues in the Knowledge
The Administrator role primarily interacts with the KACE SMA through the
Administrator Console.

No Access Users with this role cannot log on to the Administrator Console or User Console.

Read Only This role has the ability to view but not change any information or settings in the
Administrator KACE SMA. This role is useful for oversight personnel, such as supervisors.
This role primarily interacts with the KACE SMA through the Administrator Console.

User ConsoleOnly This role is for appliance users. By default, this role has permission to create, view,
and modify Service Desk tickets.
This role interacts with the appliance exclusively through the User Console.

Create a Service Desk staff role

You can create a Service Desk staff role to establish permissions for users who work on Service Desk settings
and components.
By default, users with the Administrator role have permission to change all Service Desk components, including
creating and removing users. In addition, you can create a more limited Service Desk role for your organization.
Users with this role have permission to work on tickets, add items that can be downloaded from the User Console,
add articles to the Knowledge Base, and manage announcements that appear on the User Console home page.
However, they do not manage users, run reports, or change appliance settings. This guide refers to this group as
Service Desk Admin.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can create separate Service Desk Admin roles
for each organization.
1. Go to the Role Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Roles.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Name field, provide name, such as Service Desk Admin.
3. In the Description field, provide a brief description of the role, such as Used for Service Desk

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create a Service Desk staff role
This appears on the Roles list.
4. Click the [Expand All] link next to Administrator Console Permissions to display the permissions settings
for all categories.
5. Select these custom permissions for the new role:
Category Item Permission level

Home All All Read

Inventory Devices WRITE

Software WRITE

Software Catalog WRITE

License Compliance HIDE

Processes HIDE

Startup Programs HIDE

Services HIDE

Discovery Schedules HIDE

Discovery Results HIDE

SNMP Inventory Configurations HIDE

Monitoring Devices READ

Alerts WRITE

Profiles HIDE

Maintenance Windows HIDE

Log Enablement Packages HIDE

Assets All HIDE

Distribution All HIDE

Scripting All HIDE

Security All HIDE

Service Desk Tickets WRITE

User Downloads WRITE

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create a Service Desk staff role
Category Item Permission level

Knowledge Base WRITE

Announcements WRITE

Archive READ

Configuration READ

Reporting All All Hide

Settings All All Hide

User Console All All Read

6. Click Save.
The Roles page shows the new role. When a user who is assigned to this role logs in, the appliance component
bar shows the available features.

Assign user roles

After you import or create user accounts, you can assign user roles to those accounts.
NOTE: User accounts can be imported from an LDAP server. See Importing users from an LDAP server.
1. Go to the Users list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
2. Assign the Administrator role to your Service Desk administrators:
a. Select the check box next to one or more users.
b. Select Choose Action > Apply Role > Administrator.
By default, Administrator users have owner/submitter permissions.
3. Assign the Service Desk Staff role to your team users:
a. Select the check box next to one or more users.
b. Select Choose Action > Apply Role > Service Desk Staff.
4. Assign the All Ticket Owners label to your Service Desk team members:
a. Select the check box next to one or more users.
b. Select Choose Action > Apply Label > All Ticket Owners.
The label is applied, and it appears next to the username.
5. Create a label named User, then apply the User label and role to users.
Related topics
Define custom ticket fields
Create a Service Desk staff role
Add an All Ticket Owners label

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Assign user roles
Apply labels and roles to Service Desk staff
You can apply labels and roles to Service Desk staff members to manage their permissions.
For instructions on creating labels and roles, see Setting up roles for user accounts and Setting up labels for user
1. Add a user to the DefaultTicketOwners@mydomain.com alias.
2. Go to the User Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
c. Display the User Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a user.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
3. In the Assign To Label field, click Edit.
4. In the label window, drag the All Ticket Owners label to the Assign To field, then click Save.
NOTE: If the label does not exist, you need to create it.
5. In the Role field, select the Service Desk Staff role.
6. Click Save.
The user has permission to own, modify, fix, and close tickets. The user automatically receives email when a
ticket is created.
Related topics
Add an All Ticket Owners label
Create a Service Desk staff role

Create the DefaultTicketOwners account

If you want your Service Desk staff to receive email notifications when new tickets are created, you can create a
DefaultTicketOwners user account.
You can then configure the Ticket Detail page to use that account as described in Configuring ticket settings.
To learn about email notifications, see About email notifications.
1. Go to the User Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. At minimum, provide the following details:
Field Description

Login DefaultTicketOwners

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create the DefaultTicketOwners account
Field Description

Name DefaultTicketOwners

Email DefaultTicketOwners@mydomain.com

Password Enter a password

Confirm Password Enter the password again

Role No Access

Assign to Label All Ticket Owners

3. Click Save.
4. To assign this new user as the default ticket owner, choose the DefaultTicketOwners as described in
Configuring ticket settings.
NOTE: The first default owner always remains the default owner of a ticket. For example, if you move
  an existing ticket to another category with a different default owner, the default owner of the ticket
does not change.

Configuring email settings

You can set up an email notification strategy for a queue. If you have multiple queues, you can configure email
settings for each queue separately.
An email notification strategy is described in the System requirements.
By default, Service Desk automatically sends an email to alert your staff if a ticket remains in a particular state
too long. In addition, a ticket with a priority of High is escalated if it is not modified or closed within 30 minutes. To
change the escalation times and the list of tickets to which they apply, see Customize the Ticket Detail page.
In general, the KACE SMA should never be configured to email itself. For example, if a queue's email address is
helpdesk@example.com, the helpdesk@example.com email address should not be a valid selection for the
Category CC list or any of the settings where email addresses can be specified.
The following email notification strategy is used by most Quest KACE customers to prevent their staff from being
inundated with unnecessary notifications:
• When a ticket is created, all Service Desk staff receive email notification. To learn about email notification
caveats, see About email notifications.
• After a Service Desk staff member takes ownership of a ticket, the remaining staff does not receive email
about the ticket unless it is escalated, although they can search for it.
• The ticket submitter and owner are notified by email each time their ticket’s State or Status changes.
• The ticket owner is notified of any changes to the ticket.
• If a ticket is escalated, the ticket owner, and anyone else in the Category CC list, is notified.

About email notifications

When Service Desk tickets are created or changed, the appliance sends email notifications based on the ticket
submission method, Email on Events settings, and actions taken.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About email notifications
The following rules are applied to email notifications:
• When tickets are submitted or modified through the Administrator Console or User Console, the ticket
submitter does not receive an email confirmation. However, other users associated with the ticket, such as
the Owner, Approver, CC List, and Category CC, receive email notifications as specified in the Email on
Events section of the Queue Detail page. See Configuring email triggers and email templates.
• When tickets are created through email, the ticket submitter receives an email confirmation. However, when
a ticket is modified by email, the submitter does not receive a confirmation.
• Change notification email messages are intentionally delayed when tickets are changed. This delay is
designed to reduce the number of email notifications sent when changes are made. For example, a ticket
owner might add a comment and save the ticket, then make a second, immediate change to the ticket. Only
one change notification is sent.

NOTE: Email messages are prepended with: +++++ Please reply above this line to add a comment +

• When managed devices or user accounts are deleted from inventory, email notifications for any Service
Desk tickets related to those devices are suppressed to avoid unnecessary notifications.

About Ticket Rules

If the standard email behavior does not meet your needs, you can use Ticket Rules to change the behavior.
For more information about Ticket Rules, see Using Ticket Rules.
Many of the more complex Ticket Rules, such as modifying the behavior of email notifications, are published on
the Quest Support site, https://support.quest.com/contact-support.

About POP3 email accounts

You can configure the KACE SMA to receive email from POP3 servers.
To do so, you need to:
• Enable and configure an external SMTP server in the appliance network settings. See Use an external
SMTP server or Secure SMTP server.
• Optional. Configure Service Desk email preferences. See Configure email preferences.
• Configure SMTP server and POP3 settings in Service Desk ticket queues. See Configure queue-specific
email settings.
If you do not use a POP3 email server, you can use the KACE SMA's built-in SMTP server to accept incoming
email messages from your internal email server.

IMPORTANT: The SMA appliance POP3 email server must pass authentication information and the email
  text itself as clear text.

Create and configure POP3 email accounts

You can create and configure POP3 email accounts for use by the Service Desk users and staff.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create and configure POP3 email accounts
The two accounts are:
• Support@mydomain.com. This email address is used to:
◦ Receive all new tickets when they are created.
◦ Allow users and Service Desk staff to automatically create and modify tickets.
◦ Serve as the email address to which your users can reply.
The email delivered to this address is not read, but Service Desk staff is notified of the ticket changes resulting
from the email.
• DefaultTicketOwners@mydomain.com. This email alias is used to:
◦ Allow Service Desk staff to communicate with each other.
◦ Allow the appliance to send automated email notification about new and open tickets.
1. Create Support@mydomain.com as a valid email address on your POP3 email server.
2. Configure DefaultTicketOwners@mydomain.com as the Service Desk staff email alias, and add all of your
Service Desk staff email addresses to it. This is the general-purpose email alias that your Service Desk
staff uses to communicate with each other.
3. If you want to use an external SMTP server used by the appliance, configure it on the Network Settings
page in the System Administration Console. See Change appliance network settings.
TIP: If you want to use POP3 for Service Desk ticket emails, you can configure the POP3
  settings on the queue level.
4. Optional. Configure Service Desk email preferences. See Configure email preferences.
5. If you want to use different SMTP or POP3 settings for each queue, you can specify them on the queue
level. See Configure queue-specific email settings.

Configure email preferences

You can create and configure preferences for the email sent to and from the Service Desk users and staff.
By default, the Service Desk is configured to use an internal SMTP server for sending ticket-related emails. You
have an option to use an external SMTP server, however, you must configure it in the appliance network settings.
For more information, see Change appliance network settings.
1. Go to the Service Desk Email Preferences page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, in the Email Configuration section, click Configure Service Desk
Email Preferences.
2. On the Service Desk Email Preferences page that appears, in the Outbound Email section, select the
Include "Reply above this line" text on outbound email communications check box.
It is recommended to use this feature to prevent the entire email chain from being added to each comment.
3. Specify the text that you want to detect in the email subject. When the Service Desk receives a ticket-
related email with the specified subject, it will stop processing that email.
a. In the Inbound Email section, in the Ignore emails with following text in the subject field, type
the words that you want to detect. You can specify multiple entries, using a semi-colon as a
separator. For example: Out of Office;Mail Delivery Failure.
4. Configure the thresholds for all inbound email notifications during a specific period. When these levels are
reached, the Service Desk will stop sending email notifications.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure email preferences
NOTE: When the overall threshold is reached, notifications will pause for all tickets. If a per-ticket
  threshold is reached, notifications will be paused only for the affected ticket. When the number of
email updates in the given period becomes lower than the configured threshold, the notifications will

Option Description

Total Emails The maximum number of all emails the Service Desk receives and responds with
email notifications. The default value is 100 emails.

Received within the The time interval in minutes during which the specified number of emails are
interval of x minutes received. The default value is one minute.
To disable this restriction, you can set to a high number such as 99999.

5. Configure the thresholds for inbound email notifications per ticket, during a specific period. When these
levels are reached, the Service Desk will stop sending email notifications.
Option Description

Total Emails per Ticket The maximum number of all emails the Service Desk receives for each ticket,
and responds with email notifications. The default value is 5 emails per ticket.

Received within the Specify the time interval in minutes during which the specified number of emails
interval of x minutes for each ticket are received. The default value is one minute. To disable this
restriction, set this option to a high number such as 99999.

6. Click Save.
Next, you can configure POP3 email accounts for specific Service Desk queues. For more information, see
Configure queue-specific email settings.

Configuring email triggers and email templates

You can set up triggers that automatically send email from the KACE SMA and use templates to set the content of
those email messages.
The Email on Events section determines which actions trigger an email to the various KACE SMA users. Email
templates determine the content of the messages.

Timing of email messages

The following email events trigger the KACE SMA to send email immediately:
• Comment: The system sends email notifications for comments when users add comments and click
Submit on the ticket form. When users add comments and click Save on the ticket form, however, only the
Any Change notification is sent.
• Ticket Closed: If the Satisfaction Survey is enabled, an email that describes the Satisfaction Survey is sent
immediately when tickets are closed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configuring email triggers and email templates
The following email events trigger the KACE SMA to send email every few minutes to prevent email overload:
• Any Change
• Owner Change
• Status Change
• Approval Change
• Resolution Change
• Escalation
• SLA Violation
• New Ticket Via Email

Configure email triggers

You can configure email triggers for a queue. If you have multiple queues, you can configure the email triggers for
each queue separately.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Display the Queue Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. On the Queue Detail page, under Email Address, click Configure Queue Email Settings link to display the
Service Desk Queue Email Settings page.
3. On the Service Desk Queue Email Settings page, in the Email on Events section, select the options for
sending email when the specified events occur. Each column represents a type of Service Desk user (role)
and each row represents a ticket event.
Service Desk user (role) Description

Owner The person who is expected to resolve the ticket.

Submitter The person whose issue is being resolved.

Approver The person who can approve or reject the ticket for

Ticket CC One or more email addresses that are stored in the

CC field of the ticket.

Category CC One or more email addresses that are stored in

the CC List of the Category Value of the ticket. See
Configure CC lists for ticket categories.

Queue Owners One or more owners of the ticket queue, as specified

by the Owner label. This only applies to the New
Ticket Via Email and New Ticket via Portal events.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configuring email triggers and email templates
When a ticket event occurs, email is sent to the selected roles or users. For example, if you select the Any
Change box in the Owner column, email is sent to the ticket owner whenever the ticket is changed. For the
Comment and Ticket Closed triggers, email is sent immediately. For other ticket changes, however, email is
sent every few minutes to prevent email overload.

NOTE: If users have the KACE GO mobile app installed on their smart phone or tablet, the system
  sends push notifications for the selected Service Desk ticket events.

Option Description

Any Change Any information on the ticket is changed.

Owner Change The ticket's Owner field is changed.

Status Change The ticket's Status field is changed.

Comment Information, attachments, or screen shots are added

to the ticket's Comments section. The system sends
email notifications for comments when users add
comments and click Submit on the ticket form.
When users add comments and click Save on
the ticket form, however, only the Any Change
notification is sent.

Approval Change The ticket's approval status has changed.

Resolution Change The ticket's resolution has changed.

Escalation The ticket has not been updated to a stalled or

closed status within the escalation time defined by
the ticket priority.

SLA Violation The ticket has not been resolved by its due date.

Ticket Closed The ticket's Status field is changed to Closed. This

event is used to present a Satisfaction Survey to
submitters. See Using the Satisfaction Survey.

New Ticket Via Email A user sends an email message to the Service Desk
and a ticket is created.

New Ticket Via Portal A ticket is created through the User Console.

4. Click Save.
Related topics
Configuring Mobile Device Access

Configure email templates

You can configure the email templates that Service Desk uses to generate email messages for a queue. If you
have multiple queues, you customize the email templates for each queue separately.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configuring email triggers and email templates
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Display the Queue Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. On the Queue Detail page, under Email Address, click Configure Queue Email Settings link to display the
Service Desk Queue Email Settings page.
3. On the Service Desk Queue Email Settings page, in the Email on Events section, click Customize Emails
to display the Service Desk Email Notifications page.
4. On the Service Desk Email Notifications page, change the following email templates as needed.
NOTE: If the default text for any of the templates is changed, the email messages will not be
  translated into different languages.

Ticket-related Description Default recipients


Ticket Escalated Used to send periodic notifications according to the Owners, the ticket CC list, and
Escalation Time configured for the ticket priority in ticket Category CC list
the queue. For example, if tickets with the priority
of High have an Escalation Time of 30 minutes,
this email is sent every 30 minutes for High priority
tickets until the ticket priority changes or until the
ticket is closed.

Ticket Created Used to acknowledge that a ticket has been created Submitters
from Email through email.

Ticket Modified Used to notify recipients when ticket information is Owners and the ticket CC list
changed or added.

Comment Used to notify recipients that comments have been Owners, submitters,
Submitted added to tickets. approvers, the ticket CC list,
and the ticket Category CC list

Ticket Closed Used to present a Satisfaction Survey to submitters Submitters

when tickets are closed. See Using the Satisfaction

Email Ticket Used to for messages that are forwarded using the Manually entered by the
Manually Email Ticket action on Ticket Detail pages. sender
TIP: If you use HTML/Markdown, the
  $ticket_fields_visible token must be enclosed
in the <pre> tag to prevent formatting, such
as line breaks, from being discarded. For

SLA Violated Used to notify recipients that a ticket has remained None. Configurable on the
open past the due date calculated using the SLA Queue Detail page
(Service Level Agreement) settings and the ticket

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configuring email triggers and email templates
Error-related template Description Recipients

Error Creating Ticket from Used to notify senders that the ticket could not be created for Submitters
Email reasons other than unknown email address.

Unknown Email Address Used to notify senders that the ticket could not be created Submitters
Response because the submitter's email address is unknown.

Table 6. Tokens used in all email templates

Token Description

$helpdesk_email The email address associated with the Service Desk queue. This
address is configured on the Queue Detail page.

$helpdesk_name The name of the Service Desk queue. This name is configured on
the Queue Detail page.

$userui_url A link to the User Console. Access to the User Console requires
login credentials.

Table 7. Tokens used in ticket-related email templates

Token Description

$change_desc A formatted representation of the changes that were made the

last time the ticket was saved, including both field changes and

$last_attachment The most recent attachment added to the ticket.

$last_comment The most recent comment added to the ticket.

$mobile_ticket_url A link to the ticket KACE GO mobile app. When displayed in an email
on an Android or iOS mobile device, this links opens the associated
ticket in the KACE GO mobile app.

$process_description The process description. It can include important pre-requisites that

the users need to complete before proceeding to create a ticket
based on a process template.

$process_name The name of the process template.

$process_status The status of the process template such as Approval Required,

Approval Timed Out, Approval Received, Approval Rejected,
Process Cancelled, and Process Complete.

$process_type The type of the process. In a default installation, only the Service
Desk process type is included. You can create new process types,
as required. For example, you can create a process type for
accessing a specific application, or a group of applications. For more
information, see Define process types.

$ticket_approver_email The email address of the ticket approver. Having this address is
especially useful for Comments email notifications.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configuring email triggers and email templates
Token Description

$ticket_approver_name The name of the ticket approver.

NOTE: The approver name and contact information is derived
  from the USER record associated with the fields on the ticket.

$ticket_approver_phone_home Contact information for the ticket approver.

$ticket_approver_phone_mobile Contact information for the ticket approver.

$ticket_approver_phone_pager Contact information for the ticket approver.

$ticket_approver_phone_work Contact information for the ticket approver.

$ticket_custom_X_label The label and value used for a custom field, where X represents the
$ticket_custom_X_value index number of the custom field.
For example, if a queue has a ticket field labeled, CUSTOM_5, and
that field is configured with the label Location Name, the system
replaces $ticket_custom_5_label with the text, Location
Name. The token, $ticket_custom_5_value is replaced with the
ticket value that was saved for the Location Name field, such as,
Topeka or Albuquerque.
By default, all ticket queues are configured with 15 custom fields, but
this number can be increased as needed.
NOTE: Each queue can have different custom fields and
  different email template configurations.

$ticket_due_date The due date as saved on the ticket. Administrators can override
automatic due dates with manual due dates if necessary.

$ticket_escalation_minutes The time, in minutes, between periodic notifications. This time is

determined by the Escalation Time configured for the ticket priority
in the queue. For example, if tickets with the priority of High have
an Escalation Time of 30 minutes, this email is sent every 30
minutes for High priority tickets until the ticket priority changes or
until the ticket is closed. This token is typically used in the Ticket
Escalated email template, to inform recipients of the frequency of
email notifications.

$ticket_fields_visible Include all the ticket fields that are visible for the user who is
forwarding the ticket by email.
TIP: If you use HTML/Markdown, the $ticket_fields_visible
  token must be enclosed in the <pre> tag to prevent
formatting, such as line breaks, from being discarded. For

$ticket_history The complete history of the ticket.

NOTE: For some tickets, the history information can become
  very detailed and too large to send through email. If the
complete history is not needed, use $ticket_history_X to
limit the number of records to include.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configuring email triggers and email templates
Token Description

$ticket_history_X A specified number of records in the ticket history. X indicates the

number of records to include, beginning with the most recent.

$ticket_id A unique identifier assigned to the ticket, also called the ticket
number. Using this identifier is the primary method for users to
identify tickets.

$ticket_number A formatted version of the ticket ID. This version begins with TICK
followed by a minimum of five digits. For example, a ticket with ID
4321 is displayed as TICK:04321. This format is especially useful
in email Subject lines to make sure that email replies link to the
correct tickets.

$ticket_owner_email The email address of the Service Desk administrator assigned to the

$ticket_owner_name The name of the Service Desk administrator assigned to the ticket.
NOTE: The owner name and contact information is derived
  from the USER record associated with the fields on the ticket.

$ticket_owner_phone_home Contact information for the Service Desk administrator assigned to

the ticket.

$ticket_owner_phone_mobile Contact information for the Service Desk administrator assigned to

the ticket.

$ticket_owner_phone_pager Contact information for the Service Desk administrator assigned to

the ticket.

$ticket_owner_phone_work Contact information for the Service Desk administrator assigned to

the ticket.

$ticket_priority The priority assigned to the ticket. Default values include High,
Medium, and Low.

$ticket_resolution Information about what was done to resolve the ticket as described in
the ticket’s Resolution field.

$ticket_status The status of the ticket. Defaults include New, Opened, Closed,
Need More Info, Reopened, Waiting Overdue, Waiting on Customer,
and Waiting on Third Party.

$ticket_submitter_email The email address of the submitter.

$ticket_submitter_name The name of the submitter.

NOTE: The submitter name and contact information is derived
  from the USER record associated with the fields on the ticket.

$ticket_submitter_phone_home Contact information for the submitter.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configuring email triggers and email templates
Token Description

$ticket_submitter_phone_mobile Contact information for the submitter.

$ticket_submitter_phone_pager Contact information for the submitter.

$ticket_submitter_phone_work Contact information for the submitter.

$ticket_title The title of the ticket as it appears on the Ticket Detail page.

$ticket_url A link to the ticket in the User Console. Access to the User Console
requires login credentials.

$ticket_http_url A link to the ticket in the User Console. This format is used for
backward compatibility on older systems. Access to the User
Console requires login credentials.

$ticket_https_url A secure link to the ticket in the User Console. Use this token if SSL
is enabled on your appliance. This ensures that links sent through
email work correctly.

$userui_url A link to the home page of the User Console. Access to the User
Console requires login credentials.

Table 8. Tokens used in error-related email templates

Token Description

$error_text Used to identify a problem processing the submitted tokens. This error appears when:
• The system does not recognize a variable
• A variable is recognized, but the user does not have permission to change the
• The variable attempts to change the approval status of the ticket but the user is
not the approver

$quoted_mail The content of the original email message.

$subject The subject of the original email message.

NOTE: Tokens that are invalid are ignored and they are not replaced in email messages. For
  example, if you add an unknown token such as $today, it is ignored, and it appears in the email
message as $today.
5. Optional: Select Use HTML/Markdown to use a simple HTML-based email instead of plain text.
NOTE: To use HTML/Markdown feature, the email text must be fully formatted in HTML/Markdown.
  The default email text will not automatically convert to HTML/Markdown without the appropriate tags
in the email text.

For example:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configuring email triggers and email templates
Default Email Notification Email Notification with HTML

$helpdesk_name created a ticket <p> $helpdesk_name created a

in response to your email to ticket in response to your email to
$helpdesk_email. $helpdesk_email.</p>
You can see more details and track <br/>
progress on your new ticket at: <p>You can see more details and track
$ticket_url progress on your new ticket at:
<a href="$ticket_url">Click here</a>

6. Click Save.
For instructions on how to configure the appliance to use SMTP email, see Configuring SMTP email servers.

Configure CC lists for ticket categories

You can automatically notify users, or groups of users, when tickets are filed in specified categories, such as
hardware, software, or networking. To do this, add email addresses to the CC List value of each ticket category.
Configuring the CC List values of ticket categories is useful if you want to notify users, or groups of users, when
tickets are filed in categories that interest them. For example, you could add all of your system administrators to
the CC List of the Network category to ensure that they are notified of networking issues as they arise.
If you have multiple queues, you configure the ticket category CC List values for each queue separately.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Display the Queue Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Email on Events section, select all of the check boxes under the Category CC column. See Configure
email triggers.
3. Click Save.
4. In the Ticket Defaults section, click Customize These Values.
5. In the Category Values section, add email addresses to the CC List entries:
Click the Edit button in a category row: .
b. In the CC List field, enter a default email address for the category. Use commas to separate email
addresses. To enter multiple email addresses, consider using a distribution list.
c. Click Save at the end of the row.
d. Repeat this process to add CC List entries for other categories.
6. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
Create a default email address for ticket owners. See Create the DefaultTicketOwners account.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure CC lists for ticket categories
Automatically add email addresses to ticket CC List fields
You can enable Service Desk to automatically add email addresses to the CC List field of tickets whenever those
addresses appear in the To and Cc fields of tickets submitted or updated through email.
When this setting is enabled, any email addresses in the To and Cc fields are automatically added to ticket CC
List fields unless those addresses are specified in the System Email Exclusion List. See Exclude addresses from
ticket CC List fields.

NOTE: If your Service Desk was created on a KACE SMA running version 6.3 or earlier, this setting is
  disabled by default. If the Organization component is enabled on your system, and you create a new
organization, however, the setting is enabled by default. The setting is also enabled on new KACE SMAs
running version 6.4 or later.
1. Go to the Service Desk Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Settings.
2. In the Inbound Email section, select the check box next to Add email addresses from the CC List to ticket.
3. Click Save.
Configure the email exclusion list to prevent Service Desk from automatically adding unwanted email addresses
to ticket CC List fields. See Exclude addresses from ticket CC List fields.

Exclude addresses from ticket CC List fields

Service Desk can automatically add email addresses to ticket CC List fields when tickets are submitted or
updated through email. However, some addresses, such as distribution lists and general company email
addresses, should not be added automatically because they increase unnecessary email traffic. To prevent
Service Desk from adding unwanted email addresses, you can specify the email addresses you want to exclude.
The email exclusion list is an appliance-level setting. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance,
the email exclusion list is applied to all organizations and Service Desk queues.

NOTE: The email addresses associated with Service Desk queues are never automatically added to ticket
  CC List fields, because sending messages to these addresses could result in new tickets being opened
inadvertently. You do not need to add these addresses to the exclusion list.
1. Go to the Service Desk Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Settings.
2. In the Inbound Email section, click Define System Email Exclusion List to display the Define System
Email Exclusion List page.
To add an email address to the list, click add: .
4. In the Add Email dialog, type an email address, then click Save.
The email address is added to the exclusion list.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Exclude addresses from ticket CC List fields
Prevent email loops
When tickets are submitted or updated through email, Service Desk sends ticket notifications to respective
parties. However, if one or more users who receive such email reply with an automated Out of Office response,
Service Desk reacts with another ticket update and yet another email notification, potentially causing an infinite
email loop.
You can prevent the Service Desk from processing an email when an Out of Office response is received. You
also have an option to stop sending email notifications when a high number of incoming ticket-related emails is
detected. Any emails that cause the Service Desk to stop sending email notifications are logged.
1. Go to the Service Desk Email Preferences page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, in the Email Configuration section, click Configure Service Desk
Email Preferences.
2. Specify the text that you want to detect in the email subject. When the Service Desk receives a ticket-
related email with the specified subject, it will stop processing that email.
a. In the Inbound Email section, in the Ignore emails with following text in the subject field, type
the words that you want to detect. You can specify multiple entries, using a semi-colon as a
separator. For example: Out of Office;Mail Delivery Failure.
3. Configure the thresholds for all inbound email notifications during a specific period. When these levels are
reached, the Service Desk will stop sending email notifications.
NOTE: When the overall threshold is reached, notifications will pause for all tickets. If a per-ticket
  threshold is reached, notifications will be paused only for the affected ticket. When the number of
email updates in the given period becomes lower than the configured threshold, the notifications will

Option Description

Total Emails The maximum number of all emails the Service Desk receives and responds with
email notifications. The default value is 100 emails.

Received within the The time interval in minutes during which the specified number of emails are
interval of x minutes received. The default value is one minute.
To disable this restriction, you can set to a high number such as 99999.

4. Configure the thresholds for inbound email notifications per ticket, during a specific period. When these
levels are reached, the Service Desk will stop sending email notifications.
Option Description

Total Emails per Ticket The maximum number of all emails the Service Desk receives for each ticket,
and responds with email notifications. The default value is 5 emails per ticket.

Received within the Specify the time interval in minutes during which the specified number of emails
interval of x minutes for each ticket are received. The default value is one minute. To disable this
restriction, set this option to a high number such as 99999.

5. Click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Prevent email loops
Configure the Cache Lifetime for Service
Desk widgets
Service Desk widgets available on the Dashboard page provide insight into the overall activity of your Service
Desk tickets. For example, you can view the number of active tickets sorted by their category or queue. For
performance reasons, underlying data for the Service Desk widgets is cached locally for a fixed duration. The
default minimum is 30 minutes. This can be increased as needed. You can force a data refresh for a specific
widget by clicking the refresh icon in the widget.
For more information about Dashboard widgets, see About Dashboard widgets.
1. Go to the Service Desk Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Settings.
2. Under Service Desk Dashboard Widgets, in the Cache Lifetime field, specify the length of time in minutes
during which the data populating the Service Desk Dashboard widgets will be preserved in the database.
The minimum is 30 minutes.
3. Click Save.

Creating and managing organizations

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can create and manage separate organizations,
with separate inventory and settings, to meet your business needs.
TIP: If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, but you do not see the drop-down list in
  the top-right corner of the Administrator Console next to the login information, there are two possibilities:
Either fast switching is not enabled, or your user role does not have permission to manage organizations.
TIP: See Enable fast switching for organizations and linked appliances.

About organizations
Organizations are logical instances of a KACE SMA that run on a single appliance. Each organization is
supported by its own database, and you manage each organization’s inventory and other components separately.
For example, in a school environment, you could create one organization for teachers and another organization
for students. You could then automatically assign managed devices to each organization and manage them
separately. Further, you could assign organization-specific roles to administrators and users to control their
access to the KACE SMA Administrator Console and User Console. Administrators in one organization would not
need to view the devices and inventory items in the other organization. You can add up to 50 organizations on a
single KACE SMA.
For information about configuring general organization settings for the appliance, see Configure appliance
General Settings with the Organization component enabled.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About organizations
About the Default organization
The organization named Default is the only organization that is available when you first set up the appliance. New
devices that are not assigned to an organization by a filter are assigned to the Default organization.
You can rename the Default organization and edit its settings as needed. See Add or edit organizations.

Tracking changes to organization settings

If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects.
This information includes the date the change was made and the user who made the change, which can be useful
during troubleshooting. See About history settings.

Managing Organization Roles and User Roles

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, there are two types of roles: Organization Roles,
which are applied to organizations, and User Roles, which are applied to individual user accounts.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, there are two types of roles: Organization Roles,
which are applied to organizations, and User Roles, which are applied to individual user accounts.
This section describes the default Organization and User Roles, and explains how to manage Organization Roles.
For information about managing User Roles, see About user accounts and user authentication.

Available default roles

Default roles provide a variety of permission settings for organizations and users.
The following roles are available by default.

Role Description

Organization Organization Roles are supersets of permissions that are assigned to organizations,
Roles and they define the permissions that are available to organization users. For
example, if an organization is assigned an Organization Role that has the Distribution
tab hidden, users in that organization, including the Admin user, cannot access the
Distribution tab.
NOTE: Organization Roles are available only on appliances with the
  Organization component enabled.

Default Role The Default Role in the Organization Roles section has Write and Read permission
for all tabs. You can create additional Organization Roles, but you cannot edit or
delete the Default Role.

User Roles Roles assigned to users to control their access to the Administrator Console and
User Console. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the
permissions available to these roles depends on the Organization Role assigned to
the organization.

Administrator The most powerful user role on the KACE SMA. By default, users with the
Administrator role have permission to see or change information and settings.
This includes promoting or demoting other users by changing their roles. The

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Available default roles
Role Description
Administrator role cannot be altered or deleted. Assign this role only to trusted
Staff members assigned the Administrator role have permission to manage and
modify Service Desk tickets from the Tickets tab in the Administrator Console, though
they might not be able to own tickets themselves.
Users with the Administrator role can also use the security, scripting, and distribution
features to resolve Service Desk tickets, then document the issues in the Knowledge
The Administrator role primarily interacts with the KACE SMA through the
Administrator Console.

No Access Users with this role cannot log on to the Administrator Console or User Console.

Read Only This role has the ability to view but not change any information or settings in the
Administrator KACE SMA. This role is useful for oversight personnel, such as supervisors.
This role primarily interacts with the KACE SMA through the Administrator Console.

User Console Only This role is for appliance users. By default, this role has permission to create, view,
and modify Service Desk tickets.
This role interacts with the appliance exclusively through the User Console.

Add or edit Organization Roles

You can add or edit Organization Roles as needed.
Before you create organizations, create the Organization Roles you want to assign to those organizations as
described in this section. Organization Roles define the permissions that are available to organization users.
1. Go to the Organization Role Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Organizations, then click Roles.
c. Display the Organization Role Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a role.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.

NOTE: You cannot edit the Default Role.

2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name (Required) Enter a name for the role.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit Organization Roles
Option Description

Description (Optional) Enter a description of the role.

3. To assign Administrator Console permissions:

• In the Administrator Console Permissions section, click a component name to expand it, or click
Expand All to expand all components.
• To assign the same access level to all sections, select All Write, All Read, or All Hide.
• To assign different access levels to different sections, select the Custom option, then select an
access level in the drop-down list next to the name of each section.
4. To assign User Console permissions:
• In the User Console Permissions section, click the User Console link to expand the permissions
• To assign the same access level to all sections of the User Console, select All Write, All Read, or All
• To assign different access levels to different sections, select the Custom option, then select an
access level in the drop-down list next to the name of each section.
5. Click Save.
NOTE: If you assign the Hide permission to General and User Authentication under Settings, the
  Control Panel is hidden.

The role appears on the Roles page. When you add an organization, the role appears on the Role drop-down list.
See Adding, editing, and deleting organizations.

Duplicate Organization Roles

When you duplicate an Organization Role, its properties are copied into the new role. If you are creating a role
that is similar to an existing role, duplicating the role can be faster than creating a role from scratch.
1. Go to the Organization Role Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Organizations, then click Roles.
c. Click the name of a role.
2. Click Duplicate at the bottom of the page to duplicate the organization details.
The page refreshes.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name (Required) Enter a name for the role.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Duplicate Organization Roles
Option Description

Description (Optional) Enter a description of the role.

4. To assign Administrator Console permissions:

• In the Administrator Console Permissions section, click a component name to expand it, or click
Expand All to expand all components.
• To assign the same access level to all sections, select All Write, All Read, or All Hide.
• To assign different access levels to different sections, select the Custom option, then select an
access level in the drop-down list next to the name of each section.
5. To assign User Console permissions:
• In the User Console Permissions section, click the User Console link to expand the permissions
• To assign the same access level to all sections of the User Console, select All Write, All Read, or All
• To assign different access levels to different sections, select the Custom option, then select an
access level in the drop-down list next to the name of each section.
6. Click Save.

Delete roles
With the exception of the Default Role, you can delete Organization Roles as needed. You cannot delete the
Default Role, and you cannot delete a role if it is assigned to an organization.
The following roles cannot be deleted:
• the Default Role
• any roles assigned to an organization
• any roles associated with a label
1. Go to the Roles list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Organizations, then click Roles.
2. Select the check box next to one or more roles.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Adding, editing, and deleting organizations

You can add, edit, and delete organizations as needed. In addition, you can rename the Default organization and
edit its settings.

Add or edit organizations

You can add or edit up to 50 organizations on a single KACE SMA.
When you add organizations, you need to assign them Organization Roles. You can use the Default Role, but
if you want to use a custom Organization Role, add that role before you add the organization. See Add or edit
Organization Roles.
1. Go to the Organization Detail page:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit organizations
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Organizations.
c. Display the Organization Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of an organization.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. If you are adding an organization, provide the following information, then click Save.
Option Description

Name Enter a name for the organization. You can modify the name later if required. If the
fast switching option is enabled, this name appears in the drop-down list in the top-
right corner of the page. See Enable fast switching for organizations and linked

Description A description of the organization. You can modify the description later if necessary.

Role The user role you want to assign to the organization. You can modify this selection
later if required.
NOTE: To create a role, go to Organizations > Roles.

Client Drop Size A file-size filter for the organization's Client Drop location.
The Client Drop location is a storage area (Samba share) for the organization on
the KACE SMA. This storage area is used to upload large files, such as application
installers and appliance backup files, to the appliance. Uploading files to the Client
Drop location is an alternative to uploading files through the Administrator Console
using the default HTTP mechanism, which can result in browser timeouts for large
The Client Drop Size filter determines whether files uploaded to the organization's
Client Drop location are displayed on the Upload and Associate Client Drop File list
on the Software Detail page. For example, if the Client Drop Size filter is set to 1 GB,
the Upload and Associate Client Drop File list shows files that are 1 GB in size or
larger. Files that are less than 1 GB in size are not displayed on the list.
Application files are moved from the organization's Client Drop location to the
appropriate area when the file is selected on the Software Detail page and saved.
Appliance backup files that are placed in the Client Drop location are automatically
identified as appliance backup files, and they become available for selection on the
Backup Settings page within five minutes.
If you have multiple organizations, each organization has its own Client Drop location
and Client Drop Size filter setting. See Copy files to the KACE SMA Client Drop

3. Add, edit, or view the following information:

Option Description

Name Modify the name of the organization as needed. If the fast switching option is
enabled, this name appears in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
See Enable fast switching for organizations and linked appliances.

Locale The language to use for the organization’s Administrator Console and User Console.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit organizations
Option Description

Description A description of the organization. You can modify the description later if necessary.

Database Name (Read-only) Displays the name of the database the organization is using.

Report User (Read-only) The username used to generate reports. The report username provides
access to the database (for additional reporting tools), but does not give write access
to anyone.

Report User The report user password. This password is used only by the reporting system and
Password MySQL.

Role The user role you want to assign to the organization. You can modify this selection
later if required.
NOTE: To create a role, go to Organizations > Roles.

Client Drop Size A file-size filter for the organization's Client Drop location.
The Client Drop location is a storage area (Samba share) for the organization on
the KACE SMA. This storage area is used to upload large files, such as application
installers and appliance backup files, to the appliance. Uploading files to the Client
Drop location is an alternative to uploading files through the Administrator Console
using the default HTTP mechanism, which can result in browser timeouts for large
The Client Drop Size filter determines whether files uploaded to the organization's
Client Drop location are displayed on the Upload and Associate Client Drop File list
on the Software Detail page. For example, if the Client Drop Size filter is set to 1 GB,
the Upload and Associate Client Drop File list shows files that are 1 GB in size or
larger. Files that are less than 1 GB in size are not displayed on the list.
Application files are moved from the organization's Client Drop location to the
appropriate area when the file is selected on the Software Detail page and saved.
Appliance backup files that are placed in the Client Drop location are automatically
identified as appliance backup files, and they become available for selection on the
Backup Settings page within five minutes.
If you have multiple organizations, each organization has its own Client Drop location
and Client Drop Size filter setting. See Copy files to the KACE SMA Client Drop

Filters The filters you want to use to assign new devices to the organization when devices
check in to the appliance. To select multiple filters, use Ctrl-click or Command-click.

Devices (Read-only) Displays the number of devices assigned to the organization.

4. In the Communication Settings section, specify the following settings:

NOTE: To reduce the load on the KACE SMA, limit the number of Agent connections to 500 per
  hour. The number of connections that appears next to the inventory, scripting, and metering intervals,
applies to the current organization only. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance,
the total number of Agent connections for all organizations should not exceed 500 per hour.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit organizations
Option Suggested Notes

Agent Enabled Whether the KACE SMA stores scripting results provided by Agents
Logging installed on managed devices. Agent logs can consume as much as 1GB
of disk space in the database. If disk space is not an issue, enable Agent
Logging to keep all log information for Agent-managed devices. These
logs can be useful during troubleshooting. To save disk space, and enable
faster Agent communication, disable Agent Logging.

Agent 12 hours The frequency at which Agents on managed devices report inventory. This
Inventory information is displayed in the Inventory section.

Agentless 1 Day The frequency at which Agentless devices report inventory. This
Inventory information is displayed in the Inventory section.

Catalog 24 hours The frequency at which managed devices report inventory to the Software
Inventory Catalog page.

Metering 4 hours The frequency at which managed devices report metering information
to the KACE SMA. Requires metering to be enabled on devices and

Scripting 4 hours The frequency at which Agents on managed devices request updated
Update copies of scripts that are enabled on managed devices. This interval does
not affect how often scripts run.

Disable Wait Disabled If selected, this option stops the agent from executing bootup tasks.
for Bootup

Disable Wait Disabled If selected, this option stops the agent from executing login tasks.
for Login

5. In the Notify section, specify the message to use for Agent communications:
Option Suggested Setting Notes

Agent Splash As required The path to an existing .bmp file that you
Bitmap want to use as the splash logo.

Disable Bootup Disabled If selected, this option stops the agent

Splash from displaying the bootup splash logo.

Disable Login Disabled If selected, this option stops the agent

Splash from displaying the login splash logo.

Agent Splash Default text: The message that appears to users when
Page Message KACE Systems Management Agents are performing tasks, such as
Appliance (SMA) is verifying running scripts, on their devices.
your PC Configuration and
managing software updates.
Please Wait...

6. In the Schedule section, specify the Communication Window for Agent-managed devices:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit organizations
Option Suggested Setting Notes

Communication 00:00 to 00:00 (+1 The period of time during which Agents on managed devices
Window day) are allowed to connect with the KACE SMA. For example, to
allow Agents to connect between the hours of 01:00 and 06:00
only, select 01:00 from the first drop-down list, and 06:00 from
the second drop-down list.
You can set the communications window to avoid times when
your devices are busiest.

7. In the Agentless section, specify communications settings for Agentless devices:

Option Description

SSH Timeout The time, in seconds, after which the connection is closed if there is no activity.

SNMP Timeout The time, in seconds, after which the connection is closed if there is no activity.

Maximum The number of times the connection is attempted.


WinRM Timeout The time, in seconds, after which the connection is closed if there is no activity.

VMware Timeout The amount of time in seconds to wait for a connection to the VMware vSphere API
service running on a VMware host.

8. Click Save.
The organization is added. If fast switching is enabled, and the default admin account passwords for the
System and for your organizations are the same, you can switch between organizations and the System
using the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page. To see new organizations in the list, you need
to log out of the Administrator Console and then log back in. In addition, if the option to require organization
selection at login is enabled at the System level, the organization is available in the drop-down list on the
Administrator Console login page, http://KACE SMA_hostname/admin, where KACE SMA_hostname
is the hostname of your appliance.

NOTE: For new organizations, the password for the default admin account is the same as the
  password for the default admin account at the System level. This is assigned automatically. To
change the admin account password, edit the admin user account.
NOTE: However, be aware that organizations with different admin account passwords are not
available for fast switching using the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.

For more information about System-level settings, see Configure appliance General Settings with the
Organization component enabled.
Related topics
Managing organization filters
View appliance logs
Managing user accounts for organizations

Configure Two-Factor Authentication for organizations

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) provides stronger security for users logging into the appliance by adding an
extra step to the login process. It relies on the Google Authenticator app to generate verification codes. The app
generates a new six-digit code at regular intervals. When enabled, end users will be prompted for the current
verification code each time they log in.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Two-Factor Authentication for organizations
To download the Google Authenticator app, visit one of the following sites, as applicable:
• Android devices: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2
• iOS devices: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/google-authenticator/id388497605?mt=8
You can enable or disable 2FA access to the Administrator Console and User Console for one or more
organizations using the System Administration Console, as described below. Alternatively, you can enable 2FA
access to the Administrator Console and User Console for all users in an organization using the Two-Factor
Authentication page in the Administrator Console For more information, see Enable Two-Factor Authentication for
all users.
1. Go to the Organizations list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Organizations.
2. On the Organization list page that appears, select one or more organizations for which you want to
configure 2FA.
3. To enable 2FA for all users in the selected organizations in the Administrator Console, click Choose Action
> Two-Factor Authentication > Admin Portal > Required for all Users.
4. To disable 2FA for all users in the selected organizations in the Administrator Console, click Choose
Action > Two-Factor Authentication > Admin Portal > Not Required.
5. To enable 2FA for all users in the selected organizations in the User Console, click Choose Action > Two-
Factor Authentication > User Portal > Required for all Users.
6. To disable 2FA for all users in the selected organizations in the User Console, click Choose Action > Two-
Factor Authentication > User Portal > Not Required.

Delete organizations
You can delete organizations as needed. However, if you have a single organization on your appliance, you
cannot delete that organization until you add another one. The appliance must always have at least one
organization available.
1. Go to the Organization Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Organizations.
c. Click the name of an organization.
2. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.
The organization, including information in the organization database, is removed from the appliance.

Customizing the logos used for the User Console and

organization reports
You can change the logo displayed on the User Console and in organization reports to match your company
The User Console, and the reports you run when logged in to the organization through the Administrator Console,
use the Quest logo by default. To upload your own logo, see the Logo Overrides section in Configure appliance
General Settings without the Organization component.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customizing the logos used for the User Console and organization reports
Managing user accounts for organizations
Organization user accounts enable users to access the features of the Administrator Console, User Console, and
Service Desk based on their roles assigned to their accounts.
You can use LDAP servers for user authentication, or you can add and edit user accounts manually. See:
• Managing organization user accounts
• Managing System-level user accounts
• Using an LDAP server for user authentication

CAUTION: Use caution when changing the password for the default admin account of an
  organization. Organizations whose admin account passwords differ are not available for fast switching
using the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
CAUTION: See Enable fast switching for organizations and linked appliances.

Managing organization filters

Organization filters assign devices to organizations when devices are inventoried.
Organization filters are similar to labels, but they serve a specific purpose: Organization filters automatically
assign devices to organizations when devices are inventoried.
There are two types of organization filters:
• Data Filter: Assigns devices to organizations automatically based on search criteria. When devices are
inventoried, they are assigned to the organization if they meet the criteria. This filter is similar to Smart
Labels in that it assigns devices to organizations automatically if they match specified criteria.
• LDAP Filter: Assigns devices to organizations automatically based on LDAP or Active Directory interaction.
When devices are inventoried, the query runs against the LDAP server. If devices meet the criteria, they are
automatically assigned to the organization.
To add or edit organization filters, see:
• Add or edit organization Data Filters
• Add or edit organization LDAP Filters
After you add a filter, you can associate it with an organization on the Organization Detail page. See Adding,
editing, and deleting organizations.

How organization filters work

Organizations can use multiple filters, but the same filter cannot be assigned to multiple organizations.
Organization filters run according to the following rules:
• When devices are inventoried, one or more filters runs against them. If there are multiple filters, they run
according to the Order or Evaluation Order number in the filter details.
• If devices match the criteria, they are assigned to the organization.
• If devices do not match the criteria, they are assigned to the Default organization. An administrator can
then manually move devices from the Default organization to the appropriate organization. See Redirect

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

How organization filters work
Add or edit organization Data Filters
You can add or edit organization Data Filters to automatically assign devices to organizations.
1. Go to the Organization Filters Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Organizations, then click Filters.
c. Display the Organization Filter Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a filter.
▪ Select Choose Action > New Data Filter
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Enabled Whether the filter is enabled. Filters have to be enabled before they can be applied.

Name The name of the filter. This name appears on the Organization Filters list.

Description A description of the filter.

Order The run order of the filter. Filters run according to the number specified. Low numbers
run before high numbers.

3. In the Device Filter Criteria section, select filter criteria:

a. Select a device attribute in the left-most drop-down list in the top row.
For example: IP Address.

TIP: The KACE SMA supports both IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) and IPv4 addresses.
b. Select a condition in the second drop-down list.
For example: contains.
c. In the text box, enter a value for the attribute.
For example, to find devices from a specified IP address range, such as the entire subnet, use the percent sign (%) as a wildcard as follows: 67.18.250.%.
d. Optional: To add attributes, select an operator, such as [and ], in the left-most drop-down list of
the second row.
The fields in the row become active.
e. Optional: To add rows to the criteria section, click Add Criteria.
An additional row appears.
4. Click Save.

Add or edit organization LDAP Filters

You can add LDAP Filters to automatically assign devices to organizations using LDAP criteria.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit organization LDAP Filters
NOTE: If the LDAP server requires credentials for administrative login (that is, non-anonymous login),
  supply those credentials. If user name and password are not provided, the tree lookup is not performed.
Each LDAP Filter might connect to a different LDAP server.
1. Go to the Organization Filters Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Organizations, then click Filters.
c. Display the Organization Filter Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a LDAP filter.
▪ Select Choose Action > New LDAP Filter
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Enabled Whether the filter is enabled. Filters have to be enabled before they can be applied.

Name The name of the filter. This name appears on the Organization Filters list.

Description A description of the filter.

Evaluation Order The run order of the filter. Filters run according to the number specified. Low numbers
run before high numbers.

3. Specify LDAP criteria:

Option Description

LDAP Server The IP address or the hostname of the LDAP server. If the IP address is not valid, the
appliance waits to timeout, resulting in login delays during LDAP authentication.
NOTE: To connect through SSL, use an IP address or hostname. For
  example: ldaps://hostname.

Port The LDAP port number, which is usually 389 (LDAP) or 636 (secure LDAP).

Base Dn The LDAP criteria used to filter the main location for devices.
This criteria specifies a location or container in the LDAP or Active Directory
structure, and the criteria should include all the devices that you want to identify.
Enter the most specific combination of OUs, DCs, or CNs that match your criteria,
ranging from left (most specific) to right (most general). For example, this path might
lead to the container with devices that you want to identify:

Advanced Search The search filter. For example:


LDAP Login The credentials of the account the KACE SMA uses to log in to the LDAP server to
read accounts. For example:
LDAP Login:CN=service_account,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=com.
If no username is provided, an anonymous bind is attempted. Each LDAP Label can
connect to a different LDAP or Active Directory server.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit organization LDAP Filters
Option Description

LDAP Password The password of the account the KACE SMA uses to log in to the LDAP server.

During the filter processing, the KACE SMA will replace all KBOX_ defined variables with their respective
runtime values.
Currently supported variables for organization device filters:
Should the external server require credentials for administrative login (aka non-anonymous login) please
supply those credentials. If no LDAP user name is given then an anonymous bind will be attempted. Each
LDAP filter may connect to a different LDAP/AD server.

NOTE: To test your Filter, replace any KBOX_ variables with real values. Click Test and review the
4. Click Save.

Test organization filters

You can test organization filters to verify that they produce expected results.
1. Go to the Organizations Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Organizations, then click Devices.
2. Click the Test Organization Filter tab above the list on the right side of the page.
3. Select a filter in the Select a Filter drop-down list.
4. Click Test.
Test results are displayed. If necessary, you can refilter the devices displayed in the list. See Filter devices.
NOTE: If you do not see any devices listed in the test results, either no existing devices match the
  criteria, or the criteria are invalid. To edit the criteria, see Add or edit organization Data Filters.

Delete organization filters

You can delete organization filters provided that they are not associated with an organization.
1. Go to the Organizations list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Organizations.
2. If the filter is associated with an organization:
a. Click the name of an organization to display the Organization Detail page.
b. In the Filters field, click the x next to the filter you want to delete.
c. At the bottom of the page, click Save.
Filters are updated only after you click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete organization filters
The filter is no longer associated with the organization.
3. Click Organizations > Filters to display the Organization Filters page.
4. To delete a filter, do one of the following:
• Select the check box next to one or more filters, then select Choose Action > Delete.
• Click the linked name of a filter, then on the Organization Filter Detail page, click Delete.
5. Click Yes to confirm.

Managing devices within organizations

You can search for, filter, and redirect, devices assigned to organizations.

Using Advanced Search

If you need more granularity than keyword searches provide, you can use Advanced Search. Advanced Search
enables you to specify values for each field in the inventory record and search the entire inventory listing for that
For example, if you need to know which devices have a particular version of BIOS installed to upgrade only those
affected devices, you can search for BIOS information. See Searching at the page level with advanced options.

TIP: You can apply filters to devices displayed in search results.


Filter devices
If you have organization filters, you can filter devices to verify that the filters are being applied correctly.
1. Go to the Organization Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Organizations, then click Devices.
2. Select the check box next to one or more devices.
3. Select Choose Action > Apply Filter.
The selected devices are checked against existing filters. If devices were reassigned to organizations, the
new organization name appears next to the old organization name in the Organization column.

Redirect devices
You can redirect, or manually reassign, devices to organizations as needed.
For example, a device that has been assigned to organization A can be manually redirected to organization B so
that it appears in the organization B inventory.
1. Go to the Organization Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Organizations, then click Devices.
2. Select the check box next to one or more devices.
3. Select Choose Action > Assign, then select an organization name to redirect the selected devices to the

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Redirect devices
Understanding device details
The Device Details page in the System-level Organizations section provides details about devices that are
assigned to organizations.
To access the Device Details page in the Organizations section, go to the appliance System level and select
Organizations > Devices, then select a device name in the list. For information about device details, see
Managing inventory information.

Running single organization and consolidated

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, and if you have multiple organizations on your
appliance, you can run single-organization reports for each organization separately. In addition, you can run
consolidated reports that provide information for all organizations in a single report.
For information on report creation, see Creating reports.

Importing and exporting appliance

You can transfer resources among organizations on a KACE SMA, and if you have multiple appliances, you can
transfer resources among appliances as well.

About importing and exporting resources

Resources, such as Managed Installations and Smart Labels, can be imported and exported among organizations
and appliances.
If you have multiple KACE SMAs, you can transfer resources among them using the built-in Samba share
directories on the appliances. In addition, if the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can
transfer resources among organizations. This is useful for resources, such as scripts, that are created for one
organization, but that might be useful to other organizations as well.
You can import and export the following resources:
• Notifications
• Managed Installations
• Reports
• Scripts
• Smart Labels
• Software
• Service Desk processes, ticket queues, and ticket rules

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About importing and exporting resources
Transferring resources among appliances using
Samba share directories
You can use Samba share directories as staging areas to transfer resources among appliances.
To do this, export the resources from one appliance, then import them to a different appliance.

Export resources from an appliance

Export resources from an appliance to make those resources available for import to other appliances.
1. Log in to the Administrator Console of the appliance where the resources are located.
2. Enable Samba share file sharing.
See Enable file sharing at the System level.
3. Go to the Share Resources list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Resources.
c. On the Resources Panel, click Export.
4. Optional: To filter the list, use the View By drop-down list and Search field, which appear above the table
on the right.
For example, select a resource in the View By drop-down list to display only that resource category, or
enter a term in the Search field to display items that match that term.
5. Select the check box next to one or more resources.
6. Do one of the following:
◦ Choose Action > Export to Local Share
◦ Choose Action > Export to Network Share

NOTE: Select Export to Network Share to save the data to a shared location that exists on the
  network and can be accessed from other devices. Select Export to Local Share to save the data to a
location on a device that is only accessible from that device.
7. Optional: On the Annotate Exported Resource(s) page, enter any additional information in the Note field.
8. Click Save.
The exported resources first appear on the Resource Sharing Status page with a Status of New Request.
When the export is complete, the Status changes to Completed. The exported resources are available on the
Samba share for import. See Import resources to organizations.
Most import and export tasks take only a moment to complete, but very large resources take more time.

Import resources to an appliance

You can import resources to appliances as needed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Import resources to an appliance
You have exported resources from an appliance. See Transferring resources among appliances using Samba
share directories.
1. To view the Samba share location, do one of the following:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, select Settings > Security Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, select an organization in the drop-down
list in the top-right corner of the page, then select Settings > General Settings.
2. Using a third-party file copying utility, copy the resources from the exporting appliance Samba share to the
importing appliance Samba share.
3. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
4. On the importing appliance, select Settings > Resources to display the Resources panel.
5. Click Import to display the Import KACE SMA Resources page, which shows all of the appliance resources
available to import.
6. Select Choose Action > Import from Network Share to display the Import Resources From SAMBA
Directory page.
7. Select the resources to import, then click Import Resources.
The imported resources first appear on the Resource Manager Queue page with a Status of New Request.
When the import is complete, the Status changes to Completed. The imported resources are available and listed
on their respective tabs, such as Reporting.
Most import and export tasks take only a moment to complete, but very large resources take more time.

Transferring resources among organizations

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can transfer resources among organizations by
exporting them from one organization and importing them into other organizations.

Export resources from organizations

Export resources from organizations to make those resources available for import to other organizations.
1. In the top-right corner of the page, select the organization you want to export resources from.
2. Go to the Export Resources list:
a. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Resources.
b. On the Resources Panel, click Export.
The Export Resources page appears, listing all of the organization resources available for export.
3. Select the check box next to one or more resources.
4. Select Choose Action > Export to Local Share or Export to Network Share to display the Annotate
Exported Resource(s) dialog.
5. Optional: Enter any additional information in the Note field.
6. Click Save.
The exported resource first appears on the Resource Manager Queue page with a Status of New Request.
When the export is complete, the Status changes to Completed. The exported resources are available for other
organizations on your appliance to import. For instructions, see Import resources to organizations.
Most import and export tasks take only a moment to complete, but very large resources take more time.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Export resources from organizations
Import resources to organizations
You can import resources to organizations as needed.
You have exported resources from an organization. See Transferring resources among organizations.
To import appliance resources from another appliance, follow the instructions in Transferring resources among
appliances using Samba share directories.
1. In the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page, select the organization to which you want to import
2. Go to the Import Resources list:
a. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Resources.
b. On the Resources Panel, click Import.
3. Select the check box next to one or more resources.
4. Select Choose Action > Import from Local Share.
The imported resource first appears on the Resource Sharing Status page with a Status of New Request.
When the import is complete, the Status changes to Completed. The imported resources are available and listed
on their respective tabs, such as Reporting.
Most import and export tasks take only a moment to complete, but very large resources take more time.

Managing exported resources at the System level

If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, you can manage exported or shared resources at the
System level.
This provides access to resources that have been exported or made available for sharing from any organization
on the appliance.

View or delete shared resources

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can view resources that have been exported
from any organization on the appliance.
1. Go to the Shared Resources list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Resources.
c. Click Shared.
2. To delete a resource:
a. Select the check box next to one or more resources.
b. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Move shared resources from the local KACE SMA to network

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can move shared resources from the local
KACE SMA to a network share.
1. Go to the Shared Resources list:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Move shared resources from the local KACE SMA to network locations
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Resources.
c. Click Shared.
2. Select Choose Action > Export to Network Share, then click Yes to confirm.

View or delete the status of resource exports

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can view the status of resources that have been
exported from any organization at the System level.
Status information is automatically deleted after 24 hours, but you can delete the status manually as needed.
1. Go to the Resource Sharing Status list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Resources.
c. On the Resources Panel, click Status.
2. To delete a status:
a. Select the check box next to a status.
b. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View or delete the status of resource exports
Managing inventory
You can use the KACE SMA to manage devices, software, processes, and services in inventory.

Using the Inventory Dashboard

The Inventory Dashboard provides an overview of managed devices for the selected organization (if applicable),
or the appliance.
If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, and you are logged in to the Administrator Console
(http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin), the Inventory Dashboard shows information for the selected
organization. When you are logged in to the System Administration Console (http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system), this dashboard shows information for the appliance, including all organizations.
You can access the Inventory Dashboard if one or more roles associated with your user account grants access to
this dashboard. If you want to hide it, edit your user roles, as needed. For more information, see Add or edit User

TIP: The appliance updates the summary widgets periodically. To update most of the widgets any time,
click the Refresh button in the upper right of the page: . To update most individual widgets, hover over
the widget, then click the Refresh button above the widget. Some widgets may require additional steps.

About the Inventory Dashboard widgets

Inventory Dashboard widgets provide overviews of managed devices for the organization or appliance, as
This section describes the widgets available on the Inventory Dashboard. If the Organization component is
enabled on your appliance, the widgets show the information for the selected organization at the Admin level and
for the appliance at the System level.
This dashboard provides a high-level overview of your device usage. Use it to quickly review the state of your
devices and look for any indicators that can improve your device inventory. For example, you can focus on the
device disk capacity and reassign resources where they are most needed.

Widget Description

Device Reports This widget contains links to common inventory reports. Use them to quickly generate
a specific report, such as Devices by memory, Devices by OS, and others.

Connections This widget shows the number of connections to the KACE SMA web server. A high
number indicates a high load on the server, which might reduce appliance response
time. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows
the information for the selected organization.

Device Check-In This widget displays the number of devices that have connected to the KACE SMA in
Rate the past 60 minutes. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, this
widget is available at the System level.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About the Inventory Dashboard widgets
Widget Description

Provisioning This widget shows the status of KACE SMA Agent provisioning or installation tasks.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the widget shows the
information for the selected organization.

Shortcuts This widget contains links to common Inventory pages and wizards. Use them to
quickly navigate to specific pages, such as the Agent Provisioning Assistant, the
Discovery Schedules page, and others.

Agent Version This widget show the counts of agents for each version. This information can be
Counts useful during an upgrade.

Inventory Counts This widget displays the counts of devices associated with each device management
method, such as Agent Managed, Agentless, and others. It also shows the number of
Agents that have been updated in the last eight hours.

Devices by Disk This widget shows a donut chart, where each section of the chart indicates the
Capacity percentage of free disk space on the managed devices. Clicking the widget title
displays a report with links to the associated devices. Hovering over each section
of the chart displays the percentage of managed devices that have the selected
percentage of free disk space. For example, if you hover over the red part of the
chart, the widget displays the percentage of devices whose free disk space is lower
than 25%.

Managed Operating This widget shows the percentage of managed devices that are running each
Systems operating system. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, this
widget shows the percentage of devices in the selected organization.

Provision Platforms This widget shows the percentage of operating systems installed on KACE SMA
Agent-managed devices. If the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, the widget shows the information for the selected organization.

Devices By This widget shows the top device manufacturers represented in device inventory.
Manufacturer If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, this widget shows the
percentage of devices in the selected organization.

Devices By Model This widget shows the top device models represented in KACE SMA device
inventory. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, this widget
shows the percentage of devices in the selected organization.

Devices By This widget shows a bar chart, where each bar represents a number of devices that
Memory have an indicated amount of RAM installed on them.

Devices By This widget shows a bar chart, where each bar represents a number of devices that
Processor have a specific processor configuration.

Devices By This widget shows a donut chart, where each section of the chart indicates the
Subtype percentage of the managed devices by device subtype.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About the Inventory Dashboard widgets
Customize the Inventory Dashboard
You can customize the Inventory Dashboard to show or hide widgets as needed.
1. Go to the Inventory Dashboard.
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Mouse over the widget, then use any of the following buttons:

: Refresh the information in the widget.

: Display information about the widget.

: Hide the widget.

: Resize the widget.

: Drag the widget to a different position on the page.
3. Click the Customize button in the top-right corner of the page to view available widgets.
4. To show a widget that is currently hidden, click Install.

Using Device Discovery

Use device Discovery to identify devices that are connected to your network and to retrieve information about
those devices.
Use Discovery Results to label devices or add devices to inventory.

About Device Discovery and device management

Devices that can be discovered include laptops, desktops, servers, mobile devices, virtual devices, printers,
network devices, wireless access points, routers, switches and more.
These devices can be discovered even if they do not have the KACE SMA Agent installed on them. You can run
Discovery scans on-demand or schedule scans to run at specific times.
Discovery Results show the availability and details of devices. After devices are discovered, you can add devices
to inventory by:
• Installing the KACE SMA Agent on devices. The KACE SMA Agent can be installed on Windows, Mac®,
Red Hat®, SUSE®, and Ubuntu® devices. See Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent.
• Enabling Agentless management for devices. Agentless management is especially useful for devices
that cannot have the KACE SMA Agent installed, such as devices with unsupported operating systems.
See Managing Agentless devices.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Device Discovery and device management
Tracking changes to Discovery settings
If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects.
This information includes the date the change was made and the user who made the change, which can be useful
during troubleshooting. See About history settings.

Discovering devices on your network

To discover devices, you can scan your network by creating a Discovery Schedule. The Discovery Schedule
specifies the protocols to use during the scan, the IP Address range to be scanned, and the frequency of the
Depending on what you want out of a discovery scan and what devices you are working with, you can choose
from various Discovery types.
• Quick "what and where" Discovery: See Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where"
scan of your network.
• Thorough Discovery: You can use this type of discovery to get more device information than what is
available from the "what and where" type. See Add a Discovery Schedule for a thorough scan of managed
Windows, Mac, Linux, and UNIX computers.
• External Integration Discovery: A different type of thorough discovery that is aimed at certain computer
devices that are not Windows-, Mac Os X-, or Linux-based. For more information, see:
◦ Add a Discovery Schedule for a KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager device
◦ Add a Discovery Schedule for a G Suite device
◦ Add a Discovery Schedule for an AirWatch device
• Non-computer Discovery: See Add a Discovery Schedule for SNMP-enabled non-computer devices.
You can scan for devices across a single subnet or multiple subnets. You can also define a scan to search for
devices listening on a particular port.
When adding Discovery Schedules, you should balance the scope of the scan (the number of IP addresses
you are scanning) with the depth of the probe (the number of attributes you are scanning), so that you do not
overwhelm the network or the KACE SMA. For example, if you need to scan a large number of IP addresses
frequently, keep the number of ports, TCP/IP connections, and so on, relatively small. As a rule, scan a particular
subnet no more than once every few hours.

Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where"

scan of your network
Use one of the available schedules to quickly obtain Discovery Results that show the availability of devices.
This type of Discovery scans for any device type in your network: managed computers or non-computer devices.
If you want to add an Nmap Discovery Schedule, there are several issues to consider. See Things to take into
consideration with Nmap discovery.
1. Go to the Discovery Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where" scan of your network
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Discovery Schedules.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Select the Discovery Type to display the form with the options for the selected type.
Depending on the type you select, the following options appear before the Notify section:
◦ Ping. DNS Lookup and Ping discovery options appear.
◦ Socket. DNS Lookup and Socket discovery options appear.
◦ Active Directory. DNS Lookup and Active Directory discovery options appear.
◦ External Integration [KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager, G Suite, AirWatch]. KACE Cloud
Mobile Device Manager, G Suite, and AirWatch discovery options appear.

NOTE: Any devices discovered through External Integration such as KACE Mobile Device
  Manager, G Suite, AirWatch devices do not count toward the KACE SMA license limit.

◦ Authenticated [WinRM, SNMP, SSH, VMware]. DNS Lookup, Relay, WinRM, SNMP, SSH, and
VMware discovery options appear.
◦ Nmap. DNS Lookup and Nmap discovery options appear.
◦ Custom. DNS Lookup, Ping, Nmap, WinRM, SNMP, SSH, and VMware discovery options appear.
3. In the Name field, enter a name for the scan.
This name appears on the Discovery Schedules page.
4. In the IP Address Range field, enter an IP address range to scan. Use hyphens to specify individual
IP address class ranges. For example, type 192.168.2-5.1-200 to scan for all IP addresses between
192.168.2-5.1 and 192.168.2-5.200, inclusive.
TIP: The KACE SMA supports both IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) and IPv4 addresses.
CAUTION: A maximum of 25,000 IP addresses is supported. If you specify an IP range that results in
  more than 25,000 addresses, a warning appears when you attempt to save the provisioning schedule.
5. Select the Discovery options. The options that appear depend on the Discovery Type you have chosen:
Option Item Description

DNS Lookup Enable Discovery to identify the name of the device. DNS Lookup
is important if you want device names to appear in the Discovery
Results and Inventory lists. You can select the DNS Lookup options
for each Discovery type.

Name Server The hostname or IP address of the name server.

for Lookup
TIP: The KACE SMA supports both IPv6 (Internet Protocol
  version 6) and IPv4 addresses.

Timeout The time, in seconds, after which a DNS lookup expires. If an

address is not found during this time, the process “times out.”

Relay Enable a KACE SMA Agent to act as a tunnel WinRM, SSH and
SNMP traffic to the agent connection protocol for WinRM, SSH
and SNMP discovery schedules, agentless inventory, and agent

Relay Device Specify the device that you want to use as a relay for agentless
device inventory.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where" scan of your network
Option Item Description

A relay device that is used during discovery as a relay is used for

agentless inventory, when a new device is provisioned automatically
from discovery results.
Selected relay devices are listed on the following pages:
• On the Agentless Device Connection Details page, when a
new device is provisioned automatically from discovery results.
For more information about this page, see Enable Agentless
management by entering device information manually.
• On the Provisioning Schedule Detail page, when agent
provisioning is initiated from discovery results. For more
information, see Install the KACE SMA Agent on a device or
multiple devices.
• On the Agentless Device Connection Details page, when a
new device is provisioned automatically from discovery results.
For more information about this page, see Enable Agentless
management by entering device information manually.

Ping Perform a ping test during the network scan. During this test,
the appliance sends a ping test to determine whether a system

Socket Perform a connection test during the network scan. During this test,
the appliance sends a packet to the port to determine whether the
port is open.

TCP Port List Enable a port scan using TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). Use
a comma to separate each port number.

UDP Port List Enable a port scan using UDP (User Datagram Protocol). Use a
comma to separate each port number.

Active Directory Enable the appliance to check for device information on an Active
Directory server. During Active Directory scans, the status is
indicated as an approximate percentage instead of the number of
devices scanned.

Privileged The username of the administrator account on the Active Directory

User server. For example, username@example.com.

Privileged The password of the administrator account on the Active Directory

User server.

Search The criteria used to search for devices. This criteria specifies a
Context location or container in the Active Directory structure to be searched.
Enter the most specific combination of OUs, DCs, or CNs that match
your criteria, ranging from left (most specific) to right (most general).
For example: DC=company,DC=com

KACE Cloud This option allows you to access mobile devices such as smart
Mobile Device phones and tablets connected to the KACE Cloud Mobile Device
Manager Manager (MDM). You must obtain a tenant name and a Secret

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where" scan of your network
Option Item Description
Key from the KACE Cloud MDM in order to access the devices
associated with it.

Tenant Name The name of the tenant on the KACE Cloud MDM associated with
the devices that you want to manage.

Credentials The details of the account that is used to connect to the KACE Cloud
MDM device. Select an existing credential from the drop-down list, or
select Add new credential to add a new credential, as required.
For more information, see Add and edit Secret Key credentials.

Auto Provision If selected, all mobile devices discovered in the next scan are added
Devices to inventory.
NOTE: Use this option with care, to avoid expanding your
  inventory to an unexpected extent.

G Suite Working with G Suite devices requires credentials that grant the
KACE SMA access to a Google Apps Domain using the Admin SDK
API. You must obtain a Client ID and a Client Secret from Google so
that you can get an approval code for the KACE SMA to use.

Discover If selected, any Chrome devices will be discovered in the next scan.

Discover If selected, any G Suite mobile devices will be discovered in the next
Mobile scan.

Credentials The details of the account that is used to connect to the Chrome
device. Select an existing credential from the drop-down list, or
select Add new credential to add a new credential, as required.
The selected credential must have an approval code that can be
associated with the appropriate device type. For example, if you
want to discover G Suite mobile devices, you cannot use a credential
whose approval code is generated for Chrome devices.
For more information, see Add and edit Google OAuth credentials.

Auto Provision If selected, all Chrome and mobile devices discovered in the next
Devices scan are added to inventory.
NOTE: Use this option with care, to avoid expanding your
  inventory to an unexpected extent.

AirWatch VMware® AirWatch® is an enterprise-level mobility management

platform that allows you to manage a wide range of different device

Host The host name of the AirWatch administration console.

REST API The REST API key, available in the AirWatch administration console.
Key The key must be provided to enable integration with AirWatch
through API calls.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where" scan of your network
Option Item Description

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device
and run commands. Select an existing credential from the drop-
down list, or select Add new credential to add a new credential, as
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

Auto Provision If selected, all AirWatch devices discovered in the next scan are
Devices added to inventory.
NOTE: Use this option with care, to avoid expanding your
  inventory to an unexpected extent.

WinRM WinRM is the connection type to use for Windows devices.

Timeout The time, in seconds, up to 1 minute, after which the connection is

closed if there is no activity.

Require If selected, Kerberos is required for authentication. NTLM will not be

Kerberos used as an alternative when Kerberos is unavailable.
Using Kerberos requires DNS Lookup to be enabled in the same
discovery configuration. The DNS Server is also required in the local
KACE SMA network settings.

Port If this field is left blank, the default port 5985 is used.

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device
and run commands. Select an existing credential from the drop-
down list, or select Add new credential to add a new credential, as
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

SNMP SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol for

monitoring managed devices on a network.

SNMP Full Enable a Full Walk of data in the MIB (management information
Walk base) on devices. If this option is cleared, the appliance does a Bulk
GET, which searches three core OIDs (object identifiers). When
selecting this option, be aware that a Full Walk can take up to 20
minutes per device. The default, Bulk GET, takes approximately one
second and acquires all of the information needed for Discovery.
IMPORTANT: SNMP inventory walk does not support non-
  English characters on Windows devices. If it encounters non-
English characters, the SNMP inventory process reports an
error and stops loading inventory information.

Timeout The time, in seconds, after which the scan ends if no response is

Maximum The number of times the connection is attempted.


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where" scan of your network
Option Item Description

The details of the SNMP v1/v2 credentials required to connect to
v2) the device and run commands. Select an existing credential from
the drop-down list, or select Add new credential to add a new
credential, as required.
See Add and edit SNMP credentials.

The details of the SNMP v3 credentials required to connect to
the device and run commands. Select an existing credential from
the drop-down list, or select Add new credential to add a new
credential, as required.
See Add and edit SNMP credentials.

SSH Use the SSH protocol with authentication.

IMPORTANT: After a Discovery Schedule is saved, you
  cannot change SSH to SNMP authentication.

Timeout The time, up to 5 minutes, after which the connection is closed if

there is no activity.

Try SSH2 Enable the SSH2 protocol for connecting to and communicating with
Connection devices.
Use SSH2 if you want device communications to be more secure

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device
and run commands. Select an existing credential from the drop-
down list, or select Add new credential to add a new credential, as
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

VMware Timeout The time after which the scan ends if no response is returned.

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device
and run commands. Select an existing credential from the drop-
down list, or select Add new credential to add a new credential, as
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

Nmap NOTE: Running more than one of the four Nmap discovery
  types at a time, although possible, is not recommended. It can
extend the length of a run and can cause erratic OS detection

Timeout The time after which the scan ends if no response is returned.

Fast Scan Enable the appliance to quickly scan 100 commonly used ports. If
this option is cleared, all available TCP ports are scanned, which can
take much longer than the fast scan.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where" scan of your network
Option Item Description

Nmap Enable the appliance to detect the operating system of the device
Operating based on fingerprinting and port information. This option might
System increase the time required for the scan.
(Best Guess)

TCP Port Enable a port scan using TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) of
Scan 1000 commonly used TCP ports. If this option is cleared, and UDP is
selected, the appliance performs a UDP scan. If both TCP and UDP
are cleared, the appliance uses a TCP scan.
If you select this option, Quest recommends that you set the Timeout
value to 10 minutes to decrease the likelihood of erroneous results.
Do not combine this scan with the Fast Scan option. Doing so results
in only 100 commonly used ports being scanned.

UDP Port Enable a port scan using UDP (User Datagram Protocol) of up to
Scan 1000 UDP ports. UDP scans are generally less reliable, and have
lower processor overhead, than TCP scans because TCP requires
a handshake when communicating with devices whereas UDP
does not. However, UDP scans might take longer than TCP scans,
because UDP sends multiple packets to detect ports, whereas TCP
sends a single packet.
If you select this option, Quest recommends that you set the Timeout
value to 30 minutes to decrease the likelihood of erroneous results.
Do not combine this scan with the Fast Scan option. Doing so results
in only 100 commonly used ports being scanned.
If this option is cleared, the appliance does not scan ports using

6. Optional: Enter an email address for being notified of when the discovery scan completes. The email
includes the name of the discovery schedule.
7. Specify the scan schedule:
TIP: To maintain the scan inventory without scanning, set the schedule of the scan configuration
  to None.
Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where" scan of your network
Option Description

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

8. Click Save.
Related topics
About Discovery Results
View and search Discovery Results
Stop a running discovery scan
Delete Discovery Schedules

Things to take into consideration with Nmap discovery

For successful outcomes with Nmap discovery, there are some issues to consider and best practices to adopt to
improve speed and accuracy and to avoid problems.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where" scan of your network
Best practices for improving the speed and accuracy of discovery
To improve the speed and accuracy of Nmap discovery:
• Avoid using DNS Lookup. DNS Lookup can slow down scan times by up to 500 percent if you specify an
invalid or unreachable IP address for the DNS.
• Run one discovery type at a time. Although it is possible to run multiple discovery types simultaneously,
doing so can extend the length of a run and can cause erratic OS detection results.
• Select Nmap Operating System Detection (Best Guess) if you are unsure what to run. This selection
can give you a reasonable view into your subnet or subnets. At a minimum, using Best Guess can identify
what OSs are on what devices. If you do not get the expected results, for example if some devices appear
with unknown as the Operating System, try increasing the timeout value and rerunning the discovery.
• Discovery does not work correctly through a VPN. Use another source for access to the devices.

Issues that can impede discovery

Be aware that devices that are offline or otherwise inaccessible at the time of a scan are ignored because they
appear to be nonexistent.
If you know that there are devices that should be reported, but are not, they are either:
• Being blocked by a firewall
• Actively blocking pings
• Actually offline (no power)
• Thwarting fingerprinting, through various methods.
Some devices, typically security devices, hide themselves from view, or misrepresent themselves to avoid

Troubleshooting unknown operating systems

If the Operating System appears as unknown in the Discovery Results list page:
• Check to see if the Nmap checkmark is present in the Nmap column. If not, the device was offline during
the scan, and the operating system could not be determined.
• If the Nmap checkmark is present, but the Operating System is unknown, the most likely cause is a firewall
that is blocking the ports that Nmap is using to determine what OS is running on the device.
For example, if you scan using only UDP ports 7 and 161, the device appears online with the Nmap
checkmark displayed. However, the Operating System appears unknown, because UDP ports alone are not
sufficient to determine what OS is running on the device.

Add a Discovery Schedule for a thorough scan of managed

Windows, Mac, Linux, and UNIX computers
To scan your network for devices and capture information about devices, you use Discovery Schedules. After
devices are discovered using the Active Directory or Authenticated discovery type, you can add those discovered
devices to inventory.
1. Go to the Discovery Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Discovery Schedules.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Select the Discovery Type to display the form with the options for the selected type.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for a thorough scan of managed Windows, Mac, Linux, and UNIX computers
Depending on the type you select, the following options appear before the Notify section:
◦ Active Directory. DNS Lookup and Active Directory discovery options appear.
◦ Authenticated [WinRM, SNMP, SSH, VMware]. DNS Lookup, Relay, WinRM, SSH, and SNMP
discovery options appear.
3. In the Name field, enter a name for the scan.
This name appears on the Discovery Schedules page.
4. In the IP Address Range field, do one of the following:
• If you select the Active Directory Discovery Type, enter the IP address of the Active Directory server
to be scanned.
• Enter an IP address range to scan. Use hyphens to specify individual IP address class ranges.For
example, type 192.168.2-5.1-200 to scan for all IP addresses between 192.168.2-5.1 and
192.168.2-5.200, inclusive.

TIP: The KACE SMA supports both IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) and IPv4 addresses.
CAUTION: A maximum of 25,000 IP addresses is supported. If you specify an IP range that
  results in more than 25,000 addresses, a warning appears when you attempt to save the
provisioning schedule.
5. Select the Discovery options. The options that appear depend on the Discovery Type you have chosen:
Option Item Description

DNS Lookup Enable Discovery to identify the name of the device. DNS Lookup is
important if you want device names to appear in the Discovery Results
and Inventory lists. You can select the DNS Lookup options for each
Discovery type.

Name Server The hostname or IP address of the name server.

for Lookup
TIP: The KACE SMA supports both IPv6 (Internet Protocol version
  6) and IPv4 addresses.

Timeout The time, in seconds, after which a DNS lookup expires. If an address is
not found during this time, the process “times out.”

Relay Enable a KACE SMA Agent to act as a tunnel WinRM, SSH and SNMP
traffic to the agent connection protocol for WinRM, SSH and SNMP
discovery schedules, agentless inventory, and agent provisioning.

Relay Device Specify the device that you want to use as a relay for agentless device
A relay device that is used during discovery as a relay is used for
agentless inventory, when a new device is provisioned automatically from
discovery results.
Selected relay devices are listed on the following pages:
• On the Agentless Device Connection Details page, when a new
device is provisioned automatically from discovery results. For more

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for a thorough scan of managed Windows, Mac, Linux, and UNIX computers
Option Item Description
information about this page, see Enable Agentless management by
entering device information manually.
• On the Provisioning Schedule Detail page, when agent provisioning
is initiated from discovery results. For more information, see Install
the KACE SMA Agent on a device or multiple devices.
• On the Agentless Device Connection Details page, when a new
device is provisioned automatically from discovery results. For more
information about this page, see Enable Agentless management by
entering device information manually.

Active Enable the appliance to check for device information on an Active

Directory Directory server. During Active Directory scans, the status is indicated as
an approximate percentage instead of the number of devices scanned.

Privileged The username of the administrator account on the Active Directory server.
User For example, username@example.com.

Privileged The password of the administrator account on the Active Directory server.

Search The criteria used to search for devices. This criteria specifies a location or
Context container in the Active Directory structure to be searched. Enter the most
specific combination of OUs, DCs, or CNs that match your criteria, ranging
from left (most specific) to right (most general). For example:

WinRM WinRM is the connection type to use for Windows devices.

Timeout The time, in seconds, up to 1 minute, after which the connection is closed
if there is no activity.

Require If selected, Kerberos is required for authentication. NTLM will not be used
Kerberos as an alternative when Kerberos is unavailable.
Using Kerberos requires DNS Lookup to be enabled in the same discovery
configuration. The DNS Server is also required in the local KACE SMA
network settings.

Port If this field is left blank, the default port 5985 is used.

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device and
run commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or
select Add new credential to add credentials not already listed.
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

SSH Use the SSH protocol with authentication.

NOTE: After a Discovery Schedule is saved, you cannot change
  SSH to SNMP authentication.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for a thorough scan of managed Windows, Mac, Linux, and UNIX computers
Option Item Description

Timeout The time, up to 5 minutes, after which the connection is closed if there is
no activity.

Try SSH2 Enable the SSH2 protocol for connecting to and communicating with
Connection devices.
Use SSH2 if you want device communications to be more secure

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device and
run commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or
select Add new credential to add credentials not already listed.
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

6. Optional: Enter an email address for being notified of when the discovery scan completes. The email
includes the name of the discovery schedule.
7. Specify the scan schedule:
TIP: To maintain the scan inventory without scanning, set the schedule of the scan configuration
  to None.
Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for a thorough scan of managed Windows, Mac, Linux, and UNIX computers
Option Description

Use the following when specifying values:

• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

8. Click Save.
Related topics
About Discovery Results
View and search Discovery Results
Stop a running discovery scan
Delete Discovery Schedules

Obtain a Client ID and Client Secret for use in discovering

Chrome devices
Working with Chrome devices requires credentials that grant the KACE SMA access to a Google Apps Domain
using the Admin SDK API. You must obtain a Client ID and a Client Secret from Google so that you can get an
approval code for the KACE SMA to use.
• You have a Google Apps for Business domain or Google Apps for Education domain, with Chrome Device
Management support.
• You have a Google User admin account that is a member of the business or education domain. The
account must be assigned the super user role.
• You have a Google account that can be used as your developer account in this procedure. This account
does not have to be the same as the admin account, nor does it have to be a member of the business or
education domain.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Obtain a Client ID and Client Secret for use in discovering Chrome devices
The KACE SMA is enabled to import device information about devices and users from a Google Apps Domain
when the KACE SMA has access to the Admin SDK API. Part of the credentialing process requires setting up a
Google project, enabling the Admin SDK API from within it, and creating a Client ID and Client Secret.
1. Sign in to your developer account at https://console.developers.google.com/.
2. Create a project.
a. Click Projects in the left navigation bar.
b. Click Create Project to display the New Project dialog.
c. Type a project name
d. Use the auto-generated Project ID or type a unique ID of your choice.
e. Click Create.
The Project Dashboard for the new project appears.
3. Enable the Admin SDK API.
a. Click APIs & auth in the left navigation bar to expand the section, and click APIs.
b. Find Admin SDK under Browse APIs, and click the OFF Status button on the far right of the line to
toggle the status to ON and enable the API.
c. Read and agree to the terms of service and click Accept.
4. Create an OAuth Client ID and Client Secret.
NOTE: Quest recommends that you create a separate Client ID for each KACE SMA that is
  configured to discover Chrome devices.
a. In the APIs & auth section of the left navigation bar, click Credentials.
b. In the OAuth section, click Create new Client ID to display the Create Client ID dialog.
c. Click Configure consent screen to display the Consent screen dialog.
d. Select your email from the EMAIL ADDRESS drop-down list, type the name of your product in
PRODUCT NAME, and click Save to return to the Create Client ID dialog.
e. Select Installed application.
f. Select Other as the Installed Application Type, and click Create Client ID.
The Credentials page displays the created Client ID and Client Secret.
g. Make note of the Client ID and Client Secret values.
The values are needed when you configure authorization credentials in the KACE SMA for Chrome
device discovery.
Add a Third Party Discovery Schedule to scan your network for G Suite devices and capture information about
those devices. See Add a Discovery Schedule for a G Suite device.

Add a Discovery Schedule for a KACE Cloud Mobile Device

Manager device
If you use the KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager (MDM) to manage access to smart phones and tablets, you
can discover managed mobile devices using discovery scheduling. To scan your network for KACE Cloud MDM
devices and capture information about those devices, add an External Integration Discovery Schedule.
NOTE: Any KACE Cloud MDM devices discovered using this method do not count toward the KACE SMA
  license limit.
1. Go to the Discovery Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Discovery Schedules.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for a KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager device
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Select the Discovery Type to display the form with the options for the selected type, in this case External
Integration [KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager, G Suite, AirWatch].
3. In the Name field, enter a name for the scan.
This name appears on the Discovery Schedules page.
4. Expand KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager and select the Discovery options.
Option Description

Tenant Name The name of the tenant on the KACE Cloud MDM associated with the devices that
you want to manage.

Credentials The details of the account that is used to connect to the KACE Cloud MDM device.
Select an existing credential from the drop-down list, or select Add new credential to
add a new credential, as required.
For more information, see Add and edit Secret Key credentials.

Auto Provision If selected, all mobile devices discovered in the next scan are added to inventory.
NOTE: Use this option with care, to avoid expanding your inventory to an
  unexpected extent.

5. Optional: In the Notify section, enter an email address for being notified of when the discovery scan
completes. The email includes the name of the discovery schedule.
6. Specify the scan schedule:
TIP: To maintain the scan inventory without scanning, set the schedule of the scan configuration
  to None.
Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for a KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager device
Option Description

Use the following when specifying values:

• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

7. Click Save.
Related topics
About Discovery Results
View and search Discovery Results
Stop a running discovery scan
Delete Discovery Schedules

Add a Discovery Schedule for a G Suite device

To scan your network for G Suite devices and capture information about those devices, add an External
Integration Schedule.
• You have a Google Apps for Business domain or Google Apps for Education domain, with Chrome Device
Management support.
• You have a Google User admin account that is a member of the business or education domain. The
account must be assigned the super user role.
• You have a Google account to be used as your developer account, and have created a project with a Client
ID and Client Secret. See Obtain a Client ID and Client Secret for use in discovering Chrome devices.

NOTE: Any G Suite devices discovered using this method do not count toward the KACE SMA license
1. Go to the Discovery Schedule Detail page:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for a G Suite device
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Discovery Schedules.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Select the Discovery Type to display the form with the options for the selected type, in this case External
Integration [KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager, G Suite, AirWatch].
3. In the Name field, enter a name for the scan.
This name appears on the Discovery Schedules page.
4. Expand G Suite and select the Discovery options.
Option Description

Discover Chrome If selected, any Chrome devices will be discovered in the next scan.

Discover Mobile If selected, any G Suite mobile devices will be discovered in the next scan.

Credentials The details of the account that is used to connect to the Chrome device. Select
existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select Add new credential to add
credentials not already listed.
IMPORTANT: The selected credential must have an approval code that can
  be associated with the appropriate device type. For example, if you want to
discover G Suite mobile devices, you cannot use a credential whose approval
code is generated for Chrome devices.
For more information, see Add and edit Google OAuth credentials.

Auto Provision If selected, all Chrome devices discovered in the next scan are added to inventory.
NOTE: Use this option with care, to avoid expanding your inventory to an
  unexpected extent.

5. Optional: In the Notify section, enter an email address for being notified of when the discovery scan
completes. The email includes the name of the discovery schedule.
6. Specify the scan schedule:
TIP: To maintain the scan inventory without scanning, set the schedule of the scan configuration
  to None.
Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for a G Suite device
Option Description

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

7. Click Save.
Related topics
About Discovery Results
View and search Discovery Results
Stop a running discovery scan
Delete Discovery Schedules

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for a G Suite device
Add a Discovery Schedule for an AirWatch device
VMware® AirWatch® is an enterprise-level mobility management platform that allows you to manage a wide
range of different device types. You can integrate with AirWatch to collect discover devices managed with
AirWatch using REST API calls.
NOTE: Any AirWatch devices discovered using this method do not count toward the KACE SMA license
1. Go to the Discovery Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Discovery Schedules.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Select the Discovery Type to display the form with the options for the selected type, in this case External
Integration [KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager, G Suite, AirWatch].
3. In the Name field, enter a name for the scan.
This name appears on the Discovery Schedules page.
4. Expand AirWatch and select the Discovery options.
Option Description

Host The host name of the AirWatch administration console.

REST API Key The REST API key, available in the AirWatch administration console. The key must
be provided to enable integration with AirWatch through API calls.

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device and run
commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select Add new
credential to add credentials not already listed.
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

Auto Provision If selected, all AirWatch devices discovered in the next scan are added to inventory.
NOTE: Use this option with care, to avoid expanding your inventory to an
  unexpected extent.

5. Optional: In the Notify section, enter an email address for being notified of when the discovery scan
completes. The email includes the name of the discovery schedule.
6. Specify the scan schedule:
TIP: To maintain the scan inventory without scanning, set the schedule of the scan configuration
  to None.
Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for an AirWatch device
Option Description

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

7. Click Save.
Related topics
About Discovery Results
View and search Discovery Results
Stop a running discovery scan

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for an AirWatch device
Delete Discovery Schedules

Add a Discovery Schedule for a VMware ESXi host or a

vCenter Server
If your business uses a virtual VMware-based environment, you can discover VMware ESXi hosts or vCenter
Servers using discovery scheduling. To scan your network for VMware ESXi hosts or vCenter Servers and
capture information about those devices, add an Authenticated Discovery Schedule.
1. Go to the Discovery Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Discovery Schedules.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Select the Discovery Type to display the form with the options for the selected type, in this case
Authenticated [WinRM, SNMP, SSH, VMware].
3. In the Name field, enter a name for the scan.
This name appears on the Discovery Schedules page.
4. Expand the VMware section and configure the Discovery options.
Option Description

Timeout The time after which the scan ends if no response is returned.

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device and run
commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select Add new
credential to add credentials not already listed.
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

5. Optional: In the Notify section, enter an email address for being notified of when the discovery scan
completes. The email includes the name of the discovery schedule.
6. Specify the scan schedule:
TIP: To maintain the scan inventory without scanning, set the schedule of the scan configuration
  to None.
Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for a VMware ESXi host or a vCenter Server
Option Description
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

7. Click Save.
Related topics
About Discovery Results
View and search Discovery Results
Stop a running discovery scan
Delete Discovery Schedules

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for a VMware ESXi host or a vCenter Server
Add a Discovery Schedule for SNMP-enabled non-computer
To scan your network for non-computer devices and capture information about those devices, you can add an
Authenticated—SNMP Discovery Schedule.
To enable SNMP, port 161 must be open on the appliance and on the device.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol for monitoring managed devices on a network.
SNMP v3 uses authentication and encryption algorithms to increase the security of SNMP communications. When
you configure the SNMP v3 options, the appliance performs an SNMP v3 scan on selected devices. If that scan
fails, the appliance attempts an SNMP v2 or v1 scan using the specified Public String.
SNMP scan results include all SNMP-capable devices. Remote shell extensions enable the KACE SMA to
connect to devices, run commands, and capture Discovery information.

NOTE: After a Discovery Schedule is saved, you cannot change SNMP to SSH authentication.
1. Go to the Discovery Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Discovery Schedules.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Select the Discovery Type to display the form with the options for the selected type, in this case
Authenticated [WinRM, SNMP, SSH, VMware].
The following options appear before the Notify section:
◦ DNS Lookup
◦ Relay
◦ WinRM
For this procedure only DNS Lookup and SNMP are pertinent
3. In the Name field, enter a name for the scan.
This name appears on the Discovery Schedules page.
4. In the IP Address Range field, enter an IP address range to scan. Use hyphens to specify individual
IP address class ranges. For example, type 192.168.2-5.1-200 to scan for all IP addresses between
192.168.2-5.1 and 192.168.2-5.200, inclusive.
TIP: The KACE SMA supports both IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) and IPv4 addresses.
CAUTION: A maximum of 25,000 IP addresses is supported. If you specify an IP range that results in
  more than 25,000 addresses, a warning appears when you attempt to save the provisioning schedule.
5. Expand DNS Lookup and select the Discovery options.
Including DNS Lookup enables Discovery to identify the name of the device. DNS Lookup is important if
you want device names to appear in the Discovery Results and Inventory lists.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for SNMP-enabled non-computer devices
Option Description

Name Server for The hostname or IP address of the name server.

TIP: The KACE SMA supports both IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) and IPv4

Timeout The time, in seconds, after which a DNS lookup expires. If an address is not found
during this time, the process “times out.”

6. Expand Relay and select the Discovery options.

Configuring the Relay options allows yout to configure a KACE SMA Agent to act as a tunnel WinRM,
SSH and SNMP traffic to the agent connection protocol for WinRM, SSH and SNMP discovery schedules,
agentless inventory, and agent provisioning.

Option Description

Relay Device Specify the device that you want to use as a relay for agentless device inventory.
A relay device that is used during discovery as a relay is used for agentless inventory,
when a new device is provisioned automatically from discovery results.
Selected relay devices are listed on the following pages:
• On the Agentless Device Connection Details page, when a new device is
provisioned automatically from discovery results. For more information about
this page, see Enable Agentless management by entering device information
• On the Provisioning Schedule Detail page, when agent provisioning is initiated
from discovery results. For more information, see Install the KACE SMA Agent
on a device or multiple devices.
• On the Agentless Device Connection Details page, when a new device is
provisioned automatically from discovery results. For more information about
this page, see Enable Agentless management by entering device information

7. Expand SNMP and select the Discovery options.

Option Description

SNMP Full Walk Enable a Full Walk of data in the MIB (management information base) on devices.
If this option is cleared, the appliance does a Bulk GET, which searches three core
OIDs (object identifiers). When selecting this option, be aware that a Full Walk can
take up to 20 minutes per device. The default, Bulk GET, takes approximately one
second and acquires all of the information needed for Discovery.
NOTE: SNMP inventory walk does not support non-English characters on
  Windows devices. If it encounters non-English characters, the SNMP inventory
process reports an error and stops loading inventory information.

Timeout The time, in seconds, after which the scan ends if no response is returned.

Maximum The number of times the connection is attempted.


Credentials The details of the SNMP v1/v2 credentials required to connect to the device and run
(SNMPv1/v2) commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select Add new
credential to add credentials not already listed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for SNMP-enabled non-computer devices
Option Description

See Add and edit SNMP credentials.

Credentials The details of the SNMP v3 credentials required to connect to the device and run
(SNMPv3) commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select Add new
credential to add credentials not already listed.
See Add and edit SNMP credentials.

8. Optional: In the Notify section, enter an email address for being notified of when the discovery scan
completes. The email includes the name of the discovery schedule.
9. Specify the scan schedule:
TIP: To maintain the scan inventory without scanning, set the schedule of the scan configuration
  to None.
Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Discovery Schedule for SNMP-enabled non-computer devices
Option Description

Use the following when specifying values:

• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

10. Click Save.

Related topics
About Discovery Results
View and search Discovery Results
Stop a running discovery scan
Delete Discovery Schedules

About Discovery Results

Discovery Results show information identified during Discovery Schedule scans.
If devices in inventory correspond to records in the Discovery Results, the devices’ current connection status is
displayed. The device name links to the Inventory Detail page for that device, and the Device Action drop-down
list in the DNS Lookup column shows the available Device Actions.

NOTE: For information about browser requirements for Device Actions, go to https://support.quest.com/

Discovery Results are a "point-in-time" view, and any newly defined devices for management will reflect their state
the next time discovery is run.
See Managing inventory information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Discovery Results
NOTE: To run Device Actions, you must have the Administrator Console open in Internet Explorer,
  because ActiveX is required to start these programs on the local device. Other browsers do not support

The results showing the IP address at the time of the scan might not reflect the current IP address of a given
device if the DHCP-assigned IP address has changed.

View and search Discovery Results

You can view and search Discovery Results for device information and for the properties of the scans used to
discover devices.
1. Go to the Discovery Results list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Discovery Results.
2. To sort the list, do any of the following:
• Select Choose Action > Include Unreachable Items. The list displays devices that have a
connection to the appliance and devices that cannot currently be reached.
• In the View By drop-down list, select Discovery Name. The list is sorted to group according to the
name of the Discovery Schedule under which they were discovered.
3. To view device details, click the link in the Hostname or IP Address [Labels] column.
4. To search for devices:
a. Click the Advanced Search tab above the list on the right to display the Advanced Search panel.
b. Select search criteria:
▪ Select an attribute in the left-most drop-down list. For example: Device Info: Ping Test.
▪ Select a condition in the next drop-down list. For example: has.
▪ Select the status attribute in the next drop-down list. For example: Failed.
c. Click Search.

Provision the Agent using the discovered IP address or

You can provision the Agent on devices using the IP address or hostname from the Discovery Results page.
After devices have been identified in Discovery Results, you can provision or install the Agent on those devices
using the links on the Discovery Results page. This discovery identifies the devices to be provisioned at the
outset, rather than requiring a scan during the provisioning phase to identify devices.
Provisioning the Agent is especially useful for Windows devices. Windows devices can be discovered, but there
are few management options available to Windows devices unless the Agent is installed on those devices.
1. Go to the Discovery Results list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Provision the Agent using the discovered IP address or hostname
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Discovery Results.
2. Select the check box next to one or more devices.
3. Select Choose Action, then do one of the following:
• Select Provision > Agent: IP Address.
• Select Provision > Agent: Hostname.
The Provisioning Schedule Detail page appears. Information about the selected devices appears on the
4. Edit the provisioning options as needed.
See Install the KACE SMA Agent on a device or multiple devices.

Stop a running discovery scan

You can stop a running scan at any point in its progress.
You can stop a running discovery scan from either the Discovery Schedules list or from the Discovery Schedule
Detail page. You can stop multiple scans from the Discovery Schedules list.
When you interrupt a scan with Stop, whatever devices in the IP range that has been scanned up to that point
appear in Discovery Results.
1. Go to the Discovery Schedules list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Discovery Schedules.
2. Stop a running scan using one of two methods:
• Stop one or more running scans using the Choose Action menu.
1. Select the check box next to one or more schedules.
2. Select Choose ActionStop, then click Yes to confirm.
NOTE: If any of the selected schedules are not running, selecting Stop does not prevent
  the scan from running at its next scheduled time.

• Stop a running scan from its Discovery Schedule Detail page.

1. Click the Discovery Schedule in the Name column to display the Discovery Schedule Detail page.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, click Stop, then click Yes to confirm.
NOTE: When a scan is running, the Stop button takes the place of the Run Now button.
Scan activity stops for the designated Discovery Schedule. The Progress column on the Discovery Schedules list
displays Stopping until the scan is fully stopped, at which point the progress status changes to Stopped.

Delete Discovery Schedules

You can delete Discovery Schedules as needed. When Discovery Schedules are deleted, scan results related
to those schedules are also deleted. Devices discovered using the schedules, and added to inventory, remain in
1. Go to the Discovery Schedules list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete Discovery Schedules
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Discovery Schedules.
2. Select the check box next to one or more schedules.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Managing device inventory

You can use the KACE SMA to manage devices. Devices managed by the KACE SMA are referred to as device

About managing devices

Managing devices is the process of using the KACE SMA to collect and maintain information about devices on
your network and performing tasks such as monitoring device status, creating reports, and so on.
To add devices to the KACE SMA inventory, you can:
• Install the KACE SMA Agent on devices. Devices are automatically added to inventory after the Agent
is installed on them and the Agent reports inventory to the KACE SMA. See Provisioning the KACE SMA
• Enable Agentless management for devices. Agentless management is especially useful for devices that
cannot have the KACE SMA Agent installed, such as devices with unsupported operating systems. See
Managing Agentless devices.
• Upload inventory information for devices manually. See Adding devices manually in the Administrator
Console or by using the API.

NOTE: Your KACE SMA license agreement entitles you to manage a specified number of devices that
  are classified as Managed Computers, Assets, and Monitored Servers. Devices count toward these limits
even if such devices are MIA (missing in action) or no longer in use. However, devices that are added to
inventory manually, or through the API, do not count toward license limits. See View KACE SMA license

For information about the KACE SMA features available to devices, see Features available for each device
management method.

Features available for each device management

Device management features vary, depending on the method used to manage the device and the device’s
operating system.
For Windows devices, installing the Agent provides a full range of features. For Linux® devices and devices
that cannot have the Agent installed, such as printers and network devices, Agentless management is the
recommended option.
The following table provides a high-level view of the components and features available to managed devices.

NOTE: Under Agentless, the Non-Win OSs are Mac OS X, AIX®, CentOS™, Debian®, FreeBSD®, HP-
  UX, Oracle® Enterprise Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE, Solaris®, and Ubuntu.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Features available for each device management method
Table 9. KACE SMA features available to managed devices

Feature or component Agent Agentless manual

  Win, Mac,     G KACE DMM AirWatch

  Linux Win Non- Suite MDM SNMP  
Win Devices


Dashboard: Includes device X X X X X X X X

information where appropriate.
See About Dashboards.

Label Management: Labels can X X X X X X X X X

be assigned to devices. See
About labels.

Search: Devices included in X X X X X X X X X

results. See Searching for
information and filtering lists.


Devices: List includes devices. X X X X X X X X X

See Managing inventory

Devices > Force Inventory. See X X X X X X X X

Forcing inventory updates.

Devices > MIA settings. See X X X X X X X X

Managing MIA devices.

Devices > Apply SNMP X

Configurations. See Using
SNMP Inventory Configurations
to identify specific SNMP objects
and non-computer devices to add
to inventory.

Software page: List includes X X X X X X X

software from devices. See About
the Software page.

Software Catalog page: List X

includes software from devices. Windows
See Viewing Software Catalog and Mac
information. only

Metering: Metering can be X

enabled for devices. See Using
software metering.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Features available for each device management method
Feature or component Agent Agentless manual

  Win, Mac,     G KACE DMM AirWatch

  Linux Win Non- Suite MDM SNMP  
Win Devices

and Mac

Blacklisting software (Mark X

Not Allowed): Software can Windows
be prevented from running on and Mac
devices. See Using Application only

Processes: Inventory available X X X

for devices. See Managing
process inventory.

Startup programs: Inventory X X X

available for devices. See
Managing startup program

Services: Inventory available for X X

devices. See Managing service

Discovery Schedules: Devices X X X X X X X X X

can be discovered. See About
Device Discovery and device

Discovery Results: Devices can X X X X X X X X

be provisioned from results list.
See About Device Discovery and
device management.

SNMP Inventory X
Configurations: List of devices
can be expanded. See Using
SNMP Inventory Configurations
to identify specific SNMP objects
and non-computer devices to add
to inventory.

Inventory: Custom inventory X

rules. See Writing custom
inventory rules.


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Features available for each device management method
Feature or component Agent Agentless manual

  Win, Mac,     G KACE DMM AirWatch

  Linux Win Non- Suite MDM SNMP  
Win Devices

Alerts: Received alerts. See X X X

Working with alerts.

Devices: List includes devices X X X

with monitoring enabled. See
Managing monitoring for devices.

Profiles: Alerts are defined X X X

through profiles. See Working
with monitoring profiles.

Maintenance Windows: Can X X X

set regular schedule for pausing
monitoring. See Schedule a
Maintenance Window during
which time alerts are not collected
from a device.

Log Enablement Packages: X X X

These packages enable
performance threshold monitoring
and monitoring for applications
such as Exchange, Internet
Information Services (IIS), and so
on. See Configuring application
and threshold monitoring with Log
Enablement Packages.


Assets: Can be created for X X X X X X X X X

devices. See About managing

Asset Types: Can be created X X X X X X X X X

for devices. See Adding and
customizing Asset Types and
maintaining asset information.

Locations: Can be defined for X X X X X X X X X

devices, users, and assets. See
Managing locations.

Import Assets: Can be imported X

for devices. See Importing license
data in CSV files.


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Features available for each device management method
Feature or component Agent Agentless manual

  Win, Mac,     G KACE DMM AirWatch

  Linux Win Non- Suite MDM SNMP  
Win Devices

Managed Installations: Can X

be used to install software on
devices. See Using Managed

File Synchronizations: Can X

be used to manage files on
devices. See Create and use File

Wake-on-LAN: Available for X X X X

devices with valid IP address and
MAC address. See Using Wake-

Replication: Can be used as X

replication shares. See Using
Replication Shares.

Alerts: Can be broadcast to X

display on devices (different from Windows
server monitoring alerts). See and Mac
Broadcasting alerts to managed only


Run Now: Can be used to run X

scripts on devices. See Using the
Run and Run Now commands.

Run Now Status: Can be X

displayed for devices. See
Monitor Run Now status and view
script details.

Search Scripting Logs: Devices X

listed in results. See Search the
scripting logs.

Configuration Policies: Can X

be used to configure devices. Windows
See About configuration policy and Mac
templates. only

Security Policies: Can be used X

to configure devices. See About
security policy templates.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Features available for each device management method
Feature or component Agent Agentless manual

  Win, Mac,     G KACE DMM AirWatch

  Linux Win Non- Suite MDM SNMP  
Win Devices

and Mac

Mac Profiles: Can be used to X

configure user-level and system- Mac only
level policies and settings on Mac
OS X devices. See Managing
Mac profiles.


Patch Management: Can be X

used to patch devices. See About Windows
patch management. and Mac

OVAL Scans: Devices included X

in tests. See About OVAL security Windows
checks. only

SCAP scans: Devices included in X

scans. See About SCAP. Windows

Dell Updates: Can be used to X

update devices. See Managing Windows
Dell devices with Dell Updates . only

Service Desk

Tickets: Can be created and X X X X X X X X

assigned to devices. See Creating
tickets from the Administrator
Console and User Console.

User Downloads: Software X

can be downloaded from the
User Console to devices. See
Managing User Downloads.

Knowledge Base. See Managing X X X X X X X X

Knowledge Base articles.

Announcements: Can create X X X X X X X X

announcements that appear on
the User Console home page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Features available for each device management method
Feature or component Agent Agentless manual

  Win, Mac,     G KACE DMM AirWatch

  Linux Win Non- Suite MDM SNMP  
Win Devices
See Add, edit, hide, or delete
User Console announcements.

Configuration. See Setting up X X X X X X X X

Service Desk.


Reports: Device information X X X X X X X X

available for reports. See Creating

Report Schedules: View report X X X X X X X X

schedules that have been
created. See Scheduling reports.

Notifications: Devices can be X X X X X X X X

included in notifications. See
Scheduling notifications.

Settings: Control Panel

Device Actions: Actions can be X X X X

performed on devices. See Run
actions on devices.

License Usage Warning levels: X X X X X X X X

Available for applications on
devices. See Assign threat levels
to applications.

History: Device information can X X X X X X X X

be tracked. See Managing asset

Logs: Device information X X X X X X X X

available. See View appliance

Backup and restore: Device X X X X X X X X

information included. See About
appliance backups.


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Features available for each device management method
Feature or component Agent Agentless manual

  Win, Mac,     G KACE DMM AirWatch

  Linux Win Non- Suite MDM SNMP  
Win Devices

Filters: Organization filters can X X X X X X X X

be assigned to devices. See
Managing organization filters.

Redirect Devices: Devices can X X X X X X X X X

be reassigned to organizations.
See Redirect devices.

Filtering Devices: Devices can X X X X X X X X

be filtered and reassigned to
organizations. See Filter devices.

Organization settings: Inventory X X X X X X X X

intervals configurable. See
Schedule inventory data
collection for managed devices.

About inventory information

Inventory includes information about the devices, applications, processes, startup programs, and services on
managed devices on your network.
Inventory is:
• Collected by the KACE SMA Agent, which is installed on managed devices
• Uploaded using the inventory API
• Obtained through connections to Agentless devices
You can view detailed data about individual managed devices, as well as aggregated data collected across all
managed devices. In addition, you can use inventory information in reports, and in decisions about upgrades,
troubleshooting, purchasing, policies, and so on.
This section focuses on device inventory. For information about other inventory items, see:
• Managing applications on the Software page
• Managing Software Catalog inventory
• Managing process, startup program, and service inventory

Tracking changes to inventory settings

If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects.
This information includes the date the change was made and the user who made the change, which can be useful
during troubleshooting. See About history settings.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Tracking changes to inventory settings
About inventory change history
Change history for devices begins when there is a change to the information collected during the first report.
The first time a managed device reports inventory to the KACE SMA, the information is considered to be a
baseline report. As such, it is not recorded in the change history.

Managing inventory information

To manage inventory information, you can add custom data fields, view devices in inventory, and view device

Add custom data fields

You can add custom data fields for applications added manually from the Software list.
Adding custom data fields enables you to obtain information from the registry and elsewhere on the device. This
information can be viewed on the device detail page and used in reports.
For example, you might want to add custom fields to obtain the DAT file version number from the registry, the file
created date, the file publisher, or other data for a device. You could then create labels based on this information
to group similar devices, or create reports using this information.
1. Go to the Software list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software.
2. Select Choose Action > New.
3. Enter values in the Name, Version, and Publisher fields.
This information is used to identify the custom data field on detail pages.
4. In the Custom Inventory Rule field, enter the appropriate syntax for the information you want returned:
• To return a Registry Value, enter the following, replacing valueType with either TEXT, NUMBER, or
DATE. NUMBER is an integer value: RegistryValueReturn(string absPathToKey, string
valueName, string valueType)
Example: RegistryValueReturn(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\McAfee.com
\Virusscan Online,SourceDisk, TEXT)
• On Windows, Mac, and Linux devices, you can retrieve the following attributes from the stat()
access_time, creation_time, modification_time, block_size, blocks, size,
device_id, group, inode, mode, number_links, owner, device_number
• On Windows devices, you can retrieve the following attributes from the VerQueryValue() function:
FileName, Comments, CompanyName, FileDescription, FileVersion,
InternalName, LegalCopyright, LegalTrademarks, OriginalFilename,
ProductName, ProductVersion, PrivateBuild, SpecialBuild, AccessedDate,
CreatedDate, ModifiedDate
5. Click Save.
See Writing custom inventory rules.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add custom data fields
Schedule inventory data collection for managed devices
The appliance collects hardware and software inventory data from Agent-managed and Agentless devices
according to the KACE SMA data collection schedule you set.
For Agent-managed devices, software inventory information is available on both the Software and Software
Catalog pages. For more information about these pages, see Differences between the Software page and the
Software Catalog page.
For Agentless devices, software information is listed only on the Software page. See Managing applications on
the Software page.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you schedule inventory data collection for each
organization separately.
1. Do one of the following:
• If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information. Then click Organizations.
To display the organization’s information, click the organization’s name.
The Organization Detail page appears.
• If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, select Settings > Provisioning.
Then click Communication Settings on the Provisioning panel.
The Communication Settings page appears.
2. In the Communications Settings section, specify the following settings:
NOTE: To reduce the load on the KACE SMA, limit the number of Agent connections to 500 per
  hour. The number of connections that appears next to the inventory, scripting, and metering intervals,
applies to the current organization only. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance,
the total number of Agent connections for all organizations should not exceed 500 per hour.

Option Suggested Setting Notes

Agent Logging Enabled Whether the KACE SMA stores scripting results provided by
Agents installed on managed devices. Agent logs can consume
as much as 1GB of disk space in the database. If disk space is
not an issue, enable Agent Logging to keep all log information
for Agent-managed devices. These logs can be useful during
troubleshooting. To save disk space, and enable faster Agent
communication, disable Agent Logging.

Agent Inventory 12 hours The frequency at which Agents on managed devices report
inventory. This information is displayed in the Inventory section.

Agentless 1 Day The frequency at which Agentless devices report inventory.

Inventory This information is displayed in the Inventory section.

Catalog Inventory 24 hours The frequency at which managed devices report inventory to
the Software Catalog page.

Metering 4 hours The frequency at which managed devices report metering

information to the KACE SMA. Requires metering to be enabled
on devices and applications.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Schedule inventory data collection for managed devices
Option Suggested Setting Notes

Scripting Update 4 hours The frequency at which Agents on managed devices request
updated copies of scripts that are enabled on managed
devices. This interval does not affect how often scripts run.

3. In the Notify section, specify the message to use for Agent communications:
Option Suggested Setting Notes

Agent Splash Default text: The message that appears to users when
Page Message Quest KACE Systems Management Agents are performing tasks, such as
Appliance is verifying your running scripts, on their devices.
PC Configuration and managing
software updates. Please

4. In the Schedule section, specify the Communication Window for Agent-managed devices:
Option Suggested Setting Notes

Communication 00:00 to 00:00 (+1 The period during which Agents on managed devices are
Window day) allowed to connect with the KACE SMA. For example, to allow
Agents to connect between the hours of 01:00 and 06:00 only,
select 01:00 from the first drop-down list, and 06:00 from the
second drop-down list.

5. In the Agentless section, specify communications settings for Agentless devices:

Option Description

SSH Timeout The time, in seconds or minutes, after which the connection is closed if there is no

SNMP Timeout The time, in seconds, after which the connection is closed if there is no activity.

Maximum The number of times the connection is attempted.


WinRM Timeout The time, in seconds or minutes, after which the connection is closed if there is no

6. If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, specify Agent settings.
NOTE: If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, Agent settings are located on the
  appliance General Settings page.

Option Description

Last Task This value indicates the date and time when the appliance task throughput was last
Throughput updated.

Current Load The value in this field depicts the load on an appliance at any given time. For the
Average appliance to run normally, the value in this field must be between 0.0 and 10.0.

Task Throughput The value that controls how scheduled tasks, such as inventory collection, scripting,
and patching updates, are balanced by the appliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Schedule inventory data collection for managed devices
Option Description

NOTE: This value can be increased only if the value in the Current Load
  Average is not more than 10.0 and the Last Task Throughput Update time is
more than 15 minutes.

7. Click Save.
The changes take effect when Agents check in to the appliance.
8. If you have multiple organizations, repeat the preceding steps for each organization.
Related topics
View appliance logs
Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled

View device inventory and details

You can view the list of devices in inventory on the Devices page, and you can view information about any
selected device on the Device Detail page.
1. Go to the Device Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
c. Click the name of a device.
2. To expand the sections on the Device Detail page, click Expand All above the Summary section.
The fields that are displayed depend on the type of device and its operating system. For example, if the
device is a virtual machine, the Monitor field is not displayed, although the Video Controller is. In addition,
some fields are available for some operating systems but not for others. For example, System Description
is available for Windows or SNMP devices only.
To view tables describing the contents of the groups and sections that appear on this page, see Groups
and sections of items in device details.
3. Optional: If change tracking is enabled for inventory information, click Show All History above the
Summary section to see the history of inventory changes.
Related topics
Configuring history settings
Managing Agent communications
Schedule inventory data collection for managed devices
About OVAL security checks
About SCAP
About the Asset Management component

Groups and sections of items in device details

The Device Details page for a device contains inventory information presented in sections that are collected
in groups. The extent and focus of information included on the page depends on the device and any subtypes

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
NOTE: If you have assigned an Asset Subtype, you can choose whether to show or hide the details that
  appear for each Device on the Device Detail page. For example, for the subtype Printer, information that is
irrelevant to printers, such as the items Installed Programs, Discovered Software, and Metered Software,
could be made hidden. Whole groups can be hidden as well. See Add Asset Subtypes and select Device
Detail page preferences.

Scoped users can see the details of all devices, but can only edit the details of those devices that are associated
with their role. For more information about user roles, see Add or edit User Roles.
The following groups can appear on the Device Details page:
• Summary group
• Inventory Information group
• Software group
• Activities group
• Security group
• Dell Command | Monitor group
• Dell Updates group
• Logs group
• Asset group

Summary group
Basic device identification information. The items are not separated into sections as in the other groups on the
page. The entries that appear on the Device Detail page vary depending on the device, operating system (if
relevant), connection type, and so on.

Item Description Database field

System Name The hostname or IP address of the device. NAME

Asset Subtype The Asset Subtype for this device, if one has been
assigned. Asset Subtypes are subcategories of
assets that you can add to any Asset Type, including
custom Asset Types. This enables you to identify
and manage subtypes of assets, such as Device
assets that are computers, printers, or routers.

Asset Location The location of this asset. N/A

Assigned To The device owner. This field is only populated if N/A

the device user record exists on the appliance.
When you integrate with the KACE Cloud MDM,
if the appliance is synchronized with the KACE
MDM tenant's Active Directory, the name of the
KACE MDM device owner is displayed. For other
types of external devices, if the device user record
is not found on the appliance, the field is set to

Manual Entry A field that indicates the inventory information was MANUAL_ENTRY
added manually, either through WSAPI or XML
upload. click Edit to modify the information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Item Description Database field

Device Entry Type A field that indicates how the device is being N/A
managed: Agent Device, Agentless Device, or
Manually Entered Record. Click Edit to change
connection protocols.

System Description A description of the device, populated by Agentless SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION

inventory for Windows and SNMP devices.

System Model The device model. CS_MODEL

Chassis Type The type of device, such as desktop or laptop. CHASSIS_TYPE

Ownership KACE MDM devices only. Indicates the ownership OWNERSHIP

of the device: Company, Personal or Unknown.

IP Address The IP address of the device. IP

MAC Address The device’s Media Access Control (MAC) address MAC

RAM Total The total amount of random-access memory (RAM) RAM_TOTAL

on the device.

Operating System The operating system of the device, such as OS_NAME

Name Windows, Mac OS X®, or Linux.

Service Pack The service pack version number (Windows or SERVICE_PACK

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server only).

Uptime Since Last The amount of time the device has been running UPTIME
Reboot since it was restarted.

Agent Version The version number of the KACE SMA Agent CLIENT_VERSION
installed on the device.

Device Timezone The timezone used by the KACE SMA Agent TZ_AGENT
installed on the device.

Source The source of the collected device details. For N/A

Agent-managed devices, this field is set to Agent.
For Agentless devices, this field reflects the
connection type. For example, VMware.

User Name The name of the most recent user who logged in to USER
the device. Some devices might have multiple users.

Agent Connection The time the Agent Messaging Protocol (AMP) KBSYS.SMMP_CONNECTION
service on the device connected to the KACE SMA
and the current connection status (available for
Agent-managed devices only). Connection status
information includes:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Item Description Database field

: An Agent-managed device is connected to the


: An Agent-managed device with server

monitoring enabled is connected to the appliance.

: An Agent-managed device is not connected to

the appliance.

Agentless The time the Agentless device connected to the N/A

Connection KACE SMA and the current connection status
(available for Agentless devices only). Connection
status information includes:

: Agentless-management is enabled for the


: Agentless-management and server monitoring

is enabled for the device.

: Agentless management is enabled for the

device, but the device is not currently reachable.

Agentless The protocol, such as SNMP, used to collect N/A

Connection Method inventory information from the device.

Last Inventory The time of the most recent inventory report. LAST_SYNC

Device Created The date and time that the device’s first inventory CREATED
record was created.

Device Modified The date and time that the device’s inventory record MODIFIED
was modified.

Contact Printers only. The contact information for the

selected printer, such as an email address. This
information is stored in the managed printer's SNMP
sysContact field.

Location Printers only. The location of the selected

printer, such as the name of the organization. This
information is stored in the managed printer's SNMP
sysLocation field.

Volume n The type and size of the disk drive’s file system, MACHINE_DISKS
and amount of space used on the disk drive. To
view changes to the drive usage, click Show Usage
History link in this field. This information is updated
when usage increases or decreases by 5% or more.
There is one entry for each volume.
For VMware® ESXi® host devices, each datastore
associated with the ESXi host is listed as a volume.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Item Description Database field

Force Inventory Click Force Inventory to immediately update N/A

inventory information for the device and synchronize
the device with the appliance.
Force Inventory is available only if the AMP
connection to an Agent-managed device is active, or
for Agentless devices, if the device is reachable.

VMware UUID This field is only visible when you select a VMware INSTANCE_UUID
device. The UUID is a globally unique identifier for
the vCenter Server or the ESXi host.

KACE Cloud Mobile When you integrate with the KACE Cloud MDM and N/A
Device Manager select a KACE Cloud MDM device, an additional set
(MDM) commands of commands is available in this section.
• Force Inventory: Requests from the KACE
Cloud MDM to initiate a new inventory for
the device. When complete, the KACE SMA
synchronizes the inventory information.
• Lock: Blocks access to the selected device.
Next time the user interacts with the device,
they are prompted to provide the device's
• Set Passcode: Allows you to specify a new
passcode for the selected device.

NOTE: This command is only available

  for Android devices.

• Clear Passcode: Unlocks the selected

device. The device remains unlocked until a
new passcode is provided.
• Unenroll Device: Un-enrolls the selected
device from the KACE Cloud MDM.
• Factory Reset: Restores the factory settings
on the selected device.

TIP: These commands are also accessible

  from the Devices list page, from the Choose
Action menu. The Force Inventory
command appears in the main menu, while
the other commands are available in the
KACE Cloud MDM menu.

VMware virtual If your managed environment includes one or N/A

machine more provisioned VMware virtual machines, you
commands can perform a set power device actions from this
page, such as powering virtual machines on or off.
These commands are available if the following pre-
requisites are met:
• The provisioned virtual machines must be
running on a provisioned VMware ESXi server
version 5.5.x or higher.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Item Description Database field

NOTE: Your KACE SMA license

  agreement allows administrator to
manage a specific number of computers,
servers, and assets. Each provisioned
VMware ESXi server consumes a KACE
SMA agentless license. If you want to
use this feature, you must ensure that
your KACE SMA license agreement
covers all of your provisioned ESXi
hosts. For more information, see http://
To increase your license capacity, visit

• VMware Tools must be installed on the target

virtual machines to issue Shut Down Guest
OS and Restart Guest OS commands. The
other commands do not require VMware
• User account configured in the inventory
must have sufficient administrative-level
permissions in order to perform these actions.
The following commands are available when you
select a provisioned VMware virtual machine.
• Power On: Powers on the selected virtual
machine. If the virtual machine is suspended,
this action causes the suspended virtual
machine to be powered on.
• Power Off: Powers off the selected virtual
machine. If the virtual machine is a fault-
tolerant primary virtual machine, this results in
one or more of the secondary virtual machines
being powered off as well.
• Suspend: Suspends the execution of the
selected virtual machine.
• Reset: Resets the power on the selected
virtual machine. If the virtual machine is
currently powered on, this action first powers it
off, then powers it on.
• Shut Down Guest OS: Issues a command to
the guest operating system on the selected
virtual machine to perform a clean shutdown
of all services.
• Restart Guest OS: Issues a command to the
guest operating system on the selected virtual
machine to perform a reboot.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Item Description Database field

TIP: These commands are always available

  on the Device Detail page. They can also
appear on the Devices list page in the
Choose Action menu when bulk actions
against VMware virtual machine devices
are enabled. This feature is disabled by
default. To enable it, on the General Settings
page, under Allowed Bulk Actions, select the
Enable Bulk Virtual Machine Actions check
box. For more information, see Configure
Admin-level or organization-specific General
For complete information about these virtual
machine actions, refer to your VMware ESXi

Inventory Information group

Additional details on items in the Summary section.

Section or Item Description Database field

Hardware Information about the device’s hardware.

If change history is enabled for this section, and the
information in this section has changed, the Show
Changes link appears next to the heading. Click
Show Changes to view only those items that have
changed. Click Hide Changes to view all items.

RAM Total The total amount of random-access memory (RAM) RAM_TOTAL

installed on the device.

RAM Used The amount of random-access memory (RAM) in RAM_USED

use on the device.

RAM Maximum The maximum amount of random-access memory RAM_MAX

(RAM) that the device can support.

System The device manufacturer. CS_MANUFACTURER


System Model The device model. CS_MODEL

CSP ID Number The system serial number. CSP_ID_NUMBER

Asset Tag Windows and KACE MDM devices only. The ASSET_TAG
BIOS Asset Tag of a system. An Admin can use a
bios utility to set this value on the system.

Domain The Windows domain to which the device is joined. CS_DOMAIN

Motherboard The main bus. MOTHERBOARD_PRIMARY_BUS

Primary Bus

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section or Item Description Database field

Motherboard The peripheral bus. MOTHERBOARD_SECONDARY_BUS

Secondary Bus

Processors The CPU count, type, and manufacturer. PROCESSORS

Architecture The architecture of the device operating system, SYS_ARCH

such as x86 or x64.

Virtual Device Used to identify devices that are virtual, such as VIRTUAL
devices running on VMware platforms. Not displayed
for physical devices, such as laptops and servers.

Trusted Platform On devices with the TPM dedicated microprocessor MACHINE_TPM

Module (TPM) installed, displays specifications and information
about whether TPM is enabled and activated.
See About Dell Data Protection | Encryption (DDP|E)
and encryption information in device details.

Intel AMT Device On Intel-based Windows devices with Intel AMT INTEL_AMT
technology present, displays information about
See About Intel AMT information in device details.

CD/DVD Drives The configuration of CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives CDROM_DEVICES

installed on the device.

Sound Devices Information about audio devices on the device. SOUND_DEVICES

Video Controllers Information about video controllers on the device. VIDEO_CONTROLLERS

Monitors The type and manufacturer of the monitor attached MONITOR

to the device. For virtual devices, this displays
monitor information if it is reported by the operating

Apple Support Link to the Support page at Apple. N/A


SMC Version The System Management Controller version of the BIOS_NAME

device CPU.

Serial Number The serial number of the device. BIOS_SERIAL_NUMBER

Boot ROM Version The Boot ROM or Firmware version of the device. BIOS_VERSION

Dell Service Information about Dell hardware, including the DELL_WARRANTY

Information Service Tag, System Type, Ship Date, Country, and
warranty information. This section also includes a
Days Left column, which indicates the number of
days remaining in the warranty period, and Last
Updated column, which indicates the last time the

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section or Item Description Database field
warranty information was refreshed. To update Dell
Service information, click Refresh.


BIOS Version The BIOS version. BIOS_VERSION

BIOS Release Date The date the BIOS version was released. BIOS_DATE

BIOS Manufacturer The BIOS manufacturer. BIOS_MANUFACTURER

BIOS Description The BIOS description. BIOS_DESCRIPTION

BIOS Serial The BIOS serial number. BIOS_SERIAL_NUMBER


Black Toner - Printers only. The make and model of the black
Description toner.

Black Toner - Printers only. The maximum level of the black toner
Maximum Level powder.

Black Toner - Printers only. The current level of the black toner
Current Level powder. If the toner is not installed, a message
appears in this field.

Cyan Toner - Color printers only. The make and model of the
Description cyan toner.

Cyan Toner - Color printers only. The maximum level of the cyan
Maximum Level toner powder.

Cyan Toner - Color printers only. The current level of the cyan
Current Level toner powder. If the toner is not installed, a message
appears in this field.

Magenta Toner - Color printers only. The make and model of the
Description magenta toner.

Magenta Toner - Color printers only. The maximum level of the

Maximum Level magenta toner powder.

Magenta Toner - Color printers only. The current level of the

Current Level magenta toner powder. If the toner is not installed, a
message appears in this field.

Yellow Toner - Color printers only. The make and model of the
Description yellow toner.

Yellow Toner - Color printers only. The maximum level of the

Maximum Level yellow toner powder.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section or Item Description Database field

Yellow Toner - Color printers only. The current level of the yellow
Current Level toner powder. If the toner is not installed, a message
appears in this field.

Volume n The type and size of the disk drive’s file system, MACHINE_DISKS
and amount of space used on the disk drive. To
view changes to the drive usage, click Show Usage
History link in this field. This information is updated
when usage changes by plus or minus 5%.
There is one entry for each volume.

Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard devices only. Information

Service Information about the selected Hewlett-Packard (HP) device.
This section is populated when you provide the
manufacturer's API keys on the General Settings
page. For more information, see Configure appliance
General Settings with the Organization component

Serial Number: The serial number of the selected SERIAL

HP device.

Product Number: The specific number of the PN

selected HP device.

Product Name: The name of the selected HP device. PRODUCT

Last Updated: The time stamp of when the device

information was last updated.

Service Status Type: The selected device's service SERVICE_TYPE

• W: Warranty
• P: Fixed care pack, equivalent to extended
• C: A contract, equivalent to extended warranty

Type: The description of the service status type. For TYPE

example, Waranty, or something else.

Start Date: The warranty start date. START_DATE

End Date: The warranty end date. END_DATE

Service Level: A comma separated list of the SERVICE_LEVEL

device's service codes.

Lenovo Service Lenovo devices only. Information about the

Information selected Lenovo device. This section is populated
when you provide the manufacturer's API keys on
the General Settings page. For more information,

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section or Item Description Database field
see Configure appliance General Settings with the
Organization component enabled.

Product: The name of the selected Lenovo device. PRODUCT

Purchased: The date when the selected Lenovo PURCHASED

device is purchased.

Shipped: The date when the selected Lenovo device SHIPPED

is shipped.

In Warranty: Indicates if the selected Lenovo device IN_WARRANTY

is covered by the warranty (Yes or No).

Country: The country where the selected Lenovo COUNTRY

printer is purchased.

UpgradeUrl: The URL containing upgrade UPGRADE_URL


Last Updated: The time stamp of when the device

information was last updated.

Id: The warranty ID. ID

Type: The warranty type: UNKNOWN, BASE, TYPE


Start Date: The warranty start date. START_DATE

End Date: The warranty end date. END_DATE

Name: The warranty name.

Description: The warranty description, as applicable. DESCRIPTION

Printers The printers that the device is configured to use. PRINTERS

Network The type of network interface, such as Ethernet card MACHINE_NICS

Interfaces or Bluetooth adapter, and details like IP address,
whether DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol) is enabled or disabled for the associated
IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4).

SNMP Data The results of a SNMP Full Walk of data in the MIB
(management information base) on a device, if you
set up the Authenticated device discovery type to
perform a Full Walk. This section does not appear if
discovery was made with a Bulk GET.

Chrome OS Chrome-related information. N/A

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section or Item Description Database field

NOTE: Chrome values are in the

the MACHINE table.

Device ID The unique ID of the Chrome device. DEVICE_ID

Serial Number The Chrome device serial number. SERIAL_NUMBER

Status The status of the Chrome device: STATUS


Last Sync The date and time the device was last synchronized LAST_SYNC
with the policy settings in the Google Admin console.

Support End Date The final date the device will be supported. This is SUPPORT_END_DATE
applicable only for those devices purchased directly
from Google.

Annotated User The user of the device as noted by the administrator. ANNOTATED_USER

Annotated Location The address or location of the device as noted by ANNOTATED_LOCATION

the administrator.

Notes Notes about this device added by the administrator. NOTES

MEID The Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) for the 3G MEID

mobile card in a mobile device.

Order Number The device's order number. Only devices directly ORDER_NUMBER
purchased from Google have an order number.

OS Version The Chrome device's operating system version. OS_VERSION

Platform Version The Chrome device's platform version. PLATFORM_VERSION

Firmware Version The Chrome device's firmware version. FIRMWARE_VERSION

MAC Address The device's wireless MAC address. MAC_ADDRESS

DHCP An indicator of whether DHCP is enabled for the

IPv4 address associated with this network interface.

IPv6 Host A list containing one or more IPv6 ((Internet Protocol

Configuration version 6) addresses available on the network
interface. For each listed item, this section displays
its full IPv6 address and the number of bits in the
IPv6 address prefix. An IPv6 prefix typically consists
of 64 bits.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section or Item Description Database field

DNS Hostname The host name associated with this network


Boot Mode The boot mode for the device. BOOT_MODE

Last Enrollment The date and time the device was last enrolled with LAST_ENROLLMENT_TIME
Time the Google Admin console.

Org Unit Path The full parent path with the Google organization ORG_UNIT_PATH
unit's name associated with the device.

Wi-Fi KACE MDM devices only. The IP or MAC address

of the device.

Mobile Information from devices managed by KACE Mobile N/A

Information Device Manager (KMDM), and AirWatch®

UDID The device’s Unique Device Identifier. For iOS UDID

devices only.

Modem Firmware The mobile device's firmware version. FIRMWARE_VERSION

Device type DMM devices only. The type of mobile device. DEVICE_TYPE
Examples include iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android
Phone, and Android Tablet.

ICCID KACE MDM and DMM devices only. The unique ICCID
serial number for the device’s SIM card.

IMEI KACE MDM and DMM devices only. International IMEI

Mobile Equipment Identity number for the device.

Voice Roaming KACE MDM Android phones only. An indicator of VOICE_ROAMING_ENABLED

Enabled whether the selected KACE MDM Android phone
has voice roaming enabled.

Data Roaming KACE MDM Android phones only. An indicator of DATA_ROAMING_ENABLED

Enabled whether the selected KACE MDM Android phone
has data roaming enabled.

MEID KACE MDM devices only. The Mobile Equipment MEID

Identifier. This is the unique identifier of the selected
mobile device.

Phone Number DMM devices only. Phone number associated with PHONE_NUMBER
the device.

Mobile Operator KACE MDM and DMM devices only. The mobile CARRIER
network carrier.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section or Item Description Database field

Bluetooth MAC DMM devices only. Media access control address BLUETOOTH_MAC
Address for Bluetooth on the device.

Battery Level KACE MDM and DMM devices only. Amount of BATTERY_LEVEL
battery charge at last update, in percent.

Last Check-in The time stamp of when the device information was LAST_CHECK_IN
last updated.

Enrolled KACE MDM and AirWatch devices only. IS_ENROLLED

The date and time the device was last enrolled with
KACE MDM or AirWatch console.

Supervised KACE MDM iOS devices only. An indicator of IS_SUPERVISED

whether the selected KACE MDM iOS device is
supervised. This is the highest level of control on an
iOS device.

Lost Mode KACE MDM iOS supervised devices only. An IS_LOST

indicator of whether the selected KACE MDM iOS
device is in Lost mode. The Lost mode prevents a
device from being unlocked by a third party.

Encrypted KACE MDM devices only. An indicator of whether IS_ENCRYPTED

the selected KACE MDM iOS device is in Encrypted

Locator Service KACE MDM iOS devices only. An indicator of LOCATOR_SERVICE_ENABLED

Enabled whether the selected KACE MDM iOS device is has
the Locator Service enabled. This service retrieves
the device location information, if the device is

Activation Lock KACE MDM iOS devices only. An indicator of ACTIVATION_LOCK_ENABLED

Enabled whether the activation lock is enabled on the
selected KACE MDM iOS device. This feature
prevents anyone else from using an iOS device if it
is lost or stolen.

Rooted KACE MDM Android devices only. An indicator of IS_ROOTED

whether the OS of the selected KACE MDM Android
device is unlocked.

Compliant AirWatch devices only. Indicates if the device IS_COMPLIANT

meets pre-configured AirWatch compliance rules.

Current Mobile AirWatch devices onlyThe name of the mobile N/A

Network network associated with the AirWatch device.

Activation Lock KACE MDM iOS DEP-managed devices only.The ACTIVATION_LOCK_BYPASS_CODE

Bypass Code bypass code that can be used as the device
password, when activation lock is enabled.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section or Item Description Database field

Allow Supervised KACE MDM iOS DEP-managed devices only. ACTIVATION_LOCK_ALLOWED

Activation Lock Indicates if activation lock is enabled for the device.
Activation lock allows users to bypass the password
and log in to the device with the activation lock
bypass code.

DEP Managed KACE MDM iOS devices only. Indicates if the IS_DEP_MANAGED
device is managed by the Apple Device Enrollment
Program (DEP).

DEP Profile KACE MDM iOS DEP-managed devices only. The DEP_PROFILE
name of the DEP profile associated with the device.

DEP Profile KACE MDM iOS DEP-managed devices only. The DEP_ASSIGNED_BY
Assigned By name of the user account that assigned the DEP
profile to the device.

DEP Profile KACE MDM iOS DEP-managed devices only. The DEP_ASSIGNED_DATE
Assigned Date date when the DEP profile is assigned to the device.

DEP Profile Status KACE MDM iOS DEP-managed devices only. The DEP_PROFILE_STATUS
management status of the device:
• Assigned: Apple DEP received a profile and it
is ready to be assigned to the device.
• Empty: profile is not assigned to the device.
• Pushed: A profile is delivered to the activated
• Removed: A profile was assigned to the
device but has been removed. When the
device reactivates, KACE MDM will no longer
manage the device.

Device Configured KACE MDM iOS DEP-managed devices only. IS_DEP_CONFIGURED

Do Not Disturb Indicates if the device is in Do Not Disturb mode. DO_NOT_DISTURB_ENABLED

Exchange Device The Microsoft Exchange ID assigned to the device. EAS_DEVICE_ID


First Enrolled The date when the device was enrolled in KACE ENROLLMENT_DATE

iCloud Enabled KACE MDM iOS devices only. Indicates if cloud is ICLOUD_ENABLED
enabled on the devices.

Last iCloud Backup KACE MDM iOS devices only. The date when ICLOUD_LAST_BACKUP
Apple iCloud was last backed up on the device.

Logged into iTunes KACE MDM iOS devices only. Indicates if the IS_ITUNES_ACCOUNT_ACTIVE
device is logged in to iCloud.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section or Item Description Database field

Wi-Fi Received KACE MDM Android devices only. The number of WIFI_BYTES_RECV
bytes the device received through a Wi-Fi network.

Wi-Fi Sent KACE MDM Android devices only. The number of WIFI_BYTES_SENT
bytes the device sent through a Wi-Fi network.

WWAN Received KACE MDM Android devices only. The number of WWAN_BYTES_RECV
bytes the device received through a mobile network.

WWAN Sent KACE MDM Android devices only. The number of WWAN_BYTES_SENT
bytes the device sent through a mobile network.

Agent Agent-related information. N/A

Agent Version The version number of the KACE SMA Agent CLIENT_VERSION
installed on the device.

Version The version of Agent Messaging Protocol (AMP) AMP_VERSION

used to connect the device to the KACE SMA.

Connected The time the Agent Messaging Protocol (AMP) CONNECT_TIME

service on the device connected to the KACE SMA.

Disconnected If disconnected, the time the Agent Messaging DISCONNECT_TIME

Protocol (AMP) service on the device disconnected
from the KACE SMA.

KACE ID The character string used to identify the device in KUID

the KACE SMA database.

Database ID The unique number used to identify the device in the ID

KACE SMA database.

Manual Entry A field that indicates the inventory information was MANUAL_ENTRY
added manually, either through WSAPI or XML

Device Entry Type A field that indicates how the device is being N/A
managed: Agent Device, Agentless Device, or
Manually Entered Record. Click Edit to change
connection protocols.

Last Inventory The time of the most recent inventory report. LAST_INVENTORY

Last Sync For Agent-managed devices, the time the device LAST_SYNC
last checked in to the KACE SMA. For Agentless
devices, the time the KACE SMA last connected to
the device and collected inventory.

Last Agent Update The time of the most recent update to the KACE LAST_CLIENT_UPDATE
SMA Agent, if any.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section or Item Description Database field

User Information related to the device user. N/A

User Logged The user currently logged in to the device. This entry USER_LOGGED
includes the username and the domain to which the
user belongs.

User Fullname The full name of the user who owns the device. USER_FULLNAME

User Name The name of the current user. USER_NAME

User Domain The domain to which the user belongs. USER_DOMAIN

Operating System Information about the device's operating system. N/A

Name The operating system of the device, such as OS_NAME

Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.

Service Pack The service pack version number (Windows or SERVICE_PACK

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server only).

Operating System The version number of the operating system. OS_VERSION


Operating System The build number of the operating system. OS_BUILD

Build Version

Number The number of the operating system. OS_NUMBER

Operating System The architecture of the device operating system, OS_ARCH

Architecture such as x86 or x64.

Domain The Windows domain to which the device is joined. CS_DOMAIN

Operating System The date the operating system was installed. OS_INSTALLED_DATE
Installed On

Last Startup The length of time the operating system has been LAST_REBOOT

Uptime Since Last The amount of time the device has been running UPTIME
Reboot since it was restarted.

System Directory The location of the system directory. SYSTEM_DIRECTORY

Registry Size The size of the registry. REGISTRY_SIZE

Registry Maximum The maximum size of the registry. REGISTRY_MAX_SIZE


Pagefile Size The current size of the Windows Pagefile. PAGEFILE_SIZE

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section or Item Description Database field

Pagefile Max Size The maximum size of the Windows Pagefile. PAGEFILE_MAX_SIZE

IE Version The version of Internet Explorer installed on the IE_VERSION


WMI Status The status of the Windows Management WMI_STATUS

Instrumentation (WMI) service (Windows Devices

Drive Encryption Information on encryption if a DDP|E client has

been installed on a device, as well as BitLocker or
See About Dell Data Protection | Encryption (DDP|E)
and encryption information in device details.

Drive Encryption Identifies encryption technology in place, and N/A

Summary whether the encryption is enabled.

Dell Data Configuration and status information about DDP|E. N/A

Protection |
Encryption (DDP|E)

BitLocker Configuration and status information about Windows N/A


FileVault Configuration and status information about Mac OS N/A

X FileVault 2.

Location Information from devices managed by AirWatch. N/A

Latitude The latitude of the device detected during the last LATITUDE

Longitude The longitude of the device detected during the last LONGITUDE

Last Update The time stamp of when the device information was LAST_UPDATE
last updated.

Notes Any additional information you want to provide. NOTES

Virtual Machines When an ESXi host is selected, this group lists the
virtual machines running on the ESXi host. Some of
the information in this list is only available if VMware
tools are installed on the virtual machines. If some
columns are not populated, this is because VMware
tools are not installed on that virtual machine.

Name The name of the virtual machine. NAME

Hostname The host name assigned to the virtual machine. HOSTNAME

If a virtual machine is already provisioned by the

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section or Item Description Database field
KACE SMA agent, its name in this column appears
as a hyperlink. When you click the link, the page is
updated to display device details for the provisioned
virtual machine.

IP Address The primary IP address assigned to the virtual IP


State Indicates if the virtual machine is running. Possible MACHINE_VIRTUAL_STATE

• 0 - Running: Virtual machine is running
• 1 - Shutting down: Virtual machine has a
pending shutdown command.
• 2 – Resetting: Virtual machine has a pending
reset command.
• 3 – Pending standby: Virtual machine has a
pending standby command.
• 4 – Not running: Virtual machine is not
• 5 – Unknown: Virtual machine information is
not available.

Status The virtual machine status. Possible values: MACHINE_VIRTUAL_STATUS

• 0 – OK: No problems.
• 1 – Warning: Possible problem.
• 2 – Error: Definite problems.
• 3 – Unknown: Status is unknown.

Hypervisors When a vCenter is selected, this group lists the ESXi

hosts managed by the vCenter.

Hostname The host name assigned to the ESXi host. If an ESXi N/A
device is already added to the inventory, its name in
this column appears as a hyperlink. When you click
the link, the page is updated to display device details
for the monitored ESXi device.

IP Address The IP address assigned to the ESXi host. N/A

Status The ESXi host status. N/A

Software group
Details on the applications installed on the device, including patching information, running processes, and startup

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section Description Database field

Installed Programs A list of the software installed on the device. N/A

If change history is enabled for this section, and the information
in this section has changed, the Show Changes link appears
next to the heading. Click Show Changes to view only those
items that have changed. Click Hide Changes to view all items.

Discovered Discovered applications are executables in the KACE SMA N/A

Software inventory that match the definitions of applications in the
Software Catalog. You can enable metering for Discovered
applications and suites, mark them as Not Allowed, and add
license information for them. In addition, the Discovered
application list can be exported in CSV format. You can export
the Discovered application list, the Uncataloged list, and the
Locally Cataloged list; you cannot export the entire Software

Metered Software Applications for which metering has been enabled. N/A

Custom Inventory A list of Custom Inventory fields for this device, along with the N/A
Fields field name and value.

Uploaded Files The files that have been uploaded to the appliance from this N/A
device using the upload a file script action.

Patches Reported Microsoft patches that have been installed on the device. N/A
Installed in If change history is enabled for this section, and the information
Software Inventory in this section has changed, the Show Changes link appears
next to the heading. Click Show Changes to view only those
items that have changed. Click Hide Changes to view all items.

Running Processes A list of processes running on the device. N/A

If change history is enabled for this section, and the information
in this section has changed, the Show Changes link appears
next to the heading. Click Show Changes to view only those
items that have changed. Click Hide Changes to view all items.

Startup Programs A list of startup programs on the device. N/A

If change history is enabled for this section, and the information
in this section has changed, the Show Changes link appears
next to the heading. Click Show Changes to view only those
items that have changed. Click Hide Changes to view all items.

Services A list of services that are running on the device. N/A

If change history is enabled for this section, and the information
in this section has changed, the Show Changes link appears
next to the heading. Click Show Changes to view only those
items that have changed. Click Hide Changes to view all items.

Activities group
Information about actions to be performed on the device.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section Description Database field

Monitoring Information related to server monitoring, if enabled and if the N/A

device's operating system is supported.
If the operating system is not supported, that fact is stated in a
If the device is eligible for monitoring but does not have
monitoring enabled, the Enable Monitoring button appears.

Active/Paused Whether monitoring is enabled for this device. N/A

Profiles Any alert criteria profiles that are assigned to this device. N/A

Maintenance Any Maintenance Windows that are assigned to this device. N/A

Level/Alert Alerts that are active for this device, with icons indicating the N/A
level of alert.

Labels The labels assigned to this device. Labels are used to organize N/A
and categorize inventory and assets.

Failed Managed A list of Managed Installations that have failed to install. To N/A
Installations access details of the Managed Installations, click the Managed
Installation Detail link.

Managed Install A list of Managed Installations that are scheduled to be sent to N/A
List the device the next time it connects with the appliance.

Service Desk A list of the tickets associated with this device. These can either N/A
Tickets be tickets assigned to the device owner or tickets submitted by
the device owner. To view ticket details, click the ticket ID (for
example, TICK:0032).

SNMP Inventory A list of SNMP Inventory Configurations associated with N/A

Configurations this device. To access details of the configurations, or
to add configurations, click Manage Associated SNMP

Security group
Information related to patching and device vulnerabilities.

Section Description Database field

Patching Detect/ A list of the patches detected and deployed on the device. N/A
Deploy Status If patch attempts have been made, but they have failed, you
can click Reset Tries to reset the number of patch attempts to
the maximum allowed.

Threat Level 5 List Threats that are harmful to applications, processes, startup N/A
items, or services on the device.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Section Description Database field

OVAL The results of OVAL (Open Vulnerability Assessment N/A

Vulnerabilities Language) vulnerability tests that have been run on this device.
Only tests that failed on this device are listed by the OVAL ID
and marked as Vulnerable. Tests that passed are grouped and
marked as Safe.

SCAP The results of FDCC/SCAP Configuration Scans that have N/A

Configuration been run on this device.

Dell Command | Monitor group

Additional inventory information about selected Dell client systems using Dell Command | Monitor.

Section Description Database field

Alerts DCM log entries. These can indicate hardware errors detected N/A
by firmware.

Hardware Collected information that includes detailed battery specs and N/A
usage data, service processor presence and configuration,
memory inventory, and attached Dell monitors.

For classes and properties queried by the KACE SMA using Dell Command | Monitor, see About Dell Command |

Dell Updates group

Information regarding updates and inventory (for Dell devices only).

Section Description Database field

Dell Update The Dell updates that are N/A

Schedules scheduled to run on this device,
and the time they are scheduled
to run.

Dell System The Dell devices that are installed N/A

Inventory Report on this device.

Dell Update Catalog A list of Dell devices, installed N/A

Comparison Report on this device, that have drivers
in the Dell catalog feed. If the
installed version does not match
the version in the Dell catalog
feed, an icon indicates that the
device needs to be upgraded.

Dell Update History A list of the updates, such as N/A

driver updates, that have been
performed on this device.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
Logs group
Information related to appliance records.
• Management Service Logs: The primary role of appliance Management Service is to run the offline
KScripts. The Management Service logs display the steps performed by Management
• Service to run the offline KScripts. These steps include, downloading dependencies and validating the
KBOTS file. Any error in the execution of offline KScript is logged in the Management Service logs.
• Bootstrap Logs: The appliance sends a bootstrap request to get inventory information for devices that
have checked in for the first time. The logs related to this request are displayed in Bootstrap logs.
• Client Logs: The appliance sends a request to the Agent to get inventory information periodically. A script
runs on the device, then sends the inventory information to the appliance and inventory is uploaded to the
appliance. The Agent logs display these actions.
• Scripting Updater: A request is initiated periodically from the device to get the latest information related to
the changes in offline KScripts. Scripting Updater logs display this information.
• Agentless Inventory Status Messages: The log displays messages related to collecting and submitting
inventory data from Agentless-managed devices.

Section Description Database field

Agent Logs The logs for the KACE SMA Agent. A question mark indicates N/A
that its status is unknown.

User Console Details about User Console packages installed on this device. N/A
Installation Logs

Scripting Logs Scripts, such as Configuration Policy scripts, that have run on N/A
this device, along with the available status of any scripts in

Asset group
This section displays the details of the Asset associated with this device. Clicking the Edit this Asset link enables
you to edit the asset information.

Section Description Database field

Asset Information Details such as the date and time N/A

the record was created and last
modified; the Asset Type, such
as device; and the name of the

Barcodes Barcodes associated with this N/A

asset, if they exist.

Related Assets Assets that are related to this N/A

asset, such as parent or child

Task History A list of tasks that have run on the N/A


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Groups and sections of items in device details
About Dell Data Protection | Encryption (DDP|E) and encryption
information in device details
If devices in the network have the DDP|E client installed, the KACE SMA can collect status and configuration
information and display it on the Device Detail page.

Registry key needed to be set on Windows DDP|E client

A requirement for the KACE SMA being able to collect detailed inventory from Windows DDP|E clients is to set
the DumpXmlInventory key in the client.
Key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\DellMgmtAgent\Parameters
DWORD Value: DumpXmlInventory
Data: 0x1
This registry value causes DDP|E to write an inventory.xml file to the target device, which is then parsed
by inventory. See Add a Dump Inventory registry key to permit inventory collection on Windows DDP|E client
This requirement applies only to Windows.

Dell Data Protection | Encryption (DDP|E)

DDP|E consists of applications that enable a user to:
• Detect data security risks on desktops, laptops, and external media.
• Protect data on these devices by enforcing access control policies, authentication, and encryption of
sensitive data.
• Manage data centrally with policies using collaborative tools that integrate into existing user directories.
• Support key and data recovery, automatic updates, and tracking for protected devices.
Table 10. Supported OSs for DDP|E

Operating system Versions

Windows 7, 8, 8.1

Mac OS X 10.7.5, 10.8.3–10.8.5, 10.9.2–10.9.3

Table 11. DDP|E information displayed on the Device Detail page

Item Description Database field

Unique ID An identification of the DDP|E client used by the MCID

DDP|E server.

Agent Version Version of DDP|E client installed. AGENT_VERSION

Server Hostname Hostname of the DDP|E server managing this DDP| SERVER_HOSTNAME
E client.

Protection Status Example values are Protected and Unprotected. PROTECTION_STATUS

Values of Locked or Unknown might indicate a

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dell Data Protection | Encryption (DDP|E) and encryption information in device details
Item Description Database field

Last Inventory Timestamp of when the last DDP|E client inventory PROTECTION_STATUS_UPDATED
Generated occurred. Not to be confused with K1 inventory.

Table 12. DDP|E Volume information displayed on the Device Detail page

Item Description Database field

Device Name of the device/volume as reported by the DEVICE_ID

operating system.

Protection Status Indication of the current level/status of DDP|E PROTECTION_STATUS

protection on the DDP|E client.

Protection Reason Manner of protection used on the DDP|E client. The PROTECTION_REASON
option is typically VendorProtected, which indicates
DDP|E or BitLocker.

BitLocker is a full disk encryption feature included with Windows.
Table 13. Supported OSs for BitLocker

Operating system Versions

Windows Vista, 7 (Enterprise and Ultimate)

Windows 8, 8.1 (Pro and Enterprise)

Windows server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2

Table 14. BitLocker information displayed on the Device Detail page

Item Description Database field

Device ID Unique identifier for the volume on the DEVICE_ID


Persistent Volume A persistent identifier for the volume on PERSISTENT_VOLUME_ID

ID the system.

Protection status Denotes whether BitLocker is protecting PROTECTION_STATUS

the volume.
• Protection Off
• Protection On
• Protection Unknown

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dell Data Protection | Encryption (DDP|E) and encryption information in device details
Item Description Database field

Metadata Version Possible values: VERSION

• 0
• 1
• 2

Encryption Method Type of encryption used. For example, SELF_ENCRYPTION_DRIVE

AES-128. Possible values: _ENCRYPTION_METHOD
• None
• AES-128 with Diffuser
• AES-256 with Diffuser
• AES-128
• AES-256
• Encrypted
• Unknown

Hardware NOTE: The Hardware Encryption HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_STATUS

Encryption Status   Status property is supported on
Windows 8 and higher systems.
Possible values:
• Unknown
• Not Supported
• No Protection
• Uses Software
• Uses Hardware

Lock Status Possible values: LOCK_STATUS

• Unknown
• Unlocked
• Locked

Conversion Status Status of the conversion. Possible values: CONVERSION_STATUS

• Unknown
• Fully Decrypted
• Fully Encrypted
• Encryption In Progress
• Decryption In Progress
• Encryption Paused
• Decryption Paused

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dell Data Protection | Encryption (DDP|E) and encryption information in device details
Item Description Database field

Encryption The extent of conversion, shown as a ENCRYPTION_PERCENTAGE

Percentage percentage.

Wiping Status Status of any wiping of free space. WIPING_STATUS

Possible values:
• Unknown
• Free Space Not Wiped
• Free Space Wiped
• Free Space Wiping In Progress
• Free Space Wiping Paused

Wiping Percentage The extent of free space wiping, shown WIPING_PERCENTAGE

as a percentage.

Key Protectors Key protectors in place. Possible values: KEY_PROTECTORS

• Unknown
• Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
• External Key
• Numerical Password
• TPM and PIN
• TPM and Startup Key
• TPM and PIN and Startup Key
• Public Key
• Passphrase
• TPM Certificate
• CryptoAPI Next Generation (CNG)

FileVault 2
FileVault 2 is a full disk encryption feature included with Mac OS X.
Table 15. Supported OSs for FileVault 2

Operating system Versions

Mac OS X 10.8, 10.9, 10.10

Table 16. FileVault 2 information displayed on the Device Detail page

Item Description Database field

Enabled Indicates if FileVault is enabled. IS_ENABLED

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dell Data Protection | Encryption (DDP|E) and encryption information in device details
Item Description Database field

Personal Recovery Indicates the existence of a Personal Recovery Key. HAS_PERSONAL_RECOVERY_KEY


Institutional Indicates the existence of a corporate-provisioned HAS_INSTITUTIONAL_RECOVERY

Recovery Key X.509-based asymmetric key pair. _KEY

Authorized Users A list of accounts that can unlock the drive in EFI. AUTHORIZED_USERS

Conversion Status The status of the encryption process. Examples CONVERSION_STATUS

include Pending Conversion, Converting, Encryption
Paused, and Complete.

Conversion The extent of conversion, shown as a percentage. CONVERSION_PERCENTAGE


Encryption Status Status of the encryption. For example, Locked or ENCRYPTION_STATUS


Encryption Type Type of encryption used. For example, AES-XTS. ENCRYPTION_TYPE

Device Unique identifier for the volume on the system. DEVICE_ID


Trusted Platform Module (TPM)

TPM is a dedicated microprocessor that secures hardware by integrating cryptographic keys into devices.
Table 17. Supported OSs for TPM

Operating system Versions

Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1

Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2

Table 18. TPM information displayed on the Device Detail page

Item Description Database field

Manufacturer Manufacturer of the TPM chip. MANUFACTURER_ID_TEXT

Manufacturer Version of the TPM chip. MANUFACTURER_VERSION


Manufacturer Additional version information that is specific to the MANUFACTURER_VERSION_INFO

Version Info manufacturer.

Specification The version of the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) SPECIFICATION_VERSION

Version specification that the TPM supports.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dell Data Protection | Encryption (DDP|E) and encryption information in device details
Item Description Database field

Physical Presence The version of the Physical Presence Interface PHYSICAL_PRESENCE_VERSION

Version that the device supports. The Physical Presence _INFO
Interface is a communication mechanism that runs
device operations that require physical presence.

TPM Enabled Step 1 of TPM initialization. IS_TPM_ENABLED

TPM Activated Step 2 of TPM initialization. IS_TPM_ACTIVATED

TPM Owned Step 3 of TPM initialization. IS_TPM_OWNED

Add a Dump Inventory registry key to permit inventory collection

on Windows DDP|E client devices
If DumpXmlInventory is absent on a Windows DDP|E client, the KACE SMA cannot get access to the
inventory .xml file in order to collect the relevant field information.
Dell Data Protection | Encryption is installed on the Windows device. Go to http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/
The procedure for adding the key is different for Agent-managed devices and Agentless-managed devices.
• Add the DumpXmlInventory registry key to an Agent-managed Windows device
• Add the DumpXmlInventory registry key to an Agentless-managed Windows device

Add the DumpXmlInventory registry key to an Agent-managed Windows device

You must add DumpXmlInventory to a Windows DDP|E client before the KACE SMA can collect field
information from that client's inventory.xml file.
For Agent-managed Windows devices, you can use a default offline KScript from the KACE SMA scripting feature
to set the "dump inventory" registry key. This key is necessary for the DDP|E agent to write the detailed inventory
XML data to the KACE SMA file system.

NOTE: After you set the registry key, the DDP|E service requires a full policy update schedule before the
  KACE SMA is able to collect inventory.
1. Go to the Script Detail page for the KACE SMA Enable Detailed DDPE Inventory (Windows) script.
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting.
c. From the list, select KACE SMA Enable Detailed DDPE Inventory (Windows).
2. In the Configure section, specify script settings:
Option Description

Name KACE SMA Enable Detailed DDPE Inventory (Windows), the name of this default

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Dump Inventory registry key to permit inventory collection on Windows DDP|E client devices
Option Description

Enabled Select this check box to run the script on the target devices. Do not enable a script
until you are finished testing it and are ready to run it. Enable the script on a test label
before you enable it on all devices.

Type The script type is Offline KScripts.

Status Indicates the readiness of the script to be rolled out to the network. Set the status to

Description Contains the brief description of the actions the default script performs.

Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

3. In the Deploy section specify deployment options:

Option Description

All Devices Deploy to all devices. Clear the check box to limit the deployment to specific labels or

Labels Limit deployment to devices that belong to specified labels. To select labels, click
Edit, drag labels to the Limit Deployment to window, then click Save.
If you select a label that has a Replication Share or an alternate download location,
the appliance copies digital assets from that Replication Share or alternate download
location instead of downloading them directly from the appliance.
NOTE: The appliance uses a Replication Share before it uses the KACE Alt

Devices Limit deployment to one or more devices. To find devices, begin typing in the field.

Operating LThe operating systems on which the application runs. Applications are deployed
Systems only to devices with the selected operating systems.
a. Click Manage Operating Systems.
b. In the Operating Systems dialog box that appears, select the OS versions in
the navigation tree, as applicable.
You have an option to select OS versions by their family, product, architecture,
or build version. You can choose a specific build versions, or a parent node, as
needed. Selecting a parent node in the tree automatically selects the associated
child nodes. This behavior allows you to select any future OS versions, as
devices are added or upgraded in your managed environment. For example, to
select all build current and future versions associated with the Windows 10 x64
architecture, under All > Windows > Windows 10, select x64.
4. In the Schedule section, specify run options:
Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Dump Inventory registry key to permit inventory collection on Windows DDP|E client devices
Option Description

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

5. Skip the Dependencies and Tasks sections.

6. Do one of the following:
• Click Run Now to immediately push the script to all devices.
Use this option with caution. See Using the Run and Run Now commands.
• Click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a Dump Inventory registry key to permit inventory collection on Windows DDP|E client devices
Add the DumpXmlInventory registry key to an Agentless-managed Windows
You must add DumpXmlInventory to a Windows DDP|E client before the KACE SMA can collect field
information from that client's inventory.xml file.
For an Agentless-managed Windows device, the process requires that you create a new Group Policy Object on a
Windows Server 2008 or 2012 device so that you can deploy the registry setting to multiple devices in a domain.
1. On a Windows Server 2008 or 2012 device, open the Group Policy Management Console.
2. Right-click Group Policy Objects and click New.
3. Provide a description name for the new GPO (for instance, Dell Data Protection | Encryption: Inventory
Registry Setting) and click OK.
4. Right-click the new GPO and click Edit.
5. Browse to Computer Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Registry.
6. Right-click Registry and select New > Registry Item.
7. On the General tab, select Update in the Action drop-down menu.
8. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the Hive drop-down list.
9. Specify a Key Path of SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\DellMgmtAgent\Parameters.
10. Specify a Value name of DumpXmlInventory.
11. Select REG_DWORD in the Value type drop-down list.
12. Specify 1 in the Value data field.
13. Select the Hexadecimal option in the Base group, and click OK.
14. Close the Group Policy Management Editor.
You can now link this new group policy object to a specific domain, Organizational Unit, and so on.

IMPORTANT: You should test the GPO on a specific computer or set of computers before deploying it to
  all systems.

About Intel AMT information in device details

On Intel-based Windows devices with Intel AMT technology present, the KACE SMA can display information
about the AMT configuration.
Intel AMT is hardware-based technology for remotely managing Intel-based computer devices. Intel AMT is a
feature of Intel® Core™ processors with Intel® vPro™ technology.

NOTE: The data collection discussed here is separate from the vPro and AMT data that the KACE SMA
  collects using Dell Command | Monitor. See About Dell Command | Monitor.

Intel AMT resources and KACE SMA requirements

For information from the Dell Tech Center, go to http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/enterprise-client/
w/wiki/7537.dell-command-intel-vpro-out-of-band. For information and download link for the Intel Setup and
Configuration Software (SCS), which contains the components required to configure Intel AMT, go to http://
In order for the KACE SMA to get access to the complete inventory information on an AMT device, the
device must have the Intel Management Engine installed. For driver downloads from Intel, go to https://

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Intel AMT information in device details
Intel AMT information
Table 19. Intel AMT information displayed on the Device Detail page

Item Description Database field

SKU The Stock Keeping Unit of the SKU

device. Possible values are:
• Full AMT Manageability
• Standard Manageability

Status Indicates whether AMT is STATE

configured on the device. IS_AMT_CONFIGURED

Configuration Mode The current configuration mode of CONFIGURATION_MODE

the AMT device. Possible values
• SMB Mode
• Enterprise Mode
• None

Control Mode The current Control Mode of the CONTROL_MODE

AMT device. Possible values are:
• Client control Mode
• Admin Control Mode
• None

Firmware Version The version of firmware in the FW_VERSION

AMT device.

MEI Driver Indicates if the MEI driver is IS_MEI_ENABLED

installed and working, and if so, MEI_VERSION
the version of the driver.

Finding and managing devices

Use Advanced Search, labels, and alerts to find and manage devices in inventory.

Finding devices in inventory

Advanced Search enables you to specify values for any field present in the inventory record and search the entire
inventory for those values.
This type of search is useful when you want to find devices with specific characteristics, such as a particular BIOS
version, MAC address, or operating system. See Searching at the page level with advanced options.
You can also run a simple search to quickly find a specific device. For example, you can look for a device whose
barcode contains specific characters.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Finding devices in inventory
Using alerts to find devices
You can configure alerts to automatically send email messages to administrators when devices meet the criteria
you select. For example, if you want to notify administrators when devices approach disk space limits, you can set
up email alerts based on disk usage. See Add notification schedules from the Reporting section.

Filtering devices by Organizational Unit

To filter devices based on Organizational Units found in LDAP or Active Directory servers, you can use LDAP
Labels. See About LDAP Labels.

Labeling devices to group them

You can use manual labels and Smart Labels to group devices. Doing so makes it possible to perform actions,
such as updating software, on devices as a group.
To enable the metering of Software Catalog applications, you must apply a metering-enabled label to the devices
on which the applications are installed. For more information about metering, see Using software metering.

Add, apply, and remove manual device labels

You can add manual labels and apply them to, or remove them from, devices. Manual labels remain associated
with devices until the labels are manually removed from devices.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Devices.
2. Select the check boxes next to one or more devices.
3. Select Choose Action > Add Label.
4. In the Add Label text box, enter a name for the label.
TIP: Avoid using backslashes (\) in label names. If you need to use a backslash in a label name,
  add a second backslash (\\) to escape it.
5. Click Add Label.
6. To apply an existing label:
a. Select the check box next to one or more devices.
b. Select Choose Action > Apply Labels.
c. Drag labels into Apply these labels, then click Apply Labels.
The label appears next to the device name on the Devices list.
7. To remove a manual label:
a. Select the check box next to one or more devices.
b. Select Choose Action > Remove Label > Label_Name.
The label is removed from the devices.

Using Smart Labels for devices

Use Smart Labels to find and label devices automatically based on specified criteria.
For example, to track laptops in a specific office, you could create a label called “San Francisco Office,” and
create a Smart Label based on the IP address range or subnet for devices located in the San Francisco office.
Whenever a device that falls within the IP address range is inventoried, the Smart Label “San Francisco Office”

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Labeling devices to group them
is automatically applied. When the device leaves the IP address range, and is inventoried again, the label is
automatically removed.
Smart Labels are applied to and removed from managed devices when the appliance processes device inventory.
So if you create a Smart Label that enables metering on devices, it might take time for the Smart Label to be
applied to devices and for devices to report metering information. Metering is enabled for devices that match the
Smart Label criteria only after devices are inventoried and the Smart Label is applied.
For more information, see Managing Smart Labels.
The following table lists examples of useful Smart Labels that can be applied to devices based on inventory

Sample Label Name Sample Criteria

Win7 Low Disk Windows 7 devices with less than 1 GB of free hard disk space

WS2012 No 2916993 Windows Server 2012 devices without Hotfix 2916993 installed

Building 3 Devices in an IP address range known to originate in Building 3

CN Sales Devices whose device name contains the word sales

Run actions on devices

You can use Device Actions to run actions on devices remotely, provided that those programs are installed on the
remote devices.
You have created Device Actions from which to choose. For information on adding or editing Device Actions, see
Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component.

NOTE: This feature is only supported on Windows devices. If you enable ActiveX in Microsoft Internet
  Explorer, the device action runs using ActiveX. If ActiveX is disabled, or you want to use a different
browser, the Windows device you are running the device action from must have the KACE Agent version
9.0 or later agent installed and connected.
NOTE: When you initiate device through the agent, the action executable must be placed in your %PATH%.
The agent is 32-bit, so on 64-bit Windows devices, use %windir%/System32 as an alias to the %windir
%/Wow64 directory. If you need to run a program that's located in the %windir%/System32 directory
on a 64-bit Windows system, you must use the %windir%/SysNative virtual directory. You can either
add %windir%/SysNative to your %PATH% environment variable or provide a fully-qualified path by
prepending %windir%/SysNative to your executable when defining your machine action.
1. Go to the Device Detail page for a device:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Devices.
c. On the Devices list, in the row that contains the required device, select the check box.
2. Select an action in the Actions drop-down list.
NOTE: If no Device Actions have been created, the Actions drop-down list does not appear.
TIP: Assigning devices to a user (Choose Action > Assign To) causes all of the assigned
  devices to appear listed for the selected user on the My Devices page in the User Console.
When the user attempts to download and install software, they can select a target device, as

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Run actions on devices
View devices that have been added manually
Devices that have been added manually appear on the Devices list along with other managed devices. You can
use Advanced Search to filter the Devices list to show only those devices that have been added manually.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Devices.
2. To filter the list to show only those devices that have been added manually:
a. Click the Advanced Search tab above the list on the right to display the Advanced Search panel.
b. Specify the criteria required to find devices that have been added manually:
Option Criteria

Field Name Device Identity Information: Inventory Type

Operator is

Value Choose one of the following:

• Wsapi Agent: Inventory uploaded through the API.
• XML Import: Inventory uploaded on the Software Detail page.

c. Click Search.
Devices that have been added manually are displayed.

Delete devices from inventory

If you have unused or obsolete devices in inventory, you can delete them manually. This deletion prevents the
devices from being counted toward the number of devices you are allowed to manage through your Quest KACE
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Devices.
2. Select the check box next to one or more devices.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent

Agent provisioning is the task of installing the KACE SMA Agent on devices you want to add to KACE SMA
inventory using the Agent.

About the KACE SMA Agent

The KACE SMA Agent is an application that can be installed on devices to enable inventory reporting and other
device management features.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent
Agents that are installed on managed devices communicate with the KACE SMA through AMP (Agent Messaging
Protocol). Agents perform scheduled tasks, such as collecting inventory information from, and distributing
software to, managed devices. Agentless management is available for devices that cannot have Agent software
installed, such as printers and devices with operating systems that the Agent does not support. See Using
Agentless management.

Tracking changes to Agent settings

If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects.
This information includes the date the change was made and the user who made the change, which can be useful
during troubleshooting. See About history settings.

Methods for provisioning the KACE SMA Agent

You have a number of ways to deploy the KACE SMA Agent to the devices you want to manage.
• Provision using the Agent Provisioning Assistant: You can use the Agent Provisioning Assistant
to perform provisioning for devices with Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux operating systems. Within the
Assistant, you can choose between using the KACE SMA GPO Provisioning Tool for deploying the Agent to
Windows devices, or using Onboard Provisioning for deploying the Agent to Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux
The GPO Provisioning Tool is recommended for Windows devices because using the tool minimizes the
pre-configuration that must happen on the target device. It requires an Active Directory environment. The
onboard provisioning approach requires you to perform client-side configuration on the devices to be
managed before you can start provisioning.
• Provision using manual deployment: Manual deployment is useful when automated Agent provisioning is
not practical or when you want to deploy the KACE SMA Agent using email or logon scripts.
Related topics
Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent using the GPO Provisioning Tool for Windows devices
Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent using onboard provisioning
Manually deploying the KACE SMA Agent

Enabling file sharing

To provision Agent software, you must enable file sharing.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, see Enable file sharing at the System level.
Otherwise, see Enable file sharing without the Organization component enabled.

Enable file sharing at the System level

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you must enable file sharing at the System level to
provision the Agent.
NOTE: If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, follow the instructions in Enable
  file sharing without the Organization component enabled.
1. Go to the Security Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings.
c. On the Control Panel, click Security Settings.
2. In the Samba section, specify the following settings:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enabling file sharing
Option Description

For appliances with Use the appliance's client share to store files, such as files used to install applications
the Organization on managed devices.
component The appliance’s client share is a built-in Windows file server that the provisioning
enabled: service can use to assist in distributing the Samba client on your network. Quest
Enable recommends that this file server only be enabled when you perform application
Organization File installations on managed devices.

Require NTLMv2 Enable NTLMv2 authentication for the KACE SMA files shares. When this setting
authentication is enabled, managed devices connecting to the KACE SMA File Shares require
to appliance file support for NTLMv2 and authenticate to the KACE SMA using NTLMv2. Even though
shares NTLMv2 is more secure than NTLM and LANMAN, non-NTLMv2 configurations are
more common and this option is usually turned off. Enabling this option disables
lanman auth and ntlm auth on the Samba server. NTLMv2 Levels 1-4 are
supported. If you need NTLM v2 Level 5, consider manually provisioning the KACE
SMA Agent. See Manually deploying the KACE SMA Agent.

Require NTLMv2 Force certain KACE SMA functions that are supported through the Samba client,
to off-board file such as Agent Provisioning, to authenticate to offboard network file shares using
shares NTLMv2. Even though NTLMv2 is more secure than NTLM and LANMAN, non-
NTLMv2 configurations are more common and this option is usually disabled.
Enabling this option enables the client ntlmv2 auth option for Samba client

3. Click Save.
4. If prompted, restart the appliance.
When the appliance restarts, enable file sharing at the organization level. See Enable organization-level file
sharing with the Organization component enabled.

Enable organization-level file sharing with the Organization component enabled

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you must enable file sharing at the organization level
to provision the Agent.
Verify that organization file shares are enabled. For instructions, see Enable file sharing at the System level.
1. Go to the Admin-level General Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings.
c. On the Control Panel, click General Settings.
2. Select Enable File Sharing in the Samba Share Settings section.
If File Shares are disabled, you must enable them at the System level. See Configure security settings for
the appliance.
3. Optional: Enter a password for the File Share User.
4. Click Save Samba Settings.
5. If prompted, restart the appliance.
6. If you have multiple organizations, repeat the preceding steps for each organization.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enabling file sharing
Enable file sharing without the Organization component enabled
If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, you must enable file sharing in the appliance
security settings to provision the Agent.
1. Go to the Security Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings.
c. On the Control Panel, click Security Settings.
2. In the Samba section, select Enable File Sharing.
3. Optional: Select authentication options:
Option Description

Require NTLMv2 Enable NTLMv2 authentication for the KACE SMA files shares. When this setting
to authenticate is enabled, managed devices connecting to the KACE SMA File Shares require
appliance file support for NTLMv2 and authenticate to the KACE SMA using NTLMv2. Even though
shares NTLMv2 is more secure than NTLM and LANMAN, non-NTLMv2 configurations are
more common and this option is usually turned off. Enabling this option disables
lanman auth and ntlm auth on the Samba server. NTLMv2 Levels 1-4 are
supported. If you need NTLM v2 Level 5, consider manually provisioning the KACE
SMA Agent. See Manually deploying the KACE SMA Agent.

Require NTLMv2 Force certain KACE SMA functions that are supported through the Samba client,
authentication such as Agent Provisioning, to authenticate to offboard network file shares using
to off-board file NTLMv2. Even though NTLMv2 is more secure than NTLM and LANMAN, non-
shares NTLMv2 configurations are more common and this option is usually disabled.
Enabling this option enables the client ntlmv2 auth option for Samba client

4. Click Save.
5. If prompted, restart the appliance.

Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent using the GPO Provisioning

Tool for Windows devices
Of the methods for provisioning the Agent on Windows devices, Quest recommends the GPO Provisioning Tool
because using the tool minimizes the pre-configuration that must happen on the target devices.
The GPO Provisioning Tool uses Active Directory® and Group Policy to distribute the installation settings and to
perform the installation of the Agent. The tool creates a GPO, or modifies a pre-existing GPO to install the KACE
SMA Agent when a device authenticates with Active Directory.
The first time a target device refreshes Group Policy after the tool has completed the creation or modification
process, a new Group Policy client-side extension dll is registered on the devices applying this GPO. Then the
next time that the device refreshes Group Policy, Windows triggers the newly registered client-side extension to
install the KACE SMA Windows Agent.
For the Quest Knowledge Base article that contains the link to download the GPO Provisioning Tool, go to https://

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent using the GPO Provisioning Tool for Windows devices
Prepare to use the GPO Provisioning Tool for Agent deployment
Before you can use the GPO Provisioning Tool to deploy Agents to Windows devices, you must ensure that your
system is configured to use the tool.
The following system requirements are necessary for using the GPO Provisioning Tool:
• Windows 7 and higher: Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) enables IT administrators to remotely
manage roles and features in Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, or Windows Server 2012,
from a computer that is running Windows 8.1, Windows 8, or Windows 7.
Go to http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/2202.remote-server-administration-tools-rsat-
• .NET Framework 3.5.
• Windows Server 2012 or higher Active Directory Functional Level.
• Distribution Share: Make sure to use a share that everyone can access. For example, do not place the
.msi file on the NETLOGON share, because not every user can reach that share and the lack of access
will cause your upgrade to fail in the future. This location should be a permanently accessible share. The
installer is an MSI (Microsoft Installer) file. To uninstall or upgrade software, MSI needs access to the .msi
file. If it is not accessible, msiexec will not uninstall.

Provision KACE SMA Agents using the KACE SMA GPO Provisioning Tool
You can install the KACE SMA Agent on a single device, or on multiple devices by using the KACE SMA GPO
Provisioning Tool, starting within the Agent Provisioning Assistant. You can use this method to provision Windows
• You have an Active Directory environment.
• You have appropriate access to set up software installations.
• You have met the system requirement spelled out in Prepare to use the GPO Provisioning Tool for Agent
To complete this task, you leave the KACE SMA to work in the Windows Group Policy Management Console or
the Windows Administrative Tools using the KACE SMA GPO Provisioning Tool before returning to the appliance.
1. Go to the Agent Provisioning Assistant:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Provisioning.
c. On the Provisioning panel, click Agent Provisioning Assistant.
The Agent Provisioning Assistant: Step 1 of 3 page appears.
2. Select the check box for Provisioning Using Windows Group Policy (recommended), and click Next to
display the Agent Provisioning Assistant: Step 2 of 3 page.
3. Click the link to the Knowledge Base article about using the KACE SMA GPO Provisioning Tool for Agent
deployment at https://support.quest.com/kb/133776.
The Knowledge Base article provides a link to download the MSI for the GPO Provisioning Tool.
Installing and starting the tool requires leaving the KACE SMA interface.
4. Download the MSI, and start it to install the tool.
5. Start the installed tool from the Start menu.
The deployment wizard leads you through steps to configure and apply a GPO for software deployment.
Where possible, the wizard attempts to use defaults that reduce the amount of configuration required.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent using the GPO Provisioning Tool for Windows devices
NOTE: Only GPOs for which you have permission to edit are displayed in the tool.
6. Return to the Agent Provisioning: Step 2 of 3 page in the KACE SMA when you have completed working in
the tool, and click Next.
7. Click Finish on the Agent Provisioning: Step 3 of 3 page.
Agents are installed on the client devices after the Group Policy is refreshed on those devices. Depending on the
environment, this installation takes place either when the device reboots, or after a 90-minute refresh cycle occurs
for the Group Policy.
Go to the Devices page to keep track of the progress of devices having the agents installed and checked in.

Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent using onboard provisioning

You can install the KACE SMA Agent on multiple devices by specifying a range of IP addresses as targets
for deployment (onboard provisioning). Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux devices can be targets for onboard
After you have prepared each of your target client devices, you use the Agent Provisioning Assistant in the KACE
SMA to identify the devices and set up a provisioning schedule.

Preparing to install the KACE SMA Agent

Before you install the KACE SMA Agent on devices using onboard provisioning, you must verify system
requirements, enable file sharing, and prepare devices.
For information on file sharing, see Enabling file sharing.

Verifying system requirements for the KACE SMA Agent installation

Before you install the KACE SMA Agent on devices, verify that the required ports are accessible, and that
managed devices meet system requirements.
Managed devices must meet the following system requirements and be able to access the required ports:
• Go to https://support.quest.com/technical-documents/kace-systems-management-appliance/8.1-common-
• See Verifying port settings, NTP service, and website access.

Prepare Windows devices to have the Agent installed

Before you install the KACE SMA Agent on Windows devices, you must configure file sharing and User Account
Control (UAC) properly.
• Prepare a Windows 7 or Windows 8 device
Provide Administrator credentials for each device. To install the KACE SMA Agent on multiple devices, the
Administrator credentials must be the same for all devices.
To configure User Account Control (UAC), do one of the following:
◦ Set User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode to Disabled. This
option is recommended, because it is more secure and can be centrally configured using GPO. To
find this setting, open the Group Policy (type secpol.msc into the Search programs and files field
under the Start menu), then go to Local Policies > Security Options. Restart the device after
applying the settings.
◦ Disable UAC. On Windows 7, go to Control Panel > System and Security > Action Center >
Change User Account Control Settings. On Windows 8, go to Control Panel > System and
Security > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy, then in Security Options in the Local
Policies section choose Disabled for each of the items labeled User Account Control.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent using onboard provisioning
On the Advanced Sharing Settings page, enable network discovery and file and printer sharing.
• Prepare Windows Firewall
If Windows Firewall is enabled, you must enable File and Print Sharing in the Exceptions list of the
Firewall Configuration. For instructions, see the Microsoft Support website.
• Verify port availability
Verify the availability of ports 139 and 445.
The appliance verifies the availability of ports 139 and 445 on target devices before attempting to run any
remote installation procedures.

NOTE: On Windows devices, ports 139 and 445, File and Print Sharing, and Administrator credentials
  are required only during Agent installation. You can disable access to these ports and services after
installation if necessary. The Agent uses port 52230 for ongoing communications.
NOTE: After installation, the Agent runs within the context of the Local System Account, which is a
built-in account used by Windows operating systems.

Install the KACE SMA Agent on a device or multiple devices

You can install the KACE SMA Agent on a single device, or on multiple devices by specifying a range of IP
addresses as targets for installation, using the Agent Provisioning Assistant. You can use this method to provision
Windows, Mac, or Linux devices.
• You have prepared all the target devices. See Preparing to install the KACE SMA Agent.
• You have information for the administrator account that has the necessary privileges to install Agents on
the target devices.
With the Agent Provisioning Assistant, you can create provisioning schedules to specify how and when to install
the KACE SMA Agent on devices in your network. Provisioning according to a schedule is useful to help ensure
that devices in an IP address range have the Agent installed.
Provisioning schedules configure the KACE SMA to periodically check devices in a specified IP address range
and install, reinstall, or uninstall the KACE SMA Agent as needed.
For provisioning Windows devices, you can also use the KACE SMA GPO Provisioning Tool. Using the tool
minimizes the pre-configuration that must happen on the target device. See Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent
using the GPO Provisioning Tool for Windows devices.
1. Go to the Agent Provisioning Assistant:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Provisioning.
c. On the Provisioning panel, click Agent Provisioning Assistant.
The Agent Provisioning Assistant: Step 1 of 3 page appears.
2. Select Provisioning Using IP Range (Windows, Mac, Linux) and click Next to display the Provisioning
Schedule Detail page.
3. In the Configure section, name the schedule, enable provisioning, and provide platform information:
Option Description

Name A unique name that identifies this configuration. The name appears on the
Provisioning Schedules page.

Enabled Enable provisioning schedules. Schedules run only if this check box is selected.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent using onboard provisioning
Option Description

Install/Uninstall Indicates whether the provisioning schedule deals with installing or uninstalling

Credentials Separate rows for the credentials needed to connect to the device and run
commands for the particular platform targeted by the schedule. The first column
contains the operating system. The second column contains the Agent Version in
place for installation. The third column contains a drop-down list from which to select
existing credentials. You can select Add new credential to add credentials not
already listed.
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

4. In the Deploy section, identify the devices to be included in the schedule:

Option Description

Target IP A comma-separated list of the IP addresses or host names of the target devices. Use
addresses or hyphens to specify individual IP address class ranges.
TIP: The KACE SMA supports both IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) and IPv4
The Help me pick devices link enables you to add devices to the Target IP
addresses or Hostnames list:
• Provisioning IP Range: Use hyphens to specify individual IP address class
ranges. For example:
◦ IPv6: fdef:22b9:e8ae:14a9::1a0:f000-f0aa
◦ IPv4: 192.168.2-5.1-200
After specifying a range, click Add All
• Select Devices from Discovery: This drop-down list is populated from
the Discovery Results. To filter the contents, start typing in the field. After
selecting a device, click Add All.

5. Set the time for the schedule to run.

Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent using onboard provisioning
Option Description

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

6. Optional: Use Advanced settings to:

◦ Customize the ports the appliance uses to deploy the Agent.
◦ Designate an alternative download location for the Agent installer.
◦ Specify the WinRM port used for agent provisioning on Windows devices. For those schedules using
a legacy method to provision Windows devices, you have an option to change it to WinRM. For more
information about WinRM configuration, see https://support.quest.com/kb/260699/agent-provisioning-
◦ Choose the level of information to display in the log. To see only the most important messages, select
Critical. To see all messages, select Debug. Other options include Error, Warning, Notice, and Info.
◦ Specify the device that you want to use as a relay for agentless device inventory. A relay device that
is used during discovery as a relay is used for agentless inventory, when a new device is provisioned

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent using onboard provisioning
automatically from discovery results. For more information, see Add a Discovery Schedule to perform
a quick "what and where" scan of your network.
◦ Enable a complete uninstall of the Agent. Selecting Remove KUID during uninstall results in an
existing Agent being removed from the device before the Agent is installed again. In this case, the
KACE SMA generates a new KUID for the asset, and it appears as a new device in the KACE SMA.
7. Click Run now to display the Provisioning Schedules page and the new configuration.
The appliance saves the configuration with the name you supplied, and then runs the configuration against
the targeted IP addresses.
The Provisioning Schedules page displays the progress of the successful installations after the schedule's start
Related topics
Power-on the appliance and log in to the Administrator Console
Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent using the GPO Provisioning Tool for Windows devices
Manually deploying the KACE SMA Agent

Managing provisioning schedules

To streamline the Agent installation process, you can add provisioning schedules that specify how and when
to install the KACE SMA Agent on devices. You can add, view, edit, run, duplicate, and delete provisioning

View, run, edit, or duplicate provisioning schedules

You can view provisioning schedule status and other details on the Provisioning Schedules page. From this page
you can also run and edit provisioning schedules as needed.
When you duplicate provisioning schedule, its properties are copied into the new configuration. If you are creating
a configuration that is similar to an existing configuration, starting with a duplicated schedule can be faster than
creating a configuration from scratch.
1. Go to the Provisioning Schedules list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Provisioning.
c. On the Provisioning Panel, click Schedules.
The list displays the following columns:

Option Description

Name The name of the provisioning schedule (links to the Provisioning Schedule Detail

Targeted The total number of target devices in the configuration (links to the Provisioning
Results page).

Running The total number of target devices on which provisioning is running (links to the
Provisioning Results page).

Pending The total number of target devices on which provisioning has not yet started (links to
the Provisioning Results page).

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing provisioning schedules
Option Description

Succeeded The total number of target devices on which provisioning has succeeded (links to the
Provisioning Results page).

Failed The total number of target devices on which provisioning has failed (links to the
Provisioning Results page).

Success Rate The total number of target devices on which provisioning has succeeded as a

IP Range The IP address range of the target device.

Schedule The specified provisioning schedule. For example: Everyn minutes, Every n hours, or

Enabled Whether the configuration is enabled or disabled. A check mark indicates that the
provisioning schedule is enabled.

2. Run provisioning schedules:

a. Select the check boxes for the schedules that you want to run.
b. Select Choose Action > Run Now.
3. Edit schedules:
a. Click the name of a schedule.
b. Edit the provisioning schedule on the schedule's Provisioning Schedule Detail page, and click
See Install the KACE SMA Agent on a device or multiple devices.
4. Duplicate schedules:
a. Click the name of a schedule.
b. In the Advanced section, click Duplicate to display the Provisioning Schedules page with the new
schedule listed as Copy of Schedule Name.

Delete provisioning schedules

You can delete provisioning schedules when you want to remove schedules from the appliance.
When provisioning schedules are deleted, results associated with those schedules are also deleted. Devices
provisioned using the schedules, however, are not removed from inventory.
1. Go to the Provisioning Schedules list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Provisioning.
c. On the Provisioning Panel, click Schedules.
2. Select the check box next to one or more schedules.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

View provisioning results

You can view the results of actions performed by provisioning schedules.
1. Go to the Provisioning Schedules list:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing provisioning schedules
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Provisioning.
c. On the Provisioning Panel, click Schedules.
2. Click a link in the Running, Pending, Succeeded, or Failed column.
The Provisioning Results page appears with the following information:

Item Description

Status The status of the Agent connection to the appliance:

: An Agent-managed device is connected to the appliance.

: An Agent-managed device is not connected to the appliance.

Schedule Name The name of the provisioning schedule.

IP Address The IP address of the target device.

Hostname The hostname of the target device. Click the Remote Connection button to open a
Remote Desktop Connection to the target device (Internet Explorer only):

Result The status of the most recent provisioning attempt.

Action I indicates a successful installation.

U indicates a successful uninstallation.

Error The failure error, such as TCP ports not accessible.

Last Run The last time the schedule ran.

3. To view additional information about a target device, click its IP Address.

The KACE SMA Agent Provisioning page appears.
This page displays the results of the most recent provisioning run and includes information such as the IP
address, port configuration, and the logs of each provisioning step.
4. To view inventory information, click the [computer inventory] link next to the MAC address.
NOTE: The [computer inventory] link appears only if the provisioning process can match the MAC
  address of the target device with the current inventory data. See Managing MIA devices.

Managing Agent communications

Communications between the appliance and Agents installed on managed devices include inventory reports,
alerts, patches, scripts, and crash logs. You can configure and view communications that are queued, or pending.

Configure Agent communication and log settings

Agents installed on managed devices periodically check in to the KACE SMA to report inventory, update scripts,
and perform other tasks.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing Agent communications
You can configure the Agent settings, including the interval at which the Agents check in, messages displayed to
users, and log retention time, as described in this section. If you have multiple organizations, you configure Agent
settings for each organization separately.
1. Do one of the following:
• If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information. Then click Organizations.
To display the organization’s information, click the organization’s name.
The Organization Detail page appears.
• If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, select Settings > Provisioning.
Then click Communication Settings on the Provisioning panel.
The Communication Settings page appears.
2. In the Communications Settings section, specify the following settings:
To reduce the load on the KACE SMA, limit the number of Agent connections to 500 per hour. The number
of connections that appears next to the inventory, scripting, and metering intervals, applies to the current
organization only. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the total number of Agent
connections for all organizations should not exceed 500 per hour.

Option Suggested Setting Notes

Agent Logging Enabled Whether the KACE SMA stores scripting results provided by
Agents installed on managed devices. Agent logs can consume
as much as 1GB of disk space in the database. If disk space is
not an issue, enable Agent Logging to keep all log information
for Agent-managed devices. These logs can be useful during
troubleshooting. To save disk space, and enable faster Agent
communication, disable Agent Logging.

Agent Debug Enabled If selected, this option allows you to record the Agent's debug
Trace trace. This information allows administrators to monitor the
Agent's performance, and to diagnose common problems.

Agent Inventory 12 hours The frequency at which Agents on managed devices report
inventory. This information is displayed in the Inventory section.

Agentless 1 day The frequency at which Agentless devices report inventory.

Inventory This information is displayed in the Inventory section.

Catalog Inventory 1 day The frequency at which managed devices report inventory to
the Software Catalog page.

Metering 4 hours The frequency at which managed devices report metering

information to the KACE SMA. Requires metering to be enabled
on devices and applications.

Agent Status on Enabled Indicates if the KACE SMA Agent application displays in the
Device system tray (Windows devices) or the menu bar (Mac devices)
on the system on which the agent is running.

Scripting Update 4 hours The frequency at which Agents on managed devices request
updated copies of scripts that are enabled on managed
devices. This interval does not affect how often scripts run.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing Agent communications
Option Suggested Setting Notes

Max Download As required The maximum download speed, as required. Choose from the
Speed available options.

Disable Wait for Disabled If selected, this option stops the Agent from executing boot-up
Bootup Tasks tasks.

Disable Wait for Disabled If selected, this option stops the agent from executing login
Login Tasks tasks.

3. In the Notify section, specify the message to use for Agent communications:
Option Suggested Setting Notes

Agent Splash Default text: The message that appears to users when
Page Message KACE Systems Management Agents are performing tasks, such as
Appliance (SMA) is verifying running scripts, on their devices.
your PC Configuration and
managing software updates.
Please Wait...

Agent Splash As required The path to an existing .bmp file that you
Bitmap want to use as the splash logo.

Disable Bootup Disabled If selected, this option stops the agent

Splash from displaying the boot-up splash logo.

Disable Login Disabled If selected, this option stops the agent

Splash from displaying the login splash logo.

4. In the Schedule section, specify the Communication Window:

Option Suggested Setting Notes

Communication 00:00 to 00:00 (+1 The period during which Agents on managed devices are
Window day) allowed to connect with the KACE SMA. For example, to allow
Agents to connect between the hours of 01:00 and 06:00 only,
select 01:00 from the first drop-down list, and 06:00 from the
second drop-down list.
You can set the communications window to avoid times when
your devices are busiest.

5. In the Agentless Settings section, specify communications settings for Agentless devices:
Option Description

SNMP Timeout The time, in seconds or minutes, after which the connection is closed if there is no

SSH Timeout The time, in seconds, after which the connection is closed if there is no activity.

WinRM Timeout The time, in seconds or minutes, after which the connection is closed if there is no

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing Agent communications
Option Description

Maximum The number of times the connection is attempted.


6. If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, specify Agent settings.
NOTE: If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, these Agent settings are located
  on the appliance KACE SMA System Administration Console General Settings page.

Option Description

Last Task This value indicates the date and time when the appliance task throughput was last
Throughput updated.

Current Load The value in this field depicts the load on an appliance at any given time. For the
Average appliance to run normally, the value in this field must be between 0.0 and 10.0.

Task Throughput The value that controls how scheduled tasks, such as inventory collection, scripting,
and patching updates, are balanced by the appliance.
NOTE: This value can be increased only if the value in the Current Load
  Average is not more than 10.0 and the Last Task Throughput Update time is
more than 15 minutes.

7. Click Save.
The changes take effect when Agents check in to the appliance.
8. If you have multiple organizations, repeat the preceding steps for each organization.
Related topics
View appliance logs
Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled

View Agent task status

You can view the status of tasks that are currently running, or that are scheduled to run, on Agent-managed
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Support to display the Support page.
3. In the Troubleshooting Tools section, click Display Agent task status to display the Agent Tasks page.
By default, In Progress tasks are listed. To view other tasks, select different filtering options in the View By
drop-down list, which appears above the list on the right. Task information includes:
Column Description

Device Name The name of the device that is the target of the task.

Type The type of task. Depending on appliance configuration, task types include alerts,
inventory, kbot, krash upload, and scripting updates.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing Agent communications
Column Description

Started The start time of the task.

Completed The completion time of the task.

Next Run The next scheduled run time for the task.

Run Time How long it took to run the task.

Timeout The time limit for completing the task.

Priority The importance or rank of the task.

The options displayed depend on type of tasks available on your appliance. Typical options include:
◦ Ready to Run (connected): Tasks that are connected through the messaging protocol and about to
◦ Ready to Run: Tasks that are queued to run when an messaging protocol connection is established.
◦ Longer than 10 minutes: Tasks that have been waiting longer than 10 minutes for a protocol
4. To view details about a device, click its name in the Device Name column.
The Device Detail page appears.

View the Agent Command Queue

The Agent Command Queue list shows messages, such as pop-ups and alerts, that have been queued for
distribution from the appliance to Agent-managed devices.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Support to display the Support page.
3. In the Troubleshooting Tools section, click View Agent command queue to display the Agent Command
Queue page.
Pending messages appear in this queue only during continuous connection between the Agent and the
NOTE: Pending alerts appear on the Agent Command Queue page even if there is no connection
  between the Agent and the KACE SMA.

The Agent Command Queue page contains the following fields:

Option Description

Device Name The name of the device. Click a name to view device details.

Type [Plug-in, The type of message, such as Run Process.


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing Agent communications
Option Description

Command The content and information contained in the message.

Expiration The date and time when the message expires, also called Keep Alive time. Messages
are deleted from the queue automatically when they expire.

Status The status of the message, such as Completed or Received.

Related topics
Broadcasting alerts to managed devices

Delete messages from the Agent command queue

You can delete messages that are no longer needed from the Agent command queue.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Support to display the Support page.
3. In the Troubleshooting Tools section, click View Agent command queue to display the Agent Command
Queue page.
4. Select the check box next to one or more messages.
5. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Updating the KACE SMA Agent on managed devices

The KACE SMA automatically checks with Quest for KACE SMA Agent updates at approximately 03:40 every
day. In addition, the appliance checks Quest for Agent updates whenever the appliance is rebooted.
When Agent updates are available, they are automatically downloaded to the KACE SMA, provided that the
appliance is connected to the Internet, and an alert appears on the Home page of the KACE SMA Administrator
Console. Until you configure deployment settings, however, Agent updates are not automatically deployed to
managed devices. Click the link in the alert to configure deployment settings.
In addition, you can check for Agent software updates, obtain Agent updates manually, and configure Agent
update settings any time. Obtaining updates manually is useful if your appliance is not connected to the Internet.

View KACE SMA Agent updates

You can view KACE SMA Agent updates in the Administrator Console.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Appliance Updates.
The Appliance Updates page appears. The current Agent bundle appears in the Agent section.
3. Optional: To check for updates: In the Agent section, click Check for Update.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Updating the KACE SMA Agent on managed devices
The appliance checks for updates, and the results appear on the Logs page.

Configure Agent update settings

After Agents are installed on devices, they are designed to update themselves automatically based on the Agent
update settings you choose on the Update Agent Settings page. This is true regardless of the provisioning
methods used to deploy the Agents, including KACE SMA provisioning, GPO wizard, other GPO deployments, or
image deployment.
If you have multiple organizations, you configure Agent update settings for each organization separately.
1. Go to the Update Agent Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Provisioning.
c. On the Provisioning Panel, click Update Agents.
If a new Agent update is available, it appears in the Available Agent Bundle section.
2. Click Apply in the Available Agent Bundle section.
The new Agent version number appears in the Advertised Updates section, and the Enabled check box in
the Agent Settings section is cleared, disabling automatic updates. This enables you to test the updates on
selected devices before deploying them system-wide.
3. View or specify the following Agent update settings:
Option Description

Enabled Deploy the update to the selected KACE SMA devices during the next scheduled
inventory interval. Clear the check box to prevent updates from being installed.

Modified Read-only: The time the most recent Agent bundle was downloaded.

All Devices Deploy the update to all devices that have the KACE SMA Agent installed. If this
option is selected, the Devices and Labels elements do not appear on the page.

Devices Update only specific devices. Select the device names in the drop-down list that
appears when you click in the field, or type the first few characters of a device
name to sort the list. For example, type Dev to list matching device names such
as Device-1, Device-2, and so on. This option is not available when you select All

Manage Display the Edit Labels dialog. Search for and select labels, and update devices
Associated Labels assigned to the selected labels. This option is not available when you select All

Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

4. Click Save.
The update is deployed to the selected devices during the next scheduled inventory interval. If you use
Replication Shares, and failover to the KACE SMA is not selected, Agents are updated after the Replication
Shares are updated.
5. If you limited deployment to specified devices for testing, select additional devices in the Agent Settings
section of the Update Agent Settings page when your testing is complete.
The update is deployed to the selected devices during the next scheduled inventory interval.
6. If you have multiple organizations, repeat the preceding steps for each organization.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Updating the KACE SMA Agent on managed devices
Related topics
Setting up and using labels to manage groups of items

Upload Agent updates manually

In most cases, Agent updates are automatically downloaded to the KACE SMA when they become available.
However, you can download updates from Quest and manually upload Agent updates to the appliance as needed.
This is useful if your appliance is not connected to the Internet, or if Agent updates are available but have not yet
been downloaded to the appliance automatically.
To download Agent updates from Quest, you must obtain customer login credentials by contacting Quest Support
at https://support.quest.com/contact-support.
1. To manually check for updates, go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Appliance Updates to display the Appliance Updates page.
The version of the current Agent bundle appears in the Agent section.
3. Click Check for Update in the Agent section.
The appliance checks for updates, and the results appear on the Logs page.
4. To obtain updates:
a. Log in to the Quest Support site using your customer login credentials:
b. Download the Agent update bundle and save the file locally.
5. Go to the Update Agent Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Provisioning.
c. On the Provisioning Panel, click Update Agents.
6. Do one of the following:
• If a new update appears in the Available Agent Bundle section, click Apply.
• If you manually downloaded an update, go to the Manually Upload Agent Bundle section, click
Browse or Choose File, locate the file that you downloaded, then click Upload.
The new Agent version number appears in the Advertised Updates section, and the Enabled check box in
the Agent Settings section is cleared, disabling automatic updates. This enables you to test the updates on
selected devices before deploying them system-wide.
7. Specify deployment options In the Agent Settings section. See Configure Agent update settings.
8. If you have multiple organizations, repeat 6 and 7 for each organization.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Updating the KACE SMA Agent on managed devices
Manually deploying the KACE SMA Agent
Manual deployment is useful when automated Agent provisioning is not practical or when you want to deploy the
KACE SMA Agent using email, logon scripts, GPO (Group Policy Objects), or Active Directory.
• Email: To deploy KACE SMA Agents through email, you would send an email to your users that contains
one of the following:
◦ The Agent installation file.
◦ A link to the appliance where the Agent file can be downloaded.
◦ A web location where the required installation file can be downloaded.
• Logon scripts: Logon scripts enable you to deploy the KACE SMA Agent when users log on to a device.
If you use logon scripts, you would upload the appropriate file in an accessible directory and create a logon
script to retrieve it.

Obtaining Agent installation files

Agent installation files are available on the appliance.
You can find the KACE SMA Agent installers for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux devices on the KACE SMA in
the following directory:

NOTE: File sharing must be enabled to access the installers. See Enable file sharing at the System level.

Manually deploying the KACE SMA Agent on Windows devices

You can manually deploy the KACE SMA Agent on Windows devices using the installation wizard or from the
command line on devices.
When you install the Agent manually, the Agent executable files must be installed in the following locations:
• Windows 32-bit devices: C:\Program Files\Quest\KACE\
• Window 64-bit devices: C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\KACE\
The Agent configuration files, logs, and other data are stored in:
• Windows 32-bit devices: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Quest\KACE
• Window 64-bit devices: C:\ProgramData\Quest\KACE

Manually deploy the KACE SMA Agent on Windows devices using the
installation wizard
You can manually deploy the KACE SMA Agent on Windows devices by running the installation wizard on
1. Go to the shared directory of the appliance:
2. Copy the ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-x86.msi file to the device.
3. Double-click the file to start the installation and follow the instructions in the installation wizard.
The device information appears in the appliance Inventory within a few minutes. See Managing applications on
the Software page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Manually deploying the KACE SMA Agent on Windows devices
Manually deploy the KACE SMA Agent on Windows devices using the
Command line
There are several ways to deploy the Agent from the command line on Windows devices.
For example:
• In a batch file as part of a logon script that runs the installer (msiexec) and sets various parameters, such
as the value of the host.
• Set an environment variable for the server name then run the installer.
• Change name of the installer, which automatically sets the server name during the installation.
The following table shows command line parameters used to deploy the Agent.
Table 20. Command line parameters for the Agent

Description Parameter

Windows Installer Tool msiexec or msiexec.exe

Install flag /i
msiexec /i ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-x86

Uninstall flag /x
msiexec /x ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-x86

Silent install /qn

msiexec /qn /i ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-x86

Log verbose output /L*v log.txt

msiexec /qn /L*v C:\temp\log.txt /i

Auto set hostname: Rename the rename agent_installer.msi_hostname.msi

installation file to the name of the server Example:
name, which automatically sets the
hostname msiexec /qn /i ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-

Set properties PROPERTY=value (Must use ALL CAPS)

msiexec /qn /i ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-x86.msi

Set server name set KACE_SERVER=kace_sma_name

Must be followed by an msiexec call to install

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Manually deploying the KACE SMA Agent on Windows devices
Description Parameter

set KACE_SERVER=kboxmsiexec /i

Prevent the installation of logon or bootup NOHOOKS=1

hooks, and preserve existing userinit.exe Example:
msiexec /qn /i ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-x86.msi
HOST=kace_sma.example.com NOHOOKS=1

Install the Agent but do not start the CLONEPREP=yes/no

service. This enables the Agent to be Example:
imaged and cloned to other devices
msiexec /qn /i ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-x86.msi
HOST=kace_sma.example.com CLONEPREP=yes

Set the debug level for the Agent when it DEBUG=true/all

generates logs Example:
msiexec /qn /i ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-x86.msi
HOST=kace_sma.example.com DEBUG=true

Force the Agent to communicate through SSLREQUIRED=true

HTTPS only. It cannot fall back to HTTP if Example:
HTTPS is unavailable
msiexec /qn /i ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-x86.msi
HOST=kace_sma.example.com SSLREQUIRED=true

The system looks for the value of host in these locations in the order shown:
1. The installer file
2. The HOST property value
3. KACE_SERVER (environment variable)
4. The amp.conf file
CAUTION: If you leave the host value empty, you must set the environment variable. Otherwise, the Agent
  will not connect to the appliance. Quest recommends that you use the fully qualified domain name as the

Manage the KACE SMA Agent on Windows devices using the Windows system
You can view the status of the KACE SMA Agent, force inventory, and display agent information using the
Windows system tray.
To access the KACE SMA Agent status using the system tray, you must enable the Agent Status On Device
option in the Communication Settings section. For more information, see Configure Agent communication and log
1. On the Windows device where KACE SMA Agent is running, in the Windows system tray, click .
The agent menu appears.
2. To find out if the agent is connected to the appliance, observe the icon on the right of the Status option in
the menu.
3. To run the device inventory, click Inventory in the menu.
4. To find out more information about the agent application in the system tray, click About.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Manually deploying the KACE SMA Agent on Windows devices
Manually deploying and upgrading the KACE SMA Agent on
Linux devices
You can manually deploy or upgrade the KACE SMA Agent on Linux devices as needed.

Manually deploy the KACE SMA Agent on Linux devices

You can manually deploy the KACE SMA Agent on Linux devices by copying the Agent installation files to the
devices and running installation commands.
1. Copy the KACE SMA Agent installation file to the device.
See Obtaining Agent installation files.
2. Open a terminal window from Applications > System Tools.
3. At the command prompt, set the name of the server and install the Agent:
sudo KACE_SERVER=kace_sma_name rpm -Uvh ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-x.i386.rpm
The Agent is installed in the following directories:
◦ /opt/quest/kace/bin/ where the Agent executable files are installed.
◦ /var/quest/kace/ where the Agent configuration, logs, and other data is stored.
The device information appears in the appliance Inventory within a few minutes. See Managing applications on
the Software page.

Deploy the KACE SMA Agent on Linux devices at startup or login

You can schedule the Agent to be deployed when users start or log in to Linux devices.
• Set the name by adding the following command to the root directory:
export KACE_SERVER=kace_sma_name
The export call must precede the call to the installer. For example: export
KACE_SERVER=kace_sma_name rpm -Uvh kace_sma_agent-12345.i386.rpm
The system looks for the value of host in these locations in the order shown:
1. The installer file
2. KACE_SERVER (environment variable)
3. The amp.conf file
CAUTION: If you leave the host value empty, you must set the environment variable. Otherwise, the
  Agent does not connect to the appliance. Quest recommends that you use the fully qualified domain
name as the hostname.

Upgrade the KACE SMA Agent on Linux devices

You can manually upgrade the KACE SMA Agent on Linux devices by running commands on the devices.
1. Copy the KACE SMA Agent installation file to the device. See Obtaining Agent installation files.
2. Open a terminal window from Applications > System Tools.
3. At the command prompt, enter:
rpm -uvh kace_sma_agent-linux_buildnumber.rpm

Performing Agent operations on Linux devices

You can run commands on Agent-managed Linux devices to perform various Agent operations.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Performing Agent operations on Linux devices
Start and stop the Agent on Linux devices
You can run commands on Linux devices to start and stop the Agent. This procedure is useful in troubleshooting
Agent-related issues.
1. Open a terminal window from Applications > System Tools.
2. To start the Agent, enter:
/opt/quest/kace/bin/AMPTools start
3. To stop the Agent, enter:
/opt/quest/kace/bin/AMPTools stop

Manually remove the Agent from Linux devices

You can remove the Agent from Linux devices manually by running commands on the devices.
1. Open a terminal window from Applications > System Tools.
2. At the command prompt, enter:
sudo rpm -e ampagent
3. Optional: Remove the kace directory:
rm -rf /var/quest/kace/

Verify that the Agent is running on Linux devices

You can run a command on Linux devices to determine whether the Agent is running.
1. Open a terminal window from Applications > System Tools.
2. At the command line prompt, enter:
ps aux | grep AMPAgent
This output indicates that the process is running:
root 6100 0.0 3.9 3110640 20384 ? Ssl Mar03 0:00 /opt/quest/kace/bin/AMPAgent

View the Agent version on Linux devices

You can run a command on Linux devices to verify the version of the Agent installed on those devices.
1. Open a terminal window from Applications > System Tools.
2. At the command prompt, enter:
rpm -q ampagent
The version number is displayed.

Collecting inventory information

You can manually collect inventory on Linux devices by forcing inventory updates.
See Forcing inventory updates.

Manually deploying and upgrading the KACE SMA Agent on

Mac devices
You can manually deploy or upgrade the Agent on Mac devices as needed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Manually deploying and upgrading the KACE SMA Agent on Mac devices
This section provides information for manually deploying the KACE SMA Agent on Mac OS X devices. Additional
options are described in Use shell scripts to deploy the KACE SMA Agent.

NOTE: Some commands must be run as root.

NOTE: Proceed with su or sudo as required.

Deploy or upgrade the KACE SMA Agent to Mac devices using the Agent
You can manually deploy the KACE SMA Agent on Mac devices by copying the Agent installation files to the
devices and running the installer.
1. Copy the KACE SMA Agent installation file to the device.
See Obtaining Agent installation files.
2. Double-click ampagent-6.x.build_number.dmg.
3. Double-click AMPAgent.pkg.
4. Follow the instructions in the installer.
Be sure to enter the name of your KACE SMA.
The installer creates the following directories on your device:
• /Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/bin where the Agent executable files are installed.
• /Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/data/ where the Agent configuration, logs, and
other data is stored.

Deploy the Agent to Mac devices using the terminal window

You can manually deploy the KACE SMA Agent on Mac devices by copying the Agent installation files to the
devices and running commands.
1. Copy the KACE SMA Agent installation file to the device.
See Obtaining Agent installation files.
2. Open a terminal window from Applications > Utilities.
3. At the command prompt, enter the following commands to set the name of the server and install the Agent:
hdiutil attach ./ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-all.dmg
sudo sh -c 'KACE_SERVER=kace_sma_name installer -pkg /Volumes/Quest_KACE/
AMPAgent.pkg -target /'
hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Quest_KACE'

Use shell scripts to deploy the KACE SMA Agent

You can run shell scripts to deploy the Agent to Mac devices.
When using shell scripts to deploy the Agent, you can use the following command line options:
• hdiutil attach ./ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-all.dmg
• sudo sh -c 'KACE_SERVER=kace_sma_name installer -pkg
• /Volumes/Quest_KACE/AMPAgent.pkg -target /'
• hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Quest_KACE'

NOTE: The export call must proceed the install call. For example: sudo export
  KACE_SERVER=kace_sma_name installer -pkg '/Volumes/Dell KACE/AMPAgent.pkg'
-target /

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Manually deploying and upgrading the KACE SMA Agent on Mac devices
The system looks for the value of host in these locations in the following order shown:
1. The installer file
2. KACE_SERVER (environment variable)
3. The amp.conf file
For information about using shell scripts and command lines, go to http://developer.apple.com.

CAUTION: If you leave the host value empty, you must set the environment variable. Otherwise, the Agent
  will not connect to the appliance. Quest KACE recommends that you use the fully qualified domain name
as the hostname.

Performing other Agent operations on Mac devices

You can run commands on Agent-managed Mac devices to perform various operations.

Start or stop the Agent on Mac devices

You can run commands on Mac devices to start and stop the Agent. This procedure is useful in troubleshooting
Agent-related issues.
1. Open a terminal window from Applications > Utilities.
2. Type the following:
cd "Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/bin"
3. To start the Agent, enter:
./AMPTools start
4. To stop the Agent, enter:
./AMPTools stop

Manually remove the Agent from Mac devices

You can remove the Agent from Mac devices manually by running commands on the devices.
1. Open a terminal window from Applications > Utilities.
2. Type the following:
sudo "/Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/bin/AMPTools" uninstall
The Agent is removed.

Verify that the Agent is running on Mac devices

You can run a command on Mac devices to determine whether the Agent is running.
1. Open a terminal window from Applications > Utilities.
2. Enter the following command:
ps aux | grep AMPAgent
This output indicates that the process is running:
root 2159 0.0 1.1 94408 12044 p2 S 3:26PM 0:10.94 /Library/Application Support/

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Performing other Agent operations on Mac devices
Verify the version of the Agent on Mac devices
You can run a command on Mac devices to verify the version of the Agent installed on those devices.
1. Open a terminal window from Applications > Utilities.
2. Enter the following command:
cat /Library/Application\ Support/Quest/KACE/data/version
The version number is displayed.

Collecting inventory information from Mac devices

You can manually collect information from Mac devices by forcing inventory updates.
See Forcing inventory updates.

Manage the KACE SMA Agent on Mac devices using the menu bar
You can view the status of the KACE SMA Agent, force inventory, and display agent information using the Mac
menu bar.
To access the KACE SMA Agent status using the system tray, you must enable the Agent Status On Device
option in the Communication Settings section. For more information, see Configure Agent communication and log
1. On the Mac device where the KACE SMA Agent is running, in the Mac menu bar, click .
The color of the icon indicates if the agent is connected to the appliance. A red icon is displayed if the agent
is disconnected. If the agent is connected, a green icon appears.
The agent menu appears.
2. To run the device inventory, click Run Inventory in the menu.
3. To restart the agent, click Restart Agent in the menu.
4. To find out more information about the agent application in the system tray, click About.
5. To remove the agent application from the Mac menu bar, click Quit.
The agent icon is removed from the menu bar. To display it again, log off, then log on. Alternatively, you
can install the agent again from the Application directory.

Viewing information collected by the Agent

You can view inventory information collected by the Agent on the Device Detail page.
See Managing inventory information.

Using Agentless management

Use Agentless device management if you want to manage devices without the need to deploy and maintain the
KACE SMA Agent software on those devices.

About Agentless device management

Agentless device management is a method of managing devices without the need to deploy and maintain the
KACE SMA Agent software on those devices.
Agentless management uses SSH, SNMP, and other methods to connect to Agent-intolerant devices, such as
printers, network devices, and storage devices, and report inventory in the KACE SMA Administrator Console.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Agentless device management
Using Agentless management is useful for operating system versions and distributions that are not supported by
the KACE SMA Agent, and where Agentless management is preferred over installing the Agent.
In version 6.4 of the KACE SMA, there are some differences between the features that are supported for Agent
devices and Agentless devices. See Features available for each device management method.

Operating systems supported by Agentless management

Agentless management supports a variety of device operating systems.
The following table shows the device operating systems that are supported by Agentless management:

Operating system



Chrome OS





Mac OS X

Oracle Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux*





Windows Server

*Most recent versions can also be managed with the KACE SMA Agent.

NOTE: For non-computer devices such as assets, or devices without operating systems that Agentless
  management supports, you can map SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) OIDs (Object
Identifiers) to particular fields in the KACE SMA inventory table. As a result, you can identify specific
devices to be inventoried so that you can expand the inventory of Agentless-managed devices. See Using
SNMP Inventory Configurations to identify specific SNMP objects and non-computer devices to add to

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Agentless device management
About enabling Agentless management on Agent-managed devices
Agentless management can be enabled for any discovered device, including devices that have the KACE SMA
Agent installed.
However, using both methods for managing a single device is not recommended. If both methods are enabled for
a device, both the device, and its software, appear twice on inventory lists. As a result, it is better to not to enable
Agentless management on Agent-managed devices.

Managing Agentless devices

To manage devices without installing KACE SMA Agent software, you can enable Agentless management using
Discovery information or by entering device connection details manually.
Features available to Agentless devices differ from those features available to Agent-managed devices. See
Features available for each device management method.

Enable Agentless management using Discovery information

You can enable Agentless management using Discovery information.
1. Go to the Discovery Results list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Discovery Results.
2. Select the check box next to one or more devices.
3. Select Choose Action > Provision > Agentless: Automatic.
Agentless management is enabled for the selected devices and one of the following icons appears next to
the device names:

: Agentless management is enabled for the device.

: Agentless management is enabled for the device, but the device is not currently reachable.

Depending on the device, the appliance uses various connection types to run commands on the selected
devices, obtain inventory information, and display that information on the Device Detail page. Information is
updated according to the inventory schedule for Agentless devices. See:
◦ Managing inventory information
◦ Schedule inventory data collection for managed devices

Enable Agentless management by entering device information manually

You can enable Agentless management by entering device information manually.
You can choose from the following connection types: SSH, SNMP, WinRM, and VMware. WinRM is the
connection type to use for Windows devices.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing Agentless devices
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Select Choose Action > New > Agentless Device to display the Agentless Device Connection Details
3. Provide information according to the type of connection.
• To set up SSH connections with devices, provide the following information:

Option Description

Name The hostname or IP address of the device.

Asset Subtype The asset subcategory, if applicable. This information enables you to identify and
manage subtypes of assets, such as Device assets that are computers, printers,
routers, and Software assets that run on Windows, Mac, or Linux systems in the
KACE SMA inventory. See About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail
NOTE: In a default installation, Device Assets include two Asset Subtypes for
  printer devices: Laser Printer: Color and Laser Printer: Monochrome. Each of
these subtypes provides a common set of fields that apply to most printers.
The appliance also comes with a set of printer templates for typical SNMP-
enabled printer models, based on these Asset Subtypes. You can edit these
templates or add new ones, as needed. When you apply a printer template to
a device, the data defined in the template, such as toner levels or descriptions,
is collected for the printer in the next inventory cycle. For more information,
see About printer templates.

Connection Type The connection method to use to connect to the device and obtain inventory
information, in this case, SSH.

Port The port number the appliance uses to connect to the device. No input is required for
the following the default port number (22).

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device and run
commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select Add new
credential to add credentials not already listed.
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

Sudo Password The name of a service user account with permission to connect to devices. Using
a service account and Sudo Password is useful when you want to avoid using root
credentials to access devices. On some devices, however, higher privileges enable
the appliance to retrieve more detailed inventory information.

Operating System The operating system of the device.

Shell The shell to use during connections. See Shell support for SSH connections.

Log Level The level of information to display on the Device Detail page. To see only the most
important messages, select Critical. To see all messages, select Debug.

Enable Inventory The inventory collection option. If this option is selected, the appliance collects
inventory information for the device according to the Agentless device inventory
schedule. If this option is cleared, inventory information is not collected. In both
cases, however, Agentless devices are counted.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing Agentless devices
Option Description

DNS Server The hostname of the DNS server to use when identifying the device hostname and
other information. Providing the DNS server information enables the appliance to
match the device to existing inventory information during updates. If the appliance
cannot detect the device due to changes made to its hostname or IP address,
inventory fails.

Relay Device The name of the device that you want to use as a relay for agentless device
A relay device that is used during discovery as a relay is used for agentless inventory,
when a new device is provisioned automatically from discovery results. You can
select a relay device on the Discovery Schedule Detail page. For more information,
see Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where" scan of your

• To set up SNMP connections with devices, provide the following information:

Option Description

Name The hostname or IP address of the device.

Asset Subtype The asset subcategory, if applicable. This information enables you to identify and
manage subtypes of assets, such as Device assets that are computers, printers,
or routers, and Software assets that run on Windows, Mac, or Linux systems in the
KACE SMA inventory. See About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail
NOTE: In a default installation, Device Assets include two Asset Subtypes for
  printer devices: Laser Printer: Color and Laser Printer: Monochrome. Each of
these subtypes provides a common set of fields that apply to most printers.
The appliance also comes with a set of printer templates for typical SNMP-
enabled printer models, based on these Asset Subtypes. You can edit these
templates or add new ones, as needed. When you apply a printer template to
a device, the data defined in the template, such as toner levels or descriptions,
is collected for the printer in the next inventory cycle. For more information,
see About printer templates.

Connection Type The connection method to use to connect to the device and obtain inventory
information, in this case, SNMP.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol for monitoring managed
devices on a network. To enable SNMP, port 161 must be open on the appliance and
on the device.
SNMP scan results include all SNMP capable devices. Remote shell extensions
enable the KACE SMA to connect, run commands, and capture information that can
be managed as inventory. For more information about SNMP options, see Add a
Discovery Schedule for SNMP-enabled non-computer devices.

SNMP Version The version of SNMP to use for connections. SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c do not use
authentication or encryption.
SNMP v3 uses authentication and encryption algorithms to increase the security of
SNMP communications. When you configure the SNMP v3 options, the appliance
performs an SNMP v3 scan on selected devices. If that scan fails, the appliance
attempts an SNMP v1 scan using the specified Public String

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing Agentless devices
Option Description

Read Community (SNMP v1, SNMP v2c) The community string to query. The default is Public. The
Public String is required if authentication is not required. When authentication is
required, the scan returns SNMP enabled with no system data.

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device and run
commands using SNMP v3. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or
click Add new credential to add credentials not already listed. Credentials are not
required for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c.
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

Inventory One or more inventory configurations for the new SNMP agentless device, such as
Configurations Brother Laser Printer: Color, and others.

Inventory Type The method used to collect inventory information.

• Inventory: Collect a subset of device information, such as the IP Address,
MAC Address, and device name.
• Inventory/Walk: Conduct a full SNMP walk to collect inventory information.
The full walk results appear on the Device Detail page.

NOTE: SNMP inventory walk does not support non-English characters on

  Windows devices. If it encounters non-English characters, the SNMP inventory
process reports an error and stops loading inventory information.

Log Level The level of information to display on the Device Detail page. To see only the most
important messages, select Critical. To see all messages, select Debug.

Enable Inventory The inventory collection option. If this option is selected, the appliance collects
inventory information for the device according to the Agentless device inventory
schedule. If this option is cleared, inventory information is not collected. In both
cases, however, Agentless devices are counted.

DNS Server The hostname of the DNS server to use when identifying the device hostname and
other information. Providing the DNS server information enables the appliance to
match the device to existing inventory information during updates. If the appliance
cannot detect the device due to changes made to its hostname or IP address,
inventory fails.

Relay Device The name of the device that you want to use as a relay for agentless device
A relay device that is used during discovery as a relay is used for agentless inventory,
when a new device is provisioned automatically from discovery results. You can
select a relay device on the Discovery Schedule Detail page. For more information,
see Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where" scan of your

• To set up WinRM connections with devices, provide the following information:

Option Description

Name The hostname or IP address of the device.

Asset Subtype The asset subcategory, if applicable. This information enables you to identify and
manage subtypes of assets, such as Device assets that are computers, printers,

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing Agentless devices
Option Description
or routers, and Software assets that run on Windows, Mac, or Linux systems in the
KACE SMA inventory. See About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail
NOTE: In a default installation, Device Assets include two Asset Subtypes for
  printer devices: Laser Printer: Color and Laser Printer: Monochrome. Each of
these subtypes provides a common set of fields that apply to most printers.
The appliance also comes with a set of printer templates for typical SNMP-
enabled printer models, based on these Asset Subtypes. You can edit these
templates or add new ones, as needed. When you apply a printer template to
a device, the data defined in the template, such as toner levels or descriptions,
is collected for the printer in the next inventory cycle. For more information,
see About printer templates.

Connection Type The connection method to use to connect to the Windows device and obtain inventory
information, in this case, WinRM.

Port The port number the appliance uses to connect to the device. No input is required for
the following default port number: 5985.

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device and run
commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select Add new
credential to add credentials not already listed.
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

Require Kerberos If selected, Kerberos is required for authentication. NTLM will not be used as an
alternative when Kerberos is unavailable.
Using Kerberos requires DNS Lookup to be enabled in the same discovery
configuration. The DNS Server is also required in the local KACE SMA network

Log Level The level of information to display on the Device Detail page. To see only the most
important messages, select Critical. To see all messages, select Debug.

Enable Inventory The inventory collection option. If this option is selected, the appliance collects
inventory information for the device according to the Agentless device inventory
schedule. If this option is cleared, inventory information is not collected. In both
cases, however, Agentless devices are counted.

DNS Server The hostname of the DNS server to use when identifying the device hostname and
other information. Providing the DNS server information enables the appliance to
match the device to existing inventory information during updates. If the appliance
cannot detect the device due to changes made to its hostname or IP address,
inventory fails.

Relay Device The name of the device that you want to use as a relay for agentless device
A relay device that is used during discovery as a relay is used for agentless inventory,
when a new device is provisioned automatically from discovery results. You can
select a relay device on the Discovery Schedule Detail page. For more information,
see Add a Discovery Schedule to perform a quick "what and where" scan of your

• To set up a VMware® device, provide the following information:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing Agentless devices
Option Description

Name The host name or IP address of the ESXi host or the vCenter Server.

Asset Subtype The asset subcategory, if applicable. This information enables you to identify and
manage subtypes of assets, such as VMware devices. For example, hypervisors
(ESXi hosts). See About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail

Connection Type The connection method to use to connect to the VMware device and obtain inventory

VMware Type The VMware device type: ESXi or vCenter Server.

NOTE: vCenter Server devices do not count against the total number of
  device licenses. That is because these device instances are only used to
establish relationships between the vCenter Servers, ESXi hosts, and the
virtual machines running on them.

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device and run
commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select Add new
credential to add credentials not already listed. An account with read-only access
can be used. See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

Log Level The level of information to display on the Device Detail page. To see only the most
important messages, select Critical. To see all messages, select Debug.

Enable Inventory The inventory collection option. If this option is selected, the appliance collects
inventory information for the device according to the Agentless device inventory
schedule. If this option is cleared, inventory information is not collected. In both
cases, however, Agentless devices are counted.

DNS Server The hostname of the DNS server to use when identifying the device hostname and
other information. Providing the DNS server information enables the appliance to
match the device to existing inventory information during updates. If the appliance
cannot detect the device due to changes made to its hostname or IP address,
inventory fails.

4. Click Test Connection.

The connection status appears.
5. Click Save.
The Agentless device is added. If Enable Inventory is selected, inventory information is updated according
to the Agentless device inventory schedule. See Schedule inventory data collection for managed devices.

Shell support for SSH connections

Operating systems vary in their support of shells used for SSH connections between the appliance and managed
The following table shows the shells available for SSH connections for each operating system.
Table 21. Shell support for SSH connections by operating system

Operating system Default shell Supported shells

AIX (IBM®) ksh bash, ksh, sh

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing Agentless devices
Operating system Default shell Supported shells

CentOS bash bash, sh

Debian Linux bash bash, sh

Fedora bash bash, sh

FreeBSD csh bash, csh, sh

HP-UX sh ksh, sh

Mac OS X sh bash, sh

openSUSE/SLES™ bash bash, sh

Oracle Enterprise Linux bash bash, sh

Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® bash bash, sh

Ubuntu bash bash, sh

Edit Agentless device connection details or delete Agentless devices

You can edit the device connection details for Agentless devices and you can delete Agentless devices as
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Click the name of an Agentless device that was entered manually to display the Device Detail page.
3. In the Summary section, click Edit in the Device Entry Type row to display the Agentless Device
Connection Details page.
4. Do one of the following:
• Modify the connection details as needed, then click Save. See Enable Agentless management by
entering device information manually.
• To delete the device, click Delete.

Using SNMP Inventory Configurations to identify specific SNMP

objects and non-computer devices to add to inventory
You can identify specific SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) objects and non-computer devices to
be inventoried so that you can expand or limit the inventory to fit your needs. In addition, the KACE SMA enables
you to map SNMP OIDs (Object Identifiers) to particular fields in the KACE SMA inventory table, using Asset
IMPORTANT: For SNMP devices, you must assign the appropriate Asset Subtype when the device is
  configured. You cannot add or change SNMP Asset Subtypes after they have been configured.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using SNMP Inventory Configurations to identify specific SNMP objects and non-computer devices to add to 388
SNMP is one of the possible methods that KACE SMA Agentless Inventory uses to extract data for inventory and
integration into the KACE SMA. The KACE SMA uses the RFC1213 MIB (Management Information Base) as the
primary data gathering layer, because it contains data that is specific to all SNMP-capable devices. All SNMP-
capable devices expose RFC1213 data. For more information, go to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1213.
With the KACE SMA SNMP inventory configuration feature, you can define an additional set of OIDs to be
collected during inventory beyond the standard RFC1213 data. This enables instant extensibility and robustness
to what would otherwise be limited in terms of the amount of data that could be gathered from each device.
Related Topics
About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences

Obtain a list of object identifiers (OIDs) using the Administrator Console

If you do not have a vendor-provided management information base (MIB) or a generally available MIB for an
object, you can obtain a list of object identifiers by using the KACE SMA to probe the object.
You can define an additional set of OIDs to be collected during inventory beyond the standard RFC1213 data,
which expands the amount of data that can be gathered from each device. To find these OIDs, you can use a MIB
browser on MIBs you have obtained elsewhere. With the KACE SMA, you can perform an SNMP full walk either
through device discovery or device inventory if you do not have access to a MIB otherwise.
1. Perform an SNMP full walk for an object.
• Scan using a Discovery Schedule. See Discovering devices on your network.
• Scan using inventory data collection. See Schedule inventory data collection for managed devices.
2. Go to the Device Detail page for the scanned object:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
c. Click the name of the object on the Devices list page.
3. Click SNMP Data in the Inventory section to display the results of the full walk.
4. Collect the relevant OIDs from the list.
Map the OIDs to fields in the KACE SMA inventory table so that their information can be integrated into inventory.
See Map Object Identifiers to fields in the KACE SMA inventory table.

Map Object Identifiers to fields in the KACE SMA inventory table

You can map SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) OIDs (Object Identifiers) to particular fields that
you have created as Asset Subtypes. You can use the resulting SNMP Inventory Configurations to expand your
inventory information to include data from non-computer devices.
• You have identified the relevant OIDs to be contained in the configuration:
◦ You have used a MIB browser on a vendor-supplied Management Information Base.
◦ You have performed an SNMP Full Walk on a target object with the KACE SMA, and have reviewed
the OIDs displayed in SNMP Data of the Inventory Information section of the object's Device Detail
page. See Discovering devices on your network.
• You have created appropriate Asset Subtypes for the non-computers devices you want to manage in
inventory. See Add Asset Subtypes and select Device Detail page preferences.
The SNMP Inventory Configurations list page provides you with the tool to create new mappings or manage
existing ones.
After you have determined the OID data you want to collect, you select a subtype for the device from categories
that are the same as those on the Device Detail page. You then select a property of that category, the result of

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using SNMP Inventory Configurations to identify specific SNMP objects and non-computer devices to add to 389
which maps the OID to a field in the inventory table. The SNMP object appears in the device inventory after the
next scan.
For example, if you had a printer in inventory, added manually or through a discovery schedule, you could use an
SNMP Inventory Configuration to have the printer report cartridge ink levels to the KACE SMA. In this case, you
would use an Asset Subtype of Printer that you have created as a subtype of device, with a field named Toner
1. Go to the SNMP Inventory Configurations list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click SNMP Inventory Configurations.
2. Select Choose Action > New.
3. Type a name for the configuration in the Name field.
IMPORTANT: For SNMP devices, you must assign the appropriate Asset Subtype when the device is
  configured. You cannot add or change SNMP device subtypes after they have been configured.
4. Select an Asset Subtype that identifies the type of device you want to inventory.
5. Map an OID to a KACE SMA inventory field:
Click the Add button: .
A new row appears under the headings.
b. Enter the OID in the text box under Object Identifier (OID).
c. Select a category from the drop-down list under Category.
The categories match those identified on the Asset Subtype Detail page.
d. Select a property from the drop-down list under Property.
The properties that appear are dependent on the subtype and the category you selected.
e. Click Save at the end of the row.
6. Map as many additional OIDs as you want for your purposes, and click Save at the bottom left of the page.
Apply the configuration to an object. See Apply an SNMP Inventory Configuration to a device.

Apply an SNMP Inventory Configuration to a device

You can apply an SNMP Inventory Configuration to a device so that the additional data can be collected during
the next scan for that device.
You have created the configuration. See Map Object Identifiers to fields in the KACE SMA inventory table.

NOTE: You can apply SNMP Inventory Configurations only to SNMP-managed Agentless devices.
1. Go to the Devices page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory to display the Devices page.
2. Select the check boxes next to one or more devices.
3. Select Choose Action > Apply SNMP Configurations to display the Apply SNMP Configurations dialog.
4. Drag the configurations you want to apply into the Apply these SNMP configurations box.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using SNMP Inventory Configurations to identify specific SNMP objects and non-computer devices to add to 390
You can search for a particular configuration by starting to type its name into the Search SNMP
Configurations field.
5. Click Apply SNMP Configurations.
The Devices list page reappears after the configuration is applied.
The information appears for the device after the next regularly scheduled reporting time or forced inventory
Related topics
Schedule inventory data collection for managed devices
Forcing inventory updates

About printer templates

The appliance also comes with a set of printer templates for typical SNMP (Simple Network Management
Protocol) printer models. You can apply these SNMP configurations to printer devices, as needed.
The SNMP Inventory Configurations list page displays the available printer templates. When you apply a printer
template to a device, the data defined in the template, such as toner levels or descriptions, is collected for the
printer in the next inventory cycle.
A default installation includes a set of templates for the following laser printers, with two variation for each brand
to accommodate monochrome and color printers: Brother, Canon, HP, Lexmark, and Xerox.
You can edit or create these templates, as needed. To create or edit a printer template, you must have the
relevant SNMP OIDs (Object Identifiers) for the fields that exist as the associated Asset Subtypes. The appliance
comes with two Asset Subtypes that capture printer-specific fields such as toner levels: Laser Printer: Color
and Laser Printer: Monochrome. For more information about mapping OIDs, see Map Object Identifiers to fields
in the KACE SMA inventory table. For details about Asset Subtypes and to find out how they relate to SNMP
configurations, see About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences.

Adding devices manually in the Administrator

Console or by using the API
You can add devices to inventory manually, either within the Administrator Console or by using the inventory API
(application programming interface).
Adding devices manually is useful when you want to track device information, but you do not want to manage
devices by installing the KACE SMA Agent or using Agentless management.
Inventory for manual devices must be updated or uploaded manually. The appliance does not receive scheduled
inventory updates from manual devices.

About managing devices

Managing devices is the process of using the KACE SMA to collect and maintain information about devices on
your network and performing tasks such as monitoring device status, creating reports, and so on.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About managing devices
To add devices to the KACE SMA inventory, you can:
• Install the KACE SMA Agent on devices. Devices are automatically added to inventory after the Agent
is installed on them and the Agent reports inventory to the KACE SMA. See Provisioning the KACE SMA
• Enable Agentless management for devices. Agentless management is especially useful for devices that
cannot have the KACE SMA Agent installed, such as devices with unsupported operating systems. See
Managing Agentless devices.
• Upload inventory information for devices manually. See Adding devices manually in the Administrator
Console or by using the API.

NOTE: Your KACE SMA license agreement entitles you to manage a specified number of devices that
  are classified as Managed Computers, Assets, and Monitored Servers. Devices count toward these limits
even if such devices are MIA (missing in action) or no longer in use. However, devices that are added to
inventory manually, or through the API, do not count toward license limits. See View KACE SMA license

For information about the KACE SMA features available to devices, see Features available for each device
management method.

Tracking changes to inventory settings

If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects.
This information includes the date the change was made and the user who made the change, which can be useful
during troubleshooting. See About history settings.

About inventory change history

Change history for devices begins when there is a change to the information collected during the first report.
The first time a managed device reports inventory to the KACE SMA, the information is considered to be a
baseline report. As such, it is not recorded in the change history.

Add devices manually with the Administrator Console

You can add devices to the KACE SMA inventory manually by entering device information on the Device Detail
Once created, manual records are not touched or modified by the KACE SMA or Agents. Subsequently, the fields
in a manual record can only be updated manually by an administrator.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Select Choose Action > New > Manual Device to display the Device Detail page.
3. Do one of the following:
• Under Import device.xml, click Choose File to find and import an XML file that includes device
inventory information. See Valid XML schema for Windows and Upload an XML file using the
Administrator Console.
In the Summary section, enter a Name for the device, then skip to step 10.
• In the Summary section, provide the following information:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add devices manually with the Administrator Console
Item Description Database field

Name The hostname or IP address of the device. NAME

System A description of the device. SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION


Model The device model. CS_MODEL

Chassis Type The type of device, such as desktop or laptop. CHASSIS_TYPE

IP Address The IP address of the device. IP

MAC The device’s Media Access Control (MAC) address MAC


OS Name The operating system of the device, such as OS_NAME

Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.

Service Pack The service pack version number (Windows only). SERVICE_PACK

Device Timezone The KACE SMA Agent installed on the device uses TZ_AGENT
this timezone.

User A user associated with this device. USER

Domain The domain of the device. CS_DOMAIN

Notes Any additional information you want to provide. NOTES

4. In the Hardware section, provide the following information:

Item Description Database field

RAM Maximum The maximum amount of random-access memory RAM_MAX

(RAM) available.

Manufacturer The device manufacturer. CS_MANUFACTURER

CSP ID Number Information used to identify the device. BIOS_SERIAL_NUMBER

Asset Tag Information used to identify device hardware. ASSET_TAG

Motherboard The main bus. MOTHERBOARD_PRIMARY_BUS

Primary Bus

Motherboard The peripheral bus. MOTHERBOARD_SECONDARY_BUS

Secondary Bus

Processors The CPU count, type, and manufacturer. PROCESSORS

Architecture The architecture of the device operating system, SYS_ARCH

such as x86 or x64.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add devices manually with the Administrator Console
Item Description Database field

Virtual Device Used to identify devices that are virtual, such as VIRTUAL
devices running on VMware platforms. Not displayed
for physical devices, such as laptops and servers.

CD/DVD Drives The configuration of CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives CDROM_DEVICES

installed on the device.

Sound Devices Information about audio devices on the device. SOUND_DEVICES

Monitors The type and manufacturer of the monitor attached MONITOR

to the device. This field is not displayed for virtual

Video Controllers Information about video controllers on the device. VIDEO_CONTROLLERS


BIOS Release The date the BIOS version was released. BIOS_RELEASE_DATE

BIOS Version The BIOS version. BIOS_VERSION



BIOS Description The BIOS description. BIOS_DESCRIPTION



BIOS Serial The BIOS serial number. BIOS_SERIAL_NUMBER


5. In the Printers section, specify printer information related to the device.

6. In the Agent section, specify the version number of the KACE SMA Agent installed on the device.
7. In the User section, provide user information.
Item Description Database field

User Logged The user currently logged in to the device. This entry USER_LOGGED
includes the username and the domain to which the
user belongs.

User Fullname The full name of the user who owns the device. USER_FULLNAME

User Domain The domain to which the user belongs. USER_DOMAIN

Last User The name of the most recent user who logged in to USER
the device. Some devices might have multiple users.

8. In the Operating System section, provide information about the operating system installed on the device.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add devices manually with the Administrator Console
Item Description Database field

Version The version number of the operating system. OS_VERSION

Build The build number of the operating system. OS_BUILD

Number The number of the operating system. OS_NUMBER

Major Version The number that identifies the major version of the OS_MAJOR
operating system.

Minor Version The number that identifies the minor version of the OS_MINOR
operating system.

Minor Version (2) Additional operating system version information. OS_MINOR2

Architecture The architecture of the device operating system, OS_ARCH

such as x86 or x64.

Family The product family of the operating system. OS_FAMILY

Domain The domain of the device. CS_DOMAIN

Installed Date The date the operating system was installed. OS_INSTALLED_DATE

Last Reboot The length of time the operating system has been LAST_REBOOT

Last Startup The last time the operating system was turned off. LAST_REBOOT

System Directory The location of the system directory. SYSTEM_DIRECTORY

Registry Size The size of the registry. REGISTRY_SIZE

Registry The maximum size of the registry. REGISTRY_MAX_SIZE

Maximum Size

9. In the Other section, provide additional information related to the device:

Item Description Database field

RAM Total The total amount of random-access memory (RAM) RAM_TOTAL

on the device.

RAM Used The amount of random-access memory (RAM) in RAM_USED

use on the device.

Internet Explorer The version of Internet Explorer installed on the IE_VERSION

Version device.

.NET Versions The version or versions of .NET installed on the DOT_NET_VERSIONS


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add devices manually with the Administrator Console
Item Description Database field

WMI Status The status of the Windows Management WMI_STATUS

Instrumentation (WMI) service (Windows Devices

10. Click Save.

The manual device icon appears in the device’s Status column on the Devices page: . Inventory for
manual devices must be updated manually.

Adding devices manually using the API

You can add devices to the KACE SMA manually by creating an XML file and uploading that file to the KACE
SMA using the API (application programming interface). Adding devices in this way is useful for devices that might
not be able to run the KACE SMA Agent for security reasons, and devices that cannot connect to the LAN (Local
Area Network) to report inventory.
The XML file you create can be modeled on the sample script in this section.
Devices that are added to inventory through the API do not count toward the KACE SMA license limit. See View
KACE SMA license information.
Application inventory that is uploaded through the API is displayed on the Software page, but it is not displayed
on the Software Catalog page. See:
• Managing applications on the Software page
• Managing Software Catalog inventory

NOTE: The inventory API supports HTTP and HTTPS communications, depending on your
  appliance configuration. To upload inventory information, use the following URL: http://KACE
SMA_hostname/service/wsapi.php, where KACE SMA_hostname is the hostname of your

Enable inventory API access

API inventory access enables you to upload inventory data using the API. This access is useful if you want to
import inventory information from devices that do not have the KACE SMA Agent installed.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Security Settings to display the Security Settings page.
3. Select Enable Inventory API access.
4. In the API password field, enter the password you want to use for API access.
This password is used only for API access and it does not need to match any other passwords.
5. Click Save.
After the appliance restarts, you can use external API commands to upload inventory information.

Submit inventory information using the API

To submit inventory using the API, you first need to generate an XML file that contains the inventory information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding devices manually using the API
For examples, see:
• Valid XML schema for Windows
• Example using the XML schema for Windows devices
• Valid XML schema for Linux and Mac devices
After you generate an XML file with the expected content, you can submit inventory using the API.

NOTE: To submit inventory information using the API, you must enable inventory API access. See Enable
  inventory API access.
1. (Required) Request a session key:
Submit keyreq=true in the body of the request to get a session string in response.
2. (Required) Construct the authentication token:
a. Construct the auth string as:
session_string + '|' + MD5 of API password
b. Run MD5 on the auth string.
3. (Required for new devices) Request a device UUID:
Submit req=newuuid&key=$auth in the body of the request to get a UUID in response.
4. (Required) Submit inventory XML data:
Submit req=loadxml&key=$auth&KUID=$uuid&version=6.0 in the GET line and inventory XML in
the body of the request.
See Sample Perl script.

Sample Perl script

You can use Perl scripts to upload XML files with device inventory information to the appliance.
The following is a sample Perl script that uploads a user-created XML file to the KACE SMA. For information
about using this script, contact Quest Support at https://support.quest.com/contact-support.
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Curl::Easy;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
# Curl Output Handler ...
my $response;
sub write_data($$$$) {
$response = shift;
return length($response);
# -----------------------------------------------------
# KACE SMA Configuration ...
# -----------------------------------------------------
my $password = "xxx"; # password set in Settings -> Security Settings
my $host = "hostname"; # hostname or IP address here
my $http = "https"; # HTTP or HTTPS
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Build XML Package ...
# --------------------------------------------------------
my $simple = new XML::Simple(keeproot => 1, forcearray => 1);
my $data = $simple->XMLin("machine.xml");
my $uuid = $data->{MachineStruct}->[0]->{MAC}->[0];

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding devices manually using the API
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Setup CURL stuff ...
# --------------------------------------------------------
my $url = "$http://$host/service/wsapi.php";
my $ch = WWW::Curl::Easy->new;
$ch->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $url); # set url to post to
$ch->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); # ok for self-signed ca
$ch->setopt(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0);
$ch->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, \&write_data); # return into a variable
$ch->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
$ch->setopt(CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 40); # times out after 4s
$ch->setopt(CURLOPT_POST, 1);
$ch->setopt(CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, '/tmp/cookiefile.txt');
# --------------------------------------------------------
# STEP 1 - Request Session from KACE SMA ...
# --------------------------------------------------------
$ch->setopt(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "keyreq=true"); # add POST fields
my $out = $ch->perform;
if ( $out != 0 ) {
die ("Error: $out " .
$ch->strerror($out) .
" " .
$ch->errbuf . "\n");
my $sess = $response;
# --------------------------------------------------------
# STEP 2 - Build Authorization Token ...
# --------------------------------------------------------
my $auth = md5_hex("$sess|".md5_hex($password));
# --------------------------------------------------------
# STEP 3 - Request new UUID from KACE SMA (if creating a new
# device record. If editing an existing device
# be sure it is set in the XML ...
# --------------------------------------------------------
if ( 1 ) {
print "Using UUID From XML File: $uuid\n";
} else {
$out = $ch->perform;
if ( $out != 0 ) {
die ("Error: $out " .
$ch->strerror($out) .
" " .
$ch->errbuf . "\n");
$uuid = $response;
$data->{MachineStruct}->[0]->{MAC}->[0] = $uuid;
$data->{MachineStruct}->[0]->{NAME}->[0] = "WSAPI-" . $uuid;
print "Created New UUID: $uuid\n";
# convert Simple XML hash back to XML string ...
my $xml = $simple->XMLout(
KeepRoot => 1,
NoAttr => 1,
# --------------------------------------------------------
# STEP 4 - Send XML to KACE SMA ...
# --------------------------------------------------------
my @curlHeader = ("Content-Type: text/xml");

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding devices manually using the API
$url = "$http://$host/service/wsapi.php?req=loadxml&key=$auth&KUID=
$ch->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $url); # set url to post to
$ch->setopt(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, \@curlHeader);
$ch->setopt(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml);
$out = $ch->perform;
if ( $out != 0 ) {
die ("Error: $out " . $ch->strerror($out) . " " . $ch->errbuf . "\n");
print "Loaded $uuid to KACE SMA ($host)\n";

Valid XML schema for Windows

Files used to upload inventory information for Windows devices must conform to valid XML schemas.
The following is an example of a valid XML schema for Windows devices.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<MachineStruct xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi=">
<PROCESSORS>CPU Chip Count: @@__m_processorCount__@@
CPU Core Count: @@__m_processorCoreCount__@@
@@__m_processorList__@@ </PROCESSORS>

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding devices manually using the API
@@__m_logicalDiskDriveList__@@ </DISK_DRIVES>
@@__m_networkAdapterConfigurationList__@@ </NETWORK_INTERFACES>
@@__m_startupProgramsList__@@ </STARTUP_PROGRAMS>
@@__m_processList__@@ </PROCESSES>
@@__m_servicesList__@@ </NT_SERVICES>
@@__m_installedProgramsList__@@ </INSTALLED_software>

Example using the XML schema for Windows devices

You can view an example of a file that conforms to the valid XML schema for Windows devices.
The following is an example of valid XML that uses the schema in Valid XML schema for Windows.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<MachineStruct xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
<OS_NAME>Microsoft Windows 7 Professional</OS_NAME>
<OS_INSTALLED_DATE>2017-08-30 14:22:39 -0400</OS_INSTALLED_DATE>
<LAST_REBOOT>2017-08-30 14:25:05 -0400</LAST_REBOOT>
<LAST_SHUTDOWN>2017-08-30 14:25:05 -0400</LAST_SHUTDOWN>
<UPTIME>4 days </UPTIME>
<CS_MODEL>VMware Virtual Platform</CS_MODEL>
<BIOS_NAME>PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 5.5 </BIOS_NAME>

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding devices manually using the API
<BIOS_SERIAL_NUMBER>VMware-56 4d bd d3 5e 4f a5 4e-6a ce a0 d3 39 bd ae 02
CPU Core Count: 0
CPU0: Intel Celeron processor (0 cores) </PROCESSORS>
<SOUND_DEVICES>Creative AudioPCI (ES1371,ES1373) (WDM)
<NAME>Drive C: (Physical Disk) FileSystem: NTFS Used: 2.08GB Total: 39.99GB</NAME>
<NIC>AMD PCNET Family PCI Ethernet Adapter - Packet Scheduler
<NAME>VMware Tools</NAME>
<COMMAND_EXE>C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\VMwareTray.exe</COMMAND_EXE>
<FILE_DESCRIPTION>VMware Tools tray application</FILE_DESCRIPTION>
<NAME>VMware User Process</NAME>
<COMMAND_EXE>C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\VMwareUser.exe</COMMAND_EXE>

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding devices manually using the API
<COMMAND_EXE>C:\Program Files\Quest\KACE\AMPAgent.exe</COMMAND_EXE>
<FILE_DESCRIPTION>Generic Host Process for Win32 Services</FILE_DESCRIPTION>
<FILE_VERSION>6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255)</FILE_VERSION>
<PRODUCT_NAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCT_NAME>
<COMPANY_NAME>Microsoft Corporation</COMPANY_NAME>
<PUBLISHER>Quest Software Inc.</PUBLISHER>

Valid XML schema for Linux and Mac devices

Files used to upload inventory information for Linux and Mac devices must use valid XML schemas.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding devices manually using the API
The following is an example of an XML schema for Linux and Mac devices.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding devices manually using the API
Upload an XML file using the Administrator Console
You can upload an XML file that contains device inventory information using the Administrator Console. This type
of information is referred to as manual inventory information.
The KACE SMA Agent is installed on the device that is having its inventory information added.
You create the XML file on the device to be inventoried, then move to the KACE SMA to upload the file.
Manual inventory information appears on the Software page but it does not appear on the Software Catalog page.
• Managing applications on the Software page
• Managing Software Catalog inventory
1. Generate an XML file that contains the information.
a. On a device where the KACE SMA Agent is installed, open a command prompt or terminal
b. Go to the Quest KACE installation directory.
For example:
▪ Windows 32-bit systems: C:\Program Files\Quest\KACE
▪ Windows 64-bit systems: C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\KACE
▪ Mac OS X systems: /Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/bin
▪ Linux systems: /opt/quest/kace/bin
c. Enter the following command:
KInventory -machine -output filename
Where filename is the path to the XML file you want to create. If the path contains spaces, enclose the
entire path in double quotation marks.
The Agent collects the inventory data and generates the XML file.
2. On the KACE SMA Administrator Console, go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
3. Select Choose Action > New > Manual Device to display the Device Detail page.
4. Under Import Device, click Browse.
5. Select the file, then click Open or Choose.
6. Click Save.
The device's information is added to inventory. If you uploaded an XML file, the appliance ignores all other
information on the page and uses the XML file for inventory information.

Forcing inventory updates

You can force managed devices to update their inventory information outside of the regularly scheduled reporting

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Forcing inventory updates
To force inventory updates, one of the following conditions must be met:
• The KACE SMA Agent must be installed on the devices and there must be an active messaging protocol
connection between the appliance and the devices.
• Agentless management must be enabled for the devices.
You cannot force an update on devices that are not either Agent-managed or Agentless-managed devices.

Force inventory updates from the appliance

You can use the appliance Administrator Console to force devices to report inventory.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Select the check boxes next to the devices whose inventory you want to update.
To avoid overwhelming the appliance, do not select more than 50 devices to update at once.
3. Select Choose Action > Force Inventory.
Inventory information is updated.

Force inventory updates from Windows devices

You can force Windows devices to report inventory by running commands on the devices.
1. Log in to the Windows device and open a command prompt.
2. Go to one of the following directories:
◦ On 32-bit systems: C:\Program Files\Quest\KACE\
◦ On 64-bit systems: C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\KACE\

NOTE: For Windows Vista and later, use Run as Administrator when running the command.
3. Enter the following command:
runkbot -s 4 0
Inventory information is updated.

Force inventory updates from Mac OS X devices

You can force Mac OS X devices to report inventory by running commands on the devices.
1. Log in to the Mac OS X device and open a terminal from Applications > Utilities.
2. Go to the following directory:
/Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/bin/
3. Enter the following command:
sudo ./runkbot 2 0
Inventory information is updated.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Force inventory updates from Mac OS X devices
Force inventory updates from Linux devices
You can force Linux devices to report inventory by running commands on the devices.
1. Log in to the Linux device and open a terminal from Applications > System Tools.
2. Go to the following directory:
3. Enter the following command:
sudo ./runkbot 2 0
Inventory information is updated.

Managing MIA devices

Devices that are under management but that have not communicated with the appliance in the last 1 to 90 days
are considered to be MIA (missing in action) or out-of-reach. You can configure MIA device settings and manage
MIA devices as needed.
NOTE: Your KACE SMA license agreement entitles you to manage a specified number of devices that are
  classified as Managed Computers, Monitored Devices, and Assets. Be aware that devices count toward
these limits even if devices are MIA (missing in action) or no longer in use. However, devices that are
added to inventory manually, or through the API, do not count toward license limits. See View KACE SMA
license information.
NOTE: To increase your license capacity, go to the Quest website: https://quest.com/buy.

Configure MIA settings

You can configure the appliance to automatically delete MIA devices from inventory after devices have not
checked in for a specified number of days. Automatically deleting MIA devices can reduce the need to delete MIA
devices manually.
Be aware that the process that deletes MIA devices runs daily at 03:45, and it can delete up to 100 devices during
a single run. If there are more than 100 MIA devices to be deleted, or if you must delete devices immediately,
consider deleting devices manually.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Select Choose Action > Configure MIA Settings to display the MIA Settings page.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Automatically Archive or delete managed devices that are MIA (missing in action) after the specified
Remove MIA period of time. Clear the check box to prevent MIA devices from being Archived or
Devices deleted automatically.

After n days The number of days MIA devices remain in inventory if Automatically Relete MIA
Devices is selected. Managed devices that do not communicate with the appliance for
the specified number of days are automatically deleted or archived, as specified.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure MIA settings
Option Description

Archive MIA Select this option to archive the MIA devices after the specified number of days.

Delete MIA Select this option to permanently delete the MIA devices after the specified number of
Devices days.

4. Click Save.
Devices are deleted when the deletion process runs daily at 03:45. The process can delete up to 100
devices during a run.
If there are more than 100 MIA devices to be deleted, or if you must delete devices immediately, consider deleting
devices manually. See Delete MIA devices manually.

Apply labels to MIA devices

You can use labels to manage groups of MIA devices.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Optional: To view MIA devices: In the View By drop-down list, which appears above the table on the right,
select MIA, then select the number of syncs the device missed, or the number of days the device has been
3. Select the check box next to one or more devices.
4. Select Choose Action > Apply Labels to display the Apply Labels dialog.
5. Search for labels, or drag a listed label into Apply these labels, and click Apply Labels.

Delete MIA devices manually

You can delete MIA devices manually as needed.
To configure the appliance to automatically delete MIA devices, see Configure MIA settings.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Optional: To view MIA devices: In the View By drop-down list, which appears above the table on the right,
select MIA, then select the number of syncs the device missed, or the number of days the device has been
3. Select the check box next to one or more devices.
4. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Troubleshoot devices that fail to appear in inventory

If Agent-managed devices do not appear in inventory, verify Agent and appliance configuration.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Troubleshoot devices that fail to appear in inventory
By default, KACE SMA Agents installed on managed devices communicate with the appliance using HTTP over
ports 80, 443, and 52230. If network connectivity is in place, but newly installed Agents do not connect to the
appliance, there might be problems with the default kbox hostname in DNS.
1. Install the Agent with hostname or IP address correctly specified:
msiexec /qn /i ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-x86.msi HOST=my_kace_sma
Mac OS X
hdiutil attach ampagent-6.x.xxxxx-all.dmg
sudo sh -c 'KACE_SERVER=my_kace_sma installer -pkg /Volumes/Quest_KACE/AMPAgent.pkg
-target /'
hdiutil detach /Volumes/Quest_KACE
Linux (RHEL and SLES)
export KACE_SERVER=my_kace_sma
export KACE_SERVER=my_kace_smasudo rpm -ivh ampagent-6.x.xxxxx.xxxx.xx.rpm
2. To correct the server name for a device that is already installed, use the AMPTools utility:
32-bit systems: "C:\Program Files\Quest\KACE\AMPTools" host=my_kace_sma
64-bit systems: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\KACE\AMPTools" host=my_kace_sma
Mac OS X
/Library/Application\ Support/Quest/KACE/bin/AMPTools host=my_kace_sma
/opt/quest/kace/bin/AMPTools host=my_kace_sma
3. Verify that you are able to ping the appliance, and reach it through a web browser at
4. Verify that Internet Options are not set to use proxy. Verify that proxy is excluded for the local network or
5. Verify that no firewall or anti-spyware applications are blocking communication between the appliance and
any of the Agent components, including:
Table 22. KACE SMA Agent components for each operating system

Operating system Agent components

Windows ACUConfig.exe

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Troubleshoot devices that fail to appear in inventory
Operating system Agent components


Mac OS X and Linux AMPAgent


6. Verify that the following processes are running:

• Windows: AMPAgent.exe, AMPWatchDog.exe, konea.exe.
• Mac and Linux: AMPAgent, konea.
If, after verifying these items, the Agent still fails to connect to the appliance, contact Quest Support at https://

Obtaining Dell warranty information

The KACE SMA periodically runs a background service that gathers and updates Dell warranty information on the
Dell devices that are in your KACE SMA inventory.
This service runs every four hours. If you have multiple organizations, the service selects a different organization
in a round-robin fashion and collects warranty information on approximately 100 devices per organization. Over
time, warranty information is gathered and updated for all Dell devices.
You can update Dell warranty information any time, and you can run reports to track warranty information.

NOTE: The Dell warranty information is available only for Dell computers that are in inventory. In addition,
  the appliance must be able to reach the following domain to gather warranty information: api.dell.com.
See Make necessary websites accessible to the KACE SMA.

Obtain Dell warranty information on a single Dell device

You can obtain warranty information for any managed Dell device in your KACE SMA inventory from the
Administrator Console.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Obtain Dell warranty information on a single Dell device instantly
If you have many Dell devices, it might take a while to update the warranty information through the appliance’s
background service.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. In the list of devices, click the name of a Dell device to display the Device Detail page.
3. In the Inventory Information section, expand Hardware.
Dell warranty information appears under the Dell Service Information section.
4. Click Refresh.
The warranty information is updated immediately.

Renew a Dell warranty

You can access the Dell Support website to renew warranties on Dell devices in inventory.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. In the list of devices, click the name of a Dell device to display the Device Detail page.
3. In the Inventory Information section, expand Hardware.
4. Select the support.dell.com link in the Dell Service Information section.
You are directed to the Dell Support website where you can renew your warranty if it is out of date or view
additional information.

Run Dell warranty reports

You can run reports that show the warranty status of the Dell devices in the KACE SMA inventory. If the
Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can run these reports at the organization level and at
the System level.
1. Go to the Reports list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Reporting.
2. In the View By drop-down list, which appears above the table on the right, select Dell Warranty to display
the Dell Warranty reports.
3. In the Generate Report column, click a report type to run the report.
See About reports.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Run Dell warranty reports
Managing applications on the Software
Applications that are found on managed devices are listed on the Software page.

About the Software page

The Software page shows all the applications installed on managed devices and any applications that have been
added to inventory manually or uploaded using the inventory API.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you manage applications for each organization
The information and features accessible from the Software page differ from information and features available
from the Software Catalog page. See Differences between the Software page and the Software Catalog page.

View items in Software page inventory

You can view items that have been added to inventory on the Software page. If the Organization component is
enabled on your appliance, you view Software page inventory for each organization separately.
1. Go to the Software list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software.

Tracking changes to inventory settings

If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects.
This information includes the date the change was made and the user who made the change, which can be useful
during troubleshooting. See About history settings.

Adding and deleting applications in Software page

Applications are added to KACE SMA Software page inventory automatically when managed devices upload
inventory information to the appliance. In addition, you can add applications to the Software page manually as

Add applications to Software page inventory manually

You can manually add applications to the Software page inventory list as needed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add applications to Software page inventory manually
Usually, it is best to have applications added to the KACE SMA inventory automatically, than to add applications
to the appliance manually. However, adding applications manually is useful if you want to add an application that
is not currently installed on managed devices. You can manually add the application, then create a Managed
Installation for it, and deploy it to managed devices.
If you add applications manually, you might want to include a Custom Inventory rule so that information about the
applications is current and packages are not reinstalled each time Agents check in. See Writing custom inventory

TIP: Applications that are added manually are displayed on the Software page, but they are not displayed
  on the Software Catalog page. You cannot add applications manually to the Software Catalog page.
1. Go to the Software Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Provide general information: Name, Version, Publisher.
For proper downstream reporting, enter this information consistently across software inventory.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Assign To Label (Optional) The label associated with the item.

Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

Supported The operating systems on which the application runs. Applications are deployed only
Operating to devices with the selected operating systems.
Systems a. Click Manage Operating Systems.
b. In the Operating Systems dialog box that appears, select the OS versions in
the navigation tree, as applicable.
You have an option to select OS versions by their family, product, architecture,
or build version. You can choose a specific build versions, or a parent node, as
needed. Selecting a parent node in the tree automatically selects the associated
child nodes. This behavior allows you to select any future OS versions, as
devices are added or upgraded in your managed environment. For example, to
select all build current and future versions associated with the Windows 10 x64
architecture, under All > Windows > Windows 10, select x64.

Custom Inventory (Optional) The custom inventory rules to apply to the application. Custom inventory
Rule rules enable you to detect applications and other items on a device and capture
details for reporting.
For example, the appliance first verifies whether an application is present on a device
before deploying that application. In some instances, however, installed programs
do not register in Add/Remove Programs or in standard areas of the registry. In such
cases, the appliance might not be able to detect the presence of the application
without additional information from the administrator. Therefore, the appliance might
repeat the installation each time the device connects. Custom Inventory rules can
prevent this.
The following rule verifies that the version of the Network Associates VirusScan
installed on a device is newer than a given version before deploying it:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add applications to Software page inventory manually
Option Description

\Network Associates\TVD\Shared Components\VirusScan Engine
See Getting values from a device (Custom Inventory Field).

4. Next to Upload and Associate File, click Browse or Choose File to locate a file, then click Open or
To distribute applications using Managed Installations or File Synchronizations, you need to associate the
actual application files with the application.
5. To prevent the file from being copied to Replication Shares, select Don’t Replicate Associated File.
This is useful for large files that you do not want users to install from Replication Shares, such as software
6. Optional: Select a Category and Threat Level for the software.
7. Click Save.
Related topics
Using software threat levels and categories

Delete applications
Deleting applications from the Software page removes them from the Software page inventory, and also removes
Managed Installations or File Synchronizations that are associated with applications.
However, if the deleted applications are installed on managed devices, the records for those applications
are recreated, with new IDs, when the devices update inventory information. Managed Installations and File
Synchronizations that were associated with the deleted applications, however, are not recreated.
1. Go to the Software list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software.
2. Select the check box next to one or more applications.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Creating Software assets

To set up License Compliance for applications that appear on the Software page, you first need to add Software
assets for those applications. After you create Software assets, you can associate them with License assets.
You can create assets for applications that have been added to the appliance automatically or manually.

NOTE: Software assets are not required to set up License Compliance for applications on the Software
  Catalog page.

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you create Software assets for each organization

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Creating Software assets
Add Software assets in the Inventory section
You can add Software assets for one or more applications by selecting the applications in the Inventory section on
the Software list.
Software assets can also be added from the Assets section. See Add Software assets in the Assets section.
1. Go to the Software list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software.
2. Select the check box next to one or more applications.
3. Select Choose Action > Create Asset.
The assets are created, and they appear on the Assets page.

Add Software assets in the Assets section

You can add Software assets one-at-a-time in the Assets section.
Software assets can also be added from the Inventory section. See Add Software assets in the Inventory section.
1. Go to the Assets list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Assets.
2. Select Choose Action > New > Software to display the Software Asset Detail page.
3. Complete the asset fields as follows:
a. In the Name field, enter a name for the asset.
For example, Office Pro SW Asset.
b. Optional: In the Software field, select the name of the application to associate with the asset. To
search for items, begin typing in the field.
c. Optional: In the Software Label field, select a label in the Select label drop-down list. The list is
empty unless you have created a Smart Label. To filter the labels list, enter a few characters of
the label name in the Filter field.
4. Click Save.
The new asset appears on the Assets page.

Attach digital assets to applications and select supported

operating systems
To distribute applications to managed devices using Managed Installations or User Console downloads, you need
to attach the appropriate digital assets to applications. Digital assets are the files required for deployment, such as
installers. In addition, you need to select the supported operating systems for the application. You perform these
tasks on the Software detail page.
To associate multiple files with an application, create a ZIP file that contains the files, then associate the resulting
archive file with the application.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Attach digital assets to applications and select supported operating systems
TIP: Digital assets can be attached to applications displayed on the Software page, but they cannot be
  attached to items in the Software Catalog page.
1. Go to the Software Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software.
c. Click the name of a software application.
2. Do one of the following:
• Next to Upload and Associate File, click Browse or Choose File.
• Next to Upload and Associate Client Drop File, click Browse or Choose File. This option is available
only if you have copied files to the appliance or organization Client Drop location, and those files are
larger than the size specified in the appliance's Client Drop File Size Filter or the organization's in the
Client Drop Size. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, files are available to
the selected organization only. To make files available to multiple organizations, copy the files to the
Client Drop location for each organization. Copy files to the KACE SMA Client Drop location.
3. Locate the file to upload, then click Open or Choose.
4. In the Supported Operating Systems section, select the operating systems on which the application can be
a. Click Manage Operating Systems.
b. In the Operating Systems dialog box that appears, select the OS versions in the navigation tree,
as applicable.
In the Operating Systems dialog box that appears, select the OS versions in the navigation tree, as
You have an option to select OS versions by their family, product, architecture, or build version. You
can choose a specific build versions, or a parent node, as needed. Selecting a parent node in the tree
automatically selects the associated child nodes. This behavior allows you to select any future OS
versions, as devices are added or upgraded in your managed environment. For example, to select
all build current and future versions associated with the Windows 10 x64 architecture, under All >
Windows > Windows 10, select x64.
NOTE: If no operating systems are selected, the application cannot be distributed to managed
  devices. Deployments such as Managed Installations can be created, but they can be deployed only if
the correct supported operating system information is provided.
5. Modify other details as necessary, then click Save.
NOTE: The table at the bottom of the Software Detail page shows which devices have the software

Copy files to the KACE SMA Client Drop location

You can upload large files, such as application files and backup files, to the KACE SMA by copying them to the
Client Drop location on the appliance. Copying files to the Client Drop location is an alternative to uploading files

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Copy files to the KACE SMA Client Drop location
through the Administrator Console using the default HTTP mechanism, which can result in browser timeouts for
large files.
• Enable file sharing (Samba). See Configure security settings for the appliance.
• If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, enable file sharing for each organization. See
Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings.
• If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, configure the Client Drop File Size Filter
setting for the appliance. See Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component.
• If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, configure the Client Drop Size setting for each
organization. See Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings.
1. In a file system navigator, go to the Client Drop location on the KACE SMA:
• In Windows Explorer, enter a UNC path with the KACE SMA host name or IP address. For example: \
\kbox\clientdrop. Use two backslashes to indicate that the location is a Samba path.
• On Mac OS X, Go > Connect to Server, then enter the SMB address in the Server Address field.
• On Linux, select Search, then enter the SMB address.
The client Share and clientdrop Share folders are displayed.
NOTE: If the Organization component is enabled, each organization has a separate Client Drop
  location. For example:
• ORG1: clientdrop
• ORG2: clientdrop_2
• ORG3: clientdrop_3

2. If prompted, provide your login credentials for the Client Drop location. These credentials are specified in
the appliance security settings. See Configure security settings for the appliance.
TIP: If you are connecting from a Windows device, type \admin in the Username field. This
  prevents the system from using workgroup\admin or domain\admin during authentication.
3. Copy your files to the Client Drop location. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance,
copy the files to the Client Drop location for the organization where you want to select the files.
The files are available as follows:
◦ Application files: Files are available for selection on the Software Detail page provided that they
are larger than the size configured for the appliance in the Client Drop File Size Filter or for the
organization in the Client Drop Size. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, files
are available to the selected organization only. To make files available to multiple organizations, copy
the files to the Client Drop location for each organization.
◦ Appliance backup files: Appliance backup files that are placed in any Client Drop location are
automatically identified as appliance backup files, and they become available for selection on the
Backup Settings page within five minutes.
If you are uploading application files to be selected on the Software Detail page, verify the Client Drop location
filter setting. The filter setting determines whether files are displayed on the Software Detail page, based on their
size. See Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component or Add or edit organizations.

Using software threat levels and categories

Threat levels and categories can be used to indicate the relative safety of applications and to classify applications.
This information is made available for tracking purposes only. The KACE SMA does not enforce policies based on
threat levels or categories.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using software threat levels and categories
Software categories classify software as belonging to a specified group, such as software drivers or security
applications. For applications listed on the Software page, categories are assigned manually. For applications
listed on the Software Catalog page, software categories are assigned to applications automatically.

Assign threat levels to applications

You can assign threat levels to applications that are listed on the Software page. Threat levels cannot be
assigned to items listed on the Software Catalog page.
1. Go to the Software list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software.
2. Select the check box next to one or more applications.
3. Select Choose Action > Set Threat Level, then select a threat level.

Assign categories to applications

You can assign categories to applications that are listed on the Software page. Categories are assigned
automatically to applications listed on the Software Catalog page.
1. Go to the Software list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software.
2. Select the check box next to one or more applications.
3. Select Choose Action > Set Category, then select a category.

Finding and labeling applications

You can use Advanced Search and labels to manage your software inventory.

About finding applications using Advanced Search

Advanced Search enables you to specify values for each field present in software inventory and search the entire
inventory for that particular value or combination of values.
For example, you could use Advanced Search to find devices with a specific operating system that have a specific
application installed. See Searching at the page level with advanced options.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About finding applications using Advanced Search
Add manual software labels
You can add manual labels in the KACE SMA Inventory section as needed. This is useful when you want to group
software applications by manually applying labels to them.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Do one of the following:
• Select Inventory > Software to display the Software page.
• Select Inventory > Software Catalog to display the Software Catalog page.
3. Select Choose Action > Add Label.
4. In the Add Label window, enter a name for the label.
TIP: Avoid using backslashes (\) in label names. If you need to use a backslash in a label name,
  add a second backslash (\\) to escape it.
5. Click Save.

Apply manual labels to or remove labels from software

You can apply manual labels to, or remove manual labels from, software in the KACE SMA inventory as needed.
Add a manual label. See Add manual software labels.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Do one of the following:
• Select Inventory > Software to display the Software page.
• Select Inventory > Software Catalog to display the Software Catalog page.
3. Select the check box next to one or more applications.
4. Do one of the following:
• Select Choose Action > Apply Label, then select the label to apply.
• Select Choose Action > Remove Label, then select the label to remove.
For more information about labels, see Managing manual labels.

Add software Smart Labels

You can add software Smart Labels on the Software page as needed. This is useful when you want to
automatically group applications based on whether they meet the criteria of the Smart Label.
For example, you could use a Smart Label to group all copies of an application purchased from a particular
vendor. The label would be applied automatically to applications you have already purchased from the vendor, as
well as any you might purchase in the future. See Managing Smart Labels.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add software Smart Labels
NOTE: Smart Labels cannot be applied to applications on the Software Catalog page.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Select Inventory > Software to display the Software page.
3. Click the Smart Label tab above the application list on the right to display the Smart Label panel.

4. Specify the criteria required to find applications from a particular vendor:

Vendor Contact | contains | Smith
5. Click Test.
Items that match the specified criteria are displayed.
6. Adjust the criteria as needed until the results are what you expect.
7. In the Choose label drop-down list, do one of the following:
• Select an existing label to associate with the Smart Label. Type in the Choose label field to search for
existing labels.

NOTE: If you select a label group instead of a label, you will not be able to apply the Smart Label
  to a patching schedule. Patching schedules can only use Smart Labels based on a single item.

• Enter a new name for the Smart Label in the Choose label field, then press Enter or Return.

NOTE: Press Enter or Return after you enter a new Smart Label name to move the text from the
  search field to the label field.
8. Click Create.
Smart Labels are automatically applied to or removed from applications when the applications are updated on the
Inventory > Software page, based on whether the applications meet the specified criteria.

Managing the ITNinja feed

The ITNinja feed enables you to view systems-management content from ITNinja in the Administrator Console.
You enable and disable the ITNinja feed by changing your data sharing settings.
Sponsored by Quest KACE, ITNinja.com (formerly AppDeploy.com) is a product-agnostic IT-focused community
website. It is the Internet’s leading destination for IT professionals to share information and ask questions about
system-management related topics. The website provides a question and answer section and a blogging platform.
If you choose to share anonymous usage data with ITNinja, the ITNinja feed appears on pages such as the
software, Managed Installation, and File Synchronization detail pages in the Administrator Console. The feed is
not available on Software Catalog detail page. See Enable the ITNinja feed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing the ITNinja feed
Enable the ITNinja feed
To enable the ITNinja feed, configure the appliance settings to share anonymous usage data with Quest.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click General Settings.
3. In the Share With Quest section, select the Share summary usage data... and Share detailed usage data...
check boxes.
4. Click Save.
For more information on KACE SMA General Settings, see Configure appliance General Settings with the
Organization component enabled.

Viewing ITNinja information

If the ITNinja feed is enabled, you can view ITNinja information related to Managed Installations, File
Synchronizations, and software on detail pages in the Administrator Console.
See Enable the ITNinja feed.

NOTE: ITNinja information is available for software on the Software page, but it is not available for
  software on the Software Catalog page.

View ITNinja information for software

You can view ITNinja information on the Software Detail page.
The ITNinja feed must be enabled. See Enable the ITNinja feed.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Select Inventory > Software to display the Software page.
3. Click the name of an application to display the Software Detail page.
4. Scroll down to the ITNinja section.

View ITNinja information for Managed Installations

You can view ITNinja information for Managed Installations.
The ITNinja feed must be enabled. See Enable the ITNinja feed.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Click Distribution to display the Managed Installations page.
3. Click the name of a Managed Installation to display the Managed Installation Detail page.
4. Scroll down to the ITNinja section.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Viewing ITNinja information
View ITNinja information for File Synchronizations
You can view ITNinja information for File Synchronizations.
The ITNinja feed must be enabled. See Enable the ITNinja feed.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Select Distribution > File Synchronizations to display the File Synchronizations page.
3. Click the name of a File Synchronization to display the File Synchronization Detail page.
4. Scroll down to the ITNinja section.

Disable the ITNinja feed

To prevent the ITNinja feed from being displayed in the Administrator Console, change the appliance settings that
share data with Quest. This disables the ITNinja feed.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click General Settings.
3. In the Share With Quest section, clear the Share detailed usage data... check box.
4. Click Save.
For more information on KACE SMA General Settings, see Configure appliance General Settings with the
Organization component enabled.

Managing Software Catalog inventory

Applications that have been identified as present on managed devices, and that match application definitions in
the Software Catalog, are referred to as Software Catalog inventory.

About the Software Catalog

The Software Catalog is a database that contains standardized information about more than 60,000 Windows
and Mac applications and software suites. Information in the catalog includes the name, version, publisher, and
category of each application or suite, as well as the operating system on which the application or suite runs.
The Software Catalog is available to all KACE SMAs running version 5.5 or higher. The catalog is continually
updated and maintained by Quest to ensure that it is comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date.
When managed devices that are running Agent version 5.5 or higher report application inventory, that inventory
information is compared to items in the Software Catalog. Standardized application inventory information is then
displayed under the Software Catalog tab.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About the Software Catalog
The Software Catalog enables you to:
• Identify the software installed on devices and view standardized information about that software. See
Viewing Software Catalog information.
• Enable metering to gather detailed information about software usage. See Using software metering.
• Associate license information with software in the Software Catalog. This enables you to monitor software
license compliance and usage for devices. See Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory.
• Identify and mark software as Not Allowed. This enables you to prevent the use of software marked as Not
Allowed. See Using Application Control.
The catalog contains information about software designed to run on Windows and Mac operating systems only.
Software designed to run on Linux and other unsupported operating systems are not available in the catalog.

Application classifications
Applications that appear on the Software Catalog page are classified as Discovered, Not Discovered (Cataloged),
and Uncataloged. The classification determines the kinds of actions you can perform and the type of information
that is available for the applications.

Discovered applications
Discovered applications are executables in the KACE SMA inventory that match the definitions of applications
in the Software Catalog. You can enable metering for Discovered applications and suites, mark them as Not
Allowed, and add license information for them. In addition, the Discovered application list can be exported in CSV
format. You can export the Discovered application list, the Uncataloged list, and the Locally Cataloged list; you
cannot export the entire Software Catalog.

Not Discovered applications

Applications that do not exist in the KACE SMA inventory, but that do exist in the Quest KACE Software Catalog,
are referred to as Not Discovered applications. You can enable metering for Not Discovered applications, mark
them as Not Allowed, and add license information for them. However, because the applications have not been
found in the local KACE SMA inventory, the Not Discovered application list cannot be exported in CSV format.

Uncataloged applications
Uncataloged applications are executables that are in the KACE SMA inventory but that do not appear in the
Software Catalog. You can view applications that are listed as Uncataloged on the Software Catalog page.
However, you cannot enable metering for Uncataloged applications, mark them as Not Allowed, or add license
information for them.
Uncataloged applications must be added to the local or public Software Catalog before they can be metered,
marked as Not Allowed, or associated with license information. See Adding applications to the Software Catalog.

NOTE: If data retention is disabled for Uncataloged applications, the Uncataloged applications list is
  empty. See Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings.

About cataloged applications

Cataloged applications are executables that are in the official Software Catalog database. This includes both
applications that appear in KACE SMA inventory (Discovered applications) and applications that do not appear in
KACE SMA inventory (Not Discovered applications).

About Locally Cataloged applications

Applications that are not in the official version of the Software Catalog, but that have been added to the local
version on the KACE SMA, are referred to as Locally Cataloged applications.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Locally Cataloged applications
About Not Allowed applications
Not Allowed applications are applications that have been marked as Not Allowed on the Software Catalog page.
Windows and Mac applications can be marked as Not Allowed only if they are classified as Discovered, Not
Discovered, or Locally Cataloged applications. Applications that are Uncataloged cannot be marked as Not
Allowed until they are added to the Software Catalog. Applications that are marked as Not Allowed can be
blocked or blacklisted from running on managed devices if those devices have an Application Control-enabled
label applied to them.
See Using Application Control.

Application categories
Applications in the Software Catalog are grouped into categories, such as Productivity Applications and Antivirus
These categories are useful for Reporting and License Compliance. In addition, applications in the Operating
System category cannot be metered.

How Software Catalog information is collected

At a specified interval, the appliance collects information about every executable installed on managed devices.
This information includes the executable’s publisher, published date, file size, and registry information.
The information is compared to information in the Software Catalog to determine whether Discovered applications
are Cataloged or Uncataloged. See Schedule metering and inventory collection intervals.

How the Software Catalog is used with the Organization

Each KACE SMA has a single Software Catalog. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance,
all organizations use the same Software Catalog that is installed on the appliance. In addition, Locally Cataloged
applications are available to all organizations.
Uncataloged applications, and settings such as metering and license configuration, however, are organization-
specific. For example, if you enable metering for an application in one organization, it is enabled only for that
organization. You enable metering and other settings separately for each organization.
Similarly, Discovered applications are also organization-specific. Applications are marked as Discovered only if
they are found in the inventory of the organization.

How Software Catalog information is localized

The application categories in the Software Catalog are localized to match the KACE SMA locale setting. However,
application names, such as Microsoft Excel, are not localized.

How you can help improve the Software Catalog

The Software Catalog is continually updated as new information or new applications become available and
as cataloging requests are received. You can help improve the catalog by sharing your KACE SMA inventory
information with Quest KACE and the ITNinja community.
The Quest KACE catalog team uses this information to identify new applications and standardize application
names and versions. See Configure data sharing preferences.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

How you can help improve the Software Catalog
Differences between the Software page and the Software
Catalog page
Both the Software page and the Software Catalog page use the application information reported by managed
devices. However, the two pages represent separate inventory systems, and the way you perform software
management tasks differs for each system.
For more information about managing information on the Software page, see Managing applications on the
Software page. The following table compares the Software page and the Software Catalog page:

Task Software page Software Catalog page

Inventory collection process Uses the classic inventory Uses an inventory collection
collection process available in process introduced in version 5.5
version 5.4 of the KACE SMA. of the KACE SMA. This process
Managed devices that are running gathers information about every
Agent version 5.4 and lower executable installed on managed
report inventory only to the devices.
Software page; they do not reportManaged devices must be
inventory to the Software Catalogrunning Agent version 5.5 or
page. higher to report inventory to the
Managed devices that are running Software Catalog page.
Agent version 5.5 and higher
report inventory to both the
Software page and the Software
Catalog page.

Viewing software inventory The Software page displays Software inventory information
information information about all of the is presented on the Software
applications found on managed Catalog page as:
devices or added to KACE SMA
• Discovered: Applications
inventory manually or through
WSAPI. installed on managed
devices that match
application information in
the Software Catalog.
• Not Discovered:
Applications in the Software
Catalog that are not
installed on managed
• Uncataloged: Applications
that are installed on
managed devices but that
are not in the Software
Inventory information added to the
KACE SMA manually or through
WSAPI is not available under the
Software Catalog page.

Metering applications Not available. Enabled for each application

separately on the Software
Catalog page or on the Software
Catalog Detail page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Differences between the Software page and the Software Catalog page
Task Software page Software Catalog page

Tracking license information for Enabled by creating a Software Enabled by creating a License
applications asset and a License asset asset and associating it with
for the application. License an application in the Software
information appears on the Catalog. License information
License Compliance Dashboard appears on both the License
widget. It does not appear on the Compliance page and the License
Licence Compliance page. Compliance Dashboard widget.
See About License Compliance
for Software Catalog applications.

Marking applications as Not Not available. Available as a flag that is set

Allowed on the Software Catalog Detail
page. See Mark applications and
suites as Not Allowed.

Adding digital assets to Available on Software Detail Not available.

applications pages; used for deploying
software to managed devices.
See Attach digital assets to
applications and select supported
operating systems.

Distributing software in Available for applications that Not available.

Managed Installations or File have digital assets associated
Synchronizations with them. See Distributing
software and using Wake-on-

View ITNinja tips and Available on Software Detail Not available.

information pages. See Managing the ITNinja
feed .

Viewing summary license Available on the License Available on the License

information Compliance and Software Compliance and Software
License Configuration chart on License Configuration chart on
the Dashboard page. See About the Dashboard page. See About
Dashboard widgets. Dashboard widgets.

Setting threat levels for Available on the Software list. See Not available.
software Using software threat levels and

Setting software categories Available on Software Detail Predefined by the Quest KACE
pages. See Assign categories to Software Catalog team.

Viewing Software Catalog information

You can view application information on the Software Catalog page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Viewing Software Catalog information
View lists of Discovered and Not Discovered applications
On the Software Catalog list, you can view Discovered and Not Discovered applications.
Discovered applications are executables in the KACE SMA inventory that match the definitions of applications
in the Software Catalog. You can enable metering for Discovered applications and suites, mark them as Not
Allowed, and add license information for them. In addition, the Discovered application list can be exported in CSV
format. You can export the Discovered application list, the Uncataloged list, and the Locally Cataloged list; you
cannot export the entire Software Catalog.
Applications that do not exist in the KACE SMA inventory, but that do exist in the Quest KACE Software Catalog,
are referred to as Not Discovered applications. You can enable metering for Not Discovered applications, mark
them as Not Allowed, and add license information for them. However, because the applications have not been
found in the local KACE SMA inventory, the Not Discovered application list cannot be exported in CSV format.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Click the Discovered tab.
The list is filtered to show only those applications that are classified as Discovered. Information for
Discovered applications includes:
Item Description

Name The name and version of the application. If the application is a suite, the name
appears in bold. For example, Microsoft Office 2010 Professional.

Publisher The application’s publisher. This information is normalized to ensure accurate

reporting. For example, Microsoft Corp. and Microsoft Inc. are reported as Microsoft

Category The category of the application as established by the Software Catalog team.

Installed The number of managed devices that have the application installed. Click a number
to view device information.

Licenses The number of licenses available for the application. This information is available only
if a License asset has been associated with the application. See Add License assets
for Software Catalog inventory.

Variance The number of unused licenses remaining. This information is available only if a
License asset has been associated with the application.

Recently Added The number of devices on which the application has been added in the past seven

Recently The number of devices from which the application has been removed in the past
Removed seven days.

3. Click the Not Discovered tab.

The list is filtered to show only those applications that are classified as Not Discovered. Information for Not
Discovered applications includes:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View lists of Discovered and Not Discovered applications
Item Description

Name The name and version of the application. If the application is a suite, the name
appears in bold. For example, Microsoft Office 2010 Professional.

Publisher The application’s publisher. This information is normalized to ensure accurate

reporting. For example, Microsoft Corp. and Microsoft Inc. are reported as Microsoft

Category The category of the application as established by the Software Catalog team.

Platform The operating system on which the application is designed to run. For example,

4. To include or exclude a software catalog item from the License Compliance page, or from selected reports,
select it in the list, click Choose Action, and select one of the following options, as required:
• Exclude from License Compliance
• Include in License Compliance
• Exclude from Reports
• Include in Reports
5. To view additional details, click the application name.
See View details of Software Catalog applications.

TIP: On the Software Catalog page, you can search for applications using Advanced Search and Custom
  Views based on Advanced Search criteria. See Searching at the page level with advanced options.

View the list of Uncataloged applications

On the Software Catalog list, you can view applications that are Uncataloged.
Uncataloged applications are executables that are in the KACE SMA inventory but that do not appear in the
Software Catalog. You can view applications that are listed as Uncataloged on the Software Catalog list.
However, you cannot enable metering for Uncataloged applications, mark them as Not Allowed, or add license
information for them. Uncataloged applications must be added to the local or public Software Catalog before they
can be metered, marked as Not Allowed, or associated with license information.
Information that is available for Uncataloged applications differs from information that is available for applications
whose titles are listed in the public version of the Software Catalog. For example, some information that is
available for Cataloged applications might not be available for Uncataloged applications. The information available
for Uncataloged applications is limited to the information collected from managed devices.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Click the Uncataloged tab.
The list is filtered to show only those applications that are classified as Uncataloged. Information available
for Uncataloged applications includes:
Item Description

Name The name and version of the application.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View the list of Uncataloged applications
Item Description

Installed The number of managed devices that have the

application installed.

File Name The name of the application executable file.

File Version The version number of the application.

Publisher The application’s publisher.

3. To include or exclude a software catalog item from the License Compliance page, or from selected reports,
select it in the list, click Choose Action, and select one of the following options, as required:
• Exclude from License Compliance
• Include in License Compliance
• Exclude from Reports
• Include in Reports
4. To view additional details, click the application name.
See View details of Software Catalog applications.

View the list of Locally Cataloged applications

You can use Advanced Search to sort the Software Catalog page to show applications that have been added to
the local version of the Software Catalog.
Applications that are not in the official version of the Software Catalog, but that have been added to the local
version on the KACE SMA, are referred to as Locally Cataloged applications. Locally cataloged applications can
be metered, marked as Not Allowed, and associated with License assets.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Click the Advanced Search tab above the list on the right, then specify the criteria required to view Locally
Cataloged applications:
Software Catalog: Local Catalog Only | is | True
3. Click Search.
The list is filtered to show only those applications that are Locally Cataloged. Information available for
Locally Cataloged applications includes:

Item Description

Name The name and version of the application. If the application is a suite, the name
appears in bold. For example, Microsoft Office 2010 Professional.

Type The classification of the application in the Software Catalog. Locally Cataloged
applications are classified as Discovered.

Installed The number of managed devices that have the application installed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View the list of Locally Cataloged applications
Item Description

Publisher The application’s publisher. This information is normalized to ensure accurate

reporting. For example, Microsoft Corp. and Microsoft Inc. are reported as Microsoft

Category The category of the application as established by the Software Catalog team.

Platform The operating system on which the application is designed to run. For example,

4. To view additional details, click the application name.

See View details of Software Catalog applications.

View details of Software Catalog applications

You can view details of Discovered, Not Discovered, Uncataloged, and Locally Cataloged suites and applications.
To view details of Uncataloged applications, data retention for Uncataloged applications must be enabled. You
cannot view details of Uncataloged applications if data retention is disabled. See Configure Admin-level or
organization-specific General Settings.

TIP: For information about license compliance, go to the License Compliance page. See View License
  Compliance information for Software Catalog applications.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Click the name of a suite or application to display the Software Catalog Detail page.
Information on this page includes:
Item Description


Not allowed Indicates if the suite or application is marked as Not Allowed. Marking applications as
Not Allowed prevents them from running on Agent-managed devices.

Metered Indicates if metering is enabled for the suite or application. If metering is enabled
for the application, usage data is collected for Agent-managed devices that also
have metering enabled. See Enabling and configuring metering for devices and

Installed The number of Agent-managed devices on which the suite or application is installed.

Licenses The number of License assets associated with the suite or application.

Expired Licenses The number of expired License assets associated with the suite or application.

Exclude Indicates if the suite or application appears on the License Compliance page.
from License

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View details of Software Catalog applications
Item Description

Exclude from Indicates if the suite or application appears on selected reports.



Publisher The publisher of the suite or application. This information is normalized to ensure
accurate reporting. For example, Microsoft Corp. and Microsoft Inc. are reported as
Microsoft Corporation.

Platform The operating system on which the suite or application is designed to run. For
example, Windows.

Software Type Indicates if the suite or application is an individual application, such as Microsoft
Word, or a suite of applications, such as Microsoft Office.

Publisher License The suggested license type for the suite or application.

Category The category of the suite or application as established by the Software Catalog team.
For applications that are Locally Cataloged, this is specified when the cataloging
request is submitted.

Application ID or A code that identifies the suite or application.

Suite ID

General Availability The date the suite or application was first released to customers.

End of Life The date that support for the suite or application was discontinued.

MSRP ($) The Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price of the suite or application.

Metering Enabled The date and time when metering was enabled for the suite or application.

Versions or

File Name For applications, the name of the executable file.

Product Name For suites, the suite name.

Version The version number associated with the suite or application.

Category The category of the suite or application as established by the Software Catalog team.
For applications that are Locally Cataloged, this is specified when the cataloging
request is submitted.

Language The language for which the suite or application is designed. For example, English.
Applications that are not designed for a specific language are designated as
Language Neutral.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View details of Software Catalog applications
Item Description

Installed The number of managed devices that have the suite or application installed. Click a
number to view device information.

App-V Refers to Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) which manages applications

without installing them on devices.

Associated Files One or more files that are associated with the selected version and attached to the
software catalog. To attach a file, click , and select the file location. You can edit or
delete attached files, as needed.
• To associate a file with a software version, navigate to the file using a file
• Alternatively, for larger files, use a Samba share.
• Provide a note about the file. For example, Script Host 5.8 - x86 or Script Host
5.8 - x64
• To copy the file to the Replication Share, ensure the Replicate Associated
File check box is selected.

Replicated Indicates if the files are copied to the Replication Share.

Notes A note about the attached file, if one is provided.

Licenses Available only if a License asset has been added for the suite or application.

Name The name of the license, such as Office Professional PO #1234. This is the name
that you use to find the asset. If you plan to have multiple licenses associated with an
application consider including a purchase order number or purchase date.

Count The number of installations or seats the license allows. For example, 50.

Mode The mode of the License asset. The mode is used in the License Compliance chart
that is displayed on the Dashboard of the Administrator Console. Values that are
marked as ignored on the Asset Detail page are shown with a usage level of 100

Key, Unit Cost, and Additional information about the license. You can modify and edit the default
Expiration information, which can be captured for a License Asset Type.

Vendor The name of the Vendor asset you want to associate with the suite or application. the
Vendor drop-down list is empty unless you have added a Vendor asset. To search for
a vendor, begin typing in the list.

Order Number The purchase order number associated with the license.

Purchased The date the license was obtained. Click in the field, then select a date on the


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View details of Software Catalog applications
Item Description

Last Used (days The number of managed devices that have launched the suite or application in the
ago) past 24 hours.

1-7 The number of managed devices that have launched the suite or application in the
past 7 days.

8-30 The number of managed devices that have launched the suite or application in the
past 8-30 days.

31-90 The number of managed devices that have launched the suite or application in the
past 31-90 days.

Not Used The number of managed devices that have not launched the suite or application in
the last 90 days.

Adding applications to the Software Catalog

Quest reviews its extensive data warehouse and automatically adds new applications to the Software Catalog as
needed. If an application does not yet appear in the catalog, however, you can send a cataloging request to the
Quest catalog team for consideration.
A cataloging request is a form you can submit to request that an application that is not included in the Software
Catalog (Uncataloged) be added to the public Software Catalog. When Quest receives a cataloging request,
that request is evaluated to determine whether or not the application should become part of the public Software
Catalog. In addition, applications are automatically added to the local version of the Software Catalog on the
KACE SMA when cataloging requests are submitted.
As an alternative, if you have applications that are internal to your organization, and you do not want those
applications to be added to the public Software Catalog, you can add them to your local version of the Software
Catalog. See Submit cataloging requests.

Submitting cataloging requests automatically adds applications

to the local Software Catalog
When you submit a cataloging request for an application, the application is automatically and immediately added
to the local version of the Software Catalog on your KACE SMA.
The application then becomes Locally Cataloged, and it can be metered, marked as Not Allowed, and associated
with License assets.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can submit cataloging requests from any
organization, and the title is added to your local KACE SMA Software Catalog immediately. It is available to all of
your organizations.

IMPORTANT: Cataloging requests can be submitted only if data retention for Uncataloged applications is
  enabled for the organization. See Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings.

How Locally Cataloged applications change to Cataloged

Applications that are Locally Cataloged change to Cataloged applications when they are added to the public
version of the Software Catalog.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

How Locally Cataloged applications change to Cataloged applications
Locally Cataloged applications are added to the public version of the Software Catalog when:
• You submit a cataloging request to the Quest KACE catalog team and the application is accepted into the
Software Catalog.
• Another customer submits a cataloging request to the Quest KACE catalog team and the application is
accepted into the Software Catalog.
• The Software Catalog team pro-actively adds the application to the Software Catalog.
When the Software Catalog that contains the application is updated on your KACE SMA the name of the
application might change. For example, if the characteristics, such as the name of the executable, file size,
version, and other information of the Cataloged application match the characteristics of your Locally Cataloged
application, the local information is replaced by catalog information. If the name of the application matches, but
the file size or other information differs significantly, the new application is added but it does not replace the local
catalog information.
In other words, the information in the public Software Catalog always takes precedence over local catalog
information. Local Catalog applications that match applications in the public Software Catalog are replaced by
public Software Catalog entries. However, this does not affect any information you have added for the application,
such as licensing information, and it does not change settings such as metering or Not Allowed.

How custom names are resolved when Locally Cataloged

applications are added to the Software Catalog
Application names might be standardized when custom applications are added to the public Software Catalog.
If you use custom names for local applications, the custom names are replaced with standard names when the
application is added to the public Software Catalog. For example, if an application named Updater was not in the
public catalog, you could create a local entry for that application. You could name that application, MyUpdater,
and it would appear as MyUpdater in the local catalog. However, if the application was subsequently added to
the public catalog, and the official name was determined to be RealTime Updater, the name MyUpdater would
be replaced with RealTime Updater when the public catalog was updated. This name change does not affect
metering, license, or history settings. However, if you have custom views or searches based on the old application
name, you need to update those views and searches if you want to continue to use them.

Submit cataloging requests

You can submit cataloging requests for Uncataloged applications as needed. Requests are processed
continuously and approved or denied at the discretion of the Quest KACE Software Catalog team.
Data retention for Uncataloged applications is enabled. You cannot submit cataloging requests if data retention is
disabled. See Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings.
Some applications, such as supporting executables for applications that are already cataloged, cannot be
cataloged. In addition, if you have an Uncataloged application that has several versions, you need to submit
cataloging requests for each version separately. You cannot associate multiple executables with a single
cataloging request.

TIP: You can help improve the cataloging request process by sharing your KACE SMA inventory data with
  Quest. The Software Catalog team uses this data to identify new applications and standardize application
names and versions. See Configure data sharing preferences.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Submit cataloging requests
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Click the Uncataloged tab above the list on the left.
3. Click an application name to display the Software Detail page.
4. Click Add to catalog to display the Add to Catalog form.
5. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Software Title The name you want to use to identify the application. See How custom names
are resolved when Locally Cataloged applications are added to the Software

Category The category of the application. Categories can be useful for organizing and
managing applications.

6. Select sharing options and provide contact information:

Option Description

Sharing The cataloging option:

• Add software title to this KACE SMA and share with the Quest
KACE catalog: Submit the request to Quest and add the title to the local
version of the Software Catalog.
• Add software title to this KACE SMA only: Add the title to the local
version of the Software Catalog, but do not submit the title to the Quest
KACE Software Catalog.

Contact Details Provide your contact information. The Software Catalog team uses this
information to contact you if they have questions about the request.

7. Click Save.
The cataloging request is sent to Quest. The button, Remove from local Software Catalog, appears on the
Software Catalog Detail page. When cataloging requests are added to the public Software Catalog, and that
catalog is updated on your KACE SMA, the Remove from local software catalog button no longer appears on
the Software Catalog Detail page. Tracking for cataloging requests is not currently available.

NOTE: Information for titles that are added to the public catalog might differ from the information originally
  submitted. This is because titles are standardized when they are added to the public catalog.

Cancel cataloging requests and remove local cataloging

You can cancel cataloging requests and remove applications from the local Software Catalog if certain conditions
are met.
• No License assets are associated with the applications. You must remove applications from License assets
before you can remove applications from the catalog.
• Applications have not been accepted by the Software Catalog team or added to the public catalog. For
example, if you submit a request, then cancel it the same day, the likelihood that the Software Catalog
team would have accepted it is low, so the request might be canceled. However, if you submit a request,
and then cancel that request after a few days or weeks, the Software Catalog team might already have
approved the request and made the title part of the public Software Catalog. In that case, the add to catalog
request cannot be canceled.
You can remove Locally Cataloged applications only. Cataloged applications cannot be removed from the catalog.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Cancel cataloging requests and remove local cataloging
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Click an application name to display the Software Catalog Detail page.
3. If the application is associated with a License asset:
a. On the Software Catalog Detail page, in the Licenses section, click the name of the License asset
to display the License Asset Detail page.
b. In the Applies to Cataloged Software field, select the name of the application, then click Remove.
c. Click Save.
4. Return to the Software Catalog Detail page.
5. Click Remove from local software catalog.
The title is removed from the local version of the Software Catalog and Add to catalog button appears on the
Software Catalog Detail page.

Managing License assets for Software Catalog

License assets can be associated either with items in the Software Catalog or with items listed on the Software
page. However, they cannot be associated with both Software Catalog and Software page items at once.
If you have existing License assets, you can migrate them from items on the Software page to items on the
Software Catalog page. This enables you to take advantage of features available through the Software Catalog,
including License Compliance. See Migrate License assets to applications in the Software Catalog.

Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory

You can add License assets for applications in the Software Catalog inventory. Adding License assets enables
you to view license compliance information on the License Compliance list and on the License Compliance
Dashboard widget.
Software Catalog applications must be classified as Discovered, Not Discovered, or Locally Cataloged. You
cannot add License assets for applications classified as Uncataloged.
When you associate License assets with applications, you can also view license information on the Software
Catalog Detail page. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you manage license information
for each organization separately.

TIP: To add License assets for multiple applications at once, you can import the information from
  spreadsheets or CSV files. See Example: Import license data from prepared spreadsheets.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Click the name of an application to display the Software Catalog Detail page.
3. Near the bottom of the page, click Add New License to display the License Asset Detail page.
4. On the License Asset Detail page, on the General tab, provide the following information:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory
Option Description

Subtype The Asset Subtype to associate with the license. See About Asset Subtypes, custom
fields, and device detail preferences.

Asset Status The license status, if applicable. You can select a default asset status, or a custom
one (if they exist). A default installation of the KACE SMA includes the following asset
• Active: Any asset that is deployed, active, or in use.
• Disposed: An asset that is no longer available for use.
• Expired: A software license or contract asset that has expired.
• In Stock: A recently received asset.
• Missing: Any asset that cannot be located.
• Repair: An asset that is being repaired.
• Reserved: An asset that is set aside for a specific person or use.
• Retired: Any asset that reached its end-of-life state, or is no longer in use.
• Stolen: An asset that has been reported as stolen.
For more information, see View and configure asset lifecycle settings.

Location The name of the location where the asset is located. See Managing locations.

Name The name of the license, such as Office Professional PO #1234. This is the name
that you use to find the asset. If you plan to have multiple licenses associated with an
application, provide the purchase order number or purchase date in the fields below to
differentiate the licenses.

License Count The number of installations or seats the license allows. For example, 50.

Applies to Applications in the Software Catalog inventory to which the license applies. You
Cataloged can associate License assets with multiple applications in the Software Catalog if
Software necessary. However, it is not necessary to associate a License asset with multiple
versions of the same application because the appliance does this automatically to
support upgrades and downgrades. You can simply associate the current version with
the License asset when you add the license information.
In addition, if you assign applications from different publishers, such as Microsoft Office
and Adobe Acrobat, to the same License asset, the total number of seats specified in
the License asset is assigned to each application. For example, if the License asset
has 100 seats, both Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat are assigned 100 seats.

Applies to Leave this field blank. A software license cannot be associated with applications from
Software the Software Catalog inventory and the Software page inventory at the same time.
For more information on how to create license assets for cataloged software, see Add
License assets for Software page inventory.

License Mode The mode of the License asset. For applications that require licenses, and to display
license usage information on the License Compliance page, select either Enterprise or
Unit License.
NOTE: Most modes, including Not Specified, Client License, Subscription,
  Shareware, Freeware, OpenSource, No Licensing, and Site License, are not
used for License Compliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory
Option Description

The license mode is used in these sections of the Administrator Console:

• The License Compliance list. See View License Compliance information for
Software Catalog applications.
• The License Compliance chart that is displayed on the Dashboard. Values that
are marked as ignored on the Asset Detail page are shown with a usage level of
100 percent. See About Dashboard widgets.

5. Click Next.
6. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Purchase tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Contract The contract asset associated with the license.

Applies to Applications in the Software Catalog inventory to which the license applies. You
Cataloged can associate License assets with multiple applications in the Software Catalog if
Software necessary. However, it is not necessary to associate a License asset with multiple
versions of the same application because the appliance does this automatically to
support upgrades and downgrades. You can simply associate the current version with
the License asset when you add the license information.
In addition, if you assign applications from different publishers, such as Microsoft Office
and Adobe Acrobat, to the same License asset, the total number of seats specified in
the License asset is assigned to each application. For example, if the License asset
has 100 seats, both Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat are assigned 100 seats.

Product Key The product key associated with the license. You can modify and edit the default
information, which can be captured for a License Asset Type.

Unit Cost The unit cost associated with the license. You can modify and edit the default
information, which can be captured for a License Asset Type.

Vendor The name of the Vendor asset you want to associate with the application. the Vendor
drop-down list is empty unless you have added a Vendor asset. To search for a vendor,
begin typing in the list.
NOTE: Assigning multiple vendors to a single software License asset is
  not recommended because it can result in inaccurate License Compliance

Purchase Order The purchase order number associated with the license.

Purchase Date The date the purchase was made. Click in the field, then select a date on the calendar.

Purchase Select one or more purchase records associated with this license. See Managing
purchase records.

7. Click Next.
8. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Maintenance tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Includes Indicates if the license includes upgrade rights. Upgrade rights refer to the ability to
Upgrade Rights upgrade to a newer version of the licensed software, when such versions become

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory
Option Description
available. For more information, see About license upgrades. Select one of the
following options:
• Yes: Upgrade rights are calculated by comparing the number of existing licenses
for the selected software with the counts of available licenses for newer versions
of the same software.
• Yes - Select from list: Choose one or more software versions for which
you want to grant upgrade rights. Under Upgrade Software list, click Select
cataloged software to add. The list that appears is populated with higher
versions of the selected software to which the license can be upgraded. When
you click an entry in the list, your selection appears in the Upgrade Software list
box. You can add one or more versions, as needed. To delete an item from the
list, select it in the Upgrade Software list box, and click Remove.
• No: If you do not want to grant upgrade rights to the selected software, select this

Includes Whether the license entitles users to upgrade the installed version of the application.
Maintenance See About License Compliance for Software Catalog applications.

Expiration Date If the license includes maintenance, the expiration date of the maintenance period.
The KACE SMA License Compliance feature leverages Software Catalog information,
such as application release dates. If new application versions are released during the
maintenance period, they are automatically covered by this License asset.

Includes Indicates if the license includes downgrade rights. Downgrade rights refer to the ability
Downgrade to apply licenses for newer software versions to older versions of the same software.
Rights For more information, see About license downgrades. Select one of the following
• Yes: Downgrade rights are calculated by comparing the number of existing
licenses for the selected software with the counts of available licenses for older
versions of the same software.
• Yes - Select from list: Choose one or more software versions for which you
want to grant downgrade rights. Under Downgrade Software list, click Select
cataloged software to add. The list that appears is populated with lower
versions of the selected software to which the license can be downgraded. When
you click an entry in the list, your selection appears in the Downgrade Software
list box. You can add one or more versions, as needed. To delete an item from
the list, select it in the Downgrade Software list box, and click Remove.
• No: If you do not want to grant downgrade rights to the selected software, select
this option.

9. Click Next.
10. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Related tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Department The business group or department that owns the application.

Cost Center The cost center associated with the department that owns the application.

Approved for The devices that are approved to use the license. This information is used in License
Device Compliance reporting. For example, if devices have the application installed, but
are not on the list of approved devices, the devices are listed in the report titled,

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add License assets for Software Catalog inventory
Option Description
Unapproved Software Installation. However, the KACE SMA does not enforce license
compliance. For example, the appliance does not prevent applications from being
installed on managed devices if a license is expired or otherwise out of compliance.

Barcodes Add or edit barcodes associated with this license, as required. For more information,
see Add barcodes to assets.

11. Click Next.

12. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Custom tab, provide additional custom data. You can modify the
License Asset Type to include as many additional fields as necessary to meet your business objectives. For
more information, see Add or customize Asset Types.
13. Click Next.
14. On the License Asset Detail page, on the Notes tab, provide the following information:
Option Description

Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

License Text Any supplemental information about the license, such as a license number.

15. Click Save.

The new License asset appears on the Licenses page. The License Count number does not change until
you update the asset. However, the number in the Installed column changes when managed devices that
have the software installed check in to the appliance. This enables you to track the number of licenses that
have been purchased and installed.
Perform the following optional tasks:
• Enable metering for Software Catalog inventory. When metering is enabled, the License Compliance page
shows whether applications have or have not been used in the past 90 days. See About software metering.
• Set license usage warning thresholds. These thresholds are used by the License Compliance Dashboard
widget to identify license compliance issues.

Migrate License assets to applications in the Software Catalog

If you have existing License assets, you can migrate or transfer them from applications on the Software page to
applications on the Software Catalog page. This enables you to take advantage of enhanced features available
through the Software Catalog.
To migrate licenses, change the assignment from an application on the Software list to an application on the
Software Catalog list.
License assets can be associated either with applications on the Software Catalog list or with applications on the
Software list. However, they cannot be associated with both types of applications at once.
1. Go to the Assets list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Assets.
2. Click the name of a license associated with a Software list application to display the License Asset Detail

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Migrate License assets to applications in the Software Catalog
A note appears in the top section stating that the license needs to be transferred to apply to a Software
Catalog item.
3. In the top section, click Transfer Now.
4. In the Applies to Cataloged Software section, select the application you want to associate with the license.
5. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Associate Managed Installations with Cataloged

You can add one or more Managed Installations to Software Catalog items to manage the deployment of these
applications to end-user devices.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Click the name of an application to display the Software Catalog Detail page.
3. Near the bottom of the page, click Add New Managed Install to display the Managed Installation Detail
4. Create a new Managed Installation, as required. For more information, see the following sections, as
◦ Create Managed Installations for Windows devices
◦ Create Managed Installations for Mac OS X devices
◦ Create Managed Installations for RPM files

Using software metering

You can manage software metering information using the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA).

About software metering

Software metering enables you to collect information about how applications are installed and used on the
Windows and Mac devices that you manage.
Information collection includes Windows Store applications, such as Bing Travel. Metering is not available for
applications installed other operating systems, such as Linux. In the Software Catalog, metering can be enabled
for applications that are listed as Discovered and Not Discovered and for applications that are Locally Cataloged.
Metering cannot be enabled for operating system software, applications installed on unsupported operating
systems, such as Linux, or for applications that are listed as Uncataloged in the Software Catalog.

About Classic Metering

Classic Metering is the metering system that was available on the KACE SMA prior to version 5.5. If you
upgraded to version 5.5 from version 5.4 or lower, and you enabled metering prior to the upgrade, you can
continue to access Classic Metering in the KACE SMA 5.5 release.
However, the Software Catalog metering system, which provides more detailed information than Classic Metering,
replaced Classic Metering in the 6.0 release. Classic Metering is no longer available in version 6.0 and higher.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About software metering
About metering information
When you enable metering for applications, information is collected for devices on which the applications are
installed provided that metering is also enabled for the devices.
The following information is collected:
• Version information
• Information about suites
• Number of installations
• Usage and launch information
See Viewing Software Catalog metering information.
In addition, you can configure the frequency at which metering information is gathered and the length of time
metering information is retained. See Configure options for metering Software Catalog applications.

About the scripts that collect metering information

The software metering service is bundled with the KACE SMA Agent and installed on managed devices. When
metering is enabled, scripts run to collect metering info.
These collection scripts vary, depending on the operating system:
• Windows: On Windows devices, metering is an event-driven process that monitors Windows assets using
WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) events.
• Mac: On Mac devices, the metering script identifies process events asynchronously using NSWorkspace
notification center.
Information, including the application filename, version, and file size are compared to the information in the
Software Catalog to identify the application.

How suites are metered

If metering is enabled for a suite, such as Microsoft Office, the system checks to determine whether any of the
applications in the suite are running on managed devices that have metering enabled. Usage information is
reported for the suite as a whole, as well as for each individual application.
Managed devices that have any application in the suite installed, as determined by an Add/Remove programs
entry, are counted as having the suite installed. Devices do not need to have every application in the suite
installed to count as having the suite installed.
When metering is enabled for a suite, it is also enabled for the individual applications that are part of the suite.
You cannot enable or disable metering for individual applications in suites.

Enabling and configuring metering for devices and applications

To obtain metering information for Software Catalog applications, you need to enable metering for applications
and for the devices on which those applications are installed.

Choosing the devices and applications to meter

Enabling metering on devices simply makes it possible to collect metering information, and it does not significantly
increase server or network activity.
Therefore, Quest recommends that you enable metering for all of the Windows and Mac devices you manage.
However, be selective when choosing the applications that you want to meter. Storing the metering information

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enabling and configuring metering for devices and applications
for a large number of applications could significantly increase disk space requirements and impact system

Enabling metering on devices

To enable software metering on a managed devices, you need to apply a metering-enabled label to the devices.
To apply a metering-enabled label to devices, do one of the following:
• Apply the built-in label, MeteredDevices, to your devices. This label has the metering option enabled. See
Setting up and using labels to manage groups of items.
• Create a manual label for metering and apply it to devices. See Enable metering on devices using manual
• Create a Smart Label for metering (applied to devices automatically). See Disable metering for devices
using Smart Labels.

TIP: To enable metering on managed devices, you can use manual labels or Smart Labels, but you must
  use labels. Metering can be enabled at the label level only; metering cannot be enabled in the settings of
individual devices.

Enable metering on devices using manual labels

To enable metering on devices, you can enable metering for a manual label, and then apply that label to devices.
1. Go to the Smart Labels list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click Labels.
2. Select Choose Action > New Manual Label to display the Label Detail page.
TIP: Avoid using backslashes (\) in label names. If you need to use a backslash in a label name,
  add a second backslash (\\) to escape it.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name The name of the label.

Description Any additional information you want to provide.

Alternate Location (Optional) The alternate download location for Managed Installations, File
Synchronizations, and other deployments that are performed on items assigned to
this label. The location you specify replaces the string KACE_ALT_LOCATION.
CAUTION: You should not have a device in two labels that both specify a
  value in this field.

Path If you specify an alternate download location, specify the path to the location.

Login If you specify an alternate download location, specify the username and password for
Password the location.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enabling and configuring metering for devices and applications
Option Description

Restrict Label The type of label. To create a label that enables metering, select the Device Inventory
Usage To check box. You can select additional label types as needed, but Metering can be
enabled only if the Devices label type is selected.

Meter Software Enable metering on devices that have the label assigned. This enables metering on
Usage the devices only. To meter software, you need to also enable metering for individual

Allow Application Enable Application Control on devices. Software marked as Not Allowed is prevented
Control from running on devices to which the label is applied.
See Using Application Control.

Label Group (Optional) The label group to which the label is assigned. To assign the label to a
label group, click Edit next to the Label Group field, then select a label group. This is
useful if you have a large number of labels and you want to organize them into sub-
labels. For example, you could include the labels of your licensed applications in a
group label named Licenses. In addition, labels inherit any restrictions of the groups
to which they belong.

4. Click Save.
The Labels page appears, and the new label appears on the list. The metering icon appears in the metering
column next to the label: .
5. Manually apply the label to managed devices:
a. Click Inventory.
The Devices page appears.
b. Select the check box next to one or more devices.
c. Select Choose Action > Label > Apply Labels.
One of the following metering icons appears next to the device name on the Devices list:

Icon Description

Metering is enabled on the device, and the KACE SMA Agent is scheduled to report
metering information for Software Catalog applications that also have metering
enabled. See Enabling and configuring metering for devices and applications.
It might take as long as 24 hours for the appliance to display metering information
in the Administrator Console, depending on the metering interval. To change the
metering interval, see Enable metering for Software Catalog applications.

Metering is scheduled to begin. This icon appears when the metering label is
applied to a device, but that device has not yet reported metering information to the
appliance. If the metering label has been applied to devices running Linux or other
operating systems that are not supported, metering icons are not displayed.

Enable metering on devices using Smart Labels

You can enable metering using Smart Labels provided that the Smart Label is a device label.
Smart Labels are applied to and removed from managed devices when the appliance processes device inventory.
So if you create a Smart Label that enables metering on devices, it might take time for the Smart Label to be

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enabling and configuring metering for devices and applications
applied to devices and for devices to report metering information. Metering is enabled for devices that match the
Smart Label criteria only after devices are inventoried and the Smart Label is applied.
1. Go to the Smart Labels list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click Smart Labels.
2. Select Choose Action > New > Device Smart Label to display the device Smart Label panel.
3. Specify the search criteria using the available fields.
• To add a row, click Add line.
• To add a subset of rules, select AND or OR from the operator drop-down list at the right of the Smart
Label criteria, then click Add Group.

4. Click Test to display items that match the specified criteria.

5. Adjust the criteria as needed until the results are what you expect.
6. Select the Metering Enabled check box below the Smart Label criteria.
7. In the Choose label drop-down list, do one of the following:
• Select an existing label to associate with the Smart Label. Type in the Choose label field to search for
existing labels.

NOTE: If you select a label group instead of a label, you will not be able to apply the Smart Label
  to a patching schedule. Patching schedules can only use Smart Labels based on a single item.

• Enter a new name for the Smart Label in the Choose label field, then press Enter or Return.

NOTE: Press Enter or Return after you enter a new Smart Label name to move the text from the
  search field to the label field.
8. Click Create.
When managed devices are inventoried, the Smart Label is applied if the devices match the specified
criteria. When the label is applied to a device, one of the following metering icons appears next to the
device name on the Devices list:

Icon Description

Metering is enabled on the device, and the KACE SMA Agent is scheduled to report
metering information for Software Catalog applications that also have metering
enabled. See Enabling and configuring metering for devices and applications.
It might take as long as 24 hours for the appliance to display metering information
in the Administrator Console, depending on the metering interval. To change the
metering interval, see Enable metering for Software Catalog applications.

Metering is scheduled to begin. This icon appears when the metering label is applied
to a device, but metering information is not yet available to the appliance. If the
metering label has been applied to devices running Linux or other operating systems
that are not supported, metering icons are not displayed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enabling and configuring metering for devices and applications
Enable metering for Software Catalog applications
You can enable metering for applications that are listed as Discovered or Not Discovered in the Software
Catalog, as well as for applications that are Locally Cataloged. When you enable metering for applications, those
applications are identified as metered.
However, you also need to enable metering for the devices on which the applications are installed. In other words,
you have to enable metering both on the device and on the application to obtain metering information.
When metering is enabled for an application, and for devices on which the application is installed, metering
information is displayed on the Software Catalog Detail page for the application. Metering information is also
displayed on the detail page of managed devices that have the application installed. See Viewing Software
Catalog metering information.

CAUTION: Metering is not available for operating system software, applications installed on unsupported
  operating systems, such as Linux, or for applications that are listed as Uncataloged in the Software
Catalog. However, you can enable metering for Uncataloged applications after you add the applications to
the local version of the Software Catalog.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Select the check box next to an application that is Discovered, or Not Discovered.
3. Select Choose Action > Enable Metering.

A metering icon appears in the metering column next to the selected applications: . Provided that metering
is enabled for devices with the application installed, metering information is reported according to the metering
schedule. See:
• Enabling metering on devices
• Configure options for metering Software Catalog applications

Configure options for metering Software Catalog applications

You can configure metering options, such as the frequency at which metering information is gathered, and the
length of time metering information is retained in the KACE SMA database.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you configure settings for each organization
1. Do one of the following:
• If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information. Then click Organizations.
To display the organization’s information, click the organization’s name.
The Organization Detail page appears.
• If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, select Settings > Provisioning.
Then click Communication Settings on the Provisioning panel.
The Communication Settings page appears.
2. In the Communication Settings section, specify the following settings:

Agent Logging

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enabling and configuring metering for devices and applications

Agent Inventory

Agentless Inventory

Catalog Inventory


Scripting Update

3. Click Save.
4. To configure data retention settings for metering, go to the Admin-level General Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click General Settings.
5. In the Data Retention section, select the options for retaining data on the appliance.
Option Description

Retain Metering The number of months that metering data is retained in the KACE SMA database.
Data Metering data that is older than the selected number of months is deleted from the
database on the first day of every month. See About metering information.

6. At the bottom of the page, click Save or Save and Restart Services, depending on whether the
Organization component is enabled on your appliance.
7. If you have multiple organizations, repeat the preceding steps for each organization.

Viewing Software Catalog metering information

You can view metering information on the Software Catalog Detail page and on the device detail page.
NOTE: Metering information is available only if metering is enabled for devices and applications. For
  information, see Enabling and configuring metering for devices and applications.

View metering information on the Software Catalog Detail page

You can view metering information for Software Catalog applications on the Software Catalog Detail page.
The amount of metering information available on the Software Catalog Detail page is determined by the metering
data retention settings. See About metering information.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
Optional: Click the metering column header to sort the list by applications that are metered: .
3. Click the name of a metered application to display the Software Catalog Detail page.
Information on this page includes:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Viewing Software Catalog metering information
Column name Description

Versions or

File Name For applications, the name of the executable file.

Product Name For suites, the suite name.

Version The version number associated with the application.

Language The language for which the application is designed. For example, English.
Applications that are not designed for a specific language are designated as
Language Neutral.

Installed The number of managed devices that have the application installed. Click a number
to view device information.


Last Day The number of managed devices that have launched the application in the past 24

1-7 Days Ago The number of managed devices that have launched the application in the past 7

8-30 Days Ago The number of managed devices that have launched the application in the past 8-30

View metering information on the Device Detail page

You can view metering information for Software Catalog applications on the Device Detail page.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Click the name of a managed device that has metering enabled to display the Device Detail page.
3. In the Software section, click Metered Software to expand the panel.
Information in this section includes:
Column name Description

Application The name of the metered application. Click the application name to go to the detail
page for the application.

Version The version of the application installed. Major versions are listed separately in the
Software Catalog, and they are metered separately. For example, version 4.1 and
version 4.2 of an application appear as separate entries. This enables you to manage
them and meter their usage separately. Minor versions, such as 4.123, 4.134, and

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Viewing Software Catalog metering information
Column name Description
4.145 appear under the same entry, such as 4.x. Each version grouped under the 4.x
entry is listed on the detail page for the application.

Hours Used The length of time the application has been running on the device in the past seven
days, expressed as a decimal. For example, 0.75 indicates that the application has
been running for 45 minutes.

Launches The number of times the application has been launched on the device in the past
seven days.

Last Launch The date and time of the most recent launch in the past seven days.

NOTE: If new applications are installed between the time the inventory is collected from a device
  and the time the metering report is generated, those applications are not reported until the next time
inventory is collected.

Disabling metering for Software Catalog applications and

managed devices
Disabling metering for applications and devices stops the system from saving metering data for those applications
and devices. Metering data that has already been saved, however, is retained.

Disable metering for Software Catalog applications

If metering is enabled for Software Catalog applications, you can disable it as needed.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Select the check box next to an application.
3. Select Choose Action > Disable Metering.
Metering is disabled and the metering icon is removed from the metering column next to the selected applications.
Metering data, however, is retained.

Disabling metering for devices

If metering is enabled for devices, you can disable it as needed.

Disable metering for devices using manual labels

If metering is enabled for devices using manual labels, you can disable it by disabling metering in the label details.
1. Go to the Labels list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Disabling metering for Software Catalog applications and managed devices
c. On the Label Management panel, click Labels.
2. Select the check box next to a metering label.
3. Select Choose Action > Disable Metering.
Metering is disabled on all the devices to which the label is applied. Metering data, however, is retained.

Disable metering for devices using Smart Labels

If metering is enabled for devices using Smart Labels, you can disable it by disabling metering in the Smart Label
1. Go to the Smart Label Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, in the Home section, click Label Management.
c. On the Label Management panel, click Smart Labels.
d. Click the name of a Smart Label.
2. Clear the Enable Metering check box.
Metering is disabled on all the devices to which the label is applied. Metering data, however, is retained.

Managing metering and scheduling inventory collection

Metering is available for Software Catalog applications only. Metering is not available for applications that appear
on the Software page.
For information about enabling metering, see About metering information.

Schedule metering and inventory collection intervals

Metering and inventory collection intervals determine the frequency with which metering and inventory information
is collected from managed devices. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can
schedule the metering and inventory collection intervals separately for each organization.
1. Do one of the following:
• If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information. Then click Organizations.
To display the organization’s information, click the organization’s name.
The Organization Detail page appears.
• If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, select Settings > Provisioning.
Then click Communication Settings on the Provisioning panel.
The Communication Settings page appears.
2. In the Communication Settings section, specify the following settings:
Option Suggested Setting Notes

Agent Logging Enabled Whether the KACE SMA stores scripting results provided by
Agents installed on managed devices. Agent logs can consume
as much as 1GB of disk space in the database. If disk space is
not an issue, enable Agent Logging to keep all log information
for Agent-managed devices. These logs can be useful during
troubleshooting. To save disk space, and enable faster Agent
communication, disable Agent Logging.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing metering and scheduling inventory collection
Option Suggested Setting Notes

Agent Inventory 12 hours The frequency at which Agents on managed devices report
inventory. This information is displayed in the Inventory section.

Agentless 1 Day The frequency at which Agentless devices report inventory.

Inventory This information is displayed in the Inventory section.

Catalog Inventory 24 hours The frequency at which managed devices report inventory to
the Software Catalog page.

Metering 4 hours The frequency at which managed devices report metering

information to the KACE SMA. Requires metering to be enabled
on devices and applications.

Scripting Update 4 hours The frequency at which Agents on managed devices request
updated copies of scripts that are enabled on managed
devices. This interval does not affect how often scripts run.

3. Click Save.

Using Application Control

Application Control enables you to mark applications as Not Allowed and blacklist them or prevent them from
running on Agent-managed Windows and Mac devices. This is useful if you want to restrict specific applications
from running in your environment.
Application Control enables you to:
• Prevent specific applications from running on Agent-managed Windows or Mac devices. This feature is not
available for Linux or Agentless devices. See Requirements for blacklisting applications.
• Create reports on applications that are marked as Not Allowed. See Create reports showing applications
marked as Not Allowed.
• Search for applications that are marked as Not Allowed using Advanced Search. See Searching for
information and filtering lists.
Applications marked as Not Allowed are organization-specific. If the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, you mark applications as Not Allowed for each organization separately.

Requirements for blacklisting applications

Application Control requirements must be met for applications to be blacklisted.
To block applications and prevent them from being launched on managed devices, you must:
• Install the KACE SMA Agent version 6.0 or higher on devices. Application Control is not available for
Agent versions lower than 6.0, and it is not available for Linux or Agentless devices. See Updating the
KACE SMA Agent on managed devices.
• Apply a label that has Application Control enabled, to devices. This enables the Agent to monitor
application launches, including applications that are marked as Not Allowed. See Apply the Application
Control label to devices.
• Mark applications as Not Allowed. Windows and Mac applications can be marked as Not Allowed only
if they are in the Software Catalog as Discovered, Not Discovered, or Locally Cataloged applications.
Applications that are Uncataloged cannot be marked as Not Allowed until they are added to the Software

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Requirements for blacklisting applications
Catalog. See Adding applications to the Software Catalog. Linux applications cannot be marked as not
• Specify the version of the application to be blacklisted. For example, if you want to block all versions of
Adobe Acrobat®, you must mark all versions of the application as Not Allowed. For example, Acrobat 8.x,
Acrobat 9.x, and so on. However, when you mark a suite as Not Allowed, all of the applications in the suite
are also marked as Not Allowed. If an application that runs on both Windows and Mac devices is marked as
Not Allowed, that application is blocked on both Windows and Mac devices.

How applications are blacklisted

When an application that is marked as Not Allowed is launched on a managed device that has an Application
Control-enabled label applied, the Agent terminates the application and displays a message on the device.
The message shows the application name and indicates that the application has been terminated because it is
on the Not Allowed list. Applications that are terminated are identified in the local database that records software

About blacklisting application editions that share executable

Some applications have different editions, such as Pro and Standard, that share the same executable file. If such
applications are blocked, they are blocked for all editions that share the executable file.

Applications that cannot be blacklisted

Some applications, such as plug-ins to other applications, cannot be blacklisted.
The following applications can be marked as Not Allowed but they cannot be blacklisted or prevented from
running on managed devices:
• Bowser plug-ins or external DLLs
• Microsoft Visual Studio® plug-ins such as Infragistics
• Java® applications

Apply the Application Control label to devices

To enable Application Control on devices, you need to apply the ApplicationControlDevices label, or any label that
has Application Control enabled, to devices.
After the label is applied to devices, applications that have been marked as Not Allowed are blacklisted or
prevented from running on the devices.
1. Go to the Devices list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Select the check boxes next to one or more devices.
3. Select Choose Action > Apply Labels.
4. Select the ApplicationControlDevices label.
The label appears next to device names on the Devices page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Apply the Application Control label to devices
Mark applications and suites as Not Allowed
You can mark individual applications, and application suites, as Not Allowed to prevent them from running on
Agent-managed devices.
When you mark a suite as Not Allowed, the applications in that suite are also marked as Not Allowed. If you want
to mark only some of the applications in a suite as Not Allowed, remove the Not Allowed designation from the
suite, then mark the individual applications as Not Allowed.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Select the check box next to one or more applications.
3. Select Choose Action > Mark Not Allowed.
The applications are marked as Not Allowed, and the Not Allowed icon appears next to the application names:

View applications and suites that are marked as Not Allowed

You can view applications and suites that are marked as Not Allowed on the Software Catalog page.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the Discovered or Not Discovered tab above the list on the left, then click the Not Allowed
button on the Software Catalog page to sort the results by applications that are marked as Not
Allowed: .
• Click the Advanced Search tab above the list on the right, then specify the criteria required for to
view applications marked as Not Allowed:
Software Catalog: Not Allowed | is | True
3. Click Search.

Create reports showing applications marked as Not Allowed

You can create reports that show the applications that are marked as Not Allowed, and the devices on which
those applications are installed.
1. Go to the Reports list by doing one of the following:
• If your KACE SMA has the Organization component enabled, and you want to access a System-level
Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system,
or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page. Then click Reporting.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create reports showing applications marked as Not Allowed
System-level reports include consolidated reports that aggregate information from all organizations, as
well as standard reports for various KACE SMA components.
• If your KACE SMA does not have the Organization component enabled, or if you want
to access an organization-level report, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console,
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is
enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page next to the login information. Then click Reporting.
Organization-level reports include standard reports for various KACE SMA components. If the
Organization component is enabled on your appliance, these reports provide information specific to
the selected organization.
The Reports list appears.
2. Select Choose Action > New (Wizard) to display the Report Title page.
3. Specify the following settings:
Option Description

Title Not Allowed Software.

Category Software.

Description Software marked as Not Allowed.

Show Line Numbers (Optional) Select the check box to add a column with line numbers to the report.

Topic Software Catalog - Discovered Software.

Subtopic Device

4. Click Next to display the Fields to Display page.

5. Select report fields, such as:
• Name: The name of the application.
• Installed On: The number of devices on which the application is installed.
• Category: The category of the application.
• Device: Information about the devices on which the application is installed.
6. Click Next to display the Column Order page.
7. Drag the columns to set the order in which you want columns to appear in the report, then click Next to
display the Sort and Breaks page.
8. Select Sort and Break options, then click Next to display the Filters page.
9. Click Specify rules to filter the records, then specify the criteria required to find applications marked as
Not Allowed:
Discovered Software Info: Not Allowed | = | 1
10. Click Save in the row, then click Save at the bottom of the page.
The Reports list appears with the new report listed. the View By list, which appears above the table on the
right, is automatically set to the category of the new report.
11. To run the report, click a format in the Generate Report column.
The report is generated. In HTML reports, the first data column is automatically linked to the detail page for the
item in the Administrator Console. For more information about reports, see Creating reports.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create reports showing applications marked as Not Allowed
Remove the Not Allowed designation from applications
If you have marked applications as Not Allowed, you can remove that designation as needed.
The Not Allowed designation is organization-specific. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance,
you apply and remove the Not Allowed designation from applications in each organization separately.

TIP: By default, applications are allowed unless you mark them as Not Allowed.
1. Go to the Software Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software Catalog.
2. Select the check box next to one or more applications.
3. Select Choose Action > Mark Allowed.
The applications are marked as Allowed and the Not Allowed symbol is removed.

Update or reinstall the Software Catalog

The Software Catalog is continually updated as new applications become available and as cataloging requests
are received. These updates are automatically downloaded and installed to KACE SMAs periodically. You can
manually check for updates to the Software Catalog, or reinstall the catalog.
If you have an offline appliance that does not connect to the Internet, you can obtain Software Catalog updates by
contacting Quest Support at https://support.quest.com/contact-support.

NOTE: When catalog updates are downloaded, the appliance determines whether any Locally Cataloged
  applications have been added to the public Software Catalog. If applications have been added, Local
Cataloging is removed. Otherwise, Local Cataloging is preserved.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Appliance Updates to display the Appliance Updates page.
3. Do one of the following:
• In the Software Catalog section, click Check for Update.
If the Software Catalog is up to date, the Logs page appears showing the version information. If an
update is available, installation information is displayed. The full catalog might be installed if any of the
following are true: If there is no baseline catalog present on the appliance, if there is no pathway to
updating the full catalog, or if there are more than five updates available
• In the Software Catalog section, click Reinstall.
The version of the Software Catalog that is stored on the KACE SMA is replaced with the latest
Software Catalog available from Quest KACE. The full Software Catalog includes the latest full

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Update or reinstall the Software Catalog
version of the catalog as well as any updates, or differentials, that have been added since the latest
full version was released.
• If your KACE SMA is offline and does not have Internet access, contact Quest Support at https://

Managing process, startup program, and

service inventory
You can manage processes, startup programs, and services in appliance inventory.

Managing process inventory

When processes are detected on managed devices, they are reported and available to be managed in the
Inventory section.
To manage process inventory, you can:
• View process usage information for the last 1, 2, 3, 6, or 12 months
• Apply labels to, and remove labels from, processes
• Assign categories and threat levels to processes
• Delete processes
Process inventory cannot be metered, and you cannot blacklist processes. However, you can blacklist
applications. See Mark applications and suites as Not Allowed.

View and edit process details

You can view and edit the details of processes in inventory.
1. Go to the Process Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Processes.
c. Click the name of a process.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Assign To Label (Optional) the label associated with the item.

Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

Category The category of the item, such as Business, Driver, or Security.

Threat Level The threat level of the item.

Threat levels include:
a. Safe

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View and edit process details
Option Description

b. Fairly Safe
c. Unknown
d. Could be harmful
e. Harmful

3. Click Save.

Add labels for processes

Add manual labels to manage processes in inventory as a group.
1. Go to the Processes list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Processes.
2. Select Choose Action > Add Label.
3. In the Add Label window, enter a name for the label.
TIP: Avoid using backslashes (\) in label names. If you need to use a backslash in a label name,
  add a second backslash (\\) to escape it.
4. Click Save.

Apply labels to or remove labels from processes

Labels can be applied to or removed from processes in inventory as needed.
1. Go to the Processes list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Processes.
2. Select the check box next to one or more processes.
3. Do one of the following:
• Select Choose Action > Apply Label, then select the label to apply.
• Select Choose Action > Remove Label, then select the label to remove.

Categorize processes
To organize and manage processes in inventory, you can manually assign them to categories.
1. Go to the Processes list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Processes.
2. Select the check box next to one or more processes.
3. Select Choose Action > Set Category, and then select a category.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Categorize processes
Assign threat levels to processes
To manage processes that might pose threats to devices and systems, you can manually assign threat levels to
those processes.
Threat levels can be used to indicate the relative safety of items and the number of devices on which those items
are located. This information is for tracking purposes only. The KACE SMA does not enforce policies based on
threat levels.
1. Go to the Processes list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Processes.
2. Select the check box next to one or more processes.
3. Select Choose Action > Set Level, and then select a threat level.

Delete processes
You can manually delete processes from inventory as needed.
However, if the deleted processes are found on managed devices, the records for those processes are recreated,
with new IDs, when the devices update inventory information.
1. Go to the Processes list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Processes.
2. Do one of the following:
• Select the check box next to one or more processes, then select Choose Action > Delete.
• Click a process name, then on the Process Detail page, click Delete.
3. Click Yes to confirm.

Managing startup program inventory

When startup programs are detected on managed devices, they are reported and available to be managed in the
Inventory section.
The startup inventory page enables you to view and edit information about startup programs that have been
detected on managed devices.
Startup inventory details include the name of the device running the startup programs, the system description, and
the last user.
Startup programs cannot be metered.

View and edit startup program details

You can view and edit the details of startup programs in inventory.
1. Go to the Startup Program Detail page:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View and edit startup program details
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Startup Programs.
c. Click the name of a startup program.
Devices that are running the program are listed at the bottom of the page.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Assign To Label (Optional) the label associated with the item.

Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

Category The category of the item, such as Business, Driver, or Security.

Threat Level The threat level of the item.

Threat levels include:
a. Safe
b. Fairly Safe
c. Unknown
d. Could be harmful
e. Harmful

3. Click Save.

Add labels for startup programs

Add manual labels to manage startup programs in inventory as a group.
1. Go to the Startup Programs list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Startup Programs.
2. Select Choose Action > Add Label.
3. In the Add Label window, enter a name for the label.
TIP: Avoid using backslashes (\) in label names. If you need to use a backslash in a label name,
  add a second backslash (\\) to escape it.
4. Click Save.

Apply labels to or remove labels from startup programs

Labels can be applied to or removed from startup programs in inventory as needed.
1. Go to the Startup Programs list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Apply labels to or remove labels from startup programs
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Startup Programs.
2. Select the check box next to one or more programs.
3. Do one of the following:
• Select Choose Action > Apply Label, then select the label to apply.
• Select Choose Action > Remove Label, then select the label to remove.

Categorize startup programs

To organize and manage startup programs in inventory, you can manually assign them to categories.
1. Go to the Startup Programs list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Startup Programs.
2. Select the check box next to one or more programs.
3. Select Choose Action > Set Category, then select a category.

Assign threat levels to startup programs

To manage startup programs that might pose threats to devices and systems, you can manually assign threat
levels to those programs.
Threat levels can be used to indicate the relative safety of items and the number of devices on which those items
are located. This information is for tracking purposes only. The KACE SMA does not enforce policies based on
threat levels.
1. Go to the Startup Programs list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Startup Programs.
2. Select the check box next to one or more programs.
3. Select Choose Action > Set Threat Level, then select a threat level.

Delete startup programs

You can manually delete startup programs from inventory as needed.
However, if the deleted startup programs are found on managed devices, the records for those programs are
recreated, with new IDs, when the devices update inventory information.
1. Go to the Startup Programs list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete startup programs
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Startup Programs.
2. Do one of the following:
• Select the check box next to one or more programs, then select Choose Action > Delete.
• Click a program name, then on the Startup Program Detail page, click Delete.
3. Click Yes to confirm.

Managing service inventory

When services are detected on managed devices, they are reported and available to be managed in the Inventory
The service inventory page enables you to track the services running on managed devices.
Service detail pages provide information on services, including the name of the device running the services,
system description, and the last user.
Service inventory cannot be metered.

View and edit service details

You can view and edit the details of services in inventory.
1. Go to the Service Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Services.
c. Click the name of a service.
Devices that are running the service are listed at the bottom of the page.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Assign To Label (Optional) the label associated with the item.

Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

Category The category of the item, such as Business, Driver, or Security.

Threat Level The threat level of the item.

Threat levels include:
a. Safe
b. Fairly Safe
c. Unknown
d. Could be harmful
e. Harmful

3. Click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View and edit service details
Add labels for services
Add manual labels to manage services in inventory as a group.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Select Inventory > Services to display the Services page.
3. Select Choose Action > Add Label.
4. In the Add Label window, enter a name for the label.
TIP: Avoid using backslashes (\) in label names. If you need to use a backslash in a label name,
  add a second backslash (\\) to escape it.
5. Click Save.

Apply labels to and remove labels from services

Labels can be applied to or removed from services in inventory as needed.
1. Go to the Services list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Services.
2. Select the check box next to one or more services.
3. Do one of the following:
• Select Choose Action > Apply Label, then select the labels to apply.
• Select Choose Action > Remove Label, then select the labels to remove.

Categorize services
To organize and manage services in inventory, you can manually assign them to categories.
1. Go to the Services list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Services.
2. Select the check box next to one or more services.
3. Select Choose Action > Set Category, and then select a category.

Assign threat levels to services

To manage services that might pose threats to devices and systems, you can manually assign threat levels to
those services.
Threat levels can be used to indicate the relative safety of items and the number of devices on which those items
are located. This information is for tracking purposes only. The KACE SMA does not enforce policies based on
threat levels.
1. Go to the Services list:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Assign threat levels to services
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Services.
2. Select the check box next to one or more services.
3. Select Choose Action > Set Threat Level, and then select a threat level.

Delete services
You can manually delete services from inventory as needed.
However, if the deleted services are found on managed devices, the records for those services are recreated, with
new IDs, when the devices update inventory information.
1. Go to the Services list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Services.
2. Select the check box next to one or more services.
3. Do one of the following:
• Select the check box next to one or more programs, then select Choose Action > Delete.
• Click a program name, then on the Startup Program Detail page, click Delete.
4. Select Yes to confirm.

Writing custom inventory rules

You can write Custom Inventory rules to collect detailed information about items in inventory.
For information on using the Inventory component, see Managing applications on the Software page.

About Custom Inventory rules

Custom Inventory rules enable you to capture customized information during the inventory collection process.
Custom Inventory rules are useful for:
• Managing software that is not listed in the Windows Add/Remove Programs section.
• Managing versions of software with the same entry in the Windows Add/Remove Programs section,
especially with incorrect or incomplete Display Version information.
• Capturing customized details for use in reports.
• Writing deployment rules, scripts, and reports based on the presence of an application or a value that is not
reported by the KACE SMA Agent.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Custom Inventory rules
Types of Custom Inventory rules
Custom Inventory rules test, or obtain the values of, registry keys and entries, program, files, scripts, environment
variables, system properties, and the output of commands.
There are two types of Custom Inventory rules:
• Conditional rules: These rules test whether conditions exist on devices. When a rule returns true, the
KACE SMA Agent reports the item as an Installed Program. When the rule returns false, the item does not
appear as an Installed Program.
• Value Return rules: These rules obtain data from devices. If the value exists, the KACE SMA Agent
reports the item as an Installed Program and sets a corresponding Custom Inventory Field.

Create Custom Inventory rules

You can create custom applications, and Custom Inventory rules for those applications, so that information about
the applications is gathered from managed devices.
1. Go to the Software Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Software.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Provide general information: Name, Version, Publisher.
For proper downstream reporting, enter this information consistently across software inventory.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Assign To Label (Optional) The label associated with the item.

Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

Supported The operating systems on which the application runs. Applications are deployed only
Operating to devices with the selected operating systems.

Custom Inventory (Optional) The custom inventory rules to apply to the application. Custom inventory
Rule rules enable you to detect applications and other items on a device and capture
details for reporting.
For example, the appliance first verifies whether an application is present on a device
before deploying that application. In some instances, however, installed programs
do not register in Add/Remove Programs or in standard areas of the registry. In such
cases, the appliance might not be able to detect the presence of the application
without additional information from the administrator. Therefore, the appliance might
repeat the installation each time the device connects. Custom Inventory rules can
prevent this repetition.
The following rule verifies that the version of the Network Associates VirusScan
installed on a device is newer than a given version before deploying it:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Custom Inventory rules
Option Description
Software\Network Associates\TVD\

Network Associates\TVD\Shared Components\

4. Next to Upload and Associate File, click Choose File to locate a file, then click Open or Choose.
To distribute applications using Managed Installations or File Synchronizations, you need to associate the
actual application files with the application.
5. To prevent the file from being copied to Replication Shares, select Don’t Replicate Associated File.
This setting is useful for large files that you do not want users to install from Replication Shares, such as
software suites.
6. Optional: Select a Category and Threat Level for the software.
7. Click Save.
Related topics
About labels
Getting values from a device (Custom Inventory Field)
Using software threat levels and categories

How Custom Inventory rules are implemented

The KACE SMA Agent receives new Custom Inventory rules during the first device inventory after the rules are
created. During that first inventory, the Agent runs the new rules and reports the findings to the appliance.
The Agent runs all rules as well as any other processes scheduled for that session. Therefore, after a device is
inventoried, it could take several minutes to run all the rules and other processes before the Agent reports the
After the Agent reports the results, the device’s detail page shows the results under Software in Installed
Programs and Custom Inventory Fields.

NOTE: The applications with Value Return rules that set a Custom Inventory Field also appear as Installed

If results are not what you expect, verify that the device has been inventoried recently. The inventory time is
shown in the Last Inventory field of the device detail page.

Syntax for Custom Inventory rules

Use the correct syntax for function names and arguments in Custom Inventory rules.
Conditional and Value Return rules use the following syntax:
For specific information on functions and their arguments see:
• Checking for conditions (conditional rules)
• Getting values from a device (Custom Inventory Field)
• Matching filenames to regular expressions

Function syntax
Enter the functionName followed by an opening parenthesis, enclose the arguments with a closing parenthesis.
No spaces are allowed between the name of the function and the opening parenthesis.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Syntax for Custom Inventory rules
Argument syntax
Enter argument syntax for all rules except command and regex (regular expression) as follows:
• Separate arguments by commas.
• Commas are not allowed anywhere else in the string, except as described in Commas and parentheses as
values in a rule.
• Do not include single or double quotation marks.
• White space is trimmed from the front and back of each argument.
For example, the following syntaxes are the same:
RegistryValueEquals(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\
Version Vector, IE, 10.000)
RegistryValueEquals(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\
Version Vector,IE,10.000)

Commas and parentheses as values in a rule

If comma, open parenthesis, or close parenthesis are to be used as values in a rule, they must be escaped as
{{comma}}. {{op}}, and {{cp}}, respectively.
• In arguments where commas are needed as part of the parameter value, the comma needs to be escaped
as {{comma}}, except for the last argument in the function.
For example, if the user want to test against the registry value in which the value name is "test,value", the
user would need to escape the comma in this case because registry value name is not the last argument in
the Custom Inventory (CI) function.
RegistryValueEquals(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestSoft, test{{comma}}value, HelloWorld)
If the user wants to test against the registry value where the value itself contains a comma, then there is no
need to escape, because value is the last argument in the Custom Inventory function. The following Custom
Inventory tests registy value HKLM\SOFTWARE\TestSoft\test1 and looks to see if the value is equal to 2,4.
If the Custom Inventory function contains only one parameter, it takes everything between the parentheses
as the value for the argument. Commas in this case do not need to be escaped and will be part of the
argument to the Custom Inventory function.
ShellCommandTextReturn(wmic MEMORYCHIP get BankLabel,Capacity,description,manufacturer)
• An unmatched literal open parenthesis needs to be escaped as {{op}}. When the parser is tokenizing the
arguments for the function, it counts the number of open and close parentheses to determine the end of
the function and argument. Therefore, an unmatched literal open parenthesis would throw off the count,
and cause the argument value to be parsed incorrectly. If a literal open parenthesis is needed as part of the
argument value, it should be represented with {{op}}.
For example, if the user wants to echo the string "Hello ( World", then the CI should look like the following:
ShellCommandTextReturn(echo Hello {{op}} World)
• Unmatched literal close parentheses needs to be escaped as {{cp}}.
While the parser is tokenizing the arguments for the function, it counts the number of open and close
parentheses in order to determine the end of the function when it encounter the last matched close
parentheses. However, if the argument value itself contains a close parenthesis that is not matched,
the parenthesis tricks the parser to believe that is the end of the function and the argument value will be
truncated prematurely.
If a literal close parentheses is needed as part of the argument value, it must be represented with {{cp}}.
For example, if the user wants to echo the string "Hello ) World", then the CI should look like the following:
ShellCommandTextReturn(echo Hello {{cp}} World)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Syntax for Custom Inventory rules
Checking for conditions (conditional rules)
You can write Custom Inventory rules that identify whether (true/false) an application is installed.
When using a conditional rule, if the rule returns true, the Display name (Title) of the custom application appears
in the Software: Installed Programs section of the Device Detail page in the Inventory section.
The following sections describe the rules that test for conditions:
• Conditional rule reference
• Verifying whether a condition exists (Exists rules)
• Evaluating device settings (Equals rules)
• Comparing device values (Greater Than and Less Than rules)
• Testing for multiple conditions
When the rule returns false, the application does not appear in the Installed Programs section in the device’s
inventory details.

TIP: You can view a list of devices that have the item installed on the Inventory > Software > Custom_item:
  Detail page.

Conditional rule reference

The following table describes which data types can be used for comparison.
Table 23. Data types supported for comparison functions

  Data types supported for comparison functions

Conditional rule Equals, GreaterThan, LessThan

EnvironmentVariable DATE, NUMBER, TEXT


FilenamesMatchingRegex NUMBER

FileVersion TEXT


ProductVersion TEXT

RegistryValue TEXT

The following table describes how comparisons are made.

Table 24. How comparisons are made

Data type Considerations

DATE • Before evaluation, target values are parsed

as a date using the same rules as in the PHP
DateTime class and then normalized to use
the following format:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Checking for conditions (conditional rules)
Data type Considerations
• The timestamp listed in the KACE SMA
database uses the 24-hour clock (0 – 24
• The timestamp listed in the KACE SMA
database reflects UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) time, so that it is normalized for all
devices, regardless of their respective
• If the target value contains only a date, a
timestamp will be added that is based upon
midnight for UTC.

NUMBER • Only whole numbers are evaluated.

• If a target value contains any other characters
(letters, punctuation marks and so on), only
the numbers up to the first non-number are
For example, if the target value is 52a1, only 52
is evaluated.
• Only numbers up to the 32-bit integer
maximum positive value (2,147,483,647) are

TEXT • Values are evaluated verbatim, without any

potential formatting changes (as can occur
with DATE and NUMBER data types).
• Text strings are evaluated in lexicographical
• Commas can be present in the strings being
evaluated — no escaping is required.

The following table lists available conditional rules with links to specific details on how to specify the arguments.
Table 25. Conditional rule reference

Syntax Win RHEL OS X Description

DirectoryExists (path) X X X Checks for a directory at the

specified path on the device.

FileExists (path) X X X Checks for a file at the specified

path on the device. Include the
name of the file and extension in the

FileVersionEquals (path, X Verifies that the Version > File

version) Version property of the file specified
in the path matches the TEXT value
you entered.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Checking for conditions (conditional rules)
Syntax Win RHEL OS X Description

FileVersionLessThan (path, X Verifies that the Version > File

version) Version property of the file you
specified as the path is lower than
the TEXT value you entered.

FileVersionGreaterThan X Verifies that the Version > File

(path, version) Version property of the file you
specified is higher than the TEXT
value you entered.

ProductVersionEquals X Verifies that the Version > Product

(path, version) Version property of the executable
or installation file you specified
matches the TEXT value you

ProductVersionLessThan X Verifies that the Version > Product

(path, version) Version property of the executable
or installation file you specified is
lower than the TEXT value you

ProductVersionGreaterThan X Verifies that the Version > Product

(path, version) Version property of the executable
or installation file you specified is
higher than the TEXT value you

FileInfoGreaterThan X X X Verifies that the File Info property of

(fullpath, attribute, the executable or installation file you
type, value) specified is higher than the value
you entered.

FileInfoLessThan X X X Verifies that the File Info property of

(fullpath, attribute, the executable or installation file you
type, value) specified is lower than the value you

FileInfoEquals (fullpath, X X X Verifies that the attribute of the

attribute, type, value) executable or installation file you
specified matches the value you

RegistryKeyExists X Verifies that a registry key exists.


RegistryValueEquals X Verifies that a registry entry exactly

(registryPath, valueName, matches the value you specify.
value) Value is compared as TEXT.

RegistryValueLessThan X Verifies that the registry entry is

(registryPath, valueName, lower than the value you specify.
value) Value is a TEXT.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Checking for conditions (conditional rules)
Syntax Win RHEL OS X Description

RegistryValueGreaterThan X Verifies that the registry entry is

(registryPath, valueName, higher than the value you specify.
value) Value is a TEXT.

EnvironmentalVariableExists X X X Verifies that an environment

(var) variable with the name you specify

EnvironmentalVariableGreaterThan X X Verifies that the environment
(var, type, value) variable definition is higher than the
value you specify.
All three types are valid, TEXT,
DATE (in the full format mm/dd/
yyyy hh:mm:ss), and NUMBER.

EnvironmentalVariableLessThanX X X Verifies that the environment

(var, type, value) variable definition is lower than the
value you specify.
All three types are valid, TEXT,
DATE (in the full format mm/dd/
yyyy hh:mm:ss), and NUMBER.

EnvironmentalVariableEquals X X X Verifies that the environment

(var, type, value) variable definition exactly matches
the value you specify.
All three types are valid, TEXT,
DATE (in the full format mm/dd/
yyyy hh:mm:ss), and NUMBER.

PlistValueExists X Verifies that a named value exists in

(fullpath, entry) a PLIST file.

PlistValueGreaterThan X Verifies that the named value is a

(fullpath, entry, type, NUMBER or TEXT higher than the
value) value you specified.

PlistValueLessThan X Verifies that the named value is a

(fullpath, entry, type, NUMBER or TEXT lower than the
value) value you specified.

PlistValueEquals X Verifies that the named value is

(fullpath, entry, type, a NUMBER or TEXT that exactly
value) matches the value you specified.

For information on Equals, GreaterThan, and LessThan for FilenamesMatchingRegex, see Regular
Expression Rule Reference.

Verifying whether a condition exists (Exists rules)

Rules whose name ends with Exists check for the presence of a file, directory, registry key, or other item. If the
KACE SMA Agent locates the item on the device, the rule returns true, and the item appears in the device’s
Inventory Details as an Installed Program.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Checking for conditions (conditional rules)
Use any of the following Exists rules:
• DirectoryExists (path)
• FileExists (path)
• RegistryKeyExists (registryPath)
• EnvironmentalVariableExists (var)
• PlistValueExists (fullpath, entry)
• FilenameMatchingRegexExist (fullpath, regex)
Example: Check for a directory (folder)
The following example tests whether the Windows directory exists on the device:
Example: Check for a file

NOTE: The following example verifies that the pad executable file exists on the device:

Evaluating device settings (Equals rules)

Rules whose name ends with Equals compare the value set on the device to the value you specify in the rule. The
rules return true if the values exactly match.
Rules that use arguments with set data types can only compare values of the same type.
Use any of the following Equals rules:
• FileVersionEquals (path, version)
• ProductVersionEquals (path, version)
• FileInfoEquals (fullpath, attribute, type, value)
• RegistryValueEquals (registryPath, valueName, value)
• EnvironmentalVariableEquals (var, type, value)
• PlistValueEquals (fullpath, entry, type, value)
• FilenameMatchingRegexEqual (fullpath, regex, value)
Example: Testing JAVA_HOME setting
To verify that the JAVA_HOME setting is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02:
EnvironmentVariableEquals(JAVA_HOME, TEXT, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02)
Example: Testing McAfee® Registry Entry setting
To check the setting use the same format as the date in the entry:
RegistryValueEquals(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\McAfee\AVEngine, AVDatDate, 2014/03/01)
Example: Testing Internet Explorer version
To verify that the Internet Explorer is version 10.0.9200.17148:
FileVersionEquals(C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe, 10.0.9200.17148)
Specifying the version as 10.0.9 would return false. The version argument in a Equals function must be precise.
A partial number will fail when the full version is longer.
Example: Detecting Windows 7 Service Pack 1

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Checking for conditions (conditional rules)
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 appears in Add/Remove programs for devices that were originally on Windows 7 then
upgraded to SP1 only. The default application inventory for this item does not reflect devices that are already on
SP1 because they were originally imaged at the SP1 level.
When using the appliance to deploy Windows 7 Service Pack 1, create the following Custom Inventory rule for a
custom application:
CurrentVersion,CSDVersion,Service Pack 2)
You can then exclude devices with this item installed to prevent the appliance from trying to deploy the SP2 to
devices that are already at that level (that is, Windows 7 devices that have been upgraded, as well as devices
originally imaged with SP1).

Comparing device values (Greater Than and Less Than rules)

Functions whose names end with GreaterThan and LessThan compare values as listed in Table 23.
Use any of the following Greater Than and Less Than rules:
• FileVersionGreaterThan (path, version) and FileVersionLessThan (path, version)
• ProductVersionGreaterThan (path, version) and ProductVersionLessThan (path,
• FileInfoGreaterThan (fullpath, attribute, type, value) and FileInfoLessThan
(fullpath, attribute, type, value)
• RegistryValueGreaterThan (registryPath, valueName, value) and
RegistryValueLessThan (registryPath, valueName, value)
• EnvironmentalVariableGreaterThan (var, type, value) and
EnvironmentalVariableLessThan (var, type, value)
• PlistValueGreaterThan (fullpath, entry, type, value) and PlistValueLessThan
(fullpath, entry, type, value)
• FilenameMatchingRegexGreaterThan (fullpath, regex, value) and
FilenameMatchingRegexLessThan (fullpath, regex, value)
Example: Testing whether the product version is higher than 10
To verify that the product version is higher than 10:
ProductVersionGreaterThan(C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplorer.exe, 10)
To verify that the production version is 10 (that is equal to 10) or higher, enter the following:
ProductVersionEquals(C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplorer.exe, 10)
OR ProductVersionGreaterThan(C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplorer.exe,
Example: Testing for a product version range
To test whether the product version is within a range, combine less than and greater than rules:
ProductVersionGreaterThan(C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplorer.exe, 9)
AND ProductVersionLessThan(C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplorer.exe, 10)
IMPORTANT: Do not enter rules on separate lines. Separate the rules by space only. Having rules on
  separate lines invalidates the compound rule.

Testing for multiple conditions

You can join rules using AND operators or OR operators to test for multiple conditions.

NOTE: Using both AND and OR operators in the same Custom Inventory rule is not supported. Set up
  separate applications.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Checking for conditions (conditional rules)
Joining conditional rules produces the following results:
• AND operator: All the rules must return true in order for the results to return true and report the application
as an Installed Program.
• OR operator: Only one rule must return true for the application to be reported as an Installed Program.

IMPORTANT: Do not enter rules on separate lines. Separate the rules by space only. Having rules on
  separate lines invalidates the compound rule.

Checking for multiple true conditions (AND)

Use the AND operator to join conditional rules in the Custom Inventory Field when you want the item to be
reported as an Installed Program only if all the rules are true.
In the Custom Inventory Field, join rules using the following syntax:
) AND Function
) AND ...
Separate the conditional statements from the operator with spaces.
Example: Checking for a registry key and comparing values
To check for a registry key and a registry entry value on a Windows device use AND to combine the rules as
) AND RegistryValueEquals(registryPath, valueName, value)

Checking for one true condition (OR)

When you join rules using the OR operator, if any of the rules in the Custom Inventory Field are true, the
application appears in the Installed Program list of the device.
In the Custom Inventory Field, join the rules using the following syntax:
) OR Function
) OR ...
Separate the function statements and operator using a space.
Example: Checking for either registry value
To check that a registry entry is one value or another:
RegistryValueEquals(registryPath, valueName, value) OR
RegistryValueEquals(registryPath, valueName, value)
TIP: To specify a range use RegistryValueGreaterThan and RegistryValueLessThan rules joined
  by the AND operator.

Getting values from a device (Custom Inventory

The rules that end with ValueReturn enable you to gather information from the device. You can use these rules to
collect information that the KACE SMA Agent normally does not collect.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Getting values from a device (Custom Inventory Field)
The returned values are set with the custom application display name (Title). This appears on the Device Detail
page under Software in Installed Programs and Custom Inventory Fields.
Use the Custom Inventory Field values to manage installations and to distribute software as well as reports,
View By filtering, Smart Label search criteria, or any other process that can be performed with an automatically
detected setting.
This section covers the following topics:
• Value Return rule reference
• Getting registry key values
• Getting command output
• Getting PLIST values
• Getting multiple values

Value Return rule reference

The following table shows all available value return rules that you can use to set a Custom Inventory Field :

Syntax Win RHEL OS X Description

RegistryValueReturn X Returns the value of a registry entry,

(registryPath, valueName, and sets the datatype to the one
type) you specified.

EnvironmentalVariableReturn X X X Returns the value of an environment

(var, type) Specifying variable, and sets the datatype to
environment or user variables the one you specified.

FileInfoReturn (path, X X X Returns the value of a file attribute,

attribute, type) see valid types in Defining rule

ShellCommandTextReturn X X X Returns the output of the command,

(command) and sets the datatype to TEXT.

ShellCommandDateReturn X X X Returns the output of the command,

(command) and sets the datatype to DATE.

ShellCommandNumberReturn X X X Returns the output of the command,

(command) and sets the datatype to NUMBER.

PlistValueReturn X Returns the value of the PLIST key,

(fullpath, entry, type) and sets the datatype to TEXT,

Getting File Information values

You can set the Custom Inventory Field to any of the Windows File Information attributes using the
FileInfoReturn rule.
Example: Getting Windows Internet Explorer product version
The following example sets the Custom Inventory Field for the Internet Explorer Product Version as a NUMBER:
In the Custom Inventory Field, enter the following:
FileInfoReturn(C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe,ProductVersion,TEXT)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Getting values from a device (Custom Inventory Field)
Getting registry key values
You can set the Custom Inventory Field to a registry key using the RegistryValueReturn rule. Where the
registryPath (on left) is the path to the entry, the valueName (on right) is the key you want to return.

Example: Getting the Internet Explorer ProductID key

To set the ProductID registry key as a Custom Inventory Field:
RegistryValueReturn (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\application\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\
Registration, ProductId, TEXT

Getting command output

Command rules enable you to set the output of a command to a Custom Inventory Field. The command depends
on the command interpreter and executable path on the device.
For example, on Windows devices you can write MS-DOS commands, but not Cygwin-style UNIX commands
unless Cygwin is installed and available in the default path for all users.
Use any of the following rules to set the output of the command to a Custom Inventory Field:
• ShellCommandTextReturn (command)
• ShellCommandDateReturn (command)
• ShellCommandNumberReturn (command)
Example: Getting uptime on a Mac OS X
To set the uptime as a Custom Inventory Field:
ShellCommandTextReturn(/usr/bin/uptime | sed -e 's/.*load averages://' | awk '{print $1}')

Getting PLIST values

PlistValueReturn rules enable you to set a Property List (PList) key as a Custom Inventory Field.
Example: Getting the system locale
To distribute applications using Managed Installations based on the native language, enter the following rule to
get the device locale and then create a corresponding Smart Label that is applied to the device based on the
language code reported by the KACE SMA Agent in the Custom Inventory Field:
PlistValueReturn(~/Library/Preferences/GlobalPreferences.plist, AppleLocale, TEXT)

Getting multiple values

Join ValueReturn rules using either the AND or OR operator. The rule shows the application as an Installed
Program, if any of the values are not empty.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Getting values from a device (Custom Inventory Field)
The joined values are all set in the same Custom Inventory Field separated by the operator and therefore are
technically considered for the purposes of Search Criteria, filters, reports, and other appliance processes as
ValueReturn rules joined by the:
• AND operator: All the values are reported in the Custom Inventory Field.
• OR operator: All values are reported in the Custom Inventory Field.
In the Custom Inventory field, join rules using the following syntax:
Function(arguments...) AND Function(arguments) AND ...
Separate the conditional statements from the operator with spaces. Do not join AND and OR operators in the
same rule.

Matching filenames to regular expressions

Regular expressions match a character or the specified string to the filenames in the specified directory.
This section describes the regular expressions that match filenames in Conditional and Value Return rules using a
regular expression.

NOTE: The KACE SMA Agent only provides functions that compare filenames using regular expressions.

Understanding regular expressions

You can use regular expression syntax to match filenames.
TIP: For more information on writing regular expressions go to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/

The following table provides an overview of the regular expression syntax used to match filenames:

Character Description Example Target Files Files Matched


(any string) Non-special abc abcFile.xls abcFile.xls

characters match Example.jpg Myabc.txt
any filename that
contains the string. File.doc MyFile.abc

. Dot matches any . abcFile.xls abcFile.xls

single character. Example.jpg Example.jpg
When entered
alone it matches all File.doc File.doc
files. Myabc.txt Myabc.txt
MyFile.abc MyFile.abc

\ Backslash is used .*\.txt$ abcFile.xls Myabc.txt

to escape a special Example.jpg
character and for
creating a back- File.doc
reference. Myabc.txt

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Understanding regular expressions
Character Description Example Target Files Files Matched

For more MyFile.abc

information, go to

^ Caret matches the ^k install.exe kinstaller.exe

characters you kinstaller.exe
specify to the start
of the filename. runkbot.bat

| Pipe separates a run|install install.exe install.exe

list of options to kinstaller.exe kinstaller.exe
runkbot.bat runkbot.bat

$ Dollar matches bat$ install.exe runkbot.bat

the characters you kinstaller.exe
specify to the end
of the filename. runkbot.bat

? Question mark \.log10?$ a.log1 a.log1

makes the afile.txt3 mylog.log10
preceding character
optional in app.log
matches. appconf.log11

* Asterisk matches \.log1*$ a.log1 a.log1

the preceding afile.txt3 app.log
character zero or
more times. app.log appconf.log11

+ Plus matches the ap+.*\.log a.log1 app.log

preceding character afile.txt3 appconf.log11
one or more times.

[] Brackets enclose [123] a.log1 a.log1

a character class afile.txt3 afile.txt3
and match any
character within the app.log appconf.log11
brackets. appconf.log11 mylog.log10
Character class mylog.log10
special character
rules differ from
normal regular

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Understanding regular expressions
Character Description Example Target Files Files Matched

() Parentheses (p)\1 a.log1 app.log

enclosing afile.txt3 appconf.log11
characters create
a back reference app.log
and match appconf.log11
the preceding
characters and/
or the enclosed
For more
information, go to

{n} Curly brackets {p}\.log$ a.log1 app.log

repeat the afile.txt3
preceding character
the number of app.log
specified times, appconf.log11
where n is greater
than or equal to 1.

Regular Expression Rule Reference

The syntax of a regular expression rule varies slightly from the other File rules. The fullpath argument is a
string that matches the absolute path to the file location, but does not include name of the file. The filename is
specified as a separate argument using a regular expression.
The following table provides a list of rules that allow you to use regular expressions.

Syntax Win RHEL OS X Description

FilenamesMatchingRegexExist X X X Returns true if any files in the

(fullpath,regex) specified directory match the
filename you entered using a
regular expression.

FilenamesMatchingRegexGreaterThan X X True if the number of files that
(fullpath,regex,value) match is more than the value.

FilenamesMatchingRegexLessThan X X True if the number of files that
(fullpath,regex,value) match is less than the value.

FilenamesMatchingRegexEqual X X X True if the number of files that

(fullpath,regex,value) match is the same as the value.

FilenamesMatchingRegexReturn X X X Sets the Custom Inventory Field to

(fullpath,regex,type) the matching filenames (includes

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Regular Expression Rule Reference
Defining rule arguments
You can define arguments in Custom Inventory rules to find paths, files, registry keys, registry entries, version
information, environment variables, and other attributes.
For rule syntax and usage, see the tables in Checking for conditions (conditional rules), Getting values from a
device (Custom Inventory Field), and Matching filenames to regular expressions.

Finding a path or file

path and fullpath are strings that specify the absolute path to a directory or file on the device. For example:
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
The KACE SMA Agent locates the directory or file and performs the specific test.

Finding a registry key and entry

registryPath is a string that specifies the absolute path in the registry to a registry key. For example:

Specifying a version
version is an integer (type is TEXT) that the KACE SMA Agent compares to the version of the item being tested
on the device.
For example, the FileVersionGreaterThan test returns ‘true’ if the value you specify is higher than the
version number of the file or folder and otherwise returns ‘false’.
To test a range, join a Less Than and Greater Than rule as follows:
FileVersionGreaterThan(C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat\7.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe, 6.99)
AND FileVersionLessThan(C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat\7.0\
Acrobat\Acrobat.exe, 8.00)

Specifying environment or user variables

var is a string that matches the actual name of the environment variable on the device.
For example, to test that the Program Files directory variable is correctly set:
EnvironmentVariableEquals(ProgramFiles, TEXT,
C:\Program Files)

Specifying a file attribute

attribute is a system property, a file or folder property, or a KACE SMA Agent-assigned property on the
device. The appliance provides operating system-dependent argument types.

Using Windows file attributes

You can use the FileInfoGreaterThan, FileInfoLessThan, and FileInfoEquals functions to test a file
property on Windows in the following syntax:
FunctionName (fullpath, attribute, type, value)
The following table shows the attributes supported by Windows:

Attribute Type Description

AccessedDate DATE Last date and time the file was accessed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Defining rule arguments
Attribute Type Description

Comments TEXT Additional information provided for diagnostic


CompanyName TEXT Name of the company that produced the file.

CreatedDate DATE When the file was created.

FileBuildPart NUMBER Third position of the File Version. For example: In

version 1.2.3, 3=Build.

FileDescription TEXT File Description of the Windows File Properties

Detail page.

FileMajorPart NUMBER First position of the File Version. For example: In

version 1.2.3, 1=Major.

FileMinorPart NUMBER Second position of the File Version. For example: In

version 1.2.3, 2=Minor.

FileName TEXT Current name of the file. Also see FileExists.

FilePrivatePart NUMBER Fourth position of the File Version: For example: In

version, 4=Private.

FileVersion TEXT Complete File Version shown on the file properties

Detail page.
Also see FileVersionEquals,
FileVersionGreaterThan, and FileVersionLessThan.

InternalName TEXT Internal name of the file, if one exists, such as the
component name.
If the file has no internal name, it is equal to the
original filename, without an extension.

Language TEXT Language code, displays corresponding name on

the File Properties Detail page.

LegalCopyright TEXT Copyright notices that apply to the file.

LegalTrademarks TEXT Trademarks and registered trademarks that apply to

the file.

ModifiedDate DATE Last day and time the file was modified.

OriginalFilename TEXT Provides the full name of the file when it was put or
installed on the device.

PrivateBuild TEXT Information about the version of the file.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Defining rule arguments
Attribute Type Description

ProductBuildPart NUMBER Third position of the Product Version. For example:

In version 1.2.3, 3=Build.

ProductMajorPart NUMBER First position of the Product Version. For example: In

version 1.2.3, 1=Major.

ProductMinorPart NUMBER Second position of the Product Version. For

example: In version 1.2.3, 2=Minor.

ProductName TEXT String that matches the Product Name of the

Windows property.

ProductPrivatePart NUMBER Fourth position of the Product Version. For example:

In version, 4=Private.

ProductVersion TEXT The full production version.

Also see ProductVersionEquals,
ProductVersionGreaterThan, and

SpecialBuild TEXT Additional information about the build.

Testing for Linux and Mac file attributes

On Linux and Mac devices you can use the following arguments to test file attributes:

Attribute Type Description

access_time DATE The last time the user or system accessed the file

block_size NUMBER The block size of the file

blocks NUMBER The number of blocks used by the file

creation_time DATE The time the file was created

device_number NUMBER The identification number of the device (disk) containing the file

group TEXT The group name of the file owner

inode NUMBER The inode number of the file

modification_time DATE The last time a change was made and saved

number_links NUMBER The number of hard links to the file

owner TEXT The username of the person who owns the file

size NUMBER The size of the file

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Defining rule arguments
Specifying the datatype
type identifies the type of data you are testing or returning.
The KACE SMA Agent supports the following types:
• TEXT is a string. Only valid for exactly matching in conditional rules such as Equals. In ValueReturn
rules, this sets the Custom Inventory Field type to string and therefore limits search criteria and filtering to
matching operators.
• NUMBER is an integer. Valid in all conditional rules, this allows you to specify a whole number for
• DATE must be in the format of MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss. For example:09/28/2006 05:03:51. Time
is required. For example, in a comparison such as greater than, you must at least specify the time as

Specifying values to test

value typically follows type except in a rule where the datatype is known, such as in a version rule. The value
you specify must match the type. See Specifying the datatype.

Specifying the name of a registry entry (Windows only)

valueName is a string that matches the name of the registry entry you want to test. Used only in registry tests for
Windows devices.

Specifying a PLIST key (Mac only)

entry is either NUMBER, TEXT, or DATE and matches a key in a PLIST file on a Mac OS X device. If the
wanted key is contained in an array/dictionary within the PLIST file, it can be referenced by specifying the name/
integer for the array/dictionary, using a delineating colon, and then the name/integer of the key (dictionary:key) in
the entry argument.
Argument examples:
• A key, Item 0, within an array, PackageGroups, is referenced by using PackageGroups:0 for the
• A key, contentType, within the dictionary, Item 102, is referenced by using 102:contentType for the

Using a regular expression

regex is a regular expressions that matches a filename in a Conditional or Value Return rule. See Matching
filenames to regular expressions for more details.

Defining commands
The shell command functions allow you to specify the command you want to run on the device. The guidelines
for writing rule arguments do not apply to commands. However, white space after the opening parenthesis, and
immediately before the closing parenthesis, is stripped from the command.

Test Custom Inventory rules

To test Custom Inventory rules you can run a custom inventory command on a KACE SMA Agent-managed
device. This ability enables you to debug Custom Inventory rules without running the entire inventory process.
1. Open a command prompt on a device that has the KACE SMA Agent installed.
2. Enter the following command: kdeploy -custominventory
The Agent contacts the KACE SMA and runs the Custom Inventory. Queries and return values are

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Test Custom Inventory rules
Deploying packages to managed
You can deploy packages to managed devices to install software remotely using the KACE SMA.

Distributing software and using Wake-on-

You can distribute applications, updates, and files from the KACE SMA to managed devices. In addition, you can
use Wake-on-LAN to power on devices remotely.

About software distribution

Software can be distributed from the KACE SMA to Agent-managed Windows, Mac, and Linux devices.
TIP: Software distribution is available for items on the Software page and for Agent-managed devices
  only. It is not available for items on the Software Catalog page, Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V)
software, or Agentless devices.

The figure shows a high-level example of a software distribution process. You can modify this process as needed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About software distribution
Figure 8. Software distribution procedure

About testing software distribution

Before distributing software to a large number of managed devices, test the deployment on a small but
representative group of devices to verify that the package is compatible with target operating systems and other
When the appliance distributes software to managed devices, it verifies that a package is designated for a
particular device or operating system. However, the appliance cannot assess the software's compatibility with
other software on the device. As a result, you should develop a process for testing all deployments.
For example, you could create a test group by applying a label to devices used for testing. Then deploy the
required application to the test group using the label before you go deploy to the larger group of devices. This
practice helps you to verify the compatibility of the application with the operating system and other applications in
your test group. For more information about labeling devices, see Add or edit manual labels.
This section focuses primarily on the test, target, and deploy portions of the process. For more information about
managing inventory, see Managing applications on the Software page.

Tracking changes to distribution settings

If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Tracking changes to distribution settings
This information includes the date the change was made and the user who made the change, which can be useful
during troubleshooting. See About history settings.

Types of distribution packages

Packages can be distributed to managed devices as Managed Installations, File Synchronizations, User Console
packages, and MSI installers.
• Managed Installations: Installation packages that are configured to run silently or with user interaction.
Managed Installations include installation, uninstallation, and command-line parameters. See Using
Managed Installations.
• File Synchronizations: A method of distributing files to managed devices. Unlike Managed Installations,
however, File Synchronizations do not install files; they simply distribute files. See Create and use File
• User Console packages: Installation packages that contain printer drivers and other applications
distributed through the User Console. See About Service Desk.
• MSI Installer template: A utility for creating policies and setting basic command line arguments for running
Windows MSI-based installers. See Add MSI Installer scripts.

Attaching digital assets to applications and selecting supported

operating systems
To distribute applications to managed devices using Managed Installations or User Console downloads, you need
to attach the appropriate digital assets to applications. Digital assets are the files required for deployment, such as
installers. In addition, you need to select the supported operating systems for the application. You perform these
tasks on the Software detail page.
This rule applies even if:
• You want to send a command, rather than an installation or a digital file, to devices.
• You are redirecting the KACE SMA Agents installed on managed devices to retrieve the digital asset, such
as EXE or MSI files, from an alternate download location.
See Attach digital assets to applications and select supported operating systems.

Distributing packages from the appliance

Packages distributed from the appliance are deployed to managed devices only if the inventory item is designated
to run on the device’s operating system.
For example, if the inventory item is designated for Windows 7 only, the inventory item is not deployed to devices
running Windows 8.
Also, packages are deployed only to devices that meet label requirements. For example, if the package is set to
deploy to a label named Office A, the package does not deploy to devices that are not labeled Office A. When
the appliance creates an application inventory item, it only records the operating systems on which the item was
installed in the inventory detail record.
To deploy Managed Installations, you must select an execution option and a deployment window. See Using
Managed Installations.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Distributing packages from the appliance
Distributing packages from alternate download
locations and Replication Shares
You can distribute packages from alternate download locations and Replication Shares.
This distribution is useful when:
• You have remote sites with restricted bandwidth that might have trouble accessing the appliance.
• You want to avoid storing large distribution packages on the appliance.

About alternate download locations

Alternate download locations are managed devices that can host the files required to distribute software from the
appliance to other managed devices.
An alternate download location can be any network location that has all the files required to install a particular
application. You can distribute packages from alternate download locations including a UNC address or DFS
source. The CIFS and SMB protocols, Samba servers, and file server appliances are supported. You specify the
location when you create a Managed Installation.
See Attach digital assets to applications and select supported operating systems.

About Replication Shares

Replication Shares are devices that keep copies of files for distribution. Replication shares are especially useful if
your managed devices are deployed across multiple geographic locations.
For example, using a Replication Share, a device in New York could download files from another device at the
same office, rather than downloading those files from a KACE SMA in Los Angeles. A Replication Share is a full
replication of all digital assets and is managed automatically by the appliance. Whenever a Replication Share is
specified for a label, devices in that label go to the Replication Share to get files.
The KACE SMA Agent always looks to the appliance for distribution files if:
• No Replication Share is specified for any label applied to a device.
• More than one Replication Share is identified.
See Using Replication Shares.

Distributing applications to Mac OS X devices

The appliance provides various methods for distributing applications, updates, and files to Mac OS X devices.

About installers and plain packages

On Mac OS X, there is a universal installer with the usual PKG file extension. You cannot upload a PKG
file directly, as these files consist of low-level directories, and web browsers cannot handle uploading entire
Plain (APP) packages, which can be installed by dragging them to the Applications folder on the Mac, do not
require installers. However, APP packages must be archived because they consist of low-level directories, similar
to the installer packages.
You can archive installers along with plain applications. The appliance runs installers first and then copies
applications into the Applications folder.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Distributing applications to Mac OS X devices
Supported package deployments on Mac OS X
The supported package deployments are PKG, APP, DMG, ZIP, TGZ, and TAR.GZ.
If you package the file as a disk image, the appliance mounts and unmounts it quietly. This section provides
examples for each type of deployment. For each of these examples, you must have already uploaded the file
to the appliance prior to creating the Managed Installation package. Quest recommends that you install the
application on a test device. When the KACE SMA Agent connects to the appliance, the appliance creates an
inventory item and a Managed Installation package for the application.

Using Managed Installations

Managed Installations (MI) are the primary mechanism for deploying applications to, or removing applications
from managed devices. Each Managed Installation describes a specific application title and version to be installed
or removed, including installation commands, installation files, and target devices (identified by label).
Managed Installations always take place at the same time that managed devices upload inventory data to the
KACE SMA. In this way, the KACE SMA confirms that the installation is actually needed before it performs the
installation. Installation packages can be configured to run silently or with user interaction. Managed Installations
can include installation, uninstallation, and command-line parameters.
On Windows the most common Managed Installation package deployments are MSI, EXE, and ZIP files.
Supported package deployments for Linux devices include RPM, ZIP, BIN, TGZ, and TAR.GZ files.

Adding applications to inventory

Before you create a Managed Installation, the files you want to deploy must be associated with an application on
the Software page. If the application is not yet on the Software page, you can add it as needed.
To add an application that is not on the Software page, you can:
• Install the application on a managed device, then request an inventory update from the device. See Forcing
inventory updates.
• Manually add the application to inventory. See Add applications to Software page inventory manually.

CAUTION: If the display name of the application inventory item does not exactly match the name that
  the application registers in Add/Remove programs, the appliance might attempt to deploy a package
repeatedly even though it is already there. To solve this problem, add the application to the Software
inventory list, then use the registered application name in the Managed Installation.

About creating Managed Installations

You can create Managed Installations for items that appear on the Software page.
• Create Managed Installations for Windows devices
• Create Managed Installations for Mac OS X devices
• Create Managed Installations for RPM files
• Create Managed Installations for TAR.GZ files
• Create Managed Installations for ZIP files
To create packages with special settings, such as parameters, labels, or deployment definitions, you can create
multiple distribution packages for a single inventory item. However, the Managed Installation cannot be verified
against more than one inventory item because it checks for the existence of only one inventory item.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About creating Managed Installations
For each of these examples, you must have already uploaded the file to the appliance before creating the
Managed Installation package. Quest recommends installing the application on a test device, waiting for the
KACE SMA Agent to connect to the appliance and create an inventory item for the application, and then creating
the Managed Installation package from the application.

NOTE: Agent deployment is discussed in Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent. For information about
  updating an existing version of the Agent, see Upload Agent updates manually.

About installation parameters

You can add installation parameters to the package definitions used to distribute and install applications on
managed devices.
Packaged definitions can contain MSI, EXE, ZIP, and other file types for application deployment. If an
administrator installs the file on a local device, either by running a single file, BAT file, or VBScript, the package
can be installed remotely by the appliance.
To simplify the distribution and installation process, the package definition can also contain parameters that
are passed to the installer at run time on the local device. For example, you could use parameters as custom
installation settings to bypass an automatic restart.

Identify parameters that are supported by installer files

You can display the parameters that are supported by installer files from the Windows command line.
1. Open an command prompt.
2. Go to the directory that contains the target installer.
For example: c:\...\adobe.exe
3. Type filename /?
For example: adobe.exe /?
If that package supports parameters, they are displayed. For example: /quiet, /norestart.
4. Use the parameter definitions identified to update your package definition.
For more information, see the application vendor’s documentation.

Create Managed Installations for Windows devices

You can create Managed Installations to deploy software to Agent-managed Windows devices.
When you create Managed Installations for the Windows platform, you can specify whether you want to display
messages to users before and after the installation. You can also indicate whether to deploy the package when
the user is logged in or not and limit deployment to a specific label.
For specific details on creating a Managed Installation for an MSI, EXE, or a ZIP file, see Examples of common
deployments on Windows.
To distribute applications to managed devices, you must attach the digital assets, which are the files required for
installation, to applications. In addition, you must select the supported operating systems for applications. See
Attach digital assets to applications and select supported operating systems.
1. Go to the Managed Installation Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Distribution.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Managed Installations for Windows devices
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Configure section, provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the Managed Installation. This name appears on the Managed
Installations page.

Execution The package deployment setting. Options include:

• Disabled: Do not deploy the package.
• Anytime: Deploy the package at the next opportunity, such as the next time
the KACE SMA Agent reports inventory information to the appliance.
• At bootup: Deploy the package the next time the device starts up.

NOTE: If a device has an Active Directory or Group Policy Object setting

  that displays a message that the user must acknowledge before logging
on, packages are not deployed and scripts do not run until the message is

• After login: Deploy the package after the user logs in but before the desktop
• While user logged in: Deploy the package while the user is logged on.
• While user logged off: Deploy the package only when the device is running
and the user is logged off.

Inventory Indicate if you want to deploy the software title from Cataloged Software or all
Software by selecting one of these options.
• To search for a specific title, begin typing in the Software or Cataloged
Software field.

NOTE: Reclaiming unused software licenses only. The name of the

  software that you want to uninstall appears in this field by default. For
more information, see Reclaim unused software licenses.

• If you want to display only the software that has one or more associated files,
select Only Display Software With an Associated File.

Associated File A Software and Cataloged Software title can have one or more files attached to them,
as needed. Indicate if you want to select a specific file associated with the selected
software title.
• Choose associated file: Select this option if you want to associate a file. You
can select a file in the list. If you know the file name, start typing it in the box,
and select it from the available entries in the list.
• Do not associate file: Select this option if you do not want to associate a file.

Alternate Location Specify a location from which files can be downloaded for a specific Managed
Path: Enter the location where the KACE SMA Agent can retrieve digital installation
Checksum: Enter an alternate checksum (MD5) that matches the MD5 checksum
on the remote file share. If no checksum is entered, the digital asset on the file
share must match the digital asset associated with the deployment package on the
appliance. Also, the target path must include the complete filename (for example, \

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Managed Installations for Windows devices
Option Description
\fileserver_one\software\adobe.exe). You can create the checksum using
any tool, including KDeploy.exe, which is installed with the KACE SMA Agent.
To create the checksum using KDeploy.exe:
a. On a device with the KACE SMA Agent installed, open a command prompt or
terminal window.
b. Go to the Quest KACE installation directory. For example:
Windows 32-bit devices: C:\Program Files\Quest\KACE
Windows 64-bit devices: C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\KACE
Mac OS X devices: /Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/bin
c. Enter the following command: KDeploy -hash=filename
Where filename is the UNC path to the file. If the path contains spaces, enclose
the entire path in double quotation marks.
d. Press Ctrl C or Command C to copy the MD5 checksum. You can then paste
it into other files, such as Notepad.
Credential: The details of the service account required to connect to the device
and run commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select
Add new credential to add credentials not already listed. See Add and edit User/
Password credentials.
NOTE: If the target device is part of a replication label, the appliance does
  not fetch applications from the alternate download location. You can edit
an existing label or create a label to specify the alternate location globally.
Because that label cannot be specific to any Managed Installation, you cannot
specify an alternate checksum that matches the checksum on the remote file
See Distributing packages from alternate download locations and Replication Shares
and Add or edit manual labels.

Default Use the default commands during installation.

Installation Additional Parameters: Specify the installation behavior as follows:
• The maximum field length is 256 characters. If a path exceeds this limit,
use the command line to point to a BAT file that contains the path and the
• If a file path includes spaces, enclose the complete path in double quotation
marks. For example: "\\kace_share\demo files\share these files

Override Default Specify the full command-line parameters. See the MSI Command Line
Installation documentation for available runtime options.
• Uninstall: Uninstall the application from the command line.
• Run Command Only (do not download file): Run the command line only.
• Don’t Prepend msiexec.exe: Prevent the appliance from adding
msiexec.exe to the beginning of the file.

Delete Delete the files when the deployment is complete.

Downloaded Files

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Managed Installations for Windows devices
Option Description

ITNinja Deployment tips from ITNinja. These tips are available only if you share usage data.
See Configure data sharing preferences.

3. Specify deployment settings:

Option Description

All Devices Deploy to all devices. Clear the check box to limit the deployment to specific labels or

Labels Limit deployment to devices that belong to specified labels. To select labels, click
Edit, drag labels to the Limit Deployment to window, then click Save.
If you select a label that has a Replication Share or an alternate download location,
the appliance copies digital assets from that Replication Share or alternate download
location instead of downloading them directly from the appliance.
NOTE: The appliance uses a Replication Share before it uses the KACE Alt

Devices Limit deployment to specific devices. In the drop-down list, select the devices to
which you want to deploy the application. To filter the list, type a few characters in the
Devices field. The number next to the field indicates the number of devices available.
NOTE: Reclaiming unused software licenses only. Any devices from which
  you want to remove the applicable software are listed. You can edit the list of
devices, as needed. To remove the software from all devices, simply select ,
as described above. For more information, see Reclaim unused software

4. Specify the user notification settings:

Option Description

Alert user before Display a message on managed devices before installation. When you select this
run option, the following fields appear:
• Message: The message that appears on managed devices before installation
• Timeout: The length of time, in minutes, during which the message appears.
• Action: The action that takes place at the end of the Initial Message Timeout
period. Options include Install later or Install now. Select Install now to install
the application immediately, or select Install later to postpone the installation
until a user responds. Install later is useful when you want to notify users of an
installation or reboot before it occurs.

Initial Message Display a message on managed devices before installation. When you select this
option, the following fields appear:
• Message: The message that appears on managed devices before installation
• Timeout: The length of time, in minutes, during which the message appears.
• Action: The action that takes place at the end of the Initial Message Timeout
period. Options include Install later or Install now. Select Install now to install
the application immediately, or select Install later to postpone the installation

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Managed Installations for Windows devices
Option Description
until a user responds. Install later is useful when you want to notify users of an
installation or reboot before it occurs.

Completion Display a message on managed devices after the installation is complete. When you
Message select this option, the following fields appear:
• Message: The message that appears on managed devices when the
installation is complete.
• Timeout: The length of time, in minutes, during which the message appears.

5. Select Schedule options:

Option Description

Deployment The time, in 24-hour clock format, for package deployment to start and end. The
Window Deployment Window time affects all Action options. Also, the run intervals defined
Start in the appliance Settings interact with or override the deployment window of specific

Order The order in which to install or uninstall applications. The lowest value is deployed
first. If an install action and an uninstall action both have the same order value, the
uninstall action is performed first.

Maximum The maximum number of attempts, between 0 and 99, to indicate the number
Attempts of times the appliance tries to install the package. If you specify 0, the appliance
attempts to install the package indefinitely.

6. Click Save.

Examples of common deployments on Windows

The most common Managed Installation package deployments are MSI, EXE, and ZIP files.

Standard MSI example

Using MSI files is an easy, self-contained way to deploy software to Windows devices. If your MSI file requires no
special transformation or customization, the deployment is straightforward.
MSI files require a /i switch when using other switches with an install.
The appliance parameter line does not require the filename or msiexec syntax. Only the /* input is required:
/qn /I (Correct)
msiexec /I /qn (Incorrect)

NOTE: To use parameters with MSI files, all your target devices must have the same version of Windows
  Installer (available from Microsoft). Some switches might not be active on older versions. The most up-to-
date version of Windows Installer can be distributed to devices from the appliance.

TIP: If you are using Windows Installer 3.0 or higher, you can identify the supported parameters by
  selecting the Run program available from the Start menu. Enter msiexec in the pop-up window. A window
that shows the supported parameters list appears.

Standard EXE example

EXE files are similar to MSI files with one exception.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Examples of common deployments on Windows
EXE files differ from MSI files as follows: /I is not required in the Run Parameters line when using an EXE file.
When using an executable file, it is often helpful to identify switch parameters for a quiet or silent installation. To
switch parameters, specify /? in the Run Parameters field.

Create Managed Installations for ZIP files

Deploying software using a ZIP file is a convenient way to package software when multiple files are required to
deploy a title.
For example, a software title might require a setup.exe file, configuration files, and data files. If you have a CD-
ROM that contains a group of files required to install a particular application, you can package them together in a
ZIP file and upload them to the appliance for deployment.

NOTE: The KACE SMA Agent automatically runs deployment packages with MSI and EXE extensions.
NOTE: In addition, you can create a ZIP archive that contains many files and direct the appliance to
unpack the archive and run a specific file. Place the name of the file that you want to run in the command
(executable) field within the deployment package (for example, runthis.exe).

To distribute applications to managed devices, you must attach the digital assets, which are the files required for
installation, to applications. In addition, you must select the supported operating systems for applications. See
Attach digital assets to applications and select supported operating systems.
1. Browse to the location that contains the necessary installation files, select all the files and create a ZIP file
using a utility such as WinZIP®.
2. Log in to the appliance Administrator Console.
3. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
4. Create an inventory item for the target deployment.
You can do this manually from the Inventory > Software page or by installing the package on a device that
regularly connects to the appliance. See About the Software page.
5. Associate the ZIP file with the inventory item and upload it to the appliance:
a. On the left navigation bar, click Distribution.
b. Select Choose Action > New.
c. Select the application title that the ZIP file is associated with from the Software drop-down list. To
see all application titles, clear the check box Only display records with an associated file.
6. In the Run Parameters field, specify the complete command with arguments.
For example: setup.exe /qn
7. Specify additional settings as needed.
See Create Managed Installations for Windows devices.
8. Click Save.

Create Managed Installations for RPM files

You can create Managed Installations to deploy software on Linux-based devices using RPM files.
To distribute applications to managed devices, you must attach the digital assets, which are the files required for
installation, to applications. In addition, you must select the supported operating systems for applications. See
Attach digital assets to applications and select supported operating systems.
1. Go to the Managed Installation Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Managed Installations for RPM files
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Distribution.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Software drop-down list, select a software title. To search for a title, begin typing in the Software field.
By default, the KACE SMA Agent attempts to install the RPM file using the following command. In general,
this command is sufficient to install a new package or update an existing one to a new version:
rpm -U packagename.rpm
If you select a ZIP, TGZ, or TAR.GZ file, the content is unpacked, and the root directory is searched for
all RPM files. The installation command runs against each of these files. The appliance finds all RPM files
at the top level of an archive automatically, so you can install more than one package at a time. You can
also create an archive containing a shell script and then specify that script name as the full command. The
appliance runs that command if it is found; otherwise, the appliance logs an error.
Default parameters are used unless you specify parameters in the Run Parameters field.
You can specify wildcards in the filenames you use. If the filename contains spaces, enclose it in single or
double quotation marks. The files are extracted into a directory in /tmp and it becomes the current working
directory of the command.

NOTE: On Red Hat Linux, if you only want to run your script, you do not need to include any other
  files in your archive.

If the path environment variable of your root account does not include the current working directory, and
you want to run a shell script or other executable that you have included inside an archive, specify the
relative path to the executable in the Full Command Line field. The command runs inside a directory
alongside the files that have been extracted.
For example, to run a shell script called installThis.sh, package it alongside an RPM file, and then
enter the command: ./installThis.sh in the Installation Command field. If you archive it inside another
directory, the Installation Command field is:
Both these examples, as well as some other KACE SMA functions, assume that sh is in the root's path. If
you are using another scripting language, you might need to specify the full path to the command processor
you want to run in the installation command, such as:
/bin/sh ./filename.sh
Include appropriate arguments for an unattended, batch script.
If you select the uninstall check box in the MI detail, the KACE SMA Agent runs the following command
on either your standalone RPM file or each RPM file it finds in the archive, removing the packages
//usr/sbin/rpm -e packagename.rpm
The package is removed only if the archive or package has been downloaded to the device. If you select
the Uninstall Using Full Command Line check box, specify a full command line in the Installation Command
field to ensure the correct removal command runs on the correct package. Because no package is
downloaded in this case, specify the path in the installation database where the package receipt is stored.
3. If your package requires additional options, provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the Managed Installation. This name appears on the Managed
Installations page.

Execution Select the most appropriate time for this package to be deployed. For the Linux
platform, the options are Execute anytime (next available) and Disabled.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Managed Installations for RPM files
Option Description

Inventory Indicate if you want to deploy the software title from Cataloged Software or all
Software by selecting one of these options.
• To search for a specific title, begin typing in the Software or Cataloged
Software field.

NOTE: Reclaiming unused software licenses only. The name of the

  software that you want to uninstall appears in this field by default. For
more information, see Reclaim unused software licenses.

• If you want to display only the software that has one or more associated files,
select Only Display Software With an Associated File.

Associated File A Software and Cataloged Software title can have one or more files attached to them,
as needed. Indicate if you want to select a specific file associated with the selected
software title.
• Choose associated file: Select this option if you want to associate a file. You
can select a file in the list. If you know the file name, start typing it in the box,
and select it from the available entries in the list.
• Do not associate file: Select this option if you do not want to associate a file.

Alternate Location Specify a location from which files can be downloaded for a specific Managed
Path: Enter the location where the KACE SMA Agent can retrieve digital installation
Checksum: Enter an alternate checksum (MD5) that matches the MD5 checksum
on the remote file share. If no checksum is entered, the digital asset on the file
share must match the digital asset associated with the deployment package on the
appliance. Also, the target path must include the complete filename (for example,\
\fileserver_one\software\adobe.exe). You can create the checksum using
any tool, including KDeploy.exe, which is installed with the KACE SMA Agent.
To create the checksum using KDeploy.exe:
a. On a device with the KACE SMA Agent installed, open a command prompt or
terminal window.
b. Go to the Quest KACE installation directory. For example:
Windows 32-bit devices: C:\Program Files\Quest\KACE
Windows 64-bit devices: C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\KACE
Mac OS X devices: /Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/bin
c. Enter the following command: KDeploy -hash=filename
Where filename is the UNC path to the file. If the path contains spaces, enclose
the entire path in double quotation marks.
d. Press Ctrl C or Command C to copy the MD5 checksum. You can then paste
it into other files, such as Notepad.
Credential: The details of the service account required to connect to the device
and run commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select
Add new credential to add credentials not already listed. See Add and edit User/
Password credentials.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Managed Installations for RPM files
Option Description

NOTE: If the target device is part of a replication label, the appliance does
  not fetch applications from the alternate download location. You can edit
an existing label or create a label to specify the alternate location globally.
Because that label cannot be specific to any Managed Installation, you cannot
specify an alternate checksum that matches the checksum on the remote file
See Distributing packages from alternate download locations and Replication Shares
and Add or edit manual labels.

Installation Installation command options.


Default Select this option if you have an RPM file and you want the appliance to run
Installation the default installation command. Linux devices use: rpm [-U | Run Parameters]
Run Parameters: (Optional) If you select Use Default, specify the parameters to
use. Run parameters are not required if you have an RPM file.
Enter a value to override (Default -U default).
For example, if you set Run Parameters to: -ivh --replacepkgs, then the command
that runs on the device is:
rpm -ivh –replacepkgs package.rpm

Override Default Select this option to specify the complete command line here. If you are using an
Installation archive file, this command runs against all of the RPM files it finds.

Uninstall Remove the package from the device using the command line. If you specified a
command in the Full Command Line field, the command runs. Otherwise, the KACE
SMA Agent attempts to run the command, which is generally expected to remove the

Run Command Run the command only. This does not download the actual digital asset.
Only (do not
download file)

Delete Delete the files when the deployment is complete.

Downloaded Files

ITNinja Deployment tips from ITNinja. These tips are available only if you share usage data.
See Configure data sharing preferences.

4. Specify deployment settings:

Option Description

All Devices Deploy to all devices. Clear the check box to limit the deployment to specific labels or

Labels Limit deployment to devices that belong to specified labels. To select labels, click
Edit, drag labels to the Limit Deployment to window, then click Save.
If you select a label that has a Replication Share or an alternate download location,
the appliance copies digital assets from that Replication Share or alternate download
location instead of downloading them directly from the appliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Managed Installations for RPM files
Option Description

NOTE: The appliance uses a Replication Share before it uses the KACE Alt

Devices Limit deployment to specific devices. In the drop-down list, select the devices to
which you want to deploy the application. To filter the list, type a few characters in the
Devices field. The number next to the field indicates the number of devices available.
NOTE: Reclaiming unused software licenses only. Any devices from which
  you want to remove the applicable software are listed. You can edit the list of
devices, as needed. To remove the software from all devices, simply select ,
as described above. For more information, see Reclaim unused software

5. Specify the user notification settings:

Option Description

Alert user before Display a message on managed devices before installation. When you select this
run option, the following fields appear:
• Message: The message that appears on managed devices before installation
• Timeout: The length of time, in minutes, during which the message appears.
• Action: The action that takes place at the end of the Initial Message Timeout
period. Options include Install later or Install now. Select Install now to install
the application immediately, or select Install later to postpone the installation
until a user responds. Install later is useful when you want to notify users of an
installation or reboot before it occurs.

Initial Message Display a message on managed devices before installation. When you select this
option, the following fields appear:
• Message: The message that appears on managed devices before installation
• Timeout: The length of time, in minutes, during which the message appears.
• Action: The action that takes place at the end of the Initial Message Timeout
period. Options include Install later or Install now. Select Install now to install
the application immediately, or select Install later to postpone the installation
until a user responds. Install later is useful when you want to notify users of an
installation or reboot before it occurs.

Completion Display a message on managed devices after the installation is complete. When you
Message select this option, the following fields appear:
• Message: The message that appears on managed devices when the
installation is complete.
• Timeout: The length of time, in minutes, during which the message appears.

6. Select Schedule options:

Option Description

Deployment The time, in 24-hour clock format, for package deployment to start and end. The
Window Deployment Window time affects all Action options. Also, the run intervals defined

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Managed Installations for RPM files
Option Description

End in the appliance Settings interact with or override the deployment window of specific

Order The order in which to install or uninstall applications. The lowest value is deployed
first. If an install action and an uninstall action both have the same order value, the
uninstall action is performed first.

Maximum The maximum number of attempts, between 0 and 99, to indicate the number
Attempts of times the appliance tries to install the package. If you specify 0, the appliance
attempts to install the package indefinitely.

7. Click Save.

Create Managed Installations for TAR.GZ files

Deploying software using a TAR.GZ file is a convenient way to package software when more than one file is
required to deploy a particular software title.
For example, some applications require several files, such as RPM, configuration, and data files, for deployment.
You can package these files together in a TAR.GZ file, upload them to your appliance, and create Managed
Installations that use the TAR.GZ files.
To distribute applications to managed devices, you must attach the digital assets, which are the files required for
installation, to applications. In addition, you must select the supported operating systems for applications. See
Attach digital assets to applications and select supported operating systems.
1. Use the following two commands to create a TAR.GZ file:
a. tar –cvf filename.tar packagename.rpm
b. gzip filename.tar
This creates filename.tar.gz
2. Log in to the appliance Administrator Console.
3. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
4. Create an inventory item for the target deployment.
You can do this manually from the Inventory > Software page, or by installing the package on a managed
device that regularly connects to the appliance. See About the Software page.
5. Associate the TAR.GZ file with the inventory item, and upload it to the appliance:
a. On the left navigation bar, click Distribution.
b. Select Choose Action > New.
c. Select the application title with which the TAR.GZ file is associated from the Software drop-down
During installation, the file is uncompressed and the installation command runs against each of
the RPM packages.
If no Run Parameters are provided, -U is used.
You do not need to specify a full command line. The appliance runs the installation command by itself.
The Linux device tries to install using:
rpm [-U | Run Parameters] "packagename.tgz"
d. Optional: If you have many files, create a ZIP archive that contains them, then direct the
appliance to unpack the archive and run a specific file.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Managed Installations for TAR.GZ files
To do this, place the name of the file that you want to run in the command (executable) field within
the deployment package (for example, runthis.exe). Provide additional package details. See Using
Managed Installations.
e. Click Save.
The KACE SMA Agent automatically runs deployment packages with RPM extensions.

Create Managed Installations for Mac OS X devices

You can create Managed Installations for Mac OS X devices as needed.
To distribute applications to managed devices, you must attach the digital assets, which are the files required for
installation, to the application. In addition, you must select the supported operating systems for the application.
See Attach digital assets to applications and select supported operating systems.
1. Go to the Managed Installation Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Distribution.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Select the application in the Software drop-down list.
By default, the KACE SMA Agent attempts to install the PKG file using the following command:
installer -pkg packagename.pkg -target / [Run Parameters]
If you have selected a ZIP, TGZ, or TAR.GZ file, the contents are unpacked and the root directory is
searched for all PKG files. The installation command runs against each of these PKG files and processes
them in alphabetical order.
Next, the appliance searches for all plain applications (APP) on the top level of the archive and copies them
to the Applications folder using the following command:
ditto -rscs Application.app /Applications/Application.app
To run a script or change any of these command lines, you can specify the appropriate script invocation as
the Full Command Line. You can specify wildcards in the filenames you use. Enclose the filename in single
or double quotation marks if it contains spaces. The files are extracted into a directory in /tmp, and that
becomes the current working directory of the command.

TIP: If you only want to run your script on Mac OS X, you do not need to include any other files in
  your archive.
3. If the package requires additional options, provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the Managed Installation. This name appears on the Managed
Installations page.

Execution The package deployment setting. Options include:

• Disabled: Do not deploy the package.
• Anytime: Deploy the package at the next opportunity, such as the next time
the KACE SMA Agent reports inventory information to the appliance.
• At bootup: Deploy the package the next time the device starts up.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Managed Installations for Mac OS X devices
Option Description

NOTE: If a device has an Active Directory or Group Policy Object setting

  that displays a message that the user must acknowledge before logging
on, packages are not deployed and scripts do not run until the message is

• After login: Deploy the package after the user logs in but before the desktop
• While user logged in: Deploy the package while the user is logged on.
• While user logged off: Deploy the package only when the device is running
and the user is logged off.

Inventory Indicate if you want to deploy the software title from Cataloged Software or all
Software by selecting one of these options.
• To search for a specific title, begin typing in the Software or Cataloged
Software field.

NOTE: Reclaiming unused software licenses only. The name of the

  software that you want to uninstall appears in this field by default. For
more information, see Reclaim unused software licenses.

• If you want to display only the software that has one or more associated files,
select Only Display Software With an Associated File.

Associated File A Software and Cataloged Software title can have one or more files attached to them,
as needed. Indicate if you want to select a specific file associated with the selected
software title.
• Choose associated file: Select this option if you want to associate a file. You
can select a file in the list. If you know the file name, start typing it in the box,
and select it from the available entries in the list.
• Do not associate file: Select this option if you do not want to associate a file.

Alternate Location Specify a location from which files can be downloaded for a specific Managed
Path: Enter the location where the KACE SMA Agent can retrieve digital installation
Checksum: Enter an alternate checksum (MD5) that matches the MD5 checksum
on the remote file share. If no checksum is entered, the digital asset on the file
share must match the digital asset associated with the deployment package on the
appliance. Also, the target path must include the complete filename (for example, \
\fileserver_one\software\adobe.exe). You can create the checksum using
any tool, including KDeploy.exe, which is installed with the KACE SMA Agent.
To create the checksum using KDeploy.exe:
a. On a device with the KACE SMA Agent installed, open a command prompt or
terminal window.
b. Go to the Quest KACE installation directory. For example:
Windows 32-bit devices: C:\Program Files\Quest\KACE
Windows 64-bit devices: C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\KACE
Mac OS X devices: /Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/bin
c. Enter the following command: KDeploy -hash=filename
Where filename is the UNC path to the file. If the path contains spaces, enclose
the entire path in double quotation marks.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Managed Installations for Mac OS X devices
Option Description

d. Press Ctrl C or Command C to copy the MD5 checksum. You can then paste
it into other files, such as Notepad.
Credential: The details of the service account required to connect to the device
and run commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select
Add new credential to add credentials not already listed. See Add and edit User/
Password credentials.
NOTE: If the target device is part of a replication label, the appliance does
  not fetch applications from the alternate download location. You can edit
an existing label or create a label to specify the alternate location globally.
Because that label cannot be specific to any Managed Installation, you cannot
specify an alternate checksum that matches the checksum on the remote file
See Distributing packages from alternate download locations and Replication Shares
and Add or edit manual labels.

Default You do not need to specify an installation command. The server runs the installation
Installation command by itself. The Mac OS X device tries to install the package using this
installer -pkg packagename.pkg -target / [Run Parameters]
ditto -rsrc packagename.app /Applications/theapp
If you have specified an archive file, this command runs against all of the PKG files or
APP files it can find.

Override Default Specify the full command-line parameters. See the MSI Command Line
Installation documentation for available runtime options.
NOTE: When using a DMG package, the command line should be relative to
  the file path of the mounted DMG file.

• Uninstall: Uninstall the application from the command line.

• Run Command Only (do not download file): Run the command line only.
• Don’t Prepend msiexec.exe: Prevent the appliance from adding
msiexec.exe to the beginning of the file.

Delete Delete the files when the deployment is complete.

Downloaded Files

ITNinja Deployment tips from ITNinja. These tips are available only if you share usage data.
See Configure data sharing preferences.

NOTE: User notification messages are not available on Mac OS X devices.

4. Specify deployment settings:
Option Description

All Devices Deploy to all devices. Clear the check box to limit the deployment to specific labels or

Labels Limit deployment to devices that belong to specified labels. To select labels, click
Edit, drag labels to the Limit Deployment to window, then click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Managed Installations for Mac OS X devices
Option Description

If you select a label that has a Replication Share or an alternate download location,
the appliance copies digital assets from that Replication Share or alternate download
location instead of downloading them directly from the appliance.
NOTE: The appliance uses a Replication Share before it uses the KACE Alt

Devices Limit deployment to specific devices. In the drop-down list, select the devices to
which you want to deploy the application. To filter the list, type a few characters in the
Devices field. The number next to the field indicates the number of devices available.
NOTE: Reclaiming unused software licenses only. Any devices from which
  you want to remove the applicable software are listed. You can edit the list of
devices, as needed. To remove the software from all devices, simply select ,
as described above. For more information, see Reclaim unused software

5. Select Schedule options:

Option Description

Deployment The time, in 24-hour clock format, for package deployment to start and end. The
Window Deployment Window time affects all Action options. Also, the run intervals defined
Start in the appliance Settings interact with or override the deployment window of specific

Order The order in which to install or uninstall applications. The lowest value is deployed
first. If an install action and an uninstall action both have the same order value, the
uninstall action is performed first.

Maximum The maximum number of attempts, between 0 and 99, to indicate the number
Attempts of times the appliance tries to install the package. If you specify 0, the appliance
attempts to install the package indefinitely.

6. Click Save.
For more information, see:
• Distributing software and using Wake-on-LAN
• Using Managed Installations

Create and use File Synchronizations

Using File Synchronizations, you can push out any type of file to Agent-managed devices.
File Synchronizations enable you to distribute files to managed devices. Unlike Managed Installations, however,
File Synchronizations do not install files; they simply distribute files. Use File Synchronizations to copy files of any
type to managed devices.
The string KACE_ALT_Location in the Alternate Location field is replaced with the value assigned by the
corresponding label. You should not have a device in more than one label with an Alternate Location specified.
1. Go to the File Synchronizations list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create and use File Synchronizations
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Distribution, then click File Synchronizations.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
If this option is unavailable, there are no applications with the associated files in inventory. See Attach
digital assets to applications and select supported operating systems.
2. In the Configure section, provide the following information:
Option Description

Enabled Enable the File Synchronization. When the KACE SMA Agents on selected devices
check in to the appliance, the file is distributed.

Name A name that identifies the File Synchronization. This name appears on the File
Synchronizations page.

Path The directory location, on target devices, to which you want to save the file.

Create Path Create the location specified in the Path field if it does not already exist.

Credentials The details of the service account required to connect to the device and run
commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select Add new
credential to add credentials not already listed. See Add and edit User/Password

File The file to be distributed to target devices. To appear on the list, applications must
have associated files in inventory. See Attach digital assets to applications and select
supported operating systems.

Do Not Prevent the appliance from uncompressing files.


Persist Confirm that the file does not already exist on target devices before attempting to
distribute it.

Create Shortcut Create a desktop shortcut to the file location on the device.

Name The display name for the desktop shortcut.

Delete Temporary Delete the files when the deployment is complete.


ITNinja Deployment tips from ITNinja. These tips are available only if you share usage data.
See Configure data sharing preferences.

3. Specify deployment settings:

Option Description

All Devices Deploy to all devices. Clear the check box to limit the deployment to specific labels or

Labels Limit deployment to devices that belong to specified labels. To select labels, click
Edit, drag labels to the Limit Deployment to window, then click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create and use File Synchronizations
Option Description

If you select a label that has a Replication Share or an alternate download location,
the appliance copies digital assets from that Replication Share or alternate download
location instead of downloading them directly from the appliance.
NOTE: The appliance uses a Replication Share before it uses the KACE Alt

Devices Limit deployment to specific devices. In the drop-down list, select the devices to
which you want to deploy the application. To filter the list, type a few characters in the
Devices field. The number next to the field indicates the number of devices available.

Initial Message Display a message on devices before installation.

Completion Display a message on devices after the installation is complete.


Blackout Window The time during which Agents on managed devices are prevented from performing
File Synchronizations.

Alternate Location Specify a location from which files can be downloaded for a specific Managed
Path: Enter the location where the KACE SMA Agent can retrieve digital installation
Checksum: Enter an alternate checksum (MD5) that matches the MD5 checksum
on the remote file share. If no checksum is entered, the digital asset on the file
share must match the digital asset associated with the deployment package on the
appliance. Also, the target path must include the complete filename (for example, \
\fileserver_one\software\adobe.exe). You can create the checksum using
any tool, including KDeploy.exe, which is installed with the KACE SMA Agent.
To create the checksum using KDeploy.exe:
a. On a device with the KACE SMA Agent installed, open a command prompt or
terminal window.
b. Go to the Quest KACE installation directory. For example:
Windows 32-bit devices: C:\Program Files\Quest\KACE
Windows 64-bit devices: C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\KACE
Mac OS X devices: /Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/bin
c. Enter the following command: KDeploy -hash=filename
Where filename is the UNC path to the file. If the path contains spaces, enclose
the entire path in double quotation marks.
d. Press Ctrl C or Command C to copy the MD5 checksum. You can then paste
it into other files, such as Notepad.
Credential: The details of the service account required to connect to the device
and run commands. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select
Add new credential to add credentials not already listed. See Add and edit User/
Password credentials.
NOTE: If the target device is part of a replication label, the appliance does
  not fetch applications from the alternate download location. You can edit
an existing label or create a label to specify the alternate location globally.
Because that label cannot be specific to any Managed Installation, you cannot
specify an alternate checksum that matches the checksum on the remote file

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create and use File Synchronizations
Option Description

See Distributing packages from alternate download locations and Replication Shares
and Add or edit manual labels.

4. Click Save.
TIP: To distribute files previously deployed after the deployment window has closed, go to the File
  Synchronization Detail page for the File Synchronization, then click Save and Resend Files at the bottom
of the page.

Using Wake-on-LAN
Wake-on-LAN enables you to power-on devices remotely from the KACE SMA regardless of whether the devices
have the KACE SMA Agent installed.
NOTE: To use Wake-on-LAN, devices must be equipped with Wake-on-LAN-enabled network interface
  card (NIC) and BIOS.

For Wake-on-LAN, the KACE SMA broadcasts UDP traffic on your network on port 7. The KACE SMA sends 16
packets per Wake-on-LAN request because it must guess the broadcast address that is required to get the “Magic
Packet” to the target device. This traffic is ignored by devices that are not being powered-on remotely, and the
traffic should not have a noticeable impact on the network.
You can power on devices belonging to the same subnet as the KACE SMA, or on different subnets. To power on
a device associated with a different subnet, you must designate a KACE SMA agent as a Wake-on LAN Relay.

Issue Wake-on-LAN requests

To wake multiple devices at once, you can specify a label to which those devices belong, or you can wake
devices individually.
If the device you want to wake is not inventoried by the appliance but you know the MAC (hardware) address and
the device’s last-known IP address, you can manually enter the information to wake the device.
1. Go to the Wake-on-LAN Schedules list.
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Distribution, then click Wake-on-LAN.
2. Select Choose Action > New > Simple.
3. Select the type of device to work with:
• To wake devices that belong to labels, select labels in the Labels drop-down list.
• To wake individual devices, select devices the Managed Devices field. To search the list, begin typing
in the field.
• To wake Discovered devices, select devices in the Discovered Devices field. To search the list, begin
typing in the field.
4. To enter device information manually, do one of the following:
• In the IP Address field, specify the IP address of a device.
• In the Manual Entry section, specify the MAC address of a device.
5. Click Run Now.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Issue Wake-on-LAN requests
The results at the top of the page indicate the number of devices that received the request and the labels, if any,
to which those devices belong.

Schedule Wake-on-LAN requests

Scheduling a Wake-on-LAN request is useful when you want to wake devices on a regular basis. This is useful for
recurring tasks, such as performing monthly maintenance.
If you want to wake devices belonging to a different subnet, you must find a machine belonging to the device's
subnet and running a KACE SMA agent instance, and designate that machine as a relay by assigning it a label.
For more information about labels, see Setting up and using labels to manage groups of items.
1. Go to the Wake-on-LAN Schedules list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Distribution, then click Wake-on-LAN.
2. Select Choose Action > New > Advanced.
3. Select the type of device to work with:
• To choose devices that belong to labels, in the Configure section, under Labels, click Manage
Associated Labels. In the Select Labels dialog box that appears, select one or more labels
associated with the devices that you want to select. Close the dialog box.
• To choose devices by operating system, click Manage Operating Systems. In the Operating
Systems dialog box that appears, select the OS versions in the navigation tree, as applicable.
You have an option to select OS versions by their family, product, architecture, or build version. You
can choose a specific build versions, or a parent node, as needed. Selecting a parent node in the tree
automatically selects the associated child nodes. This behavior allows you to select any future OS
versions, as devices are added or upgraded in your managed environment. For example, to select
all build current and future versions associated with the Windows 10 x64 architecture, under All >
Windows > Windows 10, select x64.
4. To wake a device that belongs to a different subnet, select a relay machine.
a. In the Configure section, under Relay Labels, click Manage Associated Labels.
b. In the Select Labels dialog box that appears, select the label associated with the relay device.
c. Close the dialog box.
5. On the Wake-on-LAN Settings page, in the Schedule section, specify the schedule settings:
Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Schedule Wake-on-LAN requests
Option Description
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

6. Click Save.
The Wake-on-LAN page appears with the scheduled request listed.

Troubleshooting Wake-on-LAN
Under certain conditions, a Wake-on-LAN request might fail.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Troubleshooting Wake-on-LAN
Conditions that might cause Wake-on-LAN failures include:
• The device does not have a Wake-on-LAN-capable network card or is not configured properly.
• The appliance has incorrect information about the subnet to which the device is attached.
• UDP traffic is not routed between subnets or is being filtered by a network device.
• Broadcast traffic is not routed between subnets or is being filtered by a network device.
• Traffic on port 7 is being filtered by a network device.
For more information, go to http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/ethernet-

Exporting Managed Installations

If you have multiple organizations or appliances, you can export Managed Installations and transfer them among
organizations and appliances as needed.
See About importing and exporting resources.

Broadcasting alerts to managed devices

You can send messages to users by broadcasting alerts, which are displayed as pop-up messages, on Agent-
managed devices.
Displaying alerts is useful when you need to communicate urgent information, or notify users before running
actions or scripts on their devices.
In addition, you can create email notifications that can be sent automatically when specified criteria are met. See
Scheduling notifications.

NOTE: Displaying a message on a managed device requires a connection between the Agent and the
  appliance. For information about Agent connections, see Configuring Agent settings.

NOTE: This type of alert is generated at the KACE SMA, to be broadcast to Agent-managed devices. The
  other type of alert is the monitoring alert, which comes into the KACE SMA from your server devices if you
have enabled monitoring on them to perform basic performance monitoring. See Monitoring servers.

Create alerts to be broadcast

You can create and schedule alerts to be broadcast to Agent-managed devices as needed.
1. Go to the Alert Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Distribution, then click Alerts.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Provide the following information:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create alerts to be broadcast
Option Description

Message Type the content of the alert to be displayed. The message can contain up to 500

All Devices Display the message on all devices whose KACE SMA Agents are connected to the

Devices Display the message on specified devices. Use Ctrl-click or Command-click to select
multiple devices.

Labels Display the message only on devices assigned to selected labels. click Manage
Associated Labels to select device labels. Use Ctrl-click or Command-click to
select multiple labels.

Expiration Specify the length of time for the message to be valid. When target devices are
connected to the KACE SMA, the message is broadcast and is displayed until the
user acknowledges the message by clicking OK.
NOTE: If a device is not connected to the KACE SMA, the alert message
  is sent to the Agent Command Queue, and it remains there until the device
connects to the KACE SMA. When the target device connects, the message
appears regardless of whether the Expiration time has elapsed.

3. In the Schedule section, specify the schedule settings:

Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every Run every number of set hours.

Run Every day/ Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
specific day at time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create alerts to be broadcast
Option Description

Use the following when specifying values:

• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

4. Click Save.

Running scripts on managed devices

You can create scripts and run them on managed devices to automate tasks and configure settings.

About scripts
Scripts provide a point-and-click interface to perform tasks that typically require a manual process or advanced
programming. You can create scripts and run them to perform tasks on target devices across your network.
Scripts automate tasks such as:
• Configuring power management settings
• Installing software
• Checking antivirus status
• Changing registry settings
• Scheduling software deployment
You can create these types of scripts:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About scripts
Option Description

Offline KScripts Scripts that run at a scheduled time, based on the target device's clock. Offline
KScripts can run even when target devices are not connected to the appliance, such
as when devices start up or when users log in. You can create these scripts using the
scripting templates.

Online KScripts Scripts that run only when a target device is connected to the appliance. Online
KScripts run at scheduled times based on the appliance clock. You can create these
scripts using the scripting templates.

Online shell Scripts that run at scheduled times based on the appliance clock, but that run
scripts only when the target device is connected to the appliance. Online shell scripts are
created using simple text-based scripts, such as Bash, Perl, batch, and so on, that
are supported by the target device’s operating system. Batch files are supported
on Windows, along with the different shell script formats supported by the specific
operating system of the target devices.

Each script consists of:

• Metadata.
• Dependencies, including any supporting executable files that are necessary to run a script, for example,
ZIP and BAT files.
• Rules to obey, such as offline KScripts and online KScripts.
• Tasks to complete, such as offline KScripts and online KScripts. Each script can have any number of tasks,
and you can configure whether each task must complete successfully before the next one runs.
• Deployment settings.
• Schedule settings.

Obtaining script dependencies

Script dependencies include files and other items that are used by scripts. If scripts have dependencies, and
those dependencies are present on target devices, those dependencies are used. Otherwise, scripts look for
dependencies on repositories in a specified order.
Scripts obtain dependencies from the target device and repositories in the following order:
1. The target device
2. An alternate download location (KACE_ALT_LOCATION)
3. A Replication Share
NOTE: For information about alternate download locations and Replication Shares, see Distributing
  packages from alternate download locations and Replication Shares.

Tracking changes to scripting settings

If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects.
This information includes the date the change was made and the user who made the change, which can be useful
during troubleshooting. See About history settings.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Tracking changes to scripting settings
About default scripts
Default scripts are pre-configured scripts you can use to force devices to report inventory, enable and disable
debugging on devices, shutdown devices, and perform other tasks on devices remotely.
Table 26. Default scripts

Script Name Description

Defragment the C: drive Defragments drive C on the device.

Force Check-In Forces Windows devices with the KACE SMA Agent installed to take
inventory and sync with the KACE SMA.
WARNING: Do not run Force Check-In with more than 50 devices
  selected because it can overload the appliance with requests.

Force Check-In (Mac/Linux) Force Mac and Linux devices with the KACE SMA Agent installed to take
inventory and sync with the KACE SMA.
WARNING: Do not run Force Check-In with more than 50 devices
  selected because it can overload the appliance with requests.

Inventory Startup Programs On some devices, a missing registry entry causes all the contents of the
Fix system32 directory to be reported as Startup Programs. This script fixes
the registry entry if it is missing.

Issue a DOS Command Issues the DOS-DIR command on a Windows device. Used as an
Example example for how to run a DOS command.

Issue a Mac Command Issues the AppDir.txt command to list the contents of the Mac OS X
Example Applications directory. Used as an example of how to run a command on
Mac OS X.

KACE SMA Agent Debug Log On Mac and Linux devices, disables the debug switch used with the KACE
Disable (Mac/Linux) SMA Agent debug logs.

KACE SMA Agent Debug Log On Windows devices, disables the debug switch used with the KACE SMA
Disable (Windows) Agent debug logs.

KACE SMA Agent Debug Log On Mac and Linux devices, if the KACE SMA Agent is checking in,
Enable (Mac/Linux) but something is still not quite right, this script enables the debug flag.
This option provides additional debugging information for Agent-related
activities such as AMP, Inventory, and Scripting, and sends the output
back to the KACE SMA. It does not enable debugging of the scheduling

KACE SMA Agent Debug Log On Windows devices, if the KACE SMA Agent is checking in, but
Enable (Windows) something is still not quite right, this script enables the debug flag. This
option provides additional debugging information for Agent-related
activities such as AMP, Inventory, and Scripting, and sends the output
back to the KACE SMA. It does not enable debugging of the scheduling

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About default scripts
Script Name Description

KACE SMA Enable detailed Sets a registry key that causes the Dell Data Protection | Encryption agent
DDPE Inventory (Windows) to write policy data to the file system, which enables the KACE SMA Agent
to perform more detailed inventory collection. Windows PowerShell 2.0 or
higher is required.

KACE SMA Remote Control Disables the appliance Remote Control functionality on Windows XP
Disabler Professional by configuring Terminal Services properly.

KACE SMA Remote Control Enables the appliance Remote Control functionality on Windows XP
Enabler Professional by configuring Terminal Services properly.

Make Removable Drives Allows removable drives to be mounted only as read-only. This action
Read-Only controls unauthorized access to data.

Make Removable Drives Sets the properties of removable drives so that they can be mounted as
Read-Write read-write enabled.

Message Window Script Illustrates the use of the Message Window. Your script must have properly
Example paired create/destroy Message Window commands to work properly. The
Message Window appears until one of the following occurs:
• The user dismisses the message.
• The script runs to completion.
• A timeout period expires.

Put a Mac to sleep Places a Mac OS X device in Sleep mode.

NOTE: This script works with Mac OS X 10.5 and higher. It does
  not work with earlier versions of Mac OS X.

Reset KUID Deletes the registry key that identifies a Windows device so that a new key
can be generated. Runs once per device using the ResetKUIDRunOnce
registry flag.

Shutdown a Mac Powers-off a Mac OS X device.

Shutdown a Mac with snooze An example online KScript that uses the Alert user before run feature to
allow administrators to snooze the shutdown.

Shutdown a Windows system Specifies a delay (in seconds) while the message in quotes is displayed
to the user. Omit the -t parameter to silently and immediately shut down

Shutdown a Windows system An example online KScript that uses the Alert User Before Run feature to
with Snooze allow the administrator to snooze the shutdown.

USB Drives Disable Disables the use of USB drives.

USB Drives Enable Enables the use of USB drives.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About default scripts
Adding and editing scripts
You can add or edit scripts using the Administrator Console.
To add and edit scripts, do one of the following:
• Import an existing script in XML format. See Structure of importable scripts.
• Duplicate an existing script. See Duplicate scripts.
• Create a script. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.

TIP: The process of creating scripts is an iterative one. After creating a script, deploy it to a limited number
  of devices to verify that it runs as expected before deploying it to all managed devices. You can create a
test label to do this verification. Enable scripts only after you have tested them.

Token replacement variables

Use token replacement values to add variables to scripts. The following list shows the token replacement
values that can be used in the XML of scripts. At run time, these variables are replaced on the device with the
appropriate values.
Table 27. Token replacement values

Item Description

$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR) This is the folder where any script dependencies for

this script are downloaded to the client.
5.2 or higher: $(KACE_DATA_DIR)\kbots_cache
5.1: $(KACE_INSTALL)\packages\kbots\xxx

$(KACE_SYS_DIR) Agent device's system directory.

$(KBOX_SYS_DIR) Both are synonymous. Preferred:
Windows: C:\Windows\System32
Mac OS X: /
Linux: /

$(KACE_MAC_ADDRESS) Agent device's primary Ethernet MAC address.

$(MAC_ADDRESS) All are synonymous. Preferred:

$(KACE_IP_ADDRESS) Agent's local IP address (corresponds with

$(KBOX_IP_ADDRESS) network entry of KACE_MAC_ADDRESS) (http://
Both are synonymous. Preferred:

$(KACE_SERVER_URL) Combination of server, port, and URL prefix. (http://


$(KACE_SERVER) Hostname of KACE SMA server. (kbox)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Token replacement variables
Item Description

$(KACE_SERVER_PORT) Port to use when connecting to the KACE SMA

server. (80/433)

$(KACE_SERVER_URLPREFIX) Web protocol to use when connecting to the KACE

SMA server. (http/https)

$(KACE_COMPANY_NAME) Agent's copy of the setting from server's config


$(KACE_KUID) The unique Quest KACE ID assigned to this Agent.

$(KBOX_MACHINE_ID) Both are synonymous. Preferred: $(KACE_KUID)

$(KACE_APP_DIR) Installation directory for the Quest KACE Agent and

For older Agents this is mapped to
Windows: C:\Program Files\Quest\KACE\ or
C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\KACE\
Mac OS: /Library/Application Support/
Linux: /opt/quest/kace/bin

$(KACE_DATA_DIR) Installation directory for executables, scripts,

packages, and so on.
For older Agents this is mapped to
Windows Vista and later: C:\ProgramData
Mac OS: /Library/Application Support/
Linux: /var/quest/kace

$(KACE_AGENT_VERSION) Substitutes the version number of the installed

Agent. "5.2.12345".
5.2 or higher only.

$(KACE_AGENT_ARCH) Substitutes the architecture of the installed Agent.

5.2 or higher Windows only.

$(KACE_HARDWARE_ARCH) Substitutes the architecture of the physical

hardware. "x86/x64".
5.2 or higher Windows only.

$(KACE_OS_FAMILY) Substitutes Windows, Mac, or Linux depending on

the operating system of the Agent-managed device.
5.2 or higher only.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Token replacement variables
Item Description

$(KACE_OS_ARCH) Substitutes x86 or x64 depending on the installed

version of Microsoft Windows.
5.2 or higher Windows only.

Add offline KScripts or online KScripts

You can add KScripts, specify the devices on which you want to run the scripts, and schedule scripts to run as
Offline and online KScripts include one or more tasks. Within each Task section, there are Verify and Remediation
sections where you can further define the script behavior. If a section is blank, it defaults to Success.
1. Go to the Script Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Configure section, specify script settings:
Option Description

Name A meaningful name for the script that distinguishes it from others on the Scripts list.

Enabled Whether the script is enabled to run on the target devices. Do not enable a script until
you are finished editing and testing it and are ready to run it. Enable the script on a
test label before you enable it on all devices.

Type The script type. Script types include:

• Online KScripts: Scripts that run only when a target device is connected to
the appliance. Online KScripts run at scheduled times based on the appliance
clock. You can create these scripts using the scripting templates.
• Offline KScripts: Scripts that run at a scheduled time, based on the target
device’s clock. These scripts can run even when target devices are not
connected to the appliance, such as when devices start up or when users log
in. You can create these scripts using the scripting templates.
• Online shell scripts: Scripts that run at scheduled times based on the
appliance clock, but that run only when the target device is connected to the
appliance. Online shell scripts are created using simple text-based scripts,
such as Bash, Perl, batch, and so on, that are supported by the target device’s
operating system. Batch files are supported on Windows, along with the
different shell script formats supported by the specific operating system of the
target devices.

Status Whether the script is in development (Draft) or has been rolled out to your network
(Production). Use the Template status if you are building a script to use as the basis
for future scripts.

Description (Optional) A brief description of the actions the script performs. This field helps you to
distinguish one script from another on the Scripts list.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add offline KScripts or online KScripts
Option Description

Notes Any additional information you want to provide.

3. In the Deploy section specify deployment options:

Option Description

All Devices Deploy to all devices. Clear the check box to limit the deployment to specific labels or

Labels Limit deployment to devices that belong to specified labels. To select labels, click
Edit, drag labels to the Limit Deployment to window, then click Save.
If you select a label that has a Replication Share or an alternate download location,
the appliance copies digital assets from that Replication Share or alternate download
location instead of downloading them directly from the appliance.
NOTE: The appliance uses a Replication Share before it uses the KACE Alt

Devices Limit deployment to one or more devices. To find devices, begin typing in the field.

Operating LThe operating systems on which the application runs. Applications are deployed
Systems only to devices with the selected operating systems.
a. Click Manage Operating Systems.
b. In the Operating Systems dialog box that appears, select the OS versions in
the navigation tree, as applicable.
You have an option to select OS versions by their family, product, architecture,
or build version. You can choose a specific build versions, or a parent node, as
needed. Selecting a parent node in the tree automatically selects the associated
child nodes. This behavior allows you to select any future OS versions, as
devices are added or upgraded in your managed environment. For example, to
select all build current and future versions associated with the Windows 10 x64
architecture, under All > Windows > Windows 10, select x64.
4. Specify Windows Run As settings (for online shell scripts and KScripts that run on Windows devices only):
Option Description

Local System Run the script with administrative privileges on the local device. Use this setting for all
scripts created with a template.

Logged-in user Run the script as the user who is logged in to the local device. This affects the user’s

All logged-in Run the script once for every user that is logged in to the device. This affects the
users profiles of all users.

Credentials Run the Online Shell Script and KScripts in the context of credentials that are
specified here. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, or select Add new
credential to add credentials not already listed.
See Add and edit User/Password credentials.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add offline KScripts or online KScripts
Option Description

NOTE: When running online KScripts on Windows devices, message windows

  are not displayed on target devices when you select the option to run the script
as a specific credentialed user. To display message windows, run the script as
Local System, Logged-in user, or All logged-in users.

5. In the Notify section, specify user alert settings. Alerts are available only for online KScripts and online shell
scripts on Windows and Mac devices running the KACE SMA Agent version 5.1 and higher:
Option Description

Alert User Before Allow the user to run, cancel, or delay the action. This is especially important when
Run reboots are required. If no user is logged in, the script runs immediately.

Options Options presented to the user in the alert dialog (available when you select Alert
user before run):
• OK: Run immediately.
• Cancel: Cancel until the next scheduled run.
• Snooze: Prompt the user again after the Snooze Duration.
If the time specified in the Timeout elapses without a user response, the script runs at
that time.
Interaction with Run As:
• Only the console user can see the alert dialog, and therefore choose to Snooze
or Cancel, regardless of the Run As setting.
• Enabling an alert prompts the console user even if the script is set to run as all
users or another user.

Timeout The amount of time, in minutes, for the dialog to be displayed before an action
is performed. If this time period elapses without the user pressing a button, the
appliance performs the action specified in the Timeout drop-down list.

Timeout Action The action to be performed when the Timeout period elapses without the user
choosing an option.

Snooze Duration The amount of time, in minutes, for the period after the user clicks Snooze. When this
period elapses, the dialog appears again.

Initial Message The message to be displayed to users before the action runs.
To customize the logo that appears in the dialog, see Configure appliance General
Settings without the Organization component.

6. In the Schedule section, specify run options:

Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add offline KScripts or online KScripts
Option Description

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

7. In the Schedule Options section, select the applicable options.

Option Description

Also run once Runs the offline KScript once when new scripts are downloaded from the appliance.
at next device
checkin (for offline
KScripts only)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add offline KScripts or online KScripts
Option Description

Also Execute Runs the offline KScript when devices start up. This might cause devices to start up
before login (for more slowly than normal.
offline KScripts
NOTE: If a device has an Active Directory or Group Policy Object setting that
only)   displays a message that the user must acknowledge before logging on, scripts
do not run until the message is acknowledged.

Also Execute Runs the offline KScript after users enter Windows login credentials.
after login (before
desktop loads)
(for offline KScripts

Allow run while Allows the offline KScript to run even if the target device cannot contact the appliance
disconnected (for to report results. In such a case, results are stored on the device and uploaded to the
offline KScripts appliance during the next connection.

Allow run without Allows the script to run even if a user is not logged in. To run the script only when the
a logged-in user user is logged in to the device, clear this option.

Run on next For online KScripts or Shell Scripts, this option enables the script to run on offline
connection if machines when they become online again.
offline When a script runs, it calculates the number of machines it is supposed to run on
based on their labels, or their operating systems, or by manually identifying selected
machines. Given that set of machines, the script then determines which of those
machines are currently online, and then queues up a task for the online machines in
the Konductor.
When you select this option, the script skips the step that identifies online machines
and it runs on the online machines. For the offline machines, the task is added to the
Konductor's queue, and it runs when those machine become online.
Any subsequent tasks for running the same script (for example, for an offline machine
that already exists in the Konductor's queue) overwrite the existing tasks, so there
can never be more than one task in the Konductor's queue for the same machine.
Having a high number of tasks in the Konductor may affect the appliance's
performance, so the best practice is to use offline scripts for those machines that are
typically offline, and only use this option with online scripts when the target machines
are expected to be online, to avoid an overpopulating the Konductor's queue.
By default, this option is disabled.

8. To upload files required by the script:

a. In the Dependencies section, click Add new dependency.
b. Click Browse or Choose File.
c. Select a file, then click Open or Choose.
If a Replication Share is specified and enabled, the dependencies are downloaded from the
specified Replication Share.

NOTE: If the Replication Share is inaccessible, the dependencies are downloaded from the
  appliance. To enable this setting, select the Failover To Appliance check box on the Replication
Schedule Detail page. See Create Replication Shares.
Repeat this step to add dependencies as needed.
9. In the Tasks section, click New Task to add a task.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add offline KScripts or online KScripts
The process flow of a task is a script similar to the following:
IF Verify THEN
ELSE IF Remediation THEN
Remediation Success
Remediation Failure
a. In the Policy or Job Rules section, specify the following settings for Task 1:
Option Description

Attempts Enter the number of times the appliance attempts to run the script.
If the script fails but remediation is successful, you might want to run the task again to
confirm the remediation step. To do this, set the number of attempts to 2 or more. If
the Verify section fails, the script runs the number of times specified in this field.

On Failure • Select Break to stop running upon failure.

• Select Continue to perform remediation steps upon failure.

b. In the Verify section, click Add to add a step, then select one or more steps to perform.
See Adding steps to task sections of scripts.
c. In the On Success and Remediation sections, select one or more steps to perform.
See Adding steps to task sections of scripts.
d. In the On Remediation Success and On Remediation Failure sections, select one or more steps
to perform.
See Adding steps to task sections of scripts.

  TIP: To remove a dependency, click the Delete button next to the item: . This button
appears when you mouse over an item.
TIP: Click the Edit button next to Policy or Job Rules to view the token replacement variables
that can be used anywhere in the script: . The variables are replaced at runtime with
appropriate values.
TIP: See Token replacement variables.
10. Do one of the following:
• Click Run Now to immediately push the script to all devices.
Use this option with caution. See Using the Run and Run Now commands.
• Click Save.

Edit scripts
You can edit the three types of scripts: offline KScripts, online KScripts, and online Shell Scripts. You can also edit
offline KScripts and online KScripts with the XML editor.
Scoped users can view the details of all scripts, but they can save changes only to those to scripts that affect the
devices or labels that are associated with their scope. For more information about scoped users, see Add or edit
User Roles.
1. Go to the Script Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Edit scripts
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting.
c. Display the Script Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a script.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. Modify the script as needed.
3. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
4. To edit the raw XML of the script, scroll to the Schedule section, then click Edit XML.
5. Click Save.

Delete scripts from the Scripts page

You can delete scripts from the Scripts page.
1. Go to the Scripts list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting.
2. Select the check box next to one or more scripts.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Delete scripts from the Script Detail page

You can delete scripts from the Script Detail page.
1. Go to the Script Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting.
c. Click the name of a script.
2. Click Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Structure of importable scripts

You can create a script in an external XML editor and import it to the appliance.
Imported scripts must conform to the following structure:
• The root element <kbots></kbots> includes the URL of the KACE DTD "kbots xmlns="http://
• One or more <kbot> elements.
• Exactly one <config> element within each <kbot> element.
• Exactly one <execute> element within each <config> element.
• One or more <compliance> elements within each <kbot> element.
The following is an example of the XML structure for an appliance script:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Structure of importable scripts
<kbots xmlns="http://kace.com/Kbots.xsd">
<config name="name="" type="policy" id="0" version="version="" description=
<execute disconnected="false" logged_off="false">
In the preceding example, the </config> element corresponds to the Configuration section on the Script Detail
page. This element is where you specify the name of the policy or job (optional), and the script type (policy or job).
Within this element you can also indicate whether the script can run when the target device is disconnected or
logged off from the appliance.
You can specify whether the script is enabled and describe the specific tasks the script is to perform within the
<compliance> element.

TIP: To create a script that performs some of the same tasks as an existing script, duplicate the existing
  script, and open it in an XML editor. The script’s <compliance> element gives you an idea of how the script
works, and how you can change it. See Duplicate scripts.

Import scripts
You can import scripts to the appliance as needed.
1. Go to the Scripts list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting.
2. Select Choose Action > Import.
3. Paste the existing script into the space provided, then click Save.

Duplicate scripts
If there is a script that is similar to a script you want to create, you can duplicate that script and edit it as needed.
Using duplication can be faster than creating a script from scratch.
1. Go to the Script Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting.
c. Click the name of a script.
2. At the bottom of the page, click Duplicate to display the Scripts page.
The duplicated script appears on the list.
3. Click the linked name of the duplicated script to open it for editing.
See Edit scripts.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Duplicate scripts
Using the Run and Run Now commands
The Run and Run Now commands enable you to run scripts on target devices immediately without setting a
Running scripts without setting a schedule is useful when:
• You suspect that devices on your network are infected with a virus or other vulnerability, and they might
compromise the entire network if not resolved right away.
• You want to test and debug scripts on a specific device or a set of devices during development.
To run Online KScripts, target devices must have an Agent connection to the KACE SMA.

TIP: To minimize the risk of deploying scripts to unintended devices, create a label that represents the
  devices on which you want to perform the Run Now command.

The Run Now command is available on these Administrator Console pages:

• Run Now and Script Detail pages: Running scripts from the Scripting > Run Now page enables you to run
the selected script on target devices.
• Scripts page: Running scripts from the Scripts page using the Run Now option in the Choose Action menu
enables you to run multiple scripts at the same time.
• Mac Profile Detail: Using the Run Now command on the Mac Profile Detail page runs a script that installs
or removes the selected Mac profile on target devices that have an Agent connection to the KACE SMA.
• Mac Profiles: Selecting Choose Action > Run on the Mac Profiles page runs scripts that install or remove
multiple Mac profiles at the same time, provided that target devices have an Agent connection to the KACE

NOTE: In case you encounter an error while running a script, refer to Error codes caused by patching and
  scripting for a list of error codes that may help you diagnose the issue.

Run scripts from the Run Now page

You can run scripts on target devices from the Run Now page.
CAUTION: Scripts are deployed immediately when you click Run Now.
• Use Run Now cautiously.
• Do not click Run Now unless you are certain that you want to run the script on the target devices.

1. Go to the Run Now page:

a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Run Now.
2. In the Scripts drop-down list, select a script. To find a script, begin typing in the field.
3. In the Deploy section, specify deployment options:
Option Options and Descriptions

Labels Limit deployment to devices that belong to specified labels. To select labels, click
Edit, drag labels to the Limit Deployment to window, then click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Run scripts from the Run Now page
Option Options and Descriptions

If you select a label that has a Replication Share or an alternate download location,
the appliance copies digital assets from that Replication Share or alternate download
location instead of downloading them directly from the appliance.
NOTE: The appliance uses a Replication Share before it uses the KACE Alt

Devices Limit deployment to one or more devices. To find devices, begin typing in the field.
Scoped users can see only those devices that are associated with their role, when
the role is assigned a label. For more information about scoping devices to user roles,
see Add or edit User Roles.

4. Click Run Now.

The Run Now Status page appears.

Run scripts from the Script Detail page

You can run scripts on target devices from the Script Detail page.
1. Go to the Script Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting.
c. Click the name of a script.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, then click Run Now.
The Run Now Status page appears.

Run scripts from the Scripts page

You can run scripts from the Scripts page.
1. Go to the Scripts list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting.
2. Select the check box next to one or more scripts.
3. Select Choose Action > Run Now.
The Run Now Status page appears.

Monitor Run Now status and view script details

You can view the status of scripts that have been started using the Run Now command and access script details.
Ensure that firewall settings do not block the KACE SMA Agent from listening on port 52230.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Monitor Run Now status and view script details
The Run Now command communicates over port 52230. Scripts might fail to deploy if firewall settings block the
KACE SMA Agent from listening on that port. For more information about port requirements, see Verifying port
settings, NTP service, and website access.
1. Go to the Run Now Status list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Run Now Status.
2. Review the information on the Run Now Status list.
Information on this page includes:
◦ Started: The time the Run Now command was issued.
◦ Name: The name of the script. Click this script name to view the Run Now Detail page.
◦ Targeted: The number of devices on which the script is scheduled to run.
◦ Pushed, Running, Pending: The number of devices on which the script is attempting to run.
◦ Succeeded, Failed, Completed: The number of devices on which the script has run.
◦ Success Rate: The percentage of scripts that ran successfully on target devices.
The numbers in the Pushed, Running, Pending, Succeeded, Failed, and Completed columns increment
accordingly as the script is deployed to target devices. If errors occur in pushing the scripts to the selected
devices, you can search the scripting logs to determine the cause. See Search the scripting logs.
3. Click the link in the Started column of a script to display the Run Now Status Detail page.
Information on this page includes:
◦ Run Now Statistics: The results of a script that was pushed, the push failures, push successes,
completed devices, running devices, and successes and failures in numbers and percentage.
◦ Failed Deployment: The devices that the appliance could not contact and therefore did not receive
the policy. When the script is pushed, it might take some time for the device to complete a policy.
◦ Running: The devices that have received the policy but have not reported its results. After the policy
runs, it reports either success or failure. The results are sorted under the appropriate section. Each
individual device page also has the results of the Run Now events run on that device.
◦ Failed Execution: The devices on which the script failed.
◦ Successful Execution: The devices on which the script ran successfully.

About configuration policy templates

Configuration policy templates enable you to create policy-related scripts. These scripts can be deployed to
configure policies on managed devices.
This section includes descriptions of the settings for each of the scripts you can create.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About configuration policy templates
The Windows templates include:
• Add Automatic Update scripts
• Add Dell Command | Monitor scripts
• Add Desktop Wallpaper scripts
• Add Desktop Shortcuts scripts
• Add Event Log Reporter scripts
• Add MSI Installer scripts
• Add Power Management scripts
• Add Registry scriptsAdd Registry scripts
• Add Remote Desktop Control Troubleshooter scripts
• Add UltraVNC scripts
• Add Uninstaller scripts
The Mac OS X templates include:
• Add Active Directory scripts
• Add Power Management scripts
• Add VNC scripts

Using Windows configuration policies

You can create configuration policies or scripts to run on Windows devices using configuration policy templates.
NOTE: If you edit a template-based policy, keep the Run As setting as local system.

About starting Windows Automatic Updates on Windows

There are several ways to start Windows Automatic Updates on Windows managed devices.
To start Windows Automatic Updates, do one of the following:
• Enable the Windows Automatic Updates Settings policy of the appliance. See Add Automatic Update
• Enable the local policy for Windows Automatic Updates on the device.
• Modify the registry key for Windows Automatic Updates on the device.
• Set up the Group Policy on the domain for Windows Automatic Updates on the device.
If you use KACE SMA patching to automatically deploy Windows updates on a device, you must disable Windows
Automatic Updates on the device by any other process to avoid conflicts among the different deployment

Add Automatic Update scripts

Use the Automatic Update template to create scripts that control how managed devices use the Windows Update

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add Automatic Update scripts
Windows Update is a Microsoft feature that automatically updates Windows devices with security and other
important patches from Microsoft. Using the Windows Automatic Update policy, you can specify how and when
Windows updates are downloaded to managed devices so that you can control the update process.
For more information about Windows Update, go to: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/328010.
1. Go to the Windows Automatic Update page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Windows section, click Automatic Updates.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

(Recommended) Enable the automatic downloading of Windows Updates.


Download Download updates, and provide installation options instead of installing updates
updates for me, automatically.
but let the end
user choose when
to install patches

Notify the end Receive notifications when updates are available, but prevent the appliance from
user but do not downloading or installing updates.
IMPORTANT: This setting might make your network more vulnerable to attack
download or   if you neglect to retrieve and install the updates on a regular basis.
install patches

Turn off Automatic Prevent the device from using Windows Automatic Updates. This setting is
Updates recommended if you want to use the appliance patching feature to manage Windows
patch updates.

Remove Admin Provide users with control over the updates downloaded.
Policy and let end
IMPORTANT: Your network might be vulnerable to attacks if you select this
user configure   option.

Reschedule Wait The interval, in minutes, to wait before rescheduling an update if the update fails.

Do not reboot Prevent automatic reboots when users are logged in.
device while user
logged in

SUS Server The name of the server used for the Windows Server® Update Service.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add Automatic Update scripts
Option Description

SUS Statistics The name of the statistics server used for the Windows Server Update Service.

3. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

4. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
5. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
6. Click Save.

About Dell Command | Monitor

Dell Command | Monitor is the monitoring tool of the Dell Command Suite. With it, a remote management
application such as the KACE SMA can perform management and monitoring activities.
Using Dell Command | Monitor gives the KACE SMA the following abilities for certain Dell devices:
• Gain access to management information.
• Monitor device status.
• Change the state of enterprise client systems.
Earlier versions of Dell Command | Monitor were named Dell OpenManage™ Client Instrumentation (OMCI). The
KACE SMA supports only Dell Command | Monitor 9.0 or higher.

Supported physical hardware

Dell Command | Monitor is available for the following Dell hardware.
• Dell Venue 11 Pro
• Dell OptiPlex™
• Dell Precision Workstation™
• Dell Latitude™

Supported Microsoft operating systems

The following operating systems are supported for Dell Command | Monitor.
• Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit), Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional (32-bit and 64-bit), and
Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit), Microsoft Windows 8 Professional (32-bit and 64-bit), and
Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1), Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate x86 (32-bit)
and x64 (64-bit) editions
• Microsoft Windows Vista Business SP1 x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) editions
• Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate SP1, and SP2 x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) editions
• Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise SP1, and SP2 x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) editions

Classes and properties queried for information

The KACE SMA, using Dell Command | Monitor, queries the following DCIM Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI) classes and properties.
The information returned from the queries appears in the Dell Command | Monitor group on the Device Detail
page for the Dell hardware device in inventory.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dell Command | Monitor
You can create custom reports that collect any combination of the properties, using the report wizard. See Create
reports using the report wizard.

    Report wizard Fields to Report wizard Fields to

Class Properties Display group Display item name

DCIM_FlatPanel N/A Dell Command | Monitor Aspect Ratio

- Flat Panel Display
DisplayType Display Type

HorizontalResolution Horizontal Resolution

PrimaryStatus Primary Status

VerticalResolution Vertical Resolution

DCIM_DesktopMonitor N/A Dell Command | Monitor Aspect Ratio

- Monitor
CurrentResolutionH Current Horizontal

CurrentResolutionV Current Vertical


Description Description

InputDisplayPort Supports DisplayPort

InputDVI Supports DVI

InputHDMI Supports HDMI

ManufactureDate Manufacture Date

N/A Physical Diagonal Size


N/A Physical Diagonal Size


PhysicalSizeH Physica lHorizontal Size


PhysicalSizeV Physical Vertical Size


PrimaryStatus PrimaryStatus

SerialNumber Serial Number

StandbyModeSupported Supports Standby Mode

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dell Command | Monitor
    Report wizard Fields to Report wizard Fields to
Class Properties Display group Display item name

SuspendModeSupported Supports Suspend Mode

VeryLowPowerSupported Supports Very Low

Power Mode

DCIM_VProSettings VProCharacteristics Dell Command | Monitor vPro Characteristics

- vPro Settings

DCIM_AMTSettings AMTSupported Dell Command | Monitor AMT Supported

- AMT Settings
IDEREnabled IDE-R Enabled

SOLEnabled SOL Enabled

DCIM_PhysicalMemory BankLabel Dell Command | Monitor Bank Label

- Physical Memory
Capacity Capacity (bytes)

ElementName Name

ManufactureDate Manufacture Date

Manufacturer Manufacturer

MemoryType Memory Type

Model Model

PartNumber Part Number

PrimaryStatus Primary Status

SerialNumber Serial Number

Speed Speed (MHz)

DCIM_Processor Caption Dell Command | Monitor Caption

- Processor
CurrentClockSpeed Current Clock Speed

ElementName Name

MaxClockSpeed Max Clock Speed (MHz)

NumberOfEnabledCores Number of Cores


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dell Command | Monitor
    Report wizard Fields to Report wizard Fields to
Class Properties Display group Display item name

PrimaryStatus Primary Status

Stepping Stepping

NumberOfHardwareThreads Hardware Threads

NumberOfProcessorCores Number of Cores

DCIM_Battery N/A Dell Command | Monitor Charge Health (%)

- Battery
Chemistry Chemistry

DesignCapacity Design Capacity (mWh)

DesignVoltage Design Voltage (mV)

ExpectedLife Expected Life (minutes)

FullChargeCapacity Full Charge Capacity


HealthState Health State

Name Name

PrimaryStatus Primary Status

RechargeCount Recharge Count

DCIM_LogEntry CreationTimeStamp N/A N/A



Hardware alerts available in reports from Dell Command | Monitor

The following settings determine how much alert information is included in a report created with the report wizard.

Report wizard Fields to Report wizard Fields to

Display group Display item name

Dell Command | Monitor Category

- Hardware Alerts



KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Dell Command | Monitor
Add Dell Command | Monitor scripts
Dell Command | Monitor is the monitoring tool of the Dell Command Suite. With it, a remote management
application such as the KACE SMA can perform management and monitoring activities. Using the Dell Command
| Monitor page, you can name and save a Managed Installation for deploying or removing Dell Command |
Monitor from KACE SMA managed devices that support the tool.
You have devices with supported Dell hardware and Microsoft operating systems. See About Dell Command |
You have downloaded Dell Command | Monitor from the Dell TechCenter at http://en.community.dell.com/

NOTE: Although this topic refers to installation, you can also use the Dell Command | Monitor page to
  remove Dell Command | Monitor from a device.
1. Go to the Windows Dell Command | Monitor page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Windows section, click Dell Command | Monitor.
2. Optional: Change the name if you require a more precise name than the default.
3. Set the Action, either keep the default Install, or change it to Uninstall.
4. Click Save to display the Managed Installation Detail page with the configuration information filled in for the
action you have chosen.
The KACE SMA automatically populates the Name, Software, Associated Software, and Full Command
Line fields.
Complete filling out the needed information on the Managed Installation Detail page. See Create Managed
Installations for Windows devices.

Add Desktop Wallpaper scripts

Use this template to build scripts that control the desktop wallpaper settings of Windows devices.
The recommended format for wallpaper files is bitmap (BMP). The specified wallpaper file is distributed to devices
when the script runs.
1. Go to the Desktop Wallpaper page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Windows section, click Desktop Wallpaper.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Use wallpaper Display the wallpaper file on the desktop of target devices.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add Desktop Wallpaper scripts
Option Description

Wallpaper bitmap file Click Browse or Choose File to select and upload the file to use for the
wallpaper. The file must be in BMP or JPG format.

Position Select an option in the Position drop-down list:

• Stretch: Stretch the image so that it covers the entire screen.
• Center: Display the image in the center of the screen.
• Tile: Repeat the image over the entire screen.

3. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

4. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
5. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
6. Click Save.

Add Desktop Shortcuts scripts

Use this template to create scripts that add Internet shortcuts to the Desktop or Start menu of Windows devices.
For example, you could use this script to add a shortcut to a company website or any other URL.
1. Go to the Windows Desktop Shortcuts page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Windows section, click Desktop Shortcuts.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears

on the Scripts page.

3. Click Add Shortcut.

4. Specify shortcut settings:
Option Description

Name The text label that appears below or next to the shortcut.

Target The full path to the application, file, or URL to be launched when the shortcut is
selected. For example:
To create shortcut for explorer.exe, use this format: C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe
To create a shortcut from the UNC share for explorer.exe, use this format:

Parameters The command line parameters required for the shortcut. For example:
/S /IP=123.4

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add Desktop Shortcuts scripts
Option Description

Working Directory The changes to the current working directory. For example: C:\Windows\Temp

Location The location where you want the shortcut to appear. Options include: Desktop and
Start Menu.

5. Click Save Changes to save the shortcut.

6. Click Add Shortcut to add more shortcuts. To edit or delete a shortcut, hover over a shortcut and click the
Edit button or the Delete button: .
7. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.
8. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
9. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
10. Click Save.

Add Event Log Reporter scripts

Use this template to create scripts that query the Windows Event Log and upload the results to the appliance.
1. Go to the Windows Event Log Reporter page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Windows section, click Event Log Reporter.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Output File Name The name of the log file created by the script.

Log File The type of log you want to query: Software, System, or Security.

Event Type The type of event you want to query: Information, Warning, or Error.

Source Name (Optional) The names of sources to which the query is restricted.

3. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

4. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
5. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
6. Click Save.
7. To view the event log of a device, click Inventory, then click a device name.
8. In Scripting Logs, under Currently Deployed Jobs and Policies, click the View logs link next to Event Log.

Add MSI Installer scripts

Use this template to create scripts that set the basic command-line arguments for running MSI-based installers on
Windows devices.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add MSI Installer scripts
For command-line options, go to the Microsoft MSI Command-Line documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-
1. Go to the Windows MIS Installer page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Windows section, click MSI Installer.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Action The task to be performed. Tasks include Install, Uninstall, Repair missing files,
and Reinstall all files.

Software The application to use for the script. To search for an application, begin typing in the

MSI Filename The MSI filename (required if the file is a ZIP archive).

User Interaction How the installation appears to users. Options include: Default, Silent, Basic UI,
Reduced UI, and Full UI.

Install Directory The directory on the target device where the application is to be installed.

Additional Any additional installer switches. Additional switches are inserted between the
Switches msiexe.exe and the /i foo.msi arguments.

Additional Any additional properties. These properties are inserted at the end of the command
Properties line. For example:
msiexec.exe /s1 /switch2 /i patch123.msi TARGETDIR=C:\patcher

Feature List The features to install. Use commas to separate features.

Store Config per Whether to store configuration information for individual devices.

After install The action to be performed after installation.

Restart Options The action to be performed after the device restarts.

Logging The information to record in the installation log. Use Ctrl-click or Command-click to
select multiple items.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add MSI Installer scripts
Option Description

Log File Name The name of the log file.

3. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

4. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
5. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
6. Click Save.

About power management and power consumption

To get an overview of device power consumption, you can run power management reports for a set time, such as
a month.
For more information about the Power Management category of reports, see Creating reports.
You can also configure the amount of time that device uptime information is retained. See Configure appliance
General Settings with the Organization component enabled. This option is one of the last configuration options.
To collect information about the power use of desktop devices:
• Create a Smart Label in inventory for the chassis type.
• Create reports grouping devices by the chassis type.
• Make a Smart Label in inventory for Uptime since last reboot that contains time period in which you are

Add power management scripts for Windows devices

Use this template to create energy management profiles for Windows devices. Power usage settings are a trade-
off between CPU usage and power usage.
On Windows devices, power management is configured using the built-in powercfg command.
1. Go to the Windows Power Management page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Windows section, click Power Management.
2. On the Configuration Policy: Windows Power Management page, select your target operating system.
3. Select a profile: Balanced, High Performance, Power Saver, or Custom.
4. Click Save to display the Script: Edit Detail page.
5. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling, then click Save. See Adding and editing

Add Registry scripts

Use this template to create scripts that enforce registry settings on Windows devices.
1. Use regedit.exe to locate and export the values from the registry that you are interested in.
2. Open the .reg file that contains the registry values you want with notepad.exe and copy the text.
3. Go to the Windows Registry page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add Registry scripts
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Windows section, click Registry.
4. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Registry File The registry values to apply when the script runs.

5. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

6. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
7. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
8. Click Save.
A new script is created, which checks that the values in the registry file match the values found on the target
devices. Any missing or incorrect values are replaced.

Add Remote Desktop Control Troubleshooter scripts

Use this template to create a troubleshooting script for the Remote Desktop Control feature on Windows devices.
This script tests the following:
• Terminal Services: To access a Windows device using Remote Desktop, Terminal Services must be
running. This script verifies that Terminal Services is running.
• Firewall Configuration: If the Windows Firewall is running on the device, the script tests for configurations
that might block Remote Desktop Control requests.
1. Go to the Remote Desktop Control Troubleshooter page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Windows section, click Remote Desktop Control
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Firewall Specify the settings to apply when the script runs.


3. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

4. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
5. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
6. Click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add Remote Desktop Control Troubleshooter scripts
Add UltraVNC scripts
Use this template to create a script to distribute UltraVNC to Windows devices. UltraVNC is a free application that
enables administrators to log in to devices remotely.
For more information on UltraVNC, go to http://www.uvnc.com.
1. Go to the Windows Ultra VNC page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Windows section, click UltraVNC.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Install Mirror Install the optional UltraVNC Mirror Video Driver.

Driver Mirror Video Driver is a driver that allows faster and more accurate updates. It also
makes a direct link between the video driver framebuffer memory and UltraWinVNC
Using the framebuffer directly eliminates the use of the CPU for intensive screen
blitting, which can boost speed and reduce CPU load.

Install Viewer Install the optional UltraVNC Viewer. Viewer is a tool used to connect to VNC
servers and remotely view desktops. Install Viewer only if you need to initiate remote
sessions from the managed device.

Disable tray icon Prevent the UltraVNC tray icon from appearing on the device.

Disable client Prevent client options from appearing in the tray icon menu on devices. This option is
options in tray available only if Disable Tray Icon is enabled.
icon menu

Disable properties Disable the UltraVNC properties panel on devices.


Block end user Prevent device users to shut down WinVNC.

from closing

Password Provide password for authentication.

and Read Only

Require Windows Use Windows Logon authentication and export the ACL from your VNC® installation.
Logon Use MSLogonACL.exe /e acl.txt. Copy and paste the contents of the text file
into the ACL field.

Encryption Key Use key-based encryption. To use key-based encryption, create and upload a key:
a. In the UltraVNC Viewer, select the MSRC4Plugin from the DSPLugin list.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add UltraVNC scripts
Option Description

b. Click Config, then enter the full path where the key file will be placed.
c. Click Gen Key, then upload the key file.

3. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

4. Review the script generated by the template to verify the output.
5. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
6. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
7. Click Save.

Add Uninstaller scripts

Use this template to create scripts that manage applications and processes on Windows devices. Scripts can run
uninstall commands, stop processes, and delete directories.
1. Go to the Windows Uninstaller page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Windows section, click Uninstaller.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Software The application to use for the script. To search for an application, begin typing in the

File The command information. When you select the application, the template attempts to
provide the uninstall command directory, file, and parameters. Verify that the values
Parameters are correct.


Delete Directory The full name of the directory to be deleted after the uninstall command runs. For
example: C:\Program Files\Example_App\.

Kill Process The full name of the process to be stopped before the uninstall command runs. For
example: notepad.exe.

3. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

4. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
5. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
6. Click Save.

Using Mac OS X configuration policies

You can create scripts that configure policies on Mac OS X devices using configuration policy templates.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Mac OS X configuration policies
Add Active Directory scripts
Use this template to create scripts that add or remove devices to or from domains on Mac OS X devices. You can
also use this script to ensure that Mac OS X devices check in to Active Directory databases.
When creating the script, you must specify a username and password for a network account with administrative
privileges to add or remove devices to or from the specified domain.
1. Go to the Mac Active Directory page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Mac section, click Active Directory.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Action Specify whether you want to add or remove a device from the current domain.

Network Enter your administrator username and password.

NOTE: The resulting script assumes that you have root access and shows
  your password unencrypted (clear text), so make sure that anyone using this
script is trusted.

Domain To Specify the LDAP domain name, user authentication information, and other
Configure information.

3. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

4. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
5. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
6. Click Save.

Add Power Management scripts

Use this template to create energy management profiles for Mac OS X devices. Power usage settings are a trade-
off between CPU usage and power usage.
To apply unique settings for each power source, create multiple configuration scripts. Some features might not be
supported on some devices.
1. Go to the Mac Power Management page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Mac section, click Power Management.
2. Provide the following information:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add Power Management scripts
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Profile Name Specify the profile option to use:

• Better energy savings: Enforce settings that save energy. This might result
in lower performance. When you select this setting, the options in the Profile
Options section are not editable.
• Normal: Use the default settings. When you select this setting, the options in
the Profile Options section are not editable.
• Better Performance: Enforce settings that optimize performance. This might
result in higher energy use. When you select this setting, the options in the
Profile Options section are not editable.
• Custom: Use custom profile options. When you select this setting, the options
in the Profile Options section become editable.

Power Source Select a power source:

• All: The policy always applies, regardless of the device’s power source.
• Battery: The policy applies only when the device is using internal battery
• Charger (Wall Power): The policy applies only when the device is connected
to a power outlet.
• UPS: The policy applies only when the device is connected to a UPS
(uninterruptable power supply).

Operating System If you select Custom in the Profile drop-down list, specify, the operating system to
which this policy applies. the Profile Options update to show only those options that
are available to the selected version.

3. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

4. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
5. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
6. Click Save.

Add VNC scripts

Use this template to create scripts that configure the built-in VNC (Virtual Network Computing) settings on Mac
OS® devices. The VNC settings determine whether viewers can control device screens.
This script also enables or disables screen sharing, which requires a username and password of an account on
the Mac to connect from another Mac running Mac OS X. Use this script with caution: Although the credentials are
encrypted, the VNC session might not be.
1. Go to the Mac VNC page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Configuration Policies.
c. On the Configuration Policies panel, in the Mac section, click VNC.
2. Provide the following information:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add VNC scripts
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Enabled Enable the policy.

Password Provide a password for the VNC.

3. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

4. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
5. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
6. Click Save.

Edit policies and scripts

You can edit policies and scripts as needed.
1. Go to the Script Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting.
c. Display the Script Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a script.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. Change options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling.
See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
3. At the bottom of the page, click click here next to one of the following options:
• To re-edit the policy using the original editor: View and edit the initial settings available in the template.
• To edit the policy using this editor: View and edit all settings.
4. Edit the policy, then click Save.

Search the scripting logs

You can search for text strings in the scripting logs. If the organization component is enabled on your appliance,
you search scripting logs for each organization separately.
When scripts run on managed devices, logs are created and uploaded to the appliance. You can search for text
strings in the scripting logs, and apply labels to devices whose logs match the search text. You can then run
actions on the labeled devices as needed.
1. Go to the Search Scripting Logs page.
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Search Scripting Logs.
2. In the Search for field, enter the search criteria or text string you want to find. Text strings must be at least
four characters in length. Searches with shorter text strings result in zero matches.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Search the scripting logs
Use the following operators when entering search criteria:

Operator Function

+ Use a leading plus sign to find entries that include the text.

- Use a leading minus sign to find entries that do not include the text.

* Use a trailing asterisk to find logs that contain words that begin with the specified

" Enclose text in double quotes to find exact matches for the phrase.

3. Select search criteria:

Option Description

All uploaded logs Search all available scripting logs. If the Organization component is enabled on the
appliance, the search searches all logs for the selected organization.
NOTE: Scripting logs are deleted during appliance upgrades. If the appliance
  has been upgraded, logs that were uploaded before the upgrade are no longer

Last uploaded Search the most recent scripting logs. If the Organization component is enabled on
logs the appliance, the search searches all logs for the selected organization.

Script Search logs related to all scripts, or search only the specified script.

Log Search all logs, or search only the specified log.

Label Search for logs uploaded by all devices, or search for logs uploaded by devices
associated with the specified label.

4. Click Search.
The search results display the logs and the devices that have uploaded those logs.
5. To apply a label to the devices that are displayed, select a label in the drop-down list under the search

Exporting scripts
If you have multiple organizations or appliances, you can export scripts and transfer them among organizations
and appliances as needed.
See About importing and exporting resources.

Managing Mac profiles

You can use the KACE SMA to distribute Mac profiles to Agent-managed devices running Mac OS X version 10.8,
10.9, or 10.10. Mac profiles contain payloads, or configuration settings, for user-level and system-level policies.
Distributing Mac profiles using the KACE SMA is an efficient way to configure settings on the Mac devices you
manage, and it provides an alternative to configuring and distributing profiles using OS X Server.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing Mac profiles
You can configure user- and system-level Mac profile payloads, or configuration settings, in the KACE SMA
Administrator Console. In addition, you can create custom payloads using the Apple Profile Manager, download
the MOBILECONFIG file that contains those payloads, and upload that file to the KACE SMA for distribution.
For more information about Mac profiles, go to http://help.apple.com/profilemanager/mac/4.0.

How the KACE SMA Agent distributes profiles

When you add or upload a new Mac profile, the KACE SMA creates the Online KScript required to install or
remove the profile from devices. Like other Online KScripts, scripts that contain Mac profiles run when the KACE
SMA Agent is connected to the target device according to the schedule and deployment options specified in the

Tracking changes to Mac profile settings

If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects. This information includes the date the change was made and the user who made
the change, which can be useful during troubleshooting.
See About history settings.

Adding, editing, and uploading Mac profiles

You can add Mac user and system profiles to the KACE SMA, and you can edit Mac profiles as needed. In
addition, you can upload MOBILECONFIG files that contain the configuration information to the KACE SMA.

Add or edit Mac user profiles

You can add Mac user profiles to the KACE SMA using the Administrator Console. User profiles contain
configuration settings that apply to users, such as email settings. User profiles that have been added to the
appliance can be deployed to Agent-managed Mac OS X devices running version 10.8, 10.9, or 10.10.
If you are adding or editing profiles, make sure that you have the account information, server information, and port
information required to configure Exchange, LDAP, or Mail payloads.

NOTE: You can edit the payloads of profiles you have configured in the Administrator Console. However,
  you cannot view or edit the payloads of profiles that have been uploaded to the Administrator Console.
1. Go to the Mac Profile Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Mac Profiles.
c. Do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a profile.
▪ Click Choose Action > New User Profile.
2. In the General Options section, provide the following information:
Option Description

Profile Name The name to be displayed on the Mac Profiles list.

This name does not need to be unique, but it should
be descriptive enough for you to identify the profile in
a list.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit Mac user profiles
Option Description

NOTE: You can change the name of a profile

  any time. However, if you change the name
of a profile after it has been installed on a
device, the profile name is not updated on the
device. The profile continues to be identified
by the name it had when it was installed.

Description Additional information about the profile, such as its

configuration settings or its intended use.

User ability to remove profile Whether users can remove the profile from their
devices. Options include:
• Never: Users are not allowed to remove the
• Always: Users are allowed to remove the
profile any time without entering a password.
• With Password: Users are allowed to remove
the profile provided that they enter the
password associated with the profile.

Automatically remove profile Whether the profile will be removed automatically

after a specified amount of time. This action is useful
when you are configuring devices that need to have
different profiles after a specific date, such as the
end of a school semester. Options include:
• Never: The profile is not scheduled to be
removed automatically.
• On Date: The profile is scheduled to be
removed automatically on the specified date.
Dates must be specified in mm/dd/yyyy
• After: The profile is scheduled to be removed
after the specified amount of time has passed.
Time can be specified in days or hours.

3. Optional: In the Payloads section, add or edit configuration settings for Exchange, LDAP, or Mail.
◦ Add or edit Exchange configuration information:

NOTE: To prompt users to enter their own information, such as their user name, email address,
  or password, leave fields blank. Some fields, such as Account Name, however, cannot be left

Option Description

Account Name The name used to identify the account.

User The name of the user.

Email Address The address to use for the email account.

Password The password of the email account.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit Mac user profiles
Option Description

Internal Exchange Host and Port The hostname of the internal Exchange server and
the port used for email communication.

External Exchange Host and Port The hostname of the external Exchange server and
the port used for email communication.

Internal Server Path The path to the server on the internal network.

External Server Path The path to the server on the external network.

Use SSL for Internal Exchange Host Whether to use Secure Sockets Layer for email
transmitted within the domain.

Use SSL for External Exchange Host Whether to use Secure Sockets Layer for email
transmitted outside the domain.

◦ Add or edit LDAP configuration information:

NOTE: To prompt users to enter their own information, such as their username or password,
  leave fields blank. Some fields, such as Account Hostname, however, cannot be left blank.

Option Description

Account Description The name of the LDAP account, such as Example

Corporation LDAP Account.

Account Username The username of the account to be used to log in to

the LDAP server.

Account Password The password of the account to be used to log in to

the LDAP server.

Account Hostname The hostname or IP address of the LDAP server.

Use SSL Whether to use Secure Sockets Layer for

connections to the LDAP server.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit Mac user profiles
Option Description

Search Settings The settings used to search for information on the

LDAP server.

• Description Information that differentiates the search information

in a list.

• Scope The depth of the search. Whether the search will be

conducted on:
• Base: Includes objects in the base or zero
level only.
• One Level: Includes objects immediately
subordinate to the base, but not including the
• Subtree: Includes objects in the base and

• Search Base Search Base: The location in the directory from

which the search begins. The Search Base specifies
a location or container in the LDAP or Active
Directory structure, and the criteria should include
all the users that you want to authenticate. Enter the
Base DN most specific combination of OUs, DCs, or
CNs that match your criteria, ranging from left (most
specific) to right (most general). For example, this
path leads to the container with users that you need
to authenticate:

◦ Add or edit Mail configuration information:

NOTE: To prompt users to enter their own information, such as their display name or email
  address, leave fields blank. Some fields, such as Incoming Mail Server, however, cannot be left

Option Description

Account Description The name of the account, such as Example

Corporation Mail Account.

Account Type The protocol (POP or IMAP) used to access the


User Display Name How the user's name appears in the From field in
email messages.

Email Address The user's email address.

Incoming Mail Server and Port The hostname or IP address and port number used
for incoming mail.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit Mac user profiles
Option Description

Outgoing Mail Server and Port The hostname or IP address and port number used
for outgoing mail. Use the following standard port
• SMTP: 25 (465 with SSL)
• POP3: 110 (995 with SSL)
• IMAP: 143 (993 with SSL)

Incoming Mail User Name The username to use for the incoming mail server.

Outgoing Mail User Name The username to use for the outgoing mail server.

Incoming Mail Authentication Type The method of authenticating the user for incoming
mail. Authentication types include Password, MD5
Challenge-Response, NTLM, HTTP MD5 Digest.

Outgoing Mail Authentication Type The method of authenticating the user for outgoing
mail. Authentication types include Password, MD5
Challenge-Response, NTLM, HTTP MD5 Digest.

Incoming mail use SSL Whether to use Secure Socket Layer for mail
delivered to the user account.

Outgoing mail use SSL Whether to use Secure Socket Layer for mail sent
from the user account.

4. (Optional) In the Deploy section, select the target devices for the profile:
TIP: You can create a profile without selecting target devices. However, profiles cannot be
  deployed until target devices are selected.
Option Description

All Devices Distribute the profile to all KACE SMA Agent-

managed devices running a supported version
of Mac OS X (version 10.8, 10.9, or 10.10). If
the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, this distribution includes all supported
Mac devices in the selected organization.

Labels Distribute the profile only to the devices in the labels

that you select. Limiting the distribution to labels,
especially Smart Labels, helps to ensure that profiles
are applied appropriately.
To use this option, you must already have created
labels or Smart Labels. See Adding Smart Labels for

Devices Distribute the profile to the supported Mac OS

X devices that you select (version 10.8, 10.9, or
10.10). To search for devices, begin typing in the

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit Mac user profiles
Option Description

Operating Systems The operating systems on which the application

runs. Applications are deployed only to devices with
the selected operating systems.
a. Click Manage Operating Systems.
b. In the Operating Systems dialog box that
appears, select the OS versions in the
navigation tree, as applicable.
You have an option to select OS versions
by their family, product, architecture, or
build version. You can choose a specific
build versions, or a parent node, as needed.
Selecting a parent node in the tree automatically
selects the associated child nodes. This
behavior allows you to select any future OS
versions, as devices are added or upgraded
in your managed environment. For example,
to select all build current and future versions
associated with a Mac 10.11 El Capitan x86
architecture, under Mac > 10.11 El Capitan,
select x86.

Remove All Remove all selected devices from the Devices list in
this section.

5. In the Schedule section, select the options for distributing the profile to target devices:
Option Description

None Do not distribute the profile on a schedule. Profiles that have their schedules set to
None have a status of Disabled on the Mac Profiles list. However, profiles whose
schedule is set to None can still be deployed if you select Run Now at the bottom of
the page.

Every n minutes/ Run at a specified interval.


Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit Mac user profiles
Option Description
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

6. In the Deployment Options section, select the options for prompting users about the profile installation:
Option Description

Runtime prompt When the Agent begins the profile installation, a prompt is displayed to users who are
for logged-in logged in to the target device.

Login prompt for Whenever users log in to the target device, they are prompted to install the profile if
all users they have not done so already.

Both runtime and When the Agent begins the profile installation, users who are logged in to the target
login prompts device are prompted to install the profile if they have not done so already. Users who
log in after the script runs are also prompted to install the profile.

7. At the bottom of the page, select one of the following actions:

Option Description

Save Save the profile and return to the Mac Profiles list.

Run Now On target devices that have an active Agent connection to the appliance, install the
profile now according to the selected deployment options. See Using the Run and
Run Now commands.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit Mac user profiles
Option Description

Duplicate Create a copy of the profile with Copy of prepended to the profile name. This option
is not available for new profiles that have not yet been saved. See Add Mac profiles
using existing profiles as templates.

Remove Create a profile that can be used to remove the profile from target devices. This
option is not available for new profiles that have not yet been saved. See Remove
Mac profiles from managed devices.

Delete Remove the profile from the KACE SMA. This does not remove the profile from
devices on which it is installed, and this option is not available for new profiles that
have not yet been saved. See Delete Mac profiles from the KACE SMA.

Cancel Discard changes and return to the Mac Profiles list.

Add or edit Mac system profiles

You can add Mac system profiles to the KACE SMA using the Administrator Console. System profiles contain
configuration settings that apply to devices, such as passcode requirements. System profiles that have been
added to the appliance can be deployed to Agent-managed Mac OS X devices running version 10.8, 10.9, or
You have established policies for accessing apps and setting passcodes.

NOTE: You can edit the payloads of system profiles you have configured in the Administrator Console.
  However, you cannot view or edit the payloads of profiles that have been uploaded to the Administrator
1. Go to the Mac Profile Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Mac Profiles.
c. Do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a profile.
▪ Click Choose Action > New System Profile.
2. In the General Options section, provide the following information:
Option Description

Profile Name The name to be displayed on the Mac Profiles list.

This name does not need to be unique, but it should
be descriptive enough for you to identify the profile in
a list.
NOTE: You can change the name of a profile
  any time. However, if you change the name
of a profile after it has been installed on a
device, the profile name is not updated on the
device. The profile continues to be identified
by the name it had when it was installed

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit Mac system profiles
Option Description

Description Additional information about the profile, such as its

configuration settings or its intended use.

User ability to remove profile Whether users can remove the profile from their
devices. Options include:
• Never: Users are not allowed to remove the
• Always: Users are allowed to remove the
profile any time without entering a password.
• With Password: Users are allowed to remove
the profile provided that they enter the
password associated with the profile.

Automatically remove profile Whether the profile will be removed automatically

after a specified amount of time. This is useful
when you are configuring devices that need to have
different profiles after a specific date, such as the
end of a school semester. Options include:
• Never: The profile is not scheduled to be
removed automatically.
• On Date: The profile is scheduled to be
removed automatically on the specified date.
Dates must be specified in mm/dd/yyyy
• After: The profile is scheduled to be removed
after the specified amount of time has passed.
Time can be specified in days or hours.

3. In the Payloads section, add or edit Gatekeeper configuration information.

Option Description

Allow Apps Downloaded From Whether users are allowed to download apps from:
• Mac App Store: Users can download apps
only from the Mac App Store.
• Mac App Store and Identified Developers:
Users can download apps from the Mac App
Store and from developers who have digitally
signed their apps with a unique Developer ID
from Apple.
• Anywhere: Users can download apps from
anywhere without restriction.

Don't allow user to override Gatekeeper setting Whether users are allowed to modify the app
download settings.

4. Add or edit Passcode configuration information.

NOTE: In this section, the term passcode is synonymous with the term password.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit Mac system profiles
Option Description

Allow simple value Allow users to select passcodes with character

sequences that are repeating, ascending, and

Require alphanumeric value Require users to select passcodes that contain at

least one letter and one number.

Minimum passcode length The smallest number of characters allowed in


Minimum number of complex characters The smallest number non-alphanumeric characters,

such as *or ! allowed in passcodes.

Maximum number of failed attempts The number of times users can enter incorrect
passcodes to unlock devices before being locked out
of their accounts.

Maximum grace period for device lock When system settings specify that devices should
be locked after a period of inactivity, this setting
provides a window of time during which users
can unlock their devices without entering their
passcodes. After the grace period expires, users
must enter their passcodes to unlock devices.

Maximum passcode age in days The number of days after which passcodes must be

Passcode history The number of passcodes that must be unique

before a passcode can be reused.

Delay after failed login attempts in minutes The number of minutes that must pass before users
can attempt to log in after reaching the maximum
number of failed login attempts.

5. In the Deploy section, select the target devices for the profile:
Option Description

All Devices Distribute the profile to all KACE SMA Agent-

managed devices running a supported version
of Mac OS X (version 10.8, 10.9, or 10.10). If
the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, this includes all supported Mac devices in
the selected organization.

Labels Distribute the profile only to the devices in the labels

that you select. Limiting the distribution to labels,
especially Smart Labels, helps to ensure that profiles
are applied appropriately.
To use this option, you must already have created
labels or Smart Labels. See Adding Smart Labels for

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit Mac system profiles
Option Description

Devices Distribute the profile to the supported Mac OS

X devices that you select (version 10.8, 10.9, or
10.10). To search for devices, begin typing in the

Operating Systems The operating systems on which the application

runs. Applications are deployed only to devices with
the selected operating systems.
a. Click Manage Operating Systems.
b. In the Operating Systems dialog box that
appears, select the OS versions in the
navigation tree, as applicable.
You have an option to select OS versions
by their family, product, architecture, or
build version. You can choose a specific
build versions, or a parent node, as needed.
Selecting a parent node in the tree automatically
selects the associated child nodes. This
behavior allows you to select any future OS
versions, as devices are added or upgraded
in your managed environment. For example,
to select all build current and future versions
associated with a Mac 10.11 El Capitan x86
architecture, under Mac > 10.11 El Capitan,
select x86.

Remove All Remove all devices from the Devices list in this

6. In the Schedule section, select the options for distributing the profile to target devices:
Option Description

None Do not distribute the profile on a schedule. Profiles that have their schedules set to
None have a status of Disabled on the Mac Profiles list. However, profiles whose
schedule is set to None can still be deployed if you select Run Now at the bottom of
the page.

Every n minutes/ Run at a specified interval.


Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit Mac system profiles
Option Description
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

7. At the bottom of the page, select one of the following actions:

Option Description

Save Save the profile and return to the Mac Profiles list.

Run Now On target devices that have an active Agent connection to the appliance, install the
profile now according to the selected deployment options. See Using the Run and
Run Now commands.

Duplicate Create a copy of the profile with Copy of prepended to the profile name. This option
is not available for new profiles that have not yet been saved. See Add Mac profiles
using existing profiles as templates.

Remove Create a profile that can be used to remove the profile from target devices. This
option is not available for new profiles that have not yet been saved. See Remove
Mac profiles from managed devices.

Delete Remove the profile from the KACE SMA. This does not remove the profile from
devices on which it is installed, and this option is not available for new profiles that
have not yet been saved. See Delete Mac profiles from the KACE SMA.

Cancel Discard changes and return to the Mac Profiles list.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or edit Mac system profiles
Add Mac profiles using existing profiles as templates
You can add Mac profiles by duplicating existing profiles. This is useful if you want to install an existing profile on
different sets of devices, or schedule profile installations to occur at different times. You can duplicate profiles,
and change the target devices or schedules as needed.
You have added a user or system profile to the KACE SMA.
Profiles that have been imported cannot be duplicated.
1. Go to the Mac Profiles page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Mac Profiles.
2. Click the name of a profile to display the Mac Profile Detail page.
3. At the bottom of the page, click Duplicate.
The profile is duplicated, and it appears on the Mac Profile list with Copy of prepended to the profile
name. Duplicated profiles have the same properties and identification numbers as the original profiles, but
their schedules are automatically set to None to prevent duplicated actions from being performed on the
same sets of devices

Upload Mac profiles to the KACE SMA

The KACE SMA enables you to upload MOBILECONFIG files that contain the configuration settings required to
create Mac profiles.
You have obtained a file that contains the configuration settings, or payloads, required for the profile, and
that file uses the filename extension MOBILECONFIG. For example, mail.mobileconfig. For information
about creating Mac profiles and downloading them from the Mac OS X Server, go to http://help.apple.com/

NOTE: You cannot view or edit the payloads of profiles that have been uploaded to the Administrator
  Console. However, you can modify the payloads in the MOBILECONFIG file outside the Administrator
Console, then upload the edited file as a new profile.
1. Go to the Mac Profiles list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Mac Profiles.
2. Click Choose Action > Upload a Profile.
3. Click Browse or Choose File to locate the MOBILECONFIG file.
4. Click Upload
The profile appears on the Mac Profiles list with Imported in the Source column.
Select deployment and schedule options for the profile. See:
• Add or edit Mac user profiles
• Add or edit Mac system profiles

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Upload Mac profiles to the KACE SMA
Installing and managing Mac profiles
You can install Mac profiles, view the devices that have Mac profiles installed, and export the list of profiles that
have been added to the KACE SMA.

Distribute Mac profiles on a schedule

You can configure the KACE SMA to distribute Mac profiles to Agent-managed Mac OS X devices periodically
according to a schedule. This configuration is useful if you have devices that might be offline and unavailable
for installation when you select the Run option, and for periodically installing profiles on new devices added to
You have added or uploaded a Mac profile and you have Agent-managed Mac OS X version 10.8, 10.9, or 10.10
devices in your KACE SMA inventory.
1. Go to the Mac Profile Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Mac Profiles.
c. Click the name of a profile.
2. In the Schedule section, select the options for distributing the profile to target devices:
Option Description

None Do not distribute the profile on a schedule. Profiles that have their schedules set to
None have a status of Disabled on the Mac Profiles list. However, profiles whose
schedule is set to None can still be deployed if you select Run Now at the bottom of
the page.

Every n minutes/ Run at a specified interval.


Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Distribute Mac profiles on a schedule
Option Description

Use the following when specifying values:

• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

3. Click Save.
The Mac Profiles page appears. The Targeted column shows the number of devices that are scheduled to
have the profile installed. The Succeeded column shows the number of devices on which the profile has
been installed. Agents on target devices receive instructions to install the profile at the next connection
according to the schedule and deployment options specified.

Install Mac profiles on devices using the Run option

After you add or upload Mac profiles to the KACE SMA, you can use the Run option to install those profiles on
Agent-managed Mac OS X devices running version 10.8, 10.9, or 10.10.
You have added Mac profiles, and you have Agent-managed Mac OS X version 10.8, 10.9, or 10.10 devices in
your KACE SMA inventory.

TIP: When you use the Run option to install Mac profiles on devices, profiles are installed only if devices
  have an Agent connection to the appliance when the script runs. To ensure that profiles are installed on
devices that are offline, consider setting up schedules to deploy profiles. See Distribute Mac profiles on a
1. Go to the Mac Profile Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Mac Profiles.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Install Mac profiles on devices using the Run option
c. Click the name of a profile.
2. To install the profile on a different set of devices, click Duplicate at the bottom of the page to create a copy
of the profile, then click the name of the duplicated profile to return to the Mac Profile Detail page.
3. On the Mac Profile Detail page, select the target devices and deployment options. See:
◦ Add or edit Mac user profiles
◦ Add or edit Mac system profiles
4. At the bottom of the page, click Run Now.
The Mac Profiles page appears. The Targeted column shows the number of devices that are scheduled
to have the profile installed. The Succeeded column shows the number of devices on which the profile
has been installed. On target devices that have an active Agent connection to the appliance, the profile is
installed according to the selected deployment options.
5. To run multiple profiles at once, select the check boxes next to profiles on the Mac Profiles page, then click
Choose Action > Run.
6. To view additional details about the profile installation, click Run Now Status on the left navigation bar.

Identify devices that have Mac profiles installed

Device detail pages show the Mac profiles that have been installed on devices, and Mac profile detail pages show
devices that have Mac profiles installed.
1. Go to the Mac Profile Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Mac Profiles.
c. Click the name of a profile.
2. Scroll down to the Results section at the bottom of the page.
The table lists the devices on which the profile is installed. The Installed column indicates the date the
profile was installed on the device. The Last Updated column indicates the most recent date the KACE
SMA Agent detected that the profile was installed on the device.
3. Go to the Device Detail page:
a. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
b. Click the name of a device.
4. Scroll down to the Mac Profiles section.
The table lists all the profiles that are installed on the device. The Installed column indicates the date the
profile was installed on the device. The Last Updated column indicates the most recent date the KACE
SMA Agent detected that the profile was installed on the device.

View Mac profiles

You can use the View By list to sort Mac profiles by source, action, and scope.
You have added or uploaded Mac profiles to the KACE SMA.
1. Go to the Mac Profiles list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Mac Profiles.
2. In the View By drop-down list, which appears above the table on the right, select one of the following:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View Mac profiles
Option Description

All Items Display the complete list of profiles.

Source Display only those profiles that match the selected

• Imported: Profiles that have been uploaded to
• Configured: Profiles whose payloads were
configured using the Administrator Console.

Action Display only those profiles that match the selected

• Add: Profiles that are configured to install
configuration settings on the target devices.
• Remove: Profiles that are configured to
remove configuration settings from target

Scope Display only those profiles that match the selected

• System: Profiles that configure system
settings, such as passcode settings.
• User: Profiles that configure user settings,
such as email account settings.

Status Display only those profiles that match the selected

• Active: Profiles that are configured to run
according to a schedule.
• Disabled: Profiles whose schedule is set to

Export the Mac profiles list

You can export the list of profiles that appears on the Mac Profiles list to CSV (comma-separated values), Excel,
or TSV (tab-separated values) formats.
You have created or uploaded Mac profiles.
1. Go to the Mac Profiles list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Export the Mac profiles list
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Mac Profiles.
2. Optional: To export selected profiles, select the check boxes next to the profiles you want to export.
3. Do one of the following:
• To export all profiles in the list, click Choose Action > Export > Export All to format name.
• To export only the select profiles, click Choose Action > Export Selected to format name.

Removing and deleting Mac profiles

You can use the KACE SMA to remove Mac profiles from managed devices, and you can delete Mac profiles from

Remove Mac profiles from managed devices

Mac profiles can be configured to remove user and system profiles from Agent-managed Mac OS X devices. This
configuration is useful when you have installed a profile on a large number of devices, and you need to remove
that profile from all of those devices or from a subset of those devices.
You have used the KACE SMA to install a profile on managed devices, and the original Mac profile has not been
deleted from the appliance.

IMPORTANT: If you delete a profile from the KACE SMA, you can no longer use the appliance to remove
  that profile from managed devices.
1. Go to the Mac Profile Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Mac Profiles.
c. Click the name of a profile.
2. At the bottom of the page, click Remove.
A dialog appears explaining the remove process.
3. Click Remove from Device.
The Mac Profile Detail page for a new profile, with the Action set to Remove, appears. The new profile has
the same Profile Name and Profile Identifier as the original profile. The original profile, with the Action set to
Add, remains on the list with its Schedule set to None. This prevents the same profile from being installed
on or removed from the same set of devices, and it enables you to reactivate the original profile later if
4. On the Mac Profile Detail page in the Deploy section, select the devices from which you want to remove the
Option Description

All Devices Remove the profile from all KACE SMA Agent-
managed devices running a supported version
of Mac OS X (version 10.8, 10.9, or 10.10). If
the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, this action includes all supported Mac
devices in the selected organization.

Labels Remove the profile from the devices in the labels

that you select. Limiting the removal to labels,

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Remove Mac profiles from managed devices
Option Description
especially Smart Labels, helps to ensure that profiles
are removed appropriately.
To use this option, you must already have created
labels or Smart Labels. See Adding Smart Labels for

Devices Remove the profile from the supported Mac OS

X devices that you select (version 10.8, 10.9, or
10.10). To search for devices, begin typing in the

Operating Systems Select the operating systems of the devices

from which you want to remove the profile. Only
supported operating systems (Mac OS X version
10.8, 10.9, or 10.10) are displayed. To remove the
profile from all supported Mac operating systems,
leave all operating systems unselected.

Remove All Remove all selected devices from the Devices list in
this section.

5. In the Schedule section, select the options for removing the profile from target devices:
Option Description

None Do not remove the profile on a schedule. Profiles that have their schedules set to
None have a status of Disabled on the Mac Profiles list. However, profiles whose
schedule is set to None can still be removed if you select Run Now at the bottom of
the page.

Every n minutes/ Run at a specified interval.


Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Remove Mac profiles from managed devices
Option Description

Use the following when specifying values:

• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

6. At the bottom of the page, select one of the following actions:

Option Description

Save Save the profile and return to the Mac Profiles list.

Run Now On target devices that have an active Agent connection to the appliance, remove the
profile now according to the selected deployment options. See Using the Run and
Run Now commands.

Duplicate Create a copy of the profile with Copy of prepended to the profile name.

Delete Remove the profile from the KACE SMA. This action does not remove the profile from
devices on which it is installed. See Delete Mac profiles from the KACE SMA.

Cancel Discard changes and return to the Mac Profiles list.

The Mac Profiles page appears. The Targeted column shows the number of devices that are scheduled
to have the profile removed. The Succeeded column shows the number of devices from which the profile
has been removed. On target devices that have an active Agent connection to the appliance, the profile is
removed according to the selected options.

Example: Remove a profile that has been deployed to specified

If you inadvertently deploy profiles to target devices, you can remove them by creating a Remove profile.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Example: Remove a profile that has been deployed to specified devices
1. You have created a Mac system profile with these scheduling and deployment options:
◦ Scheduled to be installed daily at 8:00.
◦ Installed, or scheduled to be installed, on 100 target devices.
2. After creating the profile, you realize that you do not want to have the profile installed on 10 of the 100
target devices. You need to remove the profile from the 10 devices and continue to keep the profile
available to the other 90 devices.
NOTE: This example uses a Mac system profile, but you can remove both Mac system and Mac user
  profiles as needed.
1. Go to the Mac Profile Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Mac Profiles.
c. Click the name of the profile. In this example, we refer to this profile as Profile A.
2. On the Mac Profile Detail page for Profile A, click Remove.
A dialog appears explaining the remove process.
3. Click Remove from Device.
The Mac Profile Detail page for a new profile, with the Action set to Remove, appears. The new profile
has the same Profile Name and Profile Identifier as the original profile. In this example, this is Profile A
Remove. The original profile, with the Action set to Add, remains on the list with its Schedule set to None.
This prevents the same profile from being installed on or removed from the same set of devices, and it
enables you to reactivate Profile A later if necessary.
4. On the Mac Profile Detail page for Profile A Remove, in the Deploy section, select the devices from which
you want to remove the profile.
5. Do one of the following:
◦ If you have set the profile to run on a schedule, click Save at the bottom of the page.
◦ To run the profile on devices that currently have a connection to the KACE SMA, click Run Now.
The Mac Profiles page shows the number of target devices in the Targeted column and the number of
devices from which the profile has been removed in the Succeeded column for Profile A Remove.
6. When the Succeeded column shows that the profile has been removed from all target devices, Profile A
Remove is no longer needed, and you can delete it from the appliance. See Delete Mac profiles from the
7. In Profile A, verify that the correct devices are targeted and enable the profile:
a. Go to the Mac Profile Detail page for Profile A.
b. Change the list of target devices to include only the correct 90 devices.
c. Enable the profile. See:
◦ Add or edit Mac user profiles
◦ Add or edit Mac system profiles

Delete Mac profiles from the KACE SMA

You can delete Mac profiles from the KACE SMA as needed.
Deleting a profile does not remove it from any devices on which it has been installed. To remove profiles from
devices, use the Remove option. See Remove Mac profiles from managed devices.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete Mac profiles from the KACE SMA
NOTE: If you delete a profile from the KACE SMA, you can no longer use the appliance to remove that
  profile from managed devices.
1. Go to the Mac Profile Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Mac Profiles.
c. Click the name of a profile.
2. At the bottom of the page, click Delete.
A dialog appears.
3. Verify that you want to delete the profile from the appliance, then click Delete Profile.
The profile is removed from the appliance and it no longer appears on the Mac Profiles list. However, the
Profile Identifier continues to be displayed on the Device Detail page of devices on which the profile is

Using Task Chains

Task Chains allow you to create a sequence of tasks to run in a specific order.
You can add one or more Patch Schedules, Managed Installations, Scripts, File Synchronization items, and
Wake-On LAN Requests to a Task Chain. Use Task Chains, for example, when you need to deploy managed
installations and then run scripts on target devices. The order of tasks in a Task Chain can be easily changed, as
Each Task Chain runs against a configured set of devices, as defined in the Task Chain.
If a target device in a Task Chain is offline, you can configure the Task Chain to run when the device becomes
connected. When a target device is referenced in multiple Task Chains, only one Task Chain runs against the
device at a time.
The following concepts apply to device selections in a Task Chain:
• Devices selected in a Task Chain override those set for patching schedules and scripts when they run as
part of a Task Chain.
• Devices selected in a Task Chain do not affect any Managed Installation (MI) or File Synchronization (FS)
items associated with those devices. Any Inventory, MI, and FS tasks are queued for each device in the
Task Chain, and any MI and FS that are configured to run on each machine are deployed.
• Wake-on-LAN (WoL) schedules run once per Task Chain, when the first device in the Task Chain
encounters the WoL Task. The WoL Task runs against the devices selected in the Task Chain.

NOTE: A WoL Task should always be scheduled as a first Task in a Task Chain. This causes WoL
  packets to be pushed to all devices at once and the devices will wait for this task, since it is the first
Task. When a WoL task is not the first task in the Task Chain, WoL packets are pushed to all devices
at once regardless of the current state of the task running in the task chain.

Add and edit Task Chains

A Task Chain is a collection of tasks that can run in a specific order. Use the Task Chain Detail page to add and
edit Task Chains.
1. Go to the Task Chains list page:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add and edit Task Chains
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Distribution, then click Task Chains.
2. Do one of the following:
◦ Select Choose Action > New.
◦ Click the name of a task chain.
3. In the Configure section, specify the following options:
Option Description

Name The name of the task chain.

Enabled Select this check box to allow this task chain to run.

Description A brief description of the task chain.

4. Still in the Configure section, specify the devices on which you want the Task Chain to run.
• To choose devices that belong to labels, in the Configure section, under Labels, click Manage
Associated Labels. In the Select Labels dialog box that appears, select one or more labels
associated with the devices that you want to select. Close the dialog box.
• To choose devices by operating system, click Manage Operating Systems. In the Operating
Systems dialog box that appears, select the OS versions in the navigation tree, as applicable.
You have an option to select OS versions by their family, product, architecture, or build version. You
can choose a specific build versions, or a parent node, as needed. Selecting a parent node in the tree
automatically selects the associated child nodes. This behavior allows you to select any future OS
versions, as devices are added or upgraded in your managed environment. For example, to select
all build current and future versions associated with the Windows 10 x64 architecture, under All >
Windows > Windows 10, select x64.
5. In the Schedule section, specify the schedule settings:
Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add and edit Task Chains
Option Description
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

6. In the Tasks section, add one or more Tasks.

a. Click New Task to add a Task.
b. In the New Task area that appears, click Task Type and select from the available types, as
Some task types:
▪ Have an Abort on Failure option. Selecting this option causes the task chain to stop executing
on a given machine if it fails on that machine.
▪ Allow you to select a specific user-defined task, such as Wake-On-LAN, Scripts, and Patch
▪ Run all applicable Tasks on the machine, such as the Managed Installation (MI) and File
Synchronization (FS) tasks.
Also, certain task types, allow you to select a specific user-defined task. Other task types, such as the
Managed Installation (MI) and File Synchronization (FS) tasks run all applicable MI or FS tasks on the

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add and edit Task Chains
The selected Task appears in the Tasks section.
To reorder the Tasks in the Task Chain, in the top-right corner of the task area, click , and drag and drop
the Task into a desired place in the sequence.
To delete a Task from the Task Chain, in the bottom-right corner of the task area, click .
9. Click Save.
To run a task chain, select it on the Task Chains list page, and click Choose Action > Run.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add and edit Task Chains
Patching devices and maintaining
The KACE SMA enables you to patch managed devices to improve software functionality and protect devices and
networks from vulnerabilities.

About patch management

Patch management is the process of obtaining, testing, and installing patches for software on devices. The KACE
SMA enables you to automate patch management, which helps to improve software functionality and protect
devices and networks from vulnerabilities.
With patch management you can detect and deploy the latest security patches and software updates for Windows
and Mac devices that use the KACE SMA.

NOTE: The Patch Management component is supported on Windows and Mac devices only. Patch
  Management is not available for Linux devices.

Patching workflow
Patching workflow includes subscribing to patches, selecting patch download settings, using labels to identify
patches and the devices to be patched, and scheduling patching jobs.
The patching workflow includes the following tasks.
• Subscribing to the patches that you want to download. If the Organization component is installed on your
appliance, you set subscription settings for each organization separately. Additional workflow details are
available for first-time patch subscription. See Subscribing to patches and configuring download settings.
• Selecting patch download settings on the Patch Subscription Settings page. See Select patch download
• Creating Smart Labels to group devices for patching and patches for deployment. See Using Smart Labels
for patching.
• Creating patching schedules to detect and deploy packages. If the Organization component is installed
on your appliance, you create patch schedules for each organization separately. See Configuring patch

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Patching workflow
Figure 9. Patching workflow

Legend number Action

1 Signature files for patches you subscribe to are downloaded to the appliance from
Lumension. Patch packages are downloaded from Lumension and from software

2 Smart Labels group the downloaded patches.

3 Smart Labels select devices to patch.

4 Devices that need the patch are detected according to a schedule.

5 Patches are deployed to devices according to a schedule.

About patch signature files

Patch signature files include the security bulletins and other files that define patches; they do not include the patch
packages that are used to install patches.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About patch signature files
Patch signature files are downloaded from Lumension according to the subscription and download options you
select. For more information on downloading patch signature files, see Select patch download settings.

About patch packages

Patch packages are the files required to install patches.
Patch packages are downloaded from Lumension according to the subscription and download options you select.
In some cases, patch packages are also downloaded directly from vendors, such as Microsoft and Adobe.
There are two options for downloading patch packages:
• Downloading only those patches that you need: You can choose to download only those packages that
have been detected as required by managed devices. Downloading this way reduces download time and
disk space. In addition, you can choose to automatically remove patches after a specified time if detect
results show that the patches are not needed.
• Maintaining a full cache of patches: You can choose to maintain a full cache of packages regardless of
whether the patches are required by managed devices. This method keeps packages available for quick
deployment, but it requires more download time and disk space than downloading only those packages that
you need.
For more information about package download options, see Select patch download settings.

About patch testing and security

Quest partners with Lumension Security, Inc. to provide safe, timely, and high-quality patch signatures for all
major operating systems and many popular applications.
Before patch signatures are made available to the appliance, Lumension performs the following security checks:
• Verification of patch metadata produced by each content development team.
• Validation of patch installation and uninstallation processes.
• Confirmation that the patch does not disrupt the stability of the targeted operating systems and applications.
In addition, Quest performs sanity checks on patch feeds after Lumension security checks are complete. For more
information, search for Lumension at https://www.quest.com/kace/.

About the patch testing environment

Built-in Lumension security uses VMware® ESX®, VMware® vCenter™ Lab Manager™, and custom hardware
bench testing.
Testing methods include:
• Verification that patch-naming conventions comply with Lumension policy.
• Verification that patch content supports the replication process. Each patch created by the content team is
validated with the Symantec Ghost™ Solution Suite distribution and Update Server products.

About the patch quality assurance process

Quest partners with HEAT Software to provide Patch Management customers more value through the content
development and quality assurance processes. The quality assurance teams verify the patch install and uninstall
processes as well as the patch metadata produced by the content development team. Providing quality content
to our customers is a high priority. To ensure successful delivery of content, HEAT Software executes test cases
covering the following test components.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About the patch quality assurance process
Testing environment
HEAT Software invests heavily in testing infrastructure. The content development and quality assurance teams
have access to a virtual enterprise environment representing more than 1,500 nodes of various configurations.
HEAT Software uses a mix of virtual desktops and servers in addition to custom physical bench testing to ensure
that our testing infrastructure is state of the art.

Application testing
HEAT Software tests with various applications as necessary to ensure the requirements of the patch are satisfied.

Testing strategy
HEAT Software uses the following types of testing:
• General testing verifies the following:
◦ Patch-naming convention complies with the HEAT Software policy.
◦ The content supports the replication process: each patch created by the content team is validated with
the Global Subscription Service (GSS) distribution and Patch Server products.
• Assessment testing verifies the following:
◦ An applicable non-patched system shows applicable and not patched.
◦ An patched system shows installed and not applicable.
◦ False positives in the detection of digital fingerprint.
◦ The content complies with mandatory baselines.
◦ The patch is correctly displayed in Patch Server, including all filtering, sorting and other visual
• Deployment testing verifies the following:
◦ The package can be successfully deployed.
◦ The suppress reboot functionality works correctly.
◦ The uninstall functionality works correctly.
◦ On-demand package caching works correctly.
◦ Automatic deployment scheduling works correctly.
◦ Agent package downloads.
◦ The package hash ensures the package integrity.
◦ The agent automatically runs assessment after each patch deployment.
◦ The agent restarts automatically after a reboot.

Trusted delivery and flexibility

The HEAT Software GSS is designed and implemented to maximize global availability through a secure content
distribution network. All communications with the HEAT Software GSS are conducted through encrypted, secure
channels to ensure the integrity of security content.
Using a best practice approach, critical security patches are automatically downloaded to customer locations,
based on their subscription options. Additional security patches may be downloaded, as necessary, to create
a customized version of the KACE Patch Content Repository within the customer’s own secure enterprise
The patches (.pls) and its associated packages (.plp) are encrypted with a key. This key is part of our product
(kace.plk). Hence these files cannot be opened and modified without the key and also a Lumension-specific

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About the patch quality assurance process
SCR is a Java-based tool used to download patches. It employs checksum verification during the download

Best practices for patching

Best practices for patching devices include testing patches, using labels to organize devices and patches, and
notifying users when systems are being patched.
• Test patches before deploying them
Test patches on selected devices before deploying them to all devices. This testing ensures that patches do
not break anything before they are widely deployed.
When choosing test devices, look for these characteristics:
◦ Devices whose users are technically sophisticated and can communicate problems effectively.
◦ Devices that have access to the systems and software that reflect the working environment.
For a thorough test, devices should function normally for at least a week after being patched. If no problems
are reported after a week, the patch can be deployed to the remaining devices on the network.
• Use labels to organize devices and patches
You can use Smart Labels to automatically group devices by type, such as laptop, desktop, and server. In
addition, you can use Smart Labels to automatically group patches by importance, such as critical operating
system patches and lower priority patches for other applications. You can then create patching schedules to
match each type of device and patch.
◦ Using Smart Labels for patching
◦ Creating and managing patch schedules
• Use either Windows Update or the KACE SMA to patch Windows devices
There are two options for patching Windows devices:
◦ Use Windows Update: Windows Update is a Microsoft feature that downloads and installs updates
to Windows operating systems. If you enable Windows Update on managed devices, use the KACE
SMA Patch Management component only to detect Windows operating system patches, not to deploy
them. Patches will be deployed by Windows Update.
◦ Use the KACE SMA: You can download and deploy patches for Windows operating systems using
the KACE SMA Patch Management component. If you use the KACE SMA, disable Windows Update
on managed devices, because patches will be deployed by the KACE SMA.

TIP: The KACE SMA enables you to create a policy that specifies whether or not managed
  devices use Windows Update. See Using Windows configuration policies.

• Minimize downtime during patching

Schedule patch deployment during periods when device use is lower to minimize downtime. Keep in mind
that device use varies depending on the device type:
◦ Servers: These require careful and well-publicized upgrades. When patching servers, you might need
to plan ahead by several weeks.
◦ Desktops: These have more flexible options for patching, because they are often left running when
they are not in use.
◦ Laptops: These are the most difficult to patch, because they are often only available to patch while
being used.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Best practices for patching
For more information about creating patch schedules for each type of device, see:
◦ About scheduling critical OS patches for desktops and servers
◦ About scheduling critical patches for laptops
• Notify users when devices are being patched
Be sure to notify users when the devices they use are being patched. This is especially important if devices
need to be restarted as part of the patching process. There are several ways to inform users of patching
◦ Send email or use other messaging systems: Notify users in advance through email and other
messaging systems outside the appliance Administrator Console. This notification is especially useful
when patching might prevent access to critical systems, such as servers, for a time.
◦ Send an alert message from the appliance: Use the appliance Administrator Console to create an
alert and broadcast it to all devices or to selected devices. These broadcast alerts can be used to
remind users that patching is about to start.
For more information on creating alerts, see Broadcasting alerts to managed devices.
◦ Provide alerts during patching: When you schedule patching, choose to alert users before patching,
and prompt users before rebooting their devices. You can also enable users to snooze or postpone
reboots if necessary. See Configuring patch schedules.
For more information about scheduling patching for various devices, see:
◦ About scheduling critical OS patches for desktops and servers
◦ About scheduling critical patches for laptops
• Set time limits on patching jobs to reduce impact on users
Patching jobs can require extensive bandwidth and resources. To reduce the impact on users, you can set
time limits on patching jobs. For example, you could configure patching jobs to start at 04:00 and stop at
07:00. Any patching jobs that are in progress at 07:00 are suspended. Jobs resume where they left off when
the next scheduled patching job begins. See Configuring patch schedules.
• Use Replication Shares to optimize network resources
Use Replication Shares to optimize network resource requirements and download time. Replication Shares
are devices that keep copies of files for distribution, which can be useful for managed devices that are
deployed across multiple geographic locations. For example, using a Replication Share, a device in New
York could download patch files from another device at the same office, rather than downloading those files
from a KACE SMA in Los Angeles.
For more information on setting up and using Replication Shares, see Using Replication Shares.
• Find information on the Quest Knowledge Base
Quest Support has a Knowledge Base of articles about the KACE SMA, which you can access at https://
support.quest.com/kace-systems-management-appliance/kb. The Knowledge Base is continually updated
with solutions to real-world KACE SMA problems that administrators encounter. To view patching articles, go
to the Knowledge Base and search for Security.
• Use ITNinja.com to connect with other IT professionals
Sponsored by Quest KACE, ITNinja.com (formerly AppDeploy.com) is a product-agnostic IT-focused
community website. It is the Internet’s leading destination for IT professionals to share information and ask
questions about system-management related topics. See http://itninja.com.

Subscribing to and downloading patches

To enable patching, you need to subscribe to patches and schedule patch downloads to the appliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Subscribing to and downloading patches
About patch subscription and downloads
Patch subscription is the process of selecting the operating systems and applications for which you want to
receive patches.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you select subscription settings for each organization
After you subscribe to patches, the appliance downloads them according to the schedule you set. When patches
are downloaded, you can test and deploy them. You can choose to automatically deploy patches as well, but such
deployment is recommended for low-risk or time-important patches only. See:
• Select patch download settings
• Using Smart Labels for patching

Applications that the KACE SMA is able to patch

For a list of applications that the KACE SMA is able to patch, go to https://support.quest.com/kb/112030.

NTP service requirement

When downloading patches using HTTPS, the NTP (Network Time Protocol) service must be running on the
KACE SMA. The NTP service is required because the secure protocol uses the current date stamps from the
appliance to ensure certificate validity. If the NTP service is not running, patch download failures, suggesting
invalid certificates, might result.

Websites that must be accessible to the KACE

To complete patch downloads, access product information, and interact with Quest Support, the firewall, DNS
server, and proxy server settings must allow the KACE SMA to access specific domains on both port 80 and port
Table 28. Domains that must be accessible to the KACE SMA

Domain Used for

https://api.dell.com Dell updates

http://ftp.dell.com Dell updates

http://cache.lumension.com Lumension patches

http://cache.patchlinksecure.net Lumension patches

http://cdn.patchlink.com Quest patches

http://kace.cdn.lumension.com Quest patches

http://download.windowsupdate.com Microsoft updates

http://download.microsoft.com Microsoft updates

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Websites that must be accessible to the KACE SMA
Domain Used for

http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/default.aspx Microsoft updates

http://www.itninja.com ITNinja community features

http://appdeploy.com Redirects to ITNinja.com

https://quest.com/kace Localized content, third-party software licenses, and

product information

https://support.quest.com/download-product-select Quest updates

http://servicecdn.kace.com SCAP (Secure Content Automation Protocol)

https://service.kace.com KACE SMA and Agent updates from Quest

https://support.quest.com Quest Support

http://download.skype.com Skype updates

http://ardownload.adobe.com Adobe application updates

http://armdl.adobe.com Adobe application updates

http://download.adobe.com Adobe application updates

http://swupdl.adobe.com Adobe application updates

http://www.adobe.com Adobe application updates

ftp.mozilla.org Mozilla Firefox updates

http://support1.uvnc.com Ultra VNC updates

http://downloads.sourceforge.net 7-Zip updates

http://download.videolan.org VideoLAN VLC updates

Overview of first-time patch-subscription workflow

Patch detection signatures and patch packages are not downloaded to the appliance by default. You must
subscribe to the patches you want and then schedule a time to download them.
To save network bandwidth and disk space, Quest recommends that you download patch definition signatures
first, because they are much smaller in size than patch packages. Then you can detect the patches that you need,
and select the download settings that work best for your network.
The following workflow is for first-time patch-subscription.
1. Gather information: Identify the operating systems, language packages, and applications installed on
managed devices so that you know what you need to subscribe to. You can find this information on the

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Overview of first-time patch-subscription workflow
appliance Dashboard page as well as by running reports. See View details about operating systems and
2. Select initial patch subscription settings: Subscribe to the operating systems and languages required by
managed devices. See Subscribing to patches and configuring download settings.
3. Download patch detection signatures: Patch detection signatures are smaller files that can be
downloaded quickly and do not require much disk space. Download the patch detection signatures of the
patches you subscribe to. Downloading these signatures enables you to view available patches and identify
the patch packages you want to download later. See Select patch download settings.
4. Run a detect-only patching job: Schedule a Detect-only patching job to identify the patches required
by managed devices. A detect-only patching job is a one-time operation that shows how large the first
patching job is going to be. Also, it indicates how to allocate resources based on device availability for
patch installations and reboots. To run a detect-only patching job, create a patching schedule that detects
patches on all devices. See Configuring patch schedules.
5. Select patch package download settings: After you have identified the patch packages that you need,
set a time for package downloads to occur. See Select patch download settings.

View details about operating systems and

You can view information about the operating systems and applications installed on managed devices on the
Summary Detail page.
Before you subscribe to patches, gather information about the operating systems, language packages, and
software installed on managed devices so that you know what subscriptions you need.
1. Do one of the following:
• If your KACE SMA has the Organization component enabled, and you want view
information for the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console:
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page.
• If your KACE SMA does not have the Organization component enabled, or if you want
to view organization-level information, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console :
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option
is enabled, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
2. Click Home to display the Dashboard page.
3. In the top-right corner of the page, click View Details.
The Dashboard Detail page appears. The Devices section shows the operating systems of managed
devices for the appliance or for the selected organization.
4. In the Software section, click Software Titles.
The appliance runs a report that displays the software installed on managed devices. See About reports.

Subscribing to patches and configuring download

To establish a patching workflow, you can subscribe to patches and configure patch download settings.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Subscribing to patches and configuring download settings
Subscribe to patches
You can subscribe to patches for the operating systems and applications on your managed devices.
Before you subscribe to and download patches, identify the operating systems and applications installed on
managed devices, and verify patching requirements. See View details about operating systems and applications.
1. Go to the Patch Subscription Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Subscriptions.
2. The Patch Status section provides several details about the latest patch download and appliance disk
space. Here you can also determine if newly downloaded patches should be marked as active or inactive
by default.
Option Description

Activate New Mark new patches as Active. This setting enables patches that match your
Patches subscription settings after every download. If this option is not selected, new patches
are marked as Inactive. This enables you to test patches before they are deployed.

3. Specify the Subscription settings. The operating systems and locales specified in the subscription control
the patches that are downloaded.
Option Description

Windows Download patches for the selected Windows operating systems. Click the edit button
to manage the list of operating systems: . Select All Windows in Inventory
to select the Windows operating systems based on managed devices. To ignore
Windows operating system patches, select Disabled. Or, select the check boxes next
to one or more Windows operating systems.
Selected items are displayed after you save the settings.

Mac Operating Download patches for the selected Mac operating systems. Click the edit button
to manage the list of operating systems: . Select All Mac in Inventory to select
the Mac operating systems based on managed devices. To ignore Mac operating
system patches, select Disabled. Or, select the check boxes next to one or more
Mac operating systems.
Selected items are displayed after you save the settings.

Locales Download patches for the selected languages. Click the edit button to manage the
list of locales: . Select All Locales to download patches regardless of the locale or
select the check boxes next to one or more locales.
Selected items are displayed after you save the settings.

NOTE: At least one operating system and one locale must be selected for a patch subscription.
4. Specify the Operating System Patches settings. These settings are used to determine the patch status
once the patch files are downloaded. The patch status can be active, inactive, or disabled.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Subscribe to patches
Option Description

Types Subscribe to security or non-security type operating system patches. Click the edit
button to manage the selected types: . Select All Types to select both security and
non-security patches. To ignore the patch type, select Disabled. Or, select the check
boxes next to one or more patch types.
Selected items are displayed after you save the settings.

Impacts Subscribe to patches based on an operating system's patch impact. This can be
Critical or Recommended. Click the edit button to manage the selected impacts: .
Select All Impacts to select both Critical and Recommended patches. Or, select the
check boxes next to one or more patch impacts.
Selected items are displayed after you save the settings.

5. Specify the Application Patches settings. These settings are used to determine the patch status once the
patch files are downloaded. This can be active, inactive or disabled.
Option Description

Types Subscribe to security, non-security or software installer type application patches.

Click the edit button to manage the selected types: . Select All Types to select
security, non-security and windows installer patches. To ignore the patch type, select
Disabled. Or, select the check boxes next to one or more patch types.
Selected items are displayed after you save the settings.

Publishers Subscribe to applications patches based on its vendor. Click the edit button to
manage the selected types: . Select All Publishers to select patches from all
available publishers. Or, select the check boxes next to one or more publishers.
Selected items are displayed after you save the settings.

Impacts Subscribe to patches based on an applications patch impact. The impact can be
Critical or Recommended. Click the edit button to manage the selected impacts: .
Select All Impacts to select both Critical and Recommended patches. Or, select the
check boxes next to one or more patch impacts.
Selected items are displayed after you save the settings.

6. Specify the subscription's Advanced Options.

Option Description

Labels Download only those patches that match the selected labels. Click Manage
Associated Labels to select the labels.
This refinement is important when disk space is limited. If the total disk space
required for selected patches exceeds the space available on the KACE SMA,
patches cannot be downloaded.
NOTE: Appliance disk space information appears in the Patch Status section
  at the top of the page.

Disable Windows Identify and disable any embedded Windows patches. When this option is selected,
Embedded the signatures for embedded patches are downloaded, but they cannot be deployed
Patches unless they meet the subscription criteria.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Subscribe to patches
Option Description

Inactivate Mark patches that have been superseded to the Inactive state after every download.
Superseded Inactive Superseded Patches are identified with Inactive on the Patch Catalog page.

Detect Disabled Enable the appliance to identify disabled patches when it runs a Detect job. If this
Patches option is selected, the signatures for disabled patches are downloaded for detection
purposes only. Patches cannot be deployed unless they meet the subscription

7. Click Save.
Selected patches are downloaded automatically at the next scheduled download time. If a patch does not match
the subscription settings after download, it appears as Disabled. If a patch matches the subscription settings but
it is either superseded or manually set to inactive, the state appears as Inactive.

Select patch download settings

The patches you subscribe to are downloaded to the appliance according to the settings you choose.
Be aware that the first patch download might use a large amount of network bandwidth.
1. Go to the Patch Download settings.
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, on the left navigation bar click
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Patch Download Settings.
3. In the Configure section, select the following options.
Option Description

Disabled Prevent the downloading of patch packages. This prevention includes the installers
that are required to install the patches.

All subscribed Maintain a full cache of subscribed packages on your KACE SMA. This option
files downloads all deployment packages to which you subscribe, without checking to
determine whether they are required for your environment.
It is important for some environments to maintain a full cache. For example, if you
select the Offline Target or Online Source option, full caching is required.

Files detected as Allow the appliance to determine which packages to download based on the results
missing of Detect jobs. If a patch detection signature has been detected as Not Patched on
any managed device, the patch package is downloaded. If no managed devices are
detected as Not Patched, no packages for this patch are downloaded.

Delete unused Delete patches that have not been deployed in the specified number of days. Patches
files after __ days that are marked as Inactive or Disabled are automatically deleted during the patch
download process.

Offline Update The action to take if the appliance is offline when the update process is scheduled to
start. Clear the Offline Update option if the appliance is expected to be connected to
the internet and can download patches directly.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Select patch download settings
Option Description

Offline Target The Offline Target to use if the appliance is not connected to the internet, and you
want to upload the patch files from a local directory. If you have a KACE SMA that
is connected to the internet, you can configure that appliance as an Offline Source.
Then you can manually copy the patch files from the Offline Source Patches file
share to the following directory on the Offline Target: \\KACE_SMA_host\patches.
Click Upload to load patch TAR files.

Online Source Whether the appliance is used as a source for a different appliance. When this option
is selected, patch files are downloaded to the KACE SMA’s Patches file share.

4. Select schedule options for patch signatures in the Schedule section. Patch signatures include the security
bulletins and other files that define patches downloaded from Lumension.
Option Description

None Prevent the downloading of patch signatures.

Every __ hours Download signatures at a specified interval. Use caution when specifying frequent
intervals (4, 8 or 12 hours), because this can increase bandwidth requirements.

Every day at the Select day to download patch detection signatures every day, or select a day of the
specified time week to download once a week.
Select the time to start the download. Time is displayed in 24-hour clock format,
where 0 is midnight, 1:00 a.m. is 1 and 11:00 p.m. is 23.
NOTE: When setting up patch downloads, timing is important. The appliance
  activity log is created at 1:30, and maintenance tasks occur between 01:00
and 01:30. Quest recommends that you schedule patch downloads to occur
after the log and maintenance tasks are complete, which is about 3:00.

On the nth of Select the day of the month to download patch detection signatures on a monthly
every month or on basis.
a specific month
at HH:MM

5. Set the schedule options for patch files:

Option Description

After signature Download packages after the signatures have been downloaded. This option is not
download available if package download is disabled in the Patch Download Options section.

Every __ minutes Specify the frequency with which signatures and packages are downloaded. This
option is available only if Patches detected as missing in the Patch Download Options
section is selected.

Download Specify a time period during which patch detection signatures cannot be downloaded.
Blackout: Start __ For example, use an early morning stop time to prevent the process from using a
End __ large amount of network bandwidth during regular working hours.
If you select this option, the appliance stops patch downloads at the specified time.
It does not start patch downloads again until the next specified patch download

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Select patch download settings
Option Description
time. When the download resumes, it starts up where it left off. Downloads that are
incomplete might not appear on the Patch Catalog page.

6. Click Save.
7. To immediately download the patches to which you have subscribed, regardless of the schedule, click Run
8. To immediately remove all patches from the appliance, click Delete. This can be useful if you no longer
need any patches and you want to quickly reclaim the disk space that they used.
To schedule patch detection and deployment for managed devices, see Creating and managing patch schedules.

Viewing available patches and download status

You can review the available patches and set appropriate patch download filters to download only the patches
you need.
For example, once the patch packages are downloaded, you can set a filter to view patches based on category;
view Operating System patches only.

View available patches

After you have subscribed to patches, and the patches have been downloaded, you can view available patches.
You must subscribe to patch detection signatures and select patch download settings to view patches. See:
• Subscribe to patches
• Select patch download settings
1. Go to the Patch Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
2. Search for application patches.
a. Click the Advanced Search tab above the list on the right to display the Advanced Search panel.
b. Enter search criteria:
Patch Listing Information: Category | is | Application
c. Click Search.

View patch download status

After you have subscribed to patches, you can view patch download status.
You must subscribe to patches to view patch download status. See Subscribe to patches.
1. Go to the Patch Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View patch download status
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
2. Do one of the following:
• In the View By drop-down list, which appears above the table on the right, select Download Status >
Downloaded or Download Status > Not Downloaded.
• Click the Advanced Search tab, which appears above the table on the right, then select search
criteria. For example:
Patch Listing Information: Download Status | is | Downloaded
See Viewing patch information.

Best practices for resolving patch subscription

Occasionally you may see an error message indicating that your patch subscription license has expired:
The error message
Your patch subscription has expired. Please contact support for assistance.
Before engaging the KACE support, you can take some preliminary steps to resolve the issue.
This error may be caused by one of the following issues:
• In most cases, it happens when your license key has passed its three year validation period.
• A new license key is provided, but the account may not be synchronized yet with the KACE database.

If a new key has been requested but not yet delivered:

Ensure the following email message has not been stopped by a spam filter. This is the message format of the new
license key notification sent by the KACE licensing team:
Sender: license@quest.com
Subject: KACE Systems Management Appliance License Number for (PO# <PO number>)
order# <order number>

If a new key has been applied but the error persists:

1. Validate your product license:
a. Go to the appliance Control Panel.
▪ If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, click Settings.
▪ If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Appliance Updates to display the Appliance Updates page.
c. On the right of the License Information, click .
d. Select Validate License, then click Yes to confirm.
TIP: For complete information about this page, see Update the appliance license key.
2. Perform a manual patch signature download.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Best practices for resolving patch subscription issues
a. Go to the appliance Patch Download Settings page.
▪ If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, click Settings.
▪ If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
▪ Go to Security > Patch Management > Patch Download Settings.
b. Click Run Now. After the patch download is completed, the error message disappears.
TIP: For complete information about this page, see Select patch download settings.

If you completed the above step, but the issue remains:

1. Go to https://support.quest.com/create-service-request and create a new service request (SR).
2. Provide the answers to the following questions in the request:
◦ When did the issue start for the first time?
◦ Did something change before the issue?
◦ Verify and confirm the issue in the patch download log. Document the findings in the SR or upload the
log files into the SR.
◦ Which license key is currently in use? The complete license key is required. If this is not possible, the
last five characters are acceptable.
◦ If available, what is the old (previous) license key?
◦ What is the static IP Address of the KACE SMA?
◦ What is the MAC Address of the KACE SMA?
3. Upload your KACE SMA log files as an attachment to the SR.
a. Go to the appliance Control Panel.
▪ If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, click Settings.
▪ If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Support.
c. In the Troubleshooting Tools section, click Retrieve appliance activity logs.
d. Click Save File to download the logs.
NOTE: Clear your browser's cache after encountering an error situation during a patch download. Failing
  to do so may prevent the appliance from downloading patches after this error is encountered.

Creating and managing patch schedules

You can manage patch schedules that detect, deploy, and rollback the patches to which you subscribe.
For information on subscribing to patches, see Subscribing to and downloading patches.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Creating and managing patch schedules
About scheduling critical OS patches for desktops
and servers
You can configure the appliance to install critical OS patches on desktops and servers according to a schedule.
Desktops are usually less crucial than servers and less mobile than laptops, so it is easier to schedule a time to
patch them. Usually, you can schedule routine updates for the early morning hours before users arrive.
Servers run critical services that your organization requires. Schedule patching for servers in advance, and warn
users of the temporary service outages that patching requires. Push server patches in the early morning hours or
other times when the fewest number of users require the server resources.

Workflow for critical OS patches for desktops and servers

The workflow includes identifying devices, identifying patches, scheduling actions, and deploying patches.
• Identify desktops: Create a Smart Label that identifies all devices that are desktops. This excludes servers
and laptops. See Add a Smart Label for desktops.
• Identify servers: Create a Smart Label that identifies all servers. See Add a Smart Label for servers.
• Identify critical OS patches: Create a Smart Label that identifies all critical OS patches. See Add a Smart
Label for critical OS patches.
• Schedule detect and deploy actions: Schedule a detect and deploy job that identifies whether the
devices in the Smart Label need to be updated, deploys critical patches to them, and forces a reboot if
required. See Configuring patch schedules.
• Deploy patches individually to servers: Schedule a job that deploys patches to servers as needed. See
Configuring patch schedules.
• Notify users: When you schedule patching, be sure to notify users of the schedule so that they know when
the devices they use are being patched. This is especially important if devices need to be restarted and
might be unavailable as part of the patching process. You can notify users by sending email and other
messaging services outside the appliance Administrator Console. See Best practices for patching.

About scheduling critical patches for laptops

Because laptops are often powered off or disconnected from the network, it can be difficult to find a good time to
patch them. The two most popular choices for patching laptops are at the start of the business day or during lunch
Most Quest KACE customers patch laptops using two schedules, one for detecting and one for deploying.

Workflow for critical patches for laptops

The workflow for applying critical patches to laptops includes identifying devices, identifying patches, scheduling
actions, and deploying patches.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Workflow for critical patches for laptops
Setting up automatic detect and deploy actions consists of the following workflow:
• Identify critical patches: Create a patch Smart Label to automatically identify critical patches for laptops.
See Using Smart Labels for patching.
• Schedule Detect actions: Create and run a schedule to periodically detect critical patches on laptops. See
Configuring patch schedules.
• Schedule Deploy actions: Create and run a schedule to periodically deploy critical patches on laptops.
See Configuring patch schedules.
• Check patching status: Periodically check patching status using reports and the patch. See Viewing patch
schedules, status, and reports.
• Notify users: Notify users of the patching schedule. You can notify users by sending email and other
messaging services outside the appliance Administrator Console. See "Notify users when devices are
being patched" in Best practices for patching.

About scheduling non-critical patches

You can configure the appliance to install non-critical patches according to a schedule.
To schedule non-critical patches:
• Detect patches: Create a patching schedule to detect patches on all devices to determine the size of the
patching job. See Configuring patch schedules.
• Inactivate patches: If there are patches you do not want to deploy, mark them as Inactive.
• Test patches: Create a schedule to detect and deploy patches to your test devices. See Configuring patch
• Identify patches for desktops and servers: Create a patch Smart Label to automatically capture the
patches to deploy on servers. See Using Smart Labels for patching.
• Detect and deploy desktop and server patches (see Configuring patch schedules):
◦ Create a schedule to periodically detect and deploy patches on your desktops.
◦ Create a schedule to periodically detect and deploy patches on your servers.
• Detect and deploy laptop patches (see Configuring patch schedules):
◦ Create a schedule to periodically detect patches on your laptops.
◦ Create a schedule to periodically deploy patches on your laptops.
• Check patching status: Periodically check the patching status. See Viewing patch schedules, status, and

Configuring patch schedules

You can create and configure patch schedules and set a time for them to run. Patch schedules do not interfere
with Managed Installations or other distributions.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configuring patch schedules
You can create and edit the following types of patch schedules:
• Configure Detect-only patch schedules
• Configure Detect and Deploy patch schedules
• Configure Deploy-only patch schedules
• Configure Detect and Rollback patch schedules
• Configure Rollback-only patch schedules

Fields on the Patch Schedule Details page

Fields on the Patch Schedule Detail page enable you to configure and schedule patch actions.

Configure section
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the schedule. This name appears on the Patch Schedules

Action Select Detect. The page updates to the appropriate options.

The patch action behavior is dependent on the combination of reboot, detect, deploy,
and rollback selections you make. Whenever a patch action does both a Detect pass
and something else, as is the case with Detect and Deploy and Detect and Rollback,
the action is repeated cyclically until the Detect action finds no further patches to
deploy or roll back. This behavior might result in multiple Reboot actions for a single
scheduled run. In addition, the type of device you are patching affects the type of
patch action to use.

Device Labels Restrict the patch actions to the devices in the labels that you select. Limiting the
run to labels, especially Smart Labels, helps to ensure that patches are applied
For example, some application patches have the ability to install applications as
well as update applications that are already installed. To prevent the appliance from
installing the application on devices that do not already have the application installed,
you can create a Smart Label to identify devices that have the application. You can
then limit the patch action to devices that have that label. The patch is then applied
only to devices that already have the application installed.
To use this option, you must already have created labels or Smart Labels. See Using
Smart Labels for patching.
NOTE: When a Device Smart Label is associated with a label group, the
  Smart Label appears available for selection, but cannot be applied by dragging
it to the right. This is the default behavior for label groups. You can only select
and apply Smart Labels that are based on a single item.
Any labels that you select in this section only apply to the set of devices associated
with the scoped user (if applicable). Scoped users can see only those devices that
are associated with their role, when the role is assigned a label. For more information
about user roles, see Add or edit User Roles.

Devices Run detect and deploy patch actions on the devices that you select. To search for
devices, begin typing in the field. Scoped users can see only those devices that are
associated with their role, when the role is assigned a label. For more information
about user roles, see Add or edit User Roles.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Fields on the Patch Schedule Details page
Option Description

Operating Select the operating systems of the devices on which you want to run the actions.
Systems The default is all operating systems.

Detect section
Option Description

All Patches Detect all available patches. This process can take a long time. Also, it might detect
patches for software that is not installed on, or required by, managed devices. For
example, if managed devices use anti-virus applications from only one vendor, you
might not need to detect patches for all anti-virus vendors. All Patches, however,
detects all missing patches regardless of whether they are required by managed
devices. To refine patch detection, set up labels for the patches you want to detect,
then use the Patch Labels option.

Patch Labels Restrict the action to the patches in the labels that you select. This is the most
commonly used patch detection option. To select labels, click Edit. To use this
option, you must already have labels or Smart Labels for the patches you want to
detect. See Using Smart Labels for patching.

Deploy section
Option Description

All Patches Deploy all patches to the selected devices.

Patch Labels Restrict the action to the patches in the labels that you select. This option is the
most commonly used patch detection option. To select labels, click Edit. To use this
option, you must already have labels or Smart Labels for the patches you want to
detect. See Using Smart Labels for patching.

Maximum Deploy The maximum number of attempts the appliance deploys or rolls back the patch.
Attempts Specify a number between one '1' and ten "10". If you specify zero '0', the deployment
or rollback does not run. A value higher than ten "10" results in an error message.
As a last step in patch deployment or rollback, the appliance verifies whether the
patch was deployed or rolled back successfully. If a deployment or rollback fails, the
appliance attempts to deploy or rollback the patch again until one of the following
• The deployment or rollback succeeds.
• The maximum number of attempts is reached.
• The scheduled deployment or rollback period ends and patching is suspended.

Rollback section
Option Description

All Patches Roll back all patches on the selected devices.

Labels Restrict the action to the patches in the labels that you select. This option is the
most commonly used patch detection option. To select labels, click Edit. To use this
option, you must already have labels or Smart Labels for the patches you want to
detect. See Using Smart Labels for patching.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Fields on the Patch Schedule Details page
Option Description

Maximum The maximum number of attempts, between 0 and 99, to indicate the number
Rollback Attempts of times the appliance tries to deploy or rollback the patch. If you specify 0, the
appliance attempts to deploy or rollback the patch indefinitely.
As a last step in patch deployment or rollback, the appliance verifies whether the
patch was deployed or rolled back successfully. If a deployment or rollback fails, the
appliance attempts to deploy or rollback the patch again until one of the following
• The deployment or rollback succeeds.
• The maximum number of attempts is reached.
• The scheduled deployment or rollback period ends and patching is suspended.

Notify section
Option Description

Options The options displayed to users when patch actions run. To perform the action without
notifying the user, leave the Options field blank.
• OK: Run immediately.
• Cancel: Cancel until the next scheduled run.
• Snooze: Prompt the user again after the Snooze Duration.

Timeout The amount of time, in minutes, for the dialog to be displayed before an action
is performed. If this time period elapses without the user pressing a button, the
appliance performs the action specified in the Timeout drop-down list.

Timeout Action The action to be performed when the Timeout period elapses without the user
choosing an option.

Snooze Duration The amount of time, in minutes, for the period after the user clicks Snooze. When this
period elapses, the dialog appears again.

Snooze Until Limit Select the Snooze Until Limit check box to enable the user to Snooze the patch
action a specified number of times. Specify the number of Attempts.

Initial Message The message to be displayed to users before the action runs. To customize the
logo that appears in the dialog, see Configure appliance General Settings with the
Organization component enabled.

Progress Message The message displayed to users during the patch action.

Completion The message displayed to users when the patch action is complete.

Reboot section
Option Description

Options The options for rebooting the managed device.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Fields on the Patch Schedule Details page
Option Description

No Reboot The device does not reboot even though a reboot might be required for the patch
to take effect. When this option is selected, the following occurs according to the
patching schedule:
• A Detect job runs.
• Patches are deployed.
• If no reboot is required, and the patch list is exhausted, a final Detect job runs
to verify patch status.
• If a reboot is required, patching stops. When the device is rebooted, patching
continues until either the patch list is exhausted, or a reboot is needed and
patching stops.
• When the patch list is exhausted, a final Detect job runs to verify patch status.
No Reboot is not recommended because deploying patches without rebooting when
required can leave systems unstable. Further, patches that require reboots are only
shown as deployed after the reboot.

Prompt User Wait for the user to accept the reboot before restarting the device. When this option is
selected, the following occurs according to the patching schedule:
• A Detect job runs to identify unwanted patches.
• If unwanted patches are found, the appliance attempts to remove them.
• If removal is unsuccessful after the maximum number of attempts, the rollback
fails and the device is ignored.
• If the rollback is successful, the user is prompted to reboot.
• If no user is logged in, the device is rebooted immediately.
• If the user clicks OK, the device reboots. The rollback process continues
until another reboot is required and the user is prompted again. The pattern
continues until the patch list is exhausted.
If the user snoozes or cancels the reboot, patching stops until a reboot occurs. When
a reboot occurs, rollback continues until the next reboot is needed, and the user is
prompted again. The pattern continues until the patch list is exhausted.

Force Reboot Reboot as soon as a patch requiring it is deployed. Forced reboots cannot be
canceled. Force Reboot works well for desktops and servers. You might not want to
force reboot on laptops. When this option is selected, the following occurs according
to the patching schedule:
• A Detect job runs.
• All patches are deployed and the device is rebooted as needed.
• After the last reboot, a final Detect job runs.
Force Reboot works well with servers because they usually have no dedicated users.
However, it is important to warn users that services will not be available when servers
are being patched and rebooted. See Best practices for patching.

Automatically Automatically reboot the managed device if no users are logged in.
reboot when no
one is logged in

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Fields on the Patch Schedule Details page
Option Description

Message The message to be displayed to the user before the device reboots. For information
about adding a custom logo to the message dialog, see Configure appliance General
Settings with the Organization component enabled.

Timeout The amount of time, in minutes, for the dialog to be displayed before an action
is performed. If this time period elapses without the user pressing a button, the
appliance performs the action specified in the Timeout drop-down list.
When Force Reboot is selected, the timeout behavior takes into consideration the
KUSerAlert and global KACE SMA Agent process timeouts. The global timeout,
set in amp.conf through the Agent Settings page, always determines how long
any agent-launched processes can run for, including the KUserAlert timeout. For
example, if the KUserAlert timeout is set to two hours, and you set the global
timeout to one hour, the agent will stop the KUserAlert because it runs too long.
Therefore the global timeout must be set to the desired timeout that is longer than the
KUserAlert timeout. This value must be set accordingly.

Timeout Action The action to be performed when the Timeout period elapses without the user
choosing an option.

Reboot Delay Postpone the reboot using a countdown. The countdown is in minutes.

Reboot Now Reboot the device immediately.

Reboot Later Reboot the device later.

Number of The number of prompts the user receives before the device reboots. For example,
prompts if you enter a value of 5, the device automatically reboots the fifth time the user
receives the reboot prompt. In other words, the user can delay the reboot only four
times if the Number of prompts value is set to 5.

Reprompt Interval The time that elapses before the user is reprompted to reboot.

Schedule section
Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.
This option is useful if you want to patch servers manually, or perform patch actions
that you do not want to run on a schedule.

Every _ hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the nth day every month, (for example, the first or the second) day of every
of every month/ month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Fields on the Patch Schedule Details page
Option Description
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

Timezone The timezone to use when scheduling the action. Select Server to use the timezone
of the appliance. Select Agent to use the timezone of the managed device.

Run on next Run the action the next time the managed device connects to the appliance, if the
connection if device is currently offline. This option is useful for laptops and other devices that are
offline periodically offline. If this option is not selected, and the device is offline, the action
does not run again until the next scheduled time.

Delay run after Delay the schedule by a specified amount of time. The time delay period begins when
reconnect the patch action is scheduled to run.

End after The time limit for patching actions.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Fields on the Patch Schedule Details page
Option Description

For example, if you schedule patches to run at 04:00, you might want all patching
actions to stop at 07:00 to prevent bandwidth issues when users start work. To do so,
you could specify 180 in the minutes box.
When this time limit is reached, any patching tasks that are in progress are
suspended, and their status on Security logs is Suspended.
These patching tasks do not resume on the next run and instead start from the
beginning with each scheduled patching action.

Configure Detect-only patch schedules

You can create and edit Detect-only patch schedules for managed devices. This is useful when you want to detect
patches that are installed on, or missing from, managed devices.
Detect-only actions are recommended when the Patch Download Settings are configured to download only Files
detected as missing. Running a detect-only action before the deploy creates a list of patch files to download
before deployment begins.
1. Go to the Patch Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Schedules.
d. Display the Patch Schedule Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a patch schedule.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Configure section, specify options for the Detect-only schedule.
See Configure section for descriptions of the options.
3. In the Detect section, specify options for the Detect-only schedule.
See Detect section for descriptions of the options.
4. In the Schedule section, specify options for the Detect-only schedule.
See Schedule section for descriptions of the options.
5. Click Save.
The Detect-only schedule is created. If you add devices that match the Smart Label criteria, they are automatically
included in the patching schedule.

Configure Detect and Deploy patch schedules

You can create and edit patch schedules that both detect and deploy patches for managed devices. Doing so is
usually appropriate for desktops and servers.
Detect and Deploy patching jobs require a connection between the device and the appliance; they do not run
offline. For more information about messaging protocol connections, see Configure Agent communication and log
1. Go to the Patch Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Detect and Deploy patch schedules
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Schedules.
d. Display the Patch Schedule Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a patch schedule.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Configure section, specify options for the Detect and Deploy schedule.
See Configure section for descriptions of the options.
3. In the Detect section, specify options for the Detect and Deploy schedule.
See Detect section for descriptions of the options.
4. In the Deploy section, specify options for the Detect and Deploy schedule.
See Deploy section for descriptions of the options.
5. In the Notify section, specify options for the Detect and Deploy schedule.
See Notify section for descriptions of the options.
6. In the Reboot section, specify options for the Detect and Deploy schedule.
See Reboot section for descriptions of the options.
7. In the Schedule section, specify options for the Detect and Deploy schedule.
See Schedule section for descriptions of the options.
8. Click Save.
The Detect and Deploy schedule is created. If you add devices that match the Smart Label criteria, they are
automatically included in the patching schedule.

Configure Deploy-only patch schedules

You can create and edit patch schedules that perform Deploy-only actions. Doing so is useful when you know that
specific patches need to be deployed to managed devices.
A final Detect job runs either after the patch is deployed or, if a reboot is required, after the device reboots and the
Agent reconnects to the appliance.
1. Go to the Patch Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Schedules.
d. Display the Patch Schedule Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a patch schedule.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Configure section, specify options for the Deploy-only schedule.
See Configure section for descriptions of the options.
3. In the Deploy section, specify options for the Deploy-only schedule.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Deploy-only patch schedules
See Deploy section for descriptions of the options.
4. In the Notify section, specify settings for the Deploy-only schedule.
See Notify section for descriptions of the options.
5. In the Reboot section, specify options for the Deploy-only schedule.
See Reboot section for descriptions of the options.
6. In the Schedule section, specify options for the Deploy-only schedule.
See Schedule section for descriptions of the options.
7. Click Save.
The Deploy-only schedule is created. If you add devices that match the Smart Label criteria, they are
automatically included in the patching schedule.

Configure Detect and Rollback patch schedules

You can create and edit patch schedules that find and remove unwanted patches. Rollback might not be available
for some patches.
See Determine whether a patch can be rolled back.
1. Go to the Patch Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Schedules.
d. Display the Patch Schedule Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a patch schedule.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Configure section, specify options for the Detect and Rollback schedule.
See Configure section for descriptions of the options.
3. In the Detect section, specify options for the Detect and Rollback schedule.
See Detect section for descriptions of the options.
4. In the Rollback section, specify settings for the Detect and Rollback schedule.
See Rollback section for descriptions of the options.
5. In the Notify section, specify options for the Detect and Rollback schedule.
See Notify section for descriptions of the options.
6. In the Reboot section, specify options for the Detect and Rollback schedule.
See Reboot section for descriptions of the options.
7. In the Schedule section, specify options for the Detect and Rollback schedule.
See Schedule section for descriptions of the options.
8. Click Save.
The Detect and Rollback schedule is created. If you add devices that match the Smart Label criteria, they are
automatically included in the patching schedule.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Detect and Rollback patch schedules
Configure Rollback-only patch schedules
You can create and edit patch schedules that roll back selected patches. Rollback might not be available for some
See Determine whether a patch can be rolled back.
1. Go to the Patch Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Schedules.
d. Display the Patch Schedule Detail page by doing one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a patch schedule.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Configure section, specify options for the Rollback-only schedule.
See Configure section for descriptions of the options.
3. In the Rollback section, specify options for the Rollback-only schedule.
See Rollback section for descriptions of the options.
4. In the Notify section, specify options for the Rollback-only schedule.
See Notify section for descriptions of the options.
5. In the Reboot section, specify options for the Rollback-only schedule.
See Reboot sectionfor descriptions of the options.
6. In the Schedule section, specify options for the Rollback-only schedule.
See Schedule section for descriptions of the options.
7. Click Save.
The Rollback-only schedule is created. If you add devices that match the Smart Label criteria, they are
automatically included in the patching schedule.

Error codes caused by patching and scripting

The following Fail error codes that can be encountered during patching (Detection or Deployment phase only) or
Table 29. Error codes encountered during patching or scripting

Error Description

1 Variable cache exhausted

2 Archive extraction error

3 Patch open failure

4 Bad patch GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Error codes caused by patching and scripting
Error Description

5 Patch has too many applicable signatures

6 Package open failure

7 Bad package GUID

8 Package archive initialized

9 File info open failure

10 Bad file info GUID

11 Signature open failure

12 Bad signature info GUID

13 Pre-requisite signature cache exhausted

14 Fingerprint open failure

15 Bad fingerprint GUID

16 Fingerprint expression syntax error

17 Fingerprint file root unsupported

18 Fingerprint type unsupported

19 Bad script file handle

20 File extraction error

21 Invalid root hkey

22 WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) fingerprint unsupported

23 Javascript unsupported

24 Out of memory

25 Missing pre-requisite signature

26 Invalid pre-requisite language

27 Expired license key

28 Entitled file missing

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Error codes caused by patching and scripting
Error Description

29 Entitled file bad checksum

30 Entitled file wrong size

31 Invalid system info fingerprint

32 Fingerprint expression missing a variable

33 Package mkdir failure

34 Fingerprint file scan unsupported

35 Fingerprint WMI error

36 Relevance script syntax error

37 Unknown

40 Package re-import error

80 Error in patch deploy script

84 Deployment failure: package file not found

89 Failed to download signature

90 Manual installation Required

91 No Patch Signature found on Agent

94 Invalid file download: checksum mismatch

95 Download failed: download URL not set

96 Invalid file download: file size mismatch

97 Patch language not supported

98 Detect or deploy data caused a crash

99 Unknown download error

100 Package is not a valid .cab file

101 Immediate reboot required

102 Reboot required

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Error codes caused by patching and scripting
Error Description

400 Download failure: bad request

401 Download failure: unauthorized

403 Download failure: forbidden

404 Download failure: file not found

502 Download failure: bad gateway

503 Download failure: service unavailable

504 Download failure: gateway timeout

1020 Download failure: file share login error

1022 Download failure: disk write error

1024 Download failure: file share unreachable

1025 Download stopped

Viewing patch schedules, status, and reports

You can view patch schedules as well as the status of patches, either in general or by device. In addition, you can
search for individual packages within patches, and you can view patch-related reports.

View patch schedules

You can view summary information for the patch schedules that have been created on the appliance. If the
Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you view patch schedules for each organization
1. Go to the Patch Schedule page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
2. On the Patch Management panel, click Schedules.
Columns available on the Patch Schedules page include:

Option Description

Last Update The date and time the patch schedule was updated.

Name The name of the patch schedule.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View patch schedules
Option Description

Schedule The frequency at which the patch schedule is set to

run. Disabled indicates that the patch is not set to
run on a schedule.

Action The type of patch action to be performed.

Reboot Option Whether the patch schedule requires managed

devices to reboot when the patch runs.

All Devices Whether the patch schedule is targeting all devices

(Yes) or selected devices (No).

Pending The number of managed devices on which the patch

is scheduled to run. Patches with this status show
one of the following in the Security section of the
Device Detail page:
• waiting to connect
• scheduled
• waiting to schedule

Downloading The number of managed devices that are

downloading the patch. Patches with this status
show the following in the Security section of the
Device Detail page: downloading

Executing The number of managed devices on which the patch

is running. Patches with this status show one of the
following in the Security section of the Device Detail
• handshake
• detecting
• rolling back
• deploying
• cleanup
• verifying
• alerting
• upload

Rebooting The number of managed devices that are rebooting

as part of the patching process. Patches with this
status show one of the following in the Security
section of the Device Detail page:
• rebooting
• reboot pending
• connecting

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View patch schedules
Option Description

Paused The number of managed devices on which the

patching process is paused or snoozed. Patches
with this status show one of the following in the
Security section of the Device Detail page:
• reboot snoozed
• snoozed

Succeeded The number of managed devices on which the

patching process finished successfully. Patches with
this status show the following in the Security section
of the Device Detail page: completed.

Failed The number of managed devices for which errors

were reported during the patching process. Patches
with this status show one of the following in the
Security section of the Device Detail page:
• suspended
• cancelled

Offline The number of managed devices that were

not connected when the patching process was
scheduled to run. Patches with this status show the
following in the Security section of the Device Detail
page: not scheduled.

Complete The number of managed devices on which the

patching process completed with a status of
Succeeded, Failed, or Offline.

3. (Optional) To change column visibility, select Column Visibility from the Table Options drop-down list
above the table on the right.

View patch status

You can view the status of patches, including a list of the devices on which patches have been deployed.
1. Go to the Patch Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
d. Do one of the following:
▪ If the Show drop-down list is set to Applicable Packages or All Packages, click the name of the
package and then the name of a patch within the package.
▪ If the Show drop-down list is set to Individual Patches, click the name of a patch.
2. Scroll down to the Deployment Status table.
The table shows details about the patch, including a list of the devices on which the patch has been

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View patch status
View patch status by device
You can view patch status for each managed device.
1. Go to the organization Device Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
c. Click the name of a device.
2. Scroll down to the Security section, then click the Patching Detect/Deploy Status link.
The list of the patches installed on the device appears.

View files within patches

You can view the files contained in each patch.
1. Go to the Patch Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
d. Do one of the following:
▪ If the Show drop-down list is set to Applicable Packages or All Packages, click the name of the
package and then the name of a patch within the package.
▪ If the Show drop-down list is set to Individual Patches, click the name of a patch.
2. Scroll down to the Associated Files table.

View patch reports

You can view reports related to patching.
1. Go to the Patch Management Reports page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Reporting.
The Reports page appears, with Patching selected in the View By drop-down list. This page provides links
to patch-related reports.

Managing patch rollbacks

If rollback is supported for patches, you can roll back patches to remove them from managed devices.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Managing patch rollbacks
Some vendors and patch-types do not support rollbacks, however. For example, large software patches, such as
Service Packs, cannot be rolled back.

Determine whether a patch can be rolled back

You can search the Patch Catalog page to find out whether patches can be rolled back after they are deployed to
managed devices.
1. Go to the Patch Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
d. Click the name of a patch.
2. Click the Advanced Search tab above the list on the right to display the Advanced Search panel.
3. Enter the following search criteria:
Patch Listing Information: Support Rollback | is | True
4. Optional: Enter additional search criteria.
5. Click Search.
Patches that support rollback appear.

Undo the last patching job

If the patch vendor supports a rollback, you can undo the last patch deployment by creating and running a
Rollback or Detect and Rollback patching schedule.
1. Go to the Patch Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Schedules.
d. Click the name of a patch schedule.
2. In the Action drop-down list, select Rollback or Detect and Rollback.
3. Select the patches to rollback, in the same way that you specified them in the original schedule, by creating
a Smart Label.
See Using Smart Labels for patching.
This option is supported only for removing the last installed patch on a software application. See Managing
patch rollbacks.
4. Specify additional settings for the patch schedule as needed.
◦ Configure Detect and Rollback patch schedules
◦ Configure Rollback-only patch schedules

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Undo the last patching job
Managing patch inventory
Patches that have been downloaded to the appliance are referred to as patch inventory. You can view details and
statistics about patch inventory, and you can mark patches as active or inactive. In addition, you can use labels to
manage patches.

Prerequisites for managing patch inventory

Before managing patch inventory, you need to subscribe to and download patches.
• Subscribing to patches and configuring download settings
• Select patch download settings

Viewing patch information

You can view information about patches and view patch information for devices as needed.

View downloaded patches

The Patch Catalog list displays the patch detection signatures that have been downloaded for subscribed
1. Go to the patch Catalog page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
2. There are two drop-down lists that appear above and to the right of the patch list that display the patches
on the list in different ways.
• Show: There are three ways to show the patch list, Applicable Packages, All Packages, and Individual

Column Description

Applicable View the patch list at the package level. This view shows the list of bulletins that apply
Packages to at least one managed device. This is the default filter.

All Packages View the patch list at the package level. This view shows the list of bulletins.

Individual View each downloaded patch separately. This list is not grouped by package.

• View By: Control the patches shown in the list based on the drop-down list selection.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View downloaded patches
Column Description

All Patches View all patches.

Label View patches tagged with a label. This information is only visible if there are labels

Status View Active, Disabled, or Inactive patches.

Download Status View patches that are Downloaded or Not Downloaded.

Impact Filter the patch list by the importance specified by Lumension. Impact levels include
Critical, Recommended, and so on.

Severity Filter the patch list by the importance specified by vendors, such as Microsoft.
Severity levels include Critical, Important, Low, and so on.

Type View Security, Non-Security, and Software Installer type patches. This
classification is specified by Lumension.

Year Filter the patch list by the year the patch was released.

Operating System Filter the patch list by operating system.

3. The following information appears in columns on the Patch Catalog page:

Column Description

Status The status of the patch: Active, Inactive, or Disabled.

• Active: Patches that you subscribe to, that are downloaded, and that are ready
to detect or deploy.
• Inactive: Patches that you subscribe to, but that have been marked as inactive
to prevent them from being detected or deployed automatically.
• Disabled: Patches that you subscribe to, but that have been marked as
inactive to prevent them from being detected or deployed automatically.
When showing by Applicable Packages or All Packages, (x of x) might show after
the status if the patches within the bulletin are both active and inactive. For example,
Active (2 of 18) means 2 active out of 18.

Package The patch identification information. Labels applied to the patch are also displayed in
this column.

Name The name of the patch.

Released The date the patch became available.

Publisher The name of the publisher of the patch.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View downloaded patches
Column Description

Type The category of the patch.

• Security: Critical updates released by vendors.
• Non-Security: Non-critical updates.
• Software Installer: Updates to software installation programs.

Impact The importance of the patch as reported by Lumension.

Severity The importance of the patch as determined by the publisher, such as Microsoft.

Reboot Whether devices must be rebooted to complete the patching process.

Compliance The percentage of patches installed versus scheduled.

Installed The number of devices that have received the patch.

Missing The number of devices that have been detected as needing the patch and that are
waiting for deployment.

Error The number of devices that have failed the maximum number of deployment
attempts. The maximum number of deployment attempts is configured in the patch
schedule. See Configuring patch schedules.

Size The size of the patch file.

• Black color: Inactive or Disabled patches.
• Red color: Patches to which you are subscribed; however, no associated
packages for this patch have been downloaded at this time. To see which
associated packages are missing, click the patch name to view the patch detail
• Size = 0: None of the patch packages are downloaded.
• Actual size (other than zero): At least one of the patch packages has been

Superseded Patches that have been replaced by other patches and are no longer required.
When showing by Applicable Packages or All Packages, (x of x) may show in the
superseded column if some patches within the bulletin are superseded. For example,
Yes (2 of 18) means 2 superseded out of 18.

View patch details

Patch details include vendor information, deployment status, and notes. In addition, you can assign labels to
patches when you view patch details.
1. Go to the Patch Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View patch details
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
d. Do one of the following:
▪ If the Show drop-down list is set to Applicable Packages or All Packages, click the name of the
package and then the name of a patch within the package.
▪ If the Show drop-down list is set to Individual Patches, click the name of a patch.

Resetting the number of patch deploy attempts

When a patch deployment has been attempted the configured maximum number of times, the number of retries
can be reset.
To configure a maximum number of deploy attempts, see Configuring patch schedules.
There are two places the number of deployment attempts can be reset: the Catalog list and the Patch Detail page.
• To reset the number of patch deploy attempts from the patch catalog list, see Reset the number of patch
deploy attempts from the patch Catalog.
• To reset the number of patch deploy attempts from the patch detail page, see Reset the number of patch
deploy attempts from the patch detail page.

Reset the number of patch deploy attempts from the patch Catalog
When a patch deployment has been attempted the configured maximum number of times, the number of retries
can be reset from the patch Catalog page.
1. Go to the patch Catalog page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
2. Select the check box next to one or more patches/bulletins in the list then select Choose Action > Reset
The number of deploy attempts are reset to 0.

Reset the number of patch deploy attempts from the patch detail page
When a patch deployment has been attempted the configured maximum number of times, the number of retries
can be reset from the patch detail page.
1. Go to the Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
2. Do one of the following to display the Patch Detail page:
◦ If the Show drop-down list is set to Applicable Packages or All Packages, click the name of the
package, and then click the name of a patch within the package.
◦ If the Show drop-down list is set to Individual Patches, click the name of a patch.
3. Scroll down to the Deployment Status section and click the Reset Tries button.
The number of deploy attempts is reset to 0.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Resetting the number of patch deploy attempts
View patch information for devices in inventory
The Inventory section contains detailed patch information for managed devices.
This information includes:
• The list of patches deployed on the device.
• Details of the patch schedules that apply to the device.
• Information about successful and failed patching and rollback attempts.
1. Go to the organization Device Detail page
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
c. Click the name of a device.
2. Scroll down to the Security section.
3. Click Patching Detect/Deploy Status to expand the Patching Detect/Deploy Status details.
4. For more information, click the Help buttons next to Scheduled Task Status and Deployment Status: .

View devices missing patches

View the devices that are missing patches so you can determine why they have not been updated.
1. Go to the Patch Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
2. Above the catalog list, click on the number following Devices missing patches.
The Devices list is opened displaying all devices that have missing patches.

Viewing patch statistics and logs

Patch statistics and logs provide an overview of appliance patching tasks.

View patch statistics

You can view patch statistics on the Patch Management panel.
1. Go to the Patch Management panel.
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
The Patch Management panel appears, showing patch statistics.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View patch statistics
View the patch log
You can view the patch log to check for errors in the patch download process.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Logs to display the Logs page.
3. In the Log drop-down list, select Patch Download Log.
The patch log appears.

Mark patches as inactive

You can mark subscribed patches as inactive to prevent them from being detected or deployed automatically.
1. Go to the Patch Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
2. Select the check box next to a patch.
3. Select Choose Action > Change Status to > Inactive.
If the Show drop-down list is set to Applicable Packages or All Packages all patches that make up the selected
bulletin will be marked as inactive. If the Show drop-down list is set to Individual Patches all selected patches will
be marked as inactive. All patches marked as inactive are automatically purged from the cache during the next
scheduled patch download.

Patch Mac OS X devices

You can apply patches to Mac OS X devices as needed.
1. Go to the Patch Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security.
c. On the Patch Management panel, click Catalog.
2. Do one of the following:
• In the View By drop-down list above the table, select Operating System > Mac <OS X>.
• Click the Advanced Search tab, which appears above the table, then search for Mac OS X patches.
• Use the Smart Label feature to automatically search the patch list using predefined search criteria.
3. To allow the appliance to download Apple Security updates for Mac, select the appropriate operating
system in the Mac Platform list in the Patch Subscription Settings page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Patch Mac OS X devices
You can select more than one Mac operating system. See Subscribe to patches

Managing Dell devices and updates

You can use the KACE SMA to manage device updates from Dell.

Managing Dell devices with Dell Updates

Using the KACE SMA, you can keep your Dell devices up-to-date with the latest Dell updates.
These updates include:
• Software and firmware for servers
• Software and firmware for client devices
• Some Dell-supplied applications
Run the Supported Dell Models report to see which Dell computers Dell Client Updates are supported for. See
Running single-organization and consolidated reports

Differences between patching and Dell Updates

The differences between patching and Dell Updates include differences in the subscription processes, in action
names, and in location of management processes.
Differences between patching and Dell Updates are the following:
• The Dell Update subscription process differs from the KACE SMA patch subscription process. For
instructions on subscribing to Dell Updates, see Configure Dell Update catalog updates.
• The names used for patching actions differ:

Action Patching Term Dell Updates Term Term Used in:

Install the patch or Deployment Update Configuring Dell Updates

update on the devices
you manage.

• You manage and run patching and Dell Updates from different places in the Administrator Console:

Action Administrator ConsolePage

Run Dell Updates Security > Dell Updates

Manage Dell If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance:

Updates Settings > Dell Update Subscription
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance:
System > Settings > Dell Update Subscription

Run Patching Security > Schedules


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Differences between patching and Dell Updates
Action Administrator ConsolePage

Manage Patching Security > Subscriptions

Configuring Dell Updates

There are two steps to configuring Dell Updates.
• Configure Dell Update catalog updates
• Create Dell Update schedules

Configure Dell Update catalog updates

You must configure and schedule catalog updates before you create schedules to update devices.
Dell Update packages are provided in catalogs: one for servers and one for clients.
1. Go to the Update Subscription page:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, click Security, then click Dell Updates.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Dell Update Subscription.
The current status of the Dell catalog is displayed.
3. In the Configure section, select the following options:
Option Description

All Files Download all available updates. If you change operating systems or acquire new Dell
equipment frequently, it is best to keep all Dell Updates available.

Files detected as Download only the updates that you need for your managed devices.

Catalog Click Refresh Now to update the catalogs immediately.

Update Files Click Delete to remove all update files.

Unused files Click Delete Unused Files to remove only those files that are not needed. This helps
to limit the amount of disk space used by update files.

4. In the Schedule section, select the following options:

Option Description

None Stop Dell Updates.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Check for Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
changes On
the nth of every

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Dell Update catalog updates
Option Description
month at HH:MM

5. In the Download Blackout section, select options to limit the amount of time the Dell Updates can run.
You might want to enforce a hard stop at a specific time, for example, when your users start working or if
bandwidth or network traffic is an issue.
6. Click Save.

Create Dell Update schedules

The KACE SMA can automatically identify and install the firmware and driver updates required for your Dell
clients and servers according to the schedule you set. If the Organization component is enabled on your
appliance, you create Dell Update schedules for each organization separately.
Consider creating labels to group Dell Updates and devices. You can then use those labels when you create Dell
Update schedules. For example, you could create a label that groups updates by application families, such as
drivers or firmware. Or, you could group all Dell servers running Microsoft Windows 7 into a single label and then
run a patch schedule to update them. For more information about creating labels for updates and devices, see
Using Smart Labels for patching.
1. Go to the Dell Updates page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security, then click Dell Updates.
2. Optional: Review the available updates and inactivate the updates that you do not want to install.
Updates are available only if the appliance settings are configured to download Dell catalog updates.
To review and inactivate updates:
a. On the Dell Updates panel, click Catalog.
b. Select the check box next to an update.
c. Select Choose Action > Change Status to > Inactive.
3. Schedule inventory and updates.
This is similar to creating patch schedules in the Patch Management section. You can collect inventory
independently, or as part of an inventory and update schedule that also installs the updates. Normally,
inventory is performed automatically as part of a patch schedule.
To schedule inventory and updates:
a. On the left navigation bar, click Security, then click Dell Updates.
b. On the Dell Updates panel, click Schedules.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
d. Choose inventory and update options.
These options are similar to the options available for patch schedules. Normally, you create different
schedules for the laptops, workstations, and servers, because these three types of devices have very
different usage characteristics.

NOTE: The Agent Timezone is only available if there is a Dell device in inventory to pull the
  Timezone information from.
e. To select one or more OS versions to which you want to apply this scheduled update, click
Manage Operating Systems.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create Dell Update schedules
In the Operating Systems dialog box that appears, select the OS versions in the navigation tree, as
You have an option to select OS versions by their family, product, architecture, or build version. You
can choose a specific build versions, or a parent node, as needed. Selecting a parent node in the tree
automatically selects the associated child nodes. This behavior allows you to select any future OS
versions, as devices are added or upgraded in your managed environment. For example, to select
all build current and future versions associated with the Windows 10 x64 architecture, under All >
Windows > Windows 10, select x64.
f. Click Save.
The schedule appears on the Dell Update Schedules page. The schedule is disabled by default.

TIP: Before you enable a schedule, test it on a small subset of the devices to make sure
  everything is working the way you expect.
g. To enable the schedule, select the check box next to the schedule name, then select Choose
Action > Enable.
The inventory and update runs according to the specified schedule.
Related topics
Managing patch inventory
Configure Dell Update catalog updates

Maintaining device and appliance security

The KACE SMA enables you to test the security of Agent-managed devices using standard vulnerability tests and
scans. To maintain appliance security, review daily security reports, and apply appliance software updates as they
become available.

Testing device security

To test device security, you can schedule OVAL vulnerability tests and SCAP scans to run on Agent-managed

About OVAL security checks

OVAL (Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language) is an internationally recognized standard for detecting
security vulnerabilities and configuration issues on devices.
OVAL security checks determine assets that are out of compliance and let you customize security policies to
enforce rules, schedule tests to run automatically, and run reports based on the results.
OVAL is compatible with the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) list. CVE content is determined by
the CVE Editorial Board, which is composed of experts from the international information security community.
New information about security vulnerabilities discussed on the Community Forum is sent to the CVE Initiative for
possible addition to the list. For more information about CVE, MITRE Corporation, or the OVAL Board, go to http://
The ability to describe vulnerabilities and exposures in a common language makes it easier to share security data
with other CVE-compatible databases and tools.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About OVAL security checks
Understanding OVAL tests and definitions
OVAL definitions contain the information required to perform OVAL tests. This information can include checks for
registry entries, file versions, and WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) data.
OVAL test definitions pass through a series of phases before being released. Depending on where a definition is
in this process, it is assigned one of the following status values:

Status Description

Draft Indicates that the definition is assigned an OVAL ID number and is under discussion
on the Community Forum and by the OVAL Board.

Interim Indicates that the definition is under review by the OVAL Board and available for
discussion on the Community Forum. Definitions are generally assigned this status
for two weeks, unless additional changes or discussions are required.

Accepted Indicates that the definition has passed the Interim stage and is posted on the OVAL
Definition pages. All history of discussions pertaining to Accepted definitions are
linked from the OVAL definition.

Other possible status values include:

• Initial Submission
• Deprecated
For more information about the stages of OVAL definitions, go to http://cve.mitre.org.
When OVAL tests are enabled, all available OVAL tests run on the target devices.
OVAL test details do not indicate the severity of the vulnerability. Use your own judgment to determine whether to
test your network for the presence of a particular vulnerability.

View OVAL tests and definitions

You can view OVAL tests and definitions in the Administrator Console.
1. Go to the OVAL Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security, then click OVAL Scan.
c. On the OVAL Scan panel, click Catalog.
2. Optional: Limit which tests are displayed by using the View By drop-down list or Search field to find OVAL
tests by OVAL-ID, CVE Number, operating system, or text.
3. Click a Name link in the OVAL Catalog list.
The OVAL Definition Detail page displays the following information:
Field Description

OVAL-ID The status of the vulnerability following the OVAL-ID. Possible values are Draft,
Interim, or Accepted.

Class The nature of the vulnerability. Possible values are: Compliance, Deprecated, Patch,
and Vulnerability.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Understanding OVAL tests and definitions
Field Description

Ref-ID A link to additional details about the vulnerability.

Description The common definition of the vulnerability as found on the CVE list.

Definition The steps used to test whether the vulnerability exists.

The table at the bottom of the OVAL Tests: Definition page displays the list of devices in your network that
contain the vulnerability. For convenience, a printer-friendly version of this data is available.

Running OVAL tests

The KACE SMA runs OVAL tests automatically based on the schedule specified in OVAL Settings.
It takes approximately one hour to run OVAL tests. In addition, OVAL Tests consume a large amount of memory
and CPU resources, which might affect the performance of target devices. To minimize the disruption to users,
run OVAL tests weekly or monthly and during hours when users are least likely to be inconvenienced.
In addition, you can run OVAL tests manually by logging in to the device as Administrator and running
debug.bat. This file is usually located in the program data directory. For example: C:\ProgramData\Quest

Using labels to restrict OVAL tests

If you are running OVAL tests periodically or if you want to obtain the OVAL test results for only a few devices,
you can assign a label to those devices. You can then use the Run Now function to run OVAL tests on those
devices only.
For more information about using labels, see About labels.

Understanding OVAL updates

The KACE SMA checks for new OVAL definitions every night, but you should expect new definitions every month.
If OVAL tests are enabled, the appliance downloads new OVAL definitions to all managed devices during the next
scripting update whenever a new package becomes available, regardless of the OVAL schedule settings.
The OVAL update ZIP file can be more than 30 MB in size — large enough to impact the performance of devices
with slow connections. The ZIP file includes both 32- and 64-bit versions of the OVAL Interpreter and uses the
correct version for the device. The OVAL Interpreter requires Microsoft .NET Framework and supports both the
full (“Extended”) and Client Profile versions.

Configure OVAL Settings

To run OVAL tests, you must enable OVAL, select target devices and operating systems, and establish a run
OVAL tests require extensive resources and can affect the performance of target devices. Therefore, exercise
caution when configuring OVAL settings.
1. Go to the OVAL Schedule Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security, then click OVAL Scan.
c. On the OVAL Scan panel, click Schedules.
2. In the Configure section, specify the following settings:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Understanding OVAL tests and definitions
Setting Description

Enabled Run on the target devices. Only enabled configurations can run.
If OVAL tests are disabled, updates are stored on the appliance but they are not
pushed out to target devices until OVAL tests are enabled and scheduled.

Allow Run While Run even if no user is logged in. Clear this check box to run the item only when a
Logged Off user is logged in to the device.

3. In the Deploy section, specify the following settings:

Setting Description

Labels Limit deployment to devices that belong to specified labels. To select labels, click
Edit, drag labels to the Limit Deployment to window, then click Save.
If you select a label that has a Replication Share or an alternate download location,
the appliance copies digital assets from that Replication Share or alternate download
location instead of downloading them directly from the appliance.
NOTE: The appliance uses a Replication Share before it uses the KACE Alt

Devices Limit deployment to specific devices. In the drop-down list, select the devices to
which you want to deploy the application. To filter the list, type a few characters in the
Devices field. The number next to the field indicates the number of devices available.
Scoped users can see only those devices that are associated with their role, when
the role is assigned a label. For more information about user roles, see Add or edit
User Roles.

Operating Select the operating systems you want to deploy to.

Systems a. Click Manage Operating Systems.
b. In the Operating Systems dialog box that appears, select the OS versions in
the navigation tree, as applicable.
You have an option to select OS versions by their family, product, architecture,
or build version. You can choose a specific build versions, or a parent node, as
needed. Selecting a parent node in the tree automatically selects the associated
child nodes. This behavior allows you to select any future OS versions, as
devices are added or upgraded in your managed environment. For example, to
select all build current and future versions associated with the Windows 10 x64
architecture, under All > Windows > Windows 10, select x64.
4. In the Schedule section, specify the time and frequency for running OVAL:
Setting Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n minutes/ Run at a specified interval.


Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Understanding OVAL tests and definitions
Setting Description
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

5. Click Save.
6. Click Run Now to run the script immediately.
Tests run on the devices selected in the Deploy section.

View the OVAL vulnerability report

The OVAL Report page shows the OVAL tests that have been run since the last time the OVAL definitions were

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Understanding OVAL tests and definitions
OVAL results are deleted from this page when OVAL definitions are updated. To save the results, schedule an
OVAL device report to run periodically. See Add report schedules.
1. Go to the OVAL Scan page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security, then click OVAL Scan.
c. In the Reporting section, click Show summary results.

Apply labels to affected devices

From the Test detail view, you can view all the devices that failed the OVAL test, and you can assign a label to
those devices so that you can patch them later.
1. Go to the OVAL Scan Summary page:
a. On the left navigation bar, click Security, then click OVAL Scan.
b. Under Reporting, click Show device compliance.
2. Select the check box next to one or more tests.
3. Select Choose Action, then select the appropriate label under Apply Label to Affected Devices.
You can also search tests by making the appropriate selection in the View By drop-down list, which appears
above the table on the right.

View the OVAL Report

The OVAL Device Compliance page shows a list of devices with OVAL test results. Here, you can view a
summary of tests that were run on specific devices.
The label under the Device column in the OVAL Computer Report page is the inventory ID assigned by the KACE
SMA Inventory component.
For more information about any of the devices in the report, click the linked device name to navigate to the device
detail page.
1. Go to the OVAL Device Compliance page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security, then click OVAL Scan.
c. Under Reporting, click Show summary results.
The OVAL Device Compliance page appears containing a list of OVAL reports.

About SCAP
SCAP (Secure Content Automation Protocol), is a set of open standards that enumerate software flaws,
monitor security-related configurations and product names, and examine systems to determine the presence of
vulnerabilities and rank (score) the impact of the discovered security issues on Windows devices.
SCAP is maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and its use is mandated by
government agencies such as the US OMB (United States Office of Management and Budget).
SCAP uses the US government’s National Vulnerability Database (NVD), which is a standards-based vulnerability
management data repository. NVD includes databases of security checklists, security-related software flaws,
misconfigurations, product names, and impact metrics. For more information on SCAP and NVD, go to the NIST
websites at http://scap.nist.gov/index.html and http://nvd.nist.gov/.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About SCAP
SCAP supported versions and platforms
The KACE SMA supports SCAP 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2, and SCAP is certified to run on Windows 7 and higher
platforms (32-bit and 64-bit systems).
The KACE SMA conducts SCAP scans using the KACE SMA Agent software that is installed on managed
devices. SCAP is not available for devices that do not have the KACE SMA Agent software installed, such as
Agentless devices.

How the KACE SMA conducts SCAP scans

The KACE SMA conducts SCAP scans by running scripts on selected Agent-managed devices using security
configuration checklists from the National Checklist Repository.
For SCAP versions 1.0 and 1.1, the script checks the SCAP data stream written in XML formats using the
following SCAP standards: CCE, CPE, CVE, CVSS, OVAL, and XCCDF. See Definitions of SCAP standards.
SCAP 1.2 adds the concept of the "Data Stream," where all of the individual results files are combined into a
single XML file. In addition, SCAP 1.2 adds a new output format called ARF (Asset Report Format 1.1). For more
information, go to http://scap.nist.gov/specifications/arf/.
The KACE SMA uses the Agent software to perform SCAP scan compliance checks. The results files are
uploaded to the appliance or organization database and collated into a single file for reporting to a government
agency (if required). Results are also displayed for each device on the appliance’s SCAP Scan Results page.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you view SCAP scan results for each organization
SCAP uses the OVAL Interpreter version 5.10.1 and provides:
• Security configuration monitoring of devices that have different operating systems and software
• System security status at any given time.
• Compliance for various sets of security requirements.
• A standardized, automated way to perform security tasks.
• Interoperability across security tools.
These features improve software security, threat assessment, and vulnerability correction.

NOTE: The KACE SMA does not currently support Tailoring.


Definitions of SCAP standards

SCAP scans monitor device security using specified protocols and standards.
Standard Definition

CCE Common Configuration Enumeration provides unique identifiers to system

configuration issues for facilitating fast and accurate correlation of configuration data
across multiple information sources and tools.
The compliance checking results produced by the KACE SMA SCAP scan include the
relevant CCE ID references for XCCDF and OVAL definitions for every rule checked
as designated by the checklist definition.
CCE information is available both in the XCCDF result file and the appliance’s SCAP
Scan Results page.

CPE Common Platform Enumeration is a structured naming scheme for information

technology systems, platforms, and packages. Based on the generic syntax for

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About SCAP
Standard Definition
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI), CPE includes a formal name format, a language
for describing complex platforms, a method for checking names against a system,
and a description format for binding text and tests to a name. In essence, CPE
ensures that the security checklist is applied to the correct platform.
This information is available both in the XCCDF result file and the appliance’s SCAP
Scan Results page.

CVE Common Vulnerability and Exposures is a list or dictionary that provides standard
identifiers (common names) for publicly known security vulnerabilities and software
The compliance checking results produced by the KACE SMA SCAP scan include
the relevant CVE ID references and OVAL definition for every rule checked in the
checklist definition.
For every patch or vulnerability, CVE ID references are provided in the appliance’s
SCAP Scan Result page.
The CVE information is stored in a patch result XML file generated by the scan. The
file is available for inspection and verification in the Agent’s working directory and on
the server’s SCAP Scan Results page.

CVSS Common Vulnerability Scoring System provides an open framework for

communicating the characteristics and impacts of IT vulnerabilities. Its quantitative
model helps ensure repeatable accurate measurement while enabling users to
see the underlying vulnerability characteristics that were used to generate the
scores. CVSS is well suited for industries, organizations, and governments that
need accurate and consistent vulnerability impact scores. Among others, CVSS
assists prioritizing vulnerability remediation activities and calculating the severity of
vulnerabilities. The National Vulnerability Database (NVD) provides CVSS scores for
almost all known vulnerabilities.

OVAL Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language is an international, information

security, community standard for promoting open and publicly available security
content. It standardizes the transfer of this information across the entire spectrum of
security tools and services.
The results of each OVAL test are written to several files on the target device and
then compiled into a single result file on the appliance and displayed on the SCAP
Scan Results page.

SCAP Secure Content Automation Protocol is a set of open standards that enumerate
software flaws, monitor security-related configurations and product names, and
examine devices to determine the presence of vulnerabilities and rank (score) the
impact of the discovered security issues. See About SCAP.

XCCDF The eXtensible Configuration Checklist Description Format is a specification

language for writing security checklists, benchmarks, and related documents. An
XCCDF file contains a structured collection of security configuration rules for a set
of target devices. The specification is designed to support information interchange,
document generation, organizational and situational tailoring, automated compliance
testing, and compliance scoring. See How a SCAP scan works.

About benchmarks
A SCAP benchmark is a security configuration checklist that contains a series of rules for evaluating the
vulnerabilities of a device in a particular operational environment.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About benchmarks
The NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) maintains the National Checklist Repository that
contains various security configuration checklists for specific IT products and categories of IT products.
The USGCB (United States Government Configuration Baseline) benchmark standard evolved from the FDCC
(Federal Desktop Core Configuration), and currently addresses Windows 7 (along with earlier versions of
Windows such as Windows XP or Windows Vista), and Internet Explorer versions 7 and 8.
A checklist consists of a ZIP file that contains several XML files called a SCAP Stream. The primary file in the
Stream is the XCCDF file. The XCCDF file is a structured collection of security configuration rules for a set of
target devices. Essentially, it is a list of OVAL tests that should be run. The other XML files contain the OVAL
tests specified in the XCCDF file. For detailed information on the XCCDF Specification, go to http://scap.nist.gov/
A benchmark can contain one or more profiles. A profile specifies the rules that run on specific kinds of devices.
For example, a benchmark might contain one set of rules for desktops and another set for servers.

How a SCAP scan works

Before SCAP scans are conducted, the KACE SMA imports and verifies a benchmark. After it is imported and
verified, the benchmark is loaded into the appliance and the XCCDF file undergoes a process called resolution.
During resolution, the oval-command.zip file is generated. This ZIP file contains the input files necessary to run
a particular profile. You can view the files on the Script Detail page. See Configure SCAP schedules.
The SCAP scan is controlled by a KScript. When the scan runs, the following files are downloaded to the target
device as script dependencies:
• benchmark.zip: contains the benchmark files, that is, the SCAP Stream that was uploaded to the
appliance. (The XCCDF file is not actually used by the device.)
• oval-command.zip: contains the input files generated by the XCCDF.
• ovalref.zip: contains the OVAL scanning engine (ovaldi.exe).
The KScript initiates the OVAL scans on the target device and generates several results files. The OVAL scanning
engine runs two or three times:
• The first run checks that the target device is the correct platform for that benchmark profile using the CPE
files contained in the benchmark.
• The second run checks the vulnerability of the device using the rules defined in the benchmark. It
implements the CCE standard.
• The third run checks that the security patches are up-to-date. It implements the CVE standard.
Each run generates a results file. These files are named according to the run. For example, the file from the
first run is named scap-profile-10-result-1.xml and the second is named scap-profile-10-
result-2.xml. These files are located in the following directory: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
\Quest\KACE\kbots_cache\packages\kbots\<working directory>.
To find the KACE SMA Agent’s working directory, go to Inventory > Devices > Device Detail > Logs.
These results files are then uploaded to the KACE SMA and collated into a single results file (xccdf-
results.xml). You can use this file for reporting the results to a government agency such as the US OMB
(United States Office of Management and Budget). The KACE SMA and managed device retain only the latest
results files.
In the final step of a run, a subset of the results files is extracted and stored in the Organization database for
reporting and displayed on the SCAP Scan Results page for each device.
The database tables that contain this information are SCAP_RESULT, SCAP_RESULT_RULE, and
SCAP_RESULT_SCORE. See View SCAP scan results.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

How a SCAP scan works
Access SCAP Scan information
You can access SCAP Scan information in the Security section.
1. Go to SCAP Scan page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security, then click SCAP Scan.
c. This page has three links:
▪ Catalog: Shows the status of SCAP benchmarks. Additionally from this page, you can import
checklists, delete checklists, and export a checklist to CSV format.
▪ Schedules: Displays the name of the benchmarks and when they are scheduled to run.
Additionally from this page, you can add and delete benchmarks, enable or disable benchmarks,
and export a benchmark to CSV format.
▪ Reporting: Shows the general results of SCAP scans.
The page also displays a dashboard that shows the results by benchmark. For a device to pass a
benchmark, it must score 100%.

View and manage benchmarks

You can view and manage SCAP benchmarks, which include profiles and checklists that have been imported to
the appliance.
Additionally, you can import benchmarks, delete benchmarks, and export benchmarks to CSV format by selecting
Choose Action on the SCAP Catalog page.
1. Go to SCAP Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security, then click SCAP Scan.
c. On the SCAP Scan panel, click Catalog.
2. Optional: Specify which benchmarks are displayed using either the View By drop-down list or Search field.
You can search by partial string in the title or identifier.
3. Optional: To sort the benchmarks, click a column heading.
4. Click the name of a benchmark to view details.
The SCAP Catalog contains general information about the selected benchmark and the time and date that
the SCAP data was uploaded to the appliance. See Download benchmarks from the archive.

Import and modify benchmarks

You can import and modify benchmarks from the National Checklist Repository as needed.
Download benchmarks or checklists from the National Checklist Repository at https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/ncp/
1. Go to SCAP Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

How a SCAP scan works
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security, then click SCAP Scan.
c. On the SCAP Scan panel, click Catalog.
2. Select Choose Action > Import New Checklists.
The SCAP Configuration Scan Settings page appears and displays Step 1 of the import wizard.
3. Click Browse or Choose File to import a benchmark ZIP file.
4. Click Next.
A dialog box appears indicating that the file is being uploaded. After the file is uploaded, a message
appears on the SCAP Configuration Scan Settings page that the import was successful.
NOTE: The appliance verifies that the ZIP file contains valid benchmarks. If no valid benchmarks are
  present, an error message appears and the file is not uploaded.
5. Select a benchmark in the Select a profile to scan drop-down list, then click Next.
Step 2 appears.
6. Select the OVAL Engine that you want to use in the Scan using existing engine drop-down list.
NOTE: The default engine is MITRE’s OVAL Interpreter (ovaldi.exe). The KACE SMA
  automatically downloads updates to this engine when Quest certifies and releases new versions of the
engine and OVAL definitions.
7. Optional: Click Browse or Choose File to find and upload a custom engine and its configuration files.
A dialog box appears indicating that the file is being uploaded and a message appears on the SCAP
Configuration Scan Settings page that the engine was successfully imported.
TIP: Use a custom engine if you need local control of the OVAL engine or if you do not want
  automatic updates to change the engine. The custom engine must be a ZIP file of a folder
containing the custom ovaldi.exe and any necessary configuration files required to run the
engine. This ZIP file replaces the ovalref.zip dependency file in the SCAP scan script. See
View the resolved XCCDF files.
8. Click Next.
A dialog box appears indicating that the benchmark file is being loaded, followed by the Script Detail page. See
Editing SCAP scan schedules.

Configure SCAP schedules

You can import benchmarks or definitions, and change settings for SCAP scans, by configuring SCAP schedules.
1. Go to SCAP Scan Schedules list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security, then click SCAP Scan.
c. On the SCAP Scan panel, click Schedules.
2. Select Choose Action and select an action to add or delete benchmarks, enable or disable benchmarks,
and export a benchmark to CSV format.
3. Click a benchmark to edit its schedule on the Script Detail page.
4. Scroll down the page to the Scheduling section and make the necessary changes.

Editing SCAP scan schedules

You can view or edit a benchmark schedule on the Script Detail page. This page allows you to manage and
customize scripts for configuring, scheduling, and specifying which devices the SCAP scan runs on. The scripts
for SCAP are standard KScripts.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Editing SCAP scan schedules
NOTE: This section does not provide information about every feature available on the Script Detail page; it
  only contains information pertinent to using and understanding a SCAP scan.
NOTE: For more detailed information on editing a KScript, see Adding and editing scripts.

You can access the Script Detail page from the Benchmark wizard, as described in Access SCAP Scan
information and from the SCAP Scan Schedules page, as described in View SCAP scan results.

View the resolved XCCDF files

You can view the input files generated by the SCAP scan resolution process.
A benchmark is loaded into the server and the XCCDF file undergoes a process called resolution, which
generates the input files necessary to run a particular profile.
1. Go to the Script Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting.
c. Click the name of a script.
2. (Optional) To add any supporting executable files necessary to run the script, scroll down to the
Dependencies section, then click Add a new dependency, then click Browse or Choose File.
3. Optional: To view the details of these files, click and download the selected ZIP file.
4. To see how these dependency files are executed, view the Task sections.

View the OVAL timestamp

You can view the OVAL timestamp (the time the OVAL document was compiled).
1. Go to the Script Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting.
c. Click the name of a script.
2. Scroll down to the Dependencies section, then click benchmark.zip and extract the OVAL XML file.
For example, fdcc-winxp-oval.xml.
3. In the OVAL file, look for <oval:timestamp>.

View script tasks

You can view tasks associated with a particular script.
1. Go to the Script Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting.
c. Click the name of a script.
2. Scroll down to the Task sections.
The Task sections are displayed on the Script Detail page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Editing SCAP scan schedules
View SCAP scan results
The Scan Results page shows the results of SCAP scans per device. From this page you can access detailed
information about each scan.
1. Go to SCAP Scan page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security, then click SCAP Scan.
c. On the SCAP Scan panel, click Reporting.
2. Optional: To display the results for a specific benchmark, select the desired benchmark in the View By
drop-down list, which appears above the table on the right.
The results page contains the following information:
Section Description

Device Name The device on which the scan was run.

Benchmark - The particular profile in a benchmark that was used.


Scanned The date and time that the scan was run.

Passed The number of rules that the device passed.

Failed The number of rules that the device failed.

Other The number of rules having other values such as error, unknown, not checked, not
applicable, and informational.
The XCCDF specification also defines “not selected”, which is excluded from the

Total The total number of rules that were executed.

Compliance The percentage of rules that were passed.

Score The default score defined by the benchmark.

Result The Pass or Fail results of the scan.

3. To view the details on a particular device, click its name in the Device column.
A page containing the details of the scan result for the selected device appears. The following table
describes each section in more detail:

Section Description

Summary General information about the benchmark.

Test Results Test results in a tree structure that represents the grouping of the rules. Symbols
display the pass-fail status of a rule. You can click a rule to open a dialog box
containing the rule’s details.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Editing SCAP scan schedules
Section Description

Scores Compliance scores for each scoring model as defined for the benchmark.

Results by CCE Pass-fail results by CCE. The FDCC requires that compliance is reported by CCE.

Result XML files Links to the XML files:

• XCCDF Benchmark: The file processed by the XCCDF file and formatted
into a single results file (xccdf-results.xml) from each run of the OVAL
scanning engine.
• CPE Inventory: The file output by the first run of the OVAL scanning engine to
test whether the benchmark applies to the device being scanned.
• Oval Compliance: The file output by the second run of the OVAL scanning
engine to test the device against the rules defined in the benchmark.
• OVAL Patches: The file output by the third run of the OVAL scanning engine to
ensure that the security patches are up-to-date.
See How a SCAP scan works.

4. To view a rule’s details, click the rule’s icon.

The Viewing Details for that rule appears. This page shows a description of the rule from the XCCDF
definition, whether the device passed or failed the rule, and the XML for the rule.

Download benchmarks from the archive

On a daily basis, the KACE SMA gathers the SCAP scan results from devices and creates an archive for each
benchmark. The benchmark archive consists of a ZIP file that can be sent to the appropriate agency, such as the
US OMB (United States Office of Management and Budget).
1. Go to SCAP Catalog list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Security, then click SCAP Scan.
c. On the SCAP Scan panel, click Catalog.
2. Click the name of the benchmark you want to download.
3. In the Download Results Archive field, click the ZIP file to download the archive.
This file contains the results for all devices that have been scanned with the selected benchmark.

About security policy templates

Security policy templates enable you to create security policies or scripts. These scripts can be deployed to the
devices on your network to manage their security settings.
Windows templates include:
• Add Internet Explorer scripts
• Add XP SP3 Firewall scripts
• Add McAfee AntiVirus scripts
• Add McAfeeSuperDAT scripts
• Add Symantec AntiVirus scripts

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About security policy templates
Mac templates include:
• Add Application Layer Firewall scripts
• Add Parental Controls scripts
• Add Security scripts

Using Windows security policy templates

You can use security policy templates to create scripts that configure security settings on Windows devices.
NOTE: If you edit a template-based policy, keep Run As set to local system. Using local system ensures
  that the script has full access to the Windows system, including the registry. Running the script as a
different user might not provide adequate access to the Windows system.

Add Internet Explorer scripts

Use this template to create a script that controls Internet Explorer preferences. You can control specific
preferences while keeping others as user-defined.
Policy settings overwrite the corresponding user’s Internet Explorer preferences. Because this script modifies user
settings, schedule it to run when users are logged in.
1. Go to the Security Policies list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Security Policies.
2. Click Internet Explorer to display the Windows Internet Explorer page.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

User Home Page Enforce User home page policy: Force the user’s home page to the specified page.
Select the check box, then specify the URL to use as the home page.

Security • Enforce Internet Zone settings policy: Specify the security level for each
zone. Select the check box, then choose the security level from the Security
level drop-down list.
• Enforce Local Internet Zone settings policy: Specify the security level for
intranet zones. Select the check box, then choose the security level from the
Security level drop-down list and choose the sites to include.
• Enforce Trusted Zone settings policy: Specify the security level of trusted
zones. Select the check box, then choose the security level from the Security
level drop-down list.
• Enforce Zone Map: Select the check box, then specify the IP addresses or

NOTE: Domains that are not listed default to the Internet Zone.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Windows security policy templates
Option Description

Privacy Control the cookies and pop-ups that are accepted by Internet Explorer from the
Internet Zone. Select from these options:
• Enforce Privacy settings policy: Select the check box, then set the Cookie
• Enforce Pop-up settings policy: Select the check box, then set the Pop-up
filter level.

4. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

5. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
6. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
7. Click Save.

Add XP SP3 Firewall scripts

Use this template to create scripts that enforce firewall settings on Windows XP Service Pack 3 devices.
If target devices authenticate with a domain controller, they use the Domain Policy. Otherwise, they use the
Standard Policy, and tighter restrictions might be advised.
Script settings override existing settings on devices. Further, if a script disables the firewall on a device, the
device user cannot enable the firewall. If the firewall is set to no policy, the user's configuration for the firewall is
1. Go to the Security Policies list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Security Policies.
2. Click XP SP3 Firewall to display the Windows XP SP3 Firewall page.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Domain Policy The policy used when the device has authenticated with a domain controller. If you do
not have a domain controller, use the Standard Policy configuration.

Standard Policy The policy used when the device has not authenticated with a domain controller, for
example, when a device user is at home or using a Wi-Fi® hotspot. This configuration
is more restrictive than the Domain Policy.

NOTE: If the firewall is enabled, the policy settings override any settings the user might have set. If
  the firewall is disabled, the user cannot enable the firewall. If the firewall is set toNo Policy, the user's
configurations for the firewall are used.
4. If you select the Enabled option for the firewall, specify the following options:
Option Description

Enable logging Enable the firewall to log information about the unsolicited incoming messages that
it receives. The firewall also records information about messages that it blocks and
successful inbound and outbound messages. Specify a location and name for the log
file. The default is: C:\Program Files\KACE\firewall.log

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Windows security policy templates
Option Description

Allow WMI traffic Enable inbound TCP traffic on ports 135 and 445 to traverse the firewall. These
ports are necessary for using remote administration tools such as the Microsoft
Management Console (MMC) and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

Allow Remote Enable inbound TCP traffic on port 3389 to traverse the firewall. This port is required
Desktop for the device to receive Remote Desktop requests.

Allow File and Enable inbound TCP traffic on ports 139 and 445, and inbound UDP traffic on ports
printer sharing 137 and 138. These ports are required for the device to act as a file or printer sharing

Allow Universal Enable inbound TCP traffic on port 2869 and inbound UDP traffic on port 1900.
Plug-and-Play These ports are required for the device to receive messages from plug-and-play
(UPnP) network devices, such as routers with built-in firewalls.

5. To specify Inbound Port Exceptions, click Add Port Exception.

Inbound port exceptions enable additional ports to be opened in the firewall. These ports might be required
for the device to run other network services. An Inbound Port Exception is automatically added for port
52230 for the KACE Agent Listener, which is required to use the Run Now command.
6. Specify a Name, Port, Protocol, and Source for the exception and click Save Changes.
7. Click Save at the bottom of the page to display the Script Detail page.
8. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
9. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
10. Click Save.

Add McAfee AntiVirus scripts

Use this template to create scripts that install the selected McAfee VirusScan® features on devices.
Upload the McAfee Antivirus installation files to the appliance as a ZIP archive. When you upload the ZIP archive,
the McAfee application is added to the appliance software inventory if it does not already exist.
This script verifies that the software is installed with the configuration you specify. The script also confirms that the
On Access Scanner (McShield) is running.
1. Go to the Security Policies list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Security Policies.
2. Click McAfee AntiVirus to display the McAfee Antivirus for Windows page.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

McAfee 8.0 Setup The ZIP archive that contains the installation files to use for the script. click Browse
Zip or Choose File to select the ZIP archive. Click Software Inventory to go to the
Software Detail page to select the ZIP archive.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Windows security policy templates
Option Description

User Interaction How the installation appears to users. For a description of the available options, see
the McAfee documentation.

McAfee Features The features to be installed. Use Ctrl-click or Command-click to select multiple
features. To install the Alert Manager, use the McAfee tools to include the Alert
Manager installation files in the deployment package. See the McAfee documentation
for information about available features.

Enable On-Access Select this check box to start McAfee's automatic file scanner after the installation
Scanner is complete. The On-Access scanner scans files whenever they are accessed, for
example, when opening a file or running a program.

Preserve earlier Select this check box to preserve the present configuration settings for the On-
version settings Access Scanner before the update occurs.

Lockdown Select this check box to not display any VirusScan shortcuts in the Windows Start
VirusScan menu.

Remove other Select this check box to remove competing anti-virus software that could conflict with
antivirus software McAfee.

Installation The directory on the target device where the application is to be installed.

Source Paths Provide the path to the source McAfee ZIP file uploaded to the appliance.

Logging The information to record in the installation log. Use Ctrl-click or Command-click to
select multiple items.

Log File Name The name of the log file.

Additional Any additional arguments.


Reboot Whether to restart the target device after installation.

After Installation The action to be performed after installation.

Options include Run AutoUpdate or Run AutoUpdate silently. You can also select
to Scan all local drives or Scan all local drives silently.

4. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

5. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
6. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
7. Click Save.

Add McAfeeSuperDAT scripts

Use this template to create scripts that apply McAfee SuperDAT or XDAT updates to managed devices.
Obtain the McAfee SDAT or XDAT file to use with this script.
1. Go to the Security Policies list:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Windows security policy templates
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Security Policies.
2. Click McAfee SuperDAT to display the McAfee SuperDAT for Windows page.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

SDAT or XDAT file The installation files to use for the script. click Browse or Choose File to select the
ZIP archive. Click Software Inventory to go to the Software Detail page to select the
ZIP archive.

Install Silently The file is installed without displaying installation feedback or progress on the device.

Prompt For If the installation requires the device to be rebooted, prompt the user before
Reboot rebooting.

Reboot If Needed The device is rebooted as needed. Without this option, a silent installation does not
reboot the device.

Force Update All file versions are updated, even if the device already appears to have the latest

4. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

5. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
6. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
7. Click Save.

Add Symantec AntiVirus scripts

Use this template to create scripts that install and configure the Symantec AntiVirus application. The script is
intended to run periodically to ensure that Symantec AntiVirus is configured and running properly.
Upload the Symantec AntiVirus.msi file to be distributed. When you upload the file, the application is added to the
appliance inventory if it does not already exist.
1. Create an application inventory item and upload the Symantec AntiVirus.msi file to be distributed.
2. Go to the Security Policies list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Security Policies.
3. Click Symantec AntiVirus to display the Symantec AntiVirus for Windows page.
4. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Windows security policy templates
Option Description

Action The task to be performed. Tasks include Install, Uninstall, Repair missing files,
and Reinstall all files.

Software The application to use for the script. To search for an application, begin typing in the

MSI Filename The MSI filename (required if the file is a ZIP archive).

User Interaction How the installation appears to users. Options include: Default, Silent, Basic UI,
Reduced UI, and Full UI.

Install Directory The directory on the target device where the application is to be installed.

Additional Any additional installer switches. Additional switches are inserted between the
Switches msiexe.exe and the /i foo.msi arguments.

Additional Any additional properties. These are inserted at the end of the command line. For
Properties example:
msiexec.exe /s1 /switch2 /i patch123.msi TARGETDIR=C:\patcher

After Install What to do with the installation files when installation is complete.

Restart Options Whether to restart the target device after installation.

Logging The information to record in the installation log. Use Ctrl-click or Command-click to
select multiple items.

Log File Name The name of the log file.

Network The network type.


Server Name If you select Managed from the Network Management drop-down list, specify the
server name.

Enable The AutoProtect option.


Disable The Disable SymProtect option.


Run Live Update The Live Update behavior.

Features to Install The features you want to install from the Features to Install list. Use Ctrl-click or
Command-click to select multiple features. See the Symantec documentation for
specific information about the options available here. You must include the SAVMain

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Windows security policy templates
Option Description
feature for this script to work properly (although this template does not enforce this

5. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

6. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
7. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
8. Click Save.

Using Mac security policy templates

You can use security policy templates to create scripts that configure security settings on Mac devices.
The following sections explain how to use the policies available to Mac OS X devices.

NOTE: If you edit a template-based policy, keep the Run As setting as local system.

Add Application Layer Firewall scripts

Use this template to create scripts that configure the Application Layer Firewall (ALF) on Mac devices.
In Mac OS X, ALF is located in Mac System Preferences.
1. Go to the Security Policies list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Security Policies.
2. In the Mac section, click Application Layer Firewall to display the Mac Application Layer Firewall page.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Application Layer The level of security to use for the firewall.

Firewall Mode

Enable Firewall Enable the firewall to log information about the unsolicited requests, blocked
Logging requests, and successful requests.

Enable Stealth Enable the firewall to drop packages that are denied without sending error messages
Mode to requesters.

Trusted The full path to the application binaries, for example:

Applications /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/

4. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

5. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
6. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
7. Click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Mac security policy templates
Add Parental Controls scripts
Use this template to create scripts that configure the parental control options available on Mac OS X.
Some of the options are set using Managed Client for Mac OS X (MCX) on a local device. This method of setting
options takes the place of network-based policy settings on an Open Directory server. Mixing network-based
policy settings with local node settings might lead to unpredictable results.
Most of these settings require a reboot or logout and login to take effect.
1. Go to the Security Policies list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Security Policies.
2. In the Mac section, click Parental Controls to display the Mac Parental Controls page.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Hide Profanity in Dictionary Prevent words identified as profanity from being displayed in the dictionary
on target devices.

Prohibit actions Prevent actions from being performed on target devices.

Website Restrictions Select the access restrictions for websites.

URLs of approved websites If you select Allow access only to these websites, provide the URLs
of the websites you want to approve. Users on target devices can only
access approved websites.

4. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

5. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
6. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
7. Click Save.

Add Security scripts

Use this template to create scripts that configure security options on Mac OS X devices.
Security options are available in Mac System Preferences.
Some of the options are set using Managed Client for Mac OS X (MCX) on a local device. This method of setting
options takes the place of network-based policy settings on an Open Directory server. Mixing network-based
policy settings with local node settings might lead to unpredictable results.
Most of these settings require a reboot or log out and log in to take effect.
1. Go to the Security Policies list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Mac security policy templates
b. On the left navigation bar, click Scripting, then click Security Policies.
2. In the Mac section, click Security Policies to display the Mac Security Policy page.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the script. This name appears on the Scripts page.

Actions to enforce The actions to perform on target devices.

Timeout The period, in minutes, after which actions are performed.

4. Click Save to display the Script Detail page.

5. Select options for configuration, deployment, and scheduling. See Add offline KScripts or online KScripts.
6. To edit the raw XML used in the script, click Edit XML below the Schedule section.
7. Click Save.

Resolve Windows security issues that prevent Agent

If Windows security settings prevent the KACE SMA from provisioning the Agent to Windows devices, you can
reconfigure settings through a command prompt.
To allow provisioning, you must open the firewall and configure security settings.
1. Open a command prompt on the device.
2. Open the firewall and configure security settings:
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa /v ForceGuest /t REG_DWORD /d
0 /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system /v
LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v
FdenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
netsh.exe firewall set service type=FILEANDPRINT mode=ENABLE scope=ALL
netsh.exe firewall set service type=REMOTEADMIN mode=ENABLE scope=ALL

Maintaining appliance security

To maintain appliance security, review daily security reports, and apply appliance software updates as they
become available.
When appliance software updates are available, they are advertised on the appliance Dashboard.

Security run output

The appliance security status is provided in the security run output email.
The KACE SMA security run output is automatically emailed to the system administrator every day at 02:00.
The following example shows the content of the security run output.
Checking setuid files and devices:
Checking for uids of 0:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Security run output
root 0
toor 0
Checking for passwordless accounts:
MyK1 kernel log messages:
+++ /tmp/security.G1jFJvQh 2013-04-21 02:01:01.000000000 -0700
+em0: link state changed to DOWN
+em0: link state changed to UP
+em0: link state changed to DOWN
+em0: link state changed to UP
+em0: link state changed to DOWN
+em0: link state changed to UP
+em0: link state changed to DOWN
+em0: link state changed to UP
+em0: link state changed to DOWN
+em0: link state changed to UP
+em0: link state changed to DOWN
+em0: link state changed to UP
+em0: link state changed to DOWN
+em0: link state changed to UP
MyK1 login failures:
MyK1 refused connections:
-- End of security output --

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Security run output
Using reports and scheduling
You can configure the KACE SMA to run reports and send notifications to administrators when specified criteria
are met.

About reports and notifications

The KACE SMA enables you to create and schedule a variety of reports and notifications. Reports collect
information about inventory items, and notifications enable the appliance to alert you by email when specified
criteria are met.

About reports
The KACE SMA includes many standard reports for software, hardware, Service Desk, and other items.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can create and run reports for each organization
and for the System-level separately. System-level reports include consolidated reports that aggregate information
from all organizations, as well as standard reports for various KACE SMA components.

About notifications
Notifications are email messages the appliance sends to administrators when devices, scan results, and assets
meet specified criteria.
For example, if you want to notify administrators when devices approach disk space limits, you can set up alerts
based on disk usage. Notifications are sent when devices meet the specified criteria.
The appliance checks inventory against the criteria in the notification schedules at the specified frequency. When
an item meets the criteria, the appliance sends email to the specified recipients.
By default, the appliance checks inventory every hour. To change the frequency, edit the notification schedule.
See Edit notification schedules.

NOTE: Notifications and daily reports come from the default address, Charlie Root, (root@KACE
  SMA_hostname) and you cannot modify this address.

Tracking changes to report settings

If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects.
This information includes the date the change was made and the user who made the change, which can be useful
during troubleshooting. See About history settings.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Tracking changes to report settings
Creating and modifying reports
You can create reports from list pages using SQL queries and from the Reporting section using the report wizard.

Creating reports
You can create reports to collect and analyze data, such as inventory information.
There are several ways to create reports:
• Use the report wizard on the Reports page. See Create reports using the report wizard.
• Use the SQL report form on the Reports page. See Create reports using SQL queries.
• Use the menu option on list pages, such as Devices, Assets, Managed Installations, and so on. See Create
reports from list pages.
In addition, you can create charts and graphs by generating reports in XSL (Microsoft Excel) or CSV (comma-
separated value) format, then importing the data into a tool such as Microsoft Excel.

NOTE: Be aware that multibyte characters, such as those used to support Japanese and Chinese
  character sets, might display as "garbage characters" when CSV files are imported to Excel. For more
information, contact Quest Support at https://support.quest.com/contact-support.

Create reports using the report wizard

You can use the report wizard to identify the information you want to collect from the database without writing
SQL queries.
1. Go to the Reports list by doing one of the following:
• If your KACE SMA has the Organization component enabled, and you want to access a System-level
Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system,
or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page. Then click Reporting.
System-level reports include consolidated reports that aggregate information from all organizations, as
well as standard reports for various KACE SMA components.
• If your KACE SMA does not have the Organization component enabled, or if you want
to access an organization-level report, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console,
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is
enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page next to the login information. Then click Reporting.
Organization-level reports include standard reports for various KACE SMA components. If the
Organization component is enabled on your appliance, these reports provide information specific to
the selected organization.
The Reports list appears.
2. Select Choose Action > New (Wizard) to display the Title and Topic page.
3. Specify the following settings:
Option Description

Title The display name of the report, which appears on the report list. Make the title as
descriptive as possible, so you can distinguish the report from others in the list.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create reports using the report wizard
Option Description

Category The category of the report. If the category does not already exist, it is added to the
drop-down list on the Reports page.

Description A description of the report.

Show Line Display a column with line numbers on the report.


Topic The topic of the report. This setting determines the fields that are available for the

add a subtopic Click this link to add up to two related topics to the report. This enables you to show
relationships between up to three types of data in the same report.
When you generate the report in HTML format, you can expand and collapse the
rows to drill down into the information as needed.
When you click add a subtopic, additional options become available, depending
on the topic you select. For example, if you select Device, Software, and File
Synchronization, the following two check boxes appear:
• Only show rows from Device with at least one File Synchronization row.
• Only show rows from File Synchronization with at least one Software row.
Selecting these check boxes would limit the report to devices and software that have
at least one child row. Device rows would appear in the report only if they have at
least one corresponding software row; Software rows would appear in the report only
if they have at least one corresponding File Synchronization row.
Clear these check boxes to show all device and software rows regardless of whether
they contain any software or File Synchronization rows, respectively.

4. Click Next to display the Fields to Display page.

5. Select the fields that you want to include in the report.
6. Click Next to display the Column Order page.
7. Drag the fields, from top to bottom, to set the order in which column headings appear. In the report output,
columns headings appear in left-to-right order.
8. Click Next to display the Sort and Breaks page.
9. Configure how the rows are arranged:
◦ Order By: Specify how the results are sorted. Report data is organized by the selection in the first
field, and then by the second field, and then by the third field. The first sort field is populated with the
first field selected to be displayed on the report output page.
◦ Sequence: Specify whether to display the results in ascending or descending alphanumeric order.
◦ Break Header: Choose whether to group results under a subheading using the name of the field
selected in Order By.
10. Click Next to display the Filters page.
11. Optional: If you do not want to return the entire data set in your report, add filter criteria:
a. Click Specify rules to filter the records.
A rule set, with Match all of the following appears. These rules are equivalent to and statements
in Boolean logic. To appear in the report, items must match all of the rules in this section.
b. Specify filter criteria, then click Save.
To add a rule to the current rule set, click the Add button .

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create reports using the report wizard
d. Select filter criteria, then click Save at the right of the row.
To add a subset of rules, click the Add Subset button: .
The first nested subset adds a Match any of the following set of rules. These rules are equivalent to
or statements in Boolean logic. This enables you to nest or criteria under the top-level and criteria. To
appear in the report, items must match the criteria in the Match all of the following rule set and at least
one criterion in the Match any of the following rule set.
f. Click Save next to the rule set.
g. Add additional rules and rule subsets as needed.
12. Click Save.
The Reports page appears with the new report listed. The View By list, which appears above the table on
the right, is automatically set to the category of the new report.
13. To run the report, click a format in the Generate Report column.
The output is generated. In HTML reports, the first data column is automatically linked to the detail page for
the item in the Administrator Console.
TIP: Charts and graphs cannot be created from within the KACE SMA reporting tool. To create
  charts or graphs, generate a report in XLS (Microsoft Excel) or CSV (comma-separated value)
format, then import the data into a tool that has chart or graph capabilities, such as Microsoft

Create reports using SQL queries

You can create reports by entering SQL queries on the report form.
If you do not know the SQL queries to use, consider using the report wizard. See Create reports using the report
1. Go to the Reports list by doing one of the following:
• If your KACE SMA has the Organization component enabled, and you want to access a System-level
Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system,
or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page. Then click Reporting.
System-level reports include consolidated reports that aggregate information from all organizations, as
well as standard reports for various KACE SMA components.
• If your KACE SMA does not have the Organization component enabled, or if you want
to access an organization-level report, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console,
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is
enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page next to the login information. Then click Reporting.
Organization-level reports include standard reports for various KACE SMA components. If the
Organization component is enabled on your appliance, these reports provide information specific to
the selected organization.
The Reports list appears.
2. Select Choose Action > New (SQL) to display the Report Detail page.
3. Specify report settings:
Option Description

Title The display name of the report, which appears on the report list. Make the title as
descriptive as possible, so you can distinguish the report from others in the list.

Description A description of the report.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create reports using SQL queries
Option Description

Category The category of the report. If the category does not already exist, it is added to the
drop-down list on the Reports page.

Break on Columns A comma-separated list of SQL column names. The report generates break headers
and subtotals for these columns.

Show Line Display a column with line numbers on the report.


SQL The query statement that generates the report data. For more information, go to the
MySQL documentation at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/.
When writing a report or query against the Service Desk HD_Ticket table, be aware
that the User custom field stores the user ID from the USER table in the HD_TICKET
table, which is the table that holds the ticket record. If you want to display the
username instead of the user ID in the report, you need to JOIN on the USER table.
See Database table names.

Organization These settings are available only at the System level on appliances with the
settings Organization component enabled. Options include:
• All Organizations: The SQL Select statement is modified to iterate across all
organizations, and the report contains information for all organizations.
• Aggregate results: The SQL Select statement is modified to combine the
records of all organizations, and the report contains summary information for
all organizations. Standard reports of this type are categorized as Consolidated

4. Click Save.
The appliance checks the report syntax and displays any errors.
5. To run the new report, click a format in the Generate Report column.
TIP: Charts and graphs cannot be created from within the KACE SMA reporting tool. To create
  charts or graphs, generate a report in XLS (Microsoft Excel) or CSV (comma-separated value)
format, then import the data into a tool that has chart or graph capabilities, such as Microsoft

Create reports from list pages

You can create reports while viewing list pages, such as the Devices page.
1. Go to a list page. For example, to go to the Devices page, do the following:
a. If applicable, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Select Choose Action > Create Report to display the Report Detail page.
3. Specify report settings:
Option Description

Title The display name of the report, which appears on the report list. Make the title as
descriptive as possible, so you can distinguish the report from others in the list.

Description A description of the report.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create reports from list pages
Option Description

Category The category of the report. If the category does not already exist, it is added to the
drop-down list on the Reports page.

Break on Columns A comma-separated list of SQL column names. The report generates break headers
and subtotals for these columns.

Show Line Display a column with line numbers on the report.


SQL The query statement that generates the report data. For more information, go to the
MySQL documentation at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/.
When writing a report or query against the Service Desk HD_Ticket table, be aware
that the User custom field stores the user ID from the USER table in the HD_TICKET
table, which is the table that holds the ticket record. If you want to display the
username instead of the user ID in the report, you need to JOIN on the USER table.

4. Click Save.
The report appears on the Reports page.

Duplicate reports
You can duplicate any report, including standard reports that are shipped with the appliance. If you are creating a
report that is similar to an existing report, duplicating the existing report can be faster than creating a report from
1. Go to the Reports list by doing one of the following:
• If your KACE SMA has the Organization component enabled, and you want to access a System-level
Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system,
or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page. Then click Reporting.
System-level reports include consolidated reports that aggregate information from all organizations, as
well as standard reports for various KACE SMA components.
• If your KACE SMA does not have the Organization component enabled, or if you want
to access an organization-level report, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console,
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is
enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page next to the login information. Then click Reporting.
Organization-level reports include standard reports for various KACE SMA components. If the
Organization component is enabled on your appliance, these reports provide information specific to
the selected organization.
The Reports list appears.
2. Click the title of a report.
Depending on the type of report, either the Report Detail page or the first page in the report wizard appears.
3. At the bottom of the page, click Duplicate.
Depending on the type of report, either the Report Detail page or the first page in the report wizard appears.
4. Modify the report details as necessary, then click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Duplicate reports
Edit SQL statements on reports created with the report wizard
You can edit the SQL statements on single-topic reports created with the report wizard.
This editing is useful when you want to change the SQL statement, or when you want to copy the SQL statement
to a new report. The edit option is not available on multi-topic reports.
1. Go to the Reports list by doing one of the following:
• If your KACE SMA has the Organization component enabled, and you want to access a System-level
Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system,
or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page. Then click Reporting.
System-level reports include consolidated reports that aggregate information from all organizations, as
well as standard reports for various KACE SMA components.
• If your KACE SMA does not have the Organization component enabled, or if you want
to access an organization-level report, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console,
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is
enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page next to the login information. Then click Reporting.
Organization-level reports include standard reports for various KACE SMA components. If the
Organization component is enabled on your appliance, these reports provide information specific to
the selected organization.
The Reports list appears.
2. Click the title of a single-topic report created with the report wizard.
The report wizard appears.
3. At the bottom of the form, click Edit SQL to display the Report Detail page.
4. Edit or copy text in the SQL field as needed, then click Save.
NOTE: When copying SQL statements from one type of report to another, you might have to modify
  the SQL statement before you can use it. For example, if you copy the SQL statement from an
application compliance report, and paste it into a report that has the Aggregate Results option for
organizations selected, the appliance reports errors in the SQL statement. You cannot save the report
until the errors are resolved.

Create reports from history lists

You can create reports from any history list.
1. Go to the history list for settings, assets, or objects:
◦ View asset history
◦ View object history
◦ View settings history
2. Select Choose Action > Create Report.
The Report Detail page appears. See Create reports from list pages.

Modifying reports
You can modify or delete reports as needed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Modifying reports
Edit reports
You can edit any custom report, but you cannot edit the standard reports that are shipped with the appliance.
To edit a standard report, first duplicate it, then edit the duplicated report. See Duplicate reports.
1. Do one of the following:
• To edit organization-level reports, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of
the page (if applicable), then click Reporting.
• To edit System-level reports, log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console,
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page. Then click Reporting (for appliances with the Organization component enabled
The Reports page appears.
2. Click the title of a report to display the Report Detail page.

Delete reports
You can delete any custom report, but you cannot delete standard reports shipped with the appliance.
1. Do one of the following:
• To delete organization-level reports, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner
of the page (if applicable), then click Reporting.
• To delete System-level reports, log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console,
http://KACE SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page. Then click Reporting (for appliances with the Organization component enabled
The Reports page appears.
2. Select the check box next to one or more reports.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Customizing logos used for reports

Reports use the Quest logo by default, but you can replace it with your own logo.
To upload your own logo, see the Logo Overrides sections in:
• Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled
• Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component

Create or modify linked reports

If your environment uses Federated KACE SMAs, you can create or modify linked reports that contain
consolidated information from multiple appliances.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create or modify linked reports
Ensure the following settings are configured:
• Enable linked reporting must be selected on the General Settings page. For more information, see
Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled.
• Each linked appliance must have access to Federation API settings and be granted the Administrator role.
For more information, see Enable access to Federation API settings.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or
select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Reporting, then click Linked Reports.
3. On the Linked Reports list that appears, do one of the following:
• To edit an existing linked report, in the row containing the report that you want to edit, click the Name
• To create a new linked report, select Choose Action > New.
The Edit Linked Report wizard appears, with the Title and Category page displayed.
4. On the Title and Category page, provide the following information:
Option Description

Title The display name of the report, which appears on the report list.
Make the title as descriptive as possible, so you can distinguish the
report from others in the list.

Category The category of the report. If the category does not already exist, it is
added to the drop-down list on the Linked Reports page.

Description A description of the report.

5. Click Next.
6. On the Appliances to Run On page that appears, select the organizations on each appliance on which you
want to run the linked report.
NOTE: Do not select System together with one or more named organizations unless you are using a
  specific report definition for which that combination is valid.
7. Click Next.
8. On the Report Definition page that appears, use the drop-down controls to select the report definition to use
to create the linked report.
The report definition specifies the table, fields, and processing data to use in the report. Some report
definitions are included with the product, others can be created using the Reports page. For more
information, see Creating and modifying reports.

Option Description

Select Appliance The drop-down list is populated with all appliances that are linked
with the current appliance. Select the appliance that contains the
required report definition. To choose the current appliance, select

Select Organization The drop-down list is populated with all organizations on the selected
appliance. Select the organization that contains the required report
definition. To choose the System-level organization, select System.

Select Category The drop-down list is populated with the categories for all report
definitions in the selected organization. If there are definitions

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create or modify linked reports
Option Description
without a category, they are listed under NONE. Select the required

Select Report Definitions The report definition that is used to generate a linked report.

9. Click Finish.
The Edit Linked Report wizard closes, and the newly created report appears in the Linked Reports list.
10. To view the contents of the report, the Linked Reports list, in the Generate Report column, click the format
in which you want to display the report.
For example, to generate the report in HTML format click HTML.
The report appears in the browser window.

Scheduling reports and notifications

You can schedule reports and notifications to monitor the activity on your KACE SMA.

Running single-organization and consolidated

If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, and if you have multiple organizations on your
appliance, you can run single-organization reports for each organization separately.
In addition, you can run consolidated reports that provide information for all organizations in a single report.

Run single-organization reports

Single-organization reports show information specific to a single organization.
If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, or if you have only a single organization, these
reports provide information about the Default organization.
1. Go to the Reports list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Reporting.
2. In the Generate Report column, click a format type for the report.
HTML reports are displayed in a new window. For other formats, you can open the file or save it to your
NOTE: Charts and graphs cannot be created from within the KACE SMA reporting tool. To create
  charts or graphs, generate a report in XLS (Microsoft Excel) or CSV (comma-separated value) format,
then import the data into a tool that has chart or graph capabilities, such as Microsoft Excel.
NOTE: Be aware that multibyte characters, such as those used to support Japanese and Chinese
character sets, might display as "garbage characters" when CSV files are imported to Excel. For more
information, contact Quest Support at https://support.quest.com/contact-support.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Run single-organization reports
Run consolidated organization reports
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can run reports that consolidate the information
from all organizations into a single report.
1. Go to the Reports list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Reporting.
2. In the Generate Report column, click a format type for the report.
HTML reports are displayed in a new window. For other formats, you can open the file or save it to your
NOTE: Charts and graphs cannot be created from within the KACE SMA reporting tool. To create
  charts or graphs, generate a report in XLS (Microsoft Excel) or CSV (comma-separated value) format,
then import the data into a tool that has chart or graph capabilities, such as Microsoft Excel.
NOTE: Be aware that multibyte characters, such as those used to support Japanese and Chinese
character sets, might display as "garbage characters" when CSV files are imported to Excel. For more
information, contact Quest Support at https://support.quest.com/contact-support.

Scheduling reports
To monitor your environment, you can schedule the appliance to run reports and send them to administrators at
specified times and intervals. This is useful for tracking software, devices, and system health.

Add report schedules

You can add report schedules to enable the appliance to run reports automatically at specified times. This is
useful for reports that you need to run periodically, such as software License Compliance reports.
1. Do one of the following:
• To schedule organization-level reports, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page (if applicable), then click Reporting.
• To schedule System-level reports, log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console,
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page. Then click Reporting (for appliances with the Organization component enabled
The Reports page appears.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the Schedule button next to a report: .
• Click Report Schedules on the left navigation bar, then select Choose Action > New to display the
Report Schedule Detail page.
3. Specify the following settings.
Option Description

Name The display name for the schedule. Make this name as descriptive as possible, so
you can distinguish this schedule from others.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add report schedules
Option Description

Report The name of the report you are scheduling. This name is provided automatically if
you click the Schedule button next to a report on the Reports page.

Formats The format of the report.

Description A description of the schedule. This description appears on the Schedule Reports

4. In the Notify section, specify the following settings:

Option Description

Subject The subject line of the email message that contains the report.

Recipients The email addresses where the report is to be sent. Separate multiple addresses with
a comma.

Don’t send empty Whether the appliance should send the report every time, or only when results are
reports found. Select this option to prevent the appliance from sending the report if it is

Message Any information you want to provide in the body of the email message.

Attachment The format for the report. Choose Attachment to attach the file to the email
Options message, or choose Zipped Attachment to attach the file as a ZIP archive.

5. In the Schedule section, specify the following settings:

Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a specific time.

Every n hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a specified
day at HH:MM time.

Run on the nth Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified time.
of every month/
specific month at

Run on the nth Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the specified
weekday of every time.
month at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add report schedules
Option Description
+────────minute (0-59)
Use the following when specifying values:
• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an asterisk. For
example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every hour.
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For example,
0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and Saturday.
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen. For example,
1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates
Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action with a slash. For
example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The
asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but /3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every day
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays a list of
Schedule scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more information, see View
task schedules.

6. Click Save.

Delete report schedules

Report schedules enable the appliance to run reports at specified times and intervals. When you delete report
schedules, both the report criteria and the schedule settings are removed from the appliance.
Report schedules can be deleted any time as needed.
1. Do one of the following:
• To delete organization-level report schedules, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-
right corner of the page (if applicable), then click Reporting.
• To delete System-level report schedules, log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console,
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-down list in the top-right
corner of the page. Then click Reporting (for appliances with the Organization component enabled
The Reports page appears.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Report Schedules to display the Report Schedules page.
3. Select the check box next to one or more report schedules.
4. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete report schedules
Scheduling notifications
To maintain a watch on your environment, you can schedule the appliance to notify administrators through email
when specified criteria are met. This activity is useful for watching system health and device properties.
You can add, edit, and delete notification schedules.

Add notification schedules from the Reporting section

You can add notification schedules for devices, discovery scans, and assets from the Reporting section.
1. Go to the Notification Schedules list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Reporting, then click Notifications.
2. Select Choose Action and select one of the following:
• New > Device Notification
• New > Discovery Notification
• New > Asset Notification
• New > Monitoring Alerts Notification
The Notification panel appears.

3. Select notification criteria. For example, to send a notification when Windows 7 devices have not connected
to the KACE SMA within 24 hours, specify the following:
a. Specify the criteria required to find devices that have the Windows 7 operating system:
Operating System: Name | contains | Windows 7
b. With AND selected in the operator drop-down list, click Add Line.
c. Specify the criteria required to find devices that have not connected to the KACE SMA in the last
24 hours:
Device Identity Information: Last Sync Time | > | 24 hours
4. Provide the following information below the notification criteria:
Field Description

Title The information that you want to appear in the Subject line of the email. This also
appears as the name of the notification on the Notification Schedules page.

Recipient The email address or addresses of intended recipients. Email addresses must be
fully qualified email addresses. To send email to multiple addresses, use commas to
separate each address, or use email distribution lists.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add notification schedules from the Reporting section
Field Description

Frequency The interval at which the appliance runs the query to compare the selected criteria
with items in inventory. If criteria are met, the notification is sent.

5. Optional: To verify the criteria, click Test.

The list is refreshed to show items that match the specified criteria. Notifications are not sent during the
6. Click Save.
The notification is created and it appears on the Notification Schedule page. For information about scheduling the
frequency of the notification, see Edit notification schedules.

Add notification schedules from list pages

You can add notification schedules from list pages, such as the Devices, Software, Software Catalog, Discovery,
or Assets page.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Go to a list page, such as the Devices list, and click the Notification tab above the list on the right.
The Notification panel appears.

3. Select the criteria to use for the notification schedule.

See Example: Search for managed devices using Advanced Search criteria.
4. Provide the following information below the notification criteria:
Field Description

Title The information that you want to appear in the Subject line of the email. This title also
appears as the name of the notification on the Notification Schedules page.

Recipient The email address or addresses of intended recipients. Email addresses must be
fully qualified email addresses. To send email to multiple addresses, use commas to
separate each address, or use email distribution lists.

Frequency The interval at which the appliance runs the query to compare the selected criteria
with items in inventory. If criteria are met, the notification is sent.

5. Optional: To verify the criteria, click Test.

The list is refreshed to show items that match the specified criteria. Notifications are not sent during the
6. Click Save.
The notification is created and it appears on the Notification Schedules page. Notifications are enabled by default.
To disable or add a description to the notification, see Edit notification schedules.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add notification schedules from list pages
Edit notification schedules
You can enable, disable, change the frequency of, or modify notification schedules as needed.
1. Go to the Notification Schedules list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Reporting, then click Notifications.
c. Click the name of a notification.
2. Modify the properties as needed:
Field Description

Enabled Whether the notification is active or inactive. Select Enabled to permit the appliance
to run the query and send the appropriate notifications at the selected frequency.
Select Disabled to prevent the appliance from running the query and sending

Name The information that you want to appear in the Subject line of the email. When you
create notifications on the Notification panel, you enter this information in the Title

Recipients The email address or addresses of intended recipients. Email addresses must be
fully qualified email addresses. To send email to multiple addresses, use commas to
separate each address, or use email distribution lists.

Description Any additional information you want to provide.

Frequency The interval at which the appliance runs the query to compare the selected criteria
with items in inventory. If criteria are met, the notification is sent.

3. Optional: To edit the report using the wizard, select click here next to To re-edit the Notification using the
original editor above the Save button.
4. Optional: To change the SQL criteria that triggers the alert, click the check box labeled To edit the
Notification using this editor above the Save button.
If you edit the SQL query, make sure to use the following as statements:
For example:
'Test Computer'))
5. Click Save.

Delete notification schedules

When you delete notification schedules, both the notification criteria and the schedule settings are removed from
the appliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete notification schedules
Notification schedules can be deleted any time as needed.
1. Go to the Notification Schedules list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Reporting, then click Notifications.
2. Select the check box next to one or more notification schedules.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete notification schedules
Monitoring servers
The KACE SMA offers you a module with which you can perform basic performance monitoring for your servers in

About server monitoring

The KACE SMA monitoring feature targets server-class operating systems, and provides default monitoring
profiles that define criteria for performance alerts for each operating system. You can define additional, custom
profiles that point to alternative event logs or OS level logs, with similar or different criteria.

NOTE: Server monitoring is not supported for Raspberry Pi devices running Raspbian Linux OS.
For details on OS versions supported for server monitoring, see the Technical Specifications guides.

NOTE: For Agent-based monitoring to work on an RHEL device running Security-Enhanced Linux
  (SELinux), SELinux must be either turned off or switched to "permissive mode." You can change
the SELinux mode by modifying the file /etc/selinux/config and rebooting the device. For
further information about enabling or disabling SELinux on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, go to https://

Table 30. Monitoring interface components under the Monitoring tab in the KACE SMA navigation bar

Section Description

Devices For each monitored device, displays most critical alert, alert count, bound profile
count, bound Maintenance Window count, and link to detail page to edit configuration
settings for the device. This section can also display time alert created and modified,
IP address of the monitored device, and whether Configuration Change Alert is

Alerts Displays alert level, alert summary, link to detail of alert, date and time of alert
creation, most recent repeat time, repeat count, IP address, and status.

Profiles Displays profile name, list of default profiles and added profiles, count of devices to
which the profile is bound, and if the profile is automatically added to a device with a
particular operating system type.
A profile is where the criteria for triggering an alert is configured. In the profile, the log
path and file are defined, along with the search text to look for in the log, and what
severity is assigned to the alert.
You can bind multiple profiles to a device if there are multiple logs you want to

Maintenance Displays Maintenance Window name, count of devices to which the Maintenance
Windows Window is bound, whether the Maintenance Window is automatically added to all
devices, and link to detail page to edit schedule and OS default settings. This section
can also display Maintenance Window description and time Maintenance Window
created and modified.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Monitoring servers
Section Description

Log Enablement Displays a base set of Windows Reliability and Performance Monitor (PerfMon)
Packages templates and non-Windows open-source Perl scripts, so that you can extend your
monitoring capability, and identify system and application performance issues.

Monitoring profiles
With the default monitoring profiles and with profiles you can set up, your KACE SMA can provide:
• Windows event log monitoring
• Non-Windows file system log monitoring
• Configuration change monitoring
In addition, you can use Log Enablement Packages (LEPs) to provide:
• Threshold monitoring
• Application monitoring
You can download your profiles for others to use, and can upload custom profiles that are developed and made
available by others.

Free or licensed server monitoring

The KACE SMA comes with monitoring available for 5 servers with your standard license, and you can obtain
a license to expand that number. To see how many servers your system is licensed to manage, click About
KACE SMA in the Page-level Help panel when you click Need Help in the top-right corner of the page. The line
for Management Capacity Usage displays Monitored Servers, with the number of devices that currently have
monitoring enabled compared to the total number of devices that could be monitored under the existing license.

Working with the alerts

Alerts appear in the Administrator Console, where you can review and dismiss them after they have been dealt
with. The KACE SMA provides additional capabilities. Among other things, you can:
• Have certain alerts trigger email notifications.
• Create a Service Ticket directly from an alert.
• Have alert notifications sent to a mobile device that uses the KACE GO app.
The KACE SMA has a number of functions that make working with alerts more efficient:
• Alert consolidation (repeat counts): To prevent notification spam, the KACE SMA analyzes the alerts for
uniqueness, and uses repeat count for identical alerts to indicate the number of times the alert has been
• Alert storm mitigation: To prevent too much repeated data from streaming in, the KACE SMA limits the
collection for any one device to 50 alerts in a single collection. The KACE SMA then composes a generic
alert indicating that there is abnormal activity that needs attention.
• Grooming: A user can dismiss (hide from view, but keep in the database) alerts, or delete alerts manually
or automatically after a set number of days. However, the KACE SMA automatically limits a device to
storing 2000 alerts before the KACE SMA begins deleting alerts from the database.

Getting started with server monitoring

The KACE SMA comes with monitoring available for a set number of servers. If a server is in inventory, you can
enable monitoring for that device and have it start reporting alerts after the next inventory.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Getting started with server monitoring
NOTE: Your KACE SMA license agreement entitles you to manage a specified number of devices that
  are classified as Managed Computers, Non-Computer Devices, and Monitored Devices. If you enable
monitoring on a device, the device is counted once as a Managed Computer and once as a Monitored

Enable monitoring for a device

You can enable monitoring on any eligible server device in your inventory, up to a total of 200 servers, as
prescribed by your KACE SMA license.
Eligible devices have server-class operating systems. Non-computer devices and computers without server-class
operating systems cannot be monitored.
The KACE SMA provides two methods for enabling monitoring.
• Enable monitoring for one or more servers from the Devices inventory list
• Enable monitoring for a server from its Device Detail page
When a server is enabled, an icon in the Status column on the Device page in the Inventory section indicates the
enabled status, and whether monitoring is active or paused:

: Server monitoring is enabled and active on this Agent-managed device.

: Server monitoring is paused on this Agent-managed device.

: Server monitoring is enabled and active on this Agentless-managed device.

: Server monitoring is paused on this Agentless-managed device.
Related topics
Disable monitoring for one or more devices
Pause monitoring for a device

Enable monitoring for one or more servers from the Devices

inventory list
You can enable monitoring on a server, or on several servers, from the Devices inventory list.
1. Go to the Devices inventory page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Select the check box for each device on which you want to enable monitoring.
3. Select Choose Action > Enable Monitoring.
Information about the success or failure of the action appear at the top of the list, and the Status for the
device changes to display a monitoring icon.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enable monitoring for one or more servers from the Devices inventory list
Potential causes for failure to have monitoring enabled include the device's OS is not supported, or the type
of device is not supported, or the monitoring license count has been exceeded.
4. Optional: On the left navigation bar, select Monitoring > Devices, then click the name of a device to make
any changes to the monitoring setup for this device on its Monitoring Detail page.
• Pause or reactivate monitoring. See Pause monitoring for a device.
• Enable monitoring of configuration changes. See Receive alerts when device configurations change.
• Add a monitoring profile or change the profile. See Working with monitoring profiles.
• Add any Maintenance Windows. See Schedule a Maintenance Window during which time alerts are
not collected from a device.
If you have enabled multiple devices, repeat as necessary.
Related topics
Enable monitoring for a server from its Device Detail page

Enable monitoring for a server from its Device Detail page

You can enable monitoring on an individual server from its Device Detail page.
1. Go to the Device Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
c. Click the name of a device.
2. Scroll down and click Monitoring under Activities to expand the section.
If a device is not eligible for monitoring because it does not have a server-class operating system, the
Monitoring section appears with the message, Operating system is currently not supported by Monitoring.
3. Click Enable Monitoring to start monitoring and also display details of the default monitoring setup for the
With monitoring enabled, the Monitoring section displays the name of the monitoring profile bound to the
device by default. If a Maintenance Window has been defined as a default, its name appears as well. It also
displays up to 10 recent alerts, in any.
4. Optional: Click Edit Monitoring Details to make any changes to the monitoring setup for this device on its
Monitoring Detail page.
• Pause or reactivate monitoring. See Pause monitoring for a device.
• Enable monitoring of configuration changes. See Receive alerts when device configurations change.
• Add a monitoring profile or change the profile. See Working with monitoring profiles.
• Add any Maintenance Windows. See Schedule a Maintenance Window during which time alerts are
not collected from a device.
Related topics
Enable monitoring for a device

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enable monitoring for a server from its Device Detail page
Obtain a new license key to increase server
monitoring capacity
To take advantage of expanded monitoring capabilities for up to 200 servers, you must obtain a new license key.
You contact the Quest Sales team to obtain the key.
1. Go to the How to Buy page of the Quest website: https://quest.com/buy.
2. Contact Sales by one of the three methods presented on the How to Buy page:
• Call the toll-free number for your location.
• Send an email to the address for your location.
• Fill out the Contact Form and send it.
In the Comments field, include the information that you are a current KACE SMA user and want to
gain access to the server monitoring functionality.
Update the license key information in your KACE SMA.

Apply a new license key to increase server

monitoring capacity
You can increase server monitoring capacity by applying a new license key.
You have obtained your new license key.
1. Go to the appliance Settings:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Appliance Updates to display the Appliance Updates page.
3. In the License Information section, enter your new license key, then click Update.
4. Click Yes in the Confirm dialog to reboot your system.
The full features are available to you after you sign back in to the appliance following the reboot.

Working with monitoring profiles

Monitoring profiles describe the criteria for creating an alert, by identifying text to search for in the device's log and
associating that text with a defined alert level.
The KACE SMA provides a set of default profiles for log monitoring of devices with supported operating systems,
and also for SNMP trap devices. Beyond that, you can modify existing monitoring profiles, create your own
profiles, and upload profiles created by other users. In addition, you have access to standard Log Enablement
Packages (LEPs) to enable application and threshold monitoring.
The available monitoring profiles are listed on the Monitoring Profiles page

TIP: To display only the log monitoring profiles, in the top-right corner, click View By > Type > Log. To
  display the monitoring profiles for SNMP trap devices, click View By > Type > SNMP Trap.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Working with monitoring profiles
As an example, the default profile for creating alerts for Mac OS X devices indicates that /var/log/
system.log is the log that the monitoring function scans, looking for text that would trigger an alert. The
following table describes the default search text in the Include Text field and the associated alert levels.

Text searched for in Alert level


critical Critical

error Error

fatal Error

fail Error


monitor alert

warn Warning

unavailable Warning

You can add other alerts customized to your operational needs.

The default profiles cover the following supported operating systems:
• CentOS
• Debian
• FreeBSD
• Mac OS X
• Oracle Enterprise Linux
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux
• Solaris
• SUSE Linux
• Ubuntu
• Windows Server
For devices with Linux operating systems, there are several different log paths for MySQL and Apache logs,
depending on the version of the OS. See Profile log paths for MySQL and Apache.
For Agentless devices that are monitored using the SNMP trap mechanism, you need to provide trap message
formats and expressions to capture the specific trap elements. See Configure SNMP trap messages and alerting
In the Log Enablement Packages list page, Quest publishes a base set of Windows Reliability and Performance
Monitor (PerfMon) templates and non-Windows open-source Perl scripts, so that users can extend their
monitoring capability and identify system and application performance issues. These templates and scripts are
available so that users do not have to create them from scratch. Monitoring on the KACE SMA works without
these additional templates and scripts, but the profiles that are created from the templates and scripts are helpful
if you want to do performance threshold monitoring.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Working with monitoring profiles
In addition, for convenience, there is a default profile that can be used if you download optional Windows
Reliability and Performance Monitor (PerfMon) templates to managed Windows Server 2003 devices. See Set up
a Windows Server 2003 device with an ITNinja monitoring Log Enablement Package (LEP).

Edit a profile
You can change, add, or remove alert criteria and log paths for any existing profile.
If you want to use an existing profile as a starting point for creating a profile, see Create a new profile using a
default profile as a template.
To identify events that you want raised as alerts, use strings or regular expressions in Include Text to specify the
appropriate message content. For instance, if you enter the string, Physical memory, an alert is raised for every
message with that exact string.
To cover multiple possibilities, you can use a regular expression. For example, if you want alerts for any drive
mount point that has drive errors, in the form, “Drive /dev/[any drive mount point] has drive errors”, you can use
Drive /dev/[a-z]{1,} has drive errors in Include Text. Alerts are raised for any messages that contain "Drive /dev/"
followed by any word of any length containing the characters a-z, followed by "has drive errors".
You can exclude specific events from being raised as alerts if you find them unnecessary or distracting. To filter
the alerts you do not want to receive, you use Exclude Text to indicate the content that identifies an unwanted
alert. You can use Exclude Text to filter whole categories of alerts, or use Exclude Text in conjunction with Include
Text to refine a subset of an alert category. See Examples of Include Text and Exclude Text for monitoring
1. Go to the Profiles list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Profiles.
2. Select the check box for the existing profile that you want to edit, and select Choose Action > Edit to
display the Profile Detail page.
3. Optional: Change or modify the Name and Description of the profile to indicate the edits.
NOTE: If you are editing one of the default profiles, you cannot make any change to the Add
  Automatically To field.
4. Make changes to the Criteria settings, according to your needs.
• Change Include Filter (SNMP traps only) or Include Text (all other monitoring profiles).
1. On the line with the include search text (or filter for SNMP traps) you want to change, click the Edit
button: .
2. Type the new search text or filter.
• Optional. Change Exclude Filter (SNMP traps only) or Exclude Text (all other monitoring profiles).
1. On the line with the text (or filter for SNMP traps) you want to change in order to exclude certain
alerts, click the Edit button: .
2. Type the new exclude text or filter.
• If the provided search text is case sensitive, select Yes in the Case-sensitive drop-down list.
• SNMP traps only. Create a Service Desk ticket automatically each time the appliance receives a
specific SNMP alert.
▪ On the line containing an SNMP include and exclude filter (as configured), in the Create Ticket
column, click Select Queue, and select a ticket queue that you want to use to create a Service
Desk ticket. The appliance will create a Service Desk ticket in the specified ticket queue when it

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Edit a profile
receives an alert resulting from the specific include filter. The device associated with the alert will
appear selected in the Service Desk ticket. The name and summary of the event that triggered
the SNMP alert will appear in the ticket details. For more information about Service Desk tickets,
see Managing Service Desk tickets, processes, and reports.
• Change the alert Level.
On the line with the alert level you want to change, click the Edit button: .
2. In the Level drop-down list, select the level from among the five choices: Critical, Error, Warning,
Info, and Recovered.
• Add an alert Criteria.
On the Criteria category header, click the Add button: .
2. Set the level, include text, exclude text (optional), and case sensitivity.
5. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: You can return a default profile to factory settings for its operating system by using the Reset to
  Factory Settings button at the bottom of the page.

Related topics
Filter alerts using the Include Text and Exclude Text capability from the Profile Details page
Examples of Include Text and Exclude Text for monitoring profiles

Configure SNMP trap messages and alerting

You can configure SNMP trap messages and the alerting criteria using the Profiles page.
• Enable SNMP trap monitoring on the appliance. For more information, see Configure security settings for
the appliance
• Enable monitoring on your SNMP devices. For more information, see Enable monitoring for one or more
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol for monitoring managed devices on a network. This
protocol is supported by Dell Open Manage and many third-party products. When you enable this feature on the
appliance, and the related devices are also enabled for monitoring, the appliance can receive SNMP traps from
the monitored Agentless devices using SNMP connections, such as printers, projectors, and routers.
SNMP traps are messages initiated by network devices and sent to the trap receiver on the appliance. For
example, a router can send a message when its power supply fails. Or, a printer initiates a message when it runs
out of paper. The appliance receives these traps and generates alerts when certain pre-defined thresholds are
You can configure SNMP trap messages and the alerting criteria using the Profile Detail page.
You can include or exclude certain events from being detected, as needed.
1. Go to the Profiles list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure SNMP trap messages and alerting criteria
b. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Profiles.
2. Complete one of the following steps.
◦ To create a new SNMP trap profile, select Choose Action > New> SNMP Trap Profile.
◦ To edit an existing SNMP trap profile, select it in the list, and Choose Action > Edit .
◦ To duplicate an existing SNMP trap profile, select it in the list, and Choose Action > Duplicate and
Edit .
The Profile Detail page appears.
3. Optional: Change or modify the Name and Description of the profile to indicate the edits.
NOTE: If you are editing one of the default profiles, you cannot make any change to the Add
  Automatically To field.
4. Make changes to the Trap Message Formats settings, according to your needs.
For example: %Td (%Tn => %To) %Vz
You can use the following elements in your SNMP trap message:

Element Description

%Aa The agent address.

%Ah The agent host name.

%d Local day.

%m Local month.

%y Local year.

%h Local hour.

%i Local minute.

%s Local second.

%u Unix timestamp.

%Td Trap description.

%Tm Trap MIB (management information base).

%Tn Trap name.

%To Trap OID (object ID).

%Tt Trap type (0-5 Generic; 6 - Enterprise).

%Tv Trap version (Inform, Trap v1, v2, or v3).

%Vd# Variable binding description (where '#' is a number representing the element's
position in the sequence).

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure SNMP trap messages and alerting criteria
Element Description

%Vn# Variable binding name (where '#' is a number representing the element's position
in the sequence).

%Vo# Variable binding OID (where '#' is a number representing the element's position in
the sequence).

%Vt# Variable binding type (where '#' is a number representing the element's position in
the sequence).

%Vv# Variable binding value (where '#' is a number representing the element's position in
the sequence).

%Vz Shows all variable bindings (Name: Value, Name: Value, Name: Value). If a
Name is missing (due to a missing MIB file), the OID is displayed instead.

5. Specify one or more alert levels, as needed.

The following alert levels are available: Critical, Error, Warning, Info, and Recovered.

To add an alert level, under Criteria, click to add a new alert level.

To edit an existing alert level, in the row containing the alart level, click .
6. For each level, specify its Include and/or Exclude expressions, and also indicate if the expressions are
case-sensitive. These expressions allow you to include or exclude certain events from being detected.
The syntax for Include and Exclude expressions is as follows:
{=|!=|>|<|>=|<=} <Field_Value> [<AND|OR> <Condition_A>] [<AND|OR> <Condition_B>] ...
For example:
◦ TRAP_OID = “.”: An alert is generated when the trap OID contains
◦ TRAP_NAME = "acctngFileFull" AND VARBIND = "acctngFileName|ABC": An alert is
generated when the trap name contains "acctngFileFull" and if one of the trap's variable bindings
is "acctngFileName" with a value of "ABC".
7. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: You can return a default profile to factory settings for its operating system by using the Reset to
  Factory Settings button at the bottom of the page.

Create a new profile using a default profile as a

You can copy a default or existing monitoring profile and edit the copy to create a new profile.
You are not limited to one profile for each device. You can create additional profiles that generate different alerts
and bind the profiles to devices that already have one or more profiles associated with them.
1. Go to the Profiles list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create a new profile using a default profile as a template
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Profiles.
2. Select the check box for the existing profile that you want to start with as a template, and select Choose
Action > Duplicate and Edit to display the Profile Detail page.
3. Rename the profile and modify its description.
4. Optional: Change or modify the Name and Description of the profile to indicate the edits.
NOTE: If you are editing one of the default profiles, you cannot make any change to the Add
  Automatically To field.
5. For the log path, use the path appropriate for the operating system or application.
The path can be the basic one for the operating system, as shown in the table.

Operating system Log path

CentOS /var/log/messages

Debian /var/log/syslog

Fedora /var/log/messages

FreeBSD /var/log/messages

HP-UX /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log

IBM-AIX /var/adm/ras/syslog.caa

Mac OS X /var/log/system.log

openSUSE /var/log/messages

Oracle Enterprise /var/log/messages


Red Hat Enterprise /var/log/messages


Solaris /var/adm/messages

SUSE Enterprise /var/log/messages


Ubuntu /var/log/syslog

Windows application for Windows Application

NOTE: You must use the Full Name of the event log, as it appears in the
  properties for that log. To ensure you have the correct Full Name, open the
Event Viewer. Expand Windows Logs, right-click the event log and select
Properties. Use the version of the Full Name that appears in the field in the
Log Properties dialog.
Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational for Windows Task
Scheduler Operational

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create a new profile using a default profile as a template
Alternatively, you can enter a path that defines a log that contains data beyond the basic event logs.
For instance, if you had an application on SUSE that sends its data to a specific log such as /var/
log/<myapplog>, you can use that path in a new profile, and define the search text and alert level as
described in this procedure.
For devices with Linux operating systems, there are a number of different log paths for MySQL and Apache
logs, depending on the version of the OS. See Profile log paths for MySQL and Apache.

NOTE: Only one log path can be defined in a profile. You must create multiple profiles for multiple
6. Make changes to the Criteria settings, according to your needs.
• Change Include Text.
On the line with the include search text you want to change, click the Edit button: .
2. Type the new search text, and, if necessary, select Yes in the Case-sensitive drop-down list.
3. Click Save at the right of the row.
• Optional: Change Exclude Text.
1. On the line with the text you want to change in order to exclude certain alerts, click the Edit button:
2. Type the new exclude text, and, if necessary, select Yes in the Case-sensitive drop-down list.
3. Click Save at the right of the row.
• Change alert Level.
On the line with the alert level you want to change, click the Edit button: .
2. In the Level drop-down list, select the level from among the five choices: Critical, Error, Warning,
Info, and Recovered.
3. Click Save at the right of the row.
• Add an alert.
On the Criteria category header, click the Add button: .
2. Set the level, search text, and case sensitivity, and click Save at the right of the row
3. Repeat for as many alerts as you want to add.
Optional: Reorder the new alert criteria using the Drag button: .
7. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
The profile is available to be assigned to a device on that device's Monitoring Detail page.

Profile log paths for MySQL and Apache

For devices with Linux operating systems, there are a number of different log paths for MySQL and Apache logs,
depending on the version of the OS.
NOTE: Only one log path can be defined in a profile. You must create multiple profiles for multiple logs.
For up-to-date tables of the log paths for MySQL and Apache logs, go to http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Profile log paths for MySQL and Apache
Upload a profile that was created by another user
If another user has made a custom profile available for use by others, you can upload it into your KACE SMA.
You have access to an XML profile file created by another user.
1. Go to the Profiles list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Profiles.
2. Select Choose Action > Upload Profiles to display the Upload Profiles dialog.
3. Click Choose File to navigate to the profile you want to upload, choose it, then click Upload.
You can select more than one profile.
The profile or profiles appear at the bottom of the Profiles list.
You can edit the new profile, if needed. See Edit a profile.

Download a profile so that it can be used by others

You can download a custom profile to make it available for use by other users.
1. Go to the Profiles list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Profiles.
2. Select the check box for the profile or profiles that you want to download, and select Choose Action >
Download Profiles to send the profile or profiles to your Downloads folder.
The profile XML file name is derived from the profile name, as seen on the Profile Detail page, with a UNIX
timestamp appended.
Distribute the profile.

Bind an additional profile to a device

When you enable server monitoring on a device, the KACE SMA assigns, or binds, to the device the default
profile and the default log path that is appropriate for the device's operating system. You can add other profiles as
needed, from custom profiles you create or obtain from other sources, like ITNinja.
1. Go to the Monitoring Detail page:
a. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Devices.
b. Click the name of a device to display the Monitoring Detail page.
2. Click in the Profiles field to see a drop-down list of defined profiles, and select the one you want to apply.
3. Click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Bind an additional profile to a device
Define nonstandard log date format
For any given operating system, the KACE SMA knows and uses the standard format for log date and time when
scanning the log file. However, if you use an uncommon format in your logs, you must define that format so that
server monitoring can properly parse the log.
NOTE: In most cases, this field should be left blank.
NOTE: Log Date Format is not pertinent to Windows event logs.
1. Go to the Profiles list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Profiles.
2. Select the check box for the existing profile that you want to edit, and select Choose Action > Edit to
display the Profile Detail page.
3. Type the nonstandard log date format in to Log Date Format.
The supported format characters, and examples, can be viewed if you click next to Log Date Format.
4. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Configuring application and threshold monitoring

with Log Enablement Packages
Performance threshold monitoring and monitoring for applications such as Exchange, Internet Information
Services (IIS), and so on, require packages, called Log Enablement Packages (LEPs), that you can access from
the Log Enablement Packages list page.
In the Log Enablement Packages list page, Quest publishes a base set of Windows Reliability and Performance
Monitor (PerfMon) templates and non-Windows open-source Perl scripts, so that users can extend their
monitoring capability and identify system and application performance issues. These templates and scripts are
available so that users do not have to create them from scratch. Monitoring on the KACE SMA works without
these additional templates and scripts, but the profiles that are created from the templates and scripts are helpful
if you want to do performance threshold monitoring.

Windows PerfMon template

In the KACE SMA, a default Windows OS and Application LEP Profile has been predefined in the KACE SMA that
contains the specific event log and generic criteria that Microsoft uses for PerfMon triggered events. The base
PerfMon templates available for Microsoft Server 2008 through LEPs on the Log Enablement Packages list page
are for system (CPU, memory, disk), Exchange, SQL, IIS, Active Directory, and Hyper-V.

NOTE: PerfMon templates for Microsoft Server 2003 are available from ITNinja.

Non-Windows Perl scripts

Each package is an open-source Perl script that runs periodically using the built-in operating system scheduler:
cron, fcron, and so on. When the Perl script is executed, the script runs a series of commands to determine the
use of CPU, memory, and local volumes. An alert is written to the system log (syslog) file if the utilization exceeds
the threshold defined in the package. Because the scripts are configured to log to syslog and contain a prefix
message for each event, the KACE SMA has predefined the criteria in the syslog defaults for all non-Windows
profiles for ease of configuration.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configuring application and threshold monitoring with Log Enablement Packages
Packages available through ITNinja
ITNinja is a product-agnostic IT collaborative community that serves as a destination for IT professionals to share
with one another, and acts as a go-to resource for information on setup and deployment topics. You can browse
and contribute to specific software title topics, and other topics, such as deployment, management, configuration,
and troubleshooting. The KACE SMA server monitoring community is located at http://itninja.com/community/
In ITNinja, you can find PerfMon templates beyond the standard ones available on the Log Enablement Packages
list page. For instance, there are templates to configure monitoring for many Windows Server 2003 logs. The Log
Enablement Package Install feature in the KACE SMA does not support Windows Server 2003. For those servers,
you install their LEP by using PowerShell, with a method documented in ITNinja.
KACE SMA monitoring users who are members of the ITNinja community can contribute their own templates and
scripts, to expand the library of available LEPs. Similar to Windows Server 2003 packages, because these LEPs
are not covered by the install process available to the standard packages, they must be installed by using one the
methods documented in ITNinja.

Install one or more LEPs on monitored devices

You can install Log Enablement Packages on Windows devices and non-Windows devices directly from the
1. Go to the Log Enablement Packages list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Log Enablement Packages.
2. Select the check box for the package or packages that you want to install on devices, and select Choose
Action > Add to Devices to display the Log Enablement Packages Install page.
If you are choosing multiple packages, you can choose both Windows and non-Windows packages to
install. In this case, the Log Enablement Packages Install page displays a separate section for Windows
packages and a separate section for non-Windows packages. If all the packages you select are for one
type, then only the section for that particular type appears.
3. Select the devices to which to add the package or packages.
a. Click in the Devices text box to display a list of devices within inventory that are compatible with
the packages listed in Selected Packages to the right.
b. Select the device or devices you want from the list.
4. Optional: For Windows packages, clear the check box for Add Windows OS and Application LEP Profile if
that profile is already bound to the device or devices and you do not want to reinstall it.
5. Determine how you want the installation to go if one of the packages is already installed on a device.
• Leave Replace it selected if you want the current package reinstalled over an existing version.
• Select Skip it if you want to retain the package that might be currently installed on the device. For
instance, you might have made edits to the package earlier and do not want to lose those changes.
6. Click Install.
7. Optional: View the progress of the installation.
a. Click Devices in the Monitoring section of the left navigation bar, and select the name of the
monitored device to display its Monitoring Detail page.
The LEP Installation Log section appears at the bottom of the page, displaying a summary of the
installation process for this particular device.
b. Optional: Click See all LEP Installation Logs for this device to see more detail.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Install one or more LEPs on monitored devices
Set up a Windows Server 2003 device with an ITNinja
monitoring Log Enablement Package (LEP)
Windows Server 2003 Log Enablement Packages do not appear in the KACE SMA Log Enablement Packages
list page, and the KACE SMA LEP installation function does not support Windows Server 2003. However, you
can obtain packages from ITNinja with which to monitor Windows 2003 devices, and that entails a different setup
Add the Windows Server 2003 device to inventory in the KACE SMA, managed either through an Agent or
through Agentless management. See About managing devices.
The process entails action on the server device that is to be monitored, and action in the KACE SMA. On the
server device, you download a Log Enablement Package from ITNinja, and start PerfMon. In the KACE SMA, you
enable monitoring for the device, define the profile from the monitoring package, and bind the profile to the device.

NOTE: Following this procedure installs one package on one device. If you want to install multiple
  packages with one procedure, you can find instructions on ITNinja for using PowerShell scripts to do so.
See http://itninja.com/community/k1000-monitoring.
1. Acquire the appropriate monitoring LEP from ITNinja.
a. Go to the ITNinja KACE SMA Monitoring community page: http://itninja.com/community/k1000-
b. From the Downloads tab, find the package for the Performance Category with the Performance
Counters you want to probe.
You can use Search to narrow your search.
c. Click Download to download the HTM file for the package.
d. Copy the HTM file <Performance_Category>_Alerts.htm to the device you want to monitor.
2. On the Windows Server 2003 device you want to monitor, start the Performance Monitor and expand the
Performance Logs and Alerts folder.
3. Under Performance Logs and Alerts, right-click Alerts and select New Alerts Settings From . . ..
4. In the Open dialog, browse to the location of the package, select it, and click Open.
5. In the New Alert Settings dialog, confirm the package name and click OK to display the property page for
the package.
6. Accept or edit the LEP properties:
• Leave the default settings, and click OK to leave the page.
• Optional: On the General tab of the property page, add or remove counters, and revise threshold
values, if you want, then click OK. See Edit the monitoring Log Enablement Package (LEP) for a
Windows Server 2003 device.
7. In the Performance window, right-click on the package name and select Start to start the monitoring.
With the device taken care of, you move to the KACE SMA to enable the monitoring feature, create a
profile, and bind the profile to the device.
8. On the KACE SMA, enable monitoring for this device.
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
c. Click the name of the device to display its Device Detail page.
d. Scroll down and click Monitoring under Activities to expand the section.
e. Click Enable Monitoring to start monitoring and also display details of the default monitoring
setup for the device.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Set up a Windows Server 2003 device with an ITNinja monitoring Log Enablement Package (LEP)
With monitoring enabled, the Monitoring section displays the name of the monitoring profile bound to
the device by default. If a Maintenance Window has been defined as a default, its name appears too.
9. Create the monitoring package profile on the Profile Detail page.
a. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Profiles.
b. On the Profiles list page, select the check box next to Windows ITNinja Plug-In Template and
select Choose Action > Duplicate and Edit to display the Profile Detail page.
c. Edit the name and type a description for the monitoring profile.
d. Use the Windows Server 2003 Log Path, Application.
e. Leave the Log Date Format empty.
Optional: Click Edit ( ), and in the drop-down menu under Level, select a level if you want to
use something other than Error.
g. Click Save at the end of the criteria line, then click Save at the bottom of the page.
10. Add this new profile to the device.
a. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Devices.
b. Click the name of the device to display its Monitoring Detail page.
c. Click in the Profiles field to display a drop-down list of all available profiles, and click the profile
you created.
d. Click Save.
The profile is bound to the device.

Edit the monitoring Log Enablement Package (LEP) for a

Windows Server 2008 or higher device
You can add, remove, and configure performance counters in a monitoring LEP installed on a server.
The Log Enablement Package has been installed on the device. See Install one or more LEPs on monitored
1. On the device you want to monitor, start the Performance Monitor, expand the Data Collector Set folder,
then expand the User Defined folder.
2. Select the LEP-defined Data Collector Set.
3. Optional: If the package is running, right-click the set name and select Stop.
4. In the right pane, right-click the DataCollector and select Properties to display the Properties dialog.
5. Use the tabs on the Properties dialog to edit the package:
Option Description

Alerts The Alerts tab enables you to edit the threshold

attribute and interval attribute of a performance
counter. You can also add and remove counters
using this tab.
To configure the performance counter:
a. Select the counter in Performance counters.
b. Edit the alert trigger using the Alert when
drop-down list and the Limit field.
c. Edit the collection interval using the Sample
interval and Units drop-down menus.
d. Click OK to save the changes.
To add a performance counter to this LEP:
a. Click Add to display the add counters dialog.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Edit the monitoring Log Enablement Package (LEP) for a Windows Server 2008 or higher device
Option Description
Performance counters for applications installed
locally appear in Available counters. You can
also select objects and counters from a remote
system if you use the list in Select counters from
computer or use Browse.
b. In Available counters, select the counter or
counters you want to add, and click Add >>.
c. Click OK to return to the Properties dialog.
To remove a performance counter from this LEP:
a. Select the counter in Performance counters.
b. Click Remove.
c. Click OK to save the changes.

Alert Action The objective of the package is to have events

logged in the event log so that the monitoring
capability of the KACE SMA can pick up an alert,
so the check box for Log an entry in the application
event log should remain selected.

Alert Task If you want to set a task to run when the alert is
triggered, you define that task on this tab.

6. Click OK at the bottom of the Properties dialog to return to Performance Monitor.

7. In the User Defined folder, right-click the package and select Start to start the monitoring.

Edit the monitoring Log Enablement Package (LEP) for a

Windows Server 2003 device
You can add, remove, and configure performance counters in a monitoring LEP installed on a server.
The Log Enablement Package has been installed on the device. See Install one or more LEPs on monitored
1. On the device you want to monitor, start the Performance Monitor, and expand the Performance Logs and
Alerts folder.
2. Click Alerts, and in the details pane, right-click the LEP you want to edit.
3. Optional: If the package is running, select Stop after you right-click the LEP name.
4. Right-click the LEP name again, if necessary, and select Properties to display the Properties dialog.
5. Use the General tab on the Properties dialog to edit the package:
a. Select a performance counter in Counters to display its current configuration.
b. Edit the alert trigger using the Alert when the value is drop-down list and the Limit field.
c. Edit the collection interval using the Interval and Units drop-down menus for Sample data every.
d. Set account permissions in Run as.
▪ By default, the package runs using the System account permission. To continue to use System
account permission, leave <Default> as the entry in Run as.
▪ Built-in groups have access to the following Performance Monitor features:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Edit the monitoring Log Enablement Package (LEP) for a Windows Server 2003 device
Group Capabilities

Members of the local Administrators group All Performance Monitor features are available

Members of the Users group • Can change the Performance Monitor display
• Can view log files in Performance Monitor
• Cannot create an Alert Setting

Members of the Performance Monitor Users group • Can use all features available to the Users
• Can view real-time logs in Performance
Monitor and alter Performance Monitor display
properties in real time
• Cannot create or modify Alert Settings

Members of the Performance Log user group • Can use all features available to the
Performance Monitor Users group
• Can create and modify Alert Settings after the
group is assigned the log on as a batch user

6. Optional: Add a performance counter to the LEP:

a. On the Properties dialog, click Add to display the Add Counters dialog.
When Use local computer counter is selected, performance counters for applications installed
locally appear in Select counters from list. You can also select objects and counters from a
remote system if you use the list in Select counters from computer.
b. In Select counters from computer, select the counter or counters you want to add, and click Add.
c. Click OK to return to the Properties dialog.
7. Optional: Remove a performance counter from the LEP:
a. On the Properties dialog, select the counter in Counters.
b. Click Remove.
c. Click OK to save the changes.
8. Click OK at the bottom of the Properties dialog to return to Performance Monitor.
9. In the details pane, right-click the LEP and select Start to start the monitoring.

Managing monitoring for devices

After a device has monitoring enabled, you can configure how and when monitoring takes place, and manage
monitoring on a per-device basis.

Pause monitoring for a device

You can pause monitoring if you want to prevent the monitoring function from producing alerts while you work on,
or make changes to, a device.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Pause monitoring for a device
NOTE: If you want to pause monitoring on a set schedule to accommodate regular maintenance tasks, you
  can set Maintenance Window schedules. See Schedule a Maintenance Window during which time alerts
are not collected from a device.

If you want to pause or resume multiple devices at the same time, see Pause or resume monitoring for multiple
1. Go to the Monitoring Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Devices.
c. Click the device in the Device column to display its Monitoring Detail page.
2. Select the option button for Paused and click Save.
An icon in the Status column on the Device page in the Inventory section indicates the paused status:

: Server monitoring is paused on this Agent-managed device.

: Server monitoring is paused on this Agentless-managed device.

Pause or resume monitoring for multiple devices

You can pause monitoring for multiple devices at the same time. You can resume monitoring for multiple devices
as well.
1. Go to the Monitored Devices list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Devices.
2. Select the check boxes for all the devices you want to pause or resume.
3. Select Choose Action > Pause Monitoring or Resume Monitoring.
The entry in the Monitoring column for the devices changes to indicate the new state, Paused or Active.

Set the polling interval and any automatic dismissal

or deletion of alerts
You can configure some general monitoring settings for how often the KACE SMA polls the logs for alerts. In
addition, you can configure the KACE SMA to dismiss alerts automatically after a number of days you set, and
delete alerts too.
Dismissing an alert removes it from view on the Alerts list page and the dashboard widgets. Deleting an alert
removes it from the database. You can recover dismissed alerts, but not deleted alerts.
1. Go to the Monitoring Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Set the polling interval and any automatic dismissal or deletion of alerts
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Monitoring Settings.
2. Set the polling interval in minutes.
The minimum interval is 10 minutes.
3. Optional: Set the KACE SMA to dismiss alerts after a prescribed number of days.
a. Select Dismiss alerts automatically.
b. Type the value for the number of days.
4. Optional: Set the KACE SMA to delete alerts after a prescribed number of days.
a. Select Delete alerts automatically.
b. Type the value for the number of days.
5. Click Save.
Related topics
Dismiss an alert
Delete alerts
Retrieve and review alerts that have been dismissed from the alerts list

Disable ping probe

Ping probes are enabled by default when you enable monitoring for any device. However, in certain instances
ping probes can engender an alert storm, so the KACE SMA makes it possible to disable ping probes.
Ping sends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request packets to its target. Some firewalls block
ICMP packets, so it is possible, because of the frequency of the ping probes, to have an enormous number of
alerts generated from the probes being rejected. In these cases, disabling ping probes unclutters the monitoring
1. Go to the Monitoring Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Monitoring Settings on the Control Panel.
2. Clear Enable ping probe.
3. Click Save.

Receive alerts when device configurations change

You can set monitoring to create an alert when the configuration of a monitored device is changed.
When you enable this feature, each time a device configuration change is detected, an alert is generated. You
can specify which types of changes you want to detect for the device assets, by selecting them in the Device
dialog box, accessible from the Asset History Configuration page.
Examples of configuration change include the addition of a disk, a new logical drive, an increase or decrease of
memory, a partition change, and so on. For complete information about the Asset History Configuration page, and
how to select configuration changes, see Configure asset history subscriptions.
1. Go to the Monitoring Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Receive alerts when device configurations change
b. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Devices.
c. Click the name of a device.
2. Select the Enable Configuration Change Alert check box.
3. Click Save.

Schedule a Maintenance Window during which

time alerts are not collected from a device
Using maintenance windows enables you to set aside certain time slots for performing server maintenance tasks
without the monitoring function producing excessive alerts that might flood the system.
You are not limited to using one Maintenance Window for each monitored device. You can create a library of
Maintenance Windows, and apply combinations of them to monitored devices depending on your needs.
1. Go to the Maintenance Window Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Maintenance Windows.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that identifies the Maintenance Window. The name appears on the
Maintenance Windows list.

Description Information that further identifies the purpose and subjects of the window.

Add Automatically • None: This Maintenance Window is not automatically added to a device when
To monitor is enabled on that device.
• All: This Maintenance Window is automatically added to a device when monitor
is enabled on that device.

3. In the Schedule section, specify the schedule settings:

Option Description

Every day/specific day from HH:MM to HH:MM Start the window daily at a specified time and for a
specific duration, or start on a designated day of the
week at a specified time.

Run on the nth of every month/specific month Run on the same day every month, or a specific
from HH:MM to HH:MM month, at the specified time and duration.

NOTE: The schedule uses the 24-hour clock.

4. Click Save.
5. Apply the Maintenance Window to a monitored device on its Monitoring Detail page:
a. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Devices.
b. Click the name of a device to display the Monitoring Detail page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Schedule a Maintenance Window during which time alerts are not collected from a device
c. Click in the Maintenance Windows field to view a drop-down list of defined Maintenance
Windows, and select the one you want to apply.
6. Click Save.

Create and assign monitoring-specific roles

You can create user roles that regulate the ability to work with alerts and profiles.
For instance, you can create a role for a staff member who can react to alerts, and create Service Desk tickets
from them, but who cannot add profiles to devices or set Maintenance Windows.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, the permissions available to User Roles depends on
the Organization Role assigned to the organization. See Managing Organization Roles and User Roles.

NOTE: You cannot edit the predefined Roles: Administrator, No Access, Read Only Administrator, and
1. Go to the Role Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Roles.
c. Select Choose Action > New to display the Role Detail page.
2. In the Name field, provide a name, such as Monitoring Alert Attendant.
3. In the Description field, provide a brief description of the role, such as Used for support staff with
responsibility for responding to alerts.
This description appears on the Roles list along with the name.
4. Click the Monitoring link below Administrator Console Permissions to display the permissions settings for
server monitoring.
5. Set permissions according to the level of access you want to assign to the role:
• All Write
• All Read
• All Hide
• Custom:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create and assign monitoring-specific roles
You can combine WRITE, READ, or HIDE permission for the following monitoring pages
Category Page (include Detail page) Permissions affect these actions

Monitoring Devices • Acknowledge (Dismiss)

• Enable monitoring of
configuration changes
• Pause or resume
• Add or remove profiles
• Add or remove
Maintenance Windows
• Disable monitoring
• Export alerts

Alerts • Acknowledge (Dismiss)

• Create Service Desk ticket
• Set notifications
• Retrieve alerts
• Delete alerts
• Export alerts

Profiles • Create profiles

• Edit profiles
• Delete profiles
• Remove profiles from all
• Upload and download

Maintenance Windows • Create Maintenance

• Edit Maintenance Windows
• Delete Maintenance
• Remove Maintenance
Windows from all devices
• Export Maintenance

Monitoring LEP • Add to devices

• Export LEPs

6. If applicable, assign the role the ability to enable monitoring on a device.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create and assign monitoring-specific roles
A user enables monitoring on the device's Device Detail page, so permission has to be set in the Inventory
a. Click the Inventory link below Administrator Console Permissions to display the permissions
settings for inventory.
b. Set Devices to WRITE.
7. Click Save.
8. Assign the role to a user.
a. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
b. Select the check box for the user to whom you want to assign the role.
c. Select Choose Action > Apply Role > Name of role.

Disable monitoring for one or more devices

When you no longer want to monitor a device, you can disable the capability, after which the device no longer
counts against your license limit.
You can disable monitoring for a device in three locations. Two of the locations you use for individual devices and
one location you use for a group of devices.
• Disable monitoring from a device's Device Detail page:
1. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Click the name of a device.
3. Scroll down and click Monitoring under Activities to expand the section.
4. Click Disable Monitoring.
5. Confirm the action on the confirmation dialog.
• Disable monitoring from a device's Monitoring Detail page:
1. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Devices.
2. Click the name of a device.
3. Click Disable Monitoring.
4. Confirm the action on the confirmation dialog.
• Disable monitoring for multiple devices from the Devices list.
1. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring.
2. Select the check boxes preceding all the devices on which you want to disable monitoring.
3. Select Choose Action > Disable Monitoring.
4. Confirm the action on the confirmation dialog.
Disabling monitoring does not delete the device's alerts. On the Monitoring Alerts list page, for an alert relating
to a disabled device, the Device column entry contains Device deleted or no longer monitored. If you re-enable
monitoring for this device, however, the KACE SMA treats the device as a newly monitored device. In this case,
the earlier alerts from the device still appear as Device deleted or no longer monitored.
For information on deleting alerts, see Delete alerts.

Enable monitoring for one or more devices

When you want to monitor a device, you can start monitoring it. Any devices that are enabled for monitoring count
against your license limit.
IMPORTANT: Enabling monitoring on SNMP-managed devices does not count against the license limit.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enable monitoring for one or more devices
You can enable monitoring for a device in three locations. Two of the locations you use for individual devices and
one location you use for a group of devices.
• Enable monitoring from a device's Device Detail page:
1. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Click the name of a device.
3. Scroll down and click Monitoring under Activities to expand the section.
4. Click Enable Monitoring.
5. Confirm the action on the confirmation dialog.
• Enable monitoring for multiple devices from the Devices list.
1. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.
2. Select the check boxes preceding all the devices on which you want to enable monitoring.
3. Select Choose Action > Enable Monitoring.
4. Confirm the action on the confirmation dialog.
Enabling monitoring for a device allows the device to generate alerts when certain thresholds are met. If you re-
enable monitoring for this device, the appliance treats the device as a newly monitored device. In this case, the
previous device alerts appear as Device deleted or no longer monitored. For information on deleting alerts, see
Delete alerts.

Working with alerts

When server monitoring produces an alert, you have various responses available to you.
You can use the alert as a basis for a Service Desk ticket or an automated email notification. After dealing with
the alert according to your procedures, you can dismiss it, or delete it entirely.
If you have added the monitoring widgets to your Dashboard, you can see at a glance the current top alerts, with
links to the Monitoring Alerts list page and the Monitored Devices list page.
The following icons indicate alert level:
• : Critical
• : Error

: Warning

: Information

: Recovered
Related topic
About Dashboard widgets

Add notification schedules from the Monitoring

Alerts list page
You can add monitoring alert notification schedules for devices, alert levels, messages, and other alert
information. These schedules enable the appliance to notify administrators through email or push notification to a
KACE GO mobile device when specified criteria are met.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add notification schedules from the Monitoring Alerts list page
You have configured your email notification settings.
1. Go to the Monitoring Alerts list page in one of the following ways:
• If you have the Monitoring Alerts widget installed on your open Dashboard, click Monitoring Alerts.
• In the left navigation bar, select Monitoring > Alerts.
2. Select the check box for the row that contains the alert message, then click Notification, to the right above
the alerts list, to display the Notification panel.
3. Select notification criteria. For example, to send a notification when information alerts are generated,
specify the following:
Level | is | Information
4. Provide the following information below the notification criteria:
Field Description

Title The information that you want to appear in the Subject line of the email.

Email Recipient The email address or addresses of intended recipients. Email addresses must be
fully qualified email addresses. To send email to multiple addresses, use commas to
separate each address, or use email distribution lists.

Frequency The interval at which the appliance runs the query to compare the selected criteria
with items in inventory. If criteria are met, the notification is sent.

5. Optional: Select the check box for Send to KACE GO if you want the alert to be pushed to a mobile device
that has the KACE GO app.
Mobile device access must be enabled for this option to be available. See Configuring Mobile Device
6. Optional: To verify the criteria, click Test.
The list is refreshed to show items that match the specified criteria. Notifications are not sent during the
7. Click Save.
The notification is created and it appears on the Notification Schedule page. For information about scheduling the
frequency of the notification, see Edit notification schedules.
Related topics
About notifications
Scheduling notifications

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add notification schedules from the Monitoring Alerts list page
Create a Service Desk ticket from an alert
You can create a Service Desk ticket from a server monitoring alert, with information from the alert automatically
populating fields in the ticket form.
1. Go to the Monitoring Alerts list in one of the following ways:
• If you have the Monitoring Alerts widget installed on your open Dashboard, click Monitoring Alerts.
• In the left navigation bar, select Monitoring > Alerts.
2. Select the check box for the row that contains the alert message, then select Choose Action > New
◦ If you want to create a ticket based on a queue, if there are multiple ticket queues in the organization,
select a queue from the Ticket drop-down list.
◦ If you want to create a ticket based on a process template, select the process from the Process drop-
down list.
The Title, Summary, Submitter, and Device fields contain information from the alert.
3. Optional: Change the Title and Summary to conform to your corporate procedures.
4. Provide the rest of the information needed to complete the form, then click Save to save the ticket and
leave the Ticket Detail page, or Apply Changes to save the ticket and continue editing it.
Option Description

Title (Required) A brief description of the issue. You can replace the monitoring-provided
title with one of your choosing.

Summary A more detailed description of the issue.

This field includes a full range of text editing options for formatting your content, such
as buttons for bold text, hyperlinks, lists, or text color.
For example:
• To apply bold text to a text string, select it in the editor, and click .
• To add images, click , and provide the URL to the image file.
• To add external links, click .
• To embed externally hosted videos, click .

Submitter The login name of the user submitting the ticket. The submitter can be changed by
selecting a different login name in the drop-down list. Click to view the submitter
contact information.

Asset The asset that the information in the ticket is about. Select an asset in the drop-down
list. Click to view the asset details.

Filter on submitter Filter the asset list based on the assets that are assigned to the submitter.
assigned assets

Device The device that the information in the ticket is about. Monitoring provides this
information. Click to view the device details.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create a Service Desk ticket from an alert
Option Description

Filter on submitter Filter the asset list based on the devices that are assigned to the submitter.
assigned devices

Impact The number of people that are inconvenienced or cannot work.

Category A classification of the issue.

Status The current state of the ticket. This field does not appear if you are creating or editing
a ticket from a process template.

Priority The importance of priority of the ticket.

Owner The user responsible for managing the ticket through its lifecycle.

Due Date and time the ticket is scheduled to be completed.

If Service Level Agreements are not enabled, the due date is set to None, by default.
If Service Level Agreements are enabled, the due date is automatically calculated
according to the SLA settings. The due date is calculated based on the priority
set when the ticket is submitted. If the priority is changed after the ticket is initially
submitted, the due date will be recalculated according to the new priority, but based
on the original submitted date and time. If the SLA resolution time configuration
is changed, it is only applicable on new tickets. Old tickets are not affected. See
Configuring Service Level Agreements.
Select Manual Date to manually set the due date and time. In this case, if Service
Level Agreements are enabled, the due date and time is calculated and displayed as
an option, but not selected.

CC List A list of users who receive a notification email when a ticket event occurs. The CC
List is emailed based on the ticket event and Ticket CC being configured for the
queue Email on Events configuration.

Resolution The resolution of the issue associated with the ticket.

This field includes a full range of text editing options for formatting your content, such
as buttons for bold text, hyperlinks, lists, or text color.
For example:
• To apply bold text to a text string, select it in the editor, and click .
• To add images, click , and provide the URL to the image file.
• To add external links, click .
• To embed externally hosted videos, click .

Related Ticket This section does not appear if you are creating a ticket from a process template.

Add Ticket Click to add an additional ticket to this ticket's related information.

Referrers The Referrer is a read-only field that holds a ticket reference to any ticket that
references this ticket by way of the See also section.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create a Service Desk ticket from an alert
Option Description

Merged Tickets This section allows you to edit the list of tickets merged with this ticket, as applicable.
Any tickets that you want to merge must belong to the same queue. When you merge
tickets using the Ticket Detail page, the open ticket becomes the master ticket. All
other merged tickets are archived when you merge them. For more details, see
Merging tickets.
To add a merged ticket, click Add Tickets to Merge/Edit Merged Tickets, and
select a ticket from the list that appears.

Process This section only appears if you are creating a ticket from a process template. All
Information of the settings appearing in this section are read-only. For complete information
about creating and configuring process templates, see Add, edit, and enable process

Process The name of the process template associated with this ticket.

Process Type The type of the process.

Process Status The status of the workflow associated with this process template. For example,
Pending Approval.

Parent The name of the parent ticket, as defined in the process template associated with this

Process A list of users that are assigned as approvers for this ticket, if applicable. The
Approvals approvers are listed in stages, as defined in the process template. Each stage can
have one or more approvers, as needed. The settings related to each approver and
stage are also listed in this section, such as approval timeouts and notifications.
When you create a process ticket, the timeout period starts for the first approver.
When that user approves the ticket, the timeout starts for the next one, and so on.

Process Activities A list of process activities, each representing a child ticket, and listed in stages, as
defined in the process template. Multiple tickets can be assigned to the same stage,
if needed. For example, if the first stage is to obtain equipment and supplies for a
new-hire, you can have several separate child tickets for ordering devices, office
equipment, and supplies, all assigned to stage 1. When you create a process ticket,
all child tickets assigned to stage 1 are created automatically. Stage 2 tickets are
created when all stage 1 tickets are closed, stage 3 tickets are created when all stage
2 tickets are closed, and so on.

Add Ticket Click to add an additional ticket to this ticket's related information.

Referrers The Referrer is a read-only field that holds a ticket reference to any ticket that
references this ticket by way of the See also section.

Comments Comments that you want to add to the ticket. You can also add file attachments,
screenshots, provide automatic responses or Knowledge Base article contents as
ticket comments. For more information see:
• Add comments to tickets
• Add or delete screenshots and attachments to Service Desk tickets
If you want to add an automatic response as a resolution to this ticket, click
Predefined Response and select a response template.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create a Service Desk ticket from an alert
Option Description

The selected response template appears in the Resolution field. You can add
multiple response templates as resolution entries. They appear in the order you
selected them.
TIP: To create or edit a response template, save your changes and click
  Manage. This will take you to the Response Templates page. For more
information about response templates, see View and edit response templates.

Knowledge Base Look up a Knowledge Base article and append its contents to the ticket comments.
Article For more information about Knowledge Base articles, see Managing Knowledge Base

Related topics
Managing Service Desk tickets, processes, and reports

Search for alerts using Advanced Search criteria

Advanced Page-level Search enables you to search for information on the current page using various
combinations of criteria.
This example shows how to use Advanced Search to find critical alerts related to a connection issue.
1. Go to the Monitoring Alerts list page in one of the following ways:
• If you have the Monitoring Alerts widget installed on your open Dashboard, click Monitoring Alerts.
• In the left navigation bar, select Monitoring > Alerts.
2. Click Advanced Search on the right, above the Monitoring Alerts list.
The Advanced Search panel appears.

3. Specify the criteria required to find alert level:

Montoring Alert Information: Level | is | Critical
4. With AND selected in the operator drop-down list, click Add Line to add a new line, then specify the criteria
required to find alerts that contain Unable to connect in the message:
Montoring Alert Information: Message | contains | unable to connect
5. Click Search.
The list is refreshed to show devices that match the specified criteria.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Search for alerts using Advanced Search criteria
Filtering alerts using the Include Text and Exclude
Text capability
If you are receiving too many alerts of a certain type, or if you want to track a particular alert, you can filter alerts
based on the message text and severity level.
You can exclude specific events from being raised as alerts if you find them unnecessary or distracting. To filter
the alerts you do not want to receive, you use Exclude Text to indicate the content that identifies an unwanted
alert. You can use Exclude Text to filter whole categories of alerts, or use Exclude Text in conjunction with Include
Text to refine a subset of an alert category.
There are two methods for filtering alerts from being reported by the monitoring feature. One entails working in the
Profile Details page and the other entails using the Choose Action drop-down menu from the Monitoring Alerts
list page.

Filter alerts using the Include Text and Exclude Text capability
from the Profile Details page
You can filter the alerts you receive based on the message text and severity level.
You can use Exclude Text to filter whole categories of alerts, or use Exclude Text in conjunction with Include Text
to refine a subset of an alert category.
NOTE: The criteria match text, for example, error, is matched in Windows event logs against both the
  severity level and the message itself.
1. Go to the Profiles list page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring, then click Profiles.
2. Select the check box for the existing profile that you want to edit, and select Choose Action > Edit to
display the Profile Detail page.
3. Make changes to the include and exclude Criteria settings, as needed.
• Change Include Text.
On the line with the include search text you want to change, click the Edit button: .
2. Type the new search text.
• Change Exclude Text.
1. On the line with the text you want to change in order to exclude certain alerts, click the Edit button:
2. Type the new exclude text.
• If necessary, select Yes in the Case-sensitive drop-down list.
• Add an alert Criteria.
On the Criteria category header, click the Add button: .
2. Set the level, include text, exclude text, and case sensitivity.
4. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Filter alerts using the Include Text and Exclude Text capability from the Profile Details page
Related topics
Examples of Include Text and Exclude Text for monitoring profiles
Edit a profile

Filter alerts using the Exclude Text capability from the

Monitoring Alerts list page
If you are receiving too many alerts of a certain type, you can filter them based on the message text.
You can use full messages, parts of messages, and basic regular expressions in the Exclude Text field to define
criteria for filtering the alerts you receive.
1. Go to the Monitoring Alerts list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. Access the alerts list from either the Dashboard or the navigation bar.
• If you have the Monitoring Alerts widget installed on your open Dashboard, click Monitoring Alerts.
• In the left navigation bar, select Monitoring > Alerts.
2. Select the check box next to an alert.
3. Select Choose Action > Filter Alerts Like This.
The Filter Alerts Like This dialog appears, with the content of the alert message populating the Exclude Text
4. Edit text in the Exclude Text field to refine the filter.
Example: To raise alerts for disk errors except for those errors for a fragmented disk, you could enter the

Include Text entry Exclude Text entry

Error code.*Disk /dev/sd[a-z] is fragmented

5. Click Save.
The profile that generated the alert is modified with this exclude information.
Related topics
Examples of Include Text and Exclude Text for monitoring profiles
Filter alerts using the Include Text and Exclude Text capability from the Profile Details page

Examples of Include Text and Exclude Text for monitoring

Full messages, parts of messages, and basic regular expressions can be used in the Include Text and Exclude
Text fields for defining criteria.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Examples of Include Text and Exclude Text for monitoring profiles
Examples of field entries to match string formats
String Format      
(what to match) Example Data Include Text Comments

[any text]Error 32768 Error 32768 Error 32768 Matches:

Physical memory Physical memory Physical memory "Error 32768
running low[any text] running low running low Physical memory
running low"

Drive /dev/[any Drive /dev/sdi has Drive /dev/[a-z] Matches:

drive mount point] has drive errors {1,} has drive "Drive /dev/"
drive errors errors
followed by any word of
any length containing the
characters a-z
followed by "has drive

Error nnnn: Disk is 2014-06-28: Error Error [0-9]{4}: Matches:

[any text] 4567: Disk is full Disk is "Error"
followed by any four-digit
followed by ": Disk

Error nnnnnn [some Error 4096 Drive Error [0-9]{1,8} Matches:

error message] has errors "Error"
followed by any 1- to 8-
digit number

[FATAL] [some error [FATAL] General [FATAL].* Matches:

message] exception occurred "[FATAL]"
followed by any message

error reading [text] error reading swap error reading.* Matches:

on [some volume]: label on /dev/ on /dev/[a-zA- "error reading"
VolGroup00: [Errno Z0-9]*:
21] Is a directory followed by any text
followed by "on /dev/"
followed by any mount
point containing the
characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9
of any length
followed by a colon

Examples of using Include Text and Exclude Text in conjunction to refine the alert output
Example A: String as exclude text
In this example, you are not interested in receiving alerts for disk errors about fragmented disks from a particular
drive mount point, but you want all other errors to come through.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Examples of Include Text and Exclude Text for monitoring profiles
2015-02-03T15:38:45.129748-06:00 SLES12u0x64 Error code 4: Disk /dev/sda has
errors 2015-02-03T15:38:45.129748-06:00 SLES12u0x64 Error code 5: Disk /dev/sda is
fragmented 2015-02-03T15:38:45.129748-06:00 SLES12u0x64 Error code 6: Disk /dev/sda
has a bad block
To raise alerts for the disk error and bad block but not for a fragmented disk, you could enter the following:

Include Text entry Exclude Text entry

Error code.*Disk /dev/sd[a-z] is fragmented

NOTE: Include Text does not recognize line breaks within the text box. This means that if you entered
code 5
code 7
NOTE: the search would look for matches for code 5code 7. In this case you should use Add to create a
separate line for the second inclusion.
NOTE: However, Exclude Text does recognize line breaks within the text box. This means that if you
code 5
code 7
NOTE: the search would look for matches for code 5 together with code 7. In this case you do not need
to use Add to create a separate line for the second exclusion.

Example B: Basic regular expression as exclude text

In this example, you are not interested in receiving alerts for disk errors about fragmented disks or age information
from a particular drive mount point, but you want all other errors to come through.
2015-02-03T15:38:45.129748-06:00 SLES12u0x64 Error code 4: Disk /dev/sda has
errors 2015-02-03T15:38:45.129748-06:00 SLES12u0x64 Error code 5: Disk /dev/sda is
fragmented 2015-02-03T15:38:45.129748-06:00 SLES12u0x64 Error code 6: Disk /dev/sda
has a bad block 2015-02-03T15:38:45.129748-06:00 SLES12u0x64 Error code 7: Disk /
dev/sda is more than 3 years old
To raise alerts for the preferred events while ignoring the events that contain error code 5 or error code 7, you
could enter the following:

Include Text entry Exclude Text entry

Error code.*Disk /dev/sd[a-z] Error code [5|7]

Escaping special characters in the include or exclude criteria text fields

When you type characters into the exclude or include criteria text fields you can also enter special characters
such as single or double quotes. However, if you use these special characters, they must be escaped with a
backslash character (\) in order for the search to work properly.

Character Description

' single quote

" double quote

` back tick

\ backslash

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Examples of Include Text and Exclude Text for monitoring profiles
For example, to search for Received 'redoubt started' message, you would type Received \'redoubt started\'

Dismiss an alert
When you have dealt with an alert, you can dismiss it so that it does not appear in the lists of active alerts.
Dismissing an alert does not remove it from the database. If you want to delete the alert from the database, see
Delete alerts.
1. Go to the Monitoring Alerts list page in one of the following ways:
• If you have the Monitoring Alerts widget installed on your open Dashboard, click Monitoring Alerts.
• In the left navigation bar, select Monitoring > Alerts.
2. Select the check box for the row that contains the alert message, then select Choose Action > Dismiss.
The alert list no longer displays the alert.
Related topic
Retrieve and review alerts that have been dismissed from the alerts list

Retrieve and review alerts that have been

dismissed from the alerts list
A dismissed alert remains in the database, and can be retrieved to the alerts list, where you can review it.
NOTE: Deleted alerts cannot be retrieved.
1. Go to the Monitoring Alerts list page in one of the following ways:
• If you have the Monitoring Alerts widget installed on your open Dashboard, click Monitoring Alerts.
• In the left navigation bar, select Monitoring > Alerts.
2. Select Choose Action > Include Dismissed Alerts.
The alert list is repopulated with all dismissed alerts. These alerts are identified in the Status column with a
status of Dismissed.

Delete alerts
After you have dealt satisfactorily with an alert, you can delete it from the database.
1. Go to the Monitoring Alerts list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Monitoring.
2. Select the check box next to one or more alerts.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete alerts
Using the Service Desk
Service Desk is the end-user trouble-ticket tracking system that is provided with the KACE SMA. The Service
Desk enables users to submit trouble tickets through email, through the Administrator Console, and through the
User Console.

Configuring Service Desk

Configuring the KACE SMA Service Desk entails setting up roles, user authentication, labels, ticket and email
settings, queues, and customizations.

System requirements
To use the Service Desk, you must have a KACE SMA, an email server, and user account information.
• KACE SMA requirements: To use Service Desk, you must have a KACE Systems Management Appliance
(SMA) set up and configured. See information on setting up the appliance server in Configuring the
• Email server requirements: You must have one of the following types of email servers for sending and
receiving Service Desk email:
◦ A POP3 email server. See About POP3 email accounts.
◦ An email server, such as the Microsoft Exchange Server. For instructions on configuring this server to
connect to the KACE SMA, see Configuring SMTP email servers.
• User account information: User account information can be stored in an LDAP-compliant directory service
such as Microsoft Active Directory. Storing user account information allows Service Desk to efficiently
find and import data that it uses to authorize users and identify anything else that you want to track. You
can filter groups of users or other entities by referencing their LDAP attributes, such as organizational
units, domain components, and relative distinguished names. See Configuring user accounts, LDAP
authentication, and SSO.
If your organization is small, you can eliminate this requirement by creating the required user account information
manually, one user at a time. For more information about creating users manually, see Setting up Service Desk.

About Service Desk

Service Desk is the default name for the end-user trouble-ticket tracking system that is part of the KACE SMA
User Console. The Service Desk enables end users to submit trouble tickets through email or through the User
Your help desk team manages these tickets through email, the Administrator Console,
http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, or the KACE GO app. You can customize the categories and fields
associated with tickets as needed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Service Desk
NOTE: In previous versions of the KACE SMA Management Appliance, Service Desk was referred to as
  Help Desk. If you upgraded from a previous release, you might see Help Desk or a custom phrase on the
tab in the Administrator Console. You can change this label as described in Rename Service Desk titles
and labels.

Overview of setup tasks

You can configure Service Desk to meet your company policies and branding requirements.
Setup tasks include:
• Set up User Roles and labels: Create permission-based roles to manage user access. See Setting up
roles for user accounts.
• Set up user accounts: All Service Desk users and administrators must have authenticated user accounts.
See Configuring user accounts, LDAP authentication, and SSO.
• Customize ticket information: Add ticket categories, status, impact, and priority properties as needed.
Identify additional information to include in tickets. See Configuring ticket settings.
• Customize email templates: Configure the Service Desk email templates used to send notifications. See
Configure email templates.
• Set up email notifications: Configure the events that trigger email notifications. See Configuring email
• Set up queues and processes:
◦ Queues: Use queues to organize tickets or to handle different types of tasks, such as hardware tasks
and software tasks. See Configuring Service Desk ticket queues.
◦ Processes: Use processes to set relationships between tickets that are parts of major or sequential
tasks. You can also establish relationships by using parent-child relationships within tickets. See
Using Service Desk processes.
• Set up ticket rules: Configure the rules that Service Desk uses to process tickets. See About Ticket Rules
• Decide whether to offer a Satisfaction Survey to users: See Using the Satisfaction Survey.
• Configure company business hours and holidays: Define your company's hours of operation and
recognized holidays. These hours and holidays are used in determining ticket due dates and Service Level
Agreement violations. See Configuring Service Desk business hours and holidays.
• Configure Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Configure the SLAs used in calculating ticket due-dates
and SLA violations. See Enable Service Level Agreements.
• Configure User Console home page settings: Change the logo and welcome information on the User
Console home page. Or, show or hide quick actions and announcements as well as links to Knowledge
Base articles, tickets, and other items. See:
◦ Change the User Console logo and login text at the Admin-level
◦ Show or hide action buttons and widgets on the User Console home page
◦ Add, edit, hide, or delete User Console announcements
◦ Add, edit, or delete custom links on the User Console home page
◦ Show or hide links to Knowledge Base articles on the User Console home page

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Overview of setup tasks
Configuring Service Desk business hours and
You can configure business hours and holidays to effectively track and meet Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in
your Service Desk queues. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you configure business
hours and holidays for each organization separately.
After you configure business hours and holidays, you need to enable the SLA settings in each Service Desk ticket
queue to use those business hours and holidays.

Configure Service Desk business hours

You can configure the Service Desk to account for business hours when calculating due dates for tickets. If you
have multiple organizations, you configure business hours for each organization separately.
After you configure Service Desk business hours, you need to enable ticket queues to use those hours in their
Service Level Agreement (SLA) settings.
1. Go to the Business Hours page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, in the Business Hours and Holidays section, click Define Business
2. For each day of the week, specify the hours of operation by providing the starting and ending time, by
selecting the Open 24 hours check box, or by selecting the Closed check box.
3. Click Save.
Configure queues to use business hours in SLAs. See Configure ticket queues.

Configure Service Desk holidays

You can configure the Service Desk to account for company holidays when calculating due dates for tickets. If you
have multiple organizations, you configure the holiday schedule for each organization separately.
After you configure Service Desk holidays, you need to enable ticket queues to use those holidays in their Service
Level Agreement (SLA) settings.
1. Go to the Holidays page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, in the Business Hours and Holidays section, click Define Holidays.
Click Add Holiday to add a new holiday to the list. Click the Edit button next to a holiday to edit it: . Click
the Delete button next to a holiday to remove it: . Holidays in the list can be filtered by year by selecting
a year in the Filter by Year drop-down list.
3. Click Save.
Configure queues to use holidays in SLAs. See Configure ticket queues.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Service Desk holidays
Configuring Service Level Agreements
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are the rules used to calculate the expected resolution time, or due dates, for
Service Desk tickets based on ticket priority.
You can set the expected resolution time for each ticket priority, and you can enable SLAs to take the defined
business hours and holidays into consideration when calculating due dates. For example, if tickets with a priority
of Low are set to be resolved in two days, and a Low priority ticket is submitted the day before a holiday, the
holiday is excluded from the two-day resolution time when calculating the due date.
In addition, if notifications and email events are enabled, email is sent to users specified in the SLA Violation
email event when tickets are overdue. The frequency of email notifications is configured in the SLA settings, and
notifications are sent according to that frequency, even if that frequency includes non-working hours or holidays.

Enable Service Level Agreements

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) define the time allowed to resolve tickets in each queue. If you have multiple
Service Desk queues, you configure SLA settings for each queue separately.
SLAs are based on the priority values defined in the queue, so these values should be defined before SLAs are
configured. See Customize ticket priority values. In addition, SLAs can use business hours and holidays only if
those hours and holidays have been defined. See Configuring Service Desk business hours and holidays.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. Scroll down to the Service Level Agreement section. A row is displayed for each priority value defined for
the queue. See Customize ticket priority values.
3. For each Priority, such as High, Medium, and Low, specify the following settings:
Option Description

Enabled Whether the SLA is enabled for the priority. Select the check box to enable the SLA,
clear the check box to disable it.
NOTE: If the Service Level Agreement is enabled for a Priority, the ticket due
  date is calculated automatically based on the Resolution Time defined for that
priority. Any user who has Modify Permission on the DUE_DATE field is able
to override this automatically calculated date.

Resolution Time The time, in hours or minutes, for the enabled priority. This time period is used to
automatically calculate a ticket's due date and time based on the date and time the
ticket is submitted.

Use Business Whether to use the configured business hours and holidays when calculating ticket
Hours/Holidays due dates for each priority. Select the check boxes to use these settings. See
Configuring Service Desk business hours and holidays.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enable Service Level Agreements
Option Description

Notification The time, in hours or minutes, for email notifications to be sent. A recurring email
Recurrence notification is sent when a ticket has passed its due date and is not yet resolved. The
email is sent to the users specified in the SLA Violation email event, if configured in
the Email on Events section. See Configuring email triggers and email templates.
NOTE: To send a single email notification with no recurrence, enter 0.
4. Click Save.

Configuring Service Desk ticket queues

Service Desk tickets are stored in queues on the KACE SMA. Most organizations need only a single ticket queue.
You can customize this single queue, or create and manage additional queues, as needed.
See Managing Service Desk ticket queues.

Configure ticket queues

You can modify the settings of ticket queues as needed.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. Specify the following settings:
Field Description

Name The name of the Service Desk queue. This name appears in the From field when
users receive email messages from the Service Desk.

Email Address A fully qualified email address for the server. Users typically do not reply to this
If you want to allow users to reply to KACE SMA email, specify an email address in
the Alternate Email Address field.

Alternate Email Support@mydomain.com

Address The primary email address your users send email to. The KACE SMA also uses
this address to send email from the Service Desk. Confirm that the domain name is
correct for your email service.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure ticket queues
Field Description

NOTE: As a valid email address, this address is subject to the same spam and
  security vulnerabilities as any other email address.

3. Optional: Configure the SMTP/ POP3 server settings. Click Configure Queue Email Settings and specify
the SMTP/POP3 options on the Service Desk Queue Email Settings page, as required. See Configure
queue-specific email settings.
4. Click Save to create the queue and configure additional settings.
5. Specify User Preferences:
Field Description

Allow all users as Allow anyone who is a user on the KACE SMA to submit tickets through this Service
submitters Desk queue.

Restrict Select submitters by label only. Available only when Allow all users as submitters
Submitters by is not selected.

Allow all users as Allow users on the appliance to approve tickets through this Service Desk queue.

Restrict Select approvers by label only. Available only when Allow all users as approvers is
Approvers by not selected.

Owner Label If you want to enable all users to have the ability to approve tickets, select Allow all
users as approvers.
Identify the users who are allowed to own and manage tickets — typically, your IT
staff. You must have a Ticket Owner who is responsible for managing the ticket
through its life cycle.
To do that, click Manage Associated Labels. In the Select Labels dialog box that
appears, select one or more labels associated with the users that you want to select
as Ticket Owners. Close the dialog box.

Accept email from Allow unrecognized users to create tickets.

unknown users If Accept email from unknown users is enabled in the queue configuration, any
email sent to the Service Desk queue is allowed to set the Submitter field of a ticket.
Additionally, the sender will be added to the KACE SMA as a user.
If Accept email from unknown users is disabled, the preceding process works only
when the email address of the sender is already associated with a Service Desk user

Allow ticket Allow ticket owners and administrators to delete tickets. This setting is useful if you do
deletion not want staff to delete tickets. You can periodically select this check box to clean out
old tickets, then clear it again to prevent ticket deletion.

Allow parent Enable the system to automatically close child tickets when parent tickets are closed.
ticket to close
child tickets

Allow users with Grant read and write permissions to all users who are assigned to the Administrator
an Administrator role.
role to read

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure ticket queues
Field Description
and edit tickets
in this queue
Console only)

Default ticket Automatically select the Owners Only check box when comments are added to
owner comments tickets.
to Owners Only

Enable ticket Display a dialog, to administrators and ticket owners, that summarizes conflicts
conflict warning between the changes they are submitting and the changes submitted concurrently by
for ticket owners other users. When administrators and ticket owners click Save or Apply Changes
on the Ticket Detail page, the dialog appears if other users have edited and saved
the ticket while it was open for editing. This enables administrators and ticket owners
to choose whether to discard their changes, or overwrite the changes made by other
users if there are conflicts.
NOTE: By default, this warning is enabled on new queues and disabled on
  queues that were created in KACE SMA version 6.3 or earlier.
The dialog is displayed only if other users have modified the ticket, and it is displayed
to administrators and ticket owners only. The dialog is not displayed to other users.
NOTE: The dialog summarizes all changes made by other users. However,
  the current user's changes are summarized only if they conflict with changes
made by other users.

Allow managers Enable manager accounts to view and edit comments in the tickets submitted by their
to view and employees. For more information, see View ticket comments.
comment on their
employee's tickets

Allow Ticket CC Allow the users on the ticket CC list to add comments to the ticket.
list to view and
comment on the

Add any user Add any users that comment on a ticket to a CC list for that ticket, allowing them to be
to Ticket CC notified by email about further changes to the ticket.
list when they
comment on a

All users can Allow all users to edit or remove their own comments, including file attachments.
edit/delete their
own comments

User Label To allow specific users to edit or delete their own comments and attachments using
labels, click Manage Associated Labels. In the Select Labels dialog box that
appears, select one or more labels associated with the users that you want to select.
Close the dialog box.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure ticket queues
Field Description

All technicians Allow all technicians to edit or remove comments added by others, including file
can edit/delete attachments.
entered by
others (including

Technician Label To allow specific technicians to edit or delete their own comments and attachments
using labels, click Manage Associated Labels. In the Select Labels dialog box that
appears, select one or more labels associated with the technicians that you want to
select. Close the dialog box.

6. In the Archive Preferences section, select settings for ticket archival. Click the Settings link to enable ticket
NOTE: If Ticket Archival is turned off, see Enable ticket archival.
Option Description

Archive closed tickets older than The age of tickets to be archived. For example, if
you select 3 months, tickets are archived when
three months have passed since the tickets were
opened. To prevent tickets in the queue from being
archived, select Never. Archived tickets can be
restored to the queue if necessary. See Restore
archived tickets.

Delete archived tickets older than The age of tickets to be permanently removed from
the archive. For example, if you select 6 months,
archived tickets are deleted from the archive when
six months have passed since the tickets were
opened. To prevent tickets in the queue from being
deleted from the archive, select Never. Deleted
tickets cannot be restored to the queue.

7. In the Ticket Defaults section, select the default values for new tickets. For example:
◦ Category: Software
◦ Status: New
◦ Impact: 1 person cannot work
◦ Priority: Medium

NOTE: If any of these fields are marked as Required in the Customize Fields and Layout page, the
  default value is ignored and users are required to select a value from the drop-down list.
8. In the Email on Events section, select the categories of users who will receive email when the specified
events occur. Each column represents a type of Service Desk user (role) and each row represents a ticket
event. See Configure email triggers.
9. Optional: Configure Service Level Agreement Settings. Here you can enable Service Level Agreement
(SLA) settings based on the ticket priority. When enabled, the due date of the ticket automatically takes into
account the resolution time, business hours, and holidays. See Configuring Service Level Agreements.
10. In the Ticket Rules section, enable the rules to apply to tickets in the queue. You can use any of the pre-
defined rules or customize your own. See Using Ticket Rules for more information about how to use and
customize ticket rules.
11. Click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure ticket queues
Configure queue-specific email settings
You can set up email settings for each ticket queue separately.
By default, the Service Desk is configured to use an internal SMTP server for sending ticket-related emails. You
have an option to use an external SMTP server, however, you must configure it in the appliance network settings.
For more information, see Change appliance network settings.
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. Go to the queue-specific Service Desk Queue Email Settings page:
a. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
b. On the Configuration panel, in the Email Configuration section, click Configure Service Desk
Queue Email Settings.
c. On the Service Desk Queue Email Settings page that appears, select a queue.
a. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
b. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
c. To the right of the queue email address, click Configure Queue Email Settings.
The Service Desk Queue Email Settings page appears.
3. In the Built-in Email Setting section, specify the following options:
Field Description

Name The name of the Service Desk queue. This name appears in the From field when
users receive email messages from the Service Desk.

Alternate Email Support@mydomain.com

Address The primary email address your users send email to. The KACE SMA also uses
this address to send email from the Service Desk. Confirm that the domain name is
correct for your email service.
NOTE: As a valid email address, this address is subject to the same spam and
  security vulnerabilities as any other email address.

Accept email from Allow unrecognized users to create tickets.

unknown users If Accept email from unknown users is enabled in the queue configuration, any
email sent to the Service Desk queue is allowed to set the Submitter field of a ticket.
Additionally, the sender will be added to the KACE SMA as a user.
If Accept email from unknown users is disabled, the preceding process works only
when the email address of the sender is already associated with a Service Desk user

4. If you want to use a POP3 server for incoming email associated with this queue, use the settings in the
POP3 Setting section.
a. Select the Use POP3 server for inbound emails check box.
b. Specify the following options:
Option Description

POP3 Server Enter the name of the POP3 server you want to use for the queue. For example,

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure queue-specific email settings
Option Description

Use SSL Select this option if you want the POP3 server to use a secure connection.

POP3 Username Enter the username and password of an account that has access to the POP3 server.
(email address)
POP3 Password

c. Click Test Connection to test your POP3 configuration.

The Connection Test POP3 dialog box appears, showing several log messages, indicating the
test result. If the test is successful, these messages, for example, indicate if the user account is
authenticated, the number of unread messages, and the subject line of the most recent email. If
the test fails, verify your configuration, and try again.
5. If you want to use an external SMTP server for emails associated with this queue, use the settings in the
SMTP Setting section.
a. Select the Specify Queue specific SMTP Settings check box.
b. Specify the following options:
Option Description

SMTP Server Specify the hostname or IP address of an external SMTP server, such as
smtp.gmail.com. External SMTP servers must allow anonymous (non-authenticated)
outbound email transport. Ensure that your network policies allow the appliance to
contact the SMTP server directly. In addition, the mail server must be configured to
allow the relaying of email from the appliance without authentication.

SMTP Port Enter the port number to use for the external SMTP server. For standard SMTP, use
port 25. For secure SMTP, use port 587.

SMTP Username Enter the username of an account that has access to the external SMTP server, such
as your_account_name@gmail.com.

SMTP Password Enter the password of the specified server account.

6. On the Service Desk Queue Email Settings page, in the Email on Events section, select the options for
sending email when the specified events occur. Each column represents a type of Service Desk user (role)
and each row represents a ticket event.
Service Desk user (role) Description

Owner The person who is expected to resolve the ticket.

Submitter The person whose issue is being resolved.

Approver The person who can approve or reject the ticket for

Ticket CC One or more email addresses that are stored in the

CC field of the ticket.

Category CC One or more email addresses that are stored in

the CC List of the Category Value of the ticket. See
Configure CC lists for ticket categories.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure queue-specific email settings
Service Desk user (role) Description

Queue Owners One or more owners of the ticket queue, as specified

by the Owner label. This only applies to the New
Ticket Via Email and New Ticket via Portal events.

When a ticket event occurs, email is sent to the selected roles or users. For example, if you select the Any
Change box in the Owner column, email is sent to the ticket owner whenever the ticket is changed. For the
Comment and Ticket Closed triggers, email is sent immediately. For other ticket changes, however, email is
sent every few minutes to prevent email overload.

NOTE: If users have the KACE GO mobile app installed on their smart phone or tablet, the system
  sends push notifications for the selected Service Desk ticket events.

Option Description

Any Change Any information on the ticket is changed.

Owner Change The ticket's Owner field is changed.

Status Change The ticket's Status field is changed.

Comment Information, attachments, or screen shots are added

to the ticket's Comments section. The system sends
email notifications for comments when users add
comments and click Submit on the ticket form.
When users add comments and click Save on
the ticket form, however, only the Any Change
notification is sent.

Approval Change The ticket's approval status has changed.

Resolution Change The ticket's resolution has changed.

Escalation The ticket has not been updated to a stalled or

closed status within the escalation time defined by
the ticket priority.

SLA Violation The ticket has not been resolved by its due date.

Ticket Closed The ticket's Status field is changed to Closed. This

event is used to present a Satisfaction Survey to
submitters. See Using the Satisfaction Survey.

New Ticket Via Email A user sends an email message to the Service Desk
and a ticket is created.

New Ticket Via Portal A ticket is created through the User Console.

7. Click Save.
The appliance is configured to forward email to the designated SMTP server. If you have multiple queues,
repeat the preceding steps for each queue.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure queue-specific email settings
Rename Service Desk titles and labels
You can rename the Service Desk titles and labels used in the Administrator Console and User Console as
1. Go to the Service Desk Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Settings.
2. Specify the following settings:
Setting Description

Main Tab The text that appears on the component-level tab in the Administrator Console
and on the tab in the User Console. The default is Service Desk. However, if you
upgraded from an earlier version of the appliance, you might see Help Desk as the

Queue The text that you want to display instead of Queue and Queues on the Service Desk
Queues Configuration page and on the Queue list in the Administrator Console. This text
also appears as an option in the Choose Action menu and as a heading on the Ticket
page in the User Console.

Ticket The text that you want to display instead of Ticket and Tickets on the Ticket tab and
Tickets Ticket page in the Administrator Console. This text also appears on the Ticket page in
the User Console.

Process The text that you want to display instead of Process and Processes on the Service
Processes Desk Configuration page and on the Process list in the Administrator Console.

3. Click Save.

Enable or disable the conflict warning

When the conflict warning dialog is enabled for a queue, administrators and ticket owners see a notification dialog
when multiple users are editing tickets concurrently. The dialog enables users to view changes made by others
and decide which changes to keep.
You have administrator privileges in the Administrator Console.
Administrators can enable or disable the conflict warning dialog for each queue separately.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enable or disable the conflict warning
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the User Preferences section, enable or disable the conflict warning:
NOTE: By default, this warning is enabled on new queues and disabled on queues that were created
  in KACE SMA version 6.3 or earlier.

Field Description

Enable ticket Display a dialog, to administrators and ticket owners,

conflict warning that summarizes conflicts between the changes
for ticket owners they are submitting and the changes submitted
concurrently by other users. When administrators
and ticket owners click Save or Apply Changes on
the Ticket Detail page, the dialog appears if other
users have edited and saved the ticket while it was
open for editing. This enables administrators and
ticket owners to choose whether to discard their
changes, or overwrite the changes made by other
users if there are conflicts.
The dialog is displayed only if other users
have modified the ticket, and it is displayed to
administrators and ticket owners only. The dialog is
not displayed to other users.
NOTE: The dialog summarizes all changes
  made by other users. However, the current
user's changes are summarized only if they
conflict with changes made by other users.

3. Click Save.

View and edit response templates

Response templates allow you to store common responses as comments or resolutions in Service Desk tickets.
Each response template is associated to a specific ticket queue and belongs to the user that created it. You can
select the applicable response template on the Ticket Detail page.
The template text supports the use of email tokens. Token values are dynamically updated using the field values
from the ticket in which they are referenced. You can use the same tokens that are available in email templates.
For more information, see Configure email templates.
A response template can be public or private. Private response templates can be updated and referenced in
applicable tickets only by the user that created them. A public response template is available for selection in the
associated ticket queue by other users, however only the user that created it can edit the contents of the response
message. Other users can view the contents of public response templates, but cannot edit them.
1. Go to the Service Desk Response Templates page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, under Queues, click Response Templates.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View and edit response templates
d. To display the Response Template Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a response template.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.

NOTE: Those queue owners who do not have access to the Queues configuration pages can access
  the Response Templates page by clicking the Manage link that appears just above the Predefined
Response option in the Ticket Detail page.
2. Specify the following settings:
Field Description

Name The name of the response template. This name appears available for selection in the
Predefined Response field when you want to configure an automated response to
applicable Service Desk tickets.

Make Public Select this check box if you want to make this response template available for
selection to other users. Other users can view the contents of public response
templates, but cannot edit them.

Template The contents of the response message. This field supports plain text and tokens.

3. If you made any changes to the response template, click Save.

4. To go back to the Response Templates list, click Cancel.
You can use a response template as a predefined response to a Service Desk ticket inquiry. For more
information, see Add comments to tickets.

Configuring ticket settings

Each Service Desk ticket queue has default settings for new tickets, and you can configure those settings and add
custom fields as needed.
Typical custom fields include:
• Problem-related information: Symptoms, how long the problem has been occurring, or other components
that might contribute to the problem.
• Software-related information: Manufacturer, version, purpose, and installation date of the software.
• Service Desk staff-only information: Information that can be used for diagnosing, reporting, or planning
purposes, such as “vendor contact for escalation,” “root cause,” or “previously fixed.”
• Custom ticket characteristics: Categories, Statuses, Priorities, and Impacts.
You can add or change these fields at any time, and the number of fields is restricted only by the number of
columns that you can have in a database table. However, you cannot remove fields if they are used by tickets. To
remove a field that is in use, change the tickets to use a different field, then remove the field.

Customize the Ticket Detail page

You can customize the Ticket Detail page for queues as needed. If you have multiple queues, you can customize
the Ticket Detail page for each queue separately.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize the Ticket Detail page
Service Desk has the following configurable ticket settings:

Setting Available Values

Category • Software
• Hardware
• Network
• Other (default)

Status • New (default)

• Open
• Closed
• Need more info

Impact • Many people cannot work

• Many people inconvenienced
• 1 person can’t work (default)
• 1 person inconvenienced

Priority • High
• Medium (default)
• Low

States • Open (default)

• Closed
• Stalled

1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:

a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. Add the All Ticket Owners label to the Owner Label field:
a. In the Owner Label field, click Manage Associated Labels.
b. In the Select Labels dialog, drag All Ticket Owners to the Restrict Owners To field, then click
For more information about this label, see Add an All Ticket Owners label.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize the Ticket Detail page
c. Click Save.
3. In the Ticket Defaults section, click Customize These Values to display the Queue Customization page.
In the Category Values section, click the Add button in the column heading to add a category: .
Editable fields appear for the new value.
5. Specify the following settings:
Field Description

Name The text that appears in the drop-down list. By default, this text is Please select a
category: This instructs users to select the category of the ticket.

Default Owner Select DefaultTicketOwners.

CC List Select none to prevent the CC List from being displayed on tickets. Because
DefaultTicketOwners is the default owner, all potential ticket owners receive email
notifications when a ticket is created.

User Settable Make this category visible to users. When cleared, the appliance allows only the
Service Desk staff users to see this category.
Use this setting to present a simplified list of values to users and to provide a
comprehensive list to your administrators and Service Desk staff. Users might see
these categories as their tickets are processed, but they cannot set or change them.

6. Click Save.
NOTE: You can add ticket categories at any time. See Create ticket categories and subcategories.
For the remaining categories in Category Values, click the Edit button: .
8. Make the following changes:
a. In the Default Owner column, select DefaultTicketOwners to make this user account the default
owner of all of these categories.
For more information about this account, see Create the DefaultTicketOwners account.
b. Remove anything in the CC List.
c. Click Save.
9. Create additional status values:
In the Status Values section, click the Add button: .
The editable fields appear for the new value.
b. In the Name column, type Waiting on end user, then in the State column, select Stalled.
c. Click Save.
In the Status Values section, click the Add button: .
e. In the Name column, type Waiting on Service Desk Staff, then in the State column, select
Stalled, then click Save .
In the Status Values section, click the Add button: .
g. In the Name column, type Reopened, then in the State column, select Opened, then click Save.
NOTE: Only tickets with an Opened state can be escalated. See Using the ticket escalation
10. Create a Critical priority with an escalation time of 15 minutes:
In the Priority Values section, click the Add button: .

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize the Ticket Detail page
The editable fields appear for the new value.
b. In the Name column, type Critical, then in the Escalation Time column, select 15 minutes.
c. Click Save.
11. Change the Escalation Time for High priority to 1 hour, and select the color you want to use to identify high
priority tickets.
12. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Customizing the User Console home page

You can customize the logo, title, welcome message, announcements, and links that appear on the User Console
home page to match your company branding, policies, and communication requirements.

Change the User Console logo and text at the System level
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can change the title, welcome text, and logo of
the User Console at the System level.
The logos selected at the System level are used for every organization unless you configure the organization
settings separately at the Admin level. See Change the User Console logo and login text at the Admin-level.
1. Go to the System-level General Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA System Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings.
c. On the Control Panel, click General Settings.
2. In the User Console section, customize the text in the following fields:
Option Description

Title The heading that appears on the User Console login page.

Welcome Message A welcome note or description of the User Console. This text appears following the
title on the User Console login page.

3. In the Logo Overrides section, select the graphics to use:

Option Description

User Console The logo or other graphic displayed at the top of the User Console. Follow these
guidelines for graphics:
• 224 pixels wide by 50 pixels high is the default size.
• 104 pixels wide by 50 pixels high stays inside the blue highlight around the Log
Out link.
• 300 pixels wide by 75 pixels high is the maximum size that does not impact the

Report The logo or other graphic displayed at the top of each report.

4. Click Save and Restart Services.

The default Home page and a customized version appear in the following figures.
Figure 10. Default logoUser Console Home page

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Change the User Console logo and text at the System level
Figure 11. Custom logo onUser Console Home page

Figure 12. Default report logo

Figure 13. Custom report logo

Change the User Console logo and login text at the Admin-level
You can change the title, welcome text, and logo of the User Console to match your company's branding needs.
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, you can specify custom logos at the Admin
(organization) level as well as the System level. Admin-level logo settings, however, take precedence over
System-level logo settings, which enables you to specify different logos for each organization. If you do not select
a custom logo for an organization, the System-level setting is used. See Change the User Console logo and text
at the System level.
1. Go to the Admin-level General Settings page:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Change the User Console logo and login text at the Admin-level
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings.
c. On the Control Panel, click General Settings.
2. In the User Console section, customize the text in the following fields:
NOTE: If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, these User Console settings are
  available at the System level. See Change the User Console logo and text at the System level.

Option Description

Title The heading that appears on the User Console login page.

Welcome Message A welcome note or description of the User Console. This text appears following the
title on the User Console login page.

3. In the Logo Overrides section, select the graphics to use:

Option Description

User Console The logo or other graphic displayed at the top of the User Console. Follow these
guidelines for graphics:
• 224 pixels wide by 50 pixels high is the default size.
• 104 pixels wide by 50 pixels high stays inside the blue highlight around the Log
Out link.
• 300 pixels wide by 75 pixels high is the maximum size that does not impact the

Report The logo or other graphic displayed at the top of each report.

4. Click Save and Restart Services.

The default home page and a customized version appear in the following figures.
Figure 14. Default logoUser Console home page

Figure 15. Custom logo onUser Console home page

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Change the User Console logo and login text at the Admin-level
Figure 16. Default report logo

Figure 17. Custom report logo

Show or hide action buttons and widgets on the User Console

home page
You can show or hide the action buttons and widgets that appear on the home page of the User Console. Action
buttons enable users to quickly access the pages where they can file Service Desk tickets and download software
through the User Console. Widgets enable you to add customized links and announcements to the User Console
home page.
Action buttons are displayed the User Console for each Service Desk globally, regardless of a user's ticket queue
permissions. However, if the Organization component is enabled on your system, you manage action buttons and
widgets for each organization's Service Desk separately.
1. Go to the User Console Home Page Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, in the User Console Home Page section, click Configure User
Console Home Page.
2. Select the display options for each item. Select check boxes to show items, clear check boxes to hide

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Show or hide action buttons and widgets on the User Console home page
Option Description

Display Quick Actions Show or hide the quick-action links that appear on the User Console
download page. Text for these links includes:
• Ticket Quick Action
• Ticket Quick Action: Have a problem? Report it
• Downloads Page Quick
Action • Downloads Page Quick Action: Want software? Go to the
Downloads page

NOTE: The link text cannot be changed. However, if you change

  the label for Service Desk tickets, that label is used in this link. For
example, if you change your Service Desk to use the label Incident
instead of Ticket, the quick-action link becomes Incident Quick
Action. See Rename Service Desk titles and labels.

Main Panel Widgets Show or hide the widgets for:

• Tickets Widget • Tickets: Links to tickets filed by the user and the link, View My
Tickets, which takes users to the Tickets list.
• Knowledge Base Widget
• Knowledge Base: Links to Knowledge Base articles available to the

Right Panel Widgets Show or hide the widgets for:

• Announcements Widget • Announcements: Messages you want to display to the user.
• Helpful Links Widget • Helpful links: HTML links to your corporate intranet, wiki, cloud
applications, or any other web resource.

3. Click Save.
Quick Actions and widgets are shown or hidden on the User Console home page immediately. If users are
logged in and viewing the User Console home page, the link is displayed when the page is refreshed.
NOTE: Widgets are empty until announcements, links, or Knowledge Base articles are added.
Add announcements, links, and Knowledge Base articles. See:
• Add, edit, hide, or delete User Console announcements
• Add, edit, or delete custom links on the User Console home page
• Add, edit, or duplicate Knowledge Base articles

Show or hide links to Knowledge Base articles on the User

Console home page
You can show or hide links to Knowledge Base articles that appear on the home page of the User Console. In
addition, you can use labels to show Knowledge Base articles to, or hide them from, different groups of users.
To manage links to Knowledge Base articles, you must create at least one Knowledge Base article. See Add, edit,
or duplicate Knowledge Base articles.
To use labels to show or hide Knowledge Base article links, you must create at least one user label. See Add or
edit manual labels.
1. Go to the User Console Home Page Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Show or hide links to Knowledge Base articles on the User Console home page
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, in the User Console Home Page section, click Configure User
Console Home Page.
2. In the Main Panel Widgets section, select the check box next to Knowledge Base Widget.
3. Click Save.
The setting is saved and the Service Desk Configuration panel appears.
4. To control access to Knowledge Base articles, go to the Article Detail page and apply user labels to articles:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Knowledge Base.
c. To display the Article Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of an article.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
d. In the Assign to Labels section, select the label you want to associate with the article, then click
Access to the Knowledge Base article is limited to users with the appropriate label applied.
5. To enable users to view the article, go to the Users list and apply the label to user accounts:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
c. On the Users list, select the check boxes next to the users who should be able to view the article.
d. Select Choose Action > Apply Labels.
e. Drag the label associated with the Knowledge Base article into the Apply these labels box, then
click Apply Labels.
Users who have the label applied can access the Knowledge Base article.

Add, edit, hide, or delete User Console announcements

You can add announcements to be displayed on the User Console home page, and you can edit, hide, or delete
existing announcements as needed.
To display announcements, you must configure Service Desk to show the Announcements widget. See
Customizing the User Console home page.
Announcements are displayed the User Console for each Service Desk globally, regardless of a user's
ticket queue permissions. However, if the Organization component is enabled on your system, you manage
announcements for each organization's Service Desk separately.

NOTE: The first 140 characters of each announcement are displayed on the User Console home
  page. If announcements exceed 140 characters, a Show More link enables users to read the entire
1. Go to the User Console Announcements page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add, edit, hide, or delete User Console announcements
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Announcements.
2. To add an announcement, do the following:
a. Click Add Announcement.
b. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Message Title (Required) The title you want to use for the Announcement.
NOTE: Links cannot be used in the Message Title field.

Message Body (Optional) Any additional information you want to display, including links. This
information appears below the title.
When creating links for announcement messages, use any of these formats:
• http://example.com
• https://example.com
• http://www.example.com
• www.example.com

Hidden (Optional) Whether to show or hide the announcement on the User Console home
page. This action is useful when you have messages that you want to show or hide
periodically, such as announcements about system status or planned maintenance.
Select the check box to hide the announcement. Clear the check box to show the

Assigned to (Optional) The user labels to which the announcement applies. If you select a label,
Labels the announcement is displayed to users only if the label is applied to their user
account. This action is useful if you want to display announcements to groups of
users, such as users located in different geographic locations, and you have created
and applied labels for those users.

c. Click Save.
If the Announcements widget is enabled for Service Desk, the Announcement appears on the
User Console Home page according to the settings you selected.
3. To edit an announcement, click Edit under the announcement title, then click Save.
The changes appear on the User Console home page immediately. If users are logged in and viewing the
User Console home page, the announcement is deleted when the page is refreshed.
4. To hide an announcement:
a. Click Edit under the announcement title.
b. Select the check box next to Hidden.
c. Click Save.
The announcement is hidden from the User Console home page immediately. If users are logged in and
viewing the User Console home page, the announcement is hidden when the page is refreshed.
5. To change the priority of an announcement, use the drag icon on the left side of the announcement. See
Prioritize User Console announcements or mark an announcement as urgent.
The announcement is hidden from the User Console home page immediately. If users are logged in and
viewing the User Console home page, the announcement is hidden when the page is refreshed.
6. To delete an announcement, click Delete under the announcement title, then click Yes in the confirmation

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add, edit, hide, or delete User Console announcements
The announcement is removed from the User Console home page immediately. If users are logged in and
viewing the User Console home page, the announcement is deleted when the page is refreshed.

Prioritize User Console announcements or mark an

announcement as urgent
You can set the order in which announcements appear on the User Console home page. In addition, you can
display an urgent announcement in a highlighted banner to increase its visibility.
To prioritize announcements, you must configure Service Desk to show the Announcements widget and you need
to add announcements. See:
• Show or hide action buttons and widgets on the User Console home page
• Add, edit, hide, or delete User Console announcements
1. Go to the User Console Announcements page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Announcements.
To prioritize announcements, use the drag icon on the left side of the announcement ( ) as follows:
◦ To change an announcement's priority, drag it up or down in the list. Announcements are displayed on
the User Console home page in the order shown on the User Console Announcements page.
◦ To set an announcement as urgent, drag it into the Urgent Announcement box. The urgent
announcement appears in a banner at the top of the User Console home page.

NOTE: Only one announcement can appear in the Urgent Announcement banner at a time.
◦ To change the urgent announcement, drag a different announcement into the Urgent Announcement
◦ To change an urgent announcement to a regular announcement, drag it out of the Urgent
Announcement box.
The announcements are prioritized accordingly on the User Console home page immediately. If users are
logged in and viewing the User Console home page, the announcement priority is updated when the page
is refreshed.

Add, edit, or delete custom links on the User Console home

You can add custom links to be displayed on the User Console home page, and you can edit or delete existing
custom links as needed.
To display custom links, you must configure Service Desk to show the Helpful Links widget. See Customizing the
User Console home page.
Custom links are displayed the User Console for each Service Desk globally, regardless of a user's ticket queue
permissions. However, if the Organization component is enabled on your system, you manage custom links for
each organization's Service Desk separately.
1. Go to the User Console Home Page Links page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add, edit, or delete custom links on the User Console home page
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, in the User Console Home Page section, click Define Helpful
2. To add a link:
Click .
b. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Title The text to display as the link text. You can use the URL itself, or any text string.

URL The URL of the link. Acceptable link formats include:

• http://example.com
• https://example.com
• http://www.example.com

NOTE: You cannot use the same URL in more than one link.
c. Click Save at the right of the URL field, then click Save at the bottom of the page.
The link appears on the User Console home page immediately. If users are logged in and
viewing the User Console home page, the link is displayed when the page is refreshed.
3. To edit a link:
Click .
b. Change the Title or URL as needed.
c. Click Save at the right of the URL field, then click Save at the bottom of the page.
The change appears on the User Console home page immediately. If users are logged in and viewing the
User Console home page, the link is displayed when the page is refreshed.
4. To change the order in which links are displayed on the User Console home page:
a. Drag the link up or down in the list using .
b. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
The change appears on the User Console home page immediately. If users are logged in and viewing the
User Console home page, the link order is changed when the page is refreshed.
5. To delete a link:
Click .
b. In the dialog window, click Yes.
c. Click Save at the right of the URL field, then click Save at the bottom of the page.
The link is deleted from the User Console home page immediately. If users are logged in and
viewing the User Console home page, the link is deleted when the page is refreshed.

Add ticket links to the User Console home page

You can configure Service Desk to automatically add links to a user's tickets on the User Console home page.
This link enables users to access ticket details with a single click.
Ticket links appear only if the user has created at least one ticket.
1. Go to the User Console Home Page Links page:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add ticket links to the User Console home page
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, in the User Console Home Page section, click Configure User
Console Home Page.
2. In the Main Panel Widgets section, select the check box next to Tickets Widget.
3. Click Save.
The setting is saved and the Service Desk Configuration panel appears. The User Console home page
shows tickets filed by the user, and a My Tickets link, which takes users directly to the Tickets page.
NOTE: If the user has not created any tickets, the Tickets widget appears with a note stating that no
  tickets are available for display.

Add a quick-action link for reporting problems on the User

Console home page
You can add a quick-action link to the New Ticket page on the User Console home page. This enables users to
access the new ticket form with a single click.
1. Go to the User Console Home Page Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, in the User Console Home Page section, click Configure User
Console Home Page.
2. In the Display Quick Actions section, select the check box next to Ticket Quick Action.
3. Click Save.
The setting is saved and the Service Desk Configuration panel appears. The Have a problem? Report
it button appears on the User Console home page. When users click this button, the New Ticket page

About the session timeout period

By default, the KACE SMA automatically logs users out of the Administrator Console or User Console after one
hour of inactivity. This is referred to as the Session Timeout.
Sessions are restarted at every server interaction, such as reloading the current page, saving changes, or moving
to a new page. If the Session Timeout period elapses without any interaction, any unsaved changes are lost, and
the login page appears. The Timeout Session counter appears in the upper right of each console.
For instructions on changing the Session Timeout, see:
• Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled
• Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component

Using the Satisfaction Survey

The Satisfaction Survey enables Service Desk ticket submitters to provide feedback on the handling of tickets.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using the Satisfaction Survey
If the Satisfaction Survey is enabled, an email message describing the survey is sent to submitters immediately
when a ticket is closed. This email message uses the Ticket Closed email template.
By default, the survey is visible to submitters when they access a closed ticket for the first time, and thereafter
until the survey is completed. After the survey is completed, it is hidden. Survey scores and comments are stored
in the ticket and are not editable by the Service Desk staff.
You can run various reports to display and analyze survey data using Service Desk reports. In addition, you
can change the Ticket Closed email template that describes the survey, change the survey label, or prevent the
survey from being displayed. See:
• Run Service Desk reports
• Configure email templates
• Change the Satisfaction Survey label
• Remove the Satisfaction Survey field from tickets

Changing the Satisfaction Survey default behavior

The satisfaction survey can be modified by changing the default prompt in the survey box, or it can be removed
and not shown to the ticket submitter.

Change the Satisfaction Survey label

The Satisfaction Survey introduction label can be modified to suit your needs.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Click the name of a queue.
2. At the top of the page, click Customize Fields and Layout to display the Queue Customization page.
3. In the Layout Ticket Fields section, click the Edit button in the SAT_SURVEY row: .
4. In the Label section, type the new label for the survey box.
5. Click the Save button to the right of the item.
6. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Remove the Satisfaction Survey field from tickets

You can prevent the Satisfaction Survey from being displayed to ticket submitters.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Changing the Satisfaction Survey default behavior
d. Click the name of a queue.
2. At the top of the page, click Customize Fields and Layout to display the Queue Customization page.
In the Layout Ticket Fields section, click the Edit button in the SAT_SURVEY row: .
4. In the Permissions section, select Hidden in the drop-down list.
5. Click the Save button to the right of the item.
6. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
The Satisfaction Survey is disabled, and it is no longer presented to ticket submitters when tickets are

Enable or disable security for Service Desk

You can enable or disable security for Service Desk attachments to prevent files from being accessed from
outside the Administrator Console or User Console.
By default, security for Service Desk attachments is enabled. Disable this feature if you want users to be able to
access ticket attachments through ticket links outside the Administrator Console or User Console. Also, security
settings for Service Desk attachments are appliance-level settings. If the Organization component is enabled on
your system, the settings you select apply to all organizations.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Security Settings to display the Security Settings page.
3. In the Secure Attachments in Service Desk section, choose whether to add security for files that are
attached to Service Desk tickets:
• Select the check box to enable security for files attached to tickets. If you choose this option, users
can access files attached to tickets only from within the KACE SMA Administrator Console or User
• Clear the check box to enable users to access files by clicking ticket links from outside the
Administrator Console or User Console.
4. Click Save and Restart Services to save changes and restart the appliance.

Using the Service Desk Dashboard

The Service Desk Dashboard provides an overview of Service Desk tickets for the selected organization (if
applicable), or the appliance.
If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, and you are logged in to the Administrator Console
(http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin), the Serice Desk Dashboard shows information for the selected
organization. When you are logged in to the System Administration Console (http://KACE_SMA_hostname/
system), this dashboard shows information for the appliance, including all organizations.
You can access the Serice Desk Dashboard if one or more roles associated with your user account grants access
to this dashboard. If you want to hide it, edit your user roles, as needed. For more information, see Add or edit
User Roles.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using the Service Desk Dashboard
TIP: The appliance updates the summary widgets periodically. To update most of the widgets any time,
click the Refresh button in the upper right of the page: . To update most individual widgets, hover over
the widget, then click the Refresh button above the widget. Some widgets may require additional steps.

About the Service Desk Dashboard widgets

Service Desk Dashboard widgets provide overviews of Service Desk tickets for the organization or appliance, as
This section describes the widgets available on the Service Desk Dashboard. If the Organization component is
enabled on your appliance, the widgets show the information for the selected organization at the Admin level and
for the appliance at the System level.
This dashboard provides a high-level overview of your device usage. Use it to quickly review the state of your
devices and look for any indicators that can improve your ticket management. For example, you can see the
numbers of active or overdue tickets per owner.
The title, chart type, and grouping of items in some widgets can be updated. The grouping options vary slightly
between these widgets.

Widget Description

Shortcuts This widget contains links to common Service Desk actions. Use them to quickly
initiate specific tasks, such as creating a new KB (Knowledge Base) article,
scheduling a report, and so on.

Views This widget contains links to common Service Desk pages and wizards, including
any custom views that you created. Use them to quickly navigate to specific pages,
such as My Recent Tickets, All Unassigned Tickets, and Tickets Due Today. It
also displays link to custom views, as applicable. The list of custom views is sorted
alphabetically. If you want the custom views to appear in a specific order, you can
prefix their names with numbers, as needed.

Reports This widget contains links to common Service Desk reports. Use them to quickly
generate a specific report, such as Open Tickets last 7 days by Owner, Stalled/Open
Tickets by Owner, and others.

Tickets Opened This widget contains the number of Service Desk tickets that were opened today.

Active Tickets By These widgets display the numbers of active, closed, overdue, overdue today,
Owner due, due today, or reopened Service Desk tickets grouped by any of the following
Active Tickets By • Category
• Priority
Active Tickets By • Owner
• Queue

Active Tickets • Range

The resulting data can appear in a Bar Chart or a Donut Chart.
Closed Tickets To change the widget title, choose how you want to group the tickets, or select the
chart type, click in the widget. In the dialog box that appears, make your edits and
Overdue Tickets
click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About the Service Desk Dashboard widgets
Widget Description

Overdue Tickets By

Overdue Tickets

Tickets Due Today

Reopened Tickets

Average Ticket This widget displays the average ticket resolution times by any of the following
Resolution Time categories:
• Category
• Priority
• Owner
• Queue
• Month
The resulting data can appear in a Bar Chart or a Donut Chart.
To change the widget title, choose how you want to group the tickets, or select the
chart type, click in the widget. In the dialog box that appears, make your edits and
click Save.

Tickets Overdue This widget displays the number of Service Desk tickets that are currently overdue.

Customize the Service Desk Dashboard

You can customize the Service Desk Dashboard to show or hide widgets as needed.
These widgets are also all available in the Home dashboard, if they are installed.
1. Go to the Service Desk Dashboard.
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize the Service Desk Dashboard
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
2. Mouse over the widget, then use any of the following buttons:

: Refresh the information in the widget.

: Display information about the widget.

: Hide the widget.

: Resize the widget.

: Drag the widget to a different position on the page.
The title, chart type, and grouping of items in some widgets can be updated. To do that, click in the
widget. In the dialog box that appears, make your edits and click Save.
4. Click the Customize button in the top-right corner of the page to view available widgets.
5. To show a widget that is currently hidden, click Install.

Managing Service Desk tickets,

processes, and reports
You manage Service Desk tickets, processes, and reports using the Administrator Console. Tickets can also be
managed using the User Console and through email.
Before you can manage tickets, you must configure the Service Desk. See Setting up Service Desk.

Overview of Service Desk ticket lifecycle

Service Desk tickets progress through several stages during their lifecycle.
These stages include:
1. The ticket is submitted, either through the User Console, the Administrator Console, or through email. See
Creating tickets from the Administrator Console and User Console and Creating and managing tickets by
2. The ticket is assigned to an owner according to the ticket rules. See Configuring ticket settings and Using
Ticket Rules.
3. The ticket owner reviews the ticket, adjusts the impact if necessary, and assigns a priority.
4. If Service Level Agreements are enabled on the queue where the ticket resides, the ticket due date is
calculated based on the priority.
5. If the issue is straightforward, the owner resolves and closes the ticket, and email notifications are sent.
See Configuring email settings.
6. If the ticket is complex, the ticket might stay open for a period of time and have multiple owners.
7. If the owner is unable to resolve the ticket within its escalation time limit, the ticket is escalated. See Using
the ticket escalation process.
8. When tickets are closed, users can complete a satisfaction survey to provide feedback about the way the
ticket was handled. See Using the Satisfaction Survey.
9. The ticket is archived. See Archiving, restoring, and deleting tickets.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Overview of Service Desk ticket lifecycle
Creating tickets from the Administrator Console
and User Console
You can create Service Desk tickets from either the Administrator Console or the User Console.
Tickets can also be created using email. See Creating and managing tickets by email.

Create tickets from the User Console

You can create Service Desk tickets using the User Console.
When you create tickets from the User Console, your user information is automatically added to the Submitter
field on the New Ticket page.
1. Go to the User Console New Ticket page:
a. Go to the User Console: http://KACE_SMA_hostname/user where KACE_SMA_hostname is
the hostname of your appliance.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. To display the New Ticket page, do one of the following:
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
▪ Select Choose Action > New Ticket From Queue > Queue name.
▪ Select Choose Action > New Ticket From Process > Process name.
2. If you are creating a new ticket from a process, and the process template is configured to display the
process description page, review the information on the description page that appears, and click Continue.
This page typically displays some important pre-requisites that you need to complete before proceeding to
create a ticket. For example, if the process template defines how to add a new employee to the system, you
can to instruct the users to verify if the employee acquisition process is complete and if the employee ID is
created. For more information on how to create and configure process templates, see Add, edit, and enable
process templates.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Title (Required) A brief description of the issue.

Summary A more detailed description of the issue.

This field includes a full range of text editing options for formatting your content, such
as buttons for bold text, hyperlinks, lists, or text color.
For example:
• To apply bold text to a text string, select it in the editor, and click .
• To add images, click , and provide the URL to the image file.
• To add external links, click .
• To embed externally hosted videos, click .

Submitter The login name of the user submitting the ticket. To change the submitter, select a
different login name in the drop-down list.

Impact The number of people that are inconvenienced or cannot work.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create tickets from the User Console
Option Description

Category A classification of the issue.

Attachments Files that you want to add to the ticket. You can paste up to five files. See Add or
delete screenshots and attachments to Service Desk tickets.

Screenshots Screenshots that you want to add to the ticket. You can paste up to five screenshots
to a ticket. See Add or delete screenshots and attachments to Service Desk tickets

4. Do one of the following:

◦ Click Save to save the ticket and return to the Ticket list.
◦ Click Apply Changes to save the ticket and continue editing it.
◦ Click Cancel to discard the ticket changes.
If other users have modified the ticket concurrently, the Update Notification dialog appears, provided
that the dialog is enabled for the queue and you are the ticket owner or an administrator. This dialog is
displayed to administrators and ticket owners only. It is not displayed to other users. Administrators can
enable or disable the conflict warning message for each queue separately. See Enable or disable the
conflict warning.

Create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page

You can create Service Desk tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page as needed.
When you create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page, your user information is automatically added
to the Submitter field of the New Ticket page.
1. Go to the Service Desk New Ticket page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. To display the New Ticket page, do one of the following:
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
▪ Select Choose Action > New Ticket From Queue > Queue name.
▪ Select Choose Action > New Ticket From Process > Process name.
2. If you are creating a new ticket from a process, and the process template is configured to display the
process description page, review the information on the description page that appears, and click Continue.
This page typically displays some important pre-requisites that you need to complete before proceeding to
create a ticket. For example, if the process template defines how to add a new employee to the system, you
can to instruct the users to verify if the employee acquisition process is complete and if the employee ID is
created. For more information on how to create and configure process templates, see Add, edit, and enable
process templates.
3. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Title (Required) A brief description of the issue.

Summary A more detailed description of the issue.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page
Option Description

This field includes a full range of text editing options for formatting your content, such
as buttons for bold text, hyperlinks, lists, or text color.
For example:
• To apply bold text to a text string, select it in the editor, and click .
• To add images, click , and provide the URL to the image file.
• To add external links, click .
• To embed externally hosted videos, click .

Submitter The login name of the user submitting the ticket. The submitter can be changed by
selecting a different login name in the drop-down list. To view the submitter contact
information, click .
If you are creating or editing a child ticket from a process template, you also have an
option to set this field to the Parent Owner or the Parent Submitter of the associated
parent ticket.

Asset The asset that the information in the ticket is about. Select an asset in the drop-down
list. To view the asset details, click .

Filter on submitter Filter the asset list based on the assets that are assigned to the submitter. This check
assigned assets box is selected by default.

Device The device that the information in the ticket is about. If any devices are assigned to
the ticket submitter, they are listed here, with the submitter's primary device selected
by default.

Select a device in the drop-down list, as needed. To view the device details, click .

Filter on submitter Filter the device list based on the devices that are assigned to the submitter. If any
assigned devices devices are assigned to the ticket submitter, this option appears selected by default
on this page. However, when you open this ticket on the Ticket Detail page, this
option is not selected, and the Device field shows the device selected when the
ticket was first created. This is default behavior. Leaving this check box cleared
prevents you from accidentally selecting a device that may not be related to the issue
associated with the ticket.

Impact The number of people that are inconvenienced or cannot work.

Category A classification of the issue.

Status The current state of the ticket. This field does not appear if you are creating or editing
a ticket from a process template.

Priority The importance of priority of the ticket.

Owner The user responsible for managing the ticket through its lifecycle.
If you are creating or editing a child ticket from a process template, you also have an
option to set this field to the Parent Owner or the Parent Submitter of the associated
parent ticket.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page
Option Description

Due Date and time the ticket is scheduled to be completed.

If Service Level Agreements are not enabled, the due date is set to None, by default.
If Service Level Agreements are enabled, the due date is automatically calculated
according to the SLA settings. The due date is calculated based on the priority
set when the ticket is submitted. If the priority is changed after the ticket is initially
submitted, the calculated due date will be recalculated according to the new priority
but based on the original submitted date and time. If the SLA resolution time
configuration is changed, it is only applicable on new tickets. Old tickets are not
affected. See Configuring Service Level Agreements.
Select Manual Date to manually set the due date and time. In this case, if Service
Level Agreements are enabled, the due date and time is calculated and displayed as
an option, but not selected.

CC List A list of users who receive a notification email when a ticket event occurs. The CC
List is emailed based on the ticket event and Ticket CC being configured for the
queue Email on Events configuration.

Resolution The resolution of the issue associated with the ticket.

This field includes a full range of text editing options for formatting your content, such
as buttons for bold text, hyperlinks, lists, or text color.
For example:
• To apply bold text to a text string, select it in the editor, and click .
• To add images, click , and provide the URL to the image file.
• To add external links, click .
• To embed externally hosted videos, click .

Predefined If you want to add an automatic response as a resolution to this ticket, click
Response Predefined Response and select a response template.
The selected response template appears in the Resolution field. You can add
multiple response templates as resolution entries. They appear in the order you
selected them.
TIP: To create or edit a response template, save your changes and click
  Manage. This will take you to the Response Templates page. For more
information about response templates, see View and edit response templates.

Related Ticket This section does not appear if you are creating a ticket from a process template.

Add Ticket Click to add an additional ticket to this ticket's related information.

Referrers The Referrer is a read-only field that holds a ticket reference to any ticket that
references this ticket by way of the See also section.

Merged Tickets This section allows you to edit the list of tickets merged with this ticket, as applicable.
Any tickets that you want to merge must belong to the same queue. When you merge
tickets using the Ticket Detail page, the open ticket becomes the master ticket. All
other merged tickets are archived when you merge them. For more details, see
Merging tickets.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page
Option Description

To add a merged ticket, click Add Tickets to Merge/Edit Merged Tickets, and
select a ticket from the list that appears.

Process This section only appears if you are creating a ticket from a process template. All
Information of the settings appearing in this section are read-only. For complete information
about creating and configuring process templates, see Add, edit, and enable process

Process The name of the process template associated with this ticket.

Process Type The type of the process. In a default installation, only the Service Desk and Software
Request: Approval Required process types are included. You can create new process
types, as required. For example, you can create a process type for accessing a
specific application, or a group of applications. For more information, see Define
process types.

Process Status The status of the workflow associated with this process template. For example,
Pending Approval.

Parent The name of the parent ticket, as defined in the process template associated with this

Process A list of users that are assigned as approvers for this ticket, if applicable.
• If all approvals for the ticket are received, this section appears collapsed by
default. To review them, click Expand.
• If one or more approvals are pending for this ticket, this section is displayed. To
hide it, click Collapse.
The approvers are listed in stages, as defined in the process template. Each stage
can have one or more approvers, as needed. The settings related to each approver
and stage are also listed in this section, such as approval timeouts and notifications.
When you create a process ticket, the timeout period starts for the first approver.
When that user approves the ticket, the timeout starts for the next one, and so on.
If the process template associated with this process indicates that the ticket
submitter's manager is an approver for one or more stages, and the logged-on user
has a manager's account associated with it, the manager's user name appears in the
If the logged on user account is not associated with a manager, and the associated
process template specifies that the submitter's manager must approve the related
process tickets, an error is displayed when you attempt to save the ticket. However,
if the submitter's managers is just one of the approvers, the Process Approvals
section lists the other approvers, and you can save the ticket without any errors being

Process Activities A list of process activities, each representing a child ticket, and listed in stages, as
defined in the process template. Multiple tickets can be assigned to the same stage,
if needed. For example, if the first stage is to obtain equipment and supplies for a
new-hire, you can have several separate child tickets for ordering devices, office
equipment, and supplies, all assigned to stage 1. When you create a process ticket,
all child tickets assigned to stage 1 are created automatically. Stage 2 tickets are
created when all stage 1 tickets are closed, stage 3 tickets are created when all stage
2 tickets are closed, and so on. If any of the approvals times out, none of the child
tickets related to that or any subsequent stages are created.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page
Option Description

Add Ticket Click to add an additional ticket to this ticket's related information.

Referrers The Referrer is a read-only field that holds a ticket reference to any ticket that
references this ticket by way of the See also section.

Comments Comments that you want to add to the ticket. You can also add file attachments,
screenshots, provide automatic responses or Knowledge Base article contents as
ticket comments. For more information see:
• Add comments to tickets
• Add or delete screenshots and attachments to Service Desk tickets
If you want to add an automatic response as a resolution to this ticket, click
Predefined Response and select a response template.
The selected response template appears in the Resolution field. You can add
multiple response templates as resolution entries. They appear in the order you
selected them.
TIP: To create or edit a response template, save your changes and click
  Manage. This will take you to the Response Templates page. For more
information about response templates, see View and edit response templates.

Knowledge Base Look up a Knowledge Base article and append its contents to the ticket comments.
Article For more information about Knowledge Base articles, see Managing Knowledge Base

4. Do one of the following:

◦ Click Save to save the ticket and return to the Ticket list.
◦ Click Apply Changes to save the ticket and continue editing it.
◦ Click Cancel to discard the ticket changes.
If other users have modified the ticket concurrently, the Update Notification dialog appears, provided
that the dialog is enabled for the queue and you are the ticket owner or an administrator. This dialog is
displayed to administrators and ticket owners only. It is not displayed to other users. Administrators can
enable or disable the conflict warning message for each queue separately. See Enable or disable the
conflict warning.
5. Review any changes reported in the Update Notification dialog:
Option Description

Their Change(s) A summary of the changes that were submitted by

other users during the time that you were editing the

Your Change(s) A summary of the changes you are submitting for

the same fields listed in the Their Changes column.
These changes might conflict with the changes
submitted by other users.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page
Option Description

NOTE: The dialog summarizes all changes

  made by other users. However, your changes
are summarized only if they conflict with
changes made by other users. Also, if a
different user has modified a field, such as
Category and you have not modified that
field, the change appears in the Modified!
section. The Your Changes column displays -
-, which indicates that you have not modified
the content, and the other user's changes will
be preserved.

Conflict! Changes that are contradictory. For example, if you

changed the ticket Category to Software, and a
different user changed the Category to Network,
the changes would be summarized in the Conflict!

Modified! A summary of the changes that do not conflict.

For example, if you added information to the ticket
Summary and a different user changed the Impact,
each of the changes would be summarized in the
Modified! section.

6. Do one of the following:

◦ Click Save to save the ticket and return to the Ticket list.
◦ Click Apply Changes to save the ticket and continue editing it.
◦ Click Cancel to discard the ticket changes.
If other users have modified the ticket concurrently, the Update Notification dialog appears, provided
that the dialog is enabled for the queue and you are the ticket owner or an administrator. This dialog is
displayed to administrators and ticket owners only. It is not displayed to other users. Administrators can
enable or disable the conflict warning message for each queue separately. See Enable or disable the
conflict warning.
7. Review any changes reported in the Update Notification dialog:
Option Description

Their Change(s) A summary of the changes that were submitted by

other users during the time that you were editing the

Your Change(s) A summary of the changes you are submitting for

the same fields listed in the Their Changes column.
These changes might conflict with the changes
submitted by other users.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page
Option Description

NOTE: The dialog summarizes all changes

  made by other users. However, your changes
are summarized only if they conflict with
changes made by other users. Also, if a
different user has modified a field, such as
Category and you have not modified that
field, the change appears in the Modified!
section. The Your Changes column displays -
-, which indicates that you have not modified
the content, and the other user's changes will
be preserved.

Conflict! Changes that are contradictory. For example, if you

changed the ticket Category to Software, and a
different user changed the Category to Network,
the changes would be summarized in the Conflict!

Modified! A summary of the changes that do not conflict.

For example, if you added information to the ticket
Summary and a different user changed the Impact,
each of the changes would be summarized in the
Modified! section.

8. In the Update Notification dialog box, do one of the following:

◦ Click Keep Your Changes to save changes you have made. This option appears when your changes
do not conflict with the changes made by other users.

NOTE: If a different user has modified a field, such as Category and you have not modified that
  field, the change appears in the Modified! section. The Your Changes column displays - -, which
indicates that you have not modified the content, and the other user's changes will be preserved.

◦ Click Overwrite Conflicts to save changes you have made to the ticket. For any changes marked as
Conflict!, your changes overwrite the changes made by other users.
◦ Click Cancel to return to the Ticket Detail page and continue editing the ticket.

Create tickets from the Device Detail page

You can create Service Desk tickets for devices from the Device Detail page as needed.
When you create Service Desk tickets from the Device Detail page, user and device information is automatically
added to the ticket.
1. Go to the Device Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Inventory.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create tickets from the Device Detail page
c. Click the name of a device.
2. In the Activities section, click Service Desk Tickets to display a table showing tickets related to the device.
3. Click New to display the New page.
◦ If you want to create a ticket based on a queue, if there are multiple ticket queues in the organization,
select a queue from the Ticket drop-down list.
◦ If you want to create a ticket based on a process template, select the process from the Process drop-
down list.
The Ticket Detail page appears.
4. Provide the required information. See Create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page for a
description of the ticket fields.
5. Do one of the following:
◦ Click Save to save the ticket and return to the Ticket list.
◦ Click Apply Changes to save the ticket and continue editing it.
◦ Click Cancel to discard the ticket changes.
If other users have modified the ticket concurrently, the Update Notification dialog appears, provided
that the dialog is enabled for the queue and you are the ticket owner or an administrator. This dialog is
displayed to administrators and ticket owners only. It is not displayed to other users. Administrators can
enable or disable the conflict warning message for each queue separately. See Enable or disable the
conflict warning.

Create tickets from the Asset Detail page

You can create Service Desk tickets for assets from the Asset Detail page as needed.
When you create Service Desk tickets from the Asset Detail page, user and asset information is automatically
added to the ticket.
1. Go to the Asset Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Asset Management, then click Assets.
c. Click the name of an asset.
In the Service Desk Tickets section, a table is displayed showing tickets related to the asset.
2. Click New to display the New page.
◦ If you want to create a ticket based on a queue, if there are multiple ticket queues in the organization,
select a queue from the Ticket drop-down list.
◦ If you want to create a ticket based on a process template, select the process from the Process drop-
down list.
The Ticket Detail page appears.
3. Provide the required information. See Create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page for a
description of the ticket fields.
4. Do one of the following:
◦ Click Save to save the ticket and return to the Ticket list.
◦ Click Apply Changes to save the ticket and continue editing it.
◦ Click Cancel to discard the ticket changes.
If other users have modified the ticket concurrently, the Update Notification dialog appears, provided
that the dialog is enabled for the queue and you are the ticket owner or an administrator. This dialog is
KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide
Create tickets from the Asset Detail page
displayed to administrators and ticket owners only. It is not displayed to other users. Administrators can
enable or disable the conflict warning message for each queue separately. See Enable or disable the
conflict warning.

Create a Service Desk ticket from an alert

You can create a Service Desk ticket from a server monitoring alert, with information from the alert automatically
populating fields in the ticket form.
1. Go to the Monitoring Alerts list in one of the following ways:
• If you have the Monitoring Alerts widget installed on your open Dashboard, click Monitoring Alerts.
• In the left navigation bar, select Monitoring > Alerts.
2. Select the check box for the row that contains the alert message, then select Choose Action > New
◦ If you want to create a ticket based on a queue, if there are multiple ticket queues in the organization,
select a queue from the Ticket drop-down list.
◦ If you want to create a ticket based on a process template, select the process from the Process drop-
down list.
The Title, Summary, Submitter, and Device fields contain information from the alert.
3. Optional: Change the Title and Summary to conform to your corporate procedures.
4. Provide the rest of the information needed to complete the form, then click Save to save the ticket and
leave the Ticket Detail page, or Apply Changes to save the ticket and continue editing it.
Option Description

Title (Required) A brief description of the issue. You can replace the monitoring-provided
title with one of your choosing.

Summary A more detailed description of the issue.

This field includes a full range of text editing options for formatting your content, such
as buttons for bold text, hyperlinks, lists, or text color.
For example:
• To apply bold text to a text string, select it in the editor, and click .
• To add images, click , and provide the URL to the image file.
• To add external links, click .
• To embed externally hosted videos, click .

Submitter The login name of the user submitting the ticket. The submitter can be changed by
selecting a different login name in the drop-down list. Click to view the submitter
contact information.

Asset The asset that the information in the ticket is about. Select an asset in the drop-down
list. Click to view the asset details.

Filter on submitter Filter the asset list based on the assets that are assigned to the submitter.
assigned assets

Device The device that the information in the ticket is about. Monitoring provides this
information. Click to view the device details.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create a Service Desk ticket from an alert
Option Description

Filter on submitter Filter the asset list based on the devices that are assigned to the submitter.
assigned devices

Impact The number of people that are inconvenienced or cannot work.

Category A classification of the issue.

Status The current state of the ticket. This field does not appear if you are creating or editing
a ticket from a process template.

Priority The importance of priority of the ticket.

Owner The user responsible for managing the ticket through its lifecycle.

Due Date and time the ticket is scheduled to be completed.

If Service Level Agreements are not enabled, the due date is set to None, by default.
If Service Level Agreements are enabled, the due date is automatically calculated
according to the SLA settings. The due date is calculated based on the priority
set when the ticket is submitted. If the priority is changed after the ticket is initially
submitted, the due date will be recalculated according to the new priority, but based
on the original submitted date and time. If the SLA resolution time configuration
is changed, it is only applicable on new tickets. Old tickets are not affected. See
Configuring Service Level Agreements.
Select Manual Date to manually set the due date and time. In this case, if Service
Level Agreements are enabled, the due date and time is calculated and displayed as
an option, but not selected.

CC List A list of users who receive a notification email when a ticket event occurs. The CC
List is emailed based on the ticket event and Ticket CC being configured for the
queue Email on Events configuration.

Resolution The resolution of the issue associated with the ticket.

This field includes a full range of text editing options for formatting your content, such
as buttons for bold text, hyperlinks, lists, or text color.
For example:
• To apply bold text to a text string, select it in the editor, and click .
• To add images, click , and provide the URL to the image file.
• To add external links, click .
• To embed externally hosted videos, click .

Related Ticket This section does not appear if you are creating a ticket from a process template.

Add Ticket Click to add an additional ticket to this ticket's related information.

Referrers The Referrer is a read-only field that holds a ticket reference to any ticket that
references this ticket by way of the See also section.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create a Service Desk ticket from an alert
Option Description

Merged Tickets This section allows you to edit the list of tickets merged with this ticket, as applicable.
Any tickets that you want to merge must belong to the same queue. When you merge
tickets using the Ticket Detail page, the open ticket becomes the master ticket. All
other merged tickets are archived when you merge them. For more details, see
Merging tickets.
To add a merged ticket, click Add Tickets to Merge/Edit Merged Tickets, and
select a ticket from the list that appears.

Process This section only appears if you are creating a ticket from a process template. All
Information of the settings appearing in this section are read-only. For complete information
about creating and configuring process templates, see Add, edit, and enable process

Process The name of the process template associated with this ticket.

Process Type The type of the process.

Process Status The status of the workflow associated with this process template. For example,
Pending Approval.

Parent The name of the parent ticket, as defined in the process template associated with this

Process A list of users that are assigned as approvers for this ticket, if applicable. The
Approvals approvers are listed in stages, as defined in the process template. Each stage can
have one or more approvers, as needed. The settings related to each approver and
stage are also listed in this section, such as approval timeouts and notifications.
When you create a process ticket, the timeout period starts for the first approver.
When that user approves the ticket, the timeout starts for the next one, and so on.

Process Activities A list of process activities, each representing a child ticket, and listed in stages, as
defined in the process template. Multiple tickets can be assigned to the same stage,
if needed. For example, if the first stage is to obtain equipment and supplies for a
new-hire, you can have several separate child tickets for ordering devices, office
equipment, and supplies, all assigned to stage 1. When you create a process ticket,
all child tickets assigned to stage 1 are created automatically. Stage 2 tickets are
created when all stage 1 tickets are closed, stage 3 tickets are created when all stage
2 tickets are closed, and so on.

Add Ticket Click to add an additional ticket to this ticket's related information.

Referrers The Referrer is a read-only field that holds a ticket reference to any ticket that
references this ticket by way of the See also section.

Comments Comments that you want to add to the ticket. You can also add file attachments,
screenshots, provide automatic responses or Knowledge Base article contents as
ticket comments. For more information see:
• Add comments to tickets
• Add or delete screenshots and attachments to Service Desk tickets
If you want to add an automatic response as a resolution to this ticket, click
Predefined Response and select a response template.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create a Service Desk ticket from an alert
Option Description

The selected response template appears in the Resolution field. You can add
multiple response templates as resolution entries. They appear in the order you
selected them.
TIP: To create or edit a response template, save your changes and click
  Manage. This will take you to the Response Templates page. For more
information about response templates, see View and edit response templates.

Knowledge Base Look up a Knowledge Base article and append its contents to the ticket comments.
Article For more information about Knowledge Base articles, see Managing Knowledge Base

Related topics
Managing Service Desk tickets, processes, and reports

Creating and managing tickets by email

You can enable users to create and manage tickets by email. This is useful for users who do not have access to
the KACE SMA Administrator Console or User Console.

About attachments to tickets created through email

Users can attach files to Service Desk tickets submitted through email, and those attached files can be up to 8 MB
in size.
If attachments exceed 8 MB in size, email messages are rejected. No error messages are displayed to users.

Enable email ticket creation

You can enable users to create and manage Service Desk tickets using email.
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Click the name of a queue.
2. Set up a valid email account, such as Support@mydomain.com, where users can send email to create
3. Add the email address to the Alternate Email Address field.
4. Select the Allow all users as submitters check box.
5. Select the Accept email from unknown users check box.
If Accept email from unknown users is enabled in the queue configuration, any email sent to the Service
Desk queue to create a ticket is allowed to set the Submitter field. In this case the username must be
passed in the @submitter token and is that of an existing user, or is the current email address if it is an
unknown user.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enable email ticket creation
If Accept email from unknown users is disabled, the preceding process works only when the email address
of the sender is already associated with a Service Desk user account.
6. Click Save.
Tickets created from email messages receive the default values for Impact, Category, and Priority as configured
on the Queue Detail page. The body of the email message is added as a comment. The Submitter field is derived
from the sender’s email address.

Modifying ticket attributes using email

You can change ticket attributes by email using variables that contain the @ symbol at the beginning of email
Any text after the last email variable is added to the ticket Comment field.
For example, the following email text closes the ticket, changes the ticket owner, and adds a comment:
I fixed that problem. If it happens again, talk to Joe.
Invalid fields and field values produce errors that are emailed back to the sender using the email error template.
For more information on email templates, see Configuring email triggers and email templates.

Clearing a ticket field using email

You can clear any field by sending an email with the prescribed syntax.
The syntax takes the form @fieldname=. For example, the following entry clears the Due Date field:

Changing ticket fields using email

You can change the following ticket attributes using email messages if the value of the ticket field is set to User
For information on changing ticket field permissions, see Using ticket approvers.

Field Description

@category A valid category.

@cc_list A comma-separated list of email addresses or distribution lists.

@due_date A due date. The date can be in any format. For example, 4/3/2014, April 3, 2014, or
next Thursday.

@impact A valid ticket impact.

@owner The owner's username, full name, or email address.

@priority A valid ticket priority.

@resolution A resolution.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Changing ticket fields using email
Field Description

@status A valid ticket status.

@submitter The submitter's username, full name, or email address. The email address is used for
the username and email address fields. The full name is set to the Name portion of
the email address. For example, name@domain.com.

@title A title for the ticket.

Changing ticket approval fields using email

Users who are designated as ticket approvers can change a number of approval fields using email messages.
Approvers can change the following approval fields:

Field Description

@approval Modify the ticket. Use one of the following: Approved, Rejected, None, or More
Information Needed.

@approver Change the ticket approver. Enter a username from the ticket approval label. For
instructions on setting up the label of approvers, see Using ticket approvers.

@approval_note Enter a comment.

Setting or changing custom fields using email

You can set custom fields for Service Desk tickets through email using the prescribed syntax.
The syntax takes the form @custom_fieldname=newvalue.
Custom fields cannot contain spaces. Use an underscore between words. For example, new_value.
You can also use:
• @priority = high
• @priority = very_urgent
For multiselect custom fields, use a comma-separated list of values. Invalid values in select or multiselect custom
fields produce errors.

Viewing tickets and managing comments, work,

and attachments
You can navigate among tickets, and the devices and assets that are related to tickets, using links on detail
pages. In addition, you can add work information, comments, and attachments, such as screenshots, to tickets.
On ticket detail pages, the related devices and assets are listed and linked for quick access. Similarly, you can
access related tickets from device and asset detail pages. In addition, you can view and create tickets from device
and asset detail pages.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Viewing tickets and managing comments, work, and attachments
Navigate among tickets, related devices, and assets
Links on ticket detail pages enable you to navigate among related Service Desk tickets and related devices and
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a ticket.
2. View tickets by submitter, asset, or device.
• Click the Submitter Ticket History.
• Click the Asset Ticket History.
• Click the Device Ticket History.
A new window displays all tickets for the asset with the ticket number, title, and status for each ticket.
To view the ticket details, click the link in the Number or Title column to display the Ticket Detail page.
3. View related tickets in the Related Ticket Information section.
• Click a ticket referenced as See Also.
• Click a ticket referenced as a Referrer.
• Click a ticket referenced as a Merged Ticket.
• Click a ticket referenced as a Child Ticket.
• Click a ticket referenced as a Parent Ticket.
The Ticket Detail window displays for the selected ticket.

Add work information for tickets

You can add work information to Service Desk tickets, such as the date the work started or stopped, the total
number of hours spent on the ticket, and notes about the work performed. This information is available to ticket
submitters and owners.
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a ticket.
2. Select the Work tab at the bottom of the page.
3. Click Add.
4. Provide the following information:
Option Description

Date The date work begins. To change the date, click in the date field and select a different
date. To remove the date, click Clear.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add work information for tickets
Option Description

Start The time work begins (24-hour clock format).

End The time work ends (24-hour clock format).

Adjustment The amount of time to add or subtract to the hours logged. This can be useful for
billing and tracking purposes. For example, work on a ticket might start at 08:00 and
end at 12:00. However, the actual time an administrator spent working on the ticket
might be 2 hours. You could enter -2.0 in this field to accurately report the actual time

Note Any additional information you want to provide.

5. Click Add Work.

Use default views for tickets

There are several built-in system views you can use to restrict the tickets displayed on the Tickets page.
1. Go to the Service Desk Tickets page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
The Tickets page shows tickets in the default queue.
2. To limit the tickets shown in the queue, select a view from the View By drop-down list.
The available built-in views are:

Group View

My Tickets All My Tickets

NOTE: This includes any tickets submitted by me or owned by me, or any
  tickets where I am the approver.
My Active Tickets
NOTE: This includes any tickets submitted by me or assigned to me with
  'Opened' or 'Stalled' states.
My Tickets Submitted Today
My Tickets Due Today
My Overdue Tickets
My Recent Tickets

My Tickets by My Opened State Tickets

State My Stalled State Tickets
My Closed State Tickets
My Not Closed State Tickets

My Tickets by NOTE: This option is only displayed when viewing a specific queue.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Use default views for tickets
Group View

My New Tickets
My Opened Tickets
My Closed Tickets
My Need More Info Tickets

All Tickets All Tickets

All Active Unassigned Tickets
NOTE: This includes any tickets with no owner and with a state of opened or
  stalled. This is only available if the user logged in is an owner of the selected
All Tickets Submitted Today
All Tickets Due Today
All Overdue Tickets

All Tickets by All Opened State Tickets

State All Stalled State Tickets
All Closed State Tickets
All Not Closed State Tickets

All Tickets by NOTE: This option is only displayed when viewing a specific queue.
All New Tickets
All Opened Tickets
All Closed Tickets
All Need More Info Tickets

My Employee NOTE: This option is only displayed when:

Tickets By State  
• Your user account has a manager role, and one or more employee
account associated with it.
• You are using the User Console.

NOTE: Administrators can turn off this feature on the Queue Settings page.
My Employee Tickets: Opened
My Employee Tickets: Stalled
My Employee Tickets: Closed
My Employee Tickets: Not Closed

Submitter Label <submitter label>

Custom View List of available custom views.

NOTE: This option is only displayed if there are any custom views created by
  the logged in user.

Set the custom view as the default. See Set a view as the default view for tickets.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Use default views for tickets
Create custom views for tickets
You create custom views to restrict the type or number of Service Desk tickets displayed on the Tickets page.
This enables you to see only those tickets that you want to view.
NOTE: Custom views are available only to the user accounts in which they are created. They are not
  available to multiple user accounts. To enable other users to access a custom view you created, send
them the URL of the custom view.
1. Go to the Service Desk Tickets page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
2. Select the Custom View tab above the list on the right.
The Custom View panel appears.

3. Specify the criteria to use for the custom view. For example, you could create a custom view that shows
open tickets with the priority of High.
4. Click Test to confirm the results.
5. Click Create to save the custom view.
Set the custom view as the default. See Set a view as the default view for tickets.

Set a view as the default view for tickets

You can set a view as the default view for the Service Desk Tickets page. The default view is user-specific, and
must be configured for each user independently.
1. Go to the Service Desk Tickets page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
2. Optional: Click the Custom View tab above the list on the right and choose the settings for the custom
view. See Create custom views for tickets .
3. Select Choose Action > Set Default View > Set Current View As Default.
The current view is saved as the logged-in user's default view for the Tickets list.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Set a view as the default view for tickets
Add comments to tickets
As a ticket is worked on, comments can be added to provide further information to the ticket.
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a ticket.
2. Click the Comments tab at the bottom of the ticket detail page, if it is not already selected.
3. Enter the comment in the Comment text box.
This field includes a full range of text editing options for formatting your content, such as buttons for bold
text, hyperlinks, lists, or text color.
For example:
◦ To apply bold text to a text string, select it in the editor, and click .
◦ To add images, click , and provide the URL to the image file.
◦ To add external links, click .
◦ To embed externally hosted videos, click .
4. Select the Owners-only check box to designate the comment be hidden from non-owners, such as
submitters, and visible only to ticket owners.
5. If you want to add an attachment to the ticket, click Add Attachment and select the file to attach.
You can add up to five file attachments to a ticket. For more information, see Add or delete screenshots and
attachments to Service Desk tickets
6. If you want to add a screenshot to the ticket, click Paste Screenshot and paste the screenshot into the
dialog box that appears.
You can add up to five screenshots to a ticket. For more information, see Add or delete screenshots and
attachments to Service Desk tickets
7. If you want to add an automatic response as a comment to this ticket, click Predefined Response and
select a response template.
The selected response template appears in the Comments field. You can add multiple response templates
as comments. They appear in the order you selected them.

TIP: To create or edit a response template, save your changes and click Manage. This will take
  you to the Response Templates page.

For more information about response templates, see View and edit response templates.
8. If you want to add the contents of a Knowledge Base article as a comment to this ticket, click Knowledge
Base Article and select an applicable topic.
The selected article contents appear in the Comments field.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add comments to tickets
For more information about Knowledge Base articles, see Managing Knowledge Base articles.
9. If you are viewing a ticket for which you already provided comments, and you want to edit your own
comments, you can do that, if the queue associated with the ticket is configured to allow users to edit their
comments. For information on how to configure queue preferences, see Configure ticket queues.
10. If you are viewing a ticket that you submitted, and you want to edit other users' comments, you can do that,
if the queue associated with the ticket is configured to allow technicians to edit the comments submitted by
other users. For information on how to configure queue preferences, see Configure ticket queues.
11. If your account has a manager role, the queue associated with the ticket is configured to allow managers to
edit comments to employee tickets, and you are viewing a ticket submitted by your employee, you can add
or edit the comments, add file attachments or screen shots to the ticket, as needed. For information on how
to configure queue preferences, see Configure ticket queues.
12. If there is a related Knowledge Base article to append to the ticket comments, select an article from the
drop-down list. You can enter a search word to find a specific article.
13. Click Submit to save the newly added comment.
NOTE: Comments are saved independently of all other ticket information. If Email notifications based
  on comments are enabled, the subscribed users will receive the email instantly for the comment
added. When users respond to an email notification that is sent regarding an existing ticket, only the
new text that users type above the reply line will be added as a comment.

Add owner-only comments to tickets

You can add ticket comments that are hidden from non-owners, such as submitters, and visible only to ticket
When adding owner-only comments, however, be aware that other ticket owners have permission to change this
setting. Owner-only comments become viewable to other users when the setting is changed.
Quest recommends these best practices for owner-only comments:
• Always use discretion when adding comments.
• Have a clear, well documented policy for changing the Owners only setting.
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a ticket.
2. Click the Comments tab at the bottom of the ticket detail page, if it is not already selected.
3. Select the Owners only check box, then add the comment, Knowledge Base article reference, or
NOTE: The Owners only check box can be enabled by default by selecting the Default ticket owner
  comments to Owners Only visibility check box on the queue detail page. See Configure ticket
4. Click Submit.
NOTE: Comments are save independently of all other ticket information.
The comment is added to the ticket. It is visible to ticket owners only, unless a user with the appropriate
permissions clears the Owners only check box.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add owner-only comments to tickets
View ticket comments
As a ticket is worked on, comments are displayed when the Comment tab is selected. They are also shown in the
History tab along with other history items.
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a ticket.
2. At the bottom of the Ticket Detail page, select the Comments tab.
A list of comments belonging to the ticket are displayed below the Comments tab.
3. Select the Show attachments only check box to filter the comment list and display only comments that
have attachments.

Add or delete screenshots and attachments to Service Desk

You can paste up to five screenshots into each Service Desk ticket. In addition, you can add up to five files as
attachments to each ticket.
To paste screenshots into tickets:
• The content that you want to capture must be visible on your screen and you must be able to save a
screenshot to your computer's clipboard.
• You must access the Administrator Console using one of the following or higher browsers: Internet Explorer
11, Firefox 34, or Chrome 35. Pasting screenshots is not available to earlier versions of those browsers,
and it is not available to any version of Safari.

NOTE: The paste screenshot feature is hidden if you are using an earlier or unsupported browser.
  However, you can still attach screenshots to tickets as files.

To attach files you must be able to browse to the files from the Administrator Console. You can attach files that
are up to 8 MB in size.
1. With the content you want to capture visible, do one of the following to save a screenshot to your
computer's clipboard:
◦ On Windows, press the Prnt Scrn or Print Screen key.
◦ On Mac, hold the following keys: Command, Shift, and 3.
The screenshot is copied to your computer's clipboard.
2. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add or delete screenshots and attachments to Service Desk tickets
c. To display the Ticket Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
▪ Select Choose Action > New Ticket From Queue > Queue name.
▪ Click the name of a ticket.
3. Attach a file to the ticket:
a. On Ticket Detail page, scroll down to the Attachments section of the Comments tab, and click
Add Attachment.
b. In the file browser dialog box that appears, select and open the file that you want to attach to the
The file browser closes and the file name of the attachment appears in the Attachment section,
under Add Attachment. You can add up to five file attachments to a ticket.
c. At the bottom of the page, click Apply Changes.
The file attachment is added to the ticket.
4. Add a screenshot to the ticket.
a. On the Ticket Detail page, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and on the Comments tab, in
the Attachment section, click Paste Screenshot.
The Paste Screenshot dialog box appears.
b. Capture a screenshot and copy it to the clipboard.
c. Use one of the following key combinations to paste the screenshot into the dialog window:
▪ On Windows, hold down Ctrl, then press V.
▪ On Mac, hold down command, then press V.
The screenshot appears in the Paste Screenshot dialog box.
d. Click Add Screenshot.
The Paste Screenshot dialog box closes and the file name assigned to the screenshot appears
in the Attachment section, under Paste Screenshot. You can add up to five screenshots to a
e. At the bottom of the page, click Apply Changes.
The screenshot is added to the ticket.
5. To delete an screenshot or a file attachment from a ticket:
a. On Ticket Detail page, scroll down to the Attachments section of the Comments tab.
b. To delete a file attachment, under Add Attachment, locate the file that you want to delete, and
click on the right of the file name.
c. To delete a screenshot, under Paste Screenshot, locate the file containing the screenhot that
you want to delete, and click on the right of the file name.
d. At the bottom of the page, click Apply Changes.
The file is deleted from the ticket.
6. At the bottom of the page, click Save to save your changes to the ticket.

View ticket activity history

The history tab displays all activity history performed for the ticket. This includes updates to any ticket detail field
and comments.
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View ticket activity history
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a ticket.
2. At the bottom of the ticket detail page, select the History tab.

Send ticket information through email

Service Desk ticket information can be manually emailed to recipients as needed.
The content and format of the email is controlled by the Email Ticket Manually notification template. Also, the
$ticket_fields_visible token in the template displays all of the fields that are visible to the logged-in user who is
sending the email. See Configuring email triggers and email templates.
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a ticket.
2. Select Choose Action > Email ticket.
3. On the Email ticket page, enter the Email address of the recipient and update the Subject if necessary.
4. Click Send.
The ticket information is emailed to the specified recipient.

Run Device Actions from tickets

For devices that are assigned to Service Desk tickets, you can run Device Actions from the Ticket Detail page.
• Device Actions have been added. See the Device Actions section of Configure appliance General Settings
without the Organization component.
• Devices have been assigned to tickets.
• You are accessing the Administrator Console using an approved browser. See https://support.quest.com/
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a ticket.
2. Select a Device Action from the Action drop-down list under the Device drop-down list.
The Device Action automatically attempts to run on the remote device immediately.

Merging tickets
If you have a number of related tickets that are still active, instead of managing them separately, you can merge
them into a single ticket and manage that one ticket without losing ticket trail of all the merged tickets.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Merging tickets
When you merge tickets, you must select a master ticket. The remaining tickets are automatically archived. All
history related to the merged tickets remains unchanged. The ticket history also indicates when a ticket is merged.
You can only merge tickets that exist in the same queue. This feature is only available when ticket archival is
Service, parent, child, and already merged tickets cannot be merged. Only those tickets without a parent and
without a child can be merged.
You can unmerge tickets, as needed. Any users on a ticket's CC list, that are added during the merge process
remain on the list if the ticket becomes unmerged.

Merge tickets from the Tickets list page

You can use the Tickets list page to merge tickets and specify a master ticket.
1. Select the tickets that you want to merge.
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. Click Service Desk to display the Tickets page.
c. On the Tickets list page, click Queue, and select the queue containing the tickets that you are
about to merge.
d. Select all of the tickets that you want to merge.
2. Merge the selected tickets.
a. In the Choose Action menu, select Merge Tickets.
The Merge Tickets dialog box appears.
b. In the Merge Tickets dialog box, specify the ticket that you want to select as the master ticket, and
click Save.
The Merge Tickets dialog box closes and the Confirm message box appears, indicating that all
tickets (except the master tickets) are about to be archived.
c. In the Confirm message box, click Yes to proceed with the merge.

Merge tickets from the Ticket Detail page

You can merge one or more tickets with the ticket you are viewing on the Ticket Detail page. Any tickets that you
want to merge must belong to the same queue.
When you merge tickets using the Ticket Detail page, the open ticket becomes the master ticket. All other merged
tickets are archived when you merge them. For more details, see Merging tickets.
1. Open a ticket that you want to merge with one ore more other tickets.
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a ticket.
The Ticket Detail page appears.
2. Merge one or more tickets with the selected ticket.
a. On the Ticket Detail page, under Merged Tickets, click Add Tickets to Merge/Edit Merged
Tickets, and select a ticket from the list that appears.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Merge tickets from the Ticket Detail page
b. Add more merged tickets, as needed.
3. Verify that the process of merging tickets appears in the ticket history.
a. On the Ticket Detail page, open the History tab, and select the Show Merged Ticket History
check box.
b. History tab, review the entries related to the merged tickets, as applicable.

Using the ticket escalation process

The Service Desk ticket escalation process is a mechanism for alerting Service Desk staff and supervisors when
a ticket is ignored for a specified period of time.
When a ticket meets certain criteria, email is sent to the specified group alerting them that a ticket has been
ignored. This provides a way to monitor service level agreements and automatically notify the appropriate staff
members when a ticket has not been handled properly.
An escalation email is sent at the end of the escalation time limit for tickets with:
• A Status of Opened.
• A Priority that includes an escalation time.
The following example shows the default ticket statuses, priorities, and escalation settings. These settings direct
the Service Desk to send an escalation email for tickets with a Status and State of Opened and a Priority of High,
after 30 minutes of inactivity.
You can:
• Configure an escalation email for tickets with other priorities.
• Change the escalation time limits.
• Determine who receives an escalation email.
• Customize the email form as needed.

NOTE: Ticket escalation and Service Level Agreements are two separate notification activities. Ticket
  escalation notifications are based on the duration a ticket has been opened for, while Service Level
Agreement notifications are based on the due date of a ticket. Ticket escalation does not consider
Business Hours and Holidays.

Understanding ticket states

Service Desk ticket states identify the current state of the ticket. States include Opened, Stalled, and Closed.
Tickets can be escalated only if they are in the Opened state. This requirement is not configurable.

NOTE: Using the default settings, tickets must have a priority of High and a status of Opened to be

Understanding the escalation time limit

As soon as a Service Desk ticket is assigned the state of Opened, a timer begins counting toward the escalation
time limit.
Any change to the ticket resets the timer. If the timer runs out, an escalation email is sent and the timer starts
again. If no changes are made to the ticket, the timer is reset. An escalation email is sent each time the escalation
time limit is reached. By default, the escalation email is sent every 30 minutes until the ticket is changed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Understanding the escalation time limit
Understanding escalation
When Service Desk tickets are escalated, email messages are sent to recipients as specified in the queue
You can choose to send escalation email to:
• Ticket owners
• Ticket submitters
• Users with the technical skills to resolve issues
• Users with the authority to dedicate more resources to the problem
The Email on Events section of the Queue Detail page, and the Category CC list on each ticket, determine who
receives escalation email messages.

Changing ticket escalation settings

Service Desk ticket escalation settings determine the actions that are taken when ticket priority or status changes.
Escalation email is sent for tickets with a priority of High and a status change from New to Opened. If a ticket
owner does not respond to a ticket within 30 minutes, you can change the escalation settings to make the ticket
eligible for escalation.

Change the list of escalation email recipients

You can change the email recipients used for Service Desk ticket escalation as needed.
If you are using the default settings, change the ticket status from New to Opened. If you have changed the
default settings, make sure that at least one status has a state of Opened, and assign the ticket that status. See
Configuring ticket settings.
(Optional) Assign tickets the Opened state by default or create a policy requiring that ticket owners change the
tickets status as soon as they take ownership.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Click the name of a queue.
2. In the Email on Events section, select the appropriate check boxes to add owners, submitters, approvers,
Ticket CC members, and Category CC members as escalation email recipients.
3. Click Save.

Change the escalation time limits

You can change the time limits used for ticket escalation as needed.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Change the escalation time limits
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Click the name of a queue.
2. In the Ticket Defaults section, click Customize These Values to display the Queue Customization page.
In the Priority Values section, click the Edit button in a row to change the escalation time limit: .
4. Click Save in the row, then click Save at the bottom of the page.

Change the default escalation email message

You can change the text of the email message that is sent automatically when Service Desk tickets are escalated.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Click the name of a queue.
2. In the Email on Events section, click Customize Emails to display the Service Desk Email Notifications
3. Edit the Ticket Escalated message as needed.
4. Click Save.
For more information on the Ticket Escalation message, see Configuring email triggers and email templates.

Using Service Desk processes

Service Desk processes are ticket templates that enable you to automatically use parent and child tickets to track
tasks that require multiple steps or activities to complete.
For example, consider the tasks required to prepare systems and equipment for new-hires:
• Identify office space and furniture requirements
• Set up phone service
• Obtain devices and software
• Set up network credentials
• Complete required employment paperwork
You could create a process template that includes all of these required tasks as child activities. Then, when you
create tickets based on that process template, the child tickets are created automatically for all of the required
tasks at each stage of the process.
To set up a Service Desk process template see, Add, edit, and enable process templates.

Add, edit, and enable process templates

You can add process templates to the Service Desk. In order for a process template to be enabled and available
for end users to create tickets based on that process, it must include at least one parent ticket.
1. Go to the Service Desk Create Process Template wizard:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add, edit, and enable process templates
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Process Templates.
d. To create a new process template, on the Process Templates page, select Choose Action >
e. To edit or copy an existing process template, on the Process Templates page, click a process
template name.
The Create Process Template wizard appears, with the Define Process Template page open.
2. To copy an existing process template, on the Define Process Template page, click Duplicate.
A copy of the duplicated process template appears. While the duplicated process template is disabled, all of
the other options are the same as in the original template. When you finish updating the duplicated version,
you can select the Enabled option on the Publish Options page.
3. On the Define Process Template page, specify the following information:
Option Description

Name A name that describes the overall process, for example, New Hire, Employee
Termination, or Office Move.

Description A description of the process. For longer descriptions, this field expands automatically,
as you type.

HTML/Markdown An indicator of whether the description contains rich text. Some process descriptions
can be longer than others, so formatting specific text elements can improve the
overall readability and help the end user better understand the process. You can
use the Markdown project syntax to format the contents of the Description box. For
<h1> Before you proceed:</h1>
<li>Ensure the new employee acquisition
process is finalized by HR.
<li>Ensure the Badge ID exists for the
new employee<br><br>
<b>If you do not have a Badge ID,
contact HR.</b>
For more information about the Markdown syntax, visit http://daringfireball.net/

Process Type The type of the process. In a default installation, only the Service Request and
Software Request: Approval Required process types are included. You can create
new process types, as required. For example, you can create a process type for
accessing a specific application, or a group of applications. For more information, see
Define process types.

Click Save and Continue.

4. On the Parent Ticket page that appears in the Create Process Template wizard, associate a parent ticket
with this process template.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add, edit, and enable process templates
a. Software Request: Approval Required process types only. This process type is meant for
building special process templates that can be used to set up user downloads that require one or
more approvals. If selected, a parent ticket is created from this process type by default.
▪ To view or edit the contents of the ticket, click Software Request: Approval Required.
▪ Tickets of this type do not allow you to edit the Title, Summary, Device, or Submitter fields. These
fields will be populated with the values from the request that initiated the process.
▪ Approvals for this process type are mandatory.
b. Select a queue containing the parent ticket that you want to associate with this process template,
and click Add Parent Ticket.
c. On the New Parent Ticket page, create a new parent ticket for this process template:
▪ If you have multiple queues, select a queue. Parent and child tickets can each be located in
different queues. If you do not have multiple queues, queue selection is not offered.
▪ Most fields are similar to those on the Ticket Detail page. See Create tickets from the
Administrator Console Ticket page. You do not have to use the same category, owner, and so on,
for the parent as you use for the child tickets.
▪ The Due Date Offset is the amount of time required to complete work on a child ticket, and this
amount of time is used to calculate the ticket due date. For example, if you set the Due Date
Offset to four days, the child ticket's due date is offset to be four days after the ticket's creation
date. Due dates are not enforced, but if the due date has passed, tickets are marked as Overdue
on the Ticket list and they appear as Overdue on reports.
For additional information about creating tickets, see Create tickets from the Administrator Console
Ticket page.
d. Click Save to return to the Create Process Template wizard.
5. Optional. After adding a parent ticket for a process, you can configure child tickets or activities for that
process. Child tickets can be from different queues and they can be assigned different stages.
a. On the Parent Ticket page that appears in the Create Process Template wizard, under Child
Tickets, click Add Child Ticket.
When a ticket based on this process template is created, stage 1 child tickets are created
automatically (after approvals and requirements are met, if needed). When the last child ticket in stage
1 is closed, the child tickets defined in the next stage are created.
b. On the Child Ticket page that appears, create a new child ticket for this process template:
▪ Stage: The stage of the process at which the ticket is created, such as 1, 2, 3, and so on. You
can assign multiple tickets to the same stage if necessary. For example, if the first stage is to
obtain equipment and supplies for a new-hire, you might have several separate child tickets for
ordering devices, office equipment, and supplies, all assigned to stage 1.
When you create a process ticket, all child tickets assigned to stage 1 are created automatically.
Stage 2 tickets are created when all stage 1 tickets are closed, stage 3 tickets are created when
all stage 2 tickets are closed, and so on.
▪ Title: A title for the child ticket.
▪ Summary: A description of the task associated with this child ticket.
▪ Category, Owner, and Due Dates: These values do not need to match those of the parent ticket.
For additional information about creating tickets, see Create tickets from the Administrator Console
Ticket page.
c. Click Save to return to the Create Process Template wizard.
6. If you want the tickets created from this process template to require approvals, on the Approvals page that
appears, select One or more approvals required for this process to start, and specify the information
listed in the table below.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add, edit, and enable process templates
If you selected the Software Request: Approval Required process type, this check box is selected by
default and cannot be cleared. Approvals for this process type are mandatory.
When a process ticket is created for a process that requires approval, child tickets are not created until all
of the approvals are received. If there are multiple approval stages, emails requesting the approvals are
first sent to step 1 approvers. Step 2 approvers receive their emails only after all of the step 1 approval
requirements are met.
Approvers can approve or reject a process ticket by email using email tokens. For example, use the
following syntax examples, as applicable:
◦ To approve a ticket by email:
@approval = approved
@approval_note = This request is approved by email
◦ To reject a ticket by email:
@approval = rejected
@approval_note = This request is rejected by email
For more information about these tokens, see Changing ticket approval fields using email.

Option Description

Approval Step

Approval Step 1 One or more ticket approvers. You can edit the list of approvers, as
• New process templates. This field appears blank.
• Existing process templates. If one or more approvers are already
defined in the process template, they are listed in this field.

NOTE: The submitter's manager appears selected by default.


Any one approval is At least one ticket approval is required.


All approvals are required All ticket approvals are required.

Remove All Removes all approvers from the list.

Add Another Step Adds an approval step.

Approval Options

Approval Timeout Period The amount of time each ticket approver has to approve or decline a ticket
that is based on this process template.
Approval Timeout period does not span over multiple approval steps. For
example, if a process has two approval steps and the approval timeout
period is defined as eight hours:
• Step 1 approvers have 8 hours to approve.
• When all of the step 1 approvals are received, step 2 approvers are
given eight hours to act on their approval requests.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add, edit, and enable process templates
Option Description

Approval Notification Indicates how often the system sends notifications to each approver about
Recurrence a ticket that is pending approval.
Leaving this option set to zero '0' causes one-time notification to be sent
without any recurrences.

Use business hours and Indicates if the system calculates the approval times using business hours.
holidays for approval
timeout and notification

Approval Override Overriding an approval advances the process ticket forward without
waiting on any pending approvals. After the override, any pending
approvals are closed out, a ticket history is written, and an Approval
Received email is sent to approvers, as defined in the email notification.

None Approval overrides are not allowed.

Allow All Admins to Any users with administrative access can override approvals.

Specify Label Any users belonging to group with this label can override approvals.

Click Save and Continue.

7. On the Email Notifications page that appears, select the recipients of email notifications for each stage of
the ticket lifecycle.
When Service Desk tickets associated with this process template are created or changed, the appliance
can be configured to send email notifications each time the ticket enters any of the following stages:
Process Submitted, Approval Required, Approval Timed Out, Approval Received, Approval Rejected,
Process Cancelled, and Process Complete.

TIP: To send email notifications to all recipients each time the ticket enters a new process stage,
  in the top-left corner, click Select All. To select all ticket stages for a particular recipient, select
the check box in the recipient's column in the top row, as required. For example, to send email
notifications to the Submitter each time the ticket enters a new stage, select the Submitter check
box in the top row.

For each ticket stage, you can configure the process template to send an email notification to a Submitter,
Owner, Approver, and the contacts on the CC List, as required.
Some options appear pre-selected by default, but you can change that, if required. For example, by default,
when an approval is required, an email notification is sent to the ticket owner and the approver using the
predefined email template.
8. Optional. Customize the email template for one or more process stages.
a. On the Email Notifications page, in the row containing the stage whose email template you want
to edit, click .
b. In the Edit Email Template dialog box, specify the following information:
Option Description

Subject An email subject.

Body An email body.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add, edit, and enable process templates
Option Description

Use HTML/Markdown An indicator of whether the description contains rich text. Some process
descriptions can be longer than others, so formatting specific text
elements can improve the overall readability and help the end user better
understand the process. You can use the Markdown project syntax to
format the contents of the Description box. For more information about the
Markdown syntax, visit http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax.

TIP: If you want to reference some ticket- or process-specific information in the email subject
  or message body, such as the ticket title or process status, you can use email tokens. For
more information about the available email tokens, see Configure email templates.
c. Click Save.
9. On the Email Notifications page, click Save and Continue.
10. On the Publish Options page that appears, select any publishing options, as required:
Option Description

Enabled Processes must be enabled before you can use them to create process
tickets. Select this check box if you want to enable users to create tickets
from this process template.

Hide approval information Select this option if you do not want the users who do not own the ticket to
from non-owner users view approval information.

Hide process steps from Select this option if you do not want to display the process steps (child
Submitters tickets) to submitters in the parent ticket details page.

Display process to all users This option is selected by default. If you want to restrict end user access to
this process, clear this option. Alternatively, select a label associated with
the group to which you want to grant access.

Display process description Select this option if you want to show the process description page when
page while creating new creating new tickets based on this process template.
process requests

Use process status When you want to take advantage of the approval and notification features
workflow instead of ticket available in the process template, you must select this option. If you
status already configured approvals or notifications, this option is selected
by default and cannot be cleared. Choosing to use the process status
workflows causes the parent ticket to automatically advance through
various process-specific states such as Pending Approval, Approval
Denied, Approval Timed Out, In Progress, or Process Complete.
If you choose not to select this option and continue to use the ticket status
workflows instead, you must create custom ticket rules to achieve desired
approval and notification functionality.
When you use process status workflows, the Status field does not appear
on the Ticket Detail page, even if that field is configured to appear for the
related queue. The ticket Status field is still displayed for the child tickets.

Parent Ticket Closed Status Select the status that you want to use when the parent ticket associated
with this process is closed.
When the last child activity is closed, the parent ticket is closed
automatically, and its status appears in this field.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add, edit, and enable process templates
Click Finish.
The Create Process Template wizard closes, and your newly created or updated process template appears
on the Process Templates page.

Define process types

In a default installation, only the Service Request and Software Request: Approval Required process types
are included. You can create new process types, as required. For example, you can create a process type for
accessing a specific application, or a group of applications.
The Software Request: Approval Required process type is meant for building special process templates that can
be used to set up user downloads that require one or more approvals.
Create a parent ticket.
1. Go to the Service Desk Process Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, under Process Templates, click Define Process Types.
To add a new process type, in the top-right corner, click . In the text box that appears, type the process
type name, and click Save.
3. To change the name of an existing process, in the row containing the process type that you want to edit,
click . In the text box that appears, type the new process type name, and click Save.

Create process tickets to manage related tasks

If you have added and enabled process templates in a queue, you can create process tickets to manage sets of
related tasks, such as the tasks required to set up systems for new employees, as a group.
You have added and enabled process templates. See Add, edit, and enable process templates.
1. Go to the Service Desk New Ticket page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Select Choose Action > New Ticket From Process > Process name.
The New Ticket page appears. The activities related to each stage of the process are listed in the Process
Information section.
2. Provide the required ticket information. See Create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page.
3. Do one of the following:
◦ Click Save to save the ticket and return to the Ticket list.
◦ Click Apply Changes to save the ticket and continue editing it.
◦ Click Cancel to discard the ticket changes.
If other users have modified the ticket concurrently, the Update Notification dialog appears, provided
that the dialog is enabled for the queue and you are the ticket owner or an administrator. This dialog is
displayed to administrators and ticket owners only. It is not displayed to other users. Administrators can

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create process tickets to manage related tasks
enable or disable the conflict warning message for each queue separately. See Enable or disable the
conflict warning.
See Create tickets from the Administrator Console Ticket page. The process ticket is created, and child tickets are
created automatically for activities assigned to stage 1. Stage 2 child tickets are created when all stage 1 tickets
are closed, and so on. If approvals are defined for the process, child tickets are created after the approvals are
received for the process ticket.

View process information

If you have created process tickets to manage sets of related tasks, you can view the related process information
in those tickets.
You have created a ticket based on a process template. See Create process tickets to manage related tasks.
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a ticket.
The Ticket page appears. The activities related to each stage of the process are listed in the Process
Information section. The level of information appearing in this section depends on the settings configured
on the Publish page of the Create Process Template wizard. For example, if you configured the related
process template to display Approval and Process information, they appear in this section. For complete
information about this wizard, see Add, edit, and enable process templates.
2. Do one of the following:
◦ Click Save to save the ticket and return to the Ticket list.
◦ Click Apply Changes to save the ticket and continue editing it.
◦ Click Cancel to discard the ticket changes.
If other users have modified the ticket concurrently, the Update Notification dialog appears, provided
that the dialog is enabled for the queue and you are the ticket owner or an administrator. This dialog is
displayed to administrators and ticket owners only. It is not displayed to other users. Administrators can
enable or disable the conflict warning message for each queue separately. See Enable or disable the
conflict warning.
The process ticket is created, and child tickets are created automatically for activities assigned to stage 1. Stage 2
child tickets are created when all stage 1 tickets are closed, and so on.

Cancel or complete process tickets

If you have created process tickets to manage sets of related tasks, you can view the related process information
in those tickets. A process can be marked as cancelled, by either its owner or submitter. It can be marked
complete only by its owner.
You have created a parent ticket based on a process template. See Create process tickets to manage related
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a process parent ticket.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Cancel or complete process tickets
The Ticket page appears.
2. Do one of the following:
◦ To cancel the process ticket, select Choose Action > Cancel Process.
◦ To complete the process ticket, select Choose Action > Complete Process.
3. In the dialog box that appears, confirm that you want to cancel or complete the process ticket.
4. Do one of the following:
◦ Click Save to save the ticket and return to the Ticket list.
◦ Click Apply Changes to save the ticket and continue editing it.
◦ Click Cancel to discard the ticket changes.
If other users have modified the ticket concurrently, the Update Notification dialog appears, provided
that the dialog is enabled for the queue and you are the ticket owner or an administrator. This dialog is
displayed to administrators and ticket owners only. It is not displayed to other users. Administrators can
enable or disable the conflict warning message for each queue separately. See Enable or disable the
conflict warning.

Delete process templates

You can delete processes using the Service Desk Processes list. If tickets exist for a particular process, the
process can only be marked as disabled. To delete the process, the tickets created using this process must be
deleted first.
1. Go to the Service Desk Processes list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Process Templates.
2. Select one or more Process Templates, then select Choose Action > Delete.
3. On the confirmation page, click Yes to delete the selected Process Templates.

Convert process tickets to regular tickets

If you have Service Desk process tickets, you can convert them to regular tickets as needed. This conversion is
useful for tickets that have inadvertently been created as process tickets when they do not require all of the steps
of a process.
For more information on process tickets, see Using Service Desk processes.
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a ticket.
2. Select Choose Action > Convert from process Process Name to a regular ticket.
NOTE: This menu option is only available if the selected ticket was created from a process.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Convert process tickets to regular tickets
A confirmation window appears.
3. Click Yes to continue to convert the process to a regular ticket.
4. Do one of the following:
◦ Click Save to save the ticket and return to the Ticket list.
◦ Click Apply Changes to save the ticket and continue editing it.
◦ Click Cancel to discard the ticket changes.
If other users have modified the ticket concurrently, the Update Notification dialog appears, provided
that the dialog is enabled for the queue and you are the ticket owner or an administrator. This dialog is
displayed to administrators and ticket owners only. It is not displayed to other users. Administrators can
enable or disable the conflict warning message for each queue separately. See Enable or disable the
conflict warning.

Convert regular tickets to process tickets

Regular Service Desk tickets can be converted to process tickets. This conversion is useful for process-related
tickets that are created through email, because tickets created through email are always created as single tickets.
In addition, users might create single tickets because they are unaware of processes, or because they do not
have access to processes. Changing regular tickets to process tickets enables administrators and ticket owners to
take advantage of processes, even if tickets were not originally submitted as process tickets. For more information
on process tickets, see Using Service Desk processes.
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a ticket.
2. Select Choose Action > Convert to process > Process Name.
A confirmation window appears.
3. Click Yes to continue to convert the ticket to a process.
4. Do one of the following:
◦ Click Save to save the ticket and return to the Ticket list.
◦ Click Apply Changes to save the ticket and continue editing it.
◦ Click Cancel to discard the ticket changes.
If other users have modified the ticket concurrently, the Update Notification dialog appears, provided
that the dialog is enabled for the queue and you are the ticket owner or an administrator. This dialog is
displayed to administrators and ticket owners only. It is not displayed to other users. Administrators can
enable or disable the conflict warning message for each queue separately. See Enable or disable the
conflict warning.

Using Ticket Rules

Ticket Rules enable you to run queries on Service Desk tickets and perform actions on the list of tickets returned.
For example, you could use a Ticket Rule to automatically change the status of a ticket from Closed to Reopened
if someone other than the owner responds to the ticket. There are four default Ticket Rules, and you can add as
many custom Ticket Rules as needed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Using Ticket Rules
Using and configuring system Ticket Rules
You can use and configure system Ticket Rules to meet the needs of your Service Desk environment.
Options include:
• Enable the default Ticket Rule and use the default settings
• Create custom Ticket Rules
• Duplicate custom Ticket Rules
• Delete custom Ticket Rules
• Move Ticket Rules from one queue to another

Understanding and customizing system Ticket Rules

System Ticket Rules automatically change the status of Service Desk tickets, or send email notifications, when
specified conditions are met.
The following table shows the names, behaviors, and usage of system Ticket Rules:

Ticket Rule Default behavior Can be copied and used to...

WaitingOverdue Moves tickets that have been Change a ticket status after
dormant for 7 days to an Overdue waiting for a configurable time
status. period. You can also send an
email message when the status
change happens.

OverdueClose Closes tickets that have been Change a ticket status after
Overdue with no action for 7 days. waiting for a configurable time
period. You can also send an
email message when the status
change happens.

EmailOnClose Sends an email message to the Send an email message when a

ticket submitters when their ticket ticket is closed.
is closed. Closed tickets require a
response only if the ticket is being

CustomerRespondedMoves ticket to a Responded Change an open ticket’s status

status when a user responds to and send an email message if it is
a ticket that has been waiting for updated.
customer action.

ReopenTicket Reopens a closed ticket if If a closed ticket is reopened,

someone other than the owner this Ticket Rule can change the
responds to it. ticket’s status and send an email

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Understanding and customizing system Ticket Rules
Create custom Ticket Rules
You can create custom Ticket Rules for Service Desk tickets as needed.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Click the name of a queue.
2. In the Ticket Rules section at the bottom of the page, click Customize to display the Ticket Rules page.
3. Select Choose Action > New (Wizard) to display the Define Ticket Rule panel.
4. Enter the criteria required to choose the tickets for the custom Ticket Rules. For example:
Priority | = | Medium
5. Click Test to display tickets that match the criteria.
6. Click Next.
7. Select the values you want to change to. For example:
Priority | change value to | High
8. Click Done to display the Ticket Rule Detail page.
9. Provide the following information:
IMPORTANT: Do not edit SQL queries without understanding the consequences. Incorrect SQL
  statements might reduce appliance performance.

Option Description

Name The name of the Ticket Rule.

Order A number specifying the evaluation order level. The Ticket Rule runs according to the
evaluation order specified. Lower numbers run before higher numbers.

Queue (Read only) The name of the queue to which the ticket belongs.

Description Any additional information you want to provide.

Enabled The Ticket Rule is available. The Ticket Rule runs only if it is enabled.

Select SQL Modify the SQL query as needed. The query is generated by the Ticket Rule wizard
based on the criteria specified on the Ticket Rule page. The query returns a set of
ticket IDs that the Update Query operates on.
The Select Query runs according to the specified frequency.
To view results of the query, click View Ticket Search Results.
IMPORTANT: Do not edit SQL queries without understanding the
  consequences. Incorrect SQL statements might reduce appliance

Email results Send the results of the Select Query to the specified email addresses. All columns
returned by the Select Query are included in the email.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create custom Ticket Rules
Option Description

Enter the email addresses in the Email field; use commas to separate addresses.

Append comment Add a comment to each ticket returned by the Select Query. This action is useful
to ticket in case the Update Query specified later updates a ticket without logging that
information. For example, add a message such as Ticket Rule: Increase Priority to
High triggered. Having this message gives you an indication of which tickets have
Enter any comments in the Comment field.

Email each Send text to the email addresses returned by the Select Query. An email is sent to
recipient in query each email address returned by the Select Query in the Email column.
results Variables are evaluated in the subject line or body of the email. Strings such as $title
and $due_date are replaced by the values in the TITLE and DUE_DATE columns
respectively. Any column returned by the Select Query can be replaced in that way.
The SQL generated by the Ticket Rule wizard supplies OWNER_, SUBMITTER_,
and CC_LIST as possible values.
Enter the subject in the Subject field.
Enter the email column name in the Email field, for example, OWNER_. Email is sent
to each email address returned by the Select Query in this Email column.
Enter an email message in the Email Body field.

Run update query Run a second database query using the results from Update Query field as input.
Use this field to run an additional SQL UPDATE statement using the comma-
separated list of tickets returned by the Select Query as input. For example, “update
HD_TICKET set TITLE = 'changed' where HD_TICKET.ID in (<TICKET_IDS>)” turns
into “update HD_TICKET set TITLE = 'changed' where HD_TICKET.ID in (1,2,3)”
Modify the SQL query as needed. The query is generated by the Ticket Rule wizard
based on the criteria specified on the Ticket Rule page. This query operates on the
tickets selected by the Select Query.
The Update Query runs according to the specified frequency.
IMPORTANT: Do not edit SQL queries without understanding the
  consequences. Incorrect SQL statements might reduce appliance

Recalculate Due Select this option only if your update query involves updating the priority of existing
Dates tickets. Selecting this option recalculates the due dates based on the new priority
being set by the ticket rule.
NOTE: If any of the tickets contain a manually overridden due date, it will not
  be overridden by ticket rules.

Last Run Log The last query results, including any failures or errors. These results are updated
each time the Ticket Rule runs.

Frequency The interval at which the Ticket Rule runs.

NOTE: Ticket Rules that run on Ticket Save should be designed to operate on
  a single ticket and trigger a single event. Ticket Rules that run on a schedule
can run against multiple tickets and trigger multiple events.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create custom Ticket Rules
Option Description

Next Run The date and time the Ticket Rule is scheduled to run again.

10. Click Run Now to immediately run the Ticket Rule.

11. Click Save.

Duplicate a custom Ticket Rule

When you duplicate a custom Ticket Rule, its properties are copied into the new rule. If you are creating a rule
that is similar to an existing rule, duplicating the Ticket Rule can be faster than creating a rule from scratch.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Click the name of a queue.
2. In the Ticket Rules section at the bottom of the page, click [Customize] to display the Ticket Rules page.
3. Select a Ticket Rule to open it.
4. Click the Duplicate button at the bottom of the page.
The Ticket Rules page appears, with the new rule listed. The default name is Copy of original_rule.
5. Change or rename the duplicated Ticket Rule as needed.
For information about Ticket Rule fields, see Create custom Ticket Rules.

Delete a custom Ticket Rule

You can delete custom Ticket Rules from the Service Desk as needed.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Click the name of a queue.
2. In the Ticket Rules section at the bottom of the page, click [Customize] to display the Ticket Rules page.
3. Do one of the following:
• Select the check box beside the Ticket Rule, then select Choose Action > Delete.
• Click the name of the Ticket Rule, then on the Ticket Rule Detail page, click Delete.
4. Click Yes to confirm.

Move a Ticket Rule from one queue to another

If you have multiple Service Desk ticket queues, you can move Ticket Rules between queues as needed. If you
want the Ticket Rule to exist in multiple queues, you can copy the rule and make the required changes.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queues list:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Move a Ticket Rule from one queue to another
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
2. Click the queue that includes the Ticket Rule you want to move.
The Queue Detail page appears.
3. In the Ticket Rules section at the bottom of the page, click Customize to display the Ticket Rules page.
TIP: To move between queues on the Ticket Rules page, use the View By drop-down list, which
  appears above the table on the right.
4. Select the check box next to the Ticket Rule.
5. Select Choose Action > Move > Queue Name.
The Ticket Rule is moved to the selected queue. The rule no longer appears in the list of rules for the current

Run Service Desk reports

You can run reports on Service Desk items as needed.
The KACE SMA includes a set of pre-configured reports for Service Desk data.
1. Go to the Reports list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Reporting.
2. In the View By drop-down list, which appears above the list on the right, select Service Desk.
The Reports page shows Service Desk reports.
3. In the Generate Report column, click a format type to run the report.
NOTE: For more information on reports, see About reports.

Archiving, restoring, and deleting tickets

Archiving tickets involves physically moving ticket data out of the transactional tables while preserving access to
ticket data. Archiving does not permanently remove ticket data from the appliance. This is useful for old tickets
that you might still need to reference.
When tickets are archived, they remain available until they are manually deleted or deleted based on the date
constraints configured in the queue. This restriction reduces the possibility of deleting tickets accidentally.
A typical life cycle for tickets involves creation, resolution, archiving, and finally deleting. You can also “restore” a
ticket as discussed in Restore archived tickets. Restoring tickets returns the ticket data from an archive table back
into a transactional table for use, making ticket data available again in the Tickets tab.
Deleting tickets permanently deletes the ticket data from the appliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Archiving, restoring, and deleting tickets
Enable ticket archival
You can enable ticket archival for the Service Desk, or if the Organization component is enabled, for the Service
Desk of the selected organization.
1. Go to the Service Desk Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Settings.
2. In the Ticket Archival section, select the Enabled check box to display scheduling options.
3. Specify the following settings:
NOTE: If you do not want to perform ticket archiving on a schedule, click Run Now to archive and
  delete tickets any time. This option affects all queues for which archiving is configured. Run Now is
also available from each queue and uses the settings from that queue when archiving and deleting

Option Description

None Run in combination with an event rather than on a specific date or at a

specific time.

Every __ hours Run at a specified interval.

Every day/specific day at Run daily at a specified time, or run on a designated day of the week at a
HH:MM specified time.

Run on the nth of every Run on the same day every month, or a specific month, at the specified
month/specific month at time.

Run on the nth weekday of Run on the specific weekday of every month, or a specific month, at the
every month/specific month specified time.
at HH:MM

Custom Run according to a custom schedule.

Use standard 5-field cron format (extended cron format is not supported):
* * * * *
| | | | +────────day of week (0-6)(Sun=0)
| | | +────────month (1-12)
| | +────────day of month (1-31)
| +────────hour (0-23)
+────────minute (0-59)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enable ticket archival
Option Description

Use the following when specifying values:

• Spaces ( ): Separate each field with a space.
• Asterisks (*): Include the entire range of values in a field with an
asterisk. For example, an asterisk in the hour field indicates every
• Commas (,): Separate multiple values in a field with a comma. For
example, 0,6 in the day of the week field indicates Sunday and
• Hyphens (-): Indicate a range of values in a field with a hyphen.
For example, 1-5 in the day of the week field is equivalent to
1,2,3,4,5, which indicates Monday through Friday.
• Slashes (/): Specify the intervals at which to repeat an action
with a slash. For example, */3 in the hour field is equivalent to
0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21. The asterisk (*) specifies every hour, but
/3 restricts this to hours divisible by 3.
• 15 * * * * Run 15 minutes after every hour every
• 0 22 * * * Run at 22:00 every day
• 0 0 1 1,6 * Run at 00:00 on January 1 and June 1
• 30 8,12 * * 1-5 Run weekdays at 08:30 and 12:30
• 0 2 */2 * * Run every other day at 02:00

View Task Schedule Click to view the task schedule. The Task Schedule dialog box displays
a list of scheduled. Click a task to review the task details. For more
information, see View task schedules.

4. Do one of the following:

• Click Run Now to run immediately for all queues for which archiving has been configured. See
Archive selected tickets.
• Click Save.
Ticket archival is enabled for the Service Desk or, if the Organization component is enabled, for the
selected organization. However, you must configure specific queues to select the tickets that you want
to archive. See Configure queue archive settings.
The Service Desk > Archive link appears on the left navigation bar.

Configure queue archive settings

When ticket archival is enabled, you can configure archive settings for each queue.
You have enabled ticket archival for the Service Desk. For information on enabling ticket archival see Enable
ticket archival.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure queue archive settings
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Click the name of a queue.
2. In the Archive Preferences section, select settings for ticket archival. click the Settings link to enable ticket
NOTE: If Ticket Archival is turned off, see Enable ticket archival.
Option Description

Archive closed tickets older than The age of tickets to be archived. For example, if
you select 3 months, tickets are archived when
three months have passed since the tickets were
opened. To prevent tickets in the queue from being
archived, select Never. Archived tickets can be
restored to the queue if necessary. See Restore
archived tickets.

Delete archived tickets older than The age of tickets to be permanently removed from
the archive. For example, if you select 6 months,
archived tickets are deleted from the archive when
six months have passed since the tickets were
opened. To prevent tickets in the queue from being
deleted from the archive, select Never. Deleted
tickets cannot be restored to the queue.

3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

4. Click Run Now to archive and delete tickets that meet the criteria specified in Archive Preferences.

Archive selected tickets

When Service Desk ticket archival is enabled, you can archive selected tickets as needed.
You have enabled ticket archival for the Service Desk. For information on enabling ticket archival see Enable
ticket archival.

TIP: Selecting tickets to archive is useful when you want to archive specific tickets, or if you do not set
  archiving to occur on a schedule, as discussed in Enable ticket archival.
1. Go to the Service Desk Tickets list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
2. Select the check box next to one or more tickets.
3. Select Choose Action > Archive.
4. On the confirmation dialog, click Yes.
5. To access archived tickets, click Service Desk > Archive, then click the link for the ticket you want to view.

Restore archived tickets

Tickets that have been archived can be restored to the ticket queue as needed.
1. Go to the Service Desk Archived Tickets list:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Restore archived tickets
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Archive.
2. Select the check box next to one or more archived tickets.
3. Select Choose Action > Restore, then click Yes to confirm.
The ticket is immediately restored to the Tickets tab.

Delete archived tickets

You can delete archived tickets to permanently remove them from the Service Desk. Deleted tickets cannot be
1. Go to the Service Desk Archived Tickets list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Archive.
2. Select the check box next to one or more archived tickets.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.
The ticket is immediately removed from the appliance.

Managing ticket deletion

By default, any Service Desk administrator or ticket owner can delete tickets from a queue. You can change that
setting as needed. If you have multiple queues, you can have different settings for each queue.

Configure ticket deletion settings

You can configure Service Desk ticket deletion settings for queues. If you have multiple queues, you can
configure different settings for each queue.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Click the name of a queue.
2. In the User Preferences section, do one of the following:
• To prevent administrators and ticket owners from deleting tickets, clear the Allow Ticket deletion
check box.
• To enable administrators and ticket owners to delete tickets, select the Allow Ticket deletion check
3. Click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure ticket deletion settings
Delete tickets
If ticket deletion is enabled in the Service Desk queue settings, you can delete tickets as needed.
You have enabled ticket deletion for the queue. See Configure ticket deletion settings.
1. Go to the Service Desk Tickets list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
2. Select the check boxes next to one or more tickets.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Managing Service Desk ticket queues

By default, Service Desk has a single ticket queue, and in many cases, a single queue is all an organization
requires to function effectively. However, you can add, duplicate, and delete queues as needed.

About Service Desk ticket queues

Service Desk tickets are stored in one or more queues on the KACE SMA appliance. Most organizations need
only a single queue, but you can create and manage additional queues as needed.
Having multiple ticket queues is useful when:
• You have different sets of tickets with different requirements. For example, if you use tickets for
typical Service Desk tasks such as fixing device-related problems, and you also use tickets to keep track of
problems with a fleet of automobiles, you can set up separate queues for each type of problem.
• Service Desk staff are assigned to a specific set of tickets. For example, if your organization has offices
in different cities, and each city has a Service Desk staff dedicated to that location, you can manage tickets
in separate queues. However, if your Service Desk staff handles multiple offices from a single location, a
single queue is sufficient.
For information about configuring ticket queues, see Configuring Service Desk ticket queues.

Adding and deleting queues

You can add, duplicate, and delete queues as needed. This activity can be useful if you want to set up different
types of tickets for different groups in your organization.

Add a queue
You can add Service Desk ticket queues as needed.
If you plan to move Service Desk tickets from one queue to another, be sure to use the same values, including
custom fields, in each queue. Otherwise, data from the old queue is altered to match the new queue. See Move
tickets between queues.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add a queue
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Enter values for the Name, Email Address, and Alternate Email Address for the new queue.
CAUTION: When delivering email to the KACE SMA directly (forwarding email to the KACE SMA),
  the local portion of the KACE SMA address and the alternate address must match. For example,
servicedesk@kbox and servicedesk@company.com.
CAUTION: Each new queue must use its own unique email addresses. The KACE SMA confirms this
before allowing you to save the new queue. If you specify an email address that is already associated
with another queue, a warning appears.
3. If you have set up a POP3 server, enter the POP3 email user ID and password in the User / Password
See About POP3 email accounts.

TIP: When using POP to download email to the KACE SMA, you can use any valid mailbox.
4. For the POP3 authentication, you can apply Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to the queue by selecting the SSL
check box.
Whether you select this check box depends on how you have configured your POP3 account.
5. Click Save.
6. Choose additional settings for the queue as needed. See Configuring Service Desk ticket queues.

Add a queue by duplicating an existing queue

When you duplicate or clone a queue, all data from the existing queue is copied into the new queue, which can be
faster than adding a queue from scratch. Ticket Rules are copied to the duplicated queue, but they are disabled
by default.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queues list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
2. Click the name of a queue to display the Queue Detail page.
3. Click Duplicate at the bottom of the page.
The new queue contains the same name as the queue from which it was duplicated with an appended
unique identifier number. By default, Ticket Rules are disabled in the new queue.
4. Change the name and settings of the queue as needed.
5. Click Save.

Delete a queue or queues

You can delete queues as needed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete a queue or queues
CAUTION: Before you delete a queue, be sure that you want to delete all of the data in a queue. This
  includes associated tickets and processes. This action cannot be undone.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. Click the name of a queue.
2. At the bottom of the page, click Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Viewing tickets in queues

You can sort the Tickets page to show all of the tickets in all of your queues in one list. If you have multiple
queues, you can specify the queue to be displayed by default on the Tickets page.
If you have multiple queues, you can choose which queue to be displayed by default on the Tickets page. The
default queue can be specified:
• At the system level. This setting is used if no user settings are specified. See Set the default queue at the
system level.
• At the user level. This setting overrides the system level settings. Individual users and administrators who
have permission to change user settings can specify the default queue at the user level. See Set the default
queue at the user level.

View tickets across all queues

If you have multiple queues, you can view tickets from all queues in the same list.
1. Go to the Service Desk Tickets list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
2. In the Queue drop-down list, which appears above the table, select All Queues.
3. In the View By drop-down list, to the right of the Queue drop-down list, select the group of tickets you would
like to view.

Setting the default queue

If you have multiple queues, you can choose which queue to be displayed by default on the Tickets page.
The default queue can be specified:
• At the system level. This setting is used if no user settings are specified. See Set the default queue at the
system level.
• At the user level. This setting overrides the system level settings. Individual users and administrators who
have permission to change user settings can specify the default queue at the user level. See Set the default
queue at the user level.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Setting the default queue
Set the default queue at the system level
The system-level default queue settings determine which ticket queue is displayed by default provided that user-
level settings are not specified.
1. Go to the Service Desk Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Settings.
2. In the Queue Preferences section, select an option in the Ticket List Default Queue drop-down list:
Option Description

No Default Use no default when displaying queues. When this is selected, the first queue that
was added to the system is displayed by default when users select Service Desk >
Tickets. This setting is disregarded if a setting is specified at the user level.

All Queues Display the All Queues view by default. When this is selected, the All Queues view is
displayed when users select Service Desk > Tickets . This setting is disregarded if a
setting is specified at the user level.

<Queue Name> Display the selected queue by default. When this is selected, the specified queue is
displayed when users select Service Desk > Tickets . This setting is disregarded if a
setting is specified at the user level. If a queue does not appear on this list, verify that
you have permission to view it.

TIP: These settings can be overridden at the user level. See Set the default queue at the user
3. Click Save.

Set the default queue at the user level

The user-level queue settings determine which ticket queue is displayed by default. User-level settings override
system-level settings. Individual users and administrators who have permission to change user settings can
specify the default queue at the user level.
If no user-level default queue is specified, the system-level default queue is used.
1. Go to the User Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
c. Click the name of a user.
2. In the Default Queue drop-down list, select an option:
Option Description

No Default Use no default when displaying queues. When this is selected, the first queue that
was added to the system is displayed by default when the selected user selects
Service Desk > Tickets.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Set the default queue at the user level
Option Description

All Queues Display the All Queues view by default. When this is selected, the All Queues view is
displayed when the selected user selects Service Desk > Tickets.

<Queue Name> Display the selected queue by default. When this is selected, the specified queue is
displayed when the selected user selects Service Desk > Tickets. If a queue does
not appear on this list, verify that you have permission to view it.

3. Click Save.

Set the default fields for the All Queues ticket list
You can specify the ticket fields you want to display in the All Queues view.
If you have multiple queues, the All Queues view is a useful way to view all of the tickets in your system on a
single list.
For example, each queue might have different names for ticket fields. One queue might use the ticket field Priority
and another queue might use the ticket field Business Impact. You can choose which field to display in the All
Queues view.
Fields are displayed according to these settings:
• The field names used in the queue selected as the Default Queue for All Queues View Field Labels
• The fields specified in the Customize List Layout for All Queues View setting
1. Go to the Service Desk Settings page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Settings.
2. In the Queue Preferences section, select a queue in the Ticket List Layout for All Queues drop-down list.
The field names from this queue appear on the Tickets page.
3. Click Save.
4. Click Customize List Layout for All Queues View to display the Layout page.
5. Modify the fields using the following icons:

: Add a field.

: Change the field name or the width of the field column.

NOTE: The width indicates the amount of available page width that is assigned to the field
  column. For example, if you have 10 columns, and each column is assigned a width of 10, the
total of all numbers in the Width column would be 100. Therefore, each field column would have
a width of 10 percent of the available page width. If the total of all numbers in the Width column
is more or less than 100, the numbers are normalized to percentages to determine the width. For
example, if you have three columns, and you assign a width of 10 to each column, the total of all
numbers in the Width column would be 30. However, when normalized to percentages, the width
of each column would be approximately 33.3 percent.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Set the default fields for the All Queues ticket list
TIP: The field column widths specified in the All Queues View overrides the properties of
  individual queues.

: Drag and change the order in which the fields are displayed.

: Delete the field.
6. For each field you edit, click Save at the end of the row.
The default queue settings are saved.
7. To see the new settings:
a. Select Service Desk > Tickets to display the page.
b. In the Queue drop-down list, select All Queues. In the View By drop-down list, select All Tickets.
Fields from the selected queue appear on the list in the order specified in the queue settings.

CAUTION: When the system displays Active Tickets or All Tickets in the All Queues view, the
  Choose Action menu and View By drop-down list use default settings. Customizations that
appear in individual queues are not available in the All Queues view.

Move tickets between queues

If you have multiple queues, you can move tickets between them as needed.
When you move a ticket to different queue, the ticket's original settings, such as status, impact, priority, or
category are overwritten by the settings in the queue to which it is being moved. The ticket change history stores
the original values.
The following example shows how a custom field is treated when tickets are moved between queues:
1. The CUSTOM_1 field in the ticket being moved lists the root cause of the problem as Pilot Error.
2. The CUSTOM_1 field in the target queue lists locations, such as Tampa, Los Angeles, and Denver.
The CUSTOM_1 value, Pilot Error, is retained in the ticket being moved.
3. If you change the CUSTOM_1 value of the ticket being moved to Tampa, the Pilot Error value is no longer
available for the ticket that has been moved.
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. Click the title of a ticket.
2. Select Choose Action > Move to queue > queue name.
3. Click Yes to confirm the ticket move.
4. Click Save to save the ticket in the new queue.

About User Downloads and Knowledge

Base articles
You can distribute software, scripts, and other downloadable files to users through the User Console. In addition,
you can make Knowledge Base articles available for users to view in the User Console.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About User Downloads and Knowledge Base articles
To enable users to access the User Console, you must create user accounts on the appliance or enable LDAP
authentication. See About user accounts and user authentication.

Managing User Downloads

You can create, label, and delete User Downloads using the Administrator Console.
To make items available in the User Console, you must upload them in the User Downloads section of the
Administrator Console. See Add User Downloads.
To run installers and scripts, users must have the KACE SMA Agent software installed on their devices. See
About managing devices.
To limit user access to downloadable items, select the device labels to which the items apply, or apply labels to
the items themselves. See Apply labels to User Downloads.

Add User Downloads

You add software, scripts, and other downloadable files to the User Console using the Administrator Console.
All items that you want to add to the User Console must already exist in the KACE SMA Inventory or Scripting
sections. You cannot create software or scripts using the Administrator Console.

TIP: Software distribution is available for items on the Software page and for Agent-managed devices only.
  It is not available for items on the Software Catalog page or Agentless devices.
1. Go to the User Downloads Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click User Downloads.
c. Select Choose Action > New.
2. Select the Enabled check box to make the item visible on the User Console; clear the check box to hide the
3. In the Configure section, select a Type:
Option Description

Download Select one of the following options:

• Cataloged Software: Choose this option to select an item from the software
catalog that includes one or more associated files. First select the application,
and then the file that you want to be available for download. An application in
the software catalog can include multiple files, such as installers for different
application versions and platforms.

TIP: When you add a cataloged software item to user downloads,

  the User Downloads (Administrator Console) and Downloads (User
Console) pages display some additional information about that
application in the Category, License Type, Platform, End of Life,
General Availability, and MSRP ($) columns.

For more information about cataloged software, see About the Software Catalog
and View details of Software Catalog applications.
• Software: Create an item that downloads documentation, files, or other
software that does not install automatically.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add User Downloads
Option Description

Install Create an item that runs a software program on the user’s device. A device must
have the Agent installed to run installations. Select one of the following options:
• Use existing Managed Install: Choose this option to select an existing
Managed Installation (MI). Each MI includes a specific application title and
version to be installed or removed, including installation commands, installation
files, and target devices (identified by label). For more information, see Using
Managed Installations.
• Default Installation: Choose from the programs available in Inventory >
Software. For more information, see About the Software page.

Script Create an item that runs a script on the user’s device. Choose from the scripts
available in Scripting > Scripts. Devices must have the Agent software installed to
run scripts.

4. If you selected the Install package type in the previous step, enter the parameters required to run the
installation, including any necessary installation switches or parameters.
5. Specify the information to include:
Field Description

Product Key Send the product key to users when they download the application. To
view Asset Detail license information, click Assets.

Unit Cost (Optional) The cost per unit.

Installation Instructions Instructions, legal notes, or any other information you want to upload to the
User Console along with the application.

Description Any additional information you want to provide.

Vendor License (Optional) Any vendor-specific license text.

Corporate Licensing Policy (Optional) Any organization-specific license text.

Email Product Key to End Send the product key to users when they download the application. To
User view Asset Detail license information, click Assets.

Notify Manager Require users to enter their manager’s email address before enabling
them to download or install applications.

Attachment (Optional) The file to be included as documentation. The file size appears
after the item is saved.

6. In the Access Control section, specify distribution restrictions:

Field Description

Labels (Optional) Click Edit to select a label and limit application deployment to
users who are included in the label.

Also Restrict By Device (Optional) Restrict access to specific device labels.


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add User Downloads
Field Description

Requires Approval (Optional) Select this check box if you want to the end user to obtain one
or more approvals to download the software, and configure the following
• Approval Process Template: Select the process template
containing the desired approval process. The process template
must be based on the Software Request: Approval Required
process type which applies to software download requests.
• Approval Frequency: Indicate how often you want the user to
request a permission to download the selected software: One-time
Approval or Every Download Approval.

NOTE: When an end user attempts to download an item that

  requires approval, the system automatically creates a ticket using
the configured process template. Approvers are automatically
notified. Upon approval, the user receives a notification and can
proceed to download the selected item.

7. Click Save.

Apply labels to User Downloads

You can use labels to group User Downloads. This is useful for managing and distributing multiple items at once
and for restricting access to items.
1. Go to the User Downloads list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click User Downloads.
2. Select the check box next one or more items.
3. Select Choose Action > Apply Labels.
4. Drag a label to the Apply these labels field, then click Apply Labels.
The label is listed next to the item in brackets.

Remove labels from User Downloads

You can remove labels from User Downloads as needed.
1. Go to the User Downloads list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click User Downloads.
2. Select the check box next to an item.
3. Select Choose Action > Remove Labels.
Click the Delete button next to the label you want to remove: .
5. Click Remove Labels.
The label is removed from the item.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Remove labels from User Downloads
Delete User Downloads
You can delete User Downloads as needed.
1. Go to the User Downloads list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click User Downloads.
2. Select the check box next to one or more items.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

Managing Knowledge Base articles

You add, edit, duplicate, and delete Knowledge Base articles using the Administrator Console.
Users can search for articles by keyword, and sort by article ID, Title, Category, Platform, or Importance in the
User Console. Users can also rate the helpfulness of Knowledge Base articles.
To insert Knowledge Base article text into Service Desk tickets, click the Find Related Articles link on ticket

Add, edit, or duplicate Knowledge Base articles

You can add, edit, and duplicate Knowledge Base articles. These articles are available to users in the User
1. Go to the Article Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Knowledge Base.
c. To display the Article Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of an article.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. Provide the following information:
Field Description

Title A specific description of the issue covered in the Knowledge Base article. Write
descriptive titles and use common terms to make it easy for users to find information.

Category A general description of the type of issue, for example, “printing” or “network access.”

Platform The operating systems to which this Knowledge Base article applies.

Importance The value of the Knowledge Base article. For example, “reference” or “low”; or
“critical” or “high.”

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Add, edit, or duplicate Knowledge Base articles
Field Description

Assign to Labels To limit access to the article to specific sets of users, select the appropriate user
labels from the list. If this field is empty, all users who have access to the User
Console can see the Knowledge Base article.

Text The content of the Knowledge Base article.

This field includes a full range of text editing options for formatting your content, such
as buttons for bold text, hyperlinks, lists, text color, embedding images and videos.
For example:
• To apply bold text to a text string, select it in the editor, and click .
• You can add images to Knowledge base articles using three different methods.
To do that, click , and in the image panel that appears, complete one of the
following steps:
◦ To navigate to a file from your computer and upload it to the article, click
. Any images added this way will be automatically saved as attachments
to the KB article.
◦ To link to a file that is hosted elsewhere or is a part of another KB article,
click .
◦ To link to a file that is already attached to the KB article, click .
• To add external links, or links to other KB articles, click .
• To attach a file, click . Any files uploaded using this option are saved as
attachments to this KB article.
• To embed an externally hosted video, click .
• When you remove an image file from the article content, but do not delete the
file attachments, you can add them back to the article content. To do that, click
, and in the image panel that appears, click .
• To delete a file attachment, click

3. Optional: In the Attachments section, click Add, then click Browse or Choose File to add an attachment.
4. Click Save.
TIP: To create a Knowledge Base article from the comments in a ticket, click Create KB article
  on the Ticket Detail page.

The KACE SMA assigns the Knowledge Base article an Article ID and displays it on the Knowledge Base
page. To see how the Knowledge Base article appears to users in the User Console, click the Knowledge
Base article’s title on the Knowledge Base page, then click the User URL on the Article Detail page.
5. Optional: Click Duplicate.

Delete Knowledge Base articles

You can delete Knowledge Base articles to permanently remove them from the appliance.
1. Go to the Knowledge Base Articles list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Delete Knowledge Base articles
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Knowledge Base.
2. Select the check box next to one or more articles.
3. Select Choose Action > Delete, then click Yes to confirm.

View user ratings and the number of views for Knowledge Base
You can view user ratings for Knowledge Base articles as well as the number of times Knowledge Base articles
have been viewed.
1. Go to the Knowledge Base Article Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Knowledge Base.
c. Click the name of an article.
The current user rating for the article and the number of page views appear at the bottom of the page.
2. Mouse over the stars to view the definitions of the five-star rating system.
On the scale, 1 star is low, 5 stars are high.

NOTE: Users can change their ratings. However, the database stores only the user’s most recent
  rating for each article.

Customizing Service Desk ticket settings

You can customize Service Desk ticket settings to meet the needs of your users and your environment. If you
have multiple queues, you can customize ticket settings for each queue separately.

About customizing Service Desk ticket settings

You can customize ticket values, add custom fields, create ticket categories, and create ticket sub-categories to
meet your Service Desk requirements.
Default ticket values include category, status, priority, and impact.
• Ticket characteristics include:
◦ Field name
◦ Field order displayed on the ticket
◦ Whether the field is required or not
◦ Who has permission to change the field
• Custom field definitions include:
◦ Field type (check box, date, timestamp, link, multiple select, notes, number, single select, text, or
◦ Acceptable values for the field
◦ The default value for the field

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About customizing Service Desk ticket settings
Create ticket categories and subcategories
You can create ticket categories and subcategories as needed. Categories and subcategories are queue-specific,
and they become available to all new and existing tickets in the selected queue when they are created.
You can add as many ticket categories as you need, each with one or more subcategories. For example, in the
ticket category Hardware, you might want to have a subcategory such as Monitor. These categories would appear
on the Ticket Detail page as:

When users select the Monitor subcategory, you might want to display additional subcategories, such as model

Most customers use a two-tiered approach to categories and subcategories. They create general categories and
subcategories for users, such as:
• Hardware – Monitor
Then they create additional subcategories with model information for Service Desk staff, such as:
• Hardware – Monitor – AceElectronics – V4500
• Hardware – Monitor – AceElectronics – V4600
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Ticket Defaults section, click Customize These Values to display the Queue Customization page.
In the Category Values section, click the Add button: .
A new row appears.
4. Provide the following information in the row:
Field Description

Name The name of the category or subcategory. To create a subcategory, use this syntax:
Category 1::Subcategory A

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create ticket categories and subcategories
Field Description

To create multiple subcategories, use this syntax:

Category 2::Subcategory A::Subcategory B
On the Queue Customization page, categories and subcategories appear as follows:

On the Ticket Detail page, categories and subcategories appear as follows:

Default Owner The user that is automatically assigned as owner of the ticket category or
subcategory when tickets are created. If you move an existing ticket to a category
with a different default owner, the owner of the ticket does not automatically change.
The owner of the ticket must be changed manually.

CC List Clear this check box to prevent the CC List from being displayed on tickets. Because
DefaultTicketOwners is the default owner, all potential ticket owners receive an
email when a ticket is created.

User Settable Allow users to change the corresponding category. Clear the check box to reserve
the action for Service Desk staff only. Users see categories even if they cannot
change them.

5. Click Save in the row.

The icons to the right of each row allow the category to be updated.

: Change the sort order of columns.

: Add a field.

: Change the values.

: Change the order of values.

: Remove the values.

NOTE: You cannot remove a value if it is in use, or if it is the default ticket value. To remove a
  value that is being used, add a value, then, in the ticket where the value is used, change the old
value to the new value. When the old value is no longer in use, the Delete button appears next to
the value: .
6. Click Save at the bottom of the page or continue editing ticket values.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create ticket categories and subcategories
The new categories and subcategories appear on the Ticket Detail page and are available to new and existing

Customizing ticket values

You can customize the values available for ticket status, ticket priority, and ticket impact.

Customize ticket status values

You can customize the values that indicate ticket status, such as open or closed.
IMPORTANT: Status values are often used in Ticket Rules. Make sure you review your Ticket Rules and
  understand how status values are used in those rules before you modify status values. See About Ticket
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Ticket Defaults section, click Customize These Values to display the Queue Customization page.
In the Status Values section, click the Edit button beside a value to modify it: , or click the Add button at
the top of the list to add a new value,
4. Edit the Status Values fields:
Field Description

Name The name for the status value.

State The state assigned to the status value.

• Opened: The ticket is active. Only this State can be escalated. See Using the
ticket escalation process.
• Closed: The ticket has been resolved.
• Stalled: The ticket is open past its due date, but is not in escalation.

5. Click Save in the row.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize ticket status values
To update categories, use the icons to the right of each row:

: Change the sort order of columns.

: Add a field.

: Change the values.

: Change the order of values.

: Remove the values.

NOTE: You cannot remove a value if it is in use, or if it is the default ticket value. To remove a
  value that is being used, add a value, then, in the ticket where the value is used, change the old
value to the new value. When the old value is no longer in use, the Delete button appears next to
the value: .
6. Click Save at the bottom of the page or continue editing ticket values.

Customize ticket priority values

You can customize the values that indicate ticket priority as needed.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Ticket Defaults section, click Customize These Values to display the Queue Customization page.
In the Priority Values section, click the Edit button beside a value to modify it: , or click the Add button at
the top of the list to add a new value, .
4. Edit the Priority Values fields:
Field Description

Name Enter a name for the custom field.

Color (Optional) Select a color to use for this status on the ticket list pages.

Escalation Time (Optional) Enter a time limit, after which an open ticket of this priority is escalated.
Enter a time integer and a unit from the drop-down list. See Using the ticket
escalation process.

Use Business (Optional) Whether to use the settings for business hours and holidays when
Hours/Holidays calculating the priority of tickets in the queue. If business hours and holidays are
configured for the Service Desk, select this check box to take these hours and
holidays into account when determining whether to escalate tickets based on their

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize ticket priority values
Field Description
priority. Clear the check box to ignore settings for business hours and holidays in this

5. Click Save in the row.

6. Use the icons to the right of each row to modify additional values:

: Change the sort order of columns.

: Add a field.

: Change the values.

: Change the order of values.

: Remove the values.

NOTE: You cannot remove a value if it is in use, or if it is the default ticket value. To remove a
  value that is being used, add a value, then, in the ticket where the value is used, change the old
value to the new value. When the old value is no longer in use, the Delete button appears next to
the value: .
7. Click Save at the bottom of the page to save changes and return to the Queue Detail page.

Customize ticket impact values

You can customize the values that indicate ticket impact.
NOTE: Only ticket owners can categorize tickets using the Category and Priority Values fields. Ticket
  submitters can make this type of assessment in the ticket Impacts field.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the Ticket Defaults section, click Customize These Values to display the Queue Customization page.
In the Impact Values section, click the Edit button beside a value to modify it: , or click the Add button at
the top of the list to add a new value,
4. Modify the Name field as needed.
5. Click Save in the row.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize ticket impact values
The icons to the right of each row enable the category to be updated.

: Change the sort order of columns.

: Add a field.

: Change the values.

: Change the order of values.

: Remove the values.

NOTE: You cannot remove a value if it is in use, or if it is the default ticket value. To remove a
  value that is being used, add a value, then, in the ticket where the value is used, change the old
value to the new value. When the old value is no longer in use, the Delete button appears next to
the value: .
6. Click Save at the bottom of the page or continue editing ticket values.

Customizing ticket layout

You can customize the way tickets are displayed on the Tickets page for each queue.
Customization options include:
• Change the order of most of the default fields or hide them.
• Add one or more custom fields; the number is restricted only by the number of columns you can have in a
table. Specify static values for these fields or pull the values from a database dynamically using a database
• Customize ticket views and set read/write access for users, ticket owners, and administrators. This includes
the ability to hide, view, view but not change, or change individual ticket fields for each of these roles.
• Preview the customized ticket page, to ensure that the resulting layout meets your needs.
• Set up parent-child ticket relationships between tickets and either prohibit the parent from closing until all
the child tickets are closed, or allow the parent ticket to close all the child tickets. See Using parent-child
ticket relationships.
• Prevent a ticket from being opened or closed without the required approval. Or, require approval only when
a ticket closes. See Using ticket approvers.

TIP: Remember that the changes you make here are automatically propagated to all existing
  tickets in the queue.

Customize Layout and Related Ticket Fields

You can customize the way the Layout Ticket Fields and Related Ticket Fields are displayed on the Ticket Detail
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize Layout and Related Ticket Fields
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. At the top of the page, click Customize Fields and Layout to display the Queue Customization page with
the Layout, and Related Ticket Fields:
Section Description

Layout Ticket This section includes the Survey, Title, and Summary fields, the Submitter, Asset,
Fields and Device sections, and any other fields that are not displayed in the Related Ticket
Fields section. This section also includes any custom fields. Fields in this section can
be freely moved around within this section and they appear on the Ticket page in the
specified order. All fields in this section are displayed in a two-fields-per-row format
except the Resolution field, which occupies a full row.
NOTE: If the Summary field is hidden, the Comment field is displayed on
  the New Ticket page. Text entered in the Summary field is stored as the first
comment, and the first comment is stored as the Summary in order to maintain
backward compatibility.

Related Ticket This section includes fields that capture information about related tickets. You can
Fields hide these fields, but you cannot change their position.
• PARENT_INFO: Tickets that have a parental relationship to the selected ticket.
• SEE_ALSO: Tickets that are similar to, or provide additional information about,
the selected ticket.
• REFERERS: Users who have referenced the ticket.

Click the Edit button next to the field you want to customize .
4. In the Label and Required fields, choose options to use:
Section Description

Label The name you want to appear next to the field on the Ticket Detail page.

Required Whether the field is required or optional.

• Not Required: The field is never required. It can be left blank.
• Always Required: The field cannot be left blank. It must be completed before
tickets can be saved.
• Required on Close:Tickets cannot be closed until the field is completed.

5. In the Permissions field, choose the permission setting to use:

Permission setting Can be viewed by Can be changed by Can be created by

Hidden No one No one No one

Read Only Users, Ticket Owners, No one No one


Owners Only - Hidden Ticket Owners, Ticket Owners, Ticket Owners,

from Users Administrators* Administrators* Administrators*

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize Layout and Related Ticket Fields
Permission setting Can be viewed by Can be changed by Can be created by

Owners Only - Visible Users, Ticket Owners, Ticket Owners, Ticket Owners,
to Users Administrators* Administrators* Administrators*

User Create Users, Ticket Owners, Ticket Owners, Users, Ticket Owners,
Administrators* Administrators* Administrators*

User Modify Users, Ticket Owners, Users, Ticket Owners, Users, Ticket Owners,
Administrators* Administrators* Administrators*

* Indicates the default setting. You can remove this default setting by clearing the following check box
on the Queue Detail page: Allow users with an Administrator role to read and edit tickets in this queue
(Administrator Console only).
6. Optional: Use the following controls to change field display:

: Change the sort order of columns.

: Change the order of values.
7. Click Save in the row.
8. At the bottom of the page, click Save to apply your changes.

Configure Comment Field Options

The Comment Field Options allow you configure the appearance of the Comment field and Attachments sections
on the New Ticket page.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. At the top of the page, click Customize Fields and Layout to display the Queue Customization page.
3. In the Comment Field Options section, select or clear these check boxes, as needed.
• Display Comment field on ticket input form. Select this check box if you want the Comment field to
appear on the ticket input form.
• Display Attachments section on ticket input form. Select this check box if you want the
Attachments section to appear on the ticket input form.
When these options are enabled, the Comment field and the Attachments section appear on the New
Ticket page, when new tickets are created. They are not displayed on the Ticket Detail page, when an
existing ticket is modified.
4. At the bottom of the page, click Save to apply your changes.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure Comment Field Options
Define custom ticket fields
You can add custom fields to your Service Desk tickets; the number of custom fields you can create is limited only
by the number of columns you can have in a table.
Creating a custom field involves two areas of the Queue Customization page:
• The custom field characteristics using the Custom field.
• The custom field behavior in the Ticket Layout section.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. At the top of the page, click Customize Fields and Layout to display the Queue Customization page.
3. In the Custom Fields section, do one of the following:

Click the Edit button to change a field: .

Click the Add button to create a field: .
The editable fields appear.
4. Select the field type from the Field Type drop-down list.
Options include:
◦ Checkbox: Add a check box field type to the ticket.
◦ Date: Add a formatted date field type to the ticket.
◦ Timestamp: Add a timestamp field type to the ticket.
◦ Link: Add and define a link to an internal/external URL to the ticket.
◦ Multiple Select: Add a multi-value select field type to the ticket; use commas to separate entries.
◦ Notes: Add a notes field type to the ticket.
◦ Number: Add an integer selection field type to the ticket.
◦ Single Select: Add a single value select field type to the ticket.
◦ Text: Add a text field type to the ticket.
◦ User: Add a filterable and searchable drop-down list containing users from the user table.

NOTE: The User custom field stores the user ID from the USER table in the HD_TICKET
  table, which is the table that holds the ticket record. When writing a report or query against the
HD_TICKET table, you need to JOIN on the USER table if you want to display the username
instead of the user ID in the report.
5. In the Select Values field, specify the allowed values.
Use the Select Values field for the Single Select or Multiple Select custom field types. Enter multiple values
as comma-separated strings.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Define custom ticket fields
You can use a database query to specify values for this field with the syntax: query:query_instructions.
Select the Help button next to Custom Fields to view an example: .
6. Enter a value in the Default field.
This value is filled in by default when a ticket is created.
NOTE: If you remove the name of a custom field, values for that field are removed from all tickets. If
  you rename a custom field, values for that custom field are retained.

You can use a database query to specify values for this field with the syntax: query:query_instructions.
Select the Help button next to Custom Fields to view an example: .
7. Click Save.
8. Scroll to the Layout Ticket Fields section, then click the Edit button next to the custom field you configured:
The custom field behavior options become editable.
9. Enter a name in the Label field.
10. In the Required field select the option to use:
• Not Required. The field is not required.
• Always Required. Fields with this option must be completed before a ticket can be saved and
• Required on Close. Fields with this option must be completed before a ticket can be closed.
11. In the Permissions field, choose the permission setting to use:
Permission setting Can be viewed by Can be changed by Can be created by

Hidden No one No one No one

Read Only Users, Ticket Owners, No one No one


Owners Only - Hidden Ticket Owners, Ticket Owners, Ticket Owners,

from Users Administrators* Administrators* Administrators*

Owners Only - Visible Users, Ticket Owners, Ticket Owners, Ticket Owners,
to Users Administrators* Administrators* Administrators*

User Create Users, Ticket Owners, Ticket Owners, Users, Ticket Owners,
Administrators* Administrators* Administrators*

User Modify Users, Ticket Owners, Users, Ticket Owners, Users, Ticket Owners,
Administrators* Administrators* Administrators*

* Indicates the default setting. You can remove this default setting by clearing the Allow users with an
Administrator role to read and edit tickets in this queue (Administrator Console only) check box on the
Queue Detail page.
Optional: Use the Sort button at the top of a column, or drag the move icon, , to change the order in
which the fields are displayed.
13. Click Save in the row.
14. At the bottom of the page, click Save to apply your changes.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Define custom ticket fields
Preview ticket layout
When you finish making changes to the way tickets are displayed on the New Ticket and Ticket Detail pages for a
selected queue, you can preview the ticket page layout.
There are several preview options to choose from. The type of information on the ticket page depends on the
permissions associated with the user accessing the page (User or Owner), and the action type (New Ticket or
Ticket Detail). For example, a Ticket Owner typically has access to more information than a user associated
with the ticket. Also, the New Ticket page can have some additional controls for providing comments or linking
attachments, unlike the Ticket Detail page.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
c. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. At the top of the page, click Customize Fields and Layout to display the Queue Customization page.
3. Make your customizations, as required.
4. On the Queue Customization page, in the top-left corner, click Preview Form As.
5. Choose one of the following options, as required:
Option Select it to view...

Input Form - User New Ticket page, as a User

Input Form - Owner New Ticket page, as a Ticket Owner

Edit Form - User Ticket Detail page, as a User

Input Form - Owner Ticket Detail page, as a Ticket Owner

6. Click Preview.
The Confirm dialog box appears, asking you to save your changes before displaying a preview.
7. In the Confirm dialog box, click Save.
The dialog box closes and your preview appears. A note at the top of the page indicates that your changes
are saved and that you are previewing the selected page.
8. To return to the Queue Customization page, in the top-right corner, click Back to Queue Configuration

Customize the ticket list layout

You can customize the Service Desk ticket list layout, such as field name, field order, and column size, as
needed. This is how the Ticket list is displayed in the queue.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Customize the ticket list layout
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. At the top of the page, click Customize Fields and Layout to display the Queue Customization page.
3. Scroll down to the Ticket List Layout section. To customize the layout, use these buttons:

: Change the order in which the fields are displayed.

: Edit the field to display, and the width allowed for the column.

NOTE: The width indicates the amount of available page width that is assigned to the field
  column. For example, if you have 10 columns, and each column is assigned a width of 10, the
total of all numbers in the Width column would be 100. Therefore, each field column would have
a width of 10 percent of the available page width. If the total of all numbers in the Width column
is more or less than 100, the numbers are normalized to percentages to determine the width. For
example, if you have three columns, and you assign a width of 10 to each column, the total of all
numbers in the Width column would be 30. However, when normalized to percentages, the width
of each column would be approximately 33.3 percent.

: Add a ticket field to the ticket layout.

: Delete the field from the ticket list.
4. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Using parent-child ticket relationships

You can set up any Service Desk ticket as a parent ticket and assign child tickets to it.
There are two ways to use the parent-child relationship:
• Prevent the parent from being closed unless all its child tickets are closed. This strategy uses the
parent ticket as a global to-do list and each child ticket as a separate task on the list. After all the tasks are
completed and the child tickets are closed, the parent can be closed.
• Close all child tickets when you close the parent ticket. This strategy is useful for tickets that are
duplicates of the same problem. For example, if a server crashes and users file duplicate tickets about the
issue. When the server is restored, the ticket owner can close the parent and close all of the child tickets at
the same time.
Regardless of the strategy you choose, child tickets cannot be orphaned. That is, you cannot close the parent
ticket before closing the child tickets.

NOTE: You can create many levels of parent-child ticket relationships, but closing child tickets by closing
  their parent ticket works for only one parent-child level.

Enable parent-child ticket relationships for a queue

Parent-child ticket relationships are disabled by default. To enable them, you can configure queues to show the
PARENT_INFO ticket field. If you have multiple queues, you enable parent-child ticket relationships in each queue
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enable parent-child ticket relationships for a queue
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. At the top of the page, click Customize Fields and Layout.
3. Scroll down to the Related Ticket Fields section and select the Edit button for the PARENT_INFO field to
make changes to that field’s settings: .
4. Select one of the Owners Only - Visible to Users permission settings.
5. Click Save in the row.
6. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
When you save these changes, ticket owners and administrators (by default) are able to make any ticket in the
queue a child or a parent ticket.

Enable parent tickets to close child tickets

You can configure queues to allow parent tickets to close child tickets. When this is configured, child tickets are
closed automatically when parent tickets are closed.
Enable parent-child relationships for queues. See Enable parent-child ticket relationships for a queue.
1. Go to the Service Desk Queue Detail page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
c. On the Configuration panel, click Queues.
d. To display the Queue Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a queue.
▪ Select Choose Action > New.
2. In the User Preferences section, select the Allow parent tickets to close child tickets check box.
3. At the bottom of the page, click Save.
The change is applied to the queue. When you close parent tickets, any child tickets are closed automatically.

Create child tickets for any ticket

Child tickets are Service Desk tickets that have other tickets as their parents. Creating child tickets is useful for
organizing tickets and managing related tasks. You can create child tickets for any ticket in any queue that has
parent-child ticket relationships enabled.
Parent-child ticket relationships are enabled for the queue. See Enable parent-child ticket relationships for a
1. Go to the Service Desk Tickets list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Create child tickets for any ticket
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
2. To create a child ticket for an existing ticket:
a. On the Tickets list, click a ticket title.
b. On the Ticket Detail page, select Choose Action > Save and Create Child.
NOTE: This option is available only if parent-child relationships are enabled for the queue.
c. Provide the required information for the child ticket, then click Save.
3. To create a child for a new ticket:
a. On the Tickets list, select Choose Action > New.
b. On the Ticket Detail page, provide the required information for the parent ticket.
c. Select Choose Action > Save and Create Child.
NOTE: This option is available only if parent-child relationships are enabled for the queue.
d. Provide the required information for the child ticket, then click Save.
You can use parent tickets to organize duplicate tickets, and you can enable parent tickets to close child tickets.
• Use parent tickets to organize duplicate tickets
• Enable parent tickets to close child tickets

Designate tickets as parents and add existing tickets as their

You can designate tickets as parents, and then set up parent-child relationships among tickets. You need to
designate tickets as parents before you can add existing tickets to them as children.
Enable parent-child relationships for a queue. See Enable parent-child ticket relationships for a queue.
1. Go to the Service Desk Ticket Detail page.
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
c. To display the Ticket Detail page, do one of the following:
▪ Click the name of a ticket.
▪ Select Choose Action > New Ticket From Queue > Queue name.
2. In the Related Ticket Information section, verify that the Parent Ticket section is visible. If it is not displayed,
verify that parent-child relationships are enabled for the queue. See Enable parent-child ticket relationships
for a queue.
3. Select the Allow this ticket to be a parent check box to make this ticket a parent.
4. Click Save.
5. To add existing tickets as child tickets:
a. Click Add Tickets under the Child Tickets section.
b. Enter the child ticket number(s), separated by a comma, or use the Select ticket to add drop-
down list to find the ticket(s) to add.
6. Click Save to save any changes to the ticket.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Designate tickets as parents and add existing tickets as their children
Use a parent ticket as a to-do list
The Service Desk parent-child relationship can be used to group tasks that need to be performed by different
users, such as tasks that need to be completed when you hire a new employee. This enables you to track the
tickets as a group.
• Enable parent-child relationships. See Enable parent-child ticket relationships for a queue.
• Verify that the ticket queue allows parents to close child tickets. See Enable parent tickets to close child

TIP: If you expect a multi-phase task to be repeated regularly, consider making it a process ticket. See
  Using Service Desk processes.
1. Create a ticket to serve as a parent. See Designate tickets as parents and add existing tickets as their
2. From the parent ticket, add child tickets for each required task on the to-do list.
3. Close each child ticket as tasks are completed.
4. When prompted, close the parent ticket. This prompt appears when the last child task is closed.
NOTE: If the resolution for the parent ticket is empty, the resolution from the child ticket will be added
  to the parent resolution.

Use parent tickets to organize duplicate tickets

When multiple tickets are filed for the same issue, you can use parent tickets to organize and manage the
duplicate tickets as groups.
Enable parent-child relationships for queues, and enable parents to close child tickets. See:
• Enable parent-child ticket relationships for a queue
• Enable parent tickets to close child tickets
1. Designate one of the duplicate tickets as the parent. See Designate tickets as parents and add existing
tickets as their children.
2. Change the remaining duplicate tickets to child tickets:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. Click Service Desk to display the Tickets page.
c. Select all of the tickets that you want to change to child tickets.
d. In the Choose Action menu, select Add To Parent.
NOTE: Add to Parent appears only if you are viewing tickets in a single queue, and that queue has
  parent-child ticket relationships enabled. It is not available if you are in the All Queues view. See
Enable parent-child ticket relationships for a queue.

The selected tickets become child tickets of the parent.

3. When the issue is resolved, close the parent ticket.
The child tickets are automatically closed.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Use parent tickets to organize duplicate tickets
Using ticket approvers
You can require that a particular user or group approve tickets before tickets are opened or closed. In addition,
you can require that only users who are set up as approvers can close tickets. If you have multiple queues, you
can configure approver settings for each queue separately.
Setting up ticket approvers involves the following workflow:
• Create a label to specify approvers.
• Add users (approvers) to the label. You choose approvers from the list of all users regardless of queue, so
they are not limited to a single queue.
• Configure the APPROVAL_INFO ticket field in the queue to require this feature.

NOTE: Approvers only have access to the Approval and Approval Note fields on a ticket. The Approval
  field has the following options:

• Approved
• Rejected
• More Information Needed

NOTE: The Approval field must be set before the ticket can be opened or closed, depending on how the
  Required option is configured. The Approval Note field is optional. Approvers can see all of the tickets they
need to approve by clicking Service Desk > Tickets, then clicking View By > My Approvals.

Configure ticket approvers

You can require that a particular user or group approve a ticket before it can be opened and closed in a queue.
1. Go to the Users list:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Settings, then click Users.
2. Select the check box next to a user.
3. In the Choose Action menu, select Add Label.
4. In the Add Label window, enter a name for the label, for example, Ticket Approvers, then click Add Label.
TIP: Avoid using backslashes (\) in label names. If you need to use a backslash in a label name,
  add a second backslash (\\) to escape it.
5. Click Service Desk > Configuration > Queues to display the Service Desk Queues page.
6. Click the name of a queue to display the Queue Detail page.
7. In the User Preferences section, clear the Allow all users as approvers check box, then click Save.
8. In the Ticket Defaults section, click Customize These Values to display the Queue Customization page.
In the Ticket Layout section, click the Edit button for the APPROVAL_INFO row: .
The editable APPROVAL_INFO row appears.
10. In the Label field, enter the name of the label you created for approvers in 4.
11. Select Required on close in the Required field.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure ticket approvers
Selecting Required on close or Always Required enables the approval requirement for all tickets in this
queue. When you select one of these settings, a ticket must have an approver specified before it can be
worked on or closed, depending on the option you choose.
12. Click the Save button in the row, then click Save at the bottom of the page.
The Approval feature is enabled, and the approval options you selected are applied to tickets in the queue.

Approving tickets by email

After ticket approval is configured, the designated ticket approver can send an email message to approve a ticket,
add an approval note, or designate a different approver.
For details on changing tickets by email, see Creating and managing tickets by email. For a list of the fields used
to change the approval fields, see Changing ticket approval fields using email.

Configuring SMTP email servers

You can configure your Service Desk to use SMTP email servers.
For instructions on setting up a POP3 email server, see Configuring email settings.

Connect your email server to the KACE SMA

You can connect your email server to the KACE SMA so that the KACE SMA Service Desk can receive email
from your email server. The process for connecting depends entirely upon your email configuration.
If you are using Microsoft Exchange Server, see the Microsoft documentation on transport rules.
1. Open the Exchange Server Manager.
2. Optional: Create a Virtual SMTP server. This is not necessary if you have an SMTP server.
3. Create a Virtual SMTP Connector called KACE_SMA_HelpDesk.
4. Select Administrative Groups > Connectors > KACE_SMA_HelpDesk to display the
KACE_SMA_HelpDesk Properties page.
5. Click General.
6. Click Use DNS to route each address space on this connector.
The Local Bridgeheads section becomes available.
7. Complete the Local Bridgeheads section:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Connect your email server to the KACE SMA
Server Virtual Server

your_exchange_servername Default SMTP Virtual Server

8. Click the Address Space tab.

9. Click Add to add an address space for the KACE SMA SMTP server. Use the following settings:
◦ Type: SMTP
◦ Address: Enter the fully qualified KACE SMA server name. The syntax is k1000.mydomain.com.
◦ Cost: Set this to one level above the other connectors. That way, KACE SMA email is filtered first,
and no KACE SMA email inadvertently leaves the network.
10. Under Connector scope, click Entire organization.
11. Leave Allow messages to be relayed to these domains disabled.
12. Click OK to save and close the KACE_SMA_HelpDesk Properties page.
Your email server is now connected to the KACE SMA.

Using internal and external SMTP servers

Depending on the needs of your environment, you can set up your email to go through the internal SMTP server
or an external SMTP server.
The KACE SMA includes an internal SMTP server. If most of the email traffic coming to the KACE SMA is from
and to your Service Desk staff, it might make sense to use this internal server. To set it up, see Use the internal
SMTP server.
If all of your email must go through a specific external SMTP server, direct the KACE SMA to use this server. See
Use an external SMTP server or Secure SMTP server.

Use the internal SMTP server

You can configure the appliance network settings to use the internal SMTP email server.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Network Settings to display the Network Settings page.
3. In the Email Configuration section, clear the Enable SMTP Server check box. This setting refers to an
external SMTP server.
4. Click Save.
5. If prompted, click Yes to restart the appliance and apply the changes.
The internal SMTP server is set to process outgoing email. For information about configuring SMTP settings for
queues, see Create and configure POP3 email accounts.

Use an external SMTP server or Secure SMTP server

To use an external SMTP server, you need to set up an account for the SMTP server in the KACE SMA network
settings, and you need to set up an account on the SMTP server for each Service Desk queue.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Use an external SMTP server or Secure SMTP server
To use secure SMTP (SSMTP), select the SSL setting in each queue. This is necessary because Microsoft does
not allow aliasing from addresses in the Exchange 365 service.
1. Confirm that your external router and firewall allow the KACE SMA to use port 25 to send email.
2. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
3. Click Network Settings to display the Network Settings page.
4. To use an external SMTP server, select Enable SMTP Server in the Email Configuration section, then
specify SMTP server options:
Option Description

Server Specify the hostname or IP address of an external SMTP server, such as

smtp.gmail.com. External SMTP servers must allow anonymous (non-authenticated)
outbound email transport. Ensure that your network policies allow the appliance to
contact the SMTP server directly. In addition, the mail server must be configured to
allow the relaying of email from the appliance without authentication. If you specify an
IP address, enclose the address in brackets. For example [].

Port Enter the port number to use for the external SMTP server. For standard SMTP, use
port 25. For secure SMTP, use port 587.

Login Enter the username of an account that has access to the external SMTP server, such
as your_account_name@gmail.com.

Password and Enter the password of the specified server account.

Confirm Password

5. Test the SMTP configuration.

a. Click Test Connection.
b. In the Connection Test SMTP dialog box that appears, type the email address to which you want
to send a test email using the newly configured SMTP server, and click Send Test Email.
The Connection Test SMTP dialog box refreshes, showing the test results. status of the email
operation. If the test fails, verify your configuration, and try again.
6. Optional: To configure a different SMTP or POP3 server for each queue, go to the Configure Service Desk
Queue Email Settings page:
a. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Configuration.
b. On the Configuration panel, in the Email Configuration section, click Configure Service Desk
Queue Email Settings.
The Service Desk Queue Email Settings page appears.
7. If you want to use a POP3 server for incoming email associated with this queue, use the settings in the
POP3 Setting section.
a. Select the Use POP3 server for inbound emails check box.
b. Specify the following options:
Option Description

POP3 Server Enter the name of the POP3 server you want to use for the queue. For example,

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Use an external SMTP server or Secure SMTP server
Option Description

Use SSL Select this option if you want the POP3 server to use a secure connection.

POP3 Username Enter the username and password of an account that has access to the POP3 server.
(email address)
POP3 Password

c. Click Test Connection to test your POP3 configuration.

The Connection Test POP3 dialog box appears, showing several log messages, indicating the
test result. If the test is successful, these messages, for example, indicate if the user account is
authenticated, the number of unread messages, and the subject line of the most recent email. If
the test fails, verify your configuration, and try again.
8. If you want to use an external SMTP server for emails associated with this queue, use the settings in the
SMTP Setting section.
a. Select the Specify Queue specific SMTP Settings check box.
b. Specify the following options:
Option Description

SMTP Server Specify the hostname or IP address of an external SMTP server, such as
smtp.gmail.com. External SMTP servers must allow anonymous (non-authenticated)
outbound email transport. Ensure that your network policies allow the appliance to
contact the SMTP server directly. In addition, the mail server must be configured to
allow the relaying of email from the appliance without authentication.

SMTP Port Enter the port number to use for the external SMTP server. For standard SMTP, use
port 25. For secure SMTP, use port 587.

SMTP Username Enter the username of an account that has access to the external SMTP server, such
as your_account_name@gmail.com.

SMTP Password Enter the password of the specified server account.

9. Click Save.
The appliance is configured to forward email to the designated SMTP server. If you have multiple queues,
repeat the preceding steps for each queue.
TIP: By default, the appliance accepts Service Desk email only when the sender’s email address matches
  a user account on the KACE SMA. To change this setting, see the setting, Accept email from unknown
users in the section Configuring Service Desk ticket queues.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Use an external SMTP server or Secure SMTP server
Maintenance and troubleshooting
The KACE SMA has automatic backup capabilities, logs, and troubleshooting tools that help administrators
maintain and monitor system health.

Maintaining the appliance

Appliance maintenance includes establishing a backup schedule, verifying system health, and applying updates to
appliance software.

Tracking changes to settings

If History subscriptions are configured to retain information, you can view the details of the changes made to
settings, assets, and objects.
This information includes the date the change was made and the user who made the change, which can be useful
during troubleshooting. See About history settings.

About appliance backups

Appliance backups are files that are used to restore your KACE SMA in the event of a data loss or other disaster.
There are two kinds of appliance backup files:
• Base: A backup of the file system. Base backup files are generally created once a week.
• Differential: A backup of the Base (file system) files that have changed since the most recent Base backup
and a backup of database files. Differential backups reference the most recent Base backup file available.
To restore files, you must have a matched pair of Differential and Base backup files. Paired backup files
reference the same KACE SMA version number and date, and only paired backup files can be used to restore the

NOTE: Beginning with the 6.4 release of the KACE SMA, backups are created while the KACE SMA is
  running. The appliance is not taken offline during the backup process. Restoring the appliance to a backup
and resetting the appliance to factory settings, however, continue to require that the appliance be taken

In addition, there are three types of backup processes:

• Scheduled daily backups: In most cases, daily backups include only Differential backup files. If there is
no Base backup, or if the most recent Base backup is more than seven days old, the daily backup includes
both Base and Differential backup files. This backup is known as a full backup. By default, daily backups
are scheduled to occur at 02:00, but you can change that schedule. See Set the daily backup schedule and
the number of backups to retain.
• Scheduled monthly backups: Monthly backups occur on the last day of the month, and you cannot
change the schedule of monthly backups.
• Backups initiated using the Run Now command: When you click Run Now on the Backup Settings
page, the appliance generates a full backup, which includes both Base and Differential backup files.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About appliance backups
You can disable backups, which schedules existing backup data for deletion and disables daily and monthly
backups. See Disable or enable appliance backups.

TIP: Always back up appliance data before installing updates or upgrading appliance software.

Set the daily backup schedule and the number of backups to

You can configure the daily backup schedule and the number of backups to retain.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Backup Settings to display the Backup Settings page.
3. In the Retention section, specify the following settings:
Option Description

Daily The number of daily backups to retain on the appliance. You can retain up to seven
daily backups.

Monthly The number of monthly backups to retain on the appliance. You can retain up to
two monthly backups. Monthly backups occur on the last day of the month, and you
cannot change the schedule of monthly backups.

4. In the Schedule section, specify the schedule for running daily backups.
Times are listed in the 24-hour clock format, and you can select intervals of 5 minutes. For example, to
schedule the daily backup for 5 minutes past midnight, select 0:05.

TIP: To ensure that backup logs are not turned over during daily log maintenance, schedule daily
  backups to occur after midnight.
5. Click Save.
The settings are applied. When the next scheduled backup runs, older backup files are removed if the number of
backups retained on the appliance exceeds the number specified in the Retention section.

Back up the appliance manually

You can back up appliance manually any time. In addition, you should manually back up the appliance before you
install appliance updates or perform upgrades.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Backup Settings to display the Backup Settings page.
3. At the bottom of the page, click Run Now, then click Yes to confirm.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Back up the appliance manually
The system performs a full backup, which includes both Base and Differential backup files.
When the backup is complete, the Logs page appears.
If you are backing up an appliance because you want to migrate it to a different KACE SMA, power off the old
appliance. If the old appliance is kept on, it may cause conflicts when the same settings are uploaded to the new

Download backup files from the Administrator Console

For a greater level of recoverability, you can download backup files from the Administrator Console and save
them to a different location.
You can also access backup files through FTP. See Access backup files through FTP.

NOTE: To restore files, you must have a matched pair of Differential and Base backup files. Paired backup
  files reference the same KACE SMA version number and date, and only paired backup files can be used to
restore the appliance.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Backup Settings to display the Backup Settings page.
3. In the Backups section download a matched pair of Differential and Base backup files:
a. Click the name of a backup file with incr in the filename. For example:
b. If prompted, select a download location for the file.
c. Click the name of a backup file with base in the filename. For example
d. If prompted, select a download location for the file.
NOTE: The saved backup files reflect the appliance data from the most recent automatic backup time
  (2:00 AM by default) for a selected date. If you need a backup that reflects the current appliance state,
you can perform a manual backup. For more information, see Back up the appliance manually.

Access backup files through FTP

You can use FTP to access KACE SMA backup files. This is useful if you want to create a process on a different
server to access the backup, or if your backup files are more than 1 GB and accessing them through the
Administrator Console causes the browser to time out.
1. Verify that Security Settings enable FTP access to backup files.
See Configure security settings for the appliance.
2. Do one of the following:
• On a Windows device, open a command prompt, then at the C:\ prompt, enter: ftp k1000.
• Using any FTP client, access ftp k1000.
3. Enter the login credentials.
The default credentials are:
Username: kbftp

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Access backup files through FTP
Password: getbxf

NOTE: To change the FTP password, see Configure security settings for the appliance. You cannot
  change the FTP username.
4. To access the backup files from a command prompt, enter the following commands:
> type binary
> get k1_base.tg
> get k1_base.tgz
> get k1_incr.tgz

About deleting appliance backup data

You can delete appliance backup data by disabling appliance backups.
Disabling backups can be useful if you want to reduce the amount of data being stored by the appliance. For
example, if you have a virtual KACE SMA, and you use virtual machine snapshots to back up appliance data
instead of using the KACE SMA backup files, you can disable appliance backups to reduce the size of the virtual

IMPORTANT: Disabling backups prevents you from restoring appliance settings and data from the
  Administrator Console in the event of a disaster. As a result, you should disable appliance backups only if
you are using an alternative method of backing up data, such as virtual machine snapshots for the virtual
KACE SMA. Disabling backups is not recommended for physical versions of the KACE SMA.

Disable or enable appliance backups

By default, appliance backups are enabled. You can disable and enable appliance backups as needed.
When you disable appliance backups, existing backup files are scheduled for deletion at the next scheduled
backup time.

IMPORTANT: Disabling backups prevents you from restoring appliance settings and data from the
  Administrator Console in the event of a disaster. As a result, you should disable appliance backups only if
you are using an alternative method of backing up data, such as virtual machine snapshots for the virtual
KACE SMA. Disabling backups is not recommended for physical versions of the KACE SMA.
1. Optional: To preserve the ability to restore data and settings in the event of a disaster, download the
latest backup files from the Administrator Console and save them to a different location before you disable
backups. See Download backup files from the Administrator Console.
2. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
3. Click Backup Settings to display the Backup Settings page.
4. In the Retention section, select Disable Backups.
5. Click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About deleting appliance backup data
The following actions are performed:
◦ All backup options are disabled.
◦ Backup retention settings are set to 1 for daily backups and 0 for monthly backups.
◦ Existing backup files are scheduled for deletion from the appliance at the next scheduled backup time.
6. To enable appliance backups, clear the Disable Backups check box, then click Save.
7. Optional: Click Run Now to generate a full backup of the system, including both Base and Differential
backup files.

Configure offboard backup transfer

Appliance backups allow you to restore your KACE SMA in the event of a data loss or other disaster. When you
run into a problem with the appliance OS or the database, and you are asked to re-image the appliance, if you
do not copy the backup files to a safe location prior to re-imaging, the backups cannot be restored. The Backup
Settings page allows you to configure the transfer of backup data to an external location automatically. When
configured, the appliance copies nightly backup files to an external location each time it completes the backup
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Backup Settings to display the Backup Settings page.
3. In the Offboard Backup Transfer Settings section, clear the Disable Offboard Backup Transfer.
4. Click Offboard Backup Transfer Protocol, and select the protocol that you want to use to transfer the
backup files: Samba, FTP, or Secure FTP.
Option Description

Disable Offboard Indicates if offboard backup transfer is disabled or enabled. Clear this check box to
Backup Transfer enable offboard backup transfer.

Offboard Backup The protocol that you want to use to transfer the backup files: Samba, FTP, or
Transfer Protocol Secure FTP.

Offboard Backup The host name or the IP address of the machine to which you want to copy the
Transfer Server backup files.

Path or Share The path of the directory on the machine to which you want to copy the backup files.

User Name The name of the user account that you want to use to access the destination

User Password The password associated with the user name.

5. To verify if you can access the destination machine using the provided address and credentials, click Test.
A message appears, indicating the success of the operation. If access to the destination server fails, this is
indicated in the message. Verify your configuration and make changes, as applicable.
6. Click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Configure offboard backup transfer
Restoring the appliance
You can restore appliance data using backup files, provided that backups are enabled and a matching pair of
Differential and Base backup files are available. In addition, you can restore the appliance to its factory settings at
any time.
Restoring the appliance destroys the data currently configured in the appliance. Quest KACE recommends that
you off-load any backup files or data that you want to keep before you restore the appliance. In addition, restoring
the appliance requires that the appliance be taken offline. The Administrator Console and the User Console are
unavailable during the restore process.

NOTE: To restore files, you must have a matched pair of Differential and Base backup files. Paired backup
  files reference the same KACE SMA version number and date, and only paired backup files can be used to
restore the appliance.

Restore the appliance using the most recent backup

The appliance has a built-in ability to restore settings from the most recent backup directly from the appliance
backup drive.
Appliance backups are enabled and you have a matching pair of Differential and Base backup files available. See
Disable or enable appliance backups.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Backup Settings to display the Backup Settings page.
3. In the Backups section, select the most recent backup files.
4. Click Restore from Backup, then click Yes to confirm.
The appliance is restored and restarted. The Administrator Console and the User Console are unavailable
during the restore process.

Upload backup files to the appliance

If you have copied your backup files to an off-appliance location, you can upload those files to the appliance
manually using the Administrator Console, FTP, or Client Drop location process. FTP and Client Drop location
uploads are useful if your backup files are more than 1 GB and uploading them through the Administrator Console
causes the browser to time out.
You have copied backup files to an off-appliance location.

NOTE: To restore files, you must have a matched pair of Differential and Base backup files. Paired backup
  files reference the same KACE SMA version number and date, and only paired backup files can be used to
restore the appliance.

• To upload files using the Administrator Console:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Upload backup files to the appliance
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
▪ If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA
Administrator Console , http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
▪ If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Backup Settings to display the Backup Settings page.
3. In the Uploads section, under the Differential heading, click Browse or Choose File, to locate the
Differential file you want to upload.
Any files larger then 1.5 GB can only be uploaded using FTP. For more information, see the
procedure below. When files are uploaded through FTP, they appear available for download in the
Restore section.
4. In the Uploads section, under the Base heading, click Browse or Choose File, to locate the
matching Base file you want to upload.
NOTE: To restore files, you must upload pairs of Differential and Base backup files. Paired
  backup files reference the same KACE SMA version number and date, and only paired backup
files can be used to restore the appliance.
5. Click Upload Files.
The uploaded files appear in the Backups section of the Backup Settings page.
• To upload your backup files to the appliance using FTP:
1. Verify that Security Settings enable FTP access to backup files.
See Configure security settings for the appliance.
2. Do one of the following:
▪ On a Windows device, open a command prompt, then at the C:\ prompt, enter: ftp k1000.
▪ Using any FTP client, access ftp k1000.
3. Enter FTP login credentials.
The default credentials are:
Username: kbftp
Password: getbxf
NOTE: To change the FTP password, see Configure security settings for the appliance. You
  cannot change the FTP username.

The uploaded files appear in the Backups section of the Backup Settings page.
• To use the Client Drop location method for uploading backup files, place your backup files in the Client Drop
location on the appliance.
Files placed in the Client Drop location are automatically identified as backup files and they become
available for selection on the Backup Settings page within five minutes. See Copy files to the KACE SMA
Client Drop location.
Restore the appliance using the uploaded backup files. See Restore the appliance from backups.

Restore the appliance from backups

You can restore the appliance from backup files as needed.
If you are restoring files from an off-appliance location, you have uploaded a matching pair of Differential and
Base backup files to the appliance. See Upload backup files to the appliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Restore the appliance from backups
If you are migrating an appliance to a new KACE SMA, the two appliances must be the same version. If that is not
the case, you must upgrade the old appliance to the version running on the new appliance.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Backup Settings to display the Backup Settings page.
3. In the Restore section, select the pair of files you want to restore.
4. Click Restore from Backup, then click Yes to confirm.
The appliance is restored and restarted. The Administrator Console and the User Console are unavailable
during the restore process.
This process can take up to one hour and the appliance will be unavailable during this time. The amount
of time for a restore depends on the size of the backup files. Once the restore completes, the appliance
reboots. After the reboot, the KACE SMA will be in the same state as when the backup files were created.
This includes the same authentication settings, network settings, and so on.
If the IP settings are not set upon reboot, try rebooting one or two times, to properly set the IP settings. If
not they are not set using that method, try using the Console login netdiag/netdiag utility, and update
the IP address there.
The appliance is restored and restarted.

Restore the appliance to factory settings

The appliance has a built-in ability to restore factory settings. This is useful if you encounter problems and you
need to remove all custom configurations.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Backup Settings to display the Backup Settings page.
3. At the bottom of the page, click Factory Reset, then click Yes to confirm.
The appliance is restored and restarted.
4. Re-configure the appliance as needed.
See Configuring the appliance.

Updating appliance software

You can check for and install appliance software updates. When you update the appliance, custom configurations,
such as Service Desk and Asset customizations, are preserved.

Check for and apply advertised appliance updates

The KACE SMA checks with the servers at Quest daily to determine whether appliance software updates are
available. These updates are referred to as advertised updates.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Check for and apply advertised appliance updates
If updates are available, an alert appears on the Home page the next time you log in with Administrator account

TIP: Always back up appliance data before installing updates or upgrading the appliance software. For
  instructions, see About appliance backups.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Appliance Updates to display the Appliance Updates page.
3. In the Server section, click Check for Update to display the Logs page.
Results of the check appear in the log.
4. When an update is available, back up your database and files.
See About appliance backups.
5. Click Update.
The update is applied. The Administrator Console is unavailable until the update is complete. Progress appears in
the browser window and in the Administrator Console.

Upload an update file to the appliance manually

If you have an update file from Quest, you can upload it to the appliance manually.
Before you update the KACE SMA manually, verify that your appliance meets the minimum server version
requirements as specified in the release notes for the update. If your appliance does not meet these
requirements, you must upgrade to the minimum version before you update the appliance software. See View the
KACE SMA version, model, and license information.
1. Back up your database and files. See About appliance backups.
2. Download the k1000_upgrade_server_XXXX.kbin file, and save it locally.
3. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
4. On the left navigation bar, click Appliance Updates to display the Appliance Updates page.
5. In the Manually Update section:
a. Click Browse or Choose File, and locate the update file.
b. Click Update, then click Yes to confirm.
The update is applied. The Administrator Console is unavailable until the update is complete. Progress appears in
the browser window and in the Administrator Console.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Upload an update file to the appliance manually
Verify updates
After applying an update, you can verify successful completion by reviewing the update log.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Logs to display the Logs page.
3. In the Log drop-down list, select Updates.
4. Review the log for error messages and warnings.
5. Click Need Help in the top-right corner of the page, then click About KACE SMA at the bottom of the Help
panel to verify the current version. See View the KACE SMA version, model, and license information.

Update the appliance license key

You might need to update the appliance license key if you expand your license capabilities or purchase additional
components, such as the Organization component.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Appliance Updates to display the Appliance Updates page.
3. In the License Information section, enter your license key.
4. Click Update.

Reboot or shut down the appliance

You might need to reboot or shut down the appliance from time to time when troubleshooting or performing
maintenance tasks.
In addition, you need to shut down the appliance before you unplug it.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Reboot or shut down the appliance
TIP: To shut down the physical appliance any time, press the power button once, quickly.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Appliance Updates to display the Appliance Updates page.
3. In the Appliance Controls section, do one of the following:
• Click Reboot. The appliance restarts.
• Click Reboot and check database. The appliance restarts and then verifies the database.
• Click Shutdown. The appliance shuts down, and it is safe to power-down the appliance hardware.

Update OVAL definitions from KACE

Although the definitions for OVAL (Open Vulnerability Assessment Language) tests are updated automatically on
a scheduled basis, you can retrieve the latest files manually from the Appliance Updates page.
For more information about OVAL definitions, see Maintaining device and appliance security.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Appliance Updates to display the Appliance Updates page.
3. In the OVAL Catalog section, click Check for Update, then click Yes.

Understanding the daily run output

The KACE SMA daily run output is a report that shows appliance status information, such as disk status, network
interface status, and appliance up-time averages.
The report is automatically emailed to the system administrator every day at 02:00. To change the system
administrator email address, see Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled
or Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component.

Disk status
The daily run output report, which is automatically emailed to the system administrator every day, includes a Disk
status table.
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on

/dev/twed0s1a 38G 3.6G 32G 10% /

devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Disk status
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on

fdescfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev/fd

procfs 4.0K 4.0K 0B 100% /proc

The following columns appear in the Disk status table.

Column heading Description

Filesystem The name of the file system.

Size The amount of disk space allocated to the specified file system.

Used The amount of disk space in use by the specified file system.

Avail The amount of free disk space available to the specified file system.

Capacity The percentage of disk space available to the specified file system.

Mounted on The disk partition on which the specified file system is located.

Appliance network interface status

The daily run output report, which is automatically emailed to the system administrator every day, includes a
Network interface status table.
Make sure the Ierrs/Oerrs are zero. Other values indicate network failures.
If you notice consistent errors, contact Quest Support at https://support.quest.com/contact-support.

Appliance up-time and load averages

The daily run output report, which is automatically emailed to the system administrator every day, shows the
appliance up-time and load averages.
The load averages vary depending on the appliance load when the report runs.
The following indicates the amount of time the appliance has been up since the last time it was powered off. In
this example, no users are logged on to the appliance.
Local system status:
2:01AM up 7 days, 4:12, 0 users, load averages: 0.05, 0.20, 0.15

Email system health

The daily run output report, which is automatically emailed to the system administrator every day, shows the
health of the email system.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Email system health
The following messages are the standard FreeBSD messages regarding the health of email systems.
There should be no email messages in the queues. If messages appear in the queues, see Verify SMTP settings.
Mail in local queue:
/var/spool/mqueue is empty
Total requests: 0
Mail in submit queue:
/var/spool/clientmqueue is empty
Total requests: 0
Security check:
(output mailed separately)
Checking for rejected mail hosts:
Checking for denied zone transfers (AXFR and IXFR):
tar: Removing leading /' from member names

Verify SMTP settings

If email messages appear in the queues, verify your SMTP settings.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Click Network Settings to display the Network Settings page.

Appliance backup status

The daily run output report, which is automatically emailed to the system administrator every day, shows the
appliance backup status.
The following appliance-specific message shows that the backups have been successfully completed and are on
the /kbackup disk, available through FTP.
See Access backup files through FTP.
[2015-06-21 02:01:24 -0700] Backup: Complete.

Status of RAID drives

For physical KACE SMAs, the status of RAID drives is displayed in the server logs. This status is available for
physical KACE SMAs only.
The following log message indicates that RAID drives are functioning properly:
Logical Drive 0 (RAID 5) Information
RAID Array Status: Logical Drive 0 is not rebuilding: status is Optimal.
Status: Online. Spun Up
If RAID drives are degraded or not rebuilding properly, contact Quest Support at https://support.quest.com/

Troubleshooting the KACE SMA

The KACE SMA includes tools, logs, and reports to help you monitor system health and resolve issues.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Troubleshooting the KACE SMA
Using Troubleshooting Tools
You can use troubleshooting tools to identify and resolve issues.

Verify the status of devices on the network

To verify the status of devices on the network, you can use the ping troubleshooting utility.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Support to display the Support page.
3. In the Troubleshooting Tools section, click Run diagnostic utilities to display the Diagnostic Utilities page.
4. In the text box, enter the IP address of a device.
5. Select ping in the drop-down list.
6. Click Run Now.
Results are displayed.
7. To use other utilities, select them in the drop-down list, then click Run Now.

Identify device issues

Use the Device Issues list to see if any of your managed devices have issues connecting to the agent, or other
The appliance relies on the KACE SMA Agent to collect information from agent-managed devices in your
organization. If a device encounters issues connecting to the agent, or other issues related to their environment,
this prevents the appliance from obtaining inventory information for that device.
The Device Issues list page identifies any agent-managed devices whose information does not appear in the
inventory due to any of the following issues:
• WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) corruption.
• Desktop heap exhaustion.

TIP: In most cases, this problem can be cleared by simply restarting the device.
• Failure to write to amp.conf.
For more information about these issues, visit https://support.quest.com/kace-systems-management-appliance/
1. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin. Or, if the
Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an
organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.
2. In the Troubleshooting Tools section, click Device Issues to display the Device Issues page.
3. Review the list of faulty devices on the Device Issues, and take any steps to resolve these issues, as

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Identify device issues
Enable a tether to Quest Support
Tethering the KACE SMA to Quest Support enables Quest representatives to access your appliance for
The tether uses a key pair that consists of a public key and a private key. The public key is provided by Quest
Support and used to encrypt the tether key. The private key resides on your KACE SMA and is used to decrypt
the tether key.
In addition, you can create an admin-level user account that Quest Support can use to log in to the Administrator
Console for troubleshooting. Using this dedicated account is helpful for tracking the actions performed by Quest
Support. This account can be used with or without the tether.
Contact Quest Support and do the following:
• Tell the representative that you want to enable a tether to your KACE SMA for troubleshooting.
• Provide the representative with the serial number of your KACE SMA. To view the serial number, click
About in the lower left of the Administrator Console.
• Obtain the public tether key for your appliance.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. Optional: If you believe that the private key previously generated for tethering has been compromised, you
can regenerate it:
NOTE: Whenever you generate the private key, you must obtain a new public key from Quest
a. Click Security Settings on the appliance Control Panel to display the Security Settings page.
b. In the Appliance Encryption Key section, click Generate Key.
3. Enable the tether and enter the public key you obtained from Quest Support:
a. On the left navigation bar, click Support to display the Support page.
b. In the Troubleshooting Tools section, click Enter a Tether Key to display the Diagnostic Utilities
c. In the Quest Support Tether section, select Enable Tether.
d. In the Key field, enter the public tether key. To obtain the public tether key, contact Quest Support
at https://support.quest.com/contact-support.
4. Optional: Enable the Quest Support User account:
a. In the Quest Support Tether section of the Diagnostic Utilities page, select Enable Quest
Support User.
b. Specify the password you want Quest Support to use to log in to the KACE SMA, then provide
this password to Quest Support. The password is not delivered to Quest automatically.
c. Optional: Select Allow Quest to set password to enable Quest Support to create a password
for the user account. This makes it possible for a Quest representative to create a password
they can use to log in to the appliance This option is not available if you are using the encryption
method available prior to KACE SMA version 6.2.
5. Click Save.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Enable a tether to Quest Support
Troubleshooting appliance issues
The KACE SMA server logs can help you and Quest Support detect and resolve errors.
The logs contain the last seven days of activity, and they are copied and compressed every day. Compressed
logs are deleted when they are seven days old.
Log maintenance checks are performed daily, and no additional administrative log maintenance procedures are

View appliance logs

You can view KACE SMA logs in the Administrator Console. Appliance logs provide information related to KACE
SMA processes and errors the system encounters.
If the appliance is configured to share detailed usage data with Quest KACE, KACE SMA and Agent exceptions or
errors are reported to Quest every day. See:
• Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled
• Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Logs to display the Logs page.
3. Select a log in the Log drop-down list.
Log Type Log Name Description

Hardware Disk Status The status of the physical appliance disk array (not available for
virtual appliances).

Server KACE SMA Log The errors generated on the appliance.

Access The HTTP server's access information.

Server Errors Errors or server warnings related to appliance server processes.

Stats The number of connections the appliance is processing over time.

Updates Details of appliance patches or upgrades applied to the appliance.

Reporting Log Details of reports that have been run.

Reporting Errors Errors related to reports that have been run.

System System performance information, including webserver, disk, and

Performance Agent connection statistics. To ensure that Apache graphs in this log
are updated, enable webserver diagnostics. See Configure security
settings for the appliance.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View appliance logs
Log Type Log Name Description

Konductor Log Konductor-related logs. Konductor is an internal KACE SMA

component that regulates communications between the appliance
and managed devices to keep the system running smoothly. The
number of tasks Konductor is running appears on the Tasks in
Progress widget. In addition, task throughput information appears
on the appliance General Settings page (on appliances with the
Organization component enabled) or on the Communication Settings
page (on appliances without the Organization component enabled).
• Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization
component enabled
• Configure Agent communication and log settings

Patch Download Information about patches that have been downloaded to the
Log appliance.

Opcode Cache Opcode cache log information (not available for virtual appliances).

Backup Log Details of daily and monthly KACE SMA backups.

Agentless Log Information related to Agentless device connections to the KACE


Monitoring Log Information related to monitored servers and their connections to the

Software Information related to KACE SMA Software Catalog inventory

Inventory processing.

Software Processing errors related to KACE SMA Software Catalog inventory

Inventory Errors processing.

User Information related to user authentication. Each entry in the log

Authentication includes the following information:
• The name of the user account that attempts to log in.
• The IP address of the device from which the login attempt
• The console to which the user attempts to log in: userui
(User Console), systemui (System Administration Console),
adminui (Administrator Console), or a Linked Appliance.
• The name of the organization the user is authenticated
• The type of authentication used: Local Authentication,
Single Sign On, systemui Local Authentication, or
• The result of the login attempt: success or failed.
For example:

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

View appliance logs
Log Type Log Name Description

[2018-04-26 07:27:06 -0700] AUTH [info] admin - - adminui - Default - systemui Local
Authentication - success

Mail Service Desk Information related to problems encountered by the Exim Server
Incoming Mail Log (Mail Transfer agent) while processing email for Service Desk
queues. For example, invalid email addresses and Service Desk
licensing issues.

Service Desk PHP errors encountered when inbound email messages are
Incoming Mail processed.
Error Log

Service Desk Errors encountered by the Mail Daemon while sending outgoing
Outgoing Mail Log email messages. For example, invalid email addresses.

Service Desk PHP errors encountered when outgoing email notifications are
Outgoing Mail processed.
Error Log

Device Client Errors KACE SMA Agent exception logs.

AMP Server Server-related AMP (Agent Messaging Protocol) errors.

AMP Queue Queue-related AMP errors.

If the Organization component is enabled on your system, you can change the number of days logs are retained.
This setting appears in the Log Retention section of the appliance General Settings. See Configure appliance
General Settings with the Organization component enabled.

Download appliance activity logs

You can download appliance activity logs from the Administrator Console. These logs can be useful during
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Support to display the Support page.
3. Click Retrieve appliance activity logs.
The logs are downloaded in the k1000_logs.tgz file.
For information about logs used in debugging, see:
◦ Managing provisioning schedules
◦ Troubleshooting and debugging the KACE SMA Agent
◦ View appliance logs

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Download appliance activity logs
If the Organization component is enabled on your system, you can change the number of days logs are retained.
This setting appears in the Log Retention section of the appliance General Settings. See Configure appliance
General Settings with the Organization component enabled.

Viewing the daily run output

The daily run output is a report that shows appliance information such as the disk status, network interface status,
uptime and load averages, mail system health, and database status. Use this report to verify system status and
identify issues that need to be resolved.
This report runs on a daily basis and is sent by email to the system administrator. See Understanding the daily run
output and Security run output.

Troubleshooting and debugging the KACE SMA

Use the Agent's debugging features to troubleshoot Agent-related issues.
If devices do not show up in Inventory, ensure the Agent Debug Trace option is enabled on the Communication
Settings page. For more information, see Configure Agent communication and log settings.
For additional assistance, go to the Quest Support website, https://support.quest.com/contact-support. This
website contains a Knowledge Base you can use for troubleshooting.

Resolve Windows security issues that prevent Agent

If Windows security settings prevent the KACE SMA from provisioning the Agent to Windows devices, you can
reconfigure settings through a command prompt.
To allow provisioning, you must open the firewall and configure security settings.
1. Open a command prompt on the device.
2. Open the firewall and configure security settings:
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa /v ForceGuest /t REG_DWORD /d
0 /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system /v
LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v
FdenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
netsh.exe firewall set service type=FILEANDPRINT mode=ENABLE scope=ALL
netsh.exe firewall set service type=REMOTEADMIN mode=ENABLE scope=ALL

Testing and troubleshooting email communication

You can take steps to ensure that your Service Desk email communication is working correctly. You can verify
email system configuration by testing your outgoing and incoming email. In addition, you can use Telnet to test
email. Log files are available to provide error information.
The testing and troubleshooting information assumes that you are using a POP3 email server to communicate
with the KACE SMA as described in Configuring email settings.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Testing and troubleshooting email communication
Test outgoing email
You can test outgoing email to verify system configuration.
1. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
2. On the left navigation bar, click Support to display the Support page.
3. In the Troubleshooting Tools section, click Run diagnostic utilities to display the Diagnostic Utilities page.
4. In the Test drop-down list, select email sending.
5. In the text box, enter a valid email address.
6. Click Run Now to display a log of the email’s path.
7. Check the log file for errors.
• If no errors are reported, the outgoing email was successfully sent.
• In the event of an error:
▪ Check your email and spam filters.
▪ Check your appliance network settings. If you are using your own SMTP server, the appliance
relays email through it. Many SMTP servers require specific permission to do this. Add your
appliance IP address to the list of acceptable servers.
▪ Check your router settings. Make sure the appliance can use the SMTP port (25).
▪ Check your firewall settings. Make sure the appliance can use the SMTP port (25).
▪ If you cannot resolve the issue, contact Quest Support at https://support.quest.com/contact-

Test incoming email

You can test incoming email to verify system configuration.
1. Log on to your SMTP server, and create a Service Desk ticket by sending an email message to the Support
email address for your appliance.
2. Go to the Service Desk Tickets page:
a. Log in to the KACE SMA Administrator Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin.
Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General
Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the
login information.
b. On the left navigation bar, click Service Desk, then click Tickets.
3. Confirm that a ticket appears.
If you send email from a valid account on the appliance, a ticket is created automatically.

Use Telnet to test incoming email

You can use Telnet to communicate with the KACE SMA SMTP server and send a test email.
1. Use the following commands:
>telnet k1000.mydomain.com 25
>EHLO mydomain.com

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Use Telnet to test incoming email
>MAIL FROM:<admin@mydomain.com>
>RCPT TO:<servicedesk@k1000.mydomain.com
>Test data here
These commands start communication, tell the server who the message is from, tell the server who the
message is to, prepare to send data, and quit Telnet.
2. Check the Service Desk email box to confirm that you have received email from admin@mydomain.com.

Access appliance logs to view Microsoft Exchange Server

Information about Microsoft Exchange Server errors is available in KACE SMA log files when logging is enabled
on the Exchange Server.
1. In Microsoft Exchange Server, open the SMTP Virtual Server Properties window.
2. On the General tab, make sure that the Enable Logging check box is selected. If it is not selected, select it,
then send a test email to the appliance.
3. Go to the appliance Control Panel:
• If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA Administrator
Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/admin, then click Settings.
• If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the KACE SMA System
Administration Console, http://KACE_SMA_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the page, then click Settings.
4. On the left navigation bar, click Logs to display the Logs page.
5. Select a log from the Log drop-down list.
6. Examine the exim_mainlog_* and exim_paniclog_* files for problems.
Problem could include:
◦ Errors and unsuccessful steps
◦ Hostnames and other variables not fully resolved
7. Examine the Debug_* log for any other Exim problems such as runaway Exim processes.
These other logs might also provide clues to the problem:
◦ khelpdeskmailhandler_output
◦ khelpdeskmailnotifier_error
◦ khelpdeskmailnotifier_output
8. Examine the Microsoft Exchange SMTP service logs in C:\windows\system32\ologFiles\*SMTP for

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Access appliance logs to view Microsoft Exchange Server errors
Troubleshooting email errors
Solutions exist for some typical email errors.
Email error Solution

550 Unknown user • Make sure the address is correct.

• Verify that the address matches the address
used by Service Desk.
• Try disabling the external SMTP server and
removing the address from the network
settings. Reboot and restore the address.
Reboot once more.

451 error - unable to verify Check DNS settings.


About Diagnostic Console Two-Factor

Diagnostic Console Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) allows you to control access to the appliance back-end.
When you enable SSH access to the appliance and create a tether, the Quest Support team can log in to the
back-end of the KACE SMA using the appliance root password together with an access token. Tokens are
provided in the Initial Setup Wizard. They can be viewed and regenerated using the Diagnostic Console Two-
Factor Authentication page in the appliance System Console. Each token can only be used once and must be
given to the Quest Support contact before they can log in to the appliance through the tether or the console.
To navigate to this page, log in to the KACE SMA System Console. On the left navigation bar, under Settings,
click Support, and on the Support page, under Troubleshooting Tools, click Diagnostic Console Two-Factor
The security key and offline tokens that are provided with the appliance during the initial setup should be recorded
and stored in secure location, not on the KACE SMA machine. You may be required to provide this information to
Support, when needed.
After upgrading from an earlier version, if a message appears indicating that Diagnostic Console Two-Factor
Authentication is disabled, and you want to enable it for enhanced security, follow the instructions in the message
to enable it.
• To replace the secret key and regenerate the offline tokens, click Replace Secret Key.
• To regenerate offline tokens, click Regenerate Offline Tokens.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About Diagnostic Console Two-Factor Authentication

Database table names

Database table names can be used in reports and other database queries.
The following tables list the current database table names and the table names that have changed between the
6.3 and 6.4 versions of the KACE SMA:
• Organization-level (ORG1) database tables
• System-level (KBSYS) database tables
• Changes to the ORG1 database
• Changes to the KBSYS database

Organization-level (ORG1) database tables

The following table lists organization-level (ORG1) database table names. Reference these table names when
creating custom reports using SQL queries. See Create reports using SQL queries.
Table 31. ORG1 database tables and components

Table Component

ADVISORY Service Desk: Knowledge Base

ADVISORY_LABEL_JT Service Desk: Knowledge Base

ADVISORY_RATINGS Service Desk: Knowledge Base

AGENTLESS_TASK_LOG Appliance Administration: Discovery

ASSET Asset Management



ASSET_CLASS Asset Management: Asset Subtypes

ASSET_DATA_1 Asset Management: Import Assets

ASSET_DATA_2 Asset Management: Import Assets

ASSET_DATA_3 Asset Management: Import Assets

ASSET_DATA_4 Asset Management: Import Assets

ASSET_DATA_5 Asset Management: Import Assets

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component

ASSET_DATA_6 Asset Management: Import Assets

ASSET_DATA_7 Asset Management: Import Assets

ASSET_FIELD_DEFINITION Settings: Asset History

ASSET_FILTER Asset Management: Labeling

ASSET_HIERARCHY Asset Management

ASSET_HISTORY Settings: Asset History

ASSET_TYPE Asset Management: Asset Types

AUTHENTICATION Appliance Administration

CLIENTDIST_LABEL_JT Appliance Administration: KACE SMA Agent

CLIENT_DISTRIBUTION Appliance Administration: KACE SMA Agent

CREDENTIAL Settings: Credentials

CUSTOM_FIELD_DEFINITION Appliance Administration

CUSTOM_VIEW Appliance Administration: Service Desk




DELL_ASSET Security: Dell Updates

DELL_INVENTORY Security: Dell Updates



DELL_INVENTORY_LOG Security: Dell Updates


DELL_MACHINE_STATUS Security: Dell Updates

DELL_PKG_LABEL_JT Security: Dell Updates

DELL_PKG_STATUS Security: Dell Updates

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component

DELL_PKG_UPDATE_HISTORY Security: Dell Updates

DELL_SCHEDULE Security: Dell Updates

DELL_SCHEDULE_LABEL_JT Security: Dell Updates


DELL_SCHEDULE_OS_JT Security: Dell Updates


DELL_WARRANTY Security: Dell Updates

DEVICE_DETAIL_FIELD Inventory: Devices

DEVICE_DETAIL_GROUP Inventory: Devices




DEVP_PROFILE_APPLIED Scripting: Mac Profiles





FS File Synchronization

FS_LABEL_JT File Synchronization

FS_MACHINE_JT File Synchronization

GLOBAL_OPTIONS Appliance Administration

GRID_COLUMNS_OVERRIDES Appliance Administration

HD_ANNOUNCEMENT Service Desk: Announcements

HD_ANNOUNCEMENT_LABEL_JT Service Desk: Announcements

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component

HD_ARCHIVE_ATTACHMENT Service Desk: Ticket Archive

HD_ARCHIVE_TICKET Service Desk: Ticket Archive

HD_ARCHIVE_TICKET_CHANGE Service Desk: Ticket Archive


HD_ARCHIVE_WORK Service Desk: Ticket Archive

HD_ATTACHMENT Service Desk: Tickets

HD_CATEGORY Service Desk: Tickets

HD_CUSTOM_FIELDS Service Desk: Tickets

HD_EMAIL_EVENT Service Desk: Tickets

HD_FIELD Service Desk: Tickets

HD_HOME_PAGE_WIDGET Service Desk: User Console Home Page

HD_IMPACT Service Desk: Tickets

HD_LINK Service Desk: User Console Home Page

HD_MAILTEMPLATE Service Desk: Tickets

HD_PRIORITY Service Desk: Tickets

HD_QUEUE Service Desk: Queues


HD_QUEUE_OWNER_LABEL_JT Service Desk: Queues


HD_SERVICE Service Desk: Tickets

HD_SERVICE_TICKET Service Desk: Tickets

HD_SERVICE_USER_LABEL_JT Service Desk: Tickets

HD_SLA_BUSINESS_HOURS Service Desk: Service Level Agreement

HD_SLA_HOLIDAYS Service Desk: Service Level Agreement

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component

HD_STATUS Service Desk: Tickets

HD_TICKET Service Desk: Tickets

HD_TICKET_CHANGE Service Desk: Tickets

HD_TICKET_CHANGE_FIELD Service Desk: Tickets

HD_TICKET_FILTER Service Desk: Tickets

HD_TICKET_RELATED Service Desk: Tickets

HD_TICKET_RULE Service Desk: Tickets

HD_WORK Service Desk: Tickets

IM_CRON Appliance Administration

KBOT Scripting




KBOT_FORM Scripting



KBOT_LOG Scripting




KBOT_OS_JT Scripting

KBOT_RUN Scripting



KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component





KMON_ALERT Monitoring


KMON_CONFIG Monitoring




KMON_INSTALL_LEP_DEVICE_JT Monitoring: Log Enablement Packages

KMON_LEP Monitoring: Log Enablement Package

KMON_LEP_INSTALL Monitoring: Log Enablement Package




LABEL Labels




MACHINE Inventory: Devices

MACHINE_ACTIONS Inventory: Devices



KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component




MACHINE_DCM_BATTERY Inventory: Devices



MACHINE_DCM_LOG_ENTRY Inventory: Devices




MACHINE_DDPE Inventory: Devices

MACHINE_DDPE_VOLUME Inventory: Devices

MACHINE_DISKS Inventory: Devices




MACHINE_INTEL_AMT Inventory: Devices

MACHINE_LABEL_JT Inventory: Devices

MACHINE_LOCATION Inventory: Devices

MACHINE_MOBILE Inventory: Devices

MACHINE_NICS Inventory: Devices


MACHINE_PROCESS_JT Inventory: Devices

MACHINE_REPLITEM Inventory: Devices

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component

MACHINE_SNMP_DATA Inventory: Devices

MACHINE_SOFTWARE_JT Inventory: Devices


MACHINE_TPM Inventory: Devices

MESSAGE Distribution: Alerts

MESSAGE_LABEL_JT Distribution: Alerts

MI Distribution: Managed Installations

MI_ATTEMPT Distribution: Managed Installations

MI_LABEL_JT Distribution: Managed Installations

NODE Inventory: Discovery

NODE_LABEL_JT Inventory: Discovery

NODE_PORTS Inventory: Discovery

NODE_SNMP_IF Inventory: Discovery

NODE_SNMP_SYSTEM Inventory: Discovery

NOTIFICATION Reporting: Notifications

NOTIFICATION_USER_JT Reporting: Notifications

NTSERVICE Inventory: Services

NTSERVICE_LABEL_JT Inventory: Services


OBJECT_HISTORY Settings: History


OPERATING_SYSTEMS Inventory: Devices


PATCHLINK_BULLETIN_COUNT Security: Patch Management

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component



PATCHLINK_MACHINE_STATUS Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_PATCH_COUNT Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_PATCH_LABEL_JT Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_PATCH_STATUS Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_SCHEDULE Security: Patch Scheduling



PATCHLINK_SCHEDULE_LABEL_JT Security: Patch Scheduling


PATCHLINK_SCHEDULE_OS_JT Security: Patch Scheduling


PATCHLINK_SCHEDULE_RUN Security: Patch Scheduling


PATCHLINK_SCHEDULE_RUN_LOG Security: Patch Scheduling


PATCH_FILTER Security: Patch Management

PATCH_SETTINGS Security: Patch Scheduling

PORTAL Service Desk: User Console

PORTAL_LABEL_JT Service Desk: User Console

PROCESS Inventory: Processes

PROCESS_LABEL_JT Inventory: Process

PROVISION_CONFIG Settings: Agent Provisioning

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component

PROVISION_NODE Settings: Agent Provisioning

REMOTE_CHROMEOS_HOST Settings: Agentless Provisioning

REMOTE_DMM_HOST Settings: Agentless: Dell Mobility Manager

REMOTE_HOST Settings: Agentless Provisioning

REMOTE_HOST_KUID Settings: Agentless Provisioning

REMOTE_SHELL_HOST Settings: Agentless Provisioning

REMOTE_SNMP_HOST Settings: Agentless Provisioning

REMOTE_WSMAN_HOST Settings: Agentless Provisioning

REPLICATION_LANGUAGE Distribution: Replication

REPLICATION_PLATFORM Distribution: Replication

REPLICATION_SCHEDULE Distribution: Replication

REPLICATION_SHARE Distribution: Replication







SAM_CATALOG_FILTER Inventory: Software Catalog

SAM_CATALOG_LABEL_JT Inventory: Software Catalog

SAM_COMPLIANCE_DETAIL Asset Management: License Compliance

SAM_COMPLIANCE_SUMMARY Asset Management: License Compliance

SAM_COUNT Inventory: Software Catalog

SAM_MACHINE_JT Inventory: Software Catalog

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component

SAM_MACHINE_TERMINATED_APPS Inventory: Software Catalog

SAM_METER Inventory: Software Catalog

SAM_METER_DATA Inventory: Software Catalog

SAM_METER_TITLED_APPLICATION Inventory: Software Catalog

SAM_NOT_ALLOWED Inventory: Software Catalog

SAVED_SEARCH Appliance Administration

SCAN_FILTER Inventory: Discovery

SCAN_SETTINGS Inventory: Discovery










SETTINGS_HISTORY Settings: History







KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component

SNOOZE_ALERT Patch Schedules

SOFTWARE Inventory: Software

SOFTWARE_LABEL_JT Inventory: Software

SOFTWARE_OS_JT Inventory: Software

STARTUPPROGRAM Inventory: Startup Programs

STARTUPPROGRAM_LABEL_JT Inventory: Startup Programs

THROTTLE Appliance Administration

USER Settings: Users

USERIMPORT_SCHEDULE Settings: User Authentication


USER_HISTORY Settings: Users

USER_KEYS Settings: Users

USER_LABEL_JT Settings: Users

USER_ROLE Settings: Users


System-level (KBSYS) database tables

The following table shows the System-level (KBSYS) database table names. Reference these table names when
creating custom reports using SQL queries. See Create reports using SQL queries.
Table 32. KBSYS database tables and components

Table Component

ACCESS_STATS Appliance Administration (used to track page views)


APPLE_MODEL Inventory: Devices


CLIENT_CRASH Appliance Administration

COUNTRYCODE_MAPPING Inventory: Devices(used for Dell devices)

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component

CREDENTIAL_CONSUMER Settings: Credentials







DELL_CATALOG Security: Dell Updates

DELL_CRITICALITY Security: Dell Updates

DELL_ERROR_CODE Security: Dell Updates

DELL_PKG Security: Dell Updates

DELL_PKG_DEVICE Security: Dell Updates


DELL_PKG_DEVICE_PCI Security: Dell Updates

DELL_PKG_DEVICE_PNP Security: Dell Updates

DELL_PKG_DEVICE_VERSION Security: Dell Updates

DELL_PKG_OS Security: Dell Updates

DELL_PKG_OS_LANG Security: Dell Updates

DELL_PKG_SYSTEM Security: Dell Updates

DELL_RESOURCE Security: Dell Updates

DELL_SUPPORTED_MODELS Security: Dell Updates

DELL_UPDATE_STATUS Security: Dell Updates

GLOBAL_OPTIONS Appliance Administration

GRID_COLUMNS_BASE Appliance Administration

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component

GRID_COLUMNS_OVERRIDES Appliance Administration

HD_EMAIL_EXCLUSION Service Desk: Email Exclusion List


IM_CRON Appliance Administration (used for scheduled







KBOX Scripting


KONDUCTOR_TASK Appliance Administration

KUID_MACHINE Appliance Administration

KUID_ORGANIZATION Appliance Administration

LICENSE_MODE Appliance Administration

LINKED_APPLIANCE Settings: Appliance Linking

LINKED_USER_TOKEN Settings: Appliance Linking

LOCALE_BROWSER Appliance Administration

LOCALE_COLLATION_RULES Appliance Administration

LOCALE_SERVER Appliance Administration

LOCALE_TIME_FORMAT Appliance Administration

MSI_ERROR_CODES Distribution

NETWORK_SETTINGS Appliance Administration

ORGANIZATION Organizations

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component

ORGANIZATION_FILTER Organizations: Filters



ORG_ROLE Organizations: Roles


OS_FAMILY Inventory: Devices



PATCHLINK_ARCHITECTURE Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_BULLETIN Security: Patch Management


PATCHLINK_BULLETIN_OS_JT Security: Patch Management


PATCHLINK_ERROR_CODE Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_IMPACT Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_LANGUAGE Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_LST Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_LST_OSPX_MAP Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_LST_PATCH_JT Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_OS_TYPE Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_PACKAGE Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_PACKAGE_FILE Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_PACKAGE_FLAGS Security: Patch Management


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component

PATCHLINK_PACKAGE_OS_TYPE_JT Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_PATCH Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_PATCH_LANGUAGE_JT Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_PATCH_OS_JT Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_PATCH_PREREQ Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_PATCH_PRODUCT Security: Patch Management


PATCHLINK_PLATFORM Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_PUBLISHERS Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_RESOURCE Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_SCR_CONTENT Security: Patch Management

PATCHLINK_UPDATE_STATUS Security: Patch Management


PATCHLINK_VENDOR_SEVERITY Security: Patch Management


PORT_SERVICES Inventory: Discovery

PROVISIONING_ERRORS Settings: Provisioning







RESOURCE_EXPORTED Settings: Resources

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component

RESOURCE_QUEUE Settings: Resources

SAM_APPLICATION Software Catalog

SAM_HARDWARE Software Catalog


SAM_MUI_CACHE_DATA Software Catalog

SAM_PUBLISHER Software Catalog

SAM_SOFTWARE_TAG Software Catalog

SAM_TITLE_REQUEST Software Catalog










SERVER_CRASH Appliance Administration (used to track internal


SERVICE_LEVEL_MAPPING Inventory: Devices (used for Dell devices)


SETTINGS_HISTORY Settings: History




KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Component




SMMP_MSG_Q Discovery

SMMP_NIC Discovery




SSL_CERT Settings: Security Settings

SSL_CSR Settings: Security Settings

SSL_PRIVATEKEY Settings: Security Settings

SYSTEM_DEFINED_ROLES Organizations: Roles

TIME_SETTINGS Settings: Date and Time Settings

USER Settings: Authentication

USER_AUTH Settings: Authentication

USER_AUTO_REFRESH Settings: Authentication

Changes to the ORG1 database

The following table shows the table names that have changed in the organization-level (ORG1) database between
the 6.3 and 6.4 versions of the KACE SMA.
Table 33. ORG1 database table changes between versions 6.3 and 6.4

Table Change description





AUTH_SNMP_V3 Removed

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Change description

























KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Change description













REPORT Removed












KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Database table names
Table Change description


Changes to the KBSYS database

The following table shows the table names that have changed in the System-level (KBSYS) database between
the 6.3 and 6.4 versions of the KACE SMA.
Table 34. KBSYS database table changes between versions 6.3 and 6.4

Table Change description






REPORT Removed








Adding steps to task sections of scripts

You can add steps to scripts in the Scripting component.
The following tables detail the steps that can be added to the task sections of scripts. Task sections are available
on the Script Detail page when you add a task. See Adding and editing scripts.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding steps to task sections of scripts
The column headings V, OS, R, ORS, and ORF indicate whether a particular step is available in the
corresponding task sections: Verify, On Success, Remediation, On Remediation Success, and On Remediation
• Steps for Windows devices
• Steps for Mac OS X devices
• Steps for Red Hat Enterprise Linux devices

Steps for Windows devices

NOTE: For the syntax to use when specifying registry paths, see Specifying Windows registry paths.
Table 35. Adding steps to scripts used on Windows devices

Step Description V OS R ORS ORF

Always fail X X

Call a custom DLL Call function "%{procName}" from X X X

function "%{path}\%{file}".

Create a custom Create object "%{className}" from X X X

DLL object "%{path}\%{file}".

Create a message Create a message window named X X X X X

window "%{name}" with title "%{title}", message
"%{message}" and timeout "%{timeout}"

Delete a registry key Delete "%{key}" from the registry. See X X

Specifying Windows registry paths.

Delete a registry Delete "%{key}!%{name}" from the registry. X X

value See Specifying Windows registry paths.

Destroy a message Destroy the message window named X X X X X

window "%{name}".

Install an application Install "%{name}" with arguments X X

package "%{install_cmd}".
NOTE: This step requires you to
  choose from a list of application
packages already uploaded using
the functionality in the Inventory >
Software page. See Adding and
deleting applications in Software
page inventory.

Kill a process Kill the process "%{name}". X X X X X

Launch a program Launch "%{path}\%{program}" with params X X X X X


Log a registry value Log "%{key}!%{name}". X

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding steps to task sections of scripts
Step Description V OS R ORS ORF

Log file information Log "%{attrib}" from ""%{path}\%{file}". X X X

Log message Log "%{message}" to "%{type}". X

Restart a service Restart service "%{name}" X

Run a batch file Run the batch file "%{_fake_name}" with X X X

params "%{parms}".
NOTE: In this step, you do not need
  to upload the batch file. You create
the batch file by pasting the script in
the space provided.

Set a registry key Set "%{key}". X X

Set a registry value Set "%{key}!%{name}" to "%{newValue}". X X

Start a service Restart service "%{name}". X

Stop a service Stop service "%{name}" X

Unzip a file Unzip "%{path}\%{file}" to "%{target}". X X X X

Update message Set the text in the message window named X X X X

window text "%{name}" to "%{text}".

Update policy and Update policy and job schedule from the X
job schedule appliance.

Upload a file Upload "%{path}\%{file}" to the server. X X

Verify a directory Verify that the directory "%{path}" exists. X


Verify a file exists Verify that the file "%{path}\%{file}" exists. X

Verify a file version Verify that the file "%{path}\%{file}" has X

is exactly version "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a file version Verify that the file "%{path}\%{file}" has X

is greater than version greater than "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a file version Verify that the file "%{path}\%{file}" X

is greater than or has version greater than or equal to
equal to "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a file version Verify that the file "%{path}\%{file}" has X

is less than version less than "%{expectedValue}".

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding steps to task sections of scripts
Step Description V OS R ORS ORF

Verify a file version Verify that the file "%{path}\%{file}" X

is less than or equal has version less than or equal to
to "%{expectedValue}.

Verify a file version Verify that the file "%{path}\%{file}" does X

is not not have version "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a file was Verify that the file "%{path}\%{file}" was X

modified since modified since "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a process is Verify the process "%{name}" is not X

not running running.

Verify a process is Verify the process "%{name}" is running. X


Verify a product Verify that the product "%{path}\%{file}" X

version is exactly has version "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a product Verify that the product "%{path}\ X

version is greater %{file}" has version greater than
than "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a product Verify that the product "%{path}\%{file}" X

version is greater has version greater than or equal to
than or equal to "%{expected-Value}".

Verify a product Verify that the product "%{path}\%{file}" X

version is less than has version less than "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a product Verify that the product "%{path}\%{file}" X

version is less than has version less than or equal to
or equal to "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a product Verify that the product "%{path}\ X

version is not %{file}" does not have version

NOTE: For the syntax to use when specifying registry

  paths, see Specifying Windows registry paths.

Verify a registry key Verify that "%{key}" does not exist. X

does not exist

Verify a registry key Verify that "%{key}" exists. X


Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}" has exactly X

key’s subkey count "%{expectedValue}" subkeys.
is exactly

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding steps to task sections of scripts
Step Description V OS R ORS ORF

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}" has greater than X

key’s subkey count "%{expectedValue}" subkeys.
is greater than

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}" has greater than or X

key’s subkey count equal to "%{expectedValue}" subkeys.
is greater than or
equal to

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}" has less than X

key’s subkey count "%{expectedValue}" subkeys.
is less than

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}" has less than or equal X

key’s subkey count to "%{expectedValue}" subkeys.
is less than or equal

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}" does not have exactly X

key’s subkey count "%{expectedValue}" subkeys.
is not

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}" has exactly X

key’s value count is "%{expectedValue}" values.

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}" has greater than X

key’s value count is "%{expectedValue}" values.
greater than

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}" has greater than or X

key’s value count equal to "%{expectedValue}" values.
is greater than or
equal to

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}" has less than X

key’s value count is "%{expectedValue}" values.
less than

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}" has less than or equal X

key’s value count is to "%{expectedValue}" values.
less than or equal to

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}" does not have exactly X

key’s value count is "%{expectedValue}" values.

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}!%{name}= X

pattern doesn’t %{expectedValue}" doesn't match.

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}!%{name}= X

pattern match %{expectedValue}" matches.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding steps to task sections of scripts
Step Description V OS R ORS ORF

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}!%{name}" does not X

value does not exist exist.

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}!%{name}" exists. X

value exists

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}!%{name}" is equal to X

value is exactly "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}!%{name}" is greater X

value is greater than than "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}!%{name}" is greater X

value is greater than than or equal to "%{expectedValue}" .
or equal to

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}!%{name}" is less than X

value is less than "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}!%{name}" is less than X

value is less than or or equal to "%{expectedValue}".
equal to

Verify a registry Verify that "%{key}!%{name}" is not equal X

value is not to "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a service Verify the service "%{name}" exists. X


Verify a service is Verify the service "%{name}" is running. X


Specifying Windows registry paths

When specifying Windows registry paths, use the base key and specify whether the registry is on a device with
32-bit or 64-bit operating system and hardware.

Base key Short version


KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding steps to task sections of scripts
For example, specify the path for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE for 32- and 64-bit Windows devices as follows:
• HKLM\Software\32BitProgramA\installDate
• HKLM64\Software\64BitProgramB\installDate

Steps for Mac OS X devices

Table 36. Adding steps to scripts used on Mac OS X devices

Step Description V OS R ORS ORF

Always fail X X

Create a message Create a message window named X X X X X

window "%{name}" with title "%{title}", message
"%{message}" and timeout "%{timeout}"

Destroy a message Destroy the message window named X X X X X

window "%{name}".

Kill a process Kill the process "%{name}". X X X X X

Launch a program Launch "%{path}\%{program}" with params X X X X X


Log a plist value Log "%{key}!%{name};" X

Log message Log "%{message}" to "%{type}". X

Search file system Search for "%{name}" in X

"%{startingDirectory}" on "%{drives}" and

Unzip a file Unzip "%{path}\%{file}" to "%{target}". X X X X

Update message Set the text in the message window named X X X X

window text "%{name}" to "%{text}".

Update policy and Update policy and job schedule from the X
job schedule appliance.

Upload a file Upload "%{path}\%{file}" to the server. X X

Verify a directory Verify that the directory "%{path}" exists. X


Verify a file exists Verify that the file "%{path}\%{file}" exists. X

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding steps to task sections of scripts
Step Description V OS R ORS ORF

Verify a file was Verify that the file "%{path}\%{file}" was X

modified since modified since "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a process is Verify the process "%{name}" is not X

not running running.

Verify a process is Verify the process "%{name}" is running. X


Verify a plist value X


Verify a plist value Verify that "%{key}" exists. X


Verify a plist value X

greater than

Verify a plist value X

less than

Verify an X
variable equals

Verify an X
variable exists

Verify an X
variable greater than

Verify an X
variable less than

Verify at least one X

file matching regex

Verify count of X
filenames matching
regex is greater than

Verify count of X
filenames matching
regex is less than

Verify count of X
filenames matching

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding steps to task sections of scripts
Step Description V OS R ORS ORF

Verify file info X


Verify file info X

greater than

Verify file info less X


Steps for Red Hat Enterprise Linux devices

Table 37. Adding steps to scripts for RHEL

Step Description V OS R ORS ORF

Always fail X X

Kill a process Kill the process "%{name}". X X X X X

Launch a program Launch "%{path}\%{program}" with params X X X X X


Log message Log "%{message}" to "%{type}". X

Search file system Search for "%{name}" in X

"%{startingDirectory}" on "%{drives}" and

Unzip a file Unzip "%{path}\%{file}" to "%{target}". X X X X

Update policy and Update policy and job schedule from the X
job schedule appliance.

Upload a file Upload "%{path}\%{file}" to the server. X X

Verify a directory Verify that the directory "%{path}" exists. X


Verify a file exists Verify that the file "%{path}\%{file}" exists. X

Verify a file was Verify that the file "%{path}\%{file}" was X

modified since modified since "%{expectedValue}".

Verify a process is Verify the process "%{name}" is not X

not running running.

Verify a process is Verify the process "%{name}" is running. X


Verify an X
variable less than

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Adding steps to task sections of scripts
Step Description V OS R ORS ORF

Verify at least one X

file matching regex

Verify count of X
filenames matching
regex is greater than

Verify count of X
filenames matching
regex is less than

Verify count of X
filenames matching

Verify file info X


Verify file info X

greater than

Verify file info less X


LDAP variables
The KACE SMA supports variables for use in LDAP Labels and database queries.

Device or machine variables

Device or machine variables can be used in LDAP Labels and queries to automatically group devices by name,
description, and other LDAP criteria. During LDAP Label processing, the KACE SMA replaces all KBOX_ defined
variables with their respective runtime values. The following table shows supported device or machine variables
and their mapping to columns in the MACHINE database table and LDAP attributes.
Table 38. Device or machine variables and mappings

KACE SMA variable KACE SMA MACHINE database table LDAP attribute mapping






KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

LDAP variables
KACE SMA variable KACE SMA MACHINE database table LDAP attribute mapping




The KBOX_CUSTOM_INVENTORY_* variable can be used to check a custom inventory value. The * is replaced
with the Display Name of the custom inventory rule. Allowed characters are [a-z0-9.-]. Any other characters are
replaced with an underscore (_).

User variables
User variables can be used in LDAP Labels and queries to automatically group users by domain, location, budget
code, or other LDAP criteria. During LDAP Label processing, the KACE SMA replaces all KBOX_ defined variables
with their respective runtime values. The following table shows supported user variables and their mapping to
columns in the USER database table and LDAP attributes.
Table 39. User variables and mappings

KACE SMA variable KACE SMA USER database table LDAP attribute mapping















KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

LDAP variables
KACE SMA variable KACE SMA USER database table LDAP attribute mapping


KBOX_API_ENABLED API_ENABLED • No value: Disable user

access to the KACE
GO app

KBOX_AMS_ID AMS_ID No value. This variable is not

used in the KACE SMA 6.4




KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

LDAP variables

Acceptable Use Policy
A statement or policy that is displayed to users when they log in to the Administrator Console, Command
Line Console, or User Console. See Enable or disable the Acceptable Use Policy.
add to catalog request
A cataloging request is a form you can submit to request that an application that is not included in the
Software Catalog (Uncataloged) be added to the public Software Catalog. When Quest receives a
cataloging request, that request is evaluated to determine whether or not the application should become
part of the public Software Catalog. In addition, applications are automatically added to the local version of
the Software Catalog on the KACE SMA when cataloging requests are submitted. See Adding applications
to the Software Catalog.
Administrator Console
The Administrator Console is the web-based interface used to control the KACE SMA. To access the
Administrator Console, go to http://<KACE_SMA_hostname>/admin where <KACE_SMA_hostname>
is the hostname of your appliance. If the Organization component is enabled, you can access the System-
level settings of the Administrator Console at http://<KACE_SMA_hostname>/system. To view the full
path of URLs in the Administrator Console, which can be useful when searching the database or sharing
links, add ui to the URL you use to log in. For example: http://<KACE_SMA_hostname>/admin.
The KACE SMA Agent is an application that can be installed on devices to enable device management
through the KACE SMA. Agents that are installed on managed devices communicate with the KACE SMA
through AMP (Agent Messaging Protocol). Agents perform scheduled tasks, such as collecting inventory
information from, and distributing software to, managed devices. Agentless management is available for
devices that cannot have Agent software installed, such as printers and devices with operating systems that
are not supported by the Agent. See Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent.
Agentless management
Agentless device management is a method of managing devices without the need to deploy and maintain
the KACE SMA Agent software on those devices. Agentless management uses SSH, SNMP, and other
methods to connect to Agent-intolerant devices, such as printers, network devices, and storage devices,
and report inventory in the KACE SMA Administrator Console. This is useful for operating system versions
and distributions that are not supported by the KACE SMA Agent, and where Agentless management is
preferred over installing the Agent. See Managing Agentless devices.
Broadcast alerts are messages, such as pop-ups, that can be broadcast from the KACE SMA to be
displayed on Agent-managed devices. Displaying alerts is useful when you need to communicate urgent
information, or notify users before running actions or scripts on their devices. See Broadcasting alerts to
managed devices.
Monitoring alerts are messages that are generated on supported server devices and sent to the KACE SMA to
alert staff about errors and issues being reported in the event and system logs of the devices. See Monitoring
alternate download location
An alternate download location can be any network location that has all the files required to install a
particular application. You can distribute packages from alternate download locations including a UNC
address or DFS source. The CIFS and SMB protocols, Samba servers, and file server appliances are

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

supported. You specify the location when you create a Managed Installation. See Using Managed
Agent Messaging Protocol.
AMP (Agent Messaging Protocol) is the communications protocol used for communication between the KACE
SMA Agent, which is installed on Agent-managed devices, and the KACE SMA. AMP provides optimized real-time
communications for system-management operations. See Provisioning the KACE SMA Agent.
AppDeploy Live
See ITNinja .
appliance linking
Appliance linking enables you to log in to one appliance and access all linked appliances from the drop-
down list in the top-right corner of the Administrator Console, without having to log in to each appliance
separately. You can link all of the Quest K-Series appliances you manage. See Linking Quest KACE
appliance or virtual appliance
The KACE SMA is available as a physical or hardware-based appliance, and as a virtual appliance. The
virtual KACE SMA uses a VMware infrastructure. The same system management features are available on
both the physical and virtual appliances. See About KACE SMA components.
Application Control
Application Control enables you to mark applications as Not Allowed and blacklist them or prevent them
from running on Agent-managed Windows and Mac devices. This is useful if you want to restrict specific
applications from running in your environment. See Apply the Application Control label to devices.
Asset Management
Support for complex license compliance reporting, building on the framework of data collected through
the KACE SMA Inventory process. Asset Management also enables you to track additional data about
managed devices, including purchase dates, support contracts, asset tags, and so on. See About the Asset
Management component.
assets, Asset Types, and Asset Subtypes used in the Asset Management component
Assets and Asset Types used in the Asset Management component include physical and logical items,
such as devices, applications, printers, licenses, departments, locations, and vendors. The Asset
Management component enables you to build relationships between assets, track inventory data, view
records of changes, and report on changes to assets. Assets are based on Asset Types. You can modify
default Asset Types, create custom Asset Types, and import asset information as needed. See About Asset
Types. Asset Subtypes are subcategories of assets that you can add to any Asset Type, including custom
Asset Types. This enables you to identify and manage subtypes of assets, such as Device assets that are
computers, printers, or routers, and Software assets that run on Windows, Mac, or Linux systems in the
KACE SMA inventory. See About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences.
Assets that count toward your KACE SMA license limit
Your KACE SMA license agreement entitles you to manage a specified number of devices that are
categorized as Assets, and these Assets differ from assets used in the Asset Management component.
Assets that count toward your are license limit include devices that 1) have been added to the KACE SMA
inventory but do not meet the definition of Managed Computers or Monitored Servers and 2) were not
added to inventory manually, through the WSAPI, or through mobile management. Examples of Assets
include printers, projectors, network gear, and storage devices.
NOTE: The assets you create and manage using the Asset Management component do not count toward
  the license limit.
See View KACE SMA license information.
See Acceptable Use Policy .

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

automatic labels
Labels that are applied automatically, such as Smart Labels. See Setting up and using labels to manage
groups of items.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

See Application Control .
A SCAP benchmark is a security configuration checklist that contains a series of rules for evaluating
the vulnerabilities of a device in a particular operational environment. The NIST (National Institute of
Standards and Technology) maintains the National Checklist Repository that contains a variety of security
configuration checklists for specific IT products and categories of IT products. See About benchmarks.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Cataloged applications
Cataloged applications are executables that are in the official Software Catalog database. This includes
both applications that appear in the KACE SMA inventory (Discovered applications) and applications that
do not appear in KACE SMA inventory (Not Discovered applications). See About cataloged applications.
catalog request
See add to catalog request .
See software category .
change management
The ability to track changes made to items in the Administrator Console, such as scripts, reports, assets,
and settings. See Configuring history settings.
Charlie Root
The email address used for communication from the KACE SMA.
NOTE: Notifications and daily reports come from the default address, Charlie Root,
  (root@<KACE_SMA_hostname>) and you cannot modify this address.

Classic Metering
Classic Metering is the metering system that was available on the KACE SMA prior to version 5.5. If you
upgraded to version 5.5 from version 5.4 or lower, and you enabled metering prior to the upgrade, you
can continue to access Classic Metering in the KACE SMA 5.5 release. However, the Software Catalog
metering system, which provides more detailed information than Classic Metering, replaced Classic
Metering in the 6.0 release. Classic Metering is no longer available in version 6.0 and higher. See metering
Classic Reports
The reporting feature available on the KACE SMA version 5.2 and lower. Classic Reports are no longer
available in version 5.5 and higher.
Client Drop location
The Client Drop location is a file share used for uploading large files, such as application installers and
appliance backup files, to the appliance. Uploading files to the Client Drop location is an alternative to
uploading files through the Administrator Console using the default HTTP mechanism, which can result in
browser timeouts for large files. See Copy files to the KACE SMA Client Drop location.
See devices .
Command Line Console
The Command Line Console is a terminal window interface to the KACE SMA. The interface is designed
primarily to configure the appliance and enforce policies if the Administrator Console is not accessible. See
Power-on the appliance and log in to the Administrator Console.
Computers is a category of devices that can be managed by the KACE SMA. Examples of Computers
include personal computers, servers, laptops, tablets, and smart phones. Your KACE SMA license
agreement entitles you to manage a specified number of Computers. See Managed Computers .
Credentials Management
Credentials Management enables you to organize the usernames and passwords required for logging in to
other systems, such as managed computers and servers, and the information required for Google or SNMP
authentication. This streamlines the process of entering and managing credentials and authentication
information. See Managing credentials.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

data retention
The options for saving data for metering, device uptime, uncataloged applications, and backups on the
appliance. See Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings and Set the daily backup
schedule and the number of backups to retain.
data sharing
The options for sharing appliance information with Quest KACE. See Configure data sharing preferences.
Dell Command | Monitor
Dell Command | Monitor is the monitoring tool of the Dell Command Suite. It enables remote management
applications, such as the KACE SMA, to access management information, monitor status, and change
the state of enterprise client systems. If Dell Command | Monitor is detected on a managed device, the
KACE SMA uses the WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) interface to collect detailed hardware
inventory and health status. See About Dell Command | Monitor.
Device Actions
A feature that enables you to run commands on managed devices from the Devices list. For information
about setting up Device Actions, see Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization
Devices are machines, or endpoints, that are managed by the KACE SMA. Your KACE SMA license
agreement entitles you to manage a specified number of devices, which are classified as Managed
Computers, Assets, and Monitored Servers. Managed devices report data, such as software, hardware,
and networking information, to the KACE SMA. See View KACE SMA license information.
Discovered applications
Discovered applications are executables in the KACE SMA inventory that match the definitions of
applications in the Software Catalog. You can enable metering for Discovered applications and suites, mark
them as Not Allowed, and add license information for them. In addition, the Discovered software list can be
exported in CSV format. You can export the Discovered software list, the Uncataloged list, and the Locally
Cataloged list; you cannot export the entire Software Catalog.
Compare to Not Discovered applications . See Discovered applications.
Discovery is the process of identifying devices that are connected to the network and retrieving information
about those devices. Devices that can be discovered include laptops, desktops, servers, mobile devices,
virtual devices, printers, network devices, wireless access points, routers, switches and more. These
devices can be scanned and identified even if they do not have the KACE SMA Agent installed on them.
You can run Discovery scans on-demand or schedule scans to run at specific times. See About Device
Discovery and device management.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

email alerts
See alerts .

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

fast switching for organizations and linked appliances
Fast switching makes it possible to switch from one organization to another using a drop-down list in the
top-right corner of the Administrator Console instead of logging in to each organization separately. Also,
it makes it possible to switch between linked K-Series appliances without logging in to each appliance
separately. See Enable fast switching for organizations and linked appliances.
File Synchronizations
File Synchronizations enable you to distribute files to managed devices. Unlike Managed Installations,
however, File Synchronizations do not install files; they simply distribute files. Use File Synchronizations to
copy files of any type to managed devices. See Create and use File Synchronizations.
See labels and organization filters .

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Inventory includes information about the devices, applications, processes, startup programs, and services
on managed devices on your network. Inventory is collected by the KACE SMA Agent, which is installed
on managed devices, uploaded using the inventory API, or obtained through connections to Agentless
devices. You can view detailed data about individual managed devices, as well as aggregated data
collected across all managed devices. In addition, you can use inventory information in reports, and in
decisions about upgrades, troubleshooting, purchasing, policies, and so on. See Provisioning the KACE
SMA Agent.
IP Scans
See Discovery .
Sponsored by Quest KACE, ITNinja.com (formerly AppDeploy.com) is a product-agnostic IT-focused
community website. It is the Internet’s leading destination for IT professionals to share information and
ask questions about system management related topics. The website provides a question and answer
section and a blogging platform. If you choose to share anonymous usage data with ITNinja, the ITNinja
feed appears on pages such as the software, Managed Installation, and File Synchronization detail pages
in the Administrator Console. The feed is not available on Software Catalog detail page. See Enable the
ITNinja feed.
Quest publishes a base set of Windows Reliability and Performance Monitor (PerfMon) templates and non-
Windows open-source Perl scripts on ITNinja, so that users can extend their server monitoring capability and
identify system and application performance issues. These unmanaged templates and scripts are available for
download so that users do not have to create them from scratch.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

KACE GO is an app that enables administrators to access Service Desk tickets, inventory information,
monitoring alerts, and application deployment features from their smart phones or tablets. The app also
allows non-admin users to submit Service Desk tickets, view the status of submitted tickets, and read
Knowledge Base articles from their mobile devices. You can download KACE GO from the Apple App Store
for iOS devices, or from the Google Play Store for Android devices. See Configuring Mobile Device Access.
KACE SDA series appliances
The K2000 series includes system deployment appliances designed to fully automate the deployment
of operating systems (OS). For more information about the KACE SDA series, go to the Quest website,
KACE SMA series appliances
The KACE SMA series includes system management appliances designed to fully automate system
management tasks such as system management, application deployment, and asset management. For
more information about the KACE SMA series, go to the Quest website, https://quest.com/products/kace-
Knowledge Base
Quest has a Knowledge Base of articles about the KACE SMA, which you can access at https://
support.quest.com/kace-systems-management-appliance/kb. The Knowledge Base is continually updated
with solutions to real-world issues that administrators encounter.
Konductor is an internal KACE SMA component that regulates communications between the appliance and
managed devices to keep the system running smoothly. The number of tasks Konductor is running appears
on the Tasks in Progress widget. In addition, task throughput information appears in the General Settings
(on appliances with the Organization component enabled) or in the Agent Settings (on appliances without
the Organization component enabled).
• About Dashboard widgets
• Configuring System-level and Admin-level General Settings
See Offline KScripts , and Online KScripts .

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Labels are containers that organize and categorize items, such as devices, so that you can manage them
as a group. For example, you can use labels to identify devices that have the same operating system
or that are in the same geographic location. You can then initiate actions, such as distributing software
or deploying patches, on all of the devices that in that label. Labels can either be manually assigned to
specific items or automatically assigned to items when they are associated with criteria, such as SQL or
LDAP queries. See Setting up and using labels to manage groups of items.
label groups
Label groups enable you to organize labels so you can manage them as a group. Label groups share their
types with the labels they contain. Not only can a label group include multiple labels, but a label can be
associated with more than one label group. See Add, view, or edit label groups.
LDAP Browser
The LDAP Browser is a wizard that enables you to browse and search data located on an LDAP server,
such as an Active Directory server. See Use the LDAP Browser.
LDAP Labels
LDAP labels are labels that interact with the Active Directory or LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol) server. You can use LDAP Labels to automatically label device records and user records based
on LDAP or Active Directory queries or search filters. LDAP Labels are applied to devices that match the
search criteria. See Managing LDAP Labels.
See appliance linking .
Localization component
A KACE SMA component that enables you to choose the language to use for the Command Line Console,
Administrator Console, and User Console. See Configuring locale settings.
Locally Cataloged applications
Applications that are not in the official version of the Software Catalog, but that have been added to the
local version on the KACE SMA, are referred to as Locally Cataloged applications. Locally Cataloged
applications can be metered, marked as Not Allowed, and associated with License assets. See About
Locally Cataloged applications.
Log Enablement Package
Log Enablement Packages (LEPs) enable performance threshold monitoring and monitoring for
applications such as Exchange, Internet Information Services (IIS), and so on, for servers. In the Log
Enablement Packages list page, Quest publishes a base set of Windows Reliability and Performance
Monitor (PerfMon) templates and non-Windows open-source Perl scripts, so that users can extend their
monitoring capability and identify system and application performance issues. Monitoring on the KACE
SMA works without these additional templates and scripts, but the profiles that are created from the
templates and scripts are helpful if users want to do performance threshold monitoring. See Configuring
application and threshold monitoring with Log Enablement Packages.
See Search the scripting logs.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

See devices .
Mac profiles
Mac profiles are files that are used to configure user-level and system-level policies on Mac devices. You
can use the KACE SMA to distribute Mac profiles to Agent-managed devices running Mac OS X. See
Managing Mac profiles.
Managed Computers
Your KACE SMA license agreement entitles you to manage a specified number of devices that are
categorized as Managed Computers. Managed Computers are devices in KACE SMA inventory that: 1)
have Windows, Mac, Linux, or UNIX operating systems, 2) are categorized as PCs or servers, and 3) were
not added to inventory manually, through the WSAPI, or through mobile device management. See View
KACE SMA license information.
Managed Installations
Managed Installations (MI) are the primary mechanism for deploying or removing applications from KACE
SMA managed devices. Each Managed Installation describes a specific application title and version to
be installed or removed, including installation commands, installation files, and target devices (by label).
Managed Installations always take place at the same time that managed devices upload inventory data
to the KACE SMA. In this way, the KACE SMA confirms that the installation is actually needed before it
performs the installation. Installation packages can be configured to run silently or with user interaction.
Managed Installations can include installation, uninstallation, and command-line parameters. See Using
Managed Installations.
manual labels
See labels .
Software metering enables you to collect information about how applications are installed and used
on the Windows and Mac devices that you manage. This includes Windows Store applications, such
as Bing Travel. Metering is not available for applications installed other operating systems, such as
Linux. In the Software Catalog, metering can be enabled for applications that are listed as Discovered
and Not Discovered and for applications that are Locally Cataloged. Metering cannot be enabled for
operating system software, applications installed on unsupported operating systems, such as Linux, or for
applications that are listed as Uncataloged in the Software Catalog. See About software metering.
Missing in action. Devices that are being managed by the appliance, but that have not been inventoried on
schedule are referred to as MIA devices. See Managing MIA devices.
Mobile Device Access
Mobile Device Access enables you to interact with the KACE SMA using KACE GO.
KACE GO is an app that enables administrators to access Service Desk tickets, inventory information, and
application deployment features from their smart phones or tablets. The app also allows non-admin users to
submit Service Desk tickets, view the status of submitted tickets, and read Knowledge Base articles from their
mobile devices. You can download KACE GO from the Apple App Store for iOS devices, or from the Google Play
Store for Android devices.
See Configuring Mobile Device Access.
Monitored Servers
Your KACE SMA license agreement entitles you to manage a specified number of devices that are
categorized as Monitored Servers. Monitored Servers are servers that 1) meet the requirements for
Managed Computers and 2) have Monitoring enabled. You can monitor 5 servers with your KACE SMA
license. If you want to be able to monitor up to 200 servers, you must obtain a license for the Monitoring
Module. See View KACE SMA license information and Managing monitoring for devices.
MSI Installer template

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

This template enables you to create a script that sets the basic command line arguments for running MSI-
based installers. For command-line options, go to the Microsoft MSI Command-Line documentation at
http://msdn.microsoft.com. See Add MSI Installer scripts.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

See devices .
non-computer devices
Non-computer devices are assets such as printers, routers, network gear, and other devices that do not
meet the definition of Computers. Administrators can create Asset Subtypes to track information related to
specific non-computer devices. See About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences.
Not Allowed applications
Not Allowed applications are applications that have been marked as Not Allowed on the Software
Catalog page. Windows and Mac applications can be marked as Not Allowed only if they are classified as
Discovered, Not Discovered, or Locally Cataloged applications. Applications that are Uncataloged cannot
be marked as Not Allowed until they are added to the Software Catalog. Applications that are marked as
Not Allowed can be blocked or blacklisted from running on managed devices if those devices have an
Application Control-enabled label applied to them. See Using Application Control.
Not Discovered applications
Applications that do not exist in the KACE SMA inventory, but that do exist in the Quest KACE Software
Catalog, are referred to as Not Discovered applications. You can enable metering for Not Discovered
applications, mark them as Not Allowed, and add license information for them. However, because the
applications have not been found in the local KACE SMA inventory, the Not Discovered software list cannot
be exported in CSV format. Compare to Discovered applications . See Not Discovered applications.
Notifications are email messages the appliance sends to administrators when devices, scan results, and
assets meet specified criteria. For example, if you want to notify administrators when devices approach
disk space limits, you can set up alerts based on disk usage. Notifications are sent when devices meet the
specified criteria.
The appliance checks inventory against the criteria in the notification schedules at the specified frequency. When
an item meets the criteria, the appliance sends email to the specified recipients.
Messages that are sent through email based on selected criteria and at scheduled intervals. See Scheduling

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Offline KScripts
Scripts that run at a scheduled time, based on the target device’s clock. Offline KScripts can run even when
target devices are not connected to the appliance, such as when devices start up or when users log in. You
can create these scripts using the scripting templates. See Adding and editing scripts.
Online KScripts
Scripts that run only when a target device is connected to the appliance. Online KScripts run at scheduled
times based on the appliance clock. You can create these scripts using the scripting templates. See Adding
and editing scripts.
Online shell scripts
Scripts that run at scheduled times based on the appliance clock, but that run only when the target device
is connected to the appliance. Online shell scripts are created using simple text-based scripts, such as
Bash, Perl, batch, and so on, that are supported by the target device’s operating system. Batch files are
supported on Windows, along with the different shell script formats supported by the specific operating
system of the target devices. See Adding and editing scripts.
Organization component
A KACE SMA component that enables you to create and manage organizations within the appliance.
This makes it possible to assign devices to separate organizations and to create User Roles within each
organization to control administrator and user access. For example, you can configure organizations so that
administrators can only view and perform actions on devices in their organization; they cannot view devices
that belong to other organizations.
See Creating and managing organizations.
organization filters
Organization filters are similar to labels, but they serve a specific purpose: Organization filters automatically
assign devices to organizations when devices are inventoried.
There are two types of organization filters:
• Data Filter: Assigns devices to organizations automatically, based on search criteria. When devices are
inventoried, they are assigned to the organization if they meet the criteria. This filter is similar to Smart
Labels in that it assigns devices to organizations automatically if they match specified criteria.
• LDAP Filter: Assigns devices to organizations automatically based on LDAP or Active Directory interaction.
When devices are inventoried, the query runs against the LDAP server. If devices meet the criteria, they are
automatically assigned to the organization.
See Managing organization filters.
Organizations are logical instances of a KACE SMA that run on a single appliance. You can create
organizations if the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, each organization is supported
by its own database, and you manage each organization’s inventory and other components separately. See
Creating and managing organizations.
OVAL (Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language) is an internationally recognized standard for
detecting security vulnerabilities and configuration issues on Windows devices. OVAL security checks
determine assets that are out of compliance and let you customize security policies to enforce rules,
schedule tests to run automatically, and run reports based on the results.
OVAL is compatible with the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) list. CVE content is determined by
the CVE Editorial Board, which is composed of experts from the international information security community.
New information about security vulnerabilities discussed on the Community Forum is sent to the CVE Initiative for
possible addition to the list. For more information about CVE, MITRE Corporation, or the OVAL Board, go to http://

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

The ability to describe vulnerabilities and exposures in a common language makes it easier to share security data
with other CVE-compatible databases and tools.
See Understanding OVAL tests and definitions.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Patching is a mechanism for deploying security-related and other important patches from Microsoft, Apple,
and other third-party vendors such as Adobe. This includes patches for operating systems as well as
applications. When deploying patches in a production environment, you can select which operating systems
you want to patch and define schedules for patching by using labels. See About patch management.
provisioning schedules
Provisioning schedules specify how and when to install the KACE SMA Agent on devices you want to
manage using Agent software. See Managing provisioning schedules.
The process of installing the KACE SMA Agent on managed devices. See Provisioning the KACE SMA

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Replication Shares
Replication Shares are devices that keep copies of files for distribution, and they are especially useful
if your managed devices are deployed across multiple geographic locations. For example, using a
Replication Share, a device in New York could download files from another device at the same office, rather
than downloading those files from a KACE SMA in Los Angeles. A Replication Share is a full replication of
all digital assets and is managed automatically by the appliance. Whenever a Replication Share is specified
for a label, devices in that label go to the Replication Share to get files. See Using Replication Shares.
The ability to gather information about hardware, software, and license compliance on a per-device basis.
You can run standard reports, or create custom reports using a step-by-step report wizard. In addition, you
can schedule reports to run and be delivered through email. Advanced users can also write reports against
the KACE SMA database using any ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) -compliant reporting engine. See
Using reports and scheduling notifications.
Items such as scripts, reports, Managed Installations, and software that can be imported or exported
among organizations and appliances. See Importing and exporting appliance resources.
The permissions related to user accounts and organizations. See:
• Managing System-level user accounts
• Managing organization user accounts
• Managing Organization Roles and User Roles
• Create and assign monitoring-specific roles

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

SAM is short for Software Asset Management, a method of managing applications in inventory. See
Managing Software Catalog inventory.
Samba share
The built-in file sharing system on the KACE SMA. See Enable file sharing at the System level.
SCAP (Secure Content Automation Protocol), is a set of open standards that enumerate software flaws,
monitor security-related configurations and product names, and examine systems to determine the
presence of vulnerabilities and rank (score) the impact of the discovered security issues on Windows
devices. SCAP is maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and its use
is mandated by government agencies such as the US OMB (United States Office of Management and
SCAP uses the US government’s National Vulnerability Database (NVD), which is a standards-based vulnerability
management data repository. NVD includes databases of security checklists, security-related software flaws,
misconfigurations, product names, and impact metrics. For more information on SCAP and NVD, go to the NIST
websites at http://scap.nist.gov/index.html and http://nvd.nist.gov/.
See About SCAP.
The ability to create and run a set of actions on managed devices. Scripts can be designed to do many
different things, from installing or removing applications to verifying and changing settings, such as firewall
settings, on managed devices. Scripts are deployed and run based on labels and schedules that you
define, operating independently of the inventory process that is central to Managed Installations. See
Adding and editing scripts.
See Offline KScripts , Online KScripts , and Online shell scripts .
Server monitoring
The KACE SMA offers a module with which to perform basic performance monitoring for servers in
inventory. The monitoring feature targets server-class operating systems, and provides default monitoring
profiles that define criteria for performance alerts for each operating system. You can define additional,
custom profiles that point to alternative event logs or OS level logs, with similar or different criteria.
Service Desk
Service Desk is the default name for the end-user trouble-ticket tracking system that is part of the KACE
SMA User Console. The Service Desk enables end users to submit trouble tickets through email or through
the User Console, http://<KACE_SMA_hostname>/user, where <KACE_SMA_hostname> is the
hostname of your appliance. Your help desk team manages these tickets through email, the Administrator
Console, http://<KACE_SMA_hostname>/admin, or the KACE GO app. You can customize the
categories and fields associated with tickets as needed. See About Service Desk.
Share With Quest
The options for sharing appliance information with Quest. See Configure data sharing preferences.
single sign on for appliances
See appliance linking .
single sign on for the Administrator Console and User Console
Single sign on enables users who are logged on to the domain to access the KACE SMA Administrator
Console and User Console without having to re-enter their credentials on the KACE SMA login page. See
About single sign on (SSO).
Smart Labels
Smart Labels are labels that are applied and removed automatically based on criteria you specify. For
example, to track laptops in a specific office, you could create a label called “San Francisco Office,” and
create a Smart Label based on the IP address range or subnet for devices located in the San Francisco

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

office. Whenever a device that falls within the IP address range is inventoried, the Smart Label “San
Francisco” is automatically applied. When the device leaves the IP address range, and is inventoried again,
the label is automatically removed.
Smart Labels are applied to and removed from managed devices when the appliance processes device inventory.
So if you create a Smart Label that enables metering on devices, it might take time for the Smart Label to be
applied to devices and for devices to report metering information. Metering is enabled for devices that match the
Smart Label criteria only after devices are inventoried and the Smart Label is applied.
See Managing Smart Labels.
Software Catalog
The Software Catalog is a database that contains standardized information about more than 57,000
Windows and Mac applications and software suites. Information in the catalog includes the name,
version, publisher, and category of each application or suite as well as the operating system on which the
application or suite runs. See Managing Software Catalog inventory.
software category
Software categories classify software as belonging to a specified group, such as software drivers or
security applications. For applications listed on the Software page, categories are assigned manually.
For applications listed on the Software Catalog page, software categories are assigned to applications
automatically. See Using software threat levels and categories.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

The connection to Quest Support. The tether enables Quest representatives to connect to your system for
troubleshooting. See Enable a tether to Quest Support.
task throughput
The task load on the KACE SMA. See Konductor .
third-party applications
Applications created by third-parties and licensed for use in Quest KACE products.
threat levels
Threat levels can be used to indicate the relative safety of items and the number of devices on which those
items are located. This information is for tracking purposes only. The KACE SMA does not enforce policies
based on threat levels. See Using software threat levels and categories.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Uncataloged applications
Uncataloged applications are executables that are in the KACE SMA inventory but that do not appear in
the Software Catalog. You can view applications that are listed as Uncataloged on the Software Catalog
page. However, you cannot enable metering for Uncataloged applications, mark them as Not Allowed, or
add license information for them. Uncataloged applications must be added to the local or public Software
Catalog before they can be metered, marked as Not Allowed, or associated with license information. See
Uncataloged applications.
User Console
The User Console is the web-based interface that makes software, scripts, and other downloadable items
available to users on a self-service basis. It also enables users to access Knowledge Base articles and
to file Service Desk support tickets to request help or report issues. To access the User Console, go
to http://<KACE_SMA_hostname>/user where <KACE_SMA_hostname> is the hostname of your
appliance. See About Service Desk.
User Downloads
User Downloads are software installation packages, such as printer drivers and other applications, that are
distributed to users through the User Console. See Managing User Downloads.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

virtual appliance
See appliance or virtual appliance .
Vulnerability Testing
Vulnerability testing is the process of scanning, and establishing schedules to scan, Windows devices
for known vulnerabilities using the Open Vulnerability Assessment Language (OVAL) battery of tests.
Vulnerability testing is a useful complement to patching and other forms of security hardening to verify
whether those measures are addressing known issues. See About OVAL security checks.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Wake-on-LAN enables you to power-on devices remotely from the KACE SMA regardless of whether the
devices have the KACE SMA Agent installed. See Using Wake-on-LAN.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

About us
Quest provides software solutions for the rapidly-changing world of enterprise IT. We help simplify the challenges
caused by data explosion, cloud expansion, hybrid datacenters, security threats, and regulatory requirements. We
are a global provider to 130,000 companies across 100 countries, including 95% of the Fortune 500 and 90% of
the Global 1000. Since 1987, we have built a portfolio of solutions that now includes database management, data
protection, identity and access management, Microsoft platform management, and unified endpoint management.
With Quest, organizations spend less time on IT administration and more time on business innovation. For more
information, visit www.quest.com.

Technical support resources

Technical support is available to Quest customers with a valid maintenance contract and customers who have trial
versions. You can access the Quest Support Portal at https://support.quest.com.
The Support Portal provides self-help tools you can use to solve problems quickly and independently, 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year. The Support Portal enables you to:
• Submit and manage a Service Request
• View Knowledge Base articles
• Sign up for product notifications
• Download software and technical documentation
• View how-to-videos
• Engage in community discussions
• Chat with support engineers online
• View services to assist you with your product.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Technical support resources
Legal notices
© 2019 Quest Software Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
This guide contains proprietary information protected by copyright. The software described in this guide is
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KACE Systems Management Appliance Administrator Guide
Updated - January 2019
Software Version - 9.1

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide

Legal notices
Administrator Console  28, 28
Numerics about 27
2FA, configuring 83 components
2FA, configuring for organizations 265 with the Organization component 35
2FA, enabling for the appliance 91 without the Organization component 32
locale settings for  72, 77
A Advanced Search
and Custom Views 58
Acceptable Use Policy 108 and Smart Labels 57
action buttons on User Console 709 for organizations 271
Active Directory for Software page inventory 417
settings for Mac OS X 540 Agent
single sign on access with 166 about  27, 354
single sign on configuration  96, 164 add Windows registry key for access to DDP|E information
adding 440 347
announcements to User Console 711 AMP 369
applications to Software page inventory  411, 486 communication settings for 365
applications to the Software Catalog 432 configuration 99
Asset Types 186 deploying manually 373
Contracts  208, 209 enabling file sharing for 355
Custom Views 58 enabling organization-level file sharing for  356, 357
devices to inventory manually 391 features available to managed devices 308
File Synchronizations 501 GPO Provisioning Tool for Windows 357
LDAP Labels 139 history 354
License assets for Software Catalog inventory  222, 435 installing on multiple devices 360
License assets for Software page inventory 226 log settings for 365
Licenses  212, 212 messages, deleting 370
Locations  205, 206 messages, viewing 369
Managed Installations 486 methods for provisioning 354
manual labels 122 obtaining installation files 373
notification schedules 651 preparing to install with onboard provisioning 359
Purchases  216, 217 provisioning  355, 356, 357, 357
scripts 513 provisioning results 364
Service Desk ticket queues 767 provisioning schedules
Smart Labels 125 deleting 364
Software assets in Assets section 414 duplicating 363
Software assets in Inventory section 414 editing 363
Admin level 28 running 363
Dashboard 39 viewing 363
General Settings 67 provisioning using Discovery results 306
administration starting and stopping on Linux 377
backing up data 799 starting and stopping on Mac OS X 379
Daily Run Output 817 system requirements for installation 359
email notifications for administrators 145 task status 368
logs, downloading 816 updates  370, 370
logs, viewing 814 configuring automatic 371
restarting the appliance 808 uploading manually 372
restoring appliance settings 804 Agent debugging 817
restoring factory settings 806 Agent deploy
restoring most recent backup 804 Linux devices 376
troubleshooting 814 startup/login 376
updating appliance software 806 updating 376
updating OVAL definitions 809 verifying the version 377
updating the license key 808

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 879

viewing the version on Linux 377 appliance backups  802, 802
Linux devices, removing 377 about 799
Mac OS X devices daily backup schedule 800
deploy/upgrade 378 deleting 802
remove 379 downloading files 801
using shell scripts 378 FTP access to 801
using terminal window 378 manual 800
verify 379 status of 811
verifying the version 380 appliance linking
Windows devices 373 disabling 115
Agent Messaging Protocol 99 enabling 113
Agent Provisioning Assistant enabling access to Federation API settings 114
provision Windows devices with GPO Provisioning Tool appliance network interface status 810
358 appliance resources
using to deploy Agent on devices 360 about importing and exporting 272
Agentless management 380 exporting from appliance 273
add Windows registry key for access to DDP|E information exporting from organizations 274
350 importing to appliances 273
delete device details 388 importing to organizations 275
device details 388 appliance settings
enable manually 382 advertised updates 806
enable using Discovery information 382 general 67
features available to managed devices 308 license key updates 808
supported operating systems 381 manual updates 807
AirWatch restore to factory settings 806
Discovery Schedule for device 298 restoring 804
alerts 507 restoring from backup  804, 805
AMP connection required for 507 security 91
automatic deletion of 673 uploading backup files 804
automatic dismissal of 673 verify updates 808
creating for broadcast 507 appliance up-time and load averages 810
creating Service Desk tickets from  681, 730 appliance version 51
deleting 689 application classifications 422
dismissing 689 Application Control
filter unwanted  685, 685, 686, 686 applying labels for 451
for device configuration changes 674 editions sharing executables 451
retrieve dismissed 689 limitations of 451
searching for 684 marking as Not Allowed 452
stopping for maintenance 675 messages that appear 451
summary of 49 removing designation 454
alternate download locations reporting on 452
about 485 requirements 450
distributing packages from 485 using 450
for scripts 510 viewing Not Allowed applications 452
AMP Application Layer Firewall, settings for Mac OS X 633
about 99 application patches, viewing 582
connections required for patching 593 applications
Android 108 cataloged 422
announcements finding using Advanced Search 417
adding and editing on User Console home page 711 Locally Cataloged 422
prioritizing on User Console home page 713 Not Allowed 423
Apache viewing Discovered 426
graphs 814 viewing Locally Cataloged applications 428
log paths 665 viewing Not Discovered 426
webserver diagnostic graphs 91 viewing Uncataloged applications 427
access to the appliance 91 approvals, requiring for tickets 794
enabling for manual inventory 396 approving tickets by email 795
AppDeploy Live (see ITNinja) 419
Apple iOS 108

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 880

archival adding 201
deleting tickets from 766 purchases
enabling for tickets 763 about 216
restoring tickets from 765 Purchases
ticket queue settings for 764 adding  216, 217
Asset Management customizing 217
about  178, 191 editing 216
adding and deleting asset fields 186 relationships between asset fields 190
adding barcodes 183 reporting on assets 204
adding Software assets 414 searching for assets  182, 183
asset administrator role 204 Software assets  198, 198
Asset Subtypes  191, 192 adding from Assets section 199
adding 193 adding from Inventory section 199
deleting 198 customizing Asset Types 198
editing 195 software metering
setting as default 195 about 440
Asset Types about enabling 442
about 185 configuring options 445
adding 186 device selection for 441
adding custom fields for devices 189 disabling 448
adding fields for locations 190 disabling for devices with manual labels 448
customizing 186 disabling for devices with Smart Labels 449
deleting 191 enabling for applications 445
parent relationships for locations 190 enabling for devices with Smart Labels 443
renaming 186 enabling with manual device labels 442
assigning assets to subtypes  196, 197 information collected 441
classic metering 440 scheduling inventory collection intervals 449
comparing assets to inventory 181 scripts that collect informaiton 441
contracts software suites 441
about 208 viewing device details 447
Contracts viewing metering details  446, 446
adding  208, 209 updating assets manually 198
customizing 209 viewing asset lifecycle settings 184
editing 208 viewing Asset Subtypes on the Assets page 196
data format 231 viewing assets  182, 183
device assets viewing available Asset Subtypes 196
archiving 203 workflow for SNMP devices 192
identifying assets to track 182 Asset Management Dashboard
importing license data 231 about 178
about 230 customizing 180
preparation 231 Asset Management Dashboard, Administrator Console 178
License Asset Type, customizing 220 assigning user roles 241
License Compliance 233 attachments to tickets  717, 742
customizing the warning threshold 236 authentication
setting up 219 Google OAuth credentials 173
viewing configuration information 237 managing credentials 171
licenses SNMP credentials 174
about 211 viewing credential usage 176
Licenses authentication and KACE SMA user accounts 143
adding  212, 212 authentication credentials for Chrome 292
customizing 212 auto-refresh settings  101, 102
editing 212
locations B
about 205 backup files
Locations downloading 801
adding  205, 206 restoring 805
customizing 206 uploading 804
editing 205
maintaining assets manually 204
managing 233
physical assets
about 201

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 881

backups Client Secret
about 799 used in Chrome authentication credentials 292
configure offboard transfer  803, 803 code attributions 51
deleting backup data 802 Command Line Console
disabling 802 about 27
enabling 802 accessing 66
manual 800 command-line deployment
scheduling and retention of 800 Mac OS X Agent 378
settings for backups 91 Windows Agent  373, 374
bandwidth for Replication Shares 168 commands that must be run as root 377
benchmarks for SCAP 622 Comment Field Options 786
best practices for patching 573 comments 742
blacklisting applications comments, adding to tickets 740
about 450 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures 613
applying Application Control labels 451 compliance
editions sharing executables 451 DIACAP 107
limitations of 451 for software licensing 219
marking as Not Allowed 452 components
messages that appear 451 enabled on the appliance 52
removing designation from apps 454 overview of 27
reporting on 452 computer report 618
requirements 450 computers
viewing Not Allowed apps 452 searching for in inventory 351
broadcasting alerts  507, 507 statistics 49
Business Hours for Service Desk 692 conditional rules
buying licenses 52 writing in Custom Inventory 466
C auto-refresh properties 102
Cataloged applications 422 date and time 82
cataloging requests General Settings, Admin level 72
canceling 434 KACE SMA Agent 99
how custom names are resolved 433 local routing tables 89
submitting 433 local web server 90
certificate, for SSL 91 locale settings 102
certification, DIACAP 108 Mobile Device Access 108
change history disabling for the appliance 111
deleting 120 disabling for users 111
for assets 117 enabling for the appliance 109
for objects 118 enabling for users 109
for settings 116 network settings 86
organization-level settings history 116 POP3 email accounts 244
reports 643 security settings 91
System level 116 Service Desk setup tasks 691
viewing, searching, and exporting  119, 119, 120 Service Desk ticket settings 703
changing custom ticket fields using email 735 session timeout  101, 101
changing ticket approval fields by email 735 SSL certificate 98
changing ticket fields using email 734 theme settings 105
checking patch details for a device 608 default appliance theme 105
child tickets, creating for any ticket 791 default user theme 106
Chrome whitelist hosts 90
authentication credentials 292 with the Organization component 67
Discovery Schedule for device 295 without the Organization component 77
classic metering 440
clearing ticket fields using email 734
Client Drop File Size Filter 77
Client Drop Location
copying files to 415
filter settings for organizations 261
Client ID
used in Chrome authentication credentials 292

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 882

configuration policies 525 customizing
about 525 Asset Types 186
automatic updates on Windows 526 Contracts 209
Automatic Updates on Windows 526 Licenses 212
Dell Command | Monitor 532 Locations 206
Desktop Shortcuts 533 Purchases 217
Event Log Reporter 534 ticket details 703
MSI Installer 534 User Console action buttons and widgets 709
Power Management for Mac OS X 540 User Console logo  706, 707
Power Management for Windows devices 536 User Console welcome message  706, 707
registry settings scripts 536 CVE 613
Remote Desktop Control 537
UltraVNC 538 D
Uninstaller 539 daily run output 809
configuring 803 Dashboard
configuring 2FA 83 about 39
conflict warning dialog Admin level 39
enabling and disabling 701 customizing 41
creating System level 40
POP3 email accounts 244 data retention settings  72, 77
security policies 626 data sharing preferences 106
creating a custom ticket layout 789 database access to reports 91
credentials database tables
adding Google OAuth 173 Organization-level 821
adding Secret Key 171 System-level 821
adding SNMP 174 date and time settings 82
adding User/Password 172 debugging Agent software 817
creating reports of 176 default organization, about 258
deleting 177 default queue 769
exporting 177 default roles 238
identifying the use of 176 default theme settings 105
managing 171 default ticket
CSV format for License data 231 categories, status, and priorities 703
custom data fields setting a view as the default 739
adding 316 views, using 737
custom fields DefaultTicketOwners
for Asset Subtypes 191 email notifications for 242
Custom Inventory rules deleting
about 462 Agent messages from command queue 370
checking for conditions 466 alerts 689
creating 463 alerts automatically 673
defining rule arguments 478 appliance backup data 802
getting values from a device 472 Asset Subtypes 198
how implemented 464 Asset Types 191
regular expressions for matching filenames  475, 477 credentials 177
syntax 464 Discovery schedules 307
testing 481 label groups 138
types 463 LDAP Labels 141
custom ticket fields Mac profiles from devices 561
changing through email 735 Mac profiles from the KACE SMA 564
defining 787 manual labels 124
custom ticket layouts  784, 789 MIA devices 407
custom Ticket Rules notification schedules 652
creating 759 organization filters 270
deleting 761 organizations 266
duplicating 761 provisioning schedules 364
Custom Views Service Desk ticket queues 768
creating from Advanced Search criteria 58 Smart Labels 136
for Service Desk tickets 739 Software page inventory 413
CustomerResponded Ticket Rule 758 user downloads 776
customize ticket detail  786, 789

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 883

Dell Device Actions  72, 77
device warranty information 409 running 353
obtaining warranty information 409 running from Ticket Detail page 744
renewing warranties 410 device issues
system maintenance and updates 610 identifying 812
warranty reports 410 device management  308, 315, 391
Dell Command | Monitor DIACAP compliance  107, 108
adding Diagnostic Utilities  812, 812
Dell Command | Monitor scripts 532 digital assets for distribution 484
information on Device Detail page 319 digital assets, attaching to applications 414
installing with Managed Installation 532 disabling 802
supported hardware 528 Acceptable Use Policy 108
supported operating systems 528 appliance linking 115
Dell Data Protection | Encryption Mobile Device Access
enabling inventory collection on Agentless-managed for the appliance 111
Windows clients 350 for users 111
enabling inventory collection on Agent-managed Windows secure attachments for tickets 717
clients 347 Service Desk satisfaction survey 716
information viewed in device details 342 single sign on  163, 166
inventory collection on Windows clients 347 SSH for the appliance 91
Dell Updates Discovery 279
configuring Dell Updates 611 about 280
patching, compared 610 adding schedules for AirWatch devices 298
using to maintain your Dell systems 610 adding schedules for Chrome devices 295
workflow 611 adding schedules for ESXi hosts or vCenter Servers 300
dependencies, for scripts 510 adding schedules for KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager
deploying Mac profiles on a schedule 557 devices 293
deployment status, of device patches 608 adding schedules for non-computer devices 302
deployments adding schedules for quick scans 280
compared with updates 610 adding schedules for thorough scans 288
Deploy-only patch schedules 594 Agentless management
desktop settings enable 382
Desktop Shortcuts configuration scripts 533 delete schedules 307
wallpaper configuration script 532 Nmap 287
Detect and Deploy patch schedules 593 results 305
Detect and Rollback patch schedules 595 results and Agent provisioning 306
detection, inventory term used instead 610 statistics 49
Detect-only patch schedules 593 stop a running schedule 307
error codes 596 using Smart Labels with 131
device viewing and searching results 306
add monitoring profile to 666 disk status 809
adding manually using Administrator Console 392 dismissing alerts automatically 673
adding manually using API 396 distributing
alert on configuration change 674 Mac profiles 557
apply SNMP configuration to 390 software 482
detail page for organizations 272 distribution packages
Discovery Schedule for AirWatch 298 about 484
Discovery Schedule for Chrome 295 about attaching digital assets 484
Discovery Schedule for ESXi hosts or vCenter Servers 300 for Mac OS X 485
Discovery Schedule for KACE Cloud Mobile Device inventory requirement for 484
Manager 293 using alternate download locations  485, 485
Discovery Schedule for SNMP-enabled 302 DMM
enabling monitoring for  656, 656, 657 device detail 319
finding in inventory 351 DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD) requests 91
patching status for one 602 documentation
reassigning to organizations 271 for MySQL 641
running Device Actions 353 searching the KACE SMA Help system 58
viewing DDP|E information  342, 347 domains
viewing statistics for 49 joining the KACE SMA server to  96, 164
viewing status 812 unjoining KACE SMA server from 166
domains that must be accessible for patching 575
download locations, alternate  485, 485

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 884

downloading without the Organization component 357
appliance backup files 801 file sharing for Windows devices 359
KACE GO 110 LDAP Labels 141
patches 580 Mobile Device Access
SCAP benchmarks 626 enabling for users 109
duplicating for the appliance 109
Agent provisioning schedules 363 for users 109
Mac profiles 556 parent-child ticket relationships 790
organization roles 260 secure attachments for tickets 717
reports 642 single sign on 163
scripts 522 SSH for the appliance 91
Service Desk ticket queues 768 switching between organizations 111
Smart Labels 127 tether to Quest 813
ticket creation by email 733
E enabling access to Federation API settings
editing appliance linking 114
Contracts 208 encryption
Licenses 212 device detail 319
Locations 205 enforce Internet Explorer settings 627
Purchases 216 Enforce Symantec Antivirus Settings option 631
email enforce XP SP2 firewall settings 628
approving tickets using 795 error codes
authentication using POP3 244 patches 596
automatically adding addresses to tickets 255 scripts 596
changing approval fields using 735 error logs
changing custom ticket fields 735 for email  819, 820
changing ticket fields using  734, 734 escalating tickets  746, 747, 747
clear text using POP3 244 time limit 746
clearing ticket fields using 734 Event Log Reporter 534
configuring external SMTP email servers 796 examples
configuring internal SMTP servers 796 importing asset license data 231
configuring secure SMTP email servers 796 Mac profile removal 563
customizing email templates 248 Managed Installation, EXE 491
event triggers 246 Managed Installation, MSI 491
modifying ticket attributes using 734 Managed Installation, TAR.GZ 497
notifications for Service Desk  243, 243, 698 Perl script for inventory uploads 397
notifications, recommended 247 XML schema for Windows devices 400
open ticket notification 247 exporting
POP3 server, using 244 credentials 177
preferences 245 Mac profiles 560
Service Desk exclusions for 255 Managed Installations 507
setting an approval field value using 735 resources from appliances 273
testing and troubleshooting 817 resources from organizations 274
testing incoming email 818
testing outgoing email 818
ticket closure notification 247 factory settings, restoring 806
email floods fast switching, enabling for organizations 111
Service Desk prevention of 256 file sharing
email notifications for administrators 145 enabling at the System level 355
Email on Events, configuring 247 with the Organization component 356
email system health 810 File Synchronizations
EmailOnClose Ticket Rule 758 about 484
enabling 802 creating 501
2FA for the appliance 91 viewing ITNinja information in 421
Acceptable Use Policy 108 files supported by Managed Installations 486
API for manual inventory 396 files, attaching to tickets 742
appliance linking 113
fast switching for organizations 111
file sharing
organization-level  356, 357
System level 355

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 885

filters Internet Explorer
about Data Filters 122 single sign on settings for 166
adding Data Filters 268 Inventory
data and LDAP, for organizations 267 adding
devices by organization 351 devices manually using API 396
redirecting devices to organizations 271 devices manually, about 391
Firefox settings for single sign on 166 devices manually, Administrator Console 392
Fixed Ticket Fields 784 Software assets 414
FTP software manually 411
access to appliance backups 801 API, enabling 396
security settings for 91 change history  315, 392
custom fields, adding 316
G data collection schedule 317
General Settings 67 delete devices 354
Google OAuth credentials, adding and editing 173 Dell warranty information 409
Google Play 108 device detail  319, 319, 342
GPO Provisioning Tool device notifications 351
deploy Agents with  357, 358 devices, searching for 351
preparing system to use 358 force update 404
appliance 405
H Linux devices 406
Mac OS X devices 405
hardware specifications for KACE SMA 63 Windows devices 405
HEAT Software, Inc. 571 labels for devices 352
Help Desk 690 managing devices  308, 391
Help system and PDF 58 manual inventory information 404
history settings metering schedules for 449
about 115 MIA devices
and the Organization component 116 applying labels to 407
asset subscriptions 117 configuring 406
assets, viewing 118 deleting 407
object subscriptions 118 overview 315
objects, viewing 119 Processes
subscriptions for organizations 116 about 455
System level 116 adding labels for 456
viewing 117 applying and removing labels for 456
Holidays for Service Desk 692 assigning threat levels to 457
Home page, Administrator Console 39 categorizing 456
Hours of Operation for Service Desk 692 deleting 457
viewing and editing 455
I running Device Actions 353
identifying credential use 176 searching for devices 351
identifying device issues 812 Services
identifying devices with Mac profiles installed 559 about 460
importing adding labels for 461
KACE SMA resources, about 272 applying and removing labels 461
License asset data 231 assigning threat levels to 461
Mac profiles 556 categorizing 461
resources to appliances 273 deleting 462
resources to organizations 275 viewing and editing 460
SCAP benchmarks 622 Smart Labels for 352
users from LDAP servers 156 software
inactive patches 609 adding labels for 418
increasing license capacity 52 applying and removing labels 418
install Agent using provisioning schedule 360 categories 417
installation files for Agent 373 deleting 413
installer files digital assets 414
identify parameters supported by 487 ITNinja information for 420
installing Mac profiles on devices 558 Smart Labels 418
Intel AMT threat level 417
information displayed in Device Details 350 Software Catalog
adding labels for 418

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 886

applying and removing labels 418 KACE SMA Agent
Software page access through Mac menu bar 380
about 411 access through Windows system tray 375
viewing items on 411 configuring 99
startup programs provisioning with GPO Tool  357, 358
about 457 system requirements for installation 359
adding labels for 458 updating automatically 371
applying and removing labels 458 updating manually 372
assigning threat levels for 459 KACE SMA linking
categorizing 459 about 112
deleting 459 adding names and keys 113
viewing and editing 457 disabling 115
submitting information using API 396 enabling 113
troubleshooting MIA devices 407 enabling access to Federation API settings 114
upload XML 404 KBSYS database table 821
view devices 354 Knowledge Base
Inventory Dashboard about 776
about 277 links to articles in User Console 710
customizing 279 KScripts
Inventory Dashboard, Administrator Console 277 about 509
inventory, detection term used instead 610 default 511
iOS 108 obtaining dependencies 510
IP scan token replacement variables for 513
about 280
overview 279 L
ITNinja label groups
about 419 about 122
disabling 421 adding and editing 137
enabling 420 assigning labels to 138
File Synchronizations 421 deleting 138
Managed Installations 420 removing labels from 138
viewing information 420 labels
about  53, 120
K adding and editing label groups 137
KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager adding and editing LDAP Labels 139
Discovery Schedule for device 293 adding and editing manual labels 122
KACE GO 108 adding Smart Labels 125
about 27 assigning to label groups 138
downloading 110 deleting 124
enabling Mobile Device Access 109 deleting LDAP 141
KACE SMA editing Smart Labels 127
configuration enabling LDAP Labels 141
auto-refresh properties 102 for application control 451
session timeout 101 for Service Desk staff 242
SSL certificate 98 label groups, about 122
configuring network settings 63 LDAP Labels, about 121
domain access 85 manual 352
hardware specifications 63 organization filters 122
Inventory Dashboard widgets 179 searching with LDAP Browser 141
labels 53 Service Desk All Ticket Owners 128
license information 655 Smart Labels, about 121
local routing tables 89 viewing manual label details 124
NTP service, verifying status of 85 laptops, critical patches for 585
patch download settings 580 Layout Ticket fields 784
port settings 84 LDAP Browser 141
security settings 91
software updates 53
software version 51
task schedules 50

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 887

LDAP Labels 121 log paths
about 53 Apache 665
adding and editing 139 MySQL 665
deleting 141 logging in 61
enabling 141 login credentials, managing 171
searching with LDAP Browser 141 login requirements, for organizations 67
variables used in 850 logos  67, 72, 77, 266, 706, 707
LDAP server authentication 153 logs
LDAP server user import 156 daily run output 817
LEP Installation Log downloading for the appliance 816
viewing 668 for email errors 820
License assets for patching 609
adding for Software Catalog  222, 435 for Scripting 542
adding for Software page inventory 226 viewing for the appliance 814
managing for Software Catalog 435 Lumension Security, Inc.
License Compliance supplier of KACE patches 571
about 219
reclaiming unused software licenses 235 M
setting up  222, 435 Mac devices
updating 236 manage KACE SMA Agent 380
viewing compliance information 233 Mac OS X
license expiration 51 distribution 485
license information 52 Managed Installations for 498
license key manual deployment of Agents on 378
monitoring counting toward limit 655 patching 609
obtain for expanded server monitoring 658 starting and stopping Agents on 379
updating appliance with expanded monitoring 658 Mac OS X configuration policies
license usage warning threshold 236 enforce Active Directory settings 540
linked reports for VNC 541
creating using report wizard 644 Power Management 540
linking KACE SMAs Mac OS X security policies
about 112 adding scripts 634
adding names and keys 113 Application Layer Firewall 633
disabling 115 Parental Controls 634
enabling 113 Mac profiles
enabling access to Federation API settings 114 adding system profiles 551
links on User Console home page 713 adding user profiles 544
Linux deleting from devices 561
SELinux and server monitoring 654 deleting from the KACE SMA 564
starting and stopping the Agent on 377 deploying on a schedule 557
local authentication for the KACE SMA 143 duplicating 556
local web server 90 example of deleting from devices 563
locale settings  72, 77, 103 exporting the Mac profiles list 560
about 102 identifying devices with profiles 559
configuring Administrator Console 103 importing to the appliance 556
configuring Command Line Console 103 installing Mac profiles on devices 558
configuring User Console 103 viewing the profiles list 559
for organizations 104 Machine Actions (see Device Actions) 72
for users 105 maintenance windows
Locally Cataloged applications scheduling for alert cessation 675
about 422
change to cataloged 432
viewing 428
log date format
nonstandard in monitoring 667
Log Enablement Package
editing on Windows Server 2003 device 671
editing on Windows Server 2008 or higher device 670
for application and threshold monitoring 667
installing 668
LEP Installation Log 668
optional available through ITNinja 667

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 888

Managed Installations monitoring
about  484, 486 about server 654
about creating 486 add profile to device 666
adding for Software Catalog 440 create user role for 676
creating for Windows 487 creating a new profile 663
EXE example 491 creating Service Desk tickets from alerts  681, 730
exporting 507 disabling on a device 678
installer file parameters 487 download profile 666
ITNinja 420 edit a Windows Log Enablement Package  670, 671
Mac OS X platform 498 edit profile  660, 685, 685, 686
MSI example 491 SNMP traps 661
parameters for 487 enabling on a device 678
RPM example 492 enabling on eligible device  656, 656, 657
TAR.GZ example 497 filter unwanted alerts  685, 685, 686
ZIP example 492 pausing for a device 672
managing credentials 171 pausing for multiple devices 673
managing devices  308, 315, 391 resuming for multiple devices 673
managing Mac profiles 544 return default profile to factory settings 660
managing processes inventory 455 upload profile 666
managing service inventory 460 working with profile 658
managing startup program inventory 457 moving resources to network locations 275
manual appliance backups 800 MSI Installer 534
manual deployment of Agents multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) requests 91
Command line for Windows 374 MySQL
installation wizard for Windows 373 documentation link  640, 641
Linux devices  376, 376 log paths 665
remove 377 reporting password for 67
logon script 373
Mac OS X installer 378 N
Mac OS X terminal window 378 National Vulnerability Database 618
using email 373 network scan summary 49
viewing the version 377 network settings 63
Windows devices 373 Network Utilities 812
manual labels 122 new patches
metering using Smart Labels to view 129
about enabling 442 New Ticket
data retention settings for 72 customize 789
enabling for applications 445 Nmap discovery
enabling for devices with manual labels 442 considerations 287
enabling for devices with Smart Labels 443 non-computer devices
scheduling inventory collection 449 adding Asset Subtypes for 193
MIA devices assigning devices to Asset Subtypes  196, 197
about 406 viewing available Asset Subtypes of 196
configuring settings 406 Not Allowed applications
migrating software License assets 439 about 423
missing patches 608 Application Control 452
Mitre 613 removing designation from apps 454
Mobile Device Access viewing 452
about 108 notification schedules
disabling for the appliance 111 adding from list pages 651
disabling for users 111 adding from Reporting section 650
downloading KACE GO 110 deleting 652
enabling for the appliance 109 editing 652
enabling for users 109 notifications
model number of KACE SMA 51 about 637
for administrators 145
server monitoring alerts 679
NTLMv2 357
NTP service
requirement for patching 575
verifying status of 85

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 889

affected devices, label 618
O computer report 618
object identifiers (OIDs) definitions 614
obtained with KACE SMA 389 labels for 615
used in inventory  388, 389 reports 618
objects, configuring history subscriptions for 118 run tests 615
offboard backup transfer  803, 803 security checks 613
offline KScripts settings 615
about 509 statistics 49
obtaining dependencies 510 tests and definitions 614
OID tests, viewing 614
obtained with KACE SMA 389 timestamp 624
used in inventory  388, 389 updates 615
online KScripts updating definitions 809
about 509 vulnerability report 617
default 511 OverdueClose Ticket Rule 758
obtaining dependencies 510 owner-only comments for tickets 741
token replacement variables for 513
online shell scripts
about  509, 515 packages, for Patch Management 571
operating systems parameters for Managed Installations 487
supported by Agentless management 381 parent tickets
ORG database tables 821 adding existing tickets to 792
Organization component  28, 257 enabling parents to close child tickets 791
appliance General Settings for 67 using as to-do lists 793
fast switching between organizations 67 passwords, managing  171, 172
organization filters Patch Management
about 122 about 569
Data Filters 122 about critical patches for laptops 585
LDAP Filters 122 about packages 571
organization mode 28 about signature files 570
organizations about subscriptions 575
about 257 AMP connection requirement 593
about filtering devices 267 best practices 573
adding and editing 261 configuring schedules 586
adding Data Filters 268 Dell devices and updates 610
adding LDAP Filters 268 Dell Updates workflow 611
Advanced Search for devices 271 Dell Updates, compared 610
configuring 2FA 265 Dell Updates, scheduling  611, 612
customizing logos for 266 Deploy-only schedules 594
default organization 258 details by device 608
deleting 266 Detect and Deploy schedules 593
deleting filters 270 Detect and Rollback schedules 595
Device Details page 272 Detect-only schedules 593
filtering devices 271
locale settings for 104
managing 257
redirecting devices 271
require selection at login 67
roles, about 258
roles, adding and editing 259
roles, deleting 261
roles, duplicating 260
switching between 111
testing filters 270
user accounts for 267

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 890

error codes 596 POP3 email accounts
download options 571 DefaultTicketOwners@mydomain.com 244
download settings for 580 supprt@mydomain.com 244
download status 582 POP3 email server 244
for Mac OS X devices 609 port 443 91
gather information about managed devices 577 port 80 91
HEAT Software, Inc. 571 port settings for the appliance
Lumension Security, Inc. 571 firewall exceptions for the KACE SMA 84
marking patches as inactive 609 Power Management for Mac OS X 540
patch catalog 604 Power Management for Windows 536
reports for 602 preferences for data sharing 106
resetting patch deploy attempts  607, 607 Preview ticket layout 789
rollback 603 Primary Keys for imported license data 231
Rollback options for patches 603 printer
Rollback-only schedules 596 apply SNMP configuration to 391
schedule field descriptions 587 Processes
scheduling non-critical patching 586 adding labels for 456
Smart Labels for critical OS patches 129 applying and removing labels for 456
Smart Labels for desktops 132 assigning threat levels to 457
Smart Labels for laptops 135 categorizing 456
Smart Labels for new patches 130 deleting 457
Smart Labels for servers 133 inventory, about 455
speeding up with Replication Shares 573 viewing details of 455
subscribing to patches 578 profiles
testing environment 571 about 658
undo the last patch deployment 603 default monitoring 658
using Replication Shares for 168 edit  685, 685, 686
using Smart Labels with 129 Mac profiles
view missing patches 608 about 543
viewing available patches 582 adding system profiles 551
viewing downloaded patches 604 adding user profiles 544
viewing files within patches 602 deleting from devices 561
viewing logs 609 deleting from the KACE SMA 564
viewing patch details 606 deploying on a schedule 557
viewing patch status 601 duplicating 556
viewing patch status for devices 602 exporting the list of 560
viewing schedules 599 identifying devices with profiles 559
viewing statistics 608 importing to the appliance 556
warning users first, importance of 573 installing on devices 558
websites that must be accessible 575 viewing the profiles list 559
workflow for critical OS patches 585 monitoring
workflow for desktops and servers 585 about 658
workflow for first-time patching 576 add to a device 666
workflow for patching 569 create new  663, 665
patches download 666
error codes 596 edit  660, 661
supplier of, Lumension Security, Inc. 571 edit a Windows Log Enablement Package  670, 671
Patchlink Log Enablement Package for Windows Server 2003 669
now Lumension Security, Inc. 571 SNMP traps 661
PDF of Help system 58 upload 666
Perl script provisioning
sample 397 schedules for Agent 363
permissions for Service Desk staff role 239 viewing results 364
ping probe proxy server settings 86
disable 674
configuration 525
Windows-based security policies 627
Windows-based, using 526
POP server settings 86

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 891

Q about 637
queues adding schedules 647
about 767 creating and running 638
adding 767 creating by entering SQL 640
configuring 694 creating from list pages 641
configuring response templates 702 creating using report wizard 638
customizing ticket details for 703 custom logos for  67, 644
default fields for All Queues list 771 deleting custom reports 644
deleting 768 deleting notification schedules 652
enabling conflict warnings 701 deleting schedules 649
moving tickets between 772 Dell warranty 410
setting system default 770 duplicating existing 642
setting user default 770 editing 644
transferring Ticket Rules between 761 editing SQL statements 643
quick scans, for Discovery 280 enabling database access to 91
for a single organization 646
R for blacklisted applications 452
for credentials 176
RAID drive status 811 for multiple organizations 647
rebooting the appliance 808 for Service Desk 762
redirecting devices 271 layout 644
registry settings scripts for Windows 536 notification schedules 650
reinstalling the Software Catalog 454 OVAL 618
Related Ticket Fields 784 patching-related 602
Remote Desktop Control 537 running  637, 646
removing vulnerability reports 617
Agents from Linux devices 377 requesting Local Cataloging for applications 433
Agents from Mac OS X devices 379 required fields setting on Service Desk tickets 784
Application Control designation 454 requiring ticket approvals 794
labels from label groups 138 resetting patch deploy attempts
Mac profiles from devices 561 from patch Catalog page 607
Mac profiles from the KACE SMA 564 from Patch Detail page 607
renaming Service Desk 701 resources
ReopenTicket Ticket Rule 758 about transferring 272
Replication Shares deleting status of exports 276
about  167, 485 exporting from appliance 273
adding 168 exporting from organizations 274
for locale patches 168 importing to appliances 273
viewing details of 170 importing to organizations 275
weekly schedules of 168 moving from local to network locations 275
viewing exported or imported 275
viewing status of exports 276
response templates
configuring 702
restoring appliance settings 804
retention of data 72
about 238
adding and editing for organizations 259
adding and editing, user 147
assigning user roles 241
default 258
for Organizations 258
for Service Desk staff 239
monitoring-specific 676
Rollback-only patch schedules 596
root commands 377
Custom Inventory  462, 463, 472
for Service Desk tickets 757

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 892

Run Now command about 543
about 523 adding or editing system profiles 551
monitoring status of 524 adding or editing user profiles 544
using to run scripts 523 deleting from devices 561
run order deleting from the KACE SMA 564
of organization filters 267 deploying on a schedule 557
of Smart Labels 136 duplicating Mac profiles 556
run OVAL tests 615 exporting the Mac profiles list 560
running Device Actions 744 identifying devices with profiles 559
running reports 637 importing profiles to the appliance 556
installing Mac profiles on devices 558
S viewing the profiles list 559
Samba share Run Now status 524
Admin-level settings for organizations 72 searching logs 542
Admin-level settings without organizations 77 view script tasks 624
and Client Drop Location for organizations 261 scripts
appliance settings 91 adding 515
transferring resources between appliances 272 adding steps to 841
satisfaction survey default 511
modifying the label for 716 deleting  521, 521
preventing distribution of 716 duplicating 522
using 715 editing 520
SCAP 618 error codes 596
about benchmarks 620 exporting 543
about scans 621 importing  521, 522
benchmarks, downloading 626 Kscripts 515
benchmarks, viewing 622 log files for 542
CCE 619 obtaining dependencies 510
configuring scan schedules 623 online shell scripts 515
CPE 619 reusing 522
importing benchmarks 622 run from Script Detail page 524
National Vulnerability Database 618 run from Scripts page 524
NVD 618 Run Now  523, 523
OVAL 619 tasks you can automate 509
platforms supported 619 token replacement variables for 513
protocol 619 Windows registry settings 536
scan Windows-based policy wizards 526
accessing scan information 622 workflow 513
edit schedule 623 search
how scans are conducted 619 Admin level 54
resolution files 624 advanced
results 625 notifications 56
XCCDF 619 Smart Labels 56
scheduled task status 608 documentation 58
scheduling online Help 58
daily backups 800 page level  55, 55
Dell Updates 612 searching for devices in Inventory 351
Discovery scans 280 Secret Key credentials
inventory collection for Software Catalog 449 adding and editing 171
inventory collection, devices 317 Secure Content Automation Protocol 618
LDAP user imports 156 security 613
Mac profiles for deployment 557 about OVAL 613
metering for Software Catalog applications 449 configuration issues 613
patch deployment 586 for Service Desk attachments 717
reports 647 monitoring with security run output 635
SCAP scans 623 settings for the appliance 91
Wake-on-LAN requests 505 SSL certificates 98
screenshots, attaching to tickets 742 vulnerabilities 613
edit policies and scripts 542
Mac profiles

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 893

Security Policies notification strategy 243
about 626 preferences 245
Application Layer Firewall (Mac OS X) 633 testing incoming email 818
Internet Explorer 627 testing outgoing email 818
IXP SP3 Firewall 628 troubleshooting 817
Mac OS X 634 troubleshooting incoming email 818
McAfee AntiVirus 629 troubleshooting outgoing email 818
McAfee SuperDAT 630 email testing
Parental Controls (Mac OS X) 634 using Telnet 818
Symantec AntiVirus settings 631 Knowledge Base
SELinux adding articles 776
server monitoring with 654 attachments, adding 776
serial number of KACE SMA 51 deleting articles 777
server monitoring external inks for 776
about 654 user ratings and views 778
application 667 using markdown 776
disable 678 labels and roles for staff members 242
dismissing alerts 689 organizing duplicate tickets 793
enable 678 overview 690
enabling on device  656, 656, 657 parent tickets as to-do lists 793
filter alerts  685, 685, 686, 686 parent tickets, enabling 790
nonstandard log date format 667 parent-child tickets  790, 791
number of servers that can be monitored 654 preventing
obtaining license key for expanded 658 unnecessary email traffic 256
pause monitoring  672, 673 processes
resume monitoring 673 adding 748
searching for alerts 684 converting to regular tickets 756
threshold 667 deleting 756
updating license key to increase limit 658 types 754
working with alerts 679 using  748, 754, 755, 755
working with profile 658 queues
Server-Enhanced Linux about 767
effect on server monitoring 654 adding 767
Service Desk 742 configuring 694
child tickets  790, 790 configuring response templates 702
configuring default fields for All Queues 771
email exclusions 255 deleting 768
email settings 255 duplicating 768
external SMTP email servers 796 enabling conflict warnings 701
internal SMTP email servers 796 moving tickets between 772
terms used for tickets 701 setting system default 770
title of Service Desk 701 setting user default 770
widget data cache 257 viewing tickets in all queues 769
creating child tickets 791 running reports 762
customizing Satisfaction Survey 715
ticket categories 703 securing attachments  91, 717
ticket fields 787 setup tasks for 691
ticket impacts  703, 783 staff role 239
ticket layout 789 system requirements for 690
ticket layouts  703, 784 ticket approvers, configuring 794
ticket priorities  703, 782 ticket approvers, using 794
ticket settings 778 tickets
ticket statuses  703, 781 categories and subcategories, creating 779
default user roles for 238 converting to process tickets 757
designating parent tickets 792 lifecycle of 720
editing 748 links in User Console 714
email owner-only comments 741
configuring settings  243, 698 quick-action links on User Console 715
connecting servers to the appliance 795 viewing in queues 769
error logs 819 Service Desk Dashboard
errors 820 about 717
event triggers 246 customizing 719

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 894

Service Desk Dashboard, Administrator Console 717 SNMP
service inventory, managing 460 adding and editing credentials 174
session timeout Discovery Schedule for device 302
about  67, 77, 101 enabling for the appliance 91
extending 715 full walk 302
losing unsaved changes 715 Inventory Configurations  388, 389, 389, 390
resetting  67, 77, 101 printer templates 391
setting up License Compliance  222, 435 software
setting up the KACE SMA server 63 deploying from User Console 773
settings removing User Downloads 776
history  115, 116 Smart Labels 418
locale  72, 77 statistics 49
POP server 86 un-installer 539
User Console 67 Software assets  198, 414
sharing data 106 adding from Assets section  199, 414
shell scripts 515 adding from inventory 199
shell support customizing 198
SSH 387 for License Compliance 413
shut down the appliance 808 Software Catalog
signature files, for patching 570 about 421
single sign on about cataloged applications 422
about 162 about data collection 423
access with Active Directory 166 about Not Allowed applications 423
Active Directory method  96, 164 adding applications 432
disabling  163, 166 and Application Control 452
enabling 163 application categories 423
using Active Directory for 164 canceling cataloging requests 434
web browser settings change Locally Cataloged to Cataloged 432
Firefox 166 classifications 422
Internet Explorer 166 configuring metering options for 445
size restrictions for attachments to tickets 733 custom names 433
SLA data sharing for 423
configuring 693 feature comparison with Software page 424
configuring Business Hours 692 for organizations 423
enabling 693 ITNinja 423
Holidays for Service Desk 692 License Compliance for 219
Smart Labels 121 license information  222, 435
adding 125 localization of 423
assigning the run order of 136 Locally Cataloged applications  422, 428
combining 126 Managed Installations 440
deleting 136 migrate License assets 439
editing 127 reclaiming unused software licenses 235
for critical OS patches 129 removing local cataloging 434
for desktops 132 scheduling inventory collection 449
for device inventory 352 scheduling metering 449
for Discovery Results 131 Smart Label restrictions for 125
for laptops 135 software licenses for 435
for new patches 130 submitting cataloging requests  432, 433
for patching 129 updating and reinstalling 454
for servers 133 updating License Compliance for 236
for Service Desk 128 viewing Discovered applications 426
managing 125 viewing License Compliance for 233
SMTP server viewing Not Allowed applications 452
connecting to appliance 795 viewing Not Discovered applications 426
using instead of POP3 244 viewing software details 429
verify settings of 811 viewing Uncataloged 427
Software distribution
about 482
adding applications for 486
summary of 49
testing 483

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 895

software License Compliance subtypes for assets
about 219 about 191
reclaiming unused software licenses 235 adding 193
updating 236 assigning or changing  196, 197
viewing 233 deleting 198
software metering editing 195
about 440 setting as default 195
configuring options 445 viewing available subtypes 196
disabling for devices with manual labels 448 viewing on the Assets page 196
disabling for devices with Smart Labels 449 workflow for SNMP devices 192
disabling for Software Catalog apps 448 support information
enabling for applications 445 ITNinja 419
enabling for devices with Smart Labels 443 Symantec AntiVirus settings
enabling with manual device labels 442 enforcement 631
viewing device details 447 synchronizing files 501
viewing metering details  446, 446 syntax
Software page Custom Inventory rules 464
feature comparison with Software Catalog 424 for changing custom ticket fields using email 735
license information 226 for clearing ticket fields using email 734
software version, of appliance 51 for task sections of scripts 841
special characters System Administration Console 28
escaping in monitoring profiles 686 System level  28, 67
specifications, for the appliance 63 Dashboard 40
speeding up patching with Replication Shares 573 user accounts 143
SQL queries with the Organization component 37
and Smart Labels 127 system profiles for Mac 551
database table names for 821 system requirements
documentation 641 for Agent installation 359
for reports 640 for Service Desk 690
SSH, enabling for the appliance 91 for the appliance 63
SSL certificate wizard 98
SSL certificates, uploading 91 T
SSLv3 (legacy version of SSL) 91 task chains
SSO 162 add 565
staff role, creating 239 edit 565
starting and stopping the Agent on Linux 377 Task Chains
starting and stopping the Agent on Mac 379 about 565
startup program inventory task schedules
adding labels for 458 about 50
applying and removing labels 458 technical specifications, appliance 27
assigning threat levels for 459 technical support tether 813
categorizing 459 Telnet, using to test incoming email 818
deleting 459 templates
managing 457 for configuration policies 525
viewing and editing 457 for security policies 626
statistics for Service Desk email 248
computers 49 terminal window interface 66
devices 49 testing
OVAL 49 Custom Inventory rules 481
software 49 incoming email 818
status of patch downloads 582 LDAP Labels 139
status of RAID drives 811 LDAP server configuration 154
steps for Task sections of scripts 841 organization filters 270
submitting cataloging requests  432, 433 tether to Quest 813
subscribing to patches  575, 578 theme settings
default appliance theme 105
default user theme 106
third-party code attributions 51
threat levels 417
Ticket Detail
customize  786, 789

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 896

Ticket Rules 757 email recipients 747
creating 759 time limit, about 746
customizing system rules 758 time limit, changing 747
defaults for system rules 758 escalation notification 247
deleting 761 fields you can change by email 734
duplicating 761 history, viewing 743
moving between queues 761 lifecycle of 720
transferring between queues 761 links on User Console home page 714
using system rules 758 merging 744
tickets from the Ticket Details page 745
about custom layouts 784 from the Tickets list page 745
approval fields you can change by email 735 modifying by email 734
approvals, configuring 794 navigating among related items 736
approvals, requiring 794 opening notification 247
approving by email 795 owner-only comments, adding 741
archival parent-child relationships, enabling 790
about 762 parent-child relationships, using 790
deleting tickets from 766 parents
enabling 763 using as to-do lists 793
of selected tickets 765 using to organize duplicates 793
queue settings for 764 quick-action links on User Console 715
restoring tickets from 765 screenshots, adding 742
attachment size restrictions 733 sending information by email 744
attachments to 742 setting fields to Required on form 784
attachments, adding 742 setting the default view for 739
categories and subcategories, creating 779 SLA settings for 693
categories, CC List values for 254 states 746
change field order 789 work information for 736
changing approval fields through email 735 time and date settings 82
changing custom fields through email 735 time limit on open inactive user sessions  67, 77, 101
changing fields through email 734 timeout period for user sessions 715
clearing fields using email 734 timing of email from Service Desk 246
closure notification 247 token replacement
comments, adding 740 for Service Desk email 248
comments, viewing 742 variables for scripts 513
configuring settings for 703 tracking changes to settings 116
creating transferring resources between appliances 272
from server monitoring alerts  681, 730 troubleshooting  813, 814
from the Administrator Console 722 Agent provisioning to Windows devices  635, 817
from the Asset Detail page 729 Agent software 817
from the Device Detail page 728 appliance issues 814
from the User Console 721 email communications 817
creating statuses for 703 Wake-on-LAN requests 506
custom fields you can change using email 735 types
custom fields, defining 787 Service Desk processes 754
custom layouts for 789
Custom Views for 739 U
customizing UltraVNC script for Windows 538
impact values 783 Uninstaller scripts for Windows 539
priority values 782 unjoin domain 166
status values 781 unpacking the appliance 63
ticket settings 778 updates
default status of 703 checking for appliance updates 806
default views, using 737 compared with deployments 610
deleting from queues 767 Dell Updates and patching 610
deletion settings for 766 viewing KACE SMA Agent updates 370
due dates and SLAs  692, 692, 693
duplicates, organizing 793
enabling creation by email 733
escalation 746
about 747
email message for 748

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 897

updating User Downloads
KACE SMA Agents automatically  370, 371 about 773
KACE SMA Agents on Linux, manual 376 applying labels to 775
KACE SMA Agents on Mac OS X, manual 378 creating packages for 773
KACE SMA appliance software 53 removing labels from 775
OVAL definitions 809 removing packages 776
Software Catalog 454 user profiles, adding for Mac 544
software License Compliance 236 user roles
the appliance license key 808 adding 147
uploading assigning 241
appliance backup files 804 deleting 148
Mac profiles to the appliance 556 editing 147
SSL certificates for the appliance 91 User/Password credentials
uploading files to the KACE SMA server 415 adding and editing 172
usage data sharing 106
user accounts 153 V
assigning roles to 241 variables
authentication with LDAP 153 for Service Desk email 248
DefaultTicketOwners 242 used in LDAP Labels 850
editing profiles 151 used in scripts 513
labels for 128 verify the Agent is running on Linux 377
LDAP authentication 153 verify the Agent is running on Mac 379
LDAP import, manual 156 version of KACE SMA software 51
LDAP import, scheduled 158 version of the Agent on Linux devices 377
organization-level 143 version of the Agent on Mac devices 380
adding 148 viewing patch schedules 599
editing 148 viewing the Mac profiles list 559
managing  147, 267 VNC settings, Mac OS X policies for 541
adding 150 W
archiving  151, 151
editing 150 WaitingOverdue Ticket Rule 758
Service Desk All Ticket Owners label for 128 Wake-on-LAN
System-level 143 about 504
adding 144 issuing requests 504
deleting 146 scheduling requests 505
editing 144 troubleshooting 506
managing 143 wallpaper, controlling for Windows 532
time limit on sessions  67, 77, 101 warning threshold for software licenses 236
viewing profiles 151 warranty information for Dell devices 409
user authentication 153 websites that must be accessible to the KACE SMA 85
LDAP 153 welcome message, user console 706
LDAP configuration 154 whitelist hosts 90
local accounts on KACE SMA server 143 widget data cache
single sign on using LDAP 163 Service Desk configuration of 257
User Console widgets
about 27 Assets by Location 179
action buttons and widgets 709 Assets By Status 179
adding announcements on home page 711 Assets By Type 179
adding ticket links to home page 714 Cost ($) of Unused Licenses By Product 179
creating tickets from 721 Expired Contracts 179
custom links on home page 713 Expired Software License Maintenance 179
customizing  706, 707 Expiring Contracts 179
distribution packages 484 Expiring Software License Maintenance 179
links to KB articles from home page 710 for User Console 709
locale settings for  72, 77 Home Dashboard widgets 42
logo 707 Active Tickets 42
prioritizing announcements on home page 713 Active Tickets By Category 42
quick-action ticket links on home page 715 Active Tickets By Owner 42
settings 67 Active Tickets By Priority 42
welcome message 707 Assets by Location 42
Assets By Status 42

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 898

Assets By Type 42 Managed Operating Systems 277
Average Ticket Resolution Time 42 Provision Platforms 277
Closed Tickets 42 Provisioning 277
Connections 42 Shortcuts 277
Cost of Unused Licenses By Product 42 License Compliance 179
Critical Patch Compliance 42 Service Desk Dashboard widgets 718
Current Scripts 42 Active Tickets 718
Dell Updates 42 Active Tickets By Category 718
Device Check-In Rate 42 Active Tickets By Owner 718
Devices by Disk Capacity 42 Active Tickets By Priority 718
Devices By Manufacturer  42, 42 Average Ticket Resolution Time 718
Devices By Memory 42 Closed Tickets 718
Devices By Model  42, 42 Overdue Tickets 718
Devices By Processor 42 Overdue Tickets By Owner 718
Devices By Subtype 42 Overdue Tickets Today 718
Disk Capacity 42 Reopened Tickets 718
Expired Contracts 42 Reports 718
Expired Software License Maintenance 42 Shortcuts 718
Expiring Contracts 42 Tickets Due Today  718, 718
Expiring Dell Warranties 42 Tickets Opened Today 718
Expiring Software License Maintenance 42 Tickets Overdue 718
File Synchronizations 42 Views 718
Latest News Articles 42 Software Installed But Not Used in 60 Days 179
License Compliance 42 Software License Configuration 179
Managed Installations 42 Software Publishers 179
Managed Operating Systems  42, 42 Software Titles 179
Monitored Devices 42 Windows
Monitoring Alert Summary 42 Automatic Update settings 526
Monitoring Alerts 42 Dell Command | Monitor 532
Overdue Tickets 42 manage KACE SMA Agent 375
Overdue Tickets By Owner 42 manual deployment of KACE SMA Agent  373, 374
Overdue Tickets Today 42 Windows configuration policies
Patch Installation Progress 42 See configuration policies
Patch Tasks Completed 42 Windows Group Policy
Provision Platforms 42 using to deploy Agent with provisioning tool  357, 358
Provisioning 42 Windows policies 526
Reopened Tickets 42 Windows Server 2003
Reports 42 monitoring Log Enablement Package from ITNinja 669
SCAP Summary 42 Windows-based security policies
Shortcuts 42 enforce Internet Explorer settings 627
Software Installed But Not Used in 60 Days 42 enforce McAfee AntiVirus Settings 629
Software License Configuration 42 enforce XP SP2 Firewall Settings 628
Software Publishers 42 McAfee SuperDAT 630
Software Titles 42 Symantec AntiVirus settings 631
Tasks in Progress 42 wizards
Tickets Due Today  42, 42 for Agent provisioning 360
Tickets Opened Today 42 for configuration policies 525
Tickets Overdue 42 for generating SSL certificates 98
Top Knowledge Base Articles 42 for linked reporting 644
Views 42 for reporting 638
Inventory Dashboard widgets 277 for security policies 626
Agent Version Counts 277 for Smart Labels 127
Connections 277 work information for Service Desk tickets 736
Device Check-In Rate 277 workflow
Device Reports 277 for Asset Subtypes and SNMP 192
Devices By Disk Capacity 277 for patch subscription 576
Devices By Manufacturer 277 for patching 569
Devices By Memory 277 for using ticket approvers 794
Devices By Model 277 workstations, patching workflow for 585
Devices By Processor 277
Devices By Subtype 277
Inventory Counts 277

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 899

XML editor, for scripts 520
XML schema
Linux and Mac 402
Windows 399

KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1 Administrator Guide 900

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