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Ifr 1000s Operation Manual
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Ifr 1000s Operation Manual
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Spe OPERATION MANUAL FM/AM-1000S COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE MONITORPUBLISHED BY TER, INC. Wichita, Kansas Copyright © 1981 by IFR, INC. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a ret System, or transaitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission’ of the publisher. 1002-2381-400 Manual Part number: May 1, 1981 Date Printed: This manual part number 1002-2381-400 shall be used with FH/AM-1000S Operation Manual part number 1002-2381-200 and FH/AN-1000h Operation Nanual part number 1002-2382-000. Sh Oa aLIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES} ‘The portion of text affected by the changes is indicated by a verical tne in the ‘outer margin of the page. Changes to liustrations are indioated by cevision let- ter. Changes to wiring dagrams are indicated by shaded aroas, Date of issue for original and changed pages are: Original ..seees + May 1, 1981 ‘TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES IN THIS MANUAL IS. 266 CONSISTNG OF FOLLOWING: Pg. No. Change Ko. Pg. No. Change No. Pg. No. Change No. 4-73 thru 4-85 0... 4286 Blank see. 4287 thru 4283". 4299 Blank 4291 thru 4293 4294 Blank « 4295 thru 421i" Acide ‘Blank est! 42113 thru @2i3i 1! 42122 Blanks. 42123 thru addi!) 42132 Blank veveecs 42133 thru 4237.) 42138 Blank 4ci3a teu aida"! 42108 Blank vessece 42145 thru 42153. 42154 Blank : 42135 thru 42i63" 1! 42164 Blank 4-165 4-168 521 thea 6213" 5214 Blank . 5215 thru cif 5218 Blank s..s Be19 eres 5220 Biank <2... 5221. 5-22 aL ate 5-23 4272 Blank: Blea Blank | Manual pages affected by current change are denoted by asterisk. cose 5-26 Biank eer eers 5-28 Blank 5-29... 5-30 Biani Bal Title Page... Copyright page a : 8 biank thru «ei besa 5035 5236 Blank’ bean es 5-38 diani’ 4251 thew 4259 4260 Blank 2... 4261 thea 4267 4268 Blank 469 oO fo oo fo fo fo fo fo a1 fo fo to Bo to Eo fo at) 0 0 0 o a Eo to fo fo at) fo fo ° to a0 A/B B1ankPREFACE ‘SCOPE: This manual contains instructions for operating the F/AM-1000S as a Seneral purpose communications service monitor. The instruction level Of this manual. is relatively basic and presupposes no previous experience on the part of the operator with a conmunication seriyce monitor of this type. A basic understanding, however, of conmunication Glectronies and practical troubleshooting methods wil! be helpful. It {3 strongly recommended that operator be thoroughly familiar with Sections 1 through 3 of this manual before attempting to perform any Dperating procedures contained in Section 4. ORGANIZATION: The operation manual is divided into the following major sections: SECTION 1 ~ INTRODUCTION Provider Fbrier introduction to the FH/AM-1000S including purpose, functional capabilities and uses. SECTION 2 - INSTALLATION Brovides a step by step procedure for setting up the FH/AN-1000S for operation in either 2 madile or test bench environment. SECTION 3. DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS, CONNECTORS INQICATORS, jentifTez and functionally describes a FI controls, connectors and indicators © As an operating aid, Figure 3-1 (which locates and Sdentifies all FM/Ail-10005 front panel cont-ols) has been incorporated into a fold-out page. By extending the fold-out page, the operator can easily reference any front panel control while simultaneously performing Any operating procedure contained elsewhere in this, manual. SECTION 4 — OPERATION tontatns sseTectton of basic operating procedures pertaining to All major functions of the FH/AK-10005, in addition to an assort~ ent of conmon receiver and transmitter tests which can be per- formed using the FM/AN-1000S. SECTION § - JUT RECEIVER TESTING Tontaing ToaieaT flowcharts witch provide operator with 2 system- atte method of: Aligning typical AW/FH receivers.SECTION 5. WUT RECEIVER TESTING (cont'd) b. Locating and diagnosing most common malfunctions er breakdowns in typical AN/FH receivers. Userul supplementary information relating to the operation of the FH/AM-10005 is contained In appendices at rear of manual. (See Table of Contents for detailed list of manual contents:) ‘SUPPLEMENTARY MANUALS. Refer to separate FM/AM-10005 Maintenance Manual for information on Following topics? FM/AM-1000S Theory of Operation FU/RH-1000S Maintenance and Troubleshooting Procedures FW/BN-10005 Illustrated Parts Catalog FM/RN-1000S Assembly Drawings, PC Board Layouts and Schematics. “TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Title Page List of Effective Pages A Preface . 1 List of 11lustrations ix SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1-1 General. 1-2 Functional Capabilities SECTION 2 - INSTALLATION 2-1 General . 2ol-l Safety Precautions .. 2-1-2. Equipment Inspection . 202 2-1-3 Power Requirements 2-2 2-1-4 Installation Equipment ... 23 2-2 Installation Procedure . SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS, CONNECTORS & INDICATORS 3-1 FH/AN-10008 Front Pane? 3-1 3-2 FA/AN-1000S Rear Panel . 3-12 SECTION 4 - OPERATION 4-1 General . 4o1-1 Pre-operational Considerations 4-1-2 Operating Precautions . inParagraph Title Page 42 aad 4-2-2 4203 seed 4-2-5 4-2-6 427 428 43 43-1 4-3-2 43-3 43-4 Test Procedures Using FH/AN-10005 Oscilloscope .. General Enitial EW/aM-10005 Control Settings for OsciT10scope Operation . Measuring OC Voltages .... Measuring Peak-to-Peak Voltages Measuring RMS AC Voltages (Sine Mave Only) Measuring Peak AC Voltages . Measuring Frequencies Between 5 Hz and $00 kHz ....-.e.0, 4219 Measuring Pulse Duration and Duty cycle Test Procedures Using FN/AM-1000S Spectrum Analyzer . General Initial FM/AN-1000S Control Settings for Spectrum Analyzer Operation ......-. 433 Measuring Signal Strength . ee 38 Detecting Spurious Signals . 439 Test Procedures Using FH/AH-1000S Dual Tone Generator .... 4-43 General : ee + naa Initial FM/AM=1000S Control Settings for Dual Tone: Generator Operation eee ot Aa Generating Audio Tones of Known Amplitude = a7 Using FM/AU-10005 Speaker to Accoustically Excite a Microphone ss... eee seeeee 4-49 Test Procedures Using FH/AN-1000S RF Generator . 4-51Paragraph Titte Page 4-5-1. General 4-5-2. Initial FH/AM-1000S Control Settings for RF Generator Operation . zi = 4-53 4-5-3. Generating RF Signals .. = 455 4-5-4 Generating AM Modulated RF Signals oc 4-57 4-5-5 Generating FM Modulated RF Signals 4-59 4-6 Test Procedures Using FM/AM-1000S Receiver . = 4-61 4-6-1 General. eocguordoeodocdcocGuoconGu0Go = 4-62 4-6-2 Initial FH/AMe10005 Control Settings for Recetver Operation . : : = 4-63 4-6-3 Receiving AM or FH Signals . = 4-65 4-6-4 Receiving Sideband Signals . = 4-69 4-6-5 Receiving CH Signals ..sssseessseessessseeesssiseesstesses S7L 4-6-6 Receiving Time Standard Signal to Calibrate FM/AM-1000S Master Oscillator --- 08 ee 4-6-7 Galtbrating FH/AN-19008 Master Osci1Tator Throwgh an External Frequency Standard - : ters 4-7 Test Procedures Using FH/AM-1000S as 2 Sweep Generator/ Tracking OSCITIOSCOPE .esssceevsesssscsenssrssseseseetsens G77 TL General seeeeee 4-7-2 Initial FM/AM-1000S Control Settings for Sweep Generator/ Tracking Oscilloscope Operation 5 eres 279) 4-7-3, Using FM/AM-10005 as a Sweep Generator/Tracking OSCHTTOSCOpE sesssscesssessrsesnaeent : + 4-81 4-7-4 Measuring Bandpass and Center Frequency of a Bandpass CUTE seeeeee con : . 4-87 4-7-5 Measuring Bandredect and Center Frequency of Krotch Circuits veers Reve ew areilParagraph Title Page 47-6 are7 48 4-8-1 4-8-2 4-8-3 4-0-4 4-8-5 4-8-8 4-8-9 a-a-10 son a-g-12 48-13 49 ao 4-9-2 4-9-3 A904 4-9-5 Measuring Cut-off Frequency of Lowpass Circuits .cceseeees 4-95 Measuring Cut-off Frequency of Highpass Circuits . 4-101 General Receiver Tests 4-107 General 4-108 Oscillator Frequency Measurement 4-109 Measuring RF Section Bandpass and Center Frequency (For bandpasses Tess than 40 kHz) 113 Measuring Bandpass and Center Frequency of an IF Strip ... 4-119 Measuring Receiver Bandpass and Center Frequency (For bandpasses Tess than 40 kHz) .. 4-123 Measuring Receiver Bandpass and Center Frequency (For bandpasses greater than 40 kHz) - 4-127 Measuring Squelch Threshold and Differential (For recetvers with fixed squelch) 4123 Measuring Squelch Threshold and Differential (For receivers with variable squelch) 4-135 4-139 Measuring AGC Action .. Measuring AM Receiver Sensitivity «. 4-145 Neasuring FM Recetver 20 d8 quieting « 4-149 Measuring 12 6B Sinad Sensitivity .. 4-151 Neasuring Maximum Receivable Deviation . + 4-153 General Transmitter Tests scssseeeesees 4-155 General... : 4-156 Measuring Transmitter Carrier Power 4-157 + 4-159 4-161 4-165 Measuring Transmitter Frequency « Measuring AM Modulation of @ Transmitter Measuring Transmitter Deviation (Below £20 kiz) ..Paragraph Title Page 5-1 5-1-1 5-1-2 5-1-3 SECTION 5 - RECEIVER ALIGNMENT & TROUBLESHOOTING General . Preliminary Considerations Mignment /Troubleshooting Saftey Precautions ..... How to Use Alignment /Troubleshoot ing Flowcharts ..... Routine Maintenance Checklist ... oe eG Receiver Alignment Flowchart AN/FK Receiver Troubleshooting Floxcharts . eat Power Supply Troubleshooting Flowchart . S11 Oscf lator Troubleshooting Flowchart .....seee. 5-15 RF AnpIif4er Troubleshooting Flowchart ....e.e.- s-19 IF Amplifier Troubleshooting Flowchart .....escseeceeeseee Se22 Receiver Section Troubleshooting Flowchart e...ceseeseeeee $223 SqueTch Troubleshooting Flowchart .... oe AGC Troubleshooting Flowchart ..... + 5-27 ‘AM Audio Troubleshooting Flowchart = 5-29 Sensitivity Troubleshooting Flowchart .. ses Bea Squelch Enable Troubleshooting Flowchart .... 5-33 FM Audio Troubleshooting Flowchart «2s... oe 5635 Maximum Receivable Deviation Troubleshooting Flowchart wiParagraph Title Page APPENDICES Appendix & Specifications aol Appendix 8 FH/AK-1000S Standard/Optional Accessories « ve Bel Appendix € dBm to Microvolt Conversion Chart cd Appendix D Repacking for Shipment ..-..++ De Appendix & Sweep Generator/Tracking Oscilloscope Operation: Vowing Frequency Response Display Directly on Oscilloscope «+ e1 Appendix F Pinout/Contact Assignnents for External Accessory and External Modulation Connectors sssssssssesereees Fel Appendix G How to Construct an RF Pick-up (*Sniffers) Cable .... 6-1 Appendix H Abbreviations & Symbols HL vitLIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Wo. Title Page 2-1 Extending FH/AN-1000S Support Bracket ....ssscseeseeeeses 2d) 2-2 FM/AN-1000$ Operating Position ... 24 2-3 Removing FH/AM-10005 Lid Retaining Plate « 24 2-4 Removing FH/AM-1000S Accessories 28 2-5 FM/AN-1000S with Antenna Attached 25 2-6 Discharging Static Buildup from Antenna Coax ....sssse++ 2-5 2-7 Connecting External AC or OC Power Cable to FW/AM= 10005» 2-6 2-8 FH/AN-10005 Power Switch 2-6 3-1 FR/AN-1000S Front Panel .sseesessseeseeessseeiseesseesses SeL 3-2 CRT Display Deviation Seales .. 3-8 3-3 FREQUENCY MHz Thumbwheels .. fa 3-4 CRT Display Graticule Markings sessesseessssssssesseessas 369 3-5 FM/AN-1000S Rear Panel ..sesesssesesseeessseereesseeerses S12 FH/AN-1000S Controls Applicable to Oscilloscope Operation cecsessrecoercsorsesers a5 Scope Trace Centered over Najor Horizontal Axis .s.sese++ 4-7 Examples of DC Voltage Measurements Stable Sine Wave Display seseeeseeseeerereees az Negative Peaks of Sine ave Display Resting on Hortzontal Dal egeeeeseaes : Rositive Peak of Maveform Centered over Major Vertical axis ixFigure Ko. Title Page 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 Neasuring Peak-to-Peak Amplitude of Maveform .....csee5 4-13 Examples of Closely Packed and Multiple Maveforms ....... 4-20 positive Going Zero Point of Maveform Atigned with Vertical Axis sess eat = 21 Measuring Wavelength in Graticule Divisions vseessseesee 4-21 Sold Square Trace Area Displayed on CRT Cee tee Lissajou Figure Reference Chart . se 25 Typical Display of Pulse Kaveform seeseecseesee 4-28 Measuring "ON* Time of Pulse Kaveform ... 4-28 Measuring PRT of Pulse Haveform . poOOECLFE = 4-29 FAVAN 10005 Controts Applicable to Spectrum Analyzer Operation ... aes Gece C6) Signal Under Test Displayed at Center Frequency . 4-36 Signal Under Test Measured Along dB Scale of cRT . Signal Under Test Offset from Major Vertical Axis +437 Adjusting injected SFO Signal to Sane Amplitude of Signal Under Test oe seve 438 Typical Display of Carrier Signal and Adjacent Spurious stgnat Seeecerts teres 460 EIVAN-1000S Controts Applicable to Dual Tone Generstor Operation veces pore + 445; Test Set-Up diagran for Injecting Tone(s) of Known Amplitude nto a WUT «+ bot + 447 Amplitude of Displayed Waveform Adjusted 1 Volt Peck .... 4-48 AVAN-10005 Controls Applicable to RF Generator Operation secswses Bisplayed Carrier Aligned with Lover Edge Resting on Major Horizontal Axis. ee aFigure Wo. Title Page Alignment of Upper and Lower Modulation Signals with Major Horizontal Axis pees eae) FH/AM-1000S Controls Applicable to Receiver Operation ... 4-63 Test Set-Up Ofagram for Calibrating FH/AM-100CS Master OsciNlatonsneresrcessnesres FWVAN-10005 Controts Applicable to Sweep Generator/ Tracking Oscilloscope Operation . Test Set-Up Diagram for Sweep Generator/Tracking Oscilloscope Operation (Using Detector) ...++ Test Set-Up Dlagran for Sweep Generator/Tracking Oscilloscope (Using Detector Probe) ssssevsseene sues Dot Positioned 3 Graticule Divisions above or below Major Horizontal Axis, on Major Vertical Axis wsersseees 4-83 Wortzontal Trace Positioned 3 Graticule Divisions above or below Major Horizontal Axis, Centered over Major Vertical axis .. scones + 483 Rept of Displayed Waveform Resting on Major Hortzonel AXIS coserers pecesivercses 4-64) Frequency Response Curve of CUT . = 4-84 Bandpass Response Curve Centered over Major Vertes} axis ‘ Corer + 4-87 Bandpass Response Curve with One Leg Resting on Major Horizontal Axis Bandpass fesponse Curve with Legs Resting on Major Horizontal Awis ets) Bandreject Response Curve Centered over Major verttcal Axis Bandreject Response Curve with One Leg Resting on Major Horizontal Axis Bandresect Response Curve with Legs Resting on Major Horizontal Axis xFigure No. 4043 Test Set-Up Diagram for Lowpass Circuits (Using Test Set-Up Diagram for Lowpass Circults (Using Title Measuring Cut-off Frequency of Detector) sesseesseeseeee Measuring Cut-off Frequency of Detector Probe) 4-45 Dot Positioned 3 Graticule Divisions above or below Major Hortzontal Axis, on Major Vertical Axis 4-46 Horizontal Trace Positioned 3 Graticule Divisions above of below Major Horizontal Axis, Centered over Major Vertical AXIS seeseeee 4-47 Worfzontal Trace Aligned with Major Horizontal Axis (Using Positive & Negative Detector) . 4-48 Position of Horizontal Trace after Adding 3 48 to Signal Strength -. 4-49 Horizontal Trace (or Section of Frequency Response Curve) Positioned at Intersection of Major Axes. = 4-50 Tost Set-Up Diagram for Measuring Cut-off Frequency of Highpass Circuits (Using Detector) 4-51 Test Set-Up Diagram for Measuring Cut-off Frequency of Wighpass Circuts (Using Detector Probe) o6 4-52 Dot Positioned 3 Gratfcule Divisions above or below Major Hortzontal axis, on Major Vertical Axis 4-53 Horizontal Trace Positioned 3 Graticule Divisions above gr below Major Horizontal Axts,. Centered over Hajor Vertical axis. 4-54 Wortzontal Trace Aligned with Najor Horizontal Axis (Using Positive and Negative Detector) .. 4-55 Position of Hortzontal Trace after Adding 3 dB to Signal Strength «+ 4-56 fortzontal Trace (or Section of Frequency Response Curve) Positioned at Intersection of Major Axess 4-57 Test Set-Up Diagram for Oscillator Frequency Neasurenent «1+ ait Page 4-101 = 4-102 + 4-103 4-103 4-104 4-105 + 4-105 teeseeeece 4109Figure No. Title Page 4-58 4-59 4-60 4-67 468 4-69 4-70 an Oscitlator Spectrum Aligned with Major Vertical Axis .... 4-110 Test Set-Up Diagram for Measuring RF Section Bandpass and Center Frequency (Using Detector) «s.ere 2 4113 Test Set-Up Diagram for Measuring RF Section Bandpass and Center Frequency (Using Detector Probe) s..rsccveeees 4-114 WUT Injection and Sample Points (Single Conversion Receiver) a se Qs WUT Injection and Sample Points (Dual Conversion Recefvar) .sr+s+ Seer 4d Dot Positioned 3 Graticule Divisions above or below Major Horizontal Axis, on Major Vertical Axis Horizontal Trace Aligned with Major Horizontal Axis (Using Positive and Wegative Detector) ..s-+s.. +4116 Hortzontal Trace (or Section of Frequency Response Curve) Positioned at Intersection of Major Axis s.eseseee 4-117 Horizontal Trace (or Section of Frequency Response Curve) Positioned at Intersection of Major Axes «+ - 4-118 UUT Sample and Injection Points (Single Conversion Receiver) «.+ peecneenr ss +419 UUT Sample and Injection Points (Dual Conversion Receiver) ... coos ett) Typical Displays of Frequency Response Curve .. 4-120 Typical Displays of Frequency Response Curve .. 4121 UUT Injection and Sample Points (Single Conversion Receiver) ee eres 4-123 UUT Injection and Sample Points (Dual Conversion Receiver) Typical Displays of Frequency Response Curve for Average Band Recefvers. = re seta Typteat Bisptays of Frequency Response Curve for erage Band Recetvers sss oo 4125 xiiiFigure No. Title Page 475 4-76 407 4-79 4-20 4-81 4-02 4-83 4-86 4-87 4-8 4-89 Typical Displays of Frequency Response Curve for Narrow Band Receivers. ce 4-128 Typical Displays of Frequency Response Curve for Narrow Band Recetvers. ve poet 42d) WUT Injection and Sample Points (Single Conversion Receiver) 4-127 WT Ingection and Sample Points (Oval Conversion Receiver) 4-127 4-128 Horizontal Trace Aligned with Major Horizontal Axis « Section of Frequency Response Curve Displayed Using Positive Detector « precise 42120 Section of Frequency Response Curve Displayed Using Negative Detector « 4-129 High Edge of Frequency Response Curve Centered at Intersection of Major Vertical and Horizontal Axes (Using Positive Detector) 4-129 High Edge of Frequency Response Curve Centered at Intersection of Major Vertical and Horizontal Axes (Using Negative Detector) 4-130 Low Edge of Frequency Response Curve Centered at Intersection of Najor Vertical and llorizontal Axes (Using Positive Detector} 4-130 Low Edge of Frequency Response Curve Centered at Intersection of Major Vertical and Horizontal Axes (Using Negative Detector) ais Test Set-Up Diagram for Measuring Squetch Threshold and Differential (Fixed Squelch) «.+.+++ 4-133 Test, Set-llp Diagram for Measuring squelch Threshold and Differential (Variable squelch) 4-135 a-19 Test Set-Up Diagram for Measuring ASC Action - Oiaplayed Carrier Signal Aligned with Major Hortzontat Axis a-149 xivFigure No. Title Page 5-2 5-3 Alignment, of Upper and Lover Modulation Signals with Major Hortzontal Axis posiecerse ss call seeeeeeees 41d2 Nodulated Signal Display ... Scope Trace Exhibiting a Minor Auount of Noise 142 Test Set-Up Diagram for Measuring AM Sensitivity . = A145 Bisplayed Carrier Signal Aligned with Major Hortzontal axis ny eres rescore err + 4146 Alignment of Upper and Lower Hodulation Signals with Major Hortzontal Axis... : seve 4147 Test, Set-Up Dtagran for Weasuring FH Recetver 20 48 Quieting : + 4-149 Test Set-Up Diagram for Measuring 12 4B SINAD Gens Uv tyeecstte scree steeeerete seeresee et tes 0181) Test Set-Up Dlagran for Measuring Transaltter Carrier Power « 5 : sevseee 157 Test, Set-Up Dtagram for Measuring AM Modulation of @ Transmitter. : eres 161 Noise Level Display of Approximately 2.5 Graticule Divisions (Peak-to-Peak) + : severe 4-162 Negative teats of Hodulation Envelope Resting on Kajor Horizontal Axis = 4-163 Jest getup Dtagram for Measuring Transmitter Deviation vss.+ 4-165 Flowchart symbol Referencing an Operating Test Procedure Contained in Section 4. Flowchart Symbol Referencing a Troubleshooting Flowchart Contained in Section 5 vesesereeseseee Flowchart Symbol Directing Operator to Return to "START® of RECEIVER ALIGNMENT FLONCRART™ « se,Figure No. Title Page 5-4 Det e- Receiver Alignment Flowchart . 5-7 Repacking for Shipment ao seeeeee Doe Test Set-Up Diagran for Viewing Frequency Response Curve Direetly an Oscilloscope ee 4 Frequency Response Curve Comparison (as viewed on oscilloscope with and without use of detector) ss.sssee. Ex? Frequency Response Curve Comparison (as viewed on oscilloscope with and without use of detector) £3 Pinouts for External Accessory Connector ...seseeee Fat Contact Assignments for External Modulation Connecter ... F-2 Flexible Coax Cable Preparation .... seeeees Gel Soldering Cable Center Conductor to Braided Shielding ... 6-1 xviSECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1-1 GENERAL The FA/AM-1000S is a portable communications service noniter capable of performing a variety of transmission test functions normally asso- Ghates with most types of transceiving equipment (e.9., citizen's band adios, FM two-way radios, single sideband equipment, repeaters and AN/FH/3SB transceivers). As a portable unit containing an internal rechargeable battery pack, Operation of FH/AN-10005 1s possible almost anywhere without. concern for immediate power. Nobdile, aircraft or marine operation is possible Girectly from 11 to 28 volt 6c power systems, using a furnished cigar Tighter” adaptor plug. AC power operation is possible from 110/230 VAC, 47"to 420 Hz power services. 1-2 FUNCTIONAL CAPABILITIES The F/AN-10005 incorporates the functions of the Following test snstruments: FH/AM Receiver FH/AM Signal Generator AF Spectrum Analyzer, RE Frequency Meter RF kattneter Dual Tone Generator RF Demodulator, Frequency Standard Sweep Generator/Tracking Oscilloscope De to I Miz Oscilloscope MN-100 Multimeter (Optional; see separate MH-100 Operation Manual for operating instructions.) These capabilities permit the test set to perform numerous general purpose diagnostic Functions, as well as most common cransmitter/ Pecetver performance tests, including: TRANSMITTER RECEIVER Frequency Error SINAD Sensitivity * FH Deviation Quieting sensitivity AM Mogul ation Recelver Distortion (At maximun Power Output deviation) Harmonic Content Frequency Stability Distortion * Frequency Response Frequency Stability Distortion * Spurious Outputs Audio Power Output * * Requires MM-100 Multimeter options functions of multimeter include AC/OC voltmeter, ohnmeter, % AM modulation meter, distortion meter, SINAD meter, selectable audio loads and audio monitor. 1-1/1-2 BlankSECTION 2 - INSTALLATION 2-1 GENERAL Installation of the FH/AN-1000S is a simple procedure which consists primarily of: 1, Setting instrument into an operating position. 2. Connecting external antenna to test set for “aff-the-air® testing. 3. Furnishing electrical power to test set by connecting AC or DC power cable fo available power source (unless bat tery operation is desired) This section provides instructions for completing the above procedures with reconmendat ions regarding instal lation/operation safety, equip- ment inspection, power requirements and required installation eools 2-4-1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: Listed below are several important safety precautions which must be observed during all pheses of installatian. and operation. IFR Inc. assumes no lability for eustoners's failure to comply with any of the Safety precautions outlined in this manual. © COMPLYING WITH INSTRUCTIONS Thstaltatfon/operating personne? should not attempt to install or operate test set without reading and Canplying with et instructions contained in Enis manual.” All procedures contained in this manual must be performed in exact sequence and manner described. © GROUNDING REQUIREMENTS ForaTatatze shock hazird, chassis. and case of test set mist be connected to’an electrical ground. The FH/AH-10005 is furnished with an AC and DC power cable, each of which incorporates a ground pin for this purpose. The AC power cable ts equipped with a'standare Spin grounded. plug on one end which must be connected only to 4 properly grounded 3-pin wall receptacle. © Due to potential safety hazards, use of three- prong to two-prong adaptor plug’ is not recon Banded. The DC power cable features a cigar lighter adaptor on one end.© OPERATING SAFETY ue to présence of potentially lethal voltages within test set, operating personnel must not remove test equipment covers at any time. Component replacement ané internal adjustments must'be made by qualified saintenance person- nel only. © OBSERVING CAUTION" 4 *WARNING® LABELS xtreme care should be exercised when performing any gperations preceded by a *CAUTION" or "WARNING" label. “CAUTION Tabels appear where possibility of damage to equipment exists, while "WARNING" notes are used to denote a condition where @ shock hazard exists, exposing person- nel to possible bodily ingury. 2-1-2 EQUIPMENT INSPECTION All TFR test sets are carefully inspected for material defects and are Subjected to a thorough performance check prior to leaving factory. AMI sets are shipped to customer in excellent mechanical /electrical condition. Upon receipt of shipment, receiving personnel should: 1. Account for presence of all equipment and ascessories as Tisted'on packing slip. 2. Inspect al1 equipment for visible or concealed damage which may have occured in transit. (Tf damage is, apparent, see “RECEIVING INSPECTION/UNPACKING® sticker sittzed to shipping container for “Damage Claint procedure. 2-1-3 POWER REQUIREMENTS The FN/AN-10005 can be powered from its internal battery pick or from AC‘or OC power sources.” For AC operation, all test sets are normally factory wired to accept external power service generally available at installation site. Prior to making any AC power connections, instal- Jaton personnel must check test set power rating against power service rating, aking sure both are same. (If equipment power racing and poner service do not match, refer to *FM/AN-1000S Maintenance Manval™ for power supply modifications.) @ Instrument power rating information can be found on Model/Serial No. nameplate, located on bottom side of test set or in technical manual under *SPECIFICATIONS* An adhesive "CAUTION sticker will be present on all sets and power cables wired for operation in a 230 VAC environment. (No sticker Is present for equipment wired for Lio VAC.) 22DC operation using furnished OC power cable is possible from any 12 ¥ oF 28 V power source which permits use of standarc cigar Tighter adaptor plug. 2-1-4 INSTALLATION EQUIPMENT None required; all electrical connections required to ready instrunen for operation can be easily made by hand, without use of any special tools:'=2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE POSITIONING TEST SET = Lift test set from shipping con- tainer and renove all packing matertal, tape etc. from set. + Extend support bracket on botton of set to full locked position and place set on flat surface, bottom side down. (Bottom side OF set has four plastic feet.) FIGURE 2-1 EXTENDING FM/AM- 10008 SUPPORT BRACKETS. 3. This fs the most conmon operating position for the set when working fbn 2 bench or table. “During mobile operation, set can be operated. in an upright position, white resting on its metal sup- port rails. Untatch and fotd back 144, expos- ing front panel face of test set. UTP desired, Tia. can be, detached from set at "hinges by sliding Tid to operator's right.) FIGURE 2-2 FM/AM-10008 OPERATING POSITION REMOVING SET ACCESSORIES 4, Remove retaining plate inside 11d by rotating both quick-release Vatches counter-clockwise (ecw) and gently pulling plate straight out fron Tid. FIGURE 2-3. REMOVING LID RETAINING PLATE. 245. Remove AC and OC power cables frgn inside of Tid, along with 90° BNC connector.” Note addi~ Uonal accessories attached to Fear side of retaining plate renoved in Step 4. Those acces- Series. include: 3 Spare Fuses 1 Antenna’ 1 Allen Wrench (See Appendix B for detailed Vist of FH/AN-10005 standard/ optional accessories.) CONNECTING ANTENNA 6. For "off-the-air" testing, antenna must be connected to ANT INPUT Connector (44) on front panel of tert set. If test sat ts to be operated in an upright position, Connect. antenna directly to ANT'INPUT Connector (48). If set. is to rest on its support bracket during operation, attach antenna to furnished 90° eNC connector, then attach antenna/30° BNC connector assembly to ANT INPUT Connector (4a). © If an external antenna at- tached to. an unterminated coax cable ts used, renove any possible static charge buildup before connecting coax to ANT INPUT Connector. See procedure at right. FIGURE 2-4 REMOVING FM/AM-10008. ‘ACCESSORIES ANT INPUT) CONNECTOR FIGURE 2-5 FM/AN-1000 WITH. ANTENNA ATTACHED ‘SCREWDRIVER (GefSULATED HANDLED Conouctor TOUCH SCREWDRIVER GLADE TO COAX CENTER CONDUCTOR AND CONNECTOR COLLAR SIMULTA NEOUSLY TO DISCHARGE STATIC BUILDUP, FIGURE 2-6 DISCHARGING STATIC BUILDUP FROM ANTENNA coaxPOWER CONNECTIONS 7. Determine source of power to be used to energize test set and proceed accordingly: @ When test set is powered fron a vehicle's OC supply, snake Sure PuR/OFF/BATT. Switch (9) is not tn "PKR" position, white starting engine oF blown fuse may result. a. AC or oc powER FIGURE 2-7 CONNECTING EXTERNAL {IT Connect b-pin socket on AG OR DC FOWER CABLE fend of furnished AC (or 0 FM/AM-10008, DC) power cable to 6-pin external poxer receptacle fon rear of test set. (2) Connect 3-pin grounded plug on opposite end of AC je Bower cable to standard 3- mee Bin grounded receptacle. (For DC operation, connect cigar lighter adaptor on ‘opposite end of DC power cable to cigar lighter socket.) (3) Place PuR/OFF/BATT Switch (3) to PWR" position to energize set. FIGURE 2-8. FM/AM-10008 SWITCH b. BATTERY OPERATION fo power cable connections required; place, PUR/OFF/ BATT Switch to. "BATT position to energize set. 2-6SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS, CONNECTORS & INDICATORS RRABELOPG ot a bel | FIGURE 9-1 FM/AM-10008 FRONT PANEL DEVIATION/WATTS Meter 26 SCOPE IN Connector 0-d8m Lamp. 27 SWEEP Control HL LVL/uV x 100/NORM Switch 28 SWEEP Vernier Contro? ZERO RCVR Adjustment 29 AC/OFF/DC Switch RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial 30. EXT V/DIV Vernier Contro? AUTO/OFE/ZERO, BATT Switch 31. EXT ¥/O1Y Control TRANS/RCUR Connector 32. FREQUENCY MHz Thunbwheels Power ON Lanp, 33. 1,5/5/15 kHz Control PUR/OFF/BATT Switch 34 CRT Display RCVR WIDE/MIO/NARROW Switch 35 INTENSITY Control GEN/RCVR Switch 36 MORIZ Control 10 MHz CAL "Adjustment 37 FOCUS Control 10_MH2 REF OUT Connector 38 VERT control EXT SPKR Connector 39. ANALY DISPR Controy SQUELCH control 40 Wigh Frequency LOCK Lamp IT NOD/RCYR’ Switch 41 FREQ ERROR Meter VoL contro! 42 FREQ ERROR Meter Zero Adjustment BEO/OFF. Switch 43. Low Frequency LOCK Lamp AM/FM Switeh 48 ANT INPUT Connector EXT ACC Connector 45 NOT USED EXT MOD Connector INT MOD OUT’ Connector 46 INPUT LEVEL Lamp INT MOD Control 47 DEV/PUR Control 1 kz INT MOD. Control 48 DEVIATION/MATTS Meter Zero MODULATION FREQ Hz Thumbwheels Adjustment. Item 1 34 Name Description DEVIATION/WATTS Meter Provides visual display of peak FM deviation, transmitter output power, transmitter signal strength (as received at ANT INPUT Connector (44)) and internal battery charge condition. dom Lamp TTlunTnates when FH/AN-10005 RF signal output is at 0 dBm or above. HI LUL/wv x 100/NORN switch Theee-posttton switch whieh selects power range for RF LEVEL/3FO INGECTION Dial (5) es follow: "NORMAL position - RF/BFO output level fs equal to setting Of RF LEVEL/8FO INJECTION Dial (5) on Suv" or "dBn™ scale. “uv X 100" position - RF/8FO output level is 100 times the RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (3) setting on the "uV" scale. (Equivalent level in dBm 4s equal to reading of dBm scale, plus 40 dB.) “HIGH LEVEL" position - Enables RF output levels above -35 6m 0 be achieved. + ZERO_RCVR Adjustment Kajustnene sever for zeroing FREQ ERROR Meter (41) when FH/AM-1000s power is "OW." (GEN/REVR Switch (11) must be In “GEN" position when. zeroing meter.) RF _LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial ‘ontrots FH/AN-1000S RF output level when set is operating in siq- nal generator mode and 8FO (beat frequency oscillator) injection Jevel when set is operating in receiver mode. Control knob con- tains scales for reading power levels in both "yi" (microvolts) and "din" (decibels per milliwatt). AUTO/OFE/ZERO, BATT_switch " Three-pasition switch wnich activates/deactivates auto-zeroing cir- cuit and provides a visual indication of internal battery voltage Eondition as follows? “AUTO" position - Auto-zeroing circuit is activated, auto- matically zeroing receiver and FREQ ERROR Weter (41) through’ an internal self-check.. “OFF position - Auto-zeroing circuit 1s deactivated. Blank/3-2Item Name Description 6. AUTO/OFF/ZERO, BATT Switch (cont'd) "BATT® position - When switch fs held in this springloaded position, a visual indication of internal Battery voltage condition is displayed on DEVIATION/WATTS Meter (1). Battery 45, discharged when DEVIATION/WATTS Meter (1) Feads 11 volts under Toac; FM/AM-1000S WiTT turn off automatically when this Condition occurs. @ When activated, auto-zeroing reference pulse will cause minor CRT trace and meter meedte deflections to occur this is 2 nor- nal operating condition and should be disregarced. © With auto-zeroing circuit activated, a3 ms void will be pro- duced by reference pulse every 1.5 Seconds in cenerate/receive modes. If this condition hinders testing of lt (Unit Under Test), place switch to *OFF* position. In *OFF* position, FREQ ERROR Meter (41) is not calibrated and shculd not be used for frequency error measurements. 7. TRANS/RCVR Connector BOE iapatfoutput connector for WUT. © 00 NOT APPLY MORE THAN 20 WATTS OF CONTINUOUS INPUT TO TRANS/ RCVR CONNECTOR. Maximum "ON" time For measurenent of trans- miter output using TRANS/RCVR Connector is: 10 seconds at 100 W, 15% Duty Cycle 20 seconds at 50 W, 30x Duty Cycle 2 minutes at 30 W, 50x Duty Cycle 8. Power On Lam THhuntmates when power 1s applied to FM/AN-1000S. PUR/OFF/BATT_switch Fiececebet Eon “retker switch which supplies/interrupts power to FM/AM-1000S as follows: "pure = Applies external AC or OC power to FA/AN- (Leftmost position) — 1000S. 33Tten nase Description 9. PHR/OFE/BATT Switeh (conta) lo. n. Re. L. a "OFF = Shuts off power to 211 FM/A¥-10008 (Center position) circuits, except battery charger circuit. BATT = Powers FH/AN-1000S by its internal battery (Rightmost position) set will turn off autonatically after approximately eight minutes of operation, to: prevent battery rundown. © FH/AM=10005 internal battery 1s charged whenever set 1s con- nected to an AC power source, including when power switch 1s eoerce RCVR_WIDE/MIO/NARROW Swi ten EeTects HIDES MNTOT Gr SHaneow" bandwigth of FH/AN-1000s GEN/RCUR switch Controls operating mode of FH/AN-1000S as 2 signal generator or receiver as follows: "GEN" position - FH/AN-1000S functions as a signal gener- ator, producing RF output at TRANS/RCVR Connector (7). If RF energy is applied fo this connector (7) while set 1s in generator mode, set will automatically Switeh to receiver moge. “RCVR" position - FH/AM-1000S functions as a receiver. Signal input (0.1 watt mininum required) may be direct through the TRANS/RCVR Connector (7) or "off-the-a'r™ via_an external antenna attached to ANT INPUT Connector (44). 10_WHZ CAL Adjustment Fre-tantng aijastacnt for FH/AN-1000S 10 Mis master oseiTiator Frequency. 10 Wiz REF OUT Connector TOW master oscillator output connector. EXT_SPKR Connector KudTo output connector for remote speaker, headphones ete.Item __Nane Description 15. SQUELCH Controt Sueteh-enrsshold adjustment; squelch dfsabies audio output when RE input at ANT INPUT Connector (44) falls below squelch threshold, © SQUELCH Control is “OFF when fully cew in detent position. When out of detent position, rotate control cw to increase Squelen threshold or cex to decrease threshold. (The greater the squelch threshold, the greater the Signal input required to break the threshold.) 16. INT MOD/RCVR switch ‘ouples. 10008 receiver or dual tone generator audio output to FM/AN-10005 internal speaker. 17, VOL_Contro! Controls audio output level of FH/AN-1000S internal speaker (or ternal accessory speaker when connected to EXT S°KR Connector ta). 18. BFO/OFE_ switch Hetivates or deactivates FN/AM-1000S internal beat frequency oscillator (8F0). 19. AM/EM Switch Tefects star mode to be generated or received by FA/AM-1000S as Follows: "AM" position - FH/AM-1000S generates or receives ampli- tude modulated (AM) signals. “ems position ~ FH/AM-1000S generates or receives fre- quency modulated (FM) signals. 20. EXT ACC Connector Turput connector providing power or signa sources for external secessory equipment. (See Aapendix F for connector pin assign 21. EXT MOD Connector A Input connector for external modulation sources. (See Appendix F For connector contact assignments.) 22. INT MOD OUT Connector ‘utput connector which couples dual tone generator audio output to external devices.” Output level ts controlled by INT MOD Control (23) and 1 kHz INT MOD Control (24).Item 2. 23. 2a. 25. 26. a. 28. Name Description INT HOO QUT Connector (cont'd) (wore) © Output can consist of one or any combination of following modu- lated signals mixed together: 1 kltz INTERNAL MODULATION VARIABLE INTERNAL MODULATION EXTERNAL MODULATION INT MOD Controt Controls EAN modulation or FM peak deviation of frequency selected on MODULATION FREQ'Hz Thunbwheels (25). Modulation control is NOFF* in full cow, detent position; when out of detent, rotate control cw to increase modulation level. © Nodutated frequency can be externally keyed through the EXT HOD Connector (2), 1_kWz_INT Mop contrat ‘ontrols RAN modulation or FH peak deviation for an approximate 1 kiz tone. Modulation control is *OFF* in full cew detent posi- tion; when’ out of detent, rotate contro! cw to increase modulation Tevel. MODULATION FREQ Hz Thumbwheels Select tntarnet-acaitatton-Trequency produced by dust tone genera tor (10.0 Hz through 9999.9 Hz). SCOPE_IN Connector Vertfeal deflection input for oscilloscope. 900 MOT APPLY NORE THAN 200 VOLTS (PEAK-TO-PEAK) TO THIS CONNECTOR. SHEEP Control Tontrots hortzontal sweep speed of oscilloscope in indicated mi11i- Second or microsecond increments per graticule division. SWEEP Vernier Control Permf¥s continuous variation of sweep speed within any of the ranges provided by SWEEP Control (2/). In "CAL" position (fully Gh, detent), oscilloscope horizontal graticule divisions are equal to’ setting of SWEEP Control. 3-6Item name Description 28. SWEEP Vernier Contre! (cont’a) © Do not make time measurements with SNEEP Vernier Control out of "CAL" position. 29. AC/OFF/OC switch ‘ireccpesTEanctwiten which AC couples scope inpu:s in ACY post tion, BC couples scope inputs in "DC" position and disconnects power from oscilloscope/spectrum analyzer in “OFF* position: © When switching from one coupling mode to another, pause briefly in "OFF" position; this ensures that scope power Supply Inverter will start. © To conserve power during battery operation, place coupling switch to "OFF" when oscilloscope or spectrum analyzer are not in use. 30. €XT V/0IV Vernier Contra! Barmtee varation of oselvioscope vertical, sensit-vity within any of the ranges provides by EXT V/DIV Control (31). In "CAL" posi~ tion (fully cw detent), oscilloscope vertical graticute divisions are equal to setting of EXT V/DIV Control (31); {nore © Do not make voltage mesurements with EXT ¥/DIV Vernier Centro? out of CAL" position. 31. EXT V/DIV Control Controls oseiToscope vertical sensitivity and input source applied to oscilloscope as follows: “EXT V/DIV" positions - Selects oscilloscope vertical sensitivity (in indicated voltage increments per gra ticule division) for signals applied to SCOPE IN Connector (26): "kiiz" positions = Oscilloscope displays frequency deviation (in "FH" mode) oF modulation envelope (in "AM® mode}.Item tame Description 31. EXT V/DIV Control (cont'd) EXAMPLE: (Reference CRT display below.) If EXT VW/DIV Switch {5 positioned to-is or 1.5 kz setting, measured full scale frequency deviation 1s 18 kz or 1.5 kilz along scale "A." Tf switch 1s positioned to 6 kilz settings Measured full Scale frequency deviation 1s 6 kHz along scale os “SCALE A “SCALE BY aN FIGURE 9-2 CRT DISPLAY DEVIATION SCALES. envelope in “AN* mode, setting of © When viewing modutati Hz" range 15 irrelevant. EXT V/OIV Control tn 32. FREQUENCY Hz Thumbwheels ‘Sotect signat generator or receiver frequency. i) eh \ 100 fine imtiz | 10kHe \ 10d He JOMHz 100 Kiet ki FIGURE 3-3 FREQUENCY Miz THUMBWHEELS 3-8Tten__Nane Description 33. 18/5/15 kiz Control ‘SeTects Tull scale Sensitivity of "FREQUENCY ERROR METER" (41). 34. CRT Display DispTay screen for FA/AM-10005 oscilloscope or spectrum analyzer. + MAJOR GRATICULE DIVISION awason — L verTicue SneiIeULe vision AXIS YP) MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS MAJOR VERTICAL: Axis HORIZONTAL [AXIS (TYP) FIGURE 9-4 CRT DISPLAY GRATICULE MARKINGS. 38. INTENSITY Control Tontrots Brightness of CRT trace. Rotate control cow to decrease brightness, ew to increase brightness. © When applying power to osciTloscope or spectrun analyzer through PUR/OFF/EATT Switen (5) or AC/OFF/DC Switch (29), make sure INTENSITY Control (35) 1s turned to 4 moderate Yntensity level. © Warm-up time of CRT is approximately 30 seconds from a “Cold™ start-ups trace display will not become visible until CRT achieves warm-up. 36. WoRIZ Controt Tontrats horizontal position of oscilloscope trace. Rotate control ew to move trace to right, ccw to move trace to left. 37, FOCUS Control Tontrats sharpness of oscilloscope trace. 31-9Item Hane Description 38. VERT Control Controls vertical position of oscilloscope trace. Rotate control cw to move trace up, ccw to move trace downs ANALY DISPR Controt onéimuous ly varfes spectrum analyzer dispersion withir a span of 1 to 10 Miz. “Full cw rotation of control provides. a dispersion of 1 Wiz per major graticule divistons full cew rotation (short. of detent position) ‘provides 2 dispersion of 0-1 MHz per major. grati- cule division. In full cow detent position, spectrum analyzer is OFF" and oscilloscope $s "ON." © During spectrum analyzer operation, all oscilloscope controls except INTENSITY Control (35), FOCUS Contre! (37) and AC/OFF/DC Switch (29) are disabled: Spectrum Analyzer can be turned "OFF* using AC/OFF/OC Switch (29). 40. High Frequency Phase LOCK Light When Tiiuetnated, indiestes proper operation of High Frequency Phase Lock Board’ in FM/AN-10Q0S.. Light will "blink" momentartly when "Wiz" segments of FREQUENCY Mz Thumbwheels (32) are incre” Rented or decremented, however light should remain {Illuminated at ail other times when FN/AM-10005 power is "ON." 41. FREO ERROR Meter Frovraes TTSuHt display of gifterence vetween received stgnal_fre- quency and FH/AN-1000S ‘receiver frequency (as represented by FAEQ- QUENCY MHz Thumbwheel (32) setting). 42. FREQ ERROR Neter Zero Adjustment echanfest-zersvaisiseaedt oP FREQ ERROR Meter (41) sntended tor use when power to FH/AM-1000S ts OFF." 43. Low Frequency Phase LOCK Light hea THlumtnateds fndteotes ‘proper operation of 79-80 tz Low rre- quency Phase Lock Board in FH/AM-1000S.. Light will “blink™ monen= tartly when "kHz" and "lz" segments of FREQUENCY. HHz Thumbwheels (32) are incremented or decremented, however light. should. remain ‘Tuminated at all other times when’FN/AM-10005 power 1s *OHs* 44, ANT InpuT connector External antenna input to FA/AN-1000S, used primarily for *off-the alr testing. 39 3-10Tten Name Description 44, ANT INPUT Connector (cont'd) (© MAKIMUM CONTINUOUS INPUT ANT INPUT CONNECTOR MUST KOT EXCEED .25 W. © MAXIMUM INPUT TO ANT INPUT CONNECTOR IS ~30 dBn FOR PROPER SPECTRUM ANALYZER OPERATION, (Signals above -30 dm may Gause spurious signals to be generated and displayed by FH/AM-10008.) ‘0 IF AN EXTERNAL ANTENNA ATTACHED TO AN UNTERMINATED COAK CABLE TS USED, REMOVE ANY POSSIBLE. STATIC CHARGE FROM ANTENNA COAX BEFORE CONNECTING TO FH/A-10005. 45. NOT USED 46. INPUT LEVEL Lamy then TiYumfnated, indicates input level at ANT INPUT Connector (48) fs above squeTen threshold of FM/AM 1000S receiver. 47. DEW/PwR Control Selacts ranges for peak FM frequency deviation, input power at TRANS/ACUR’ Connector (7) “kH2" positions ~ SWATTS® positions = S16" position ~ and recetved signal strength es follows: Selects full scale range for peak Fil deviation as displayed by DEVIATION/ WATTS Meter (1). Selects multiplier for cutput power measurements on red "WATTS" scale of DEVIATION/WATTS Meter (1). For signals received "off-the-air", qualitative respresentation of relative Honal strength can be cetermined by Observing DEVIATION/WATIS Meter (1) Reedie deflection. As signal strength Gnereases, the meter needle deflection WITT increase towards right of meter Seale. 48. DEVIATION/WATTS Meter Zero Adjustment Hechantest-zero-adjustment of DEVIATION/WATTS Meter intended for use when FA/AM-10008 power ts “OFF.*SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS, CONNECTORS & INDICATORS \Z| Jiil| / \ er FIGURE 3-5 FM/AM-10005 REAR PANEL ITEM __NANE Descrterion RIAL NO. NAMEPLATE AC LINE FUSE Me Amp. SLO BLO fuse. EXTERNAL OC FUSE 74 Amp. fuse. 4. BATTERY FUSE 7s Amp. fuse. 5. 6-PIN EXTERNAL POWER RECEPTACLE. 6. BATTERY HOUSING a1SECTION 4 - OPERATION 4-1 GENERAL This section contains operating instructions relating to all major Functions of the FH/AN-1000S and is divided into the following two Aajor subsections: BASIC FUNCTIONAL OPERATING PROCEDURES act (ohare ralit ema Boo” Test Procedures Using FM/AM-1000S Osci I loscope 403 Test Procedures Using FH/AM-10003 Spectrum Analyzer acd Test Procedures Using FH/AN-1000S Dual Tone Generator 45 Test Procedures Using FX/AN-10005 RF Generator 40g Test Procedures Using FM/AN-10005 Receiver 23 Test Procedures Using FM/AN-10005 ase Sheep Generator/Tracking Oscilloscope. GENERAL RECEIVER/TRANSMITTER TESTS ection t 4:8. General Receiver Tests 45 General Transmitter Tests For purposes of clarity and ease of understanding, all instructions 05 Bregented as individual test procedures conforming to 0 "step by atepe format. ‘The procedures Included within each section ere those ESEE commonty associated with the various functions of the FH/AN-1000S and AM/FM transceiver testing. Each group of *BASTC FUNCTIONAL OPERATING PROCEDURES" is preceded by & FeieeTiatroductory paragraph relating to the particular FM/AK-1000S function to be used, folloved by e table containing FH/AN-1000S initial tentrot settings required for use of that Tunction. Fach Individual fest’ procedure in turn (including Ehose under “GENERAL RECETVER/ TRANS- NITTER TESTS"), contains the following common headings: aed Test procedure nuaber. ‘TEST PROCEDURE: name of procedure to be performed. TEST OBJECTIVE: Purpose or intent of procedures if name OF MTEST PROCEDURE" itself impifes test objective, this heading will contain N/A (not applicable). SPECIAL ACCESSORY List of any special accessory test equip~ EQUIPMENT REQ'D: ent required to complete procedure, Beyond FM/AN- 1000S and WUT. TEST SET-UP OTAGRAM: A diagrammatic aid to operator in making proper connections between FH/AN-1000S,, Gur? and spectal accessory equipment.4-1 GENERAL (CONT'D) a) Those procedures bearing the the symbol on the upper right hand corner of the page, can be more easily Performed using the M¥-100 Multi-Neter option: If your FW/AN-1000S {sso equipped, refer to NM=100 Operation Wanual for the corresponding procedure. 4-1-1 PRE-OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS For maxinun benefit of all operating procedures contained 1erein, it is strongly reconmended that operator: 1, Thoroughly read and understand all steps of procedure to be performed, prior to its completion. 2, Be familiar with the circuit or unit under test so some idea is Perceived as to the voltage, frequency and waveform to. be expected at each test point: This knowledge will aid operator in performing the test procedure in a logical efficient, manner with a mininun of blind searching. ‘4-1-2 OPERATING PRECAUTIONS. In addition to the general safety precautions listed under Section 2-1-1 of this manual, the operator must observe the following. eddi= tional operating precautions: 1, When working with "live" circuits of high potential, keep one hand in pocket or behind back to avoid serious shock hezerd. 2. Remove all jewelry or other cosmetic apparel before performing any test procedures involving “live” circuits. 3. Use only insulated troubleshooting tools when working with "ive! Zsreuits. ° For added insulation, place rubber bench sat underneath alt Powered bench equipment, as well as a rubber floor wat under- neath operator chair. 5. Heed al) MARNINGS and CAUTIONS concerning maximum voltage and power inputs. 5. Avoid using osci1loscope/spectrum analyzer in direct sunlight, as scope trace is difficult to See under these conditions. 7. Do not allow scope trace to become concentrated on CRT as Stationary spot, as CRT screen may be burned permanently. Reduce trace intensity if trace must remain stationary. 8. Protect FH/AN-1000S from vibration or mechanical shock. The CRT of the FM/AN-1000S is highly evacuated end If broken, will implode causing possible serfous injury from Fragmented glass .4-2 TEST PROCEDURES USING FM/AM-1000S OSCILLOSCOPE 44-2-1 GENERAL The FM/AK=1000S contains a 1 Miz oscilloscope designed for use as a general purpose diagnostic tool. “The operator can use this instrument Fo observe or measure such signal characteristics as AC/DC voltage level, waveshape, pulse duration, pulse spscing and frequency, Additional features unique to this oscilloscope include the selectax bility of two sweep sources (internal saw-tooth generator end dual tone generator) and the ability to monitor both AM and FH signal nodulation. The procedures contained in this section are: 3 MEASURING DC YOLTAGES 24 MEASURING PEAK-TO-PERK VOLTAGES “5 MEASURING RMS AC VOLTAGES (Sine Wave Only) 6 MEASURING PEAK Ac YOLTAGES' 7 MEASURING FREQUENCIES BETWEEN 5 kHz AND 500 KHz 8 MEASURING PULSE DURATION AND DUTY CYCLE 444-2-2 INITIAL FM/AM-1000S CONTROL SETTINGS FOR OSCILLOSCOPE (OPERATION FIGURE 4-1 FM/AM-10008 CONTROLS APPLICABLE TO OSCILLOSCOPE OPERATION (Refer to “SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS, CONNECTORS & INDICATORS" for functional description of any controls used in this section.) @ Before performing any procedures contained in this section pertaining to oscilloscope operation, make sure all applicable test set controls are positioned as outlined below. ‘© Some of the control settings outlined below may be changed during the course of 2 given procedures all controls, however, should be reset to Initial positions described below when starting a new pro cedure. CONTROL, INITIAL SETTING 9 PHR/OFE/BATT switch "OFF" position 27 SWEEP Control "Ins" position 28 SWEEP Vernier Controt Fully ew, detent (in *CAL* position} 29 AC/OFF/DC Switch "oc position 50 EXT V/DIV Vernter Control Furtylews detent (in *cAL® position 31 EXT V/DIV Control "iq W/01¥" position 35 INTENSITY Control Midrange posittcn 36 HORIZ Control Midrange positien 4-54-2-2 INITIAL FM/AM-1000S CONTROL SETTINGS FOR OSCILLOSCOPE OPERATION (CONT’D) CONTROL, INITIAL SETTING 37. FOCUS Controt Midrange position 48 VERT contro? Midrange position 39. ANALY OISPR Control Fully cews detent Other FH/AM-1000S features related to oscilloscope operation but not requiring an initial setting: 26 SCOPE IN Connector 34 CRT Display The FA/AM=1000S fs now ready for oscilloscope operation.4-2-3 TEST PROCEDURE: MEASURING DC VOLTAGES TEST OBJECTIVE: W/A SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUPMENT REOD: 4/4 TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: N/A STEP PRoceDURE, 1, Set FU/AN-1000S controls for general oscilloscepe operation {as shown in Figure 4-1, page 4-5. 2. Apply power to FM/AN-10005. 3. Apply power to wuT. 4, Adjust INTENSITY Control (35) ew and FOCUS Control (37) appropriately to obtain a sharp visible trace cisplay. @ Warm-up time of CRT fs approximately 30 seccnds from a "cold" start-up; trace display will rot become visible until CRT achieves. warm-up. 5. Adjust VERTICAL Contro1 (38) and HORIZ Control (36) to center scope trace aver major horizontal axis of CRT. [SCOPE TRACE MAJOR HORIZONTAL axis FIGURE 4-2 SCOPE TRACE CENTERED OVER MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS 47step PROCEDURE 6. Apply signal to be measured to SCOPE IN Connector (26) using & Scope probe or coax. If 2 scope probe 1s used, make sure ground lead is attached to UUT ground, (© 00 KOT APPLY NORE THAN 200 VOLTS (PEAK-T0-PEAK) TO SCOPE IN CONNECTOR (26). 7. Observe trace deflection in relation to major horizontal axis to which trace was previously aligned: a. If trace deflection is downward (towards hotton of CRT), voltage being measured 1s negative, b. If trace deflection is upward (towards top of graticule), voltage being measured is positive. 8. To determine voltage of signal: Count and record number of graticule divisions (along major vertical axis) from major horizontal ext; to loca- tion where trace is now deflected (see example: below) Scope TRACE 5 GRATICULE DIVISIONS 2 GRATICULE DIVISIONS FIGURE 4-9 EXAMPLES OF DC VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS. ef trace deflection from major horizontal axis is to small to be accurately measured, adjust, EXT W/OIY Controi to next smaller: yolts/division Setting. This should result in a greater trace deflection. 48STEP PROCEDURE, a. (cont'd) b. Multiply result obtained in Step 8a by setting of EXT V/OIV Control (31): Trace deflection in graticule divisions Setting of EXT V/IIV X Contra? DC VOLTAGE EXAMPLE: Trace deflection = 2.6 graticuls divistons ExT v/o1y Control Setting = .1 volts/division (2.6) x (.1) = .26 volts 0¢ 4-9/4-10 Blank42-4 TEST PROCEDURE: MEASURING PEAK TO PEAK VOLTAGES TEST OBJECTIVE: w/a ‘SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REQD: W/A step TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: 1/8 PROCEDURE Set_FH/AN-1000$ controls for oscilloscope operation as shoxn in Figure 4-1, page 4-5. Place scope AC/OFF/DC Switch (29) to position. Apply power to FH/AN-1000S. Apply power to UT. Adjust INTENSITY Control (35) cw and FOCUS Control (37) appropriately to obtain a sharp visible trace display. @ Warm-up time of CRT is approximately 30 seconds fron 2 "cold" start-upz trace display will not become visible untiT CRT achieves warm-up. Adjust VERT Control (38) and HORIZ Control (36) to center Scope trace over major horizontal axis of CRT. Apply stgnal to be measured to SCOPE IN Connector (26) using a scope probe or coax. If a scope probe is used, make sure ground lead is attached to WUT ground. © 00 NOT APPLY MORE THAN 200 VOLTS (PEAK-T0-PEAK) TO SCOPE IN CONNECTOR (26). Adjust SWEEP Control (27), EXT ¥/DIV Control (31) and SWEEP Vernier Control (28) to obtain a stable waveform display of signal to be measured. senSTEP PROCEDURE 8. (cont ¥4) © EXT W/OIV Vernier Control(30) must remain in "CAL" position (fully ew, detent). SINE WAVE FIGURE 4-4 STABLE SINE WAVE DISPLAY 9 Adjust VERT Control (36) until negative peaks of waveform Fest on any horizontal axts of scope display. HORIZONTAL ‘AXIS (TYP) NEGATIVE PEAK: OF WAVEFORM, FIGURE 4-5 NEGATIVE PEAKS OF SINE WAVE RESTING ON HORIZONTAL AXISstep PROCEDURE 10. Adjust HORIZ Control (36) to center positive peak of waveform over major vertical axis of CAT. POSITIVE PEAK OF Waveronit CENTERED OVER MAJOR VERTICAL axis FIGURE 4-6 POSITIVE PEAK OF WAVEFORM CENTERED OVER MAJOR VERTICAL AXIS 11. Count number of graticule divisions between positive and negative peaks of waveform. Record this number. , ft 4 GRanicute SWISIONS jt FIGURE 4-7 MEASURING PEAK-TO-PEAK AMPLITUDE OF WAVEFORM 12, Multiply result obtained in Step 9 by setting of EXT ¥/O1Y Control (31): No. of graticule divisions Setting of EXT Y/DIY _PEAK-TO- from negative to x Controf = ptak positive peak VOLTAGESTEP a. (cont'd) EXAMPLE, PROCEDURE Graticule divisions from positive to negative peaks: 4.5 EXT V/DIY Control Setting = 1 voutoivistoe (4:5) © (1) = 4.5 VOLTS PEAK-TO-PEAK4-2-4 ‘TEST PROCEDURE: MEASURING RMS AC VOLTAGES (SINE WAVE ONLY) TEST OBECTVE WA SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUMENT REQD. WA TEST SET-UP DAGRANE w/a sven roceoure 1. Ferfore procedure 4-2-4, titted “HOM TO MEASURE PEAK-TO-PEAK WOLTRGES?, on pege ail 2. Apply resuitant peak-to-peak voltage to foNowing equation: YOuTS . W252 x 9,707 exMrLes Peak-to-peak voltage obtained in Step 1 = 6.8 Volts VOUS © 6:8 x o.707 vous TS 3,4 x 0.707 vours LTS = 24038 4-18/4-16 Blank4-2-6 TEST PROCEDURE: TEST OBECTIVE SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REQD: TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: step MEASURING PEAK AC VOLTAGES WA MA WR PROCEDURE Perform procedure 4-2-4, titled "HOW TO MEASURE PEAK-TO-PEAK VOLTAGES, on page 4-11. Divide resultant peak-to-peak yoltage by two. The result of this step is the peak voltage (Vp). 4-17/4-18 Blank42-7 ‘TEST PROCEDURE: MEASURING FREQUENCIES BETWEEN 5 Hz AND 500kH2* (+ The frequency response of the FH/AM-1000's osciT~ loscope 1s 1 MHZ. However, due to the resolution of the scope trace and the limitations of the fweep range, 500 kHz Is the largest practical fre Queney that can be measured under this procedure.) TEST OBECTVE: WA SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REQD: Calculator STEP TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: N/A PROCEDURE Set FM/AN-1000S controls for general oscilloscope operation as shown in Figure 4-1, page &-5. Place AC/OFF/OG Switch (29) to *AC* position. Apply power to UUT. Apply power to FH/AN-1000S. Adjust INTENSITY Control (35) cw and FOCUS Controt (37) Appropriately to obtain a sharp visible trace display. ‘@ Warn-up tine of CRT is approximately 30 seconds From a "cold" startoup; trace display wi1l not become visible until ORT achieves warm-up. Adjust VERT Control (38) and WORIZ Control (36) to center Scope trace over major horizontal axis of CRT. Apply signal to be measured to SCOPE IN Connector (26) using a'scope probe or coax. If a scope probe is used, make sure Ground lead is attached to WUT ground. © 00 NOT APPLY MORE THAN 200 VOLTS (PEAK-TO-PEAK) TO SCOPE IN Connector (26). \ engster PROCEDURE Adjust SWEEP Control (27) and ExT V/OIV Contra (31) to obtein 9 stable waveform display of signal being measured. EXT V/O1V Vernier Control (30) may also be adjusted to achieve desired amplitude of waveform, however, SHEEP Vernier Control (28) must be in "CAL" position (Fully cw, detent). @ To factiitate measurement of one wavelength of displayed signal, adjust SWEEP Control to pro- duce a waveform with a minimum number of cycles. © At certain signal frequencies, adjustment of SWEP Control (27) may produce at best, a closely packed waveform con- Eeining numerous cycles dr multiple (and possible unstable) waveforas not in phase. See examples. below: CLOSELY PACKED WAVEFORM MULTIPLE WAVEFORMS NOT IN PHASE FIQURE 4-8 EXAMPLES OF CLOSELY PACKED AND MULTIPLE WAVEFORMS In this situation, operator should select wavefors where an accurate measurement. of one wavelength (in major grati- cule divisions) can be made most easily. When a waveform suitable for measurement has been obtained on CRT, use HORIZ control (36) and VERT Control (38) to align waveform on CRT as follow: 8. Adjust VERT Control (38) to center waveform over any horizontal axis. b. Adjust HORIZ Control so any “positive going zera crossing” of waveform is aligned with any vertical arisestep PROCEDURE 9 (cont'd) POSITIVE GOING. ZERO CROSSING OF WAVEFORM ‘ALIGNED WITH VERTICAL AXIS) FIGURE 4-9 POSITIVE GOING ZERO POINT OF WAVEFORM ‘ALIGNED WITH VERTICAL AXIS 10. Count number of vertical graticule divisicns per one full wavelength, starting at the "positive going zero crossing™ aligned in’ Step 9b.” Record this number. EXAMPLES: 1 WAVELENGTH = 15 GRAT. DV. FIGURE 4-10 MEAGURING WAVELENGTH IN GRATICULE DIVISIONS, RAT. OW. 11, Apply result obtained in Step 10 to following formula: A Approx. = Frequenc: Wo. of grattcule ¥ Setting of SWEEP of signal, divisions Control under test 4-2step PROCEDURE 11. (cont*4) EXAMPLE: If the result obtained in Step 10 is 2.5 graticule divisions and setting of ‘SWEEP Control (27). 1 0.1 milliseconds, the formula is solved es follows: 1 7 Tat Ts econds OS 7 —robes— = 000 Hs The result of this equation represents approximate frequency of signal under teste (For more accurate frequency measurement using *Lissajou Method, perform Steps 12 thru 18.) 12. Place SWEEP Control (27) to "MODULATION FREQ Hz" position. Oscilloscope will now display a solfd trace area randomly positioned on CRT. 13, Adgust INT Moo contro? (23), EXT ¥/OIV contro? (31) ExT V/oIV Vernier Controt (30), HORIZONTAL Control (36) and VERT Contra? (38) to create a comfortably sized solid square trace ares on scope display. SCO>E TRACE FIGURE 4-11 SOLID SQUARE TRACE AREA DISPLAYED ON CATstep Ts 1s. 16. we PROCEDURE Set MODULATION FREQ Hz Thumbwheels (25) to signal frequency obtained in Step Il, if thet frequency 1s no greater than 9999.9 Hz. a, If frequency exceeds 9999.9 Hz, perform following mathemat- ical operation: If Frequency obtained Divide that in Step Il ist Frequency by: 10 kHz to 19.999 kHz 2 20 kHz to 297999 kiz 3 50 kHz to 391999 kiz a Go kHz to 497999 kHz 5 b. Set MODULATION FREQ Hz Thunbwheets (25) to resultant fre- quency obtained in Step 14a, To determine exact frequency of signal being measured, opera- tor must obtain a stable Lissajou figure on CRT. First deter- mine the order of Lissajou figure being sought by referring fo Following table: FREQ. OBTAINED IN TISSAIOU ORDER * step i 9999.9 Hz (First) (Second: (Third) (Fourth. (Firth) for i1lustea- 19.999 Kitz 297999 kuz 391999 kie 497999 kHz (* See reference chart on page 4-2: tion of Lissajou figures. Begin incrementing or decrementing MODULATION FREQ Hz Thumb- wheels (25) in 10 Hz steps, while carefully observing scope Trace for any radical, yet brief oscillation which might be the Lissejou figure being sought. Generally, the exact fre~ Guency of the signal under test will be within 220% of approxi- mate frequency obtained in Step 11. once the oscillation of scope trace has been detected, con- tinue incrementing or decrementing MODULATION FREQ Hz” Thumb- wheels (25) in smaller increments until 2 clear Lissajou Figure is visible. Continue until figure fs stationary or moving as slowly as possible. 4-23STEP 1. Record present settin Use table below to de test: Tf Frequency obtal in Step IL was: 5 iz to 9999.9 ki 10 kHz to 19.999 20 kiz to 291999 1 30 kiz to 391999 40 _kiz to 49°99 k PROCEDURE 1g of MODULATION FREQ Hz Thunbwheels (25). fermine exact frequency of signal under ned Nultiply present setting oF MODULATION FREQ Hz Thunbwheels (25) by corresponding number below to obtain exact frequency of signal under test: Ha He He He ieLuyHo 30Nauada4 SHNDIJ NOFVESIT Zip BUNDLE uwzonn sowanoaua ai sai waann sonanosus 631 waonn ami sou swnoa | sonanoaus ewnoa waaNn Aowanoaus 40 Huwnos ano swwnoa unis 360 Swn0a wwaaun Aonsnoaus asa waann sowanogus sonsuasay | xowanosus sona¥ssa O 26 Blank 4225/8ane TEST PROCEDURE: MEASURING PULSE DURATION AND DUTY CYCLE TEST OBECTIVE: N/A ‘SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REOD: N/A TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: N/A PROCEDURE Set_FM/AM-1000S contrals for osciTlascope operation as shown in Figure 4-1, page 6-5. Apply power to FH/AM-10005. Adjust INTENSITY Control (35) ew and FOCUS Controt. (37) appropriately to obtain a sharp visible trace display. © Warn-up tine of CRT is approximately 30 seconds from a "cold" startup; trace display will not becone visible until CAT achieves warm-up. Adjust VERT Control (38) and HORIZ Control (36), to obtain a centered trace aligned along major horizontal axis. Apply power to WUT. Apply signal to be measured to » SCOPE IN Connector (26) using a scape probe or coax. If scope probe is used, make Sure ground lead is attached to UUT ground. @ D0 NOT APPLY MORE THAN 200 VOLTS (PEAK-TO-PEAK) TO SCOPE IN CONNECTOR (25). Adjust EXT V/DIV Control (31) and EXT V/OIV Vernier Control (2a) to obtain a confortable square wave display. Adjust SWEEP Contral (27) to obtain a minimum number of pulses. © A minimum of two complete pulses must be displayed.step PROCEDURE 9. Adjust HORIZ Control (36) so a "rising edge" of a given pulse with leftmost. vertical axis. Adjust VERT Control fF-time" of pulse waveform is aligned along major horizontal axis. Display of pulse waveform should now appear a5. shawn? isiNe “ON TIME Ede (rve), re) mason: HORIZONTAL, axis FALLING EDGE (TYP) “OFF TIME ave FIGURE 4-13 TYPICAL DISPLAY OF PULSE WAVEFORM 10. Count number of graticule divisions between rising edge of a given pulse and next falling edge; this distance represents Hine pulse ts "0N.* “ONT TIME isiNG. EDGE. FALLING GE | FIGURE 4-14 MEASURING “ON" TIME OF PULSE WAVEFORM 11. Multiply number of graticule divisions representirg pulse "ONY time by setting of SWEEP Control (27). Record result. 4-28step PROCEDURE 12, Count number of graticule divisions between rising edge of & Given pulse and fext rising eages this distance represents fulse Peccurence tine’ (PRT]. PRT 2nd sot Rise RISING = EDGE: FIQURE 4-15 MEASURING PRT OF PULSE WAVEFORM 13. Multiply number of graticule divistons representing "PRT by Setting of SHEEP Control (27). Record result. 14, To determine duty cycle, apply results from Steps 11 and 13 to following Formula: esult of Step 11 Result of Step 1 y oq « 5 pury cycue 4-29/4-30 Blank4-3 TEST PROCEDURES USING FM/AM-1000S SPECTRUM ANALYZER(4-3-1 GENERAL The FH/AN-1000S spectrum analyzer can be used for: 1, Measuring received signal strength and frequency. 2, Displaying the frequency relationship between two or more stgnals. 3. Displaying the frequency distribution of a signal. 4, Detecting presence of modulation and unwanted or spurfous signals. The dynante range of the analyzer is 70 d8, covering a range from -30 dim to -100 dan. The test procedures contained in this section are: 4-3-3 MEASURING SIGNAL STRENGTH 4-3-4 DETECTING SPURIOUS SIGNALS4-3-2 INITIAL FM/AM-10008 CONTROL SETTINGS FOR SPECTRUM ANALYZER OPERATION one A $29 FIGURE 4-16 FM/AM-10008 CONTROLS APPLICABLE TO SPECTRUM ANALYZER OPERATION (Refer to “SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS, CONNECTORS & INDICATORS" for functional description of any controls used in this section.) © Before performing any procedures contained in this section pertaining fo spectrum analyzer operation, make sure all applicasle test set controls are positioned as outitned below. © Sone of the control settings outlined below may be changed during the course of a given procedure: all controls, however, should be Feset to initial positions described below when starting # new pro- cedure. conTROL, INITIAL SETTING 2 HI LYL/u¥x100/NORM Switch NORM position 5 RE LEVEL/@FO INJECTION D1a1 Fully cow 9 PNR/OFF/BATT. Switch SOFF® position 11 GEN/RCVR Switch RECEIVER" position 1g BFO/OFF switch “OFF® position 35 INTENSITY Control Midrange position 37, FOCUS contro} Miarange position 39° ANALY OTSPR Control Fully cw‘4-3-2 INITIAL FM/AM-1000S CONTROL SETTINGS FOR SPECTRUM ANALYZER OPERATION (CONTD) Other FH/AN-10005 features related to spectrum analyzer operation, but not requiring an initial setting 32 FREQUENCY MHZ Thunbwheels a4 CRT Display U1 FREQ ERROR Meter 44° ANT INPUT Connector The FH/AN-1000S is now ready for spectrum analyzer operation43-3 TEST PROCEDURE: MEASURING SIGNAL STRENGTH TEST OBJECTIVE. WA SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REQD: W/A TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: N/A step PROCEDURE 1, Set FM/AN-1000S controls for spectrum analyzer operation as shown in Figure 4-16, page 4-33. 2. Connect external antenna to ANT INPUT Connector (#4). (© MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS INPUT TO THIS CONNECTOR MUST NOT EXCEED 25 W. @ MAXIMUM INPUT IS -30 dBm FOR PROPER SPECTRUM ANALYZER OPERATION (signels above -30 8m may cause spurious signals to be generated and dis- played by FH/AM-1000S.) © IF AN EXTERNAL ANTENNA ATTACHED TO. AN UNTERHI- NATED COAX CABLE 15 USED, REMOVE ANY POSSIBLE STATIC CHARGE FROM ANTENA COAK BEFORE CONNECTION TO FM/aw- 1000S 3. Apply power to FH/AN-1000S. 4, Adjust INTENSITY Control (35) ew and FOCUS Controt (37) appropriately to obtain a sharp visible trace display. © Warm-up time of ORT is approximately 30 seconds fron a *cold* start-up; trace display will not become visible until CRT achieves. warm-up. 4-35STEP PROCEDURE Adjust FREQUENCY MHz Thynbwheels (32) so desired signal is aligned along major vertical axis on CRY. Signal te be measured is now on center frequency. ‘SIGKAL UNDER TEST ALIGNED AT CENTER FREQUENCY FIGURE 4-17 SIGNAL UNDER TEST DISPLAYED AT CENTER FREQUENCY 6 Rotate ANALY DISPR Control (39) fully cen, short of detent position. 7 Again adjust FREQUENCY KHz Thumbwheels (32) so desired signal is aligned along major vertical axis on CRT. 8 Measure peak of displayed signal along vertical dB scale. Record measured result. 9B SCALE PEAK OF SIGNAL, UNDER Test MEASURED ALONG. dB SCALE (EXAMPLE SHOWN: APPROX. 80-aB)step PROCEDURE, 9 Offset displayed signal to either side of major vertical axis two (2) major graticule divisions by incrementing or decre- menting FREQUENCY Miz Thumbwheels (32). SIGNAL UNDER TEST OFFSET FROM MAJOR- VERTICAL Axis. BY 2 GRATICULE DIVISIONS. ® FIGURE 4-19 SIGNAL UNDER TEST OFFSET FROM MAJOR VERTICAL AXIS. 10. Place BFO/OFF Switch (18) to *BFO" (ON) position. 11, Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION D1a1 (5) cw so injected BFO Signal is the same anplitude as signal under test. (wore) @ If injected BF signal cannot be raised to ampli- tude of signal under testy set HI (VL/u X 100/ NORM Switch (3) to "uV x Loo" position. Again rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) cw unti] injected FO signal matches amplitude of signal under test.step PRoceouRE AL. (contd) SIGNAL UNDER: yest AMELITUDE OF INJECTED BO SIGHAL SHOULD BE SAME AS SIGNAL. UNDER TEST INJECTED BFO SIGNAL FIGURE 4-20 ADJUSTING INJECTED BFO SIGNAL TO SANE ‘AMPLITUDE OF SIGNAL UNDEN TEST 12, Read signal strength of signal under test on “u¥" or don scales of RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) as follows: a, If HY LUL/uv X 100/HORM Switch (3) positioned to =NORN", Setting of RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) represents easured signal strength. b. If HI LYL/uW X 100/NORM switch (3) 4s positioned to "wv x 100" position, add #40 dBm to reading of RF LeVeL/SFO INJECTION Diai (5) on din scale to obtain true signal Strength in dam.” For equivalent signal strength in "LV", multiply ‘uv setting of RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) by 100. EXAMPLE: (1) If RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) reading ts =100 dim, obtain true signal strength as. fol lows 100 die + (440 dBm)= 100 d8n + 40 dBm = -60 dim 4384-3-4 TEST PROCEDURE: DETECTING SPURIOUS SIGNALS TEST OBJECTIVE: n/a SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUPMENT REQD: W/A step a TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: N/A PROCEDURE Set FM/ANc1000S controls for spectrum analyzer operation as shown in Figure §-16, page 4-33. Connect external antenna to ANT INPUT Connector (48) for *off- thesalr™ monitoring. @ MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS INPUT TO ANT INPUT Connector MUST NOT EXCEED .25 W. © MAXIMUM INPUT TO ANT INPUT Connector IS -39 dam FOR PROPER SPECTRUM ANALYZER OPERATION (Signals above -30 dim may cause spurious signals 13 be Generated and displayed by FH/AM-1000S. ) © IF AN EXTERNAL ANTENNA ATTACHED TO AN UNTERHI- NATED COAX CABLE IS USED, REMOVE ANY POSSIILE, STATIC CHARGE FROM ANTENA COAX BEFORE CONVECTION TO FM/AX-10005. © IF SIGNAL IS TO BE MONITORED THROUGH A WUT VIA. A DIRECT CABLE CONNECTION TO TRANS/RCYR coNW=cTOR (7), "00 NOT APPLY MORE THAN 20 KATTS OF COuTINUOUS Inplr To TRANS/RCVR CONNECTOR (7). Maxtmum time for measurement of transmitter output using TRANS/RCVR Connector 15: 10 seconds at 100 M, 15x Duty Cycle 20 seconds at 50 W, 30% Outy Cycle 2minutes at 30M, 50x Duty Cycle Apply power to FM/AM-1000S. Apply power to UUT (if applicable).STEP PROCEDURE: Adjust INTENSITY Control (35) cx and FOCUS Contre? (37) appropriately for a sharp visible trace on CRI. © Worm-up time of CRT 1s approximately 30 seconcs from 2 "cold" start-up; trace display will not become visible until CRT achieves warm-up. Set FREQUENCY Miz Thumbwheels (32) to desired center frequency. Nomentarily shut off and re-apply power to WUT (or in case of a transmitter spectral purity check, key transmitter up and down), while carefully observing carrier signal and surrounding span for any spurious signals. @ While interrupting power to UT (or keying trans- Miter up and down) certain momentary spikes, which protrude above the noise level may appear. Disregard these momentary spikes; look for sig nals which remain constant in anplitude during this time. ‘CARRIER SIGNAL ‘SPURIOUS SIGNAL FIGURE 4-21 TYPICAL DISPLAY OF CARRIER SIGNAL AND ADJACENT SPURIOUS SIGNAL To determine origin of spurious signal, increnent_or decre- ment I Miz and 100 kz segments of FREQUENCY Miz Thunbuneels (32) several times above or below center frequency. a. If the spurious signal moves closer to or further away fron carrier signal, spurious signal is being produced by FH/AM=10008 and thus ean be disregarded.step PROCEDURE (cont'd) b. If spurious stgnal moves in same directior and same dis- tance as carrier signal, spurious signal is being produced by WUT. To determine frequency of spurtous signal. a. Increment or decrement the FREQUENCY MHz Thumbyheels (32). while rotating ANALY DISPR Control (39) ccw until the Spurious signal 13 aligned with major vertical axis. Phesent setting of FREQUENCY Miz Thumbwheels (32) repre- Sents frequency of spurious signal. © ANALY DISPR Control (39) should be fully com, Short of detent when final frequency reading is: taken. o To verify actual center of FH/AN-1000S, Spectrum Analyzer when in wide dispersion (ANALY DISP Control fully cw), place GEW/RCVR Switch (11) to "GENeposition and’ observe generated signal: (1) If generated signal is aligned with masor vertical axis, frequency of detected spurious Signal. is equal to setting of FREQUENCY MHz Thumbuheels (32). (2) If generated signe? is not centered over iagor vertical axis, note position of Generated. signal on CRT graticules place BEnsRevR Switeh (11) to *RCVR" position and increment or decrement FREQUENCY Miz Thunb- wheels (32) to align spurious sfgnal to same position to which generated signal was pre~ Wiously aligned. Setting of FREQUENCY Miz. Thumbwheels (32) now represent frequency of detected spurious signal 4261/4242 Blank4-4 TEST PROCEDURES USING FM/AM-1000S DUAL TONE GENERATOR(4-4-1 GENERAL, The FN/AM-1000S contains a dual tone generator capable of generating an approximate 1 kilz fixed audio tone, as well as an audio tone that fs variable between 10 Nz and 9999.9 az (in O.1 iz increments). In addition, an external tone input connector on’ the FR/AN-10008. front Panel permits the Introduction of a third audio tone from an external signal source. Using this feature, the operator can produce audio, frequency signals sultable for 1, Signaling or testing audio frequency equipment. 2. Amplitude or frequency modulating FM/AN-1000S signal generator output. 3. Frequency comparison. The procedures contained in this section are: 4-4-3 GENERATING AUDIO TONES OF KNOWN AMPLITUDE 42424 USING FH/AN-1000S SPEAKER TO ACCOUSTICALLY EXCITE A MICROPHONE. 4464-4-2 INITIAL FM/AM-1000S CONTROL SETTINGS FOR DUAL TONE GENERATOR 4 6 8 FIGURE 4-22 FM/ANI-1000S CONTROLS APPLICABLE TO DUAL TONE GENERATOR OPERATION. (Refer to "SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS, CONNECTORS & INDICATORS" for functional description of any controls used fn this section.) © Before performing any procedures contained in this section Dertsining to dual tone generator operation, make sure all Gpplicable test set controls are positioned es outlined below. © Some of the control settings outlined below may be changed Goring the course of «given procedure; all controls, however, should be reset to initial positions described below when starting a new procedure. CONTROL INITIAL SETTING 9 PHR/OFF/BATT Switch "OFF* position 23. INT MOD’ Control Fully eew, detent (OFF, 2k 1 kuz INT NOD Control Fully cow, detent (OFF 25 wopULATION FREQ Hz 0000.0 Hz junbwheels4-4-2 INITIAL FM/AM-1000S CONTROL SETTINGS FOR DUAL TONE GENERATOR ‘OPERATION (CONT) Other FM/AM-1000S features related to dual tone generator operation, but not requiring an initial setting: 20 EXT MOD Connector 22 INT MOD OUT Connector The FH/AM-10005 1s now ready for dual tone generator operetionTEST PROCEDURE: GENERATING AUDIO TONES OF KNOWN AMPLITUDE TEST OBJECTIVE: Setting up FH/AN-1000S dual tone generator for audio signal injection into UUT. ‘SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUPMENT FEQD: 1 BNC “tee” connector. step TEST SET-UP 1 short coax cable with male BNC connector on each end. 1 coax cable with mate BNC connector on one end and UUT connecter on opposite end. DIAGRAM: FIGURE 4-28 TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM FOR INJECTING TONE(S) OF KNOWN AMPLITUDE INTO'A UUT PROCEDURE Set_FH/AI-1000S controls for oscilloscope operation as shown in Figure 4-1, page 4-5. Set FN/AM=1000S controls for dual tone generator operation as shown in Figure §-22, page 4-85. Connect BNC "tee" connector to SCOPE IN Connector (26). Connect one end of short coax cable to INT MOD OUT Connector (22) snd opposite end to BNC "tee" connector previously attached to SCOPE IN Connector (26). Apply power to WUT. Apply power to FH/AM-10008. Adjust INTENSITY Control (35) ew and FOCUS Control (37) appropriately for a sharp visible trace display. © Warm-up time of CRT is approximately 30 seconds fron a "cold" start-ups trace display will not become visible unt{l CRT achieves. warm-up. 4-47STEP 10 u 1. 13 PROCEDURE Adjust VERTICAL Control (38) and HORIZONTAL Control (36) so trace 1s centered and aligned slong major horizontal axis Set MODULATION FREQUENCY Hz Thumbwheels (25) to desired audio Frequency. Connect BNC connector of remaining coax cable to ‘tee* con- nector attached to SCOPE IN Connector (26). Connsct opposite end of coax cable ta injection point on UT. For calibration, infected audio tone must be expressed in volts peak. Signals expressed in volts AMS or volts peak-to- peak must therefore be converted to volts peak, using Following formulas. VOLTS PEAK = (1.618) x (VOLTS RMS) Vous pean = Yoits peak-to-peak © If desired audio level is below ¢ volts peak, Place EXT V/DIV Control to 1 V/DIV setting. Rotate INT MOD control (23) to adjust waveform display to desired amplitude in volts peak. Desired audio sone is now being injected into WUT. EXAMPLE: _ savour a FIGURE 4-24 AMPLITUDE OF DISPLAYED WAVEFORM ADJUSTED 1 VOLT PEAK To monitor the injected tones, place INT HOD/RCYR Switch (16) to “INT MOD" ‘position and adjust VOL Control (17) to a cone fortable listening level. 44a4-4-4 TEST PROCEDURE: USING FM/AM-1000S SPEAKER TO ACGOUSTICALLY EXCITE A MICROPHONE TEST OBJECTIVE: Exciting an external microphone with @ sine wave of 2 known frequency. ‘SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REOD: 1/8 ster TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: N/A PROCEDURE Set FH/AM=10005 controls for dual tone generator operation as Shown in Figure &22, page 4-45. Set MODULATION FREQ Hz Thumbwheels (26) for desired audio adulation tone. Place INT MOD/REVR Switch (16) to INT HOD" position. Rotate INT HOD Control (23) to # midrange position. Apply power to FH/AM-10005. Adjust VOL Contro? (17) to a comfortable listening level Apply power to WUT. Seer aera ae esnen TERE Side" of ragan-too0g)-" Use FH/ANC1O008 monitoring features to analyze WUT modulation capabilities. 4-49 /4-50 BTank‘TEST PROCEDURES USING F/I 00S RF GENERATOR4-5-1 GENERAL The FM/AN-10005 signal generator is capable of generating calibrated amplitude signals from 100 Kz to 999,999 MHz (in 100 Hz increments) © hen HI LYL/u¥_X 100/NORM Switch (3) is positioned to “HT LVL", RF output range 15 50 kHz to 999.999 Miz, The generator function can be used to stimulate external devices by generating unmodulated RF signals, AM modulated RF signals and FM Modulated RF signals. The generator output may also be svept over short frequency span for bandwidth testing of external devices The procedures contained in this section are: 3 GENERATING RF SIGNALS a5. 425-4 GENERATING AN MODULATED RF stGNALS 405-5 GENERATING FM MODULATED RF SIGNALS 4-824-5-2 INITIAL FM/AM+1000S CONTROL SETTINGS FOR RF GENERATOR ‘OPERATION ae FIGURE 4-25 FM/AM-1000S CONTROLS APPLICABLE TO RF GENERATOR OPERATION (Refer to “SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS, CONNECTORS & INDICATORS" for functional description of any controls used in this section.) © Before performing any procedures contained in this section pertaining to RF generator operation, make sure all applicable test set controls are positioned as outlined below. fe Sone of the control settings outlined below may be changed during the course of a given procedure; all controls, however, should be Feset to initial positions described below when starting a new prom cedure. conTROL INITIAL SETTING. 3 HI LYL/UY X 100/WORM switch "uORIY position 3 RE _LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial fully, cew 6 AUTO/OFF/ZERO, BATT Switch AUTO" position 9 PUR/OFF/BATT Switch OFF" position 10. RVR WIDE/MID/WARROW Switch sWARROW" position 11 GEN/RCVR Switen "GER" position 16 INT MOD/RCYR Switch "REVR* position 23. INT MOD Control Fully cew, detent (OFF) 24 1 kHz INT HOD Control Fully ce, detent (OFF) 4-834-5-2 INITIAL FM/AM-1000S CONTROL SETTINGS FOR RF GENERATOR OPERATION Other FH/AM-10005 features related to RF generator operation, but not requiring an initial setting: 2 0 don Lamp 7 TRANS/ACVR connector 32 FREQUENCY Miz" Thunbwheels, The FA/AN=10005 is now ready for RF generater operation. 4-544-5-3 ‘TEST PROCEDURE: GENERATING RF SIGNALS TEST OBJECTIVE: N/A SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REQD: N/A TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: N/A step PROCEDURE 1 Set FN/AM-1000S controls for RF generator operation as shown in Figure 4-25, page 4-53. 2. Apply power to FH/AN-1000S. 3. Set FREQUENCY MHz Thumbuheels (32) to desired RF frequency output. 4 For _an RF output less than 50 MV, rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) to desired "win setting. © RF output in dim can be determined by reading setting of RF LEVEL/OFO INJECTION Day (2) on abn scale. The FH/AN-1000S is now generating RF signals at desired fre- quency and output level. 5 For an RF output level greater than $0 wW (but less than 5000 Hv): a. Place HI LEVEL/V X 100/HORN Switch (3) to "MV x 100" position. b. Rotate RF LEVEL/AFO INJECTION Dial (5) te desired "uv" Setting. The FA/AN-1000S 1s now generating AF signals at desired frequency and output level. © RF output level in *uv* ts now 100 times the set- ting of RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) on "HV" scalessTeP PROCEDURE © Equivalent RF output level in dBm can be deter- mined by mathenatically adding 149° dim to reading OF RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) on dBm scale. EXAMPLE: RF output level as indicated on dial: -100 4m -100 dom + (+40 dBm) = 100" dn + 40 din = -60 dBm outpst 5. (cont'4) 6. For an RF output level greater than -35 dan: a, Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) fully cow. b, Place HI LVL/n¥ X 100/NORM Switch (3) to "HI LIL* position. c. Slowly rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) cw until 0 dim Lamp (2) {1luminates. 4, Record setting of RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) on 48m scale. fe. Add result obtained in Step 6d to desired RF ostput level in dBm. Record result. F, Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) to setting obtained in Step 6e. 9. The FM/AH-1000S fs now generating RF signals at desired frequency and output level. EXAMPLE: (1) Desired RF output level: -25 dBm (2) RE LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dia1 (5) setting whan 0 4Bm Lamp (2) {Vtuntnates: -75 dam (3) Add (1) to (2): (+25) + (-75) = -100 dam (4) Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) to -100 68m; RF output level of FH/AN-10005 15 now -25 18m.TEST PROCEDURE: GENERATING AM MODULATED RF SIGNALS TEST OBJECTIVE: N/A ‘SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REQD: W/A TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: N/A step PROCEDURE 1. Perform procedure 4-5-3, titled "GENERATING RF SIGNALS", on page 4-55. 2. Place AM/FM Switch (19) to "AK. 3. Set “MODULATION FREQ Hz Thumbwheels (25) to desired tone modulation frequency. 4, Rotate ANALY DISPR Control (39) fully cew to detent position. 5. Place EXT V/DIV Contre} (31) to "1.5 kHz", "6 kiz" or "15 kHz™ position. 6. Rotate EXT V/DIV Vernier Control (30) to "CAL" 20sition. 7. Adjust INTENSITY Control (35) ew and FOCUS Cont-ol (37) appropriately for a sharp visible trace display. Adjust VERT Control (38) and HORIZ Control (36) to obtain a centered trace, with lover edge of displayed carrier aligned With major horizontal axis. ae ea o-PEAK Fonte NT Loven ep0e oF DISPLAYED. OaRRIER MAJOR HORIZONTAL axis FIGURE 4-26 DISPLAYED CARRIER ALIGNED WITH LOWER EDGE RESTING ‘ON MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXISstep PROCEDURE 9. Measure peak-to-peak amplitude (in graticule divisions) of displayed carrier. Record result. 10. Apply result obtained in Step 9 to the following equation: x * (desired ¢ modulation) x (result of Step 9) desired £ nodulatiogl xs (result of step 2 where x = number of graticule divisions (peak-to-peak) of modulated signal. 11, a, Adjust VERTICAL contro? (38) to align negative peak of one Of the modulated signals with the major horizontal axis. b, Rotate INT MoD Control (23) to adjust peak-to-peak ampli. tude of the same modulated signal. (in graticule divisions) to the value of "x" obtained in Step 10. @ Steps 11a and 11b must be performed simultaneous~ Ty, as both are interactive. EXAMPLES: DISPLAYED WAVEFORM WITH UPPER DISPLAYED WAVEFORM WITH LOWER. MODULATED SIGNAL ALIGNED ALONG MODULATED SIGNAL ALIGNED ALONG MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS FIGURE 4-27 ALIGNMENT OF UPPER & LOWER MODULATION SIGNALS WITH MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS, . The FN/AM=10005 signal generator is now calibrated to desired percent modulation and is generating at selected Frequency and output level.4-5-5 TEST PROCEDURE: GENERATING FM MODULATED RF SIGNALS TEST OBJECTIVE. WA SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT FEQD: n/a TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: W/A\ PROCEDURE Perform procedure 4-5-3, titled "GENERATING RF SIGNALS", on page 4-55. Place AN/FM Switch (19) to “FH. Set MODULATION FREQ Hz Thunbwheels (25) to desired tone mod- ulation frequency. Place OEV/PHR Control (47) to desired devistion range (2, 6 or 20 kHz). Rotate INT MOD Control (23) cw while observing DEVIATION/ WATTS Meter (1) until meter indicates desired deviation on appropriate scale © If deviation 1s above 5 ki NARROW Switeh (10) to "MI © Signals at a1 kiz rate with more than 25 kliz deviation must be monitored with RCVR WIOE/NID/ NARROW Switeh (10) tn "MID" position. + place RCVR WEDE/MID/ oF "NIDE* pesition. @ Signals modulated above 2 kHz should be monitored with RVR WIDE/HIO/NARROW Switch (10) ie “WIDE position. ‘Note residual modulation indication Gue to noise on DEVIATION/WATTS Meter (1); add this value to desired value. Total represents indicated deviation value on DEVIATION/VATTS Meter a). The FH/AM-10005 is now generating FM modulated RF signals within desired deviation range. 4-59/4-60 Blank6 TEST PROCEDURES USING FM/AM-1000S RECEIVER4-6-1 GENERAL, The FU/AM-1000S contains a sensitive AM/FM communications receiver Fapable of receiving signals within a range of 300 Ks to S69 e305° Miz (in 100 Hz increments). The receiver function enebles the soscovol zo Egsure the characteristics of most radiated signals, ineiusiey Ge ace 553: The procedures contained in this section are: RECEIVING AM OR FH STGNALS 3 4 RECEIVING STDEBAND SIGNALS 5 RECEIVING CW SIGNALS 6 7 RECEIVING TIME STANDARD SIGNAL TO CALIBRATE FW/AN-1000S MASTER OSCILLATORS GALIBRATING FM/AN-10005 NASTER OSCILLATOR THROUGH AN EXTERNAL FREQUENCY STANDARD.4-6-2 INITIAL FM/AM -10008 CONTROL SETTINGS FOR RECEIVER OPERATION oo te FIGURE 4-28 FM/AM-10008 CONTROLS APPLICABLE TO RECEIVER OPERATION (Refer to “SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS, CONNECTORS & INDICATORS" for functional description of any controls used in this section.) © Before performing any procedures contained in this section pertaining to receiver operation, make sure all applicable test set controls are positioned as outlined below. @ Some of the control settings outlined below may be changed during the course of a given procedure; all controls, however, should be Feset to initial positions described below when starting @ new pro~ cedure. CONTROL INITIAL SETTING. 5 RF _LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Di a1 6 AUTO/ZERO/OFF/ZERO, Batt Switch 9 POWER/OFF/BATT Switch 10 RCVR WIDE/MID/WARROW Switch TL GEN/RCWR Swi ten 15. SQUELGH contro’ 16 INT MOD/RCVR’ Switch 17 VOL Contra} 18 BFO/OFF Switch Fully cow "AUTO" position OFF* position DE* position RECEIVER" position Fully cow, short of detent SRECEIVER® position Fully cow. “OFF position4-6-2 INITIAL FM/AM- 1000S CONTROL SETTINGS FOR RECEIVER OPERATION (CONT'D) controy INITIAL SETTING 19° AN/FN Switen “ANY or "EH" position depending on node of signal to be 23 INT MOD Contro? Fully cew, detent (oFF 24 1 kiz INT MOD Control Fully ce, detent (OFF 33, 1.5/5/15 kuz control "15 kiz" position 47 deV/PuR Controt "SIG" position Other FH/AN-1000S features related to receiver operation, but not requiring an initial settings 1 DEVIATION/WATTS Heter 4 ZERO ACR Adjustment 7 TRANS/@CVR Connector 4 EXT SPKR Connector. 32 FREQUENCY Miz ThumbwheeTs 41 FREQ ERROR Meter 42 FREQ ERROR Neter Zero Adjustment 44 ANT INTPUT Connector 47 DEVIATION/KATTS Neter Zero Adjustment The FA/AN-10005 1 now ready for recefver operation. 4-644-63 TEST PROCEDURE: RECEIVING AM OR FM SIGNALS TEST OBJECTIVE: N/A SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REGD: §/8 TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: N/A PROCEDURE, Set FH/AN-10005 controls for receiver operation as shown tn Figure 6-28, page 4-63. Place AN/FK Switch (19) to desired signal node position. Select desired method for signal reception a, External Antenna Ebmect external antenna to ANT INPUT Connector (44) for Nofrethe-air® monitoring. (@ MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS INPUT TO THIS CORNECTOR MUST NOT EXCEED .25 W. ‘© MAXIMUM INPUT IS -20 dB FOR PROPER, SPECTRUM MNALYZER OPERATION (SIGNALS ABOVE -30 dim NAY CAUSE. SPURIOUS SIGNALS TO BE GENERATED AND DIS~ PLAYED BY FH/AM-10005.) (© IF AN EXTERNAL ANTENNA ATTACHED TO AN UNTERMINATED COAL CABLE 15 USED, REMOVE ANY POSSIBLE STATIC CHARGE FROM ANTENNA COAX GEFORE CONNECTING TO FH/AM- 1000S. b. Direct Cable Connection from WUT Connect cabYe from UU to TRANS/RCVR Cennector (7). © 00 NOT APPLY MORE THAN. 20 WATTS OF CONTINUOUS INPUT TO. TRANS/RCVR CONNECTOR (7). © Maximum "ON" time for measurement of transmitter output using TRANS/RCVR Connector (7) ‘5: 10 seconds at 100 N, 15% Duty Cycle 20 seconds at 50K, 30% Duty Cycle 2 minutes at 30 W, 50% Duty Cyclestep 10. PRoceoURE Apply power to FN/AM-10005. Apply power to UUT ({f applicable). Set FREQUENCY NHz Thumbwheels (32) to frequency of signal to be received. Adjust YOL Control (17) to a confortable listening level. If an area of the spectrum is being monitored where frequency chenneis are packed closely together» banduscth of signs) may be'reduced by’ piseing ACVR MIDE/MIO/HARRDN Switce (10) to Nirb* or suaanbue setting. © "NARROW" setting of RCVR WIDE/MID/NARROW Swi teh (10) wit not accommodate greater than #5 kHz FH deviation of most FM transmitters, when moni= toring FM Signals, If FM deviation ts wore then £5 kiiz, place RCVR NIDE/NID/HARROW Switch to "HID" position. Fine tuning of FM/AN-1000S receiver to center frecuency (within 2100 Hz) is accomplished es follows: a, Tf FREQ ERROR Neter (41) appears centered at zero, proceed to Step 9b; if meter needle is not centered, .ircrement oF decrement FREQUENCY Miz Thunbwheels (32) in'i0 kz and 1 kHz steps to center needle as closely as possible to zero, then proceed to Step b. Rotate 1.5/5/15 kHz Control (33) to "5 kH2" position. If FREQ ERROR Meter (41) remains centered at zero, proceed to Step 9c; if meter needle deviates trom zero, trcrement. or Gecrement FREQUENCY MHz Thumbwheels (32) in'L kiz steps to center needle as closely as possibie to zero, then proceed to Step 9c. c. Rotate 1.5/5/15 kHz Contro? (33) to "1.5 kiz* gosition. Increment or decrement FREQUERCY Miz Thunbwheels (32) in 100 Hz steps until meter needle is centered at zero (within #1 minor division on meter scale). Setting of FREQUENCY lz Thunbuheels (32) now reflects exact frequency of received signal. Place SQUELCH Control (15) fully ccw, short of detent or as required. 4-66step fe ae. PROCEDURE 1f received signal is being monitored through a direct cable Connection. at FRANS/ACIR Connector’ (7), rettte DEV/PKR Gontray (47) to suatts. x 10" position.” TF DEVIATION/MATTS Never (1) reading is under. 10'watts (on red scale), rotate DEV/PuR Control (a?) to sHatts"x 1* position. Output power of UUT can now be measured on -ed scale of DEVIATION/WATTS Meter (1). © For signals received "off-the-air”, a qualita. tive representation of relative signal strength Ean be determined by observing. DEVIATION! WATTS eter (1) needle. defteceion (with DEV/PHR Control Control (47) in #816" position). As signal strength fncreases, the meter needle deflection will increase towards right of meter scale. For exact measure= ent of "off-the-air® signal strength, refer to, Procedure 4-3-3, titled “MEASURING STGNA. STRENGTH on page 4-35. 4-67/4-68 Blank4-6-4 TEST PROCEDURE RECEIVING SIDEBAND SIGNALS TEST OBJECTIVE: WA ‘SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REQD: 1/8 TEST SETUP DIAGRAM: N/R. step PROCEDURE 1. Perform procedure 4-6-3, titled "RECEIVING AM or FM SIGNALS* on page 4-65. 2. Place BFO/OFF Switeh (18) to "BFO" (ON) position. 3. Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) ew until sideband becomes understandable. 4. Increment or decrement FREQUENCY MHz ThumbwheeTs (32) 1m 100" Hz steps as necessary to “clarify” signal. @ Excessive BFO quiets the receiver and desresses audio ovtput, while insufficient BFO causes distortion. 4-69/4-70 Blank4-6-5 TEST PROCEDURE: RECEIVING CW SIGNALS TEST OBJECTIVE. W/A SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REQD: W/A TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: N/A sTeP PROCEDURE 1. Perform al] steps of procedure 4-6-3, titled "RECEIVING AM or FH'STGNALS" on page 4-65, with exception of Step 7, which ts te be disregarded. 2, Place BFO/OFF Switch (18) to "6FO* (ON) position. 3. Place AM/FM Switch (19) to "AM" position. 4. Increment or decrement FREQUENCY MHz Thumbwheels (32) 1 kHz or as desired. 5. Rotate RF LEVEL/@FO INJECTION Dial (5) and VoL Control (17) Cw simultaneously until beat frequency becomes audible. 4-71/4-72 Blank4-6-6 TEST PROCEDURE: RECEIVING TIME STANARD SIGNAL TO CALIBRATE FM/AM-1000S MASTER OSCILLATOR TEST OBECTIVE: 4/8 SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUPMENT REOD: 1 small flatblade screudriver step 1 short length of wire (18 ga.) TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: N/A PROCEDURE Perform procedure 4-6-3, titled "RECEIVING AX OR FM SIGNALS" fon page 4-65. © AM/FH Switch (19) should be in "AK position. © Frequency to be received 1s 10.000 MHz (wd Time Standard Radio Station.) @ DEV/PHR Control (47) should be in "SIG" position. Set_FM/AM=1000S controls for oscilloscope operation as shown in Figure 4-1, page 4-5. Rotate EXT W/DIV Switch (31) to "15 kHz" position. insert a short length of wire into center conductor of 10 HZ AEF Gir connector {13}: Adjust position of wire te obtain @ suitable beat note from FM/AM-10005 speaker - Using small. screwdriver, rotate 10 KHz CAL Adjustment (12) appropriately until beat note achieves as low a frequency as possible: a, Initially, 1 will be helpful to observe oscillation of waveform on oscilloscope while rotating 19 Mz CAL Adjust ment. (12); rotate screw until oscillation diminishes to a point of being as close as possisie to stationary. 4-73STEP PROCEDURE 6. (conta) b, Continue adjustment of 10 MHz CAL Adjustment (12) while observing DEVIATION/WATTS Meter (1) until meter needle oscillation becones as slow as possible. During this step, Fecheck oscilloscope display to make sure waveform remains Stable. Master oscillator of FN/AM1ODOS is now calibrated in accordance with MWY. (wore) © Careful calibration can result in a beat frequency Tess than 0.1 Hz. © The needle indication described in Step 6b may not. occur if the WMV transmitter is in close proxialty to the FM/AM. 10008. In addition to calibrating the FH/AN-10005 master osct lator for accurate frequency reference/measurement, the FH/AM-LOO0S FREQ ERROR Meter (41) should also be zeroed for reliable fre- quency measurements. Procedure is ss follows: a, Place GEN/RCVR Switch (11) to "GEN" position. © RCVR MIDE/MIO/NARROM Switch (10) must be in “NARROW position. b, Make sure AUTO/OFF/ZERO, BATT Switch (6) 1s in “AUTO position, ©. Rotate 15/5/15 kiz Control (33) to "1.5 kHz" position. 4. Adjust ZERO RCVR Adjustment (4) ew or cew to center FRE ERROR Meter (41) needle at zero. 47646-7 TEST PROCEDURE: CALIBRATING FM/AM-1000S MASTER OSCILLATOR THROUGH AN EXTERNAL FREQUENCY STANDARD TEST OBJECTIVE: Alternate procedure for calibrating FM/AM-1000S faster oscillator. through an external source (e.g. frequency counter) when a 10 Miz “off-the-air™ reference signal is not available. SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REQD; 1 Coax cable with male BNC connector on each end 1 Frequency Counter TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: FM/AM-10008 J Bite FIGURE 4-29 TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM FOR CALIBRATING FM/AM- 10008 MASTER OSCILLATOR, step PROCEDURE, 1, fonnece one, gnd of coax cable to 10 Wiz REFERENCE OUT 2 Gonnect opposite end of coax cable to tnput of frequency 3. Apply power to frequency counter. 4. Apply power to FM/AN-1000S. 5. For most precise adjustment, wait approximately 5 minutes before proceeding with Step 6. 6. AdJust 10 MHz CAL Adjustment (12) unti1 frecuency counter reads 10 MHz, <1 Hz. FH/AN-10005 master oscillator 1s now calibrated to frequency counter. 475step PROCEDURE 7. In addition to calibrating the FH/AM-1000S master osci11ator for accurate frequency reference/measurenent, the FH/AH-1000S FREQ ERROR Meter (41) should also be zeroed for reliable fre- quency measurements. Procedure is as follows? | Place GEN/RCVR Switch (11) to "GEN" position. © RCVR WIDE/MIO/NARROW Switch (10) must be in "NARROW" position, b. Make, sure AUTO/OFF/ZERD, BATT Switch (6) is in "AUTO" position. Rotate 15/5/15 kHz Control (33) to *1.5 kHz" position. 4, Adjust, ZERO RCVR Adjustment (4) ow or cew to center FREQ ERROR Meter (41) needle at zero. 4-764-1 TEST PROCEDURES USING FM/AN-1000S AS A SWEEP GENERATOR /TRACKING OSCILLOSCOPE4-7-1 GENERAL The RF output of the FN/AM-1000S signal generator can be caused to sweep by as much as 420 kHz. Sine the horizontal scan of the FW/AN-10005 ts synchronized to the dual tone generator ovtpsr. the FN/AM-10005 osciTloscope can be used to track the swept RF signe} output.” This permits direct viewing of filter, erystal end toned cfrcult response curves on the FN/AH-10005 oscil iascope. IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS APPLICABLE TO PROCEDURES CONTATNEDIN THIS SECTION: ~~ ES. © hen using FH/AN-1000S as a Sweep Generator/Tracking Qscilloscope, frequency display on CAT is inverteds 1.0. frequency 1s’maxtmum on left side of CRT and winimim on right side or CRT. © Certain circuits exhibiting severe attenuation may not provide sufficient detector output to obtain necessary Scope deflection. © A circuit under test must be highly selective to show a response curve within the 40 kiz displayed spare © High impedance (1-2) circuits should be monitored using a detector probe. © hen testing knotch, highpass and lowpass circuits, best results are normally obtained at or near 0 dBm outsut, If smaller levels are required, use maximum output with AI LVL/uv x 109 /HoRM switch’ (3) tn "UV x 190% positions © DC blocking capacitors are required only for active cir cults. If circuit under test (CUT) ts an amplifier, mace sure amplifier: (2) 4s terminated with proper load impedance. {3} power out does not exceed detector parameters. 3) isnot’ saturated. The test procedures contained in this section are: 4-7-3 USING FH/AN-1000S AS_A SWEEP GENERATOR/ TRACKING. OSCILLOSCOPE 4-7-4 MEASURING BANDPASS AND CENTER FREQUENCY OF A BANDPASS CIRCUIT 5 MEASURING BANOREJECT AND CENTER FREQUENCY OF ‘kuoTcH CIRCUITS, § MEASURING CUT-OFF FREQUENCY OF LowpASS CIRCUITS 7 WEASURING CUT-OFF FREQUENCY OF HIGHPASS CIRCUITS4-7-2 INITIAL FM/AM-10008 CONTROL SETTING FOR SWEEP GENERATOR/ TRACKING OSCILLOSCOPE OPERATION FIGURE 4-0 FM/AM-1000S CONTROLS APPLICABLE TO SWEEP GENERATOR! RACKING OSCILLOSCOPE OPERATION Rerer to SECTION 3, DESCRIPTION OF COWTROLS,, CONNECTORS &, INDICATORS" OF functional description of any controls used in this section.) @ Before performing any procedures contained in this section pertaining to sweep generator/tracking oscilloscope operation, nake sure all applicable test set controls are positioned as outiined below © Some of the control settings outlined below may be changed during the course of 2 given procedure; 11 controls, however, should be reset to initial positions described below when starsing a new pro- cedure. conTROL, INITIAL SETTING. 3 HE LYL/V x 100/KORM Sui teh "HE LVL" position 5 RF LEVEL/OFO INJECTION Dial Fully cow & AUTO/OFF/ZERO, BATT Switch "AUTO" position 9 PHR/OFF/BATT Switch SOFF® position 10 RCVR WIDE/RID/NARROW Switch HID position 11 GEN/ACYR Switch "GEN position 18 BFO/OFF switch "OFF" position 19° AN/EM switch "FP position 23. THT MOD Contre? Fully'cew, detent (OFF) 4794-7-2 INITIAL FM/AM-1000S CONTROL SETTINGS FOR SWEEP GENERATOR/ TRACKING OSCILLOSCOPE OPERATION (CONT'D) CONTROL, Juittat serting rt iit serine 1 kHz INT Hoo contro? MODULATION FREQ Hz Thumbwheets SHEEP Control SWEEP Vernier Control AC/OFF /DC Swi teh EXT V/DIV Vernier Contro? EXT v/D1¥ Controt INTENSITY Control HORIZONTAL Control Focus control VERT contro! ANALY OISPR Control DEV/PNR Control Other FA/aM-10008 Features related to Scope operation, but not requiring en 1 DEVIATION/KATTS Meter 26 SCOPE IN Connector 52 FREQUENCY MH? ThunbwheeTs Fully cow, detent (OFF) 20.0" He NOFF" position Fully ew, detent (in "CAL" post tion} "OC" position Fully cw, detent (in *caL" position) "201 W/DIV" posttion Fully cow Midrange position Widrange position Midrange position Fully ecw, detent "20 kHz" position Sweep generator/tricking oscitlo= initial setting The FM/AN-10005 1s now ready for sweep generator/ tracking osct!loscope operation,4-7-3 TEST PROCEDURE. USING THE FM/AM-1000S AS A SWEEP GENERATOR AND TRACKING OSCILLOSCOPE TEST OBJECTIVE: To display typical frequency response curve of & Cireuie under test on FA/AMN-10005 oscilloscope. SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUPMENT REQD: For Circuits Using Detector: 1 Positive or negative detector (Hewlett Packard Ba71A or simtlar) 1 Coax cable with BNC male connector on both ends 2 OsetIloscope probes (1:1). If CUT has terminating Connectors, use 500 coax cables vith appropriate Connectors. 1 BNC Female to female adaptor 2 0¢ blocking capacitors (required only if OC com ponents. are present) For Circuits Using Detector Probe \High Impedance Circuits): 1 Osef1loscope probe (1:1). If CU” has terminating Connectors. use 50 coax cable with appropriate Connectors. 1 detector probe 1 OC blocking capacitor (required anly if OC com ponents are present) Test serup — —=—S—sts—Oese_e FU A T0008 EE | nsoonconr area) A Loaperecroq] comet unoen BE Stee rag tegen | TES a SER or Re FIGURE 4-21 TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM FOR SWEEP GENERATOR/TRACKING OSCILLOSCOPE OPERATION (USING DETECTOR) 4-81step TEST set-up DIAGRAM: (cont'4) For Circuits Using Detector Probe (High Impedance iret aes eee 221 (cicurr UNDER Test) FIGURE 4-92 TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM FOR SWEEP GENERATOR/"RACKING OSCILLOSCOPE OPERATION (USING DETECTOR PROBE) PROCEDURE Set FH/AM~1000S controls for sweep gonerator/tracking oscilloscope operation as shown in Figure 4-30, page 4-79. Connect FM/AN-1000S to circuit under test (CUT) and required fest accessories as shown in appropriate test set-up diagran Apply power to CUT (if applicabte). Apply power to FH/AN-1000S. Adjust INTENSITY Control (35) and FOCUS Control (37) for a sharp vistole dot on CRT. 4-82STEP PROCEDURE 6. Adjust VERT Control (38) and HORIZ Control (36) to position Got three graticule divisions above or below major horizontal axis, along major vertical axis. USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATWE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-23 DOT POSITIONED 3 GRATICULE DIVISIONS ABOVE OR BELOW MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS, ON MAJOR VERTICAL AXIS 7. Rotate INT HOD Control (23) ew until deviation reading on DEVIATION/WATTS eter (2) 15°20 Rhz, “Dot on CRT will now become a horizontal trace. USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-24 HORIZONTAL TRACE POSITIONED 3 GRATICULE DIVISIONS ABOVE OR BELOW MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS, CENTERED ‘OVER MAJOR VERTICAL AXIS. 8. Lf trace exhibits any vertical components (i.e. noise), rotate EXT ¥/OIV Control (31) to "1 volts/dive position to elininate those components. 9. Set FREQUENCY MHz Thumbwheels (32) to center of frequency to be swept. 4-83step PROCEDURE 10. Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) ow unti] peak of displayed waveform rests on major horizontal axis. USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR FIQURE 4-35 PEAK OF DISPLAYED WAVEFORM RESTING OX MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS, 11, Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) cw to add 2 dB to signal strength. Osctlloscope is now displaying frequency response curve of CUT. The major horizontal axts on CRT now Fepresents -3 48 point (or hal? power point) of CUT: a8 Point USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-36 FREQUENCY RESPONCE OF CURVE OF CUTstep PROCEDURE 11. (conta) © If the 3 48 point above major horizontal axis (below axis when using negative detector) cannot be achieved because of significant attenuation, Repeat Step 10 until peak of displayed waveform is aligned with any other horizontal graticule marking above or below major horizontal aris. After repeating Step 11, selected horizontal marking will represent the -3 dB point (or half Power point) of frequency response curve. 4-85/4-86 Blank4-7-5 TEST PROCEDURE: MEASURING BANDPASS AND CENTER FREQUENCY OF A BANDPASS CIRCUIT TEST OBJECTIVE: N/A SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUPMENT REQD: N/R TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: «WA step PROCEDURE Perform procedure 4-7-3 titled “USING THE FM/AN-1000S AS A SHEEP GENERATOR AND TRACKING OSCILLOSCOPE, on page 4-81. Increment or decrement FREQUENCY MHz Thumbwheels (32) to center peak of bandpass response curve over major vertical USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-37 BANDPASS RESPONSE CURVE CENTERED OVER MAJOR VERTICAL AxIs 3. Rotate INT NOD Control (23) cow untt1 one Teg of frequency response curve rests on major horizontal axis, © Bandpass response curve may not be totally sym- metrical efter completing this step (i.e. one ‘Jeg of curve may be longer than the other) 4-87STEP PROCEDURE 3. (cont'd) ‘USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DECTECTOR FIGURE 4-08 BANDPASS RESPONSE CURVE WITH ONE LEG RESTING ON MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS, Increment or decrement FREQUENCY MHz Thumbwheels (32) unti? bandpass response curve becomes symmetrical (both legs of curve of equal’ length). @ Legs of frequency response curve may not rest on major horizontal axis after completion of this step. Present setting of FREQUENCY Miz Thunbwheels (32) represent center frequency of CUT. Record setting. 4-88step PROCEDURE Rotate INT MOD Control (23) cw until legs of bandpass response Curve again rest on major horizontal axis. The intersection of response curve with major horizontal axis represents -3 ¢3 point (or half power point) of the response curve. 288 POINT? USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-39 BANDPASS RESPONSE CURVE WITH LEGS RESTING ON MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS 6 To determine bandpass of CUT, observe reading of DEVIATION/ WATTS Meter (1): a. If reading on uppermost scale of meter is less than 6 kHz, rotete DEV/PuR Control (47) to "6 kHz" position and proceed To Step 6b. If reading 1s above 6 kiz, proceed directly to Step 6c. b. If reading on middie scale of meter is less than 2 kHz, rotate DEV/PHR Control (47) to "2 kiz" position and proceed {To Step 6c. If reading is above 2 kiz, proceed directly to Step be. c. Record reading of meter; multiply result by 2 to obtain bandpass of CUT in kH2~ 4-89/4-90 Blank47-5 TEST PROCEDURE: MEASURING BANDREJECT AND CENTER FREQUENCY OF KNOTCH CIRCUITS TEST OBJECTIVE: WA SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REOD: N/A TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: 4/A PROCEDURE Perform procedure 4-7-2, titled “USING THE FH/AN-10005 AS A SWEEP GENERATOR AND TRAGKING OSCILLOSCOPE", on page 4-81. Increment or decrement FREQUENCY MHz Thumbwheels (32) to center peak of bandregect response curve along major vertical oelse step USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR USING POSITIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-40 BANDREJECT RESPONSE CURVE CENTERED OVER MAJOR VERTICAL AXIS, 3, Rotate INT MoD Control (23) ccw until one leg of frequency response curve rests on major horizontal axis. © Bandreject response curve may not be totelly syn- metrical after completing this step (I-e. one leg Of curve may be longer than the other) 4-91step PROCEDURE 3. (conta) USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR USING POSITIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-41 BANDREJECT RESPONSE CURVE WITH ONE LEG RESTING ON MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS 4. Increment or decrement FREQUENCY MHz Thumbwheels (32) until bandreject response curve becomes symmetrical (both legs of curve of equal length). © Legs of frequency response curve may not rest on major horizontal axis after completion of this step. Present setting of FREQUENCY MHz Thumbuheels (32) represents center frequency of CUT. Record setting. Rotate INT MOD Control (23) cw until legs of bandregect response curve again rest on major horizontal axis. The intersection of the response curve with major horizontal axis represents -3'd8 point (or half power point) of tre responseStee e PROCEDURE (cont'd) FIGURE 4-42 BANDREJECT RESPONSE CURVE WITH LEGS RESTING ON MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS To determine bandreject of CUT, observe reading of DEVIATION/ WATTS Meter (1): a. If reading on uppermost scale of meter is less than 6 kitzy toeate DEV/PuR Contrel (47) to "6 kHz" position and pro- teed to Step 6b. If reading 1s above 6 kiz, proceed directly to Step 6c. b. If reading on middle scale is Jess than 2 kiiz, rotate DEV/PWR Control (47) to "2 kHz” position and proceed to Step Gc. If reading 1s above 2 kiz, proceed directly to Step 6c: c. Record reading of meter bandreject of CUT in kz. nultiply result by 2 to obtain 4-93/4-94 Blank4-7-6 TEST PROCEDURE: TEST OBJECTIVE: SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT RED: TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM MEASURING CUT-OFF FREQUENCY OF LOWPASS ciRCUITS: WA For Circvits Using Detector: 1 Positive or negative detector (Hewlett Packard Ba7LA or similar] 1 Coax cable with BNC male connector on both ends 2 Oscilloscope probes (1:1). If CUT has terminating connectors, use 50% coax cables with appropriate Connectors 1 BNC female to female adaptor 2 OC blocking capacitors (required only if DC com- ponents are present) For Circvits Using Detector Probe (High Impedance jreuits)= 1 OsetToscope probe (1:1). If CUT has terminating connectors, use 50q coax cable with appropriate connectors 1 Detector probe 1 DE blocking capacitor (required only if DC com- ponents are present) For Circuits Using Detector: 10008 = cur aK on, reeTORR | once nae [fz — $e rans rogen FIGURE 4-43 TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM FOR MEASURING CUT-OFF FREQUENCY OF LOWPASS Gaeurrs (USING DETECTOR)TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: For Circuits Using Detector Probes (High Impedance 22) (CIRCUT UNDER ‘TEST coax on onl c800%8 noes FIGURE 4-44 TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM FOR MEASURING CUT-OFF FREQUENCY ‘OF LOWPASS CIRCUITS (USING DETECTOR PROBE) PROCEDURE Set FH/AN-1000$ controls for seep generator/tracking osciT- Toscope operation as shown in Figure 4-20, page #-79 Connect FM/AN-1000S to circuit under test (CUT) and required fest accessories as shown in appropriate test set-up diagram above. Apply power to CUT (if applicable). Apply power to FH/AM-10005. Adjust INTENSITY Control (35) and FOCUS Control (37) for a Sharp vistble dot on CRT. Adjust VERT Control (38) and HORIZ Control (36) te position dot three graticute divisions above or below major horizontal axis, along major vertical axis.step PROCEDURE 6. (cont'd) USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-45 DOT POSITIONED $ GRATICULE DIVISIONS ABOVE OR BELOW MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS , CENTERED OVER MAJOR VERTICAL Rotate INT MoD Control (2: DEVIATION/WATTS Meter (1) become a horizontal trace. 2) ew until deviation reading on is 5 kHz. Dot on CRT will now USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR USING POSITIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-48 HORZONTAL TRACE POSITIONED 3 GRATICULE DIVISIONS ABOVE OF BELOW MAJOR HORZONTAL AKICENTERED OVER MAJOR VERTICAL 8. If trace exhibits any vertical components ‘e.g. noise), rotate EXT V/DIV Control (31) cew to "el volts/div" position fo eliminate those components.step PROCEDURE 9. Set FREQUENCY MHz Thunbwheels (32) to a frequency substantially Tower than cut-off frequency of CUT. 10. Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) ew unti1 scope trace becomes aligned with horizontal axis. FIGURE 4-47 HORIZONTAL TRACE ALIGNED WITH MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS (USING POSITIVE & NEGATIVE DETECTOR) 11, Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial ($) cw to add 3 dB to Stgnal strength. The major horizonal axis now represents =3°d8 point {or half power point) of CUT. © If the 3 48 point above major horizontal axis (detow axis when using negative detector) cannot be achieved because of significant attenuation, repeat Step 1D until horizontal trace is aligned with any other horizontal grat icule marking Above or Below major horizontal axis. After Fepeating Step 11, selected horizontal marking Will represent the -3 4B point (or half power point) of frequency response curve.STEP pRoceoure AL. (cont'd) DOP USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-48 POSITION OF HORIZONTAL TRACE AFTER ADDING 948 TO SIGNAL STRENGTH 12, Set FREQUENCY Miiz Thunbwheels (32) to approximate cut-off Frequency of CUT. 13. Rotate FREQUENCY MHz Thumbwheels (32) 2s indicated below to position frequency response curve at point wiere major ver~ Pieal ang horizontal axes intersect: a. If horizontal trace (or section of frequency response curve) is above amajor horizontal axis, increment FREQUENCY MHZ Thumbuheels (32). b. If horizontal trace (or section of frequency response Curve) is below major horizontal axis, decrement FREQUENCY Wiz Thumbwheels (32). USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-49 HORIZONTAL TRACE (OR SECTION OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE) POSITIONED AT INTERSECTION OF MAJOR AXIS 4-99step PROCEDURE 14, Present setting of FREQUENCY MHz Thuabwheels represents cut- off frequency af CUT. 4-1004-7-7 TEST PROCEDURE: TEST OBJECTIVE: ‘SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUPMENT REQD: TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: MEASURING CUT -OFF FREQUENCY OF HIGH PASS ciRcUITS WA For Circvits Using Detector: 1 egative detector (HevTett Packard 1 Coax cable with BNC male connector on both ends 2 Oscilloscope probes (1:1). If CUT has terminating Connectors, use §02 coax cables with appropriate connectors. 1 BNC female to fenate adaptor 2 DC blocking capacitors (required only if DC com ponents are present) For Circuits Using Detector Probe (High Impedance freutts}: 1 Oscilloscope probe (1:1). If CUT has terminating connectors, use 500 coax cable with appropriate connectors 1 Detector probe 1 DC blocking capacitor (required only if OC com ponents are present) For Circuits Using Detector: ‘eanneeon (CIRCUIT UNDER Sasa Sacore ‘Test — FIGURE 4-60 TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM FOR MEASURING CT CUT-OFF FREQUENCY OF HIGHPASS CRCUTS (USING DETECTOR) 4-101TEST seT-up DIAGRAM: For Circuits Using Detector Probe (Nigh Impedance Ehrgureeyr ott Detector Probe (Wigh Impedance FM/AM-10008. oS cur gare 221 cerrcurr unoen {7} ~ TEST) 01 oR ostaLo8core mone FIGURE 4-51 TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM FOR MEASURING CUT-OFF FREQUENCY OF HGHPASS CRCUMTS (USING DETECTOR PROBE) sTeP PROCEDURE Set FH/AM-1000S controls for sweep generator/tracting oscilloscope operation as shown in Figure 4-20, page 4-79. Connect FH/AN-1000S to circuit under test (CUT) and required test accessories as shown in appropriate test Set-up diagram above. 3. Apply power to CUT (4f applicable). 4. Apply power to FH/AN-1000S. S. Adjust INTENSITY Control (35) and FOCUS Control (37) for a Sharp visible dot on CRT. 6 Adjust VERT Control (38) and HORIZ Control (36) to position dot three graticule divistans above or below major horizontal axis, along major vertical axis. 4-102step PROCEDURE 6. (cont *d) USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGITIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-52 DOT POSITIONED $ GRAD GRATICULE DIVISIONS ABOVE OR BELOW MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS, ON MAJOR VERTICAL AXIS 7. Rotate INT MOD Control (23) ew unt! deviation reading on DEVIATION/WATTS Meter (1) 1s 5 kHz. Dot on CR” will now become a horizontal trace. USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-53 HORIZONTAL TRACE POSITIONED 3 GRATICULE CIVISIONS ABOVE OR BELOW. MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS , CENTERED OVER MAJOR VERTICAL AXIS 8 If trace exhibits any vertical components (e.g, noise), rotate EXT V/DIV Control (31) ccw to ".1 volts/div™ position to eliminate those components. 4-103step PROCEDURE 9. Set FREQUENCY Miz Thumbwheels (32) to a frequency substan- tially higher than cut-off Frequency of CUT 10. Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dfa1 (5) cw unt#] siope trace becones aligned with major horizontal axis« FIGURE 4-54 HORIZONTAL TRACE ALIGNED WITH MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS (USING POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE DETECTOR) 11, Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) ew to add 3 dBm to signal strength. The major horizontal axis on CRT now repre= sents -3 dB point (or half power point) of CUT. © If the 3 dB point above major horizontal axis (below axis when using negative detector) cannot be achieved because of significant attenuation, repeat Step 10 until horizontal trace is aligned with any other horizontal graticule marking above gr below major horizontal axis. After repeating Step 11, selected horizontal marking will repre, Sent the -3 48 point (ar half power point) oF frequency response curve. 4-108STEP ue a 13. PROCEDURE, (cont!) USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-55 POSITION OF HORIZONTAL TRACE AFTER ADDING 348 Set FREQUENCY MHz Thunbwheels (32) to approximate cut-off Frequency of CUT. Rotate FREQUENCY Miz ThumbwheeTs (32) as indicated below to position frequency response curve at point where major ver~ PYeal and horizontal axes intersect: a. If horizontal trace (or section of frequency response Gurve) is above major horizontal axis, decrement FREQUENCY Wiz Thumbwneels (32). b. If horizontal trace (or section of frequency response Gurve) is below major horizontal axis, {ncrement FREQUENCY WHE Thumbwheels (32). 4-105STEP PROCEDURE 13. (cont'd) USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-56 HORIZONTAL TRACE (OR SECTION OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE ) POSITIONED AT INTERSECTION OF MAJOR AXIS. 14. Present setting of FREQUENCY MHz Thunbwheels represents cut- off frequency of CUT. 4-1064-8 GENERAL RECEIVER TESTS 4-1074-8-1 GENERAL, This section contains an assortment of the more common tests to be used, in evaluat Ing AN/EM receiver performance using the FH/AH-10005~ The tests included were selected on the basis of epprapriateness, wide ranging applicability and minimal support equipment required. to con plete the tests. Reference the "RECEIVER ALIGNMENT FLOWCHART" contained in Section 5 of this manual for the recommended sequence ‘m which these tests should be performed. The test procedures contained in this section are: Applicable to AM or FM receiver: 48-2 OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT. 456-3 MEASURING RF SECTION BANDPASS AND CENTER FREQUENCY 4-8-4 MEASURING BANDPASS AND CENTER FREQUENCY OF AN IF STRIP 4-8-5 MEASURING RECEIVER BANDPASS AND CENTER FREQUENCY (For bandpasses less than 40 kHz) 4-8-6 MEASURING RECEIVER BANDPASS AND CENTER FREQUENCY (For bandpasses greater than 40 kHz) 4-8-7 WEASURING SQUELCH THRESHOLD. AND DIFFERENTIAL (For receivers with fixed squelch contyol.) 4-0-8 MEASURING SQUELCH THRESHOLD AND DIFFERENTIAL (For receivers with variable squelch cantrot.) 4-8-9 MEASURING AGC_ACTION 428-10 MEASURING RECEIVER SENSITIVITY Applicable to FM receivers only: MEASURING 20 48 QUIETING 48-11 428-12 MEASURING 12 48 STNAD. SENSITIVITY 4°8-13 MEASURING MAXIMUM RECETVABLE DEVIATION 4-1084-8-2 TEST PROCEDURE: OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT (AM/FM RCVR) TEST OBJECTIVE W/A SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUPMENT REOD. af pickup or sniffers cable (See Aopendix 6 for cable construction procedure. TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: Os a” FIGURE 4-57 TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM FOR OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT step PROCEDURE Set FA/AN=1000S controls for receiver operation as shown in Figure 4-28, page 4-63. Set FH/AN=1000S controls for spectrum analyzer operation as Shown In Figure 4-16, page 4-33. Apply power to FH/AN-1000S. Adjust INTENSITY Control (35) cw and Focus Control (37) Appropriately for a sharp visible trace display. © uarnoup, time, of CRT 1s approximately 20, seconds Faee ates LSet ups Prac ataplay.ettl ot Paes afsibie aarti Gir cebleves wefmrup. Set FREQUENCY MHz Thunyneets, (32) within 25 Mz of approx jmate frequency of local oscillator under test. 4-109step PROCEDURE Connect RF pickup or *sniffer" cable to ANT INPUT Connector Ga. © HAKIMUM CONTINUOUS INPUT To THIS CONNECTOR MUST NOT EXCEED .25 K. © MAXIMUM INPUT 15 -30 dam FOR PROPER SPECTRUM ANALYZER OPERATION (SIGNALS ABOVE -30. dBm MAY CAUSE SPURIOUS SIGNALS TO Be GENERATED AND DISPLAYED BY FH/AM-10005. ) Place loop of sniffer cable in antenna in close proximity to oscillator being tested in UIT. Rotate ANALY DISPR Control (39) fully cew and locate oseittator spectrum on spectrum analyzer display. Increment or decrement FREQUENCY Miz Thunbyheets (32) to align oscillator spectrum with major versical axis, oscuLator ‘SPECTRUM RANDOM SIGNALS. FIGURE 4-58 OSCILLATOR SPECTRUM ALIGNED WITH MAJOR VERTICAL AXIS. 10. Shut off poner to UUT and observe spectrum analyzer to con firm that the spectrum previously aligned with aajor vertical axis disappears. a. If spectrum disappears when power to WT 1s shut off, Spectrum is confirmed to be a product of UUT; proceed to Step 13. b. If spectrum does not disappear, its origin ts ccnfirmed to be fron a source other than UY; proceed to ster 12, 4-110step a. 1. en ue 18. 16. PROCEDURE Reapply power to WUT and observe spectrums which reappear on spectrum analyzer. Those spectrums which reappear are pro- Guced by UT.” Repeat Step 9 to locate and align spectrum of oscillator under test with major vertical axis: Rotate ANALY DISPR Control (39) fully ccw, short of detent position. Realign local oscillator spectrum with major vertical axis. by incrementing or decrementing FREQUENCY MHz Thumbwheels (32). unite carefully observing, FRED, ERROR Meter (41), increent, or Gecrement FREQUENCY Miz Thumbwheels (32) to center FREQ ERROR Meter (41) at zero. Rotate 1.5/5/15 kHz Control (33) to "5 kHz" position and increment or decrenent FREQUENCY KHz Thumbwheels (32) to center FREQ ERROR Meter (41) at zero. Rotate 1,5/5/15 kHz Control (33) to "1.5 kiz* position and increment or decrement FREQUENCY Hiz Thumbwheels (32) to center FREQ ERROR Meter (41) at zero. a, Present setting of FREQUENCY MHz Thumbuheels (32) repre- sents frequency of oscillator under test. A-111/4-112 Blank4-8-3 ‘TEST PROCEDURE: TEST OBJECTIVE SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUPMENT RED: TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM MEASURING AF SECTION BANDPASS AND CENTER FREQUENCY (AM/FM RCVR) Wa For Circuits Using Detector: 1 Positive or negative detector (Hewlett Packard BAVLA or similar) 1 Coax cable with BNC male connecter on both ends 2 Oscilloscope probes (1:1). If CUT has terminating connectors, use 502 coax cables with appropriate connectors: 1 BNC female to female adaptor 2 DC blocking capacitors (required only if OC com ponents are present) For Circuits Using Detector Probe IHigh Impedance 1 OsciTlaseope probe (1:1). If CU” has terminating connectors, use 509 coax cable with eppropriste connectors 1 Detector probe 1 OC blocking capacitor (required only if OC com- ponents are present) For Circuits Using Detector: sevoR®( | concur wen [" }-——$28.8soe Torom) oF, TEST Sabah FIGURE 4-69 TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM FOR MEASURING RF SECTION BANDPASS AND CENTER FREQUENCY (USINS DETECTOR) 4-113TEST SET-uP DIAGRAK: (cont'd) For Circuits Using Detector Probe (High Impedance Cirentts}r + Sita Detector Probe (Miah Inpedance FM/AM 10005. cur 22 (crourr UNDER Test) FIGURE 4-60 TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM FOR MEASURING AF SECTION 3ANDPASS AND CENTER FREQUENCY (USING DETECTOR PROBE) = ah ke FIGURE 4-61 UUT INJECTION AND SAMPLE POINTS (SINGLE CONVERSION RECEIVER) fas 4 & FIGURE 4-62 UUT INJECTION AND SAMPLE POINTS (DUAL CONVERSION RECEIVER) a4step PROCEDURE Set FH/AN-1000S controls for sweep generator; oscilloscope operation as shown in Figure {tracking 10, page 79. Connect FA/AN-1000S to required test accessory equipment and ciresit under test within UT as shown in appropriate test Set-up diagram at beginning of this procedure. Apply power to WUT. Apply power to FA/AN-1000S. Adjust INTENSITY Control (35) and FOCUS Control (37) for a sharp visible dot on CRT. Aajust VERT Controt (98) and MORIZ Contre? (36) to position Got three graticule divisions above or below major horizontal axis, along major vertical axis. USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-62 DOT POSITIONED 3 GRATICULE DIVISIONS ABOVE OR BELOW MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS, ON MAJOR VERTICAL AXIS Rotate INT MoD Control (23) cw until deviation reading on DEVEATION/WATTS Meter (1) 15/5 kHz. Dot on CRT will now become a horizontal trace. I trace exhibits any vertical components (e.g. notse) rotate EXT V/DIv. Control (31) cew to ".1 volts/div™ position to ell- inate those components. Set FREQUENCY MHz Thumbwheels (32) to center of frequency being swept (approximate center of bandpass). 41sstep PROCEDURE 10. Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) cw until trace becomes aligned with major horizontal axis. FIGURE 4-64 HORIZONTAL TRACE ALIGNED WITH MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS (USING POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE DETECTOR) 11, Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) ew to add 3 dB to signal strength. The major horizontal axis now represents the'=3 48 point (or half power point) of CUT. © If the 2 48 point above major hortzontal (netos axis nen using’ negative detector) cannot be achieves because of significant. attenustion, Fepeat. Step 10 unt!1 harszontal trace is aligned with any other horizontal graticule marking Sbove oF Below major horizontal axis. After Fepesting Step Il, selected hortzoneal marking Will "represent the 23.45 point (or half power point) "oF frequency response curve. 4-116ster Proce nue 12. Increment FREQUENCY MHz Thunbwheels (32) unti? horizontal trace is centered at point where major vertical and horizon~ Tal exes intersect. Record setting of FREQUENCY Miz Thunb wheels (32). USING POSITIVE DETECTOR USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-65 HORIZONTAL TRACE (OR SECTION OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE ) POSITIONED AT INTERSECTION OF MAJOR AXIS 13, Decrement FREQUENCY MHz Thumbwheels (32) unti1 hort zontal Grace is centered at point where major vertical and horizon- Ehioxes Intersect. Record setting of FREQUENCY MHz Thumb- wheels (32). @ While preforming Step 13, horizontal trace will Heviate from ingersection of major vertical ang horizontal axes before returning to its centered position as shown in Figure 4-66 on following page. a-17step PROCEDURE: 13. (cont'd) UsiNG Posirive DETECTOR UsiNG NEGITIVE DETECTOR FIGURE 4-66 HORZONTAL TRACE (OR SECTION OF FREQUENCY RESPCNSE CURVE) POSITIONED AT INTERSECTION OF MAJOR AXIS 14. To determine bandpass of CUT, subtract result of Step 13 from result of Step 12; difference represents bandpass of CUT. 15. To obtain center frequency of CUT, add result of Step 12 to result of Step 13 and divide total by two: quotient repre: sents center frequency of CUT. 4-1184-8-4 TEST PROCEDURE: TEST OBJECTIVE SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REGD: TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: MEASURING BANDPASS AND CENTER FREQUENCY OF AN IF STRIP (AM/FM4 RVR) N/a Same as required for procedure 4-7-3, titled SUSING THE FH/AM-10008 AS A SHEEP GEWERATOR/TRACK- ING OSCILLOSCOPE, on page 4-81. Use block diagrams below to locate injection and Sample points within a typical WUT. Se FIGURE 4-67 UUT SAMPLE AND INJECTION POINTS (SINGLE CONVERSION RECEIVER ) Bere ET, BEM . Vawe FIGURE 4-88 UUT SAMPLE AND IWJECTION POINTS ( DUAL CONVERSION RECEIVER ) augstep PROCEDURE 1. Perform procedure 4-7-4, titled "MEASURING BANDPASS AND CENTER FREQUENCY OF A BANDPASS CIRCUIT", on page 4-87. @ The circutt under test (CUT) referenced in above procedure is now represented by block diagrams Furnished above. © Genter frequency of span to be swept wit! be IF frequency of wut. 2. Return DEV/PWR Control (47) to "20 kHz" position. 3. Rotate INT MoD Control (23) ew ntl DEVIATION/NATTS Meter (1) reads 20 kiz. Observe frequency response curve for good flatness, symmetry and roll-off characteristics. © Examples below reflect measurements taken with 2 positive detector. © Narrow bandwidth receivers will not exhibit Flat- ness characteristic. FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE NON — SYMMETRICAL FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS RESPONSE” CURVE WITH POOR FLATNESS FIGURE 4-69 TYPICAL DISPLAYS OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE 4-120step PROCEDURE 4. (conta) SYMMETRICAL FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE LACKING FLATNESS NON-SYMMETRICAL FREQUENCY (CURVE WITH POOR ROLL-OFF. FIGURE 4-70 TYPICAL DISPLAYS OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVES 4-121/4-122 Blank4-8-5 TEST PROCEDURE: MEASURING RECEIVER BANDPASS AND CENTER FREQUENCY (FOR BANDPASSES LESS THAN 40 Kitz) TEST OBJECTIVE WA SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT REQD: Sane as required for procedure 4-7-3, titled USING THE FM/AN-10008 AS_A SWEEP. GENERATOR/TRACK- ING OSCILLOSCOPE", on page 4-81. TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: Use block diagrams below to locate injection and simple points within a typical WUT. \ sap Ere) FIGURE 4-71 UUT INJECTION AND SAMPLE PONNTS (SINGLE CONVERSION RECEIVER) FIGURE 4-72 UT INJECTION AND SAMPLE POINTS (DUAL CONVERSION RECEIVER) 4-123sTeP PROCEDURE A Perform procedure titled 4-7-4, "MEASURING CENTER FREQUENCY AND BANDPASS OF A BANDPASS CIRCUIT", on page &-07. (wore) @ The circuit under test (CUT) referenced in above procedure is now represented by black diagrams Furatshed aboves @ Center frequency of span to be swept will be receiver frequency. 2. Return DEV/PWR Control (47) ta "20 kHz" position. Rotate INT HOD control (23) cw until DEVIATION/WATTS Meter reads "20 kHz." 4 Observe bandpass response curve for good flatness, symmetry and roll-off charcter istic: © If frequency of WT loca1 oscillator is greater then'sneep frequency. (low Side Injection), the polarity of CRY sisplay will be reverseds there fore, frequency is minimum on left side of CRT and maximin on right. sige of CRs © Examples below reflect measurements taken with positive detector. © Narrow bandwidth receivers will not exhibit flet~ ness characteristic. (fea FREQUENCY RESPONSE 'NON-SYMMETRICAL BANDPASS CHARACTERISTICS RESPONSE CURVE WITH POOR FLATNESS FIGURE 4-78 TYPICAL DISPLAYS OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVES FOR AVERAGE BAND RECEIVERS 4-124STEP PROCEDURE, (ont) SYMMETRICAL BANDPASS NON-SYMMETRICAL BANDPASS: RESPONSE CURVE LACKING RESPONSE CURVE WITH POOR FLATNESS ROLL-OFF FIGURE 4-74 TYPICAL DISPLAYS OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVES FOR AVERAGE BAND RECEIVERS METAL FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE BANDPASS RESPONSE CURVE CHARACTERISTICS Wit POOR ROLL-OFF FIGURE 4-75 TYPICAL DISPLAYS OF FREQUENCY A=SPONSE CURVES FOR NARROW BAND RECEIVERS. 4-125step PROCEDURE 4. (conta) BANDPASS RESPONSE CURVE WITH POOR SYMMETRY FIGURE 4-76 TYPICAL DISPLAY OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE FOR NARROW BAND RECEIVERS 4-1264-8-6 TEST PROCEDURE: MEASURING RECEIVER BANDPASS AND CENTER FREQUENCY (FOR AM/FM RECEIVER BANDPASSES GREATER THAN 40 kiiz) TEST OBJECTIVE: N/A ‘SPECIAL ACCESSORY EQUPMENT REQD: Sane as required for procedure 4-7-3, titled SUSING FM/AN-10005 AS-A. SWEEP GENERATOR/TRACKING OSCILLOSCOPE", on page 4-81. TEST SET-UP DIAGRAM: Use block diagrams below to locate injection and sample points within a typical UT. FIGURE 4-77 UT INJECTION AND SAMPLE POINTS (SINGLE CONVERSION RECEIVER) pPemeéael FIGURE 4-76 UUT INJECTION AND SAMPLE POINTS (DUAL CONVERSION RECEIVER) 4-127step PROCEDURE Perform Steps 1 through 9 of procedure 4-7-3, titled "USING FU/AN- 1000S AS A SHEEP GENERATOR/TRACKING OSCILLOSCOPE, on page 4-81. 2. Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) cw until horizontal trace is aligned with major horizontal axis” FIGURE 4-78 HORIZONTAL TRACE ALIGNED WITH MAJOR HORIZONTAL AXIS 3, Rotate RF LEVEL/BFO INJECTION Dial (5) cw to add 3 dB to signal strength. “Oscilloscope 1s now displaying & sali sec- Hon of frequency response curve of WUT, The major hartzon tal axis on CRT now represents -3 dB point (or naif pover point of WT. HOFIZONTAL TRACE (on SECTION OF FREQUENCY. RESPONSE CURVE) 348 POINT FIGURE 4-80 SECTION OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE DISPLAYED USING POSITIVE DETECTOR 4-128TEP PROCEDURE 3. (cont'd) 348 POINT: HORIZONTAL TRACE (on section FREQUENCY RESPONSE cuRVE) FIGURE 4-81 SECTION FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE DISPLAYED USING. NEGATIVE DETECTOR Increment FREQUENCY MHz Thunbwhee?s (32) to center high edge of Frequency response curve at intersection of major vertical and horizontal axes. Low EDGE oF HIGH EDGE OF FREQUENCY FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE RESPONSE CURVE (WoT VISIBLE TO e FIGURE 4-82 HIGH EDGE OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE CENTERED AT INTERSECTION OF MAJOR VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL AXES (USING POSITIVE DETECTOR) 4-129step PROCEDURE 4. (conta) Low EDaE oF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE (NOT VISIBLE TO | operator »// HGH EDGE oF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE FIGURE 4-89 HIGH EDGE OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE CENTERED AT INTERSECTION OF MAJOR VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL AXIS. (USING NEGATIVE DETECTOR ) 5. Record setting of FREQUENCY MHz Thunbwheels (32). 6. Decrement FREQUENCY MHz Thunbyheels (32) to center low edge of Frequency response curve at intersection of major. vere fal nd horizontal axes: LOW EDGE OF FREQUENG [RESPONSE CURVE. /fvicn eoce oF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE (NOT VISIBLE TO. OPERATOR) FIGURE 4-84 LOW EDGE OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE CENTERED AT INTERSECTION OF MAJOR VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL AXIS. (USING POSITIVE DETECTOR ) 4-130
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