Ultrasonic Testing Procedure: 1. Scope
Ultrasonic Testing Procedure: 1. Scope
Ultrasonic Testing Procedure: 1. Scope
This article provides you with a sample ultrasonic testing procedure. This a
sample UT procedure and you need to modify it to meet your project
1. Scope
2. References
3. General:
Each pass of the search unit shall overlap minimum 10% of the transducer
(piezo-electric element) dimension perpendicular to the direction of the scan.
The rate of search unit movement for examination shall not exceed 6
inch/sec(150 mm/s).
4. Personnel Qualification:
5. Surface Preparation
The surface to be subject to ultrasonic testing shall be free from any existing
lubricants, dirt, residue, rust and sharp edges, so; to smoothly carry on the
6. Equipments
6.1- Examination shall be conducted with a pulse echo A-Scan ultrasonic testing
instrument capable of generating frequencies over the range of at least 1 MHZ to
5 MHZ. Ultrasonic testing instrument shall be calibrated for the examination and
shall be capable of meeting the requirements of screen height linearity and
amplitude control linearity in paragraph 5.3 & 5.4 of this procedure.(Trade name
of ultrasonic testing instrument is krautkramer USN-52) Ultrasonic testing
instrument shall be equipped with stepped gain control in units of 2 dB or less
(according to ASME sec V-T-431).
Search units may contain either single or dual transducer element.The search
unit size shall be selected according to the following table.
(3) Search units with contoured contact wedges may be used to aid ultrasonic
The ultrasonic testing instrument shall provide linear vertical presentation within
±5% (According to ASME Sec.V, Article 5 T-532) of the full screen height for 20%
to 80% of the calibrated screen height.
The ultrasonic testing instrument shall utilize an amplitude control accurate over
its useful range to ± 20% of the nominal amplitude ratio, to allow measurement of
indications beyond the linear range of the vertical display on the screen, the
procedure for evaluating amplitude control linearity is given in appendix 2 of
article 5, ASME code Sec.V and Shall be performed at the beginning of each
period of extended use (or every 6 months, whichever is less).
6.5- Couplant
SAE No.20 or No 30 motor oil, glycerin and adhesive wall paper shall be used.
Couplants may not be comparable to one another, and the same couplant shall
be used for calibration and examination. couplant used on nickel base alloy shall
not contain more than 250 ppm of sulfur and those used on austenitic stainless
steel shall not contain more than 250 ppm of halides (chlorides plus flourides).
For angel beam probe , the mode of wave propagation in material is shear wave
and the related applicable angel & size & frequency is described in table 6.2.2.
7. Calibration:
Basic calibration blocks shall be of similar metallurgical structure and the same
material specification or an equivalent P-number grouping as the finished
component for the purpose of this, P-numbers 1,3,4 & 5 materials are considered
equivalent.The finish on the surfaces of the block shall be representative of the
scanning surface finishes on the components to the examined.
(4) Echo Amplitude Measurement from the Surface Notch in the Basic Calibration Block.
When an electronic distance amplitude correction device is used, the primary reference
responses from the basic calibration block shall be equalized at a screen height
between 40 to 80% of full screen height over the distance range to be employed in the
The calibration shall provide the following measurements(Refer to article 5, ASME code
Sec. V ).
Calibration shall be performed prior to use of the system in the thickness range under
examination. A calibration check shall verify the sweep range calibration and distance-
amplitude correction.
If a point on the DAC curve has moved on the sweep line more than 10% of the sweep
reading or 5% of full sweep, which ever is greater, correct the distance range calibration
and note the correction in the examination record. If reflectors are recorded on the data
sheets, those data sheets shall be voided and a new calibration shall be recorded.
All recorded indications since the last valid calibration or calibration check shall be Re-
examined with the corrected calibration and their values shall be changed on the data
7.3.2- DAC correction If a point on the distance-amplitude correction (DAC) curve has
decreased 20% or 2 db of its amplitude, all data sheets since the last calibration or
calibration check shall be marked void. A new calibration shall be made and recorded
and the area covered by the voided data shall be Re-examined. If any point of the
distance-amplitude correction (DAC) curve has increased more than 20% or 2 db of its
amplitude, all recorded indications since the last valid calibration or calibration check
shall be Re-examined with the corrected calibration and their values shall be changed
on the data sheets.
8. Examination
8.1- General Requirements:
The scanning shall be performed at a gain setting at least two times the primary
reference level evaluation shall be performed with respect to the primary reference
The volumes shall be scanned by straight and angle beam techniques as a described in
detail in paragraph 8 angle beams, having nominal angles as recommended in table
6.2.1 & 6.2.2 with respect to a perpendicular to the examination surface, shall generally
be used.Other pairs of angle beams are permitted provided the measured difference
between the angle is at least 10º.
8.1.1- Angle beam method scanning shall be made basically from outside of the vessel
by the direct contact method. The angle beam shall be directed at approximately right
angle to the weld axis from two direction where possible to detect the
reflectors oriented angular to the weld .In addition, the angle beam shall be directed
essentially parallel to the weld axis to detect the reflectors oriented transverse to the
weld. The search unit shall be manipulated so that the ultrasonic energy passes through
the whole volumes of weld and heat affected zone (20mm) of base metal.The refraction
angle of the angle beam transducer & exit point shall be measured using IIW standard
calibration block. The tolerance of the refraction angle shall not be more than ±2º
(1) The heat affected zone and weld where practicable shall be scanned with the
straight beam search unit, before scanning with angle beam.
(2) The scanning of the adjacent base metal of at least 2t tana (where t=base metal
thickness & a=1/2 groove angle) shall be performed to detect reflectors that
affect interpretation of angle beam results, and is not to be used as an acceptance
rejection examination. Locations and areas of such reflectors shall be recorded.
The base metal on each side of the weld shall be free of weld spatter, surface
irregularities, or foreign matter that might interfere with the examination.
The scanning shall be performed at a gain setting at least two times the primary
reference level and evaluation shall be performed with respect to the primary reference
The angle beam shall be directed at approximately right angle to the weld axix from two
directions where possible.
The search unit shall be manipulated so that the ultrasonic beam passes through the
required volumes of weld and adjacent base metal.
The angle beam shall be directed angular to the weld axis. The search unit shall be
manipulated so that the ultrasonic beam passes through the all of the volume be
For normal & angel beam ultrasonic testing inspection , method of sizing indication is
half value method measurement (6 dB drop) as follow:
The size of reflectors which are large is comparison to the sound beam diameter can
be determines by edge scanning probe is moved from a position witch provides the
optimum flaw echo to the edge of the flaw.the point at which the echo height is half the
optimum value,i.e.where the beam axis is incident on the edge of the flow,is marked on
the testing surface.a series of such point outline the reflector surface.
The half value length (HVL) is the distance measured on the test object between edge
point in a longitudinal direction,the half value width (HVW) in a normal direction.
The 6 dB technique involves obtaining an echo from a position where the reflector
extends across the full width of ultrasonic beam and then moving the beam along the
reflector until the echo has fallen by half (i.e by 6 dB).it is then assumed that only one
half of the beam is impinging on the reflector whose edge,therefore,lies along the beam
axis.the technique is applicable to both normal & angel probes,and is most frequently
used for the potting of lamination in plate ,and for measuring the length of linear
imperfection in welds.
Direction of scanning in ultrasonic testing inspection of weld line angle beam probe shall
be perpendicular to weld line axis & extended of related scanning shall be cover the full
skip area & 100 % of weld line .for detection of defects parallel to the weld line axis shall
meet the requirement 8.4.for detection of transfer defects to the weld line axis shall
meet the requirement 8.5.
Base material product form for this project if plate & pipe form.
8.10-Scaning method
The scaning method for this procedure is manual with A-scan method
9. Evaluation:
All imperfections that produce an amplitude greater than 20% of the reference level
shall be investigated to the extent that the operator can determine the shape, identity
and location of all such imperfections and evaluate them in terms of the following
acceptance standards.
For a butt weld joining two members having different thicknesses at the weld, T is the
thinnest of these two thickness.
If a full penetration weld includes a fillet weld, the thickness of the throat of the fillet shall
be included in T.
11. Reports:
A report of the examinations shall be made. The report shall include a record indicating
the welds or volume examined (this maybe marked-up sketched) the location of each
recorded reflector, and the identification of the operator whom carries out each
examination or part there of as detailed in T-493, ASME Sec.V article 4.
A record of all reflections from uncorrected areas having responses that exceed 50% of
the reference level shall be maintained. This record shall locate each area, the
response level, the dimension, the depth below the surface, and the classification.