Bavarnegin 2017 J. Inst. 12 P05005

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Published by IOP Publishing for Sissa Medialab
Received: February 19, 2017
Accepted: April 27, 2017
Published: May 9, 2017

Neutron beams implemented at nuclear research reactors

2017 JINST 12 P05005

for BNCT

E. Bavarnegin,a Y. Kasesaza,1 and F.M. Wagnerb

a Reactor and nuclear safety research school, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI),
Tehran, Iran
b Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II), Technische Universität München,

85748 Garching, Germany


Abstract: This paper presents a survey of neutron beams which were or are in use at 56 Nuclear
Research Reactors (NRRs) in order to be used for BNCT, either for treatment or research purposes
in aspects of various combinations of materials that were used in their Beam Shaping Assembly
(BSA) design, use of fission converters and optimized beam parameters. All our knowledge about
BNCT is indebted to researches that have been done in NRRs. The results of about 60 years
research in BNCT and also the successes of this method in medical treatment of tumors show that,
for the development of BNCT as a routine cancer therapy method, hospital-based neutron sources
are needed. Achieving a physical data collection on BNCT neutron beams based on NRRs will be
helpful for beam designers in developing a non-reactor based neutron beam.

Keywords: Instrumentation for neutron sources; Instrumentation for particle-beam therapy

1Corresponding author.

Published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License by IOP
Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl. Any further distribution of this work must doi:10.1088/1748-0221/12/05/P05005
maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation and DOI.

1 Introduction 1

2 BNCT physical mechanism 2

3 The qualified neutron beam for BNCT 3

4 Beam Shaping Assembly (BSA) 4

2017 JINST 12 P05005

4.1 Moderator 4
4.2 Reflector 6
4.3 Reflector/moderator geometries 7
4.4 Fast neutrons, thermal neutrons and gamma filters 7
4.5 Fission converter technique 7

5 NRRs for BNCT 8

5.1 NRRs for BNCT in America 11
5.2 NRRs for BNCT in Asia 11
5.3 NRRs for BNCT in Europe 14

6 From reactors to accelerator-based BNCT 16

7 Conclusions 19

1 Introduction

In Boron Neutron Capture Theory (BNCT), the patient is injected with a tumor localizing drug
containing 10 B and then exposed to a suitable neutron beam. Boron captures thermal neutrons and
produces two high Linear Energy Transfer (LET) particles (4 He and 7 Li) that release their energy
within the cellular dimension, what is much more effective than low-LET radiation in deactivating
tumor cells [1].
BNCT relies on two key factors: a tumor selective boron carrier drug and a suitable neutron
source. Research in the area of development of boron-containing delivery agents for BNCT started
∼ 50 years ago. The other key to successfully administering BNCT is the neutron source. So far, the
only sources for BNCT have been Nuclear Research Reactors (NRRs). Interested readers are referred
to the book “Neutron Capture Therapy: Principles and Applications” by Prof. Dr. Sauerwein [2]
and also to two comprehensive review papers by R. Barth et al. [3, 4]. An old extensive summary of
the possibilities in neutron beam design, development and performance for BNCT was achieved in
an international workshop at MIT in 1990 [5]. Similarly, there are some other review papers [6–8].
The first clinical successes were reported by Prof. Dr. Hatanaka et al. [9, 10], later on a number
of other groups followed and proved positive effects on patients treated by BNCT [11–20]. After

about 60 years research and development on the reactor-based BNCT, the technical efforts are
focused on the accelerator-based neutron sources to be installed in hospitals [21–26].
BNCT requires neutron beams of suitable energy and intensity and low gamma background.
To achieve such a beam, a spectral Beam Shaping Assembly (BSA) must be designed and installed
between the neutron source and the patient [1] (see figure 3). The BSA generally consists of neutron
moderator, neutron reflector, thermal neutron filter, gamma filter, and collimator. The shapes,
dimensions and materials of a BSA are highly dependent on the neutron source specifications such
as mean energy and source strength.
This paper presents a survey of neutron beams which were or are in use at NRRs in order to
be used for BNCT, either for treatment or research purposes. The paper mainly will investigate 56

2017 JINST 12 P05005

NRRs with regard to various choice and combinations of their BSA materials, beam parameters
and the special use of nuclear fuel in BSA as a fission converter. Achieving a comprehensive data
collection on BNCT based on NRRs will be helpful for beam designers in developing a non-reactor
based neutron beam.

2 BNCT physical mechanism

Figure 1 shows a schematic view of what happens in BNCT. The fundamental reaction between
boron and thermal neutrons is:

nth + 10 B → 7 Li(0.84 MeV) + α(1.47 MeV) + γ(0.48 MeV) (93.7%) (2.1)

nth + 10 B → 7 Li(1.01 MeV) + α(1.78 MeV) (6.3%) (2.2)

Capturing a thermal neutron, 10 B promptly disintegrates in to two high LET particles: an alpha
particle and a recoiling lithium nucleus with 9 and 5 µm range in tissue, respectively [1].
The energy deposited by the 10 B(n,α)7 Li reaction is called the boron dose (DB ). In addition to
boron dose, three further main dose components are produced within the tissue in BNCT treatment.

Figure 1. BNCT cell-killing mechanism.

These principally undesired doses are generated by (1) incident and secondary gamma rays, Dγ ;
(2) the thermal neutron dose (DN ), i.e., the dose resulting mainly from thermal neutron capture in
nitrogen 14 N(nth ,p)14 C, and (3), the fast neutron dose (Dfn ), i.e., the dose from recoil protons [1]. The
total biologically weighted dose is the sum of these four dose components with the corresponding
weighting factors (wx ):
Dw = wγ Dγ + wB DB + wN DN + wfn Dfn (2.3)

Accepted values of the biological weighting factors are 1 for gamma dose, 3.2 for both thermal
and fast neutron dose, 3.8 for boron dose in tumor and 1.3 for boron dose in normal tissues,
respectively [1]. The goal of radiation therapy is to maximize tumor dose while minimizing

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exposure to normal tissue. Accordingly, the Therapeutic Gain (TG), i.e., the ratio between the
tumor dose and the maximum dose to the normal tissue has been defined. Higher TG means better
condition for therapy [1].

3 The qualified neutron beam for BNCT

In BNCT, an adequate thermal neutron field has to be created within the boron labeled tumor cells.
Figure 2 shows a comparison of thermal neutron flux-depth distributions for different incident
neutron energies [8].

Figure 2. Depth-distribution for monoenergetic neutron pencil beams of different energies [8].

As can be seen, an epithermal beam entering brain tissue creates a radiation field with a
maximum thermal flux at a depth of 2–3 cm, which drops exponentially thereafter. In contrast to the
epithermal beam, a thermal beam entering tissue falls off exponentially from the surface. The depth
distribution of the thermal field can be influenced by the incident neutron energy which is, however,
limited to a maximum of 10 keV; for higher neutron energies, the KERMA coefficient increases to
prohibitive values. This indicates that a thermal neutron beam is suitable for treatment of superficial
tumors, while for treatment of deep-seated tumors, only an epithermal neutron is suitable. In both,
epithermal and thermal BNCT neutron beams, fast neutrons and gamma rays are considered as the

beam contaminations which should be limited to the desired values. The required BNCT beam
parameters are presented in table 1 [27]. Beside thermal and epithermal entrance neutron beams,
the utilization of hyper-thermal neutrons (neutrons with energy range from 0.1 eV to 3 eV) was also
studied in order to improve the thermal neutron flux distribution at depth in a living body [10, 28].

Table 1. Neutron beam parameters recommended by the IAEA for BNCT [27].
Thermal BNCT Epithermal BNCT
Parameter Recommended value Parameter Recommended value
ϕthermal (cm−2 s−1 ) > 109 ϕepithermal (cm−2 s−1 ) > 109
ϕthermal /ϕtotal > 0.9 ϕepithermal /ϕthermal > 20

2017 JINST 12 P05005

D(epithermal+fast) /ϕthermal (Gycm2 ) < 2 × 10−13 Dfast /ϕepithermal (Gycm2 ) < 2 × 10−13
Dgamma /ϕthermal (Gycm2 ) < 2 × 10−13 Dgamma /ϕepithermal (Gycm2 ) < 2 × 10−13
Fast energy E > 10 keV
Epithermal energy 0.5 eV < E < 10 keV
Thermal energy E < 0.5 eV

4 Beam Shaping Assembly (BSA)

In order to apply BNCT successfully, the primary spectrum of the neutron source must be modified
to the required neutron beam (table 1) using an appropriate BSA. Figure 3 shows the schematic
view of a BSA. In this section different parts of BSA are introduced.

Figure 3. Schematic view of a common BSA.

4.1 Moderator
The fission neutron spectrum produced in a reactor core contains many fast neutrons. These fast
neutrons should be moderated and reach the desired epithermal energy range of about 0.5 eV to
10 keV. In epithermal BNCT, the moderator should have a high fast neutron scattering cross-section
( s,fast→epi ) and low epithermal neutron scattering and absorption cross-sections ( r,epi ) so that the

value of s,fast→epi / r,epi parameter is as high as possible. As well, they should have a low fast

neutron absorption cross-section because fast neutrons will be removed from the spectrum and
cannot contribute anymore to the lower energy regions. A good moderator also must not become
the source of a strong photon field and if so, the energies should behave low energies which can

be removed [1]. The macroscopic cross-sections of some candidate moderators which are used in
different BNCT facilities are presented in table 2 [29].

Table 2. Fast and epithermal cross-sections [cm−1 ] of some spectrum shifter materials [29].
Material AlF3 AlF3 /Al* MgF2 Al D2 O Ti V
0.340 0.247 0.351 0.112 0.259 0.204 0.364
0.268 0.186 0.308 0.080 0.322 0.269 0.447
0.012 0.012 0.010 0.002 0.038 0.003 0.005
0.005 0.003 0.005 0.001 0.032 0.000 0.000
0.013 0.012 0.011 0.002 0.039 0.003 0.005

2017 JINST 12 P05005

0.005 0.004 0.005 0.001 0.032 0.005 0.010
Í r,epi
Í 2.296 3.227 2.056 1.560 1.183 0.524 0.497
*A 30% Al plus 70% Alf3 mixture

The moderators consisting of fluoride have the highest value of s,fast→epi / r,epi parameter,

hence, fluoride has been considered as an important element as a moderator in BNCT. It has a
low neutron absorption cross-section and low energy threshold of inelastic scattering, as shown in
figure 4.

Figure 4. Neutron reaction cross-section of fluorine.

Especially, Fluental™ (Al 30% + AlF3 69% + LiF 1%) is a suitable neutron moderator material
developed at Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) [30]. It provides very good spectrum
shifting to the epithermal neutron region with a good fast neutron cutoff (figure 5 [31]).
Heavy water is another material that was used as a neutron moderator [32, 33]. In the JRR-4
reactor, four separate heavy water tanks were used to operate independently; thus, the optimum heavy
water thickness could be selected for both thermal and epithermal beams to meet the requirement
of various treatment depths. The tanks were installed along with a cadmium filter which was set to
change the beam condition from the thermal to the epithermal mode (figure 6 [33]).

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Figure 5. Neutron flux per unit lethargy for different epithermal neutron filters at a TRIGA reactor [31].

Figure 6. The heavy water system and BSA in JRR-4 [33].

4.2 Reflector

Neutrons that initially are scattered in the moderator may leak out before reaching the energies
of interest. This loss can be substantially reduced by surrounding the moderator with a reflector.
The reflector returns neutrons that collide first in the moderator but leak out before slowing down
and also deflect neutrons that miss the moderator upon streaming from the source. In addition,
the (n,2n) reaction in the reflector contributes significantly to the total neutron production [34].
Some materials such as graphite [35], lead [36], BeO [37] and Tungsten/Molybdenum [38] have
been considered as neutron reflectors. Lead with low photon production and low cost is a preferred
reflector. Lead has also shown a better performance than graphite [36].

4.3 Reflector/moderator geometries
Generally, the reflector is considered as a layer which covers the moderator material, as shown in
figure 7. Kasesaz et al. proposed new reflector/moderator geometries including multi-layers and
hexagonal lattice. The effects of these geometries were investigated by MCNP4C Monte Carlo
code [39]. It was found that the proposed configurations have a significant effect to improve the
thermal to epithermal neutron flux ratio which is an important neutron beam parameter. Table 3
presents the values of neutron beam parameters related to some selected cases [39].

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Figure 7. Top view of four considered reflector/moderator configurations, red: reflector, green: modera-
tor [39].

Table 3. Values of neutron beam parameters related to some selected cases [39].
Geometry ϕepi ϕepi /ϕthermal Dfast /ϕepi
(10−7 cm−2 source particle) (10−13 Gycm2 )
A 12.5 35.1 0.151
B 16.7 24.7 0.120
C 13.9 222.2 1.571
D 11.6 427.7 1.775

4.4 Fast neutrons, thermal neutrons and gamma filters

In order to obtain an epithermal neutron beam with high quality, thermal and fast neutron filters
have to be used. The flux of fast neutrons can most effectively be decreased and transformed
to an epithermal flux by Al or its fluoric compounds [40]. Cadmium, Gadolinium, and materials
enriched with 10 B or 6 Li have high thermal cross-sections, but care must be taken about an additional
generation of gamma radiation (B, Gd, Cd) and of fast neutrons (Li). Figure 8 shows the total
neutron cross-section of these materials. In addition to thermal and fast neutrons, gamma rays
must be suppressed. Pb and Bi are the common gamma filters widely used in BNCT beam
lines [1, 27, 34, 41–43].

4.5 Fission converter technique

The fission converter approach is a method to convert thermal neutrons to fission neutrons. To do
this, e.g., arrays of nuclear fuel elements (fresh or spent fuel highly enriched in 235 U) are placed in

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Figure 8. Total neutron cross-section of 10 B, 113m Cd and 6 Li.

the reactor thermal zone. Thermal neutrons in the thermal zone induce fission processes and thereby
fast neutrons which are then moderated and filtered to epithermal energy. Finally, a high intensity
epithermal neutron beam is produced close to the treatment position. Suitable fission converter
approach enable thermal research reactors to provide high intensity and high quality epithermal
neutron beams [2].
A lot of neutronic and engineering design studies are needed for having a fission converter-
based epithermal neutron beam. The first fission converter beam for BNCT was constructed at
the MITR [44]. W.S. Kiger III has performed the neutronic study of MITR for providing a fission
converter-based epithermal beam. After extensive studies on moderator, filter and collimator,
he proposed a beam with high epithermal neutron flux (about 1 × 1010 cm−2 s−1 at the patient
position), and low contaminations with fast neutrons and photons (less than 2 × 10−11 cGycm2 ) [45].
S. Sakamoto has performed further studies to provide a beam with better epithermal neutron flux
(1.91 × 1010 cm−2 s−1 ), low cost, enhanced safety and flexibility [46]. An engineering design
including satisfyingly steady state and accident criteria design were also performed [47]. Some
other fission converter-based beams were designed at BMRR [48], McClellan Nuclear Research
Center (MNRC) [49], MURR [50], MARIA [51], JSI [31], OSURR [52], MuITR [53] and KRR [54].
Figure 9 shows a plan view of some fission converter-based beam lines.

5 NRRs for BNCT

As mentioned above, NRRs were the first neutron sources used in clinical BNCT and a lot of
knowledge about BNCT has been derived from the experience in NRRs. Even low power NRRs
like TRIGA reactors can provide a sufficient neutron flux after appropriate adaptation.
A comprehensive data collection on BNCT based on NRRs will be helpful for beam designers
in developing a new neutron beam. There are 56 nuclear research reactors around the world that
have been used for BNCT, either for treatment or research purposes only. Table 4 presents the list
of these reactors.

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Figure 9. Plan view of the some fission converter-based beam line at: (a) MIT [55], (b) BMRR [56],
(c) MNRC [49], (d) IMNSR [57].

Table 4. List of all NRRs that have been considered for BNCT.
No. Reactor Country Power (MW) Ref.
1 BGRR U.S.A. 28 [58]
2 BMRR U.S.A. 3 [1]
3 BTU Hungary 0.1 [59]
4 BER-II Germany 10 [60]
5 Dalat Vietnam 0.5 [61]
6 DIDO U.K. 25 [62]
7 FiR-1 Finland 0.25 [63]
8 FRJ-2 Germany 23 [148]
9 FRM-I Germany 4 [64]
10 FRM-II Germany 20 [65]
11 FRMZ Germany 0.25 [66]

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12 GTRR U.S.A. 5 [67]
13 HANARO Korea 0.03 [68]
14 HFR Netherlands 45 [69]
15 HIFAR Australia 10 [147]
16 HTR Japan 0.1 [118]
17 IEA-R1 Brazil 5 [70]
18 IHNI China 0.03 [71]
19 IMNSR Iran 0.03 [27]
20 IRT MIFI Russia 2.5 [72]
21 IRT-Sofia Bulgaria 0.2 [73]
22 ISIS France 0.7 [149]
23 ITU Turkey 0.25 [74]
24 JRR-1 Japan 0.05 [151]
25 JRR-2 Japan 10 [118]
26 JRR-3 Japan 10 [118]
27 JRR-4 Japan 3.5 [33]
28 JSI Slovenia 0.25 [31]
29 KARTINI Indonesia 0.25 [75]
30 KRR Ukraine 10 [76]
31 KUR Japan 5 [77]
32 LENA Italy 0.25 [78]
33 LFR Netherlands 0.03 [79]
34 LVR-15 Czech republic 10 [80]
35 MARIA Poland 30 [40]
36 MINTR Malaysia 1 [81]
37 MITR U.S.A. 5 [82]
38 MNRC U.S.A. 2 [49]
39 MOATA Australia 0.1 [150]
40 MuITR Japan 0.1 [53]
41 MURR U.S.A. 10 [50]
42 OSTR U.S.A. 1 [83]
43 OSURR U.S.A. 0.5 [52]
44 PBF U.S.A. 20 [84]
45 R2-0 Sweden 1 [85]
46 RA-1 Argentina 0.04 [86]
47 RA-3 Argentina 10 [87]
48 RA-6 Argentina 0.5 [88]
49 RPI Portuguese 1 [89]
50 SMNSR Syria 0.03 [90]
51 TAPIRO Italy 0.05 [91]
52 THOR Taiwan 1 [92]
53 TRR Iran 5 [93]
54 WWR-K ALMATY Kazakhstan 6 [94]
55 WSU U.S.A. 1 [95]
56 YAYOI Japan 2 [96]

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5.1 NRRs for BNCT in America

The first clinical trials of BNCT were performed at Brookhaven Graphite Research Reactor (BGRR)
in 1951 using beams of thermal neutrons [9]. A few years later, from 1959–1961, Brookhaven
Medical Research Reactor (BMRR) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor (MITR)
were designed and used for BNCT, and a series of patients were irradiated. In all cases, no survival
with BNCT was observed. The major problems were attributed to inadequate penetration of thermal
neutron beams, little known dose distribution, and lacking localization of boron in the tumor. As a
consequence, clinical trials of BNCT in U.S.A. were stopped [9, 97], but could be restarted in the
1990s at BMRR and MITR [98, 99]. The new epithermal beam with low fast neutron and gamma

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contaminations at MIT was able to penetrate the superficial tissues without causing too strong a
damage and to build up a thermal neutron field in deeper-seated tumor with sufficient intensity [99].
Experimental modality and research activities were also performed in (MNRC) [49], RA-6 [88],
RA-3 [87], OSTR [83], OSURR [52], PBF [84], RA-1 [86], GTRR [38] and WSU [95]. Table 5
represents the materials used in BSA structure of Americas BNCT facilities. The plan view of
some of these BSAs are presented in figure 10. The measured or calculated beams parameters are
presented in table 6.

Table 5. BSA materials used in BNCT beams in America (FC=Fission Converter).

Reactor BSA materials FC Ref.
BMRR Al/Al2 O3 /Cd/Bi/Pb/Li-Polyethylene Yes [5]
GTRR D2 O/Bi/Al/Al2 O3 /Pb/Cd/Li-Polyethylene/Concrete Yes [50]
MNRC Graphite/Al/AlF3 /Pb/Cd/Bi/Li-Polymer/LiF/Heavy concrete Yes [49]
MITR Al/PTEF/Cd/Pb Yes [82]
MURR Pb/Graphite/Al/Al2 O3 /Cd/Li-Polyethylene/High density concrete Yes [100]
OSTR D2 O/S/Li2 CO3 / No [83]
OSURR Al/Graphite/Lead/PbF2 /Cd/Concrete Yes [101]
RA-1 Al/Graphite/Cd No [86]
RA-3 Bi/Pb/Fe/Zircaloy-4/Cd/Paraffin No [87]
RA-6 Al/Al2 O3 /Pb/Cd/Bi/B-Polyethylene No [1]
WSU Pb/Al/Boral/Al2 O3 /Fluental/Bi/Li-Polyethylene/B-Polyethylene/Concrete No [1]

5.2 NRRs for BNCT in Asia

After the first failure in U.S.A., BNCT in Asia was pioneered by Japanese. It was started at
Hitachi Training Reactor (HTR) by Prof. Dr. Hatanaka [103] from 1968 to 1975 when this reactor
was closed permanently. Thereafter, Musashi Institute of Technology Research Reactor (MuITR)
was used for BNCT in Japan until 1989. This reactor was shut down because of a reactor pool
leakage [13]. Kyoto University Reactor (KUR) was another reactor in Japan which was established
in 1964. The first clinical study of BNCT at the thermal neutron irradiation facility of this reactor
was performed in May 1974 [32]. In the period from 1974 to 1995, only thermal neutron irradiations
could be delivered at this facility, hence, BNCT was applied in cases of malignant melanomas and
open-laid brain tumors only. From 1995 to 1996, the thermal neutron irradiation facility at the
KUR was remodeled and neutron energy spectra from almost pure thermal to epithermal became

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2017 JINST 12 P05005
Figure 10. Plan view of the some BSA in America: (a) BMRR [56], (b) MIT [55] (c) WSU [95], (d)
RA-6 [88].

Table 6. Calculated (C) or Measured (M) parameters of some American BNCT beams.
Reactor Mode M/C ϕthermal ϕepi ϕfast Dfast /ϕepi Ref.
(×10 cm s ) (×10 cm s ) (×10 cm s ) (×10−13 Gycm2 )
8 −2 −1 9 −2 −1 7 −2 −1

C 0.14 0.68 3 2.6

BMRR M 0.19 0.88 4.1 2.7 [102]
Thermal M 510 - - -
M 1.16 3.71 14 1
MITR Epithermal [102]
C 0.97 4.29 15.8 0.9
Epithermal C - 5 - 200
MNRC [49]
Thermal C 56 - - -
C 0.09 0.27 1.1 2.6
WSU Epithermal [102]
M 0.3 0.3 1.2 2.8
C 0.28 0.68 4.3 7.9
RA-6 Epithermal [102]
M 0.33 0.65 4.4 9.1
RA-3 Thermal M 9 - - - [87]

available [104]. In a clinical trial 23 children under 15 years were treated including 4 patients under
3 years [16].

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Japan Research Reactor No. 4 (JRR-4) is one of the other reactors which were used for BNCT.
Modification of JRR-4 for core conversion began in 1996, and its medical irradiation facility was
installed for BNCT and the reactor was adopted to generate epithermal as well as thermal neutron
beams. Clinical BNCT trials were started at JRR-4 in 1998 with the thermal neutron beam. At the
later stage of intraoperative BNCT (since 1999), the epithermal beam was used in JRR-4. However,
in December 2007, a crack in a graphite reflector of the reactor core was found on a weld of
the aluminum cladding. JRR-4 was stopped until February 2010 for replacement of the graphite
reflector. After restarting BNCT in 2010, 3 patients were treated.
Because of the March 2011 East Japan earthquake and tsunami, JRR-4 was stopped again with
no prospect of restarting [105].

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Another research reactor in Asia which has been used for BNCT is the Tsing Hua Open-
Pool Reactor (THOR). It is a 2 MW research reactor at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU)
in Hsinchu and is the only epithermal neutron source for BNCT research in Taiwan. The first
epithermal neutron beam of THOR was built in 1998. It was built by removing the removal portion
of the graphite blocks (see figure 11 [106]).

Figure 11. The horizontal cross-section of the THOR epithermal neutron beam [106].

The beam was used for conducting cell and animal experiments related to BNCT drug devel-
opments. THOR was shut down for renovation of a new epithermal neutron beam for BNCT in
January 2003. In November 2003, concrete cutting was finished for getting closer to the core and for
a larger treatment room. Figure 12a shows the top view of THOR new beam design [92]. Treatment
of patients was started in August of 2010 in this reactor. Up to September 2016, 22 patients were
treated [107].
Also IHNI in China has started human therapy with 6 patients up to December 2016 [108].
IHNI is the only reactor for BNCT which is installed at a hospital site.
Experiments and research activities were also performed in Syria [90], Indonesia [75],
Korea [68], Vietnam [61] Malaysia [81] and Iran [27, 41, 43, 93, 109–115].
Prof. Dr. A. Pazirandeh (from Tehran University) and Dr. M.K. Marashi (from NSTRI) initiated
BNCT research in Iran in 1990s. Their research was about the use of a beam tube of Tehran Research
Reactor (TRR) to produce a proper neutron beam for BNCT [109, 116, 117]. The results showed
that the final neutron flux was not sufficient for BNCT. Since then, no attempt was made to design a

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proper neutron beam at TRR. In 2010, BNCT research has been restarted focusing on TRR thermal
column [41, 43, 93, 110], construction of a head phantom [111] and evaluation of beam parameters
inside of the phantom volume [112]. Simulations have shown that, an epithermal neutron beam can
be achieved at the thermal column exit if all graphite blocks are removed from the thermal column
and replaced by an appropriate BSA, but in practice, it was impossible to remove all graphite blocks
due to the high gamma dose caused by the reactor. So, the arrangement of graphite blocks has been
modified and a thermal neutron beam has been generated instead of epithermal neutron beam. More
details about the TRR BNCT project are provided in [93]. In addition to TRR, there are also some
MCNP design studies of thermal and epithermal neutron beams at the Isfahan Miniature Neutron
Source Reactor (IMNSR) [27, 57]. Table 7 shows the materials used in BSA of NRRs in Asia. The

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plan view of some BSAs in Asia are presented in figures 12 and 13. Some measured or calculated
beam parameters are presented in table 8.

Table 7. BSA materials used in BNCT beams in Asia (FC=Fission Converter).

Reactor BSA compositions FC Ref
HANARO Bi/Polyethylene/Cd/Si/Pb No [68]
IHNI Epithermal mode: Al/Al2 O3 /Pb/Bi/C, thermal mode: Bi/Pb/C/PE(Pb) No [71]
IMNSR H2 O/AlF3 /Al/Al2 O3 /Bi/Pb/Cd/Be/Air Yes [57]
IMNSR Epithermal mode: Be/Al/Fluental/Cd/Bi, thermal mode: Be/Al/CF2 /Bi/Pb No [27]
JRR-2 Graphite/Polyethylene/B4 C/Bi/LiF/Pb No [118]
JRR-4 Al/D2 O/Cd/Bi/Li-Polyethylene/B-Polyethylene No [1]
KARTINI Al/Ni/Bi/Li2 CO3 -Polyethylene/Barite concrete No [75]
KUR Al/D2 O/Bi/Pb/Polyethylene/B-Polyethylene/Cd No [77]
MuITR Al2 O3 /Bi/Pb/Concrete Yes [53]
SMNSR Al/Fluental/Bi/Li2 CO3 -Polyethylene/Cd/Pb No [90]
THOR Al/Fluental/Pb/Bi/Li-Polyethylene/Heavy concrete No [92]
TRR Pb/Graphite/Al/Bi/Cd/Concrete No [41]
TRR Pb/Graphite/Concrete/Boral No [43]
YAYOI Fe/Pb/Graphite/Bi/B-Paraffin/Polyethylene No [96]

5.3 NRRs for BNCT in Europe

The first European clinical trial of BNCT was carried out from 1997 to about 2003 at the Petten
High-Flux Reactor (HFR) in the Netherlands [1]. It used a transmission filter consisting mainly of
liquid Ar and therefore realized a concept completely different from the other reactors. The clinical
trials at Petten were followed by treatments at the TRIGA reactor FiR-1 in Finland [121], CZ
Check republic [80], Sweden [85] and Italy [91]. Biological and dosimetric research activities were
performed in Germany [122–124] U.K. [62], Portugal [89], Poland [40], Ukraine [76], Slovenia [31],
Bulgaria [73, 125] and Hungary [59].
FiR-1 reactor in Finland was a 250 kW TRIGA reactor which was, permanently closed after
more than 50 years of operation. Between 1999 and 2012, about 249 patients with head and neck
cancer, primary and recurrent brain tumors and melanoma were treated in this reactor [4]. Joensuu
et al. have reported on 18 patients with brain tumor. The results have supported continuation of
clinical research on BNCT [126]. Kankaanranta et al. has also reported on 30 patients with operable

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2017 JINST 12 P05005
Figure 12. Plan view of the some BSA in Asia: (a) THOR [92], (b) KUR [119], (c) IMNSR [27], (d) IHNI
[71], (e) TRR [43].

Table 8. Some Calculated (C) or Measured (M) parameters of Asian BNCT beams.
Reactor Mode M/C ϕthermal ϕepi ϕfast Dfast /ϕepi Ref.
(×108 cm−2 s−1 ) (×109 cm−2 s−1 ) (×107 cm−2 s−1 ) (×10−13 Gycm2 )
C 0.03 0.35 3.2 7.2
KUR Epithermal [102]
M 2.05 1.14 2.5 1.7
M 18 0.81 2.3 1.8
JRR-4 Hyper thermal [102]
C 16 0.64 1.9 2
THOR Epithermal M - 1.69 - 2.8 [92]
Thermal M 0.65 - 2.2 0.65 [41]
Epithermal C 5.6 - - - [43]
Epithermal C 0.156 0.4 3.6 5.6 [71]
Thermal C 20.14 0.91 2.56 - [71]

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2017 JINST 12 P05005
Figure 13. Plan view of the some BSA in Asia: (a) Musashi [120], (b) YAYOI [96], (c) ITU [74], (d) Syria
[90], (e) IRT [73].

head and neck cancer. The results show that 76% of patients responded to BNCT, 21% of them had
tumor growth stabilization and 3% had progress [19, 20].
R2-0 research reactor in Sweden was another BNCT center in Europe. Capala et al. reported
about the treatment of 17 patients with brain tumor [127, 128]. The elemental compositions of each
reactor BNCT BSA are shown in table 9. The plan views of some BSAs in Europe are presented in
figure 14. Some measured or calculated beam parameters have been presented in table 10.

6 From reactors to accelerator-based BNCT

After gaining some experience in the different fields of BNCT during about 60 years, today’s ef-
forts to use BNCT as a routine radiotherapy focus on the hospital-based neutron sources such as
proton accelerator facility [21–26, 131–134], neutron generators [42, 135–137] and 252 Cf radioiso-
tope [138–140].

– 16 –
Table 9. BSA materials used in BNCT beams in Europe (FC=Fission Converter).
Reactor BSA composition FC Ref.
BTU Graphite/Bi/Polyethylene No [59]
DIDO Al/S/Ar/B/Ti/Polyethylene/Pb/He/D2 O No [62]
FiR-1 Fluental/Boral/Bi/Pb/Li-Polyethylene/Al No [121]
HFR Cd/Al/Ti/S/Ar/Polyethylene/Pb/Heavy concrete No [69]
IRT-MIFI Graphite/Steel/Pb/Zirconium No [129]
IRT-Sofia Al/Al2 O3 /Graphite No [125]
JSI Graphite/Al/PbF2 /Fluental/Cd/Bi/Boral/Li2 Co3 -Polyethylene/Concrete Yes [31]
KRR Be/Fluental/Ni/B-Polyethylene Yes [76]

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LVR-15 Al/AlF3 /Pb/B-Polyethylene No [80]
MARIA Graphite/Pb/Al/AlF3 /Cd/Bi Yes [51]
R2-0 Al/Bi/Teflon/D2 O/Polyethylene B-Pb/Li No [130]
RPI Be/Al/Pb/Polyethylene/Concrete No [89]
TAPIRO AlF3 /Ni/Pb/Li-Polyethylene-Concrete No [91]

Figure 14. Plan view of the some BSA in Europe: (a) HFR [69], (b) DIDO [62], (c) FiR-1 [63],
(d) TAPIRO [91].

– 17 –
Table 10. Calculated (C) or Measured (M) parameters of some European BNCT beams.
Reactor Mode M/C ϕthermal ϕepi ϕfast Dfast /ϕepi Ref.
(×108 cm−2 s−1 ) (×109 cm−2 s−1) (×107 cm−2 s−1 ) (×10−13 Gycm2 )
M 0.07 0.37 7.5 11
HFR Epithermal [102]
C 0.04 0.32 4.7 6.4
M 0.72 1.07 3.4 1.5
FiR-1 Epithermal [102]
C 0.66 1.03 3.2 1.4
LVR-15 Epithermal M 0.38 0.65 5.5 - [80]
TAPIRO Epithermal C 0.0566 3.02 51.9 6.5 [91]
KRR Epithermal C 0 3–5 - - [76]

2017 JINST 12 P05005

Neutron generators are devices which contain a compact linear accelerator. They can produce
neutrons using the reaction T(d,n)4 He or D(d,n)3 He. However, the d-T-reaction generates high
energy neutrons (14 MeV) which are difficult to moderate; and the d-D reaction does not deliver a
high neutron flux. Their advantages are the smallness of these neutron generators, their relatively
low price and the possibility to install them in a hospital environment [37, 42, 135, 141].
252 Cf sources need more frequent source replacement due to a short half-life of 2.6 years. It

decays either by alpha particle emission or by spontaneous fission with branching ratio of 96.9% to
3.1%, respectively. Furthermore, for BNCT a source of the order of 1 g would be needed which is
very difficult to obtain. A treatment trial in Thailand using 252 Cf interstitially for cervix carcinoma
in combination with boron could not be continued. Thus, the use of 252 Cf is not realistic [142, 143].
In contrast to reactors, accelerators can be easily turned on and off. Their operation and
management cost would be lower [2]. Recently Japanese unveiled several accelerator-based BNCT
facilities to treat tumors [144–146] — as an example, see figure 15. The main advantage of hospital-
based accelerators is related to their better acceptance by the clinicians in comparison with NRRs.
The main challenge in the use of accelerators for BNCT is that the particle current to create a
sufficient neutron flux should be greater than 10 mA which needs high technology components.
It is clear that the spectrum of neutrons generated in accelerator-based neutron sources must be
modified to obtain the required epithermal beam using a proper BSA.

Figure 15. Unveiled accelerator-based BNCT equipment at national cancer center in Tsukiji [145].

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7 Conclusions

All our knowledge about BNCT is indebted to research made in NRRs. The results of about 60
years research in BNCT and also the demonstrated advantages of this method for treatment of
cancers show that to develop BNCT as a routine cancer therapy, a non-reactor based neutron source
is needed. Achieving a comprehensive data collection on BNCT based on NRRs will be helpful for
beam designers in developing a hospital-based neutron beam.


2017 JINST 12 P05005

The authors gratefully acknowledge the continuous support provided to us by Prof. Dr. Hossein
Khalafi, NSTRI, Tehran, Iran, Prof. Dr. Winfried Petry, MLZ Garching, Germany, and Prof. Dr. Rolf
Barth, Ohio State University, U.S.A.


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