Frozen Dough and Partially Baked Bread An Update
Frozen Dough and Partially Baked Bread An Update
Frozen Dough and Partially Baked Bread An Update
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The bakery market is growing due to the development of new technologies related with
freezing temperatures. In this contribution the state of the art is reviewed, giving special
4 emphasis in the contributions of the last two decades. This review is especially
freezing at different steps of the breadmaking process, giving an overview toward the
bakery market is moving on. The raw material requirements, processing conditions and
8 baked bread quality from frozen dough and partially baked bread are reviewed.
Key words: frozen dough, partially baked bread, breadmaking, raw materials, process,
The production of cereals and baked goods has been suffering a continuous
transformation promoted by the change in social habits, consumer demands, and the
4 interest of the baked goods producers in saving labours and costs. Initially, the
costs. However, the bread market did not wake up with all those changes and bread
consumption underwent a steady decrease till mid-nineties. This decrease was partially
8 due to the short shelf life of the bakery products; their quality is highly dependent on the
period of time between baking and consumption. A loss of bread fresness called bread
A revolutionary change started when low temperatures were applied to the bread
12 market, making possible to eliminate the night work in this industry. The first approach
was to frozen the commercial bread, but the successful preservation of freshness was
storage conditions and use of strictly fresh bread.(2) However, frozen bread did not allow
16 extended storage periods without modifying the characteristics of the freshly baked
bread.(3) That approach was followed by the development of refrigerated dough that
allowed delaying the proofing process.(4) However, the shelf-life of those refrigerated
doughs was very short and long distance distribution was not possible. The use of
20 freezing in this market is not new, but in the last years (started from the 80’s) a niche
market has been converted in a mainstream business. Bread is a food that almost
everyone eats, and the bread market was considered a well-established sector with
nearly complete penetration, but there were some niches within this market with strong
24 growth potential. Different facts have been encountered for explaining that spectacular
growth, among them the diversity of products that keeps consumers interest in the bread
market, the health promoting ingredients currently used, the addition of complex
flavours and textures that increase bread attractiveness and the expansion of distribution
4 processing different types of bread and forms (fresh, refrigerated and frozen) that
Research underwent in this subject has followed a parallel trend to the market
8 importance. In figure 1 can be observed that in the last decade the number of research
articles increases spectacularly. Due to the growing interest in this subject, an update of
depicted in Table 1 and 2. Next sections will describe in some detail the use of freezing
12 temperature during the breadmaking process and if special requirements are needed.
The production of frozen dough has undergone a great increase in the last decades, due
16 to the variety of products that can be obtained after proofing and baking in the so-called
hot points. From the baker’s point of view, frozen dough production does not require
highly trained people, which means saving costs. Frozen dough is obtained from highly
mechanized processes in big companies that can reduce the production costs and
20 manufacturers can supply a product of uniform quality at any time. However the
production of frozen dough has moved the breadmaking process to new requirements
regarding raw materials, machinery, package and transport. The next sections discussed
the technology used for the production of bread from frozen dough and the requirements
24 that should be met for improving the quality of the baked product.(5)
The technology used for the production of frozen dough is known since 1950, although
bakers begun to use it in United States in the seventieth. This delay was due to the
research and development necessary for setting up the new technology. In fact, initially
4 the baked products from frozen dough had low volume and coarse texture, and shorter
shelf life.(6) Nowadays, these problems have been overcomed extending the shelf life of
the frozen dough up to six months, and frequently it is only shortened due to fails in the
8 Ingredients
In breadmaking performance it is necessary to select adequate flour that meet the quality
required for the process (Table 1). The freezing and thawing processes exert some stress
12 on the dough that cause a deterioration in the quality of the baked product, because of
that wheat flour for these processes must have greater strength than the one used in
conventional breadmaking processes.(7) The best results are obtained with wheat
varieties of strong gluten,(8,9) thus it is advisable to select specific wheat varieties with
16 strong characteristics as high gluten index and high values of dough deformation energy
(W) besides a good value for the curve configuration ratio (P/L) or make appropriated
blends for obtaining the desirable strength.(10,11) In the selection of the appropriated flour
the protein quality and the gluten strength is more important than the amount of
20 proteins.(8,12) From the different wheat flour compounds, the glutenin fractions play the
most important role in the quality of the frozen dough, followed by the fraction of
24 The scanning electron microscopy analysis of the dough upon freezing and thawing
gluten.(17) The freezing and thawing processes promote a reduction in the dough
resistance to extension measured by the extensograph and that reduction is more intense
in the proofed dough than in the unyeasted ones.(18) This effect has been related to the
4 released of certain compounds from dead yeast cells (i.e. glutathione) after freezing and
8 Nevertheless, further studies made in unyeasted bread (parotta) showed a decrease in the
extensibility, and less intense electrophoresis bands of the high molecular weight
proteins.(21) Therefore, the dough weakness observed upon freezing and frozen storage is
The causes of those alterations in the dough are not yet clear, although several factors
could participate. During freezing and frozen storage, the number of viable yeast cells
can break down the disulphide bonds among proteins leading to a weakening effect on
the gluten. Several results confirm this hypothesis; first the addition of oxidants
improves the shelf life of frozen dough,(18,22) and secondly the high molecular weight
20 glutenin subunits decrease after frozen storage likely due to the reducing
maintaining the gluten network integrity. Those interactions become weak when the
temperature decrease, thus prolonged frozen storage of the dough could yield a steady
24 deterioration of the gluten network. The presence of ice crystals formed during freezing
could also produce the rupture of the gluten structure, because of that, the rate of
freezing has an important effect on the frozen dough quality.(24,25) Seguchi et al.(26) and
Sharadanant et al.(27) reported the relationship between the frozen storage of dough and
the water retention capacity, and found that the freezing and thawing processes increase
4 the amount of released liquid, which could be reduced with the addition of salt, sugars
or hydrocolloids to the formulation. These authors also found a negative correlation
between the water released and the volume of the baked bread. It has been suggested
that the watery phase results from the ice crystal formation and the water redistribution
8 in the frozen dough.(29,30) The gluten weakening leads to an increase in the proofing
time, a reduction in the oven spring and the dough resistance to stress conditions,
resulting in baked breads with a flat surface, crumbs with a coarse texture and great and
non-uniform air cells.(10) Therefore, the production of frozen dough requires flour with
An extensive research (Table 1) has been focused in the development of yeast cells with
16 high tolerance to freezing and frozen storage.(31-33) The commercial baker’s yeast shows
enough resistance to freezing; however, their behavior changes when yeast is mixed
with flour, in this surrounding yeast cells become more sensitive to temperature changes
and suffer a rapid loss of the freeze resistance. Despite the reason are not clear, it could
20 be due to the different stability of the yeast cells when latent or metabolically active
Initially, it was necessary to minimize the yeast activation and delay the fermentation
24 processes previous freezing,(34,35) but lately, studies revealed that prefermentation before
freezing increases the volume of baked bread from frozen dough when freeze tolerant
sensitivity to freezing damage, likely related to their cytoplasm content.(37,38) The lipid
content and its chemical structure seem having effect on the freeze tolerance of the yeast
through their influence on the fluidity of the plasma membrane.(39-41) A relationship has
8 also been found between intracellular charged amino acids and proline and the leavening
ability of baker’s yeasts during frozen dough baking process.(42,43) It has been reported
that intracellular L-proline has cryoprotective activity in S. cerevisiae, and also, could
protect yeast cells from oxidative stress damage .The endogenous trehalose
of 4-5% seems to be sufficient for avoiding the frozen damage of the yeast; no further
protection is obtained with higher content.(52) However, recent results show that, in
addition to trehalose, other factors existing in S. cerevisiae can enhance general stress
16 resistance.(53)
Many efforts have been focussed in finding freeze tolerant strains, and currently there
are special yeast strains for the performance of frozen dough. Among them, there are
delbrueckii.(55-57) In other cases, the freeze tolerance has been improved by directed
responsible of the freeze tolerance opens a new way for obtaining freeze tolerant
24 yeasts.(31)
There have been described considerable differences of the yeast cell cryotolerance
among the commercial samples that indicate the importance of the growing conditions
for obtaining uniform cryotolerance.(62) Nevertheless, even with all the research carried
4 out in this subject, some additional work is needed to develop good cryotolerant yeast.
Some losses in the fermentative capacity during freezing and frozen storage are
unavoidable even with controlled temperature, quick processing and the use of freeze
8 tolerant yeast. Yeast viability is greatly affected by the freezing and storage
the level of yeast between 30 and 100%. A significant loss of activity is produced when
using sourdough and poolish for providing flavour to the baked bread. Nevertheless, the
12 use of freeze tolerant yeast improves the performance of frozen dough allowing the
Other ingredients
16 Baked bread from frozen dough made with flour, yeast, salt and water shows the same
problem than the ones obtained from conventional process, that is a very short shelf-life.
Fats are use to ameliorate that problem extending the shelf life of the baked breads. The
addition of fats or oils (0.5-1%) extends the shelf life of the bread up to some weeks.
20 They are usually combined with emulsifiers, due to their effect in reducing the size of
cells in the dough making the structure of the dough and of the baked crumb more
uniform and “foamy”, which has been related to the effect of emulsifiers on surface
tension forces in the cells.(66,67) Aibara et al.(68) studied the addition of different fats to
24 the formulation of frozen dough, obtaining large shelf life with fatty acids of short chain
and also better bread volume (Table 1). The use of shortenings is also convenient for
reducing the fermentation time and improving the quality of the baked breads, although
4 The addition of gluten (2%) to the formulation of frozen dough improves the volume of
the baked breads due to its strengthening effect.(70) It has been also reported that the
presence of gluten improves the behaviour of the dough in the freeze-thaw cycles.(71)
8 Milk products can be also added in the formulation of frozen dough, for instance the
addition of sodium caseinate had similar strengthening effect on gluten network than
DATEM and ascorbic acid, obtaining better volume and improved texture.(72) The
addition of 2-10% sugar and corn syrups also reduces the fermentation time because
12 provide fermentable sugars to the yeasts and increase the crust colour.(73)
Emulsifiers can be also used in the performance of frozen dough exerting the same
16 effect than in the conventional process. The rheological properties of wheat dough are
markedly influenced by the presence of emulsifiers and the extent of the effect is
dependent on the emulsifier properties. The anionic emulsifiers together with the non-
ionic (sucrose ester of fatty acids and polysorbate) conferred strength to wheat dough
20 due to the complex formation with gluten proteins.(74) The positive effect of the
emulsifiers on the fresh bread characteristics, including volume and crumb texture, can
be ensured with long proofing times.(74) Monoglycerides retard the crumb hardening
upon baking through the formation of complexes with amylose. The ability of the
24 emulsifiers for forming complexes with amylose varies and thus their effect retarding
tartaric ester methyl (DATEM) have a strengthening effect on the gluten network by
promoting the protein interactions, which increase the gas retention capacity and in turn
the volume of the baked products.(67) According to Stauffer,(76) the majority of the dough
4 strengtheners are anionic emulsifiers and when their hydrophobic side is bond to the
proteins the negative charge is incorporated into the complexes leading a net charge
close to zero and a dough aggregation. DATEM, SSL, CSL and polysorbate are the
dough strengtheners commonly used in baking, due to their effect on proofing, dough
8 machinability, moulding and the early baking. DATEM improves volume and bread
texture although does not have any protective effect against freezing damage.(16,22,77)
The addition of egg yolk can also improve the quality of frozen dough and protect the
12 proteins against the unfolding during freezing, frozen storage and thawing.(73)
disulfide bonds, being important its action on frozen dough due to the weakening effect
of the freezing. Abd-El-Hady et al.(78) reported that the use of ascorbic acid, alone or
16 blend with potassium bromate or SSL, increases the dough stability during frozen
storage. However, the use of potassium bromate is now banned in most countries.
The transglutaminase is an enzyme with good properties for being used in frozen dough.
20 This enzyme catalyzes the transfer reaction between the amine group and the carboxy
group of the proteins, creating inter and intramolecular bonds. This reaction allows
reinforcing the gluten network and thus minimizes the negative effects of the
Other additives, very useful in frozen dough, are the hydrocolloids for their water
retention capacity that improves the stability during frozen storage.(82) Ribotta et al.(16,23)
obtained better volume of baked bread with the addition of guar gum, even similar to the
4 ones obtained with gluten or DATEM, also improved bread characteristics have been
obtained with the addition of locust bean gum, arabic gum and carboxymethylcellulose
during proofing,(83) and impart a softening effect of the crumb extending the shelf life of
8 the baked breads.(84-88) However, the election of the appropriated hydrocolloid will be
crucial since their properties vary according their origin and chemical structure;(89,90)
moreover it should be taken into account the interactions with the other ingredients of
the formulation, as well as the adjustment of the dough hydration due to the high water
Nemeth et al.(97) stated the importance of the mixing energy input, type of mixer, water
16 amount in the formulation, presence of oxidants and dough strengtheners, proofing and
resting times and freeze-thaw cycles on the baked bread quality from frozen dough.
There are diverse alternatives for ensuring dough temperature, for instance cooling the
mixer or delay the yeast addition and sometimes the addition of salt.(98) However, the
20 gluten network should be completely developed at the end of mixing.(99) Loaves baked
from frozen dough with a final mixing temperature over 20°C are poorer in both gassing
power and overall loaf quality.(100) The negative effect of the high temperatures during
mixing is only due to the start of yeasts fermentation. However, some authors found
24 better results with high temperatures at the end of mixing and with a reduction of water
content,(77) although differences in results could be ascribed to the diversity of
formulations tested.
4 In the selection of the desirable dough temperature after mixing is also important the
time of frozen storage, since prolonged storage increases the yeast damage. In general,
low temperatures after mixing and short resting time lead to dough with great quality
and stability during frozen storage.(101) The most frequent way to control the mixed
8 dough temperature is through the temperature of the water, using sometimes, chilled
water or even ice. In the mixers with a high friction factor is necessary to incorporate a
jacket and when this system is not sufficient, cryogenic cooling by using liquid nitrogen
or carbon dioxide can be used.(102) The cryogenic agent promotes a fast cooling when is
12 sprayed onto the flour before mixing. This cooling system is more uniform and avoids
the presence of too cooled spots that would reduce the quality of the dough.
Concerning the delay in the addition of salt, gluten development is faster in the absence
16 of salt, thus full dough development can be reached with short mixing times and thereby
ensure lower dough temperature. The mixing process could be accelerated up to a 25%
by delaying the salt addition.(103) The adverse effect of this practice is the pigment
oxidation that is usually hindered with salt; hence the color of the resulted baked crumb
20 will be paler.
Sometimes is recommended the delay of yeast addition. During the first 10 minutes of
mixing, the yeast is hydrated and becomes active; thus, shortening the time of the yeast
24 in the mixed dough could reduce the degree of fermentation. The delay of the yeasts
simultaneously to the salt because there is a risk of osmotic shock and cell death. The
habitual practice is to add the yeast at the middle of the mixing and the salt near the end.
Dough used for freezing has greater consistency than the conventional dough because
the water amount is reduced.(77,104) This consistency will affect the subsequent
operations like kneading, dividing and forming, although no especial machines are used
8 for frozen doughs. After mixing, dough is divided, kneaded, rounded, sheeted, rolled
and transported to the freezer in a short period of time for minimizing the yeast
activation. All the steps performed for the dough making up modify the structure of the
gas cells, and contribute to dough development.(105) Small batches are usually
12 recommended in order to reduce the time needed for making up the dough before
frozen-thawed dough, but dough shape affects the resulting bread volume, in fact sheets
and cylinders lead to breads with high volume than the one obtained from ball-shaped
16 dough pieces.(107)
Freezing and frozen storage conditions have a great influence on the quality of baked
20 breads.(17,28,108) The fermentation time increases with the frozen storage. No significant
dough differences were observed among the freezing methods during the first 11 weeks
of frozen storage, but after that time the samples stored at –20°C showed a rapid
Havet et al.(25) showed that rapid cooling velocity produces a great damage in yeast
activity and gluten structure. During freezing, a disruption of the gluten structure is
produced due to ice crystal formation and water migration, ultimately to the extent that
oscillations during storage and the duration of the frozen storage are determinant on the
frozen bread dough baking performance and –prolonged storage increases the
crumb firmness of the baked breads.(111) When the core of the product reaches –20°C the
8 temperature fluctuations should be controlled for avoiding water migration and changes
12 Ribotta et al.,(112) when analyzing the frozen dough storage by differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC), obtained an increase in the gelatinization enthalpy of the starch after
150 days of frozen storage at –18°C. At 230 days of frozen storage it was detected a
decrease in the gelatinization temperature and a reduction of the temperature range. The
16 resulting baked breads had higher retrogradation enthalpy of amylopectin during staling
The transportation of frozen dough and the storage in the retail bakeries constitute a
20 crucial point for keeping the quality of the product. The temperature of the frozen dough
should be kept constant without temperature fluctuations when the product is transferred
Thawing and baking
Frozen dough should be thawed and fermented before baking. Proofing of thawed dough
should be performed as in the conventional practices; the unique difference is that the
4 relative humidity of the proofing cabined should be reduced to 75% for the thawed
doughs, otherwise condensation spots could appear on the surface bringing dark spots in
the baked breads. Thawed dough should not be sheeted and molding before proofing
because the reduction in the fermentative capacity and the softening of the gluten
Bread loaves from frozen dough have lower volume than the ones from straight process,
and their crumb firmness increases with the time of frozen storage.(23) In addition, their
crumb is characterized by thick network walls and a thick crust with a rough surface;(65)
12 moreover crumbs have large pores with a non-uniform distribution.(113) Those breads
also show high staling rate due to a decrease of loaf volume and a disruption of the
Frozen dough still has several requirements related to wheat flour quality, freezing and
thawing conditions and thawed dough handling.(7) Because of that the market is moving
20 from frozen dough to partially baked bread (part-baked, par baked bread or pre baked
bread) (Table 2). This product was initially developed for improving the bread
quality.(115-117) Bread from partially baked is made following the conventional process,
with the exception of baking. The partial baking or interrupted baking method consists
24 in baking the bread dough till the structure is fixed; thus the partially baked bread has
the crumb structure of the baked bread without a crunchy crust. In the retail bakery the
partially baked bread is only baked for a very short time. The market of the partially
baked bread is rapidly growing because the product is already sized, shaped and
Several studies have been conducted for determining the effect of the proving
conditions(118), the optima time and temperature for partially baking,(115,119-122), and also
the chilling condition after partial baking and the freezing condition on the partially
8 baked bread.(118) Short prebaking times at high temperatures leads to more open
two thirds of the time required for full baking.(121) High steam is recommended for
improving the crust.(117) One of the quality problems of the fresh bread obtained from
12 partially baked bread is the crust flaking resulting from the detachment of some part of
the crust.(124) This phenomenon has been ascribed to two different processes: the
concentration of water ice under the crust due to the presence of the freezing front and
the interface differences between the crust and crumb associated to the tensile forces and
chilling conditions after partial baking are the most determinant parameter on the crust
flaking followed by the proving conditions. In general high air humidity during those
20 Partially baked bread has a very short shelf life due to the absence of crust and its high
has been described the growth of spoilage bacteria such as Bacillus strains.(126) Different
approaches have been proposed for extending the shelf life of the partially baked breads.
24 The package either in a modified atmosphere containing 40% CO2 and 60% N2,(127) or in
considerably prolongs the shelf life of partially baked bread. Even the use of low
temperatures (2-6°C) have been successfully used for extending the shelf life of the
partially baked bread till ten days.(85,129) However the most extended practice is to keep
4 the partially baked bread frozen during the storage period up to its final baking. The
hygienic conditions in the bakeries should be carefully controlled, because, although the
microorganisms do not grow at frozen temperatures, the final baking is not sufficient to
Bread obtained by the partially baking process has sensory and textural properties close
Concerning the staling behaviour during storage, it should be distinguished between the
storage of partially baked bread and the bread after rebaking. Barcenas et al (130) did not
16 Nevertheless, when analyzing the aging of the rebaked samples, the time of frozen
amylopectin, and also great energy is required for amylopectin melting at longer storage
period, indicating that structural changes of amylopectin are produced during frozen
20 storage. Crumb hardness results of the fresh bread and also DSC studies indicate that
some changes are produced during the frozen storage. Hence, freezing-thawing cycles
produce dramatic effects on the bread properties even in the case of partially baked
bread which has already fixed the crumb structure.(130) Nonetheless, the crumb hardness
24 could be reduced by modifying the bread formulation, for instance the use of high
It has been reported that hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose (HPMC) increases the specific
volume and the moisture retention of the bread from partially baked, moreover reduces
the crumb hardness and inhibits the effect of the frozen storage on the bread
4 staling.(85,92,129,132)
Frozen storage of bread dough or partially baked bread allows to have almost ready
8 products at any time of the day, and the retails should only give a special touch for
differentiating their products from the more commercial ones. From the previous
information it can be extracted that this market is still going to increase supported by the
improvement of these products quality and the development of new products based in
12 this technology. This change in the bakery market could be very advantageous in the
case of special breads, like gluten free bread or rich fiber bread. These type of products
are addressed to small groups and sometimes it is very difficult to find them in the
conventional bakeries, thus the use of frozen either dough or partially baked bread could
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168. Hamdami, N., Monteau, J. Y., Le Bail, A. Heat and mass transfer in par-baked
bread during freezing. Food Res. Int., 2004, 37, 477-488.
169. Vulicevic, I. R., Abdel-Aal, E. S. M., Mittal, G. S., Lu, X. Quality and storage
12 life of par-baked frozen breads. LWT-Food Sci. Technol., 2004, 37, 205-213.
Table 1. Overview of the research performed in the development of frozen doughs.
Formulation (51,97,99)
Flour (7,8,9,12,13,133)
Table 2. Overview of the research performed in the development of partially baked
Ingredients (131)
Additives (84,130,132)
Processing (117,118,119,120,121,123,124,125)
Figure 1. Trend of research manuscripts included in the Science Citation Index related
to frozen dough and partially baked bread.
Figure 1
Number of papers
50 Frozen dough
Partially baked bread