History of Fire
History of Fire
History of Fire
The development of methods and tools for using and controlling fire was critical in
human evolution and is believed to have allowed early humans to spread northward from the
warm climate of either origin into the more severe environment of Europe and Asia. The
evidence of early fire use is often ambiguous because of the difficulty in determining whether the
archeological evidence is the result of accidental fire or its deliberate use. Such evidence include
finds of occupation sites with fired or baked soils, bones or stones that have been changed
through the application of heat, and areas containing thick layers of ash and charcoal that might
have hearth structures.
The earliest finds, in Kenya and Ethiopia, date from about 1.5 million years ago. Less
equivocal evidence exists for deliberate fire use in the Paleolithic period, beginning about
500,000 years ago. Neolithic sites have yielded objects that may have been used in fire, making
drill for producing friction, heat in wood and flints for striking sparks from iron pyrites.
1. Persian literature fire was discovered during a fight of a hero with a dragon. A stone that
the hero used as a weapon missed the monster and struck a rock. Light shone forth and
human beings saw fire for the first time.
2. In Greek mythology, Prometheus was bestowed with god like powers when he stole the
god’s fire to give it to humanity.
3. Fire has also played a central role in religion. It has been used as a god and recognized as
a symbol of home and family in many cultures.
4. Fire has also been a symbol of purification and of immortality and renewal, hence the
lighting of flames of remembrance and the myths of the PHOENIX.
5. The Temple of Vesta in Rome was an outstanding example of the importance of fire to
the Romans. Vesta was originally the goddess of the fire and her shrine was in every
home. But when religion became an affair of the state, a temple was erected in which the
sacred fire was kept burning at all times.
6. The Vigiles of Rome who are called to be the first firefighter. Ancient Hawaiian Chants
Pele was considered as the GODDESS OF FIRE
We can only guess that pre-historic people may have gained knowledge of fire from
observing things in nature. So the origin of fire before the dawn of civilization may be traced to
an erupting volcano, or a forest fire, started by lighting. No one really knows where on the earth
surface or at what stage of early history man learned how to start a fire and how to make use of
it. Yet, today, man has had fire as: