Sibin Application Form
Sibin Application Form
Sibin Application Form
Personal Details
Title Surname First Name(s) (indicate (*) the one you are
known by
Mr. Sunny Sibin
Do you need a work permit for permanent employment in the UK? YES NO
Please list all Degrees/Diplomas/Professional Qualifications etc. already held, or currently studied for,
whether at first degree or postgraduate level. List the most recent first and give all results known
whatever the outcome
Please briefly describe any relevant work (whether paid or unpaid) which you have undertaken
Supporting Statement
The competitiveness in professional opportunities has made it quite challenging for
prospective candidates to attain their aspiring job roles. I could excellently recognise
the relevance and importance of acquiring the skills and capabilities related to
successfully performing a job role. The recruiting group of organisations would only
select the most suitable and qualified candidate to fill their vacant positions. It
requires to have good understanding and deep insights of the core field in which they
handle to become prosperous and sufficient in the career. This has made me realise
to maximally utilise all the opportunities that come across to develop and improve my
abilities and resolve the weaknesses as well. The two significant competencies that
come under the consideration of selection procedures are the desire of the person to
work hard even under pressurised situations along with team working and
communication skills. Moreover, with the identification of these skills in the
candidates, they get recruited to a respectful position in well-established companies
that offer them circumstances to further develop and progress in their professional
It was my dream role and long time aspiring career of attaining a managerial position
in a mechanical engineering company. I would always exploit opportunities that
would add my knowledge and understanding of the roles of the managers of these
companies. In the beginning, I used to feel it quite confusing and difficult to
understand. However, as my interest and desire to get engaged in a managerial role
in these companies increased, I found it more attractive and excited to gain
knowledge and practical experiences about the various process and procedures
included in these companies. I was always thrilled to be gathered with new and fresh
information of the designing, manufacturing and operational aspects of the functions
organised in the companies. However, through my higher secondary and graduate
qualification in the core field of mechanical engineering, I could attain the technical
skills and understanding of the different aspects and operations involved in the area.
However, the managerial positions in these companies are identified to have
responsibilities and roles of managing and controlling the activities and tasks of other
employees. Apart from this, it would be accounted for the manager to look after
whether the employees are motivated and dedicated to their job roles. The safety
and security standards of the workplaces have to take care of the managers of the
companies. Besides being skilled and expert in the technical knowledge in a
mechanical company, I am also fond of being associated with employees, resolve
their issues and concerns and maximally guide and help them to complete their
In regard to my technical skills to coach and support my subordinates regarding their
tasks and jobs at the company, I am equipped with AutoCAD, Solid Edge,
Radiographic testing and Ultrasonic Testing skills. Apart from this, I have also
attained expertise in Penetrant testing and Magnetic Particle Testing Skills along
with the knowledge to use MS office. I have also received the opportunity to attend a
workshop regarding IC Engine Overhauling and Implant Training from two reputed
training institutes in my hometown. Throughout my graduation period, I was involved
in numerous events and workshops that enable each of us to gain and impart
training and induction in the varied core field of mechanical engineering. I could add
on and achieve most of my technical expertise through my final project for a
graduate course which was to design and set up a prototype of a reverse gearbox.
In order to play a decisive role as a manager in a mechanical engineering company,
it is required to have enough patience and interest to conduct effective research
regarding the requirements of a project. Moreover, the needs and demands for the
mechanical tools and equipment for the successful completion of the project are also
to be verified by the manager. My curiosity and anxiety to inculcate with maximum
expertise and information regarding the different procedures and processes involved
in the designing and implementation procedures of equipment and machinery will
always support the role of being a manager in the organisations.
Thus my as[piration and interest in gaining technical expertise and skills to the fullest
will always support me to flourish in the role of a manager within mechanical
engineering companies. Along with supporting and guiding my subordinates or
employees with the processes and techniques to be activated, I can also develop
myself acquiring new and fresh updated information and details of the technologies
and processes involved in the completion of the project.
Additional Information
Apart from being acquired with the technical skills and competencies in blooming as a manager in a
mechanical engineering company, I am also equipped with the management skills to pursue the role of a
manager. The managers are always expected to be a leader, guiding and supporting the team to
accomplish the goals of the organisation. Moreover, when employees remain in confusions or doubts, I
will be able to support them and advise them of how the process can be further progressed with my
skilled expertise in the technical knowledge and also the increased interest in gaining knowledge as well.
Being highly flexible with everyone I meet, I have always been identified to be a good supporter and
coordinator in teamwork. Rather than being a manager to my subordinates, I wish to be one among them
and help them as much as possible. Other crucial skills to be acquired by the managers of companies is
the delegation of tasks. A project can only be completed with the effective management and control of the
works and functions of a group of employees. Thus it becomes important to assign the right tasks to the
right employees. I always carry out tasks with critical planning and organising, and I will follow this in my
career as well that would help the employees to get a clear picture of what all activities and tasks support
the completion of a project. At the same time, I believe that being organised and planned tasks will help it
to be completed rapidly and efficiently. Recognising the skills and capabilities of each of the employee
members in my team, I will be able to delegate them with the right job roles and support them if needed
as well. I have done numerous activities and tasks for my academic qualification in groups. Being well
aware of how teamwork is achieved in the most proficient manner, I will also be able to able to create a
team within employees and suggest them with the goals to be attained for completion of each project
involved. However, through being friendlier and close with them, I can also relate them with any issues or
hardships being faced, whether personal or professional and support them as much as possible. My
interest in being associated with an engineering company and attaining the role of a managerial position
has made me acquire as much as skills and talents that would support me to attain the job role. However,
wherever I get placed, I will do my maximum to the better performance of the organisations and indeed to
enhance and improve my abilities and competencies for future prospects within the organisation as well.
I hereby declare that all the statements amentioned above are true and to the best of my knowledge and
belief. I am aware that if any of the above statemenst are proved to be untrue or false, the application
form is liable to be disqualified
Signed: Name (please print): Date:
--Sibin Sunny-- Sibin Sunny 04/05/2020