2387 - Price Bid For VDF Flooring at PKG - II
2387 - Price Bid For VDF Flooring at PKG - II
2387 - Price Bid For VDF Flooring at PKG - II
i) With Soil
Cum 500.00
BOQ Description Unit Qty Rate Amt
Providing and laying plain cement concrete including necessary shuttering in leveling courses
under foundations, pipelines, pits, under floors and all other allied works whatsoever required for
completion of the building , at any place, level and locations all as directed by the consultant and
16 Engineer In Charge and as detailed in the drawing. (Concrete will be supplied by EPI) -
b) Plain cement concrete,1:3:6 using 20 to 40 mm size stone aggregate for levelling course
,below foundations, walls, rafts, floors and simillar work including formwork on all sides as per
requirement. Cum 800.00
Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete machine batched, machine mixed
and machine vibrated design mix cement concrete of below specified grade for structural
elements excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement, including adding
admixtures in recommended proportion ( as per IS 9103 ) to accelerate or retard the setting of
concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability, necessary curing
etc.,complete as directed and working at all levels and heights . (reinforcement and form work
will be paid seprately under relevent items)Minimum quantity of cement for M-25 grade concrete
17 shall be 360 kgs/Cum using 43 grade OPC.(Ordinary portland cement) (Concrete will be
supplied by EPI)
c) M 25 RCC for Slabs , roofs, landings, balconies, canopies, deck slabs shelves and the like
Cum 1,167.00
BOQ Description Unit Qty Rate Amt
Providing & layimg in position position High Yield strength deformed reinforcement bars TMT
bars conforming to IS:1786 (Minimum Fe 415 Grade) or mild steel plain round bars conforming
to Grade I (IS:432) of all diameters including cutting, placing, binding with soft binding wires
conforming to IS 280 , including all spacers, chairs etc. complete as directed. (authorized laps
19 and chairs will measured and paid) (Reinforcement will be supplied by EPI) Kgs 80,000.00
Providing and laying granular sub-base consisting of sand, moorum, crushed stone and gravel
48 mixed in proportions as specified below:
for sub grade to a compacted specified thickness laid in double layer using good quality graded
materials from approved source and mixed in the specified proportion including cost and
conveyance of all materials, stacking and mixing in the specified proportion, spreading after
mixing to required camber, leveling, watering with all leads to obtain moisture levels of mix
between 1% above and 2% below the optimum moisture content at the time of compaction and
compacting each layer with suitable vibratory power machine/ to obtain the required proctor
density including all labour, charges for all tools and plants employed and all their incidental
charges etc. complete as per IRC/and MORTH specifications and as directed (NOTE:Granular
sub base shall be extended on either side of road /paving minimum 300 mm or as directed by
the consultant and Engineer In Charge and the extra width as authorised will be paid under the
item as per the actual work carried out. CBR value shall not be less than 20 for sub base) (i) 150 Sqm 2,023.00
mm or any thickness as specified and instructed by the consultant and Engineer In Charge.
(Murum quarry will be located by EPI)
BOQ Description Unit Qty Rate Amt
Providing and laying PCC/RCC for flooring on prepared sub grade with/without reinforcement as
directed The rates quoted shall be inclusive of lateral formwork. The floor shall be cast in
alternate strips and the concrete shall be vibrated and finished smooth by power trowelling and
finished as specified and as directed. Required level or slope shall be maintained on the top
surface. Care shall be taken to prevent local depressions. Only steel sections such as channels,
angles will be allowed to be used as form work. The top level of form work shall be flush with
required finished floor level. Under any circumstances form work shall not be allowed to project
above FFL. (Reinforcement/steel wire mesh if ordered will be paid separately under respective
51 items). a) Concrete of M 25 grade with Minimum Qty. of cement. 360 kgs/Cum Cum 600.00
(Concrete will be supplied by EPI)
Finishing the top concrete surface of flooring laid under above item by providing vacuum
dewatering system ”Trimix” including finishing the top using power trowels to a smooth and fair
52 surface. Sqm 4,040.00
Cutting of grooves on concrete /surface within 4 days after completion of laying of concrete as
above using a power driven cutting machine complete and as directed. The width & depth of the
groove shall be 5mm & 30 mm respectively.(Filling material will be paid separately.)
54 Rmt 3,201.00