Student User Manual For Moodle: Almaarefa Colleges For Science and Technology

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AlMaarefa Colleges for Science and Technology

Student User
Manual for Moodle
How to use Moodle

‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Terms ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Terms ............................................................................................................................................... 4
How to Access Moodle .................................................................................................................... 5
Dashboard ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Course Page ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Resources ........................................................................................................................................ 8
How to download Files ................................................................................................................ 8
Folders ......................................................................................................................................... 9
URL............................................................................................................................................... 9
Activities ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Assignments .............................................................................................................................. 11
Quiz............................................................................................................................................ 11
Discussion forum ....................................................................................................................... 11
Feedback.................................................................................................................................... 11
Wiki ............................................................................................................................................ 11
How to submit assignment Moodle? ........................................................................................ 12

‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators,
administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated
system to create personalized learning environments.(1)

Moodle designed to create an interactive learning environment, manage

the course content and evaluate the outcomes. It is an open source
program used in most of the 532 countries; with total number of courses
exceed 7 million and a half course.

Moodle in AlMaarefa Colleges

Each student has a Moodle account that will be created at the
beginning of each semester.
Students must have an academic email in order to use Moodle
Students are enrolled in their courses in Moodle based on their
academic schedule.
Each course has a unified page among all sections.
The contents of the course are added by the instructor responsible
for content management and it will be displayed to all students at
the same time.
The student can only review his/her grades (the grades of the other
students will not be shown).
Assignments and quizzes can be added on the course page and it is
required that each student to follow-up updates on the course page
and deliver assignments on time.
Each student has a personal page in the system that shows his
Instructors can post news on the course page, it is essential to follow
the course page for the updates.
‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

Course For each course studied in the colleges, there is a unified web page in
Moodle. The instructor responsible for adding the course contents.
Accessing the course page is restricted to :
The students enrolled in this course
Head of department
Block Blocks are items which may be added to the left or right or center column
of any page in Moodle. They may also be added to the center of the My
Home (My Moodle) page. You can theme the position of blocks in the
center of pages as well.(2)


‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬


Resource A resource is an item that a teacher can use to support learning, such as a
file or link. Moodle supports a range of resource types which teachers can
add to their courses.(3)

Activity An activity is a general name for a group of features in a Moodle course.

Usually an activity is something that a student will do that interacts with
other students and or the teacher like assignments and quizzes.(4)



‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

How to Access Moodle

(1) Access Moodle site

(2) In log in page enter your username and password as sent to your
email at the start of each semester
(3) Press Log in button

‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

After logging in to Moodle, you will access your dashboard.

The Dashboard is a customizable page for providing users with details of

their progress and upcoming deadlines. (5)


Read user
manual &
contact the List of
admin student’s

Click on the name of course page to access its homepage.

‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

Course Page
There are many course options that determine a course's appearance and
make it look very different from our examples. The example course has a
header, footer (both content largely determined by a theme) and 3
columns in the middle. (6)

Following is a screenshot of an empty course page.

‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

A resource is an item that a teacher can use to support learning, such as a
file or link. Moodle supports a range of resource types which teachers can
add to their courses. Resources appear as a single link with an icon in front
of it that represents the type of resource. (7)
How to download Files
File is a picture, a pdf document, a spreadsheet, a sound file, a video file.
Click on the file to start download it.

Click on file to
start download it


‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

Based on your browser settings, the file can be opened in new tab rather than start
downloading. After it is open in new tab, you can download it. And you can change your
browser settings to ask you each time where to download the file.

A folder allows a teacher to display several course resources together. The
resources may be of different types and they may be uploaded in one go.(8)

A URL ( is a link on the internet to a
website or online file.
Following table shows the icons of resources in Moodle course page.

Resource Icon



‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

Moodle offers a large variety of activities that are designed to help your
learning. When your instructors create activities they will name them. This
means that they will not appear as simply Assignment or Wiki etc. on the
course page, but will display with a meaningful title as set by your

Figure below shows the activities block with a brief description of each
activity. This is to help you familiarize yourself with the activities your
course instructor may have included in your course and the associated
icons. (9)

Activity Icon


Discussion forum


‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

Moodle provides several ways to track and collect work from students. You
can submit files or type into a text box.

Quizzes in Moodle are used to evaluate student understanding of material.
Moodle quizzes are comprised of a Quiz activity that contains one or more
questions from your course's Question bank.

Discussion forum
Instructors and students can communicate and collaborate using Forums,
sometimes called "discussions." Instructors can create topics or, depending
on the Forum type, allow students to originate topics, to which course
members can "post" a reply.

For creating and conducting surveys to collect feedback

Wiki is a web page (or set of web pages) that class members can create
together, working directly in the browser without needing to know HTML. A
Moodle Wiki starts with one front page. Any contributor can add additional
pages (10)

‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

How to submit assignment Moodle?

1) Click on the assignment.

Click on it

2) The Assignment page will open, showing instructions and your

submission status (due date, grading status, grade, etc.) for this

Assignment instruction

Due Date

Click add submission

3) Click Add submission. The Assignment submission page will open.

Depending on how your instructor set up the assignment, you may have
the option to submit file(s), enter text in a text entry box or both.

‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

To submit a file using drag-and-drop:

1) Arrange your computer desktop windows so that you can view both
your browser window and your files on your computer (e.g., in an
open folder or on your desktop).
2) Drag files from your computer and release them on top of the big
blue arrow in the Files area

Drag and drop file(s)

‫قسم التعليم اإللكتروني‬

3) To enter online text, type directly into the Online

text box. Alternately, you can compose your submission in a word
processing program and then cut and paste the text into the Moodle
text box.(11)


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