Limits Logarithmic Function

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LIMITS e t −1

 The lim is 1.
x →0 t
Logarithmic Function

 The logarithmic form of x=b y is log b x= y .

 lim log b x is +∞
Given that b>0, x→+∞
lim ¿ is -∞ CONTINUITY
 Given that b>0, +¿
x→ 0 log b x ¿

lim ln x is +∞  A function f (x) is continuous at a number

 x→+∞ c if all of the following conditions are
lim ¿ satisfied:

a. f (c ) exists
x→ 0 ln 4 xis−∞ ¿
 A vertical asymptote is a vertical line that
b. lim f (x )exists
the graph of the function approaches as f x →c
(x) approaches positive infinity or negative c. f ( c ) =lim
x→ c
f ( x)
Note: Logarithmic functions have vertical DISCONTINUITY
asymptotes in which it is the restriction of
the function.  If one of the three conditions was not
satisfied, then the function is
Exponential Function discontinuous.
 Types of Discontinuity:
 Functions having an exponent that is/has a. Removable Discontinuity- it occurs
a variable and whose base is greater than when there is a hole in the graph of
zero and is not equal to 1 is called a function.
exponential function. Note: We can redefine the function
 lim b is + ∞
Given that b>0, x→+∞ to remove the discontinuity.
lim b is 0 x 2 x2 +5 x−3
 Given that b>0, x→−∞ Example: f ( x )= , the redefined
x +3
 lim b is 0
Given that 0<b<1, x→+∞ function is:
2 x 2 +5 x−3

 lim e is +∞
The x→+∞
lim b x is + ∞
Given that 0<b<1, x→−∞
f ( x )= x+ 3
; x ≠−3
−7 ; x=−3

Steps: 1. Copy the original function then x ≠ should
 lim e is 0
The x→−∞ not be equal to the restriction.
 lim e
The x→+∞ is 0. 2. Find the limit then x = restriction
 lim e
The x→−∞ is +∞ b. Jump Discontinuity- it occurs when
 A horizontal asymptote is a horizontal line the graph of the function stops at one
that the graph of the function approaches point and seems to jump at another point.
as x approaches positive infinity or In a jump discontinuity, the left hand and
negative infinity. the right hand limits exist but are not
Note: An exponential function has a equal.
horizontal asymptote if the limit exists. c. Infinite Discontinuity- it occurs when
Whatever the limit of the function if it the function has at least one infinite limit.
exists is automatically the horizontal
asymptote of the function. Intermediate Value Theorem
 Rational functions have either horizontal Intermediate Value theorem states that if the
or vertical asymptote and some have both. function f (x) is continuous on the closed interval
[a,b] from point A to point B, then the curve
Trigonometric Functions crosses every line y= y3 in at least one point and
sin t
 The lim is 1. this line lies between the line y= y1 and y= y 2 .
x →0 t
1−cos t
 The lim is 0.
x →0 t
In other words a function f (x) which is found to  As Q approaches point P, then PQ will be
be continuous over a closed interval [a , b] will tangent to the graph.
 The tangent line to y=f ( x )at point P is the
take any value between f (a) and f (b).
limiting position of all secant lines PQ as point
Extreme Value Theorem Q approaches point P.
The figure illustrates The Extreme Value Theorem Equation of the Tangent Line
which states that a function f (x) which is found to
be continuous over a closed interval [a,b] is The steps in finding the equation of the tangent
guaranteed to have extreme values in that line of any function are:
 Find the value of ( x 0 , y 0 ).
An extreme value of f , or extremum, is either a  Get the slope of the tangent line by
minimum or a maximum value of the function. A computing
minimum value of f occurs at some x=c if y− y 0
f (c )≤ f ( x ) for all x ≠ c in the interval. A maximum m= lim
x→ x0 x−x 0
value of f occurs at some x=c if f (c )≤ f ( x )x for
 Substitute this value of m and the
all x ≠ c in the interval.
coordinates of the known point P ( x 0 , y 0 )
into the point-slope form denoted by
y− y 0=m(x−x 0)
 The tangent lines at the “peaks” and
“troughs” of a smooth curve are horizontal. Let us find the equation of the tangent line of
 The tangent line drawn on ( 0 , ±1 ) and y=x 2 at x=2.
( ± 1,0 ) is shown below
 Find the value of ( x 0 , y 0 ).
x 0=2
To find the value of y 0 by substituting
x 0=2 into y=x 2.
y 0=2 2=4
 At ( ± 1,0 ), the tangent lines are vertical and  Get the slope of the tangent line.
at ( 0 , ±1 ) , the tangent lines are horizontal. x 2−4
m=lim =4
x →2 x−2
 The tangent line drawn on the points at  Substitute this value of m and the
the first, second, third and fourth quadrant coordinates of the known point P ( x 0 , y 0 )
is shown below into the point-slope form.
y−4=4 ( x −2 )
y=4 x−4

 Let the graph below be the graph of a
function f (x)with P( x , f (x )) as the
coordinate. Let us locate another point on
 At points in the first and third quadrants,
the graph which will be labeled as point Q
the tangent lines are slanting to the left
and at points in the second and fourth with coordinate ( x +∆ x , f ( x +∆ x )) and
quadrants, the tangent lines are slanting to connect the two lines with a secant line
the right. PQ .

1 −1 1 2√x
f ' (x )= x 2 = =
 The slope of the secant line is:
2 2 √x 2 x

Q y −P y
m= Constant Multiple Rule
Qx −P x  If c is a constant f ( x ) is a differentiable
f ( x +∆ x )−f ( x) dy
m= function then f ' ( x )=c f (x).
( x+ ∆ x)−x dx
f ( x +∆ x )−f ( x ) 13
m=  f (x)= √x
∆x 3
1 ∗1 1 −1 −2
' 1 3 1 3 3 1 1
f (x )= √ x= x = x3 = x 3 = 3 2
3 3 3 9 9 √x

Sum and Difference Rule

 If f ( x )=g ( x ) +h ( x )are differentiable

functions, then f ' x=g ' ( x ) ±h ' ( x ) ±…..
1 1 3 3
 f ( x )= x + x −6 x+
5 3 4
1 1 3−1 1−1
 ∆ x and ∆ y will be smaller as Q f ' ( x )= (4 ) x + (3) x −6 ( 1 ) x +0
approaches P. 5 3
 Since we are talking about the slope of the
4 3 2
tangent line which is the limit of the slopes ¿ x + x −6
of the secant lines PQ , we need to find the 5
limit as ∆ x approaches 0.
f ( x +∆ x )−f ( x ) Product Rule
mTL= lim
∆ x→ 0 ∆x
 If f ( x )=¿ g( x )* h( x ) are differentiable
 This limit is so important that it is given a functions, then f ' (x)=g ( x ) h ' ( x ) + h ( x ) g ' ( x )
name. It is called the derivative. In other  f ( x )=( 3 x 2−5 x +1 ) ( 3 x2 −4 )
words, the general equation for the slope dy dy
of the tangent line is the derivative of the f ' ( x )=( 3 x 2−5 x+ 1 ) ( 3 x 2−4 ) + ( 3 x 2−4 ) ( 3 x 2−
dx dx

Differentiation Rules ¿ ( 3 x 2−5 x+1 ) ( 6 x ) + ( 3 x 2−4 ) ( 3 x −5 )

Constant Rule ¿ 18 x3 −30 x2 +6 x +9 x 3−15 x 2−12 x +20

 If c is any constant denoted by f ( x )=c, then ¿ 27 x 3−45 x 2−6 x +20
f ' ( x )=0
lim [ f ( x+ ∆ x ) ] −f ( x )
 mTL= ∆x →0
Quotient Rule
lim 9−9 g( x )
¿ ∆x → 0  If f ( x )= are differentiable functions and
∆x h( x)
m TL=0 g ( x ) ≠ 0 , thenf ' ( x)=h(x) ¿ ¿.

( 5 x 2−3 x+ 2 ) dy (3 x2 + 4)−( 3 x 2 +4 ) dy ( 5 x 2−3 x
Power Rule
 If f ( x )=x n is a power function, then dx dx
' n−1 f ' ( x )=
f (x )=n x 2
( 5 x −3 x +2 )
 f (x)= x 2
= c. the graph of f (x) has a corner or
2 2
(5 x −3 x+ 2)(6 x )−( 3 x + 4 ) ( 10 x−3 ) cusp at x=a .
( 5 x2 −3 x +2 )
3 2 3 2
30 x +18 x −12 x−30 x +9 x −40 x +12
( 5 x 2−3 x+ 2 )
27 x2 −52 x +12
= 2
( 5 x 2−3 x+2 )

Chain Rule
 It is in the form f ( g ( x ) )=f ( g ( x ) )∗g (x)
 2
f ( x )=( 15 x −6 x +2 )

1 −1
f ' (x)= ( 15 x 2−6 x +2 ) 2 (15 x2 −6 x+2)
2 dx
¿ ( 15 x −6 x+2 ) 2 (30 x −6)
30 x−6
¿ ( 2 )
( 15 x −6 x +2 ) 2

15 x−3
√15 x 2−6 x +2

 f ( x )=(3 x−2) ( 5 x+ 4 )2
f '¿

¿ ( 3 x−2 ) ( 2 )( 5 x+ 4 )2−1 (5)+ ( 5 x+ 4 )2(3)

¿ 10(3 x−2)(5 x+ 4)+3 ( 5 x+ 4 )2

¿ 10(15 x 2+ 2 x−8)+3( 25 x 2 +40 x +16)

¿ 150 x2 +20 x−80+ 75 x 2 +120 x+ 48
¿ 225 x 2+140 x−32


 If f (x) is continuous at x=a , it does not

mean that ( x) is differentiable at x=a .
 If f (x) is not continuous at x=a , then f is
not differentiable x=a .
 If f (x) is not differentiable at x=a , it
does not mean that f (x) is not
continuous at x=a .
 A function f (x) is not differentiable at x=a
if one of the following is true:
a. f (x) is not continuous at x=a .
b. the graph of f ( x ) has a vertical
tangent line at x=a

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