FAA Airworthiness Report For N1789M

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MAJOR REPAIR AND ALTERATION (Airframe, Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliance) re INSTRUCTIONS: Print or type all entfes. See Tite 14 GFA 643.9, Pan 43 Appendix B, and AC 439-1 (or subsequent revision thereof) for instuctions and dispossion of his form. This report i requed by law (49 U.S.C. $4470). allure to report can rest ina chil penaly foreach such vslation (49 USC. $4630") Rsinaly ana Regaton Hak Beate bee IRM [*osba4s : ie Thode om CESSNA 2088, NA Rares showr an epetaron coca) TRcross (as Show onrogatanon ees) i ncn 46 44 2920 RD #227 UNIT EDASEARLY DETECTION ALARM CO ew _SPuiNa ors. Comm T For FAAUes Only a Type Unit laetiieton Repair | Ateration [Unit Make Modet ‘Serial No. a ‘ARERANE $$$ __ J crsceservod in om 1 above) a POWERPLANT | G | O [eroreuen hie O | O Jeune (oo | & Contormiy Sulomant 7. Rgenays Name na Aas Kind of agency fore Duan Aviat, ART Dine ATONE U.S. Confed technic Tarafaser scone 331 Acro Dive Foreign Ceifed Mechanic E.Cotieat Ro. cyan ‘em Ces [| Centid Repae Siabon op “sonss vaya Se Corifedainenarce Orgarizaton OwuR7?7K ration made othe unif6) rtf in te 5 above and described on the reverse 0: attachmonts hereto 19 eqUlremonts of Pan 43 of he US. Federal Aviation Regulators ang thatthe information lurished ot my knowtedge. cory thatthe replant have Been maga in accord etoin is ue and corec othe Eonar pertacrneenas =] K's | Edduyn Pita o1nsrols Pursuant to the authority given persons specified below, the unit-Gentiied in tem 5 was inspected in the manner prescribed by the Administrator ees ey | ema DWUR777K | Edduyn Pita oasaeecae FAR Form S87 (08) NOTICE Weight and balance or operating lmtation changes shall be entered in the appropriate aircraft record. An alteration must be ‘compatible wih al previous alterations to assure continued conformity with tho applicable akwomthiness requirements. [& Description at Wark Accomplished (itmore space is required, atach aadienal shoes, Kentty wth avcafnatonalty and regSsration mark and date work completed) N1789M oupano4 | ationlly and Regisvaion Mark Date INSTALL PILOT AUDIO PANEL, MARKER BEACON RECEIVER AND SPEAKER AMPLIFIER. Installed the folowing components: Description Part Number ‘AUDIO CONTROL PANEL ‘ACPS3-000 SPEAKER AMPLIFIER 245 ‘COCKPIT SPEAKER aCSZ MARKER BEACON RECEIVER MB-10 050.025.0100 FROIOvEd the folowing Componenis: Description Bart Number INTERCOM ‘AASS-100) Installed 01 ea Audio Control Panels P/N:ACPS3-000 on the center pedestal FS 154.00. Assigned it to ACP-1 on the -AMU-50,. Installed PTT selector switch on Pilots instrument panel beneath yoke to control microphone selection of the ‘AMU-50’and Garmin audio panel. Installed Speaker Amplifier P/N:245 undemeath co-plcts floorboard. Installed Speaker PIN:4C5ZB into aft center console. Installed switch into center console to control the speaker. Performed ‘operational tests of the system. Installed Marker Beacon Receiver MB-10 on the Pilots Instrument Panel. Performed operational check of the systems, no problems found. All work performed VAAV Duncan Aviation Wiring Diagram 130923004. Rev C1 All the Structural Aspects of the installation and weight and balance were performed by a third party repair station ‘outsourced by the customer. Systems were ground function tested satisfactorily in accordance with Manufacturers Installation Manual Performed alterations in accordance with Duncan Aviation Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) Project, No. MF1131007003. Alteration performed on Duncan Aviation Work Order 2NXMA, 1 Aatstional Sheets re Atached FEA Foren 397 (oa) 2 fis ve besont MAJOR REPAIR AND ALTERATION ey rd (Airframe, Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliance) INSTRUCTIONS: Print or ype al envies, Ses Tale 14 CFA 643.9, Par 43 Appendix B, and AC 428-1 (or svbsaquentreusion threo) for instuctions and dispestian of his form, This reports required bylaw (29 U.S.C. §44701). allure to repom can result in ach penal foreach such violation (49 S.C. 84630118) Nationalty and Registration Mar [Sera Ne. i NI789M. 20882245 Make Mode [Series CESSNA, 208B NA ame (As shown on registration cerca) [Address As shown on registration coricata), 2. Owner jasress_6046 FM 2920 RD.# 227 UNIT BL ED AS EARLY DETECTION ALARM CO Sa el leo “7725 ___Counry_USA 7 For FAA Use Only 4. Type Repair | Aeration Unit Model Seti No. oO AIRFRANE ——— (As described in tem 1 above) Oo | rowenpuanr Qa C1 |eroreuer Tope o OO farrunnce Fae 5. Conformity Statement [A Agency's Name and Address 'B. Kind of Agency rere — Duncan Aviation, Ie. bal Duncan Avion U.S. Ceniied Mechanie [_Mansfacturer Accress 3931 Acro Drive Foreign Ceniied Mechanic ©. Conticate No. foxy “Avlania ‘Sate Geowgin [X] Gontied Repair Station zo 30336 (Courty Unied Sates Cerified Maintenance Organization ee ‘cory tnt th repair andor ateration mado to he unit(s) identified in fom 5 above and described onthe rverse or attachments herto have boen made in accordance win the requirements of Part 43 of he U.S. Federal Avaton Regulations and thal he information furished herein is tue and corect othe best of my knowodge. ‘Exonded range fst por 14 CFR Pan 43 op: 8 11/13/2013 Edduyn Pita val for Return to Service ‘Pursuant othe authory gon persone epectfiog below, the unit identified in em was inapected in he manner prescribed bythe Adminitalor tho Federal Avalon Adrnatonand'e ‘oproves C) Reject FAA F,Sandads aeeemraeces Persons Approved by Canadian oy | recor Marutocuer Mactonance Organiza Deparment of anspodaton | | ras Design x | Repair Staton Inspection Authorization ee) Canes SaraarTOae of Asa ng Seeqraton No DWURT77K Eedduyn Pita eee FAA Form 357 (008) NOTICE Weight and balance or operating fnitation changes shall be entered in the appropriate aircraft record. An alteration must be compatible with al previous alterations o assure continued conformity wit the applicable airworthiness requirements. 's Deseription of Work Accomplished (Wtmore space require, attach addtional sheets Kenly with aera nationality and registaion mark and date work completed) N1789M 1713/2013 ‘Nationality and Regisvation Mark Date INSTALL AUDIO PANELS, IMT VIDEO DOWNLINK SYSTEM, VOLT/AMP METERS & MODIFY MISSION POWER CONTROL. Installed the folowing components: Description Par Number TMT SKYMASTER. BSSKTX-S.HDS-Mo2-BSFPAIS IMT Remote Control T ‘ARC-CM-TX-AX-CR-O1 ‘AC AMP METER, t ‘ACAS-20PC-3-ACI-RL-C ‘AC VOLT METER = __DMS.200C-1-LM-C DCAMP METER DCAS.20PC-2.DCH-RLC L DC VOLT METER ‘DMS-20°C.0-DCM-C ‘AUDIO CONTROL PANEL, ‘AUDIO CONTROL PANEL. INTERCOM L ismoved te folowing componenis: ‘Description. Part Number ‘AUDIO ADAPTER L ‘AA36-100, Installed Provisions for two extra ACP-5t in the Mid and AFT Cabin Area FS 237.50 & FS269.50. Configured the existing AMU-50 Audio system to accommodate the new units. Removed existing NAT AA36-100 Audio Adapter and replaced with a New AAB5-100 Intercom unit installed on the Pilots's Instrument panel. Rewired Technisonics ‘TDFM7000 Tactical Radio. to have independent Audio for each of the four internal radios, installed Duncan Aviations. GIU Relay Board coupled to the Garmin GMA1347 Audio Panel and the TOFM7000 Radio. All the electrical aspects of the installation were performed VANW Duncan Aviation MRA Project Number MF131007003 and Wiring Diagram #130923004 & 130923003, Installed 01 ea IMT Skymaster Video Downlink System in the AFT cabin Area at the Missions Rack FS344. Routed 02 antenna coax cables to the tail section ofthe airplane to be terminated and connected to two antennas installed by the customer, a remote Access control panel was installed in the Fwd Cabin command center FS186.45. All the electrical aspects of the installation were performed I/AW Duncan Aviation MRA Project Number MR131007003 and Wiring Diagram #130923005, Installed 02ea Voltmeters and 02 ea Ammeters to monitor the power consumption of the Mission Rack FS344, all Units were mounted in the Aft cabin at the mission rack. All the electrical aspects of the installation were performed AWW Duncan Aviation MRA Project Number MR131007003 and Wiring Diagram #130923007. Installed 01 ea Customer Audio Control Panels P/N:ACPS1-100 on the Copilots instrument Panel FS118 and another ‘Audio Control Panel P/N:ACPS1-100 for Observer #4 in the cabin Area FS186.45. Configured the existing AMU-50 ‘Audio system to accommodate the new units. All the electrical aspects of the installation were performed YAW Duncan Aviation MRA Project Number MR131007003 and Wiring Diagram #130923004, Modified existing power control system to control not only the Mission AC inverter but also the Mission DC Power. All the electrical aspects of the installation were performed VAM Duncan Aviation MRA Project Number MR131007003, and Wiring Diagram #130923008. All the Structural Aspects of the installation and weight and balance were performed by a third party repair station outsourced by the customer. Systems were ground function tested satisfactorily in accordance with Manufacturers Installation Manual. Performed alterations in accordance with Duncan Aviation Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) Project, No. MR131007003. Alteration performed on Duncan Aviation Work Order 2GFWA CAcssiional sneets Ar Attached FAR Form S57 (a8) : — ee (Airframe, Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliance) INSTRUCTIONS: Pant or hype al enties. See Tile 14 GFR §429, Pant 43 Appendix 8, and AC 4I.04 (or subsequent revision Mereoh for instuetions and disposition ofthis form. Ths repr is requied by lw (48 U.S.C. §44701). Failure to report can resut in 2 civ penaly Tor each such violation. (48 USC. §46301(0)) tate PE FRatoranty ana Rogisvaton Wark To Iv1789m |20882245 Ioaer Somes ICessna 12088 [Rare (As shown on region cerca) |EDAS Early Detection Alarm Co. [Raaress (As Shown on roqisvalion coriicaey lacie 9107 Bouckeaux Rain 8 2. Owner len Tombal oon TK . lee _77375.7645 conn USA For FAA Uso Only ype Unit idontcation epar_| Ateraion | __ Unt wake Mosel ‘Serial No. O | @_|wrrrawe (As desorbed in tem tobove) | OO | © |powerrtany a CO jpropewer ie oO _JAPPUANCE ranmaaurer ©. Conformiy Statoment Ar Agenays Name and Adaress B.King of Agency = ae U.S. Cenesied Woche [nenearer saves 50 Pat Kennedy Way SW Fore Carteaes Mocha ©. Gentieate No. ey Olympia == WA Zp Getened Repair Staton ze 98501 xmy USA Ceniteatea Wantonance Ggeneaton _ [HP6RSQSN 1. | centty thatthe repair andlor aeration made othe uns) identified in em 5 above and described on the reverse or allachments herelo have boon made in accocdance withthe requerents of Pat 43 ofthe US. Federal Aviation Regulations and thatthe information {urnished nerein is ue and corect tothe bec f my knowledge. Exiended range tet per '4 CFR Pan 43, ee oO ‘SignatwrelDate of Auhorzed ingwadvad pee pale John R. Miller, January 11, 2013 7. Approval for Return to Service Pursuant to the authoriy given persons specified below, the unit identified in tem 5 was inspected in the manner prescribed by the ‘Adminstrator ofthe Facerl Aviation Administration and is (a arproved L] Releces FAR Fi Standards Persone Approved by Conocian ov{_[icess Manufacturer Maintenance Orgenzation enone Aoerowed by Fan oesignee | y’| Repair Staton Inspection Autrorzation [Oe SP2047 [Ceritcate or SignaturelDate of Authored a Designation No. HPERSOSN Ernest T. Hutt, January 11, 201 FAA Form 357 05 NOTICE ‘Weight and balance or operating imitation changes shail be entered inthe appropriate aircraft racord. An alteration must be compatible wth all previous alterations to assure continued conformity with the applicable airworthiness requirements. 8. Description of Work Accomplished {ifmore space i required, aach accion sheets. ently wilh acra nationality and registration mark and date work completed) In17eom January 11, 2013 Nationa and Regitvaton Mark De Installed door stay kits P/N 908-1011-1 & -2 in accordance with STC # SA01542SE Issued May 5, 2005 and Soloy Aviation Solutions Cessna 208 Crew Door Restraint Systems Installation Instructions Document Number 908-105, Revision 1, dated April 5, 2006. Instructions for Continued Airworthiness are contained in the Installation Instructions, document # 908-105 Rev 1, or later FAA approved revision. ‘The weight & balance & equipment lists have been amended to reflect this installation. END [Z)Assitionat sheets Ave Ataches FAA Form 387 0.25 = NITB9M er inpicaTion of THis Department of Trmsportation— Federal Aviation Abuninistration saan arm 31 RAISED COMPANY SEAL, wo 295, Supplemental Type Certificate moseh 2088 SIN: ZOBBD2AS isk Bate 7-70-13 Number SNOV542SE Aitiede us Soloy, LLC 450 Pat Kennedy Way S.W. Olympia, WA 98501 ewrtzles that the change tn the tyre design far the following product with the lenstations and condelions Uarefor as specified hereon meets the airworthiness reguiremants of Part 23 ofthe Federal Aviation Pepulations Orpinal Product —Gppe Cortjcate Mane ASTCE Make: ‘Cessna Aircraft Company Model 208, 208A, 2088 Deserjption of the Tyre Design Change The manufacture of a Crew Door Restraint System in accordance with Soloy, LLC Master Drawing List, Engineering Report 908-100, Revision NIC, dated March 1, 2005, or later Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved revision. The system must be installed and maintained in accordance with Soloy, LLC Document number 908-105, dated March 10, 2005, or later FAA approved revision Lanitations and Conditions. Approval of this change in type design applies to the aircraft models listed above only. This approval should not be extended to other aircraft of this model on which other previously approved modifications are incorporated unless it is determined that the relationship between this change and any of those other previously approved modifications, including changes in type design, will introduce no adverse effects upon the airworthiness of that aircraft. A copy of this Certificate must be maintained’as part of the permanent record of the modified aircraft. If the holder agrees to permit another person to use this certificate to alter the product, the holder shall give the other person written evidence of that permission. This certifcate and the sypporting data which «s the bast for qrprovalshallramatn in offect until surrendered, wispendad, revoked, ora termination date is otherwite establlshed by the Slninistoator of the Federal Loiation Ldminisiration. Date of eqptcation: November 19, 2003 Beate resuad Date of esuance May 5, 2005 Beate amended: Gignatwrg ‘Acting Manager, Seattle Aircraft Ceerlfication Office a i) ‘Any alteration ofthis cortiteate Is punishable by a fine f nal exceeding $1,000, or morisonment nat exceeding 3 years or bot. ‘This cerificate may be transferred in accordance with FAR 21.47 8) FAA Form 337 anwary 1, 2013, SOLOY, LLC 450 PAT KENNEDY WAY SW OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98501 Phone: (360) 754-7000 Fax: (360) 943-7659 Original Issue: March 10, 2005 Revision 4: April 5, 2006 CESSNA 208 CREW DOOR RESTRAINT SYSTEM INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS P/N 908-1011 & SPS 9.01 Reference Soloy STC SA01542SE MODEL(S) All Cessna 208 Models Flight Manual Data Required: NO Soloy Doc. 908-105 Page 1 of 3 CESSNA 208 CREW DOOR RESTRAINT SYSTEM Faarorm or INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ee Original Issue: March 10, 2005 Revision 1: April 5, 2006, REFERENCE Cessna 208 Crew Door Restraint System Installation Soloy Drawing 908-1011 DESCRIPTION The Soloy door strut kit is designed to hold the pilot and co-pilot doors in the open position and stabilizes the door to allow easier access to the cockpit by the flight crew. The kit consists of two mount fittings, hardware, and a gas charged strut. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS NOTE All work to be performed in accordance with FAA acceptable practices such as AC43.13B. 1 Extend strut and install tool 908T-1011-1 per drawing. This will hold the strut in the extended position for ease of installation. 2. Locate and remove three existing rivets from fuselage per drawing. Countersink forward two rivet holes and install fasteners per drawing. The third rivet hole will pick up the forward strut fitting, P/N 908-1111-1. 3. Temporarily position the strut assembly on the aircraft per the drawing Ensure that the strut assembly is straight and true with no side loading of the strut. 4. After locating strut assembly to aircraft, drill through pilot holes in fore and after strut fittings. When driling the aft fitting holes, take care to drill through the outer door skin only. Cleco in place. On the forward fitting pick up the one existing rivet hole and add additional rivet holes per drawing. Drill to size per drawing. 5. Remove the strut assembly. Drill holes in the aft fitting, P/N 908-1112-1, to size per drawing. Clean fittings and deburr holes. Finish paint fittings to match aircraft-color. Soloy doc. 908-105: Page 2 of 3 Nvasm CESSNA 208 CREW DOOR RESTRAINT SYSTEM Seay tare INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Original Issue: March 10, 2005, Revision 1: April 5, 2006 6. Remove door and place on a suitable work table. Install inserts in door per Soloy Process Specification SPS 9.01 (attached). Drill 0.452" — 0.457" through outer facing skin and most of core material. Undercut 0.63" of core material beneath outer skin and to inner skin as close as possible without risking damage to inner skin. Pot insert in door using Hysol EA 956 or equivalent. Leave installation tab in place until potting material is cured a minimum of 24 hours at 70°F. Reinstall door. (Hysol is a loctite® product. Go to www.loctite.com for a dealer near your.) 7. Install strut assembly on aircraft using sealant per AMS-S-8802, Class B2 (Pro-Seal or equivalent) between strut fittings and aircraft skin. Install fasteners per drawing. Touch up paint. 8. Remove tool 908T1011-1. Check function of door and door strut assembly. Ensure that the door closes properly and there is no binding of the door strut. 9. Enter changes to weight and balance in the aircraft records. Weight of 2.2 Ibs. per side at station 118.5 CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS 1. Inspect door strut assembly for damage during normal aircraft inspection. 2. Touch up loose or missing paint on strut fittings. 3. Check operation of the door strut. Ensure that the strut has sufficient gas charge to maintain positive pressure on the door in the open position. 4, For replacement parts, refer to Soloy Parts List PL908-1011 or contact Soloy, LLC at 450 Pat Kennedy Way S.W., Olympia, WA 98501, Phone: 360-754-7000, Fax: 360-943-7659; Email: soloy@soloy.com. Soloy doc. 908-105 Page 3 of 3 SOLOY LLC nae FAAForm 337 SOLOY PROCESS SPECIFICATION sanuary 19,2013 SPEC: SPS 9.01 INSTALLATION, POTTEDN INSERTS, PAGE: 1 NON-STRUCTURAL, DATE: 2128105 REV DATE: ‘This document is the property of Soloy LLC and is delivered on the express condition that itis. not to be disclosed, reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture for anyone other than Soloy LLC without its written consent; and that no right is granted to disclose or so use any information contained in said document. This restriction does not limit the right to use information from another source. 4.0 PURPOSE ‘To describe the proper method of installing potted-in inserts into honeycomb material for non-structural applications. Prepared by. Engineeiing Approval. | FAA Approval A. Wiper | ITE tnved M. Lepingwell ' _—_— Date: 2nans | vate 3///05 | date /ty 520057 SOLOY LLC SOLOY PROCESS SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION, POTTED-IN INSERTS, NON-STRUCTURAL 2.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS FAA Form 337 sanuary 19,2013 SPEC: SPS 9.01 PAGE 2 DATE. 2128105 REV DATE: ; 2.1 Delron™ inserts (Rosan/Faitchild Form 94-676 Rev A, daied 1994) catalogue page 45, 3.0 INSTALLATION METHOD, BLIND FASTENERS 3.4 Panels are prepared per Figures A and 8. For dril diameters see the following table. Delron™ Type 400 SE Series DRILL DIA UNDERCUT DIA 632, L 406-414 59. 832 AB9-A7A 66 1032 469-474 66 428 531-536 72 NAS1636 Series DRILL DIA, UNDERCUT DIA 06: 452-457 63 08 452-457 63 52.457 63 499-504 69 ant FIGURE A- DRILL rill through top facing skin and most of core material, FIGURE UNDERCUT Core material is undercut below top facing skin and down to the bottom skin (as close as possible without risking skin damage). SOLOY LLC ‘SOLOY PROCESS SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION, POTTED-IN INSERTS, NON-STRUCTURAL 3.2. Bond using "Pre-pot” technique: See Figu SPEC: PAGE: DATE REV DATE: eC. FIGURE C — PRE-POT Partially fil cavity with potting material. Leave displacement space for insert. 3.3 Fastener insertion: For snap-in types Delron™ Type 400 SE Series, see Figure D. For NAS1836 type, see Figures E and F. FIGURE ‘Snap SNAP. into top faci IN TYPE ing skin FIGURE E. Use tab to position and hold the ‘Top-off by injecting additional potting m: rs =NON-SNAP.IN TYPE fe fastener in a flush, perpendicular position terial throu. a} FIGURE F Installation tab is left in OF =NON-SNAP.IN TYPE place until potting material is cured. Navaom FAA Foom 337 sanary 11,2013 SPS 901 3 2128105 igh slots or holes in tabs and insert head. MAJOR REPAIR AND ALTERATION (Airframe, Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliance) [ous ns socze TEATS OO ‘uch volaton. 48 U.S.C. §46301(@)) INSTRUCTIONS: Print oF ype al onties. See Tile 14 OFR 6438, Part 43 Appendix B, and AC 43.81 (or subsequent revision th Instuetons and csposiion of is form. This report is required by law (48 U.S.C. $4470!) Faure to report can result in a civil penally foreach af fer [Ratonaity nd Ragaton Mark [SeraINo, INt7ean 20882245, A. Abreratt fae ar Saree Cessna 2088 [lame (As shown on regisvaton contealey IE DAS Early Detection Alarm Co, 2. Owner [Adaress (As shown on ogisvaton conTcaioy asses 9107 boudreaux RO Unit 8 Jew Tomball T7375 counny USA, [ths tachataal For FAA Use On} frorsincomates “ x ness requlremé: 02 By 2a for fino above cescrcc: aircrai, ‘subject to fonrity inspecion by & person authorized 43, sodtion 43.7. gasses Poroving Inspector in FAR Fumished herein sue and correct othe best of my knowedge, Pes Sartre. 01k Wioennn Type = = Unit dentication Repair Ateraon | __ Unt Make Model Sonal No | Zi _|wrrrane (As doserbadin tom 1 above) | ———————— OO | 0 Jrowerevany oO 1 |prorewer ee Oo _JAPPHANCE Rianaaenrer © conformiy Saronent — [A Raney Name and Areas 5. Kind of Agency Tew Benvamin Travis 7-5. GonaioT RE [Lites sous 14 Westminster Drive Ferg Coreata Nchare G. Goncae No cw Elizabethtown PA Cert Repr Seon 2 17022___éanny USA Cette Mahranance Oipaaton ‘tnase3e73 B. | cony that the rep andorateroon made o the uni{s)ientifed in tem 5 above and described on the reverse or atiachmonts hereto have been made n accordance withthe requirements of Part 43 ofthe U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations and that he information Extended range fool por 14 CFR Part 43 Sse i AT maT ee 8 o S-24-le Sere Puravant 19 the authority oven Paty ates ote wt ert an Ss nace Wt meer ented oy Be FAA Form 337 foc ‘Administrator ofthe Federal Aviation Administration and is WAeproves _[] Rejected ranctce nee || Manufacturer Maintenance Organization eared come ey er (Sree FAA Desiges Repat Siaton | ¢/| iepecton auhazaton Coes [cereeate or SinetaelDate of Auoreed neRipgl estate CE 194563873 Benjamin M Travis En S-ay-/2 NOTICE Weight and balance or operating limitation changes shall be entered inthe appropriate aircraft record. An alteration must be compatible win all previous alterations to assure continued conformity wit the applicable airworthiness requirements. 8. Description of work Accomplished {ifmore space is required, attach addtional sheots. Identity wih areraf rational and registration mark and date work completed.) Nieon (s-ad-12 ‘Nationality and Registration Mark Date Mission Rack Installation Relocated left fwd passenger aft to sta.212.0 Relocated left center passenger seat to sta. 246.0 Relocated left aft passenger seat to sta. 280 Relocated right fwd passenger seat to sta 208.0 relocated right center passenger seat to sta. 256.0 and right aft seat to sta 290.0. based on zonal cargo compartment weight and CG limitations. Fabricated a 43" wide 20" long 36" high Mission Rack from 2024-T3 Aluminum and 2024-T3 aluminum angle. Rack was assembled with MS2039 structural machine screws and MS21042self locking nuts using the guidelines outlined in AC43.13-1B chapter 7 section 2 page 7-3 paragraph 7-15, Chapter 7 section 4 page 7-11 para 7-64. The Mission Rack was attached to the aft cabin cargo compartment aircraft floor sta. 344.0 using Brownline Track connectors PIN 21341-62 into existing cargo tie down receptacles mounted in floor. Placarded shelves: Max WT not to exceed 25 Ibs. Installed Placard on Mission rack: Total Capacity not to exceed 140 Ibs, Installed Beech lower table assembly 101-530920-3 in aft cabin sta 173.0 left side seat track Fabricated top console from 2024-T3 Aluminum 0.050" thick and 2024-T3 1/2" x 1/2" x 1/16" aluminum angle. Rack was assembled with MS20470A4 rivets using the guidelines outlined in AC43.13-1B chapter 4 section 4 page 4-14 paragraph 4-57. Attached top console lower table assembly with ANS25A screws and MS21044 locknuts. Mission Power is supplied from a ANL150 load limiter installed in main DC Distribution panel. The system is controlled by a SM150D10 relay located in cabin floor on shelf fabricated from 20243 aluminum .050" thick in accordance with the guidelines of AC43.13-2B Chapter 2 para 208. The relay is activated by a MS24524-27 switch located on pilots instrument panel labeled MISSION POWER, All workmanship was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines of AC 43.13-1B chapters 4 sections 1 para 4-4, chapter 4 section 4, section 4 paragraph 4-57, chapter 7 sections 1 para 7-1, chapter 7 section 2 para 7-14. Aircraft was weighed and the aircraft weight and balance was updated to reflect this change. Zi Acciona sects Ave Ataches FAA Form 337 009 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Aireraft Make Cessna Aireraft Serial 20882245 Aireraft Model 208B Aireraft Registration N1789M 10. R 13. Mw 5. Revisior Introduction: Cessna 208B S'N 20882245 listed above, Description: Mission Equipment Rack installed inthe aft cabin provides mounting locations for mission specific equipment and a forward operators station. The mission rack supplies power forthe mission equipment and is controlled by a toggle switch located on the instrument panel ControVOperation Info: An Mission power On/OM switch located on the instrument panel Service Info: Mission Power system requires no servicing, Maintenance Instructions: The Mission Power System i on condition and requires no scheduled ‘maintenance. Troubleshooting Info: N/A, Removal/Replacement: To remove the Forward Observer Station. Loosen seat track retaining lug slide assembly forward and lift from seat track, disconnect electrical connections. To remove Aft equipment rack remove screws securing rack from mount base Diagrams: N/A. Special Inspection Requirements: Not Applicable Application of Protective Treatment Not applicable. Data: Installation conforms to AC83.13-1B and AC83-13-28. Special Tools: None Commuter Category Aircraft: Not Applicable. Overhaul Periods: No additional Overhaul time limitations :. Airworthiness Limitations: No Additional Airworthiness Limitations. Upon acceptance ofa leter submitted to the local FAA witha copy ofthe revised FAA form 337 and revised ICA a maintenance record entry will be made identifying the revision, itslocation and the date. unpere MAJOR REPAIR AND ALTERATION ee oR Sresretn (Airframe, Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliance) a a INSTRUCTIONS: Print or ype oll enties. See Tile 14 GFR §439, Par 43 Appendix B, and AC 43.0% (or subsequent revision there) fo instructions and dlsposiion of this form. This report is required by law (4 U.S.C. §44701), Failure to ropot can result ina cvl penalty for ach such volton (48 U.S.C. §46301(a)) Flatonaliy and Rogiswaton Nak SoralNo- INt7e9M ‘20862245 ‘Alera ake oder Saree (Cessna 2088 fame [is shown on Togaton carcata) [Adaress (ha shown on rgistavon corfeae) IE DAS Early Detection Alarm Co. Jaccws 9107 boudreaux RO Unt B 2. Owner lov Tomball soe TX Jee 77375 any USA 3 For FAA Use Only ‘ 77375 coer USA, 3 For FAA Use Oniy ape 3. Unit entiication Repair | Ateraton | Unit Make Model Serial No. OC | @_ |arerawe (As dscribedin tom 1 above) O | © Jrowerevanr} o 0 |proreer | ie oO JAPPHANCE errecirar Conformity Statement TR Agency's Nate and RGGTORS Kind of Agoney rere Beniamin M Travis F725. ceriteaed Wecane [anne ines “11 Westminster Orv Fore Conte Macrae E. Gencate No yy Elzabethiown, tm PA Gora Rea Saton 217022 _cnrny USA ‘Coniicaied Mairierance Orgarizalon 194563673 D. tcontty thatthe repair andor ration made o the unit(s) dented In 3 5 above and described onthe reverse or atachments hereto Ihave been made in accaréance with he requirements of Pan 43 ofthe U.S, Federal Avion Regulavons and that he inormation furnished herein is tue and correct to ta best of my knowledge, Extended range tot por 14 CFR Par 43, Ap. 8 o [Benjamin M Travis, Signstareate of Authorized nekvGual $-ay-12 Pursuant 1 the authorly given parsons spectied below, the unt Wentiied’in tem § was inpacied in the manner prescribed by the ‘Adminitalor of the Fecers Aston Administration a fs [A Averoves 1] Rojectes FAN, Sando as ones re San a Inspector icles oo Organizat Department of Transport ier Se FAA Designee reper Sain | ¥| nsecionautonzaton ee leone Spraurebat of Ahorese paw Seana 194560073 Benjamin M Travis FAA Form 337 (om) WNL $-ad-l2 Uf NOTICE Weight and balance or operating limitation changes shall be entered in the appropriate aircraft record. An alteration must be compatible with all previous alterations to assure continued conformity with the applicable airworthiness requirements. fs Description of Work Accompishea (ifmore space is roqured, atoch adationa sheets. erty win arrat nationality and registration mark and dato work completed) wri |[gcavire ‘Nationally and Regstraton Mark Date Relief Tubes Installation Installed Woodland products Relief Tubes P/N AN8018-1 in pilot , copilot and in aft cabin Pilot and copilot relief tube mounting brackets were attached to the outboard sides of lower seat frame with MS21919WDG adel clamps and secured with MS35206 screws and MS21044-D08 Locknuts. The aft cabin relief tube mounting bracket was installed at sta. 206 with MS35206 screws into MS21059 nut plates located on doubler plate fabricated from 202573 aluminum .05 thick. ‘The relief tubes were connected to MIL5593-6 hose with MS35842 hose clamps and routed to 66PN Polyflow tubing. The polyflow tubing was routed to Venturi Assemblies P/N AC41A9177 installed on the lower cargo pos at sta. 241. The Venturi Assemblies were attached to the lower fuselage with MS35206 screws and MS 21044-D08 locknuts. All workmanship was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines of AC 43.13-18 chapters 4 sections 1 para 4-4, chapter 4 section 4, section 4 paragraph 4-57, chapter 7 sections 1 para 7-1, chapter 7 section 2 para 7-14. Aircraft was weighed and the aircraft weight and balance was updated to reflect this change. Zi adational sheets Are Attached FAA Form 337 (000) Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Aircraft Make | Cessna Aircraft Serial 208B2245 Aireraft Model 208B Aircraft Registration N1789M 10. nn rm 13. 4 15, 16. Introduction: Cessna 208B S/N 208B2245 listed above. Description: Installation of pilot copilot and passenger relief tubes with venturi, ControVOperation Info: N/A Service Info: The relief tubes require no servicing. Maintenance Instructions: The Relief Tubes are considered on condition. The relief tubes and hoses should be cleaned periodically with a warm water mild detergent solution. ‘Troubleshooting Info: Not applicable. Removal/Replacement: Remove Relief tube from mounting bracket loosen hose clamp and disconnect hose. Reverse order for instalation Diagrams: None Special Inspection Requirements: Not Applicable Application of Protective Treatments: the relief Tube should be treated with a commercially available disinfectant. Dati Installation conforms to AC43.13-1B chapter 7 section 2 Special Tools: None ‘Commuter Category Aircraft: Not Applicable. Overhaul Periods: No additional Overhaul time limitations Airworthiness Limitations: No Additional Airworthiness Limitations. Revisions: Upon acceptance of letter submitted tothe local FAA witha copy of the revised FAA form 337 and revised ICA a maintenance record entry will be made identifying the revision, its location and the date, stroman (Airframe, Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliance) INSTRUCTIONS: Print or ype all enties Soo Tile 14 GFR §43.9, Part #3 Appendix By and AC 408-1 (or subsequent revision thereat) for instructions and disposition ofthis form, Ths repor is required by law (49 U.S.C. §44701), Faure to report can result ina civil penalty for each ‘such violation. (49 U.S.C. §46304(a)) —————_| [Saran —— fatonanty and Regiaven Ware INt7a9N ‘20882245 sAireratt see Frese Saies Cessna 2088 [Name (As shown on regain cores) "erase (he Sow on Tegan coreat) IEDAS Early Detection Alarm Co, aoe 9107 boudreaux RO Unit B 2. Owner son come USA ape — Repo | Aizen | __ Une Ws Sean a Z| arerame _—_— (As osrcibed inten tahoe) | ——— O | Ol [ronereuwl GC | C1 _Jeroreuer fe CO] Oo arruance passage TContsinty Uatarionk RSG Naa ars ane Benjamin M Travis [nantacurer sow “1 Wesirinstr Dive [rei conti ec . Gers N. cr Eizabetiown so BA [piesa rea oe me _ 1702 com USA — FF enters teres onan | 199569873 1D. 1 certiy that the repair andr alteration made to the unis) denied toem 5 above and described onthe reverse or attachments hereto have boon made in accordance wth the requirments of Pat 43 ci wwe U.S. Fadaral Aviaon Regulations and that te infrmation ‘umiehed heron is tue and correct to the best of my knowledge, Exiendod rango fuel SignatureDate of Auorzed edad 8 een Yee S212 7, Approval for Return Pursuant to the authorly given persons spactied below, the unit iene’ in item 5 was inspected in the manner prescibed by the ‘Aart one Feder Avalon hemniton adie Te Anwroved [] Roce Faare ouncert | | wansscurer mananos Ongnzaton Persone oped by Goadon py |_| inspector a eee nan Deportmant at Tranepoe oer epee FAR Designee Ropar Staton | y/| Inepestn autorzaton Sosciiy Seacate a Signor orang Pon —_fbomuinn he Mi os 12H FAR Form 357 1005) NOTICE Weight and balance or operating limitation changes shall be entered inthe appropriate aircraft record. An alteration must be compatible with all previous alterations fo assure continued conformity wth the applicable airworthiness requirements. fs Description of Work Accor 7 (ifmor space I required, shed ional sheets. Ident wth acral nationality and registration mark and date work completed) NA7eoM 524-1 ‘atoneiy and Registton Wark ate AeroCompvter Installation Installed AeroComputers Ultichart 5100 syster in accordance with AeroComputers Ultichart 5100 Installation Manual revision 4.3 dated June 9, 2009. The AeroComputers Ultichart Computer P/N 5100 was installed on aft mission rack with mounting tray p/n 2000008-D. The keyboard AeroComputer P/N AK-1 was installed on forward observer work station. The GPS antenna P/N S76-1575-76 was installed on cabin roof at sta. 229 with doubler fabricated from 2024T-3 Aluminum .050" thick in accordance with guidelines outlined AC43.13-2B chapter 3. A wiring harness was fabricated with mil 22759 wire and mil 27500 shielded wiring in accordance with Ultichart 5100 installation Manual revision 1.3 dated June 9, 2009. The system is interfaced raission equipment. Power is supplied to the AeroComputers Ultichart 5100 system from a mil spec 7274-2-2 circuit breeker located on the mission power buss. The Ultichart Computer is connected to the GPS ant with cable fabricated from RG142 coax as specified in the technical installation ma:wual ‘The AeroComputers Ultichart 5100 system was manufactured to meet RTCA/DO-160 certification requirements. All workmanship was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines of AC 43.13-1B chapters 7 sections 2, chapter 10 section 4, ctiapter 11 sections 4 thru 12 &chapter 12 sections 1, 2 and AC43.13-28 chapters | sectivi 100, chapter 2 sections 203, 207,209 and chapter 3 sections 304,306,307,308 and 30. Electrical load does not exceed 80% of aircraft electrical system capacity. The Aircraft weight and balance was calculated and the equipment list was updated to reflect this change. See attached ICA for instructions for continued eaworthiness. Cig sap Ae Ace FAA Form 337 (0905), Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Aircraft Make — Cessna Aircraft Serial 20882245 Aireraft Model 2083 Aircraft Registration N1789M 9. 10. ne. 2, 13, 4, 18, 16, Introduction: Cessna 208B S/N 20882245 listed above. Description: The AcroComputer Ulichart $100 system is a tactical management system for airborne applications, providing moving maps and directional information to the operator. The $100 is designed to imegrate with display monitors and digital video recorders, Controt/Operation Info: Refer to AeroComputer Utichart $100 operators’ manual rev 1.3 or later, Power is supplied by a Circuit breaker located on the aircraft mission bus. Service Info: The AeroComputer Ultichart 5100 requires no servicing, Maintenance Instru maintenance. yns: The AeroComputer Ultichart $100 is condition and requires no scheduled Troubleshooting Info: Refer tothe AeroComputer Uichart $100 installation manual revision 1.3 or later, ‘Removal Replacement: To remove The AeroComputer Computer loosen the 2 a screws securing the comptrto the rack located on the front ofthe unit Remove int from mounting rack and disconnect, slectrieal and ant connections. Reverse ote for installation, Diagrams: Refer to AeroComputer Uichart 5100 installation manuel rev 1.3 or later. Special Inspection Requirements: Not Applicable Application of Protective Treatments: Not applicable. Data: Installation conforms to ACA3.13-1B and ACA3-13-2B, Special Tools: None Commuter Category Aircraft: Not Applicable Overhaul Periods: No addtional Overhaul ine limitations Airworthiness itations: No Additional Airworthiness Limitations. Revisions: Upon acceptance of a letter submitted to the local FAA with a copy of the revised FAA form 337 and revised ICA a maintenance record entry will be made identifying the revision, its location and the date ACCEPTED AEA-FSDO-13 34 $1030, 2 1s Degen snoepeen MAJOR REPAIR AND ALTERATION (Airframe, Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliance) INSTRUCTIONS: Print or ype al entries. Soo Tio 14 GFR §49.9, Par 43 Appendix 8, and AC 439-1 (or subsequent rovsion threat) for Instructions and disposition of his form, This report is required by aw (&9 U.S.C. §44701), Fale to report can resulta cll penaly for each ‘uch violation. (49 U'8.6, §4630%(a)) ara Perera atonal and Regiaraton Wa [Seman INT7e9M 20867245 Aire Tae aa as Cessna 2088 Wars AE show on register Coreaey [erase ow on rgiaton coc] IE DAS Early Detection Alarm Co. |Acwers 9107 boudreaux RD Unit B 2. owner ley Tomball wank lan 77375 cone, USA 3 For FAA Use Only enti tes nso co, Pas te, peti, eee tennis £5 os pe ce ramet. aos amma werectonadinad haan 464s omesg- 226/28 MAAO0 14 Type Unik denticaton Repair Ateraton | _Uni Make Mode Serial No O | a anrene (As deseo tor # above) o 1 Jrowerptany] O | O [eroreuer ie o [APPLIANCE Frratacier © Conform Sateen TK Rene Narre and Aaa 8 Kind of Agenoy fore Beniamin M Travis U.S Cena a [eaiacer oon 11 Westminster Dive Fora Cotesia echo T. Gerieate No ov Elizabethtown PA ae pat Saten jz 17022 comny USA Certificated Maintenance Organzation ome 1. | cetty that the repair andlor alteration made to the unis) dented inter $ above and described on the reverse or attachments hersto have been made in accordance wit th regurements 0" Par 43 ofthe US. Federal Aviation Reguatons and that he information furnished heraln is rue and coect to thebestof my kacwlodge, Extended ronge fuel per 14 CFR Pan 43 App. 8 o [Benjamin M Travis z Pursuant to the authorly gwen Signatarebate of Ruhorzad inva Ge Ufo 5-412 eco rae, el Hanes int, 5 ws ener we mer etd y He ‘Approval Fartatr ofthe Fever Rutan sernisatan ane Teh anova] Rae FAA Fa stands TT wane ahioranceOgszaton enor eps Croan es [Other (Specity) FAA Designee Repair Staton | y/| Inspecon Authorization ete Senn yn Sera. 194569673 Benjamin Trav S-aV-12 FAA Form 357 Gos) NOTICE Weight and balance or operating limitation changes shall be entered in the appropriate aircraft record. An alteration must be ‘compatible with all previous alterations fo assure continued conformity with the applicable airworthiness requirements. [a Description of Work Accomplished Uifmore space is required, atfach additonal sheets, Identity with aircraft natonaliy and registration mark and date work completed) N1789M aye ‘Nationally and Registration Mark Date FlightCell Installation Installed FlightCell DZM3 Iridium Phone system in accordance with Flightcell DZM3 Technical Installation Manual revision 2.1 dated Aug 26, 2011. The Flightcell DZM3 transceiver P/N FCDZM300DIC was installed in cockpit center console. The unit is dzus mounted. The Iridium/GPS antenna P/N ANP-00003 was insfalled’oti’tabin roof at sta. 269 with doubler fabricated from 2024T-3 Aluminum :050" thick in accordance with guidelines outlined AC43.13-2B chapter 3. Awiring hamess was fabricated with mil 22759 wire and mil 27500 shielded wiring in accordance with Flightcell interconnect document WRL-DZP-03. The system is interfaced to aircraft interphone system. Power is supplied to the Flightcell DZM3 from a mil spec 7274-2-2 circuit breaker. The DZMS transciever is coonected to the Iridium/GPS ant with cable fabricated from RG142 coax as specified in the technical installation manual. The Flightcell DZM3 system was manufactered to meet RTCA/DO-160F certification requirements. All workmanship was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines of AC 43.13-1B chapters 7 sections 2, chapter 10 section 1, chapter 11 sections 1 thru 12 &chapter 12 sections 1, 2 and AC43.13-2B chapters 1 section 100, chapter 2 sections 203, 207,209 and chapter 3 sections 304,306,307,308 and 310. Electrical load does not exceed 80% of aircraft electrical system capacity. The Aircraft weight and balance was calculated and the equipment list was updated to reflect this change. See attached ICA for instructions for continued airworthiness. Acciona sheets Are Attached FAA Form 337 008) Instructions for Continued Airworthiness ireraft Make Cessna Aireraft Serial 20882245 Aireraft Model 208B Aireraft Registration N1789M |. Dat i Cessna 208B S/N 20882245 listed above. ion: The Flightcell DZM3 provides aircraft operators with global voice and data communications ‘and asset tracking. The DZM3 is integrated with aircraft audio system to enable crew members to use the Iridium network from their individual ICS locations and headsets. Incoming and outgoing message capability can be accessed by connecting a the DZM3 to a portable computer or PDA. ControvOperation Info: Refer to Flighicell Operators Manual Revision V'4.007 or later. Power is supplied boy a Ciccuit breaker located on the aircraft avionics bus. Service Info: The Flightell DZM3 requires no servicing Maintenance Instructions: The Flightcell DZMB3is condition and requires no scheduled maintenance. ‘Troubleshooting Info: Refer othe Flightell DZM3Technial installation manual revision 2.1 or later. Removal/Replacement: To remove the Flightcell DZM3 loosen the 4 dzusfasters located on the face of the unit. Remove unit from console and disconnect electrical and ant connections. Reverse order for installation, Dingrams: refer to Flightcell interconnect document WRL-DZP-03. Special Inspection Requirements: Not Applicable |. Application of Protective Treatments: Not applicable. Installation conforms to AC43,13-1B and ACA3-13-2B, . Special Tools: None . Commuter Category Aircraft: Not Applicable . Overhaul Periods: No additional Overhaul time limitations. . Airworthiness Limitations: No Additional Airworthiness Limitations. . Revisions: Upon acceptance of a letter submitted tothe local FAA with a copy ofthe revised FAA, form 337 and revised ICA a maintenance record entry will be made identifying the revision, its location and the date INSTRUCTIONS: Print or type all eniias, See Tile 14 CFR §43.0, Par 43 Appondi 8, and AC 430-1 (or subsequent revlon threo or Instweions and dlsposiion of this form, Ths report is required by aw (49 U.S.C. §44701). allure to report can result in a cv penalty foreach such voltion. 0 U.S.C. §4630%(a)) atonaly and Repsaton ae Sato N‘7eon 20882245, ‘Aircraft rake Wear Saar Cessna 2088 are (tS On TeIRTATON COATT [Ascrens (sso on rgiavaton COATT) EO AS Early Detection Alarm Co. sine 9107 DoudreaueROURB 2 Owner jo Tomball oe TE lp _ T7375 conry USA For FAA Use Only etna tates nat om Tee Tet sepieat, Sees Scheme eer bose Seis ar oe Se itor ean ame ernonw0 WiFeCT aad asad rN ype & Unit Weniicstion Repar | Alwraton | Unit Woke Model Serial No a ee Es (As deserved nem 1 ove) OC | C1 _ Jrowereuann| a Cl _|prorewer a a CL |APPHANCE rarararar Conformity Sateen A Ageneye Name and Aaa Kind oF Ageney Tore Benign M Travis US. Comieied Wachane [isaatarer sin 11 Westrinater Ova Trip Catto Noa E.Gerate No ow Elzabetniown sue PA Cert per San ze _17022__cann USA CorstedNanerance Ggpriaion ieee 1. cently thatthe repair andor aeration mage to the unit(s) identiied in item S above and described on the reverse or attachments hereto have Been made in accordance with the requements of Par 43 af he U.S. Federal Avalon Regulations and thatthe information Tummishes herein is rue and correct to the best of my knowiedge, Extended range tual SignatureDate of Raorzed iedwidoat pertecrRPatas bee 8 Benjamin M Travis Gy 7 Approval of Return toeriee Purevant wo the aulhorly given parsons epectied below, the unit identified in tam © was inepecied i tho manner presotbed by the SAGA abt ne Peet Rvait Risen ne ‘ators’ ‘Pj Rapes FAA. Sacer Peso pad Ee anutacure Manner Orgorzaton ev Inspector ae int ‘Organizat Department of Transport ter Tea FAA Designee feparsaien | y/| wes astercaton cm o Satara ot Rare vst erates 184563873, Benjamin Travis Bn V6 sav-le acme NOTICE Weight and balance or operating limitation changes shall be entered in the appropriate aircraft record. An alteration must be compatible wit all previous alterations fo assure continued conformity withthe applicable airworthiness requirements. 8: Dascrption of Work Accomplished (ifmoro space 's required, alach acetional sheets. Ident wih areal rationally and registration mark and date work complete) N17eom S-ay-12 Nationality and Registration Mark ale Cabin Digital Audio System Installed Norther Airborne AMUSO Intercom system for cabin interphone. System was installed in accordance with Northern Airborne Installation Manual SM76 issue 1.04. The System was interfaced with the Existing Garmin GMA1347 audio system thru a Northern Airborne AA36-100 Digital ICS Tie Line Adapter. The AA36-100 was installed in accdrdance with Norther Airborne installation manual ‘SMSBrev 4.00 The System is controlled Digital Audio Contrét Paniel by'a Northern Airborne ACPS51-100. The ACP51-100 was installed in accordance with Northern Airborne Installation Manual ‘SMB1 Issue 1.00. The system distributes intercom to all 9 passenger seats by the PIA01-001 Passenger Intercom Amplifies. The PIA01-001 Passenger intercom Amplifier was installed in accordance with Northern Airborne Installation Manual SM78 Issue 1.00, Fabricated Avionics shelf on right wall of tail section in accordance with AC43.13-2B Chapter 2 para 206. Installed AMUS0-001 Audio Management unit on shelf using ANS25 Screws and MS21059 nutplates. Installed AA36-100 Digital ICS tie adapter on shelf with ANS25A screws and MS21059 nutplates. Installed PIAO1-001 Passenger intercom Amplifier on shelf with ANS25A screws and MS21059 nutplates. The ACPS1 -100 Audio Control pPanel was installed in the forward observer work station dzus radio rack. Wiring hamess was fabricated with Mil22759 wire and Mil27500 shielded wire. The system is integrated to the Garmin GMA1347 audio system, all aft cabin passenger mic and phone jacks, The Technisonics TDFM-7000 Multi-Band FM Transceiver and the Flightcell OZM3. The system was ground tested and found to perform as specified with no adverse effects to other aircraft systems. All workmanship was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines of AC 43.13-1B chapters 7 sections 2, chapter 10 section 1, chapter 11 sections 1 thru 12 &chapter 12 sections 1, 2 and ‘AC43.13-28 chapters 1 section 100, chapter 2 sections 203, 207,209 and chapter 3 sections 304,306,307,308 and 310, Electrical load does not exceed 80% of aircraft electrical system capacity. The Aircraft weight and balance was calculated and the equipment list was updated to reflect this change. See attached ICA for instructions for continued airworthiness. Z) Additonal Sheets Are Attached FAA Form 337 (308 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Aireraft Make — Cessna Aircraft Serial 208B2245 Aircraft Model 208B Aircraft Registration N1789M 1. Introduction: Cessna 2088 S/N 20882245 listed above Description: The Digital Audio Communication System (DACS) is a management system that distributes and controls transceivers in the aircraft. It enables the transmission of microphone audio to selected transceivers and distributes intercommunication system, The Primary Component of the DACS is the AMUSO. Passenger Headsets, Transceivers and Audio Control Panel ACPS1, A36-100 Tie line adapter and PIAO!-001 Passenger Intercom Amplifier are connected to AMUSO. The AA36-100 is used to add the DACS to the existing ICS system. The PIAOI-001 Passenger Intercom Amplifier is a remote mounted passenger ICS amplifier that supports up to 12 passengers 3. ControVoperation tnfo: Refer to Northern Airborne Operators Manual SMBI issue 1,00 or later 4. Service info: The DACS AMU 50 system requires no servicing 5. Maintenance Instructions: The DACS AMU 50 conition and requires no scheduled maintenance 6, Troubleshooting Info: The DACS AMUSO system performs a power on Bit Test and proveds fault analysis to the LRU level while the Continuous Built in Test is a background task that verifies hardware functionality on an ongoing basis Removal/Replacement: to remove the AMUS0-001 Audio Management Unit, the AA36-100 Tie Line ‘Adapter, The PAIOI-001 Passenger intercom Amplifier the aft cabin wall must be removed. Loosen ‘mounting screws ofthe individual unit to removed and disconnect electral connections. Diagrams: Refer to Northern Airborne Installation Manual. $M76 issue 1.04 for AMU $0 wiring information, Refer to Northern Airborne Installation Manual. SMS8 rev 4.00 for A36-100 wiring information. Refer to Northern Airborne Installation Manwal. SMB1 Issue 1.00 for ACPS1 wiring. Refer to Northern Airborne Installation Manual. SM78 Issue 1.00 for wiring information. 9. Special Inspection Requirements: Not Applicable 10. Application of Protective Treatments: Not applicable. 11, Data: Installation conforms to AC43.13-1B and AC43-13-28. 12, Special Tools: None 13, Commuter Category Aircraft: Not Applicable. 14, Overhaul Periods: No additional Overhaul time limitations irworthiness Limitations: No Additional Airworthiness Limitations 16, Revisions: Upon acceptance of a letter submited tothe local FAA witha copy ofthe revised FAA. form 397 and revised ICA a maintenance record entry will be made identifying the revision, is location and the date ACCEPTED AEA-FSDO-13,92 57-200 Q Be ee MAJOR REPAIR AND ALTERATION pete een ices (Airframe, Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliance) TNSTRUCTIONS: Print or type all enes, See Tile 14 CFR 6439, Part 43 Append 8, and AC 49.91 (or subsequent revision thereof for Instructions and disposition ofthis form. This report is quired by aw (49 U.S.C. §44701).Falure to report can result in acl penaly for each Such olaton. (49 U S.C, §4630%(a)). iatonaly and Rogisvaton Wak araIN, IN1780N 20862245, te Alreratt are waar ares Cessna 2088 [Name (As shown on regitation coneato) [Adacass (As shown on roiavaton corcsto] IE DAS Eatly Detection Alam Co. sates 9107 boudreaux RD Unit B 2. Owner joy Tomball see TX ae 77375 ‘county USA ZForFAA Use On} peop tt see ya tts Sea E sss Se {AROS MSFECTON Liha ire tesa AEA ERED 5. Walt entiation ape Repeir_| Ateraton | Uni Wake Mode Sera No ao WZ [arerame {As doscribod in item 1 above) | OF rowenruan o Os |propewer ie o [APPLIANCE rsrataaurar T contorny Satarent Agena Narre ani Aare Kind of Agenoy ‘ewe Beplamin M Travis U.S Goreng [isaarer aoe “11 Westminster Dri Foro Corieaia neha TE. Gericte Wa or Elizabethtown ae PA ere pat Sen toasouara ze 17022 canny USA Conese Hartree Owaraaion — 1D. {certify thatthe repair andlor alteration made to the uri) identifed in tem 6 above and described onthe reverse or attachments hereto have been made n accordance wit the requirements of Par 43 of he US. Federal Avalon Regulations and thal the information furnished herein i rua and correct tothe best of my knowiede, Exended range fos! Tignatarebate of Authorized ual por 4 CFR Pert 43 Ape. 8 ol [Benjamin M Travis ~&f oan YEE Save T Approval or Reig to Service Pursuant to the authorly qven persons spaced below, the unt ienlfied In item & was inspected in the manner preserbed by the ‘Adminstrator of the Federal Avion Aminstation and is. [Zi Asrroves [Rejected TAA Pi Sandor ———— Fone pore Goon ey Inspector Manufacturer —— Organizat Department of Transport Other (Specity) FAA Dos Raver Suton | y/| maecionaoraaion Ceniteate oF SignatareDate of Authorized indvidoal Perens 4560873 Benjamin M Travis 4{Q. UY 5-24-12 FAA Form 357 coo NOTICE Weight and balance or operating limitation changes shal be entered inthe appropriate aircraft record. An alteration must be compatible with al previous alterations to assure continued conformity withthe epplicabie airworthiness requirements 8. Description of Work Accomplished (ifmore space required, atfach addtional sheets. Ident with aircraft nally and registration mark and dato work completed) NI780M SF 2Y—IZ Nationally and Registation Mark Date Ameri-King DC Converter Installation Installed 2 Ameri-King AK 551-40 28 VDC to 12 VDC converters in accordance with Ameri-King installation manual IM-551 Rev NC. The AK-551-40 Inverters were installed on aft mission rack with mounting rack fabricated from 2024-T3-aluminum in accordance with the Ameri-King installation manual. A wiring harness was fabricated with mil 22759 wire in accordance with Ameri-King AK-551 Installation Manual IM551. The system is supplies 12 VDC power to Powerclaw connectors located on the mission rack and 12 VDC outlet located at each seat position. Power is supplied to the AK551-40 converters from mil spec 7274-2-30 circuit breakers located on the mission power buss. ‘System was ground tested and found to perform as specified with no adverse effects to other aircraft systems. The AK551-40 Converters were manufactured to meet TSO-C-71 and RTCA/DO-160 certification requirements. All workmanship was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines of AC 43.13-1B chapters 7 sections 2, chapter 10 section 1, chapter 11 sections 1 thru 12 &chapter 12 sections 1, 2 and AC43.13-2B chapters 1 section 100, chapter 2 sections 203, 207,209 and chapter 3 sections 304,306,307,308 and 310. Electrical load does not exceed 80% of aircraft electrical system capacity. The Aircraft weight and balance was calculated and the equipment list was updated to reflect this change. See attached ICA for instructions for continued airworthiness. {Z] Additional Sheets Are Attached FAA Form 337 (0.0) Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Aircraft Make — Cessna Aircraft Serial 208B2245 Aireraft Model 208B Aircraft Registration N1789M 2 10. nh. 2 2B. 4. 15, 16 Introduction: Cessna 208B S/N 208B2245 listed above, Description: The AKS51-40 DC Converters isa pulse width modulated DC to DC converter that provides regulated DC power output. The converter transforms an unregulated 27.5 VDC input to a regulated 13 ‘VDC output ina voltage reducer mode to supply power to all [2 VDC operated equipment ‘ControVOperation Info: Power is supplied by a Circuit breaker located on the aircraft mission bus. Service Info: The AK5S1-40Converter require no servicing, Maintenance Instructions: The AK 551-40 Converter is condition and requires no scheduled ‘maintenance. ‘Troubleshooting Info: Refer to the AK $51-40 Converter installation manual IM -$51 revision NC or later Removal/Replacement: To remove The AKS51 -40 Converter, remove the 4 ea screws securing the converter mounting bracket to the rack located on the front of the unit. Remove unit from mounting rack and disconnect electrical and ant connections. Reverse order for installation. Diagrams: Refer to the AK 551-40 Converter installation manual IM -551 revision NC or later spect Application of Protective Treatments: Not applicable. Inspection Requirements: Not Applicable Data: Installation conforms to AC43.13-1B and AC43-13-2B. Special Tools: None Commuter Category Aireraft: Not Applicable. Overhaul Periods: No additional Overhaul time limitations. Airworthiness Limitations: No Additional Airworthiness Limitations. Revisions: Upon acceptance of a este submitted tothe local FAA witha copy ofthe revised FAA form 337 and revised ICA a maintenance record entry will be made identifying the revision, its location andthe date ACCEPTED AEA-FSDO-13.04 70-202 INSTRUCTIONS: Print or ype oll enies_ Seo Tile 14 GFR §43.0, Pan 43 Append B, end AD 435-1 (or subsoquent revision here) for Instuetions and dlepesiton ofthis form. This ror is required by aw (49 U.S.C. §44701). Failure to report can resul in a cil penalty foreach sueh voiation. (49 US C.§4630110)) Tonaly and Reisoton Na saan Nv7en 20882265 ‘irra rake raze Sere ‘Cessna 2088 [arn (5 sown On reTaton cOTaT] [aarees (A shown on ration orice] DAS Early Detection Alarm Co. oto 9107 Doudreare RO Unit 8 - 2 Owner cw Tomball fav TX ie 77378 corey USA T For FAA oa On a tit te pepsi, atinrs ‘Sagi "one Ran pot in a ton eae art perma WereTOR Zefa ste owe $10 32012. AEA ADL. ape 5 Unit entiation | eae [ Ateraion | unt wate wea Sea Oo |g |aweme | ———— (As desorbed tem 1 above) OC | 0 Jrowersvavy oO C1 |proreuer 7 Oo _JAPPUANCE anceaiurer 7 content Satara TA Raenayi Nara and Aes 8, Kind of Agony woe Beniamin Tavs U8 Cerf ace [tensacer ones “4 Westninstr Drive Foren Cree tan © Gefate No cy Elzabetbioan om PR aca Rope Star w _ 17022 __ cn» USA Gatata nranee Onan 194869073 1D. | cealy tha the repair andlor aration made the un) idantifed in dem 6 above and described on the reverse or attachments herelo have been made n accordance wih the requirements of Part 43 ofthe US. Federal Aviation Regulations and thal the information. Tumsed heroin is rue and correct to te best of my knowledge, Extended ange fuel ‘SgnatureDate of Ahorzed hapaaad portecrn pans Oy App. 8 [Benjamin M Travis Srad-12 T. Approval for Return to Sopvice Pursuant to the authorty given persons specified below, the unit identiied if item 5 was inspected in the manner prescribed by the ASristlor ote Federal Raton Aiton and [i Aoove[] Reeetee Fane Sindee TT wansacrer Maintenance Orparization eens Aoi by Cnsdon ey [Other (Specify FAROesignee Repair Staton | | inspecion Aorzaton enero Saratreae oat ‘Sesser foonannwtie Beene CHAPTER 4.0 - AIRWORTHINESS LIMITATIONS, A. General . B. FAA Approval CHAPTER 5.0 - TIME LIMITS/MAINTENANCE CHECKS 5-20-00: SCHEDULED CHECKS .. A. General B. Component Overhaul Schedule . CHAPTER 23.0 - COMMUNICATIONS ...... 23-10-00: TDFM-7000 TRANSCEIVERS . 1.0 Description / Operation 101. Troubleshooting 201. Reserved... 301. Servicing . 401. Removal / Installation 501. Adjustment / Test .... 601. Inspection / Check . .. 701. Cleaning / Painting 801. Approved Repairs al al 1 22 2 2 3 4 3 5 5 APPENDICA Geeta ee fy AVIONICS DESIG SERVICES 7g November 1, 2010 RELEASED Page ii ‘Technisonie Industries Led, 240 Traders Bvd. E Mississauga ON L4Z 1W7 SUPPLEMENT No, ICA06045-1 CHAPTER 1.0- INTRODUCTION Revision D A. General The Technisonic Industries Limited Multi-band P25 Airborne TDFM-7000, TDFM-7300, or TDFM-136A system installation is defined by Transport Canada STC SA97-129. The following equipment are installed: CHAPTER| MAKE MODEL / UNIT PIN LOCATION 23-10-00 | ‘fechnisonic | TDFM-7000 Series Multi-band | TDFM-7000 | DZUS ral-mounted in Digital FM Transceiver the cockpit or cabin of the aircraft; refer to or or Aircraft Weight & Balance and Aircraft TDFM-7300 Series Multiband | TDFM-7300 | Log for specific Location Digital / Analog FM Transceiver of transceiver. on or ‘TDFM-136A Series Digital / TDEM- 136A Analog FM Transceiver RC-7000 Remote Control Head | RC-7000 DZUS railemounted in Optional) the cockpit or cabin of the airraft; refer to or or Aircraft Weight & Balance and Aircraft RC-7300 Remote Control Head | RC-7300 Log for specific location (Optional) of wansceiver. Flowaronics | VHFLO Antenna FLX-3050B, (TDFM-7300 only) or or Sensor 865-8282-34 Systems VHF Antenna cr292 ‘i Sarena Refer to Aircraft Weight ee & Balance and Aircraft UHFLO Antenna ch275 Log for specifi location Comant | 403 - 470 MHz (As cequired) of antenna as applicable for tranceiver model ‘UHFHT Antenna cn27s 450 - 512 MHz (As required) UHFHI CD) i285 450 - 520 MHz (As Required) {800 Antenna 1-306 806 - 870 MHz (As required) November 1, 2010 AVIONICS DESIGN SERVICES UTD RELEASED 1-00-00 Page 1 Technisunic Industries Led. ‘SUPPLEMENT No. ICA06045-1 240 Traders Blvd. E Revision D Mississauga ON 142. 1W7 CHAPTER] MAKE MODEL / UNIT PIN LOCATION 800/700 (tt) Antenna 700-870 MHz (As required) cr-285 ‘The inspection and maintenance practices described herein relate to the Multi-band P25 Airborne TDFM-7000 & RC-7300, or TDFM-7300 & RC-7300, or TDFM-136A system installation as described above. Component part numbers and wiring diagrams are included in the applicable Technisonic Installation and Operating Instructions, included in Appendix A. ‘The following are reference documents required to supplement the information in this, manual concerning the removal, installation and inspection of the above components. DOCUMENT DOCUMENT NO. TITLE INSTALLATION AND OSRE375 MULTIBAND P25 AIRBORNE TRANSCEIVER OPERATING MODEL TDFM-7000 INSTALLATION AND. INSTRUCTIONS. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION AND 06RE377 MULTIBAND P25 AIRBORNE TRANSCEIVER OPERATING REMOTE CONTROL RC-7000 INSTALLATION AND INSTRUCTIONS: OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION AND O8RE389 MULTIBAND P25 AIRBORNE TRANSCEIVER OPERATING. MODEL TDEM-7300 INSTALLATION AND. INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALLATION AND O8RE400 MULTIBAND P25 AIRBORNE TRANCEIVER OPERATING REMOTE CONTROL RC-7300 INSTALLATION AND INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALLATION AND O9RE404 VHF/FM DIGITAL AIRBORNE TRANCEIVER OPERATING MODEL TDFM-136A INSTALLATION AND. INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, B. ICA Distribution This document, and any revisions thereto, shall be distributed to authorized users of the applicable STC data. They will be distributed by courier, in electronic format or paper format. November 1, 2010 AVIONICS DESIGN SERVICES UTD RELEASED 1-00-00 Page 2 ‘Technisonic Industries Le. 240 Traders Blvd. E Mississauga ON L4Z 1W7 Aircraft Applicability SUPPLEMENT No. ICA06045-1 Revision D ‘The Technisonic Industries Limited Multi-band P25 Airborne TDFM-7000 & RC-7300, or ‘TDFM-7300 & RC-7300, or TDFM-136A system installation is applicable to the following aircraft: MODEL. MANUFACTURER 172, 172AIBICIDIEIFIGIMKILIMINIPIQ, 172 CESSNA, 180, 1B0A/B/C/DIEIFIGIAUIIK, CESSNA 182, 1S2A/B/C/D/EJF/GIAIIIK/LIMIN/PIQIR, 1825, T182, TRI82, RIRZ CESSNA 185, 1S5A/BICIDIE, Al8SEIF CESSNA 7206, P206, P2OGAIBICIDIE, TP206A/B/CIDIE, U206, U206A/B/CIDIEIFIG, | CESSNA TU206A/BICIDIEFIG 208. 20878 CESSNA 'PA-32-260/300/301/301T, PA-32R 300/301 (SPY301(HPY/301T, PA-32S-300, | PIPER PA-32RT-300/300T PA-28-140/150/151/160/161/180/181/2011/235/236, PA-28R- PIPER 180/200/201/201T, PA-28RT-201/201T, PA-28S-160/180 ‘300, 500-AIBIUIS, 520, 560, 560-A7E TWIN COMMANDER '560-F, 680. 680E/FIFLIFL(PYT/VIW, 681, 685, 690, 690A/BICID, 695, "TWIN COMMANDER 695A/B, 720 PC-6, PC-6-HI, PC-6-H2, PC-6/350, PC-67350-HI, PC-6/350-H2, PC-6/A, PC-_ | PILATUS (/A-HII, PC-6/A-H2, PC-6/B-H2, PC. 6/8 |-H2, PC-6/B2-H2 D. Acronyms VHFLO —_Very High Frequency Low VHF Very High Frequency FM Frequency Modulation UHF Ultra High Frequency UHFHI Ultra High Frequency High UHFLO Ultra High Frequency Low MHz Mega Hertz RX Receive 1X ‘Transmit RE Radio Frequency sTC Supplemental Type Certificate FAA Federal Aviation Administration ATA Airline Transport Association AVIONICS DEStGn SERVICES To November 1, 2010 RELEASED 1-00-00 Page 3 ‘Technisonic Industries Lid. ‘SUPPLEMENT No. ICA06045-1 240 Traders Blvd. E Revision D Mississauga ON LAZ 1W7 E. Supplement Identities: Chapter, Page, Paragraph Numbers The supplement format follows the general requirements of Specification ATA-2200 with respect to Chapter and Title. However, since the extent of the supplemental information is. relatively small in scope, the page numbering for each chapter is consecutive. Reference can be made to the following Chapter/Subject Listing: ‘Subject, Page Number Title page 0 Table of Contents, Index, Page Listing i, i, ii, ete. Content page(s) 1,23, ete, Paragraph or component titles are listed via A. B. C. D. ete. Sub-paragraphs are listed according to: Subject Description / Operation 10 Troubleshooting 101 (Reserved) 201 Servicing 301 Removal / installation 401 Adjustment / Test S01 Inspection / Check 601 Cleaning / Painting 701 Approved Repairs 801 AVIONICS DESiGH SERVICES Urp 00.00 November 1, 2010 RELEASED eee ‘Technisonic Industries Lid. ‘SUPPLEMENT No. 1CA06045-1 240 Traders Blvd. E Revision D Mississauga ON L4Z.1W7 CHAPTER 4.0 - AIRWORTHINESS LIMITATIONS General No airworthiness limitations associated with this type design change. "AA Apptovi The following is for installations requiring FAA STC Approval: The Airworthiness Limitations section is FAA-approved and specifies maintenance required under 43.16 and 91.403 of the Federal Aviation Regulation, unless an alternative program has been FAA approved. AVIONICS DES) SERVICES tip 4-00-00 November 1, 2010 PELeaseD Page 1 ‘Technisonie Industries Led. 240 Traders Blvd. E Mississauga ON L4Z.1W7 SUPPLEMENT No, ICAO604S-1 Revision D CHAPTER 8.0 - TIME LIMITS/MAINTENANCE CHECKS General 5-20-00: SCHEDULED CHECKS Perform the following General Visual Inspections, annually. The inspections are to be performed referencing the applicable wiring diagrams in the Installation & Operating Instructions, included in Appendix A. Follow standard maintenance practices of individual Aircraft Maintenance Manual. Deseription Inspection Details ‘Antenna Installation: ‘TDEM.7000 Transceiver; RC-7000 Remote Control Head (if installed); Wiring: ‘TDFM-1300 Transceiver: RC-7300 Remote Control Head (if installed): Wiring: or ‘TDEM-136A Transceiver: Wiring: Annually Remove antenna in accordance with ‘Chapter 23-10-00 Seetion 401 Item C. Perform visual inspection of external skin around periphery of connector cutouts and all rivet locations. Check for damage such as fastener deterioration, skin cracks, corrosion, paint exfoliation and other signs of structural deterioration of the skin structure. Any flaw indication is cause for rejection Visually examine all external surfaces for possible damage. Check external ‘connectors for dust, corrosion, of ‘damage. Check external parts for loose ‘or damaged hardware. Make visual check of wiring and connectors for damage. Component Overhaul Schedule No component overhaul required for this type design change November 1, 2010 AVIONICS DES) SERVICES uD 0 RELEASED Page 1 Technisonic Industries Lad. ‘SUPPLEMENT No. ICA06045-1 240 Traders Blvd. E Revision D Mississauga ON LAZ.1W7 Lo CHAPTER 23.0 - COMMUNICATIONS 23-10-00: TDFM-7000 TRANSCEIVERS. Description / Operation ‘The TDFM-7000 and TDFM-7300 are airborne multi-band radios capable of operation in conventional analog and P25 digital FM systems, SmartNevSMART ZONE trunking systems and P25 9600 trunking systems. Type IRF modules are available in VHF, UHFLO, UHFHI and 800 MHz bands. Type II RF modules support additional optional features not available in type [ modules and are currently available in VHF, UHFLO, UHFHI and 700/800 MHz. The TDFM-7300 supports VHFLO operation. ‘The optional RC-7000 and RC-7300 remote controllers are designed to be a secondary control point for the TDFM-7000 and TDFM-7300 transceivers respectively and each remote controller operates the same as the corresponding tranceiver. A S-line display for the TDFM-7000 (6-line display for the TDFM-7300) and a keypad and a rotary knob provide the operator control of up to 4 RF bands for the TDFM-7000 (5 bands for the TDFM-7300). The display shows activity of all bands as well as the menu Of the active band, selected by pressing the BAND key. The knob has multiple functions including volume, and channel. The microphone, key line and headphone audio can be configured separately for each of the bands therefore switching from band to band is performed at an audio panel such as the Technisonic A71X series. This allows for separate and simultaneous operation on each of the bands just like having multiple radios. The transceiver can also be configured so that all bands are available on one output. In this configuration, the BAND key on the transceiver must perform switching between bands and the user can only transmit on one band at a time. ‘The TDFM-136A tranceiver is a frequency agile, fully synthesized airbome tranceiver capable of operating in the I36MHz to 174MHz frequency range in 2.5kH1z increments with either 25kHz analog, 12.5kHz analog channel spacing and P25, 12.5kHz digital ‘modulation on a channel by channel basis. ‘The transceiver can operate on any split frequency pair in the band and also incorporates a two channel synthesized guard receiver. Channel operating parameters, including frequency and other related data, are presented on a 48-character, two-line LED matrix display. Data entry and function control takes place via a 12-button keypad. AVIONICS pes) SeRvices. pry 23-10-00 November 1, 2010 RELEASED Page | ‘Technisonic Industries Lid. ‘SUPPLEMENT No. ICA06045-1 240 Traders Blvd. E Revision D Mississauga ON LZ 1W7 101, Troubleshooting NOTE: Prepare aircraft in accordance with standard aircraft maintenance manual procedures. Condition Action No power. Ensure connectors are properly affixed. Pull and reset applicable circuit breakers [Not operating correctly. ‘TDFM-7000 or TDFM-7300 or TDFM-136A: Inspect wiring and ring out harness in accordance with Figure 3-2 of Technisonie Industries id, Installation and Operating Instructions document no. O5RE375 (TDEM-7000) of 08RE389 (TDFM-7300), or 09RE404 (TDFM- 136A) and correct, imegularities as required. RC-7000 or RC-7300: Inspect wiring and ring out harness in accordance with Figure 3-2 ‘of Technisonic Industries Le, Installation and Operating Instructions document no. 06RE377 (RC-7000) or 0RE4O0 (RC- 7300), and correct irregularities as require. Not operating correctly after above action | TDFM-7000 or TDFM-7300 or TDFM-136A: completed. Remove in accordance with Section 401. A of this chapter and return to Techaisonic Industries Ltd. for evaluation and repair. RC-7000 or RC-7300: Remove in accordance with Section 401. B ofthis chapter and return to Techaisonie Industries Lid, for evaluation and repair 201. Reserved Not Applicable 301, Servicing There are no servicing procedures associated with the components of this chapter. AVIONICS DESTow SERVICES LTO 23-10-00 November 1, 2010 RELEASED Page 2 ‘Technisonic Industries Lid. ‘SUPPLEMENT No, ICA06045-1 240 Traders Bld, E Revision D Mississauga ON L4Z 1W7 401, Removal / Installation NOTES: 1. Prepare aircraft in accordance with standard aircraft maintenance manual procedures. 2. Gain access to the components of this chapter, in accordance with the aircraft maintenance manual. A. TDFM-7000 / TDFM-7300 / TDFM-136A Transceivers Removal a) Pull and collar applicable TDFM-7000 or TDFM-7300 or TDFM-136A circuit breaker. b) Remove four Dzus fasteners from front of transceiver. ©) Slide transceiver forward of the panel cutout. d) Disconnect electrical connector and antenna connector(s) from the rear of the transceiver. e) Remove transceiver from the panel cutout. Installation a) Connect electrical connector and antenna connector(s) to the rear of the transceiver. b) Slide transceiver into the panel cutout. ©) Secure four Dzus fasteners on the front of transceiver. 4) Remove applicable TDFM-7000 or TDFM-7300 or TDFM-136A circuit breaker collar and reset. €) Perform the Function Test in accordance with Sections 501.A, of this chapter. RC-7000 / RC-7300 Remote Control Head (optional) Removal a) Pull and collar applicable RC-7000 or RC-7300 circuit breaker. b) Unlock four Dzus fasteners from front of RC-7000 or RC-7300. ©) Slide RC-7000 or RC-7300 forward of the panel cutout. 4) Disconnect electrical connector from the rear of the RC-7000 or RC-7300. ©) Remove RC-7000 from the panel cutout. Installation a) Connect electrical connector to the rear of the RC-7000 or RC-7300. b) Slide RC-7000 into the panel cutout. ©) Secure four Dzus fasteners on the front of RC-7000 or RC-7300. 4) Remove applicable RC-7000 or RC-7300 circuit breaker collar and reset. e) Perform the Function Test in accordance with Sections 501.A, of this chapter. AVIONICS DESI SERVICES LT)" Zoeloe November 1, 2010 RELEASED ae ‘Technisonie Industries Lid. ‘SUPPLEMENT No. ICAO6045-1 240 Traders Blvd, E Revision D Mississauga ON LAZ.1W7 November 1, 2010 c Antenna(s) Removal a) Gain access to antenna. b) Remove electrical connectors from the antenna. ©) Remove the sealant from periphery of antenna base. a) Remove screws and washers securing the antenna to the mounting surface. e) Remove the antenna ftom the aircraft. Installation a) Perform visual inspection of antenna provisions in accordance with Chapter 5-20- 00 prior to installation of antenna, b) Connect coaxial cable to antenna coax connector. ©) Secure fastening screws used to attach antenna to fuselage. 4) Seal around periphery of antenna with PRC-DeSoto PR-1422B2, or equivalent. ) Perform the Function Test in accordance with Sections 501.A, of this chapter. Adjustment / Test A. Function Test NOTE: If only the transceiver is installed, perform the following function test using the front panel of the TDFM-7000 or TDFM-7300 or TDFM-136A. If the transceiver and the remote controller are installed (Applicable to TDFM-7000 or TDFM-7300 only), perform the following function test from the front panel of the RC-7000 or RC-7300. a) b) ° 4) 8 Power up the Aircraft’s avionics systems. Tur on the transceiver and remote controller (as applicable). Adjust the volume levels as required. Press the squelch defeat button to open receiver. Ensure receiver is operational, the RX status indicator light is on and channels are open. Tune an operating frequency and carry out a transmit / receive. Ensure the TX status indicator lights when receiver is transmitting and RX status indicator lights when receiver is receiving. ‘Check the operation of all front panel controls. AVIONICS DESIGN SERVICES 1p 23-104 RELEASED : nea ‘Technisonic Industries Lid. SUPPLEMENT No. ICA6045-1 240 Traders Blvd. E Revision D Mississauga ON L4Z1W7 Ol. Inspection / Check Inspections for this chapters components are to be performed in accordance with Chapter 5-20-00, paragraph A, of these Instructions for Continued Airworthiness. leaning / Paintin; There are no additional cleaning or painting procedures to be added to the Aircraft Maintenance Manual for the components of this chapter. Approved Repairs A. TDFM-7000 or TDEM-7300 or TDFM-136A Transceiver / RC-7000 or RC-7300 Remote Controller There are no approved field repairs for the transceiver or controller. Failed units caused by defective parts or workmanship, should be returned to: Technisonic Industries Limited 240 Traders Blvd. E Mississauga, ON Laz 1w7 1905} 890-2113, Antennas The antennas associated with this system are non-repairable. If they are determined to be faulty they must be removed and replaced. AVIONICS DESIGN SERVICES LT 23-10-00 November 1, 2010 RELEASED Page 5 Technisonic Indusities Lid. ‘SUPPLEMENT No. ICA06045-1 240 Traders Blvd, E Revision D Mississauga ON L4Z. 1W7 APPENDIX A TITLE OSRE375, MULTIBAND P25 AIRBORNE TRANSCEIVER MODEL ‘TDFM-7000 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING. INSTRUCTIONS O6RE377 MULTIBAND P25 AIRBORNE TRANSCEIVER REMOTE. CONTROL RC-7000 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS O8RE389 MULTIBAND P25 AIRBORNE TRANSCEIVER MODEL ‘TDFM-7300 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING. INSTRUCTIONS 08RE400 MULTIBAND P25 AIRBORNE TRANSCEIVER REMOTE, CONTROL RC-7300 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS O9RE404 VHF / FM DIGITAL AIRBORNE TRANSCEIVER MODEL ‘TDFM-136A INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS | * Or later Transport Canada approved revision. AVIONICS DESI GH November 1, 2010 SERVICES LTD un RELEASED Re are... Pe Us oss MAJOR REPAIR AND ALTERATION pt axarar cen (Airframe, Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliance) TNSTRUGTIONS: Print or ype all enties. Soa Tile 14 GFR G43. Part #3 Appendix B, and AC 43.0-1 (or subsequent revision therea)for Instructions and alspostion of tis form, Ths epart is required by law (49 U.S.C. §44701), Faure to report can result In a cv penalty fr each such volaion. (49 U.S.C. §48301(8)) So TTT Tea treo eases tavern foe iar Ta Cason noe Je cs or creation aT Peas ova a eT SAG cewybuoser lem ca Jere 2107 Goucrens RO Unt 8 2 omer iS =i Tare cnn WBA TFaCEARU Osi re ca. eee cere Sas rh ee j APRONS EPECION Ziad Masih getah create cet abn ae 7 atidoion Fepae_[ sian | Um We va wane o WZ |AReRAME {As described in tem 1 above) | _[rowerenr O | O [reopen Of 0 erence rama rman eR a Eredar ame vom Baier Trav OS coe Tia ‘So “termine De Tan ene ei or” anti =A Cases tae a = 10qQ0 ow USA Card tame OPE 1D | certiy thatthe repair andor ateration made fo the unis) identified In tem 5 above and described on the revere or altachments herelo have been mage in accordance wih tho requirements of Part 49 of he U.S. Federal Avion Rogulations and that the information furnished herein fs tue and correct to the best of my knowledge Extended range fel ‘SgnataraDale of Authorized indvual rena en OD eisninutans Suny YF Zo 5-04-12 7. Approval for Return to Sgfvice Parson! te thor quan persone spested below, the unt ented h ken 5 was Fspeced im Te manner pescibed by the ‘Ainnstotref he Feral Raton hemntaton aria Te Asoroved Rejects FAA Fa Suncare Ponre pore Suen rane Mander Manioere Oganzaton Bonne reac er eer 57 FAA Design evar stain | y/| rapecionAtraion tea lone ot Raed wa rat oars leananntave by Uf Fedele FAA Form 337 ro 7 NOTICE Weight and balance or operating limitation changes shall be entered inthe appropriate aircraft record, An alteration must be ‘compatible with all previous alterations to assure continued conformity withthe applicable airworthiness requirements [s- Deseription of Work Accomplched (itmore space is required, attach addtional shoots. Identity with aircraft rationalty and registration mark and dato wrk comploted) Nizeou 52-12 ‘Nationally and Ragisvaion Mark Dae Cabin Lights Removed existing Passenger reading lights from cabin overhead. Installed 754RW-28 LED Reading Lamp P/N 11-04393 with-lamp mounting base P/N 11-04397 in same location as removed reading lamps using’ MS32506-231 screws and MS$21044-D06 lock nuts in accordance AC 43.13-1B chapter 7 section 2 page 7-3 para 7-16 and section 4 page 7-11 para 7-64. Connected lamp assémblies to existing wiring in accordance with Spruce Specialty installation instructions and AC 43.13-1B chapter 11 section 13 page 11-65 para 11-167. ‘System was ground tested good and found to perform as specified with no adverse effects to other aircraft systems Electrical load does not exceed 80% of aircraft electrical system capacity. See attached ICA for instructions for continued airworthiness. Ti Actions sheets Are tached FAA Form 337 poo) Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Aireraft Make Cessna Aircraft Serial 208B2245 Aircraft Model 208B Aircraft Registration N1789M Introduction: Cessna 208B S/N 208B2245 listed above. 2. Description: Replacing existing overhead incandescent lamp with 754 series LED lamp. 3. ControvOperation Info: Lamps are turned on and off by switch located next to lamp assembly 4. Service Info: The 754 series led lamps require no servicing 5. Maintenance Instructions: The 754 LED Lamp assemblies are condition and require no scheduled maintenance. 6. Troubleshooting Info: Troubleshooting ofthe lamp system is limited to checking for proer power and aground to assembly. 7, Removal/Replacement: To remove 754 LED lamp assembly remove 3 attaching screws and nus located atthe base of the lamp. Disconnect electrical connection, Reverse order for installation, 8. Diagrams: Refer to Cessna 2088 Cabin lighting wiring diagram. 9. Special Inspection Requirements: Not Applicable 10. Application of Protective Treatments: Not applicable 11, Data: Installation conforms to AC43.13-1B. 12, Special Tools: None 13. Commuter Category Aireraft: Not Applicable. 14, Overhaut Periods: No additional Overhaul time limitations. 15, Airworthiness Limitations: No Additional Airworthiness Limitations. 16, Revisions: Upon acceptance of a eter submited tothe local FAA with a copy ofthe revised FAA form 337 and revised ICA a maintenance record entry will be made identifying the revision, is location and the date. ACCEPTED AEA-FSDO-13 34 S90 -2072 FAA FORM 8130-6, APPLICATION FOR U.S. AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE Form Approved OMB. No. 2120-0018, faavn01 APPLICATION FOR U. S. AIRWORTHINESS ‘ntachonenit. For speck fight permite complete Saclons CERTIFICATE oe ; Gesona Airerat Company 2 ag |S 4 aoeeaue Bratt & whitney Canada Praia FE [ipeecraramas Lan Se —= [A] a] sranono arwornenesscenrrcars oacercaonon [x] vomwee | | ovum] | acrceave] | weacrow] | comarca] [eutoon] [oven o romana] ee t bee pees i + naan recone = [at] omen i ramen mew P| He nner van o 71 sapere a| || |e ng Cer ates eens os EC RS RE earns ee me eer ISTERED OWN ew ant oat mp) Cessna Aircraft Company One Cessna Boulevard, Wichita, KS 67216 TE ARGUFTCEINFEATONENSS mae sm ie aan "ARCRAET SPECICATION OR WE GERTFRATEOMTA SHEE (Gr x| Besson ASICE - Revision 16 x) Senn DRT aa SRS aaa O nae oy fo10.22” Oc 26,2010 AREER Tp ash wa ‘SOPRA PE CERT WINE a To TS ‘SAS64ONM x] Sonruntiewr cern Soa 14. ‘FERRARA Ran as a oT AE 1 GERTINGATION noah ely alam Been ove (Nis ope of th oa ated abo, ath ssa wba Foam An Aina Sesadorce we is tented Sas Coss 0) tan deposi Fades akon Repnn nae seats ee camaro ands orcs an is be aa eae eee eC] pe heceinSii SSAT ageT TH any a a EE spe = _ SSE TT noe sae _ =e dl — i te | oe Peloaae TR Kon Gould ODA-100129-CE AOE ‘FRA Form 61306 (0-08) Prous Eon Dated SO! 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