Journal of Food Engineering
Journal of Food Engineering
Journal of Food Engineering
Effect of sucrose fatty acid esters on the particle characteristics and flow
properties of phytosterol nanodispersions
Wai Fun Leong a, Yaakob B. Che Man a, Oi Ming Lai b, Kamariah Long c, Mitsutoshi Nakajima d,
Chin Ping Tan a,⇑
Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Department of Bioprocess Technology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), P.O. Box 12301, 50774 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tennoudai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8572, Japan
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The effect of four different types of sucrose fatty acid esters as nonionic emulsifiers on the physicochem-
Received 19 March 2010 ical properties of water-soluble phytosterol nanodispersions was investigated. In general, the mean par-
Received in revised form 20 November 2010 ticle sizes of the prepared phytosterol nanodispersions ranged from 2.8 to 259.9 nm. The phytosterol
Accepted 28 November 2010
content in the final prepared nanodispersions ranged from 230.4 to 504.6 mg/l. All of the prepared phy-
Available online 3 December 2010
tosterol nanodispersions exhibited pseudoplastic flow behavior, with low yield stress ranging from 0.630
to 9.183 mPa and a low consistency coefficient of 0.608–88.710 mPas. Less than 1.5 ll of hexane residues
per liter of prepared nanodispersions was found in the prepared phytosterol nanodispersions. Transmis-
Sucrose fatty acid esters
Phytosterol nanodispersions
sion electron microscopy (TEM) demonstrated that the prepared phytosterol nanoparticles were spheri-
Mean particle size cal in shape. In general, the sucrose fatty acid esters P-1570, L-1695 and S-1570 are appropriate for use in
Flow properties the preparation of phytosterol nanoparticles with small mean particle size at monomodal distribution
% Transmittance with high clarity in appearance.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
64 W.F. Leong et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 104 (2011) 63–69
2.4.3. Gas chromatography analysis of phytosterols were ramped for 60 s. All samples were allowed to rest for
The phytosterols were analyzed using the Agilent Technologies 10 min after loading to allow for temperature equilibration and
network GC system, series 6890 N (Wilmington, DE, USA) with for the induced stress to relax. Each measurement was repeated
flame ionization detection (FID) controlled by the Agilent Chemsta- twice. Data were analyzed using the Rheowin Data Manager soft-
tion software. Separation was conducted on a MDN-5 fused silica ware, version 4.00.
capillary column of 30 m length 0.32 mm i.d 0.25 lm film
thickness (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA). Splitless injection was 2.7. Transmittance measurement
used. The oven temperature program was initially set at 250 °C
and was increased at 2 °C/min to 300 °C. The detector and injection The % transmittances of the phytosterol nanodispersions were
port temperatures were set at 300 °C. measured using a UV–visible spectrophotometer (Spectronic
Genesys™ 10, GENEQ Inc., Montreal, Canada). The measurements
2.5. Determination of hexane residue were made using a standard single-beam arrangement. The
nanodispersions were place in a cuvette with a 1 cm path length.
2.5.1. Headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) analysis Deionized water was used as blank. The transmittance spectra were
HS-SPME coupled with GC was previously used to analyze sol- obtained over the wavelength range 380–750 nm.
vent residues in edible oils (Michulec and Wardencki, 2005). A
Supelco 75 lm Carboxen polydimethylsiloxane (CAR-PDMS)-
2.8. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
coated SPME fiber and a manual fiber holder were used for the
SPME headspace analysis. The CAR-PDMS fiber was first condi-
The morphology and the structure of the phytosterol nanopar-
tioned in the GC injection port at 250 °C for 2 h. A total of 1.5 g
ticles were observed using a Hitachi H-7100 TEM (Tokyo, Japan).
NaCl was added to a 20 ml headspace vial containing 4 ml of phy-
The copper microscope grid coated with carbon film was first
tosterol nanodispersion. Toluene (1 ll) was used as an internal
placed into a drop of phytosterol nanodispersion for 3 min and
standard. The vial was immersed in a water bath for heating and
dried in open air. The dried sample was then negatively stained
was stirred for 15 min at 80 °C. After 15 min, the fiber was exposed
by a 2% phosphotungstic acid (PTA) solution for 2 min. The micro-
for 15 min at 80 °C for absorption, and it was then immediately in-
scope grid was then left to dry for 2 h. The dried and stained micro-
jected into the injection port of the GC for 10 min. Each analysis
scope grids containing samples were observed by TEM with an
was carried out in duplicate. To determine the relative response
acceleration voltage of 100 kV.
factor (RRF), 5 ml of the phytosterol nanodispersion was replaced
by deionized water containing hexane (1 ll).
2.9. Statistical analysis
2.5.2. Gas Chromatography analysis of hexane residue
The analysis was performed with an Agilent Technologies net- Data were analyzed using a one-way analysis of variance in
work GC system, series 6890 N (Wilmington, DE) with flame ioni- SPSS (package release 12.0). All experiments were carried out in
zation detection, controlled by a MDN-1 fused silica capillary duplicate. The significance level was set at 0.05. The significance
column of 30 m length 0.32 mm i.d 0.25 lm film thickness between means was further determined by Duncan’s multiple
(Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA). A 0.75 mm i.d. liner was used to range tests.
minimize the effect of peak broadening. Splitless injection was
used. Helium was used as the carrier gas at a flow rate of 1.1 ml/ 3. Results and discussion
min. The injector temperature was set at 250 °C. The oven temper-
ature program was initially set at 40 °C for 3 min, and it was then 3.1. Particle size and distribution
increased at 4 °C/min to 60 °C and then 20 °C/min to 100 °C. The
detector temperature was set at 250 °C. The hydrogen and air flows The optimum HLB value of the emulsifiers required to fully en-
were set at 45 ml/min and 400 ml/min, respectively. trap the compound of interest often depends on the hydrophilicity
of the compound. The ideal HLB value for oil-in-water dispersion is
2.6. Viscosity measurement between 9 and 18. At low HLB value (between 7 and 9), the
emulsifier may behave as a wetting agent instead of an effective
Viscosity was measured using of a controlled-stress rheometer emulsifier, which causes the entrapment to be less efficient
(RheoStress 6000, Haake GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany). The viscosi- (McClements, 2005). The HLB value of the SE reduces as the degree
ties of the sample were evaluated at 25 °C with a measuring cup of esterification of the sucrose increases and/or the chain length of
Z43 and rotor Z38. The sample size was 30.8 ml. Temperature the fatty acid increases. To produce oil-in-water nanodispersions,
was maintained at 25 °C by a Haake temperature controller SEs with high HLB values or highly hydrophilic properties has been
(DC30) with an accuracy of ± 0.1 °C. Sheer rates from 0 to 10 s1 suggested (Garti et al., 1999).
Table 2
Particle size and its distribution of phytosterol nanodispersions prepared by different types of SEsz.
% SEs SEs
P-1570 L-1695 OWA-1570 S-1570
Mean particle Distribution Mean particle Distribution Mean particle Distribution Mean particle Distribution
diameter (nm) profile diameter (nm) profile diameter (nm) profile diameter (nm) profile
0.1 134.9 ± 1.5ab Bimodal 66.6 ± 0.3ac Bimodal 245.2 ± 5.40aa Bimodal 259.9 ± 6.0aa Polymodal
0.5 6.5 ± 0.1bb,c Monomodal 3.9 ± 0.6bc Monomodal 108.7 ± 1.0ca Polymodal 8.5 ± 1.1bb Bimodal
1.0 3.6 ± 0.5bb Monomodal 3.5 ± 0.1bb Monomodal 100.5 ± 1.6ca Polymodal 5.2 ± 0.6bb Bimodal
5.0 4.2 ± 0.7bb Monomodal 4.1 ± 0.2bb Monomodal 204.5 ± 2.5ba Polymodal 2.8 ± 0.2bb Monomodal
Each value in the table represents the mean ± standard deviation of six measurements of two replicates. Means within the same column with different superscript are
significantly different (p < 0.05). Means within the same row with different subscript are significantly different (p < 0.05). Abbreviations: see Table 1.
66 W.F. Leong et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 104 (2011) 63–69
Table 2 shows the mean particle size and distribution profile 3.2. Retention of phytosterol
of the prepared phytosterol nanodispersions. The particle sizes
ranged from 2.8 to 259.9 nm. Generally, the phytosterol nanodi- In general, the phytosterol content in the prepared nanodisper-
spersions prepared using 0.5%, 1% or 5% L-1695 or P-1570 and sions ranged from 230.4 to 504.6 mg/l (Table 3). Phytosterol con-
5% S-1570 were the most desirable for their small mean particle centrations did not differ significantly among the phytosterol
size and monomodal distribution profile (p < 0.05). OWA-1570 nanodispersions prepared with P-1570, L-1695, or S-1570 at 0.1–
demonstrated inferior entrapment efficiency by producing mean 5% w/v SE and 1% or 5% w/v of OWA-1570 (p > 0.05). Although
particle sizes greater than 100 nm at non-monomodal distribu- 0.1% w/v of P-1570, L-1695 and S-1570 produced larger particle
tion for all experimental OWA-1570 concentrations. The ability (more than 50 nm), the phytosterol retention were compatible to
of L-1695 to produce a small mean particle size (<100 nm) at 0.5, 1, and 5% w/v of SE. This observation indicated the good emul-
all experimental concentrations was the result of its particle sifying properties of the P-1570, L-1695 and S-1570. The entrap-
entrapment and stabilization efficacies. This can be explained ment efficiency of OWA-1570 was not satisfactory at 0.1% w/v or
by the high HLB value of L-1695, which is attributed to the high 0.5% w/v, where the amount of phytosterol entrapped and dis-
amount of monolaurate (80%) and lower amounts of di-, tri-, and persed in the continuous phase was significantly lower (p < 0.5).
polylaurates (20%) as well as the short chain length of lauric The dispersions prepared with 0.1% and 0.5% w/v OWA-1570 had
acid. Although P-1570, S-1570 and OWA-1570 share the same significant flaking out of the phytosterols during the preparation
HLB value of 15 and the same amount of monoesters, P-1570 process. As mentioned previously, the low entrapment efficiency
appeared to entrap the phytosterol nanoparticles more effi- of the OWA-1570 was due to its formulation. The concentration
ciently and produced significantly smaller mean particle sizes of sucrose oleate in OWA-1570 was 40% of the total weight with
(p < 0.05) at a monomodal distribution. This is because the pal- 70% sucrose monooleate. In other words, at 0.1% and 0.5% w/v of
mitic acid found in the P-1570 had a shorter chain length than OWA-1570, the amount of sucrose monooleate is not sufficient to
the stearic and oleic acids. OWA-1570 was unable to produce fully entrap and retain the phytosterols in the dispersions.
small mean particle sizes at a monomodal distribution. This The un-entrapped phytosterols were not dispersed in the aqueous
could be explained by the formulation of OWA-1570 itself. The phase and instead hovered on the surface of the prepared dispersion.
OWA-1570 formulation contained 40% sucrose oleate with 56% The dispersions prepared with 1% w/v and 0.5% w/v OWA-1570
water and 4% ethanol. The low entrapment efficiency at the therefore contained lower concentrations of phytosterols.
low concentrations (0.1% w/v, 0.5% w/v and 1% w/v) of OWA-
1570 was therefore expected due to the low concentration of su- 3.3. Hexane residue
crose oleate. The ethanol present in the OWA-1570 formulation
acted as a cosurfactant to increase the solubility of sucrose ole- Solvent residues are often the major concern in nanodispersion
ate in the water phase. It has previously been reported that the preparation by the emulsification-evaporation, solvent displace-
cosurfactant ethanol was able to increase the HLB value of the ment or emulsification-diffusion techniques. The amounts of
system by raising the relative affinity for water of the nonionic organic solvent residues directly affect the quality of the final prod-
SEs (Garti et al., 1999). However, in the current study, the cosur- ucts. It is undeniable that complete removal of the organic phase
factant did not improve the entrapment efficiency. A large mean from the final product was rather difficult and sometimes imprac-
particle size was seen at the non-monomodal distribution using tical or impossible. Hexane is commonly used as a solvent in food
5% w/v of OWA-1570. Small mean particle sizes in the nanome- processing and the extraction of vegetable oil. The detectable hex-
ter-range are preferable due to their stability against creaming, ane residue in common soy protein, soy oil and soy meal have been
sedimentation and flocculation (Solans et al., 2005; Tadros shown to range from 20 to 1000 ppm (Woerfel and Erickson, 1995).
et al., 2004). A narrow monomodal distribution profile was
required to reduce the instability due to Ostwald ripening Table 3
(McClements, 2005; Tadros et al., 2004; Taylor, 1995). Fig. 2 Phytosterols concentration of the nanodispersions prepared using different types of
sucrose fatty acid estersz.
shows the particle distribution profile of the phytosterol nanod-
ispersions prepared using 1% SEs. % SEs (w/v) Phytosterol concentration (mg/l)
P-1570 L-1695 OWA-1570 S-1570
0.1 488.0 ± 3.2a 488.2 ± 1.2a 230.4 ± 4.3b 495.0 ± 4.2a
0.5 489.2 ± 5.3a 485.0 ± 3.2a 254.4 ± 11.3b 487.0 ± 1.8a
1.0 492.2 ± 1.8a 503.9 ± 8.1a 489.1 ± 5.7a 500.5 ± 3.3a
5.0 490.9 ± 9.2a 492.5 ± 3.3a 504.6 ± 5.4a 502.0 ± 6.2a
25 z
Each value in the table represents the mean ± standard deviation of four mea-
surements of two replicates. Means within the same column with different sub-
script are significantly different (p < 0.05). Abbreviations: see Table 1.
Voulume (%)
O-1579-1% Table 4
Hexane residue of the phytosterol nanodispersions prepared using different types of
sucrose fatty acid estersz.
10 % SEs (w/ Hexane residue (ll/l)
P-1570 L-1695 OWA-1570 S-1570
0.1 0.010 ± 0.002b 0.012 ± 0.003a n.d** 0.008 ± 0.002b
0.5 n.d** n.d** 0.006 ± 0.002b 0.006 ± 0.000b
0 1.0 0.005 ± 0.001b 0.007 ± 0.000a 0.006 ± 0.001b 0.006 ± 0.001b
1 10 100 1000 5.0 1.430 ± 0.004a 0.011 ± 0.002a 0.368 ± 0.002a 1.502 ± 0.003a
Particle diameter (nm) Each value in the table represents the mean ± standard deviation of four mea-
surements of two replicates. Means within the same column with different sub-
Fig. 2. Particle size distribution profile of phytosterol nanodispersions prepared by script are significantly different (p < 0.05). Abbreviations: see Table 1.
1% w/v of SEs. Not detected.
W.F. Leong et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 104 (2011) 63–69 67
Table 5 shows the yield stress (s0), consistency coefficient (K), Fig. 3. Flow Curves of phytosterol nanodispersions (filled symbols) and aqueous
and flow index (n) obtained from the flow curve models of the pre- phase containing SEs only (open symbols) at 1.0% w/v of different types of SEs.
pared phytosterol nanodispersions, which were calculated using
the Herschel–Bulkley model.
ispersions had significantly (p < 0.5) higher yield stress values than
The Herschel–Bulkley model equation is as follows:
L-1695 and P-1570. This is because S-1570 has a higher molecular
s þ s0 þ KðcÞn ð1Þ mass. The consistency coefficient (K) measures the viscous nature
of the nanodispersions. The K values were significantly higher at
where s = shear stress and c = shear rate. 5% w/v SEs for all types of SEs (p < 0.5). The OWA-1570-stabilized
The coefficients of determination (R2 P 0.95 for all samples) phytosterol nanodispersions exhibited significantly higher
indicate the fitness of the equation. The recorded yield stress ran- K values at all OWA-1570 concentrations (p < 0.05). Generally,
ged from 0.63 to 9.18 mPa. The yield stress measured the mini- L-1695-stabilized phytosterol nanodispersions had significantly
mum stress that must be exceeded before the sample was able lower yield stress values and consistency coefficients at 1.0% w/v
to flow. The densities of the structure of the emulsion network and 5.0% w/v L-1695 (p < 0.5). The flow index is an indicator of
and the molecular weight of the ingredients used have been the deviation from a Newtonian fluid. Newtonian fluid has a corre-
shown to be important factors that determine the yield stress sponding n value of 1, while n < 1 corresponds to shear-thinning
(Tadros, 2004). Low yield stress implies that the prepared phytos- behavior and n > 1 corresponds to shear thickening behavior. The
terol nanodispersions were able to flow easily when they were results obtained for all SEs stabilized phytosterol nanodispersions
poured. The low yield stress was expected due to the low volume were consistent with pseudoplastic flow behavior (n < 1). The n
fraction of the dispersed phases, the small molecular mass of the values ranged from 0.454 to 0.919.
SEs, and the low SEs concentrations used (0.1–5% w/v). Generally, The mean particle size and its distribution profile have been re-
yield stress was significantly higher at 5% SEs for all types of SEs ported to have a significant effect on the rheological properties of
used (p < 0.5). This is probably related to the increase in SEs net- the emulsion system (Nor Hayati et al., 2007; Sato and Cunha,
work structure present in the prepared nanodispersions. The yield 2009). However, this effect was barely noticeable in the current
stress was significantly lower at 1.0% w/v L-1695 and P-1570 due study due to the low dispersion phase volume fraction. Fig. 3
to the small mean particle sizes (p < 0.5). Though S-1570 also shows the rheograms for a flow curve of viscosity vs. shear rate
exhibited a small mean particle size at 1.0% w/v S-1570, its nanod- for the SEs-stabilized phytosterol nanodispersions (filled symbols)
and the aqueous phase containing solely SE (open symbols). The
Table 5 rheogram shows that the viscosity reduces as the shear rate in-
Modeling of the flow curve between 1 and 10 s1 of shear rate of the phytosterol
creases, indicating the pseudoplastic behavior of the SEs-stabilized
nanodispersions prepared by different types of sucrose fatty acid esters using
Herschel–Bulkley model: s = s0 + K (c)n.z phytosterol nanodispersions and the SEs-containing aqueous
phase. The viscosity of the phytosterol-containing nanodispersions
Concentration (% w/v) SEs
was higher than the corresponding SE-containing aqueous phase at
P-1570 L-1695 OWA-1570 S-1570 a shear rate of 10/s. At a low shear rate, the viscosity of the phytos-
Yield stress, s0 (mPa) terol nanodispersions was also higher than the continuous phase,
0.1 3.147 ba 2.600bb 2.331bb 1.778dc except for OWA-1570. This indicates that the viscosity of
0.5 3.092 ba 1.928bb 2.149bb 3.098ca the SEs-stabilized phytosterol nanodispersions was directly
1.0 1.403cc 0.630cd 2.183bb 4.141ba
5.0 6.631ab 3.003ad 4.746ac 9.183aa
proportional to its corresponding continuous phase and that the
phytosterol nanoparticles contributed to the increase in the nanod-
Consistency coefficient, K (mPas)
0.1 0.608dc 1.379cb 6.339da 1.496db
ispersion viscosity. The low yield stress and low consistency of the
0.5 3.075cd 6.946bc 11.910ca 8.428cb prepared dispersions are suitable for use in low viscosity food sys-
1.0 8.588bb 7.966ac 13.240ba 13.570ba tem such as beverages. However phytosterol nanodispersions with
5.0 63.270ab 7.931ad 88.710aa 25.830ac increase viscosity value may changes the mouth feel of the final
Flow index, n beverages.
0.1 0.919aa 0.640bc 0.670cc 0.738bb
0.5 0.454dd 0.651bc 0.810aa 0.760bb
1.0 0.518cc 0.675a,bb 0.720ba 0.746ba
3.5. Transmittance spectrum
5.0 0.865ba 0.702ab 0.688b,cb 0.838aa
The transmittance spectra of the prepared phytosterol nanodi-
Data are reported as means from two measurements of two replicates. Means
within the same column with different superscript are significantly different
spersions were obtained in the visible spectrum of human eyes,
(p < 0.05). Means within the same row with different subscript are significantly which ranges from 380 to 750 nm (Penner, 2003a). The interaction
different (p < 0.05). Abbreviations: see Table 1. between the nanodispersions and the electromagnetic radiation in
68 W.F. Leong et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 104 (2011) 63–69
the visible spectrum determines how the nanodispersion appears and OWA-1570 was the most opaque. Fig. 5 agrees with the %T
to the human eye. Nanodispersions are visually transparent or spectrum measurement for clarity comparison. The degree of
semi-transparent due to their small particle sizes (Solans et al., transparency of the prepared nanodispersions is strongly related
2005). The degree of transparency of the nanodispersions is depen- to the efficiency of the particle in scattering light. According to
dent on the particle size in the dispersion as well as the concentra- the Rayleigh theory (Hutchings, 1999), the intensity of the scat-
tion of the particles and the nature of its ingredients. The % tered light (Is) can be described as follows:
transmittance (%T) is the measure of the amount of light, at a spe-
cific wavelength, that passes through the sample without being ab- 8p4 r 6 ðm4 2m2 þ 1Þð1 þ cos2hÞ
sorbed. The %T can be described by the following equation (Penner, d k4 ðm4 þ 4m4 þ 4Þ
where r = radius of particle, k = wavelength of light, d = distance
%T ¼ ðIT =Io Þ 100 ð2Þ between particle and detector, m = relative refractive index,
h = scattering angle.
where IT = intensity of the light passing through the sample, For a fixed particle volume fraction, the low ratio of particle size
Io = intensity of the incident light. relative to the wavelength of the light, at r/k < 0.1, proposed low
In the current study, the amount of phytosterols dispersed was scattering efficiency. The nanodispersions therefore appeared to
fixed at 0.5% w/v, while the types of the SEs used were varied. Fig. 4 be highly transparent. The scattering intensity was higher as the
shows the %T spectra of the phytosterol nanodispersions prepared particle size increased. Hence, OWA-1570 nanodispersions that
with 1% SE, where the mean particle size ranged from 3.6 to contained larger particles appeared to be opaque. Generally, the
110.5 nm. In this study, the %T spectra were used to compare the %T was lower at the low wavelength measurements. This is be-
optical clarity of the prepared nanodispersions and not to quantify cause the intensity of the scattered light was inversely proportion-
the turbidity or the color. The %T spectrum of L-1695 was the high- ate to the power of four of the wavelength, as Eq. (3).
est at all measured wavelengths and was followed by P-1570 and
S-1570; OWA-1570 had the lowest %T spectrum. In other words,
nanodispersions prepared with 1% L-1695 had the highest clarity, 3.6. TEM analysis
4. Conclusion
Fig. 5. Phytosterol nanodispersions prepared by 0.5% w/v of phytosterols and 1.0% w/v of different types of SEs.
W.F. Leong et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 104 (2011) 63–69 69
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