Polish Journal of Chemical Technology - 1 - 2016 - Lubczak
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology - 1 - 2016 - Lubczak
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology - 1 - 2016 - Lubczak
18, No.
of Chemical
1, 2016 Technology, 18, 1, 120—126, 10.1515/pjct-2016-0018
A new method of preparation of multifunctional oligoetherols containing carbazole ring is presented. The oli-
goetherols were obtained in the reaction of 9-(2,3-epoxypropyl)carbazole with sorbitol and oxiranes like ethylene
and propylene oxide. The structure of obtained oligoetherols was determined by IR, H-NMR and MALDI-ToF
spectroscopies. Physical properties of the products render them good candidates for preparing polyurethane foams.
The foams were obtained and their properties were examined. It has been found that the foams are rigid at room
temperature and their apparent density was 50–70 kg/m3. The water uptake was low, maximum to 6.5 mass%.
Obtained foams have high thermal resistance. Dynamic thermal analysis of these foams showed that 5% mass
loss was initiated at 250–300oC, while temperature of 50% mass loss was 370–404oC. Concomitantly the increase
of compression strength was observed.
Keywords: carbazole, sorbitol, hydroxyalkylation, oligoetherols, thermal stability of foams.
resonances of sorbitol within 4.2–4.6 and 3.3–3.7 ppm cryscopic method in DMSO was 702.1 g/mol, while that
regions corresponding to hydroxyl and aliphatic protons. calculated was 706.1 g/mol. Elemental analytical data are
The purification of crude product by dissolving in PO, in good accordance with the formula. In order to obtain
removal of undissolved sorbitol and evaporation of PO the oligoetherol, the obtained product was mixed with
from filtrate, gave pure product which showed still mi- appropriate oxirane and TEA catalyst, heated at 50°C
nor resonances from methylene and methine protons in (EO) or 90°C (PO) to homogenize reaction mixture
the 1H NMR spectrum at 3.3–3.7 ppm (compare Fig. 1 and initiate the reaction which lasted 11 or 26 hours in
a and b), while signal at 3.4 ppm belongs to the over- case of EO and PO, respectively. The obtained products
lapped resonances of aliphatic protons of oligoetherol. were OGE of following stoichiometry: sorbitol : EPC :
The resonances of hydroxyl protons in the product EO = 1 : 2.35 : 24 and sorbitol : EPC : PO = 1 : 2.35
remains unaltered in comparison with that of sorbitol : 18, represented by formula II:
Table 1. Interpretation of MALDI ToF spectrum of oligoetherol obtained in reaction of product sorbitol : EPC = 1:2.35 with PO
124 Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 18, No. 1, 2016
Figure 3. IR spectrum of oligoetherol obtained in reaction of Figure 4. 1H-NMR spectrum of oligoetherol obtained in re-
sorbitol with EPC and EO in molar ratio 1:2.35:24 action of sorbitol with EPC and EO in molar ratio
4–8) demonstrates presence of product of 1:1 molar of
reaction between sorbitol and EPC; this semiproduct by compression strength. It was found that the best fo-
reacts further with oxiranes. Detailed analysis of peaks ams, considering the rigidity and pore homogeneity was
of m/z >639 suggests that OGE can also be formed by achieved when amount of isocyanate was 100–120 g and
reaction of oxiranes with semiproducts of 1:2 and 1:3 amount of water was 3 g per 100 g of OGE. Isocyanate
sorbitol: EPC (Table 1 entry 9–20), which is consistent index was circa 136 for foamed compositions. Cream
with general formula of oligoetherol II. The following time was very short 12–18 seconds) and rise time was
physical properties of obtained OGE were tested: den- also short (within 8–60 s). Tack free time was variable
sity, viscosity, surface tension and refraction index. All within wide range of time (5 s–5 min). Considering the
these properties change with temperature quite typically amount of catalyst, which had to be higher in case of
(Table 2). It was found that this kind of oxirane had products obtained from PO was 2.0–2.4 g per 100 g of
relevant influence on properties of OGE. It has been oligoetherol and 0.4–0.8 g in compositions obtained from
noticed that the lower viscosity, density, refraction index EO (Table 3). When these conditions were not met,
and surface tension indicate that these are oligotherols the foams were not rigid (catalyst deficit), low blowing
obtained from propylene oxide. These properties are (water deficit) and irregular pores (water excess). Some
caused by the least packed structure of oligoetherol properties of foams like apparent density, water uptake
related to branched oxyalkylene chain caused by the and polymerization shrinkage are the same as for classic,
presence of methyl group. The results obtained here commercial PU foams (Table 4). The obtained foams
suggested that OGE II are suitable for obtaining PU indicated low polymerization shrinkage, usually less than
foams. The criteria of substrates were based on surface 1.4%. Apparent density was within 50–70 kg/m3, water
tension, viscosity and its temperature dependence. uptake was maximum 6.5%. The foams obtained from
OGE synthesized from PO showed less water uptake.
Formation and properties of polyurethane foams Thermal stability of foams was tested by mass loss
The obtained OGE were tested on laboratory scale as measurements of samples heated at 150, 175, and 200oC
substrates for PU foams. The optimization of foaming (Fig. 5) within one month. The samples before heating
was performed changing the concentration of TEA and after being heated were tested for compression
catalyst, amount of MDI and blowing agent (water). strength (Table 4). The foams are thermally stable at
Then the thermal stabililty of foams was determined 150°C; the mass loss at this temperature is less than 8%
by mass loss test and changes of mechanical properties (Fig. 5a). The highest thermal stability has the compo-
sition obtained from oligoetherol synthesized from PO are 15 and 30%. Dynamic thermal analysis indicated
(Table 3, comp. No 1), for which the mass loss is 5.5%. (Fig. 6) that the foam of best thermal stability occured
Its compression strength increases twice upon heating for the ample obtained from oligoetherol containing
at 150°C. The compression strength of the sample pre- oxyethylene units; its decomposition started at 300°C,
pared in analogous way but obtained from EO increases while the sample prepared from oligoetherol containing
even three times (Table 4). Generally, thermal exposure oxypropylene units decomposed starting at 240°C. Total
at 175°C causes the mass loss 25%, while exposure of decomposition occur at 560–580°C; no further mass loss
sample to 200°C results in 45% mass loss; in case of was observed.
the sample of the best thermal stability these values
Table 3. The influence of composition of foaming process
a) c)
Figure 5. Thermal stability of PU foams as the weight loss after heating at a) 150, b) 175 and c) 200°C for a month (the composi-
tion number from table 3 is given in inset)
126 Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 18, No. 1, 2016